I watched a recent video by Gonzalo Lira today, and of course, I completely agree with it. You can watch this video here…
Now, that you have watched this, my statement is what I have always said, but there is a a REAL urgency right now.
You need to provide ways to cut your dependence on expensive means of transportation, realizing that walking is often impractical.
- Get a bicycle. Walking sucks. Bicycle isn’t so bad. Don’t be so damn dependent on gas vehicles for transportation. Make sure the bike has a basket, and a lock. Use it to cut your gasoline expense. It will work! A used bike is fine. You can get them really cheap. Don’t wait. do it NOW.
- Electric Charging. If you have an electric vehicle, expect charging rates to increase. Figure on setting up your own charging station. Solar panels will take a long time, but it’s free. Using a gas generator uses gas, but it will work to charge up your car. There’s wind and hydro methods as well. You want to find ways to cut dependency on public utilities.
- Conversion kits. You can add a small electric motor or gas motor to your bicycle that will enable you to travel huge distances for pennies. Consider having a handiman install one of these on your bicycle. Go HERE.
Sure Summer is coming. Now is the time to prepare for Winter. Do not hesitate. To to antique stores and all the rest and find old wood or coal stoves. make sure you have one and install it. Go "old school".
- Get a wood burning stove. They can be small. Used ones are cheap. You can heat up your house for pennies using it. Place it in the room that is central to your home. With it, you need two (2x) “cords” or wood. One cord of wood is one pickup truck full of cut up wood. It will last all winter, and will cost from $50 to $150. Imagine only paying $50 for heat all Winter, eh? Don’t wait. Do it NOW.
- Get some coal. If you live in a coal-bearing region, get some coal. Just find the old local mines, and drive your car over, and pick up some chunks. They are everywhere alongside the road, and in open coal licks. Coal lasts much longer than wood, and burns much hotter. Use it to suppliment your wood burning stove. Do it NOW, if you live in a coal-bearning area.
Just some basic notes. It doesn't hurt to have extra.
- Bags of rice. Lasts near forever. Is cheap (right now). Stock up with a minimum of five bags. You all don’t want to have to carry them over 30 Km in your arms from the store to the house. Do it NOW.
- Bags of flour. Same thing. You’ll need to strain out the mill worms, but make sure that you have a couple of boxes of yeast to go along with it. without yeast, you’ll be stuck with flat breads. You need yeast. You cannot have too much flour. Just make sure that you store it properly. Do it NOW.
- Potatoes. Bags of potates can last up to 9 months. What you cannot eat, you can plant. they are healthy, full of starch and minerals.
- Canned Tuna. Cases. Get as many cases as you can. Get other canned vegitables as well. But having tuna, or other canned meats will be important.
- Cooking oil. Get a lot. It’s a heavy buttle to carry, and much comes from Ukraine.
- You need to start a garden. Tomatoes, lettice, onions, cucumbers, zuccini, carrots, potatoes. It can be small, a mini-tomato bush with keep you well supplied with daily tomatoes.
- Beware of night raids. Those that are unprepaired can raid your garden. If you cannot put up a fence, or keep it hidden, take steps to make it secure. Nothing is worse than spending the time and effort to make a garden, only to have some lazy people steal everything.
- Potatoes. This is a basic and simple plant that is easy to grow, lies hidden from view, and full of easy nutrition. Plant potatoes away from the main garden, and remember, most people don’t know what potato plants look like.
- Get some chickens. Three chickens will keep a family of four well fed daily. Select egg layers. Not decorative, or meat hens.
- Build a chicken coop. Have a handiman do it if you cannot, or buy one. They are not expensive. Small ones are the size of a dog house.
- Get some chicken food. Don’t rely on rice to feed chickens. You need special seed or bird seed.
- Learn to fish. Yes, you can get a pole and try to fish. I advise geting a fish trap and let the fish enter the trap and then take them home. It’s easier, less work and you get more fish that way.
- Shellfish. If you live near an ocean, learn how to harvest shellfish. It’s not hard, you just need a small hammer, and a pick.
Guard Dogs and Cats
- Guard Dogs. They scare bandits, theves, and criminals away. They are worth their weight in gold.
- Cats. They get rid of mice, rodents and cockroaches that feed on your stored dry goods. They are a great investment.
Cost Cutting Measures
- Clothes Line. Use of a clothes dryer in your home is a major contributor to your energy expenses. Start using a clothes line instead. Start with it to suppliment your load requirements, and then eventually use it entirely. Especially in the Summer.
- Expenses. I do not advocate that you completely change your lifestyle. I only suggest that you cut back. Instead of three starbucks coffee a week, reduce it to once a week. Just start to be moderate in your actions, and mindful of your expenses.
Let’s continue on geopolitics…
Australia to threaten China with the United States
Demon Comic

