What I like about China is that it points not to the superiority of its ideology but to RESULTS! The US wants to make an argument based not on results, since it has little to offer in that regard, but on ideology which is infinitely flexible and demands only a control over the playing field, that is, the media. The Chinese approach is also better at winning over the people of the world. -John V. Walsh
We are entering a peak transition period geopolitically. This is coinciding with the makings of an American civil war – now that the United States society has collapsed. The drivers for all of these changes are (of course) the actions decided upon by the Oligarchy that controls the United States “leadership”. This is understood and expected by the Asian powers. The changes are going to (ultimately) be stunning, but during this period of change will appear to be “out of control”. Don’t worry, it’s not. It’s just that the entire “shebang” is simply not being reported on.
Hang on tight. Don’t get too upset.
Alice In Chains – Down in a Hole (MTV Unplugged – HD Video)
FINLAND Having Second Thoughts about Joining NATO
The President of Finland, Sauli Niinisto, said today “Finland will not join NATO without Sweden.” Looks like Finland is having second thoughts.
Sweden is having serious trouble when it comes to joining NATO. It seems the Swedes took-in a whole slew of Middle East Refugees years back and among them are people that the nation of Turkey feels are a terrorist threat: PKK. a.k.a. “Kurds.”
Turkey is invading parts of Syria for the past two years, trying to clear all Kurds out of northern Syria along the Turkish border because Turkey perceives the Kurds and their political movement called “PKK” within Turkey, as a terrorist threat.
So Turkey will not vote to approve Sweden (or Finland) until those alleged “terrorists” are somehow purged from Sweden (and perhaps Finland).
In order for a country to join NATO, the vote by existing NATO members must be unanimous. If Turkey holds to its position, that it will not vote to admit Sweden (or Finland) then neither of those two countries will be able to join NATO.
Since Sweden seems to be in the most jeopardy from a Turkish “No” vote, the President of Finland took this opportunity to say “Finland will not join NATO without Sweden.”
But his comment is likely not related AT ALL to Sweden. You see, it appears to many keen observers, that Finland now realizes it has made a series of very bad decisions about its large neighbor to the east, Russia.
Those bad decisions included applying economic sanctions against Russia over the ongoing Ukraine Special Military Operation, and Finland refused to pay for Russian natural gas and oil in Rubles, which resulted in Russia cutting off energy supplies to Finland. Finland thought they could make it without Russian natural gas, and now it appears they cannot.
Without Russian natural gas and oil, the Finland economy is starting to keel-over. As in other western countries that Sanctioned Russia, fuel prices in Finland are now skyrocketing. That is causing prices for things like food, to skyrocket because all the food has to be transported by truck, and fuel costs for trucks have skyrocketed.
Moreover, Russia has begun moving considerable military hardware toward the border of Finland. The Russians say they have to make certain that their border is protected from NATO and if Finland is going to join NATO, then Russia has to increase its security along the Finland border.
While the movement of Russian troops is not really a concern; there are no hostile issues between Russia and Finland, the move takes place as the Russian Army is literally chewing-up and spitting-out the much larger army of Ukraine.
Neither NATO nor non-NATO countries like Finland and Sweden, ever thought that Russia was as powerful as they clearly are. Moreover, NATO trained the Ukraine Army for eight full years before hostilities broke out between Ukraine and Russia. And with all that high-tech, modern, NATO training . . . . Ukraine is getting its butt kicked.
So whatever representations NATO made to Finland and Sweden about how NATO could protect them from Russia, are all starting to ring hollow at this point.
Perhaps the President of Finland sees this as a very convenient chance to walk-back his nation’s effort to join NATO. After all, things between Russia and Finland are not bad at all. But life in Finland without Russian gas and oil, is not good at all. Maybe the Finnish President sees the obvious writing on the wall, and realizes it would be far better for Finland to walk away from NATO, and stay away . . . far away.
Iran’s Khamenei on tanker seizures: ‘You stole our oil, we took it back from you’ | TradeWinds
No longer looting without consequences. Long live 21st century :

Oil and Gas prices
Found in a comment section on MoA. American Gasoline prices actually hit $5 yesterday.
For gasoline
- Current Avg. $5.010
- Yesterday Avg. $5.004
- Week Ago Avg. $4.848
- Month Ago Avg. $4.418
- Year Ago Avg. $3.077
For diesel
- Current Avg. $5.771
- Yesterday Avg. $5.765
- Week Ago Avg. $5.636
- Month Ago Avg. $5.557
- Year Ago Avg. $3.211
Again, the US uses about 100 billion gallons of gasoline and 40 billion gallons of diesel – so the delta in prices from today vs. last year can be multiplied by the above numbers to arrive at just how much more money people are paying for transportation.
China to use Civilian Cargo Ships to Stealth Invade Taiwan
LOL. The actual situation is something else. -MM
ChinaCargoShips StealthInvasion large -
Preparations for what China is now calling “the de-americanization of Taiwan” are in full swing.
Diversion and reconnaissance teams of one of the marine brigades of the 72nd Army Group of the Eastern Zone of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Combat Command (the operational area of responsibility includes Taiwan) conducted exercises on covert penetration and seizure of a beachhead on the coast of a conventional enemy using civilian dry cargo ships.
Video Below:


カネコアヤノ – ロマンス宣言 / Kaneko Ayano – Romance sengen
Recommended by an influencer. Well worth the video. Check it out. She sure is cute.


A list of American Amendments that were never approved


Is China MORE Democratic than America Now? Poll Results will SHOCK You
Another very outstanding and great video.

