Please enjoy this selection of tidy morsels. have fun. Enjoy the read, and have a great day!
I’m still busy in my move. Sorry that this post is so scant. I know that I should do better.
The Banquet of Chestnuts
The Catholic Church does not like to talk about the infamous Banquet of Chestnuts.
Allegedly, on October 31, 1501, a truly filthy sex orgy took place at the pope’s official residence in the Vatican. The host was Cesare Borgia, a cardinal and, to top it off, the son of Pope Alexander VI.
No less than 50 prostitutes are said to have been present. At first, they danced with the guests in full dress. Later in the evening, the candlesticks were placed on the floor and many chestnuts were scattered on it.
The naked prostitutes crawled across the floor on all fours, trying to pick up the chestnuts with their mouths, while the guests, including the Pope, watched them and enjoyed themselves.
There was even said to be a questionable contest. The guests who were able to perform the act with the prostitutes the most times were honored with valuable prizes, for example silk tunics or shoes.
The main source for this rather interesting claim is the Liber notarum, the ceremonial diary of Johannes Burckard, who was the Vatican’s master of ceremonies at that time.
The veracity of this source is increasingly doubted by today’s historians. However, this has not prevented various artists from using this peculiar dinner as inspiration for their works.
The German painter Heinrich Lossow was known for his illustrations for works by Shakespeare, Goethe and Schiller. But he also published some pornographic works that were received as extremely piquant at the time.
His most scandalous work was undoubtedly The Sin.

This particular painting is based on the events at the Banquet of Chestnuts. Heinrich Lossow was criticized by critics and the people for this work, but the church went one better. It accused the artist of all mortal sins at the same time.
Go East, My Son!
By Marwan Salamah for the Saker Blog
American nineteenth-century folklore tells of a young man asking his elders’ advice on what calling he should take up. The answer was a firm “Go West my son and grow!”, or to that effect. The gist of the advice was that the American West was at the time viewed as virgin, not yet settled and built up by the European immigrants. In fact, most of those who headed West did succeed, subject to exhibiting diligence, persistence, hard work, and some luck.
But today, in the twenty-first century, circumstances have changed. The West has matured, competition has increased, and returns have shrunk. Endless series of bubble booms and busts continue to occur and at ever shorter intervals. Classical economics concepts have gradually changed away from a real production economy to a paper economy which is considered by some to be fictitious, unreal, and unsustainable.
Today’s Western economy is dominated by the FIRE sectors (Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate) plus the military industry, all of which have usurped the bulk of the economy’s wealth and income, leaving far too little for the other sectors to survive let alone grow. The result is an alarming rise in extreme inequality with, it is claimed, the top 1% (or 10%) of the population owning the bulk of the wealth and income.
Other sectors have also grown, most prominent are those related to IT and services. But these are highly volatile and high-risk businesses and not all who enter them succeed or remain and prosper. Quite a few have turned into Zombie companies that absorb endless bouts of capital increases in the millions and even billions of Dollars but fail to show a profit.
The great western industry has all but disappeared. It has migrated to China, Asia, and elsewhere, as a result of an erroneous application of the famous economic edict of “maximizing profits”. It was applied exclusively to the short-term with total disregard to its negative long-term implications on both the companies themselves as well as the economy as a whole. The result, among other things, was the stripping of the West’s industrial capability, increasing its balance of trade deficit, creating endless supply chain bottlenecks, and increasing its vulnerability and reliance on the outside world.
Despite the negative description above, the US, so far, remains the biggest and strongest economy and the US Dollar remains the main trade currency, the main reserve currency held by the world’s central banks, and the number one safe haven currency. Also, we should by no means ignore the huge American agriculture capacity that has fed and continues to feed a substantial number of the world’s population.
But at the same, we cannot disregard the huge and important changes that are rapidly occurring elsewhere in the world, especially as most of these changes seem intent on competing directly, commercially and economically with the US and the West. Nor can we disregard the well-published data signaling a shrinkage in the West’s global market share and the gradual erosion of the US Dollar hegemony.
And once we add the increasingly belligerent geopolitical tug-of-war between the US and its allies against Russia, China, and part of the Global South, it quickly becomes apparent that the world is on the verge of a major historic and permanent split into two or more camps.
Regardless of who fares better in the coming split, it is clear that the economic development that began a few years ago in Russia, China, Eurasia, the Far East, and the Global South has been positive and impressive, and is likely to be more so if it continues – and all indications point to its continuity.
On this basis, it is logical to assume and expect a huge growth of business and investment opportunities in those changing countries (East and South), both quantitative and qualitative. Bear in mind that those markets are still more or less virgin in that they have not reached their market or financial peaks and have ample room for additional growth. The crown jewel here is that most of the available business and investment opportunities are in the “real” economy and not fictitious paper or pencil-pushing based. Many comprise opportunities in the industrial and agricultural fields and are thirsty for smart capital. The services, trading, and real estate sectors are similarly poised for development by those with proven know-how and expertise.
It is therefore not surprising to see Turkiye begin, a few years ago, to turn its attention Eastwards, especially after a decades-long frustrating wait for the glorious EU membership approval that never arrived.
But the true attention head-spinner is Iran’s resetting of its compass from West to East. After more than two millennia of looking West, Iran has at long last realized that its future lies in the East. Obviously, the US and West’s animosity, accompanied by an endless series of harsh sanctions, and the unlikelihood of a return to the nuclear agreement has not only tipped the Iranian scale away from the West but pushed it firmly eastwards where it sees a much brighter and mutually beneficial future.
As such, Iran began a couple of years ago with a mega multi-year investment agreement with China worth approx. $400 Mill to develop and upgrade its oil and industry sectors. It then joined several segments of the Belt & Road Initiative (the new Chinese Silk Road) as well as signed a joint venture agreement with India to develop Iran’s Arabian seaport of Chabahar as a main trade transit hub. In the process, it has significantly increased its trade with its northern, eastern, and southern neighbors and the trend appears continuing. On another front, it has recently jointly inaugurated the north-south route from Saint Petersburg through Azerbaijan and the Caspian Sea all the way to the Arabian sea and henceforth to India and Asia. This is claimed to be a very fast and economic route and is another potential competitor to the Suez Canal. And finally, only last week, it signed a batch of agreements with Russia, including one with giant Gazprom to develop its many gas fields.
On the international organizations’ side, Iran joined last year the Shanghai Cooperation Council (SCO), which is an important Asian economic and security cooperation organization. Turkey is a Dialogue Member and new applications are expected from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Egypt. Similar developments are in progress in other Asian and Global South international organizations.
It is clear that the chess board layout is rapidly changing, and opportunities are aplenty. There is no logical reason not to head East and South… remember the early bird is usually well rewarded.
Just a few guns…

