The specific Chinese counter-sanctions (that will occur) as a result of American sanctions against China

Yeah. So America is debating sanctioning China.

Good luck Fuckers!

Only people with SHIT FOR BRAINS would ever think of sanctioning China. What are you? A moron, an idiot, a deranged sadist? An ignorant doo-doo head (Bill Crosby reference) a psychopath with delusions of grandeur? What?

Just fucking stupid. That’s what.

You must be in some kind of absolute echo-chamber talking over and over again just how God-damn great you are to believe such horse manure.

You’re not great.

You are not exceptional.

You are a piece of shit that is farmed for your labor. That’s it and the ONLY reason that you don’t revolt is because you are too fat and happy with the crumbs that the government gives you to sustain your pitiful existence.

Still here?

Paint me “surprised”.

I tried posting this article a couple of times, and found it automatically blocked, shadowbanned, and de-listed from Google. I then rewrote it to includes food, and other items. Ai yah. But,  you know, personal MM experience has shown this methodology to be very effective in getting around the Google censorship engines, and the NSA troll armies.

What do you know, eh?

Who would figure?

It works. If you are so childish that you cannot handle multible subjects in a singular article, you can leave. Go. No skin off my back. I don’t give a fuck.

Before we get to the “meat” of the article; Chinese reverse sanctions on American sanctions, we will talk about something fun. That will throw off the American censor engines.

We start with food.

For those of you who are new to MM, please let it be understood that MM content is banned in the West. If you can find it, you are truly lucky. And our workaround here is to mix politically-charged subjects with other common everyday subjects that tend to confuse the censorship engines.

Oh, man. Do they hate it.

It just messes with the algorithms. It cannot handle it.

Maybe you might not like it, but it does work. It works spectacularly.


We are going to really freak out the gung-ho American “ready to die” for freedom™ cadre with a Russian dish of quite delicious food. Buckle up. This post is gonna be FUN.

Russian posikunchiki

Can you pronounce it? I can’t.

Look at this. Come on. Doesn’t it look delicious? You eat it with whipped creme cheese. And wash it down with vodka. Good tasty vodka. Or beer. Icy, frosty, cold beer. Good stuff too. Nothing less than 5% (which you cannot get in the USA. Banned “for the children, don’t you know”)…

Most Americans cannot drink alcohol. If they are in a corporate environment, and their diversity officer, or HR, finds out that they smoked or drank at home, they could easily lose their job.



It’s called “American freedom” don’t you know. Woo Woo!


2022 03 19 18 00
Russian posikunchiki


Smunch. Crunch. Eat ’em all up. Happiness and tummy satisfaction.
These small juicy meat pies are the first thing tourists are advised to try in the Perm Region around the Urals. But you can make them wherever you are.
The region of the Ural is well-known for its harsh, cold winters and continental climate. Traditionally, meat, thick solid soups, and nourishing pies were cooked there. One of the most outstanding dishes is posikunchiki.

Posikunchiki are an old dish of the Ural cuisine, mainly of the Perm and the north-west of the Sverdlovsk regions. The name was given to small fried pies, whose size is approximately equal to a luscious fat dumpling. They are made from unleavened dough and fried in a large amount of oil.

The key thing that distinguishes posikunchiki from other pastries is an incredibly juicy filling. In many ways, this notable trait and the cooking method makes them similar to chebureki.

Posikunchiki comes from the Russian verb “sicat’” (“to splash”) – because the pie splashes juice while you take a bite of it. They are also called posekunchiki – from the Russian verb “sech’” (“to dice/slice/shred”), because the filling for them is finely chopped, but not mixed in a meat grinder. But whatever the etymology, the popularity of these little cute pies has long transcended the boundaries of their historical homeland, and spread to other Russian regions.

The stuffing consists of lamb, beef or pork.

In general, there are a lot of different variations. At the same time, in every Ural city or village, you will surely be told that their posikunchiki represent the most authentic and correct variant, and all the other recipes are fake or just new.


I’ll just have to go visit a bunch of them and try for myself.

No one can remember exactly when this dish appeared. But many people remember that their grandmothers often cooked these mini-pies. And who, really who, can doubt a darn kindly old grandmother? Eh?

The locals remember the peculiar taste of fresh meat (often of wild animals, such as elks) grinded in a mincer from childhood, but many residents of Russia can’t even imagine what it is.

Today, I suggest we cook this dish with minced meat from a local shop. It will take us about four hours.

If you are an American, you use “hamburger”. If you are British or Australian, you use “mince”.

Ingredients (for eight portions):

2022 03 19 18 04
Ingredients (for eight portions).


For the dough:

  • Flour – 600-700 g
  • Milk – 250 ml
  • Egg – 1 piece
  • Salt – 1 teaspoon
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp

For the filling:

  • Minced meat (pork and beef)- 600 g
  • Onion – 1 piece
  • Salt – 1 teaspoon
  • Black pepper – 1/2 teaspoon
  • Water – 200 ml
  • Vegetable oil for frying


1. To begin, we’ll prepare the dough, as it needs to rest 30 minutes before we start working with it. Combine the egg with sugar and salt. Mix well.

2022 03 19 18 15
Make the dough.

2. Gradually add warm milk to that mass and mix again.

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Add milk gradually.

3. Portionwise, add flour to the mass and knead the dough carefully and meticulously with your hands until it turns into an elastic ball. Knead it at least for 10 minutes, then put in a bag for 20-30 minutes, and into the refrigerator.

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Make the dough.

4. While the dough is resting, we’ll prepare the filling. Chop the onion into small cubes, then add to the minced meat.

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Dough Ball.

5. Season the meat with salt and pepper. Mix well. Add some water. Minced meat should resemble thick sour cream in consistency, but it shouldn’t be liquid. Note that the minced meat must be juicy so that there is broth in the posikunchiki. During the preparation, the minced meat gradually thickens, so if necessary, add water and salt to the minced meat to taste.

2022 03 19 18 12
Season the meat with salt and pepper.

6. Roll the dough and cut it into 28-30 pieces. Roll each into a small bun, and then roll out into a diameter of 10 cm. Put 1 tablespoon of the filling on one half of the rolled-out bun, cover with the other half.

2022 03 19 18 11
Mostly meat inside a thin shell.

7. Pinch well with a fork on one side so that the broth does not leak while frying.

2022 03 19 18 10
Pinch with a fork.

Fry in a skillet.

2022 03 19 18 09

8. Fry each posikunchik on each side for 2-3 minutes until golden brown.

2022 03 19 18 08
Fry in a skillet.

9. Posikunchiki are ready to be served at the festive table.

10. Enjoy!

2022 03 19 18 17
Ural posikunchiki.

Oh, and lets not forget the alcohol.

Beer. Wine. Vodka.

It’s all GOOD!

OIP C.h6a9uuW0xj24Iqp MSNOggHaEK
A time for smunch! is a time to eat!

