Some real treats here. Please enjoy this nice stroll though the past, and a look at the present, as well as some great food to try and sample. i hope that all of you get something of benefit from this latest article. Have fun!
I’ll tell you what!
First Electricity, Now Natural Gas; Russia To Halt Gas Flow to Finland 21MAY22

Russia is cutting off its supply of natural gas to Finland as of Saturday as Helsinki moves forward with its effort to join NATO in response to Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine.
Finnish energy company Gasum on Friday said it had been notified by the Russian energy giant Gazprom that it would shut off its supply of gas the next day.
The announcement comes as Russia demands that Finland pay for the natural gas in rubles, which Finland has refused to do.
It also adds a new layer to an escalating energy fight between Russia and much of Europe fueled by the war in Ukraine.
The European Union earlier this month proposed an oil ban on imports from Russia. This week, the EU unveiled additional details on its plan to reduce its dependence on Russian natural gas.
Russia has already cut off gas to Poland and Bulgaria.
President Biden has hailed the efforts of Finland and Sweden to join NATO after decades outside the bloc. Both countries took steps to join the military alliance after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine began in February. The leaders of Sweden and Finland met with Biden at the White House on Thursday.
Mafia boss Joe Masseria lays dead on a Brooklyn restaurant floor holding the ace of spades, 1931.

Insane Tyranny: EU ‘Needs’ Lockdown-like Restrictions to Curb Russian Oil Use
Measures akin to a COVID lockdown are needed according to an apparently insane European official, in order to curb the EU’s reliance on Russian oil.
Lockdown-like measures should be implemented across the European Union to curb the bloc’s reliance on Russian oil, Luxembourg’s energy minister has said.
The demand comes as the transnational bloc prepares to publish a plan aimed at weaning the EU off of fossil fuels supplied from Russia, with some nation-states such as Germany being badly addicted to the likes of natural gas provided by the state.
According to a report by Der Spiegel, Luxembourg believes that such a plan should include the introduction of an EU-wide mandatory speed limit, a bloc-wide work-from-home mandate for at least two days of the week, and for every major EU city to ban the use of cars on the weekends.
This, the minister argues, would curb the use of oil in Europe and, in turn, lower reliance on Russian fuel imports.
“What we need at EU level is an EU-wide coordinated speed limit and two days of home office per week,” said the Luxembourgish Energy Minister Claude Turmes.
“I urge the Commission not to miss the opportunity to set Europe on this path,” he continued.
How to Make a Doner Kebab
have you ever wanted to make some “Greek food”? Here’s your chance.

Washington state gas stations run out of fuel, prep for $10 a gallon
Gas stations in Washington state are resetting their price boards to accommodate double digits in preparation for fuel prices potentially reaching $10 a gallon.
The move comes as several gas stations in the Evergreen State ran out of fuel.
At the 76 gas station in Auburn, about 30 miles south of Seattle, gas pumps were reprogrammed so the display could indicate a price of at least $10 a gallon.
The displays were limited to single digits as recently as March, but the surging price of gas has led to the change.
A 76 spokesperson told the Post Millennial that the change did not necessarily mean the company was predicting gas prices would reach $10 a gallon.
The station in Auburn also sells race fuel, which is more expensive than the fuel that is used by ordinary citizens.
Race fuel costs more due to the high-octane, premium fuel that is required to enable the engine to have a higher compression ratio, giving it a more energetic explosion and improving the performance of turbocharger and supercharger engines.
Washingtonians are also having to contend with gas stations that are running out of fuel.
Motorists who drive up to gas pumps in Kennewick, Pasco and West Richland are met with notes indicating that the station does not have any fuel to sell — except diesel.
On Facebook, local residents are reporting more than 10 gas stations that are out of fuel.
The average price of a gallon of gas in Washington state is $5.18 — well above the national average of $4.59 as of Thursday, according to AAA.Jennie MacGregor, arrested by Minneapolis police on April 10, 1924 for dispensing alcoholic beverages from life-preserver flasks .