You may have heard on the news about a Southern California man who was put under 72-hour psychiatric observation when it was found he owned 100 guns and allegedly had 100,000 rounds of ammunition stored in his home. The house also featured a secret escape tunnel.
By Southern California standards, someone owning 100,000 rounds is considered “mentally unstable.
In Michigan, he’d be called “the last white guy still living in Detroit.”
In Arizona, he’d be called “an avid gun collector.
In Arkansas, he’d be called “a novice gun collector.”
In Utah, he’d be called “moderately well prepared,” but they’d probably reserve judgment until they made sure that he had a corresponding quantity of stored food.
In Kansas, he’d be “A guy down the road you would want to have for a friend.”
In Montana, he’d be called “The neighborhood ‘Go-To’ guy.”
In Idaho, he’d be called “a likely gubernatorial candidate.”
In Georgia, he’d be called “an eligible bachelor.”
In North Carolina, Virginia, WV, Mississippi, Tennessee, Kentucky, South Carolina and Minnesota he would be called “a deer hunting buddy.”
In Florida , he’d just be “a guy who’s a little short on Ammo.”
Doomsday Approaches: Scientists Say That The Earth Will Run Out Of Usable Topsoil In 60 Years
What will we do when we inevitably run out of topsoil? This month, I have written a number of articles that show that the clock is ticking for humanity. We are systematically destroying the planet that we live on, and we are already witnessing mass extinctions of plankton, insects and birds. Our food is full of poisons, our water is full of poisons and the air that we breathe is full of poisons. And it gets worse with each passing year. But one thing that I haven’t talked about recently is the loss of our topsoil. 95 percent of the food that we eat comes from the soil, and so if we have no soil we have no food. This is a crisis that has been building for decades, and now we are rapidly approaching a major crisis point.
The amount of land that is used for agriculture all over the world has been steadily climbing for decades, and the intensive farming techniques that have been employed have resulted in a staggering loss of topsoil…
But beneath the feet of Iowa’s farmers, a crisis is unfolding. The average topsoil depth in Iowa decreased from around 14-18 inches (35-45cm) at the start of the 20th Century to 6-8 inches (15-20cm) by its end. Relentless tilling and disturbance from farm vehicles have allowed wind and water to whisk away this priceless resource. The same picture is seen on farms worldwide. Soils are becoming severely degraded due to a combination of intensive farming practices and natural processes. As the layer of fertile topsoil thins, it gets increasingly difficult to grow crops for food. Without altering agricultural practices and urgently finding ways to preserve soil, the global food supply starts to look precarious.
According to Time Magazine, “soil is being lost at between 10 and 40 times the rate at which it can be naturally replenished”, and the outlook for the future is extremely bleak.
Sadly, this is even true here in the United States. When early Americans first started to settle in the Midwest, a very thick layer of extremely dark topsoil was there to greet them.
But now that topsoil is rapidly disappearing, and what remains is soil that is “often much lighter in color”…
The soil that’s darkest in color is widely known as topsoil. Soil scientists call this layer the “A-horizon.” It’s the “black, organic, rich soil that’s really good for growing crops,” says Evan Thaler, a Ph.D. student at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. It’s full of living microorganisms and decaying plant roots, also called organic carbon. When settlers first arrived in the Midwest, it was everywhere, created from centuries of accumulated prairie grass. Plowing, though, released much of the trapped carbon, and topsoil was also lost to wind and water erosion. The soil that remains is often much lighter in color.
I remember the thick, black soil that I could dig my hands into when I was a child.
I would love to experience that again, but the soil in the Midwest is far different today.
In fact, it is being estimated that the Midwest has lost 57.6 billion metric tons of topsoil already…
Since farmers began tilling the land in the Midwest 160 years ago, 57.6 billion metric tons of topsoil have eroded, according to a study published recently in Earth’s Future. The loss has occurred despite conservation efforts implemented in the 1930s after the Dust Bowl, and the erosion rate is estimated to be double what the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) says is sustainable. Future crop production could be severely limited if it continues, reports Rachel Crowell for Science News.
“Future crop production could be severely limited” is a nice way of saying that everyone is going to starve if something doesn’t change.
And that could happen a whole lot sooner than many people think.
According to the UN, all of our topsoil could be gone “within 60 years”…
Generating three centimeters of top soil takes 1,000 years, and if current rates of degradation continue all of the world’s top soil could be gone within 60 years, a senior UN official said on Friday. About a third of the world’s soil has already been degraded, Maria-Helena Semedo of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) told a forum marking World Soil Day.
Maria-Helena Semedo actually made that statement back in 2014.
So that means that we don’t actually have 60 years left.
If that projection is accurate, we only have 52 years remaining until all the topsoil is gone.
And one expert recently told CNBC that there are actually some places in the world that “have already lost all of their topsoil”…
“There are places that have already lost all of their topsoil,” Jo Handelsman, author of “A World Without Soil,” and a professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, told CNBC. The impact of soil degradation could total $23 trillion in losses of food, ecosystem services and income worldwide by 2050, according to the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification.
2050 is only 28 years away.
Of course horrifying global famines will inevitably arrive long before we get to that point.
And we are actually hastening the demise of our soil by our own behavior.
Today, agricultural lands all over the planet are being saturated by trillions upon trillions of microplastics.
The amount of plastic that we produce continues to rise at an exponential rate, and that means that the amount of microplastics raining down on our farms will continue to rise at an exponential rate.
As the level of plastic in the soil keeps going up, it is going to become increasingly difficult to grow much of anything.
I know that the information in this article is difficult to take in, but it is vital that you understand what is ahead of us.
We aren’t just facing an economic collapse.
The truth is that what we are actually facing is the collapse of everything.
When I say that the clock is ticking for humanity, I am not exaggerating one bit.
Unless something really dramatic happens, we are heading into a future that is going to be far more horrible than most people would dare to imagine.
How Americans take care of their elderly..
I am 82 years old, I have 4 children, 11 grandchildren, 2 great-grandchildren and a room of 12 square meters.
I no longer have a home or expensive things, but I have someone who will clean my room, prepare food and bedding, measure my pressures and weigh me.
I no longer have the laughter of my grandchildren, I don’t see them growing, hugging and arguing. Some come to me every 15 days, some every three or four months, and some never.
I no longer work in the winter, I don’t bake cakes, I don’t dig up the garden. I still have hobbies and I like to read, but my eyes quickly hurt.
I don’t know how much longer, but I have to get used to this loneliness. Here at home, I lead group work and help those who are worse than me as much as I can. Until recently, I read aloud to an immobile woman in the room next to me, we used to sing together, but she died the other day.
They say life is getting longer. Why? When I’m alone, I can look at photos of my family and memories I brought from home. And that’s all.
I hope that the next generations will understand that families are born to have a future (with children) and that they do not forget about the family even in old age.
Please don’t show this to my children.
Grandma Maria loves you.
Chinese live in multi-generational homes…
Many families have a growing number of multi-generational members, and the housing costs that can accompany such a large population can add up quickly. In these situations, Multi-Generational Homes can be a great option. These properties are usually built with several different floor plans in mind. For example, young adults often move home with their parents after college, but they don’t necessarily need a place to live. In many cases, the home will be used by the whole family, and the members of each generation can enjoy the same living space.
Many family members find that living in a large house offers several benefits, including easy home financing. In addition, because the family will be living under one roof, financial obligations and responsibilities can be shared among the various members. According to a former mortgage broker, multi-generational homes are particularly advantageous for managing property expenses. For example, you can share utility and insurance bills with each other, and two construction loans can be merged into one.
Many Asian cultures have multi-generational homes as a natural part of everyday life. South Asians have a common saying that the kids are their parents’ retirement plan. In many cultures, grandparents are a central part of family life and teach respect for the elderly. In addition, they pass on cultural traditions and a connection to their ancestry. But with rising housing costs and limited real estate, more families are opting for multi-generational homes.
Multi-generational homes can provide financial benefits during challenging times and allow family members to stay close to one another. They are also more flexible than traditional single-family homes and can accommodate multiple uses. So, whether you have multiple generations or only need space for one family, these homes are the ideal solution. There are several benefits to having this type of home. And they don’t have to cost a fortune. And, as long as you have the land and the financial means, you’ll be happy with your choice.
Having several generations in a household can be difficult. It’s essential to have separate living spaces for each generation. Those with older relatives will appreciate the privacy and independence of their aging parents. Children will appreciate privacy. A multi-generational home can also provide financial benefits when the elderly need extra help. The benefits of these homes are many. They can provide comfort to multiple generations and help their families avoid expensive medical costs.
For those with aging parents, multi-generational homes are an ideal compromise. While their parents are still independent, the adult children can live with them and save for a new apartment. Likewise, a multi-generational home can also be a transitional home for a college student. This type of home is often the right choice for your family. And it can also be a great financial benefit if you have elderly parents.
Building a multi-generational home is a smart choice for many reasons. First, the financial benefits are immense. A multi-generational home can be ideal for parents and their adult children to live. A single-family can enjoy the freedom and security of a single home while having the convenience of two separate homes. Finally, the multi-generational structure will allow your parents to live closer to their elderly parents if your family is older.
Multi-generational home is an excellent choice for aging families. A multi-generational home can be a wonderful investment for all family members. The added benefits of a multi-generational home include the convenience of having a large space for the elderly. In addition, they can be a good fit for all of your family members. There are also several benefits to living in a community with multiple generations.
Having a multi-generational home allows you to enjoy the benefits of a single home for your family members. It is also beneficial for the elderly, who may want to live close to their parents, as they will not have to worry about finding someone to care for them. Having a multi-generational home will also avoid the costs associated with multiple mortgages. A multi-generational home can also help you save on taxes, as your income will be more stable.
Police constable Neman Ashraf tells his story…
On June 1st, at around 2 in the morning, we received information of an eight years old girl brought to a private hospital, unconscious, injured and bruised. The man who had brought her left the premises without staying after only informing that the girl works at his home as a maid.
Police responded immediately upon learning of the news.
Condition of that girl was critical, a few officers remained at the hospital and others left to find the suspect or any pieces of information about him who had fled the scene.
His name is Hassan, a young man living at a posh and decorated housing society, well off family, rich people. Husband, wife and their child… an infant. They were keeping the girl “maid” whose name is Zahra as “help” to take care of their son.
But as the doctors shared medical reports of the victim, we learned that the girl beaten but physically “sexually abused” too as there were signs of bleeding. She was raped.
City’s Police Chief took notice of the matter right away and ordered registration of a case against the offenders with charges of attempted murder, rape and more. There was no complainant, no family of that girl present as her parents lived hundreds of miles away and had willingly gave their daughter in service of those people in return of money.
Police became complainant, and registered the case.
Minutes after that, the girl passed away.
Hunt was on, dozens and dozens of cops were dispatched to trace out the culprits and within a day, both of the accused, the husband and his wife were arrested, murder charge had been added to the case as of now, and this is where I personally and most probably my colleagues too went into shock of a lifetime.