Now let’s talk about Chinese anti-sanction systems designed to counter American sanctions

I watched a FOX “news” segment this morning. There, an “expert” was advocating that America (United States) put sanctions on China for being friends with Russia. And in reading the comments, the vast majority agreed with him.

We ought to make China pay for this relationship with Russia...”

2022 03 19 22 08
2022 03 19 22 08

All the time, I am thinking…

…”fools”, you all deserve what will happen. China is really, really READY for this. They have been for over a year now. They say, “let it happen”, and I agree with them.

Go for it, you idiotic morons.

Although it contains only 16 articles, the Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law establishes, for the first time, a wide-ranging legal infrastructure and legislative base aimed at retaliating against sanctions imposed by foreign governments. 

Specifically the United States.

However, even before the enactment of the Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law as legal basis, the Ministry of Commerce (hereinafter “MOFCOM”) inter alia issued two measures as tools against possible effects by foreign laws and sanctions.

These are;

[1] The MOFCOM Decree No. 4 [2020] on Provisions on the List of Unreliable Entities and 

[2] The MOFCOM Decree No. 1 [2021] on Rules on Counteracting Unjustified Extraterritorial Application of Foreign Legislation and Other Measures (hereinafter “Blocking Statute”). 

Thus, the Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law confirms the legislative authority for existing measures and creates room for expanded measures in the future.

Background: I watched a short clip from FOX “news”.

As above.

In that clip, “experts”, “political pundits” and “knowledgeable advisers” are strongly urging that President Biden enact sanctions against China for being friendly to Russia. While many Americans agree with this point of view, the consequences are never addressed. Here, we will address the consequences of such a move.

Let it be well understood that China has long prepared for this moment.

Two to three years ago, they passed the anti-sanction retaliation law. It is directly custom tailored to addressing the day when the United States starts sanctioning China (for one reason or the other).

Specifically, it is designed to inflict the most [1] economic damage, [2] social damage, [3] personal damage, and [4] Geopolitical damage possible upon the United States and it’s (poor excuse) for “leadership”.

The most damage.

      • Economic.
      • Personal.
      • Social.
      • Geopolitical.

Upon the United States, and the individuals involved in the sanction effort against China.

What most people do not realize is how absolutely economically tethered to China, that the United States is.

They think, erroneously, that American can trade, instead, with Germany, Korea, Japan, or any other nation. Forgetting, of course, that those nations simply take Chinese products and slap their name-brands on them.

But if they sanction China, all that trade will end.

Not just trade with the USA, but all the trade with it’s alternative sources of supply.

No more manufactured products.


Bye bye.

No more electonics.

None. Bye bye.

No more medicine.

None. Bye bye.

The Chinese anti-sanction law is specifically designed to counter AMERICAN sanctions. It is designed to automatically go, and be engaged immediate upon the implementation of sanctions, and noone, not even Xi Peng, can stop the tidal wave of repercussions.

You can read the details here, but really, I’m just going to lay out the visceral facts.

Yeah. It's dry with translations of wordly Chinese leagalese, and all that. But just skim over the presentation. 

Learn something for a change.

On a Personal Level… on individuals

You all had best hope to NEVER leave the United States. Once you cross the protected shores, the  Chinese will fucking hunt you down. 

They will, with client nation help, extract you from your aircraft, and haul you into China for justice and punishment. 

Sentencing is a foregone conclusion and the judicial process is mostly a formality. 

Punishment will consist of [1] dealing with organ harvesting, and [2] hard labor in deep, dark salt mines. 

They are not evil. You will be able to have at least a six-hour rest a night, and be able to eat basic(but healthy) meals of rice, and chicken-feet if you work hard enough. 

Sentencing involves death or life in this environment. 

This includes you and everyone in your family as well. Including little children. They go to kiddie labor camps.

On June 10, 2021, the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress of China enacted the Anti-foreign Sanctions Law (“AFSL”), which came into effect as of the date of enactment.

OIP C.bAX5vsS4s6t07O XU3pUygAAAA
For the last fifteen years, they have been tracking down criminals all over the world. No one is immune. These guys are from Indonesia.

As China’s latest legislative countermeasure against economic sanctions of the U.S., E.U., U.K, and other jurisdictions, AFSL will have significant impact on Chinese subsidiaries and branches of foreign enterprises.

OIP C.5b909 T4rMhb1qGxXOtDkwEyDM
For the last fifteen years, they have been tracking down criminals all over the world. No one is immune. These people are from Mexico.

As well as foreign persons (entities and individuals) doing business in China or with Chinese individuals and companies.

For the last fifteen years, they have been tracking down criminals all over the world. No one is immune. This man is from Scotland.

I. Overview of the AFSL

A. Who will be listed in the Countermeasures List?

R C.899e3e4d30fe0890687f47515361109d
For the last fifteen years, they have been tracking down criminals all over the world. No one is immune. This man is from Bolivia. He must have spilt some taco sauce on his shirt. Careless fellow.

The relevant departments of the State Council may decide to include in the Countermeasures List (the “List”) the individuals and organizations that have directly or indirectly participated in the formulation, decision on or implementation of discriminatory restrictive measures of foreign governments.

OIP C.UwKqOx5lveKxGw4abzFL2QHaE
For the last fifteen years, they have been tracking down criminals all over the world. No one is immune. This man is from England. Billionaire oligarch.

In addition, the relating parties of persons in the List may also face countermeasures, including:

  • The spouse and lineal relatives of the individuals included in the List
  •  Senior executives or actual controllers of the organizations included in the List;
  • Organizations that have individuals included in the List acting as senior executives; and
  • Organizations actually controlled by individuals or organizations that are included in the List or have participated in the establishment and operation thereof.
R C.3d2e6572cb01ea05c2168be04f93797a
For the last fifteen years, they have been tracking down criminals all over the world. No one is immune. This chick is from France. She doesn’t look too happy. But she should be. She’s alive, isn’t she?

B. What are the countermeasures?

R C.79e882db1fc6dbeec756a009e247236f
For the last fifteen years, they have been tracking down criminals all over the world. No one is immune. These people are from Australia.

The relevant departments of the State Council of China may, depending on the actual situation, take one or more of the following measures against persons included in the List.

R C.72593e2ff1784145d7fb938c861bf930
For the last fifteen years, they have been tracking down criminals all over the world. No one is immune. These people are from the Phillippines.

Here’s a selection of just some of the measures;

  • Denial of visa issuance, denial of entry, deregistration of visa or deportation;
  • Seizure, distraining or freezing of movable property, immovable property and other types of property within the territory of China;
  • Prohibiting or restricting the organizations or individuals within the territory of China from conducting relevant transactions, cooperation or other activities with them; and
  • Other necessary measures not listed.
R C.6cd4d22df3ec81346bdcf777e2ff764d
For the last fifteen years, China has been tracking down criminals all over the world. No one is immune. This guy is from America.