The best video about America today…
“How To Tell Your Husband You Accidentally Shrank His Favorite Wool Sweater”

NASA is complaining that the Chinese Space organization is not sharing it’s technology
None of the funds made available by this Act may be used for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) or the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) to develop, design, plan, promulgate, implement, or execute a bilateral policy, program, order, or contract of any kind to participate, collaborate, or coordinate bilaterally in any way with China[1] ——Public Law 112-55, SEC. 539
This Chinese mall has a “husband depository” with massage chairs and phone chargers

Mountain Dew
While the Mountain Dew we know today comes in 35 different flavors and is synonymous with “gamer fuel,” it was created for a much different purpose. Brothers Barney and Alley Hartman began bottling their lemon-lime creation in Knoxville, Tennessee, in 1932. Its name was originally a slang term for mountain-made moonshine, and it was created to be a whiskey chaser.
In order to make moonshine, a fermentation process is needed, which creates alcohol in two forms: ethanol and methanol. Ethanol is the drinkable version, but methanol is toxic. The human body converts methanol into formaldehyde. The formaldehyde is then converted into formic acid, which essentially poisons the body’s cells. Racing fuel contains almost 100% methanol, creating the same inebriated feeling that ethanol gives through alcohol consumption. While methanol is extremely poisonous, it is cheap and easy to access in the form of racing fuel, which makes it luring to underage drinkers.
Four teenage boys at a party in January of 2016 created a deadly concoction called “Dewshine,” a mix of Mountain Dew and racing fuel. The teens created the mixture on purpose and drank it. Authorities were called to the home of sixteen-year-old Logan Stephenson on January 21, 2016, after he was found dead in his bed. Just a few minutes later, they were called to the home of his best friend, J.D. Byram, because he had begun having seizures. Byram died the following Monday.
Concepts for polymer US dollars

Denmark Inflation
Inflation, its not just the US
Food and Energy prices in Denmark hit 40 year high
Prices for consumers have increased in Denmark by 6.7 percent across the last 12 months.
So now the Danish can get high food and energy prices to go along with their highest electricity price in Europe distinction:
Electricity prices, household in Denmark
Denmark, the country with the most expensive electricity in Europe The average price of electricity in Denmark, in December of 2021, has been 0.3448€ per kilowatt hour. Electricity price has increased € 0.0548 kWh, 18.9% since the previous semester. Meanwhile, the average price of electricity without taxes in Denmark in that period was € 0.1485 per kilowatt hour, compared to € 0.104 kWh in the previous semester. The price of electricity excluding taxes increased by 42.79%. In the last twelve months the price of electricity in Denmark has increased by 63.55%. In Denmark, the price of electricity reached its maximum price, € 0.3448kWh, in December of 2021. Its minimum price was €0.2401 kWh, corresponding to December of 2007. Denmark is the country in Europe with the most expensive electricity. When looking at the difference between the price of electricity with and without taxes, we see that households in Denmark paid € 0.1963 in taxes for each kilowatt hour, which means that 56.92% of what consumers pay for electricity is in concept taxes.
“My 39-Week Pregnant Wife Went To The Store To “Get Stuff For Dinner”. This Is What She Came Home With”

A pretty interesting article
How Amish use technology – wired.com
Pretty interesting article, but the conclusion I drew was far removed from what the author was clearly trying to promote.
Throughout the industrial age and now in the information age, the Amish have adhered to the long-standing tradition of making as a primary form of work.
The fact that the Amish have also begun making digital technologies, such as the black-box phone that worked as an intended replacement for cell phones, should come as no surprise. The black-box phone, however, is just one of many examples of an increasing number of communication technologies developed for Amish people by Amish people. These devices are crafted to most precisely complete professional goals, while limiting the negative impacts that come with digital communication today. The Amish recognize that this most certainly has political implications. Making in general, and making of digital technologies in particular, further enables the Amish to exercise their creativity, resist surveillance, and control and sustain their way of life in the digital age.
The manner in which the Amish put technologies to use reveals a great deal about the relationship that they want to have to the larger society. In addition to the black-box phone, I have observed an array of Amish workarounds that reflect local values and are determined by social context. The particular assemblage that comprises a workaround can also signal one’s Amishness or shared group identity.
In particular, the capability to withstand technology is only possible with extremely tightly bound communities – and even then, it is quite clear that the “fence straddlers” that are the focus of this story are far more like those selling organic produce to rich non-believers than some progressive Amish variant.