Confessions, so horrific that make me say “May lord have mercy”.
That man abused the child to death as a “punishment”, for what you ask? For mistakenly opening their parrot cage that led to one of their parrots flying away.
That is it.
Wow. I mean… is that all there is to make a child subject of such gruesome endless torture and abuse?
There were videos found in his mobile phone that depicts the true horrors of what happened, the pain and misery the little Zahra went through, and all of this done by someone we’d otherwise consider a perfectly fine sensible person by his appearance.
12 injuries including vital injuries at the private parts, folks. I won’t share the images out of respect for the dead as well as for some of you will drop everything and feel like your heart skipping its rhythm. An eight years old baby girl. At such age, children giggle and roam free of worries, don’t they?
Of course, I’d consider her parents responsible of this despicable atrocity equally, as It was their duty to ensure their safety and well-being of their child. I can understand, that people are poor, needy and that people do let their children work in other people’s home for money.
Very respectfully, I don’t agree with that, and consider it insanely wrong. No matter how poorer or needy I get, I’d never let my child be on the mercy of another soul, I’ll never let my child be in service of a master simply because that’s a child we’re talking about for goodness sake!!! Those who do find it feasible, I’m not going to criticize them, they may have their reasons, but I fail to see a good one and I condemn the practice strongly.
So yea,
Zahra is gone.
I feel like she is up there in heavens, very contented of finally getting rid of all those who pained her.

Tomahawk Steak
Tomahawk steak is the classic steak that Fred Flintstone ate, according to Omaha Steaks. It’s an over-the-top, larger-than-life, bone-in ribeye steak, meant to impress. It’s similar to the Cowboy Steak with one difference: The Tomahawk has a larger bone.

This Reverse Seared Smoked Tomahawk Steak is slow smoked to perfection and then reverse seared over a hot griddle and served with a delicious garlic and herb butter compound. The result is an incredibly juicy and tender steak with a crisp outer crust that is packed with smoky flavor!

