Remote Viewing of the Tunnel of Light


This is a video that I have referred to in a Patrion post that I made yesterday 30AUG22.

It involves the remote viewing of the “Tunnel of Light” that one observes upon death.

I advise that we use the KISS principle in everything; (Keep It Simple, Stupid), otherwise known as let’s just focus on full understanding of the core elements, and not get too sidetracked.

For instance…

A car.

It takes you from A to B.It can be cheap or expensive, based on HOW it transports you.It requires energy to operate.


You need it to survive.It can taste good or bad depending on your culture and habits.Digestion of it is a human requirement.

So, here, the Remote Viewers were all over the place, and offer some good stuff. But it will need to be sorted (into “boxes”), parsed and put into context.

From DM

"This is very, very similar to my experiences. This is THE best video i have watched so far on the traps. This is legit. "

Very interesting. I am trying to process this video. I really don’t know what to think, but I will query the Domain Commander for some answers later on. -MM

Video Access

Psychic Project On The Matrix. The Unveiling Of The Soul-Loosh Harvesting System (


You-Tube version…

Crappy ass attempt, but a faster and easier video to watch than from Bitchute.

I have Patreon videos on this subject…

I am generating a series of videos where I chat with the Domain Commander about this remote viewing exercise.

They are very interesting, I’ll tell you what.

I am currently posting them on my Patreon.

But do not worry. You all will get to check them out in time.

Adjustments and adaptations as the West unravels and the East starts it’s ascendancy

At the core of all of this is the US attempt to remain the world’s hegemonic power, by augmenting military alliances around the world to contain or defeat China and Russia. 

It’s a dangerous, delusional, and outmoded idea. 

The US has a mere 4.2% of the world population, and now a mere 16% of world GDP (measured at international prices). 

In fact, the combined GDP of the G7 is now less than that of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa), while the G7 population is just 6 percent of the world compared with 41 percent in the BRICS.

There is only one country whose self-declared fantasy is to be the world’s dominant power: the US. 

It’s past time that the US recognized the true sources of security: internal social cohesion and responsible cooperation with the rest of the world, rather than the illusion of hegemony. 

With such a revised foreign policy, the US and its allies would avoid war with China and Russia, and enable the world to face its myriad environment, energy, food and social crises.

-Jeffrey D. Sachs

EU has made some realizations. The United States is clueless. And Russia and China are locking down and will not allow any American bullshit.

Here we continue on our collective of article during this most historical period of time.

We can say the following that appear to be crystal clear at this time;

  • The United States leadership, and their proxy nations, all appear to be clueless; meaning that they have no “real world” experience. That humbling series of experiences that impart wisdom, community, and communication.
  • They also appear to be either suffering from advanced mental illness, or on very strong drugs.
  • Most, if not all, the efforts designed to suppress and contain both Russia and China have failed, are failing, or are destined to fail.
  • The above points clearly (and cleanly) explain the domestic, economic, and social turmoil in the West as no other theory can.
  • More additional information, as it drips towards our understanding, clearly point to far greater damage and problems coming upon the West.
  • It appears that all containment efforts in favor of a uni-polar world has failed, and the USA leadership is unable to accept this fact.
  • Thus leading up to a VERY dangerous time; a time of desperation by the moronic, without EVER having the harsh real-world experience of consequences (for their actions).

A dangerous time to be yourself. Speak your mind, or be opposed to the current “Leadership” in the West.


Settle down. Cuddle with a kitty. have a cup of tea or coffee, and enjoy the read.

I just tell people “he was a late bloomer”.

A lifetime of events happened to my husband in less than 10 years.

I met him when he was 60 and I was 50, in 2008. He had been a bachelor all his life, although he’d lived with two different ladies at different times for about a year each. He had no children. We dated a couple years until my kids were out of the nest, then moved in together in 2010. We married in 2011. We moved out of the Seattle area and bought a house in Oregon in 2012. His sisters never thought he’d get married, especially once he hit 60, and when he had asked one of his buddies (who was into owning real estate) if he thought it was possible to still buy a small piece of property and put a mobile home on it for cheap, the guy said “At 60? Nah, man, you’re too late for that.” So that was the first set of milestones-a girlfriend, a wife, stepkids, and a house in 4 years. Not bad.

The next piece is the best part. We hummed along for about 5 years, enjoying life and doing the semi-retired lifestyle in our own place. No big changes. Then, everything changed in the blink of an eye. We got our Ancestry dot com results back, just wondering how much of whatever ethnicity we might be. Two weeks later he got a match on his account that was astronomically high. It was a young girl with Asian and UK heritage. Long story short, this girl submitted her DNA to look for her Vietnamese parents’ American GI fathers. Both her mom and dad were Amerasian children born during the Vietnam war to Vietnamese mothers and American fathers. We got on face time with the family and had the parents send in their own DNA. Sure enough, he matched as the father of the girl’s mother. In an instant my husband was a father, a father-in-law, and grandfather to not one, but four grandchildren (ages 16, 18, 20, and 24). Three girls and a boy! A few months later, the 20 year old grandson and his girlfriend got married and had a baby girl. Now he’s a great-grandfather, and they are expecting their second child.

We met his daughter and her family for the first time the week he turned 70. The family all live in Florida and have all come here to Oregon to visit, more than once. I’ve been to see them in Florida (my husband cannot travel) and his sisters have taken the whole family into their lives and hearts, traveling to see them and hosting them in their homes in Georgia and Texas. It’s truly been a miracle. In 10 years my husband went from lonely bachelor in a run-down duplex to husband, stepfather, homeowner, father, grandfather, and great-grandfather, all over the age of 60.

I just tell people “he was a late bloomer”.


Daddy and Daughter, First Christmas together in 2018:

Ukraine – ‘Game Changing’ Policy Moves That Ain’t Game Changing

When politicians throw around big numbers or plans one should always look at the details to see what they really entail.

In May Biden announced and Congress passed a $40 billion package ‘for Ukraine’.

The former U.S. Marines intelligence officer Scott Ritter was very impressed with it. On May 22 he went on a talk show with Garland Nixon and Ray McGovern and claimed that Russia would have to change its special operation to counter all the new weapons. Ritter was very agitated (47:55 min). A few days later, in an email-interview with Sputnik, he called the $40 billion package a “game changer”:

Sputnik: On 21 May, Biden signed a $40 billion military aid package to Ukraine. Could the provision of new weapons become a game-changer for Kiev?

Scott Ritter: It's not could, it is a game changer. That doesn't mean that Ukraine wins the game. But Russia started the special military operation with a limited number of troops and with clearly stated objectives that were designed to be achieved with this limited number of troops.

Today, Russia still has the same number of troops and the same objectives. But instead of going up against the Ukrainian military as it existed at the start of the conflict, it's now going up against a Ukrainian military that is supported by a weapons package that by itself nearly matches the defence budget for Russia in all of one year. I think the defence budget for Russia in 2021 was around $43 billion.

This package that was just provided nearly matches that and when you add it to what has already been provided during the first five months of 2022, that's $53 billion. That's nearly $10 billion more than Russia spends on the totality of its military in one year. That changes the game. Again, the $40 billion package is not all weapons. A lot of it is humanitarian support and then some other financial support. But it's still... The amount of money it's provided through in terms of weapons, it's a lot.

The United States and NATO are also providing real time intelligence support to the Ukrainians. That's a game changer. And NATO's countries have now provided Ukraine with strategic depth going back through Poland and Germany, where bases are being used to train Ukrainian forces on the new weapons that are being provided.

However, as Larry Johnson and others pointed out to him, the $40 billion was just a talking point and the real sum was much smaller:

Mark Cancian at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (aka CSIS) provides an excellent breakdown of what was actually appropriated. Here is a quick summary:

  • $19 billion for immediate military support to Ukraine
  • $3.9 billion to sustain U.S. forces deployed to Europe
  • $16 billion for economic support to Ukraine and global humanitarian relief
  • $2 billion for long-term support to NATO allies and DOD modernization programs

Right off the bat, you can see that Ukraine is not getting $40 billion dollars worth of military goodies to whack Russians. They are not even getting $19 billion. The $19 billion is carved up into smaller packages:

  • $6 billion for training, equipment, weapons, logistic support, supplies and services, salaries and stipends and intelligence support to the military and national security forces of Ukraine (and the specifics of the expenditures remain to be determined).
  • $9 billion to replenish U.S. weapons stocks already sent to Ukraine.
  • $4 billion for the Foreign Military Financing Program (this allows a foreign country like Ukraine to buy brand new weapon systems).

New weapon systems must first be build which takes quite some time, often years, to do.

Last week the Biden administration made another announcement:

Biden announces $3 billion in additional aid to Ukraine

President Biden announced Wednesday that the U.S. is sending its largest security package to Ukraine to date, valued at $3 billion. The announcement coincided with the six-month anniversary of Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

The package will come from the Ukraine Security Assistance (USAI) funds process, which means the U.S. will buy the weapons through contracts instead of drawing from existing Defense Department inventory and sending them immediately.

People got the impression that this was additional money on top of the previous announced numbers. But, as Politico detailed, this spending is part of the previously announced $40 billion package. More specific it comes out of the $6 billion for training, equipment, weapons, etc. It also only means that the Pentagon will start issuing contracts to manufacturers to produce the weapons and ammunition. The Ukraine is unlikely to receive any of them over the next months:

The Biden administration announced a new $3 billion package on Wednesday that will directly fund contracts with the U.S. defense industry for artillery rounds, mortar rounds, surface-to-air missile systems; a new counter-drone capability; additional drones; and 24 counter-battery radars. The move marks a major shift in how the U.S. has supplied Ukraine, from pulling existing weapons off of shelves to awarding contracts to defense firms for weapons that need to be built.

None of that equipment will arrive for months, if not years. But officials say the investment will allow Kyiv to begin planning for its own future defense. The hope is that other wealthy European nations, which have at times lagged in their support for Ukraine, might follow suit in the coming months. 
In all, Congress has set aside $6.3 billion for the Pentagon-administered effort: $6 billion as part of May’s $40 billion supplemental assistance legislation and $300 million in a government-wide funding package that passed in March. As of Aug. 1, just $1.8 billion of that cash had been used, according to Pentagon documentation seen by POLITICO. Wednesday’s announcement leaves roughly $1.5 billion left to be spent.

U.S. weapons are notoriously expensive. A billion or three will not buy much.

A similar misinterpretation of a government announcements as Scott Ritter has made is now playing out on the other side. As the New York Times today headlines:

Putin Orders a Sharp Expansion of Russia’s Hard-Hit Armed Forces

President Vladimir V. Putin on Thursday ordered a sharp increase in the size of Russia’s armed forces, a reversal of years of efforts by the Kremlin to slim down a bloated military and the latest sign that he is bracing for a long war in Ukraine, where Russia has suffered heavy losses.

The decree, stamped by the president’s office and posted on the Kremlin website, raised the target number of active-duty service members by about 137,000, to 1.15 million, as of January of next year, and ordered the government to set aside money to pay for the increase.

In yesterday’s analysis Dima of the Military Summary Channel debunked that announcement as a repeat of orders that had already be given months ago.

The Russian Federation consists of 85 federal subjects which are federal cities, oblast, republics or autonomous ethnic regions. In June the Kremlin asked the governors of each of these subjects to set up one or more volunteer battalions of former soldiers who are no longer active reservists. The bigger federal subjects, like Moscow and St.Petersburg, will set up multiple units. On August 8 Kommersant reported (in Russian) that some 20 federal subjects had already set up 40 battalions and that more will become available (machine translation):

In the Perm Territory, a motorized rifle company "Parma" of 90 people and a tank battalion "Molot" (about 160 people) are being formed. Another tank battalion named after Kuzma Minin is being created in the Nizhny Novgorod region. The Amur region, as reported in mid-July by local media, is gathering the Amursky motorized rifle battalion, which is expected to consist of 400-500 people. On the website of the government of the Leningrad Region, an announcement appeared about the recruitment to the artillery battalions "Nevsky" and "Ladoga". And in the Tyumen region, they announced the formation of three units at once with different specializations: the Tobol sapper battalion, the Taiga sniper company and the Siberia artillery battalion. According to the official version, Tobol was formed on the initiative of veterans of the Tyumen Higher Military Engineering Command School. The first groups of volunteers from these units went to the NWO at the end of July.

The people in these units have signed contracts with the Ministry of Defense. They will be equipped with refurbished weapons out of Russia’s endless depot reserves that are left from earlier downsizing. These are now full times soldiers for which the Ministry of Defense had yet to have a budget. All that Putin’s new order does is to arrange the funding for those new volunteer units.

To form military units, named after local heroes, from men who come from the same region has some advantages. These people will not feel like  strangers to each other which gives them some extra cohesion.The Chechen units which are already operating in Ukraine have shown that such an approach can be very successful. The regional approach has also the advantage of involving every part of Russia in the endeavor. It makes the ‘special military operation’ in Ukraine a national project.

While the men in these units will be older than fresh recruits they will also have valuable life and work experience. These new units will probably not be the most agile but they will certainly be able to do a decent job. Moreover these are trained soldiers who will have the standard tanks and other equipment for combined arms operations. Their units will be way more powerful than the drafted Territorial Defense and Jager Infantry Brigades that now make up the bulk of the Ukrainian forces. Currently the new units are training at various facilities throughout Russia. When they are ready they will start their rotation into Ukraine.

Likes Biden’s ‘new’ announcement of the $3 billion ‘additional’ aid, Putin’s decree is only a detail of a previously announced policy.

But neither of those announcements, nor the HIMARS systems, are ‘game changers’.

Big Serge ☦️🇺🇸🇷🇺 @witte_sergei - 13:27 UTC · Aug 27, 2022

Ukrainian channels are reporting that at least 60% of the HIMARS have been destroyed, and they are doubtful of the attempts to destroy the bridge in Kherson. Another wonder weapon gone bust.

First saw this on Legitimniy, repeated by Rezident. Both reliably optimistic Ukrainian insider channels. HIMARS activity has definitely dropped off, so there isn’t any particular reason to assume they’re lying.

The thing about the HIMARS isn’t that there’s something particularly wrong with it. It’s a fine system. It’s just meant to function as part of a competent combined arms force. It has a specific role, and can’t single-handedly prop up a defeated army.

Posted by b on August 27, 2022 at 16:06 UTC | Permalink

Soldiers of the Bashkir battalion

The Russian army switched to the formation of battalions for the SVO on a national basis. This renders the radio interceptions by Ukrainian intelligence and NATO intelligence useless, so radio communications are conducted in national languages,and NATO simply does not have translators from the languages ​​of the small peoples of Russia.
С уважением,
Бойко Ирина Львовна


This is my sister’s cat Sandy. One day a tiny, starving kitten came to our house and refused to leave. My husband took her to the vet, and it turned out she was feline AIDS positive. The vet said my husband needed to decide whether to put her down or not, but he couldn’t get a hold of me to help him make the decision, so he took her home again. After weeks of feeding, treatments and lots of love, she recovered and was taken in by my sister. Even her red coat underwent a transformation! Today she is happy and healthy and much loved.





On Dwelling in Insane Places


In 1973, a study entitled “On Dwelling in Insane Places” shocked psychologists and psychiatrists around the world.

Nothing for them was as it once was. What made this study so remarkable ?

The Rosenhan experiment was conducted by a psychologist named David Rosenhan and has since been considered one of the most remarkable studies in the field.

The Stanford professor and his associates pretended to hallucinate in order to be admitted to psychiatric hospitals.

When they were admitted, the men behaved absolutely normally.

They told the hospital staff that they had recovered and no longer had any hallucinations.

But in the psychiatric wards they were simply not released and forced to admit that they were suffering from a mental illness.

On average, the team members had to stay in the “closed” for 19 days and were diagnosed with schizophrenia, except for one of them.

They were released on the condition that they take anti-psychotics.

Rosenhan had reassured his family before the experiment, telling them that yes, he could leave when enough was enough.

But they locked him up for two months.

One was released only if one admitted that the psychiatrists were right in what they said.

You had to admit that you were crazy, but you could say that you were better now.


The “patient” who had to stay the longest was kept for 52 days, although he said from the beginning that he no longer heard voices.

All of the pseudo-patients were diagnosed with schizophrenia “in remission” prior to their release.

Rosenhan felt that this indicated that mental health problems were not considered diseases that could be completely cured.

After all, having schizophrenia “in remission” does not mean that one is completely healthy.

It was enough for psychiatrists , if you heard voices once in your life , to label you as sick for the rest of your life .

Rosenhan made his study and its results public.


And the psychiatric guild naturally got very upset about it and rejected all the accusations.

They claimed that they themselves would never fall into his trap and could quite safely distinguish pseudopatients from real patients.

One of the psychiatric hospitals contacted Rosenham and asked him to send pseudo patients to their hospital without warning.

In their hospital, he said, such a thing could never happen, and they would be able to distinguish whether patients were faking their symptoms.

Rosenhan sent them a total of 193 patients, and the hospital identified 41 of them as pseudopatients.

But Rosenhan hadn’t sent any pseudopatients at all. All of them actually had serious mental health problems.

All of this triggered an earthquake. Psychiatry changed. And that’s fortunate.

But there is still a lot to do.

A harsh slap of reality

The phone rang at 1:40 AM.

“Hello?” I answered in a sleepy voice.

“Mr. Quintanilla?” said the man on the phone.

“Who is this? How can I help you?”

“This is the sheriff from the local police station. I want to notify you that your building is on fire.”

“What a bad joke!” I hung up the phone and went back to sleep.

Two minutes later… RING!

“Please, stop bothering!” I said.

“Do not hang up, Sir, this is the Sheriff’s office. One of your tenant’s cars at your building is on fire. Your building is at risk. The fire station has been notified.”

I drove to the building as fast as I could. The fire was contained before it got to the building.

It was a disaster. Two cars were consumed by the flames and the parking area was devastated.

After the fire was out, the Policemen circled the area with a yellow tape waiting for the detectives to determine what had happened.


One day went by. We couldn’t remove the cars nor start the restoration process.

Two days… no detectives.

I visited the police station, “You’ve got to file a report,” the lady instructed. Done.

Three days… nothing.

Four days… Again, I visited the Police station, but nobody would take care of the case.

Five days… another day lost.

I decided to call a good friend who is an attorney.

“Hey, Adrian, I need your help to get this solved.”

“No problem, Hector, let me make a few phone calls,” he said.

Three hours later, “Okay, Hector, I have a solution. It will cost $50,000 pesos, in cash (about $3,800 back in 2009).”

I was furious! “No way, Adrian! This is not acceptable. Please help me any way you can. I don’t want to pay bribes to further feed our corrupt people. They must do their job!”

“I’ll do what I can, Hector,” he said.

“Thank you, my friend!”

Twenty minutes later Adrian called back, “I’m sorry, Hector. This fee is non-negotiable. They want the money.”

“Oh no! Adrian, how can this be possible?”

“Well sadly, this how the system works.”

“I will not feed this corrupt system! I won’t pay them anything!”

I hung up the phone and drove to the police station again requesting a solution to my problem. I felt powerless.

Two days later I escalated my complaint to the Police chief. This is when my friend Adrian called me again, “Hector, you’ve got to stop this. This is getting out of my control.”

“What do you mean, Adrian?” I said.

“They’re threatening me with an ultimatum: either you pay or they will make you liable for the incident and the insurance of the car that initiated the fire will not pay anything. You will be responsible for all the damages, about $1.5 million pesos ($115,000).”

I was in shock.

“I’m sorry, Hector, this is how the system works.”

“Tell those miserable rats I’ll give them the money. Thank you for your help, my friend.” I hung up.

I felt defeated. The very people in power supposed to protect us were stealing from me.

Hours later, a cynical man visited my office, took the cash and in two hours everything was solved.

This was the incident that caused me to change how I see the world:

Public servants leveraging their authority to abuse citizens instead of taking care of them.

This made me understand that there may be things I want to change in the world; but I can’t.

Spicy Beef Burritos

These beef burritos contain various peppers and seasonings on top of refried beans. Top them off with lettuce, sour cream, cheese, and wrap up in a soft shell.

Spicy Beef Burritos


Ingredient Checklist


Instructions Checklist
  • Mix jalapeno peppers, tomato, green chile peppers, green bell pepper, red bell pepper, onion, hot sauce, and cayenne pepper together in a large bowl.

  • Cook beef in a large skillet over medium-high heat, stirring to break up clumps, about 5 minutes. Drain excess grease. Add jalapeno pepper mixture and burrito seasoning; cook, covered, stirring occasionally, until flavors combine, about 10 minutes.

  • Pour refried beans into a saucepan over medium-low heat. Cook and stir until heated through, about 5 minutes.

  • Warm each tortilla in the microwave until soft, 15 to 20 seconds. Spread a layer of refried beans on top. Divide beef mixture among tortillas. Top with lettuce, sour cream, and Cheddar cheese. Fold in opposing edges of each tortilla and roll up into a burrito.

Triple or Quadruple COVID-Vax Recipients Now Developing SORES — **NOT** Monkeypox

Doctors in the United Kingdom say they are “baffled” as numerous persons who admit receiving either three or four doses of the COVID-19 “vaccine” are starting to develop strange, painful, sores all over their bodies.

These are **NOT** Gay or bi-sexual men.  They are **NOT** people who engage in an “orgy lifestyle.”   And all of them test NEGATIVE for Monkeypox.   This . . .  is something new.

The ***ONLY***thing any of these people have in common is they are ***ALL** wither Triple or quadruple COVID vaxed.  No other commonality — at all.

The sores are developing on hands, then spreading to the rest of their bodies.

The male in the image above was fine seven days ago.  Then this appeared, and is spreading all over his body.

The sores are said to be extremely painful.  They are, as seen above, disgusting to look at.

Tests of the contents of the sores DO NOT detect any Bacteria.  Nothing from inside one of these sores grows in a Petri Dish, even after five days.

Tests also cannot see any Viruses.

Additional tests for Fungus, Mold, etc, are pending.

So far, no explanation of what this is, or if it is contagious human-to-human.

Some folks are already pointing to the Bible, Revelation 16:

The First Six Bowls of Wrath

1 And I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the seven angels, Go your ways, and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth.

2 And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image.

My perfect cat

i’m still a (high school) student, last year of secondary school & i spent my entire life begging for a pet, but it was never “convenient.”

i was lucky to have a few hamsters, but a cat or dog was never something we could never hack.

i asked for a cat every Christmas and birthday and tried to volunteer at the spca since middle school (never could because i was too young).

every year i gave my parents Christmas cards with animals on them & brought up the possibility of getting a pet to the point of driving them up the walls (understandable after hearing it for 17 years).

last year, i sat down and spent half a day researching and creating a powerpoint of reasons we need a cat, how they’re beneficial to health, & all of their concerns & what we can do about it.

they were so impressed by the powerpoint by how professionally done it looked & how much work i put into it that they finally considered it & eventually said yes.

i was over the moon & had an appointment to meet a kitty at the spca in less than a week.

my parents met her & loved her immediately & we took her home the next day. we really got the perfect cat & all my work truly paid off.


Rolling Blackouts Begin in Europe; Not Enough Gas to Generate Electricity


Rolling blackouts have begun in Kosovo because the country cannot find enough supply of natural gas to keep power plants running at full capacity.

Other European countries, from the UK to Bulgaria, are also developing plans to cut off electricity.

The reason: These countries imposed economic sanctions upon Russia over its Special Military Operation into Ukraine, and as a result of their own Sanctions, these countries now refuse to buy Russian oil and natural gas.

Rather than mind their own business when it comes to the Russia-Ukraine problems, Europe has decided that its citizens can live in the dark, so Europe can virtue signal how wonderful they are, by not buying Russian natural gas.

The politicians in Europe have personally caused this energy problem and the price hikes, by imposing sanctions upon Russia.

Citizens in Europe should get rid of these politicians before Winter arrives, and folks start freezing to death from no heat due to no natural gas.

Love at first meow

I was staying in my camper, having just vacated a beautiful, but bat-infested house on beautiful Lake Chapala, a few miles south of Guadalajara, Mexico.

A tiny grey and white kitten showed up outside, mewing his fool head off.

I didn’t have any cat food, so I put a bit of dry dog food out for him, as well as some water.

When the neighborhood kids stopped by, I asked them if they knew where he belonged, and they told me that he lived across the street from them.

Already having a 65 pound dog and a sick puppy, I didn’t feel as if I was ready for another pet in that truck camper, so I had the kids take him home.

Long story short, he came back every time I sent him home.

I finally had the kids ask the owner if she wanted to get rid of him.

She did, I found a house, and now I have the grey and white male kitten I had wanted for 20 years.

I’m pretty sure he loves me, as he has spent the biggest part of the past 9 years on my lap!


UK: Criminals Stealing COOKING Oil over Prices of Diesel Fuel

Criminal gangs are raiding eateries and restaurants in the United Kingdom in search of cooking oil as an alternative to diesel fuel amid soaring gasoline prices.

“There is a new type of crime in the UK – criminals steal large tanks of cooking oil.

Others deceive businesses by posing as recycling teams.

The stolen oil is then processed into biodiesel and sold on the black market.

This once again shows how resourceful criminal gangs are. Because they are looking for profit anywhere, and with the rising cost of fuel, their market is only thriving.

All this is taking place because Europe imposed “Sanctions” upon Russia over the Special Military Operation into Ukraine.   It is Europe who banned Russian oil and Gas.  Then Europe had to go elsewhere to find replacement for the oil and gas they banned.

The only places they could find other oil and gas, were places that were already supplying other countries.  So when Europe came to that market, the prices went up: Supply-and-Demand!

Thus, Europe has done this to itself by refusing to mind their own business when it comes to the Russia-Ukraine matter.

Europe and all the rest of the world could still be paying about $2.00 a gallon for gasoline and heating oil, but the Sanctions Europe imposed set all the price hikes in motion.

The skyrocketing cost of fuel for energy is a self-imposed harm.

Will China nuke the U.S. over Taiwan?

This is MM response on Quora. -MM


Let me explain why. Key points are [numbered].

Make no mistake. Taiwan is part of China. The United States and it’s proxy nations are interfering in Chinese domestic matters and [1] China considers this action an ACT OF WAR.

Further, let it be well understood. [2] The Chinese do not play “political games”. They are pragmatic. They see things as they are, and they accept them. If something needs fixing; they fix it. They don’t endless debate it.

Specifically, all this prodding and interference in Chinese domestic affairs, whether it is Tibet, Uighur’s, Hong Kong, or Taiwan are considered to be  dangerous military ventures. They are not considered to be anything other than that. [3] The United States interfering in Taiwan are considered to be WAR provocations.

As such, the Chinese do not view a “color revolution” as a “hybrid war”.

[4] Chinese view alternative conflicts as an actual war. A chemical war is a war. A biological war is a war. A economic war is a war. A hybrid war is a war.

With that being stated…

Historically, China has learned many, many lessons regarding war. They have plenty of practice. With over 6000 years of experience. And to understand what China is capable of doing you have to see what you are working with; what China actually is, and not the Western narrative.

So let’s face reality…

[5] China believes in overwhelming firepower, manpower, weapon destruction, and wholesale slaughter to accomplish it’s military goals. This differs substantially from the American belief in “precision air strikes”. The United States would use a drone to kill an Iranian General, for instance. China would level the complete city so that no one would survive. Both techniques accomplish the same end goals. But China’s is much more damaging; as it creates tremendous collateral damage.

[6] China has nuclear weapons. No one actually knows how many. The figure of 300 is from a RAND study in the 1970’s and is woefully out of date. Anyone relying on this figure is a fool. Just clueless “armchair generals” using a singular meaningless number on a spreadsheet as a gauge of resolve, determination and objective realization.

[7] China has a different nuclear policy than that of the United States. The US has developed “bunker buster” precision nukes, and micro-ordnance nukes, and nukes that are designed to be carried on the F-35. China is different. China has “enhanced radiation” nukes. The often cited “neutron bomb”. These are “clean” nuclear weapons. They have a wider range of effect than the Western nukes, but the damage is primarily due to the initial radiation blast. It is designed to completely sterilize huge sections of geography (buildings, cities, etc) of life, while leaving the vast bulk of structures intact.

[8] China possess Hyper-sonic ABM systems. These can shoot down any ICBM, SLBM that the United States fires at China. They have been producing these systems in great quantities.

[9] Agreements with the USA are worthless. All this being said, China and the United States, as well as Russia signed a “no use policy” of nuclear weapons. But since the Chinese government has openly stated that the Untied States lies, and cannot be trusted to hold to their agreements, don’t be so sure that China would abide to that faux signature on a worthless document were China to be attacked.

[10] Russia has China’s back. Were nuclear weapons engaged, both Russia and China would use them simultaneously against the United States in unison. You can easily observe the great deal of cooperation of the strategic military forces, even today in the on-going “exercises”.

All of this combined paints a picture of a very catastrophic result were the United States push for war against China around the Taiwan island.

I would advise “upstairs” to refrain from the political machinations currently going on. But those days are long gone. The current crop of dunder-heads in Washington DC are clueless idiots who seemingly wish to ignite a global nuclear holocaust.

Whether they will stop or not is well beyond my pay grade. My guess is that they will not. And thus, if they continue, well… sadly… yes. The United States cities (at least the top 20) will experience nuclear armageddon over Taiwan.

This follows Chinese military doctrine.

“It is difficult for an army to wage war when their homes, families, cities, language and culture are all erased from history. They stop fighting for ideals and start fighting to survive.”

Our cat remembers

Not abandoned as such but definitely neglected by others.

We got her for £50 from an old woman who already had a very well groomed, fat cat and a 13 year old child with obvious anger issues.

She hated me for months, would hiss and bite but now she cuddles up to me and lets me carry her about with no issues.

She was always defensive of food, and would attempt to get out to hunt birds, and we were told she is an outdoor cat. She wasn’t, she was flea bitten and terribly thin. We think she only went out to hunt because the old woman looking after her didn’t feed her but did the other cat.

When sat at my desk she would sit on the bed and watch what I was doing , but every time I stood up from my chair she would run out of the room, and we think the boy used to play his games or what have you, get defeated and get angry and take it out on the cat. She doesn’t do it as much now but she still does.

And if you scratch her under her chin she starts dribbling everywhere and it’s adorable, she’s a part of our family now and will be until she passes on.


Has China met its powerful match.?

This is MM response on Quora. -MM

China is not “picking a fight” and is not going to have any conflict over Taiwan. I know youse guys don’t want to hear that, and you all believe the onslaught of “news” from the American propaganda mills, but the fact remains, China and Taiwan are brothers and share the same past and the same future.

ASEAN, SEO all the ‘Stans, and Russia are all fully on-board with China. China is peer-capable in most weapons systems, and ahead of the West in robotics, AI, manufacturing and very specific and unique and dangerous systems. But all those THINGS are of no consequence.

As problems are resolved by people. Not weapons. Not ideology. Not political slogans. Not religion. Not things. Not “news”. Not public opinion.


I can positively state that in the realm of People, China has the upper-hand. Not just a little bit, but by a substantial margin. Quantity, quality, and determination, its’ very difficult to maintain a fantasy of anyone being a match against China. Seriously. There is no comparison.

This VIDEO discusses how everyone in China gets military training.

It starts in Kindergarten, and the discipline continues throughout the lives of the Chinese citizenry. I captured videos of elementary school students training on mortars, throwing grenades, and being involved in weapons training. It’s stuff you won’t find in the Western “news”. To fully understand my opinion and answer to this question, you must OBSERVE how the Chinese people train.

Oscar the Therapy Cat


You see this cutie above? This is Oscar, the cute, snuggly, lovable therapy cat.

“Therapy cat?” you may ask. I know, I was surprised when I saw it too. In case you don’t know already, a therapy cat is basically a cat that helps humans deal with emotional problems. Don’t all cats do that?

Well, Oscar the therapy cat was raised in the dementia unit of the Steere House Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Providence, Rhode Island. In 2007, he was featured in an article by David Dosa called the New England Journal of Medicine.

This is where things start getting creepy. According to David Dosa, Oscar is able to “predict the impending death of terminally ill patients”. How does he do this?

By lying down with them a few hours before they die.

Funny enough, there are many real stories concerning him. But here’s a summary.

After Oscar had been at Steere House for around six months, staff noticed that Oscar often chose to nap next to residents who died within several hours of his arrival. It seemed to staff as if Oscar were trying to comfort and provide company to people as they died.

Joan Teno, a physician at Steere House, clarified that “it’s not that the cat is consistently there first. But the cat always does manage to make an appearance, and it always seems to be in the last two hours.”

After Oscar accurately predicted 25 deaths, staff started calling family members of residents as soon as they discovered him sleeping next to someone in order to notify them and give them an opportunity to say goodbye before the impending death.

As of January 2010, Oscar had accurately predicted approximately 50 patients’ deaths.

I don’t know about you, but this absolutely freaks me out. Just imagine you’re chilling on the sofa, drinking a soda and maybe eating some chips. And then your cat walks halfway across the room just to lie down next to you…

I’d go ballistic.

Maybe I should’ve gone to the gym…

Mary Ellen

As a Black domestic worker in 1850s California, Mary Ellen Pleasant eavesdropped on her wealthy clients so that she could learn how to invest her money wisely. She later used this knowledge to build a real estate empire — which was worth over $30 million.

Pleasant put her investment profits to good use by purchasing businesses like laundries and boarding houses before building a real-estate portfolio. Before long, she owned shares in other businesses like restaurants, dairies, and a bank.


It’s believed that her white male business partner helped her acquire numerous investments under his name so that she wouldn’t have to encounter as many issues as other aspiring Black businesswomen of the era.

Pleasant soon became one of the wealthiest women in America, and she always tried to use her money for good, first by supporting antislavery causes and then later by fighting against racial discrimination. When it came to standing up for what she believed in, she once famously said, “I’d rather be a corpse than a coward.”

This is MM response on Quora. -MM

It’s a good question.

Let’s chat about this.

Mainland China is absolutely a “first-world futuristic nation”. The cities, all of them are brand-spanking new. High technology, and clean. Parks are everywhere. Food, transportation and shelter are cheap. The towns and minor villages are developing. They lag behind, but not so far behind as one would think. Overall, the impression that people have when they visit China is that of a futuristic world. High speed trains. Robots. Bioscans. A fully cashless society. APP driven government. Accountability. Clean. Productive.

Hong Kong is “American standard”. Or, perhaps I should refer to it as a “Western Standard”. For decades it has been a FIRE (Finance, Insurance and Real Estate) based society. Overcrowding in the cities. High costs of living. Empty and unimproved rural areas. There are two classes of people. There are the super-rich, and then there are the worker / renters / serfs. Since China has clamped down on this piss-poor treatment of Chinese people (2019 and on) by the British aristocracy that ran HK, things are slowly moving and correcting. The arrest of Jimmy Lai and others has really sent many of the overlord parasite-class scurrying away to their homes in the UK, and the United States.

Macau is “European Socialist”. It’s a haven for the wealthy and the “well-heeled”. While at the same time, providing generous living standards, and social support for the working, lower-income classes. Many people in Macau are very happy there, and support their government entirely. The Casinos tend to be nice, new and glitzy, but the rest of society live and work in older, often very shabby buildings and structures. I can positively affirm that the vast bulk of society travel back and forth between Macau and Zhuhai via the Gongbei port.

Taiwan is “American Proxy”. In 2014, (then) President Obama installed a puppet regime in Taiwan. Just like he did in Ukraine. While it is supposed to be a “democracy”, like Ukraine, all opposition parties were banned, and American military now run the government with nominal local personalities (notably hand-selected actors, and fame promoted personalities) running things. There are basically two classes of people, and wedged between them is a tiny middle class. The oligarchy, the serf/renters, and the small middle class. As a result, you will see a mixture of society. Nice gleaming buildings that represent banking interests, military interests, and industry, and old and neglected structures that serve the bulk of the citizenry. Much like what we see in Ukraine.

Where are the Islands of the South China Sea located?

This is MM response on Quora. -MM

They tend to lie within the “heart” of the South China Sea in the South East quadrant of China off the Chinese coast. There are some minor atolls and other land masses, but those are of minor consequence. They primarily form two groupings.

Paracel Islands. Which lie off the coast of China’s Hainan island. And the Spratly Islands that lie close to the Phillippines.


Oh, you are referring to the United States. Well, while it is true that the United States lost the Vietnam war, it’s really hard to justify that war in the first place. The United States had no precise objectives. meaning, there wasn’t any measurables that would certify if a war was won or lost.

If you are referring to the Chinese-Vietnam conflict, then you are wholly confused about history. That action achieved it’s objectives. And that is, after all, the pure tell-tail of success. Indeed, today the ties between Vietnam and China has never been stronger.

If you are referring to the Cambodian-Vietnamese conflict, then you are again in error. Vietnam conducted a police action to remove the Kilmer Rouge from power and remove Pol Pot. They were successful in that venture. Cambodia never claimed to be a superpower.

The United States has a uranium problem and that will severely impact USN fleet operations

The US will not be able to replace Russian uranium in the event of an import ban, Assistant Secretary of Energy Kathryn Huff has warned, saying Washington must develop enrichment capabilities domestically.

“Worldwide, there’s not enough capacity to replace that gap from trusted sources,” Huff told the Washington Examiner on Wednesday, adding that it was the US’s responsibility to “encourage and incentivize that enrichment and conversion capability” on American soil.

Huff told the Examiner that US reliance on Russian-sourced uranium posed unique energy security and national security risks, and noted that Russia still provides about 20% of the low enriched uranium at existing US reactors.

“We have the largest nuclear fleet in the world, and we currently do not have the capability to provide fuel for all of our reactors,” she said, claiming that Russia is “no longer a trustworthy source of our fuel, and we need to find alternatives here and build up that supply chain.”

Article HERE

Romans Added Lead Sweetener to Their Wine and it Killed Them


How far did ancient people go to enhance the flavor of their food and drinks? Would they consume toxic substances if it made things a little more appetizing? Well, the Romans did, by adding a sweet version of lead to their wine and, later, to their food. Some scholars say that widespread lead poisoning contributed to the fall of the powerful Roman empire.

Pliny the Elder Cato the Elder , and  Columella wrote that a syrup was produced by boiling unfermented grape juice in order to concentrate its natural sugars. If the juice was reduced to one third of its original volume, it was called  sapa.

As the juice was boiled in kettles made of lead alloys, this harmful element seeped into the syrup. By reacting with the acetate ions in the  grape juice , lead(II) acetate was produced, a highly toxic chemical compound. In fact, sapa, or ‘sugar of lead’, contained lead levels 200 times higher than today’s acceptable level.

The ancient  Romans used sapa as a form of artificial  sweetener, especially in  wines. They eventually found a way to turn sugar of lead into crystal form. This meant that the toxic substance could be produced in the way  table salt  or sugar is produced today. As a consequence of this innovation, the consumption of sugar of lead became even more widespread, and started to be used in cooking as well. In the 4th century Roman recipe book of  Apicius, almost a fifth of the recipes were made with sugar of lead in its syrup form.

The writings of some ancient Roman authors indicate that the Romans were aware of the dangers of lead consumption; but by then, the damage had already been done. Side effects included dementia, infertility, cognitive difficulties, fatigue, gout and eventually organs shutting down.

Sugar of lead wasn’t the only source of lead poisoning in ancient Rome. Romans also drank water transported through lead pipes , making the water hazardous for their health. Research in 2019 suggested that more than half the population in Roman-era London was dealing with health issues caused by lead poisoning.

Using the analogy of the United States leadership following the same path as the Roman leadership, then what is the analogy or substance that American leadership are ingesting? Things to think about. -MM

First of all, the “independence movement” in Taiwan is a small minority that is generously funded by the United States and various Taiwanese oligarchs.

Second of all, there is never a good reason to have a war. Wars should always be the last result, when every other realm of compromise has failed.

Finally, yapping little American poodles snapping at the heels and shins of a massive armor-clad, fire breathing, winged, and clawed, Chinese dragon deserve what ever they provoke. It’s called “natural selection”, don’t you know.

Learn about what you all are dealing with HERE.


The Texas school shooting was horrible. This man is one of the Border Patrols Most elite agents trained to kill. News don’t want to talk about him much but he deserves the recognition.

His wife is a teacher and his Daughter named Jayda was also in the school. He sat down for a haircut with his barber when he got a text from his wife saying “there’s an active shooter, I love you” .

He jumped up, grabbed a gun and went right to the school.


When the police couldn’t do anything they needed a new plan and that’s when he showed up.

He went right into the school , saved his wife, hugged his daughter as other officers escorted them out of the school safely.

He didn’t stop when his own family was safe, he continue to help save other children ,This man was first in the line of fire, no hesitation .

This is an example of a Fucking Rufus! Give this man some Recognition His words

“I did what I was trained to do”

You sir Are the fucking MAN!!!


I have a beautiful gray and white male cat named Gizmo. About a year ago, several things happened all at once, and it was a very stressful and taxing time.

I was renting a house from my parents while we waited for my sister to sell her house (so she could move into the house and I could move out to a cheaper town home). I had a good job, my roommate (and best friend of over 10 years) had a good job, all was good and well.

But my sister was having issues, and those issues were overflowing onto us. She was asking us to cover things, to let her dogs stay over at the house, and just making the entire situation far more stressful than it needed to be. In addition, my roommate and I were trying to save money for the move as well as having to buy moving supplied and worry about the deposit and first month’s rent.

We managed this all, but it basically knocked out our entire savings.

So we get to this new home, and within the first week, we notice that Gizmo is MISERABLE.

The first day that we lived at the town home, he buried himself in my blankets and was overheating, but refused to leave. I managed to fix that by moving him to one of his condos, draping a blanket over it so he was covered, but air could pass through.

