Russia and China has (this week) laid down the terms for the surrender of the United States

"Get off our front porch. Get out of our front yard. And stay out of our backyard."

-Summary by Pat Buchanan

And it is not at all being reported in the Western “news”. I wonder why?


There is a risk in giving an ultimatum. If the other side rejects this ultimatum (and the possibility is real) then Russia will have to react and will have to switch from diplomacy to military arguments.

If the ultimatum will be rejected it will inevitably lead to much worse bilateral relations and tensions never seen since 1962.

Time is on Russia’s side (each year Russia becomes more powerful militarily) so why taking the risk to dramatically escalate everything now?

The only reason I see is that with the current path Russia considers a clash as inevitable and they see their ultimatum as the only real possibility to avoid a conflict in the near future.

  • The positive side of the ultimatum is that if it’s a success then the risk of war will be substantially reduced.
  • The negative side is that if the ultimatum will be rejected then war will become even more likely and may start even sooner.
I'm sure the Russians realize their technical advantage can only be temporary, and are utilizing their advantages while they can.

Searching for the "Russian ultimatum" on the western corporate mouthpieces, it doesn't even register. I'm sure 99% of Americans are absolutely clueless. The propaganda masters are most probably formulating a line of bs that will make Russia look like they aggressor. There really is no access to the masses by non-corporate media.

The questions to me is, "can the East make the West uncomfortable enough without starting a nuclear holocaust to come to reason, or will the West spin the situation to increase its aggression?"

What truly frightens me is when the Empire develops its own hypersonic weapons and first strike tactics become very attractive to the idiots and sociopaths running the Western show.

A Throne of Chinese Skulls! Oh Yeah?

By Chris Faure for the Saker Blog

The hot question among a number of hot questions is: What will China do?

Is there clarity? I would argue yes there is .. some.

The paradox is that West pushes for terms of a new partitioning of the world (democracy summit, unending belligerence, cynical, and hypocritical paranoia), while Russia and China expect terms of surrender.

According to China, there has to be payback for past empire atrocities.

After all, it is well established that the United States has been unyielding attack of China with everything from Bio-Weapons (livestock and human), to color revolutions, to non-stop "hybrid-wars".

In such an environment a kinetic hot war makes little sense because there is no overt military threat against western leadership.

I would argue that Russia’s ultimatum is military containment by agreement, as a first step.

I would also argue that because we do not have insight into step 2 (military/technical counter-threats), we cannot reason that step 2 is not highly coordinated with China, to the nth degree.

Double negatives in the passive voice are confusing. To rewrite the statement: 

"There is no reason to believe that China and Russia are not coordinating step 2."

It is so that the USA is no longer the world’s only ‘indispensable nation’.

They are now both dispensable and replaceable in their current form and the only hope is that they will reform themselves.

As there is much that we do not know in terms of further steps, there is also much that we do not know about how China is going to interrelate.

What we do know is that they will be a part of the final dethroning of Western powers’ force for empire. We know this, because they said so and China is dead serious.

Russia made their proposals known.

China did too.

Just today…

20 December 2021

Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi called on the United States to work with China to find out the way of peaceful coexistence between the two major countries.

He noted some people in the United States are [1] unwilling to admit that other countries also have the right to development, [2] unwilling to accept the fact that China is growing stronger and making progress, [3] unwilling to agree that China and the United States can achieve mutual benefit and win-win results, and [4] are trying to form a camp to contain and suppress China.

“The wrong words and deeds of the U.S. side not only seriously damage the interests of the two peoples, but also seriously impact world peace and stability” Wang said.

Here are the Chinese statements over the past few days:

Shortly after the Putin/Xi Jingping virtual meeting, this question was posed to Foreign Minister Spokesperson Wang Wenbin. Mr Wenbin is a highly competent diplomat.

Chinese Spokesperson Wang Wenbin


Question from TASS: In his virtual meeting with Russian President Putin, President Xi Jinping said China will continue to carry out flexible and diverse cooperation with Russia and other member states of the Collective Security Treaty Organization to safeguard security and stability in the region. What challenges are China and Russia facing in this aspect? What can China and Russia do to safeguard regional security?

Wang Wenbin: On December 15, President Xi Jinping had a virtual meeting with Russian President Putin. The two heads of state had an in-depth exchange of views on core and major issues of common concerns including safeguarding regional security, and achieved new, important consensus.


The world is witnessing the combined forces of changes and a pandemic both unseen in a century against the backdrop of complex and profound changes in international and regional landscape.

We believe that China and Russia, two permanent members of the UN Security Council, take on an important mission in defending regional peace and stability and promoting development and revitalization of all countries.

For some time, certain countries have been drawing ideological lines, building new military blocs and stoking regional tensions, which have all brought grave threats and challenges to regional peace and stability and global strategic stability.

China and Russia firmly reject this.

We will continue to follow the two leaders’ consensus, take up responsibility, unite all forces that love peace and support peace, and make active contribution to realizing sustained, universal and common security in the region and the wider world.

Certain sentences and words need to be lifted out of ‘diplo-speak’.

Note, the question from the TASS reporter is about regional security. Mr Wenbin, in his response, brought it back to the strategic stability of the wider world.

This sentence: Russia/China take on important mission in defending regional peace and stability and promoting development and revitalization of all countries.

Again, he then speaks about Global Strategic Stability and not only regional.

For some time, certain countries have been drawing ideological lines, building new military blocs and stoking regional tensions, which have all brought grave threats and challenges to regional peace and stability and global strategic stability.

And here is the shocker:

We will continue to follow the two leaders’ consensus, take up responsibility, unite all forces that love peace and support peace, and make active contribution to realizing sustained, universal and common security in the region and the wider world.

The phrase the two leader’s consensus indicates that all plans have been made, everyone stands at the ready, and Putin and Xi Jinping will take the next step probably on a phone call.

The fate of the world is now in the hands of Putin and Xi Jinping.

