Americans remain misinformed. They think China will collapse when the United States Empire stops buying their products. In truth, only 3% of China's GDP is derived from exports to the USA. Exports worldwide only make up 18.5% of China's GDP. In this light, it seems to me that Xi JP has the patience of a saint. If I were in his shoes, would just label all my products as having origins in Xinjiang. Then sit back and watch the riots happen when Americans can't afford not just their gasoline in their cars, but also that toaster in Walmart when they finally manage to walk there. It would be a Russian and Chinese one-two punch for the obnoxious teenage bully. -littlereddot
Let’s plow on though this most crazy period of time. I do hope that you enjoy my collection of “news” insanity, and various contextual snippets. Have fun.
The NGO “Hong Kong Watch” has FINALLY admitted to being funded by UK government
It took them bloody long enough.
For decades they were critical of the Hong Kong government, and were active in “uncovering crimes and human rights abuses” in China. Well, after a few of their members were decloaked as CIA assets, participants and organizers of the “pro-democracy” movements, rounded up and sent into prison, the “dust has settled”. And now the UK government admits that they were behind the organization that was instrumental in the “color revolution(s)” in Hong Kong.
Video HERE
Ukraine, Taiwan – Battle for US Hegemony Continues
A pretty good video.
Alexander Selkirk
Alexander Selkirk is one of history’s most famous missing persons, but there’s a good chance you don’t recognize his name. That’s because his story became famous only after it was fictionalized and he was rebranded “Robinson Crusoe.”
According to Smithsonian, Selkirk was really only sort-of missing. There were plenty of people who knew where he was, notably the 21-year-old ship captain who deliberately stranded him on an island 418 miles off the coast of Chile. At first, Selkirk was all, “Cool, just leave me here. I don’t like you and I don’t want to be on your leaky ship.” (Note: not an actual historical quote). When Selkirk realized no one else was going to join him on his 3-hour tour, though, he begged the captain to reconsider. And because 21-year-olds who have too much responsibility aren’t exactly known for their empathy, the captain rather predictably refused to take him back.
The ship sailed away and Selkirk was left to fend for himself for four years and four months. Fortunately, the island was populated by feral animals, so he survived on a well-balanced diet of seafood, goats, watercress, and turnips. When he was finally picked up by a passing ship, his rescuers noted that he was so wild in appearance and mannerisms that he seemed to have “forgot his language for want of use, we could scarce understand him, for he seem’d to speak his words by halves.”
Today’s propaganda of the day…
It’s from UK “Intelligence experts”. Found on Drudge.

Yuppur. More examples of Russia “losing big” in Ukraine.
Favorite Potato Salad
Every home cook should have one go-to classic potato salad recipe on hand. It’s the perfect dish to bring to summer picnics, serve at grill-outs and take along to potluck suppers. But don’t just limit this simple potato salad to warm-weather months—this dish can be served year-round. The next time someone samples your delicious side dish and asks you how to make potato salad, just hand them this easy potato salad recipe.

Five possible strikes on Lithuania as a response to the blockade of Kaliningrad
Is Russia being dragged into a war with NATO?
Lithuania has decided to stop the transit of certain types of goods from the EU sanctions list by rail from June 18. Transit stopped. Now politicians and political scientists are busy thinking about how Moscow can respond to the transport blockade of one of the subjects of the Russian Federation – the Kaliningrad region. And if earlier the talk about the war with NATO was of an abstract nature within the framework of the discussion of an unlikely prospect, then Lithuania, by its actions, brought this probability closer.
If cargo transit is not restored, Russia reserves the right to take action to protect its national interests, Maria Zakharova said.
Russian Chargé d’Affaires in Lithuania Sergey Ryabokon said on the Russia-24 TV channel :
“When the sanctions actions of the European Union began, they found the most fertile ground here in Lithuania. And Lithuania began to offer itself what could be done to inflict maximum damage on us .
Ryabokon noted that this measure was developed by the European Union a month and a half ago, but it was not specified, and now Lithuania has moved forward. Lithuanian politicians have been saying for thirty years that they have a lever of pressure on Russia – transit to Kaliningrad. And on the night of June 17-18, this lever was activated. Among other things, the import of fertilizers, the need for which is very high, is prohibited.
Commenting on the situation, the State Duma noted that the transport blockade could give serious grounds for the start of hostilities, but the Russian Federation would not use them. Another way of solving the problem is proposed – to speed up the procedure for canceling the decision of Lithuania to secede from the USSR and cease its existence as a subject of international law. It is assumed that in this case, the NATO protection regime will cease to operate on the territory of Lithuania.
Blocking transit to the Russian region, Vilnius did not calculate the consequences. How Russia might respond, Alexander Nosovich, a political scientist based in Kaliningrad , explained :
– withdrawal of recognition of Lithuanian independence. The idea to recognize as illegitimate the secession of the Baltic republics from the USSR has been in the air since September 5, 1991, when this illegal secession took place;
– withdrawal from the agreements with the European Union on Lithuania. Russia recognized the borders of Lithuania in exchange for guarantees for the transit of Russian citizens and goods from Kaliningrad and to Kaliningrad. Thanks to this recognition, Lithuania was able to join the EU and NATO.
“I would like to remind you that an integral part of the package of joint EU-RF-Lithuania decisions of 2002-2003 on guaranteed transit of Russian goods and, of course, citizens of the Russian Federation to/from the Kaliningrad region was a counter obligation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation to ratify the State Border Treaty with the Republic of Lithuania. I remember this very well, because then I headed the State Duma Committee on International Affairs and was the special representative of the President of Russia at these negotiations , ”
writes the head of Roscosmos Dmitry Rogozin. –
If Brussels and Vilnius initiatively and treacherously destroy the package of agreements they signed on the Kaliningrad transit, which entered into force on July 1, 2003, then the EU must understand the consequences of their suicidal decision for the legitimacy of their own eastern border .
The measures are as follows:
– Russia’s demand to return Klaipeda. The current borders of Lithuania were established by the Soviet Union, and they have nothing to do with the Republic of Lithuania, which declares itself the legal successor of pre-Soviet Lithuania and rejects the Lithuanian SSR as a “Soviet occupation”. In fact, the only official successor of the USSR is the Russian Federation. This means that Moscow has the right to reconsider the ownership of the territories annexed to Lithuania during the Soviet period, in particular the ownership of the Klaipeda region;
– disconnection of Lithuania from the BRELL energy system (an energy ring that unites Belarus, Russia, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania). This would be Moscow’s most painful economic response to Vilnius’ hostile move. So far, Lithuania is strenuously pretending that it does not need to be connected to BRELL, but it is not known how it will feel after a real shutdown and a rise in the price of everything from goods to fuel;
– creation of the Suwalki corridor. This is a land passage between Lithuania and Poland, which could connect the territory of Belarus with the Kaliningrad region of Russia.
“As for gas, we have the Marshal Vasilevsky LNG terminal, which has already been tested in case Lithuania cuts off gas pipeline gas ,” says Nosovich. - Regarding transit, I talked with high officials of our region and representatives of the center, and they assure that the Russian civilian fleet in the Baltic Sea is quite enough to supply all the volumes of goods that Lithuania can block us by rail. The question is how quickly we can do it all. But I am sure that we will not have interruptions in supplies, empty shelves in stores . ”
According to the governor of the region Anton Alikhanov, the ferries of the Kaliningrad region will cope with the new cargo. The transportation of oil products to the Kaliningrad region through Lithuania continues until August 10:
“According to our preliminary estimates - we have not yet completed the analysis - this is from 40% to 50% of the cargo that was transported between the Kaliningrad region and other regions of the Russian Federation. These are cargoes, including building materials, cement, metals. A range of other materials important for construction and manufacturing. Finished products that were exported from our territory. This will require us to urgently put new ships on the Ust-Luga-Baltiysk line , ”
explained the head of the region.
State Duma deputy Konstantin Zatulin suggested that with all these difficulties – violation of agreements, disregard for diplomatic norms, bombing of peaceful quarters of Donetsk and oil platforms – Russia is being tested and, possibly, provoked to open a second front in the Baltics, that is, they are being drawn into a war with NATO.
Cynthia Ann Parker
By the early to mid-1800s, European occupation was taking a toll on native villages. As their populations fell, some indigenous people turned to kidnapping as a way to increase their numbers. Sometimes, kidnapped white children were adopted by indigenous families who had lost their own children to diseases like cholera or smallpox (via HistoryNet). One of these children was Cynthia Ann Parker, who was abducted from her family farm in Texas when she was just nine years old (via Humanities Texas).
Parker was missing for 24 years, though there were occasional sightings of her living among the Comanche. She eventually married and had three children, and probably would have stayed with the Comanche until her death, except some Texas Rangers decided to “rescue” her and her infant daughter. Her reunion with her white family was not a happy one, and Parker never adjusted to life in the white settlements. Despite being a grown woman capable of making her own choices, she was also not permitted to return to the Comanche and her two sons, one of whom — Quanah Parker — became one of the most influential Comanche leaders in history.
There are some conflicting accounts about her eventual death sometime between 1864 and 1871. According to Texas Monthly, she is said to have starved herself to death.
A little common sense about proxy war
The question is: why does one person initiate confrontation with another person in an aggressive way?
Isn’t it obvious? They think that they are going to win.
Or they think that they will gain some advantage by it, and still survive. (I am not talking about defending yourself from real or imagined threats.)
But you say; there are millions of examples where apparently weaker entities challenge an obviously stronger adversary. Are they just foolhardy to take on this risk? No, they still think that they are going to win, or gain some advantage. How so? Because they have “an uncle” at their back. I’ll just get Uncle to come in and save me. Or maybe Uncle wants to hobble that other entity, and they hired me to do it for them, (with certain guarantees for me of course).
In the modern day of international relations, this is called the “Proxy War”. It is the most insidious activity on the planet, to hire different factions of poor people to kill each other. It is a kind of Cock-Fighting, and the sideline bets are enormous. For as long as I can remember, America is the unavowed champion at this game. They have these magic words “Plausible Deniability”, which they think is a garment that covers their naked aggression. They even brag about how good they are at it. I find it a dead give-away, and not plausible at all.
Well, America has at least 800 military bases around the world, so there are at least 800 of these chickens (at various levels of readiness for cock fighting), those that are hosting these bases. Of course, they are paid to do this, but who is getting paid? Dictators are enriched, or Vassal type leaders, Criminal regimes and Gangster billionaires. Does any advantage filter down to the populations? Is threatening a bigger power in their interest in any way?
Let’s look at the Ukraine, where average people live on $10/day, the below average people, (you can calculate that). That’s right, the GDP/capita is $3,500/year. Surely now it will be half of that, if not less.
Ukraine does have an Uncle, actually many of them. They gave guarantees too, but what was Ukraine’s obligation with those guarantees? They had to win some battles; then everything could progress as planned. But it seems it is not happening that way, and the guarantees are getting thinner and thinner.
I don’t have to make any claims about it, since it is moving so fast that we’ll all know very soon.
So, what is the situation with their transaction at this time? Ukraine has managed the destruction of its infrastructure, Russia has started softly on some things. Can it be rebuilt, even in a generation? For one Trillion dollars? And for how many generations will the debts have to be paid off? They are also combining the death of one generation of men, it may soon arrive to that level of carnage if they don’t put on the brakes soon. To obtain such a result took 30 years of building the whole country on a foundation of HATE.
It is based on the philosophy of Dmytro Dontsov, 1883 – 1973, author of the dogma behind Stepan Bandera. His two INITIAL postulates, without which “Ukrainian integral nationalism” is impossible, are namely the cultural opposition to “Moscow” and the social opposition to “socialism”. He built a philosophy where everything nationalistic is against Russia and against Jews. He has 24 books and they can be downloaded free from web sources. But they are all in Ukrainian, so I didn’t pursue it. Maybe Yandex could translate them.
The reading of his works is mandatory for all nationalist Ukrainian soldiers, particularly for those of the Azov regiment. He is the guiding intellectual behind the Ukrainian regime and he’s been one of the best-selling authors in Ukraine these recent years.
What the Ukraine must be hoping for is that their leaders would all become billionaires. Then after the ethnic cleansing of the Russian population, they would have all the mines, energy, minerals, farmland and industry of the Donbas, to divide among themselves. If they could get the Crimea, they would get an enormous rent from NATO for the Sevastopol Naval Base.
Would they operate all these assets, or have land reform to include the common people? Highly unlikely, they would sell these assets on the cheap to westerners and to Monsanto, to further make the Ukrainian billionaires into multi-billionaires.
The main product that they WOULD produce is terrorism and insurgency, which they would deliver across the Russian border. It’s exactly the same job Stepan Bandera was hired for 70 years ago by MI6 and the CIA. (Not a conspiracy theory, but it is proudly stated in the reports of MI5 and MI6, the British handlers of Bandera.)
And NATO bases would be right next to them to supply and train the chickens.
1965 Buick Riviera Gran Sport