China does not play. They will track you down, and they will work with the regional authorties to secure you and haul ou to China for organ harvesting, rehabilitation, and hard labor punishment.

R C.7ff3711fc322e7666ee02850cccfea54
For the last fifteen years, they have been tracking down criminals all over the world. No one is immune. These people are from Brazil.

C. What are the legal consequences for violating the AFSL?

The organizations and individuals within the territory of China shall carry out the countermeasures taken by the relevant departments of the State Council.

OIP C.CVDxbXujnzSihn1 QsJRYAHaEj
Organ harvesting is a mature procedure in Chinese prisons. It’s fast, quick, and routine.

Any organization or individual failing to do so will be punished by the relevant departments of the State Council in accordance with the law, and such organization or individual will be restricted or prohibited from engaging in the relevant activities.

If a Chinese entity fails to enforce these laws, they will be punished harshly.
OIP C.1d oiXGXmGp hoTXdVFKegHaEo
For the last fifteen years, they have been tracking down criminals all over the world. No one is immune. Unknown where these guys were from.

Where any organization or individual implements or assists in implementing the discriminatory restrictive measures taken by any foreign state against Chinese citizens or organizations and infringes upon the legitimate rights and interests of any citizen or organization of China, the Chinese citizen or organization may bring a lawsuit, seeking cessation of the infringement and compensation for the losses.

Any Chinese citizen can, under any pretense, ask for compensation against any person or their family targeted by this law.

Where any organization or individual fails to implement or cooperate in implementing the countermeasures, it/he will be subject to legal liability in accordance with the law.

OIP C.JfuVU6zFYPqFl i fNsXRwHaFj
Captured in Cambodia, these criminals are going back to China for organ harvesting and hard labor. They are just happy to be alive.

Oh, and in case you think that you can avoid the long-arm of China if you patiently hide long enough. Think again.

II. The Impact of the AFSL on Foreign Companies

A. Foreign companies participating in sanctions against China might endure countermeasures imposed by the Chinese government.

Boss of a multi-billion dollar company, arrested, and sentenced to hard labor and then death. He accepts his fate as a man. This is the Chinese way.

Foreign companies directly or indirectly involved in the formulation, decision on, or implementation of discriminatory sanctions against Chinese persons may be added to the List. The main effects on foreign companies on the List will be as follows:

Firstly, senior executives or actual controllers of foreign companies on the List may not be allowed to enter China for business trips to perform their duties.

Secondly, assets of foreign companies on the List and foreign companies with individuals on the List acting as their senior executives or actual controllers will likely be blocked.

Thirdly, foreign companies on the List and foreign companies with individuals on the List acting as their senior executives or actual controllers might be prohibited from dealing with individuals and entities in China.

OIP C.X5R4sbYkXvzorD9sL7F9pAHaE
Boss of a multi-billion dollar company, arrested, and sentenced to hard labor and then death. Secured from his office, he is not permitted to have a tie or a suit jacket.

B. Foreign companies might be caught in a compliance dilemma between AFSL and foreign sanctions.

After the implementation of the AFSL, foreign companies are subject to both the obligation to comply with discriminatory sanctions imposed by other countries, and the requirement not to enforce foreign discriminatory sanctions and to enforce China’s countermeasures under the AFSL.

Boss of a multi-billion dollar company, arrested, and sentenced to hard labor and then death.

Complying with the discriminatory sanctions against China may violate the AFSL, while complying with the AFSL may violate the discriminatory sanction regulations of other countries as well.

Boss of a multi-billion dollar company, arrested, and sentenced to hard labor and then death.

This will probably put foreign companies in a compliance dilemma and substantially increase their compliance difficulties and costs.

EU Blocking Statute

The aim of the EU Blocking Statute is to counteract the unlawful effects of extraterritorial sanctions of third countries on ‘EU persons’, which term is generally understood to include EU nationals, EU-incorporated companies (including EU subsidiaries of U.S. companies but not branches of U.S. companies as these have no distinct legal personality) and non-EU nationals residing or doing business in the EU.

It's not just the United States that is targeted, bt the European Union is targeted specifically as well.

The list of extraterritorial legislation to which the EU Blocking Statute applies is given in the Annex and currently consists of U.S. measures concerning Cuba and Iran.

R C.73aada2090f4db329568378c56364e04
No one is immune. This man was living in Laos.

Article 2 of the EU Blocking Statute requires EU persons to notify the European Commission of any effect on their economic and/or financial interests caused by a measure that is listed as blocked in the Annex. Article 4 of the EU Blocking Statute prevents any judgment or administrative decision outside the EU which gives effect, directly or indirectly, to a blocked measure from being recognised or enforced in the EU in any manner.

jimmy lai arrest11
Money won’t protect you. Nor will your “connections” to the US government. Here’s Jimmy Lai after being sentenced to hard labor. The USA just stood by and watched him be sentenced to organ harvesting and hard labor. So much for his connection to the US Senate. LOL!

Article 5 of the EU Blocking Statute prohibits EU persons (either directly or through a subsidiary or other intermediary) from complying with any requirement or prohibition based on or resulting, directly or indirectly, from a blocked measure.

If the United States places sanctions on China, and a European nation obeys the sanctions, the entire body of the law would then also apply to the aforesaid nation.

However, pursuant to articles 7 and 8 of the EU Blocking Statute, EU persons may apply for authorisation from the European Commission to comply with such requirement or prohibition if non-compliance would seriously damage their interests or the wider interests of the EU.

You can apply.

You can.

But whether or not mercy will be granted will depend on your association with the United States government.

R C.d2d81fd61bb9f683cbbf859eab2fe346
Here’s an arrest in the EU. The EU are cowards and would do absolutely nothing and they have a long history of allowing the Chinese to come and seize anyone they fucking want out of the EU.

If an EU person has suffered any damages caused by the application of a blocked measure or by actions based thereon or resulting therefrom, article 6 of the EU Blocking Statute allows such EU person to recover the damages, including legal costs.

Provided that there are no sanctions on China.

Get it?

OIP C.uD3 g9Xm1HrmlpiNOJ4FggHaFj
CEOs and other businessmen will be hunted down by the Chinese, and incarcerated in a humane, but uncomfortable period, as per the law.

A basic understanding of the EU Blocking Statute sheds some light on the Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law, since both laws are aimed at counteracting the impact of the extraterritorial jurisdiction of foreign sanctions on persons within their territory.

OIP C.mj8DLA rT3jKfhCo2CJgOQHaE5
CEOs and other businessmen will be hunted down by the Chinese, and incarcerated in a humane, but uncomfortable period, as per the law.

Scope of application

Unlike the EU Blocking Statute, the Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law does not currently provide a list of extraterritorial legislation which is subject to the application of the Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law.

R C.f05f779554fdaf907dc3d8dccc9a5bcb
CEOs and other businessmen will be hunted down by the Chinese, and incarcerated in a humane, but uncomfortable period, as per the law.

