Rufus behaviors in a world gone mad. We all need to make the world a better place.

Here’s some fine Rufus inspirational videos to remind you that the world needs you. It needs you RIGHT NOW. You need to participate and make this world a better place. You need to go forth and help others, to participate in your community and to add calmness and kindness to the world that surround you. Be the Rufus.

What do I mean by being a Rufus?

The term “Rufus” is well known to long time visitors to MM. It describes service-to-others (STO) sentience and the related behaviors rather than the service-for-self (STS) sentience behaviors of the vast bulk of humanity. The details on sentience selection and why it is important are sprinkled throughout the Majestic Index.

Rufus is a state of behavior. A Rufus puts the community before him / her self. They do things without a profit motive of any type. They are kind, helpful and when they walk down the street they smile at people and make them feel good.

In some ways, being a Rufus lends itself to heroic actions, but in other ways it refers to being a significant person located in a geographic region.

While the rest of the world scrambles and claws towards money and power, and leaves a destitute and stripped world behind, a Rufus nurtures the world. He / she uses their creative abilities to make the world a better place.

You can go to my RUFUS INDEX. Start at the top and start reading all the posts. If after article 75, you still have questions, I will try to explain it to you better.

Long time readers recognize being a Rufus is showing kindness to others, being a hero when necessary, participating in the community and working to make OUR world a better place to live in. Chinese members of MM will recognize it as the expectations of volunteerism required of the Chinese Communist party, but that is just a name. It’s all people working together towards a common goal.

Some of these videos might take some time to load. Just click on the "video" link and allow it to load in a new tab or window. It will load faster that way.

I have received numerous comments (that I did not publish on MM) by people complaining that I didn’t have enough Rufus videos showing people in America being kind, helping others, and doing good deeds. Well, I tried to put the ones up that I could find, it’s just that they really don’t exist much in the for-profit every-man-for-himself nations. I have tons of police shootings, black people store robberies, car jackings, and videos of poverty stricken homeless from the USA. But Rufus behaviors. Not much.


We start with some hard working people. Just everyday people who do the dirty, nasty work, alone. In China they give most of their money to their families who live far away, and for years they work alone, pushing and striving to make the family live a comfortable life. This first video is for you … “average Joe”.

Rufus rescue in the ice

Be the Rufus. Make your life worthwhile. video 6MB

Saying goodbye to our beloved pets.

Video 20MB

You define who you are

video 6MB

Rufus Prevents a purse robbery

video 6.5MB

Bruce Lee

You must flow like water. video 2MB

Rufus compilation

video 103MB

An imbalance of power

Or, the perception of one’s power. As in the case of the United States today.

Video 4MB

Rocky tells it like it is.

You gotta be the best you can be. video 6MB

When there is a problem, a community of Rufus’s come together

Everyone pulls their weight. Everyone contributes. Everyone participates. video 14MB

Rufus compilation

A bunch of examples of fine Rufus behaviors. video 75MB

Rufus feeds a begger

Not that common in China any longer. But an opportunity to help out a fellow human in need. Be the Rufus. 7MB

Rufus dad teaches his daughter

Kindness. Compassion. Understanding. video 8MB

A fitting end to this article

Have some compassion and know that YOU have a purpose on this planet. Help others. Be the best you can be. Be kind. And you will find that the world around you will also become kind, calm and peaceful. Participate in life. video 32MB

More Great Links in my Rufus Index here…

Check them out… Rufus Index .

More stuff…

Master Index .

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