China says it’s ready to co-operate with Australia in the Pacific
Wang told Samoan Prime Minister Fiame Naomi Mataafa that China was not seeking “exclusive rights” to help develop the area. “China is willing to enhance communication with all countries that care about Pacific Island Countries, especially Australia and New Zealand, and give full play to respective strengths to carry out more trilateral co-operation on the basis of respecting Pacific Island Countries’ wishes,” he said. Article HERE China says it is willing to co-operate with Australia in the Pacific, signalling a rhetorical and diplomatic shift following the election of the Labor government. China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Monday failed to get consensus from 10 Pacific nations to sign up for Beijing’s “Common Development Vision,” a regional security deal in exchange for trade and economic co-operation that sparked fears of China’s economic and military ambitions in Washington and Canberra. But at least half-a-dozen countries including Samoa, Kiribati and Niue have signed up for enhanced co-operation in Beijing’s trillion-dollar Belt and Road infrastructure investment program. Fiji’s Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama, who hosted Wang for the Pacific foreign ministers meeting in Suva, said the region had to work together to face existential threats before signing up for any major multilateral deals. “We put consensus first,” said Bainimarama. “Geopolitical point scoring means less than little to anyone whose community is slipping beneath the rising seas, whose job has been lost to a pandemic.” The leak of China’s proposal to Reuters and a warning by David Panuelo, the President of the Federated States of Micronesia that it would shift the region “into Beijing’s orbit” put hopes of a deal being signed on Monday in peril. The region, which has found itself in the middle of a geopolitical contest between the United States, Australia and China, puts a high value on unity in its negotiations through the Pacific Islands Forum. Instead, Wang said that China would now pursue a policy position paper in the region as it looks to build multinational support for its vision of “common development, sovereignty and territorial integrity “Some have been questioning ‘why China has been so active in supporting Pacific countries’?” said Wang, who did not take any questions from reporters at the press conference. “China is a major developing country, and we do this with a great sense of responsibility.” Wang presented a message from President Xi Jinping stating China was willing to work with Pacific Island nations to build a “community with a shared future” – highlighting Beijing’s growing diplomatic investment in the region after signing a landmark security and trade deal with Solomon Islands in April. In his first direct mention of Australia during his 10-day, eight-country tour, Wang told Samoan Prime Minister Fiame Naomi Mataafa that China was not seeking “exclusive rights” to help develop the area. “China is willing to enhance communication with all countries that care about Pacific Island Countries, especially Australia and New Zealand, and give full play to respective strengths to carry out more trilateral co-operation on the basis of respecting Pacific Island Countries’ wishes,” he said. Wang’s comments followed a diplomatic blitz by Foreign Minister Penny Wong last week. Wong said it was up to individual nations to make sovereign decisions about their future but warned them that a region-wide deal with Beijing could sacrifice their independence, lead to unsustainable debt levels and endanger the Pacific’s security. The countries visited by Wang sit on a key strategic route between the United States, Australia and Asia and less than 2000 kilometres off the coast of Queensland that could block supply lines in the event of a conflict. Wang failed to get consensus on the Pacific-mega deal but halfway through his 10-day tour has signed dozens of bilateral agreements including police training in Samoa, COVID-19 economic recovery plans with Fiji, radio and television co-operation with Niue and climate change and marine protection programs with Kiribati Beijing’s top diplomat has positioned China in meetings with his Pacific counterparts as the leader of a growing group of developing countries that feel left out of the US-led international order that he argues is fuelled by Western geopolitical aims. “Developing countries need to strengthen solidarity,” Wang said on Sunday. “As the largest developing country, we have always stood by developing countries and stood firm for fairness and justice for small and medium-sized countries.” Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has yet to publicly respond to a message from Chinese Premier Li Keqiang congratulating him on his election. Beijing’s tone since the Labor victory on May 20 has been trending softer but $20 billion in trade sanctions on Australian exports remain in place and Albanese has maintained that Australia would not begin negotiations until trade restrictions were lifted.
Ukrainian soldiers take documents and things from the bodies of the dead, by which they can be identified
MOSCOW, June 22 - RIA Novosti. Ukrainian troops opposing the allied forces in the LPR have been instructed to depersonalize the bodies of servicemen - all documents are taken from them, making it more difficult to identify foreign mercenaries, Lieutenant Colonel of the People's Militia of the LPR Andrey Marochko said on Wednesday. "Instructions were given to Ukrainian servicemen to depersonalize the corpses of servicemen. They simply take away all identity documents so that they cannot be identified," Marochko said on the air of Rossiya 24, commenting on the issue of the origin of foreign mercenaries previously liquidated in the Gorsky area and Golden. He added that the identification of the destroyed mercenaries is now underway.
World War III
Most friends at this group may already know that I hold abnormal opinions. Here is my not very traditional view on World War III. 1. Volunteers will not cause a World War. If they do, then Russia is already fighting one. 2. People who are truly afraid of World War III are actually people who already own the world by virtue of their hege-money. If you have 100 billion dollars by which you can get whatever you want and do whatever you want with impunity, would you rather get into something that will turn your "wealth" and power into nothing and kill you and your family at the same time? If the powerless and enslaved people like us are afraid of World War III, then let us target the miscreants, not sing kumbaya and let the warmongers continue to murder, pillage, and rape with impunity. This is what the criminals want us to believe and how they want us to act. Never do what your enemy wants you to do. Why 99% are slaves of the 1%? Because 99% are craven and stupid, that's why. 3. Don't be afraid of bullies. They will threaten fire and brimstone, including suicidal world destruction. Don't believe in their lies and don't be cowed. Bullies are usually cowards. They love living because their lives are good. Know your target, learn his weakness, have an objective, make a plan, strengthen yourself, bide your time, and the bully will be defeated. 4. I have many personal experiences with bullies. In grade five, I was the runt of the schoolyard wearing glasses. The school bully who had already beaten everyone up decided that he wanted to beat me up after school because I ignored him and he was running out of targets. Not only did he never lay a finger on me, but I was the only victim to have laid the bully flat on his back in front of all the other kids. It took me one and half years of planning and biding my time to get there. He never bullied anyone at school again. I have also stories of facing down the Chinese mafia, but maybe another time. 5. How do we stop war then? It's not by being peaceful and throwing flowers at the warmongers. If the target is the 1%, why should anyone threaten to kill the 99% who have nothing? The whole kabuki show of suicidal world destruction by nuclear war by the 1% who controls the nuclear weapons is a farce meant to keep the stupified 99% in a stupor. Know your target. The 1% is not hard to find, their wealth and properties are no secret, and their loved ones are usually going around town in expensive cars with chauffeurs and bodyguards. But the 99% are too busy working at soul-crushing jobs, rallying for minimum wage to pay for the wars, and voting for more lying miscreants to defend their freedom. "Niemand ist hoffnungsloser versklavt als jene, die fälschlicherweise glauben, frei zu sein." -- Goethe (None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free) Thanks to Frans for the more elegant German original. PM
Another propaganda of the day…
It’s just too delicious. LOL!

