The USA Is Committing Suicide

This is the year. It’s happening. It’s peaking.

This guy, Gonzalo Lira has laid it all out. All of it. Economic, Geo-political, economic, in very easy and clear terms. This video of his (in two parts – sorry about that) really tells you what is going on and why, and talks about what is going to happen.

MM agrees 100% with his assessment.

Outstanding video.

It’s in two parts due to some technical issues, but I have to tell youse guys, it’s brilliant. Man, oh man, does it set you up for a real understanding of what is going on in the Geo-Political scene right now.

Please watch both videos.

Hopefully they will stay up before the MSM takes them down. Outstanding. You need to watch both of these videos. Watch it to the very end. The best part is in the second video at 45:00:00 min to the end.

Part 1

2022 03 25 21 36
2022 03 25 21 36

Part 2


2022 03 25 21 22
2022 03 25 21 22


Pay attention to what is happening with Sanctions and Taiwan. You will start to realize the full extent what is going on.

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 3


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