In Chicago
Chicago still has a few wooden water mains. Worse than that, they are busy terminating for cause all the old guys who know how to work on those mains, or slightly newer and important mains, because the old guys have pensions coming that can’t be paid. As it becomes plain to everyone it is a fools errand to work for Chicago Water more than a few years there is not much hope for keeping that infrastructure alive. And no way to pay for full replacement. Feels to many of us the plan is to flush the whole city. Even ten years ago I was in the civic frame of mind that thought this was the worlds greatest city. No one is planning for this place to be here another ten years. - Oldhippie
The way financial markets puked this week, they must have started reading the news. Let’s face it, the headlines are a little short of reassuring. The $6.49 price on a gallon of diesel is enough alone to tell you that the nation can’t do business the way it’s set up to do, and there isn’t a new model for running things ready to launch — not even Klaus Schwab’s utopia of robots and eunuchs.
What’s out there, rather, is a model of breakdown and collapse which the Woked-up, globalist neo-Jacobins are doing everything possible to hasten. US-inspired sanctions on Russia have quickly blown-up in America’s face. How’s that ban on Russian oil working?
Do you understand that US shale oil — the bulk of our production — is exceptionally light in composition, meaning it contains not much of the heavier distillates like diesel and aviation fuel? ‘Tis so, alas. Truckers just won’t truck at $6.49-a-gallon, and before long they’ll be out of business altogether, especially the independents who have whopping mortgages on their rigs that won’t be paid. The equation is tearfully simple: no trucks = no US economy.
Europe, the old original homeland of Western Civ, isn’t just losing face, it’s blowing its head clean off going along with “Joe Biden’s” economic war. Are Germany, France, and the rest of that bunch really so dead-set on jamming Ukraine into NATO that they’re willing to go full medieval for it? By which I mean sitting in the cold and dark with empty plates. That’s a hard way to go just to prove somebody else’s point.
The war in Ukraine itself was apparently losing its sex appeal for the click-hungry news media. No matter which way The New York Times and friends tried to spin it, they failed to grok both Russia’s determination to neutralize Ukraine and its ability to get the job done, even if it takes a longer-than-expected grind to finish.
That’s how important it was to Russia that Ukraine not become a forward missile base and bio-weapons lab for its adversaries.
When that operation concludes, the West will be left economically crippled and humiliated — which are conditions that historically portend regime change. Will America cough up “Joe Biden” like a hairball to get those trucks running again? Might the Dems themselves resort to releasing the kraken known as Hunter’s laptop just to send the old grifter packing?
In the meantime, the leaked Roe v Wade cancellation ruling shoved the Ukraine fiasco offstage so as to provoke more useful histrionics for the dreaded midterm elections upcoming. The poorly-understood truth is that said ruling will only send the abortion question back to the individual states.
But let’s get real: places like New York, Massachusetts, Maryland, and California are not going to enact any new anti-abortion laws, and that’s where most of the people having hebephrenic breakdowns over the issue live. Which is to say there’s little danger that the shrieking denizens of these Blue states will lack abortions. So, how much has the party only been pretending that Roe v Wade is its primal touchstone?
The strange parallel question has been raised: might laissez-fair abortion be a cover for the evident new problem that Covid-19 vaccines have made a shocking number of birthing people incapable of reproducing?
There’s a buzz about it, anyway.
It’s a fact that Pfizer excluded pregnant and breastfeeding women from all phases of its mRNA trials. Among the various harms now ascribed to the mRNA shots are infertility, miscarriage, and newborn abnormalities. But, of course, that sort of rumor — here coming from cases among vaccinated military personnel and not so easily hushed up — is just what the many lurking censors want to slap down in any forum where ideas could be exchanged. It’s misinformation!
And so, the derangement volume knob over Twitter changing ownership stays up at eleven. Imagine what will happen if the supposedly 70-odd percent of Americans who got vaxxed learn in a re-liberated Twitter Zone that the Covid-19 vaccines are not “safe and effective.”
According to Zero Hedge, twenty-six globalist NGOs with ties to George Soros signed a letter saying,
“Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter will further toxify our information ecosystem and be a direct threat to public safety, especially among those already most vulnerable and marginalized.”
They are, as usual, projecting — since what is a greater threat to public safety than inducing tens of millions of frightened citizens to accept multiple shots of a poorly-tested pharmaceutical cocktail that can kill you six ways to Sunday? The folks in-charge (and others who would like to be the boss-of-you) don’t want you to know any of this. The pharma companies, the doctors, the hospital administrators, and the politicians must be frantic with terror of being found out.
Altogether, the scene looks like a multi-dimensional nightmare. Broken economy… sinking Western Civ… police state tyranny… vaccine death and injury… starvation…. So, there it is. Oh, look, those markets… they’re puking again!
The Many Flags Inside Norway’s Flag

True story
Has actually happened.

Chinese Orbital Power Station
China aims to build an orbital solar collection/transmission station. This is a recent article about the project in Chinese and more can be found.
Worsening . . .
Russia just announced it is withdrawing its ambassador from Poland and is EXPELLING the Polish ambassador.
Details if they become available . . .
Girl taking a nap on a bench in the 1960s