It’s going to be installed in kitchen appliances that are shipped to the United States!
‘Nothing Will Be As Before’
By Batiushka for the Saker Blog
Western Europe and North America are now in dire economic straits. Four EU leaders, from Germany, France, Italy and Romania, have just been to Kiev to plead with Zelensky to start negotiating again and make territorial concessions. The Western media did not much report on the fourth Romanian/German leader, Klaus Iohannis, and showed few photograph of him; possibly because the racists who work in the Western media despise Romania ( What they all forgot to mention is that Russia has no need to negotiate and, given the way that it has been treated since 2014 (indeed, since 1991), it is not going to make concessions.
The EU leaders once more made the illusory promise that the Ukraine might soon become a candidate for EU membership (despite the Dutch veto), if it restarts negotiations. This old carrot dangled before the Ukrainian donkey is irrelevant. The EU has more than four countries and four leaders, whatever promise that the Ukraine may become an EU member in 20 years time. Long before that, there will be no Ukraine and probably no EU. The day after their visit, the Johnson clown went to Kiev too, though we do not know what he spoke of. Presumably, he just wanted to show that the UK is a ‘Great Power’ – like the EU?
It is all too late. Negotiations on the Donbass failed for eight years because the West forbade them. They failed again last March in Belarus and Istanbul, for the same reason. The West in its arrogance believed that it could crush Russia using its Ukrainian cannonfodder. This has been displayed for nearly four months now by the reports of State propaganda mouthpieces like CNN, the BBC etc. with their nonsense that President Putin is dying and that Russia is running out of fuel and ammunition! Wishful thinking all the time. Originally Russia just wanted to liberate the Donbass. However, pig-headedness in Kiev means that they will now be forced to take control of the whole country – and perhaps more, if aggression from outside the Ukraine continues. It was all so unnecessary…
The West cannot go on with its suicidal and illegal sanctions against Russia – or rather against itself. The lack of oil, gas, fertilisers and essential raw materials is biting. Inflation is taking off all over the West. In the UK a wave of strikes is threatened. The incredibly unpopular Johnson’s days are numbered. The only problem for Russia is that the rouble keeps rising. Despite interest rate cuts from 15% to 8.5%, the rouble is again at 56 to the dollar. Clearly, further Russian interest rate cuts are, forgive the pun, in the pipeline. Meanwhile, African and Asian leaders have told Zelensky to stop fighting. They want grain ( 51814770/ ?frommail=1).
Of course, it is true that many of the West’s woes began well before this year, not least with the absurd and totalitarian ‘covid’ restrictions from 2020 on, which bankrupted many companies and led to it printing ever more money and to ever higher and unpayable debts. The West is desperate for the conflict in the Ukraine to end before the autumn cold sets in. Otherwise there are going to be popular revolts in Western countries, with scenes of looting on the streets.
Western arms, usually third-rate from stocks anyway, are making hardly any difference in the Ukraine. Most, together with munitions, get destroyed before they can be used. Much that has been promised cannot be used because it will take months to instruct Ukrainians on how to use them. The rate of attrition of the Kiev Army, up to 1,000 a day according to Kuleba, the Kiev Interior Minister, is simply unsustainable. Once the fortifications in the Donbass, built by Kiev and NATO over the last eight years, have been overwhelmed, there will be a clear run to Odessa, Transdnestria, Kharkov and Kiev or indeed anywhere that Russia wants. This could happen soon.
Yesterday, the Russian Ministry of Defence released figures on mercenaries ( The picture is dismal for the Ukraine. Of some 6,000 mercenaries in the Ukraine from 64 different countries, some 2,000 have been killed and some 2,000 have fled. Perhaps they thought that they were going to fight in a Third World country, where the enemy just had Kalashnikovs and not world-beating hypersonic missiles? How long the remaining 2,000 or so will remain alive remains to be seen.
Poland supplied the greatest number of mercenaries, with 1,831. Presumably as with other countries like Canada (601 mercenaries), USA (530), Romania (504), Germany and France, the majority of these were actually Ukrainians who have lived outside the Ukraine for some years, rather than native people. In third place for mercenaries from Europe comes the UK with 422, of whom 102 have been killed and 98 have fled. According to General Konashenkov who released the figures, the number of mercenaries coming has stopped and indeed been reversed. It is too dangerous to stay and get killed in the Ukraine.
This leaves the two foolish British mercenaries, not killed in action with the 102 others, but taken prisoner. And also it leaves two captured US mercenaries. There is speculation that the British might plea for their release in exchange for Julian Assange. That would upset the Americans. On the other hand, the British mercenaries, Eslin and Pinner, have already been sentenced to death. If that sentenced is carried out, it is going to make Johnson even more unpopular than he already is. Perhaps that is why Johnson went to Kiev to plead.
Thus, the first or military stage is coming to an end and should be over later this summer. However, this is only the start. The New Ukraine has to be formed. Then there is the demilitarisation and denazification of the rest of Eastern Europe. And there is the economic war, declared by the West, to be finished. On 17June at the International Economic Forum in his native Saint Petersburg, President Putin said:
‘After the Cold War the USA declared itself to be the emissaries of God on Earth, without any responsibility, only with interests….Today’s changes in economics and in international politics are tectonic and revolutionary. The Western elites are in a state of delusion, clinging on to the shadow of the past and denying changing reality…Nothing will be as before…The EU has definitively lost its political sovereignty. The current situation in Europe will lead to an outburst of radicalism and in the probable future a change of elites’.
Here is the future.
’72 Mach 1 Mustang

Russia Overtakes Saudi Arabia As China’s Top Oil Supplier
Authored by Tsvetana Paraskova via,
- Chinese imports of Russian crude surged by 55 percent in May as the world’s biggest importer of oil took advantage of major discounts.
- Russia has now overtaken Saudi Arabia as China’s top oil supplier.
- While Russia is sending lots more crude to Asia, it is unlikely that the Asian market can absorb all 4 million barrels that were going to Europe.
China imported a record volume of Russian crude in May, with arrivals surging by 55 percent to nearly 2 million barrels per day (bpd). This has made Russia the top oil supplier to the world’s leading crude importer—putting it ahead of Saudi Arabia for the first time in a year and a half.
A record volume of cheap Russian oil, which sells at steep discounts to crude from other countries, made its way to Chinese refiners last month, according to figures from China’s General Administration of Customs cited by Reuters.
China imported 1.98 million bpd of Russian crude oil in May, up by 55 percent from May last year and up from 1.59 million bpd of Russian oil imported in April 2022, the data showed.
The high purchases of Russian oil outstripped supply from Saudi Arabia, Russia’s partner in the OPEC+ deal. Chinese imports of Saudi crude averaged 1.84 million bpd in May, up by 9 percent compared to May 2021, but down from 2.17 million bpd imported in April, according to the data cited by Reuters.
Thanks to the increased shipments of cheap crude to China, Russia became the top supplier to the world’s biggest oil importer for the first time in 19 months, per Reuters estimates.
Russia has been increasingly selling its crude to China and India after Western buyers shun Russian oil and the EU—Russia’s top oil customer before the war in Ukraine—prepares to launch a phased-out embargo on seaborne imports from Russia by the end of the year.
Russia is also estimated to have overtaken Saudi Arabia to become India’s second-largest supplier of crude oil in May. The average daily rate of Russian oil exports to India stood at 819,000 barrels last month, compared with 277,000 bpd in April.
Half of Russia’s crude is headed east to Asia. This compares to 75 percent of Russia’s oil exports which were being shipped to Europe earlier this year, Alexander Dyukov, chief executive of Gazprom Neft, said last week.
Still, analysts doubt that the Asian market can absorb all 4 million bpd of oil that Russia was sending to Europe before the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
1967 Chevrolet Camaro RS LS3 6.2L V8

Russia’s ‘Satan 2’ missile changes little for U.S., scholars say
Summary; Russia has successfully tests the RS-28 Sarmat. This is a very large, heavy-duty ICBM, that carries [1] large nuclear weapon payloads, [2] shoots them using hyper-velocity missiles, and [3] the collective West has no defense for. The United States government says that this is of no concern. The US has nuclear weapons also.
The RS-28 Sarmat, which NATO has dubbed “Satan 2,” is considered Russia’s most powerful ICBM: a super-heavy, thermonuclear-armed intercontinental-range ballistic missile.
The missile that was introduced during a 2018 Russian state-of-the-nation address was the “next generation” of weaponry that could breach “any missile defense” system, Putin claimed at the time.
Pentagon spokesman John Kirby told reporters Wednesday that the United States did not consider the weapon a threat to Washington or its allies.
The Sarmat was intended to replace the Soviet-designed Voevoda, which was designed in 1962 with the capability to carry three warheads. The Sarmat weighs 200 metric tons (220 tons) and has a longer range, allowing it to fly over the North or South poles and strike targets anywhere in the world, Putin said in 2018. He added that the Sarmat carries a larger number of more powerful nuclear warheads. The Pentagon minimized the features of the weapon and said that “the American people should rest assured that we are fully prepared.”
Russia initially planned to finish Sarmat trials in 2021 and begin deploying it to the army soon after, but several test launches, considered late-stage trials in arms development, were postponed until 2022, the state-run Tass news agency reported last year.
“Sarmat is the most powerful missile with the longest range of destruction of targets in the world, which will significantly increase the combat power of our country’s strategic nuclear forces,” the Russian Defense Ministry said Wednesday, announcing a successful test launch from the Plesetsk Cosmodrome in the Arkhangelsk region.
Putin praised the Sarmat engineers in his speech Wednesday for creating a purely “domestic” product. Rounds of economic sanctions imposed on Russia over the years, most recently for its invasion of Ukraine, have essentially barred Russia from importing any dual-purpose goods that could help advance its military complex and have left many key industries that rely heavily on imports, such as aviation, vulnerable to production and maintenance disruptions.
1966 Chevrolet Corvette 327ci

China defiant on Australian trade sanctions
Abstract Seinfeld Oil Paintings Are Perfect For Any Man Cave

If you’re looking to add something special to your man cave then you might want to think about getting one of these abstract Seinfeld paintings. Artist Morgan Blair is obsessed with the show and she’s found a way to turn her passion into art.

70 Shelby GT-500

Cat Who Lost Her Kittens Cries When Embracing An Abandoned Kitten
Show understanding. Show humanity.
’71 Barracuda

Brazil: trade with China more than double that of the USA
The People’s Republic of China has traditionally regarded Latin America as a zone for US interests and influence and has tended to tread carefully with countries in the region. But with the issuance in 2008 of the first ever State Council White Paper in Beijing on relations with Latin American countries, this attitude started to change. As a sign of acceleration, in 2016, a second paper came out, updating and enhancing what had gone before. This has been complemented by the number of visits to the region by Chinese President and Communist Party leader Xi Jinping since his appointment in 2012–13. Of all the places in Latin America, for China, Brazil is among the most important. As this paper makes clear with plentiful data, in terms of exports and trade, Chinese–Brazilian relations are very strong. This is particularly the case with raw materials such as iron ore and agricultural products. Even during the pandemic, from 2020, flows of meat, soybeans and oils have been maintained, meaning that Brazil ranks as China’s largest supplier in these areas. The paper also argues how, with China’s economic transition to a more service- sector-dominated structure, Brazil’s export pattern will need to evolve and change. China’s intensive manufacturing and high use of imported raw materials is still important, but there are new developments. The ‘dual circulation’ idea of 2020 issued from Beijing stressed the need for the government to develop Chinese consumption. It also showed how much China wished to become more autonomous in terms of research, development and technology.
’72 Datsun Fairlady 240z