US policies led to ‘new G8’ – China, India, Russia, Indonesia, Brazil, Mexico, Iran, Turkey
Imagine that!
China, India, Russia, Indonesia, Brazil, Mexico, Iran, Turkey – in terms of GDP at PPP is 24.4% ahead of the old group,”
US policies led to ‘new G8’ – Moscow — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union The United States “with its own hands” pushed the countries that are not participating in “sanctions wars” to form a “new Big Eight” group with Russia, the Russian State Duma speaker Vyacheslav Volodin said on Saturday.
Following the launch of Russia’s military offensive in Ukraine in late February, the US, EU, UK and many other countries imposed hard-hitting restrictions on Moscow, making Russia the most sanctioned country in the world.
In a Telegram post, Volodin included a table with IMF data on GDP based on purchasing power parity of countries he calls the “new G8” and of countries forming the current G7 (after Russia’s participation in the bloc was suspended over Crimea’s vote to join the country in 2014, the G8 effectively turned into the G7).
“The group of eight countries not participating in the sanctions wars – China, India, Russia, Indonesia, Brazil, Mexico, Iran, Turkey – in terms of GDP at PPP is 24.4% ahead of the old group,” Volodin wrote.
In his opinion, the economies of the G7 members – the United States, Japan, Germany, Britain, France, Italy and Canada – continue “to crack under the weight of sanctions imposed against Russia.”
Daddy Jack’s Sicilian Pasta
"Daddy Jack has been a favorite of mine for 2-3 years. I was aware of my affection for his personality and respect for his cooking, but I was NOT prepared for how hard his passing hit me. I'm still surprised at the well of emotion when I watch certain videos, and this one might be the one that gets me the most, other than the last ones made at home with Lakisha, Titus, and Axle. I also love the ones where he speaks so lovingly about his mom, and those where he shares with the people in his life. What other chef on Youtube gave us this much? Think about it. Most just don't let us in. But Daddy Jack was happy to do it. Not making the trek to New London to meet this man and taste his food will always be a regret of mine. RIP Daddy Jack. You gave SO much more than you had to. THANK YOU."
Kremlin Responds After Polish EU Official Says West Should Give Ukraine Nukes
Starting in April, dangerous rhetoric related to regional nuclear aspirations began coming out of Poland – apparently directed as a ‘threat’ to Russia amid the invasion of Ukraine. Early that month, for example, ruling Polish party leader, Deputy Prime Minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski suggested that a “tougher” anti-Russian defense posture would include Poland being “open” to having nuclear weapons stationed in the country.
But this weekend has seen the rhetoric heighten even further, eliciting a fierce response from Moscow, when Poland’s European Parliament Deputy and former Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski suggested that the West give nukes to Kiev. “The West has the right to give Ukraine nuclear warheads so that it can protect its independence,” Sikorski said according to regional sources.
As also detailed in a Yahoo News/Ukrayinska Pravda report, “He argued that Russia broke the terms of the Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances by refusing to respect Ukraine’s sovereignty and integrity, so nuclear weapons should be returned to Kyiv, even though Ukrainians voluntarily disposed of them.”
In response, a top Russian Duma official warned that such a scenario would mean central Europe would in effect “cease to exist” as it would surely trigger nuclear war:
The Head of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Viacheslav Volodin, threatens that if the suggestion by the former Foreign Minister of Poland Radoslaw Sikorski to provide Ukraine with nuclear weapons is fulfilled, then the possible nuclear conflict will destroy the European continent.
Volodin said specifically in response to the Polish EU official: “Sikorski is provoking a nuclear conflict in the center of Europe. He doesn’t think neither about the future of Ukraine nor about the future of Poland. In case his suggestions are fulfilled, these countries will cease to exist, as will Europe as well.”
Since 1994, Ukraine has voluntarily been a ‘nuclear-arms-free’ country based on being a signatory to the Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances, which marked its accession to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.
In the days ahead of Russia’s Feb.24 invasion, President Vladimir Putin accused the Ukrainian government of seeking to revive nuclear capabilities based on Soviet technology still in its possession.
“There have already been statements that Ukraine is going to create its own nuclear weapons… Ukraine does indeed still have Soviet nuclear technologies and [the] means of delivering such weapons,” Putin had said in televised address just days before the war against Ukraine started, listing it as a justification for Moscow’s actions to come.
“Therefore, it would be much easier for Ukraine to obtain nuclear weapons than to some other states – I won’t name them now – who effectively carry out such research. Especially in case of technological support from abroad, and we must not rule this out as well,” Putin added in his speech at the time.
Grape Soda Homicide
This is one of the reasons why children MUST stay with their biological parents. There is a reason why "evil stepmother" meme's exist. My stepmother was a real fucking witch. Read what the fuck this step mother did... -MM
Something about the term “forbidden” or “off-limits” seems to promote an insatiable desire to explore, especially as children. Whether it’s a particular room in the house, an area in the neighborhood, or simply an adult’s favorite treat, we’ve all been guilty at one point or another of letting our curiosity get the better of us. However, for five-year-old Alexa Linboom, stealing her stepmother’s grape soda would cost her her life.
On January 1, 2012, Alexa stole “one or two grape drinks” from her stepmother Mary Vaughn and was forced to drink more than two liters of grape soda and water within a two-hour time frame as her punishment. The excessive amounts of fluid she ingested caused her sodium levels to drop and her brain to swell. Alexa began screaming in pain, and she later fell unconscious, but her father and stepmother waited several more hours before taking her to the hospital.
She was declared brain dead and removed from life support just two short days later. Her death was declared a homicide due to acute fluid/water intoxication. Both her father, Randall Vaughn, and her stepmother were sentenced to life in prison without parole.
“We’re Moving. This Is How My Wife Packed The Kid’s Dolls”

UPDATED: China Tells U.S. “Will not Hesitate to Start a War”
FLASH– 7:31 PM EDT Friday, June 10, 2022 — The Defense Ministry of the People’s Republic of China told their U.S. counterparts this evening “Beijing will not hesitate to start a war over Taiwan.”
They used those exact words.
Now they’re saying it in gentler words, but PUBLICLY:
China will ‘smash to smithereens any Taiwan independence plot and resolutely uphold the unification of the motherland’ Chinese Defense Minister Fenghe told U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on the sidelines of the Shangri-La Dialogue conference in Singapore on Friday.
‘If anyone dares to split Taiwan from China, the Chinese army will definitely not hesitate to start a war no matter the cost’, Chinese Defense Ministry spokesman Col. Wu Qian quoted the Fenghe as saying during the meeting, in what is a escalating of tension, not least of which in the type of language being used.
Austin met with his Chinese counterpart, Wei Fenghe who bemoaned new American arms sales to Taiwan announced this week, saying it ‘seriously undermined China’s sovereignty and security interests.’
Google Will Declare Bankruptcy In Russia, Says Russian Authorities Seized Bank Account
The Russian subsidiary of Alphabet’s Google plans to file for bankruptcy after authorities seized its bank account, the company said Wednesday, in an apparent escalation of the Kremlin’s drive to cut Russians off from information about the country’s invasion of Ukraine.
Key Facts
Google Russia filed an intention to declare bankruptcy after the seizure of its bank account made it “untenable” to meet its financial obligations, a Google spokesperson said in a statement to Forbes and other outlets.
Google’s intention to file for bankruptcy is already on Russia’s Fedresurs financial registry website, according to Reuters and Russian state-run news agency RIA Novosti.
A company spokesperson said Google will continue to operate free services including its search engine, YouTube and Gmail.
Key Background
Google has been arguably Russia’s greatest foe in challenging the war narrative advanced by Kremlin-controlled media within the country since Russia invaded Ukraine February 24.
Google suspended all advertising in Russia in March, banned state-run Russian media YouTube channels worldwide and most critically has refused to remove information on the war deemed illegal from Youtube.
The Russian communications regulator has repeatedly threatened to punish Google for not deleting certain content, and Russia banned Google News in the country last month for publishing “inauthentic” information on the war.
Crucial Quote
“People in Russia rely on our services to access quality information,” the Google spokesperson said in a statement explaining the company’s intention to keep YouTube and other services running.
In addition to YouTube, the Russian government has another U.S.-based information foe: Wikipedia. The online encyclopedia has refused to delete information on the war, including information from the Ukrainian government on civilian and troop death tolls, causing the Russian government to threaten fines against Wikipedia. Russian President Vladimir Putin chimed in on the Kremlin’s war against Wikipedia earlier this month, telling Russians not to trust the crowd-sourced online encyclopedia in an interview with state media.
MM Comments
Forbes is a CIA mouthpiece, funded indirectly from the CIA via the NED organization. This is all well-known.
Google, also, is indirectly funded by the NED, and thus the CIA out of the Pentagon. This is all well-known.
Google was operating inside of Russia during a time of war, and promoting the Western “narrative” which is a mixture of lies, distortions and manipulations.
Russia seized all of it’s funding.
Google will be forced to stop operations inside of Russia.
This runs counter to the desires of the United States Pentagon.
The Verve Pipe – The Freshmen [Original Acoustic Version] [I’ve Suffered A Head Injury] [Track #10]
[I’ve Suffered A Head Injury] [Track #10]”]“I’ve Accidentally Shrunk My Husband’s Jacket. Husband For Scale”
Zelensky: Ukraine is fine with China’s position on war with Russia
“My Wife Likes To Keep Dog Food Beside Coffee Beans. Guess What I Did At 5:30 Am This Morning”