Canadian fighting in Ukraine describes the ‘hell’ he witnessed
18 Signs That Food Shortages Will Get A Lot Worse As We Head Into The Second Half Of 2022
If you think that things are bad now, just wait until we get into the second half of this year. Global food supplies have already gotten very tight, but it is the food that won’t be produced during this current growing season in the northern hemisphere that will be the real problem. Worldwide fertilizer prices have doubled or tripled, the war in Ukraine has greatly reduced exports from one of the key breadbaskets of the world, a nightmarish bird flu pandemic is wiping out millions of chickens and turkeys, and bizarre weather patterns are absolutely hammering agricultural production all over the planet. I have often used the phrase “a perfect storm” to describe what we are facing, but even that phrase really doesn’t seem to do justice to the crisis that we will be dealing with in the months ahead. The following are 18 signs that food shortages will get a lot worse as we head into the second half of 2022…
#1 The largest fertilizer company on the entire planet is publicly warning that severe supply disruptions “could last well beyond 2022”…
The world’s largest fertilizer company warned supply disruptions could extend into 2023. A bulk of the world’s supply has been taken offline due to the invasion of Ukraine by Russia. This has sparked soaring prices and shortages of crop nutrients in top growing areas worldwide; an early indication of a global food crisis could be in the beginning innings. Bloomberg reports Canada-based Nutrien Ltd.’s CEO Ken Seitz told investors on Tuesday during a conference call that he expects to increase potash production following supply disruptions in Russia and Ukraine (both major fertilizer suppliers). Seitz expects disruptions “could last well beyond 2022.”
#2 The world fertilizer price index has skyrocketed to absurd heights that have never been seen before.
#3 It is being reported that global grain reserves have dropped to “extremely low” levels…
“Global grains stocks remain extremely low, an issue that has become amplified because of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. “We think it will take at least 2-3 years to replenish global grains stocks,” Illinois-based CF Industries Holdings Inc.’s president and chief executive officer Tony Will said in a statement in Wednesday’s earnings report.
#4 Due to the war, agricultural exports from Ukraine have been completely paralyzed…
Nearly 25 million tonnes of grains are stuck in Ukraine and unable to leave the country due to infrastructure challenges and blocked Black Sea ports including Mariupol, a U.N. food agency official said on Friday. The blockages are seen as a factor behind high food prices which hit a record high in March in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, before easing slightly in April, the FAO said on Friday.
#5 The out-of-stock rate for baby formula in the United States has now reached 40 percent…
The out-of-stock rate for baby formula hovered between 2% and 8% in the first half of 2021, but began rising sharply last July. Between November 2021 and early April 2022, the out-of-stock rate jumped to 31%, data from Datasembly showed. That rate increased another 9 percentage points in just three weeks in April, and now stands at 40%, the statistics show. In six states — Iowa, South Dakota, North Dakota, Missouri, Texas and Tennessee — more than half of baby formula was completely sold out during the week starting April 24, Datasembly said.
#6 In six U.S. states, the out-of-stock rate for baby formula has actually risen to 50 percent or greater.
#7 Searches for the phrase “how to make homemade formula for babies” on Google have spiked 120 percent.
#8 We are being told that this is a “perfect storm” as shelves become increasingly bare at food banks all around the nation.
#9 In Canada, more than 1.7 million chickens and turkeys have already been lost in recent months due to the global bird flu pandemic.
#10 In the United States, more than 37 million chickens and turkeys have already been wiped out due to the global bird flu pandemic.
#11 The two largest reservoirs in California, Shasta Lake and Lake Oroville, have both fallen to “critically low levels”.
#12 Some communities in southern California won’t be able to make it through the coming summer months without “significantly cutting back” on their water usage.
#13 Many of the largest lakes around the world are currently in the process of disappearing because they are rapidly drying up.
#14 Wildfires continue to absolutely devastate agricultural land all across the western half of the United States. This weekend, it was New Mexico’s turn to be hit the hardest…
After a few days of calm that allowed some families who had fled wildfires raging in northeast New Mexico to return to their homes, dangerous winds picked up again Sunday, threatening to spread spot fires and complicate work for firefighters. More than 1,500 firefighters were on the fire lines at the biggest blaze east and northeast of Santa Fe, which grew another 8 square miles (20 square kilometers) overnight to an area more than twice as large as the city of Philadelphia.
#15 We are being told that steak prices in the United States will “keep rising” in the days ahead.
#16 Due to hail and frost, the Spanish apricot crop is going to be way below expectations…
In Spain, the latest forecasts suggest production will not reach 60,000 tonnes, compared with 110,000 tonnes in 2019 and 100,000 tonnes in 2020 and 90,000 tonnes in 2021. In Murcia, where around two-thirds of Spain’s apricot production is located, farmers in the Mula River and northwest regions have been forced to write off the entire season following a severe hailstorm on Monday which not only resulted in the loss of the fruit, but also caused widespread damage to trees.
#17 Overall, Spanish fruit production is expected to drop to the lowest level in 40 years.
#18 Kansas Senator Roger Marshall is openly warning that a horrifying worldwide famine is coming…
The war in Ukraine will lead to a worldwide famine in the next two years, warned Sen. Roger Marshall (R-Ky.), who serves on the Senate Agriculture Committee, warned on Tuesday. “You know I’m a big agriculture guy. Twelve, 15 percent of the agriculture products – corn and wheat, sunflower oil – come through that Black Sea, so— and fertilizers come from that area as well, so there actually is going to be a famine one to two years from now. I think two years from now will be even worse,” he told Fox Business’s “Mornings with Maria Bartiromo” on Tuesday.
The alarm bells are ringing.
Are you listening?
In all of the years that I have been writing, I have never seen anything even close to this, and this crisis is only going to intensify as the months roll along.
MM Comments
As I have often said, and I will repeat, Americans and those in the West seem to think that if inflation, shortages, or tax increases happen inside America that they will ALSO happen globally. That is not true.
Keep that in mind.
Teenagers in the 1960s