How Russia responded to the Ukrainian strike on drilling rigs in the Black Sea
The Ministry of Defense told in detail what the plan of Zelensky’s Nazis was when they hit civilian targets and what they got in return.
Retaliation on our part was [1] the destroyed hangar with Bayraktar drones at the Shkolny airfield near Odessa. And, [2] two more platoons of NATO howitzers M-777 on Kubansky Island, as well as [3] two launchers of the S-300 system in the Ochakovo and Tuzla regions of the Odessa region.
This was stated by the official representative of the Ministry of Defense Igor Konashenkov.
By the way, according to Konashenkov, the Chornomorneftegaz platforms were not the targets of the Ukrainian raid.
They were hit rather out of desperation – they needed a bright picture for a TV show. The main task was Serpent’s Island, which the Ukrainians lost at the very beginning of the special operation and cannot get it back.
Here’s how it was:
According to the plan of the Ukrainian command, their forces were to first deliver massive air strikes and artillery on Serpent Island and then land troops there.
Serious forces were thrown – 15 attack and reconnaissance drones, the gunner of which was two Bayraktars, the US Air Force Global Hawk RQ-4 strategic reconnaissance aircraft circling nearby, and all this under the cover of the S-300.
Attacks on Serpentine were carried out by Tochka-U ballistic missiles, Uragan multiple launch rocket systems and M-777 howitzers.
Russian troops were defended by anti-aircraft complexes “Pantsir” and “Tor”.
Everything that flew in the direction of Zmeinoye – 4 Tochka-U and 21 Hurricane shells – was shot down, as were 13 drones.
When the Ukrainians realized that they had achieved nothing, they abandoned the landing on the island and hit civilian drilling rigs. 7 of those who were on them are still considered missing.
Read article HERE.
Explain It to Me, Please
If you want a war with Iran, Russia, China and Venezuela tell me why and how it would benefit Americans
Lost Cat Found With Brain Damage Dying Alone In The Cement Room
Tear jerker, but the cat recovered. The story is very interesting and tells us quite a bit about ourselves, and our humanity.
How problem solving became the problem in the west
by Denis A. Conroy for the Saker Blog
Awoke this morning and thought it was time to review my political convictions as it had become apparent that the war in Ukraine was beholden to the usual ‘us-and-them’ arrangements that stood in for enlightened insight… Another day wherein the propaganda-controlled media confronted me with the power of its’ nuclear-ballistic narrative (based on fire power), to assure me that our ace-in-the hole superior mediation could slam dunk those who refused to acknowledge Western exceptionality-a clear sign that the Pentagon was in bed with The Chicago School of economics.
My ruminations continued as I set about preparing breakfast…I found time for coffee despite the chaos beyond my boundaries. What was wrong with our market-oriented economy? Was our model up shit creek?
We in the West have a problem it seems? People of the lesser than white pigmentation are no longer accepting the fact that we, the descendants of the first European industrial revolution, can be trusted. We, who colonized great swathes of the non-industrialized world are no longer being viewed as magnanimous partners in any sharing sense.
The neo-conservative West tried exporting its’ Globalization (WTO) rules-based business-school mentality that underpins the theories of the Chicago School of Economics to the entire planet. The white man’s burden should be applied and set… and reset… according to the rules of the inchoate modernist unilateralist and utility-minded who eschew democracy over money.
The dream; to regroup in order to grow the capitalist vision of capturing Eurasia in a muscular web of 800 military bases put there to inhibit the development of peer modelling, meant full spectrum dominance.
On hearing the news that Washington was giving Ukraine a 64 billion super-duper military handout, the inner consultant took over from the inner muse and my mind went into equative overdrive.
Do the righteous amongst us choose formulaic thinking over science-based deductive observation? Well, the answer to that seems to be a big yes!
Shall we start with the Jewish controlled media? The Jewish ability to trade themselves to the center of power is impressive, but does it contain the seed of a truly universal outlook, or is it anchored in ethnic moorings that have succeeded in pulling off a coup par excellence that has taken the West by storm! The question is, does it require an arcane narrative in order to occupy the high moral ground? And, having acquired the moral high ground vis a vis alliance with power brokers, does this give them the right to LORD it over those who are told that they are checkmated vis a vis 800 military bases in Eurasia or the iron rim of the Gaza strip. All of this is precisely what Mainstreet Media is conniving at. Accept our ‘truth’ or we will execute great vengeance upon our enemies with furious rebukes (and Palestine and America are not the only counties that have an Anglo-Zionist problem). Think of what America and Israel have in common; exemption from the injurious consequences of their actions (what’s that line again about actions speaking louder than words and why are their cinematic art forms so bereft of human dignity?).
For instance, PULP FICTION, released in 1994 as an American black comedy neo-noir crime film written and directed by Quentin Tarantino, is from a story by Tarantino and Roger Avery. It was, and continues to be a cultural watershed…a great piece of cinematic art capturing the myopia within American culture. Samuel Jacksons treatment of Ezekiel’ passage 25:17 “And I will execute great vengeance upon them with furious rebukes; and they shall know that I am the LORD, when I shall lay my vengeance upon them” is quintessentially, American hubris.
Pulp Fiction grafts contemporary narrative on arcane roots in antiquity to create a novel way of resolving the delusions of myopic grandeur that beset Jules Winnfield, a thug in need of redemption. The society Tarantino presents to the public is one where hype and entertainment paralyse the human spirit as the market economy goes about its business shredding the wellbeing of its’ citizens…the sense that an intractable appetite for personal gratification has become America’s raison d’etre is all pervasive.
Marsellus Wallace is a gang boss and husband to Mia Wallace. He is the boss of Vincent Vega, Jules Winnfield, Butch Coolidge and many other unknown gangsters. He famously states that the business he’s in “is filled with unrealistic motherfuckers” when addressing Butch Coolidge (Bruce Willis), a pugilist being forced to “throw” a fight. The term motherfucker here implies the existence of somebody of indeterminate status and inevitably applies to all who get in the way of any dominant actor seeking power…hegemony…over others in a rat-race to the top. The three stories capture the ineluctable spread of corruption that seeps through to every nook and cranny of society…leaving Hollywood to capitalize on one unholy mess.
So before leaving part two, a thought: Does Volodymyr Zelensky realize what the tide of neo-conservatism lapping at the shores of Ukraine would bring to that hapless country?
When propaganda took control of macro-America, the media went along with the process of shoving Americas’ Foreign Policy ‘down the throat of all and sundry. It happened when America found itself the sole superpower on the planet. What followed was the marshaling of Anglo/Zionist forces to downplay the role of government in economics. With the help of Milton Friedman and the Chicago School of Economics, governments throughout the West became separated from governance. The Chicago School was libertarian and laissez-faire at its core, rejecting Keynesian notions of governments managing aggregate economic demand to promote growth. It was a 1930s form of economic unilateralism that succeeded in keeping finance out of the hands of the so-called ‘turbulent’ masses. It also became the political incarnation of colonial interference, aided and abetted by military overkill forever available to induct or vamoose main-street–ness.
“MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN” became the clarion call of muscular America in the service of promoting the United States of Americas’ dream of empire. But was anybody listening? When Biden said “America is back”, was anybody listening? When Putin said enough is enough, quit the provocation, was he or anybody in Bidens’ administration listening? When the nonaligned nations of the world rejected Americas sanctioning of Russia, was anybody in the West listening? Isn’t it time Americans consulted their inner jerks and gave a thought to the suffering their imperial obsession has wrought on Afghanistan and Palestine, to mention but two examples of the arcane mindset.
Hollywood, the dream machine always gets it right. Life in America is about coupling in one way or another…couples struggling with their destinies are at the hub of the three stories that did it for Pulp Fiction in an extremely fractious way. Hollywood became Hollywood because it succeeded in identifying the American existential narrative as a drama belonging to couples or individuals compelled, by external social conditions, to trade their way through a dog-eat-dog system designed to produce winners and losers from within its protean boundaries.
America and Palestine are not the only countries…nations…with an Anglo-Zionist problem!!
As Europe squishes under the yoke of the pulpy Atlantic Alliance, there is little reason to believe that hope might spring eternally from the minds of its’ generally mediocre neo-conservative leadership.
An Independent Inquiry Into the American Origins of Covid?
As most are surely aware, for more than two years I have been pointing to the strong perhaps even overwhelming evidence that the Covid outbreak that devastated our own country and the world was very likely the result of an exceptionally reckless American biowarfare attack against China (and Iran).
Under my analysis, the million American deaths and massive social disruption we have suffered would constitute the most disastrous blowback of any military operation in the history of the world, and if it became widely accepted, the domestic political consequences would be monumental.
My suggestion of a central American role in the creation of this global epidemic has been excluded not only from the mainstream media but from virtually all of the alternative media as well, presumably because the possibility is simply too horrific to contemplate. However, this situation may now be starting to change.
Last month, the prestigious journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences carried an opinion article authored by prominent Columbia University economist Jeffrey D. Sachs and a medical colleague suggesting an American role in the creation of the virus and arguing for an independent inquiry into that possibility.
Their paper also presented some of the very considerable evidence that the virus had been artificially engineered in a laboratory, providing a comparison chart noting the striking difference in structure between Covid and all of its closest natural relatives. Indeed, the former seems to have the sort of human-insert sequence that American researchers had been exploring in their scientific papers.