He stopped eating as much, and I would routinely wake up to vomit and diarrhea in the kitchen. I thought it was just him adjusting to the move, and in a way, I was right.

I didn’t start to panic until I saw the blood in the sink… and then on the floor, and then in the litter box.

I immediately took him to a vet, and they diagnosed him with Bladder Stones — which can be fatal, especially for male cats. They believed that the stress of my sister’s dogs coupled with the stress of the move had caused them. I needed over 1,300 USD to pay for surgery, or Gizmo would pass within a week.

We JUST moved. Our Savings, which we had been building up, was completely destroyed. We didn’t have 1,300 USD to just pay for surgery. I took to the internet and pleaded for help… and I got it. GoFundMe was able to successfully fund Gizmo’s surgery.

However, I received a message when I was promoting the GoFundMe, that essentially told me that because I could not pay for my cat’s surgery, that I was a horrid pet owner and that I deserved to lose Gizmo.

I’ve had Gizmo since he was FOUR weeks old. I’ve practically raised him. He was the ONLY kitten of his litter to survive, and ONLY survived because I fought to take him home at four weeks old. IF I hadn’t JUST moved, I could have paid for the surgery without asking for help.

The message crushed me, especially when I was already terrified that I was going to be losing my Gizmo within a week if I couldn’t get the money.

It’s not just something that shouldn’t be said to a cat owner, it’s something that shouldn’t be said to ANY pet owner.




Things are really starting to flush-out on the Geo-political front and the USA appears to be the biggest loser

Here’s some stuff that you just won’t find in the American and Western “news”.  If you read that “news” you would be convinced that Russia is alone, China is a pariah, and America is roaring into life with fantastic employment, great prosperity and excellent news for the future. LOL.

Pro Tip: Do NOT read Western “news”. It’s all lies.

Here. Instead, let’s cook some food. Read about Cats. Learn some things that the United States media is NOT reporting on, and let’s also include some items to ponder…


Although we had our previous cat for 18 years, she was never cuddly. Catkins would allow a few pats or scritches, but only on her timetable, and on her terms.


After she went to kitty Valhalla, we were terribly sad. But we finally decided to offer a home to a rescue cat. We only saw a picture, and heard her sad story: her first humans were cat hoarders, and both died of Covid in one week. Her next set of humans had a cat, and she hated that cat…maybe too many cats vying for food and attention in her previous home.

So we took her without ever meeting her. And she is a joy! After an initial period of shyness, she has blossomed: she purrs and cuddles all day long. And at night, nothing makes her happier than cuddling in the bed with us. There is nothing more soothing than the sound of a purring cat in the darkness, her warm, furry body pressed against you.


Ham and Cheese Tortilla Roll-Ups

You have ever-so-easy Southwest flavor going when you make a creamy cheese and corn filling that you wrap up with ham slices and flour tortillas.



  • 1 1/2 cups shredded Cheddar cheese (6 ounces)
  • 1/4 cup mayonnaise or salad dressing
  • 1/4 cup sour cream
  • 1 can (11 ounces) vacuum-packed whole kernel corn or whole kernel corn with red and green peppers, drained
  • 1 package (8.2 oz) Old El Paso™ Flour Tortillas for Soft Tacos and Fajitas (10 Count)
  • 10 slices (1 ounce each) deli fully cooked ham
  • Cilantro sprig, if desired

‘The dollar is our currency, but it is your problem’

Article HERE.

How about Indonesia?

If both Biden’s economic policy scenarios prove correct, Indonesia will face flight of foreign capital which in the short term will depreciate rupiah.

Imports of raw materials, equipment and machinery will shrink, which will further affect production capacity.

However, if the US real sector quickly recovers and grows, Indonesia can seize export opportunities and offset the pressure on the rupiah’s depreciation.

Also, Indonesian products can fill the role Chinese products that are subject to high tariffs.

Indonesia’s non-oil and gas export share to the US ranks second after China.

In another scenario, Chinese products that should be destined for the US will be transferred to other countries, including Indonesia.

Indonesia’s imports from China rank the highest.

As a consequence, the trade deficit with China will be enlarged, which may not be covered by an increase in the trade surplus from the US.

Within the above logic flow, strengthening trade between countries in the same region has the potential to be increased, through ASEAN for example.

The agreement on the use of local currency is the basis for economic growth and regional stabilization without too much dependence on the US dollar.

Furthermore, the diversification of export destination countries deserves attention.

The expansion of the export market deserves to be directed outside the traditional countries that have existed so far.

North Africa, the Middle East, Eastern Europe and Latin America are wide open to become potential markets for Indonesian products.

In a broader scope, if Indonesia remains willing to play in the international market, increasing competitiveness is nonnegotiable.

The increase in exports should not only be triggered by the weakening of the domestic currency, but must be also supported by the intrinsic superiority of its export products.

Strengthening the domestic market appears to be the safest solution to various sources of external turmoil.

Domestic consumers must be protected so that their purchasing power remains strong and they are able to absorb domestic production, instead of consuming more expensive imported products.

The four options above unfortunately are difficult to realize anytime soon.

Perhaps the 61st US treasury secretary, John Connally, was right when said, “The dollar is our currency, but it is your problem.”

Owning your very own private island

I have one, lol. It’s a little 1.5 acre island in a freshwater lake in Ontario. We have a summer cottage on it. On the mainland, which is not far away, we own a deeded access road, a parking area and a dock.


The island has electricity and phone – installed back in the 1970’s when utility companies would do it for no charge. Today it would be prohibitive.

The downside is not being able to use the cottage year round. The ice is not reliable in winter, and our utility water comes out of the lake (we have no well), so we have to close up in November and reopen mid April or so. The plumbing has to be totally drained, everything packed away, removed and shut off. It’s quite an operation. We’ve had burst pipes many times from water not thoroughly drained from low spots.

We have neighbours on the next island in the bay who stayed all winter due to Covid (normally they are here in the summer, and travel all winter). They actually own a small hovercraft so they can zip over across the ice to the mainland for groceries etc. no matter how sponge like the surface is.

Everything has to come over in our sad little beat up 14 foot aluminum row boat, which is a giant pain in the butt at times. Every appliance (and we’ve replaced all of them in the 34 years we’ve owned it). A new steel roof. Lumber for a sleeping cabin. Replacement beds. Groceries. Drinking water. You name it. Back and forth trips lugging loads. And the old stuff and garbage brought back to the main shore. I’m getting too old to drag old mattresses out of a boat, up the hill and into a van. We often have to enlist neighbours to help.

You need anything fixed beyond DIY, you have to go get the tradesperson and all their stuff, and take them back.

Still, I love it. Love the privacy and the critters. Now that I’m retired, I’m here 5 or 6 months of the year. My children grew up here. We do Canadian Thanksgiving here. Picture taken in late fall when we were closing up and getting snowed on.

The United States cannot count on its ally, the Republic of Korea, for support

The visit to Asia by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) exposed one reality that many people did not realize: The United States cannot count on its ally, the Republic of Korea, for support if war breaks out in the Taiwan Straits.

The visit to Asia by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) exposed one reality that many people did not realize: The United States cannot count on its ally, the Republic of Korea, for support if war breaks out in the Taiwan Straits.

The United States, as Pelosi’s visit demonstrated conclusively, could not base forces in South Korea for action anywhere in the region for any purpose other than the defense of South Korea. U.S. forces would have to rely on their bases in Japan and Guam from which to defend Taiwan against invasion by China from the mainland.

That shocking fact became evident when Pelosi visited South Korea after her big day in Taiwan. No South Korean delegation was on hand to greet her at the airport, as might have been expected, and President Yoon Suk-yeol managed to be on vacation during her visit, though he did find time to chat with her for 40 minutes on the phone before she and her entourage, including five other members of Congress, went to the Demilitarized Zone between the two Koreas.

Perhaps Yoon may have been smart not to see her, considering that his foes in the Minjoo, or Democratic Party, still dominate the National Assembly and oppose much of what he’s doing to repair U.S.-Korea relations, which were severely compromised during the presidency of his progressive predecessor, Moon Jae-in. Pelosi, after all, is a leader of the Democratic Party in the U.S. — not quite the equivalent of Korea’s Democratic Party but definitely not conservative. Thus it may have been a good idea for Korea, on an official level, to have treated her visit coolly.

In that spirit, Pelosi was told in advance not to say a word about Taiwan or the dangerous military exercises that China’s President Xi Jinping ordered in retaliation for her refusal to bow to warnings not to visit the independent island state. That’s regrettable, since she and Yoon could have talked about what Taiwan needs to stand up to China.

Tiny Taiwan, population 23.5 million, will have to acquire more and better arms for defense against China, population 1.4 billion, and the United States will have to strengthen its commitment to defend Taiwan. Also, Taiwan will have to unify its own people more effectively, weeding out pro-China elements who would betray the island’s independence.

All that should be clear from the nature of the exercises in which China showed off its rising military might perilously close to Taiwan’s shores. Theoretically, it should be possible for South Korea, a major manufacturer and exporter of arms, to deluge Taiwan with weapons ranging from rifles to tanks — though South Korea’s concerns about China would seem to rule out such business with Taiwan.

The differences between the United States and South Korea on Taiwan and China are disturbing when you consider the importance of U.S. bases in Korea. Camp Humphreys, 40 miles south of Seoul, is America’s biggest overseas base, the home of most of the 28,500 U.S. troops in Korea. Nearby Osan Air Base is home of the Seventh U.S. Air Force, next in importance to the U.S. base at Kadena, home of the Fifth U.S. Air Force on Okinawa, the southernmost Japanese prefecture.

American commanders over the years have told me that U.S. forces in Korea could be deployed elsewhere as needed, but Pelosi’s visit shows that’s not the case.

South Korea wants nothing to do with the defense of Taiwan against China


Meet Marianne Bachmeier, Germany’s ‘Revenge Mother’ Who Shot Her Child’s Killer In The Middle Of His Trial

In March 1981, Marianne Bachmeier opened fire in a crowded courtroom and killed Klaus Grabowski — the man on trial for murdering her 7-year-old daughter.

On March 6, 1981, Marianne Bachmeier opened fire in a crowded courthouse in what was then known as West Germany. Her target was a 35-year-old sex offender on trial for her daughter’s murder, and he died after taking six of her bullets.


Marianne Bachmeier was sentenced to six years in prison after shooting her daughter’s rapist and killer in a courtroom.


Forty years later, the case is still remembered. German news outlet NDR described it as “the most spectacular case of vigilante justice in German post-war history.”


Marianne Bachmeier’s Daughter Anna Bachmeier Is Murdered In Cold Blood


Patrick PIEL/Gamma-Rapho via Getty ImagesBachmeier’s case divided public opinion: was the shooting an act of justice or was it dangerous vigilantism?

Before she was christened as Germany’s “Revenge Mother,” Marianne Bachmeier was a struggling single mom who ran a pub and in 1970s Lübeck, a city in what was then West Germany. She lived with her third child, Anna. Her two older children had been given up for adoption.


Anna was described as a “happy, open-minded child,” but tragedy struck when she was found dead on May 5, 1980.

According to NDR, the seven-year-old had skipped school after an argument with her mother that fateful day and somehow found herself in the hands of her 35-year-old neighbor, a local butcher named Klaus Grabowski who already had a criminal record involving child molestation.


Investigators later learned that Grabowski had kept Anna at his home for hours before he strangled her with pantyhose. Whether or not he sexually assaulted her remains unknown. He then stashed the child’s body in a cardboard box and left it on the bank of a nearby canal.

Grabowski was arrested that same evening after his fiancé alerted the police. Grabowski confessed to the murder but denied that he abused the child. Instead, Grabowski gave a strange and disturbing story.


The killer claimed that he strangled the little girl after she tried to blackmail him. According to Grabowski, Anna tried to seduce him and threatened to tell her mother that he had molested her if he didn’t give her money.

Marianne Bachmeier was incensed by this story and a year later, when Grabowski headed to trial for the murder, she had her revenge.


Germany’s ‘Revenge Mother’ Shoots Grabowski Six Times


Grabowski’s trial was likely a heartache for Bachmeier. His defense attorneys claimed he had acted out of a hormonal imbalance that was caused by hormone therapy he received after being voluntarily castrated years earlier.

At the time, sex offenders in Germany often underwent castration to prevent recidivism, though this wasn’t the case for Grabowski.


On the third day of the trial in Lübeck district court, Marianne Bachmeier grabbed a .22-caliber Beretta pistol from her purse and pulled the trigger eight times. Six of the shots hit Grabowski, and he died on the courtroom floor.

Witnesses alleged that Bachmeier made incriminating remarks after she shot Grabowski. According to Judge Guenther Kroeger, who spoke to Bachmeier after she shot Grabowski in the back, she heard the grieving mother say, “I wanted to kill him.”

Bachmeier allegedly remarked “I hope he’s dead” after killing Grabowski.

Bachmeier allegedly continued, “He killed my daughter… I wanted to shoot him in the face but I shot him in the back… I hope he’s dead.” Two policemen also claimed to have heard Bachmeier call Grabowski a “pig” after she shot him.


The mother of the victim soon found herself on trial for murder herself.

During her trial, Bachmeier testified that she shot Grabowski in a dream and saw visions of her daughter in the courtroom. A doctor who examined her said that Bachmeier was asked for a handwriting sample, and in response, she wrote: “I did it for you, Anna.”


She then decorated the sample with seven hearts, perhaps one for each year of Anna’s life.

“I heard he wanted to make a statement,” Bachmeier later said, referring to Grabowski’s claims that her seven-year-old was trying to blackmail him. “I thought, now comes the next lie about this victim who was my child.”


Her Sentence Divides The Country


Marianne Bachmeier now found herself at the center of a public maelstrom. Her trial received international attention for her ruthless act of vigilantism.

The weekly German magazine Stern ran a series of articles about the trial, digging into Bachmeier’s life as a working single mother who had a very rough start in life. Bachmeier reportedly sold her story to the magazine for roughly $158,000 to cover her legal expenses during the trial.


The magazine received an overwhelming response from readers. Was Marianne Bachmeier a distraught mother simply trying to avenge the brutal death of her child, or did her act of vigilantism make her a cold-blooded killer herself? Many expressed sympathy toward her motives but condemned her actions nonetheless.

In addition to the case’s ethical conundrum, there was also a legal debate about whether the shooting was premeditated or not and whether it was murder or manslaughter. Different rulings carried different punishments. Decades later, a friend featured in a documentary about the case claimed to have witnessed Bachmeier perform target practice with a gun in her pub cellar before the shooting.


The court ultimately convicted Bachmeier of premeditated manslaughter and sentenced her to six years behind bars in 1983.




According to a survey by the Allensbach Institute, a majority of 28 percent of Germans deemed her six-year sentencing as an appropriate penalty for her actions. Another 27 percent considered the sentence too heavy while 25 percent viewed it as too light.

In June 1985, Marianne Bachmeier was released from prison after serving only half of her sentence.

She moved to Nigeria, where she married and remained until the 1990s.

After she divorced her husband, Bachmeier relocated to Sicily where she stayed until she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, upon which she returned to a now-unified Germany.


With precious little time left, Bachmeier requested Lukas Maria Böhmer, a reporter for NDR, to film her last weeks alive.

She died on Sept. 17, 1996, at the age of 46. She was buried next to her daughter, Anna.


Russia responds to Zuckerberg’s FBI revelations


The FBI and other US security agencies secretly control American social media giants, Russia’s foreign ministry has alleged. The claim follows a recent interview with Mark Zuckerberg, in which the Facebook CEO supposedly acknowledged such influence.

On Friday, spokesperson Maria Zakharova published a post on her Telegram channel devoted to Zuckerberg’s recent appearance on The Joe Rogan podcast. According to the Russian diplomat, Facebook’s first-in-command recounted how FBI operatives had visited him ahead of the 2020 US presidential elections, which ended in victory for Joe Biden, asking him to suppress stories revolving around the “unseemly contents” of Hunter Biden’s laptop on his platforms.

“The men in black ‘convinced’ Mark Zuckerberg… that these were all Russian fakes,” Zakharova added, referencing the podcast.

She went on to surmise that this kind of “excuse for censorship” was sufficient to have made Facebook’s CEO comply with the request. The subsequent suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story “helped pronounce Biden senior as the winner in the election,” Zakharova noted, remarking that many Americans are still unconvinced.

The diplomat went on to argue that, with the laptop story turning out to be true and with Zuckerberg’s revelations to Rogan, “the world has learned that the US social media played a decisive role in this performance.” She added that the suspension of then-President Trump’s accounts by the main social media platforms just goes to show that the US authorities collude with the “internet monopolies.”

Zakharova concluded that all this proves that the “FBI and other American security services manually control digital giants,” with social media platforms’ leadership only too happy to “participate in dirty political games in Washington.” The senior diplomat also made the claim that “there are no democratic standards in the American electoral system: neither in theory nor in practice.”

Lessons in life

As I approached retirement age, I learned an important lesson from two people.

First Lesson. . .

Mary, a teacher friend, retired 5 years before I did. For the last several years before retirement, Mary spoke of where she and her husband planned to travel as soon as they retired. They had it all mapped out.

Mary was in perfect health for her age as was her husband. They retired on schedule but rarely left their house.

With no prior warning, Mary’s husband suffered a heart attack. It left him very much diminished. He wasn’t bedridden or an invalid but they would never travel. She could still travel but couldn’t leave her husband.

I saw her at JC Pennys at the mall one day. Her advice was. . .don’t wait. If you wait to check things off your bucket list, it may never happen.

Second Lesson. . .

This one is personal. My sister retired after 33 years of teaching. She loved to teach. In fact she loved to teach so much she taught preschool in a rather disadvantaged area perhaps 30 minutes from where she and her husband lived.

The summer that led into her 3rd year of teaching preschool, her list of incoming students included a three-year-old boy who was deaf. She spent the rest of the summer learning sign language for the sole purpose of communicating with this little fellow.

It was April of that school year that I drove 450 miles to spend time with her during school break. She was in perfect health.

By the end of the month, she was in surgery to remove a rapidly-growing, unforgiving type of brain cancer. November of that year she died. She was 61.

I’d always wanted to travel abroad. I had renewed my passport 4 times since I was 28 and never used it. With those 2 lessons in mind, my daughter and I traveled to the UK the following year then Italy then France and Switzerland then Ottawa and Montreal then back to England.We plan to travel to Vancouver, British Columbia next spring.

It took the advice of my colleague and the death of my sister to jar me into action. So you often hear those words “don’t wait because it may be too late”. Well, don’t wait because it may be too late.

Here we are. My sister and I ready for our first day of school. Mother was always busy at the sewing machine sewing identical dresses for us.We had identical lunch boxes as well.


Why South Korea’s largest labor groups oppose military drills with US


South Korea’s two biggest labor umbrella groups have called for the immediate suspension of the country’s ongoing joint military exercise with the United States, calling it a dangerous act that increases the risk of conflict with North Korea.

In front of the War Memorial of Korea, Tuesday, the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU) and the Federation of Korean Trade Unions criticized President Yoon Suk-yeol for the resumption of the two allies’ first full-scale field trainings in five years.

“We denounce the Yoon administration for being trapped in a swamp of the South Korea-U.S. alliance, a byproduct of the Cold War of the 20th century, and making the wrong moves for the peace, diplomacy and economy of the Korean Peninsula,” they said in a joint statement. “North Korea is one of us, with which the South should work together to put an end to the era of conflict and division and to open the era of self-reliance and peaceful unification.”

The messages promoted during an Aug. 13 rally in Seoul by the KCTU, which advocates for labor rights as well as democracy, national sovereignty and peaceful unification, were stronger and more direct: “Renounce the South Korea-U.S. alliance” and “Abolish conscription.”

Those who are not familiar with how South Korea’s progressive movement has developed over the last decades may find it difficult to understand why labor groups might raise their voices about this issue.

The progressive National Liberation (NL) faction, which emerged as a powerful force in the democratic movement in the 1980s, developed tendencies toward nationalism and anti-U.S. sentiments, the vestiges of which still have a formidable influence on liberal politics in Korea, particular of that generation, according to experts.

“The NL believes that the U.S. was responsible for Korea’s division, and views the country as a barrier to its unification,” Cho Jin-man, an associate professor of politics and international relations at Duksung Women’s University, told The Korea Times. “Such thoughts were developed in the 1980s, and they still adhere to the beliefs.”

To put it simply, he said, the NL and the PD (People’s Democracy) factions were the two main pillars of South Korea’s progressive camp. While the PD faction focused more on issues such as workers’ rights, it shared much of the NL’s nationalistic views over the relationship with North Korea and the U.S.


The end of Earnest Hemingway

On July 2, 1961, Ernest Hemingway got out of bed around 7 a.m., unlocked the gun cabinet in his Ketchum, Idaho home using the key his wife had tried to hide from him, grabbed the double-barreled shotgun that he used to hunt pigeons, and shot himself in the forehead.


Though newspapers initially reported his death as an accident, and Hemingway’s wife even claimed that the gun had gone off while he was cleaning it, the writer’s death was eventually revealed to have been a suicide — which had come after a long struggle with depression.

Years later, Hemingway’s wife Mary said: “No, he shot himself. Shot himself. Just that. And nothing else.”

Russia Halts a Natural Gas Shipment to Japan Over Payment Issues

The article "dances" around who that Asian nation is. You have to go elsewhere to get the information. So who is this "Asian" nation?

Sakhalin Energy ships carbon-neutral cargoes of liquefied natural gas (LNG) to Japan's Toho Gas.


Japan will not pay Russia in Gold, or Rubles or Yuan. They insist on using the USD. -MM
  • Russia’s Sakhalin Energy halted a shipment of liquefied natural gas to an Asian buyer, a report said.
  • It’s the first time gas has been witheld from an Asian buyer, a move could result in blackouts.
  • It will have spillover effects in Europe as it gears up for its own energy crisis in the coming months.

Russia halted a shipment of liquefied natural gas to an Asian customer over payment issues to its new energy operator, Sakhalin Energy. It’s the first sign that Russia is beginning to withhold natural gas from Asian customers over its energy operations, threatening to throw some of its biggest Asian clients into blackouts this winter.

Two traders familiar with the matter said Sakhalin Energy withheld a cargo of LNG to an Asian buyer on the grounds of payment and a delay in signing a revised contract, according to a report from Bloomberg

Russia has offered those revised contracts to Asian customers since setting up Sakhalin Energy, a new corporation created to transfer ownership of Russia’s oldest LNG facility from a Bermudan to a Russian entity. 

The revisions ask LNG buyers to pay with currencies other than the US dollar if western sanctions result in payment issues. But most Asian customers have avoided signing so far, Bloomberg reported. 

Withholding fuel from Asian buyers could spell trouble for North East Asia, which has been snapping up LNG in preparation for winter. Japan, Sakhalin’s top buyer, is particularly vulnerable to blackouts this winter if shipments are cut, as it sources around 9% of its natural gas from Sakhalin. 

That could also have spillover effects to Europe, as Asian customers may eat away at fuel supplies from non-Russian suppliers, which are already strapped for supply as Europe gears up for its own energy crunch this winter. 

“Without Sakhalin, North East Asia will have to drag more cargoes away from Europe, intensifying the scramble for gas between Asia and Europe heading into winter that could send LNG prices to unprecedented levels,” energy analyst Saul Kavonic told Bloomberg.


A misunderstanding

I received this message a couple of weeks ago and almost shit my pants when it came in.


I was frantic for a couple of days about it and went to the police with the message.

2 days after I went to the police they turned up at my front door and escorted me to my elderly neighbours house. The poor man was so embarrassed and was holding out $60 for me and just saying sorry repeatedly. He had sent me the message as a thank you but worded it very badly.

I had seen him at the shops and he went through the self service checkout. He scanned his items and tapped his card but the transaction didn’t go through. He didn’t notice and packed his groceries on his walker and left the store.

I noticed when I went to the same checkout that his payment didn’t go through. It was only $60 so I plaid it for him and said nothing to him.

Unbeknownst to me the security had picked him up outside about not paying and the girl at the front desk also came and talked to me. I told her I paid it because he was my neighbour and not great with technology. Meanwhile in the security office they showed my neighbour the footage and that I had paid his bill for him.

As English is not his first language and technology is not his friend. His message of thanks came across as a little threatening. He has my number in case of an emergency but I obviously never saved his number in my phone.

We all had a good laugh about the incident and we went over and cooked a BBQ at his house and had lunch with him. I slipped the $60 he gave me back into the tea pot I know he keeps his cash in because I never expected him to pay me back. And because I felt so bad about getting police involved.

Guo Zhengliang, chips above 14nm are China’s No. 1 in the world, and foreign manufacturing cannot beat China


2022-08-27 14:06 HKT

Guo Zhengliang: 14nm chips have become the development goals of various countries. European and American countries have formulated corresponding chip subsidy plans, in order to build a stronger chip industry and master more chip production capacity.

China is also stepping up its layout in the chip field. At present, the mainland’s most technologically advanced chip manufacturers have mastered the mass production capacity of 14nm chips. Guo Zhengliang, a Taiwanese expert and scholar, said that China’s chips above 14nm are number one in the world, and foreign manufacturers can’t beat them.

What does Guo Zhengliang’s speech show? How can China’s mature process chips continue to move forward?


Guo Zhengliang’s insights on China’s 14nm chips

In the field of chip manufacturing, countries and regions will formulate different development goals according to the process conditions they master. Some companies have broken through the high-end chip manufacturing process and stepped up their layout in the chip industry of 7nm and below. Just like Samsung has achieved mass production of 3nm chips and completed shipments.

In the future, Samsung will further sprint to the more advanced 2nm, pushing the human chip technology to a new height.


However, since the production of high-end chips requires the use of EUV lithography machines, this top-level semiconductor manufacturing equipment comes from ASML. The mainland chip manufacturer SMIC has purchased EUV lithography machines, but ASML cannot break the rules, resulting in EUV lithography machines cannot be freely shipped.

Other manufacturers that can successfully purchase EUV lithography machines have basically entered the 7nm, 5nm and other process categories, or use EUV lithography machines to achieve high-end chip production. Although there is no EUV lithography machine, other DUV lithography machines are not affected, and DUV lithography machines are sufficient to support most chip production, such as 14nm.


Don’t underestimate 14nm, there are only a handful of companies that master the global 14nm process technology. For 7nm below 14nm, only TSMC and Samsung have broken through mass production technology.

Therefore, 14nm is placed in the global chip industry and is a process that can meet the needs of a large number of customers. SMIC has achieved 14nm mass production, and the yield has reached the industry standard.

Regarding the development of 14nm in China, Guo Zhengliang, a Taiwanese expert and scholar, expressed his opinion that the mainland is already the world’s first in terms of 14nm and above. Because it is relatively cheap, foreign manufacturing cannot beat China.

In Guo Zhengliang’s view, the mainland has a leading edge in 14nm, and even ranks first in the world. What does this statement alone show?

First of all, Guo Zhengliang is optimistic about the development of the mainland in the 14nm field, which has a price advantage compared with foreign countries. Cheaper prices can attract more customers’ attention and get more order resources.

Secondly, Guo Zhengliang pointed out the advantages of mainland chips in the field of mature technology. 14nm belongs to the category of mature technology, which is more advanced than 28nm and 22nm. It is the focus of market demand for low-end chips in the industry.

Perhaps as you have seen, the mid-to-low-end chip market to which mature processes belong, the mainland already has a corresponding layout, and has also mastered 28nm and other process supply chain technologies. As for whether it can reach the world number one that Guo Zhengliang said in the global supply chain, I am afraid it will take more time to verify and get a more accurate answer.

At least before everything is finally broken, we need to be down-to-earth and objectively treat various evaluations in order to find a suitable direction for ourselves.

How can China’s mature process chips continue to move forward?

There is still room for improvement in high-end chips in mainland China, and EUV lithography machines are required to make 7nm and 5nm chips. At present, everyone knows the shipment status of EUV lithography machines, so focusing on the field of mature process chips is actually in line with the needs of industrial development. So how does China’s mature process chips continue to move forward?


The first is to achieve capacity support.

More than 80% of the chips on the market are built with mature technology. High-end chips of 7nm and below are mainly used in smartphones, tablets and computers.

These electronic products cannot represent the global market demand, nor can they concentrate all chip production capacity. Therefore, in terms of developing mature processes, we should achieve capacity support, and use more capacity to supply the required market to meet the scene areas with greater demand.


For example, domestic manufacturers can use 28nm and 14nm in emerging fields. Based on the development of traditional industries, they must also take into account market needs.

Secondly, protect technical talents.

With the development of China’s integrated circuit industry, the demand for talents has become higher and higher. It is expected that there will be a talent gap of 200,000 in the future, which means that many chip companies and positions in the integrated circuit field will face vacancies.

Therefore, ensuring technical talents has become an important matter for the development of mature process chips. So how can these talent gaps be filled? It may require the joint efforts of major universities and enterprises. Schools set up professional courses, enterprises provide employment platforms, and if necessary, school-enterprise cooperation may be carried out.


In general, China’s mature chip manufacturing process needs to make breakthroughs in many aspects, such as production capacity support, talent guarantee and even supply chain cooperation, etc., and must maintain a consistent pace of progress.


Guo Zhengliang gave a good evaluation of 14nm in mainland China, but we should also know that 14nm is not the end, but a new starting point. The road of Chinese chips will continue to move forward.

I believe that in the near future, we will see different Chinese chips, high-spirited and confident.

Being too smart

My IQ is 145 and I very, very nearly screwed up everything. You know, if you’re smart, you have a couple of challenges others do not. I was misunderstood, I over analyzed other kids behaviour, didn’t blend in naturally and the worst: I never learned how to work hard, because everything was so easy.

Until around age 12, I never needed to lift a finger for anything at school. Then in high school, some things suddenly took studying. Not much, but for someone not used to lift a finger, that was hard.

Long story short, I was nearly 30 years old when I finally graduated from university. Even in the Netherlands, where people used to take their time to study, that was kinda extreme. If I hadn’t finally gotten my shit together in my late twenties, I would probably be working a job way below my potential now. And be very unhappy or depressed.

Fortunately, I realized in time that I had to step up my game, and fortunately, I got hired in a job that turned out to be perfect for me. I was very lucky the way things turned out. I am in a good place now. Good job, good salary, own two rental properties and most importantly I have a beautiful stable family.


I know there are many high-IQ people like me out there who weren’t as lucky, and live average or even miserable lives despite their intelligence. Life can be really unfair. It’s really very easy to screw life up, even when you have a high IQ. Especially when you have a high IQ.

US media ignored major anti-US military protest in South Korea – Responsible Statecraft




Be the Rufus

Today I was asked if I am any good with phones by an elderly man as he was trying to open a picture message that his granddaughter had sent.

After putting Sienna in her pram, I took a look at his phone which was a really old Nokia. As he didn’t have a smart phone I told him that he wouldn’t be able to view it. He was gutted and went on to tell me that it was a photo of his granddaughter and her new baby who he hadn’t seen yet as they live in Buxton.

So, I forwarded the message to my phone and eventually managed to open the picture. He was so emotional seeing his great granddaughter for the first time and you could see his love for them both through his teary eyes.


The man insisted on giving me £20 to treat my daughter to a toy as a thank you for helping him which I insisted I didn’t want, but he was having none of it. So, I asked him to wait there and I went to boots and printed the photo for him and ended up buying a frame for it too.

When I returned with the framed photo, he was so happy, literally overwhelmed.

This just made my day to make someone so happy. ❤️

US Coast Guard vessel unable to enter Solomon Islands port to refuel

Why travel half the world to patrol fishing using coast guard vessel? Where is the US coast line?

A US Coast Guard vessel was unable to enter the Solomon Islands for a routine port call because the local government did not respond to a request for it to refuel and provision, according to a US official.

The USCGC Oliver Henry was on patrol for illegal fishing in the South Pacific when it failed to obtain entry to refuel at Honiara, the Solomon Islands capital, the official from the US Coast Guard said.

The US vessel was diverted to Papua New Guinea instead.

It was scheduled for a routine logistics port call at Solomon Islands, according to a public affairs officer for the US Coast Guard in Hawaii.

“The Government of the Solomon Islands did not respond to the US Government’s request for diplomatic clearance for the vessel to refuel and provision in Honiara,” they said.


200,000 Chinese-Americans are about to be deported, their American citizenship is cancelled and they have no Chinese nationality, what should they do?


2022-08-27 14:00 HKT

We know that as early as the last century, many Chinese regarded going abroad as a matter of honoring their ancestors. If the children of the family worked and developed in the United States or in a foreign country, they felt that they would have a special face in front of their relatives and friends.

But after entering this century, this sense of pride seems to have vanished.

Most people no longer regard going abroad as a craze, nor do they feel that going abroad will honor their ancestors.

On the contrary, many people are no longer obsessed with going abroad, and they prefer to work and develop at home. On the contrary, some foreign friends, after seeing the environment in China, rushed to China frantically, hoping to get a Chinese green card and work and settle here.

It may be rare in third- and fourth-tier cities, but if you go to first- and second-tier cities, you will find that there are many foreigners around you, who go to get off work, go shopping, etc. with you.


For example, in Guangzhou, China, there are nearly 300,000 black people, and in Shanghai, there are about 400,000 Japanese immigrants.

At the same time, in some developed cities such as Beijing and Shenzhen, there are many foreigners who immigrated to China from the United States.

These people choose China because they feel that the pace of life in China is unhurried, the environment is livable, and the country’s development prospects are bright.

However, look at some people who tried their best to immigrate to the United States. How are they doing now?

Have they lived their dream of prosperity and wealth as they wished?

The fact is very distressing, because after they arrived in the United States, their jobs were mediocre, their economic income was mediocre, and their living environment was even worse.


According to statistics, most of the 4.5 million Chinese in the United States gather in Chinatown.

A long time ago, there was a person named “Queen Snakehead” in Fujian.

She specialized in the smuggling business, mainly helping mainlanders to smuggle to the United States.

You must know that it is very difficult for these people who entered the United States through illegal means to settle and find work in the United States.

Because most people think that as long as they come to the United States, they can have a good life and live a good life, but because it is illegal to smuggle to the United States, they can only do some scattered jobs in the United States.

I work here today, and I might be working in another place tomorrow. If you encounter a boss with bad behavior, you may give him a day of work for nothing without a penny of wages.

However, the welfare treatment of the poor in the United States is ok, and relief food is distributed every day.

Therefore, in places where relief food is distributed in the United States, Chinese people are often seen.

In order to attract more Chinese to join the United States, the United States stipulated that citizens who became American citizens did not need to cancel their original nationality, so many people had dual citizenship at that time.

But this is a unilateral regulation by the United States, and China will never allow people who step on two boats to act recklessly.

China stipulates that Chinese nationality will be cancelled if Chinese nationals possess other nationalities.

Today, the United States has announced that it will deport 200,000 Chinese who do not have American nationality, but these Chinese no longer hold Chinese nationality.

So after the 200,000 Chinese were expelled from the United States, what should they do?

Some notes about Thailand…

[1] Tourist Traps

Well, the reader should recognize that Thailand is an excellent holiday destination. It is where many people go to relax and have fun.  As such, the reader should be advised, there are many traps or things to look out for.  These things can range from a (near mafia like) arrangement of Tuk Tuk drivers and their system of fleecing tourists, to places where locals dare not tread. Here, I would like to place some warnings to the interested reader…

[2] Khao San Road

Hopping off the plane and heading straight to Khao San is a great idea if you are young, white, and into tie-dyes. (LOL!) You won’t find too many locals there.  It is it’s own little enclave that caters to a youthful Western European clientelle. As such, be prepared to be surrounded by the youth of today (with a handful of older folks trying to navigate the clutter) from the Western side of the globe.

To quote;

“The last time I went out clubbing in Khao San the ladies were quite impressed with me because I was wearing shoes with laces. My competition for the fairer sex was a young, bearded pot-bellied boy who was interested in feeling out the clubs with bare feet — a low bar for the love scene. On a positive note he was giving out free hugs to people who couldn’t dodge his outstretched arms.”

-Ronald Tagra

Khao San is an iconic place with cheap beer and lots of “exotic” white people to hang out with. Yeah, just what you want.  Leave what you know and experience what you know in a new location.


It is a tourist trap where the only authentic experience you will have is your hangover. The buckets of red bull and piss are a smashing way for you to get the type of “real” Oriental hangover you’ve always been looking for and the type of morning you’ll always regret. It is also a great place if you want to get on the piss with your friends and enjoy your youth in a slightly different locale than back home.

However, really, if you wanted to just hang out at the same places with the same people, why bother coming to a foreign country? Best to stay in the motherland than to come out to Khao San.


[3] Female Jealousy

“I remember when I first started coming here, even on Khao San Road, I would see sour looking farang women sitting around looking disapprovingly at the effortlessly beautiful local girls, and I would think to myself “Why did you come here, white woman? This place is not for you – go home!””


[4] Social Justice Females

Many female social justice warrior types are absolutely appalled by the fact that men would go to tropical Thailand and engage in sex with women at bars.  They hate this. 

In their mind, of course, there is nothing wrong if [1] the wife blows up to the size of an elephant, [2] stops providing sex, and [3] takes all the money her husband makes because they are MARRIED.

What is wrong (in their minds) is that the husband wants to spend some time drinking, having sex with young cute and attractive slim girls, being treated like a MAN, and spending the money he earned on doing so.

Indeed! How disgusting! Imagine that!

Here are some excerpts from an article written by a SJW. She covers the various stereotypical male types that she has observed on one of her trips to Thailand, and spins her take on it.  Ohhh, the bitterness, disgust and envy drips from her pen;

Article HERE

 “The Angry and Divorced Forty-Something Seeking a ‘Proper Woman’
This city is full of once-burnt divorced men who were either so shattered by their previous marriages — or so disenchanted by the era of leftist feminism — that they felt compelled to move thousands of miles east to find a ‘proper woman’. And by proper woman, I mean one straight out of the 1940s.
“Just let me be a man, while you do my washing, take control of the kitchen and don’t ask too many questions.” Not much to ask. These men tend to shack up with the financially destitute, or the professionally prostitute — whatever improves their chances of exerting total dominance over them in the long run.
With these couples, it seems true love simply equals “You’ll never leave me while I send your parents and buffalos 20% of my retirement fund.”

Oh, she just doesn’t get it.  Does she?  She thinks that it is the failure of the man in his marriage that “drove” him to move to Thailand.

Really, that is what she thinks.

But, it’s not. Nah, but you can’t tell her anything.  She knows what’s right.  She knows everything.  She’s a woman. She doesn’t make mistakes. Right?

She ends her diatribe with her solution to all the men who want to be left alone and to live their own lives, THEIR WAY…

“So, what’s the solution? Ideas on a postcard, please.

My vote goes to mass deportation…”

Advice for Americans who need an address

When I lived stateside and was down on my luck I suddenly found myself living in my car with only my clothes to my name.

How did this happen?

Well, my wife had found a lover, one day I came home early from work and he was in my house and she wasn’t, so I had him arrested for breaking and entering!

Actually, this is an exceptionally hilarious story that I’ll save for another post…

Anyway, I promptly left the house and went to a hotel.

Because my wife was angry at what I’d done to her lover she blocked our bank accounts.

I filed for divorce, but she hired a really good lawyer and the judge gave her everything. I got nothing but the car.

Two weeks later I was laid off from a long-term and well-paying job, but because of the divorce I had very little money saved.

So, suddenly I had a really big problem, but there was no one who could really help me, not even my family.

I didn’t have enough money to get an apartment, so I started to sleep in my car.

I knew that what I really needed was a permanent address, but in my sudden new position in life there was no way I could get one.

Here’s what I did …

I went to a post office (PO) box rental company and rented a box.

Instead of putting down my address as “Box 12” when I was filling out a form, I put down “Unit 12”.

Not once did I ever get a complaint from the mailbox company or the post office.

All my mail arrived without a problem, including government mail.

It’s a really good way to maintain a permanent address if you’re moving around a lot or are temporarily living in your car.

It can even help you to improve your credit rating because it appears like you’re in a stable location for a period of time.

The other thing that I did was I got a gym membership. I’d go to the gym every day to take a shower.

The PO box cost me about $35 dollars a month, and the gym membership was about the same.

So, for less than three dollars a day I was able to stay clean and appear, at least on paper and to everyone else, to be stable.

I lived in my car for eight months before I was able to find a job and then another four months before I was able to save up enough money for first and last month’s rent and get myself into a small apartment.

Would you believe that no one ever found me out? It’s true! No one ever knew!

One of the first things I did after I got my PO box address was to try and get credit.

Of course I was declined, but the address went on my credit rating nonetheless.

I am absolutely sure that the apartment rental agency that I applied to wouldn’t have approved my rental application had I not tried to use the PO box’s address as my own to get credit a year earlier.

To them it looked like I had lived for a year at my previous address and simply chose not to renew my lease. I even said as much when I was filling out my application.

During that year I spent another ten dollars a week at the laundromat to keep my clothes clean, including the cost for laundry detergent.

Toothpaste, soap and other incidentals cost me around thirty dollars a month.

So basically my rent, water, electricity, laundry and personal grooming cost me about $150 a month, five dollars a day.

During the time that I wasn’t working I’d go to various public parks around town and remove soda pop and beer cans from the garbage cans.

When I had filled up the trunk of my car and then some, I went to the supermarket and put the cans in the recycling machines out front.

I got a nickel for two cans and two cents for a single can.

I was actually able to collect enough cans to pay the five dollars a day for my upkeep and also put two gallons of gas in my car so that I could drive around the next day.