The United States is no longer an accurate reflection of who and what we are
The Republican planets are beginning their alignment to leverage their political gravity to strangle our democracy
Lawrence: Minority Rule Is Killing The ‘United’ in The United States
[ Editor’s note: Mr. O’Donnell cuts right to the chase. We need a name change, as the one we have no long fits, because the ‘minority rule’ gang has abandoned future attempts, due to its policies, to win the right to rule over the country by winning the most votes.
I knew the game was up when the Repubs broadcast their mantra, “we will win the presidency in 2024 one way or the other”. It was no subtle message, but a declaration of war. It was basically a pledge to attach limpet mines on the hull of our ship of state.
The Republican plans may strangle our democracy, because they have told us they are going to rig the President electoral count by having states legislate their ability to make the final determination on the electoral count.
The Insurrectionists, in hindsight, see this as their mistake in 2020, by not having already set up the state rigging process earlier, but they have the time now.
This includes the Congressmen that could be charged for aiding and abetting the Jan 6 sedition. This could be a ‘get out of jail card’ for them and all the Jan6’ers who might be indicted.
I cannot imagine a more dedicated campaign mob. The top Republicans constructing this new political coup strategy seem confident that they have the best Supreme Court in history to make sure they don’t have any deal killer legal issues.
The military and Intel branches stood firm on the last coup attempt, but will they on the next one? Are we on the road to becoming the biggest banana republic in history? I certainly hope not, but we will have to fight like hell, to borrow a Trump phrase, or I doubt we will have a country anymore… Jim W. Dean ]
Vaccine study of 23 million shows risk of ‘heart problems’ from Moderna or Pfizer jab
Vaccine study of 23 million shows risk of ‘heart problems’ from Moderna or Pfizer jab – Google Search
The Mississippi Slugburger – How to Make America’s Strangest Hamburger – Food Wishes
What do you think about this? Check out the video.Hungarian Jews being selected by Nazis to be sent to the gas chamber at Auschwitz concentration camp, Auschwitz Album May-June 1944.