Why You’ll Love This Recipe
- The reverse sear method – Reverse searing is the process of cooking (or in this case smoking) steak slowly and at a low temperature before searing on a hot griddle to finish it off. This results in an incredibly tender and delicious piece of meat with a nice crust on the outside. A Blackstone and pellet grill works great for this recipe, but additional searing options are listed below.
- Great for special occasions – A tomahawk steak is a rather expensive cut of beef but the next level flavor and all around presentation make it a fantastic cut of meat for a special occasion.
- Garlic and herb butter compound – This tomahawk steak recipe is served with a delicious butter compound made up of fresh herbs and garlic that adds even more flavor to this cut of meat.
Tomahawk Steak vs Ribeye Steak
A tomahawk steak is essentially a fancy bone-in ribeye steak. This thick cut of meat is butchered leaving at least 5 inches of rib bone in tact on the steak. A cowboy steak, also a bone-in ribeye, has a shorter bone than the tomahawk.
A tomahawk ribeye typically has great marbling (meaning more fat throughout the meat muscle). In addition, it’s an extremely tender cut of beef. Because the rib bone of the tomahawk is left in tact, much of the juices are preserved helping to give it its fantastic flavor!
Ingredients Needed
For Smoked Tomahawk

For Butter Compound

Ingredient Notes
- Tomahawk Ribeye Steak – You’ll often find this cut of meat at your local butcher rather than the regular grocery store. Look for thick steaks (approximately 2 inches) with good marbling.
- Avocado oil – this helps the dry rub spices adhere to the steak. You can also use olive oil.
- Butter or Ghee – Sear the steak in butter or ghee for even more flavor! Ghee is a fantastic paleo alternative to butter.
How To Smoke A Tomahawk Steak
- Pat the steak dry with paper towels and apply a thin layer of the avocado oil over the entire surface of the steak.
- In a small bowl mix the sea salt, pepper, granulated garlic, and dried thyme. Rub dry rub all over the outside of the steak including the sides of the steak, and press it in.
- Set your tomahawk steak aside and allow it to come to room temperature for approximately two hours prior to beginning the cooking process. This will ensure a more even cook.
- Preheat the Traeger or other pellet smoker to 250 degrees F when ready to cook.

- Insert the temperature probe of the meat thermometer into the thickest part of the steak. Place the steak directly on the hot grill grates and smoke at 250F until the internal temperature reaches 115 degrees F and then remove the steak from the smoker. (The time will vary based on the size and thickness of the steak).
- While the meat smokes, mix all ingredients for the herbed compound butter in a small bowl. Place the bowl in the fridge until ready to serve.

- When the steak is nearing the end of the cook, add the ghee (or butter) to a preheated cast iron skillet or a preheated blackstone griddle and allow it to melt (being careful not to let it burn).
- Add the steak to the hot griddle and sear for 2-3 minutes per side until the internal temperature of the steak reaches 135F or your desired doneness.
- Let the steak rest on a cutting board for 5 minutes before serving topped with the compound butter.

- When the steak is nearing the end of the cook, add the ghee (or butter) to a preheated cast iron skillet or a preheated blackstone griddle and allow it to melt (being careful not to let it burn).
- Add the steak to the hot griddle and sear for 2-3 minutes per side until the internal temperature of the steak reaches 135F or your desired doneness.
- Let the steak rest on a cutting board for 5 minutes before serving topped with the compound butter.

Recipe FAQ’s
Why should I let the steak rest?
Resting steak after cooking makes a big difference as it allows the juices in the steak to redistribute throughout the meat rather than drain out upon cutting immediately.
The internal temperature will continue to rise as your steak rests which is why it’s important to remove steak from the heat source prior to it reaching the internal temperature you desire.
At what internal temperature is steak done?
The USDA suggests an internal temperate of 145 degrees F plus a 3 minute rest for steak. However, cooking times and temperatures will vary based on your desired degree of doneness. I always recommend using a meat thermometer, like the meater+.
In addition, steak should be removed from the heat source when the internal temp is about 5 degrees lower than your desired level of doneness to prevent it from overcooking as it rests.
Rare – 125 degrees F
Medium Rare – 135 degrees F
Medium – 145 degrees F
Medium Well – 150 degrees F
Well Done – 160 degrees F
Can I make this steak on a charcoal grill?
Yes! While the process differs slightly, you’ll still get a great charcoal smoke flavor on a grill without an electric smoker. The process involves cooking the steak over indirect heat before a hot sear with more airflow. This is a great article on How to Reverse Sear a Tomahawk Steak on a charcoal grill.
A Disease That Can Make It Feel Like Someone Is Peeling Your Skin With A Potato Peeler Is Spreading At An Exponential Rate
I would highly recommend that you take this new global monkeypox outbreak very seriously. On May 6th, there was one case. Now it has spread to 78 countries and there are 14,945 cases. In nation after nation we have seen monkeypox cases take off at an exponential rate, and that includes the United States. Monkeypox cases have now been confirmed in 45 U.S. states, and the total number of U.S. cases has jumped to 2,102. Any chance of containing this disease is gone, and that is really bad news.
Many have pointed out to me that this virus has been spreading primarily among those that are engaged in certain types of risky sexual activity, but that is not the only way that it spreads.
A bartender in Dallas named Luke Shannahan recently got monkeypox, and he is not quite sure how he contracted it…
He’s not sure exactly how he got it, but Luke was contacted by the Dallas Health Department who told him he may have been exposed to monkeypox. “I was at bars. I was going to pool parties. I did attend a music event over the weekend and recently all of those people have been becoming positive,” Luke said. “Apparently it was a contact tracing phone call.”
It is entirely possible that he was engaged in sexual activity that he is not admitting.
But if it is true that a lot of people that were at the same music event ended up contracting monkeypox, that would suggest that it is spreading fairly easily even in casual settings.
After the call from the Dallas Health Department, he was given a monkeypox vaccine, but that didn’t prevent what came next…
Shannahan was administered a monkeypox vaccine after he was diagnosed, but still became bedridden for two days and felt so ill he feared for his life.
I keep making the same point, but most people out there still don’t seem to get it.
This is not the same monkeypox that we have dealt with before.
Scientists are telling us that there are approximately 50 key mutations that set this virus apart from previous strains of monkeypox…
But in the new study, when microbial genomics researcher João Paulo Gomes of Portugal’s National Institute of Health Dr. Ricardo Jorge (INSA) and his colleagues compared 15 virus samples from the current outbreak with viruses isolated from people who traveled to West Africa in 2018 and 2019, they found that the present-day virus had mutated about 50 times in just four years.
So the truth is that we may be starting from square one because this virus is radically different from anything that we have previously faced.
And as I have warned in previous articles, this is a virus that you definitely do not want to catch.
According to Shannahan, any time that one of the sores on his skin touched something, it felt like “someone is taking a potato peeler to your skin”…
Revealing his illness, Shannahan told KHOU 11: ‘It’s just the most traumatic experience I’ve ever had. It’s the worst sick I’ve ever been. ‘You have these blisters that are inflamed and anytime it grazes something or touches something, it literally feels like someone is taking a potato peeler to your skin.’
It turns out that Shannahan has also had COVID, but he says that monkeypox is “100 times worse”…
‘The pain and tenderness was constant,’ he said. Asked whether it was like Covid, he said: ‘Oh, 100 times worse. this was a totally different level of extreme fatigue.’
If the number of cases continues to rise at an exponential rate, it won’t be too long before monkeypox is literally everywhere.
So what will we do then?
If it can spread among people gathered at a music festival, then it can also spread at a church, at a store or at a school.
Will health authorities ultimately decide that extended lockdowns are necessary?
And will the general public start clamoring for such lockdowns?
Let’s hope not. Personally, I don’t want to see lockdowns in the United States ever again for any reason.
But once people start to understand the sort of pain this virus causes, there will be a lot of panic among the general public. Shannahan says that during his worst days it was as if “someone took a ball of needles and kept on stabbing you with it”…
“The pain and tenderness was constant,” Shannahan said. “It’s like if someone took a ball of needles and kept on stabbing you with it.”
Of course Shannahan is not the only victim that is speaking out.
Another victim named Gabriel Morales says that he spent eight days alone in his apartment in “excruciating pain” after he contracted the virus…
Although he was covered with lesions, it took four hours of phone calls, and then five hours in a Harlem emergency room, for Gabriel Morales to be tested for the monkeypox virus earlier this month. And that was just the beginning of his wait. Mr. Morales was sent home and told the Department of Health would call with his results in less than a week. The call never came. He spent the next eight days alone in his apartment in what he described as excruciating pain, trying to find someone to prescribe him pain medication and a hard-to-access antiviral drug.
Doesn’t that sound fun?
If this virus is not contained, we could soon have millions upon millions of victims suffering through the most intense pain that they have ever experienced in their entire lives.
And just about everyone else could be in a state of full-blown panic because they are so fearful of catching the virus themselves.
There is a very real possibility that this plague could cause even more panic than COVID, and so it is absolutely imperative that authorities get this thing under control.
Unfortunately, many experts are now entirely convinced that it will be impossible to do so…
It has been a mere nine weeks since the United Kingdom announced it had detected four cases of monkeypox, a virus endemic only in West and Central Africa. In that time, the number of cases has mushroomed to nearly 13,000 in over 60 countries throughout Europe, North and South America, the Middle East, new parts of Africa, South Asia, and Australia. The growth in cases and the geographic spread has been rapid and relentless. Now, even as global health officials race to curb spread of the virus, most experts polled by STAT said they don’t believe it will be possible to contain it.
For the record, I specifically warned that something just like this would happen.
Now that day has arrived.
I am still hoping that the numbers will start to level off and that this crisis will start to fade.
But I have been closely watching the numbers each week and so far that has not happened.
In fact, I believe that the WHO will soon officially declare that we have another global pandemic on our hands.
An era of great pestilences is here, and none of our lives will ever be the same again.
American Host REACTS to FACTS about CHINA
"China is run by engineers. - We're fucked."
This is a fun video. Please check it out.
Yankee Pot Roast
Pot roast has been a long-time popular dish in New England, especially appreciated on long, cold winter nights. Food world icon James Beard claimed that the dish’s roots can be traced back to France—apparently, French immigrants displayed their cooking method, à l’étouffée, for tenderizing meats, and thus the pot roast was born.