However, the second paragraph of article 3 states that if any foreign country acts in violation of international law and basic norms of international relations and, on the basis of their domestic laws or any other pretext, contains or suppresses the PRC, takes discriminatory or restrictive measures against PRC citizens or interferes with the PRC’s internal affairs, the PRC has the right to take corresponding countermeasures.

Things can escalate quickly and broadly. Once initiated, a caustious EU should be "walking on egg shells".

As regards the application of the Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law, article 11 requires organisations and individuals within the territory of the PRC to comply with the countermeasures imposed by the relevant departments of the State Council.

Any Chinese entity that fails to abide by the counter sanctions will be punished in the harshest manner possible.

The departments can restrict or prohibit any organisation or individual found to be in violation of the countermeasures from engaging in the activities concerned. It is important to note that there is no definition of ‘organisations and individuals within the territory of the PRC’ in the text of the Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law, so whether branches of foreign companies in the PRC which have no distinct legal personality are also subject to the law is arguably unclear pending further provisions or clarifications from the relevant departments of the State Council.

R C.19ca5edb0c2acf3263e682aa32c495fa
China’s rules are tough but fair. After fourty years in the salt mines, industry greats like Bill Gates and Elon Musk can start again a new.

Further, there is no express provision regarding an authorisation or licence regime under the Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law that may entitle such organisations or individuals to seek an exemption allowing for compliance with the extraterritorial legislation.

Although the Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law does not appear to have extraterritorial effect on non-PRC persons, it is also relevant to non-PRC persons. Under article 4, the relevant departments of the State Council may decide to put any persons or organisations that directly or indirectly participate in drafting, approving or implementing any of the discriminatory or restrictive measures set out in article 3 in a countermeasure list (反制清单).

OIP C.Ut32fjsv0zBkbLEytuEY3wHaEK
China’s rules are tough but fair. After fourty years in the salt mines, industry greats like Bill Gates and Elon Musk can start again a new.

In addition, article 5 subjects the following persons to the countermeasures imposed by the PRC government:

  1. the spouse and immediate family members of individuals targeted in the countermeasure list;
  2. the senior managers or actual controllers of organisations targeted in the countermeasure list;
  3. organisations in which individuals targeted in the countermeasure list serve in senior management positions; and
  4. organisations actually controlled by individuals targeted in the countermeasure list or in whose establishment and operations any such individuals participate.

As such, it is important to keep an eye on the countermeasure list to ensure that there are no dealings with individuals and organisations targeted by the Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law which may constitute breaches of the law. A suitable screening process should be put in place to minimise the risk of non-compliance.

Scope of countermeasures

As mentioned above, the State Council has the power to create the countermeasure list and determine the applicable countermeasures. In accordance with article 7, decisions made by the relevant departments of the State Council are final. As mentioned, there is no authorisation or licence regime in place so prima facie one must comply with the decisions in order to avoid breaching the Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law. Article 10 mentions that a procedure will be established to coordinate the work of counteracting foreign sanctions and oversee the overall coordination, with the relevant departments of the State Council being required to raise the level of coordination, cooperation and information sharing.

OIP C.O9rr5ih6PEvbNuPm91r 7AHaFr
China’s rules are tough but fair. After fourty years in the salt mines, industry greats like Bill Gates and Elon Musk can start again a new.

In accordance with article 6, the State Council may decide to take one or more of the following measures against individuals or organisations that are sanctioned pursuant to articles 4 and 5:

  1. refusal to issue visas, denial of entry, cancellation of visas or deportation;
  2. sealing up, seizing or freezing of movable and immovable property, or other types of property, within the territory of the PRC;
  3. prohibiting or restricting organisations or individuals within the territory of the PRC from conducting transactions, cooperating, or engaging in any other activities with the targeted individuals or organisations; and
  4. any other measures considered necessary.

As such, anyone who has a presence or assets in the PRC should pay due attention to the Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law as non-compliance may result in serious consequences for their activities or assets in the PRC.

R C.30ec74f85507f9e2e1df6e3e33e128bc
China for as harsh as it seems, does have a degree of humanity. Inmates are permitted one phone call a year to family, loved ones or lawyer. They can say anything they want up to ten minutes. Longer than that, they will suffer punishment.

Civil recovery

Article 12 prohibits organisations and individuals from implementing or assisting in implementing discriminatory or restrictive measures imposed by foreign countries against the PRC individuals or organisations.

PRC individuals or organisations may file a lawsuit against such organisations or individuals with the Supreme People’s Court in accordance with PRC law, requiring them to cease the infringement and compensate for any losses incurred.

R C.bd17affa125f119fb6cea966eaddfb32
The duration of prison terms in China is much less than in America. This woman only has to serve three years. Most people under sanction rules will probably serve less than thirty years at hard labor.

This is similar to the EU Blocking Statute in the sense that only PRC persons are entitled to take legal action to recover losses.

Nonetheless, it is not specifically stated whom the PRC persons may take action against, and so it is perhaps best to assume that any foreign persons or companies that implement or assist in implementing discriminatory or restrictive measures imposed by foreign countries against PRC individuals or organisations may be subject to a PRC lawsuit.

R C.111dfc253909a09a7b386d9b9b6c2589
Chinese prisons feed the inmates with generous portions of rice, vegetables, fish and chicken feet.

2. Navigating conflicts of law and their implications for PRC and foreign companies

It is unsurprising that the implementation of the Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law will create additional compliance obligations for companies engaging in cross-border transactions, in particular banks in the PRC, which inevitably engage in U.S. dollar transactions but are at the same time subject to PRC laws and regulations.

On the one hand, they may have to comply with the U.S. sanctions regime to avoid being denied access to the U.S. market or U.S. dollar transactions. On the other, they may be obliged to comply with the Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law if they have a substantive presence or assets in the PRC.

PRC companies – discrimination against other PRC companies?

The Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law does not resolve the dilemma that many PRC companies may have to face. Access to the U.S. dollar system remains a fundamental feature of the business of many PRC companies and simply disregarding the long-arm jurisdiction of U.S. secondary sanctions may lead to adverse consequences for their business operations.

This inevitably leads to a situation where many PRC companies may try to avoid doing business with other PRC entities or persons that are currently subject to U.S. sanctions.

R C.6e6e4f3aad15f1d286d3b18dc09b48aa
Chinese prison.

It is also standard practice to include sanction-related provisions in a contract to give a party a way to terminate the contract should the counterparty become a person or organisation sanctioned by the U.S. government.

The dilemma can best be illustrated by an example, albeit in a different context. The International Criminal Justice Assistance Law, enacted by the PRC government in October 2018,  requires companies or individuals in the PRC to seek government approval before providing evidence or information to foreign prosecutors in support of criminal proceedings in overseas jurisdictions.

R C.df8a210746aee7588c2b9748c0b3c2c8
Compliance with the capture of one or two wanted fugitives is of no consequence when billions of dollars in trade are at stake.