Supply Chains
Fragile supply chains are facing a new headwind amid Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and a new COVID-19 lockdown in one of China’s manufacturing hubs.
Shipping giants including Switzerland-based MSC, Denmark’s Maersk, and France’s CMA CGM announced this month that they would halt cargo bookings to and from Russia until further notice, joining the growing list of companies to shun Moscow over its invasion of Ukraine.
And on Tuesday, after Russia signed a law enabling domestic airlines to keep planes leased from foreign companies, Maersk announced that it’s trying to retrieve tens of thousands of shipping containers from the country.
“We have about 50,000 of our containers in Russia today,” Maersk Chief Executive Soren Skou said. “Most of them are empty, they are our property. We need them, and we are very reluctant to leave them in Russia. For this reason, we still have some port calls in Russia.”
Real Polish Meat Pierogi – Recipe Video by Polish Your Kitchen
Car trouble in New York


A selection of links
“Ukraine on fire” An Oliver Stone documentary
Link Vimeo
“Donbass I’m Alive!” – 50 min
Former US Marine and UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter:
2022-04-28 – How to End the War Now – UN Chief Weapons Inspector Scott Ritter – 2 MINUTES LINK
2022-04-11 – Scott Ritter and the Battle of the Donbas (with Gonzolo Lira) – 1hr 17min
2022-04-08 – SCOTT RITTER with Gerald Celente – Ukraine War Could Have Been Avoided but Here’s Why Putin Will Achieve His Goals – 54 min
Col. Douglas Macgregor on Tucker Carlson – The American Military is in Trouble: MacGregor – 4 min
Col. Richard Black – After serving 31 years in the Marines and in the Army, Black then served in the Virginia House of Delegates from 1998 to 2006, and in the Virginia Senate from 2012 to 2020. U.S. Leading World to Nuclear War – 1hr 10 min
Gonzalo Lira – A Chilean citizen married to a Ukrainian who’s been reporting live from Kyiv and Karkhiv since the beginning of the war.
Gonzalo started live reporting from his hotel in Kiev at the beginning of the invasion. He relocated to Kharkiv after the first week. This is his original channel, with videos from March 3 to April 12 (his videos from Feb 26 to March 1 have been deleted).
Gonzolo Lira II – After being detained by Ukrainian secret police, he lost access to his original channel. He’s now posting short daily updates here:
Alex Christoforou – Daily updates and news commentary from Athens, Greece
The Duran – Panel discussions of current events with Alexander Mercouris, Alex Christoforou, and Gonzolo Lira, plus guests like Scott Ritter:
Redacted with Natali and Clayton Morris
The Dive with Jackson Hinkle
The Jimmy Dore Show
The New Atlas – Former marine Brian Berletic (aka Tony Cartalucci) reports on Eurasian geopolitics from Bangkok, Thailand.
Patrick Lancaster – LIVE IN UKRAINE
John Mark Dougan – LIVE IN Ukraine.
Graham Phillips – LIVE IN Ukraine
iEarlGrey – LIVE IN Saint Petersburg, Russia. News from the ‘other side’ from an English ExPat.
Diner in New York in 1960s

Update those damned spam filters (pun intended)

China ‘Deeply Alarmed’ By SpaceX’s Starlink Capabilities That Is Helping US Military Achieve Total Space Dominance
China doesn’t simple hold it’s collective dick in it’s hands. China takes action. I am sure that things are in process.
A recent commentary in the official newspaper of the Chinese armed forces suggested that the international community should be on high alert for the risks associated with the Starlink satellite internet system, as the US military could potentially use it for dominating outer space. The commentary came one day ahead of SpaceX’s launch of the Falcon 9 rocket that took off on May 6 from Launch Complex 39A at Kennedy Space Center, carrying 53 Starlink internet satellites to the low-earth orbit (LEO). “SpaceX has decided to increase the number of Starlink satellites from 12,000 to 42,000 – the program’s unchecked expansion and the company’s ambition to use it for military purposes should put the international community on high alert,” said the article on China Military Online, the official news website affiliated with the Central Military Commission (CMC), China’s highest national defense organization headed by President Xi Jinping himself.
Article HERE
Aussie Meat Pie Recipe – Authentic Recipe | Aussie Pie’s
This simple food dish revolutionized my ideas of what food is. Here’s how to make it.
Girls of 1960s NYC