ASML’s growth in China a rebuttal to US interference in global chip sector
Wang Yi23:12 Jun 07 2022
Dutch chip lithography leader ASML said Monday that all of its projects in China are progressing as scheduled, and it plans to recruit more than 200 employees this year to expand business in the market, according to Chinese news outlet The Paper.
Against the backdrop of the US is trying every means to recklessly stop ASML from shipping any of its most cutting edge lithography systems to China, the company’s increasing investment in the market fully demonstrates that no matter how reluctant the US to see, global giants in the semiconductor sector like ASML are seeing business expansion in China, the world’s largest consumer of semiconductors.
Business is business. From a return on investment point of view, it’s a perfectly reasonable choice for ASML to expand business in China. ASML’s sales in Chinese mainland took up 34 percent of its total lithography system sales in the first quarter of this year, according to media reports.
China and the US are indeed in a fierce technological competition, and the semiconductor industry is bearing the brunt of that pressure. The US government has never bothered to hide its plans to stifle the development of China’s chip sector. Yet, the US chip hegemony has become the culprit in disrupting the global industrial chain. The arbitrary political interference of the US government in the industry has clearly become the biggest concern for many companies. The US chip hegemony has caused and escalated the global chip supply chain crunch.
While former US President Donald Trump’s arbitrary sanctions on major Chinese tech giants like Huawei and Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp (SMIC) have dealt heavy blows to the global chip industry chain, the Biden administration’s political interference in companies’ operation have also stirred strong backlashes.
Last November, the Biden’s administration obstructed SK Hynix’s plan to import the advanced equipment to its chip factory in East China’s Jiangsu Province. The US’ move that put SK Hynix’s chip factory’s renovation plans in jeopardy has caused strong backlash from South Korean media outlets. If the US continues to intervene in this way, South Korean companies will suffer more losses. The purpose of an economic alliance is to promote mutual economic interests, but the US coerces its allies to suffer economic losses for its own political interests, some South Korean media outlets questioned.
The US government’s political coercion and interference in attempting to split the global semiconductor sector will not stop China’s semiconductor sector from development, but only serve to further escalate the current chip shortage and stresses throughout the global industrial chain. What the US does may block US companies and other international companies from the Chinese market, and these companies are unwilling to bear the losses and pay for this kind of political scheming orchestrated by the US.
Those politicians in Washington who are calling for tougher semiconductor export controls, secondary sanctions, and research blockades against China have clearly underestimated the costs of US-China semiconductor decoupling. According to estimates from the US Department of Commerce, if American business with China on semiconductors is cut off completely, it will probably cost anywhere between $80 to $100 billion in sales and 125,000 jobs in the US.
China’s chip market occupies a large share of global industry value and has huge potential. It is increasingly regarded as an important market by related companies in the global chip industry chain and has strong manufacturing advantages. The Chinese market will continue to expand opening up, and concrete measures are being taken to improve the market’s business environment. Foreign companies like ASML are welcome to achieve mutual beneficial development in China.
The Russian Army, using its overwhelming firepower, is smashing the Ukraine army, sending Ukraine troops fleeing for their lives. Now, things have gotten much worse because Ukraine is simply running out of ammunition.
Newly promised Western weapons systems are arriving, but too slowly and in insufficient quantities to prevent incremental but inexorable Russian gains in the eastern Donbas region of Ukraine, which is now the focus of the fight.
Around 200 Ukrainian soldiers are now being killed every day, up from 100 late last month, an aide to President Volodymyr Zelensky told the BBC on Friday — meaning that as many as 1,000 Ukrainians are being taken out of the fight every day, including those who are injured.
To the shock and dismay of Ukraine supporters, the overall trajectory of the war has unmistakably shifted away from one of unexpectedly dismal Russian failures and tilted in favor of Russia as the demonstrably stronger force.
The odds against the Ukrainians are starting to look overwhelming, said Oleksandr V. Danylyuk, an adviser to the Ukrainian government on defense and intelligence issues.
“The Russians are using long-range artillery against us, often without any response, because we don’t have the means,” he said. “They can attack from dozens of kilometers away and we can’t fire back. We know all the coordinates for all their important targets, but we don’t have the means to attack.”
“The strategies and tactics of the Russians are completely different right now. They are being much more successful,” he said. “They have more resources than us and they are not in a rush.”
“There’s much less space for optimism right now,” he added.
Ukraine has now almost completely run out of ammunition for the Soviet-era weapons systems that were the mainstay of its arsenal, and the Eastern European countries that maintained the same systems have run out of surplus supplies to donate, Danylyuk said. Ukraine urgently needs to shift to longer-range and more sophisticated Western systems, but those have only recently been committed, and in insufficient quantities to match Russia’s immense firepower, he said.
Russia is firing as many as 50,000 artillery rounds a day into Ukrainian positions, and the Ukrainians can only hit back with around 5,000 to 6,000 rounds a day, he said. The United States has committed to deliver 220,000 rounds of ammunition — enough to match Russian firepower for around four days.
The Russians have meanwhile adapted their tactics in ways that have let them take full advantage of their firepower by remaining at a distance from Ukrainian positions, pounding them relentlessly, then taking territory once the Ukrainians have been forced to retreat.
Hal Turner Editorial Opinion
When this conflict erupted in February, I told listeners to my radio show, and readers of this web site, “Ukraine doesn’t stand a chance.”
Of course at the time, I had no idea the west (NATO) would pour so much weaponry into Ukraine, which, at first thought, would dramatically change the equation in Ukraine’s favor.
Then the ugly reality of American and NATO “smart weapons” struck: Our advanced weaponry, is very, VERY, fragile. Yes, it is sophisticated, and when it works, it is devastatingly effective, but quite often, our high tech gizmos DON’T work. The electronics that make the weapons so smart, are not suited for the rough and tumble realities of the battlefield.
That became evident when, after killing or capturing a number of Ukrainian regiments, the Russian Army found Ukrainian troop cell phones. One the screens of those phones: Google Searches with the search terms “Why isn’t javelin working” “javelin won’t shoot” “javelin making noises”
Here, look at one of the phones from the Battle field:

The equipment failures aside, there is another far more important reason Ukraine is losing, and losing badly: history.
I am a sort of student of history and I know full well that it was the Russian Army that stormed Berlin in WW2. Not the Americans, not the British, not the French. It was the Russians that totally crushed Hitler, and at a staggering cost to the Russian nation and its people. But they DID IT.
They paid the price, and won.
The youngsters handling military strategy and intelligence analysis in the US and our NATO vasal states these days, seem to have ZERO knowledge of history. They game-out scenarios on their computers, and to them, they think they know how things will turn out. But it is blazingly clear they did not (and do not) factor-in historical realities. In this instance, the one historical reality they failed to consider is that the Russian Army is one of the two most fearsome fighting forces on planet earth.
The other is China.
As such, Ukraine never stood a chance. This was over the moment the Russian Army crossed the border into Ukraine.
Ukraine’s best hope right now is to unconditionally surrender. To do anything else, will merely delay the inevitable, and cause the deaths of hundreds-of-thousands more Ukrainians, fighting against a force they have zero chance of defeating.
Sadly, Ukraine cannot even NEGOTIATE a peace deal, because they’ve shown their word (in negotiations) is worthless. Ukraine negotiated the Minsk Agreement, then reneged and didn’t implement even ONE of the terms it agreed to. They did this for over five years!
Moreover, when the fighting initially began, Ukraine announced they would not abide by the Geneva Convention on the treatment of prisoners of war, they signed back in the 1940’s. So now, nobody can believe anything Ukraine says because they’ve proven their word is useless. Surrender is their only option.
Shelly West – Flight 309 To Tennessee
“”It’s Always So Cold In Our House. Our Furnace Sucks” – Wife, Jan 2020, -32C”

China’s PLAN Leaked — A Fleet Of VTOL Drones Spotted On Chinese PLA Navy’s Shandong Aircraft Carrier
In a first, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have been spotted on the People’s Liberation Army Navy’s (PLAN) aircraft carrier, Shandong. According to reports in Chinese state media, Shangdong is currently at the Dalian Shipyard for maintenance and repairs.
On June 1, Andreas Rupprecht, an expert on Chinese military aviation, shared an image of UAVs on Shandong’s deck suggesting that it could be the first time, drones have been spotted on board the aircraft carrier.
In late April, the Chinese state-owned Global Times reported that Shandong was undergoing “its first scheduled maintenance and refurbishment” at the Dalian Shipyard after two years of service “to enhance the flattop’s usability”.
Before that, in March, the aircraft carrier was reported to have sailed through the Taiwan Straits, near Taiwan’s Kinmen island opposite the Chinese mainland city of Xiamen. Reports at the time also noted that there were no aircraft on Shangdong’s flight deck.
One of the UAVs spotted onboard Shangdong, has an inverted V-shaped tail and it bears resemblance to a vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) UAV that was reportedly seen onboard the PLAN’s Type 075 LHD amphibious assault ship in December, last year.
According to Chinese media reports, it was the CW-40 dual-purpose UAV, designed and developed by the Chinese company JOUAV, which made its first appearance during the 2021 edition of the China International Aviation & Aerospace Exhibition, also known as Zhuhai Airshow.
The UAV was also showcased in March this year at the DSA 2022 defense exhibition in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

“My Lovely Wife Bought A New Screen And A Cat Door To Go In It. Took A Few Hours And She Was So So Proud Of Herself”

Chris Isaak – Wicked Game (MTV Unplugged) [HD]
”]The CW-40 UAV
The CW-40 is designed to conduct reconnaissance, search and surveillance, participate in rescue operations, ensure security, monitor the environment, prevent forest fires and protect important facilities.
The drone has a fuselage length of 2.3m and a wingspan of 4.6m. It can fly at an altitude of 4000m, has a take-off weight of 45kg, and carries a maximum payload of 10kg.
According to the Chairman of JOUAV, Ren Bin, the CW-40 adopts a domestically made four-stroke EFI engine.
The UAV is equipped with three light photo-electric pods for large areas, and long-distance video surveillance. The full CW-40 system can be assembled and disassembled in 15 minutes, according to claims by JOUAV.