Sachs and his co-author also emphasized that the Eco-Health Alliance, heavily funded by our own Department of Defense, had been very active in organizing the collection of SARS-like bat-viruses from China, exactly the sort of viruses that probably would have constituted the precursor stock to a genetically-engineered Covid virus.
These sorts of implications are hardly surprising to those who have been following my own writings of the last couple of years, but they obviously have vastly greater impact when made by top mainstream scholars writing in one of America’s most influential academic journals. Although the two authors are careful to avoid touching upon the central thesis of my own articles, their analysis is entirely consistent with that framework.
- A call for an independent inquiry into the origin of the SARS-CoV-2 virus
Neil L. Harrison and Jeffrey D. Sachs • PNAS • May 19, 2022 • 2,800 Words
So far, this potentially important paper seems to have received relatively little media coverage, but it may have already contributed to some renewed interest in my own work.
In February I had presented my ideas at length in several video interviews, including Kevin Barrett’s Truth Jihad, Geopolitics & Empire, and Red Ice TV, totaling nearly four hours of discussion. During the last ten days or so, these videos have attracted a great deal of new interest, adding another 60,000 total views, and are now rapidly approaching the half-million mark. Shortly after my interview with Kevin Barrett, he told me he hoped that the viewership might eventually break 100,000, a possibility I considered wildly optimistic at the time, but that video is now actually at the verge of reaching 200,000 views. If these trends continue, at some point media outlets may finally be forced to recognize the likely reality of what befell America and the rest of the world a couple of years ago.
Meanwhile, I have recently been preoccupied with different matters. In June 2018 I resumed my writing, and during the last four years I have published more than a half-million words of articles and columns, the bulk of them in my American Pravda series. That lengthy collection of essays, focusing on the lapses and lacunae in our mainstream coverage of important past events has gradually grown into a comprehensive historical counter-narrative of the last one hundred years of Western history.
Back in early 2016 I had collected my previous articles, mostly on racial and ethnic issues, and published them as a 700 page hardcover book entitled The Myth of American Meritocracy and Other Essays. Although that volume had been partially intended as an adjunct to our unsuccessful Free Harvard/Fair Harvard political campaign for the university’s Board of Overseers, I was very pleased to have my book available in hard copy on Amazon. However, the publication project had involved a great deal of time and effort while sales soon dwindled away to scarcely even a trickle.
Then last year I began collecting all my writings into a series of freely downloadable eBooks, available in both the ePub and Mobi/Kindle formats, and this seemed a much more cost-effective means of distribution.
Since their release, these eBooks have been downloaded roughly 70,000 times, a total roughly 70,000 larger than my total print sales during that same time period. As a consequence, I had never considered investing the time and effort to produce any new hard copy editions of my work.
However, while writing my recent retrospective survey on the Harvard campaign, I was reminded of the particular advantages of having a print book available for distribution, and I began reconsidering the idea, especially since various people over the years had expressed interest in obtaining my recent writings in print form.
Obviously, a collection running 400,000 or 500,000 words would be completely unmanageable as a single text, but I discovered that Amazon’s KDP system provides a relatively easy means of creating professional-quality books using Print On Demand technology. So I decided to produce an series of shorter, more narrowly focused collections, with each generally running 50,000 to 100,000 words.
Over the last few years my reading, research, and writing efforts have absorbed an enormous amount of my time, so applying another 1% or less to make this same material available in print editions seems a very cost-effective decision. A book that you can hold in your hand may often have considerably greater weight and impact than something merely read online or in some other electronic format.
Two books in this new series are now available, each running less than 200 pages and reasonably priced at under $10 in paperback. They constitute short collections of essays that can easily be read in just a day or two, and over the next few weeks, I’m planning to release several additional ones.
The first volume is entitled Encountering American Pravda, and represents something of a short introduction to my American Pravda series, with most of the essays coming from 2016 or earlier and the book priced at just $8.99. I think this particular collection would be an ideally effective means of introducing others to the material, while doing so in a relatively non-threatening manner.
I have also now published Our Covid-19 Catastrophe, priced at $9.99. This contains my major Covid articles, presenting the American biowarfare hypothesis that has been the main focus of my writing and research efforts over the last two years.
Busy individuals are continually bombarded with emails and links and hence tend to disregard nearly all of them. However, I think that someone who receives an attractively printed book in the mail is much more likely to examine it rather than just throw it into the trash. So purchasing these hard copy editions for friends and acquaintances may be effective and relatively inexpensive means of getting this important information into much wider circulation.
I’m obviously eager to promote this material in reviews or podcasts. Therefore, I would be glad to provide complementary copies of my books to any bloggers or podcasters who think they would be interested in writing reviews or interviewing me. Just drop me an email with a link to your website or podcast and your mailing address, and I’ll have the copies sent right out.
As an example of this, I was interviewed a few days ago by Edward Dutton on his Jolly Heretics podcast. Prof. Dutton had initially been quite skeptical of my Covid biowarfare hypothesis, but the information provided in my eBook greatly surprised him, and he decided to interview me as a consequence. The 90m session is available on the Odysee platform, and I’ve also reposted it on Rumble:
In addition, I had another hour-long radio interview with Kevin Barrett, with a copy of the transcript now available in transcript form.
Edward Curtin: Why is Everything Broken?
Unfortunately, all these people, westerners, most of them Americans, are writing about all the disaster and trouble in the USA and elsewhere. And indeed, they’re right, there’s a bad moon rising in America. But none of them is aware of the fact that there’s another much bigger nation at the other side of the world; that the population of the USA is just a small fraction of the global population. That the economy and power of the USA is over, that they should prepare for third world situations in the USA. Are they, in spite of their vitriol on the American system, suffering from American exceptionalism ? What I dearly miss, is the broader viewpoint, the viewpoint from the rest of the globe. None of these writers realize that there is hope for humanity at the other side of the globe. -Frans
June 9, 2022
“Begin then with a fracture, a cesura, a rent; opening a crack in this fallen world, a shaft of light.” Norman O. Brown, Love’s Body
Being sick for the past few weeks has had its advantages. It has forced me to take a break from writing since I could not concentrate enough to do so. It has gifted me with a deeper sympathy for the vast numbers of the seriously ill around the world, those suffering souls without succor except for desperate prayers for relief.
And it has allowed thoughts to think me as I relinquished all efforts at control for a few miserable weeks of “doing nothing” except napping, reading short paragraphs in books, watching some sports and a documentary, and being receptive to the light coming through the cracks in my consciousness.
I suppose you could say that my temporary illness forced me, as José Ortega Y Gasset described it, virtually and provisionally to withdraw myself from the world and take a stand inside myself – “or, to use a magnificent word which exists only in Spanish, that man can ensimismarse (‘be inside himself’).”
But as I learned, being “inside myself” doesn’t mean the outside world doesn’t come visiting, both in its present and past manifestations. When you are sick, you feel most vulnerable; this sense of frailty breaks you open to strange and familiar thoughts, feelings, dreams and memories that you must catch on the fly, pin with words if you are quick enough. I’ve pinned some over these weeks as they came to me through the cracks.
“Broken flesh, broken mind, broken speech,” wrote Norman Brown when he argued for aphoristic truth as opposed to methods or systematic form. These days the feeling that everything is broken is the norm, that madness reigns, that truth is being strangled and all we have are lies and more lies.
Carefully constructed arguments fall on deaf ears as dissociation of the personality, post-modern attention-disorder, gender confusion, and corporate/intelligence mass media propaganda techniques are used daily to sow confusion. In simple colloquial language, people are badly fucked up.
Much of the world is suffering from megrims. Bob Dylan puts it simply:
Who can disagree? Everyone’s mind seems to be at the end of its tether.
Why? There are obvious answers, and while so many are true, they are insufficient, for they usually scratch the surface of a worldwide crisis that has been developing for at least a century and a half.
That crisis is spiritual. Many can feel it rumbling beneath the surface of world events. It’s a rumbling in the bowels. It’s unspoken. It’s something very dark, sinister, and satanic. It seems to be a form of systemic evil almost with a will of its own that is sweeping the world.
For many decades I have studied, written, and taught in an effort to grasp the essence of what has been happening in our world. My tools have been philosophy, theology, literature, art, and sociology – all the disciplines really, including a careful study of popular culture. It was always a personal quest, for my “career” has been my vocation.
Being trained in the classics from high school through college, and then the scientific method and textual analysis, I adhered for the most part to logical analyses in the classical style. Such an approach, while possessed of a certain elegance and balance, has serious limitations since it suggests the world follows a neat Aristotelian logic and that there is a method to the world’s madness that is easy to capture in logical argumentation.
Romanticism and existentialism, to name two reactions to such thinking, arose in opposition. Each offered a needed corrective to the reductive, materialist nature of a scientific method that became deified while dismissing God, freedom, and the spiritual as leftover superstitions from olden times.
But I have no sustained argument to offer here, just some scraps I gathered while enduring weeks in the doldrums. I sense these bits of seemingly digressive little flashes in the dark were telling me something about what I have been trying to understand for many years: the grasp the demonic has on our world today.
It is easy to dismiss the use of such a word, for it sounds hyperbolic, and it easily plays into the ridiculous themes of popular Hollywood and tabloid entertainment, which have also become staples of the formerly “serious” media as well.
It’s all entertainment now, life the movie, the unreality of endless propaganda, sick, sordid, and what can only be termed “The Weirdness,” a term my friend the writer and playwright Joe Green has suggested to me.
I think it would be a serious mistake to dismiss the demonic nature of the forces at work in our world today:
- Like Rip Van Winkle, I awoke one recent day, a few weeks after I wrote my last article before I got sick, to see that the corporate media/intelligence narrative on the war in Ukraine had taken an abrupt turn. I had written on May 13, 2022, that certain leftists were parroting the official U.S. propaganda that Russia was losing its battle with the Ukrainian forces. Noam Chomsky had claimed the U.S. media were doing a good job reporting Russian war crimes in Ukraine and Chris Hedges had said that Russia had suffered “nine weeks of humiliating military failures.” Now The New York Times, the Washington Post, etc. – mirabile dictu – have suddenly changed their tune and the Russians are winning after all.
Who was asleep? Or was it sleep that prompted such obviously false reporting? For the Russians were clearly winning from the start. Yet we can be assured the authoritative voices will continue to flip the switch and play mind games, for shock and confusion are keys to effective propaganda, and American exceptionalism with its divine mission, its manifest destiny, is to demonically try to destroy Russia. - The slogan that I learned when I was a Marine before becoming a conscientious objector came to me when I was feverish. “My rifle is my life.” I never thought so, but I did recall how when I was ten years old my cousin killed his brother with a rifle, and how I heard the news on the radio while talking with my father. The New York Times reported: “A 9-year-old boy was fatally wounded last night by his brother, 7, while the two were playing with a rifle in a neighbour’s apartment in the northeast Bronx….[the rifle] “was secreted in a bedroom” [under the bed] and was loaded.
- Report: Don McLean cancels his singing performance at the National Riffle Association’s convention following the Uvalde school shooting. What an act of moral courage! Ah, Don, “Now I understand/What you tried to say to me/And how you suffered for your sanity/And how you tried to set them free/They would not listen, they did not know how/Perhaps they’ll listen now.”
Let’s hope not to you. - Watched the new documentary about George Carlin – “George Carlin’s American Dream.” I have always had a soft spot for George, a fellow New Yorker with a Catholic upbringing, and a good-hearted guy who generously offered to help me years ago when I was fired from a teaching position for ostensibly playing a recording of his seven words that you can never say on television. The real reasons for my firing were that I was organizing a teacher’s union and had brought well-known anti-war activists to speak at the school. But what struck me in this interesting documentary was George’s facile dismissal of God – “the God bullshit,” as he put it. Funny, of course, and correct in certain ways, it was also jejune in significant ways and threw God out with the bathwater.
It was something I had not previously noticed about his routine, but this time around it hit me as unworthy of his scathing critiques of American life. It got laughs at the expense of deeper and important truths and probably has had deleterious effects on generations who have been beguiled and besotted by how George’s God critique consonantly fits with the shallow arguments of the new atheists. George was overreacting to the ignorance of his superficial religious training and not distinguishing God from institutional religion. - Half-awake on the couch one day, I somehow remembered that when I was teaching at another school and involved in anti-war activities, a fellow teacher stopped me on a staircase on a late Friday afternoon when no one was around and tried to get me to join Army Intelligence. “You are exactly the type we could use,” he said, “since you are so outspoken in your anti-war positions.” I will spare you my reply, which involved words you once could never say on TV. But the encounter taught me an early lesson about distinguishing friend from foe; how treachery is real, and evil often wears a smiley face. The man who approached me was the head of social studies curricula for the Roman Catholic Brooklyn Diocese of New York.
- Al Capone, while speaking to Cornelius Vanderbilt, Jr. in 1931: “People respect nothing nowadays….It is undermining the country. Virtue, honour, truth, and the law have all vanished from our life.”
- I also read this from Literature and the Gods by Roberto Calasso: “… all the mythologies now pass a largely indolent life in a no-man’s-land haunted by gods and vagrant simulacra, by ghosts and Gypsy caravans in constant movement. They learn only to tell their stories again …. Yet it is precisely this ability that is so obviously lacking in the world around us. Behind the trembling curtains of what passes for ‘reality,’ the voices throng. If no one listens, they steal the costume of the first person they can grab and burst onto the stage in ways that can be devastating. Violence is the expedient of what has been refused an audience.”
- Lying in bed after a feverish night early on in my sickness, I looked up at the ceiling where a fly was buzzing. I remembered how years ago, when my father was in the hospital after a terrible car accident in which he smashed his head, he told me he was seeing monkeys all over the ceiling of the hospital room. Later, when I was out of bed, I heard the news reports about monkeypox and thought I was also hallucinating. I started laughing, a sardonic laughter brought to a feverish pitch after more than two years of Covid propaganda. These are the same people who hope to create a transhuman future – mechanical monkeys.
- On a table lay the third volume of a trilogy of books – Sinister Forces – by Peter Levenda. I opened it to a bookmarked page. Anyone who has read these books with a half-way open mind will be shocked by the amount of documented history they contain, history so bizarre and disturbing that reading them is not advisable before bedtime. Sinister forces that run through American history, indeed, but Levenda presents his material in a most reasonable and fair-minded way. I read these paragraphs:
“The historical model I am proposing in these volumes should be obvious by now. By tracing the darker elements of the American experience from the earliest days of the Adena and Hopewell cultures through the discovery by Columbus, the English settlers in Massachusetts and the Salem witchcraft episode, the rise of Joseph Smith, Jr. and the Mormons via ceremonial magic and Freemasonry, up to the twentieth century and the support of Nazism by American financiers and politicians before, during, and after World War II, and the UFO phenomenon coming on the heels of that war, we can see the outline of a political ectoplasm taking shape in this historical séance: politics as a continuation of religion by other means. The ancillary events of the Charles Manson murders, the serial killer phenomenon, Jonestown, and the assassinations of Jack Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy, Martin Luther King, and Marilyn Monroe are all the result of the demonic possession of the American psyche, like the obscenities spat out by little Regan [The Exorcist], tied to her bed and shrieking at the exorcists. It is said that demonic possession is a way of testing us, and making us aware of the real conflict taking place within us every day…. The more I looked, however, the more I found men with bizarre beliefs and involved in questionable, occult practices at the highest levels of the American government, and buried deep within government agencies. I also discovered that occultism was embraced by the American military and intelligence establishments as a weapon to be used in the Cold War; and as they did so, they unleashed forces upon the American populace that cannot be called back…. One inevitably was forced back to the CIA and the mind-control experiments that began in the late 1940s and extended nearly to the present day [no, to the present day]. Coincidence piled upon coincidence, indicating the existence of a powerful, subliminal force working at the level of chaos – at the quantum level – and struggling to manifest itself in our reality, our consciousness, our political agenda.”
If that all sounds too bizarre for words, unbelievable really, I suggest that one read these books, for if only a minority of Levenda’s claims are true, we are in the grip of evil forces so depraved that fiction writers couldn’t imagine such reality.
As I finish these notes, I am sitting outside on a small porch, watching the rain subside. The sun has just emerged. It is 5:30 P.M. and across the driveway and a lawn of grass, eight foxes have come through the bushes. The parents watch as the six kits jump and scamper around the ground-level porch of a cottage that is unoccupied.
The foxes have a den under the porch, and every day for a few months we have been privileged to watch them perform their antics in the mornings and evenings. Cute would be an appropriate word for the kits, especially when they were smaller. But they are growing fast and suddenly one sees and seizes a squirrel and worries it to death by shaking it in its mouth.
Soon they are ripping it to pieces. Cute has turned deadly. But as the aforementioned Ortega Y Gasset says, while people can be inside themselves, “The animal is pure alteraciόn. It cannot be within itself.” This is because it has no self, “no chez soi, where it can withdraw and rest.”
Foxes always live in pure exteriority, unlike me, who is sitting here with a small glass of wine and thinking about them and the various thoughts that have come to me over these past few weeks.
Before I came outside, I read this from a powerful new article by Naomi Wolf – “Dear Friends, Sorry to Announce a Genocide” – “It is a time of demons sauntering around in human spaces, though they look human enough themselves, smug in their Italian suits on panels at the World Economic Forum.”
In this piece, she writes about what is in the 55,000 internal Pfizer documents which the FDA had asked a court to keep under wraps for 75 years, but which a court has released as a result of outside pressure.
These documents reveal evil so depraved that words would fail her if not for her moral conscience and her growing awareness – that I share – that we are dealing with a phenomenon that demands an analysis that is theological, not sociological. She writes:
“Knowing as I now do, that Pfizer and the FDA knew that babies were dying and mothers’ milk discoloring by just looking at their own internal records; knowing as I do that they did not alert anyone let alone stop what they were doing, and that to this day Pfizer, the FDA and other demonic “public health” entities are pushing to MRNA-vaccinate more and more pregnant women; now that they are about to force this on women in Africa and other lower income nations who are not seeking the MRNA vaccines, per Pfizer CEO Bourla this past week at the WEF, and knowing that Pfizer is pushing and may even receive a US EUA for babies to five year olds — I must conclude that we are looking into an abyss of evil not seen since 1945. So I don’t know about you, but I must switch gears with this kind of unspeakable knowledge to another kind of discourse.”
That discourse is religious, for Naomi has realized that our world is in satanic hands, and that only a recognition of that fact offers a way out. That those who wield weapons both medical and military can only be defeated by those who realize that a key part of the killers’ propaganda has been a long campaign to convince people, not only that God does not exist, but that Satan doesn’t either.
This, while they assume the mantle of the evil one.
She says:
“This time could really be the last time; these monsters in the labs, on the transnational panels, are so very skilful; and so powerful; and their dark work is so extensive. If God is there — again — after all the times that we have tried his patience — and who indeed knows? – will we reach out a hand to him in return, will we take hold in the last moment out of this abyss, and simply find a way somehow to walk alongside him?”
We will, but only if we also recognize the deeper forces informing our hidden history and haunting our present days. Sometimes an illness can crack you open to being receptive to shafts of light that can lead the way.
Yet to do so we must go deep into very dark places.
And since everyone and everything seems broken now – let’s say everyone is just sick in some way – maybe courage is what we need, the simple courage to open ourselves to the voices of the hungry ghosts that haunt this country.
Norman O. Brown referred to them and our stage set this way:
“Ancestral voices prophesying war; ancestral spirits in the danse macabre or war dance; Valhalla, ghostly warriors who kill each other and are reborn to fight again. All warfare is ghostly, every army an exercitus feralis (army of ghosts), every soldier a living corpse.”
The U.S.A. and its allies are waging war on many fronts. It is a form of total war – cold, hot, medical, military, mind-control, spiritual, etc. – that demands a total response from us.
None of us is completely innocent; we are all part of the deep evil that is happening all around us. But if we listen carefully, we might hear God asking for our help. For we need each other.
I watch in horror as the cute foxes kill their prey. I must remind myself that that is their nature. As for my fellow humans, I know that it isn’t nature that drives them to kill, maim, hurt, lie, etc.
Everything is truly broken, and I’m not joking.
But someone is laughing.
It’s not God.
Two kinds of people