It is astonishing that China is subjecting itself to The Consensus of the Two Leaders and shows without a shadow of a doubt that they are acting in full concert, strategically, politically, economically coordinated, and we know militarily as well, we just don’t know to what extent.

Another statement from Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin: This statement is interesting in that it shows the emotion (which I’ve never seen him display) of the Chinese people. They are at the end of their strategic patience as well and this is how they feel.

“The era in which the USA acted arbitrarily in the world under the pretext of democracy and human rights is now over.”

CHINA: “The era in which the USA acted arbitrarily in the world under the pretext of democracy and human rights is now over.”
— ASB News / MILITARY〽️ (@ASBMilitary) December 15, 2021

Currently, the destruction that the Western powers waged on the world, is transparent. Take a look:  Pentagon documents reveal ‘deeply flawed’ US air war: report

Russia and China are stepping into alternative world relations…

…still based on the UN Charter and Law…

…and based on respect between countries.

And more than that, they are proving that it is possible since the first discussions of multi-polarity in the world in 2015 and the first public discussions of Belt and Road in 2013.

The Time Has Come

For years now Russia and China tried to help the Western powers out of their sorry state; but the time has come.

‘Gung-ho’ and ‘wolf warrior diplomacy’ seem to be over and at least from China side, this is a tipping point.

The Western powers need to face their downright self-inflicted humiliation.

This will happen economically by moving the world to a new economic system with new economic tools and will go right through to military intervention should the Western powers continue their arbitrary actions.

But nobody will be fighting the ‘West’s War’ and I submit we may see something quite unanticipated by our usual analysis and calculus.

It is already unprecedented that Mr. Lavrov published his diplomatic correspondence with France and Germany regarding the Ukraine.

It is also unprecedented for draft proposals from Russia to be open to the public at this stage.

We are in an unprecedented time.

Want peace, but…

The fact that both Russia, China, and Iran do not start the shooting, is incontrovertible proof that they are genuine in their statements that they want to bring peace.

China is in, boots ‘n all.

If a regional conflagration should break out and it is in Russia’s ballpark (the Ukraine), and Russia can deal with it on her own, China will make sure that the Russian soldiers are the best outfitted and supported of any modern military force that we have ever seen.

You will see a voentorg to beat all voentorgs. Russian forces will drink champagne and eat oysters (OK, this is shameless hyperbole, but it makes the point).

Taiwan has simmered down.

The latest words there from China in the person of Foreign Minister Wang Yi, is Taiwan’s reunification with China is a question of time. “China must and will be reunified,” he stressed.

He noted that there has been growing support for the ‘One-China’ principle around the world, referring to the recent decision by the government of Nicaragua to break ties with Taipei.

“Ten days ago, we resumed diplomatic relations with Nicaragua. The total number of countries with [whom China has] diplomatic ties has increased to 181, and the one-China consensus has been consolidated internationally,”

He said.

If there is a fight, no matter the size, or the manner of the fight, the Chinese are in and I would argue that they are in right now!

Nobody can beat them at producing what is necessary for a fight.

Their own aircraft carrier battle groups are out in the ocean through the near Pacific, South China Seas and other seas.

One has to get used to how China presents things.

Even the media reporting these maneuvers, puts scare quotes around the words “routine drills”.  Battle groups are out for scare quoted “routine drills”. They do not say that China is readying herself for a defense of her own basin, in which case Russia will support in the same way that China will support Russia.

Will anyone be able to penetrate beyond and inside the first island chain?

So, it is clear that the Russia/China double helix is operating fine currently.

Mr Wang is not playing a good cop to Russia’s bad cop.

He is making it clear that what is happening is not only a Russian problem, but a problem of the strategic stability in the world, It affects not only Russia, but China as well, and no longer can one entity be allowed to attack others like fish in a barrel.

We cannot think of a multi-front war: the West cannot possibly be that deranged.


Yet, the ludicrous rhetoric in the Western spheres continues apace and distracts from reality.

It is hardly worthwhile rebutting every accusation.

China is not using much rhetoric currently but we can be sure that they note this rhetoric. Knowing the strategic situation in the world, they are not rebutting.

There is no need.

A Throne of Chinese Skulls

We need men ” … who want to sit on a throne of Chinese skulls …

Tucker Carlson’s guest: 

“We don’t need a military that’s woman-friendly, that’s gay friendly” we need men “who want to sit on a throne of Chinese skulls, but we don’t have that now. We can’t get women off of naval vessels, that should be step one but most are pregnant anyway.”

— nikki mccann ramírez (@NikkiMcR) December 18, 2021

Andrei Martyanov is causing high hilarity about USA representatives that want to ‘kill themselves some Ruskis’ and even offers up a few:

This boy, obviously, despite his tour in Iraq never saw a real war and a real enemy who can actually kill you back even when one is in the bunker inside your own army base.

We can conclude then that the slew of accusations made to Russia, are similar in tone and also in substance, as those made to China.

The minds of these accusers cannot contemplate a peaceful world.

It seems to be impossible for them.

Although Russia is not threatening the Ukraine, and China is not threatening her own Taiwanese province, they believe their belligerent rhetoric can make it so.

Western states are slowly approaching the state of being disconcerted and soon now they will enter a stage of being stunned, as they are now being dictated to on the red lines of the other forces in the world.

We can never forget Iran, which showed everyone how to say NO!

There will be NO conformity to Western red lines.

I venture to say that the USA and cronies will NOT even be allowed to keep operating their Monroe Doctrine.

They will NOT be allowed a sphere of influence.

They will ONLY be allowed their space as a pole in multi-polarity.

The leftist candidate won the elections in Chile yesterday (although there are questions as to how ‘empire-proof’ he is). The one slogan that was visible is:

“If neocolonialism started in Chile, we will end it in Chile”.

Within China, China is looking after China.

They are developing their space program, their Belt and Road which is ‘a force for good’ in the world, and building their economy and continuing to create an increasingly varied and better life for their people. The Olympic Games will continue, and in time Taiwan will reunify.