The PLA has been actively advancing its employment of UAVs into its force structure for various purposes, such as intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) missions, attack purposes, or even as target drones to simulate anti-aircraft combat scenarios.
If the UAV spotted onboard the Shandong is CW-40, then it could fulfill a role similar to the ASN-209 medium-altitude, medium-endurance (MAME) UAV, known as the ‘Silver Eagle’ which has a range of 200km and a maximum endurance of 10 hours, just like the CW-40.

The Sky Eagle is capable of Target Designation, Electronic Intelligence (ELINT), and Electronic Warfare (EW), and can even be used for guiding missiles to the target.
Experts also suggest that PLAN might use this UAV, as a communications relay for accompanying surface or aerial forces in case the satellite communications are compromised.
Life Is Worth Losing – Dumb Americans – George Carlin
Don Bacon Logic
General Austin in Singapore: “Do rules matter? Does sovereignty matter? Does the system that we have built together matter? I am here because I believe that it does. And I am here because the rules-based international order matters just as much in the Indo-Pacific as it does in Europe.”
“We’re determined to uphold the status quo that has served this region so well for so long,” he said. “So let me be clear: We remain firmly committed to our longstanding one-China policy — guided by the Taiwan Relations Act, the three Joint Communiques, and the Six Assurances. We categorically oppose any unilateral changes to the status quo from either side. We do not support Taiwan independence.
UN Charter Article 2(1) The Organization is based on the principle of the sovereign equality of all its Members.
So Taiwan is a domestic affair! China’s sovereignty matters!
-Don Bacon
Chinese PLA Navy Goes Unmanned?
In addition to UAVs, the PLAN is known to have incorporated a wide array of unmanned systems such as unmanned surface and underwater vehicles.
Moreover, the advancements in artificial intelligence in recent years have led China to envision a greater role for unmanned platforms in maritime security and competition for control of sea lanes and marine resources.
Last month, China launched an unmanned ship, named Zhu Hai Yun that can be controlled remotely and navigate autonomously in open water and carry dozens of drones, submersibles, and other vessels for conducting ocean research.
Also, China is currently working on a next-generation assault carrier, known as Type 076 LHD which is being developed as a successor to the Type 075 LHD. It is said to be capable of carrying Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicles (UCAVs).
Reports suggest that China’s stealthy GJ-11 Sharp Sword UCAV may be one of the drones being planned to board the Type 076 LHD, based on a CG simulation released last year by the China Aviation Industry Group at the Zhuhai Airshow.
The GJ-11 UAV is 12.2m long, with a wingspan of 14.4m and a height of 2.7m, and has a maximum takeoff weight of over 10 tons with an estimated payload estimated of around 1.9 tons, and a combat radius of over 1,500km with an endurance of six hours.
U.S. gas prices hit $5 per gallon
.2022 06 12 11 50 This is the 31st “record high” in 33 days! Way to go, Brandon!
Stolen elections have consequences.
But to those of you are were foolish enough to vote Democrat, if you keep voting how you’ve voted, you’ll keep getting what you’re getting.
Wise-up. Fast. Before they make you choose between eating and driving to work or heating your house.
7-up poisoning
The Dominican Republic is a country on the island of Hispaniola in the Caribbean and has become a popular tourist destination due to its beautiful beaches, endless recreational options, and rich culture. Surrounded by the Caribbean Sea on the south and the Atlantic Ocean on the north, it seems like the perfect place for a family vacation, romantic getaway, or beachfront wedding.
Awilda Montes had planned a romantic getaway to the Dominican Republic with her boyfriend in October of 2018. However, their stay at the Luxury Bahia Principe Bouganville Resort quickly became anything but romantic. Montes had only been at the resort for a few hours when she decided to grab a bottle of 7-Up from the mini bar. Upon opening the bottle, she noticed there was no “fizz” but carefully proceeded to take a sip. She immediately tasted bleach which caused her entire mouth and tongue to burn, and she began spitting up blood.
While the resort claimed the incident was an “accidental mix-up” and tried to make things right with apology dinners, free nights, and couples massages, those “apologies” came with a price. The resort staff asked Montes to sign a disclaimer, which she refused. More disturbing is the fact that the three other Americans have also died at the same resort. A 41-year-old woman, Miranda Schaup-Werner, also died after drinking a beverage from the mini bar, and an engaged couple from Maryland were found dead in their room.
Rodney Dangerfield Almost Makes Carson Fall Out of His Chair Laughing
The Past can show us so much!
Adelaide Springett, Who Was So Ashamed At The State Of Her Boots She Took Them Off, Stand For A Photograph In London, 1901. Photo By Horace Warner Isaac And Rosa, Emancipated Slave Children From New Orleans, 1863 21 4 20 4 19 4 17 5 1 16 5 28 4
China Won’t “Hesitate To Start A War” Over Taiwan As Series Of Private Warnings Conveyed To US
A new report by Bloomberg on Sunday has detailed a series of instances that Chinese officials have privately conveyed to their American counterparts that the Taiwan Strait does not constitute international waters, upping tensions given the Biden administration has been sailing navy warships through the contested waters on a monthly basis.
“The statement disputing the US view of international law has been delivered to the American government by Chinese officials on multiple occasions and at multiple levels, the person said,” Bloomberg writes. “The US and key allies say much of the strait constitutes international waters, and they routinely send naval vessels through the waterway as part of freedom of navigation exercises.”
The Biden administration is said to be “alarmed” by the private warnings, given that “It’s not clear whether the recent assertions indicate that China will take more steps to confront naval vessels that enter transit the Taiwan Strait,” according to the report. This also suggests China could take a more assertive stance in the South China Sea, where US warships have also been conducting freedom of navigation exercises.
On Friday during the first ever face-to-face meeting between US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and China’s defense minister Wei Fenghe, the latter warned his American counterpart that Beijing will “not hesitate to start a war” if Taiwan declares independence.
Wei had warned Austin that “if anyone dares to split Taiwan from China, the Chinese army will definitely not hesitate to start a war no matter the cost“, defence ministry spokesman Wu Qian quoted the minister as saying during the meeting.
Further Wei vowed that China woujld “smash to smithereens any ‘Taiwan independence’ plot and resolutely uphold the unification of the motherland,” as emphasized in a defense ministry statement issued following the conclusion of the meeting. He “stressed that Taiwan is China’s Taiwan… Using Taiwan to contain China will never prevail,” further according to the statement.
For the US side, Defense Secretary Austin warned the Chinese defense minister in the Friday meeting to “refrain from further destabilizing actions” on Taiwan.
“The Secretary reaffirmed the importance of peace and stability across the Strait, opposition to unilateral changes to the status quo, and called on the PRC to refrain from further destabilizing actions toward Taiwan,” according to the readout.
The key takeways here: [1] China is treating the Taiwan strait as Chinese territory, not international waters. [2] China will "smash to smithereens" any attempts to get involved with a Chinese domestic dispute. This sounds like normal American political rhetoric, but it is NOT. In Chinese, these are very, very serious and nasty words, phrases and terms. This is serious, serious talk.
Soldier From Germany (NATO) — Bearing Arms — Caught on TV in Severodonetsk, Ukraine