Jaycee Dugard
When adolescent girls are abducted by strangers, there’s almost never a happy ending. Most of the time they turn up dead, if they turn up at all. When 11-year-old Jaycee Dugard disappeared while walking to the bus stop, police feared the worst, and they didn’t get any more hopeful when days turned into weeks, then into years.
But Dugard was alive and living in a shed in Phillip and Nancy Garrido’s backyard in Antioch, California (via Biography). For 18 years, she was kept prisoner by the Garridos, who told her that her family didn’t love her and wasn’t looking for her.
While in captivity she gave birth to two of Phillip Garrido’s children and eventually gave up hope of escaping.
Then, Garrido got cocky.
He brought Dugard’s two daughters with him to see the special events coordinator at the UC Berkeley campus, where he was hoping to stage a religious event of some kind. The special events manager thought something was off about Garrido and the girls and called his parole officer, and after that everything started to unravel for the Garridos.
Dugard revealed her identity during a parole meeting and her long ordeal was over.
Dugard was reunited with her family in 2009. Her family got a $20 million award from the State of California as an acknowledgment that Garrido’s parole supervision had maybe not been as thorough as it should have been.
BRICS summit: Xi Jinping criticizes Western sanctions, analysis says China helped Putin return to the world
In Chinese. Needs to be translated. Article HERE.
US sanctions helping China supercharge its chip-making industry
The Empire Is Slipping. Get Ready for the Big Win-Win.
The American media is throwing a hissy-fit after two “Americans” (one of them is a Korean for some reason) have been captured while working as mercenaries in the Ukraine.
Previously, two British mercenaries were sentenced to death by the Russians, and that will almost certainly happen to the Americans. This is totally in line with international law.

Legally, there is no difference between a random American murdering or attempting to murder Russian civilians.
NBC News interviewed Kremlin spokesman Dimitri Peskov about this, and he implied they would likely be sentenced to death, as they are not lawful combatants and they are not protected by the Geneva Conventions.
It’s a tense week for Ukraine as it awaits to see whether it will be granted the status of a candidate country for the European Union. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has said that he expects Russia to intensify its attacks on his country while it awaits the EU’s decision. Russia’s ground and tactical air operations continued to focus on the Donbas in eastern Ukraine over the weekend and more villages around the twin cities of Severodonetsk and Lysychansk were pummeled by Russian artillery on Monday. Elsewhere, there are growing concerns over the fate of two U.S. military veterans captured in Ukraine after Russian President Vladimir Putin’s spokesman said Moscow wouldn’t guarantee that they won’t face the death penalty. “It depends on the investigation,” Dmitry Peskov told NBC News senior international correspondent Keir Simmons when he was asked whether Alexander Drueke and Andy Huynh would “face the same fate” as two British citizens and a Moroccan who were sentenced to death in a pro-Russian separatist “court” (widely seen as a kangaroo court) in eastern Ukraine this month.
“Widely seen” by whom?
They are following the Geneva Conventions on the laws of war. No one is claiming that these people are not mercenaries. Actually, the nervous and ridiculous Jew Antony Blinken claimed earlier this month that the Brits who were sentenced to death were somehow “lawful combatants.”
But what does that mean? They are literally mercenaries, and no one anywhere claims that mercenaries are “lawful combatants.” So these are just ridiculous nonsense statements that the Jew Blinken can feel safe his kinsmen in the media are not going to analyze.
Peskov is really good. His English is good and he acts like an adult in the way no American does. Imagine that his official role is the same as that of… Karine Frenchman.

Everyone around President Putin is very competent, and really makes America look ridiculous.
I’m getting pretty tired of schizo theories about how there is some secret competent elite running America, and this is all part of the plan. It’s not part of the plan. They had a plan, and it is failing everywhere you look. This should be good news for everyone.
Somehow, the schizo stuff is increasing across the internet.
I think this is probably part of a conspiracy. Schizos view the Western elite as literal gods in any version of their stupid theories, and they are basically shilling for the American regime by claiming that all of its enormous, obvious mistakes are part of a secret plan.
If you call them out, they just pretend to be retarded (I’m not sure if they’re actually pretending) and start talking about the World Economic Forum, and claiming that I’m denying that there is a plan at all.
I am not denying that there is a plan.
I am denying that this plan is working.
It is obvious to everyone with a brain at this point, and not even a secret at all, that there is a plan to establish a one world government ruled by a tiny elite minority where a mass of peasants are treated like slaves and their population drastically reduced.
Acknowledging that this plan exists does not somehow equal believing that it is infallible.
Part of it is obviously just stupidity.
When people find out about the World Economic Forum, or the Bilderberg Group, or the Club of Rome, or the Trilateral Commission, or the Council on Foreign Relations, or any of these globalist institutions that created a plan for a global government, they apparently assume that the fact they didn’t know about that plan before means it is ultra-competent.
I’ve known about that plan for twenty years.
I was myself accused of being schizophrenic by friends and family, because I started reading all of these books from all of these high-level technocrats and finding that it was all real.
I didn’t “wake up” during Covid.
I had to work my way through the sludge of fifty million tons of garbage theories to get to my current level of understanding, and I’m explaining it in the simplest terms I am able.