They are also, with Russia and others, building out a new financial system for the world.

What can stop a war at this stage?

  • The West will lose. The West has a very strong and simple reason to avoid a new war: They will lose. Their actions are now futile.
  • The USA is dying. Xi and Putin can still decide to let it die and continue to stay out of the fray. But they have made the decision to enter a confrontational era. We could speculate as to why as the situation reveals itself.
  • Ready to strike the death blow. China, Asia or the AsiaPacific is ready to end the empirical era. Both Russia and China are ready to end the empirical era in such a way that retaliatory strikes are almost impossible. It is a most complex ballet of threat and counterthreat, coherently managed by the two countries. Russia is not arriving, China is not arriving and Iran is not arriving for the war that the hegemon is inviting them to. How frustrating for them.

What can stop a war?

China and Russia, the consensus of the two leaders probably can. I repeat:

“The era in which the USA acted arbitrarily in the world under the pretext of democracy and human rights is now over.”

Yankee Go Home!

Russia’s ultimatum to the West (IMPORTANT UPDATE)

To understand what just happened, we need to look at two things: how Russia chose to communicate her demands and then the contents of the demands themselves.

However, before I do that, I want to recommend two other points of view, both of which are, in my opinion, very helpful:

I recommend you read them before we continue.  This being said, let’s look in more detail at just what happened.

First, this was clearly an ultimatum.  Second, it was a public ultimatum.

This is absolutely crucial, as it marks, at the very least, a total break with normal Russian (and Soviet) diplomatic practice.

It is also pretty obvious that both the form and the substance of that ultimatum would be unacceptable to the USA and the US colonies in Europe.

Which begs the question: what are the Russians trying to achieve here?

Some will say that the Russians (or Putin personally) are simply stupid and that they are too arrogant to realize that their ultimatum would never be accepted.

Well, if the USA (the only part of the “West” which matters because it has actual agency) ignores that ultimatum and then merrily continues on the path it has been on since at least Bill Clinton, and if the Russians (or Putin personally) do nothing, then those who believe that the Russians are stupid will be proven right.

Now let’s look at what else might happen.

The first thing we need to understand is that Russia holds all the military cards (read Martyanov for details I won’t bother repeating it all here).

So let’s quickly worst case: “Biden” ignores Russia and Russia replies by deploying weapon systems, including hypersonic weapons, which will threaten the US not only in Russia, but in Belarus, the Arctic, and the mid-Atlantic.  Then the US will feel the same way Moscow does: 5 minutes away from annihilation.  Will that be good for “Biden”?

Let’s imagine that “Biden” decides to play tough and creates some kind of incident that will force the Russians to either sink a USN ship or shoot down a USAF aircraft.  That would mean war.

Here “Biden” would have two options: keep the war below the nuclear threshold and lose that war (the NATO military infrastructure would be gone) or go nuclear and risk a nuclear holocaust.  Will either one of these be good for “Biden”?

Now let’s say that “Biden” agrees to negotiate with Russia (while, of course, keeping up with all the pretenses about “consulting with partners and allies”) and the two sides come to some kind of deal.  How would that deal manifest itself?  Well, that is quite obvious – NATO would have to give up its expansion while Russia would have to provide verifiable guarantees that she will not attack any NATO country.  I know, I am skipping over a gazillion of details in which, as the expression goes, the devil lies, but for our purposes this is sufficient.  Then, again, I would ask the same question as above: would that be a good outcome for “Biden”?

We need to look at this possibility even further:

First, some of the US EU vassals would be incensed and they would do two things: verbally protest as loudly as possible and engage in whatever action they could come up with to force the situation and create a crisis.

And no, that would not be good for “Biden” at all.

But, consider this: first, “Biden” can tell the EU vassals to shut up and behave.  But even more importantly, that “bad option” will look “less bad” to “Biden” than either one of the two options mentioned above (place the entire USA 5min away from destruction or face a full-scale war).

Remember how I said that Russia holds all the military cards?

Russia also holds much stronger political and economic cards than the USA which has close to nothing.

Politically, Russia is now “more than an ally” to China, she is a close partner to India (to the fury of the White House) and politically, she is much less isolated than the USA!

Even the map above does not give the full measure of the situation.  Why?

Because most of the “international community” which “supports” (well, obeys) the USA is the EU, which itself is in a terminal crisis on too many levels to count here!

Compare the red and the grey zones on the map, and ask yourself these questions: which zone has the most powerful military? Which zone has the most natural and human resources? which zone has the most promising trading routes? which zone has a real GDP, as opposed to a purely FIRE one?  Which one is literally dying spiritually under the trans-national “Woke” ideology and which one has retained the willingness and ability to fight for its spiritual, cultural, and civilizational values?  Finally, which zone has a viable vision of the future?

I could go on and on with many more such questions, but I think that you see my point: the USA is not only losing militarily, but it is also losing on all fronts!

Next question: what does the USA need most?

Well, there are plenty of things the USA need, but I would single out one: time.  Why? Because the truth is that the USA has only two options left: a “Kabul style” retreat from Europe or an orderly, negotiated “rearrangement” of the European collective security system (which, let’s not forget, the USA screwed up all by itself, a true disaster for which the USA is now totally responsible for).

[Sidebar: there is not such thing as unilateral security.  All real security is always collective.  That truism is now a dangerous political heresy in the West for which folks get (figuratively) burned at the stake for.  Unilateralism is just a trigger for insecurity and, eventually, war.]

If there is no war, then NATO will survive, at least politically. If there is no war, “Biden” will be able to say that the West’s “firm and united” stance forced Russia to make concessions: remember how the Cuban missile crisis was presented by the USA as a US victory when, in fact, it forced the USA to withdraw missiles from Turkey?

It has been many decades since the Cuban missile crisis, yet something like 99% of the people in the US and EU sincerely believes that the US “won”!

The AngloZionist propaganda machine can easily repeat that once more.

Except for a “small” problem: this time around, Russia presented her ultimatum first and made so very publicly.