Hall & Oates – Sara Smile
In March, 2021, the “Nuclear Threat Initiative” Held a “Drill” for MonkeyPox Terror Attack — May 15, 2022 . . . now we have one
In March 2021, the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) partnered with the Munich Security Conference to conduct a “tabletop exercise” simulating a global pandemic involving an unusual strain of monkeypox caused by a terrorist attack using a pathogen engineered in a laboratory. In the “exercise” the terror Monkey pox attack took place in May, 2022. Well, it is now May, 2022, and we now have . . . an outbreak of actual Monkeypox. These “exercises” aren’t exercises, they’re plans!
The exercise was allegedly designed to examine gaps in national and international biosecurity and pandemic preparedness architectures—exploring opportunities to improve prevention and response capabilities for high-consequence biological events. Participants included 19 senior leaders and experts from across Africa, the Americas, Asia, and Europe with decades of combined experience in public health, biotechnology industry, international security, and philanthropy.
This report, Strengthening Global Systems to Prevent and Respond to High-Consequence Biological Threats: Results from the 2021 Tabletop Exercise Conducted in Partnership with the Munich Security Conference, written by Jaime M. Yassif, Ph.D., Kevin P. O’Prey, Ph.D., and Christopher R. Isaac, M.Sc., summarizes key findings from the exercise and offers actionable recommendations for the international community.
Developed in consultation with technical and policy experts, the fictional exercise scenario portrayed a deadly, global pandemic involving an unusual strain of monkeypox virus that first emerged in the fictional nation of Brinia and spread globally over 18 months. Ultimately, the exercise scenario revealed that the initial outbreak was caused by a terrorist attack using a pathogen engineered in a laboratory with inadequate biosafety and biosecurity provisions and weak oversight. By the end of the exercise, the fictional pandemic resulted in more than three billion cases and 270 million fatalities worldwide.
Discussions throughout the tabletop exercise generated a range of valuable insights and key findings. Most significantly, exercise participants agreed that, notwithstanding improvements following the global response to COVID-19, the international system of pandemic prevention, detection, analysis, warning, and response is woefully inadequate to address current and anticipated future challenges. Gaps in the international biosecurity and pandemic preparedness architecture are extensive and fundamental, undermining the ability of the international community to prevent and mount effective responses to future biological events—including those that could match the impacts of COVID-19 or cause damage that is significantly more severe.
Report Findings and Recommendations
Discussion among exercise participants led to the following key findings:
(The full findings are available on page 14 of the report.)
- Weak global detection, assessment, and warning of pandemic risks. The international community needs a more robust, transparent detection, evaluation, and early warning system that can rapidly communicate actionable information about pandemic risks.
- Gaps in national-level preparedness. National governments should improve preparedness by developing national-level pandemic response plans built upon a coherent system of “triggers” that prompt anticipatory action, despite uncertainty and near-term costs—in other words, on a “no-regrets” basis.
- Gaps in biological research governance. The international system for governing dual-use biological research is neither prepared to meet today’s security requirements, nor is it ready for significantly expanded challenges in the future. There are risk reduction needs throughout the bioscience research and development life cycle.
- Insufficient financing of international preparedness for pandemics. Many countries around the world lack financing to make the essential national investments in pandemic preparedness.
To address these findings, the report authors developed the following recommendations:
(The full recommendations are available on page 22 of the report.)
- Bolster international systems for pandemic risk assessment, warning, and investigating outbreak origins
- The WHO should establish a graded, transparent, international public health alert system.
- The United Nations (UN) system should establish a new mechanism for investigating high-consequence biological events of unknown origin, which we refer to as a “Joint Assessment Mechanism.”
- Develop and institute national-level triggers for early, proactive pandemic response
- National governments must adopt a “no-regrets” approach to pandemic response, taking anticipatory action—as opposed to reacting to mounting case counts and fatalities, which are lagging indicators.
- To facilitate anticipatory action on a no-regrets basis, national governments should develop national-level plans that define and incorporate “triggers” for responding to high-consequence biological events.
- Establish an international entity dedicated to reducing emerging biological risks associated with rapid technology advances
- The international community should establish an entity dedicated to reducing the risk of catastrophic events due to accidental misuse or deliberate abuse of bioscience and biotechnology.
- To meaningfully reduce risk, the entity should support interventions throughout the bioscience and biotechnology research and development life cycle—from funding, through execution, and on to publication or commercialization.
- Develop a catalytic global health security fund to accelerate pandemic preparedness capacity building in countries around the world
- National leaders, development banks, philanthropic donors, and the private sector should establish and resource a new financing mechanism to bolster global health security and pandemic preparedness.
- The design and operations of the fund should be catalytic—incentivizing national governments to invest in their own preparedness over the long term.
- Establish a robust international process to tackle the challenge of supply chain resilience
- The UN Secretary General should convene a high-level panel to develop recommendations for critical measures to bolster global supply chain resilience for medical and public health supplies.
Click here to learn more about the November 23, 2021 launch event for this report on the margins of the Biological Weapons Convention Meeting of States Parties.
To learn more about NTI’s previous tabletop exercises at the Munich Security Conference, see the 2019 report, “A Spreading Plague,” and our 2020 report, “Preventing Global Catastrophic Biological Risks.”
It seems to me personally that these “exercises” are not “exercises” at all. I think they are actual PLANS.
Here. Look at this page from their own Monkeypox “Exercise” simulation:

So here we are, in May, 2022, and what are the headlines?
First Case of Monkeypox CONFIRMED in USA (May 18 Story)
Just like the “exercise” said would happen . . . right down to the precise month and even the precise WEEK!
This is not the first time some “exercise” turned out real.
The attacks of 9/11 took place during an “exercise” which simulated the hijacking of aircraft . . . and became the real thing.
Now, these other “exercises” are turning out to be the same real things.
Of course, the people doing these things would have us believe its all “coincidence.”
Coincidence my ass. I say these people are intentionally attacking us, and now, they’ve escalated from airplanes-into-buildings, to bio-weapons attacks.
I believe there is actual proof that COVID-19 was planned. I think it was a bio-attack. Here’s why:
Richard A. Rothschild applied for a Patent on a Test for COVID-19 on 10-13-2015 when COVID-19 didn’t exist yet.
How do you apply, in 2015, for a Patent on a testing system for a disease, almost four years before the disease had even been named? (Full Story HERE)
But wait . . . there’s more . . .
Boxes of COVID-19 Vaccine from AstraZeneca show a Manufacture Date of July 15, 2018 . . . But “COVID-19” wasn’t discovered until 2019 and wasn’t NAMED until February 11, 2020.
How Did Astra-Zeneca Manufacture “COVID-19 Vaccine” in July of 2018 Before the Disease Was Even Discovered or Named? (Full Story HERE)
There’s even MORE. . . .
‘The world first started to hear about a novel coronavirus in early January 2020, with reports of an alleged new pneumonia-like illness spreading across Wuhan, China. However, the world did not actually know of Covid-19 until February 2020, because it was not until the 11th of that month that the World Health Organization officially named the novel coronavirus disease “Covid-19.”
So with this being the official truth, why does United States Government data show that the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) awarded a contract on the 12th November 2019 to Labyrinth Global Health INC. for ‘COVID-19 Research’, at least one month before the alleged emergence of the novel coronavirus, and three months before it was officially dubbed Covid-19? (Full Story HERE)
Moving farther along in this brief foray into inconvenient truth, I offer you this little gem:
Confidential documents surfaced in a Confidentiality Agreement between the U.S. National Institutes of Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and Moderna showing they transferred “potential coronavirus vaccine candidates” to the University of North Carolina, on December 12, 2019
. . . which was nineteen (19) days BEFORE the outbreak of novel coronavirus in China!
How could they know they would need a Coronavirus Vaccine BEFORE the outbreak, unless they had knowledge the outbreak was going to happen? (Full Story HERE)
Last but not least,
France Gov’t Printed “VACCINE PASSPORT” Signs 4 days BEFORE France Ever Had a Case of COVID-19. How did the French Government know there would need to be a “Vaccine Passport” for COVID four days before the disease ever hit France?
It seems to me personally that the only logical conclusion is that they knew, because they planned the whole thing. (Full Story HERE)
So now, we have this “tabletop exercise” involving a terrorist attack using Monkeypox, and the exercise says the “attack” takes place on May 15, 2022. Lo and behold, by May 18, 2022, we have an ACTUAL outbreak of Monkeypox.
In my view, these “exercises” are, in fact, plans.
Bio-weapon attack plans.
And we . . . you and me . . . are the targets.
I don’t know about you, but I’ve had quite enough of this shit. I’ve had enough of the overt planning. I’ve had enough of them actually carrying-out these attacks. And I’ve had more than enough of law enforcement at every level, local, county, state and federal, doing absolutely nothing about any of it.
When will we collectively step-up and put and end to this shit?Or do we sit idly-by and wait to get murdered by these psychopaths?
There’s an old axiom: “Turnabout is fair play”
And there’s another: “What’s good for the Goose, is good for the Gander.”
They attacked first.
Magical Slavic Photography From Russia Is So Impressive That It Looks Unreal

Russia culture is just one off spring branch of greater Slavic culture that is shared by 360 million Slavs worldwide. Vibrant images filled with electric series of Slavic folklore is a colorful photography mix that comes from Moscow artistic direction study of Yakovlev & Aleeva. These pieces show a interesting mixture of traditionalism, high fashion and certain degree of modernity. These stunning Russian women models are all dressed in what is know as traditional clothing plus they are adorned in bright colored jewelry and lipstick, which fits Russian culture as we know it today.

It’s beyond just fashion, it’s a blend of orthodoxy along with a classical love of opulence that together reveal an actual historically influenced images made for the contemporary world of ours. The eggs are also lavishly decked and share the spotlight with the gorgeous backdrops.

Boxing match aboard the U.S.S. New York, July 3, 1899.

Tsar Nicholas II allows his daughter, the Grand Duchess Anastasia, to smoke.

The Doobie Brothers – China Groove
Cool Photos of Teenage Girls in the 1970s

Teenage girls’ fashion in the 1970s continued the “do-your-own-thing” look of the late 1960s for the early years of the decade.