This pot roast recipe is an easy and absolutely delicious dinner! The trick? Canned onion soup! This recipe has been in my family for decades, passed down from generation to generation – and it’s the absolute best!

My grandmother came up with this pot roast recipe, simply using a big beef chuck roast, cans of condensed onion soup, potatoes and veggies. That’s it! Assembly takes just a few minutes, before you pop your pot roast in the oven and let it slow cook for four hours. For tender, flavorful pot roast, follow these steps. It can’t get easier!
Ingredients for Pot Roast
- Boneless beef chuck roast – boneless beef chuck roasts make the best pot roast! I do not recommend chuck shoulder roasts for pot roast. A shoulder roast is a different cut of beef that is leaner and doesn’t shred as well as boneless chuck!
- Canned French Onion Soup – onion soup will flavor your roast in a delicious premade oniony beef broth without the extra effort of making your own broth! My grandma always used Campbell’s Condensed French Onion Soup because of its rich flavor. It’s delicious. This is not an ad!
- Fresh herbs (optional) – I like to add fresh herbs like rosemary and thyme to my onion soup broth for aromatics. It’s the perfect extra touch! This is optional.
- Potatoes and root vegetables (optional) – although this step is optional, why not cook your sides in the broth with your pot roast? I like using baby red potatoes and baby carrots. You can also add cubed rutabagas, turnips, pearl onions or shallots!
How to Make Pot Roast
- Choose the right piece of meat in the grocery store! You want a 3 to 4 pound boneless chuck roast. A chuck shoulder roast is not the same thing! Make sure the size of your pot roast is between 3-4 pounds so the cooking time listed below gives you the best results!
- Place your chuck pot roast in a roasting pan. I use my 12x10x2 inch roasting pan. You’ll want a pan that’s large enough to fit your roast and deep enough to fit the broth!
- Add 4-5 cans of onion soup, so your roast is mostly submerged in liquid. I usually end up using five 10.5 ounce cans.
- Add as many potatoes, carrots and other veggies that can fit without the soup overflowing out of the pan! If your potatoes or vegetables are large, cut them into rough cubes.
- If you want to add in some herbs, pinch off a small handful of rosemary and thyme from the sprigs. If you only have dried herbs, you can use them instead!
- Cover your pan tightly with foil and place your pot roast in a preheated 300-degree oven for 4 hours. You might want to place a baking sheet or a few sheets of foil on the bottom rack of your oven to catch any juices that overflow!
- Let your pot roast slow cook for those 4 hours, untouched! At 4 hours, your roast should reach an internal temperature of at least 190 degrees for tender pot roast. Carefully take your roast out of the oven and enjoy, with lots of spoonfuls of that delicious onion soup broth.