Why did the Russians choose this method?

Well, I don’t know, I cannot read the Kremlin’s mind, but my guess is that Russia wants way more than just a “draw” (which is what the Cuban missile crisis was).  Russia wants a full victory which she would define as “defanging NATO“, at least in Europe.  Why?

Now let’s look at Russia’s options:

  • Do nothing aka “more of the same”: that means full surrender to the West, followed by a partition of Russia and a US attack on China.  To say that this is unacceptable to Russia would be an understatement.


  • Gradually step down from the demands of the ultimatum: that is a more interesting one and it is again a case of “the devil is in the details”.  For example, the existence of NATO by itself means nothing to Russia.  Ditto for the EU, by the way.  All these are in reality are irrelevant Kaffeeklatsch pretexts for politicians with no future, and countries with no agency.  The biggest mistake made by both the EU and NATO was its “glorious” expansion to the East only to find out that all this achieved was irreparably weaken both the EU NATO as the newcomers were, how shall I put it politely, quite terminally stupid, corrupt and infantile.  When I listen to EU and NATO politicians, I think of a Kindergarten on crack cocaine or something equally insane (see here for a perfect example).

So one option for Russia would be to “creatively revisit” the terms of her ultimatum and then keep the substance while jettisoning the hostile tone and giving the West some symbolic “concessions”.  Would that be a good option for Putin?  Well, it all will depend on the mentioned “devil in details”.  If at the end of the process NATO is defanged, then yes.  If NATO remains as aggressively hostile as it is today, then no.

Which begs the question: what will Russia do in such a case?

Here we need to at least consider one option: a Russian recognition of the LDNR justified by Kiev’s total rejection (de facto and de jure) of the Minsk Agreements and the constant Ukronazi provocations and attacks on the LDNR: remember two things Putin said recently.  He spoke of “not yet recognized republics” and he spoke of “genocide“.

Responsibility to protect” anyone?

Of course, the Ukronazis would have to attack (even at least symbolically), which would allow Russia to make a military move against the Ukraine, free the LDNR and deploy Russian forces inside these republics, fully backed by Belarus, of course, and, possibly, even China (politically).  Notice I did not say “invasion”.

Let’s imagine that Russia will use her standoff weapon systems to defang the Ukies, liberate the LDNR, and then will turn to the rest of Europe with a “smile” strongly suggesting the following “which of you guys wants to be next?”  This would result in a total panic in Europe, especially in Mons, Brussels, and Warsaw.

And here is the beauty of that option: Russia can easily strike Mons and Brussels (or Warsaw) with conventional weapons and leave most of these cities in mint shape.  And if the EU/NATO decides to strike back, then Russia will wage a full-scale war against the EU/NATO and she will win it.

What about the “Biden” administration in such a scenario?  The Pentagon knows what Russian missiles can do to it and any other military objective in the continental USA.  I very much doubt that the US deep state will be willing to commit mass suicide just to try (and fail!) to protect the EU.  Besides, the Russians have no intentions or capabilities, to invade the EU anyway, so why destroy the USA for a threat which does not even exist?!

Does “Biden” want to go down in history as “the President who lost Europe”?

Would “the President who triggered a nuclear holocaust” sound any better?

So by making her demands public, Russia has (for the first time and finally!!) also sent a message to the people of the West.  This message can be summarized like this: we don’t want war, but if you insist, we will oblige.

And, for the first time since 1991, Russia does have the objective means to achieve these goals.

So there, we have it, I think.

Now we also need to address the elephant in the room: the US War Party and, even more so, the EU infantiles on crack cocaine.  For them, defanging NATO would be utterly unacceptable…

… or would it?

The US War Party is just that, US-based.  And while some of the talking heads on the idiot tube do sound like real “hawks”, the military professionals in the US armed forces know the real score.

Not only that, but the “smart wing” of the War Party understands that the USA desperately needs time and an orderly draw-down, even if just a temporary one!

Their game is, as I said many times, a game of what I call “nuclear chicken” but, crucially, a game short of actual nuclear war which they don’t need at all (if only because they would likely die themselves).

Which leaves the EU infantiles on crack cocaine.

Here I am going to say something terrible, and I feel really bad for writing this, but I only see one method to get the Europeans back from la-la-land to the real world: Russia has to defeat them militarily, yet again, as she did over and over in her history.

Somehow, the narcissistic megalomaniacs who currently administer the European continent on behalf of the USA won’t read history and won’t rein in their deep sense of racial superiority over the subhuman Russian Asiatic hordes.

These modern wannabe Kulturtraegers and assorted Herrenvolk still hate Russia for defeating Hitler, Napoleon, and the rest of them, and for them, their phobia (in the sense of both hate and fear) of everything Russian is now part of their identity, something quite sacred to them and to hell with those who think otherwise!



The only effective way to bring the European Master Races back to reality is well-known (see picture).

I would argue that such an outcome goes directly against the interests of BOTH the USA and Russia.  And, most obviously, it goes totally against the interests of the people of Europe.

But if the latter does nothing to prevent such an outcome, then it is for the USA and Russia to prevent it.

And if the USA won’t prevent it, then Russia will deliver.

As for the notion that boycotts, sanctions (even from hell!), or the cancellation of NS2 will stop the Russians -it is truly beyond ridiculous.  Last time around, Russia lost 27 million people and then rebuilt her economy within a decade.

The Terms of Surrender

Found HERE.


This is no Russian bluff but a real ultimatum.

In fact, it is so real that it was made public for two reasons I believe: first, of course, to try to appeal to the people of the West and, second, to morally “untie the hands” of Russia should it come to full-scale war.

Analysts in the West always assume that public gestures are somehow exclusively aimed at them.  They are wrong.

This ultimatum is also addressed to the Russian people and Russian armed forces and says this to them:

people of Russia, we tried all we could to avoid this, we pleaded and begged for decades, and we retreated on many fronts, yet in spite of that, the West keeps pressing on.  We will never allow a June 22nd to happen again.  Prepare for war“.