It has long been rumored that NATO already has active duty military troops from NATO countries, inside Ukraine ACTUALLY ENGAGED IN COMBAT against Russia. NATO says they are only “training” Ukrainian forces. So why is this German soldier bearing arms in Severodonetsk?
Below is a still image taken from a FOX NEWS CHANNEL broadcast on Saturday, June 11, 2022 at 8:29 PM eastern U.S. time. (h/t to HTRS Reader/Listener “Rick” for providing this image)
The image clearly shows a soldier, wearing the uniform flag patch of Germany on his arm, in battle gear, carrying a launch tube for some type of weapon, in Severodonetsk, Ukraine, where utterly intense military battles have been taking place for the past week, between Ukraine and Russia.

What is this German soldier doing there, carrying arms?
He certainly isn’t training anyone given the gear he is seen wearing.
This seems to be the first conclusive proof that NATO is covertly engaged in actual combat against Russia.
Undeclared war? By NATO? Against Russia?
World War 3 now appears closer than any of us knew.
"My Wife Worked For An Hour On This Peach Crisp And Burst Into Tears Right Before My Parents Showed Up To Our House"

Below is a quote from a posting at The Register
Facebook and Instagram's parent biz, Meta, was hit with not one, not two, but eight different lawsuits accusing its social media algorithm of causing real harm to young users across the US. The complaints filed over the last week claim Meta's social media platforms have been designed to be dangerously addictive, driving children and teenagers to view content that increases the risk of eating disorders, suicide, depression, and sleep disorders. "Social media use among young people should be viewed as a major contributor to the mental health crisis we face in the country," said Andy Birchfield, an attorney representing the Beasley Allen Law Firm, leading the cases, in a statement. "These applications could have been designed to minimize any potential harm, but instead, a decision was made to aggressively addict adolescents in the name of corporate profits. It's time for this company to acknowledge the growing concerns around the impact of social media on the mental health and well-being of this most vulnerable portion of our society and alter the algorithms and business objectives that have caused so much damage." The lawsuits have been filed in federal courts in Texas, Tennessee, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois and Missouri, according to Bloomberg.
So, how long before social media is reigned in within the West?
Will these lawsuits get anywhere? Is there any limit on what might be done for profit?
Filipinos urged ‘to take heart all the learnings from the past’
Outgoing President Rodrigo Duterte has urged Filipinos to “take heart all the learnings from the past” in a speech ahead of the celebration of the 124th Philippine Independence Day. He delivered his speech during the virtual celebration of Independence Day and the 21st Filipino-Chinese Friendship Day organized by the Federation of Filipino Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Inc. (FFCCCII). In his speech, Duterte reminded Filipinos about the importance of celebrating Independence Day on June 12 as a testament to how the country’s forefathers fought for the freedoms that Filipinos enjoy today. “May it inspire us to take after the courage of our heroes as well as encourage us to use our ability, skills and knowledge for the benefit of our community,” Duterte said. He also urged the public to “take heart all the learnings from the past”, especially the countless hardships that Filipinos had to endure as a nation. “Let our rich histories move to translate our love for this country into real acts of goodwill for all our fellow men. Let us also work together so that we could realize our vision of a more harmonious and progressive Philippines. May we have a meaningful commemoration,” he added. The country’s first president, Emilio Aguinaldo, proclaimed the Philippines’ independence from the Spanish colonial rule in Kawit, Cavite on June 12, 1898. From July 4, 1946, the Philippines celebrated Independence Day every July 4. However, the celebration was moved to June 12 by virtue of Proclamation 4166, issued by President Diosdado Macapagal.
Incoming President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr., for his part, expressed hope that the centuries-old relationship and friendship between the Philippines and China will continue to be of great mutual benefit to their respective people. “From trade, arts, culture, athletics to regional peace and stability to the employment of opportunities for our people, and all the significantly generous efforts extended to us during the pandemic, the cooperative partnership of our nations continues to reach new heights,” he said. He said he looked forward to more years of not just diplomatic relations but of continuous, fruitful engagements between China and the Philippines. The Philippines and China established their diplomatic relations on June 9, 1975. June 9 of every year is also declared as Filipino-Chinese Friendship Day, by virtue of Proclamation 148 issued by former president Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo in 2002. Aside from Duterte and Marcos, also in attendance were Vice-President-elect Sara Duterte, Macapagal-Arroyo, lawmakers, and other guests. The FFCCCII is the umbrella organization of Filipino Chinese entrepreneurs, which brings together over 170 business and trade associations from all over the Philippines. (PNA)
Russia and China connected: first road bridge (2020 04) and first cross river railway bridge (2021 08)
Historic $307 million road link across the Amur River - known in China as the Heilongjiang River - will open in April 2020.
First cross-river railway bridge between China and Russia completed - UCLG-ASPAC BRLC . A new bridge that will link Russia and China’s railway systems was completed on August 17, 2021, seven years after its much-heralded groundbreaking.
Mongolia wants to fuel Russia and China by rail – Business News
Ukrainian Official Threatens THE WEST; Ukraine Could “Switch Sides”
Oleksiy Mykolaiovych Arestovych is a Ukrainian presidential adviser and military columnist. He is deep within the inner circle of Ukrainian President VOlodimir Zelensky.