Incredibly, I was also able to collect enough cans to buy a liter of water and a package of Tang (powdered orange-flavored drink) every day.

There was even enough left over for a Hostess dessert pie for breakfast, a 7-Eleven microwaveable burrito for lunch and some bread, ham, cheese and fruit for dinner!

My food expenses were about seven dollars a day and it was about the same for gasoline.

So, I lived on a budget of $20 dollars a day for nine months.

Somehow, and I have no idea how, I was able to collect between 400 and 500 cans a day—and I survived!

I have no shame in it, nor in sharing it; it wasn’t my fault to begin with, but in no way was I going to give up. I’m too proud.

Sure, I could have sold my car to rent an apartment, but then how would I get to work or find a job?

By bus? Not so practical in San Diego.

So I did what I did in the way that I did it.

Today, I have a house on the beach and I will buy a second one soon. I have a new wife whom I love and who loves me and we have a wonderful son together.

I’ve worked for 11 years at the same company, so my life is stable once again.

But I’ll never forget that year; it was a true life lesson.

And you know what?

It wasn’t so bad living in my car collecting cans so that I could get through the day!

Get a PO box, get a gym membership, maintain a prepaid cellular line so people can call you, try to get credit, do what you need to do to find the $20 to $30 dollars a day you need and in the end you’ll be just fine!

Good luck!


Biden targets Amish farmer with armed raid and $300,000 fine…

Biden admin targets Amish farmer | Tucker Carlson

Miller’s Organic Farm is located in the remote Amish village of Bird-in-Hand, Pennsylvania. The farm supplies everything from grass-fed beef and cheese, to raw milk and organic eggs, to dairy from grass-fed water buffalo and all types of produce, all to roughly 4,000 private food club members who pay top dollar for high quality whole food.

The private food club members appreciate their freedom to get food from an independent farmer that isn’t processing his meat and dairy at U.S. Department of Agriculture facilities, which mandates that food be prepared in ways that Miller’s Organic Farm believe make it less nutritious.

Amos Miller, the farm’s owner, contends that he’s preparing food the way God intended — but the U.S. government doesn’t see things that way. They recently sent armed federal agents to the farm and demanded he cease operations. The government is also looking to issue more than $300,000 in fines — a request so steep, it would put the farm out of business.

There’s this farmer named Amos Miller and he’s been farming for 25 years. No electricity, no fertilizer, no gasoline. He has really, really impressive crop yields using only the only the oldest of methods, totally organic. He has milk, he has beef, he has different types of sheep. He has chicken, all types of vegetables. And he has a private buyers club of about 4,000 people all across the country that pay him top dollar for his food.


And the government doesn’t like this idea of a private buyers club. They have raided his farm with armed federal agents and they have said he needs to stop selling his meat until he gets regulated by the federal agencies whose job it is to, you know, regulate food. And he says, “you know, the way you guys regulate it, it kind of hurts the nutrition of the food — you know, you wash it in these things, you’ve given these vaccines and the cows get all types of medicine, I don’t do any of that. So I think going through your regulatory process will actually hurt the quality of my food and that’s what I’m being paid top dollar for, it is this high quality food.

So they are fining him hundreds of thousands of dollars, and they’ve actually sent armed federal agents there to take inventory of his meat, of his dairy, and they visit him to make sure that he’s not selling anything and that he’s not ramping up his production in any way. So that’s where he is now. He’s figuring out how to fight the federal government, what he’s going to do. And you know, he’s been put in this really tight spot along with the people who, you know, look to him for this food. They’re not getting their meat and dairy right now because of the government.

This is Texas

One evening my next door neighbor’s 12-yr-old daughter called me and said she was home alone and scared because some man was walking around her home peering into the windows. We lived on a cul-de-sac of about a dozen homes all on small acreages. From my kitchen I could clearly see a man standing under the neighbor’s car port looking into a window.

I called my dogs to my side. One was a 120 lb Doberman and the other a 65 lb Weimaraner. They accompanied me out the door to the low rail fence between our properties. I challenged the man on what he was doing. He stuttered he was looking for a friend’s house. When I asked what his friend’s name was, he said a name I did not recognize belonging to anyone on the street. My dogs were quietly standing next to me during this time intently focused on the man.

I told the man to leave or I’d turn the dogs loose. Either the guy was drunk or on drugs or just plain stupid because he proceeded to angrily argue with me. I had never asked my dogs to attack someone and they weren’t trained to do so. But both dogs leaped the fence and emitted nasty guttural growls pinning the man against the wall of the home. Surprised the hell out of me! Him too. They were crouched down ready to make minced meat out of him. His voice went up three octaves screaming to call the dogs off. I honestly didn’t know if they’d listen to me. I ended up having to climb the fence and grabbing them by their collars. Either one could’ve easily pulled loose and I warned the guy I might not be able to hold them.

He took off down the driveway cursing me over his shoulder. I noticed that instead of turning left back toward the highway he ran right deeper into the cul-de-sac. Running back to my house I called a neighbor whom I knew carried a shotgun in his pickup. (This was Texas after all.) Last I saw was him being escorted down the road with his hands up. My pups got extra treats that night!

Geopolitical tectonic plates shifting, six months on

14205 Views August 24, 2022

by Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and widely cross-posted

Six months after the start of the Special Military Operation (SMO) by Russia in Ukraine, the geopolitical tectonic plates of the 21st century have been dislocated at astonishing speed and depth – with immense historical repercussions already at hand. To paraphrase T.S. Eliot, this is the way the (new) world begins, not with a whimper but a bang.

The vile assassination of Darya Dugina – de facto terrorism at the gates of Moscow – may have fatefully coincided with the six-month intersection point, but that won’t change the dynamics of the current, work-in-progress historical drive.

The FSB may have cracked the case in a little over 24 hours, designating the perpetrator as a neo-Nazi Azov operative instrumentalized by the SBU, itself a mere tool of the CIA/MI6 combo de facto ruling Kiev.

The Azov operative is just a patsy. The FSB will never reveal in public the intel it has amassed on those that issued the orders – and how they will be dealt with.

One Ilya Ponomaryov, an anti-Kremlin minor character granted Ukrainian citizenship, boasted he was in contact with the outfit that prepared the hit on the Dugin family. No one took him seriously.

What’s manifestly serious is how oligarchy-connected organized crime factions in Russia would have a motive to eliminate Dugin as a Christian Orthodox nationalist philosopher who, according to them, may have influenced the Kremlin’s pivot to Asia (he didn’t).

But most of all, these organized crime factions blamed Dugin for a concerted Kremlin offensive against the disproportional power of Jewish oligarchs in Russia. So these actors would have the motive and the local base/intel to mount such a coup.

If that’s the case that spells out a Mossad operation – in many aspects a more solid proposition than CIA/MI6. What’s certain is that the FSB will keep their cards very close to their chest – and retribution will be swift, precise and invisible.

The straw that broke the camel’s back

Instead of delivering a serious blow to Russia in relation to the dynamics of the SMO, the assassination of Darya Dugina only exposed the perpetrators as tawdry operatives of a Moronic Murder Inc.

An IED cannot kill a philosopher – or his daughter. In an essential essay Dugin himself explained how the real war – Russia against the collective West led by the United States – is a war of ideas. And an existential war.

Dugin – correctly – defines the US as a “thalassocracy”, heir to “Britannia rules the waves”; yet now the geopolitical tectonic plates are spelling out a new order: The Return of the Heartland.

Putin himself first spelled it out at the Munich Security Conference in 2007. Xi Jinping started to make it happen when he launched the New Silk Roads in 2013. The Empire struck back with Maidan in 2014. Russia counter-attacked coming to the aid of Syria in 2015.

The Empire doubled down on Ukraine, with NATO weaponizing it non-stop for eight years. At the end of 2021, Moscow invited Washington for a serious dialogue on “indivisibility of security” in Europe. That was dismissed with a non-response response.

Moscow took no time to confirm a trifecta was in the works: an imminent Kiev blitzkrieg against Donbass; Ukraine flirting with acquiring nuclear weapons; and the work of US bioweapon labs. That was the straw that broke the New Silk Road camel’s back.

A consistent analysis of Putin’s public interventions these past few months reveals that the Kremlin – as well as Security Council Yoda Nikolai Patrushev – fully realize how the politico/media goons and shock troops of the collective West are dictated by the rulers of what Michael Hudson defines as the FIRE system (financialization, insurance, real estate), a de facto banking Mafia.

As a direct consequence, they also realize how collective West public opinion is absolutely clueless, Plato cave-style, of their total captivity by the FIRE rulers, who cannot possibly tolerate any alternative narrative.

So Putin, Patrushev, Medvedev will never presume that a senile teleprompter reader in the White House or a cokehead comedian in Kiev “rule” anything. The sinister Great Reset impersonator of a Bond villain, Klaus “Davos” Schwab, and his psychotic historian sidekick Yuval Harari at least spell out their “program”: global depopulation, with those that remain drugged to oblivion.

As the US rules global pop culture, it’s fitting to borrow from what Walter White/Heisenberg, an average American channeling his inner Scarface, states in Breaking Bad: “I’m in the Empire business”. And the Empire business is to exercise raw power – then maintained with ruthlessness by all means necessary.

Russia broke the spell. But Moscow’s strategy is way more sophisticated than leveling Kiev with hypersonic business cards, something that could have been done at any moment starting six months ago, in a flash.

What Moscow is doing is talking to virtually the whole Global South, bilaterally or to groups of actors, explaining how the world-system is changing right before our eyes, with the key actors of the future configured as BRI, SCO, EAEU, BRICS+, the Greater Eurasia Partnership.

And what we see is vast swathes of the Global South – or 85% of the world’s population – slowly but surely becoming ready to engage in expelling the FIRE Mafia from their national horizons, and ultimately taking them down: a long, tortuous battle that will imply multiple setbacks.

The facts on the ground

On the ground in soon-to-be rump Ukraine, Khinzal hypersonic business cards – launched from Tu-22M3 bombers or Mig-31 interceptors – will continue to be distributed.

Piles of HIMARS will continue to be captured. TOS 1A Heavy Flamethrowers will keep sending invitations to the Gates of Hell. Crimean Air Defense will continue to intercept all sorts of small drones with IEDs attached: terrorism by local SBU cells, which will be eventually smashed.

Using essentially a phenomenal artillery barrage – cheap and mass-produced – Russia will annex the full, very valuable Donbass, in terms of land, natural resources and industrial power. And then on to Nikolaev, Odessa, and Kharkov.

Geoeconomically, Russia can afford to sell its oil with fat discounts to any Global South customer, not to mention strategic partners China and India. Cost of extraction reaches a maximum of $15 per barrel, with a national budget based on $40-45 for a barrel of Urals.

A new Russian benchmark is imminent, as well as oil in rubles following the wildly successful gas for rubles.

The assassination of Darya Dugina provoked endless speculation on the Kremlin and the Ministry of Defense finally breaking their discipline. That’s not going to happen. The advances along the enormous 1,800-mile front are relentless, highly systematic and inserted in a Greater Strategic Picture.

A key vector is whether Russia stands a chance of winning the information war with the collective West. That will never happen inside NATOstan – even as success after success is ramping up across the Global South.

As Glenn Diesen has masterfully demonstrated, in detail, in his latest book, Russophobia , the collective West is viscerally, almost genetically impervious to admitting any social, cultural, historical merits by Russia.

And that will extrapolate to the irrationality stratosphere, as the grinding down and de facto demilitarization of the imperial proxy army in Ukraine is driving the Empire’s handlers and its vassals literally nuts.

The Global South though should never lose sight of the “Empire business”. The Empire of Lies excels in producing chaos and plunder, always supported by extortion, bribery of comprador elites, assassinations, and all that supervised by the humongous FIRE financial might. Every trick in the Divide and Rule book – and especially outside of the book – should be expected, at any moment. Never underestimate a bitter, wounded, deeply humiliated Declining Empire.

So fasten your seat belts: that will be the tense dynamic all the way to the 2030s. But before that, all along the watchtower, get ready for the arrival of General Winter, as his riders are fast approaching, the wind will begin to howl, and Europe will be freezing in the dead of a dark night as the FIRE Mafia puff their cigars.

Don’t mess with the kitty!

A man absolutely hated his wife’s cat and decided to get rid of him one day by driving him 20 blocks from his home and leaving him at the park. As he was getting home, the cat was walking up the driveway. The next day he decided to drive the cat 40 blocks away. He put the beast out and headed home. Driving back up his driveway, there was the cat! He kept taking the cat further and further and the cat would always beat him home.

At last, he decided to drive a few miles away, turn right, then left, past the bridge, then right again, and another right until he reached what he thought was a safe distance from his home and left the cat there. Hours later the man calls home to his wife:

“Jen, is the cat there?” “Yes”, the wife answers, “why do you ask?”

Frustrated, the man answered,

“Put that son of a bitch on the phone, I’m lost and need directions!”


Chinese Gaokou

In China, the gaokao is one of the most stressful periods of a high school student’s life.

It is known to single-handedly decide your future job opportunities and social status within society.


Compared to other college entrance exams in countries like Korea or India, you would think that the test is mostly based off of memorizing and using those “tricks” that are taught at special cram schools.

But some of those questions are actually incredibly thoughtful and creativity oriented.

Take a look:

  • Topic: Roads
    Based on the three given uses of ‘road’, write an essay.
    1. “The Earth had no roads to begin with, but when many men passed one way, a road was made.” —Lu Hsun (Lu Xun)
    2. There is no such thing as a road that dare not to be walked, only people who dare not to walk it.
    3. You may take the wrong road sometimes, but if you keep walking, it will become a brand new road.
    (From Fujian)
  • Topic: Do butterfly wings have colors?
    “A teacher asked the students to look at butterflies under a microscope. At first, they thought the butterflies were colorful, but when they looked at them closely, they realized that they were actually colorless.” Based on this story, write an essay.
    (From Anhui)
  • The containers for milk are always square boxes; containers for mineral water are always round bottles; round wine bottle are usually placed in square boxes. Write a composition on the subtle philosophy of the round and square.
  • Who do you think is the most glamorous person? A biotechnologist who led his company in international research, an ordinary welder who gained international fame through his work, or a photographer complimented widely for a series of photos?

Chinese Laser

Many things are made in China that are against the law in the United States. They are either too powerful, too cheap (competition issues), use materials that are judged as "bad" or just are unregulated and thus are considered to be dangerous. -MM

“Ask her if it’s powerful.” I said to my co-worker. He spoke in Mandarin to the woman at the market stall, and she casually pushed a button on the black baton.

A bright blue rod immediately connected the object to a cinder block wall across the street. Without saying a word, she casually pulled a cigarette from the pack on the counter, put it in her mouth, leaned forward, and lit the tip of her cancer-stick in the laser’s light beam.

“I don’t care what it costs. Tell her yes.” After some negotiating (because I think she understood “I don’t care what it costs.” but I did care) and $60, I got a Jedi-light-saber set-shit-on-fire mobile death ray.

To prevent any accidental/catastrophic airline excitement, I disassembled it into a few pieces and put some bits in my checked bag and the rest in my carry-on bag.

Not that practical for daily use, and despite the look of the packaging – definitely NOT for kids, but absolutely fun.


World War 3 for dummies

June 18, 2022

By Gaius Baltar for the Saker Blog

Some knowledgeable people, apparently including the Pope, are beginning to suspect that there may be more going on in the world than just the war in the Ukraine. They say that World War 3 has already started and things will get worse from now on. This can be difficult to determine while we are participating in the unfolding events and do not have the benefit of the historical perspective. It is doubtful that people back in 1939 realized that they were looking at the start of a major worldwide conflict, although some may have suspected it.

The current global situation is in many ways like a giant jigsaw puzzle where the general public only sees a tiny part of the complete picture. Most don’t even realize that there may be more pieces and don’t even ask these simple questions: Why is all this happening and why is it happening now?

Things are more complicated than most people realize. What they see is the evil wizard Vladimir Saruman Putin invading innocent Ukraine with his orc army – for absolutely no reason. This is a simplistic view, to say the least because nothing happens without a reason. Let’s put things in perspective and see what is really going on – and why the world is going crazy before our eyes. Let’s see what World War 3 is all about.

The pressure cooker

The West (which we can define here as the US and the EU and a few more) has been maintaining pressure on the entire world for decades. This does not only apply to countries outside the West, but also to Western countries which strayed from the diktats of the West’s rulers. This pressure has been discussed widely and attributed to all kinds of motives, including neocolonialism, forced financial hegemony, and so forth. What is interesting, particularly during the last 20 years, is which countries have been pressured and what they do not have in common.

Among the pressured countries we find Russia, China, Cuba, Venezuela, Libya, Syria, Serbia, Thailand, and Iran to mention a few. There have also been recent additions, including India and Hungary. In order to understand why they have been pressured, we need to find out what they have in common. That’s not easy since they are extremely different in most ways. There are democracies and non-democracies, conservative and communist governments, Christian, Muslim and Buddhist countries, and so on. Still, many of them are very clearly allied. One must ask why conservative and religious countries such as Russia or Iran would ally themselves with Godless communists in Cuba and Venezuela.

What all these countries have in common is their desire to run their own affairs; to be independent countries. This is unforgivable in the eyes of the West and must be tackled by any means necessary, including economic sanctions, color revolutions, and outright military aggression.

The West and its NATO military arm had surrounded Russia with hostile countries and military bases, armed and manipulated Ukraine to be used as a hammer against it, and employed sanctions and threats. The same thing was and is happening in Asia where China is being surrounded by all means available. The same applies to all the Independents mentioned above to some extent. In the past 10 years or so the pressure has increased massively on the Independents and it reached almost a fever pitch in the year before the Russian invasion of the Ukraine.

During the year before the Ukraine war, the US sent its diplomats around the world to tune up the pressure. They were like a traveling circus or a rock band on a tour, but instead of entertainment, they delivered threats: buy this from us and do what we tell you or there will be consequences. The urgency was absolute and palpable, but then came the Ukraine war and the pressure went up to 11. During the first month of the war, the entire West’s diplomatic corps was fully engaged in threats against the ‘rest of the world’ to engineer the isolation of Russia. This didn’t work, which resulted in panic in political and diplomatic circles in the US and Europe.

All this pressure through the years, and all the fear and panic when it didn’t work, are clearly related to the events in the Ukraine. They are a part of the same ‘syndrome’ and have the same cause.

The debt dimension

There have been many explanations for what is going on and the most common is the fight between two possible futures; a multipolar world where there are several power centers in the world, and a unipolar world where the West governs the world. This is correct as far as it goes, but there is another reason which explains why this is happening now and all the urgency and panic in the West.

Recently the New Zealand tech guru Kim Dotcom tweeted a thread about the debt situation in the US. According to him all debt and unfunded liabilities of the US exceed the total value of the entire country, including the land. This situation is not unique to the US. Most countries in the West have debt that can only be paid back by selling the entire country and everything it contains. On top of that, most non-western countries are buried in dollar-denominated debt and are practically owned by the same financiers who own the West.

During the last few decades, the economy of the US and Europe has been falsified on a level that is difficult to believe. We in the West have been living far beyond our means and our currencies have been massively overvalued. We have been able to do this through two mechanisms:

  1. The first one is the reserve status of the dollar and the semi-reserve status of the euro which have enabled the West to export digital money and receive goods in return. This has created enormous financial power for the West and enabled it to function as a parasite on the world economy. We have been getting a lot of goods for free, to put it mildly.

  2. The second falsification mechanism is the increase in debt to a level where we have essentially pawned everything we own, including our houses and lands, to keep up our living standards. We own nothing now when the debt has been subtracted. The debt has long since become unserviceable – far beyond our ability to pay interests on – which explains why the interest rates in the West are in the neighborhood of zero. Any increase would make the debt unserviceable and we would all go formally bankrupt in a day.

On top of all this, the falsification has created artificially strong currencies in the West which has boosted their purchasing power for goods priced in non-western currencies. These mechanisms have also enabled the West to run bloated and dysfunctional service economies where inefficiencies are beyond belief. We have giant groups of people in our economies that not only create no value but destroy value systematically. What maintains the West’s standard of living now is a small minority of productive people, constant debt increase, and parasitism of the rest of the world.

The people who own all this debt actually own everything we think we own. We in the West own nothing at this point – we only think we do. But who are our real owners? We know more or less who they are because they meet every year at the World Economic Forum in Davos along with the western political elites who they also happen to own.

It is clear that our owners have been getting increasingly worried, and their worries have been increasing in sync with the increased pressure applied by the West on the rest of the world, particularly the Independents. During the last Davos meeting, the mood was bleak and panicked at the same time, much like the panic among the western political elites when the isolation of Russia failed.

What is about to happen

The panic of our owners and their politicians is understandable because we have come to the end of the line. We can no longer keep up our living standards by debt increase and parasitism. The debt is reaching beyond what we own as collateral and our currencies are about to become worthless. We will no longer be able to get free stuff from the rest of the world, or pay back our debt – let alone pay interest on it. The entire West is about to go bankrupt and our standard of living is about to go down by a massive percentage. This is what has our owners panicked and they see only two scenarios:

  1. In the first scenario most countries in the West, and everything and everyone within them, declare bankruptcy and erase the debt by diktat – which sovereign states are able to do. This will also erase the wealth and political power of our owners.

  2. In the second scenario, our owners take over the collateral during the bankruptcy. The collateral is us and everything we own.

It doesn’t take a genius to figure out which scenario was chosen. The plan for the second scenario is ready and being implemented as we speak. It is called ‘The Great Reset’ and was constructed by the people behind the World Economic Forum. This plan is not a secret and can be examined to a certain degree on the WEF website.

The Great Reset is a mechanism for the seizing of all debt collateral which includes your assets, the assets of your city or municipality, the assets of your state, and most corporate assets not already held by our owners.

This asset seizure mechanism has several components, but the most important are the following four:

  1. Abolishment of sovereignty: A sovereign (independent) country is a dangerous country because it can choose to default on its debt. The decrease in sovereignty has been a priority for our owners and various schemes have been attempted such as the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership and the Trans-Pacific Partnership. The most successful scheme is undoubtedly the European Union itself.

  2. The down-tuning of the economy: The western economy (and indeed the global economy) must be tuned down by a very significant percentage. This down-tuning is necessary because the western economy is massively falsified now and must be taken down to its real level – which may be as low as half of what it is now – or more. The slow takedown has also the purpose of avoiding a sudden crash that would cause massive social unrest which would be a threat to our owners. A controlled takedown is therefore preferable to an uncontrolled crash. This controlled takedown is already happening and has been going on for quite some time. Many examples can be mentioned of this takedown, including the EU and US energy policy which is designed to sabotage the western economy, and the obvious attempts at demand destruction during and after the epidemic, including the fairly bizarre logistical problems which suddenly came out of nowhere.

  3. Asset harvesting (you will own nothing and be ‘happy’): All assets that can be considered to be collateral to our private and collective/public debt will be taken over. This is a clearly stated aim of the Great Reset but it is less clear how this would be carried out. Total control of western governments (and indeed all governments) would seem to be necessary for this. That precondition is closer than one might think because most western governments seem to be beholden to Davos at this point. The process will be sold as necessary social restructuring because of an economic crisis and global warming and will result in a massive decrease in living standards for regular people, although not the elites.

  4. Oppression: A great many people will not like this and an uprising is a likely response, even if the takedown is done gradually. To prevent this from happening, a social control mechanism is being implemented which will erase personal freedom, the freedom of speech, and privacy. It will also create absolute dependence of the individual on the state. This must be done before the economic takedown can be completed or there will be a revolution. This mechanism is already being implemented enthusiastically in the West as anybody with eyes and ears can see.

Russia, China, and other Independents

How do Russia and China, and the war in Ukraine, factor into all of this? Why all the pressure from the West throughout the years and why all this panic now? Part of the reason for the pressure on the Independents, particularly Russia and China, is simply that they have resisted western hegemony. That is enough for getting on the West’s naughty list. But why the increased pressure in recent years?

The reason is that Russia and China cannot be subjugated through bankruptcy and their assets harvested. They do not have much debt in western currencies which means that the people who own the West through debt do not currently own Russia and China (like they own the West and the indebted ‘third world’) and cannot acquire them through debt. The only way to acquire them is through regime change. Their governments must be weakened by any means, including economic sanctions and military means if necessary -thus the use of Ukraine as a battering ram for Russia and Taiwan for China.

Subjugating Russia and China is an existential issue for our Davos owners because when they take the western economy down, everything else must go down too. If the western economy is taken down and a large economic block doesn’t participate in the downfall, it will be a disaster for the West. The new block will gain massive economic power, and possibly unipolar hegemony of sorts, while the West descends into a feudal Dark Age and irrelevance. Therefore the entire world must go down for the Great Reset to work. Russia and China must be subjugated by any means, as well as India and other stubborn nations.

This is what has fueled the situation we now find ourselves in and will fuel the continuation of World War 3. The western owner-elites are going to war to keep their wealth and power. Everyone who resists must be subjugated so they can follow the West into the planned Great Reset Dark Age.

The reason for the current panic among western elites is that the Ukraine project isn’t going as planned. Instead of Russia being bled on the battlefield, it is Ukraine and the West that bleed. Instead of the Russian economy crashing resulting in Putin’s replacement by a Davos-compatible leader, it is the West’s economy that is crashing. Instead of Russia being isolated, it is the West that is being increasingly isolated. Noting is working, and to top it all off, Europe has given the Russians the means and motive to destroy the European economy by partly shutting down its industry. Without Russian resources, there is no European industry, and without industry, there are no taxes for paying for unemployment benefits, pensions, all the refugees, and pretty much everything else which holds European societies together. The Russians now have the ability to engineer an uncontrolled crash in Europe which is not what Davos planned. An uncontrolled crash might see Davos’s heads roll, literally, and that is causing fear and panic in elite circles. The only solution for them is to move on with World War 3 and hope for the best.

What to do

The Great Reset of the world economy is the direct cause of World War 3 – assuming that is what is going on. What can be done about this? From inside the West, little can be done. The only way is to somehow remove Davos from the equation, but that is most likely not going to happen for two reasons: The first one is that the Davos great resetters are too entwined in the western economy and politics. Davos is like an octopus with its arms and suckers inside every country’s elite circles, media, and government. They are too entrenched to be easily removed. The second reason is that the western population is too brainwashed and ignorant. The level of their brainwashing is such that a large part of them actually want to become poor – although they use the word ‘green’ for ‘poor’ because it sounds better. There are, however, some indications that there may be divisions within western elites. Some of them, particularly within the US, may be resisting the primarily Europe-designed Great Reset – but whether this opposition is real or effective remains to be seen.

However, outside the West, there are certain measures that can be taken and must be taken. Some of those measures are drastic and some of them are being done as we speak. Among the measures are the following:

  1. The Independents, led by Russia, China, and India, must create a block to isolate themselves from the radioactive West. This isolation must not only be economic, but also political and social. Their economic systems must be divorced from the West and made autonomous. Their cultures and history must be defended against western influences and revisionism. This process appears to be underway.

  2. The Independents must immediately ban all western sponsored institutions and NGOs in their countries, regardless of whether they are sponsored by western states or individuals. Furthermore, they must ban all media receiving western sponsorship and strip every school and university of western sponsorship and influence.

  3. They must leave all international institutions up to and possibly including the United Nations because all international bodies are controlled by the West. They must then replace them with new institutions within their block.

  4. They must, at some point, declare the dollar and the euro currencies non grata. That means that they should declare default on all debts denominated in these currencies, but not other debts. This will most likely come at a later stage but is inevitable.

This will create a situation where the West will descend into darkness without pulling others down with it – if we manage to escape the nuclear fire.

They ride on dolphins.


Now you might think that this is very amusing.

And that dolphins are so friendly and let others ride.


But dolphins like to eat octopuses.

And this one had no chance of getting away.

So he did the smart thing.


As long as he sits on the dolphin, the dolphin cannot eat him.


I have no idea how THAT turned out.

But he deserved to get away with it.


Ignoring the US ban, Dutch ASML delivered 23 lithography machines to China!


Well, duh! The only customer it has is China. When the United States just decided to make "pronouncements" on what companies, and nations can and cannot do, they did so with no consideration of the impact. ASML was facing bankruptcy if it obeyed the United States "sanctions".  So they went ahead and defied the USA. -MM
2022-08-27 13:34 HKT

Speaking of chips, there is a device that has to be mentioned, that is, a lithography machine.

When it comes to lithography machines, the Dutch company ASML is another name that has to be mentioned. Because it is the only one with the most advanced lithography machine in the world.

EUV lithography machines have always been regarded as indispensable equipment for advanced chips, and under the control of Americans, ASML cannot freely ship EUV lithography machines.

Who wants to buy?

Who do you sell to?

Without an American nod, ASML cannot sell a single lithography machine. ALl their customers are in China.

ASML was originally a Dutch company, but under the coercion and inducement of the United States, it had no choice but to move its headquarters to the United States.

And after the U.S. revised chip rules, even DUV lithography machines that produce mature chips have been restricted from shipping. Although DUV lithography machines produced in other countries can still be shipped normally.

However, DUV lithography machines produced in the United States are strictly prohibited from being sold to any country or company, especially China, without a license.

But in the first quarter of this year, ASML delivered a total of 23 DUV lithography machines to domestic manufacturers.

Although these DUV lithography machines are most likely manufactured in factories from non-US regions, but so many are delivered at once, is ASML really easy to explain on the American side?

The entry of 23 DUV lithography machines will obviously help the production of domestic chips. First of all, we can intuitively see that in the first half of this year, the number of imported chips in China decreased by 29 billion, which greatly reduced the dependence of Chinese enterprises on imported chips.

The United States is naturally unhappy, but ASML’s attitude this time is very tough.

They said that China is an important part of the global chip industry chain.

If cooperation with China is stopped, the world semiconductor supply chain will face the risk of disruption.

ASML is in a hurry and speaks very clearly. On the one hand, there is now a shortage of chips in the world, which has already affected the production of semiconductor equipment.

If China’s production capacity cannot be released, it is estimated that few in the world’s semiconductor industry will survive for another two years.



On the other hand, ASML itself is also facing a serious impact on the supply of raw materials, and it urgently needs to deepen its cooperation with China.

The production of lithography machines requires a raw material called “neon gas”. 20% of ASML’s neon gas comes from Russia and Ukraine, but due to local American law, ASML was “cut off” from this source of supply.

And it happens that China can provide neon gas, and the monthly output of domestic integrated circuits can exceed 30 billion, both of which are urgently needed by ASML.

Of course, there is another aspect, that is, ASML does not want the Chinese market to change from a big customer to a rival.

Just like Huawei did to Qualcomm before.

ASML does not want to force China out of the second ASML because of the selfish desires of the United States.

Now the EUV lithography machine is unique to itself, but who can guarantee the future?

Before the emergence of Kirin chips, did anyone think that China also has the ability to develop high-end chips?

You know, our localized semiconductor supply chain has made a lot of progress.

Domestic lithography machines now occupy the mainstream of the domestic market. Although the technology ceiling is definitely not as good as ASML, not all semiconductor equipment needs such good chips. The mainstream of the market is still dominated by mature process chips.

Therefore, for ASML, instead of being controlled by the United States and then disappearing into the so-called “price”, it is better to just face it, and maybe there is a way to survive.

Imagine That!


My ancestors hail from the Vologda region in the Russian North. When I visited my grandparents in summer, it usually took me a week to get used to their dialect of the Russian language.

Little did I know that a person from India who knows Sanskrit would need about that much time to understand the dialect without a translator.

A professor from India, who arrived in Vologda, almost immediately turned down his translator’s services. “I can understand Vologda dielect,” he said, “because they speak corrupted Sanskrit.”

It turns out, the entire area of Vologda is linked to Sanskrit and Indian culture.

The region is located at the confluence of the river Dvina (“divine, sacred” in Sanskrit) and its tributary Sukhona (“easy to cross” in Sanskrit). Other rivers with Sanskrit names in the region: Vel (border, riverbank); Valgu (nice lovely); Indu (a drop); Lal (play, overflow); Padma (flower of a water lily, lotus).

Vologda lace knitting is world famous. Little did I know that my female ancestors knitted Indian patterns.


Vologda ethnographer Svetlana Zharnikova accompanied an Indian folk band on a trip down the Sukhona river.

The head of the ensemble, Ms. Mihra, was shocked by the ornaments in Vologda national costumes. “These,” she would exclaim enthusiastically, “are native to Rajasthan, and this one is from Aris, and these ornaments are what we have in Bengal.”

It turned out that even the technology of embroidery of ornaments is called the same in the Vologda region and in India. Our craftswomen call embossed smooth surface “chekan”, and Indians call it “chikan”.

However, not just the Vologda dialect, but the Russian language sounds very similar to Sanskrit.


In the 1960s, the Indian specialist in Sanskrit Durga Prasad Shastri visited Russia. After two weeks, he told his translator Mr. Gusev, “Stop translating! I understand what you are saying. You are speaking here some altered form of Sanskrit!”

Having returned to India, he published an article on the similarities of the Russian and Sanskrit languages. Here is a quote from the article:

“If I were asked which two languages ​​of the world are most similar to each other, I would answer without any hesitation: Russian and Sanskrit. And not because some words are similar. Common words can be found in Latin, German, Sanskrit, Persian and Russian. What surprising is that the word structure, style, syntax and even grammar rules are too similar in the two languages to be a coincidence.

“When I was in Moscow, they gave me the keys to a room 234 at the hotel and said “dwesti tridsat chetire ”. In bewilderment, I could not understand whether I was in Moscow or in Benares two thousand years ago. In Sanskrit, 234 is “dwishata tridasha chatwari.”

Bal Gangadhar Tilak, the researcher of the origins of the Indians, published his book “The Arctic Home in the Vedas” in 1903.

According to Tilak, sacred books, the Vedas, written more than three thousand years ago, “tell about life of the distant ancestors near the Arctic Ocean. They describe endless summer days and winter nights, the North Star and the northern lights.”

Nike and Adidas are blaming COVID for low China sales, but the numbers don’t add up – SupChina

Note: the real reason is Chinese consumers turn away from the US firms due to their boycott of Xinjiang cotton, etc

Adidas has posted healthy revenue gains in its other combined markets in the first half of the year, but the company’s revenue in China dropped by 35% year-on-year, with net sales decreasing from $2.4 billion to $1.7 billion.

In the first quarter, Nike reported a 55% reduction in its earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) in China — from $691 million to $311 million.

Weak China numbers have prompted Adidas to cut its growth outlook for the rest of 2022. In the company’s latest earnings report, Adidas CEO Kasper Rørsted explained that the company’s recovery in the Chinese market was slower than expected because of COVID-related closures.

I say BULLSHIT. Stores are all open in China during the lockdowns, and severe lockdowns, for the most part last under ten days. -MM

In an earnings call on June 27, Nike’s Chief Financial Officer explained that the company’s reduced earnings followed the region’s most widespread COVID disruption since 2020, which impacted over 100 cities and over 60% of the company’s business in China.

But their Chinese counterparts seem to be weathering the lockdowns just fine. Li-Ning 李宁, one of China’s leading homegrown sportswear brands, posted 12.4 billion yuan ($1.8 billion) in revenue for the first half of 2022, a year-on-year increase of 21.7%. Anta 安踏 reported double digit sales growth in the first quarter of 2022, both for its flagship brand as well as the China-based subsidiary of the Italian FILA brand, which it owns. And Xtep 特步 reported a year-on year increase in revenue of over 35% in the second quarter.

On the sharp end of a ‘national tide’

Although it identified COVID as the main culprit, Adidas has acknowledged that it may need to get more in touch with Chinese consumers. In an interview with the German business newspaper Handelsblatt, CEO Rørsted conceded that Adidas had failed to sufficiently understand the Chinese market.

Following Rørsted’s comments, the topic “Adidas CEO admits to making mistakes in China” (#阿迪CEO承认在中国犯了错误#) began trending on Weibo, China’s Twitter-like social media platform. Major media like the nationalistic website picked up the hashtag, garnering thousands of likes and leading hundreds of Chinese netizens to pile on in the comments, many of whom saw Adidas’ difficulties in China as directly tied to its past statements about avoiding the use of cotton from Xinjiang.

Nike and Adidas were both the targets of a boycott campaign in China in April 2021, led by state media, after they announced they would avoid using cotton sourced in Xinjiang due to allegations of forced labor in the region. This caused a surge in demand for sportswear produced by domestic companies amid a burst of nationalism from Chinese consumers.

While the boycott and social media criticism of Western brands eventually faded, they are clearly still suffering from residual negative sentiment in China. This will flare up during bouts of intense nationalism, such as U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s recent visit to Taiwan. Western brands’ popularity is likely to wane amid the “national tide” or “national fashion” — (国潮 guócháo), which emphasizes Chinese culture and support for domestic businesses. Over the longer term, guochao may only become more prominent given its popularity among China’s youth.

Quality and price

There are certain steps Western sportswear companies can take to try and bring their China sales back up to where they once were, according to Allison Malmsten, Marketing Director at Daxue Consulting, a Shanghai-based market research and consulting firm. “First, they have to show that they are willing to localize more, perhaps by working with local brands, athletes, and designers,” she told SupChina. “They should also be leveraging digital strategies and engaging with the community more.”

“Second, they cannot allow their quality to decline,” Malmsten added, explaining that some Chinese netizens have complained that the quality of Adidas’ products has slipped since they moved production from China to Vietnam over the last decade.

Other factors besides nationalism and a failure to localize are likely at play in Nike and Adidas’ struggles in China. The country’s economy is suffering due to a variety of factors, from a collapsing housing bubble to record youth unemployment and a rural banking crisis. As financial woes mount, Chinese consumers may simply be opting to buy fewer expensive Western brands when local competitors offer similar products at cheaper prices. Although the Chinese brands have plenty of high-end products, they also sell a greater range of low-cost items.

Amid an economic downturn and a rise in nationalism that may be generational, the easy money may be over for Nike and Adidas in China.

Chinese Tomato Egg-Drop soup


Bowls of tomato egg drop soup are commonly seen on tables in Chinese households, especially in the summertime when tomatoes are plentiful.

Tomatoes and eggs just go together, and many food cultures know it. Just think of Shakshuka in the Middle East, “Eggs in Purgatory” in Southern Italy, and another Chinese classic, stir-fried tomato and eggs.

If the thought of making soup in the middle of summer has you scratching your head, read on!


Tomato Egg Drop Soup: A Summer Staple

Having soup in the summer is unthinkable to many. But if you let me take you back to the many hot summers I spent in Shanghai, you’ll find out why people in those days did exactly that.  

Summers in Shanghai can be hot and humid. Before the age of A/C, the only relief from the heat might be an occasional splurge on a red bean ice pop, a palm fan, cold mung bean soup (there is that “soup” word again), a cup of cool water, or some melon. 

In the narrow alleys of densely populated, low residential buildings, there was not a leaf or patch of grass to be found. We had to pour water on the building walls to cool them down towards the end of the day, because by then, it was a lot cooler outside than inside.

Most families ate outside, and some kids even slept outside on makeshift beds. We all had a soup on the dining table, rotating from tomato egg drop soup (most popular) to tomato potato soup, and potato with xian cai (Chinese preserved mustard greens). Soups were usually made in late morning and allowed to cool for lunch and dinner.

These soups replenished our bodies with water and salt (along with vitamins and protein), and since the heat meant lower appetites, it was easier to eat.

Serve Hot or At Room Temperature

When we ate this soup in the old days, it was served at room temperature, rather than piping hot.

That said, serve this soup at whatever your preferred temperature is. Now that I can sit in comfortable air conditioning, I’ll serve it warm or hot.

It doesn’t get much simpler than this recipe, but the flavors are really delicious. The eggs in chicken stock create a rich flavor that contrasts with the tart tomatoes. Scallions and cilantro can be added for brightness, and you have a soup that’s the perfect accompaniment to any meal.

Tomato Egg Drop Soup Recipe Instructions


Heat 2 tablespoons oil in a soup pot or wok over medium low heat. Add the tomato chunks and stir-fry for 5 minutes until the tomatoes are softened and start to fall apart. 


Add in 1 cup chicken stock, 2 cups water, 2 teaspoons light soy sauce, 1/2 teaspoon sesame oil, 1/4 teaspoon ground white pepper and salt to taste.


Bring to a boil, and then lower the heat so that the soup is simmering with the lid on.


Now quickly beat the egg in a small bowl and prepare the cornstarch slurry in a separate bowl.

Use a ladle to slowly swirl the soup in a whirlpool motion. Keep swirling as you pour in the cornstarch slurry until well incorporated.


Now pour a thin stream of egg into the middle of the whirlpool as you slowly swirl the soup. This is how you get that pretty egg drop effect.


Serve hot or at room temperature. Ladle the soup into bowls and garnish with chopped scallions and cilantro, if using.



Cheers as Liz Truss says she’s ready to press nuclear button and unleash ‘global annihilation’

Article HERE

Liz Truss has said she would be “ready” to use the UK’s nuclear arsenal if she was to become prime minister.

The Tory leadership frontrunner said she would be willing to press the nuclear button, even if it meant “global annihilation”.

Speaking at a hustings event in Birmingham, Truss spoke with Times Radio host John Pienaar, who said it would make him feel “physically sick” if he was faced with the decision.

Truss said the duty was an “important duty of the prime minister”, and received a round of applause after saying she would have no problem ordering the use of the UK’s nuclear arsenal if necessary.

Pienaar told her: “One of the first things that will happen when and if you become prime minister, you’ll be ushered into a room, a very private room at Number 10, and there will be laid out in front of you what are called the letters of last resort.”

Visiting India was my entire “bucket list.”

By the time I reached 60 years old, I abandoned any dream of seeing India.