Must be a german shepard

Speech by the President of Russia at the military parade
From HERE. Not reported in Western media…
Speech by the President of Russia at the military parade Vladimir Putin: Dear citizens of Russia! Dear veterans! Comrade soldiers and sailors, sergeants and foremen, midshipmen and ensigns! Comrade officers, generals and admirals! I congratulate you on the Great Victory Day! The defense of the Motherland, when its fate was being decided, has always been sacred. With such feelings of genuine patriotism, the militia of Minin and Pozharsky rose for the Fatherland, went on the attack on the Borodino field, fought the enemy near Moscow and Leningrad, Kyiv and Minsk, Stalingrad and Kursk, Sevastopol and Kharkov. So now, these days you are fighting for our people in the Donbass. For the security of our Motherland - Russia. May 9, 1945 is forever inscribed in world history as a triumph of our united Soviet people, their unity and spiritual power, an unparalleled feat at the front and in the rear. Victory Day is near and dear to each of us. There is no family in Russia that was not scorched by the Great Patriotic War. Her memory never fades. On this day, in the endless stream of the "Immortal Regiment" - children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War. They carry photographs of their relatives, fallen soldiers who have remained forever young, and veterans who have already left us. We are proud of the unconquered, valiant generation of victors, that we are their heirs, and it is our duty to keep the memory of those who crushed Nazism, who bequeathed us to be vigilant and do everything so that the horror of a global war does not happen again. And therefore, despite all the disagreements in international relations, Russia has always advocated the creation of a system of equal and indivisible security, a system that is vital for the entire world community. In December last year, we proposed to conclude an agreement on security guarantees. Russia called on the West to an honest dialogue, to search for reasonable, compromise solutions, to take into account each other's interests. All in vain. The NATO countries did not want to hear us, which means that in fact they had completely different plans. And we saw it. Openly, preparations were underway for another punitive operation in the Donbass, for an invasion of our historical lands, including Crimea. In Kyiv, they announced the possible acquisition of nuclear weapons. The NATO bloc has begun active military development of the territories adjacent to us. Thus, a threat that is absolutely unacceptable to us was systematically created, moreover, directly at our borders. Everything indicated that a clash with neo-Nazis, Bandera, on whom the United States and their younger partners staked, would be inevitable. I repeat, we have seen how the military infrastructure is unfolding, how hundreds of foreign advisers began to work, there were regular deliveries of the most modern weapons from NATO countries. The danger grew every day. Russia gave a preemptive rebuff to aggression. It was a forced, timely and only right decision. The decision of a sovereign, strong, independent country. The United States of America, especially after the collapse of the Soviet Union, started talking about its exclusivity, thereby humiliating not only the whole world, but also its satellites, who have to pretend that they do not notice anything and meekly swallow it all. But we are a different country. Russia has a different character. We will never give up love for the Motherland, faith and traditional values, the customs of our ancestors, respect for all peoples and cultures. And in the West, these thousand-year-old values, apparently, have decided to cancel. Such moral degradation became the basis for cynical falsifications of the history of the Second World War, inciting Russophobia, praising traitors, mocking the memory of their victims, erasing the courage of those who won and suffered the Victory. We know that American veterans who wanted to come to the parade in Moscow were effectively banned from doing so. But I want them to know that we are proud of your exploits, your contribution to the common Victory. We honor all the soldiers of the allied armies - Americans, British, French - participants in the Resistance, brave soldiers and partisans of China - all who defeated Nazism and militarism. Dear comrades! Today, the militiamen of Donbass, together with the fighters of the Russian Army, are fighting on their own land, where the combatants of Svyatoslav and Vladimir Monomakh, the soldiers of Rumyantsev and Potemkin, Suvorov and Brusilov, fought the enemy, where the heroes of the Great Patriotic War - Nikolai Vatutin, Sidor Kovpak, Lyudmila Pavlichenko fought to the death. I am now addressing our Armed Forces and the Donbass militia. You are fighting for the Motherland, for its future, so that no one forgets the lessons of the Second World War. So that there is no place in the world for executioners, punishers and Nazis. Today we bow our heads before the blessed memory of all whose lives were taken by the Great Patriotic War, before the memory of sons, daughters, fathers, mothers, grandfathers, husbands, wives, brothers, sisters, relatives, friends. We bow our heads before the memory of the martyrs of Odessa, who were burned alive in the House of Trade Unions in May 2014. Before the memory of the elderly, women and children of Donbass, civilians who died from ruthless shelling, barbaric strikes of neo-Nazis. We bow our heads before our comrades-in-arms, who died the death of the brave in a righteous battle - for Russia. A moment of silence is announced. (Moment of silence.) The death of each of our soldiers and officers is a grief for all of us and an irreparable loss for relatives and friends. The state, regions, enterprises, public organizations will do everything to provide such families with care and help them. We will give special support to the children of the dead and wounded comrades. The Presidential Decree on this was signed today. I wish the wounded soldiers and officers a speedy recovery. And I thank the doctors, paramedics, nurses, medical staff of military hospitals for their selfless work. A low bow to you for fighting for every life - often under fire, on the front line, not sparing yourself. Dear comrades! Now here, on Red Square, soldiers and officers from many regions of our vast Motherland stand shoulder to shoulder, including those who arrived directly from the Donbass, directly from the combat zone. We remember how Russia's enemies tried to use bands of international terrorists against us, tried to sow national and religious enmity in order to weaken and split us from within. Nothing succeeded. Today, our fighters of different nationalities are together in battle, covering each other from bullets and shrapnel like brothers. And this is the strength of Russia, the great, indestructible strength of our united multinational people. Today you are defending what your fathers and grandfathers, great-grandfathers fought for. For them, the highest meaning of life has always been the well-being and security of the Motherland. And for us, their heirs, devotion to the Fatherland is the main value, a reliable support for the independence of Russia. Those who crushed Nazism during the Great Patriotic War showed us an example of heroism for all time. This generation of winners, and we will always look up to them. Glory to our valiant Armed Forces! For Russia! For victory! Hooray!
A victim of the telephone

A Misty English Wood

Beef Pasties (Esfiha fechada)
This is the Brazilian version of “meat pies”. OMG! Unique taste. Nice size. Yum! This recipe doesn’t seem to be anything more than a basic meat pie… plain. You can consider this to be the basics for future meat pie exploations. And this version is very compatable with Western diets; read “American tastes”.
Anyone doing this in 2015…