I will end with three quotes by Putin himself:

“As a citizen of Russia and the head of the Russian state I must ask myself: Why would we want a world without Russia?”Fifty years ago, the streets of Leningrad taught me one thing: If a fight’s inevitable, you must strike first“Any aggressor should know that retribution will be inevitable and he will be destroyed. And since we will be the victims of his aggression, we will be going to heaven as martyrs. They will simply drop dead, won’t even have time to repent,”

UPDATE: according to the Russian media citing “diplomatic sources”, China has given her full support to the Russian demands.  What that actually means or implies is unclear, but this is the first indication that the Russian ultimatum was coordinated with the Chinese and that China will have some kind of role to play in the next move of the Russians if the US rejects the Russian demands.

The time has come to “man up” or “fuck up”.

Comments – Dmitry Orlov

Why? Well, we definitely don’t know the answer to that because it’s a secret. But we can guess. And my guess is that Russia knows something: that, essentially, the US is much weaker than anyone in the US thinks and waiting any longer will leave the world in an untenable situation. Thus, Russia is eager to get these deals signed ASAP, while there is still someone in Washington who can hold a pen. And the last useful thing that Washington can do is, essentially, disband NATO (which is what signing Russia’s ultimatum would essentially accomplish).

I’ve written about all of this before, and it goes like this:
• A situation where offering a million dollars for a book of matches gets you a punch to the face
• No access to imports of any sort within the (former) US because there is no longer a credit mechanism for funding trade; no functioning utilities or transportation networks; a new economy based on looting and barter.
• My “Five Stages of Collapse” in chorus with 4-part harmony while Russia and China do their best to keep US nuclear and bioterror installations and facilities under control while repatriating their nationals and providing a bit of humanitarian aid to those who cooperate with them.

Look at the title of this article: it contains the word “ultimatum” for a really excellent reason. Russia is not negotiating; Russia is spelling out how it will all go down, either voluntarily or involuntarily, and that last bit is all that’s left to decide. But while the ultimatum is as public as possible, its implementation will be as secretive as possible. Essentially, we don’t know how it will happen because we are not allowed to know.

Comments – Whozhere

You are correct Dmitry…..

“that Russia knows something: that, essentially, the US is much weaker than anyone in the US thinks”

In a nutshell, the Biden operation has no access to the nuclear arsenal of the US.

Comments – Mike from Jersey

I live in the United States.

There is a dynamic playing out.

A very substantial amount of the population no longer supports the government or major institutions. They look on their own government/institutional structure as the enemy. They no longer consider this to be a flawed, but nonetheless, functioning system.

They consider themselves living under the heel of an occupying army which is suppressing them and their freedom. The numbers who take this position are large. Probably as much as thirty per cent or more.

On the other hand the people pulling the levers of power have no understanding of this erosion of faith. They act with a total lack of awareness that they are surrounded by large numbers of very angry citizens.

It may be that Russian intelligence understands what the American “intelligencia” does not.

Comment – Dmitry

The numbers the Russians have voiced are that 40% of Democrats and 50% of Republicans are in favor of disbanding the USA. This is quite far beyond what’s needed to make it happen with even a minimal external stress.

Comment – Eagle Eye

Looks like schadenfruede is going to get a workout shortly.

And if disbanding the USA happens, where does that leave Klaus Swabbe and his WEF Great Reset agenda? What happens to Wall Street and Operation Mockingbird media control in the collapse scenario and how does that play out globally?

“On the other hand the people pulling the levers of power have no understanding of this erosion of faith. They act with a total lack of awareness that they are surrounded by large numbers of very angry citizens.”
I see that same dynamic here in Australia at a state and federal level. Others are seeing it elsewhere. It is no longer an academic debate, but an existential problem. The media no longer accurately portray the public mood with the exception of grief following tragedy, like the local one where kids got killed in a freak playground accident. Beyond that the public reaction is endlessly spun to deliver the story “media” wants told, the truth be damned.

The danger for “the West” is that nominally democratic nations will fall to totalitarianism. There is a very interesting but disturbing interview with clinical psychologist, Professor Matthias Desmet at panedemic podcasts which should be on the must listen list of the readership. It details the steps to take to create a mass formation and what that psychological phenomenon is capable of delivering. In his well qualified view the management of the Covid Pandemic in the West can bring about such a response from the public. If it does the damage will compound with that from the USA collapse Dmitry forsees and the result will be truly biblical carnage.

Comment – Blackring

@Dmitry Orlov
“…while the ultimatum is as public as possible, its implementation will be as secretive as possible”

Ok, that explained lack of “else” in ultimatum. But because of showing too much patience to spoiled brats, now it is necessary to bitch-slap them to senses. As many times as it takes.

I do not see how this can be done secretly enough. Thanks to informational technology and MSM dominance, West have advantage in clandestine game.
In addition, since UKUS always preferred to use proxies, it is wise to embolden vassals to defect.

Russian advantage is in having hyper-sonic weapons, which allows tactics used by West against weak opponents without air defense. Maybe something like Israelis did in Gaza can be done to, say, Aegis Ashore in Romania. “Knock on roof”, followed with Big Kaboom after personnel runs away. Big hole in the ground – no casualties. After that, friendly talk can begin.

Seriously, it is long overdue that Empire get a taste of its own medicine.

Comment – Scuppers

Why now? Because it’s the right moment. I keep coming back to the game of chess, in my mind. White (the west in this analogy) starts the game with the initiative, and black (Russia in this analog) has the task of arresting that initiative, and stealing it. Black did that in 2015-2018, and locked the board. But white keeps trying to regain the initiative, and at this point, black blocks, but also ensures that every counter move makes white’s next move more catastrophic. And 3 years later, we are at the point that if white decides to start trading pieces, it will lose catastrophically. So you offer your opponent a way out. Tip your king and bow out, and come back another day to play again or get blown out and humiliated. There is a third option; throw the board in the air and everyone loses. Let us hope the west doesn’t choose option 3.