In 2014, we were among 15,000 people stuck at the Dallas airport overnight, due to cancellations, trying to get home to Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA. We were in line to speak with a customer service person when I noticed a young Indian woman behind me, looking quite concerned and anxious. I struck up a conversation with her and learned that she was an astronomer visiting the U.S. for the first time and scheduled to give a talk at the VLA (“Very Large Array”) the following afternoon.

We took her under our wing. That evening, we gave her the only cot we could find so that she could sleep comfortably. Though American Airlines said she couldn’t fly out until the next evening, my wife complained repeatedly and got her a flight the next morning. When my wife managed to get a second seat on that flight, she insisted that I accompany the young woman to be sure she got to NM safely (My wife got a flight an hour later).


After dropping her off with the people who were waiting for her, I gave her a big hug and told this awesome young woman, whom we had come to know pretty well by now, “My family just grew by one.” The three of us became Facebook friends. The former head of the VLA arranged a ‘professional tour’ of the VLA and took us to dinner to thank us. The young Indian woman visited our home before leaving New Mexico. She began referring to us as her “American parents.”

By the end of 2014, she announced her marriage engagement and requested that her “American parents” attend her March 2015 wedding in Kolkata, India. Not as guests, but as part of her wedding party! We flew to India. Her family put us up in a “service apartment” and delivered homemade food daily.

After a week in Kolkata (formerly Calcutta) for this memorable wedding, we flew to Jaipur for a week and then nearly a week in Delhi. I finally got to visit India… all because I helped a stranded young lady at an airport.


Two Indian Quora friends wanted to hear all about our trip to India so, two days after we returned, I wrote a modest travelogue with photos.

By the end of 2015, more than 100,000 Indians read what I wrote! (Today, that number has grown to nearly 700,000!) Since then, my “international family” has grown. I have made many close online friends in India …mostly young people through Quora and Facebook. They are Hindu, Muslim, Sindhi, Sikh, and Jain. In most cases, our early interactions involved discussing differences in cultures and religion. Eventually, some of them began sharing their lives and situations and asking for my advice. I did my very best to help. They began calling me “Baapu”, “Baba”, “Touji”, “Papa Rick”, “Dad” and “Angel Paa” (Her dad is “Paa”… I’m “Angel Paa”) <3.

In 2017, we returned to India for 33 days. More than a dozen of my “unofficially-adopted” Indian sons and daughters insisted that we stay in their homes. We wound up staying with five of them in Jaipur, Kota, Ujjain, Indore, and Amravati. They are the sons and daughters of my heart. I tell my American friends that we were not in India as tourists this time… we were there to meet family.

When I retired and wrote, “MiXED NUTS or What I’ve Learned Practicing Psychotherapy” I was pretty much convinced that it would be my fourth and last book. Then this whole connection with India and young Indians happened. The story took too long to tell verbally or in a blog so, in 2018, I wrote a book describing this entire experience, including what it was like to meet and spend a week with each of five Indian families. Released internationally in February 2018, it’s called, “American Baapu: India Through My Eyes”. I even found an Indian publisher so that Indians could buy copies they could afford. This was important because that book is my “love letter” to the people of India.


When I was writing, “American Baapu”, I was faced with the problem of who would write the Foreword of my book. The Foreword is where an expert tells the readers something positive about the author including why they should read the book. Where would I find an “expert” on such an experience? One of my Indian “daughters” suggested that she and the others could each write why they call me “Baapu”, “Angel Paa”, “Dad”, etc. After much thought, I agreed and that became the Foreword of my book. Eight young people in India wrote personal reflections that still make me teary.

UPDATE: We returned to India in early 2019! This time, our seven-week itinerary included Bangalore, Pune, Indore, Ujjain, Jaipur, Aurangabad, and Delhi. Same arrangement. In most cases, staying with people who have become our family and who have made us a part of their family. <3

Aurangabad was a surprise. I had no idea it had such a large Muslim population. Our “international family” grew. The Muslims of India are just Indians who attend a different church. We found the same warmth and inclusiveness we got from our Hindu families. I even returned home with five topis! (Muslim caps).

That little travelogue I wrote online in 2015 has now been read by more than 700,000 Indians! I drum for two kirtan bands in Santa Fe. I put contemporary, danceable, western-style rhythms to traditional kirtan music wearing an Indian kurta or a Modi jacket, most of which were gifts from my Indian sons and daughters.

We helped a young woman stranded in an airport… something anyone might have done. As a result, I fulfilled my lifelong dream of visiting India and my family continues to grow with each passing month.

For a sample chapter of ”American Baapu” join my Quora blog/space at:
India Through My Eyes


Lines are being created, and the world splits in two halves

The world has split, and the rest of the world is just starting to recognize it. The United States is “punting”. A world War III would end the United States, so a “cold war” of isolation is being set in motion. Stand by.

Let’s go through the “news”…


Then I made it my life’s mission to make her miserable. I am a volunteer firefighter and paramedic. I was signed up to cover a shift, but instead of waiting at the fire station, I brought the paramedic fly car home with me. You know, so I could selfishly be home, in my own house. with my family, while I did what would otherwise be a $50,000 a year job for free. The fly car in question looked kind of like this:


It is a fire-engine-red SUV, with the fire dept name and PARAMEDIC ADVANCED LIFE SUPPORT on it. It has a “Star of life” in the windows, and the heart rhythm going down the stripe. It has 911 painted on it, and it has “GOVT EXEMPT” license plates, too.

My dipshit neighbor, who was the ultimate definition of “a Karen,” even though her name is Debbie, called not just the HOA, but the POLICE. You are not allowed to have a commercial vehicle with lettering in your driveway after six pm. I told the HOA guy, that’s not a Commercial Vehicle, that’s a GOVERNMENT vehicle, an EMERGENCY VEHICLE, and it can be anywhere it needs to be, and until 8 a.m., it needs to be at my house unless somebody in this town does something that begins with, “Hey y’all watch this!” before then. I showed the HOA guy the GOVT EXEMPT plates, and then the cops basically told them the same thing.

Well she kept pushing…. and pushing…. Calling the police chief, the fire chief, the captain of EMS (GEE, WONDER WHO HE WAS, YOU DIDNT NOTICE THE LAST NAME????). Eventually the fire district lawyer firmly put his foot down, making it clear that anyone authorized to be in possession of a district vehicle can take them anywhere in the district for any purpose at any time, and anything other than quiet acceptance of this constitutes “Interference with governmental administration” and/or “obstruction of a public safety official.”

She fumed and bitched and passed around petitions. It was hilarious because the OTHER neighbors kind of dig the idea that a paramedic response is like a minute and a half away. Like when the guy across the street had his heart attack, I was literally “On Scene” before the tones went out, because the teenage kids ran and fetched me while the mom was calling 911.

She just did not seem to get it, “What, is he above the law?” YES.

“So what you’re saying is the law doesn’t apply to him?” YES.

God you’re finally getting it, you’re not nearly as stupid as you look, Debbie. LOL

But now that I knew it bothered good ole Debbie so much, and because she persisted in giving me the stink eye, I decided to be a total prick and sign out the fly car whenever it was not otherwise covered. I also enacted an “open house” policy for any other emergency personnel.

Any time, day or night, if the lighted Dalmation is on the porch, come on by for coffee and a snack. Just park whatever you are driving – Engine 302, Ladder 305, Rescue 308, ya’ll come on down. I have coffee, and popcorn, and little pizza snacks, and Backdraft, Ladder 49, AND Bringing out the Dead. Look, guys, I have the ENTIRE “Emergency!” DVD box set – all six seasons. 122 episodes of Roy and Jonny and the adventures of Engine 51.

She was sooooooo pissed.

European Natural Gas Prices Are 6 Times Higher Than Last Year, And This Is Sparking Widespread Civil Unrest All Over Europe


This is going to be a bitterly cold winter for a whole lot of people.  In particular, things are likely to get really uncomfortable in Europe.  Soaring energy prices and concern about potential shortages are causing anxiety all over the continent, and widespread protests have already started to take place.  The cost of living has become extremely painful for those on the bottom of the economic food chain, and people want their governments to do something.  Of course this is what always happens when nations embrace socialism.  There is an expectation that those in charge will solve any and every problem, but this time around the limitations of the socialists running Europe will become very clear.

Thanks to the war in Ukraine and a number of other factors, the price of natural gas in Europe is now approximately six times higher than it was last year…

European natural gas prices are taking a breather amid further signs that soaring energy costs are crippling economic output, heaping pressure on politicians to resolve the crisis with winter just a few months away.

Benchmark futures retreated after settling at a record high on Monday. Prices are still about six times higher than they were at this time last year, with the panic spreading across nations ahead of peak winter demand.

Needless to say, many in Europe are being completely stunned by the size of their energy bills, and a massive backlash has been brewing.

In fact, we are already starting to see very large protests in a number of different countries

British grassroots group “Don’t Pay UK” is calling for people to boycott energy bills from Oct. 1, while the trade union-backed “Enough is Enough” campaign kicked off a series of rallies and actions in mid-August calling for pay rises, rent caps, cheaper energy and food, and taxes on the rich.

A worsening cost-of-living crisis across Europe has already seen workers in France, Spain and Belgium go out on strike in the public transport, health and aviation sectors, pushing for higher wages to help them cope with rocketing inflation.

But this is just the beginning.

As supplies get even tighter this winter, energy costs are only going to go higher.

And a lot of officials in Europe are extremely concerned about the potential for shortages and blackouts.

Even now, this energy crisis is forcing some big companies to significantly curtail activity

The list of industries that are curbing output is growing. Poland’s biggest chemicals company, Grupa Azoty SA, has stopped making some of its key products and trimmed production of ammonia because of record gas prices, it said in a statement on Tuesday.

Unless the war in Ukraine comes to a speedy conclusion, this crisis is not going away any time soon.

So the people of Europe are going to be asked to make additional sacrifices in the months ahead.  This week, French President Emmanuel Macron actually used the phrase “end of abundance” to describe what citizens of his country would soon be facing…

Emmanuel Macron has warned the French they are facing sacrifices and what he called the “end of abundance”, at his government’s first cabinet meeting after the summer holidays.

The president, speaking before ministers at the Élysée, said the country was at a “tipping point” and faced a difficult winter and a new era of instability caused by climate change and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Based on the anger that we are already witnessing, I don’t think that the people of Europe are going to handle the “end of abundance” too well.

Meanwhile, energy prices in the U.S. continue to skyrocket as well.  At this point, the price of natural gas in the U.S. has risen more than 150 percent in 2022…

U.S. natural gas prices briefly hurdled $10 per million British thermal units (BTUs) on Tuesday, the highest since 2008. They are up more than 150% this year.

Approximately half the population uses natural gas to heat their homes.

So this is really troubling news.

Energy bills in this country are going to be absolutely obscene this winter, and we have already reached a point where about one out of every 6 of us are behind on our power bills

At least 20 million households — or about 1 in 6 American homes — are behind on their power bills as soaring electricity prices spark what is said to be the worst-ever crisis in late utility payments, according to Bloomberg, citing data from the National Energy Assistance Directors Association (Neada).

Neada said electricity prices had increased significantly since 2020 after a decade of stagnation. The steep rise has resulted in billions of dollars in overdue power bills.

In state after state, the percentage of customers that are behind on their energy bills just continues to go higher and higher.  Here are a couple of examples

California’s PG&E Corp. has seen a more than 40% jump since February 2020 in the number of residential customers behind on payments. For New Jersey’s Public Service Enterprise Group, the total is up more than 30% for customers at least 90 days late—and that’s just since March.

If things are this bad already, what will the numbers look like if energy bills go up another 50 percent or more this winter?

We are being warned that a “tsunami of shutoffs” is coming, and that is not an exaggeration at all.

In both the United States and Europe, there are going to be millions upon millions of people that cannot afford to heat their homes.

And when there are vast numbers of people that cannot even afford to pay for the essentials, that is a recipe for civil unrest.

According to one professor that tracks these things, we have already seen approximately 10,000 protests of an economic nature around the world since last November

Whichever route they choose, the coming winter is set to be plagued by social unrest, warned Naomi Hossain, a professor of development politics at the American University in Washington D.C. who is studying energy, fuel and food riots.

At a conservative estimate, 10,000 such protests have taken place worldwide since last November, she told the Thomson Reuters Foundation – with more expected in an uncertain future.

For years, I have been relentlessly warning that unprecedented civil unrest would be coming.

Now it is here, and it is only going to get worse.

I would very much encourage you to do what you can to become more independent from the power grid.

Energy bills are headed to heights that would have once been unimaginable, and this is going to cause excruciating pain all over the western world.

President of Belarus Announces “We have nuclear weapons”

The President of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, announced today that the Su-24 fighter jets that his country has, have been modified to carry nuclear weapons.

According to information, however, Belarus did not PREVIOUSLY have operational Su-24s or nuclear warheads.

This means that Moscow has delivered nuclear bombs to Minsk.

Lukashenko also added that Minsk will react immediately if the West causes any problems.

This move coincides with Putin’s plan: Belarus will enter the war against Ukraine and further tighten the situation in the Suwalki Corridor on the way to Kaliningrad and the Baltic.

If the Poles attempt to block the Belarusian forces on the way to Ukraine, specifically to Lviv and Kyiv, then the use of tactical nuclear weapons will follow.

“Nothing will save you”

Lukashenko said he had agreed to modernize Belarus’ military aircraft with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Belarusian news agency Belta reported.

“They must understand that if they provoke an escalation, neither helicopters nor planes will save them,” Lukashenko was quoted as saying.

“Everything is ready,” he said, referring to work on modifying military aircraft to be able to carry nuclear weapons.

“It is not a good idea to escalate things with Belarus because this could be an escalation with the Union State (of Russia and Belarus) which has nuclear weapons.

If they start creating problems … the response will be immediate ,” the Belarusian president said.

Nebby Neighbors

We own a home on the water in WA state. It includes ownership of the tidelands in front of the property out to the low low tide mark. One day my mother in law was out on the beach digging clams. She is a non English speaking Asian woman and is dressed similar to this:


After half an hour she comes up and talks to my wife and says the neighbor guy who has always been a grumpy old cuss has been yelling at her saying she can’t dig clams here. My wife went down with her to resume digging. He comes charging out onto my tidelands and demands they stop and to see fishing licenses. He says he was a retired Fish and Game officer and that he was going to call F&G and report them. The wife is upset but just ignores him so he stalks off to his house and they continue to collect the tasty bivalves.

I got home a short while later and am there a few minutes when I hear a knock the door. I answer and a F&G warden is standing on my porch. I ask what’s up. He says he has a report of illegal shell fishing on the beach. I call the wife and MIL up and ask what is going on. They tell of their encounter with Mr. Grumpy pants including his claim to have been a F&G warden. The F&G officer asks the key question “ Is this your property?” Yes. “ Do you own the tide lands?” Yes.

Thank you very much, because you own the tidelands all the shellfish in the tidelands belong to you and no license is required to harvest them. Sorry to bother you. He then walks next door and proceeds to read the riot act to my neighbor including threatening to haul him in for impersonating a State official. Never had another issue with the old cuss.

The last laugh is the best laugh.

Bacon, Chile and Cream Cheese-Stuffed Chicken Breasts

Jalapeño poppers are the inspiration for these addictive, crispy baked chicken breasts.

Bacon, Chile and Cream Cheese-Stuffed Chicken Breasts


  • 2 slices bacon, chopped
  • 1/2 cup finely chopped onion
  • 1 poblano chile, cored, seeded and diced
  • 4 oz cream cheese, softened
  • 1/2 cup shredded Monterey Jack cheese (2 oz)
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper
  • 4 boneless skinless chicken breasts (6 to 8 oz each)
  • 1/4 cup butter, melted
  • 1 cup Progresso™ plain panko crispy bread crumbs





New Capital City for Egypt

Note: China has being cashing her US dollar treasury debt to help the developing countries across the world. A new world order with mutual destiny, mutual respect, and win win culture are slowlying spreading. The world is in the process of winning back their freedom from the crusaders bullying, looting, bombing and control.

Below from CNN:

Egypt’s new capital city moved a step closer to reality with the announcement that Chinese developers will largely fund the megaproject.

The China Fortune Land Development Company (CFLD) agreed to provide $20 billion for the currently unnamed city, after a meeting between heads of the firm and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El Sisi. This follows a previous commitment of $15 billion from another Chinese state-owned company, bringing the project close to its $45 billion budget requirements for phase I.

Egypt is getting a new capital — courtesy of China – CNN Style

New Nuclear Power Plant for Egypt

South Korea signs US$2.25 billion deal with Russian nuclear energy company | South China Morning Post

  • Nation has contract with Russian state-run firm to provide components and construct turbine building for Egypt’s first nuclear power plant
  • South Korea said US was consulted, and technologies supplied by Seoul would not clash with international sanctions against Moscow over war


Saved Kitty

When I was living with my ex girlfriend she heard a coworker basically bragging that she was surrendering her 1.5 year old cat to be put down because he was “stupid, hyper and destructive “ she told me and the following morning we went on a rescue mission and came home with this poor scared underweight cat (he was just under 9 pounds) you could see his rib cage and spine.

To be killed.

its been just over two years and I am no longer with that woman who convinced me to drive myself to this cats rescue. He was given a fresh chance at life. He is now a happy and healthy 13 lbs 3 year old mackerel tabby. And he is my best friend. I am so close with and love this rescue cat that I cannot fathom not knowing that hes in my room as I go to bed.

Rescued and alive and well.

New York Sees Sharpest Drop in Life Expectancy in the US

“New data released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Tuesday showed New York experienced the largest drop in life expectancy in the nation for its residents in 2020.

The life expectancy for New Yorkers dropped by 3% from an average age of 80.7 in 2019 to 77.7 in 2020.

The shocking 3-year drop represented the sharpest decrease between the years out of all 50 states and the District of Columbia, according to the CDC’s new National Vital Statistics Report.

On the opposite side of the spectrum, Hawaii saw the smallest decline in life expectancy in 2020 – just .2% from 80.9 years to 80.7 years.”

The Disposable Cigarette Lighter as an insight into manufacturing

Many people have no idea about modern manufacturing.

有什么廉价但是技术含量很高的东西? – 知乎

This link is a Zhihu answer about “What is something cheap but also contains quite some technologies?”

The answer says “disposable lighter”.


Retailing price 1~2 RMB (0.16~0.3 USD) each, whole selling price 0.2~0.5 RMB (0.03~0.08 USD) each.


  • is a small pressure container, which contains liquid butane under 0.25Mpa pressure.
  • has a small piece of piezoelectric ceramic which could generate 6000V and several microamp of current.
  • flame is about 1300 degress at the outter layer of the flame.
  • contains about 20 compartments.
  • is made through over 10 process and dozens of equipments are involved.
  • is easy to use, even for kids. (but keep them away from kids)
  • is reliable, and usually could keep functioning till the gas is out.
  • is adjustable on the flame length, from 1 cm to over 10 cm.
  • fulfills almost all requirements.
  • is designed by considering calculations of phase transition, gas spread, burning conditions, flame control, etc.
  • costs almost nothing.

Such a lighter in the west usually costs 1 USD or even more. So what’s the secret about keeping it low priced? Not forced labor, because America has too many prisoners as forced labors.

It’s delicate designing and full supply chain coverage.

In 80’s, Japanese and Taiwanese could make much better disposable lighters, and that’s how they were trying to do in mainland China. They brought their design, invested their factories, and produced their product. However, a disposable lighter doesn’t need to last for years, but only long enough till the gas being used.

To lower the cost, mainland factories began to alter the design and look for a better solution. It’s not just lowering every spec, that would cause massive lawsuits. It was to minimize the cost, while still maintain over 3000 times lighting and 2 minutes continued burning period. People use such a lighter mostly for a cigarette, 99% of the time it would be missing before being totally used out, and no one would light a cigarette for over 2 minutes.


A lighter has plastic, metal, chemical, and some other materials. So it would be unwise for a factory to produce them on itself. It requires several partners to focus on making one or several parts, just to reduces the cost and stablize the quality.

To support all the factories, local government must maintain a steady environment, such as water, electricity, and education, since educated and skilled workers are needed to operate machines.

Local government also needs to ensure a long period policy.

To move all the parts into the final assembally factory, it requires a functional logistics network, which is supplied by massive infrastructure investment, fast truck repairing, and a active logistics market.

Last but not least, steel plants are needed for metal parts, refinaries are needed for the gas, etc.

Behind a cheap lighter, there is a whole industrialized country.

If you think about this question again, just exactly which country has the ability to take over China’s role?

I mean the US is still the leading country in high-end technology research and product manufacturing, but what only counts a small part of the whole manufacturing industry.

Robots would solve some of the educated labor issue, but that’s not everything manufacturing industry needs. Educated people, strong infratructure, stable policy, fuctional logistics, supply chains.

Many probably don’t know that many so called “moved to Vietnam” business still require parts imported from China.

New York Governor Tells Trump Supporters “Leave the State”

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul, a Democrat, took aim at GOP gubernatorial nominee Rep. Lee Zeldin, saying he and other supporters of former President Donald Trump should leave the state.

Gov. Kathy Hochul sparked controversy Monday night by saying “Trump and Zeldin and Molinaro — just jump on a bus and head down to Florida where you belong. OK?

Get out of town. Because you don’t represent our values”



Kathleen Hochul is an American lawyer and politician serving as the 57th governor of New York since August 24, 2021. A member of the Democratic Party, she is New York’s first female governor, as well as the first governor from upstate New York since the 1930s.

The West’s Dangerously Simple-Minded Narrative About Russia and China


The world is on the edge of nuclear catastrophe in no small part because of the failure of Western political leaders to be forthright about the causes of the escalating global conflicts. The relentless Western narrative that the West is noble while Russia and China are evil is simple-minded and extraordinarily dangerous. It is an attempt to manipulate public opinion, not to deal with very real and pressing diplomacy.

Europe should reflect on the fact that the non-enlargement of NATO and the implementation of the Minsk II agreements would have averted this awful war in Ukraine.

The essential narrative of the West is built into US national security strategy. The core US idea is that China and Russia are implacable foes that are “attempting to erode American security and prosperity.” These countries are, according to the US, “determined to make economies less free and less fair, to grow their militaries, and to control information and data to repress their societies and expand their influence.”

The irony is that since 1980 the US has been in at least 15 overseas wars of choice (Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Panama, Serbia, Syria, and Yemen just to name a few), while China has been in none, and Russia only in one (Syria) beyond the former Soviet Union. The US has military bases in 85 countries, China in 3, and Russia in 1 (Syria) beyond the former Soviet Union.

President Joe Biden has promoted this narrative, declaring that the greatest challenge of our time is the competition with the autocracies, which “seek to advance their own power, export and expand their influence around the world, and justify their repressive policies and practices as a more efficient way to address today’s challenges.” US security strategy is not the work of any single US president but of the US security establishment, which is largely autonomous, and operates behind a wall of secrecy.

The overwrought fear of China and Russia is sold to a Western public through manipulation of the facts. A generation earlier George W. Bush, Jr. sold the public on the idea that America’s greatest threat was Islamic fundamentalism, without mentioning that it was the CIA, with Saudi Arabia and other countries, that had created, funded, and deployed the jihadists in Afghanistan, Syria, and elsewhere to fight America’s wars.

Or consider the Soviet Union’s invasion of Afghanistan in 1980, which was painted in the Western media as an act of unprovoked perfidy. Years later, we learned that the Soviet invasion was actually preceded by a CIA operation designed to provoke the Soviet invasion! The same misinformation occurred vis-à-vis Syria. The Western press is filled with recriminations against Putin’s military assistance to Syria’s Bashar al-Assad beginning in 2015, without mentioning that the US supported the overthrow of al-Assad beginning in 2011, with the CIA funding a major operation (Timber Sycamore) to overthrow Assad years before Russia arrived.

Or more recently, when US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi recklessly flew to Taiwan despite China’s warnings, no G7 foreign minister criticized Pelosi’s provocation, yet the G7 ministers together harshly criticized China’s “overreaction” to Pelosi’s trip.

The Western narrative about the Ukraine war is that it is an unprovoked attack by Putin in the quest to recreate the Russian empire. Yet the real history starts with the Western promise to Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev that NATO would not enlarge to the East, followed by four waves of NATO aggrandizement: in 1999, incorporating three Central European countries; in 2004, incorporating 7 more, including in the Black Sea and Baltic States; in 2008, committing to enlarge to Ukraine and Georgia; and in 2022, inviting four Asia-Pacific leaders to NATO to take aim at China.

Nor do the Western media mention the US role in the 2014 overthrow of Ukraine’s pro-Russian president Viktor Yanukovych; the failure of the Governments of France and Germany, guarantors of the Minsk II agreement, to press Ukraine to carry out its commitments; the vast US armaments sent to Ukraine during the Trump and Biden Administrations in the lead-up to war; nor the refusal of the US to negotiate with Putin over NATO enlargement to Ukraine.

Of course, NATO says that is purely defensive, so that Putin should have nothing to fear. In other words, Putin should take no notice of the CIA operations in Afghanistan and Syria; the NATO bombing of Serbia in 1999; the NATO overthrow of Moammar Qaddafi in 2011; the NATO occupation of Afghanistan for 15 years; nor Biden’s “gaffe” calling for Putin’s ouster (which of course was no gaffe at all); nor US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin stating that the US war aim in Ukraine is the weakening of Russia.

At the core of all of this is the US attempt to remain the world’s hegemonic power, by augmenting military alliances around the world to contain or defeat China and Russia. It’s a dangerous, delusional, and outmoded idea. The US has a mere 4.2% of the world population, and now a mere 16% of world GDP (measured at international prices). In fact, the combined GDP of the G7 is now less than that of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa), while the G7 population is just 6 percent of the world compared with 41 percent in the BRICS.

There is only one country whose self-declared fantasy is to be the world’s dominant power: the US. It’s past time that the US recognized the true sources of security: internal social cohesion and responsible cooperation with the rest of the world, rather than the illusion of hegemony. With such a revised foreign policy, the US and its allies would avoid war with China and Russia, and enable the world to face its myriad environment, energy, food and social crises.

Above all, at this time of extreme danger, European leaders should pursue the true source of European security: not US hegemony, but European security arrangements that respect the legitimate security interests of all European nations, certainly including Ukraine, but also including Russia, which continues to resist NATO enlargements into the Black Sea. Europe should reflect on the fact that the non-enlargement of NATO and the implementation of the Minsk II agreements would have averted this awful war in Ukraine. At this stage, diplomacy, not military escalation, is the true path to European and global security.

When things go wrong

The worst year of my life… 2008

  • I was developing a 72 unit condo in a vacation area


  • With a huge pool at the roof top
  • Everything was done
  • Building permits
  • Financing
  • Marketing
  • Even pre-sales
  • I was happy

Then… while we were at the peak of our sales season

A Category 2 Hurricane passed through the vacation area


  • Complete devastation

The area was without power for several weeks

We lost a few pre-sales

  • As if things couldn’t get any worse


  • The 2008 Financial Meltdown destroyed my dream…
    • Took 100% of my investment money… lost everything
    • Took almost 3 years of my life invested into this project
    • Took my investors trust
    • Took my friends for money issues
    • Took my reputation
    • Took my pride
    • Took my joy

The entrepreneurial life is not easy.

But this didn’t stop me.

Strangely… this is a way of life.

I can’t quit… I won’t quit.


As an entrepreneur… don’t expect one problem

I should add:

  • Tough Finances
  • Family Sacrifices
  • Depression and getting back up
  • Misunderstood and called crazy
  • Pains of failure
  • Execution problems
  • Bad partnerships
  • Deceived, tricked, robbed, backstabbed
  • etc… etc… etc…

  • “What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger”

Raising a little girl

My daughter was being bullied in high school by a few other girls. More than once they ganged up on her, slapped her around, embarrassed her. The school wouldn’t do anything but make excuses. So during summer break between her freshman/sophomore year I got her outside and taught her how to box. Gloves, punching bag, jumprope, the works.

To be honest, I really didn’t technically teach her how to box. I showed her how to get her wind up, keep her chin down, and taught her how to hit. How to punch through, to counter punch, and put together combinations. Put her shoulder behind it, and her hip into it.. And she done well. Before summer was over I had the bruises to prove it.

Now, don’t get the wrong idea. I told her to walk away when she could. I made her promise. But if she found herself jammed up, don’t just stand there and let herself get beat up.

Well, once school started it was only a few weeks before the phone rang. They told me my daughter was alright. Then right away, off to the principal’s office I went. The same three girls had jumped on her again in one of the bathrooms. When I got there the first thing I saw was two girls sitting in the outer office wearing bloody clothes. The secretary showed me right into the principal’s office, and there sat my daughter without a scratch on her. The story was she whipped two of them and the third girl ran away.

So we got through all of that, warning about this, threats of suspension if it happens again, blah, blah. About halfway through the school year, and my phone rings again. This time it’s my wife. The school called, my little girl’s been fighting again.

Her best friend is a gorgeous sweet heart of a young girl, whose only physical flaw is she had been a breach birth. It damaged her hips, and she walks with a severe limp. They were in the school cafeteria and a couple boys were picking on my daughter’s friend. Apparently it was more than she could stand, because my little girl got up and beat the snot out of both of those boys before anybody could stop her. Then when I got to the school there they sat, in the same spot, bloodied up worse than the girls before. Now she had started beating up the boys, two at a time. After the dust settled she was suspended from school for three days.

I don’t regret teaching her to defend herself, and if I encouraged her that’s alright too. Since she was in the right (mostly) I took her side just as I promised I would. We left the school and had pizza buffet for lunch, I wasn’t angry.

I’ll tell you what though, don’t think that girl can’t hit. But maybe I should have taught her how to wrestle instead.

Troop Notification – Fort Campbell, KY

The Hal Turner Radio Show received an email overnight which read as follows:

Son in law just got the call.
He's army ranger airborne copter munitions specialist.

All hands on deck.
Deployment ASAP.

Getting even against bullies

Oh this one is going to be good, the story of sweet, sweet revenge 🙂


I used to train skiing and there was one guy that was sort of bullying everyone. Since he was a lot taller and bigger nobody really fought back, and every time he tried made it look like a joke while really humiliating the victim.

One day we were sitting in a large dining hall eating, when he decided it would be fun to try to push my head in the bowl of pasta bolognese.

Now, he did it just enough to keep my head really close without me really touching the food.

While this was happening I looked him in the eyes and said “watch this mother******” , and I put my head into the bowl of pasta covering my full face and started complaining loudly so that the trainer heard me.

This was the point when he knew he was done.

The trainer ran over, and immediately started screaming at him. He then called his parents to come to pick him up, but… but…

But not before he had the worst training of his life, including 15km run, up hill sprints, push ups etc.

And it lasted for as long as he didn’t puke!

The best part of this story is that he knew I set him up, but he couldn’t do anything to stop it, and as a result I never had problem with him again.


One day a street cat in an extreme cold went under the window of a fire station trusting that individuals would help her.

Someone at the Steinbach Fire Department in Canada was greatly amazed when he strolled by and saw a little feline gazing out the window at him.“


It was a frosty evening and she was stopping outside of the window. At the point when one of our firemen headed outside, she ran directly to him.”

The feline didn’t go anywhere and kept on sitting under the window. Obviously, she had no place to go.

Firemen let the feline into the room, worrying that in the evening in an extreme cold it would freeze.


In the glow, the feline should have been visible better, it turned out to be foul and truly needed to eat. Simultaneously the feline quickly reacted with a purr.

The fire boss Kelvin, who already had four felines at home, proposed to briefly take it to his home. He called her Amber and took her to the vet for assessment the following day.

Aside from mild frostbite on the tips of the ears, the veterinarian viewed the feline as very sound.


“I sent her photograph and story on Facebook, possibly somebody lost her. Yet, when for a considerable length of time nobody reacted, we again took her to the vet, where she was immunized and tracked down ear parasites on her, from which we quickly started to remedy her.”

During these assessments, Amber didn’t avoid by any means, yet appeared to appreciate human consideration.


A few firemen wished to make Amber a station feline, yet it worked out that the station has days off when there isn’t even a duty official and there will be nobody to take care of the feline at that time.

Then, at that point, they chose to track down a forever home for her. We posted her photos on Facebook and it seems as though we’ve find out a forever home for her,” Kelvin said.

Source: Save Earth

Bullied Special needs kid

Let me preface this post by saying my son is the SWEETEST kid in the world. That is not hyperbole. My son is quite possibly the sweetest child on the planet.

And he’s been through a LOT in his 8 years on this ride called “Life”. More than I ever could’ve predicted when he was born. From his father being in an accident that left me considerably disabled (I’m doing alright now, thank God) to his mother abandoning him to pursue the elusive “White Dragon” and everything in between.

Couple all that trauma with a speech impediment and a delay in his motor skills, and you’re left with a shy socially awkward little boy with an absolute heart of gold.

The past two summers, I sent my son to a day camp. I wanted him to overcome his social anxieties and make some damn friends.

But this year, on the very first day, he was beaten up by two boys on the bus ride home. They were brothers. One his age, the other a few years older.

He didn’t want to tell me when he got home. But I quickly recognized when he walked in the door that something was off. I had to really prod him to get him to open up.

He said the boys had started ganging up on him so he went to the bus matron, but she sent him back to his seat. She may have had trouble understanding him if he was upset or flustered, but she should have had some patience and figured out what was happening.

I called the camp supervisor immediately and was assured it would be handled.

A few days later, it happened again. This time with a third participant joining in the bullying.

I told my son, who is a very big strong kid (he’s 5 feet tall and weighs 130 lbs.) that if the staff is failing to protect him, then he has to defend himself (being as big as he is, but as shy as he is, with his speech impediment, he’s always a target for bullies. So he takes martial arts classes just in case…) but he said “No dad, fighting is against the rules and I don’t want to hurt anyone.”

I’m getting a bit choked up just thinking about that conversation… and those brats are damn LUCKY my boy is so kind because he could SMASH kids his age if he wanted!

“Besides dad, they can’t hurt me because I’m bigger than them.”

God damnit, imagining anyone taking advantage of my son’s big heart makes the fighter in me want to go do to their parents what the parents failed to teach their kids NOT to do. I know that wouldn’t solve anything, but I would definitely feel vindicated to some degree…but I digress.

A few days later, somebody made fun of him for not being good at soccer while they were playing. Again, no adult stepped in. So my son left the game and went to sit by himself in the lunch area. When he sat down, one of these boys snuck up behind him and dumped a cup of dirt over his head. Then another boy ran up and shoved him and ran off.

When he told me this, I lost my shit. It was a Friday so my family advised me to wait until Monday to call the supervisor, after I had a chance to calm down and THINK.

I called first thing Monday morning, a half hour before his bus pickup, leaving myself ample time to cancel the bus if the call didn’t go well enough that I felt he was ‘safe’.

We’re getting close to the original question now. If you’re a parent, especially of a special needs child, be prepared to be FUCKING OUTRAGED.

The supervisor (she’s lucky I don’t believe in “doxing” people. Sometimes it requires great restraint to remain composed and responsible) asked me what the three boys’ names were. I told her I didn’t know, but asked why SHE didn’t know yet!?! After all, this was our FOURTH discussion about the same serious issue!!

She said, “If you can’t give me the boys’ names, what am I supposed to do? Besides, this happened on FRIDAY, and you’re just calling me NOW?”

I said, “I did you a FAVOR by not calling on Friday, because I would not have been able to control myself on Friday. So I’m calling you TODAY. And my son doesn’t KNOW the boys’ names, but I was under the impression YOU had figured that out by now!” to which she replied, “Your son has been taking the bus with these kids for three weeks. How does he not know their names by now??”

I wasn’t sure if she was insinuating my son was LYING or she was ridiculing him. Both scenarios would’ve incensed me equally.

I replied, “My son doesn’t know their names because he has social anxiety due to his speech! So it’s hard talking to kids he doesn’t know, because he’s ashamed of his speech impediment.” I continued, “I explained these issues to you before I paid you the three grand for the camp! You assured me you were qualified and adept at caring for special needs kids. If that wasn’t the case, you should have told me so from the start!”

She replied, “Look I’ve tried talking to your son about the beatings and the bullying. I couldn’t understand anything he said. So if your son can’t talk clearly enough to tell me what’s going on, I don’t know what to tell you!”

I hung up on her.

I scoured the internet to track down the man who OWNS the camp.

When I called him, he said he’d already spoken to his supervisor and she informed him that “it sounded like Mr. Pinto and his son need a break from camp.” The $3000 plus lunch, trip fees and supplies camp. Yeah, she thought we needed a break from THAT.

But the owner is a ‘real’ professional caregiver. He wanted to hear my side of the story.

So I filled him in on what happened. And he wasnt very happy.

He informed me that he was a special needs child too, and he was bullied for it, and he knew first hand the long term damage it can do. He apologized and said “This type of crap has NO PLACE in my camps!”

Then he asked if he could call me back…

because he had to “Go deal with some people”.

He called me back two hours later and informed me those boys were no longer members of the camp, and his staff would be undergoing training again. He also called the bus company and said special needs children are never to be out of the sight of the matron, and if they can’t adequately monitor the children, he’d use another company…

He even picked one of the college aged counselors to be my son’s “buddy”. The kid went everywhere with my son (as a “buddy”, not a chaperone) and helped him assimilate into a group of friends. This really helped my son open up and socialize the last two weeks.

And there was never an issue again. Just like that.

Two hours; problem solved. ‘Real’ caregiver.

Amazing how simple it was to eliminate the problem once somebody gave a damn.

Bullying is a serious issue and should be treated as such.


You never know…

My father was a carpenter and cabinetmaker. He built our house and all the furniture in it. It was his joy. But in addition to being a carpenter he was also something of an asshole and a strict and often violent father. As a result I grew up to despise and hate him. My brothers and I were often called to help him on a job – which we had to do for free. One entire summer we worked framing a house from May until September, for which we were paid a grand total of 100 dollars. So I swore that when I grew up I would never, ever pick up a hammer again. Ever.

And so it went. Unless I was forced to do something with wood, I refused to do it. And then my dad died and I inherited his cabinet making shop. It stood idle for years until one day, out of curiosity, I visited the shop. The smells of my childhood sprang instantly back to me as I opened the door. The building was dark and silent, the old sawdust rotting on the floor, the tools lined up in racks, rusting away, the machines sitting idle. As I strolled around the shop I suddenly had the desire to make a wooden box. My father always said that almost every project starts with a box. And without thinking I picked up a pencil and a square and laid out a box. Over the next few weeks, I made a really nice blanket box that I still have. But what was more, I found myself increasingly interested in making things at the shop.

At about that time I had a girlfriend who liked to travel and one of the places we visited was Mystic, Connecticut where there is an entire museum town and shipyard representing life in the whaling period of New England in the mid to late 1800s. After an interesting and educational visit we went to the gift shop, because she also liked to buy things, and there was a book of plans for boat and shipbuilding. She loved the architectural diagrams and wanted me to frame some of the builder’s diagrams of ships and boats for art. So she bought the book and handed it to me.

Later I took the book to the shop with the intention of cutting out the scaled-down diagrams and putting them in a nice frame for her. I started flipping through the book for the best and most complicated drawings. By then my carpentry skills and curiosity had grown enough that I was interested in how things were made and I paid particular attention to the boat joinery. I knew I could never make a boat – that took skill that was far, far beyond me, but the way that the compound angles and joinery of ship making was incredibly fascinating. Instead of making the picture frame, I pulled out some lumber and formed the stem of a boat – just to see how the wood worked together. I had no intention of going further. But the next time I went to the shop I cut out a keel… and attached it to the stem. And soon I was attaching ribs. I had never done anything like this before and many times I pulled out the chainsaw to cut it into firewood before someone saw the embarrassment. But I kept coming back to it. The plans in the book were like 1/6 scale – if you wanted to build a full size ship, they were willing to sell you the entire kit for some amount of money, I forget how much now, but I said, “Screw that. I’m not buying plans for a boat I will never build. I simply don’t have the skill.” So instead I took a protractor and a compass and a set of dividers and I scaled the plans up directly onto some plywood, which I cut into strakes and thwarts and screwed onto the ribs.


Within a few months, to my amazement, there was a giant boat in my shop. I say “giant” with a bit of sarcasm. When I started, I figured the thing might be 8 or 10 feet when I was done – but when I was finished, it was almost 20 feet long. To me, that was enormous. And I kept saying, “I can’t do this – I just don’t have the skill,” especially when it came time to fiberglass the hull and cracks and so on. I used the West System and I was terrified. I had heard so many horror stories from old timers about its combustibility, about how fast it set, about how hard it was to work with, about how dangerous it was, that I moved timidly though a batch that would fit in a Dixie cup while wearing a full face mask and respirator and long rubber gloves and a leather apron. Imagine my amazement when it went on like rubber cement and dried to golden amber. The next time I made a bigger batch in a coffee can and eschewed most of the safety gear. The fiberglass filler filled up every crack and mistake the way frosting makes an ugly cake beautiful and the fiberglass mesh was stronger than steel when it dried. In another month the shell was complete. I was completely awestruck. I had made a boat. I painted it in vibrant colors and because it was such a heartache to me every time I made a mistake through lack of skill and knowledge, I hung the name on the transom – “Little Beeyotch”. I stepped a mast and put on all kinds of lines and a little pirate flag and then I towed it 150 miles to my house in Maine. I was absolutely certain it would go straight to the bottom when it was launched.