“US watched its colonies slipping away.”
The US gains nothing from holding Europe captive but loses EVERYTHING from losing Europe. Largest EU trading partner is China. Trains run from Shanghai and Wuhan into Germany every week carrying laptops and other goods across Russia. It is far faster than by ship. That is now halted. That is the whole purpose of the Ukraine War. Now China intends to use Mariupol as a port at the end of the train line and avoid Malucca Straits and Suez Canal. Merkel signed an Investment Treaty with China during German presidency of European Council and US was incandescent under Trump. Conte as PM in Italy signed wide-ranging treaties with China including Yellow Brick Road Treaty - US watched its colonies slipping away. -Paul Greenwood
Rome right after world war II

The atmosphere and photographic challenge of the English forest…

Brazilian Pastel – Easy Meat Pie Recipe
But, yeah. This is even BETTER! Note the VERY UNIQUE ingredients that really KICK the flavors and uniqueness! I especially love the green olives and hard boiled eggs mixed with the ground hamburger.
The Devil made Him do it!

Beautiful forest

Rome after world war II

Scott Ritter
Scott Ritter has penned An open letter to the American people, as Russia celebrates its WW2 victory over the Nazis that’s part autobiographical and thus informs us of his behavior. He concludes with words that are hard for people to swallow but must be soberly faced:
"Unlike the Germans, the Russian people don’t forget. "Sadly, I cannot say the same thing about the American people. There will be no Victory in Europe celebration in the United States this year, just as there hasn’t been for years past. We have forgotten our “Greatest Generation” and the sacrifices they made for our future. There is no American “Immortal Regiment” of family members marching proudly down the main streets of US towns and cities honoring the cause for which these young men and women served. "We have forgotten what they even fought for.... "Instead, the United States is providing succor to the present-day adherents of Bandera, and by extension, Hitler; their hateful ideology disguised as Ukrainian nationalism. American military personnel, whose traditions are born from the heroic sacrifices made by hundreds of thousands of their fellow soldiers, sailors, and airmen who gave their lives to defeat Nazi Germany, are today providing weapons and training to Ukrainians whose bodies and banners bear the markings of Hitler’s Third Reich. "On May 9, Russia will celebrate Victory Day, marking the 77th anniversary of the defeat of Nazi Germany. Unfortunately, the struggle against Nazi ideology continues to this day and, sadly, the United States finds itself on the wrong side of history, supporting those whom we once were sworn to defeat, while fighting against those whom we once called allies."
The Deep, Dark history documenting decades of such “succor” Ritter omits although he knows it, but I don’t condemn him for the omission as very few of those his letter addresses will be provided an opportunity to read it since Free Speech and Press are cancelled. Perhaps barflies might share his letter with those still able to appreciate its contents since standing up for your country–in my case the USA–means being very much opposed to those aiding Fascists & Nazis while destroying their own people and lying about it all every step of the way.
It’s not just Russia. It’s China as well.
They HAVEN’T forgotten.
So very stunning!

How to Make Beef Shawarma at Home
A Middle Eastern classic street food, shawarma can be made with beef, chicken, lamb or a combination, but it is all about the spice mix to give the authentic flavor.

