A breakdown of the report “alien interview” by MM from a MAJ perspective (part 7)

I have presented the PDF titled “Alien Interview” to the readership. It is supposed to be the transcripts of the interview that a nurse had with an extraterrestrial entity that was recovered from a spaceship crash in Roswell, New Mexico. There is a lot of good stuff there, and some things that run counter to what I know and understand to be true. My intention here is to parse the entire book, and compare it to what I know. Where the two diverge, it will be up to you (the readership) to sort it out.

This is part 6.

This is part seven of the parsing of this document

You can view part 1 HERE.

ALIEN INTERVIEW, 30. 7. 1947, 1st Session

Immortal Spiritual Beings, which I refer to as “IS-BEs”, for the sake of convenience, are the source and creators of illusions. Each one, individually and collectively, in their original, unfettered state of being, are an eternal, all-powerful, all-knowing entity.

IS-BEs create space by imagining a location. The intervening distance between themselves and the imagined location is what we call space. An IS-BE can perceive the space and objects created by other IS-BEs.

IS-BEs are not physical universe entities. They are a source of energy and illusion. IS-BEs are not located in space or time, but can create space, place particles in space, create energy, and shape particles into various forms, cause the motion of forms, and animate forms. Any form that is animated by an IS-BE is called life.

I have no problem with this. Though I do realize just how difficult it is to understand.

An IS-BE can decide to agree that they are located in space or time, and that they, themselves, are an object, or any other manner of illusion created by themselves or another or other IS-BEs.

I have no problem with this.

The disadvantage of creating an illusion is that an illusion must be continually created. If not continually created, it disappears. Continual creation
of an illusion requires incessant attention to every detail of the illusion in order to sustain it.

Indeed. Entire books can be written on this subject.

A common denominator of IS-BEs seems to be the desire to avoid boredom. A spirit only, without interaction with other IS-BEs, and the unpredictable motion, drama, and unanticipated intentions and illusions being created by other IS-BEs, is easily bored.

This is a deep statement, and I guess, that it is wholly above the heads and minds of the Roswell military leadership present at the facility at that time.

What if you could imagine anything, perceive everything, and cause anything to happen, at will?

What if you couldn’t do anything else?

What if you always knew the outcome of every game and the answer to every question?

Would you get bored?

Yes. You would.

The entire back time track of IS-BEs is immeasurable, nearly infinite in terms of physical universe time. There is no measurable “beginning” or “end” for an IS-BE. They simply exist in an everlasting now.

Yes. I have no problems with this statement.

Another common denominator of IS-BEs is that admiration of one’s own illusions by others is very desirable.

If the desired admiration is not forthcoming, the IS-BE will keep creating the illusion in an attempt to get admiration.

One could say that the entire physical universe is made of unadmired illusions.

This is so very deep that it deserves complete indexes of articles to investigate further.

The origins of this universe began with the creation of individual, illusionary spaces.

Also known as the "Big Bang".

These were the “home” of the IS-BE.

Sometimes a universe is a collaborative creation of illusions by two or more IS-BEs.

A proliferation of IS-BEs, and the universes they create, sometimes collide or become commingled or merge to an extent that many IS-BEs shared in the co-creation of a universe.

Here we are discussing the creation of heavens and universes. And most strangely, I have dim recollections of events similar to what is described. Dim, curious, "memories" of a "something else".

IS-BEs diminish their ability in order to have a game to play.

Of course. You give up omnipotence for physical sensation.

IS-BEs think that any game is better than no game.

They will endure pain, suffering, stupidity, privation, and all manner of unnecessary and undesirable conditions, just to play a game.

Pretending that one does not know all, see all and cause all, is a way to create the conditions necessary for playing a game: unknowns, freedoms, barriers and/or opponents and goals.

Ultimately, playing a game solves the problem of boredom.

Reincarnation as a mortal being solves the problem of boredom. If you don't know what he is talking about, then perhaps a re-watching of the old Sean Connery movie "Zardoz" is in order.

In this fashion, all of the space, galaxies, suns, planets, and physical phenomena of this universe, including life forms, places, and events that have been created by IS-BEs…

…and sustained by mutual agreement that these things exist.

Sustained by mutual agreement.

There are as many universes as there are IS-BEs to imagine, build and perceive them, each existing concurrently within its own continuum.

Each universe is created using its own, unique set of rules, as imagined, altered, preserved or destroyed by one or more IS-BEs who created it.

This idea has been adopted by the scientific community as a given concerning "bubble universes".

Time, energy, objects and space, as defined in terms of the physical universe, may or may not exist in other universes.

Very true, and this is something that MM has stated repeatedly.

The Domain exists in such a universe, as well as in the physical universe.

Big stuff here. The Domain exists within a non-physical universe, and the physical universe as well.

One of the rules of the physical universe is that energy can be created, but not destroyed.


So, the universe will keep expanding as long as IS-BEs keep adding more new energy into it.

This physical universe is ever expanding.

It is nearly infinite. It is like an automobile assembly line that never stops running and none of the cars are ever destroyed.

Every IS-BE is basically good.

Therefore, an IS-BE does not enjoy doing things to other IS-BEs which they themselves do not want to experience.

A consciousness does not enjoy doing things to others which they do not want to experience. Hum. Unless, they have no recollection of their past.

For an IS-BE there is no inherent standard for what is good or bad, right or wrong, ugly or beautiful. These ideas are all based on the opinion of each individual IS-BE.

Beauty is in the beholder. Good and bad is as determined by the consciousness.

The closest concept that human beings have to describe an IS-BE is as a god: all-knowing, all-powerful, infinite. So, how does a god stop being a god? They pretend NOT to know.

How can you play a game of “hide and seek” if you always know where the other person is hiding?

You pretend NOT to know where the other players are hiding, so you can go off to “seek” them.

This is how games are created.

You have forgotten that you are just “pretending”.

In so doing, IS-BEs become entrapped and enslaved inside a maze of their own devising.

All of this is very deep and a very in-depth discussion and conversation that must have been way, way above the heads of the Roswell military leadership at that time.

How does one create a cage, lock one’s own self inside the cage, throw away the key, and forget there is a key or a cage, and forget there is an “inside” or “outside”, and even forget there is a self?

How to do this?

Create the illusion.

As in the Earth Sphere.

On Earth, the propaganda taught and agreed upon is that the gods are responsible, and that human beings are not responsible. You are taught that only a god can create universes. So, the responsibility for every action is assigned to another IS-BE or god.

Never oneself.

No human being ever assumes personal responsibility for the fact that they, themselves – individually and collectively – are gods. This fact alone is the source of entrapment for every IS-BE.

Thus, as I have repeatedly stated in MM, it's all your life and soul and consciousness and pre-birth world-line template. And you have the means and the ability to define your life, your future and your happiness. You do. No others.

End of Part seven

You can visit part eight HERE.

Do you want more?

You can find many more videos in my “Extraterrestrial Species index” over here…

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