A message to MM readers from “The Domain” via the EBP communication channel

This is a big special treat for the MM audience. Boy oh boy! Straight from the “horse’s mouth”. Oh baby!

Most people are aware that the work titled “Alien Interview” is a transcript of a Commander of The Domain when it’s vehicle crashed in 1947. What most people do not know is that this event spawned an American  top secret agency known as MAJestic that fell under the ONI (Office of Naval Intelligence).

This waved, unacknowledged special access program handled (and still handles) all extraterrestrial events, technologies and interactions with the United States government. I was a unique part of that organization prior to being retired.

I do know that MAJestic works intimately with the Domain. And that it has acquired technology, information and understandings from The Domain. Obviously further more exacting information came forth and was accumulated in the 75 or so years since the formation of MAJestic.

This article is my attempt to further flush out some points (in addition to) the Alien Interview. Fill in the blanks, so to say.

Here’s where it gets strange…

You plan on one thing happening, and something entirely different transpires…


Initially I had planned to disgorge what I knew of these matters though my involvement with MAJestic, and then redact everything that was questionable. But, you know, it didn’t work out that way. Not at all.

Something else happened.

As always, I set up a new “post” based on a wordpress format that I established. I cleared the wordpress, and started typing. I wrote the two paragraph introduction, fully planning to discuss what I could piece together based on my four decades of involvement, and just as I was about to start…

…I had to jump up. And then pace in my office. I actually paced. Kind of shuttered a bit to the left and almost walked out of the office to the hallway, but didn’t and went back in.

I kind of bounced around from the corner plant to the sofa, and back to the credenza.

I sat down. Cleared my desk, and took a sip of coffee, and started to type. And well, nothing came out. You know. I started to type, but (you know) I was not able to write anything down at all. I couldn’t do anything.


So I leaned back. Perplexed.

I couldn’t even think. Blank.

I took a sip of coffee, and tried again. Still blank.



And then, I got goosebumps all over my arms. No shit. And right then and there, truly, something unique, and very special happened. Listen closely. Pay attention.

An officer of The Domain opened up a channel and talked to me directly.

No Bullshit

And make no mistake I am directed to do this with excitement / urgency (expediency).

It’s a real thing.

I am not blowing smoke up your ass. Not like Jerry Falwell getting a message from Jesus that he needs a million dollars before Tuesday or Satan will take over, or any bullshit like that. This is a real fucking thing, with real physical effects.

Communication through the EBP is always subtle and one way. I listen and then respond.

  • EBP Task Directive / question.
  • MM Do and confirm.

However, in this case, the system worked like this…

  • EBP– They prompt for a specific question.
  • MM– I ask / verbalize the question.
  • EBP– Get answer.
  • MM– I record the answer.
  • EBP– Next query…

I am forced (it’s the only way that I can do this at this time) to lay it out in Question and Answer format. And what I know or conscious of is a direct function of what I am allowed or permitted to disclose. Nothing more.

My questions and the officer’s answers…

The Disclosure

As of today, how close is The Domain able to shut down the amnesia-force-field and associated “Prison Planet” technology?

The Domain has established a task team to work on this problem.

They are working with MAJestic, as well as a number of other earth organizations to accomplish this.

The earth environment is a "battlefield" of all sorts of "traps" and "snares". Many of which are independent, individual, self-autonomous in nature. 

The Domain has located and tracked our missing battalion. We work with their non-physical bodies in various efforts to release them.

As of this date, most of the battalion are still imprisoned.

However, serious and strong steps have been taken to root out and shutdown and suppress the machinery and systems that many of the mechanisms that the snares operate under.

These actions have laid down a foundation for further more successful subsequent efforts to take place.

Most of the equipment and systems are in the non-physical realms.

Any efforts towards directed thought will be most helpful.

What is the time-line for the completion of this effort?

From the start it was anticipated that the project can begin in 5,000 years. This date has been advanced, and is in process now.

We do not have a realistic time-table for completion.

This entire effort is a staged, and built-upon, effort. And it takes time. It will take many human life-times.

Sentience sorting is the methodology that will be used to select and release IS-BE's from this environment.

We anticipate the reestablishment of containment control (to stop other species from dumping their riff-raff in), and simultaneously building upon control over thought process suppression. Meanwhile snares, traps and tricks will continue to be rooted out and destroyed.

Once those most basic steps are secure, then the modification of the (physical) human biology can advance with mRNA and DNA alterations making it easier to release the non-physical bodies from the non-physical environment that surrounds this region.

We are active in modifying the non-physical bodies of many imprisoned IS-BE's. But because there are so many, it is a herculean task. Our priority is to save the Domain Battalion, and all MAJestic members that work with us (and other organizations that work with us as well). We physically change their non-physical bodies to assist in suppression of the effects of the field that surrounds this region.

We also work with other special IS-BE's that show a preference to assist us in this task. This includes both imprisoned IS-BE's as well as other IS-BE's from outside this region who volunteer to help.

How do you select or prioritize those IS-BE’s that can leave this Earth Prison Planet region?

We sort by sentience.

We have prioritized The Domain IS-BE members first. They are our most important asset in this entire effort. They hold the "keys" to "unlock" the fences.

We also work with <redacted>. You do not know them. (Referring to MM here.)

Why are you having trouble freeing the “Lost Battalion”?

They are mostly specialized "troops" that you would consider to be of military caliber. Their nature is to fight aggressively. 

Additionally, they have had special "chains" or "processes" that make their recovery so much more difficult than your typical inmate.

What about other species?

Humans are not the only enslaved and imprisoned species here. Other species include dolphins, and horses.

We are working to free all IS-BE's in the regions irregardless to what physical form they inhabit and what associated Heaven they are associated with.

What can I do to help?

(Directed at MM) You are just doing great. Follow your intuition. 

I think that while it was directed at me personally, I strongly think that this applies to all MM readership as well. I strongly have the "message" that it is specifically directed to some certain MM followers, but no names are being given to tell youse guys who.

What about prayer affirmation campaigns and the other things that are listed here?

(Directed at MM readership) All the tools you need to find are here. Keep in mind that the techniques are conceptual and can be modified by your own mental utility to fit your needs, do not believe in absolute solutions, as it is your thoughts that modify your reality.

Is this “channeling”?

This is "EBP stuff" as you call (refer to) it.

I want to really be a bridge between The Domain and the MM followers here. What can I do to participate in this?

(Directed at me.) Perhaps we can provide more of this in the future. It will depend on the mindset and desires of your audience. It will develop.

Is there anything else that I can ask or that you want to say?

No. Message sent. Do not worry too much (directed at the MM audience). The physical saturation of discomfort is under our (the Domain) control (observation and manipulation as necessary), and the tools that MM provides.



You are welcome.


This communication occurred between 9:45am and 10:39am on 16SEP21. It is a direct EBP channel direct from the Type-1 greys of The Domain to me personally. It is exactly as sent. And I am personally stunned as it never happened this way before.

Final Comments

There are so many questions that I want to ask, but I was unable to gather my thoughts and ask them. That is not how you deal with these entities. I was only able to ask what they told me to ask. Though, I did have some degree of freedom on how to phrase the questions, and then post-edit some parts of the answers.

This is big stuff for me personally. If you don’t understand you can leave. I am now filled with emotion and actually my physical body is shaking with “goosebumps” all over it. Chills running back and forth.

It took me about 8 hours to cool down.

Do you want more?

You can find many more videos in my “Extraterrestrial Species index” over here…

ET Species


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