Comment – RZW

Why I agree with Orlov, my guess is that Russia has intelligence about false flag or attack on Donbass. Just for the record keep in mind 6th of January (Orthodox Christmas eve) and 4th of February (Opening of Olympic games, Putin in China).

Comment – Ted Richard

Andrei, ultimatums are generally if not always time dependent…. time specific, which is to say a Russian ultimatum declared today has a shelf life before agreement or action must be taken………that time is in your opinion……..years, months, weeks?

Comment – The Saker

To begin negotiations, the Russians said “tomorrow in Geneva”, but that was metaphorical.

A month, maybe 2 max.
But the key decisions might have already been taken.

I don’t think these people understand what is at stake here.

That is exactly my biggest fear too.

Comments – Razor

it seems logical to me that Russia has already decided what action it will take if, as likely, the West brushes off its ultimatum. I would assume that whatever action it takes, will be measured. A trip wire if you like, to show it means business, and to awaken the sleeping masses in EU US, while allowing the West to step back from Armageddon. And if that doesn’t create the desired result, they will also no doubt have planned for this eventuality, which could of course mean full pedal to the metal, God save us.

Comments – Peterd

I recently came across the wicked suggestion by somebody to counteract NATOs eastward expansion of Russia by offering Kaliningrad (formerly Königsberg until 1946) as a naval/military base for China, sharing it with the Baltic Fleet of the Russian Navy. That would certainly put the cat among the euro-pigeons sandwiched as it is between Lithuania and Poland.

Comments – War is coming

These people need a ‘lesson’ teached by Russia to be sure they never come back again with their idiocy, wargames, sanctions, ‘kill some Russians” etc…they must have ‘the fear of their life’ at least once, otherwise they will double down forever.

Comments – GRI

I read on another site the following news: from February 1, 2022, for the first time in Russia, the national standard “Urgent burial of corpses in peacetime and wartime” is being introduced. It describes that the authorities must be prepared to bury thousands of people in mass graves. The standards for graves, labor costs, the amount of equipment and the way of storing corpses have been established. The question is whether the ultimatum and the introduction of the above-mentioned measures are correlated.

Comment – Vaughan

The reason for Russia’s hardened stance imo may be the absolute and quickened spiritual and moral decline of the West.

They’ve become like the bully in a bar room brawl who, will pounce with the killer blow once the peace deal and handshake have been made and the innocent victim looks away.

Russia has endured so much ridicule, lies and mockery via Western leaders now for the past 12-15 years now. There are too many statements to quote.

Russia and Putin in general, have become the ‘hit piece’ of mocking ridicule of the Western Leaders and US Generals and simply, their time is up.

I feel that Russia has finally taken as much as she can and the Russian Leaders KNOW that they can no longer trust a country like the USA who’s own people have lost faith in their once robust institutions.

The American people have lost faith in their democratic system, the media, the judiciary, and their stumbling bumbling President’s’.

Indeed, the people have become the enemy of their own government.

On the world stage, the US has become a joke unto herself. A mockery of the great country she once was and, the decline of that country and all that made her great have been systematically dismantled and white anted away.

Her leaders words mean nothing. Their deals mean nothing and their words mean nothing.

Sadly, truth to them, holds no value and is treated accordingly.

Words are used by them but their words mean nothing and have no weight. No long lasting reach. No true value. Therefore, their words have become like the wind, carrying with it a scent from where it was but not strong enough to have any value

Russia knows that unless they can draw the line now, a declaration of peace is impossible.

Russian leaders know that long lasting peace for Russia may not disappear with a bang but wither over time by a thousand cuts. A dissolving. A watering down of conditions, a watering down of borders and a watering down of understanding until soon enough, peace will no longer exist.

This kind of peace is no peace at all.
“Peace peace where there is no peace”.

War is an abomination but the dissolving of peace slowly before your very eyes is a burden no true Leader can entertain.

This is what has been happening since the Wall came down. A slow dissolving of peace.

The Russians have always seemed to attempt to turn the other cheek. They’ve used logic and were met with mockery. They’ve valued truth with a people who excelled in connivance.

They valued respect and were met with ridicule.

Finally, they’ve run out of humour. They’ve run out of hope that hope still exists in the West. They’ve been met with no truth, no logic and no respect

And now, we will see if these western ‘leaders’ have steel in their backbones or jelly in their pants.

I know what I believe we’ll see.

Comment – Band Itkoitko

“I only see one method to get the Europeans back from la-la-land to the real world: Russia has to defeat them militarily.”

Alternatively, and almost equivalently in term of a shock effect, is Russia completely defeating them economically. Let’s have Western people go and clean toilets in Asia or US Americans work in the fields of Mexico. Let the world reverse, they will be more than humbled and more than defeated. Their “greatness” illusion will be destroyed. Their ridiculous “superiority” will be vanquished.

Notably, the West is doing everything necessary to enact their own economic defeat. So no much effort on the Russian side is needed.

Comment – CDvision

Very smart move by Russia. They are likely convinced a conflict is unavoidable, but want to lay these documents down so that history will be unequivocally on their side.

At this point. I too am convinced that a conflict is inevitable. The collective West is finished economically, politically and culturally. Its their last gambit – to upset the board.

Should the peace terms be rejected (likely) then I expect Russia to have a Mike Tyson, punch in the face, at the ready. Paradoxically, 404 attacking the Donbass plays into Russia’s hands, and provides the cause for a Gotterdammerung. Then there will be a much shorter ultimatum sent to the West.

Comment – Tedrichard

the other half of the ultimatum neither written or spoken is the elegance of china moving against taiwan simultaneous to something happening in ukraine.

this places the pentagon and usa in an utterly untenable place where neither victory can be achieved and a massive loss of face.

if you are russia and china and you coordinate so many things now and for future it makes no sense NOT coordinate this geopolitical move resolving both problems at the same time with a minimum of fuss and which will overwhelm the western msm narrative manipulation.