As a result, companies must choose whether to disregard the PRC law (if no government approval is given) and cooperate with foreign prosecutors or to abide by the PRC law and risk the consequences of being held in contempt of the foreign court or even being found guilty of obstruction of justice by the foreign court.

R C.1e54663afa2619a86800f056512d293f
Chinese prisons are not joyful places, but neither are they the rat-filled slums tha tthe Western media makes them out to be. I’m sure that many American officials would be comfortable in these clean, but austere, surroundings.

While it is often a commercial decision as to with whom to do business, the Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law creates some room for PRC persons who have suffered from discriminatory or restrictive measures under foreign sanctions laws to take retaliatory measures.

The legal implications of this cannot be ignored and it is vital for PRC companies to carefully consider sanctions-related provisions in contracts to avoid a situation where they risk being caught by either of the sanction regimes and suffering huge losses as a result.

OIP C.zY2WqefxdFd4O8tupU0 0AHaE8
Chinese prisons are not joyful places, but neither are they the rat-filled slums tha tthe Western media makes them out to be. I’m sure that many American officials would be comfortable in these clean, but austere surroundings.

For example, if there is a U.S. sanctions clause in a contract giving a party the option to terminate the contract if the PRC counterparty becomes a sanctions target of the United States, would it constitute a breach of the Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law if the party exercises the option to terminate the contract thereby causing losses to the PRC counterparty?

The situation is perhaps less clear when U.S. sanctions have already been imposed on the PRC counterparty and the party chooses not to deal with the PRC counterparty for other, commercial reasons. Of course, how the law will be enforced in practice is a question that only time will answer.

china prison 6
Chinese prisons are not joyful places, but neither are they the rat-filled slums tha tthe Western media makes them out to be. I’m sure that many American officials would be comfortable in these clean, but austere surroundings.

With that in mind, while the practical implications of the Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law remain to be seen, we see no benefit in PRC companies, and indeed foreign companies having a presence or assets in the PRC, failing to give due weight to this PRC ‘blocking statute’; otherwise, there may be serious consequences for their business operations and assets in the PRC.

OIP C.uh3zvlGHrvcG60g5hxMffQHaE7
Chinese prisons are very calm and orderly.

Some may have thought up ways to get around the dilemma – for example, by using non-U.S. dollars in transactions so as to minimise the risk of being caught by the U.S. secondary sanctions regime – but in practice, aside from the practical concern that many parties doing international business still prefer to use U.S. dollars in transactions, it is also difficult to completely eliminate such risk in large, cross-border transactions involving many parties.

Foreign companies

Life is supposed to be easier for foreign companies that do not have a substantive presence or assets in the PRC or deal with the PRC counterparty, but the opposite is often the case.

As explained above, given that the Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law has not clearly defined ‘organisations and individuals within the territory of the PRC’, the more precautionary approach is to assume that the law also extends to the PRC subsidiaries of foreign companies as well as the branches (which have no distinct legal personality) of foreign companies in the PRC.

gettyimages 52299691 1024x1024 1
Reeducation to fit into society is a staple of Chinese prisons.

It is therefore inevitable that foreign companies will have to face the Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law squarely and consider its impact on their business operations.

If you are a United States, EU, or foreign corportation, you could be directly targetted by the anti-sanction law. 

This includes seizure of all of your facilities (McDonalds, Pizza Hut), seizure of your logos and product pacment (iphone, Microsoft, Ford), and arrest of your corporate leaders (President, Vice PResidents, COO, and all middle mangers).
OIP C.OfklzR GWvr7sy6N CEtlQHaFA
Unlike the USA, judical proceedings are not debated. If you break a law, you pay the penalty. If the penalty is death, then you die.

Strictly speaking, where a foreign company does not have a presence or assets in the PRC, even if a PRC person can file a lawsuit against the company (which is unclear based on the current text of the law), there are still practical obstacles to serving court documents and enforcing judgments obtained against the foreign company pursuant to the Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law.

The company doesn't even have to be present in China. Safe-way™ can be targetted. Pep Boys™ can be targetted.
R C.0629b37ed97a08db54220ece93401d83
Inmates in China are processed just like in America.

It is also highly uncertain whether foreign courts (especially U.S. courts) will give effect to and assist in the enforcement of PRC judgments.

Meaning that enforcement will be up to the Chinese military.

Relevance to Hong Kong

In addition, an interesting question remains as to whether the Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law will also be enacted under the laws of Hong Kong, for example, by way of incorporation of the law into Annex III of the Basic Law or the passing of local laws to achieve the same effect. We consider that the consequences can be potentially more far-reaching as Hong Kong is well established as an international commercial hub where many foreign companies have branches or assets.

OIP C.eTnBOyl0y7dMUe9FzBAQpAHaEq
Chinese prisons are not joyful places, but neither are they the rat-filled slums tha tthe Western media makes them out to be. I’m sure that many American officials would be comfortable in these clean, but austere surroundings.

At the same time, U.S. dollar transactions play a dominant role in Hong Kong’s economic activities and it is almost impossible for companies in Hong Kong to disregard the extensive impact of U.S. sanctions.

The dilemma could become even thornier if the Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law is extended to apply in Hong Kong as well.

R C.61b732592c0cdee9fbdca0a9c9954613
China gets a bad rap for organ harvesting. But the real truth is that the felon is sedated prior to extraction of the organs, and they really don’t feel a thing during the procedure. It just happens so quickly and then they wake up and are given hot chicken broth before they have to go back to laboring in the mines.

3. Key takeaways

There is no denying that the Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law, a national law which has been enacted by the highest legislative body in the PRC, has established a sweeping legal basis for the PRC government to counteract the long-arm jurisdiction of foreign sanctions.

R C.eb4e3884e4828865c14ed5fc1bb0ea0a
The daily cavity check is a staple in Chinese prisons. It’s a daily routine.

While the countermeasure list is yet to be finalised and it is yet to be seen how the Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law will be applied in practice, for now, it is safe to conclude that no one can disregard the potentially profound consequences of the Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law, and both PRC and foreign (especially those with a presence or assets in the PRC) companies should carefully assess the risks of this recently enacted national law.

R C.d94edbaf2708286d34f594d2587847e9
Mass sentencing to death. China does not provide special privileges to companies or corporations. It doesn’t matter the magnitude of your guilt. Even borderline guilt is punishable by torture.

We recommend that PRC and foreign companies consider taking the following actions:

  1. seeking legal advice on the implications of the Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law for their business operations in the PRC or when dealing with a PRC counterparty;
  2. reviewing and improving their compliance systems to take into account the countermeasures imposed by the PRC – for example, taking note of and refraining from dealing with individuals and organisations named in the countermeasure list by the relevant departments of the State Council;
  3. considering the incorporation of appropriate clauses into contracts to allow for a situation where the company may be subject to both U.S. and PRC sanctions; and
  4. identifying practical options to minimise the legal risks of doing business in the PRC and foreign countries – for example, increasing use of non-U.S. dollars in transactions where possible.