Girls’ clothing styles were dominated by the disco look during the latter half of the 1970s. Girls’ clothes transitioned from costume-like hippie garb to styles influenced by disco party dresses, evening wear and the preppie look.

Towards the end of the decade, the decadent punk look began to catch on. Take a look at these cool photos to see what fashion styles of teenage girls looked like in the 1970s.

Tubes – White Punks On Dope (1977 R0X M1X)
What a great show!
Gosh! I can smell the spilled bong water all the way through the years!
Bob Dylan with Mick Jagger and Keith Richards at Jaggers 29th birthday party, July 1972.

An American evacuee punches a South Vietnamese man for a place on the last chopper out of the US embassy during the evacuation of Saigon in 1975.

Breakfast advertisement
My favorite television show in the early 1970’s.

The Statue of Liberty under construction in Paris in 1884.

How to Make Parmesan Cheese (Italian Hard Cheese) at Home
Crew of the Japanese carrier Zuikaku give one final banzai cheer before the ship sinks, 1944.

All Ukraine NAZIS at Azovstal Have Now Surrendered and are in Custody

The entire territory of the Azovstal steel mill and factory complex in Mariupol has been liberated, the Russian Defense Ministry announced on Friday.
More than 2,400 people hiding inside for almost a month, including Ukrainian servicemen and members of the neo-Nazi Azov unit, have laid down their arms and surrendered.
“The last group of 531 militants surrendered today,” the Russian military spokesman, Major-General Igor Konashenkov, said in a statement.
He added that a total of “2,439 Azov Nazis” and Ukrainian servicemen had laid down their arms since May 16, and that the entire Azovstal complex is now under control of Russian armed forces.
Richard Nixon’s last meal at the White House, in 1974.
On the day that he announced his resignation, Nixon ordered cottage cheese, pineapple slices and a glass of milk.

R-100 Airship: Inside a British “Flying Hotel”, 1929-1930

The R100 airship was built as part of a British government programme to develop airships to provide passenger and mail transport between Britain and the countries of the British Empire, including India, Australia and Canada. Originally, it was proposed that two airships be constructed: one, R101, to be designed and constructed under the direction of the Air Ministry, and the other, R100, to be built by a private company under a fixed price contract.

The R100, designed by Barnes Wallis, was the first to be finished in Howden, Yorkshire in 1929. The airframe was made of duralumin, an early aluminum alloy, and covered with a giant 5-acre fabric coating stitched together in pieces and stretched into place. Inside the cavernous 146,000 cubic metre shell, 17 gas bags made from oxen intestines provided the all-important buoyancy.

After the 7 successful trial flights and flights checking the outer cover ripple effect, the decision was made for a transatlantic flight or long distance proving flight by one of the two new airships. As the R101 had been put back in Shed Number 1 for further changes to the design to increase the disposable lift, the R100 was tasked with a trip to Canada, successfully crossing the Atlantic to Montreal to the newly erected mast. The ship slipped the moorings from the Cardington mast at 02.48am on the morning of 29th July 1930. The ship flew over the Atlantic and headed down the Newfoundland coast.

After R101 crashed and burned in France, en route to India on 5 October 1930, the Air Ministry ordered R100 grounded. It was deflated and hung up in its shed at Cardington for a year whilst three options were considered: a complete refit of R100 and continuation of tests for the eventual construction of R102; static testing of R100 and retention of about 300 staff to keep the programme “ticking over”; or retention of staff and the scrapping of the airship. In November 1931, it was decided to sell R100 for scrap. The entire framework of the ship was flattened by steamrollers and sold for less than £600.

A group of men posing in front of Lynch’s Slave Market, St. Louis, Missouri, 1852.

[ SCHOOL UNIFORM ] China, Thailand, South Korea, Japan, Vietnam.
Great video. Learn something. It’s fun.
China, Thailand, South Korea, Japan, Vietnam.”]Scottish piper in a Kilt on the battlefield during World War One.

Three Dog Night – Eli’s Coming (1969)
It makes me want to put on my old leather vest with the long fringes…
The Prisoner S01E13 Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling
A great episode of the prisoner.
Do you want more?
You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.
New Beginnings 4.
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