Comment – MIJJ

My feeling is Russia/China have already won. What US is doing is what any ill-disciplined child would do to instinctively create a primitive sense of dominance – throw the chess board across the room, trample the pieces scream hate and yell threats to instinctively create a primitive sense of dominance.

If you hate a person , then you are defeated by them 
– Confucius.

MM Comments

Russia and China are SERIOUS.

I fully expect the USA to take zero action. Just like when China announced at the UN in 2020 that the United States had to answer for the 11 bio-weapon attacks against China.

Nothing apparently happened.

Well, nothing publicly visible happened.

And I fully expect the same thing; a repeat of the sloth, and arrogance of the United States government. Only this time, it will be visibly kinetic.

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 2


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America is withdrawing all interactions regarding China. A for-positive sign of a war-stance.

Yeah. I cannot deny it any longer. There is no question that America is ready to launch a war. Well, I tried. But you know, you all can’t stop a stampede of buffalo. Sigh. Let’s just document some of the evidence. Where even the most hopeful and optimistic must sigh resigned.

The evidence is everywhere. America is on a war-footing.


Well, Yahoo! disentangled. Not that it mattered to me that much. But, you know, it’s pretty fucking selective. No problem with Cameroon, Kenya, Zambia, or Bolivia. Of the entire world, ONLY China is excluded.

Here’s what you get when you try to access Yahoo inside of China…

Yahoo splash screen.


Now, LinkedIN is another story all together. I use that platform to connect with industry and colleagues and look for business opportunities. Even though I am an American, accessing it from inside of China throws me into the most lame version I have ever seen.

LinkedIN splash.

And then what happens when I sign in?

Why I get a PDF version of my profile. That’s it. No connections. No access to services. No way for me to recruit for careers. Zilch. It’s just a big nothing.

Of course…

Let’s keep it real. Companies can do whatever they want to do, and it they want to disentangle from the Asian market, it is their choice.

China prevented Google, and Facebook; both mega-software internet companies for working inside of China because they routinely violated the Chinese privacy laws.

But this is different.

You see, let’s put it in simple terms; money and market.

The following is from the United States own government (and propaganda) outlets. Which means that it is biased towards making the USA look good. Even when trying to make America look better, it looks like shit compared to China.


Obviously, no matter how you spin it, Chinese economy is climbing and the Chinese consumer market is exploding!

So why turn your back on it?

What’s going on?

By every metric, China is superior and surpassing the West…

It’s not just readership. It’s not just technology. It’s not just manufacturing. It’s everything.

Education; best universities

Disposable income


America in 2021 is somewhere around tenth in global manufacturing.


America has Amazon. In China, everything is e-commerce.

Again, keeping it real…

America’s population is 330 million people. Of that, (at best) 40% are middle class = 132 million people, plus the 5% of the wealthy = market of 148.5 million people.

China’s population is 1.6 billion people. (1600 million). Of that, 85% are middle class with the wealthy being around 6% = market is 1456 million people.

  • USA consumer market = 148 million people.
  • China consumer market = 1460 million people.

The Chinese market is roughly TEN TIMES the market of America.

Anyone desirous of cutting off this market is NOT doing so because of opportunity, profits, industry, commerce or fiance. They are doing so because of politics. It’s obvious.

Know your history.

And history shows us that politically driven decisions end up being disastrous for the people, the companies, and the nations so involved. Don’t go down that dark and scary road.

Of Course… the situation is eroding fast

America is in a tail-spin. Not just collapsing, but collapsing in every which way possible, and the only way out is to throw themselves in front of the policeman and get shot to death.

video 4MB

The government funded media (and they ARE funded to the tune of $330 million dollars every year) are propping up the illusion that America is still great.

Like by using the GDP instead of PPP.

Which, as I have said before is just a big lie.

Sally has one dollar and can buy two apples with it.

Joe has ten dollars but can only buy one apple with it.
  • GDP says that “Joe” is doing better.
  • PPP says that “Sally” is doing better.

In my mind, of course, Sally is doing better. She has a full stomach. While Joe is left wanting.

Yeah. Sigh.

And here is a typical propaganda piece being doled out to the clueless inside of America. I swear it looks more and more like George Orwell’s 1984 than anything else in history.

“She had become a physical necessity, something that he not only wanted but felt he had the right to,” ― George Orwell

Ah. Looks so professional, and clear. But that is the illusion. They are using a false metric. Using GDP is an economic “measurement”. What a big lie and what a big farce, and shame on all of you for believing it.

American echo chamber.

Heritage is a neocon operation inside of the USA.

It is purposeful distortions to keep Americans (the West) ignorant.

Here’s an interview with a VOA journalist. VOA is the US governments main propaganda arm that oversees most all “news”. It is funded by the NED, which is turn is funded out of the CIA. Listen and learn. video 60MB

A Sanity Check

Please do a sanity check.

If China’s unemployment is 27%, and America’s is a mere 14%, then where are all those Chinese tent cities, Chinese crime, and Chinese starvation that you can see all over the inside of the USA.

If America was really, REALLY, doing that well, then there wouldn’t be so much unemployment, tent cities, and crime.

video 7MB

GDP vs. PPP.

The next video is so typical of American life. It does NOT exist inside of China. America is a land with a million, million tiny hands in your wallet.

video 2MB

We all need to avoid echo chambers.

Yet they persist and are dangerous.

Here’s some examples…

This is from the “Financial Times” in an article titled “Healthy nutrition trends shake up Chinese consumer market”

Funny. All Chinese eat healthy. It’s part of their culture. There’s no “shake up”. Jeeze!

And check out the picture that they use…

No one in China uses paper money any more. They haven’t for at least a decade.

Why do I say this is fake?

No one in China uses paper money any more. They haven’t for at least a decade. It is available. But usually, it is the poor and the elderly that use it. The vast number of transactions are done electronically. It’s call “QR scanning”. It’s the norm in China, and has been so for the last decade.

Here’s another example…

Can you spot what’s wrong with this picture?

What’s wrong with this picture?