On a cloudy spring morning a neighbor helped me launch. The boat slid off the trailer, banged into the ground and slid into the water. And then it started to float away while I stood on the shore in surprise. It was floating. I couldn’t believe it. But now it was too far away to wade out to – I had to swim for it. When I grabbed the thwart, I went to pull myself into the boat, looking inside for the spraying fountains of water I expected from a dozen leaks. But the boat was bone dry. The West System had proved itself. “I could make a cinder block seaworthy with that stuff,” I marveled. And I grabbed the oars and went for ride around the lake. I had made a sailboat – and it survived for more than ten years.


Lu Xiulian: When Taiwan becomes a battlefield, the next step is to become a cemetery – yqqlm


China Taiwan Net, August 24th, according to the Hong Kong China Review News Agency, a few days ago, former deputy leader of Taiwan Lv Xiulian attended an island think tank forum. She said that the two sides of the strait are distant relatives and close neighbors. Everyone applies wisdom to prevent war. “When Taiwan becomes a battlefield, the next step is to become a cemetery.”

Lu Xiulian said that how to avoid war and seek peace between the two sides of the strait is very important. We should use more wisdom, compassion and courage to face and solve problems.

Lu Xiulian said that when the United States continues to stir up troubles in the Taiwan Strait, Taiwan may become a battlefield for others. It is foreseeable that when a conflict breaks out in the Taiwan Strait, the first sacrifice will be Taiwan, so Taiwan must use its wisdom to get out of trouble. The two sides of the strait are distant relatives and close neighbors. Don’t fall into the dilemma of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. “When Taiwan becomes a battlefield, the next step is to become a cemetery, which should never be the case.”

Lu Xiulian emphasized that peace will come not just by shouting the slogan “We want peace”, but to try to resolve the contradictions between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait. Recent polls have clearly shown that the Taiwanese people do not want war, nor do they want to ” Resist China”, because “anti-China” cannot “protect Taiwan”, everyone should adjust the current disadvantages on the premise of peace and the happiness of the next generation. (Editor/Reviewer Yin Sainan/Gauss)

A fresh start

I had been homeless for nearly a year. There was a bench I liked sitting on where I could scowl at the people driving by. There was a stop light right on the corner so I had them captive for a couple of minutes or so. One day, someone rolled down the window in their car and asked me if I was interested in working. I recognized the lady from the community college I had attended many years before. She handed me a business card and drove away. She was the station manager of a nearby radio station. I called her later from a payphone and she asked me to come to work the next day. I showed up not knowing what to expect. She gave me a few radio scripts to read in the control booth. A couple of other people had gathered to listen and as I was reading, I saw smiles and then nods. The station manager called me back into her office. She handed me three hundred dollars in cash and said I’ll see you back here tomorrow. Go get cleaned up.

This was me the next day:


Creamy Chicken One-Pot Pasta

When the craving for a creamy, cheesy pasta strikes—but you still need to bring some protein and veggies to the table—this one-pot meal is your simple solution. Chicken, bell peppers and green onions make this a dinner that’s complete, comforting and little grownup all at the same time.

Creamy Chicken One-Pot Pasta


  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 1 to 1 1/4 lb boneless skinless chicken thighs, cut in 1-inch pieces
  • 1 cup diced yellow bell pepper (about 1 large)
  • 1/2 cup sliced green onion whites
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1 carton (32 oz) Progresso™ chicken broth
  • 1 cup heavy whipping cream
  • 12 oz uncooked rotini pasta (3 3/4 cups)
  • 1 cup frozen sweet peas
  • 2 cups shredded sharp Cheddar cheese (8 oz)
  • 1/4 cup sliced green onion greens


The Layoff Tsunami Has Begun: 50% Of U.S. Companies Plan To Eliminate Jobs Within The Next 12 Months


If half of the firms in the entire country really do cut jobs over the next year, what will our economy look like afterwards?  All over America, companies are anticipating that a major economic downturn is coming in 2023, and a lot of them are already planning to shed workers in order to cut costs.  Of course this sounds so much like what we went through back in 2008 and 2009.  Millions of Americans lost their jobs during the “Great Recession”, and it was truly a very dark time in our history.  So are we right on the verge of seeing a repeat?

Let hope that isn’t the case.

Unfortunately, a brand new survey that was just released has discovered that 50 percent of all U.S. companies plan to eliminate jobs within the next 12 months.  The following comes from CNBC

Meanwhile, 50% of firms are anticipating a reduction in overall headcount, while 52% foresee instituting a hiring freeze and 44% rescinding job offers, according to a PwC survey of 722 U.S. executives fielded in early August.

These are executives’ expectations for the next six months to a year, and therefore may evolve, according to Bhushan Sethi, co-head of PwC’s global people and organization group.

Can those numbers be accurate?

I knew that things were bad because I write about this stuff on a daily basis.

But I didn’t think that half of the firms in the entire nation were already looking to cut workers.


At this moment, I am at a loss for words.

It’s going to get bad out there.  If you have a good job right now, try to do whatever you can to hold on to it.

Sadly, some of the biggest names in the corporate world have already started to lay off workers.  For example, Ford Motor just announced that it will be laying off “roughly 3,000 white-collar and contract employees”

Ford Motor confirmed Monday it is laying off roughly 3,000 white-collar and contract employees, marking the latest in its efforts to slash costs as it makes a longer-range transition to electric vehicles. Ford sent an internal email Monday to employees, saying it would begin notifying affected salaried and agency workers this week of the cuts. The email was viewed by The Wall Street Journal.

Wayfair has also decided that now is the time for mass layoffs…

Home goods company Wayfair decided to cut approximately 870 workers to help manage operation costs and “realign its investment priorities” following the coronavirus pandemic, the Associated Press (AP) reported this week.

I thought that Wayfair was doing quite well.

I guess not.

In a desperate attempt to stay afloat, Peloton has also chosen to lay off “hundreds of workers”

Seeking to cut costs and end a flood of red ink, Peloton is planning to raise prices on key products, shutter stores and lay off hundreds of workers, according to a memo from CEO Barry McCarthy.

And even Groupon is getting in on the act.  500 of their workers will now be updating their resumes…

Chicago-based Groupon today laid off more than 500 of its employees — 15% of its 3,416-person headcount — according to posts from former employees on social media. The reduction impacted workers in teams including merchant development, sales, recruiting, engineering, product and marketing.

Other big names that have announced layoffs in recent weeks include Best Buy, HBO Max, Shopify, Re/Max and Walmart.

Unfortunately, this is just the tip of the iceberg.

As this new economic downturn deepens, countless more Americans will lose their jobs.

And as that happens, all of a sudden there will be vast numbers of people that can’t pay their mortgages or make their rent payments, and that will make our new housing crash even worse.

We are now very clearly past the peak of the housing bubble, and the ride down is going to be really painful.

Last year at this time, the housing market in California was extremely hot, but now the numbers are definitely heading in the other direction

Sales volume of single-family houses (SFH) in California plunged by 14% in July from June, seasonally adjusted, and by 31% from a year ago, the 13th month in a row of year-over-year declines, according to the California Association of Realtors.

Sales volume of condos plunged by 18% in July from June, and by 36% from a year ago.

Prices eventually follow volume: The median price of single-family houses dropped 3.5% in July from June, down for the second month in a row, slashing the year-over-year gain to just 2.8%.

If you are trying to sell a house right now, I would encourage you to try to get that done as quickly as possible before prices fall precipitously.

Speaking of declines, the Dow was down another 643 points on Monday…

The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell sharply Monday, in its worst day since June, as the summer rally fizzled out and fears of aggressive interest rate hikes returned to Wall Street.

The Dow fell 643.13 points, or 1.91%, to 33,063.61. The S&P 500 dropped 2.14% to 4,137.99, and the Nasdaq Composite tumbled 2.55% to 12,381.57, respectively. It was the worst day of trading since June 16 for the Dow and the S&P 500.

I think that a lot of people want to get out of the market before the summer ends.

Needless to say, there are many out there that are anticipating that the last few months of this year will not be kind to the financial markets.

On September 29th, 2008 the Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged 777 points.  That was a brand new record at that time, and it was a spark that set off mass panic on Wall Street.

Could we see something similar once summer is over?

Only time will tell.

But what we do know is that the U.S. economy is really starting to implode, and the stage is being set for the sort of historic economic meltdown that I have portrayed in my books.

At this point, everyone should be able to see that really hard times are on the horizon.

Those that are prudent will do what they can to get prepared in advance.

American Homeless

Having lived in Southern California my whole life, I’ve had lots of time to observe the homeless. This is my city, San Diego:


To give my opinion of the homeless, first I must tell you there are a few distinct kinds:

  1. The Invisible Homeless: these people were previously middle or working class, and have fallen on hard times. You can find them at the public library, freshly showered from the gym (they have enough in their account to pay membership fees, but not enough for rent), filling out job applications, or just browsing reddit on the computers. At UCSD, I was shocked to learn that one of my fellow philosophy majors was sleeping in his car, because he couldn’t afford housing. He was always well dressed, and doing great in class. He had a van and a family in another city so he wasn’t that bad off, but technically still homeless.
  2. Pariah Homeless: these unfortunate souls are usually extremely mentally ill, addicted, victims of childhood abuse, and/or were imprisoned early in their lives for petty crimes, and never recovered. These are the people who have been allowed to fall through the cracks in our Neoliberal economy. They should be in state facilities receiving medical care and counseling, not sleeping under the freeway. However, they’re not very sympathetic because they can be dangerous, delusional, and impossible to have a conversation with. They have no job skills, nor the ability to acquire any, so you have no illusions of being able to give them “a leg up”. Therefore, most of us just ignore them, to our shame.
  3. Sane Homeless: these are the hardest to ignore. They face all the same challenges as the Pariah homeless, but are fundamentally sane, sober, normal people. They’re often very kindhearted, having nothing else to rely on but their human relationships. This makes you really feel bad for them. The upshot is that they have the potential to escape homelessness, and can do well when given assistance. When you help them, you feel you’re actually accomplishing something.
  4. Hobo Homeless: these people choose homelessness of their own free will. Often they enjoy a vagabond lifestyle, or are simply too restless to hold down a job. You have less sympathy for these people, because they can be a drain on resources meant for the Pariah and Sane homeless. They’re often antisocial and criminally minded, so you can’t trust them at all. However, I don’t take issue with the hobo lifestyle in and of itself, and I accept that some people are simply not wired for this modern world.


I have never stayed at shelters to start with but I couldn’t right now if I wanted to, and believe as cold as it is I wish I could. My work hours and schedule make it so I have to choose between keeping my job or being warm at night.


There is my current camp. If you are lucky you have a car but it’s impossible to give you advice without knowing the area, I have been homeless for 7 years now and know plenty about how to stay alive out here. Hopefully I’ll get my motorcycle back from the shop sometime and then I can get into a place to live.

Just thought I’d add a edit because it seemed like some people might be interested. I had to move my camp because they were clearing the woods around me.


This is how I left the woods were I was staying, so you can see that not all homeless people leave places trashed. Were I’m at now is a place I had noticed awhile back and wasn’t very sure about it but I told my friend about it and he has been here for about a month. It’s really quite unusual or interesting. It’s gated and right off the main road but nobody has complained about us being here. The cops stopped once and asked who owns the land and we told them that we don’t know and asked if they did and they don’t. So we have a little gated homeless community, locked gate and all.


As you can see I got my vehicle back and that is his tent and area.


 And that is my tent and my view out like I said right on the main road. I have never seen anything like this in the years that I have been homeless but it’s convenient and we have picked up the trash that was here so hopefully it will last long enough for me to get into a place.


Woman adopts 20-year-old cat because she didn’t want him to spend the end of his life in a cage

September 22, 2021. Photo: Shelter staff :


Later, on reddit:

Remember that woman a few months ago who adopted a 20-year-old cat from a shelter because she didn't want him to alone ? Looks as though they are both doing fine.


The woman has not been identified. There have been no further updates, but this sweet kitty and all others like him should be loved and cherished until the last day of life.

How many wars is the United States involved in?

The U.S. is now involved in more than 130 wars or none, depending on your definition of ‘war.’ Or it is involved in one worldwide “War Against Terror,” that successive U.S. Administrations, with Congressional support, have used to justify U.S. military operations in at least 134 countries, where they are engaged in direct combat operations, conduct special covert missions, act as military advisers, or train foreign troops or militias.

The problem is that our traditional definition of “war” is outdated, and so is our imagination of what war means.

World War II was the last time Congress officially declared war. Since then, the conflicts we’ve called “wars” — from Vietnam through to the second Iraq War — have actually been congressional “authorizations of military force.”

And more recently, beginning with the War Powers Act of 1973, presidential war powers have expanded so much that, according to the Congressional Research Service, it’s no longer clear whether a president requires congressional authorization at all to engage in war.

The recent US wars in Afghanistan and Iraq will likely be the last time, in the foreseeable future, that the United States wages war in the way that’s most familiar to us: a lot of combat troops on the ground in a foreign country with lots of money and support and an ostensibly achievable objective.

US troop presence in Iraq peaked at 187,900 in 2008. In Afghanistan, it peaked in 2010 at 100,000.

On paper, it looked like the United States was fighting two wars. But the reality was much more complicated, and it’s only gotten more complicated. So how many wars is the US fighting right now?

Somewhere between zero and 134+.

Here’s the rationale:

Total # of wars: 0

Congress hasn’t declared war since 1942 so there is no war right now.

Okay, that makes no sense.

Look at a funding profile over time. It’s very clear.


From this graph, we can CLEARLY see that American spending on weapons and military are clearly indicative of America waging active wars.

To ignore that outrageous and obvious “tell tale” is to act the fool.

Total # of wars: 6

This maybe sounds more reasonable.

Consider the definition of war put forth by Linda Bilmes (Harvard Kennedy School) and Michael Intriligator (UCLA), who defined war in a 2013 paper as “conflicts where the US is launching extensive military incursions, including drone attacks, but that are not officially ‘declared.’”

By that definition, the United States is at war in six places right now:

  • Iraq
  • Afghanistan
  • Pakistan
  • Somalia
  • Yemen
  • Ukraine

Total # of wars: 8

If you include nations that have American military, American military uniforms, weapons and systems, and is led with / by American generals. This then, adds two additional nations to the list above.

  • South Korea
  • Taiwan

Total # of wars: 134+

Whoa! Surprising, right?

In 2013, the US Special Operations Command (SOCOM) — one of the nine organizational units that make up the Unified Combatant Command — had special operations forces (SOFs) in 134 countries.

The American military were either involved in combat, special missions, or advising and training foreign forces.

Since most of what SOFs do is classified, all we know about them is what we get told about them. Here’s what we’re told by the Joint Chiefs of Staff: What are SOFs?

“Special operations forces (SOF) are small, specially organized units manned by people carefully selected and trained to operate under physically demanding and psychologically stressful conditions to accomplish missions using modified equipment and unconventional applications of tactics against strategic and operational objectives. 

The unique capabilities of SOF complement those of conventional forces.”

And what do they do?

“Joint special operations (SO) are conducted by SOF from more than one Service in hostile, denied, or politically sensitive environments to achieve military, diplomatic, informational, and/or economic objectives employing military capabilities for which there is no broad conventional force requirement. 

These operations may require low visibility, clandestine, or covert capabilities. 

SO are applicable across the range of military operations. 

They can be conducted independently or in conjunction with operations of conventional forces or other government agencies and may include operations through, with, or by indigenous or surrogate forces. 

SO differ from conventional operations in degree of physical and political risk, operational techniques, use of special equipment, modes of employment, independence from friendly support, and dependence on detailed operational intelligence and indigenous assets.”

Examples: These tasks include;

  • special reconnaissance (SR),
  • direct action (DA),
  • unconventional warfare (UW),
  • foreign internal defense (FID),
  • counterterrorism, counterproliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD).

SOCOM admited to having forces on the ground in 134 countries around the world (in 2014).

That doesn’t mean its forces are carrying out capture or kill raids in every country, but it’s almost impossible to know where and when different operations are taking place.

That’s especially true when it comes to the Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC), an operational command within SOCOM that operates with an enormous amount of autonomy and secrecy — and, some would say, little accountability.

Founded after the failed mission to rescue American hostages in Tehran in 1980 and designed to handle similarly complex operations in the future, JSOC was a classified and little used command on Sept. 11, 2001.

Since then, it’s more than tripled in size, received an ever-increasing share of funding, and has conducted operations in dozens of countries.

(Journalist Jeremy Scahill wrote in depth about JSOC in his 2013 book, “Dirty Wars.” That’s where the following information comes from.)

JSOC was introduced to the world on May 1, 2011, when Navy SEALs killed Osama bin Laden in a nighttime raid on his compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan.

The raid was a collaboration between the CIA and an agency almost nobody had heard of: JSOC. “We’re the dark matter,” a Navy SEAL told the Washington Post of JSOC in 2011. “We’re the force that orders the universe but can’t be seen.”

We know more about JSOC now, thanks to investigative reporters like Scahill and Mark Mazzetti. JSOC’s core is made up of three acknowledged “Special Missions Units” (SMUs).

You know these folks from TV and movies:

  • Army’s 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment (Delta Force),
  • the Naval Special Warfare Development Group (DEVRGU or “Seal Team Six”),
  • the Air Force’s 24th Special Tactics Squadron.

In addition to the SMUs, JSOC has its own intelligence division, the Intelligence Support Activity, and often oversees the 75th Ranger Regiment, the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (the “Night Stalkers”), and other special operations forces. JSOC, along with the Special Activities Division at the CIA, have been the leading edge of counterterrorism.

Journalists Dana Priest and William Arkin found that JSOC has carried out counterterrorism operations in…

  • Iraq,
  • Afghanistan,
  • Algeria,
  • Iran,
  • Malaysia,
  • Mali,
  • Nigeria,
  • Pakistan,
  • the Philippines,
  • Somalia,
  • Syria,
  • Ukraine,
  • Taiwan,
  • Yemen.

An anonymous source with close ties to JSOC gave Scahill an even more expansive list that included those countries along with Indonesia, Thailand, Colombia, Peru, and several countries in Eastern and Central Asia.

“The world is a battlefield and we are at war,”

The source told Scahill of the logic that drives JSOC.

“Therefore the military can go wherever they please and do whatever it is that they want to do, in order to achieve the national security objectives of whichever administration happens to be in power.”

Add such nations of Iran, Bolivia, Kenya and more to the list and it seems really hard to keep track of all the killing, and wars that the United States is involved in.

Total # of wars: 1

“The world is a battlefield” isn’t just a vague, hawkish worldview — it’s a legal understanding of military force in the age of a single, global war: the War on Terror.

The world is a battlefield thanks in large part to the Authorization for Use of Military Force, which Congress passed on Sept. 14, 2001 and which gives the President of the United States broad power to fight terrorism around the world.

It reads in part:

“The President is authorized to use all necessary and appropriate force against those nations, organizations, or persons he determined planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2011, or harbored such organizations or persons, in order to prevent any future acts of international terrorism against the United States by such nations, organizations or persons.”

A video that discusses what is next

Yuppur. The USA has Taiwan in it’s sights. Please check out this “must see” video…


So how many wars would you say the United States is now fighting?

The easy answer might just be: too many.


A continuation of documentation on the geo-political state of affairs

MM is still very busy. But somehow I was able to crank out this article…

We continue with the strange unraveling of the world while the loss of society inside of the United States festers, and Asia grows, grows and grows…

Prison Guards in Siberia Report “Britney Griner” is a . . . Man!


Prison Guards in Siberia, Russia, are reporting that American prisoner “Britney” Griner, the US Women’s Basketball star,  is actually a man.

This American has become regular news recently as Russia and the USA negotiate prisoner exchanges. 

A Russian court sentenced WNBA star Brittney Griner to nine years in prison earlier this month, an expected conclusion to her trial that should allow negotiations for a prisoner swap to accelerate.

Griner, who was arrested Feb. 17 for bringing cannabis into the country, had been prepared for a harsh sentence, sources close to the player said. But she and her supporters have also been aware that Russia was not going to move forward with a trade that could bring her home until her trial was completed. A guilty verdict was considered a foregone conclusion, and Griner pleaded guilty July 7, though the case continued under Russian law.

During sentencing, Judge Anna Sotnikova said she had found that Griner intentionally broke the law and also fined her 1 million rubles (about $16,700). Sotnikova said the time Griner has served in custody since her arrest in February would count toward the sentence.

Griner reacted to the sentence with little emotion, listening to the verdict with a blank stare on her face.

The “woman’s Basketball” star received a harsh sentence because Russia doesn’t tolerate illegal drugs.

Photos are also circulating claiming to show Griner without a shirt, and the tattoos of the man in the image seem to match those visible when Griner played basketball for the women’s team.

The images are going viral on Social Media:



15-year-old Mary Vincent

In 1978, 15-year-old Mary Vincent hitchhiked from Las Vegas to California. She got into a van, and 50-year-old Lawrence Singleton attacked, raped, and dismembered the teen before leaving her for dead.

After brutally raping and sodomising the teenager, Singleton severed both of her arms with a hatchet and threw her down a 30 foot culvert in Del Puerto Canyon in Stanislaus County. As Singleton sped off, he believed that he had killed Mary and that nobody would ever know what he had just done. He was wrong.

The following morning, two women came across a ghastly sight: Mary Vincent was stumbling down the road, nude, holding what remained of her mutilated arms up in the air. “She was holding up her arms so that the muscles and blood would not fall out,” read the court documents.

She was rushed to hospital where she was able to provide a detailed description of Singleton. The composite sketch was so realistic that Singleton’s neighbour recognised him and called police immediately.

15-year-old Mary Vincent

Francisco Erasmo Rodrigues de Lima

It has been 5 years since the death of Francisco Erasmo Rodrigues de Lima, father of 4 children, bricklayer, alcoholic, divorced and homeless, was killed on the steps of the Sé Cathedral, São Paulo, Brazil.


A lady who was praying in the church ended up being taken hostage by an escaped criminal.

Francisco did not hesitate, he knew what he had to do, lit his last cigarette and held it firmly to his lips, threw himself at the bandit, freed the woman and was shot dead by the criminal.

While Francisco gave his life in defense of that woman, a crowd watched and filmed, but only Francisco, a homeless person, excluded by society, seen as a bandit, was able to give his life for a complete stranger.

May this man always be remembered for his act of bravery and heroism.

I can’t speak for *all foreigners* who have been to China, but as for myself…

I started to praise China when I realized that most of what I’d been told about this country were ugly lies.

When I realized this truth, my sense of justice was outraged and I began to see the Chinese people, government, and nation as a whole, not as I’d been told, but as they really are.

Now let me give you some context…

I came to China in 2012, and at that time I believed the mainstream narrative that “Chinese people are okay, but it’s the CCP that is evil”…

And of course, I often spouted the “Chairman Mao 9 trillion dead!”, “Xinjiang!!”, “Free Tibet!!” stories as well.

But then I learned the truth.

I learned of the Imperialist invasions we Westerners somewhat euphemistically refer to as the “Opium Wars

Which basically went down like this…

British Power 1: “oh damn, we want Chinese goods, but have nothing they’re interested in! Short of outright invasion, how do we get their goods?”

David Sassoon: “Why don’t we just get them addicted to opium and soon they’ll be begging us to take their goods! Mwahaahhaha!”

British Power 1: “The royal family gives their full support!”

And then when opium addiction got out of control, the Chinese emperor arrested the smugglers and formally banned opium…

The British invaded, devastated the country and “freed Hong Kong™”

And I learned of the two brutal invasions by Japan and especially the absolutely horrible crimes committed in Nanking and by Unit 731.

And I started to see China not as the “evil creeping enemy” we are led to believe her to be…

But a traumatized and bullied child who finally had a growth spurt and became too big for the bully to have any power over her anymore.

And so the bully moves onto other smaller targets, but still talks smack behind China’s back and tells the “cool” kids lies about her to stop them from playing with her.

My change in attitude reminds me of a poem, described by deceased rapper Tupac Shakur, who said:

“If a rose managed to grow through the concrete, you wouldn’t judge the damaged petals…
You’d respect its tenacity; you’d celebrate its will to reach the sun!”

I now see China as the rose that grew from the concrete.

Notes (aka Red Pills) for the (still) Brainwashed:

The West lied about Iraq having weapons of mass destruction in order to invade the country, control its government and loot its resources.

The West lied about Saddam’s brother feeding opponents alive into a woodchipper as a gruesome execution method.

The West lied about Iraqi troops throwing lives babies from hospital incubators onto the floor to die.

The West lied about Assad “gassing his own people” in Syria.

The West still lies about Uighur “concentration camps” in Xinjiang.

The West still lies about Tibet and is strangely silent about the CIA Tibetan program which originally paid the Dalai Lama $180,000 a year to support covert action on China’s border.

The West still lies about the Tiananmen Square massacre and is also “strangely silent” about Wikileaks cables proving that no “massacre” took place there.

The West still lies about the real situation in Hong Kong and Beijing’s real (rather normal) intentions for the original extradition law.

The West still lies about China’s handling of COVID-19 (which as a non-Chinese living in China, I think was VERY good) in order to cover for America’s fumbling, whilst also conveniently heaping international hatred toward China.

With these facts in mind, how can we believe anything we see on mainstream English news?

Did Chairman Kim really shoot anti-aircraft rockets into a dissenter’s body?

Likely not.

Did Putin really pay Taliban for any American deaths in Afghanistan?

Likely not.

I refuse to believe atrocity propaganda anymore.

This is why I praise China.

Despite 100 years of brutalization, bullying and smearing by the West, I literally never see the same atrocity propaganda, lies and smearing in Chinese news when referring to the West.

Sure, there is criticism, but smears and demonization? Nope.

Confucius once wrote that “The rule of virtue can be compared to the Pole Star which commands the homage of the multitude of stars without leaving its place.”

Ponder that one for a while…and then look at the Chinese flag and tell me what you see.


Conclusion: No nation is perfect, especially China, but I praise them because they are humble, hardworking and family-oriented.

I support the government because unlike Western nations, they do not allow capital interests (oligarchs) to rise above government authority.

And, and, and this makes the ideological/cultural/political subversion that has happened elsewhere – very difficult.

And it is also the real reason why the West is so anti-CCP.

House Buyers

This is a Chinese story. Very realistic and I can absolutely picture the transaction. -MM

I haven’t been treated differently, but what I want to say is that I’ve seen my clients treated differently.

One summer vacation, I worked in a real estate company selling houses.

One day, an old couple came in. They were wearing straw hats, loose cloth shirts, and old Beijing cloth shoes on their feet. They were carrying one of those cheap plastic plaid bags. I didn’t know what was in it, but whatever it was, looked heavy. It was hot outside, and their dark faces were dripping with sweat.

Cheap plastic plaid bag


By looking at their clothes, I surmised that they were “country folk”.

I had nothing to do at the moment, so I received them. I invited them to the room to have tea. My colleagues looked at me, and they eyes told me that they thought I’m doing useless work because the old farmer couple would not buy a house. I showed them into the room for tea.

The young manager’s office was next door. He saw me bring a couple of farmers in, called me into his office and told he was dissatisfied with my behavior. He said that by letting such customers in, I would damage our store’s image. He told me to invent a reason to get them out of the office.

I couldn’t understand it!

When I returned to the couple, they told me they were going to buy a house and wanted to buy a two room house with a kitchen. I took out our house source book and showed them some.

The couple looked carefully and chose a medium-sized house.

I told them that the house was not cheap and showed them a few others I thought were more in their price range. But the couple just shook their head “No!”. They wanted the house they’d chosen before.

I said the house needs 300,000 yuan down and the owner is asking for cash.

The old couple looked at each other and assumed they would say they could not do that.

But I was shocked.

The couple said: Yes, but we only brought 200,000 yuan of cash.

You can see if we can wait for another 100,000 yuan in two days.

After that, they opened their cheap plastic bag: it was filled with RMB money!

I was slack jawed.

I quickly told our manager and his eyes lit up, realizing “This is a big customer!” So he went out and received them warmly.

Of course, the manager now wanted to take over the sale, so he took out the contract for the couple to sign.

Surprisingly, the couple refused the manager’s request and said to him: “We won’t sign with you. We’ll stick with the girl who treated us so warmly. We’ll sign a contract with her.”

I was so happy and never expected to be so lucky.

Finally, the couple really bought the house, and I received an extremely large commission

I resigned soon thereafter.


A raging gun battle took place on the grounds of the Zaporozyhe Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine on Monday, and bullets penetrated the reactor cooling water lines running on plant property.   WATER IS SPEWING OUT OF THE LARGE PIPES.

It is not known (yet) if this water is Radioactive.

The gunfight left multiple men dead and those dead men can be seen inside a car on the power plant property in the video below.

Also visible is a significant amount of water spewing from what appear to be multiple bullet holes in one or more of the reactor water cooling pipes.

 If this water is radioactive, NATO has said that a radiation leak at the plant would “trigger Aticle 5” of the NATO Treaty and result in NATO entering the war in Ukraine AGAINST Russia.

It would be World War 3 immediately.


Adult Life


1. An adult is not a dead child, but a child who survived.

2. The average adult spends more time on the toilet than they do exercising.

3. People always want candy, whether you’re a kid or an adult.

4. Time goes by so slowly when you’re a child, and then, as an adult, it goes by in the blink of an eye.

5. Don’t say maybe if you want to say no.

6. The toughest thing to do as an adult is to keep your screaming on the inside.

7. You can be a good person your entire life, and still have a shitty life.

8. Maturity is a bitter disappointment for which no remedy exists, unless laughter could be said to remedy anything.

9. A child cries 99% times due to physical pain, an adult cries 99% times due to emotional pain.

10. You are the total of your own decisions.

And, welcome to adulthood, where you’ll be constantly tired except for when it’s time to go to sleep.


My heart aches as I’m writing this story.


This girl is Jannah, an Egyptian girl who was only five.

Her parents had gotten a divorce when she was a baby and somehow the custody ended up with her grandmother.

She was transferred to the hospital one day between life and death, her whole body covered in bruises and burns.

Her body was damaged so badly, especially her leg that had to be amputated.

But worst of all, when doctors inspected her body further, they saw that her genitals were fully burnt.

After investigation, turns out that her grandmother used to burn her as a punishment for peeing herself.

And after further investigation, it turned out that that wasn’t the reason.

Jannah was sexually assaulted by her uncle.

Her grandma burned her genitals to cover up and protect him.

The little girl died soon after. And this is one of the few times where I find myself saying “thank god she died”, otherwise she would’ve been under the mercy of these monsters for longer.

Jannah means heaven in Arabic. Dear sweet Jannah, if there is a Jannah in the afterlife then I hope you’re resting there peacefully.

More US adults identify as LGBTQ+ now than at any time in the past decade

Well, it figures. -MM

Article HERE

Slow-Cooker Beef Stroganoff

The best Slow-Cooker Beef Stroganoff is the kind that makes prep and cleanup a breeze. Plus, creamy beef stroganoff in the slow cooker is one of those delicious classics that never disappoints, especially with our easy steps. Once you brown the beef strips with onion and garlic in butter, add it to your slow cooker with golden mushroom soup, and fresh mushrooms. Enjoy the tasty aromas when you return, and stir in cream cheese and sour cream before serving over noodles for a dinner that’s as easy as it is delicious.


  • 1/4 cup butter
  • 2 lb boneless beef sirloin steak, cut into 3×1/2×1/4-inch strips
  • 1 cup chopped onion
  • 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
  • 1 can (10.5 oz) condensed golden mushroom or cream of mushroom soup
  • 1 carton (8 oz) sliced fresh mushrooms
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon pepper
  • 4 oz cream cheese, cubed (from 8-oz package)
  • 1 container (8 oz) sour cream
  • 6 cups hot cooked noodles or rice

Foreign Ministry Spokesperson’s Remarks on Japanese Lawmaker’s Visit to Taiwan


2022-08-23 17:58

Q: According to reports, Keiji Furuya, a Liberal Democratic Party lawmaker of Japan and chairperson of the Japan-ROC Diet Members’ Consultative Council, is in Taiwan for a visit from August 22 to 24 and will meet Tsai Ing-wen. What is China’s comment?

A: In disregard of China’s stern démarches, Keiji Furuya has visited the Taiwan region of China, which grossly interferes in China’s internal affairs, blatantly violates the one-China principle and the spirit of the four China-Japan political documents and sends a seriously wrong signal to the “Taiwan independence” separatist forces.

China strongly deplores this egregious move and will take resolute and strong measures to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Taiwan is an inalienable part of China’s sacred territory.

The Taiwan question bears on the political foundation of China-Japan relations and the basic trust between our two countries.

The Japanese side made a solemn commitment on this question to the Chinese side.

Japan once kept Taiwan under its colonial rule for half a century.

Japan is historically responsible for its serious wrongdoing to the Chinese people and has all the more reason to be prudent in its words and deeds.

To seek selfish political gains, certain Japanese politician has colluded with the “Taiwan independence” forces to make a political stunt just like some others have done.

The Japanese government connived at such political manipulation to undermine China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Such behavior of reneging on one’s commitment with sinister intention is doomed to fail and will not stop the historic process of China’s complete reunification.

We urge the Japanese side to deeply reflect on the events of history, abide by the principles of the four China-Japan political documents and the commitments it has made, stop making provocation and stop stirring up trouble on the Taiwan question.

Japan must not wade in muddy water and seek selfish gains in the Taiwan Strait. It must stop going further down the wrong path. 


This is our little “garbage cat”, Tweekyweeky (or affectionately Tweek due to his nature). We live in the country and sadly someone dumped him in a neighboring yard.


They have several Huskies and weren’t able to keep him. I told myself we don’t need anymore cats, we can just hold onto him till we can get him to the shelter..


Well 3 days later he became our tiny terror that we couldn’t bear to part with. This handsome fellow will be 1 year at the end of this month. While he no longer fits under my laptop stand, he still makes that crazy face!


Thailand likely to deploy Chinese submarine engines

  • Analysts expect Thailand to proceed with the Chinese engines when it completes evaluation by September 15
  • Deal will further strengthen Sino-Thai relations, following joint military drills on Sunday

A strengthening of ties between Thailand and its largest trading partner China could be a “fait accompli” if it opted to use Chinese-made diesel engines for the S26T Yuan-class submarine it is buying as part of a 2017 deal, analysts said.

Thailand is currently running tests on the mainland-made CHD620 engines as a replacement for Germany’s MTU396 model, and expects to complete this evaluation by September 15.

Analysts expect Thailand to proceed with the Chinese engine if it matches the capabilities of German equipment.

“The Thai submarine deal is very important to China as it helps strengthen Sino-Thai military relations.

For that reason alone it’s hard to believe that Beijing would offer a suboptimal engine to Bangkok,” said Ian Storey, a senior fellow at the Singapore-based ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute.


Article HERE

Thailand’s Chinese submarine order hits snag after Germany’s export embargo on MTU engines

No problem, though…
The first Yuan Class S26T worth US$408 million is being assembled without German engines as promised, said a Thai opposition lawmaker
German military attaché says German engines cannot be used in Chinese military and defense items.
It’s an American rule. Don’t ya know.

Article HERE

Ah. By sanctioning China, the west has created powerful competitor.

Taking a stand

I managed a pharmacy in Ontario. It was in a small town and recruiting people to come there was a challenge. I was fortunate enough to have an international student join our team.

After several months of interning, he would be licensed, and the plan was he would become my staff pharmacist. This gentleman was a good man, and he boldly left his home country of Pakistan for a better life.

So what did I take a stand on? We had a customer who was an a-hole. There were problems with various prescriptions that were troublesome. The kind that gave the indication that something wasn’t right. On one day, he came to the prescription drop-off area, pointed a finger at my future staff pharmacist, and said “I don’t want him to serve me.”

I happened to be momentarily away at the time, but upon return I was informed about what happened. We had a code of ethics at this business and respect for our associates was very important. As the man eventually returned for his prescription, I explained that his prescription was not ready, nor would it be.

I explained that his behaviour toward my staff member was uncalled for and seemed to be racially motivated.

I told him that there will be times in the future when my staff pharmacist would be the only pharmacist available to sign off on his prescription.

Clearly that would prevent him from getting the care that he would need. I suggested that he go elsewhere and that an apology be given.

He left. I thanked him with a smile as he did.


When I was 16 or so, I came home from school and made some soup on the stove in a big pot. I sliced carrots, onions, potatoes, celery, and various herbs. First I let them caramelize: then I deglazed it with some wine followed by a lot of hot water. Excited about my work I turn down the heat so I could let it sit for a while.

Anyway, I went to my room ready to play some games on my pc. Stoned and easily distracted as I was, I forgot about my delicious soup. So, when I was watching a movie, my cat started meowing at me, however, more intensely than usual. The meowing was a very high pitched more aggressive tone.

At first I thought she was hungry, so I said: “Kiwi, come on, you just had some food 3 hours ago.” Then it hit me. When I opened the door to my room, I was standing in front of a black cloud that filled my entire apartment.

First thing I did was open my window and lock my cat in my room, then I went to the bathroom next to my room and made myself a mask from a wet towel. Afterwards I ran to the kitchen, took the red glowing and smoking pot off of the stove, opened the balcony door, turned off the heat, breathed some fresh air, and ran to the living room. There I opened the remaining windows to create air flow. Luckily no one called the firefighters.

So this is Kiwi; she is 20 years old now.


Car Bomber Identified – Ukraine Nazi WOMAN – Member of Azov (NAZI) Battalion!


Elements inside Russia have published claims that the woman appearing above is the person who perpetrated the car bombing of Russian girl Daria Dugina, whose car was blown up while being driven from a cultural event inside Russia.

The explosion was allegedly triggered by remote detonation of a car bomb; meaning the Bomber knew exactly who was being killed.

The woman shown above is identified by Russian sources as Natalia Vovk, (born Shaban) a Ukrainian woman born in 1979. The ID Photo above is traced to the Ukraine National Guard. She allegedly lived in the 24th Quarter in or near Mariupol.

Here is the full military ID:


The Russian FSB says:

►the woman and her teenage daughter, Sophia Shaban, arrived in Russia on July 23.
►The assailant allegedly spent a month preparing the attack by renting an apartment in the same housing block and researching Dugina’s lifestyle.
►The assailant allegedly attended the “Tradition Festival” event outside Moscow on Saturday evening where Dugina and her father were also in attendance.
►After allegedly detonating the bomb and killing Dugina, the assailant fled Russia via Pskov, into Estonia.

A Mini Cooper vehicle was reportedly used to spy on Dugina before the bombing.

License plate numbers were reportedly changed on that vehicle three times; with plates from Donetsk (DPR), Kazakhstan, and Ukraine all used at various times on it.

The car was put up for sale online in an ad in Kiev, shown below, allegedly placed by a man named Danil Shaban – believed to be a family member of the assailant.


Danil Shaban is thought to be a member of the Azov Battalion as he was photographed participating in sporting events with AZOV Battalion.

So on the surface, the daughter of a prominent Russian Intellectual, Alexander Dugin, was blown up, allegedly by a Ukrainian Nazi Azov Battalion WOMAN.


Russia has now corroborated their claims about this woman by posting video images of her entering/leaving the same Apartment Block as the victim, and time/date-stamped security video from Russia Border Checkpoints showing her entering and leaving the country. 

If these allegations prove to be accurate, it speaks to the nature of the people being fought by Russia in Ukraine: Brutal, Sadistic, Nazis.

Why is America and the West, backing a brutal, sadistic, NAZI regime in Ukraine?

There was no immediate response from Kyiv to the FSB statement.

Sign in China


Ten attributes that signify the growth of China

This article is a reprint of an article found on WeForum. All credit to the original authors, posting medium and website. It’s a very good article and it was found on one of the websites that provide strategic summaries for industry leaders to make informed global business decisions. Enjoy.

China, home to almost a fifth of the world’s population, is a country of superlatives. Forty years of economic growth, at an average of nearly 10% a year, has transformed the country into a global leader in technology and manufacturing.

Its economy is now second only in size to the United States – larger if trade is taken into account – and it is home to six of the world’s megacities.

Despite its trade dispute with the US, China enjoyed first-quarter growth of 6.4% this year, more than double the UN’s forecast for the rest of the world.

Life expectancy has risen to 75 for men and 78 for women, according to the World Health Organisation.

But despite all this, there are big challenges – particularly around greenhouse gas emissions, as huge economic growth has rapidly made China the world’s biggest producer of CO2.

Ahead of the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting of the New Champions in Dalian, in July, here are 10 facts to help you understand China today.

What is AMNC, the World Economic Forum’s meeting in China?

The World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting of the New Champions focuses on leadership, innovation and entrepreneurship.

More than 2,000 participants, including leading experts in science and technology, attend the meeting in Dalian, People’s Republic of China. They will take part in over 100 working sessions.

The meeting pools ideas and galvanizes progress towards a building a future where entrepreneurship serves everyone in society. The key focus areas are: Fostering Agile Industry Leadership, Achieving Technology Leadership, Sustaining Economic Leadership and Promoting Responsible Leadership.

Find out more about AMNC on TopLink and contact us to learn more about who can attend.

1. It has landed a space rover on the far side of the Moon

The unmanned Chang’e-4 probe touched down in a large crater near the Moon’s South Pole  to analyse the geology of an unexplored region. China’s space agency called the landing “an important stride toward China being a strong country in space exploration”.

The mission carried experiments from the Netherlands, Germany, Sweden and Saudi Arabia. Missions to Mars and Jupiter, a manned Moon landing and a permanent Chinese space station are also planned.

2. It’s a world leader in Artificial Intelligence

Chinese businesses filed 473 of the 608 Artificial Intelligence patents lodged with the World Intellectual Property Organisation last year and a third of all blockchain patents. The Chinese government is reportedly investing billions to support AI developers, including creating a $2 billion AI development park in Beijing.