Ingredient Substitutions
- Fresh herbs – substitute dried herbs for fresh herbs.
- I do not recommend using dried onion soup mix!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is the best cut for pot roast?
Boneless beef chuck roast is the best cut of meat for pot roast. A chuck shoulder roast is not the same thing! A shoulder roast is a different cut of beef that is leaner and doesn’t shred as well as boneless chuck roast. The shredded texture of chuck pot roast is unmatched!
Is pot roast beef or pork?
Pot roast is a beef dish, made by slow cooking (braising) an inexpensive, typically tough cut of beef in liquid. The liquid is usually a rich broth that not only tenderizes the beef but flavors it! Looking for slow-roasted pork instead? Try this Pulled Pork recipe!
What are the best potatoes for pot roast?
The best potatoes are baby red potatoes. They fit well in a roasting pan without cutting them, and baby red potatoes have a thin skin and a waxy texture that stand up well to slow-cooking.
What to do with leftover pot roast?
My favorite way to use leftover pot roast is to make a pot roast sandwich! Use rye or your favorite bread, slather with mustard, and stack with shredded hot or cold pot roast. There’s nothing better in the world!
How long is pot roast good for?
A cooked pot roast should last for up to 5 days in the refrigerator.
How to reheat your pot roast?
Reheat your pot roast by shredding it into small pieces in the broth, covering with foil, and heating in the oven at 350 degrees until hot. If you’re really in a pinch, place shredded pot roast, broth and veggies in a microwave safe covered dish and heat in increments of 30 seconds until hot.
Can you freeze pot roast?
Absolutely! Pot roast freezes very well, although the veggies might get mushy. I recommend using frozen pot roast within 3-4 months.
What to Serve with Pot Roast
One of the best parts about this pot roast recipe is that it’s easy: your veggies and potatoes (the side dishes) go right into the pan to slow cook with your roast for a complete dinner!
Root vegetables like carrots, turnips and rutabagas are classic accompaniments for pot roast. I love using a blend of veggies, along with baby potatoes and pearl onions or peeled shallots. They’ll absorb all the rich flavors of the onion soup broth, which is just AMAZING!
You can also serve your pot roast with Homemade Yeast Rolls, Buttery Crispy Potatoes Anna, Roasted Garlic Mashed Potatoes, or Roasted Carrots & Leeks.
From the ex-con forum…
I did 15 years in prison and when I got out it was like being on another planet. Everything had changed so much and it was so overwhelming, I couldn’t even walk into a store or just be around everyday people without panicking and sweating, words couldn’t describe how I felt… I stayed at a men’s shelter for 11 months and did any kind of work I could do. I got a car, got my own place and met a woman who changed my life. I’m a plumber, but I had been gone so long and so much had changed that I was scared to get back into plumbing, plus I had 20 years probation. I was blessed to be given the greatest Probation Officer in the world, who after time had faith and believed in me. Don’t get me wrong, when I screwed up and/or got too cocky she let me know who was in charge and hammered me!! But I kept proving myself and she would give me a little more and a little more lead way which also built my confidence in myself. That’s how a P.O. should act and treat you, especially as long as I had been down. I would not have or be in the situation that I’m blessed with if it wasn’t for having the Probation Officer I was given…. Thank you Kimiko..
My P.O. gave me the ok to work at a plumbing Company and I was rusty as hell and felt stupid but I stuck with it. Plumbing prices had gone up 4 to 5 times higher from when I got put in prison and it blew my mind. I made. 40 cents an hour in prison and now I was making $20 an hour and I was in heaven. I kept giving people breaks on the jobs I did, especially the elderly and it wasn’t going over good with the company and we butted heads over me doing this where I finally said that I think I can do better on my own and the owner laughed and said, “ Good luck “… They just thought I was a crazy old long hair and didn’t know what I was talking about…
So I talked with my P.O. and she gave me the green light to start my company. I hit the ground running. I contacted the Contracting Board , took the written part of the test and had to go before a 6 member panel and prove to them verbally and with documentation that I had turned my life around, because I was a felon. So I spoke (and I can talk) for 45 minutes and… they unanimously agreed to give me my Plumbing License…Ha!!!😎😎😎 . Just another thing all the know- it-alls said that I wouldn’t be able to get and/or do…I had built my credit up and got a $15,000 loan and started hitting up property management companies and started getting jobs and worked 12 to 14 hour days… that was 4 years ago and I haven’t looked back!! I let all the companies that I work for and all my long time regular customers know that I was in prison. All the stories you heard from the guys who got out and came back saying, “nobody will hire you or you can’t get a job”.. I don’t believe it!!! People LOVE the underdog and come back stories, you might get a few who are ignorant, but for the most part people WANT to see you succeed and go out of their way to help you anyway they can….
I just bought my 3rd house , I have 2 guys working for me and the work just keeps coming in… i don’t advertise, only the artwork on my van and business cards …word of mouth is the best. At my 5 year mark of being out I got a lawyer, petition the court to consider letting me off probation and the judge granted my motion and terminated the 15 years of probation I had left.. which rarely happens and guess who said THAT would never happen….the haters.…I was a drug addict and I was a hot mess and I wouldn’t have any of this if it wasn’t for my God and my Sobriety. I promised my God, myself and my daughter that I would do everything I could not to be that person that I was, if he could just help me make it out of prison alive. God kept up his end of the bargain and I have been sober since the day they put handcuffs on me on December 23rd 2000… And the woman I met… She’s my best friend, my beacon of light and loves me to death and she went and married me and it will be 4 years this December of 2021 and I’ve never been so happy!! It’s like a dream come true. I get to open my eyes every morning seeing this angel …. Thank you God!!
I was released from prison June 12th, 2015….
The reason I’ve written this long ass post is to try and pass on …it CAN be done!!! Don’t listen to the know-it-alls that got out and kept coming back inside saying how “you can’t do this, or you can’t do that”.. they didn’t want to put the work in!!! I did EVERYTHING they all said that I wouldn’t be able to do..I didn’t write all this to brag, I wrote this to let y’all know your dreams can come true after you get out no matter what you did… go for it!
An event at the Kroger Grocery Store…