The deep, dark and moist misty forest

The Stock Market Carnage That You Have Been Waiting For Is Here
A lot of people out there have been waiting for this stock market bubble to implode for a really long time. Well, the wait is now over. Stock prices have been falling for months, but what we have witnessed within the past couple of weeks has been absolutely breathtaking. Trillions upon trillions of dollars worth of paper wealth has been suddenly wiped out, and many investors are panic selling in a desperate attempt to lock in profits before the market completely collapses.
On Monday, the Dow lost another 600 points, but the really big news continues to be the staggering declines for both the S&P 500 and the Nasdaq…
The Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped 653.67 points to 32,245.70, or 1.99%. The S&P 500 fell 3.2% to settle at 3,991.24, while the Nasdaq Composite lost 4.29% to 11,623.25.
It has been stunning to see these sorts of numbers day after day.
One long-time market veteran actually used the word “violent” to describe what we have been witnessing…
“I’ve been in the markets for 25 years and I’ve never seen anything like this,” said Danielle DiMartino Booth, CEO and chief strategist for Quill Intelligence, a Wall Street and Federal Reserve research firm. “It’s violent not just volatile.”
Sadly, she is right on target. Things have already gotten really crazy, but many believe that the most chaotic chapters of this market implosion are still ahead of us.
The S&P 500 just dropped below 4,000 for the first time in more than a year, and I am already seeing people talk about what will happen when it falls to 3,000.
As for the Nasdaq, it has already plummeted 27 percent from the all-time record high.
Needless to say, that puts the Nasdaq well into bear market territory.
Tech stocks were crushed once again to begin the week, with some of the biggest names leading the way…
Rising rates continued to crush technology names such as Meta Platforms and Alphabet, which lost 3.7% and 2.8%, respectively. Amazon, Apple and Netflix all fell more than 5%, 3% and 4%, respectively, while Tesla and Nvidia plunged more than 9% each.
And check out these numbers for all of 2022 so far…
Tesla: down 25 percent
Disney: down 30 percent
Amazon: down 34 percent
Facebook: down 41 percent
Uber: down 45 percent
Snap: down 50 percent
Netflix: down 71 percent
Of course Palantir has them all beat…
Palantir Technologies, which went public in September 2020 via a direct listing amid enormous hype and hoopla, has now earned a much coveted spot in my Imploded Stocks column. Today, Palantir reported another huge loss, this time $101 million, on $446 million in revenues, bringing its total loss over the past four years, to $2.86 billion. Its revenue outlook for Q2 was below what Wall Street expected. Shares [PLTR] kathoomphed 22% so far today, and 84% from the peak in January 2021, to $7.40 a new all-time low.
Investors are starting to figure out that trendy “tech companies” that regularly lose hundreds of millions of dollars are not actually good investments.
Cryptocurrencies have been falling dramatically as well.
Bitcoin and other cryptos were hammered really hard once again on Monday, and at this point Bitcoin is down almost 55 percent from the all-time high…
Bitcoin is off nearly 55% from its November peak, and 40% of holders are now underwater on their investments, according to new data from Glassnode. That percentage is even higher when you isolate for the short-term holders who got skin in the game in the last six months when the price of bitcoin peaked at around $69,000.
Those that bought Bitcoin low and got out in time ended up making a killing.
But those that got in at or near the top of the market and just kept holding on are going to get absolutely eviscerated.
Of course that is how the market works. You either eat or you get eaten.
As for what is ahead, many of the experts are fearing the worst. Here is just one example…
“We expect markets to remain volatile, with risks skewed to the downside as stagflation risks continue to increase,” wrote Barclays’ Maneesh Deshpande. “While we cannot discount sharp bear market rallies, we think upside is limited.”
In the short-term, you would think that things should stabilize at some point.
The fact that the Fed recklessly raised interest rates last week really shook a lot of people up, but that wave of panic should soon subside.
The much bigger issue is the outlook for the U.S. economy moving forward. Interestingly, even corporate media outlets are now adopting a very negative tone about what is coming…
Inflation is at a 40-year high. Stock prices are sinking. The Federal Reserve is making borrowing much costlier. And the economy actually shrank in the first three months of this year. Is the United States at risk of enduring another recession, just two years after emerging from the last one?
Even without another unexpected “trigger event”, the U.S. economy should get progressively worse throughout the remainder of 2022.
But as I have detailed in my last couple of books, I believe that we have entered a time in history when unexpected “trigger events” will come fast and furious.
Keep a close eye on the Middle East for the rest of this year, and we will all want to carefully watch how the global food crisis develops.
When people don’t have enough food, violence tends to erupt. We saw this during the Arab Spring of 2011, and we will undoubtedly see similar eruptions in the months ahead.
Only this time around, the food shortages that we are facing threaten to develop into a long-term phenomenon.
In all my years of writing, I have never been more concerned about what is in front of us.
We have already been hit by crisis after crisis so far in 2022, but it looks like the second half of this year is going to be even crazier than the first half.
Deep, dark and lovely