3. It’s home to a third of the world’s corporate unicorns

In 2018, China had a total of 186 unicorn start-ups – companies worth more than $1 billion – according to the Hurun List. And it fostered 97 new unicorns, or one every 3.8 days, according to the South China Morning Post, which is owned by unicorn company Alibaba.

China is building a giant tech hub comprising 11 cities to rival Silicon Valley. The Pearl River Delta, home to nearly 70 million people, will be united into a giant megalopolis to be known as the Greater Bay Area.

4. China is a world leader in renewable energy – but also in emissions

The image of smoggy Chinese cities belies the reality that, last year, China built more solar and wind electricity generating capacity than any other nation. Three of the world’s five largest floating solar plants are in China.

New coal-fired power stations are still coming on stream, but a major programme to close down older plants is under way. As national wealth grows, demand for electricity is booming. The International Energy Agency says the average Chinese household will use twice as much electricity by 2040 than it does today.

China is also the world’s biggest energy-related carbon dioxide emitter.

This figure increased from 2017-2018 by 2.5%. But, given its massive population, the per capita picture is a bit rosier.

5. One third of the world’s new vegetation is being planted in China

China accounts for a quarter of the human-caused greening observed since 2000 – despite containing only 6.3% of the world’s landmass. Two-fifths comes from expanding its forests.

The Shandong Ecological Afforestation Project alone planted trees on 67,000 hectares of barren mountainous slopes and saline coast over five years, increasing forest cover and improving biodiversity.

Last year, China created three sustainable development zones based on United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals in Shenzhen, Guilin and Taiyuan.

6. GDP growth is slowing, but still high

For years China has been associated with rapid GDP growth. Since the late 1970s, it’s averaged nearly 10% a year and 850 million people have been lifted out of poverty.

But, since the early part of the decade, it’s slowed as the economy has made a transition away from rapid, export-led growth towards domestic consumption. By global standards, it’s still high, however – 6.3% in the latest IMF World Economic Outlook compared to a global average of 3.3%.

The IMF said rapid growth had negative impacts: “high inequality (especially between rural and urban areas), challenges to environmental sustainability, and external imbalances. China also faces demographic pressures related to an aging population and the internal labor migration.”

7. China accounts for more than half of global electric car sales

Chinese drivers bought 1.1 million new electric cars last year. At the recent Shanghai Motor Show, Chinese car makers unveiled 10 new electric car models for 2019.

China makes more than half of the world’s vehicle batteries and prices are forecast to fall to the point where electric cars will be cheaper in China that fossil fuel-powered vehicles.

The country is also home to 99% of the world’s electric bus fleet with 400,000 vehicles already on the roads. Shenzhen was the first city to replace all its buses, and is now replacing all its taxis too.

8. Chinese tourists are driving the growth of global tourism

As China has opened up to the world, so its citizens have set out to explore the globe. The number of Chinese citizens taking foreign holidays is growing at over 6% a year and McKinsey forecasts 160 million will take holidays outside China next year.

In 2017, Chinese tourists spent a quarter of a trillion dollars abroad. One London station now announces departures in Mandarin as well as English.

9. China is closing the gender gap, but lots more remains to be done.

Progress towards gender parity slowed in 2018 and China ranked 103 out of 149 countries in the World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap report.

It did see marginal improvements in the share of women in parliament and has fully closed its gender gaps in professional and technical roles and women’s tertiary enrolment.

10. It leads the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, China and India) for competitiveness

China featured at number 28 in the World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Index scoring highly on investment in research and development, infrastructure and IT adoption.

China’s innovation score is among the highest in the world, lagging only Germany, the US and Switzerland. But the Index says it needs to “improve performance on softer drivers of innovation, such as diversity, collaboration and various aspects of openness”.

So what’s stopping China reaching the top of the competitiveness league table? The Forum says it needs to promote competition in its domestic market by allowing foreign firms to compete with home grown industries and it calls for action to address “inefficiencies and rigidities in the labour market.”


In 1972, while on vacation, Stefano Mariottini, an engineer from Rome, snorkeling off the coast of Monasterace near Riace, noticed a human hand sticking out of the sand. Deciding that it was a corpse, he called the police.


From the bottom of the Ionian Sea, two statues of “Warriors from Riace” were raised – ancient Greek bronze statues of the 5th century BC.

Sign in China


Rip off artists

My wife and I were in Mexico City on our honeymoon. No my wife is looks like she just got off the boat from Ireland, pale white skin, flaming red hair.


Now here’s the curve ball, she had just graduated with her degree in Spanish. She spoke Spanish like a native. So I’m looking at a beautiful onyx chess set, discussing the set with the wife.


There were two sales clerks, speaking Spanish and saying how they were going to over charge me. After 10 minutes or so we decided it passed where will it live test and we would buy it. We went to the register and said we would buy it. They gave a really high price and smirched. I asked if that was their best price? They said “Si, can’t go lower.” Then my Irish angel wife says in fluent Spanish “Ok now what’s the real price after you were going to rip us off?”. They almost fainted. They then gave us big discount so we wouldn’t talk to the cops.

Turkish influences on Russian culture

Turkic influences on the Russian culture is one of the largest secrets we successfully hide from the rest of the world.

In the pre-Imperial era, we long were tributaries of the Golden Horde and their descendants. We call them Mongols, even though there are very few Mongol artifacts in our woodlands, Mongol DNAs in our genes and Mongol texts in our archives. As far back as we can see to the east and south, it’s almost always Turks.

The problem of Turks is, on our side of the Black Sea they never got the same conqueror glory as the Mongols. This matters a lot in Russia.

In addition, subjugating ourselves to strangers of our own free will, as St Alexander Nevsky did to the Golden Horde, is not cool at all. Every time I mention this on Quora, there’s always someone who angrily tells me off: “Russia was conquered by Mongols! There was the Mongol yoke! Everyone knows that!”.

In Russia, it’s much cooler to rub the shoulders with the Chingizides than with Turks.

Back to the Turks. We’ve been living with them as our closest neighbors from the time of early Cumanian kingdoms. Due to their dominance on the river routes along the Volga down to the Caspian Sea, before the Varangians came, we had been tributaries to the Khazars. Our early rulers even called themselves Kagans, which was Turkic for “king”. We went on being intertwined with them in many ways like no one else—until the House of Romanovs decided it’s time to make a clean break and become Europeans.

Now, the top 10 Turkic things in Russia:

  1. Food. Cumanian nomads taught us to cook dough in boiling water long before Jews came to town with their bagels and pretzels which we transformed into búbliki, baránki and súshki. The Turks also had ample access to meat—which is why many of the favorite meat recipes in Russia came from Turks, shashlík being the absolute favorite.
  2. A wealth of everyday words about everything from déngi (“money”) and tamózhnya (“customs office”) to cherdák (“attic”), shtaný (“pants”) and durák (“dimwit”). Add to that the myriads of toponyms in the Cumanian prairies: Astrakhan, Saratov, Ural, Samara, Ufa, Chelyabinsk, Kurgan, Tiumen
  3. Family names: Yeltsin, Sharapova, Yusupov, Sheremetyev, Suvorov, Karamzin, Bulgakov, Zhdanov, Turgenev, Radishchev, Chadayev, Berdyaev, Tukhachevsky.
  4. Cossacks. These originated as Slav-speaking Orthodoxes who subscribed to Turkic lifestyles and never looked back. They considered themselves a nation apart from the rest of Russians and Ukrainians until Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin wiped them off the planet altogether.
  5. Siberia. The name itself is Turkic, the territory was originally a playground of Turkic tribes, and the Russian colonization happened thanks to a massive contribution from friendly Turks. The supreme hero of our early Siberian colonization was a Tatar called Yarmúk/Ermák
  6. The Cumanian steppes. These insanely productive farming areas were the powerhouse of Russia’s demographic and economic growth starting from the 15th century, especially when the Imperial conquests made them safe for settlement in the 18th century.
  7. Amanát, or “friendly” hostage-taking. A “safekeeping” of the native’s kids was the main tool of political control the Empire of Joche had over the political class in the early Muscovy. Later, it became a backbone of the pelt-driven colonization of Siberia, the Far East and Alaska by our Cossacks and trappers (promýshlenniki).
  8. Intermarriages, the turbo engine of colonial absorption of the lands east of the Urals. Because of immense distances, it made little sense to Cossacks, trappers and other single male settlers to bring brides from the Russian heartland. They married local girls and made many babies with them. Several generations down the road, few pockets of ethnically insulated areas remained that considered themselves “non-Russian”.
  9. Russian aristocracy. Because of the colonial nature of Russian civilization, it was customary to use outside minorities for recruitment in the state administration. Before Peter I undertook his Westernization project, Christianized Tatars had been the preferred external recruitment pool by our rulers. Before the revolution, knyaz (“duke”) was widespread as a derogatory word for Volga Tatars.
  10. The Magnificent Port as a source of inspiration for the imperial state-building, before the French and Dutch dazzled the Romanovs with their splendor.

Below, one of the first detailed drawings of the Kremlin in Moscow, the 17th century. Before Italians brought to Russia the tradition of European masonry in the 15th century, ours was the domain of timber construction—while Turks in the prairies used stone slabs and bricks. Which was probably why the type of fortresses we see in Moscow, Astrakhan, Novgorod got the Turkic designation of Kreml (“Kremlin”). The original Russian fortifications from the Varangian era were either simple walls of timber, or a combination of earthwork and wooden constructions. These were called ostróg, detínets and górod (hence, Gardaríka).



This is Oliver. Yes, he has tiny plastic cats on top of him while he sleeps. Yes, I also have children…


Oliver has a history of bringing me and my husband unusual gifts.

When my eldest son was born, we lived right behind the hospital where I stayed after I gave birth. As you can imagine, it was convenient for my husband at visiting times as he could leave our house, walk to the hospital and be next to me in under ten minutes.

Well, my husband was late visiting on one occasion. I was tired, overwhelmed at having just had my first baby after a difficult birth, and I was watching the minutes tick by on the clock, getting increasingly upset. My husband rang to say he was really sorry he was late, and he was going to be later still ‘… but I’ll explain when I get there.’

Well. Turns out that Oliver had brought a duckling into the house. A live, perfectly unharmed, rather indignant, duckling. My husband had no idea what to do so he called the RSPCA. He was late visiting because he was waiting for them to turn up, which they did, and they took the duckling with them to rehome.

We found out later that week that there was a duck pond in the hospital grounds, so it became a joke that Oliver was on his way to see me, picked up a present, but decided to drop it off at home for me instead.

Other notable Oliver presents include:

  • An uneaten Gregg’s sausage roll. It was still in the paper bag, which Oliver proudly dragged in between his legs.
  • Several pristine pieces of unbuttered white bread.
  • An unopened packet of crisps, which he ‘hunted’ from the kitchen and dropped into my lap. I ate them.
  • Several articles of my make-up. I was ill and in bed, and he dropped a tube of concealer onto my head. On another occasion, it was eyeliner.

This is in addition to ‘normal’ presents of dead/semi-dead small animals.

Oliver is the best cat I have ever had.

Biden, WH claims US has ‘zero inflation’

“Today, we received news that our economy had 0% inflation in the month of July — 0%,” 

Biden said.

“Here’s what that means: while the price of some things go up — went up last month, the price of other things went down by the same amount. The result? Zero inflation last month."


Sign in China


Brutality of addiction

I was raped by mother’s crack dealer and she was in the room when it happened.

I was 10 yrs old when it happened.

I was sleeping in my bed in my bedroom when my mother woke me up. She told me to go with her into the bathroom.

I noticed Larry, her dealer, was there as well. In the bathroom, she was telling me “they” were after her and no matter what happened to keep quiet.

This wasn’t strange to me at the time. When she was high, she always talked about someone or something coming for her.

We walked back in to my room and I saw Larry laying in my bed.

Immediately, my mother locked the door behind us. I asked my mother why she locked the door.

She told me to shut up and get in the bed.

I was confused because he was in it. He got up and grabbed my hand. He started to lead me to my bed. I jerked my hand back and looked at my mom.

Larry grabbed me and threw me in the bed.

I won’t go in detail but he raped me. Right there… my bed while my mom smoked crack on the floor of my bedroom.

I remember crying and pleading for help from her but she did nothing.

I guess my screams did finally get to her cause she finally walked out of my bedroom.

When Larry finished, he just rolled over and went to sleep.

I got up and dressed. I went to find my mother and she was locked in her closet….her normal spot.

I went to school and told what happened to my teachers…

Long story short he went to prison for 12 yrs and my mother lost custody of me.

Yep. Yorktown Pub in Yorktown, Virginia, with my young teen daughters in tow.

One of them noticed me struggling with my daughter’s wheelchair up the front steps.

Six guys with beards, knives, leathers, boots, chains, tats, jumped up to help. Two grabbed the doors.

The other four grabbed the wheelchair by the corners and launched my daughter into the pub.

Before I could look for a table, they realized their table was better located for a wheelchair, moved their stuff, wiped down the table, and re-set it.

All this took about a minute.

I offered to buy them a pitcher but they refused. Great guys.

Slow-Cooker Bolognese

Muir Glen® tomato paste provides a simple addition to this Bolognese that’s made using sausage and ground beef. Serve this slow cooked Italian sauce over pasta for dinner.



  • 1 lb bulk Italian pork sausage
  • 1 lb lean (at least 80%) ground beef
  • 2 large onions, chopped (2 cups)
  • 2 carrots, finely chopped (1 cup)
  • 3 cloves garlic, finely chopped
  • 2 cans (14.5 oz each) diced tomatoes with basil, garlic and oregano, undrained
  • 1 can (6 oz) Muir Glen™ organic tomato paste
  • 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon packed brown sugar
  • 3/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground pepper
  • 1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
  • 16 oz uncooked spaghetti
  • 3/4 cup shaved Parmesan cheese (3 oz)
  • 1/2 cup chopped fresh basil leaves

Arthur Booth

Arthur Booth was arrested by the police with charges including burglary, fleeing and resisting arrest.

As he stepped before Judge Glazer, something coincidental happened!

Judge Glazer recognized him and said, “Did you go to Nautilus Middle School?”

Arthur broke down in tears, covered his head with his hands and continued to repeat the same words: “Oh my goodness, oh my goodness.”


It was that moment when Arthur realised what he had become. Judge Glazer was heartbroken seeing her former classmate failing and ending up in the courtroom. She said:

“This was the nicest kid in middle school. He was the best kid in middle school. I used to play football with him, all the kids… And look what has happened”.

As Booth continued to cry, Glazer tried to encourage him: “What’s sad is how old we have become. Good luck to you sir, I hope you are able to come out of this ok and just lead a lawful life.”

Arthur struggled with drug addiction and was constantly in and out of jail during his adult life. But this was his calling.

Nearly a year later, the two friends reunited again on the day of Arthur’s release.

She said: “Try to get a job. Stay clean. You’re gonna do something good for somebody else. That’s what you gotta do.”



We all need to be like Judge Glazer! This just makes me think about my old classmates. A good fraction of my life was spent growing up with them. Where are they now? Who have they become? Are they alive and well?

It’d be nice to check on them, even if it has been seven years…

Brutality of certain “humans”

For 13 years, Genie was strapped to a toilet at all times, never allowed to see the outside world or utter a single word.


How did this terrible thing happen to her? It all started with her father.

Her father, Clark Wiley, grew up in foster homes and was supposedly a machinist for some time near World War II. After a while he decided to marry.

Unfortunately, he had the gall to marry – but lacked the will and heart to raise children.

The scumbag’s neglect and madness resulted in the death of his first two children. The first baby girl died after being abandoned in a garage. The second baby died not long after birth. The third baby boy survived, but was constantly abused during childhood.

The fourth, known by the pseudo-name Genie, suffered possibly the worst fate of them all. She was strapped to a toilet, isolated from humanity and left to quietly suffer for 13 years. Each time she tried to utter a noise, her father beat her. Operant conditioning, in the end, stripped her of the desire to even make basic noises, let alone speak language.

Just let that sink in for a second.

Imagine what it would be like to suffer such an unsightly fate at the hands of a monster like Clark. To never know the warmth of family. To never enjoy the company of friends, play with toys, eat delicious food, or discover your interests. To never even learn language, one of the bare-bone fundamentals of our conscious thought.

After 13 years of suffering, Genie was found by the public. Afterwards her father committed suicide to avoid the consequences. On his death note he complained: “The world will never understand.” Truly despicable, the pile of trash makes my blood boil.

When the public discovered her, Genie had almost two sets of teeth due to lack of any dental care, her limbs functioned abnormally, and she essentially looked like a 6-year-old due to undernourishment.

From there she spent some time with researchers and linguists, who saw her as an opportunity to understand language development. Their research confirmed that a critical-point existed in language development. A child, once past a certain age, cannot master grammar or syntax.

Under the researchers, Genie learned to use non-verbal communication. Though she was never able to master verbal-communication, she significantly improved her psychology, and her mind was given an opportunity to grow.

Yet she was once again pulled into hell when the authorities pulled her away from everybody she knew – including the researchers – and placed her in institutions. From there, the skills she acquired under the scientists deteriorated, and she again underwent abuse and stress.

I personally believe that what happened to Genie is one of the worst things to ever happen to a human.

Growing up strapped to a toilet, isolated from humanity – this is truly one of the most cruel fates for any human.

BBC “filtering”

For a long time, some Western countries and media have always misinterpreted and prejudged China, and often made unwarranted accusations and judgements on China’s internal affairs.The BBC launched a period called “a year later, how to change the new crown outbreak of wuhan” video report last December. Netizens found that although the media in its English version and Chinese version use the identical content, but the two different language versions of the video actually presented the different colour effect!


(Bright filter in Chinese version and dark filter in English version.)

No wonder the Chinese dislike the foreign media, right? If it is you, would you like foreign media to come to your hometown to shoot a video and use it as material to denigrate your hometown?


My cat, Hera, was surrendered to my local ASPCA twice in the first six years of her life before we adopted her.

She was originally surrendered by a breeder, then by an adopter who kept her for only 3 years.

I have no idea the circumstances of her first adopted needing to bring her back to the ASPCA but, after reviewing the medical records given to use by the ASPCA, neither of her previous owners took very good care of her — she was significantly underweight, several rotten or missing teeth, and nails ingrown into her paws that required surgical intervention.

Probably due to this neglect and the trauma of all of the ASPCA’s medical treatments that she needed, Hera has panic attacks and hyperventilates every time she’s at the vet’s office then, as I pull into my neighborhood and she realizes we’re going back home, she empties every drop of urine out of her bladder.

(NOTE: After the first time, I learned to take her out of the carrier as soon as we are in the exam room and hold her as much as possible (which reduces the hyperventilating), then I also put a *very* absorbent bath towel in the bottom of her carrier so she’s not laying in a pool of urine and there’s no “spillage” in the car.)

Here she is on the day we adopted her.

Sad Cat.

Here she is now … supervising/judging my participation in a work Zoom meetings and impatiently waiting for her treat break. LOL!

Boss Cat

Waist Chop

In Ancient China, there was a form of execution called waist chop.

Just like its name, it entails a person being literally chopped in half from the waist. It was reserved only for the most serious criminals since many people did not die immediately after being chopped.

In Qing Dynasty, an official was caught embezzling money, and was sentenced to waist chop.

However, he stayed alive long enough to write, using his blood, the Chinese character ‘慘’ (horrific/brutal) 7 times before finally dying.

Upon hearing this story, the Yongzheng Emperor was shocked and abolished the form of execution.


China Prepares for Conflict: Politicians Hand Power to Military


A particularly disturbing revelation comes from China. In July 2022, a Chinese businessman making medical equipment announced that local officials had asked him to convert his production lines in China so they could produce items for the military.

Communist Party officials, he said, issued similar orders to other businessmen.

In addition, Chinese academics argue that the ongoing expulsion of foreign colleagues from China’s universities appears to be a preparation for hostilities.

The People’s Republic of China is preparing to go to war and is not hiding its efforts.

Amendments to the National Defense Act brought into force transfer powers from politicians to military officials.

In general, the amendments reduce the role of the central government’s State Council by shifting power to the CMC, the Communist Party’s Central Military Committee.

Specifically, the State Council will no longer supervise the mobilization of the People’s Liberation Army.

As Zeng Zhiping of Soochow University told Hong Kong’s South China Morning Post, “the CMC is now formally responsible for formulating national defense policy and principles, while the State Council becomes a mere implementer providing support to the military.”

In a sense, these amendments were a window into war preparation.

“The recent changes to China’s National Defense Law that reduce the State Council’s power are largely political posturing ,” Richard Fisher of the Virginia-based Center for International Assessment and Strategy said after the amendments went into effect.

Military mobilization

“The Chinese Communist Party and especially the existing CMC have always had the highest authority in decisions about war and peace.”

Why then are we interested in the amendments to the National Defense Law?

The amendments, Fisher tells us, “demonstrate China’s ambition to achieve ‘nation-wide’ levels of military mobilization to wage wars and give the CMC formal authority to control future Chinese capabilities for global military intervention.”

“The revised National Defense Law also incorporates the idea that everyone should participate in national defense,” the Communist Party’s Global Times reported, quoting an unnamed CMC official as saying.

“All national organizations, armed forces, political parties, civic groups, enterprises, social organizations and other organizations should support and participate in the development of national defense, fulfill national defense tasks and carry out national defense missions in accordance with the law .

As Fisher said “for the past 40 years, the Chinese Communist Party has been preparing for war and is now accelerating its plans.” The Party, being ready for battle, leaves nothing to chance.

Also preparing for sanctions –  Taiwan

On April 22, finance ministry and central bank officials met with representatives of dozens of banks, including HSBC, to discuss what Beijing might do if punitive measures are imposed on China. The holding of the “emergency meeting”, as reported by the Financial Times, is ominous.

"Officials and attendees did not mention specific scenarios, but one possible trigger for such sanctions is believed to be a Chinese invasion of Taiwan," 

-Financial Times

The fact that Chinese officials held the meeting is a clear indication that Beijing is planning military action.

“Be ready for battle.” 

This is how Hong Kong’s South China Morning Post summed up Chinese ruler Xi Jinping’s first order to the military of 2019.

In January of that year, he gave a major speech at the CMC on preparations for war, and the speech was then broadcast nationally.

Foreign analysts debate whether China will go to war soon. 

The Chinese political system has become less transparent over time, so it’s unclear what senior leaders are thinking.

Sign in China


Russia Threatens Military Response Against NATO Country over Car Bombing


THERE IS GIGANTIC BREAKING NEWS OUT OF RUSSIA: The Russian government today said there will be a “military response” over the car bombing which killed Daria Dugina in Russia over the weekend.

The suspected assassin is allegedly hiding out in a specific, named, country, which is a NATO Member . . . .

Full Details on tonight’s Hal Turner Radio Show

You can Tune-in via Radio or Internet at 9:00 PM eastern US Time (GMT -0400) as follows:

WBCQ  Global Shortwave on frequency 7.490 or 6.160

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KYAH 540-AM  Utah

or here on the Internet at: (Then click "PLAY" or hit Right Arrow on player)  BE ADVISED THIS LINK DOES NOT GO ACTIVE UNTIL ABOUT ONE HOUR BEFORE SHOW TIME.   During that hour, it streams commercial free music until the show begins.


A SECOND NATO country is now openly instructing its soldiers to “prepare your loved ones for your departure to fight Russians in Ukraine.”


Russia has told the country of Estonia there will be a military response unless Estonia Extradites the bombing/Murder suspect, Natalya Vovk, of the Ukraine National Guard. 

Estonia is a member of NATO.

Natalya Vovk is now charged in Russia with the bombing and murder, fled Russia after the bombing via the Pskov border crossing into Estonia, and is allegedly being kept hidden in a secret NATO facility near Amari Air Base.

Ämari Air Base is a military airbase in HarjumaaEstonia located 7 km (4.3 mi) south of Lake Klooga and 20 nautical miles (37 km; 23 mi) southwest of Tallinn, which is the capital city of Estonia.

“If Estonia does not extradite the perpetrator of the murder … to Russia, there are grounds for harsh actions against Tallinn for harboring a terrorist,” said Vladimir Dzhabarov, a senior member of the Russian Federation Council.

Thrift shop discovery

It was a crusty old thrift shop, just like this one:


Mostly junk. Everything very cheap. These types of stores are a magnet for people who love to save money.

In Nashville, Tennessee, Michael Sparks found an old picture frame that he liked.

He went up to the lady behind the counter and said,

~”How much for this picture?”

She casually said,..”That’s $4.”

Michael takes frame home with him.

When he gets home, he finds a piece of paper rolled up in the back of the picture frame.

And what is it?


An original copy of the Declaration of Independence that was circulated to the 13 colonies.

After having it appraised he then went and took the document to auction, where it was sold for $2.4 million dollars. (Source: Declaration of Independence Sells for $2.4 Million. New York Times. Blau, Eleanor.)

$2,399,996 profit on a $4 picture frame.

Not too shabby.

Russia Announces US Practiced Nuclear Bombing Run Against Russia


Russian defense minister Shoigu announced Wednesday that U.S. Air Force bombers practiced a nuclear strike on the Russian Federation.

The Russian Air Force intercepted the US planes, but the trajectory the US planes were on, and the pattern with which they approached Russia makes clear they were practicing for release of nuclear cruise missiles to strike certain key areas within Russia.

The Roman Empire was a wonderfully cosmopolitan place.


The Roman “costume” (at the time of the late Republic and early Empire) was a tunic for men and women (women wore a longer one), with a shawl or cloack in winter. Rich people also wore a toga (men) or a palla (women). But not all people in Rome were Latins and it was easy to meet:


Celts in colorful tunics and trousers


Egyptians in white linen and wigs


Adopting an older cat

This is Moses.


He was surrendered to a shelter at age 16 because his family was moving and couldn’t take him along.

I had just lost my elderly cat and saw Moses online. There was something about his expression that touched me and I decided that Moses should have a good end-of-life experience, so I adopted him.

(Actually, the shelter I got him from in Kent County, Maryland did a nice job with old cats. They stayed in a business office, not in shelter cages, and got plenty of attention and the ability to sit in the windows and watch the world go by. He would have been ok even if I hadn’t adopted him.)

Moses settled in well.

He would sit in my lap and enjoyed looking out my big windows. He also adopted my house as his territory — he would violently fling his body at the sliding glass door whenever a neighbor’s cat would come to visit. I think he felt cared for and secure with his own territory and a person of his own.

He came to me with fairly advanced kidney disease, and he didn’t last a year before developing pleural effusion and was euthanized.

I’ll never regret giving Moses a good last year.



Something big seems to have happened. The Presidential motorcade of Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin has been seen moving at very high speed to the Kremlin. It is now about 3:00 AM in Moscow. The motorcade was video recorded about three hours ago, so around Midnight, Moscow time.

The Russian Duma has called a “Special Meeting” . . .

The last time that happened, was February 23, one day before the Special Military Operation in Ukraine began.

RUMORS and SPECULATION are running rampant. Intel circuits fearing Duma to either Declare Ukraine a “state sponsor of terrorism” or . . . .

Duma may formally declare . . . . something much worse.

The Crespi Ancient Artifact Collection of Cuenca Ecuador

This is a nice mystery that has turned the archeological world on it’s side. It’s a great read and I really hope that you all enjoy what is presented here. Translated from an old scan. Correct, and edited to fit this venue. I doubt that you will be able to find a complete recounting of this story elsewhere in the Western Internet today.

Father Carlo Crespi, who comes from Milan, has lived in the small town of Cuenca, Ecuador, for more than 50 years. He was a priest of the Church of Maria Auxiliadora.

Crespi was accepted by the local indians as a real friend.

They (the local indians) used to bring him presents from their hiding places.

Over a period of time the father had so many precious objects stored in his house and the church that one day he received permission from the Vatican to open a museum to display them.

This museum (in the Salesian School at Cuenca) grew and grew Until in 1960 it was one of the biggest museums in Ecuador, and Crespi was recognized as an archaeological authority.

But he has always been a rather embarrassing servant of his church, for he
asserts vehemently that he can prove that there was a direct connection between the Old World (Babylon) and the New World (pre-Inca civilizations); and that goes right against prevailing opinion.

Complicating matters, on 20th July 1962 there was an act of arson and the father’s museum was burnt down.

What Father Crespi managed to salvage from the damaged museum was housed in two long narrow rooms, which were in a terrible muddle.

Brass, copper, sheet-metal, zinc, tin and stone and wooden objects and in the midst of them all pure gold, sheet-gold, silver and sheet -silver.

Eric Van Danken in His book Gold of The Gods says of this Treasure “Let the Vatican grail guardian Father Crespi of Cuenca be the key witness to the pre-
Christian origin of the metal treasures. He said “‘Every’ thing that the Indians brought me from the tunnels dates to before Christ. “Most of the symbols and pre-historic representations are older than the Flood.’”

“Father Crespi has partially stacked his metal plaques by motifs, for example those with pictures of pyramids.

I took a close look at more than 40 objects.

All the pyramid engravings have four things in common: a sun, but more frequently several suns, is depicted above the pyramid; snakes are always flying
next to or over the pyramid; animals of various kinds are always present….

“Professor Miloslav Stingi is the leading South American scholar in the Iron Curtain countries; he graduated in the ancient civilizations of America. today he is a member of the Academy of Sciences at Prague and author of archaeological and ethnological books. In versunkenen Mayasta~dten (1971), for example, is highly acclaimed. Professor Stingl, who was a guest in my house, saw the photographs I had taken at Cuenca. ‘If these pictures are genuine, and everything indicates that they are, because no one makes forgeries in gold, at any rate not on such a large scale, this is the biggest archaeological sensation since the discovery of Troy. Years ago I myself supported the view that the Incas had no writing in the alphabetical sense of the word. And now I am faced with Inca writing. To be able to give a precise scientific verdict I should have to subject each plaque to a detailed and lengthy examination, and compare each one with material already available. For the moment I can only say that I am dumbfounded. The sun was often part of the scenery in known Inca engravings, but man was never equated with the sun, as I see time and again in these photographs. There are  representations of men with sun's rays round their heads and there are men depicted with star points coming from them. The symbol of holy power has  always been the head. But in these pictures the head is simultaneously sun or star. That points to new direct connections.’”

J Golden Barton in 1998 tells of a visit see Father Crespi with Dr. Paul Chessman from BYU and others in the late 1970’s. He writes (ref. 2):  High in the Andes mountains of Ecuador lies beautiful Cuenca, a peaceful city with red Spanish tile roofs and worn cobble stone streets. Townspeople go about their daily business happily trading with each other and the native Indians who populate the hills and valleys surrounding the village. The Indians speak the tongue of their Quechua" ancestors, who watched the sun rise over the Amazon hundreds of years before. With weathered and rosy cheeks they radiate a simplicity of harmony with the rugged mountains where they have worked time out of mind. The men of the tribe wear a single long braid of hair down their back underneath a Panamanian hat. Men, women and children are dressed in the same black and brown earth-tone cloth, edged with bright colored trim. Each shuffle along the paths long known by their forefathers, carrying them back and forth from village to village. Not many tourists travel this way and the service is unrushed but thorough.

“A few blocks from the center of the village stands a Catholic "College of Salesino." Young men and women from prosperous families attend this secondary school, its classrooms facing a clay and terrazzo tiled courtyard. Entering through a side door, we found ourselves in a small open-air enclosure facing stately, hand-carved wooden gates. A friendly young man bid us enter through old wooden doors and ushered us into a private chamber. A few moments later, a bearded, monkish-looking man with twinkling eyes and a benign smile arrived and embraced Dr. Cheeseman. Although an octogenarian, he appeared in lively good health, despite his quaking robes which betrayed a shaky hand. We had heard that he was senile, but his personal behavior only radiated complete mental iompetence. So this was Father Carlos Crespi, Ecuador's unlikely focus of a unique archaeological controversy that continues to baffle everyone
who has heard about it.

“He led us into an inner court of the school yard, where old Spanish wooden doors faced inward, and the oft-scrubbed floors gleamed with sunlight bouncing off the polished terrazzo. We were unprepared for what was to come. Father Crespi took a large key from a ring that hung from a braided belt around his robe, then moved to an obscure wooden door and turned the lock. Together with a single helper, he disappeared into the dark room. Both soon reappeared with a large piece of metal that had been molded and hammered into a long sheet. It looked like it might be made of gold. The sheet was inscribed with a curious artwork beyond identification.

“Next, they dragged something from the darkness too large to be carried, and only with strenuous exertions were they able to lean it against the stucco wall. It stands twenty-two inches high and about seven inches wide its weight must have been prodigious. I reached my hand to touch the object and noticed it featured a dark covering, as if it had been painted. At first, I supposed it must have been made of lead, because it was soft and almost pliable. Then the nails of my fingers bit into the body of the figure through the paint and the gleam from the tell-tale scratch left no doubt that it was made of pure gold.
Our cameras began to click, and in the excitement Father Crespi talked excitedly, hardly stopping to breathe. He was our enthusiastic instructor, showing us each new piece as though it had just been brought to the light of day for the first time.

What other wonders did his black vault contain, we wondered? The old man's nimble fingers joined the ends of two barren electric wires and the chamber was instantly revealed in the radiance of an incandescent globe. The gleam of gold, silver, and bronze everywhere added to the brightness of its interior. Shelves of dusty, worn ceramics, starry-eyed idols posturing in hideous stances or strange proportions. Stacked from floor to ceiling were hundreds of large cardboard pieces on which were wired metal bracelets, earrings, nose rings, and necklaces, some untarnished by time. Hide-scrapers, tools, implements of war, spears, axes, clubs, of wood, metal and stone were stacked everywhere. Father Crespi's mysterious room seemed overburdened with the treasures of an unknown antiquity. It literally over-flowed with bizarre artifacts, many wrought in precious metals. Most intriguing were the innumerable plates of bronze, brass and gold. Many bore strange inscriptions and hieroglyphic symbols. Others were replete with the engravings of incongruous animals--elephants, snakes, jaguars, wild beasts of every kind. The images of horse-drawn chariots were clearly etched into metal, calling to mind Juan Moricz's description of "a Roman chariot" in his underground chamber.

“We photographed a plate inscribed with representations of what appeared to be Egypt's step-pyramid. Still more plates contained artwork with what looked like Assyrian or Babylonian symbols. We grew dizzy with the gleaming opulence and historical anomaly all around us. Newell Parkin, a banker from Bountiful, Utah, Dr. Paul Cheeseman, Wayne Hamby, an undergraduate student from Brigham Young University, D. Craig Anderson, a Utah State University Research Associate, who acted as our interpreter, and I spent the afternoon amid these otherworldly splendors. In all my travels throughout the world, my visit to the Crespi Collection was to be their crowning experience.
“We asked Father Crespi how he came by such marvelous things. He said he headed the local parish for over fifty years after studying at Italy's University In Milan, where the subject of archaeology had caught his interest. Following graduation, he became a priest and was assigned to Ecuador's beautiful city of Cuenca to work among the Indians. In time, he came to love them. Moreover, in South America he had opportunity to further his archaeological interests. To his great surprise and delight, the religious celebrations over which he presided brought a host of Indians bearing gifts to the kindly man who
performed baptisms and marriages and was their friend in trouble. Aware of Father Crespi's enthusiasm for archaeology, the grateful Indians brought him ancient objects long hidden in the jungle. Soon, his collection steadily increased until, after fifty years, it filled many rooms.
“A museum was constructed to house these remarkable gifts, but a few years before our visit it was seriously damaged by an arsonist's fire. Father Crespi managed to salvage three full rooms of the relics, one
of relatively obscure and unimportant tributes, another filled with items of curious antiquity, but the last was a treasury of gold artifacts. Residing high among the Andes mountains in an obscure village, the old
man had no interest in fame or fortune. Few travelers knew of his collection and even fewer scientists. He was a private person with a big heart and a deep interest in the past.
‘Where and how do the Indians find these incredible things.,’ we wondered.
‘Oh, they just get them from the caves and subterranean chambers in the jungles,’ he answered in an offhand manner. 'There are over 200 kilo-meters of tunnels starting here in Cuenca. They run from the mountains down to the eastern lowlands near the Amazon." Wayne Hamby, an assistant to Cheeseman, spent a few more days with Father Crespi to catalogue and photograph the entire collection. His results went into the files of Dr. Cheeseman, who died after his retirement from the faculty of Brigham Young University.

“Two years following our visit to the kindly priest, I returned to Cuenca with Ben Holbrook, our two young sons, and a pair of Ecuadoran LDS missionaries acting as interpreters. We were greeted by a young priest, who informed us that Carlos Crespi had passed away in January 1980, and his collection was no longer available for public view. In spite of my efforts to convince him that we had traveled a long distance to view the relics, he stubbornly refused to allow us to see the treasures. He insisted that the room with the artifacts could not be shown on orders from the Vatican. To my knowledge, no one from the outside world has seen the treasure since the death of the old Padre. “. Mr. Barton heard rumors that much of the treasure had been shipped to Rome to the Vatican.

Richard Wingate a Florida based explorer and writer visited Father Crespi four times during the mid to late 1970’s and photographed the extensive artifact collection. He says this concerning his visits:

“IN A DUSTY, cramped shed on the side porch of the Church of Maria Auxiliadora in Cuenca, Ecuador, lies the most valuable archaeological treasure on earth. 

More than one million dollars worth of dazzling gold is cached here, and much silver, yet the hard money value of this forgotten hoard is not its
principal worth. There are ancient artifacts identified as Assyrian, Egyptian, Chinese, and African so perfect in workmanship and beauty that any museum director would regard them as first-class acquisitions.

Since this treasure is the strangest collection of ancient archaeological objects in existence, its value lies in the historical questions it poses, and demands answers to.

Yet it is unknown to historians and deliberately neglected in the journals of orthodox archaeology….

‘Ah,’ the priest said, ‘enough flattery, then, let’s take a look.’ Without ceremony, he forced a key into an ancient, rusty padlock and opened the rickety door to his museum.

He touched two bare wires together and a watery yellow light went on.

Father Crespi was smiling like a man with a very remarkable secret.

I was skeptical of the reports I had heard about this place, but now that cautious attitude gave’ way to unabashed astonishment.

Stacked against the far wall were golden mummy cases in the quasi-Egyptian
style with a black, baked-enamel finish.

A dozen complete sets of gleaming, golden ceremonial armor, beaten-gold Chaldean-style helmets, and golden inscribed plaques were piled haphazardly on the floor.

These dazzling memoirs of lost times were scattered among an array of beautifully carved Pacific Oceanic and African-styled wooden statues, shields of a rich, red copper, pottery, canes, sheets, and rolls of silver-colored metal, and strange, unidentifiable gears, pipes, and wheels which might have been parts to long-lost technological systems.

Rolls of intricately figured sheet metal stood haphazardly piled around the shed.

The priest explained that it had been torn off the interior walls of long abandoned, vine-choked buildings in the inaccessible eastern jungle.

The Indian artifact hunters bring this wallpaper in three different metals: gold, a
metallurgically unique, untarnished silver, and an unknown alloy with the appearance of shiny aluminum.

Every square inch of the peculiar sheet metal is decorated with intricate designs, some of them depicting long-forgotten ceremonial occasions and some of them humorous and cartoon like.

The rolls come in heights that vary, for the most part, from eight to twelve feet, and they are often fifteen to thirty feet long.

These lengths are composed of many individual four-foot sheets which have been artfully riveted together.

He showed me a dozen bronze plaques. Seemingly, they were among his favorite acquisitions.

The illustrations borne by the plaques made me catch my breath.

Images of Egyptian princesses and Assyrian gods stared at me with a severity undiminished by the passage of centuries.

One of the plaques bore the image of a Caucasian man writing linear script with a quill pen. 

Linear script?

A quill pen?

Needless to say, the Andes Indians did not have a written language when the Spanish arrived, let alone a tool for writing.

There were reportedly fifty-six solid gold plaques originally, but after a disastrous arson in 1962, which local political fanatics claimed credit for, Father
Crespi had molds made by a local casket maker and the best dozen of his precious plaques were duplicated in coffin-handle bronze.

The original gold plaques lie safe today in a bank vault.

“Father Crespi granted me permission to take photographs. Since most museums jealously guard their treasures from photographers, the priest’s open generosity won me over.

Lack of space inside the shed forced me to set up my tripod and camera in the sunlit outer courtyard.

The priest himself brought his treasures out for me to record on film.

Hours passed, and the usual, afternoon equatorial winter rain began.

The Father was growing tired. We quit for the day.

I had exposed over ten rolls of film, taken more than three hundred pictures, and covered only a tiny percentage of the seventy thousand artifacts which filled the museum’s three rooms to their ceilings.

“As it turned out, I made not one but three additional visits to Father Crespi in Cuenca, exposed over three thousand frames, and I still have captured only 2 percent of the collection on film.

Between my second and third trips, the Padre’s treasure hunters apparently hit upon a fresh cache in the jungle caves.

So many new pieces arrived during this period that I was forced to climb over heaps of newly unearthed objects in order to get to certain items that I particularly wanted to photograph.

I found myself in the classic one- step-forward, two-steps-back situation, for new articles were arriving more rapidly than I could take pictures of the old!

“One of the reasons for my continued efforts was my apprehension for Carlo Crespi’s advanced age.

He was born on April 29, 1891, and when he dies, the integrity of the collection is by no means assured.

It might be saved and protected by benevolent church authorities, but an auction to private dealers seems just as likely.

If the priceless museum is somehow disbursed before modern techniques of dating and evaluation can be applied to its artifacts, a great chance for the reevaluation of the history of the Western hemisphere will have been missed.

“In spite of the plethora of startling material in his museum, Father Crespi regrets that he missed acquiring most of the ‘treasure unearthed in the jungle, including most of the best articles, because he simply couldn’t match prices with other bidders.