Harsh Realities

Almost ALL of the companies that export from China to America are American companies.  Under the Chinese anti-sanction law, they will now become Chinese companies and will be forbidden to export to the United States.

How bad will this be?

  • 100% of cell phones are made (one way or the other) in China.
  • 90% of medicines are made in China.
  • 85% of automotive parts are made in China.
  • 98% of all appliances are made in China.
  • 65% of all furniture are made in China.
  • 85% of all batteries are made in China.
  • All of the major restaurants and retailers (Walmart) operate inside of China, and the vast majority of their incomes comes from China.

Not only will Chinese exports to America go to zero, but American companies, facing losses from 50% to 90% of their tangibale assets will experience massive slide in the stock market.

No wonder China is saying “bring it on!”.

What can you all expect?

  • Hyper inflation will become hyper-hyper inflation.
  • Movement of American business owners outside of the USA will risk imprisonment.
  • International Trade to the USA will end.
  • Store shelves will be bare except for high-priced military weapons systems and their accessories.
  • Many manufacturing companies will have to close and lay off workers because they will not have the materials need to make their products.
  • Gas  and products that use gas will go stratospheric.

But, you know, it’s all for a “good cause” , you know; to “punish Russia”.


Actually, I found this article a bit boring. But, you know, I had to pump it out. No one else on the planet is doing anything about this, so I have to.

Lazy fucks.

Why are you still here?

America is “exceptional”, and the Ukraine is kicking Russian butt. And everything is peachy, only there’s some inflation… pesky thing. But it’s all good. It’s Russia’s fault.

Don’t you know.

It’s all over the “news”.

So you know that any day now that the Ukraine will take over and march over Moscow. After all, you read the daily reports on Drudge, FOX, CNN and all the rest.

I read that the Russian solders are so fed up with Putin that they are throwing up, abandoning their weapons and running toward democracy™ as fast as their legs can carry them. Don’t you know!

Now leave. This will offend your world-view.

For you that stick around, ah… Here’s some sunny stuff to keep you all grounded on reality about China, life, and your part in it.

Chinese girl. These are PEOPLE that you God-damn people are talking about. Not some pile of french fries, you God-damn idiots. video

Here’s another one. These are people. Not things. video

Of course, if you are an American, you get a daily dose of “evil communist” this and that. Why they are the cause of all the problems in the United States. Oh, no. Not the goverment. Yeah. The communists!!!!!!!


Go ahead now. Run towards your next election, and then you can vote to make everything perfect!

It will work. Right?


What the fuck is that. Most Americans coudn’t tell a communist from a dead armadillo at the side of the highway.

Remember, boys and girls, China is organized.

Here’s how the Chinese start first grade. video

Here’s more. After all, you would never see this in America or the European Union.


This is what China is today. Do you honestly think that the “West” can compete? video

But the West has “diversity”!

And it has freedom™…

I don’t know what it means. I guess when the ATF was established to infringe on the second amendment, freedom ceased to exist.

And let’s be real.

The Chinee population is 1.4 billion people; over five times the population of the United States, and every single one of them can fire a fully automatic assault gun, throw hand grenades, assault tanks and perform small platoon level operations. video. First grade.

I’d take Chinese elementary school against any American high schoolers any day. The Chinese are smart, talented, organized and trained. They operate by merit and they are hungry.

In America, the Military has to be able to do five entire push ups to qualify. The Chinese have to do one hundred. And tehy had best do it when they are in first grade. Video

Of course, this means nothing. America is the home of Rambo®. Freedom™ and democracy™. So of course it is exceptional™.

Bottom line.

If you want to fuck with China, China will FUCK with you. This is a front, that you do NOT want to get involved in. Capisce?


Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 3


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A collection of really eye-popping articles and stories from 1950s and 60s Men’s pulp magazines

Ah, they don’t write stories like they used to.

I once read an article. It’s maybe six years ago that said that SJW types were scouring old used bookstores for “sexist” and “racist” books. Buying them up in huge lots and burning them, and generally trashing them outright.

I don’t know if it was true or not.

I certainly hope not.

What I do know is that my brother told me that when he visits the used books stores, he simply cannot find science fiction anthologies or collections of short stories anywhere. He said that he visited perhaps fifteen stores in the Colorado region and none could be had.

It would be a shame to see my boyhood erased simply becuase some bight-eyed utopian wanted to make the world better though tyranny.


But that’s the United States today. The internet is a corporate-technologist controlled dictatorship-based white-board. Things pop up, and then are erased as new narratives take hold, develop, conduct their purposes and then die.

Then new narratives materialize.

Now, it’s Ukraine. It was Coronavirus. Before that it was China. Before that was 5G radiation, before that was…

I need a beer.

By the way. You do know that beer goes great with steaks, meats, potatoes, and all sort of fine delicious and tasty foods. How about a fine, fine pot roast, eh?

2022 03 15 11 53
Pot roast. Needs some thick gravy and some fine icy cold beer.

It’s an old clichéd joke to say you read adult magazines for the articles. However, if you’re talking about men’s mags from the 1950s and 60s, there might actually be some truth in your statement.

Magazines like Playboy, Adam, Jem, and Rogue often featured genuinely well-written articles and short fiction.

Getting published in a men’s magazine wasn’t the shameful smudge on an author’s reputation as it is today – in fact, it was a common stepping stone for soon-to-be-famous authors.

Like Ray Bradbury.

2022 03 15 14 58
2022 03 15 14 58

But it isn’t just the stories that deserve respect – it’s the artwork that complimented them. Often sleazy and purposefully outrageous, the illustrations were designed to entice you to read the story in a not-so-subtle way.

Here in this article, we are going to present some most excellent examples. Grab some snacks, pour a large bowl with potato chips, get some nice dip, and start reading.

2022 03 15 15 01
Chips and dip.

Oh, and don’t forget a tall frosty glass of beer. Or, if you are like MM, a fine bottle of wine , and share with your beloved pet.

2022 03 15 15 03
2022 03 15 15 03

Have fun.

Be with your kitties.

I mean, more like this…

R C.ebdbbc4a191b046a8f43997e9a33c323
Not shown is a book, magazine, and a beloved pet next to you.

Let’s begin our fun adventure…

They were two drunken lovers having an affair in her bed while her husband was away. But, was he away? Wasn’t that he – respected adviser to the President – they now overheard plotting to kill the man in the White House?

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Lured by his smoldering eyes and magnetic personality, adoring women flocked to Rasputin. Peasant girls, prostitutes, princesses – they came, they saw, and they were conquered!

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6335965054 16831a9e5b b

We got home about midnight. Shelia, the sitter, lay fast asleep on the couch. Maria woke her. Then I drove her home… an hour later, she’d been raped and strangled – and I was suspect number one!