During a televised interview Arestovych said this:
Machine translation: “If Putin wins, 500 thousand Ukrainians will fight for Russia and no one will be able to stop this force.”
Zelensky’s representative explained why the West should supply more weapons and prevent Putin from winning.
“…If Putin wins. And the 1.5 million Russian army will be joined by another 500,000 Ukrainian army. Everyone has seen how we can fight. And then where will the amusing American/NATO troops be able to stop this united force, plus Belarus?”
The BEST Vietnamese PHO Recipe
Outstanding! Look at how it cooks it! WOW!!!!!
"I've never made pho before and I just made this recipe. The broth is incredible. The charring of the onions and ginger provides a subtle smokey flavor and the fish sauce and dried shrimp packs an umami punch that I looove. I was worried it would just taste fishy with these 2 ingredients but it didn't! Thank you for sharing with us, and shout out to the person in the comments who transcribed the recipe from the video! <3"
The Benefits Of Economic Collapse
Authored by Jeff Thomas via InternationalMan.com,
I first began to predict a major economic collapse back in 1999. Although I understood that it was at least fifteen years off and possibly more, I believed that it would be wise to begin to prepare for it then, as the actual date of collapse could not be predicted. (Better to be a few years early than even one day too late.)
Not surprisingly, back then, this prediction appeared to most people to not only be unlikely, but laughable.
Today, we’re a good bit closer to the onset of an economic crisis and it now not only seems possible, but quite likely to an increasing number of those people who are paying attention.
And not surprisingly, as so many people are now realising the inevitability of such a crisis, they’re also realising that they should have been preparing for it. Preparation for a major event such as this requires a fair bit of time and many people are belatedly coming to realise that they may be caught with their pants down when the initial crashes begin.
Whenever the inevitability of such a debacle is first recognized, the first reaction for most people is to dive into denial, saying, “It simply can’t happen. Nobody would let it happen, because nobody benefits.”
But that’s just it. Not only does someone benefit, they’ll benefit on a grand scale.
The controllers of an economy always benefit from a collapse
In 1814, Napoleon’s army went into battle at Waterloo, Belgium. The investment moguls at Capel Court in the City of London were biting their nails with worry, as the outcome of the battle would determine stock prices. If the French won, stock prices would drop dramatically. If Britain won, prices would rise dramatically.
In those days, communication was slow. it would take considerable time for the official envoy to travel from the battlefield in Belgium to London with the news of the outcome of the battle.
England’s foremost banker, Nathan Rothschild, had sent his own messenger to Waterloo with instructions to return by the fastest possible means with the news. Consequently, Mister Rothschild received the news many hours ahead of the return by official messenger.
He then was seen at the stock exchange selling as much as he could as quickly as he could. The word went out: “Rothschild knows.” This elicited a panic and others sold as quickly as they could.
Prices plummeted quickly; then, as the official envoy from Waterloo came up the Thames, Rothschild suddenly bought heavily at a rock-bottom price. Within the hour, the envoy provided the news that Britain had won the battle and prices shot through the roof, making enormous profits for Rothschild, all within one trading day.
He later called it, “The best business I ever did.”
The above tale is one that should be committed to memory, as it informs us that those who know of an economic event will most certainly capitalise on it.
Those who pull the strings make tremendous profits by manipulating an economy over the length of prosperous times, but they make just as much in crisis periods. They simply wait until an economic collapse has been completed and the dust has settled, then they buy up the remaining companies at rock-bottom prices at a time when the average investor has been wiped out. Then, when the economy begins its recovery, they ride the next wave of prosperity.
For this reason, anyone who’s in the economic driver’s seat understands that he’s best-served by creating false prosperity, then triggering its collapse, then cashing in on the collapse.
When this realisation occurs to the average investor, he more often than not declares, “Well, if that’s true, I’m toast either way.”
But this is only true if he takes a passive role in his economic future.
You can benefit from a collapse
The Mandarin word for “crisis” also means “opportunity.”
Those who are able to understand this Chinese concept have a tremendous opportunity in terms of investment. They can recognise that the coming crisis is also an opportunity.
Yes, there will be a collapse in the stock and bond markets. These will unquestionably be deflationary events, causing asset prices to crater.
But this need not spell disaster. The game is not over, but the crisis is unquestionably a game-changer.
It’s important to bear in mind that real wealth never disappears; it merely changes hands.
To prepare for the new game, the objective would be to liquidate all or most stocks, bonds and hard assets such as real estate, in advance of a crash.
Next you would wish to expatriate the proceeds to a jurisdiction that’s less likely to be a casualty of the crisis and, hopefully, would be a net-gainer at such a time.
Like those who actually pull the strings, you’d not only avoid becoming a casualty of the economic collapse, you’d stand to gain from it.
Rescue a drowning kitten waiting to die by the lake. miracle of god
Gosh! He looks dead to me! But he’s alive!
Mark Levin: We are staring tyranny in the face
Meanwhile in America, it appears that a civil war is going to happen soon. This is HISTORIC TIMES.
Do you want more?
You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.
New Beginnings 4.
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