Maintaining the jungle museum has proven a difficult adventure for the Father in other ways as well.

The collection weathered an arson fire in 1962 which melted many objects, burned others, and substantially diminished its value.

Another fire occurred in 1974.

There have also been instances of outright theft.

A few archaeologists who have heard of the collection are prone to an understandable condescension, because the shedful of artifacts poses a violent offense to the procedural r~es of their fraternity.

The articles in the trove have been discovered in sloppy, unsupervised, surreptitious digs by wholly untrained J ivaro Indian diggers.

Crespi is not even an accredited museum curator.

Although not an uneducated man~he holds a master’s degree in anthropology from a Milan, Italy, university.

The priest has no formal archaeological training, and the time he gives to his immense collection is stolen from a heavy schedule of parish duties, as I saw on my visits.

Crespi, furthermore, occasionally expresses a salty indifference to the judgment of the accepted experts.

The classification system of his museum is best described as chaotic.

It does not make highly publicized acquisitions at blue ribbon auctions, for the Father wouldn’t have the money, even if he had the need.

Nor does it have advanced dating machinery, assistant curators, guards, guides, set hours, or any of the other appurtenances of the respectable, contemporary museum.

And yet the affection in which the Padre is held by his Shuara (Jivaro) collectors, has made it possible for him to accumulate the most significant single assemblage of South American artifacts anywhere.

“Carlo Crespi was raised in the prosperous northern Italian -city of Milan, where, after a youth spent with a comfortably wealthy family, he decided to join the Salesian Fathers. More than fifty-five years ago this missionary order sent Father Crespi to South America.

Ever since that voyage, Father Crespi has lived a life of voluntary poverty, sleeping on the floors of native huts with only a single blanket, and carelessly
eating poor but lovingly offered food.

He has cared for the people, listened to their stories of fabulous deep-jungle temples, explored the treasure-filled Tayos caves, and stubbornly provided a museum for the strange artifacts of the country…

When Father Crespi and his Indian diggers tell of the places where they find their
artifacts, they described giant pyramids, immense, deserted cities, fantastic sacred tunnels, and caves.

The cities, they say, still shine with a mysterious, cool bluish light when the sun goes down.

The tunnels are reportedly large enough to drive a locomotive through.

They have cut-stone entrances and walls which, by native account, are as smooth as glass.

And it is these tunnels, at least according to the Indian explorers, that hold the bulk of the material being offered to the Maria Auxiliadora museum and to other collectors.

It is a fantastic tale, but when one sees the evidence, the thousands of gold treasured trinkets, the story of a vast tunnel system become nearly plausible.

“Although legend tells of this tunnel network honeycombing all of Ecuador and Peru, the only part of it that has, to my knowledge, been documented, is located in the very dangerous Jivaro country, between the Santiago and Morona rivers, near Tayos.

Unfortunately, this area is decidedly out of bounds for the foreign adventurer.

The local Indians have killed at least four inquisitive outsiders in the last two years.

Yet the tunnels of the Shuara tribes (Jivaro) have been photographed.

A naturalized Ecuadorian named Juan Moricz took several rolls of high-quality pictures, verified in this way the accounts the natives have been giving
Crespi, and subsequently lay legal claim to the entire tunnel network.

His grandiose claim was denied by the courts, but his photographs cannot be.

<Portion unrecoverable>

...less than the bullion value of the precious metal.” (p. 139)

The “heavy mineral crust enamel coating” of many artifacts indicates that they were “buried under searing volcanic heat.” (p. 139)
Concerning sophisticated artifacts, like the Phoenician calendars, the golden Middle Eastern helmets, the golden armor, and the golden plaques: these “would bring hundreds of thousands of dollars and perhaps millions on the private market; to suggest that a sophisticated forger unloaded them on the priest for a low price is to deny the greed that motivates forgery!” (p. 140)
Concerning a cast steel shield: “Steel casting is beyond the metallurgical capacity of present day Tayos Indians.” (p. 143)
(B) Fakes
Regarding fakes (which Crespi knowingly purchases in his casual, humanitarian style, at the same time chiding the seller): “The modern solder and hacksaw marks give them away.” (p. 136)
(C) Hybrid real-fakes
Far from creating fakes in order to reap high profits, some of the Indian diggers in Ecuador have cut up and reshaped genuinely ancient and priceless materials in order to get any kind of price at all for it. We have mentioned earlier the ebony column...carved with the Ecuadorian
national seal and decorated with gold cut from a sheet of mysterious ancient wallpaper.” (p. 139)
Picture (p. 36)—“Obviously genuine copper ‘radiators’ were redecorated by Indian discoverers.”
Picture (p. 39)—“Heavy brass ‘bass viol’ a real-fake soldered together from original thick wall sheeting.” The brass sheet metal is genuine and very old, but the instrument was crafted by modern forgers. One can see where existing designs on the brass sheets were cut through in the
manufacture of the article.
Picture (p. 142)—“Genuine silver wrapped gold trimmed elephant. Yet decorated with modern brass thumb tacks.”
Picture (p. 146)—“Bottom of tin can. Clumsily fire blackened to simulate real volcanic mineral patina on genuine objects. The carbon on this olive oil can be rubbed off on a sheet of paper. The black patina on most of Crespi’s material is enameled to the metal.”
In summary: “The genuine green porphyry patina on many of the articles,...the enormous
quantities of cheaply bought gold articles, the metallurgical uniqueness of some of the artifacts (such as the platinum nose cone and the radiators), the Mid-eastern artistic motifs, and the abundance of art ides for which little or no market exists (such as the air pipes and the
‘wallpaper’) pose difficult questions for those who carelessly write the collection off as a hoax.”
(p. 140)
1. Eric Van Daniken Gold of The Gods (1973)
2. J. Golden Barton The Lost Gold of Ancient Ecuador, Ancient American Vol. 4 Number 25, 1998
3. Richard Wingate Lost Outpost of Atlantis 1980 Everest House Publishing Company
4. Wayne Hamby Voices From The Dust 1977 Osmond Publishing Company


I hope that you enjoyed this little glimpse in the statist-overturning world of the good Father.

The mysterious disappearance of the crew of the L-8

Ghost ship in the sky: The mysterious disappearance of the crew of the L-8
by SOFREP May 26, 2020. This article was written by Alex Hollings and originally published in 2017. 

Here is a short blurb of an article about a mystery. Please take a moment and enjoy the mystery presented here. Savor it. It will make good conversational discussion with some friends at the pub, or at the water fountain at work.

Stories of ghost ships adrift in the vast expanses of ocean have survived since man first took to the sea. Legends about ships like The Flying Dutchman, which was lost under the leadership of Van der Decken near the Cape of Good Hope as they traveled toward the East Indies, continue to spring up in reports given by sailors claiming to see the cursed vessel ever continuing on its voyage.

Another famous ship, the Mary Celeste, was found adrift in the Atlantic Ocean in 1872, completely unharmed and in good working order, but missing its crew, a lifeboat, and the captain’s logbook. All of the crew’s possessions remained on board, as well as its untouched payload of 1500 barrels of alcohol, prompting a number of theories ranging from mutiny to poisoning to sheer madness.

The two-thirds of our planet covered by water has always been ripe with mysteries, thanks in large part to its ability to swallow ships, airplanes, survivors, and wreckage into its depths, never to be seen again. Without any evidence left behind to help us to understand what happens on ships like the Mary Celeste, the mystery proves enduring, and like a fine wine, mysteries often get better with age. But not every ghost ship is lost at sea. Some ghost ships, in fact, are of the airborne variety.

Nazi U-Boats proved to be a significant threat to allied naval efforts throughout World War II, prompting a number of novel approaches to spotting and combating submarines before they could sneak up on our ships. One such approach was the use of L-Class blimps, which could float above the ocean and spot submerged enemy vessels.

On the morning of August 16th, 1942, Lieutenant Ernest Cody and Ensign Charles Adams climbed aboard their L-8 Airship, a former Goodyear Blimp that had been procured by the Navy in April of that year to deliver equipment to the carrier USS Hornet (CV-8) while at sea. Their mission was simple: head out to sea from their post on Treasure Island in California and look for any signs of enemy submersibles.

Prior to the August flight, Lt. Cody had flown the L-8 out to the Carrier Hornet to make one last delivery as the ship, and sixteen B-25 bombers, headed across the Pacific, bound for Tokyo. (National Archives)

A little over an hour into their patrol, the two men radioed that they had spotted an oil slick on the water and were moving to investigate.Read Next: USS Independence Completes its Last Voyage – Towed to Brownsville Texas

“We figured by that time it was a submarine,” said Wesley Frank Lamoureux, a member of the Navy’s Armed Guard Unit who was aboard the cargo ship Albert Gallatin. “From then on, I am not too positive of the actions of the dirigible except that it would come down very close over the water. In fact, it seemed to almost sit on top of the water.”

According to his testimony, the blimp dropped two flares and circled the area, which was in keeping with protocol when investigating the possibility of a German sub. The Albert Gallatin cargo ship, believing the blimp could have located a U-Boat, sounded the general alarm, manned their guns, and made a hasty exit from the area. It would be the last time anyone would see the L-8 operating under the controls of its crew.

A few hours later, the massive air-ship approached the quiet town of Daly City, California. The sagging blimp eventually came to rest after getting snagged in power lines and crashing onto Bellevue Avenue. Crowds quickly amassed in the chaos and a number of people approached the wreckage in hopes of saving the crew… only to find the cabin empty.


The pilot’s parachute remained where it had been stowed before the trip, the lifeboat was still there as well. The pilot’s cap sat atop the instrument panel, and its payload of two bombs was secured. A briefcase containing confidential documents the crew had orders to dispose of if compromised also remained on board. The only things out-of-place were the blimp itself, and its missing crew.

Like the Mary Celeste, the L-8’s crew had seemed to vanish without a trace, prompting its own slew of theories.

  • Some assumed both the pilot and ensign had simply fallen out of the vessel, though it would have been nearly impossible to do so without both crew members leaving the cabin of the ship while it was still airborne. If there was something damaged that required both men to address on the external hull of the vessel, there was no evidence to suggest what it was in the wreckage.
The blimp finally came to rest atop Richard Johnston’s freshly waxed car in Daly City, Calif. just South of San Francisco. (National Archives)
  • Another theory postulated that the two men, were taken prisoner. They supposed that in the course of investigating the oil slick, lowered their blimp enough to be taken prisoner by the crew of the U-Boat or a Japanese vessel.
  • Still, others postulated that the two men were embroiled in a love triangle that drove one to kill the other and then escape by diving into the sea.
  • Other suppose a UFO was involved and either Reptilians or other dangerous extraterrestrials abducted them for heinous experimentation.

Despite a thorough investigation, no conclusion could ever be drawn.


And we thought that we had things under control…

Concerning the United States and the American culture…

We are a lost society, ruled by emotions, captured by technology, misinformed, uneducated, indifferent, fearful, passively accepting of whatever government and media tell them is true, and entranced by materialism funded by debt.

We are a sick dying culture where common community standards, self-responsibility, hard work, kindness, and manners have been superseded by the worship of abnormality, celebration of degeneracy, living off the government, spreading hatred, and waging undeclared wars across the world.

There is an empty shallowness to our civilization, with the vacuum filled with gadgets, pathetic displays of fake affluence, trivialities like social media, and superficial displays of virtue signaling regarding the latest woke craze shoved down our throats by those controlling the levers of society.

Yup. Even I can smell the sickness of festering rot from way, away here at the other end of the world. Let’s continue with our daily narrative and thus I present this post for your enjoyment and pleasures.

Chinese police in Serbia


Yes, it is true, they are here. They are in Belgrade and Novi Sad and mostly in city centres. They don’t have any authority, their main mission is to overcome the language barrier with Chinese visitors and tourists and offer their help to both Serbian police and Chinese citizens in that sense.

Chinese officials stated that they sent only those who are fluent in English which I understand. Numerous times I had issues with people from China when we talk in English. Most of the time I could not even recognise that they were speaking English because of their accent and the way they pronounce words.

Anyway, I like the idea. It became an attraction.

Doug Casey on the Rise of Alternatives as the US-Led Global Order Falters

Guest Post by Doug Casey

International Man: Since the invasion of Ukraine, we’ve seen the US and its European allies institute unprecedented sanctions on Russia. In a bold move, the US government also froze the US dollar reserves of the Russian central bank.

In response, Russia demanded payment in rubles in exchange for its energy.

What’s your take on this new phase of economic warfare?

Doug Casey: It’s a massively stupid and destructive move on the part of the US. There’s no upside to what the US is doing in fighting this economic war against Russia—or, for that matter, in backing the Zelensky regime in the Ukraine—but huge downside from every point of view.

Essentially the US and Western powers have confiscated hundreds of billions of dollars of assets from the Russian government, as well as individual Russians. It’s theft, pure and simple. It acts as a warning shot to everybody in the world: Your assets are not safe in Western countries. It’s a reason to get out of the US dollar and use something else.

It’s backfired on the US. It’s helping devastate Western economies by cutting off the flow of Russian oil, and especially natural gas, to Europe. Further, the Russians now demand payment in rubles. The ruble is now a much stronger currency because, in order to pay the Russians, the world has to buy rubles. The Russians have taken a page from the US playbook. Decades ago, the Saudis said they would only accept US dollars in payment for oil. And so, people had to buy dollars if they wanted Saudi oil.

The US is acting to destroy confidence in its currency, as well as the stability and perceived honesty of the dollar-based system. That’s extremely dangerous for a currency that rests on nothing but confidence. Something like this can cause confidence to blow away like a pile of feathers in a hurricane.

The issuer of the dollar, the bankrupt US Government (or its facilitator, the Fed), will give you nothing specific in exchange for them. But they can issue unlimited numbers of them. The dollar has been an IOU nothing for many years. But the charade is approaching an end. The US Government is now like a poker player “on tilt.”

International Man: Recently, Vladimir Putin traveled to Iran. As a result, Iran’s National Oil Company announced a $40 billion energy deal with Russia’s Gazprom. It’s safe to say they won’t be using the US dollar in their transactions.

What does this mean for future geopolitical alliances and economic dealings that undermine US dominance?

Doug Casey: The US is in serious decline—financially, economically, and sociologically—and the world knows it. Only a fool wants to hold the unsecured liability of a bankrupt government, especially one that’s so arrogant as to believe it can confiscate assets arbitrarily.

The major export of the US now, as it’s been for the last 40 years, is US dollars. We don’t really produce that much anymore. We ship people dollars. In return, they ship us vast amounts of material goods. Ships arrive in US ports full of products; they “dead head” on the return trip, mostly empty. The US has transformed itself from a nation of producers and creditors into a nation of consumers and debtors.

Our major export is dollars, not wheat and Boeings. Meanwhile, the US government is creating more dollars by the trillions in order to prop up the domestic economy. This is going to end very badly for the dollar’s use in international transactions.

Even though domestic prices are rising at something like 15%, the dollar has been quite strong in recent months against other currencies. The reason for that paradox is debt. Almost all of the world’s debt is denominated in dollars. And in order to service those debts, especially with interest rates now headed up, people need dollars.

So there’s been a scramble for dollars to service all the debt. It’s really rather perverse.

International Man: Russia and China recently announced their interest in developing a new reserve currency with other BRICS countries.

What would this mean if there was a serious rival to the US-led system?

Doug Casey: It’s been in the cards for years.

Countries that are our adversaries—like Russia and China—use the US dollar to trade between each other. Why? It’s quite strange, since those hot potato dollars all have to clear through New York. The reason is that the Russians don’t really trust the Chinese yuan, and the Chinese don’t trust the Russian ruble. They’re both fiat currencies, of little value outside the borders of the countries that issued them. It’s the same with the Indians, the Iranians, the Brazilians, the South Africans, and everybody else—they can’t use each other’s currencies. They’ve basically used dollars since the end of WW2.

All of the world’s currencies- every single one—are “fiat” units, essentially political footballs, whose numbers and values can fluctuate radically and randomly. The dollar is just the biggest and best of the bunch. It won’t be replaced easily, because the whole world has gotten so used to using it. Nobody wants to use a unit controlled by Washington, but what’s the realistic alternative? Flakey Third World governments run by sociopaths are incapable of putting together a new super fiat currency—that just adds another layer of risk and complexity. They can all see that even the euro, an artificial Esperanto currency, is on the edge of imploding. None of these governments have the same interests, and they certainly don’t trust each other.

What’s going to happen? They’ll default to gold for settling accounts among each other. I’m not saying they’ll allow their subjects to save in and trade in gold—that’s most unlikely. But I think it’s inevitable for settlements between governments. The only alternative is barter—”I’ll trade you a thousand tonnes of cocoa for two used tanks, 500 cows, and 100 tonnes of wool.” A flea market transaction that’s not very likely in a complicated industrial world… That’s why money was invented.

The world is going back to gold. Not because any government or economist wants to—rather just the opposite. But it’s not likely to happen except at much higher prices of gold unless there’s a credit collapse and scores of trillions of dollars of stocks, bonds, bank deposits, and other debt are wiped out. On the bright side, the approximately 6 billion ounces of gold that now exist will still be here.

Current events are leading to the end of the US dollar system. And when the US dollar is not needed or wanted for international trade, everybody will dump it. All those dollars will flood back to the US, where they must be accepted by law. Nobody’s going to want them abroad. Or not much more than they desire the Indian rupee, the Colombian peso, or the Ukrainian hryvnia.

They’re going to come back to the US to buy US real estate, US shares, and US businesses.

All those dollars that we’ve been exporting for decades have held down domestic inflation because they’ve been floating around abroad, driving up foreigner’s prices. They’ll come back to the US. Domestic prices will skyrocket upwards at the same time the dollar collapses, and the title to US assets are transferred to foreign citizens.

All those dollars being exported for decades resulted in an artificially high standard of living for Americans. When they come back—and they will come back as the world stops choosing dollars—the standard of living in the US will drop substantially.

International Man: The US dollar, the euro, the Russian ruble, the Chinese yuan, and the rest of them are all fiat currencies.

That being said, what advantages do countries with valuable commodities have over others as all fiat currencies continue to lose value?

Doug Casey: It’s great to have valuable commodities, but you can’t use oil for money. If that’s all there was to it, Venezuela, Nigeria, Iraq, and Kazakhstan would be among the world’s richest countries. The same is true for every other country with valuable commodities. In fact, the countries with the most mineral wealth tend to be the poorest and most unstable. But that’s a discussion for another time.

Money is not wealth in itself. But it represents wealth. It represents an excess of production over consumption. A good money has got to have certain characteristics.

It has to be durable; that’s why we don’t use wheat as money. It has to be divisible; that’s why you don’t use artwork as money. It has to be convenient; that’s why you don’t use lead as money. It has to be consistent; that’s why you can’t use real estate as money. And it has to have some type of use value in itself; that’s why you can’t use paper as money.

That’s why the world is going to go back to gold. There’s a case that can be made for silver and a case that can be made for Bitcoin. And that’s about it. We’ll see how things sort out in the chaotic world we’re facing. And here is a statement to shock the average reader: Government should have no involvement with money. Money—like banking, interest rates, the markets, and the economy—should be totally divorced from politics. That’s why gold, not paper, is real money.

Where is the price of gold going? Relative to bushels of wheat, or pounds of coffee, or pounds of copper, my guess is that it’s about right at the moment. In fact, I’ve been saying for several years that gold is reasonably priced, at an equilibrium, relative to dollars. It’s not at giveaway levels like it was in 1971 at $35 or in 2001 at $260.

If the dollar is going to survive, it should be redeemable with a fixed amount of gold. They say the US owns 265 million ounces of gold. But how many dollars are there? Like the dollar itself, that number is something of a floating abstraction. Guesses vary. Especially because there are many definitions of what money is—not to mention near-money and credit. Numbers are bounced around from $6 trillion to $80 trillion. The number is probably academic and possibly unknowable.

Divide 265 million into any of the figures “economists” conjure, and you come up with a very large number. Just to finance a typical approximate annual US trade deficit of about $500 billion, the entire gold horde would immediately disappear even if gold were priced at $2,000. Maybe the price of gold should be $20,000 or more.

So what’s going to happen? I think the answer is chaos. The world’s going back to gold because we’re headed for a chaotic financial situation, and gold is the only financial asset that’s not simultaneously somebody else’s liability. And it’s an understatement to say none of these governments trust each other or each other’s paper currencies.

International Man: How do you see the world’s geopolitical chessboard changing in the coming years? What are the investment implications?

Doug Casey: If you look at various times in history—the world’s map changed tremendously from, say, 1910, when everything was mellow and prosperous, to 1920, when most everything was unrecognizable. The world looked one way in 1940 and totally different in 1950. My guess is that the world of 2020, which has already changed immensely, will be hugely different by 2030, 8 years from now.

Beyond 2030 we’re looking at a science fiction reality. There’s a good chance we’ll have something like a civil war in the US. And/or serious secession movements.

It’s even more likely that Canada will break up. The same thing is going to happen to Mexico and Brazil. All of Africa will restructure. Many European countries are likely to break up—Spain and areas of France. Italy only became a country 170 years ago. Germany only unified 150 years ago. Russia is likely to break up into smaller ethnic countries for sure.

Like it or not, people will migrate from Africa and the Middle East to Europe by the scores of millions.

Millions of Chinese will migrate from China to Africa, and the Africans won’t much like it. People from everywhere, not just Latin America, will flow into the US and Canada.

The colors of the map on the wall are going to be running in the years to come. That’s going to have profound investment implications. Among them, a lot of currencies are going to dry up and blow away.

It’s going to start happening in this decade. So buckle up.

China urges U.S. not to miscalculate resolve to defend sovereignty, territorial integrity

Li Jiayao
2022-08-19 23:19:47

BEIJING, Aug. 19 (Xinhua) — Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin on Friday urged the U.S. side not to miscalculate China’s firm resolve to safeguard its sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Wang made the remarks at a daily news briefing, in response to what the U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Daniel Kritenbrink had said about China’s response to U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan.

“Regarding Pelosi’s provocative visit to China’s Taiwan region, the context, cause and course of events are crystal clear,” Wang said.

It is the United States that has gone back on its commitment to the one-China principle and undermined China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, not the other way round. It is the U.S. leaders who went to Taiwan to support “Taiwan independence” separatist activities, not the Chinese ones who went to the United States to support Alaska’s “independence,” Wang added.

Wang said that China’s firm response to the U.S. provocation is reasonable, lawful and justified, which has been widely understood and supported by the international community. For the U.S. side, the only solution for the problem is to return to the three China-U.S. joint communiques and the one-China principle, instead of shirking responsibility and deflecting blame, still less acting recklessly to create a bigger crisis.

“We are firmly determined to safeguard our national sovereignty and territorial integrity. We urge the U.S. side not to miscalculate on this,” Wang added.

Soviet grannies delight with this zucchini and pepper salad

By Yulia Mulino

Russian zucchini and pepper salad

Specially prepared for wintertime, this canned salad was one of the most popular in the Soviet Union. But you can also try it warm immediately after cooking!

“Get your sleigh ready in summer and your cart in winter,” is a famous Russian proverb that meansit’s necessary to stock up ahead of the cold months. Today’s highlighted salad made of zucchini, carrots and peppers is a perfect example of this. And it’s also a spicy flavorful vegan snack that can be eaten immediately.

I remember how when I was a child, the zucchini crop was so plentiful that it was impossible to eat it in a season. So, my grandmother and my mother made a salad with all the zucchini grown in their garden.

These vegetables do not have a strong taste and smell, but other vegetables can improve it. Carrots are added to the salad for sweetness, tomatoes for color, and peppers for spicy flavor.

I still remember the smell coming from the kitchen when the canning season started. We always got a bowl for dinner of leftovers that didn’t fit in the cans. Fresh and rather warm, I love this salad just as much as I love canned salad.

That’s why I’m making it now for dinner. The most delicious thing is to serve it with potatoes, whether mashed or boiled. Or keep it for winter.

Ingredients for 10 servings, or a 0.8 liter jar:


  • Medium zucchini – 2 pcs
  • Sweet bell pepper – 2 pcs
  • Carrot – 1 pc
  • Onion – 1 pc
  • Tomatoes in their own juice – 500 ml
  • Garlic – 4 cloves
  • Parsley – bunch
  • Salt (not iodized) – 2 tsp/ to taste
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp
  • Black pepper to taste
  • Vinegar 9% – 2 tbsp
  • Sunflower oil for frying


1. Peel and slice the carrots and onions; fry them in sunflower oil.


2. Cut the peppers into julienne strips.


3. Let them stew for about 15-20 minutes.


4. Shred tomatoes and pour sauce on vegetables. Braise for 20 minutes.


5. Slice the zucchini and add it to vegetables.


6. After 15 minutes add salt, sugar and pepper.


7. Then squeeze in the garlic cloves.


8. Add parsley and vinegar. Braise for 5 more minutes.


9. Place into jars that have been sterilized and are suitable for canning, or leave as a side dish or snack.


10. Serve warm or chilled with potatoes or as a topping on a crouton.


Don’t judge a book by its cover

In March of 2019, I was so busy at work that my girlfriend Jessica took to the Book to try and find me some help for a few weeks.

Saturday afternoon, Jess placed an ad that said something along the lines of: “Looking for a painter to help with a project. Must be drug-free.”

We got a phone call that night from a lady who said her live-in boyfriend was interested but didn’t have a driver’s license. Jess scheduled an informal interview for the next day and asked the lady to be at the interview also.

The plan was for me and Jess to meet the lady and her boyfriend, Lee, at a local restaurant for lunch at 1:00 pm.

The cool part about interviewing someone with their significant other present is it cuts down on a ton of bs. The anxiety and nervousness which is normal to experience during an interview and can help keep someone on their best behavior, fades quickly in the company of someone they’re comfortable with. And if I’m going to have someone on my jobs, I want to know who they really are.

Jess and I got to the restaurant at 12:30 pm. We got a table in the corner and waited.

At 1:00 pm, Jess got a text. “We’re one minute away, sorry!!”

What the heck? Who shows up late to an interview?

Strike one.

At 1:01 pm this guy walks through the door:


I can’t even tell you how disappointed I was. It’s not like I can have some murderer on my jobs. Let’s be real about this. Teardrops=killer. And this guy has three bodies — hell no. Strike two.

A third strike wasn’t even needed when I extended my hand to shake his. But here it is — strike three.


Now that I’ve officially judged this book (Lee) by his cover, let’s get through the interview process so I can find a better fit for my company.

I have no problem being straight up, so the first question I asked was: “Why did you murder three people?”

With unwavering eye contact, he said: “I’ve never killed anyone. Each teardrop is for a friend that died.”

He explained that he was put into foster care at twelve years old.

At fourteen he started inking himself. When his friends died, he’d get a tattoo to memorialize them.

He answered every question that I asked in detail.

This guy knew all the right things to say. He was articulate, funny, charismatic and charming. Just a joy to be around.

So, I handed him a cup. I told him to go pee in it. He passed a drug test and swore he was trying to rebuild his life. I melted for him. I understood.

I hired him on the spot. I couldn’t help it. When I hired him, he hadn’t worked in six months. No one would give him a shot. He didn’t have glasses and couldn’t see, nor did he have a driver’s license.

I set deadlines for him to get glasses and a license.

He got his glasses last month. And this week he’s taking his driver’s test.

He also is a writer and a rapper (bonus points!).

Don’t judge a book by its cover means: Making a decision about all that something is, based on what you see is a mistake.

I needed a painter, but I saw a murderer.

In reality, he is a father, a poet, a rapper, a writer and a painter.

Today, he is also my friend.


A dolphin story


The famous Italian diver Enzo Maiorca dove into the sea of Syracuse and was talking to his daughter Rossana who was aboard the boat. Ready to go in, he felt something slightly hit his back. He turned and saw a dolphin. Then he realized that the dolphin did not want to play but to express something.

The animal dove and Enzo followed. At a depth of about 12 meters, trapped in an abandoned net, there was another dolphin. Enzo quickly asked his daughter to grab the diving knives. Soon, the two of them managed to free the dolphin, which, at the end of the ordeal, emerged, issued an “almost human cry” (describes Enzo). A dolphin can stay under water for up to 10 minutes, then it drowns.

The released dolphin was helped to the surface by Enzo, Rosana and the other dolphin. That’s when the surprise came: she was pregnant! The male circled them, and then stopped in front of Enzo, touched his cheek (like a kiss), in a gesture of gratitude and then they both swam off.

Enzo Maiorca ended his speech by saying: “Until man learns to respect and communicate with the animal world, he will never be able to know his true role on this Earth.”~

Yuan overtook the dollar in trading volume on the Moscow Exchange


The “de-Dollarization” by the world continues unabated, with more and more countries turning their back on the US Dollar, in favor of Chinese and Russian currencies.

On the Moscow Exchange, the volume of trading in yuan amounted to 26.3 billion rubles, for the first time exceeding the volume of trading in the dollar (25 billion rubles).

By 13:03 Moscow time, the dollar was trading at the rate of 59.7 rubles/$, having lost 1.05 rubles. from the opening of trading, euro – 60.4 rubles / € (-1.25 rubles). The yuan exchange rate against the ruble amounted to 8.77 rubles / yuan, depreciating from the opening of trading by 0.12 rubles.

On July 6, the turnover of yuan trading on the Moscow Exchange exceeded the turnover of euro trading. Interest in the yuan is observed against the backdrop of Western sanctions in response to Russia’s military operation in Ukraine.

Price and outcomes.

The US has incredibly expensive health care. I mean incredibly expensive. Health care is one of the biggest for-profit industries in the country. A long time ago, some enterprising capitalists figured out that if you sell a product that people have to have or they will literally die, if you conceal the price of the product, and if you design the product in such a way that people can’t comparison shop, you can charge any price you want.

As a result, well…

A few weeks ago, I slipped with a razor knife and cut myself at the base of my thumb. I needed four stitches.

The stitches were removed two days ago. It really wasn’t that big a deal.


So far, I have received two bills.



This for four stitches and a tetanus booster. Total price (so far):


I don’t have insurance. I do qualify for subsidized insurance under the ACA. My price for a basic plan is $570/month with a $6,000 deductible.

Conservatives blather about how the US has such expensive healthcare because it’s sooooo good and American hospitals have the best equipment and Americans do all this research and…

Ah HA ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

Some of them, they…they actually…BWAH ha ha ha…they actually believe that.

This torrent of money doesn’t go into healthcare. A huge volume of it goes into health insurance profits. Every dollar an insurance company takes in profit or overhead is a dollar that isn’t going to treatment and isn’t going to pretty shiny machines that go beep and isn’t going to research.

Libertarians love to talk about how the market promotes efficiency. Which is true. It promotes efficiency at making profit, which is not necessarily the same as efficiency at delivering goods and services.

The outcomes of this system are plain:

  • Shorter lifespan than other developed countries
  • Higher infant mortality than other countries

Evidence demolishes ideology. If the US had cutting edge healthcare, you would expect it to be expensive but effective.

It’s not. It’s expensive but delivers inferior results.

Part of that is the unequal access, of course, but part of it is by design. Because the goal of American healthcare is profit, not treatment, it discourages preventive care and regular checkups, which are low-margin services, in favor of dramatic interventions for serious conditions, which are high-margin services.

This isn’t a grand conspiracy. It’s the natural consequence of a system tuned to maximize profit instead of maximizing number of people cared for.

Edited to add: It’s now several months later and the bills are still coming in. Since posting this answer, I’ve received yet another bill, this one for $816.25.

That brings the total bill (so far) for four stitches to:



China beats US in most-cited science papers, moving to top of new rankings

  • China accounts for 27.2 per cent of the world’s most-cited papers, while the US contributes 24.9 per cent, according to report
  • The idea that Chinese research is lacking in quality, though abundant in quantity, is ‘short-sighted’, says policy expert

China has surpassed the United States for the first time to lead the world in the number of most-cited papers, a key indicator of scientific influence, according to a new report.

Between 2018 and 2020, China contributed 27.2 per cent of the world’s most-cited papers – those ranking in the top 1 per cent in terms of citations – while the US accounted for 24.9 per cent, said the “Japanese Science and Technology Indicators” report released on August 9.

Some have pointed to the report as evidence of the rapid rise in the quality – in addition to quantity – of Chinese research.


Baked potato with bacon


A quick dish equally good for cozy family get-togethers and shindigs with friends. Using the most affordable ingredients and a little culinary magic, you can turn ordinary potatoes into finger-licking fast food.

How to prepare: Wash a medium-sized potato, peel and dry. Make several pleat-shaped cuts so it looks like a mini-accordion. Cut bacon into thin slices, and use a knife to put them in the slits. Place the potato on a sheet of foil. Melt butter and add dill, parsley, salt, and pepper to it. Pour the aromatic butter over the potato and wrap in foil. (A homemade option is to grate a little garlic.) Place the potato in a preheated oven at 180C for 30 minutes. Then remove, sprinkle with grated cheese, and put back in the oven for another 10 minutes. If cooking several potatoes, pick ones of equal size so they take the same time to cook. If a potato is large and looks “unbakeable,” you can pre-boil it for 10-15 minutes beforehand.

Danny Trejo

Danny Trejo

Danny Trejo, known for countless tough-guy roles (and a few soft ones), often cast by his second cousin Robert Rodriguez.

But his first role wasn’t even supposed to be in front of the camera.

Trejo served time in Soledad prison for 11 years, and during that time he did two things to keep himself together. 1) He memorized and recited the script for Wizard of Oz while in solitary confinement, and 2) he started training as a boxer. The latter pastime got him more recognition, as he started winning boxing matches both before his release, and after. He was counseling others on how to break drug addiction and stay clean, when a friend called and asked him for support on a movie set. So he ended up on the set of the movie “Runaway Train”, a prison escape film starring Jon Voight and Eric Roberts.

I walked on that movie set as a drug counselor. I was helping this kid I was counseling. He called me up and said, "Hey, there's a lot of blow down here." It was 1985, and cocaine was running rampant in the movie industry. It was crazy. You'd walk into production and there'd be lines on the table. He just asked me to come down and support him, because that's what I did. I still do it. I'm going over on an intervention right now to one of our Hollywood actors. I went onto this movie set, and he was a PA, and I thought it was cute.

I had never been on a movie set in my life. All these guys were dressed up as inmates, and they were all trying to act tough. They all had these fake tattoos. I kept smearing these tattoos. I had to say, "Oh shit, I'm sorry. That stuff smears." This guy asked me if I wanted to be in a movie, and I said, "What do I gotta do?" And he said, "Do you want to be an extra?" And I said, "An extra what?" And he said, "Can you act like a convict?" I thought it was the funniest thing I had ever heard. I'd been in every penitentiary in the state. I looked at him and I said, "Well, I'll give it a shot." He gave me a blue shirt, and I took off my shirt, and I have that big tattoo on my chest. He said "Leave your shirt off."

Then this other guy comes over and says, "Hey, you're Danny Trejo. I saw you win the lightweight and welterweight title up in San Quentin." And I go, "Yeah. You're Eddie Bunker [Edward Bunker

].” I had been in prison with him. And he was a writer. We started talking, and he asked, “Are you still boxing?” And I go, “Well, I still train.” And he said, “Do you want a job? We need someone to train one of the actors how to box.” And I said, “I got a job. They’re going to give me 15 bucks for acting like a convict. What’s this pay?” He said, “It pays $320 a day.” So I said, “How bad do you want this guy beat up?”

And he goes, “No, you have to be really careful, this actor’s really high-strung. He’s already socked a couple of people.” I said, “For $320, man, give him a stick. I’ll fight Godzilla for 320 bucks.” I started training Eric Roberts

how to box. Eric wanted to learn how to box, and I think he was scared of me, so he’d do whatever I told him to do. Andrey Konchalovskiy, the director, saw that he would do whatever I told him to do. I guess Andrey had some problems with it. So Andrey comes over and hires me. He says, “You be in the movie. You fight Eric in the movie.” And that’s where it started. From that day until right now, I’ve got 183 movies. – IMDB

So from heroin addict/armed robber, to convict, to drug counselor and boxer, to fight instructor, to actor, then to director and writer. “Everything good that has happened to me has happened as a direct result of helping someone else. Everything.”

Vareniki with mushrooms and potato

Vareniki with mushrooms and potato

Chanterelles, agaric honey, or plain white — the choice is yours. They are great when fried with potatoes, cooked in an open mushroom pie with smetana filling, or stewed in ragout (pronounced “ragoo”). And then there are vareniki dumplings stuffed with mashed potato and mushrooms. Best served with smetana and fried onions. Resistance is futile.

Strange Corporate Decisions This Week


Earlier this week, I received two reports that WALMART had allegedly “canceled billions of dollars in orders.”

I was **not** able to get more info such as specific types of products or specific suppliers, or specific country of origin, so since I couldn’t verify it, I didn’t report it.

Minutes ago, I got this:

"My wife works for amazon web services (AWS) and they just canceled 40% of the marketing budget, froze hiring, and canceled all employee travel today"

It was done on a video call about 50 minutes ago.

I am endeavoring to verify it, so treat it as RUMOR right now  . . . but here’s the thing:

If these claims prove true, this is a major indicator of bad shit coming.

Especially the travel part. AWS has assets in China, Taiwan, and Eastern Bloc countries.


World Hal Turner

Two days ago, I got word that the US/NATO shipped four (4) nuclear ARTILLERY shells to Ukraine.

Word was that the Ukrainians were to use those shells to hit the Zaporazyhe Nuclear Power Plant.   A nuke artillery shell would certainly be able to penetrate a Reactor Containment building, and even a relatively tiny nuke blast would rupture a reactor, causing a radiation leakage disaster.   BUT . . . they claimed . . .  the fact that a nuke artillery shell was used will be MASKED by the reactor leaking radiation.  So Ukraine would blame the Russians for mishandling the reactor causing it to blow up when, in reality, Ukraine caused it.

I thought this was a bit over-the-top, especially since the US unilaterally ended their nuclear artillery manufacturing and dismantled all their nuclear shells in the year 2004.   HOWEVER, not all NATO countries did the same.

So it is possible that there are a few nuclear artillery shells still around, and if the US/NATO are actually the madmen that I believe they are, then some numbskull might have actually come up with a plan like this.  Plausible deniability with a leaking reactor being blamed for radiation caused by the blast of nuclear artillery.

But since I could not verify **ANY** component of that story, I did NOT report it, either.

Which brings me to Ukraine, today.

There is a MJAJOR offensive taking place in Ukraine since yesterday.  Russian Artillery was literally pounding from every part of the 150km long front line.

Today, Ukraine hit back inside Russia itself, with blasts in Belogorad. Then we had numerous reports of Ukraine missiles fired at the Kerch Strait Bridge. Then, no additional info — at all.   Weird.

Two hours after the alleged missile attack against the Kerch Strait Bridge, air raid sirens sounded in Kiev.  Then . . . nothing.

All this is getting too weird, but I tell you these things because I have now found out that, this afternoon (eastern US Time) Russia told its people at the Zaporazhye Nuclear Power Plant they “are not to go to work tomorrow.”


So now, I look at the alleged WALMART order cancellations, the AWS 40% marketing budget cut, hiring freeze, and employee travel ban, along with what I’ve verified about Russians at the Nuclear power plant being told to stay home tomorrow, and I start to wonder to myself, is the intel I got about nuclear artillery shells factual and is tomorrow (or this weekend) when the plant at Zaporazyhe gets hits?

It’s certainly within the realm of possibility that big boys got a quiet warning to scale down ahead of something major.

WALMART is incredibly connected with government and might have gotten a sort of “heads-up” that everything is going to shit this month” so they are planning accordingly . . . and maybe canceled Billions in orders?

And AWS has hundreds of millions of dollars in government contracts, so maybe they too got a sort of heads-up, and decided to cut the marketing budget and halt employee travel etc.?

Then too, it was just this month that no less than Henry Kissinger told a media outlet that “things will escalate in mid-August.”  Here we are.

I run all this past you so you can get a small glimpse into the info pouring in to me, and how hard it is to sift through apparently unrelated things, to come up with a picture of what might actually be.

“Dad, I want to make money. Can I work for you?” My 10 year old boy asked me.

“We don’t work for money son. You must come up with a creative idea to make money through a business.”

“Oh, let me think,” he paused for a moment and said, “I have an idea! I could mow the lawn for the neighbors!”

“That’s not a business son!”

“Well, I could wash cars or walk their dogs over the weekends!”

“You’re still exchanging time for money son! That’s NOT a business. I want you to come up with a business idea!”

“I don’t understand dad!”

“I don’t want you to exchange time for money. Think how to solve this!”

Three days later…

“Dad, dad! I have an idea, what if I plant some vegetables in our backyard, grow them and sell them!”

“Now, THAT sounds more like a business son! Can you tell me the difference? How many hours will you invest to keeping up with your plants?” I asked.

“I need to water the plants every day after school.”

“What else?”

“Watch out for bugs eating my veggies?”

“Correct! How much time will you invest doing that?”

“Well, dad… nothing, maybe minutes!”

“So what is the difference between your veggie business and working for me or for the neighbors?”

“I’m going to save time!”

“Good! Now you have a new problem… You need to invest some money on your vegetable garden! How much money will you invest?

We went to Home Depot to buy stuff. He had his cash savings in his pocket.


”Dad, look! If we install this automatic water system I will be making money even while we’re on vacation!” He said excited after identifying a special hose to connect to his new pots.

“I will buy organic soil so my cucumbers and my tomatoes will be organic. I can sell them at a higher price to my neighbors and my friends.”

I smiled proudly as I could see how he was getting his business mind together.