If people think that there is a secret agreement between Washington and Beijing, or that Jews secretly run the Bank of China, or that China is soon going to collapse, or any of these other theories that somehow explain why the West would be failing on purpose, they need to present some kind of counter-argument to what I’ve put forward that takes into account everything that I’ve argued.
I’m not claiming to be God, I’m not claiming infallibility, but every single schizo just ignores every reply I give and comes back at me with “what if the Jews already infiltrated China though???” or “maybe the Chinese economy is going to collapse and the CIA will stage a revolution and install people from Taipei????”
It all ultimately hinges on China.
At this point, Russia is a de facto proxy state of China. China is the peer competitor for the United States. And all of these schizo theories about Jews infiltrating China, or a secret agreement with China, or an imminent collapse of China – none of them are backed with any facts at all.
The simplest and most logical explanation, which takes into account all data, is that the Americans thought the Chinese were stupid and that if they gave them all of this free wealth in the form of exporting industry to China, China would become another “human rights anal democracy” vassal state.
Instead, China became an ultranationalist superpower.
The globalist agenda had no contingency plan for this eventuality, because they made these decisions about China without any real understanding of the Orient.

Stop idolizing Jewish power.
By claiming it is infallible, you’re just saying the same thing the Jews are saying – that they are gods on earth, destined to rule you.
They’ve screwed everything up, because God is real and God is not going to allow them to take over the world.
We are in a pretty good spot.
When the US is no longer the seat of global power, these people in Washington are no longer going to have the resources to force their will on us.
If you go to any third world country, you will find that [1] people have a lot more personal freedom, that [2] families are much healthier, that [3] people are just generally doing better.
The biggest reason for that is that a third world country simply doesn’t have any resources to micromanage people’s individual lives.
When Washington falls, a strongman will rise from the ashes, and through blood and fire, we will begin to see the changes we want to see.
There will be no security.
Many will die. Many will die horribly. Your comfort zone will no longer exist, and you will never be able to return to it. But these things must come to pass and they will come to pass.
We’re right on course here.
Everything is fine, everything is exactly how it is supposed to be.
No one man can understand the Golden Path until it shows itself, and yet, the Golden Path is always there, always moving the enemies of God into places where their actions will lead to their own demise.
Chin up.
Petra Pazsitka
In 1984, a 24-year-old college student from Braunschweig, Germany, went to the dentist and never returned. Just in case that’s just giving you new reasons to be irrationally afraid of dental work, Petra Pazsitka didn’t die in a root canal gone wrong, she just never came home.
As is often the case when a young woman disappears, police suspected murder. A massive search ensued, and Pazsitka was even featured on the German true-crime show “Aktenzeichen XY.” For a while there was a suspect — in 1987, a man identified only as Gunter K. said he’d killed Pazsitka (via The Telegraph), and since he’d also confessed to killing a 14-year-old girl in the same part of Germany, police had no reason to disbelieve him. He later withdrew his confession (via Independent), which didn’t necessarily mean he wasn’t the killer.
Pazsitka was declared dead in 1989, and that was that — until 2015, when a woman in Dusseldorf named “Mrs. Scheider” called police to say her apartment had been burgled (via When unable to produce ID, she confessed to being the missing woman. Evidently, she’d managed to evade discovery by never opening a bank account or attempting to get a driver’s license or social security card. She also couldn’t be charged with a crime, because she’d never tried to use false documents. The reasons for Pazsitka’s disappearance are still not clear. She told police she was neither interested in discussing the matter publicly nor reuniting with her family.
Disaster In The Heartland: Wheat Crops In Kansas Are Failing On A Massive Scale
Did you know that Kansas is known as “the Wheat State”? In 2021, it produced nearly one-fourth of all wheat that was harvested in the United States. Needless to say, we really need Kansas to come up big again this year because the war in Ukraine and a number of other factors have combined to bring us to the precipice of an absolutely horrifying global food crisis. Unfortunately, things are not going well in Kansas this year. In fact, wheat crops in much of the state are failing on a massive scale…
This time of year, the wheat growing in this part of western Kansas should be thigh-high and lush green. But as a months-long drought continues to parch the region, many fields tell a different story. “There’s nothing out there. It’s dead,” farmer Vance Ehmke said, surveying a wheat field near his land in Lane County. “It’s just ankle-high straw.”
At this point, the U.S. Department of Agriculture is telling us that 41 percent of all wheat in Kansas is in “poor” or “very poor” condition.
The situation is particularly dire in the western portion of the state. It is being reported that many fields of wheat in western Kansas now resemble “barren wastelands”…
Across western Kansas, many fields planted with wheat months ago now look like barren wastelands. The gaping spaces between rows of brown, shriveled plants reveal hardened dirt that’s scarred with deep cracks from baking in the sun. Of all the years for drought to hit western Kansas wheat farmers, it couldn’t have come at a worse time.
Even though the price of wheat has soared to crazy levels, it is being estimated that somewhere around 10 percent of all wheat fields in Kansas will not even grow enough crops to bother harvesting them.
That is really bad news, but the truth is that things are even worse in Colorado and Texas…
To the west in Colorado, projections say nearly one-third of wheat fields won’t produce enough to bother harvesting. In Texas, around three-quarters of the crop will likely be abandoned.
Please read that again.
This is enormous news, and it is going to deeply affect all of us in the months ahead.
At the worst possible time, wheat crops are failing on a massive scale all over the western half of the nation.
We have been stuck in a pattern of drought that resembles the Dust Bowl days of the 1930s for many years now, and things are starting to happen which would have once been unthinkable.
Lake Mead and Lake Powell have both dropped to all-time record lows, and the drinking water for tens of millions of Americans is now in jeopardy.
I wish that more people would understand the gravity of what we are potentially facing.
Down in Mexico, residents of Monterrey are already being limited to six hours of water a day because shortages have already become so severe…
In the sprawling metropolitan area of Monterrey, home to some 5.3 million people, the drought and years of below-average rainfall have led to citywide water shortages. “We’re in an extreme climate crisis,” Nuevo Leon Governor Samuel Garcia said at a news conference last week. “Today, we’re all living it and suffering.” The city in June began limiting water access to six hours a day, forcing schools to adjust class schedules and sparking panic buying of bottled water that emptied supermarket shelves.
The western half of North America is in the midst of the worst multi-year drought that it has experienced in 1,200 years, and experts are telling us that it isn’t going to end any time soon.
Meanwhile, UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed is warning us that the planet is potentially facing “a food crisis of global proportions” in 2023…
First, time is short to prevent a food crisis of global proportions next year. We must stabilize global markets, reduce volatility and tackle the uncertainty of commodity prices. There can be no effective solution to the global food crisis without reintegrating Ukraine’s food production, as well as the food and fertilizer produced by the Russian Federation into world markets — despite the war. To avert a food availability crisis in 2023, we must restore fertilizer availability, especially for smallholder farmers now.
Global food production is going to be way below expectations all over the world this year, and we really are heading into a nightmarish worldwide food crisis.
I hope that you are preparing accordingly.
Before I end this article, there is one more thing that I wanted to mention.
Authorities are telling us that an absolutely massive sunspot known as AR3038 “is now facing Earth”…
An enormous sunspot that has doubled in size in only 24 hours is now facing Earth—meaning it could send a solar flare our way.
This particular sunspot has actually doubled in size for each of the past three days, and at this point it is approximately 2.5 times the size of our entire planet.
And we are being warned that it could “potentially send an M-class solar flare” directly at us…
“Yesterday, sunspot AR3038 was big. Today, it’s enormous,” reads the website. “The fast-growing sunspot has doubled in size in only 24 hours.” The magnetic field associated with the sunspot means it could potentially send an M-class solar flare at Earth—the second-strongest type. However, it is not known whether this will be the case.
Scientists are assuring us that we probably don’t have anything to be concerned about, and hopefully they are correct.
But let’s keep a close eye on this sunspot anyway.
As I have always warned, it is just a matter of time before another Carrington Event comes along.
We live during such unusual times, and things seem to be getting crazier with each passing week.
The “perfect storm” that so many have been warning about is now here, and the months ahead will be filled with chaos and uncertainty.
Russia and China back together again
Some vintage posters.

This is what Putin REALLY wants, pay attention
Talking about BRICS. This is super important news. It’s about the demise of the USD.
’69 Road Runner

Cat Cries For Help To Save Her Kittens Stuck Inside The Cement Ground
You must save the kittens!
Make-Ahead Chicken and Dumplings
We’ve devised a clever and no-fail way to make classic chicken and dumplings into a freezer-friendly meal. Make the chicken stew ahead of time, and when you’re ready to cook, simply add easy Bisquick™ dumplings, and dinner’s ready!