“I went to Kroger tonight wearing one of my husband’s sweatshirts. I got in line to check out and the man in front of me asked if the sweatshirt was mine.
I said ‘oh no, it’s my husband’s.’ It caught me pretty off guard, to say the least. He then asked if Austin was with me so he could say thank you and I just said ‘thank you, but unfortunately, he’s deployed right now.’
The man then, without hesitation started putting my groceries up on the belt with his and told me he was paying for my groceries tonight.
I was speechless.
The only thing I could get out was, ‘oh my gosh, are you sure, thank you so much’ almost a dozen times. He said, ‘that place over there almost took me away from my wife and my four kids. Promise you’ll stay true and honest to him while he’s gone and love him like you’ve never loved him before when he gets home.’
I’m still in shock over an hour later.
There’s still so much good in the world and we need to start focusing on that rather than focusing on all the bad.”
Oligarchy or Patriarchy? Rule by the Few or Rule for the Many?
By Batiushka for the Saker Blog
Introduction: Capitalism or Communism?
A commentator on this site recently accused me of being ‘a visceral anti-Communist’! I was quite amused (but also grateful, as he has inspired this essay). Such an accusation goes back to the old twentieth-century apparent abyss between ‘Left and Right’. Actually, although I have always been a social conservative, I have also always been for social justice, as I have said elsewhere. This would make me, I suppose, both left and right. Indeed, I have elsewhere (in the USA) been accused of being a ‘Socialist’, though it does not take much to be accused of Socialism in the USA. The word ‘justice’ alone is usually enough.
How do we square the circle, reconcile the apparently irreconcilable difference, as it seemed in the last century, between left and right? Let us look at the two systems of governance in today’s world, the Western system of the 13%, which is in effect rule by the few, in Greek called ‘Oligarchy’, and the system of the world’s 87%, rule for the many, which I will call ‘Patriarchy’. (Here I blatantly ignore the stereotypical feminist rejection of such a word, because it means something quite different to what hidebound Western feminists, imprisoned by their ideology, understand by it).
Oligarchy (1) is simply Neo-Feudalism, rule by robber-barons, in this case, the financial barons who live in their contemporary castles. This is why Oligarchy is Anti-National, Anti-Sovereign, Anti-Traditional Religion, Anti-Traditional Culture, Anti-National Infrastructure and Anti-Family (2). This is why Oligarchy, through its CIA and other assets, has over the generations brought down so many monarchies and national governments, like that of De Gaulle in France in 1968. It does not mind fictitious monarchies, as in the UK, the Netherlands, Scandinavia and Spain, as they are simply businesses, manipulations of the masses for large sums of money.
The Oligarchy does not like national identity, it destroys nation-states, as in the EU, for it wants ‘World Government’, which is code for World Dictatorship. This is the Dictatorship of the uprooted, which is why the Jewish component in it is strong (Jews have been uprooted ever since the Romans uprooted them in 70 AD). Oligarchy is based on the priority of accumulating money and therefore guarantees corruption, instability and the boom-bust cycle, because it rules by the financial sector. Hence the importance of Wall Street in New York, The City in London, Frankfurt in Germany and La Bourse in Paris. Hence the importance in all these countries of financial indices, which, so strangely, are always announced in their national news by their media.
Although Neo-Feudalism is also called Neo-Liberalism and is more commonly still known by the euphemism ‘Democracy’, it is run on the base profit motive, known by the euphemism ‘Monetarism’. It is certainly not Democracy because political parties are controlled by ultra-wealthy ‘donors’ and ‘lobbies’, that is, by the Oligarchy. This is why Democracy is also unfairly called ‘Demonocracy’, the choice for voters between a moron and a cretin. Very sadly, judging by recent leaders of the US/UK/EU, perhaps that is not so unfair, for most Western leaders are indeed oligarchs (Bush, Trump), or else the puppets of oligarchs (Macron, Draghi). The Oligarchy’s aim is always to preserve its elitist privileges.
No wonder there are so many conspiracy theories around covid, for example, that the Oligarchy invented covid because it wanted to kill off or zombify seven billion plus in order to create more resources for itself. By definition the profit motive of Oligarchy has no interest in the majority of the world because it wishes to strip their natural resources. Another word for this is ‘Parasitism’. The Oligarchy plunders the rest of the world. This strategy is enforced very aggressively by militaristic crusades (just as in the twelfth century, except now with high tech), forcing others to sell off (‘privatise’) their land, mineral resources, utilities and infrastructure to the Oligarchy’s agents.
This is why the Oligarchy is dominated by two sectors: finance and militarism, by its aggressive economic and military warfare against the rest of the world. Any who resist are threatened by economic sanctions or bombing (‘back into the Stone Age’). This is why the USA has 750 foreign military bases, spread across 80 nations. (After the USA is the UK, with one fifth of the US population, so with ‘only’ 145 bases) (3). Therefore the Oligarchy creates clients around the world wherever it can. These vassals follow exactly what the Oligarchy tells them to do. In other words, they are ‘zelenskyised’, for the Oligarchy has as its strategy looting the rest of the world, as in the Ukraine, Iraq, Libya, Syria etc etc.
‘Patriarchy’ is rule for the benefit of the people. Patriarchy, exactly the opposite of Oligarchy, is Pro-National, Pro-Sovereignty, Pro-Traditional Religion, Pro-Traditional Culture, Pro-National Infrastructure and Pro-Family. The four great traditional religions of the world, Orthodox Christianity (and its cousin of Latin American, African and Asian Catholicism), Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism, are Patriarchal. The bulk of the world, over 6 billion people, Russia, most of Asia (China, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Vietnam…), Africa and Latin America, confess Patriarchy, ‘throne, altar and cottage’ (4). Thus, in the Tsar’s Russia, the State ran the economy through private investors, competing for contracts granted by the State.
Today, China, ruled by Chinese Nationalism, even though it is called Chinese Communism, does much the same, though shunning the central planning that discredited Communism in the Soviet and Chinese past. India does the same. They let people get rich by being creative, by being productive, but add a component of social and national responsibility through reference to the national religious/philosophical ideology. Wealth is to be used widely, for the Nation is a higher value than mere lucre. Although we can find exceptions of corrupt oligarchs, they are the exceptions that prove the rule. When the exceptions get caught in China and Belarus, at least, they are taken out and shot, in China in prison yards, in Belarus in the forest And oligarchs do not always have an easy time of it elsewhere.
The Patriarchal countries of Iran, pre-invasion Iraq, Libya and Syria, Russia and China are the enemies of the Oligarchy because they create industrial development by creating their own infrastructure, they provide everything to help do business and create the conditions for the potential prosperity of all. Patriarchy also provides free education and healthcare. This is exactly what ‘autocratic’ Prussia and Russia did five and six generations ago, with free education and healthcare, social insurance and pensions. Patriarchy provides the infrastructure for the basic human needs of the working people.
The Oligarchy called Patriarchy ‘Autocracy’ (Moghul India, Imperial China, pre-1917 Russia), and now call it ‘Socialism’ or ‘Communism’, because these are the opposite of their elitist ‘Democracy’. Their ‘Democracy’ is what is dictated by Oligarchy. Any country that goes its own way or develops the potential power to go its own way, such as China and Russia, is called a ‘Dictatorship’ by the Oligarchy’s paid hirelings in its propaganda mouthpieces, which it calls ‘the Western media’. For Oligarchy sells off State services like education, healthcare, schools, universities, hospitals, roads, railways and public utilities, water, electricity gas and telecom, in order to pay dividends to shareholders. This is why countries like China and Russia are the Oligarchy’s enemies.
Patriarchy is any country that is strong enough to make its own investments in its national infrastructure, any country strong enough to tax or control the financial sector. Patriarchy keeps banking in its own hands, so that it can finance the creation of infrastructure. It does not create money to lend to speculators to increase their profits, it creates production. So the chief public utility to be kept under the control of the Patriarchy is the banking system and credit creation. Patriarchy promotes just economic development. It prevents people from getting rich merely because they do not provide any productive service.
Conclusion: Why is Oligarchy Supporting the Ukraine?
Today the Ukraine is the battlefield where these two systems, Oligarchy and Patriarchy, are competing. The future of the whole world is being decided there. The Oligarchy has become embroiled ever more in its proxy war there because it intends to destroy Russia so that it can then destroy China. However, in order to do this, the USA must first finish off Russian-supplied Europe. The European elite has followed the Oligarchy’s dictates because its leaders are all only other ‘zelenskies’, whose strings are also pulled by the Oligarchy’s same puppeteers.
This is why the dollar has recently been rising against the pound sterling and the euro (and also the yen). However, seeing this, other countries are seeking alternatives and the USA is threatened with dedollarisation. There is no end game in the Ukraine for the Oligarchy. Meddling in Russia and Europe has meant heading towards economic meltdown. The Oligarchy is now pulling down an iron curtain on the Western world, not to protect it from some imagined foreign military attack, but to imprison the peoples of the USA, UK, EU, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Australia and New Zealand. As those peoples cotton on, this will end badly for the Oligarchy.
The Ash Street Shoot-out.
This event honestly sounds like something straight out of a 90s action movie starring Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Our story begins with US Army Ranger Bill Foulk.