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Getting Avis pregnant, and other sinful shenanigans, proved that the passionate pastor simply didn’t practice what he preached…. it finally took the electric chair to deliver him from all evil.

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6335207551 aa2d59503b b

As the whistling whip snaked across her back, the young woman writhed in pleasure. For this was the joy that she’d paid to feel and relish.

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6335209837 0163dcd64b b

I could hear Ted’s screams, but I couldn’t get to him, the bull sea lions were surrounding me and the angry sea was at my back…

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6335209925 f95c194b10 o

With a 2,000-horse-soldier combat team, the mad Russian set out to take all Asia for a harem. And he would have made it if he hadn’t touched the man millions call God.

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6335210025 e6e955795a o

The Sewer rats are the only ones you’ll share your secret with.

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6335957032 89b11a4932 b

The couple’s honeymoon yacht turned into a craft of horrors when it was boarded by a lust-crazed psychopath who butchered anyone who dared invade his private inlet.

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6335199403 d988020d40 b 1

Big blondes in dime-store dresses, tender teenagers with eager smiles, they converge in front of fancy bars and good hotels in all the big towns bordering the hill country.

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6335199515 cb7b935f43 b

According to one automotive expert, these prestige-heavy imported hot rods are often badly made, unsafe, cash-eating tin cans perfectly designed for carrying you to the morgue.

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6335957270 225bfa37ab b

A wanton, lush-bodied kitten of a blonde, she gave Mike Webster the sweetest, most loving hideout any murderer-on-the-run ever had.

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6335957294 1d813a2ec3 b

Housemaids, heiresses, coeds and countesses – this brawling blackmailer sampled them all on a 75-year love binge so bawdy his memoirs still can’t be printed…

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6335957438 5d13e53e01 b

In life, she was a nymphomaniac with a very high taste in jewels and men. In death, she was Mike Shayne’s fourty-first murder case.

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6335207369 2e0e0e3049 b

Laos was in flames, and in that bloody, steaming jungle hid a broken and dying pilot guarding a cargo the Reds would give their birthright to get…

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6335964954 5c94d528e7 b

In the waning days of world war two, Germany was in a state of utter collapse and chaos.

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6335956456 353537a693 b

Angel terror across Dixie… Girl Rage Rampage!

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6335956536 e505f2d888 b

In the grim violence of the Mate Grosso, two lusting men and two equally desire lashed females were stripped of all defenses before the furious onslaught of body-snatching banditoes…

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6335956614 02143014e1 b


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6335198935 316a37e27a b

Jack Murphy primed her talents and showed her to the right people, all the while sating his desires on the sensuous blonde’s promise of passionate reward.

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6335956662 cd3fe1e112 b

Roaring out of the back alleys of Los Angles on their souped-up hogs, four piston-fast “leather jacket looters” and their “desire debs” hatched a plot for the greatest armored truck robbery ever attempted.

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6335199055 26b67f15bf b

…she didn’t even have time to…

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6335956856 f575574372 b

A tough yank enforcer, two revenge-hungry nymphs vs. a crazed murder genius.

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6335956980 df5ecf10ae b

An Englishman who produced a .30 caliber carbine compact enough to fit in a cigarette pack…

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6335199367 6e835443b8 b

Everyone in the third-floor room tried to laugh off what was happening to the girl on the bed – everyone but her boyfriend and the doctor, who found more in her stomach than just milk and cookies.

6335955266 e51bce0736 b
6335955266 e51bce0736 b

…he turned an island into a cross between Fort Knox and the sexiest Siegfried line ever built.

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6335197545 e52c0cff20 b

Those oriental Nazi dancing girls were all they were supposed to be… and more.

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6335197885 b99fcf9651 b

A murderer at the age of eleven, Ben Hogan led a life of crime and depravity that had no equal outside of Hell.

6335197901 eaa1d6c5f9 b
6335197901 eaa1d6c5f9 b

Blood was dripping from his slavering fangs…

6335956096 2128a66132 o
6335956096 2128a66132 o

With a bleching sound, the torrent gushed into the street. For tipplers it was a perfect way to die. For others it was an unheard of death.

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6335956130 bacd9eccde b

…his wrist and ankles manacled to a steel bed.

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6335198497 9824848f7e b

Women, whiskey and dope made the Japanese town of Chitose “the wickedest city in the far east”.

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6335198617 b9df26565e b

They pumped two bullets into Al Cooke and left him for dead, but he wasn’t ready for the grave yet… not until he could get the laust laugh.

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6335198639 e706f39136 b

he was determined to even an old score. But the grim climax with the giant tusker was unexpected.

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6335198699 339bccc8e1 b

The trappers poured into camp hunting for their week of women…

6335956348 5ef0192172 b
6335956348 5ef0192172 b

Murderous females who were armed to the teeth tricked Fred hardin into stopping his car for them. Then, by threatening to slit the throat of his wife on a moment’s notice, forced him to accompany them on a journey through Hell.

6335198729 a1cbac7992 b
6335198729 a1cbac7992 b

To save his mate from a fate worse than death, the incredibly swift cat invaded a camp swarming with professional hunters, ready to kill or be killed if necessary…

2022 03 07 19 15
2022 03 07 19 15

Brother Briggs’s 3,300,00 members game kept his desert empire polygamy  happy until the day the disciples caught on to the reason behind the leaders 9-1 ratio.

6335967544 01eed0626b o
6335967544 01eed0626b o

The Reds were bleeding the West of vital defense secrets. And even after a seven-year manhunt, counterintelligence had only one clue – a case of nylon undies.

2022 03 07 19 21
2022 03 07 19 21

“Being a Lady of the Night in jolly old London is never easy – but when somebody wants to carve you up, it’s sheer murder”

Adam v10 n10 Oct 1966 13
Adam v10 n10 Oct 1966 13

“He writhed in agony as they tore at his wife’s clothing… Dan’s car was the only weapon which could avenge their heinous crime.”

Adam v04 n04 Apr 1960 18
Adam v04 n04 Apr 1960 18

“Trapped by the mafia’s maniacal sadist, Garry had only one chance to save himself and the woman he loved”….And by the looks of things, Garry had damn well better hurry up!

Adam v5 no2 1961 0037
Adam v5 no2 1961 0037

“Reilly was doomed to a life without women – unless he could force the leprechaun to lift its double-whammy”

Possibly my favorite of all time.

Black Magic v03 n04 Jan 1967 AAA 022
Black Magic v03 n04 Jan 1967 AAA 022

One moment of frenzied passion could destroy his only chance for a perfect future.

Adam v5 no2 1961 0015
Adam v5 no2 1961 0015

“The telephone had killed his wife – and the telephone offered the perfect revenge”

Adam v5 no2 1961 0019
Adam v5 no2 1961 0019

Until he saw with his own eyes, the refused to believe a United Nations report -40,000 girls to be kidnapped this year in Europe and Africa and marched across the Sarah for sale to wealthy Arabian harem owners!