Toyota 2000GT

World War 3 for dummies
A brilliant piece. -MM
By Gaius Baltar for the Saker Blog
Some knowledgeable people, apparently including the Pope, are beginning to suspect that there may be more going on in the world than just the war in the Ukraine. They say that World War 3 has already started and things will get worse from now on. This can be difficult to determine while we are participating in the unfolding events and do not have the benefit of the historical perspective. It is doubtful that people back in 1939 realized that they were looking at the start of a major worldwide conflict, although some may have suspected it.
The current global situation is in many ways like a giant jigsaw puzzle where the general public only sees a tiny part of the complete picture. Most don’t even realize that there may be more pieces and don’t even ask these simple questions: Why is all this happening and why is it happening now?
Things are more complicated than most people realize. What they see is the evil wizard Vladimir Saruman Putin invading innocent Ukraine with his orc army – for absolutely no reason. This is a simplistic view, to say the least because nothing happens without a reason. Let’s put things in perspective and see what is really going on – and why the world is going crazy before our eyes. Let’s see what World War 3 is all about.
The pressure cooker
The West (which we can define here as the US and the EU and a few more) has been maintaining pressure on the entire world for decades. This does not only apply to countries outside the West, but also to Western countries which strayed from the diktats of the West’s rulers. This pressure has been discussed widely and attributed to all kinds of motives, including neocolonialism, forced financial hegemony, and so forth. What is interesting, particularly during the last 20 years, is which countries have been pressured and what they do not have in common.
Among the pressured countries we find Russia, China, Cuba, Venezuela, Libya, Syria, Serbia, Thailand, and Iran to mention a few. There have also been recent additions, including India and Hungary. In order to understand why they have been pressured, we need to find out what they have in common. That’s not easy since they are extremely different in most ways. There are democracies and non-democracies, conservative and communist governments, Christian, Muslim and Buddhist countries, and so on. Still, many of them are very clearly allied. One must ask why conservative and religious countries such as Russia or Iran would ally themselves with Godless communists in Cuba and Venezuela.
What all these countries have in common is their desire to run their own affairs; to be independent countries. This is unforgivable in the eyes of the West and must be tackled by any means necessary, including economic sanctions, color revolutions, and outright military aggression.
The West and its NATO military arm had surrounded Russia with hostile countries and military bases, armed and manipulated Ukraine to be used as a hammer against it, and employed sanctions and threats. The same thing was and is happening in Asia where China is being surrounded by all means available. The same applies to all the Independents mentioned above to some extent. In the past 10 years or so the pressure has increased massively on the Independents and it reached almost a fever pitch in the year before the Russian invasion of the Ukraine.
During the year before the Ukraine war, the US sent its diplomats around the world to tune up the pressure. They were like a traveling circus or a rock band on a tour, but instead of entertainment, they delivered threats: buy this from us and do what we tell you or there will be consequences. The urgency was absolute and palpable, but then came the Ukraine war and the pressure went up to 11. During the first month of the war, the entire West’s diplomatic corps was fully engaged in threats against the ‘rest of the world’ to engineer the isolation of Russia. This didn’t work, which resulted in panic in political and diplomatic circles in the US and Europe.
All this pressure through the years, and all the fear and panic when it didn’t work, are clearly related to the events in the Ukraine. They are a part of the same ‘syndrome’ and have the same cause.
The debt dimension
There have been many explanations for what is going on and the most common is the fight between two possible futures; a multipolar world where there are several power centers in the world, and a unipolar world where the West governs the world. This is correct as far as it goes, but there is another reason which explains why this is happening now and all the urgency and panic in the West.
Recently the New Zealand tech guru Kim Dotcom tweeted a thread about the debt situation in the US. According to him all debt and unfunded liabilities of the US exceed the total value of the entire country, including the land. This situation is not unique to the US. Most countries in the West have debt that can only be paid back by selling the entire country and everything it contains. On top of that, most non-western countries are buried in dollar-denominated debt and are practically owned by the same financiers who own the West.
During the last few decades, the economy of the US and Europe has been falsified on a level that is difficult to believe. We in the West have been living far beyond our means and our currencies have been massively overvalued. We have been able to do this through two mechanisms:
- The first one is the reserve status of the dollar and the semi-reserve status of the euro which have enabled the West to export digital money and receive goods in return. This has created enormous financial power for the West and enabled it to function as a parasite on the world economy. We have been getting a lot of goods for free, to put it mildly.
- The second falsification mechanism is the increase in debt to a level where we have essentially pawned everything we own, including our houses and lands, to keep up our living standards. We own nothing now when the debt has been subtracted. The debt has long since become unserviceable – far beyond our ability to pay interests on – which explains why the interest rates in the West are in the neighborhood of zero. Any increase would make the debt unserviceable and we would all go formally bankrupt in a day.
On top of all this, the falsification has created artificially strong currencies in the West which has boosted their purchasing power for goods priced in non-western currencies. These mechanisms have also enabled the West to run bloated and dysfunctional service economies where inefficiencies are beyond belief. We have giant groups of people in our economies that not only create no value but destroy value systematically. What maintains the West’s standard of living now is a small minority of productive people, constant debt increase, and parasitism of the rest of the world.
The people who own all this debt actually own everything we think we own. We in the West own nothing at this point – we only think we do. But who are our real owners? We know more or less who they are because they meet every year at the World Economic Forum in Davos along with the western political elites who they also happen to own.
It is clear that our owners have been getting increasingly worried, and their worries have been increasing in sync with the increased pressure applied by the West on the rest of the world, particularly the Independents. During the last Davos meeting, the mood was bleak and panicked at the same time, much like the panic among the western political elites when the isolation of Russia failed.
What is about to happen
The panic of our owners and their politicians is understandable because we have come to the end of the line. We can no longer keep up our living standards by debt increase and parasitism. The debt is reaching beyond what we own as collateral and our currencies are about to become worthless. We will no longer be able to get free stuff from the rest of the world, or pay back our debt – let alone pay interest on it. The entire West is about to go bankrupt and our standard of living is about to go down by a massive percentage. This is what has our owners panicked and they see only two scenarios:
- In the first scenario most countries in the West, and everything and everyone within them, declare bankruptcy and erase the debt by diktat – which sovereign states are able to do. This will also erase the wealth and political power of our owners.
- In the second scenario, our owners take over the collateral during the bankruptcy. The collateral is us and everything we own.
It doesn’t take a genius to figure out which scenario was chosen. The plan for the second scenario is ready and being implemented as we speak. It is called ‘The Great Reset’ and was constructed by the people behind the World Economic Forum. This plan is not a secret and can be examined to a certain degree on the WEF website.
The Great Reset is a mechanism for the seizing of all debt collateral which includes your assets, the assets of your city or municipality, the assets of your state, and most corporate assets not already held by our owners.
This asset seizure mechanism has several components, but the most important are the following four:
- Abolishment of sovereignty: A sovereign (independent) country is a dangerous country because it can choose to default on its debt. The decrease in sovereignty has been a priority for our owners and various schemes have been attempted such as the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership and the Trans-Pacific Partnership. The most successful scheme is undoubtedly the European Union itself.
- The down-tuning of the economy: The western economy (and indeed the global economy) must be tuned down by a very significant percentage. This down-tuning is necessary because the western economy is massively falsified now and must be taken down to its real level – which may be as low as half of what it is now – or more. The slow takedown has also the purpose of avoiding a sudden crash that would cause massive social unrest which would be a threat to our owners. A controlled takedown is therefore preferable to an uncontrolled crash. This controlled takedown is already happening and has been going on for quite some time. Many examples can be mentioned of this takedown, including the EU and US energy policy which is designed to sabotage the western economy, and the obvious attempts at demand destruction during and after the epidemic, including the fairly bizarre logistical problems which suddenly came out of nowhere.
- Asset harvesting (you will own nothing and be ‘happy’): All assets that can be considered to be collateral to our private and collective/public debt will be taken over. This is a clearly stated aim of the Great Reset but it is less clear how this would be carried out. Total control of western governments (and indeed all governments) would seem to be necessary for this. That precondition is closer than one might think because most western governments seem to be beholden to Davos at this point. The process will be sold as necessary social restructuring because of an economic crisis and global warming and will result in a massive decrease in living standards for regular people, although not the elites.
- Oppression: A great many people will not like this and an uprising is a likely response, even if the takedown is done gradually. To prevent this from happening, a social control mechanism is being implemented which will erase personal freedom, the freedom of speech, and privacy. It will also create absolute dependence of the individual on the state. This must be done before the economic takedown can be completed or there will be a revolution. This mechanism is already being implemented enthusiastically in the West as anybody with eyes and ears can see.
Russia, China, and other Independents
How do Russia and China, and the war in Ukraine, factor into all of this? Why all the pressure from the West throughout the years and why all this panic now? Part of the reason for the pressure on the Independents, particularly Russia and China, is simply that they have resisted western hegemony. That is enough for getting on the West’s naughty list. But why the increased pressure in recent years?
The reason is that Russia and China cannot be subjugated through bankruptcy and their assets harvested. They do not have much debt in western currencies which means that the people who own the West through debt do not currently own Russia and China (like they own the West and the indebted ‘third world’) and cannot acquire them through debt. The only way to acquire them is through regime change. Their governments must be weakened by any means, including economic sanctions and military means if necessary -thus the use of Ukraine as a battering ram for Russia and Taiwan for China.
Subjugating Russia and China is an existential issue for our Davos owners because when they take the western economy down, everything else must go down too. If the western economy is taken down and a large economic block doesn’t participate in the downfall, it will be a disaster for the West. The new block will gain massive economic power, and possibly unipolar hegemony of sorts, while the West descends into a feudal Dark Age and irrelevance. Therefore the entire world must go down for the Great Reset to work. Russia and China must be subjugated by any means, as well as India and other stubborn nations.
This is what has fueled the situation we now find ourselves in and will fuel the continuation of World War 3. The western owner-elites are going to war to keep their wealth and power. Everyone who resists must be subjugated so they can follow the West into the planned Great Reset Dark Age.
The reason for the current panic among western elites is that the Ukraine project isn’t going as planned. Instead of Russia being bled on the battlefield, it is Ukraine and the West that bleed. Instead of the Russian economy crashing resulting in Putin’s replacement by a Davos-compatible leader, it is the West’s economy that is crashing. Instead of Russia being isolated, it is the West that is being increasingly isolated. Noting is working, and to top it all off, Europe has given the Russians the means and motive to destroy the European economy by partly shutting down its industry. Without Russian resources, there is no European industry, and without industry, there are no taxes for paying for unemployment benefits, pensions, all the refugees, and pretty much everything else which holds European societies together. The Russians now have the ability to engineer an uncontrolled crash in Europe which is not what Davos planned. An uncontrolled crash might see Davos’s heads roll, literally, and that is causing fear and panic in elite circles. The only solution for them is to move on with World War 3 and hope for the best.
What to do
The Great Reset of the world economy is the direct cause of World War 3 – assuming that is what is going on. What can be done about this? From inside the West, little can be done. The only way is to somehow remove Davos from the equation, but that is most likely not going to happen for two reasons: The first one is that the Davos great resetters are too entwined in the western economy and politics. Davos is like an octopus with its arms and suckers inside every country’s elite circles, media, and government. They are too entrenched to be easily removed. The second reason is that the western population is too brainwashed and ignorant. The level of their brainwashing is such that a large part of them actually want to become poor – although they use the word ‘green’ for ‘poor’ because it sounds better. There are, however, some indications that there may be divisions within western elites. Some of them, particularly within the US, may be resisting the primarily Europe-designed Great Reset – but whether this opposition is real or effective remains to be seen.
However, outside the West, there are certain measures that can be taken and must be taken. Some of those measures are drastic and some of them are being done as we speak. Among the measures are the following:
- The Independents, led by Russia, China, and India, must create a block to isolate themselves from the radioactive West. This isolation must not only be economic, but also political and social. Their economic systems must be divorced from the West and made autonomous. Their cultures and history must be defended against western influences and revisionism. This process appears to be underway.
- The Independents must immediately ban all western sponsored institutions and NGOs in their countries, regardless of whether they are sponsored by western states or individuals. Furthermore, they must ban all media receiving western sponsorship and strip every school and university of western sponsorship and influence.
- They must leave all international institutions up to and possibly including the United Nations because all international bodies are controlled by the West. They must then replace them with new institutions within their block.
- They must, at some point, declare the dollar and the euro currencies non grata. That means that they should declare default on all debts denominated in these currencies, but not other debts. This will most likely come at a later stage but is inevitable.
This will create a situation where the West will descend into darkness without pulling others down with it – if we manage to escape the nuclear fire.
Tired Of Being Asked To Work For Free, This Artist Started Drawing These Client Requests

@forexposure_txt is a Twitter account dedicated to compiling quotes from artists who were expected to work for free. It was created by artist and writer Ryan Estrada. An artist has decided to take some of those quotes and use them to inspire various portraits of what she imagines those people look like. They’re part of a series titled “For Exposure,” and they were created for Format Magazine by Emmie Tsumura, a Toronto-based illustrator and graphic designer. Check out some of our favorites below. If you’re an artist then chances are that more than a few of them will resonate with you!

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You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.
New Beginnings 4.
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