In 1989, Foulk decided that he wanted to make plans for his life after service; maybe settle down, marry a nice girl, start a family. Live the American Dream. In order to start, he bought a small house on Ash Street in Tacoma, Washington for $10,000 ($23,572 today).
However, this backfired. Spectacularly.
Drugs became an even bigger problem, and they facilitated the rapid rise of street gangs, including the notorious Crips. As they expanded, they moved from their original territory in California all the way up to Tacoma, Washington.

As they moved into Tacoma, they decided that Ash Street would be a good place to do business. Soon, the entire neighborhood had basically become an open-air drug market.
Neighbors repeatedly called 911 on drug dealers and buyers, but to no avail. The Tacoma Police Department was hilariously underfunded, outnumbered, and overstretched. They could do little but watch as the gangs took control of the streets.
This was the situation when Sergeant Foulk returned to his house after participating in Operation Just Cause in 1989. He quickly became annoyed with the drug problem and began videotaping the buys. Neighbors started doing the same. Eventually, an article was published in The News Tribune on September 21, 1989.
“A group of a dozen neighbors who live in the area of South 23rd and Ash streets said they are on the verge of vigilante action because police have failed to curtail drug dealing around their homes.”
In order to show solidarity, Foulk invited his neighbors to a barbecue.
Foulk also called a couple of his buddies from the 2nd Ranger Battalion. Oh, and he also mentioned to them that they might want to bring their guns. You can probably see where this is going…
On September 23, 1989, the Saturday barbecue began. While the meat was grilling and the neighbors were talking, a car full of Crips drove by. As they did, all of them pointed finger guns at Foulk and his guests.

The meaning was clear; “we’re going to smoke you tonight.”
As it got dark and the neighbors left, Foulk and his Rangers took up defensive positions around his house. At some point, a car pulled up and two gang members got out. One of them took BB gun shots at the video camera Foulk had set up.

Foulk, fearless, stood up and walked across the street to the two hooligans and calmly requested that they leave his house alone. Probably high on drugs, they decided to respond by getting in his face and yelling that Foulk didn’t know who he was dealing with.
Foulk responded by saying that no, it was them who had no idea who they were dealing with.

The gang member responded with, “You’re history, bitch!” As they walked away, Faulk heard one of them say, “I’m gonna shoot that Army SOB.”
Shortly after, he returned to his house and turned out the lights, signaling to his Ranger buddies to get ready. And then, at 9:20 pm, all hell broke loose.

Dozens of Crip gang member surrounded the house and opened fire. The Rangers returned fire. In just 10 minutes, over 300 shots were fired.
The Crips had entered the night laughing and high, probably expecting an easy target. Instead, they ended up having to run for their lives. None of the Rangers were injured.
The incident drew national attention. The Tacoma police department finally got the resources they needed in order to effectively fight the gangs.
And the most legendary part? Bill Faulk, who is now retired and married at 67 years old, still lives in the same house: 2319 Ash Street.
Brendan Fraser
A cocktail of circumstances contrived to make Brendan Fraser one of the most universally liked people on the planet right now.

Firstly, in his career he literally came out of nowhere and starred in a run of some of the defining movies of many peoples childhoods. In those movies such as ‘George of the Jungle’, ‘Dudley do-right’, ‘Blast from the Past’ and of course the ‘Mummy’ franchise, he almost invariably played the intensely likeable, funny, often naive, handsome, hero role. As a result people still mainly remember him in those terms.
Secondly, he has a tragic backstory. After his prime in the early naughties, he more or less disappeared off the face of the earth, appearing in less and less movies and becoming more famous for his dramatic weight gain than any acting roles:
For a while he was mocked for this in the press, however it has since come out that in 2003 he was the victim of a sexual assault by a very senior Hollywood player (allegedly Phillip Berk, the head of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association). At around the same time, his wife divorced him and the judge imposed crippling $900,000 dollar per year alimony payments on Fraser, which he was unable to make, and his mother died. He also suffered serious injuries from the many stunts he had performed over the years, leading to a knee replacement, major spine surgery and vocal chord surgery (he legally died for 18 seconds on the set of ‘The Mummy’ when a hanging stunt went wrong and he was hanged for real). All of these events sent Fraser into a deep depression which caused his weight to spiral out of control and his choice to speak out against his powerful abuser caused his career to stall. With this outrageous run of bad luck, it’s not hard to see how Frasers story inspires sympathy.
Thirdly, perhaps surprisingly considering his experiences, he seems like a genuinely nice guy. Despite his financial troubles, he donated his entire salary from the 2013 film ‘Gimmie Shelter’ to the woman’s shelter featured in the film, he always seems to have time for fans and no one ever seems to have a bad word to say about him, which is quite an accomplishment for someone who has spent 30 years in Hollywood.
All in all, Fraser comes across as a nice guy whom a large majority of people think fondly of whom has had an amazingly bad run of luck, and obviously many people are happy to see him come out the other side of that. The fact that he’s still a pretty great actor with a charismatic screen presence helps as well. He’s currently experiencing a strong career resurgence on TV with more movie roles coming along the tracks, and he actually seems pretty happy. People like to see people they like coming back from adversity, it’s like watching a friend or family member you had been worried about finally sort their life out and seem like everything is going to be ok.
Tales of America…
“I thought someone else would do something…”

Catherine’s friends called her Kitty.
She was young, just twenty-eight, and petite. Tiny really.
And on this particular night, she was screaming for her life, as loudly as she could. After all, there were people all around. Someone would have to hear her.
Her shouts went on for thirty minutes, as her killer sliced her, mutilating her body.
38 neighbors heard her scream.
How many tried to help her? How many called the police?
“I thought someone else would do it.”

Hugo Alfredo Tale-Yax, a homeless man in Queens, New York, threw himself into action as he saw another man trying to mug a woman.
He was stabbed, several times and collapsed, lying on the sidewalk.
His wounds were bad, but they shouldn’t have been lethal.
He laid there for an hour before bleeding to death.
Video footage showed 20 people pass his body.
One rolled his body over and just walked away. Another snapped a photo of him bleeding out but couldn’t be bothered to call an ambulance.
When help finally arrived. Hugo was dead.
Why did no one stop to help?
“I thought someone else would do it.”
What are the most deadly, most horrible words?
“I thought someone else would do it.”
The bystander-effect is this idea that we assume someone else will react, that they’ll do something, so we walk on, literally to the point of ignoring murder.
It’s a cycle too: we don’t react and we assume because others are calm too that nothing was ever wrong in the first place.
“I thought someone else would do it.”
That string of words is responsible for more losses, more deaths, than we can possibly imagine.
Tales of China…
Be the Rufus. It’s our highest calling.
Just some Rufus videos taken in China. I put them on you-tube. Hopefully they will not be banned. Imagine that! Videos that you can watch in communist China are banned in the USA. Who would have thought!
I am officially banned from LinkedIN. All efforts to recover my extensive account, and work history is not accessible.
But it’s a shrug of the shoulders and a “Meh. So what” moment.
It’s probably for the best.
But, you know, it’s a sign of the times.
Do you want more?
You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.
New Beginnings 4.
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