No one in China eats “just plain” noodles.

They eat delicious dishes. Sometimes it’s noodles, but if it’s noodles, you can be guaranteed that there is a meat and a vegetable with it. Fast food noodles are popular as a snack only. And starving students, and hard workers (trying to save money) will resort to them. But it is NOT NOT NOT what the Chinese people eat for lunch.

This is what they really eat for lunch.

A real Chinese lunch.

I’m surprised at the gullibility of Americans. Hasn’t anyone ever been to a Chinese-American restaurant? Sheech!

And this…

A real Chinese lunch.

And this…

A real Chinese lunch.

And this…

A real Chinese lunch.

And yes, you can get noodles to eat.

It’s a quick SNACK.

A snack.

It’s NOT a lunch meal. Jeeze!

You all need to avoid echo chambers, and America is doubling down and latching the hatches turning the American echo chamber into an echo pressure cooker.

Already the Americans want war. They desire it. There’s raw hate there.  It’s not as Biden says “a competition”, the American media machine and the funding efforts are all directed towards war. DO NOT WISH FOR THAT. YOU ALL HAVE NO CLUE WHAT THAT WILL MEAN.

Now… good news and bad news

As I have stated previously, America has passed the point where there would be a position of military superiority. Amy war would be an absolute bloodbath fiasco on American soil, and so all the hate China bullshit can hate all you want. It’s just going to make the collapse and fall of “the great experiment” so much more painful.

Russia and China are watching the collapse in real-time.

Americans, and their “leadership”, are all in caged “echo chambers”. Delirious of their own notions of power and ability, and ignorant of the rest of the world.  It’s a true shame. It really is. But that’s what’s going on.

I could show you about the Chinese military, and how they are nothing like what is being portrayed in the American media. But that’s all so 2019. Today, we are going to do something a little bit different.

We are going to talk about YOU, and what YOU can do while the rest of the world around you spins down the anus of madness.

We start with this funny little piece to lighten up the mood.

Chinese old movie with English voice over by an Urban Ethnic American

I get a big chuckle every time I watch this.

video 6.1MB

Yeah. The United States can do what ever it wants.

I can tell you that I am in the safest nation on the planet, and that’s a FACT.

And whatever caldron is brewing inside of America right now, know that it is not reality. It is a big illusion and soon its going to boil over and make a big mess in the kitchen. I am here to tell you that YOU NEED NOT WORRY about that. The fear is greater than the reality.

It is NOT going to happen like anyone thinks.

It will be quite different. Say! How John Boltons’ Bio-Warfare effort against China working out? Not what he planned, eh?

Instead concentrate on yourself.

Concentrate on your life. Concentrate on your family.

These are important skills.

Start NOW.

It’s the MM way; right here. Vocalized. video 3MB

Show care. Care.

It’s YOUR life. Participate. video 3.6MB

It’s not the goal. It’s the journey

Yah. You have heard that all before. But it is true. Start walking the steps of being a Rufus. Act a little bit nicer. smile more. Be the best that you can be. Do great things.

video 2MB

And… stop over thinking.

Stop over thinking every fucking thing. Start accepting things as they are. Not as you want them to be. Accept the situations that are in front of you.

In the movie “Bronco Billy”, Gunny Holiday had his squad adapt to the situation with the tee-shits. Every day they would have to adapt to the tee-shirts that the DI wore. Eventually they got it worked out. And they adapted.

Video 2.5MB

And… treat others as you want to be treated.

This means everything. Especially in your relationships. You know, the biggest influence on your life is the person whom you spend the most time with. They will influence your life the most. Treat them properly, and they should treat you properly back. If they do not, then find someone else.

It’s called “life”.

video 8MB

And please… be patient.

Be patient. There is something that I have learned. Affirmations take time. Stop thinking in terms of the nonsense generated out of Hollywood. It’s not real. It’s a fiction. Things. Take. Time.

video 5MB

Remember… grit

It’s how much you know. Nor is it how much money you have. It’s not the grades you had in school, or the friends you have now. It’s not where you live or the kind of car that you drive. It’s all about how long you can take the hits and keep on going.

It’s all about your grit.

video 5MB

The world is changing.

If you are doing your prayer affirmations, you and your world will be changing. Do not be afraid of it.

It’s full of opportunities. Accept the change.

video 4MB

I know, I know…

Yeah. I get it. All this stuff is boring. You want something else, don’t you.

video 15MB

You are unique and untamed.

No one can and should tell you who you are or how you should act. You define what your life is. No one else does. But others can show you what worked for them, and then you can decide to copy it or ignore it.

video 3MB

Find your niche.

Is being the best boxer the one who can hit the hardest? Is it the one that can stay in the ring the longest? Is it the one who can endure hit after hit after hit. Or is it a combination of all three. Find your niche.

video 7MB

Be the “Tiger Mom”

As you work hard, inspire others to succeed. Play the role. Together we can all make the world a better place.

video 6MB

Realize that America has become a character; a joke

It’s not what America is, but the actions of it’s crazed government, and the behaviors of many of it’s citizenry clearly point towards humor. But you are not what other people(s) think. You are unique. Be the best that you can be and let the rest of the world howl.

video 5MB

Remember, everything concerning you is YOUR responsibility

It’s not the governments. It’s not your spouse. It’s not your parents. It’s not your school. It’s not your job, or your carrier. It’s your responsibility, and yours alone. It is all up to YOU.

video 5MB

The rest of the world is moving on

Stop looking in the rear view mirror. Realize that America is spending trillions of dollars on wars, public opinion to create wars, fears to control the citizenry and bribes to selected minority groups. It’s all a big black hole that sucks in the money and lays waste to those around it.

Meanwhile the rest of the world is moving on.

Be the best you can be. Inspires others, and have a great life together. You choose your life. You define what it will be, you plan to make that life happen and you direct ALL of your energies in that direction. Live the MM lifestyle.

Here’s where I live. Beautiful Zhuhai China.

Video 5MB


Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 2


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