Is Ukraine’s War Now America’s War?
Last week, sources leaked to The New York Times that, in Ukraine’s targeting and killing of Russian generals and the sinking of Russia’s Black Sea flagship, the Moskva, U.S. intelligence played an indispensable role.
Apparently, our intel people identified and located for the Ukrainian forces what became the targets of their deadly attacks.
Why U.S. intelligence would do this seems inexplicable.
By claiming credit for Ukraine’s most visible military successes, we diminish the achievements of that country’s own forces.
By bragging publicly that we helped engineer the killing of Russian generals and the sinking of the cruiser Moskva, we taunt Russian President Vladimir Putin. We provoke him into retaliating in kind against us, thereby raising the possibility of a wider U.S.-Russia war that could escalate into World War III.
Moreover, U.S. boasting like this plays right into Putin’s narrative that Russia is facing and fighting in Ukraine a U.S.-led alliance that is out to crush Russia.
Indeed, why are we going beyond assistance to the Ukrainians in defending themselves, into making this American’s war?
When Speaker Nancy Pelosi arrived in Poland following her visit to Kyiv, she virtually embraced the idea of the Ukraine-Russia war as now being America’s war, declaring, “America stands with Ukraine. We stand with Ukraine until victory is won.”
Accompanying Pelosi to Kyiv was a delegation of House Democrats, one of whom, Rep. Jason Crow of Colorado, echoed Pelosi in Poland:
“The United States of America is in this to win.”
Their visit followed that of Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, who came out of Kyiv and declared the U.S. strategic goals in Ukraine’s war:
“We want to see Russia weakened to the degree that it can’t do the kind of things it has done in invading Ukraine.”
These statements by U.S. leaders reinforce Putin’s line that Russia is besieged by a U.S.-led Western alliance that fears and detests Mother Russia and wishes to see her defeated and diminished.
Our enemies in the West who seek to destroy Russia are like those we fought in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, Putin now claims. And intervention in Ukraine was necessary to prevent today’s neo-Nazis from dragging Ukraine into their larger conspiracy to destroy Russia.
Consider Putin’s words of a week ago:
“The forces that have always pursued a policy of containing Russia … do not want such a huge and independent country that is too big for their ideas … They believe it endangers them simply by the fact of its existence, although this is far from reality. It is they who endanger the world.”
We are hated for who and what we are, says Putin. And our military operation is an act of legitimate self-defense against the same kind of “Nazi filth” we fought in the Great Patriotic War.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov describes the recent surge in heavy Western weapons shipments to Ukraine as “NATO … going to war with Russia through a proxy and arming that proxy.”
By cutting Republicans out of her delegation to Kyiv, Pelosi appears to want to make the war not only America’s war, but her party’s cause.
That seems to be a motive as well behind Biden’s consciously exceeding any Western leader in the language he uses on Putin, calling him a “killer,” a “murderous dictator,” a “pure thug,” a “butcher,” a “war criminal,” guilty of “genocide,” who “for God’s sake … cannot remain in power.”
Such language is designed to showcase Biden as the world’s leading anti-Putinist and the most morally outraged of all the world’s leaders at what Russia is doing in Ukraine.
But, again, like the public boasting of U.S. intel agents over our role in the sinking of the Moskva and killing of the Russian generals, the effect is to disqualify the U.S. president from any role in negotiating a truce or an end to this war.
How do we benefit from having no leader-to-leader communication with the Kremlin, which President John F. Kennedy retained in the Cuban missile crisis to end it?
NATO Europe, which is supporting the Ukrainian resistance, is not on board with the U.S. plans to cripple Russia permanently.
America needs to recognize that our objectives in this war are not the same as Ukraine’s.
President Volodymyr Zelenskyy would like to have the U.S. plunge in and fight alongside Kyiv, devastate and defeat the Russian army, and expel Russia not only from the regions invaded this year but also from Crimea, which Putin annexed in 2014 .
America’s vital interests in this war, however, are to prevent it from becoming a U.S.-Russia war or a third world war or a nuclear war.
The U.S. goal of imposing a crushing defeat of Russian aggression is secondary to our far more vital interest in avoiding a U.S.-Russia war.
America’s interests are best served by an early and negotiated peace. Such a goal rules out imposing humiliating terms on Russia, which cause Moscow and Putin to escalate militarily — to survive politically.
Patrick J. Buchanan is the author of “Nixon’s White House Wars: The Battles That Made and Broke a President and Divided America Forever.”
Sergey Glazyev: For those who still don’t understand
Source: HERE
Machine Translation and then checked and finessed by the Saker Blog Translators
I will try to briefly explain and justify the necessary measures to achieve Victory
A special military operation (SVO) revealed a plan prepared in advance by the US power and financial elite to seize power in Russia. It includes the following components and stages.
1. Wear out the Russian armed forces in a war with well-trained and directly controlled by the Pentagon fighters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, “stitched” by the Nazis with a vertical of officers appointed by the US and British special services. Turn the population of Ukraine into zombies infected with Russophobia. At the same time, incite the international community against Russia, making accusations of war crimes and genocide against its leadership. On this basis, confiscate Russia’s foreign currency assets and impose total sanctions against it, causing the maximum possible damage. This stage is actually completed.
2. Terrorize the Russian population with shelling of border settlements and military infrastructure, sabotage of transport, and hacker attacks. Hit the public consciousness with a flood of negative fake news and anti-government propaganda through social networks. To impose, through their agents of influence in the financial and economic authorities, an economic policy that blocks the mobilization of resources, including: inflating interest rates, continuing the export of capital, encouraging currency and financial speculation, manipulating the ruble exchange rate, and inflating prices. Thus, the sanctions can be repeatedly aggravated and provoke a collapse in production and a decline in living standards. This stage is in full swing.
3. Provoking protest moods and destructive socio-political actions aimed at overthrowing the legitimate authorities against the background of falling living standards and losses in the course of their activities. The use of the entire arsenal of methods for organizing “color revolutions” financed by the Comprador oligarchy under the promise of unfreezing assets seized in the US-European jurisdiction. At the same time, we are preparing the organizational and ideological foundations for separatist actions in the regions. This stage is under active development.
This plan also provides for the following tasks::
- consolidation of US control over the European Union and NATO countries;
- use of the armed forces of Poland, Romania and the Baltic states, as well as mercenaries from the West, the Middle East and the Middle East in combat operations against Russia;
- the destruction of the male population and the actual enslavement of women and children of Ukraine for the subsequent development of this territory in the interests of the power and financial elite of the United States, Britain and Israel.
The implementation of this plan, in fact, is aimed at destroying the Russian world, followed by the American “deep state” plans to destroy Iran and block China.
Due to the objective laws of global economic development, this plan is doomed to failure. The United States will not be able to win the global hybrid war it has unleashed to maintain its global hegemony. They are irrevocably losing it to China, which is rapidly strengthening as a result of anti-Russian sanctions.
Washington, London, and Brussels played their main trump cards in an effort to inflict maximum possible damage on Russia: a monopoly on the issue of world currencies, an image of an exemplary legal democratic state, and a belief in the “sacred” right of private property. Thus, they have put all independent countries in front of the need to find new global currency instruments, risk insurance mechanisms, restore the norms of international law and create their own economic security systems.
Anti-Russian sanctions did not strengthen, but, on the contrary, undermined the global dominance of the United States and the EU, which the rest of the world began to treat with distrust and apprehension. They dramatically accelerated the transition to a new world economic order and the shift of the center of the world economy to Southeast Asia. Russia needs to stand up to the United States and NATO in its confrontation, bringing IT to its logical conclusion, so as not to be torn between them and China, which is irrevocably becoming the leader of the world economy.
Do you want more?
You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.
New Beginnings 4.
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