In an age of charm and delicacy, Madame Laramie was a demon incarnate.

Adam v04 n04 Apr 1960 12
Adam v04 n04 Apr 1960 12

The gallows beckoned and even Rand’s woman couldn’t save him from the gambler’s double-cross.

Adam v03 n11 Nov 1959 39
Adam v03 n11 Nov 1959 39

One minute you’re there, the next… poof! you’re ashes. Never a dull moment for drinkers.

Adam v10 n10 Oct 1966 54
Adam v10 n10 Oct 1966 54

Threatened with ultimate degradation, Mira became a slave to the strangest of passions.

Adam v5 no2 1961 0003
Adam v5 no2 1961 0003

The farewell party was so wild, he almost missed the journey…

Adam v10no8 Aug1966 0061
Adam v10no8 Aug1966 0061

Parker knew he must kill his wife’s lover… but he had one growing problem…

2022 03 07 19 24
2022 03 07 19 24

“Was Marie Antoinette a victim of character assassination, or did she diddle?”

2022 03 07 19 39
2022 03 07 19 39

“It was no ordinary shipboard romance.  Her bull of a husband was along for the ride.  Yet Allen knew he had to have her”

2022 03 07 19 3e8
2022 03 07 19 3e8

“Telsa had to save the mission from destruction because of Heroq’s passion to remain a Homo sapien”

As this illustration from 1968 demonstrates, artists were free to stylize their work by the late sixties, rather than stick to the somewhat homogeneous look of the mid-century illustrations.

2022 03 07 19 38
2022 03 07 19 38

“With five sex-starved wives to satisfy, a man can have a myriad of problems”

2022 03 07 19d 38
2022 03 07 19d 38

“Dollar for dollar, corpse for corpse, Holmes might have become America’s most successful lady killer – if one pretty doll hadn’t talked out of turn and exposed the most shocking mass murder in history”

2022 03 07 19 37
2022 03 07 19 37

“There are so many physiological differences between men and women that it is hard to believe they belong in the same species, says this noted psychologist”

2022 03 07 19 4s9
2022 03 07 19 4s9

The hang-up on the telephone saved him from getting hung up on the couch.

2022 03 07 19 49
2022 03 07 19 49

“The night was cold – and so was his wife. All of which led to Pete Landon’s tantalizing adventure.”

2022 03 07 19 51
2022 03 07 19 51

“Telling others what a big make out artist you are could very well help you become one”

2022 03 07 1s9 50
2022 03 07 1s9 50

All the hush-hush planning for the Allied invasion of Europe almost went out the window of a beautiful Hungarian’s bedroom.

2022 03 07 19 50
2022 03 07 19 50

“Iona screamed as Peggy stripped for the two men…. only one desperate gamble could stop the crazed convicts”

2022 03 07 19 dww53
2022 03 07 19 dww53

With a quick slap of the hand, Joe sent the shake-down artist to the floor.

2022 03 07 19 d53
2022 03 07 19 d53

He was a hostage of the Orient’s most notorious fighting brigade – a band of torture-trained females currently terrorizing the border region of Vietnam.

2022 03 07 19 53
2022 03 07 19 53

“If sexy strategist Suzanne had been a general, the South might have won the Civil War”

2022 03 07 19e 56
2022 03 07 19e 56

Broom and Board; a Witches tale.

2022 03 07 19 56
2022 03 07 19 56

“Hollywood’s a bad influence”… with the sordid Harvey Weinstein stories in the news of late, a very appropriate title. We’ll end here. Until next time.

2022 03 07 19 58
2022 03 07 19 58

Fun huh?

Yes. It was.

Back in the day, these magazines were everywhere. Young guys like myself would take our shoe-shine box and earn a few quarters spit-shing shoes and then use the money for candy and other treats. I used to happily get those comic books that were on this wire revolving display.

OIP C.qWuaUWJrSeL7I7qHXweviwHaOM
Comic book heaven.

This was at the local corner drugstore.

I would ride my bike there, and just leave it outside. There was no crime. And even if someone stole it, the community would easily track down who stole it and bring it back. I’d park my banana-seat, long handlebars, Schwinn bicycle outside and go in. The mesh screen door would slam behind me with this little tiny brass bell ringing as I entered.

At that store was a selection of scant housewares, household good, woman’s cosmetics, and a pharmacy in the back. They always had this counter at the side where you could get a simple hamburger platter, eggs and toast, a milkshake or some other delicious treat. Though, as a boy who only had coins, I would get a soda out of the machine outside.

coke machineJ4
coke machine

These small town businesses have largely disappeared in America. The small towns are deserted. Big mega-retailers like Wal-Mart and other enormous “box stores” pretty much devistated the smaller communities. Which is a real shame.

A real shame.

a lunch counter in a five and dime store
A lunch counter in a five and dime store.

Oh, I’ll bet that you are all wonderign what these strange businesses might look like. Well, they came in many different sizes and shapes. Some were just standard brick storefronts, while others were standalone oeprations.

Here’s a very “modern” small-town drugstore.

2022 03 15 15 22
Small town drugstore.

And what’s more, there were many, many other establishments in the small towns throughout the United States.

Here’s The Krystal. It’s a “fast food” hamburger “joint” that popped up and existed before McDonald’s acted like “The Borg” and assimulated all of them.

2022 03 15 15 24
The Krystal.

And there were all sorts of establishments to eat.

Most people, having two hour lunches, would eat and then go home and take a nap before returning back to work. In those days, long lunches with naps were the norm.

Here’s a typical restaurant at lunch time.

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The Varsity.

My father had a routine that he would have a lunch at the tavern across from the mill where he worked, and on Thursdays, he would mosey over to the Barber Shop for a haircut and trip afterwards.

Those were the days.

When I entered the work force, they were busy removing benefits left and right, eventually asking us to dash for a 15 minute drive through burger, and return back to a “Lunch Meeting”. This continued though the 1990s. Eventually they eliminated technnical and engineering / manufacturing work completely.

It wasn’t profitable, they said.


We have to understand what we lost before we can understand what we need to change.

The United States today is in turmoil. This is at every level. But if you want to simplify everything, it’s really easy. Greed and the search for profits over all has bankrupted the nation. It hollowed it out, and destroyed the population and society in the process.

It will change.

But right now, most people have no idea what they lost, so how are they supposed to regain any true and real freedoms?

I’ll tell you what…

Real freedom is going into a Men’s-only Barber Shop, picking up a “Girlie Magazine” while a baseball game plays in the backgound. You light up a cigarette, and inhale it deeply.

Is it sexist? Yes.

Is it racist? I don’t know.

Is it unhealthy? Probably.

But so what? It’s no ones business except yours alone.

Freedom is absolute.

You either have it or you do not.

Bye Bye America. You were a dream; and ideal that was never truly possible.

Do you want more?

I have more posts in my Happiness Index here…

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