We purchased everything. He negotiated a $50 dollar loan from me. We agreed that he will pay me interest.


Business is an art, not a science.


My boy is developing his entrepreneurial skills. He is learning everything that schools don’t teach him like [1] how to invest, [2] how to sell, [3] how to keep track of money.

He will learn the pains of paying interest of a loan, and after this winter, he’s learning the pains of losing money and having to start over again!

Most importantly, I’m teaching and developing his mindset!

Entrepreneurship is an art, an understanding of how to make money, it needs to be learned, not taught.

My cat tried to warn us

June 2015. My son Elliot is born.

From that day, my cat Juliette was not the same. She didn’t like the fact she was getting less attention.

And she let us know! She wasn’t nice with our baby and started to pee on the carpet in the basement. Always at the same spots.

How come this great cat became such a pain?

I had started to cough more often in the last couple of months. I had absolutely no explanation for it. I was running my small business from my basement.

A nurse told me it could be allergies. I never had allergies before. It seemed like allergies could start later in life. It sucked… but it is what it is, I guess. I didn’t make a big deal out of it.

In August, Juliette peed one last time in the basement. I had enough.

I decided I would remove the whole carpet during the weekend and redo the floor. I was tired of cleaning the mess every time it happened. Making the odor go away was not an easy task.

The following weekend, I started to remove the carpet… and found mold at every spot Juliette had peed in the past. It seemed like water and humidity were stuck under the floor and in the walls.

I can’t know for sure if it was her way to let me know why I was coughing so badly and why I felt so exhausted every time I tried to exercise.

Water was coming in and there was mold all over the basement.

We had to remove everything: floor, walls and ceiling. A company came with specialized equipment to decontaminate the basement. We had to redo everything inside… but also outside of the house to make sure water would not come back.

What started as a “weekend project” to stop a cat from peeing on the carpet ended up with a 6 months project that cost tens of thousands of dollars.

Since that, my health has been back to what it was before. No coughing, no exhaustion.

Thanks to Juliette for this. She unfortunately passed away a year later.

Here she is with Elliot…


I’m truly grateful for the mess she made in my basement because the whole family could have suffered of permanent breathing issues…

“I’m Worried We’re Becoming A Thought-Controlled Dystopia, Like China!”

Caitlin Johnstone

Aug 20

John: I’m worried about China.

Jane: Oh yeah? What about it?

John: Well more I’m worried about the example they’re setting, and that western governments will start implementing their technocratic oppression style to turn us all into a bunch of brainwashed, homogeneous obedience machines.

Jane: What makes you think Chinese people are all brainwashed and homogeneous?

John: Oh my God, don’t you watch the news? Have you not heard of their social credit score system? The state censorship and propaganda those people are subjected to? The CCP literally doesn’t let them have access to western social media platforms because our free thought and democratic values might interfere with their conformity policing. How have you not heard about this? It’s in the news constantly.

Jane: Constantly?

John: Oh yeah, it’s like a major news story all the time. All across the political spectrum, too. Fox News, CNN, The Washington Post. Alternative media too like Infowars and The Epoch Times; even lefty YouTubers like Vaush talk all the time about how bad it is in China.

Jane: So because you’re being given the same message by all the western media you consume, you’re worried about the enforcement of thought conformity in… China?

John: Yeah. Of course.

Jane: And this is why you’re worried that, at some point in the future, that kind of brainwashing and homogeneity might someday be inflicted upon us by powerful people in the west?

John: I mean yeah, if the CCP doesn’t do it to us first. Did you know they’re trying to take over the world?

Jane: They are?

John: Oh yeah! The Chinese want to take over the world and give us all a social credit score so we’ll all think the same. How do you not know about this? Don’t you ever watch TV?

Jane: How do you know it’s true though?

John: That they want to conquer us and give us a social credit score? Come on! Open your eyes! Have you seen how they treat their own population? They’re genociding the Uyghurs as we speak! Millions and millions of them in Nazi-style extermination camps! Plus they deliberately released the Covid virus to hurt us after cooking it up in a lab, they’re taking over Hollywood and infiltrating our political and academic institutions, and they’ve colonized the entire continent of Africa! Of course the CCP wants to rule us! Don’t you ever watch Tucker Carlson? They’re truly, deeply evil, and we’ve got to do something to stop them.

Jane: Sounds like you’ve got this China thing all figured out. You’re right, that sounds really scary. I can’t imagine what it would be like, living in a thought-controlled dystopia where your rulers are brainwashing everyone into obedience and making sure everybody thinks the same way about stuff.

John: Yeah! Finally you get it! I’m glad you’ve come around. Honestly you’re the first person I know who didn’t already understand these things about China.

Jane: I’ll bet.

John: So do you think it will happen? Do you think our government will implement a social credit score system to make us all believe lies and propaganda, like the Chinese?

Jane: You know, I wouldn’t worry about it.

The doll

At 40, Franz Kafka (1883-1924), who never married and had no children, walked through the park in Berlin when he met a girl who was crying because she had lost her favourite doll. She and Kafka searched for the doll unsuccessfully.

Kafka told her to meet him there the next day and they would come back to look for her.

The next day, when they had not yet found the doll, Kafka gave the girl a letter “written” by the doll saying “please don’t cry. I took a trip to see the world. I will write to you about my adventures.”

Thus began a story which continued until the end of Kafka’s life.

During their meetings, Kafka read the letters of the doll carefully written with adventures and conversations that the girl found adorable.

Finally, Kafka brought back the doll (he bought one) that had returned to Berlin.

“It doesn’t look like my doll at all,” said the girl.

Kafka handed her another letter in which the doll wrote: “my travels have changed me.” the little girl hugged the new doll and brought her happy home.

A year later Kafka died.

Many years later, the now-adult girl found a letter inside the doll. In the tiny letter signed by Kafka it was written:

“Everything you love will probably be lost, but in the end, love will return in another way.”


From The burning platform blog

We moved to our corner of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania twenty-seven years ago. We raised our three boys here. We spent hundreds of hours on local baseball fields, in hockey rinks, in school gyms for basketball games, concerts, plays and donuts-with-dads. It’s still a nice place to live, with virtually no crime, decent roads, and reasonable property tax rates. But I would have to say there has been a degradation in the overall quality of life in my community, which is consistent with the downward spiral of our society in general. When we planted our roots in this community it was still more farm-like than suburban. Family farms and open space were more prevalent than housing tracts, strip malls, fast food joints and cookie cutter commercial buildings. A beautiful farmhouse a few miles from our home, freshly painted white, proudly displayed the iconic yellow smiley face. It symbolized good times.

We’ve been driving on this road for twenty-seven years on the way to baseball games, hockey practices, the car dealer for service, and lately to our gym, as we try to fend off father time. Driving by that barn in the early days would always brighten your day. A bright yellow smiley face against a white background represented a positive, happy view of the world.

We moved to this area in 1995 while Clinton was president, unemployment was 5.6%, CPI was 2.8%, GDP growth was 2.7%, the annual deficit was $164 billion, the national debt was $4.9 trillion, the Fed balance sheet was $500 billion, the U.S. population was 263 million, total household debt was $4 trillion, you earned 5.5% on your money market fund, the U.S. bailed out Mexico, the Oklahoma City bombing happened, and OJ Simpson was found not guilty of killing his ex-wife. The military industrial complex was being starved by lack of wars and the stock market soared by 33% as the beginning of irrational exuberance began under the reign of Greenspan and his Put.

A lot has happened over the last twenty-seven years and the faded, barely visible smiley face, on a now mold ridden decaying barn, is truly representative of a society, culture and economic system dying a slow torturous death, as apathy, technological distraction, myopic indolence, and the greed of powerful elites combine to ensure the eventual collapse of the short-lived American Empire. Much of this quarter century of decline is borne out in the change in economic numbers noted above.

The unemployment rate is reported as 3.5% today with 158 million out of 264 million working age adults employed. That leaves 106 million not employed, or 40% of working age adults not working. Back in 1995, 125 million out of 199 million working age adults were employed, leaving 74 million not working. Over a quarter century we’ve added 65 million people to our population, but only 33 million to the employment rolls. Either we’ve devolved into a nation of freeloaders on welfare/disability, or the BLS is lying about the 3.5% unemployment rate, or both.

The BLS currently tries to convince the ignorant masses inflation is only 8.5%, up tremendously from the 2.8% in 1995. Since the Fed/Wall Street induced financial crash of 2008, the government had been reporting inflation of between 0% to 3%, when in reality, as measured the way it was measured in 1980, it had been between 7% to 10%. Today’s actual inflation rate is 17% in case you were wondering. Revealing the true cost of living to the peasants might induce a revolting outcome for our overlords. The government prefers to treat the math challenged masses like mushrooms, by keeping them in the dark.


The corrupt Fed, feckless politicians, media mouthpieces for the empire, and Wall Street shysters were shocked I tell you by skyrocketing inflation after the Fed increased their balance sheet from $3.7 trillion to $8.9 trillion and the D.C. swamp creatures increased the national debt from $23.2 trillion to $30.7 trillion since the beginning of 2020. This generated inflation in financial assets for the global elite and their minions, while destroying the finances of the middle and lower classes. The rot grows like a cancer in this empire of debt.


The annual deficit of $164 billion in 1995 was racked up in 17 days in 2021. We have run annual deficits of $3.1 trillion in 2020 and $2.8 trillion in 2021, and the scumbags in Washington just keep passing $700 billion spending bills, writing off student loan debts for gender fluidity majors and sending billions in weapons to the most corrupt regime on the planet – Ukraine.

The degradation and downward trajectory of this empire of debt, delusion and despair can be most clearly defined by comparing our GDP growth since 1995 to the growth of debt by both our government and the populace.

Total U.S. GDP in 1995 totaled $7.6 trillion and today checks in at $24.8 trillion. That is a growth of 326% over twenty-seven years.

The national debt has grown by 626%. Seems unsustainable, but why question our glorious leaders.


The Fed balance sheet has grown by 1,780%. Household debt has grown by 400%. Median household income in 1995 was $34,000. Today it is $73,000. That is a 214% increase over 27 years. With real inflation averaging over 10% per year during this time frame, average working Americans have seen their standard of living methodically decline, replacing the income with debt. The only beneficiaries of debt are the banking cabal and the mega-corporations selling their cheap Chinese crap to clueless dupes who believe driving a leased BMW and living in a cookie cutter McMansion with an $800,000 mortgage makes them wealthy.

The selfie generation is too distracted checking in on Facebook, posting pictures of their food on Instagram, doing a dance routine on Tik Tok or counting their likes on Twitter to realize how badly they’ve been screwed over by those pulling the strings of this society. The propaganda and psychology of fear utilized by the powerful interests has reached a level that would make Edward Bernays burst with pride, as manipulating the masses to believe falsehoods is a key requirement in implementing their Great Reset agenda.

This entire charade seems to be bursting at the seams, with raging inflation, a recession in process (despite Biden’s lackeys trying to redefine recession), a Green New Deal Great Reset agenda purposely creating energy and food shortages, government agencies running roughshod over the Constitution, and a tyrannical administration attempting to crush their political adversaries using any means necessary. Smiles are fading as we head into either a hyperinflationary depression or a deflationary depression, with some world war mixed in.


The economic decay is easily provable, but our cultural and societal degeneration has exceeded our economic deterioration.

Just as the Roman Empire exhibited particular traits of a dying culture, the American Empire displays similar characteristics, such as: concern with displaying affluence instead of building wealth; obsession with sex and perversions of sex; art becoming freakish and sensationalistic instead of creative and original; widening disparity between very rich and very poor; increased demand to live off the state.

Of course, our dying culture has also been turbocharged by the climate cult attempting to destroy our fossil fueled economic system by purposely sabotaging our energy and food systems as the driving force for their Great Reset. Weaponizing the annual flu as a means to inject billions of people with a DNA altering, sometimes lethal, concoction is part of Bill Gates’ depopulation agenda. They have taken the sex and gender perversion to new levels of child abuse, grooming and mutilation. The rampant pedophilia and child trafficking by the global elitists is the most despicable aspect of our cultural degeneracy. Anyone with a conscious can no longer be proud of this country and should be desperately concerned about its future.

“A growing sense of unease presently pervades the American consciousness. Americans are no longer as confident in their nation and self-assured as they once were. 

A sense of frustration and anger underscores American consciousness. 

Americans are looking over our shoulder at other emerging economic juggernauts and wondering if we can still be world’s social, political, and economic leader when Congress cannot even manage to balance the national budget. 

The thought that we are diminishing in stature in the eyes of the international community constantly torments Americans. 

Faded glory strikes a crippling blow to the American psyche. 

Analogous to an aging beauty queen, America might still possess a golden crown, but she lost her luster. 

In an eroding empire, Americans feel like second-class citizens in the union of nations.”Kilroy J. Oldster

The terms modern and progress have become warped and used as an excuse for destroying localization, small businesses, what worked, what was good, and what benefitted society, replacing it with globalization, mega-corporations, complex technology, profits at any cost, and benefits accumulating to the few with suffering borne by the many.

Two examples come to mind within a few miles from my home. Just a couple miles from the fading smile barn is a property that was once a thriving family farm. I snapped a picture last week as I was driving past.


The decaying abandoned farmhouse, dilapidated barn, and rusting farm machinery are being engulfed by weeds, as the memories of a productive useful family farm fade like that yellow smiley face. I don’t know why it was abandoned, but I’m sure the corporate farming conglomerates and the corporate meat processing plants were a major factor. When you can buy cheap meat at Wal-Mart produced in China or some industrial farm, why pay a little more for fresh non-GMO meat sold by a local farmer?

Gone are the roadside vegetable stands and buying fresh meat from your local farmer neighbor. Maybe the patriarch of the homestead got too old, and his sons had been indoctrinated by the government schools to get corporate jobs in some of the commercial office campuses that have replaced open space and farmland. Whatever the reason, it provokes melancholy about a better simpler time whenever I pass by.

The governmental actions taken in the early 2000s still irk me to this day. The area around the intersection of Forty Foot Road and Sumneytown Pike in the late 1990s was still reminiscent of simpler times, before smart phones, hyper-consumerism, and proliferation of big box retail. Small businesses were important and viable. There was a family run diner near the turnpike entrance where all the locals ate breakfast and talked sports and politics.

Township police were friendly, driving older basic vehicles and housed in a small unassuming one-story township building. Nicely kept older homes lined one side of Forty Foot Road and the other side was an eclectic mixture of old-time baseball fields, with no lights and little to no ground’s maintenance, and the old Henry Sprecht grade school, built in 1909 to honor a long-time educator and local historian, which had been replaced by newer schools and creatively repurposed into a quaint antiques mall.


We spent many a summer evening watching my oldest son play little league baseball on those fields while trying to keep our four-year-old and three-year-old sons from getting into trouble. We loved wandering through that antiques mall as individual vendors selling all manner of antiques, hand crafted woodwork, baseball cards, toys, occupied nooks, and crannies in this ancient school. We bought a handcrafted cabinet by a local artisan for our kitchen, which we still employ today in our storage area.

My fondest memory was at Christmas time when it would become a Christmas wonderland and I would take the boys there to see the spectacular miniature train show, where local train aficionados would set up amazing displays. The kids were mesmerized. There was also a family-owned home center in Hatfield called Snyder’s that sold everything for your home and also had a great train display at Christmas for kids to enjoy. All this unpretentious delight ended abruptly in the early 2000s, as progress, commercialization, and greed took hold of the country and our little community.

As you may remember, Greenspan coined the term irrational exuberance in 1996 to describe financial markets, then turbocharged stocks by cutting rates, causing the bubble and responded to the stock market crash by cutting rates and causing the biggest real estate bubble in history, until now. These ephemeral paper riches caused local government bureaucrats to use phantom tax revenues to envision delusions of grandeur by building useless unnecessary projects.

This is exactly what the government drones running Towamencin Township did. They produced a grand master plan, gave it a fancy name, spent tens of millions of our tax dollars, and produced an embarrassing mess. They used eminent domain to acquire homes, forced the dozens of small business owners out of the antique mall and flattened the building, closed off the baseball fields to little kids, and closed Forty Foot Road for over a year to build a glorious $13 million bridge to nowhere. This bridge stands as a tribute to all those Chinese ghost cities, as it serves no purpose except as an example of government incompetence, wastefulness, and misuse of taxpayer funds with no consequences for the government drones.


Rather than wait for actual retail tenants to sign on to their glorious project, the government geniuses built the bridge knowing they would come. They never came.

The real estate retail bubble popped. It’s now fifteen years later and those four baseball fields are still sitting there, untouched, undeveloped, and unused.

They stuck a Walgreens where the charming antique mall once sat. No pedestrians cross the pedestrian bridge because there is nothing on either side. A four- story commercial building was built on spec a block from the bridge and stood vacant for five years.


The family-owned Snyder’s home store was driven out of business by the Home Depot and Lowes built within a few miles. There are now cookie cutter townhouses where Snyder’s stood. Another successful retail center in the 1990s up the road, anchored by a family owned Genuardi supermarket and a Sears Hardware, along with a pizza place, drugstore, Blockbuster, and kids play center has been vacant and rotting for over a decade, as bankruptcies, mergers, and the relentless downward economic spiral made it untenable.

In addition to wasting taxpayer money on the ghost bridge to nowhere, these financial government geniuses decided their police station built in 1975 no longer met the needs of their fast-growing police force in a township with no crime, because it is 88% white/Asian. They built themselves a complex three times the size of their old station. Lucky, because they now have a police force of 23 officers, all decked out with souped-up brand-new SUVs.

You need that level of manpower and firepower for all those speed traps, fender benders and writing tickets for illegal basketball nets. There hasn’t been a major crime in Towamencin in over a decade, but the taxpayers pay over $1 million per year to be harassed and pay for their donut budget This level of government waste is happening in every locality and state in America. And the Feds put them all to shame with their corrupt, wasteful, traitorous spending, bribing, and war mongering across the globe, to the tune of trillions.

The decline I’ve personally seen in my local community is not just a localized cancer but has metastasized across the land and around the globe. As our economic system accelerates towards inevitable implosion, either as a planned demolition or due to the hubris of central bankers, the fraying social fabric of our civilized society is unmistakable, as the moral state of our country has deteriorated to a level seen only in debauched empires on the brink of failure.

The global elite and their moral depravity have engulfed the world, as their ravenous greed, insatiable appetite for dominion over the masses, immoral deceit, manipulative use of propaganda, and satanic decadence have created economic, social, political, and military distress across the globe. As Toynbee and Solzhenitsyn note, the lack of morality and courage among those who profess to be leaders has permeated throughout society, leading to a dearth of citizens taking civic responsibility for the path of the country.

“Of the twenty-two civilizations that have appeared in history, nineteen of them collapsed when they reached the moral state the United States is in now.”
― Arnold Joseph Toynbee

We are a lost society, ruled by emotions, captured by technology, misinformed, uneducated, indifferent, fearful, passively accepting of whatever government and media tell them is true, and entranced by materialism funded by debt.

We are a sick dying culture where common community standards, self-responsibility, hard work, kindness, and manners have been superseded by the worship of abnormality, celebration of degeneracy, living off the government, spreading hatred, and waging undeclared wars across the world.

There is an empty shallowness to our civilization, with the vacuum filled with gadgets, pathetic displays of fake affluence, trivialities like social media, and superficial displays of virtue signaling regarding the latest woke craze shoved down our throats by those controlling the levers of society.

There is an overwhelming feeling of hopelessness, fear, and foreboding mood of impending doom, as this Fourth Turning accelerates towards its bloody denouement.

The aura of pessimism about the future and fear that our superpower status, only in existence since 1946, is rotting from within permeates the psychology of those actually willing to think critically and see what is really happening. The existing social order will be extinguished during the waning years of this Fourth Turning. We are in the interval between the decay of the old and formation of the new, whatever that may be.

This transition will be one of uncertainty, turmoil, miscalculation, fanatical misrepresentations, war (civil & global), false prophets, bloodshed, and clear winners and losers. Decay and death of empires have happened for centuries and are necessary to expunge the excesses and abuses which always occur as empires expand and its leaders exhibit a hubristic arrogance towards their people and the world.

“Just as floods replenish soil and fires rejuvenate forests, a Fourth Turning clears out society’s exhausted elements and creates an opportunity.”The Fourth Turning

It is hard to believe the prognostications of Strauss & Howe a quarter century ago, just after I moved to my community, could be so eerily accurate. But, when you are sure of the catalysts: debt, global disorder, and civic decay, the volcanic eruption of distress can only flow along certain channels, preordained by choices made over decades by our leaders and ourselves.

“Imagine some national (and probably global) volcanic eruption, initially flowing along channels of distress that were created during the Unraveling era and further widened by the catalyst. Trying to foresee where the eruption will go once it bursts free of the channels is like trying to predict the exact fault line of an earthquake. All you know in advance is something about the molten ingredients of the climax, which could include the following:

    • Economic distress, with public debt in default, entitlement trust funds in bankruptcy, mounting poverty and unemployment, trade wars, collapsing financial markets, and hyperinflation (or deflation)
    • Social distress, with violence fueled by class, race, nativism, or religion and abetted by armed gangs, underground militias, and mercenaries hired by walled communities
    • Political distress, with institutional collapse, open tax revolts, one-party hegemony, major constitutional change, secessionism, authoritarianism, and altered national borders
    • Military distress, with war against terrorists or foreign regimes equipped with weapons of mass destruction” 

This Fourth Turning has created tremendous distress in all four categories noted by Strauss & Howe. With over $200 trillion of unfunded liabilities, the country is already in default, but unwilling to admit it. The Social Security fund will run out of money in a few years. State and local pension funds are underfunded by trillions. With Powell and his minions in control, hyperinflation and deflationary depression are on the near-term horizon, with financial assets crashing once again, for the fourth time this century.

The social distress has been initiated and promoted by the global elite through their complete control of the media propaganda outlets. They are attempting to spur violent upheaval, as this will give them the excuse to disarm and electronically imprison dissenters and Great Reset resisters. Class, race, religion, and gender are all being used to stoke unrest.

The political distress is the biggest gaping wound in our national body today. If critical thinking individuals didn’t acknowledge the existence of a Deep State before, they surely can’t deny its existence now. It has existed for decades, but has been forced out into the open, as threats to their power and control multiply due to their arrogance, ineptitude, wickedness, and avarice.

Anyone who dares to deviate from their directives and threatens their fiefdom is either killed, neutered, or destroyed (JFK, RFK, George Wallace, Perot, Assange, Trump). Russiagate, two impeachments, J6 witch trial, and now the rogue DOJ/FBI raid on Trump’s compound has driven the political stress to heights not seen since 1860. The desires of the globalist elites for a Great Reset into a new world order where you own nothing, and they own everything is the goal of all this engineered chaos.

The military distress may be the most concerning and potentially most destructive aspect of this Fourth Turning as we enter the normally bloody phase. The flailing U.S. empire is provoking and stoking global conflict to keep feeding the Deep State military industrial complex. The Ukraine conflict was initiated by the U.S. in 2014 and is being used as a justification to fight Russia without getting our hands dirty.

Continuing to poke the nuclear armed bear, has the potential to escalate the conflict to a point of no return. Throwing fuel on the fire by provoking China over Taiwan’s independence is irrationally reckless and the mark of a desperate empire seeing the sun setting on its 76-year reign as the one global superpower, and willing to risk global war in a fruitless effort to remain king.

The U.S. can let its empire expire with a whimper (e.g. British Empire) or a bang. Based on their ham-handed, stumbling, absurd endeavors to maintain their dominance over the world, they have initiated global food and energy shortages, caused unbearable economic hardship upon the middle and lower classes, and have pushed the world to the brink of nuclear war with countries run by serious men. While we are supposedly led by an ancient fossil lost in a fog of dementia and unable to string two coherent sentences together, even with a teleprompter. Obama, the Deep State, and a plethora of diversity hire apparatchiks are really calling the shots.

The smile has faded on this empire of debt, delusion, denial, and destruction, just as it has on the barn near my house. The coming trials will require levels of courage, fortitude, and sacrifice which many might think they are not capable of summoning, but we have no choice. You can’t sit out Fourth Turnings. Sides will need to be chosen and life or death decisions made. The future of this country and the world hang in the balance.

Choosing your allies and forming local communities of like-minded people with the skills to survive and thrive in the world created after the coming conflict is resolved, is all you can do at this point. Preparation may not be enough, but not preparing guarantees a bad outcome for you and your family. Whatever you do, put absolutely no faith in any government solution to our predicament. They are the enemy and you can’t vote your way out of this.


I hope after this is over to see a fresh coat of white paint applied to that old barn and a brand-new yellow smiley face resurrected on the same spot, marking the start of a new High.

URGENT: US on verge of becoming party to Ukrainian conflict, Moscow warns

Washington’s continued support for Kiev during Moscow’s military operation has put the US on the verge of becoming party to the Ukrainian conflict, Russia’s deputy Foreign Minister, Sergey Ryabkov has said.

“We don’t want escalation. We’d like to avoid a situation, in which the US becomes a party to the conflict, but so far we don’t see any readiness of the other side to take these warnings seriously,” Ryabkov told Rossiya 1 TV channel on Friday.

Moscow rejects Washington’s explanation, that providing Ukraine with weapons and other aid is justified by Kiev’s right to self-defense, he pointed out.

“Excuse me, what kind of self-defense is it if they are already openly talking about the possibility of attacking targets deep in the Russian territory, in Crimea?” the deputy FM wondered.

According to Ryabkov, such statements are being made by the Ukrainian side “not just under the blind eye of the US and NATO, but with the encouragement of this kind of sentiment, approaches, plans and ideas directly from Washington,” Ryabkov insisted.

The ever more obvious and deeper involvement in Ukraine in terms of countering our military operation, in fact, puts this country, the US, on the verge of turning into a party to the conflict,” he reiterated.

The US has been the strongest supporter of Kiev amid its conflict with Russia, providing Kiev with billions of dollars in military and financial aid, as well as intelligence data. Washington’s deliveries to the Ukrainian military have included such sophisticated hardware as HIMARS multiple rocket launchers, M777 howitzers and combat drones.

Reuters reported on Friday that US President Joe Biden is about to announce another lethal aid package for Kiev of around $800 million.

An unnamed official from the Biden administration told Politico on Thursday that the White House had no problem with Ukraine attacking Crimea, which became part of Russia after a 2014 referendum staged in response to a violent coup. The US believes that Kiev can strike any target on its territory, and “Crimea is Ukraine,” the American official insisted.

There have recently been a number of explosions near a Russian ammunition depot and at a military airfield in Crimea, which the Defense Ministry said were acts of “sabotage.” However, Ukrainian authorities haven’t officially confirmed involvement in the attacks.

Russia sent troops into Ukraine on February 24, citing Kiev’s failure to implement the Minsk agreements, designed to give the regions of Donetsk and Lugansk special status within the Ukrainian state. The protocols, brokered by Germany and France, were first signed in 2014. Former Ukrainian President Pyotr Poroshenko has since admitted that Kiev’s main goal was to use the ceasefire to buy time and “create powerful armed forces.”

In February 2022, the Kremlin recognized the Donbass republics as independent states and demanded that Ukraine officially declare itself a neutral country that will never join any Western military bloc. Kiev insists the Russian offensive was completely unprovoked.

A Major Food Crisis Coming In 2023? – “Prices Will Be On Steroids After The Election”


We are being warned that food prices in the U.S. are going to go absolutely haywire after the election in November.  I am taking such warnings very seriously, and I believe that you should too.  Global officials have been telling us over and over again that we are heading into an unprecedented global food crisis, and I have been writing about this again and again in recent weeks.  But so far, the vast majority of the population doesn’t seem to be taking this seriously.  Agricultural production is going to be way below expectations all over the planet in 2022, and that means that there will be far less food to go around in 2023.

Let me give you a perfect example of what I am talking about.  Just within the last couple of days, it has been reported that there will be crop losses “of up to 50 percent” in the German state of Baden-Württemberg…

Crop losses of up to 50 percent are now expected in parts of Germany due to drought, farmers in affected regions have claimed.

Up to half of the crops in parts of the German state of Baden-Württemberg are likely to be lost due to drought, farmers in the region have claimed, with problems to do with the prices of fuel, fertiliser, and pesticides connected to the green agenda and war in Ukraine also reportedly causing problems for those in the region.

These are crop losses that haven’t happened yet.

These are crop losses that will happen in the fall if sufficient rain does not arrive soon…

With the losses expected to materialise in the autumn, the farming chaos may end up being another crisis facing Germany’s floundering political class as fuel shortages combined with a freefalling economy hit a public already suffering from officials’ poor handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Just within the past week, I have written about how authorities are also projecting similar crop losses in key areas of the UK, France and Italy.

And here in the United States, 37 percent of farmers in the western half of the country say that they will be killing their own crops because there is no chance that they will come to maturity due to the endless drought.

All of these crop losses haven’t hit the food system yet.

So none of these crop losses are reflected in grocery store prices yet.

That won’t happen until the end of 2022 and the beginning of 2023.

With all of that in mind, I would like to share with you a comment that was just posted on one of Southern Prepper’s videos

Just a heads up. I have a family member who works in the corporate pricing department for groceries. This company has been in business 40 years. 

Meeting was called 1 day ago and they were told prices will be on steroids after the election. Owner said he’s never seen what’s headed our way in 40 of business. They just hired 10 more people and can not keep up with data input.

All hands on deck and overtime. included. Get your house in order. Buy Holiday grocery products while you can find and afford them. 

Boss told employees to stock up now. 

Please pay attention folks.

It would be easy to dismiss that comment because we don’t know who it is from and so we can’t verify the specific claims that are made.

But this is entirely consistent with everything else that I am hearing.

Food prices have been rising rapidly in recent months, but the really big deal is all the food that is not being grown right now.  This lack of production is going to push prices to levels that would have once been unthinkable.

Most people simply do not realize how much our farmers are hurting right now.  Just check out these numbers

Nearly three quarters of US farmers say this year’s drought is hurting their harvest — with significant crop and income loss, according to a survey by the American Farm Bureau Federation, an insurance company and lobbying group that represents agricultural interests.

The survey was conducted across 15 states from June 8 to July 20 in extreme drought regions from Texas to North Dakota to California, which makes up nearly half of the country’s agricultural production value. In California — a state with high fruit and nut tree crops — 50% of farmers said they had to remove trees and multiyear crops due to drought, which will affect future revenue.

This is going to affect all of us.

If farmers and ranchers don’t produce our food, we do not eat.

Things are even worse in western Europe, and the war in Ukraine is greatly restricting the flow of agricultural goods from eastern Europe.

In 2023, there is going to be a mad scramble for whatever food that is available, and global prices are going to go nuts.

We have already started to see food riots and civil unrest is some areas of the globe, but I anticipate that things will get much worse next year.

Even here in the United States, I expect that there will be a lot of anger and frustration.  And as we have seen, it certainly doesn’t take much for our major urban areas to explode.

Things aren’t even that bad yet, and already we are seeing people behave in ways that are extremely bizarre.  For example, just consider a very strange incident that just happened in Los Angeles

The gang of people ransacked the store while shouting, completely destroying the COVID-19 safety screen that had been set up to grab as much as they could in Los Angeles, California.

A group entered the convenience store near Figueroa Street and El Segundo Boulevard, with surveillance footage showing the looters shouting at each other, on August 15.

They can be seen running across the store and grabbing drinks, cigarettes, lottery tickets, bags of chips and other items.

Approximately 100 young people were involved in the violence.

When I read about this sort of a thing, it makes me very sad.  I have been strongly warning that such unrest would be coming to America, and eventually it will get completely out of control.

As food prices surge to crazy heights, those at the bottom of the economic food chain will not be happy.

The coming food crisis will be a difficult time for our nation, and for the world as a whole.

If you understand what is coming, it gives you an opportunity to get prepared.

Sadly, most of the population doesn’t want to listen to the warnings, and that is extremely unfortunate.

‘Flurry’ of retail bankruptcies coming, former retail CEO warns

Retailers on life support may go the way of the dinosaur in early 2023 should the economic slowdown cause a lackluster holiday shopping season.

“I think we will see a flurry of bankruptcies likely in the first quarter of 2023 if this holiday season is anything less than completely robust,” Mark Cohen, former longtime CEO of Sear Canada and current Columbia University professor of retail studies, warned on Yahoo Finance Live (video above). “I don’t think it will be, by the way.”

Retail bankruptcies — which picked up in droves at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic — have fallen by the wayside as consumers returned to stores to stock up on apparel and other items coming out of the pandemic.

Only three retailers filed for bankruptcy in the second half of 2021 versus 20 in the same period in 2020, according to a report from BDO. There were no new retail bankruptcies filed from mid-September 2021 through mid-February 2022, the report found.

“There is no question as business becomes tougher to manage, weak players fall by the wayside,” Cohen said. “They are particularly vulnerable to inflationary pricing and inflationary costs.”

The bad news in retail continues to mount as the economy slows, calling into question how even the strongest in the sector would navigate a potential recession in 2023.

In early June, Target kicked off concerns about the retail sector’s health with a shocking decision to liquidate massive amounts of slow-moving inventory and take a more cautious view on near-term profits.

Since then, discretionary retailers such as RH, Bed Bath & Beyond, and Kohl’s have issued financial warnings for their second-quarter results.


Hal Turner Editorial Opinion

We are at risk of an accelerating hyper-collapse as people massively cut back spending due to things like inflation and fear. Most of our economy is based on optional purchases that can be put off or not made at all. Once people get into survival mode, the accelerating hyper-collapse will kick in, with spending dropping significantly, unemployment skyrocketing and bankruptcies happening on a regular basis.

I saw a forum where people in my NJ home town were talking about rent increases of $200, $300, even $500

Good luck having any money left to spend at retail with rent increases like that.

I mean seriously if your rent went up 300 dollars would you be out shopping, going to shows, eating in restaurants, taking a weekend road trip?

The worst part of all this is that NONE of it had to be.   This is all taking place because of Russia economic sanctions that should not have been imposed if our government would have minded its own business.

US has doomed EU to hunger and cold – Russia

The United States has doomed the EU to hunger, cold and isolation by pressuring the bloc to cut its ties with Moscow, Russian State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin said on Friday.

He wrote on Telegram that Washington would “stop at nothing to cling to its power over the world as it throws under the bus the citizens’ welfare and the economies of European countries to achieve this end.”

He noted that natural gas in the US costs $333 per 1,000 cubic meters. “At the same time, Washington sells it to Europe for a price which is 7.3 [times] higher, rendering the EU economy uncompetitive,” he wrote, adding that the eurozone’s annual inflation rate had hit a record 8.9%.

Volodin said Europe had been hit by a heatwave that triggered huge problems in the agriculture sector, as well as an energy crisis which had seen prices soar six times in one year.

The EU’s decision to phase out Russian energy supplies and cut economic ties with Moscow “have been made under Washington’s pressure,” the State Duma speaker claimed.

US policies in Europe are enforced by England that has left the EU high and dry, as well as by a number of countries that are sovereign in name only – Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Ukraine – with Poland, the Czech Republic and Finland joining this Russophobic coalition in the hopes of getting an American handout,” Volodin wrote.

His comments come as the EU is plagued by an energy crisis due to rising global prices. Earlier this month, the bloc approved a plan that would see its member states reduce gas consumption by 15% in a bid to tackle the crisis.

Another factor that has exacerbated the energy crunch was the EU’s decision to wean itself off natural gas from Russia, as the bloc considers these supplies to be unreliable. However, President Vladimir Putin has rejected accusations that Moscow could cut off gas supplies to the EU, stating that Russian energy giant Gazprom is “ready to pump as much as necessary” but that the bloc has “closed everything themselves.”

U.S. urged to stop attempting to contain China with Taiwan: spokesperson

Li Jiayao
2022-08-11 10:33:51

BEIJING, Aug. 10 (Xinhua) — China will resolutely make a fightback each time the United States makes a serious provocation that encroaches upon China’s sovereignty and interferes in China’s internal affairs, a foreign ministry spokesperson said on Wednesday.

“China will never allow its national sovereignty and territorial integrity to be wantonly trampled upon and undermined,” spokesperson Wang Wenbin said at a regular news briefing, urging the United States to stop its attempt to contain China by using Taiwan.

Wang pointed out Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi’s visit to China’s Taiwan region is a major political provocation which upgrades exchanges between the United States and Taiwan.

Pelosi’s visit violated relevant commitments by the U.S. side in the China-U.S. Joint Communique on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations, the one-China principle widely accepted by the international community and confirmed in the UN General Assembly Resolution 2758, and the principle in international law of non-interference in other countries’ internal affairs, which is enshrined in the UN Charter, he said.

Disregarding China’s dissuasion and warnings concerning Pelosi’s visit, the United States has chosen to pursue the wrong course of action, Wang said, noting that it is the United States, not China, who has reneged on commitments.

“It is the United States that infringed upon China’s sovereignty, not China violating the sovereignty of the United States. It is the United States who connived at and supported ‘Taiwan independence’ separatist activities, not China conniving at and supporting separatist activities in the United States,” Wang added.

Wang said the United States is going down the path of obscuring, hollowing out and distorting the one-China principle, while accusing China of changing the status quo.

“The United States carries out over a hundred military drills in China’s adjacent waters every year, but accuses China of overacting,” Wang added, “Neither China nor the international community will accept such a gangster logic.”

If the United States truly hopes to abide by international law and uphold national sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries as it claims to, it should return to the one-China principle and the three China-U.S. joint communiques, Wang said.

He urged the United States to refrain from reckless moves and stop attempting to use Taiwan to contain China and do right things and take concrete steps to facilitate the sound development of China-U.S. ties and peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait.

Challenging America’s Lords of Illusion with a Million Contrary Rumble Views

In Roger Zelazny’s classic 1967 science fiction novel Lord of Light, humans on a distant planet have employed technological devices to establish themselves as gods of the Hindu pantheon, each having particular aspects and attributes. Mara is the Lord of Illusion, able to reshape the perceived world in the minds of all those around him. Such an ability is powerful but not invincible since the physical reality remains unchanged, and Mara is slain in the very first chapter.

I think that story stands as an effective metaphor for America’s strengths in today’s world. Our country is so utterly dominant in the distribution of information and propaganda, including the electronic and social media, that we can easily persuade most of the world to accept as truth our manufactured illusions. But we cannot alter the underlying reality, perhaps leading to disastrous ultimate consequences.

Russia possesses a nuclear arsenal equal to our own and its revolutionary hypersonic weapons provide it considerable superiority in delivery systems. Lieutenant-General Igor Kirillov serves as the head of Russia’s Radiation, Chemical, and Biological Defense Forces, and a couple of weeks ago he held a public briefing at which he suggested that elements of the American government had probably been responsible for unleashing the global Covid epidemic.

I mentioned his explosive accusations in a column, but otherwise they seem to have been almost entirely ignored in both the American mainstream and even alternative media. Instead, the only significant American response was that Twitter suspended the official account of the Russian Foreign Ministry after it distributed the remarks of that top Russian general.


Once again, except for a column of my own, the censorship Twitter had suddenly imposed upon the Russian government for such accusatory statements passed almost entirely unnoticed by American mainstream and alternative media outlets alike.

Major declarations by top Russian military leaders surely receive extensive coverage in Russia’s own domestic media, so I’d assume that a substantial fraction of the Russian population now believes that the Covid virus which has killed more than 15 million people worldwide may have been an American product, engineered and released by our national security apparatus. But a near-total media embargo—extending to alternative outlets—has ensured that such notions remain completely excluded from American minds. Apparently, our editors follow the principle “What we don’t know can’t hurt us.”

Over the last couple of years I have been repeatedly struck by the complete unwillingness of virtually any mainstream or alternative Western journalist to take notice of the very strong evidence of America’s culpability in the Covid epidemic, evidence that I have presented in a long series of articles first beginning in April 2020.

Earlier this month I sent this plaintive note to a member of America’s elite establishment with whom I’ve been friendly for many years:

 …the whole situation just staggers the imagination.

For the same of argument, let’s assume I’m correct and there’s at least a pretty good chance that the blowback from an unauthorized biowarfare attack has now killed a million Americans.

Can you think of anything in the history of the world let alone the history of America that’s comparable to that? As I argued in one of my recent articles, it’s probably 1000x a greater worldwide disaster than Chernobyl.

And the notion that absolutely no one is willing to discuss it is just unbelievable. It’s not like Stalin’s NKVD will ship them off to the Gulag if they say anything. I mean it’s one thing if people are fearful of being shot, but it’s another thing if they’re merely fearful of being criticized on Twitter…

I just can’t understand why absolutely no one is willing to take a public stand on this issue. Once all the facts came out more than a year ago, I assumed the dam would break any week. 

And his reply:

 It is quite amazing. 

From the very beginning of the epidemic, our media and propaganda organs, whether mainstream or alternative, have successfully insulated the American public from the crucial information that might allow them to properly understand what had happened in their lives. As I noted in my original April 2020 article:

 As the coronavirus gradually began to spread beyond China’s own borders, another development occurred that greatly multiplied my suspicions. Most of these early cases had occurred exactly where one might expect, among the East Asian countries bordering China. But by late February Iran had become the second epicenter of the global outbreak. Even more surprisingly, its political elites had been especially hard-hit, with a full 10% of the entire Iranian parliament soon infected and at least a dozen of its officials and politicians dying of the disease, including some who were quite senior. Indeed, Neocon activists on Twitter began gleefully noting that their hated Iranian enemies were now dropping like flies.

Let us consider the implications of these facts. Across the entire world the only political elites that have yet suffered any significant human losses have been those of Iran, and they died at a very early stage, before significant outbreaks had even occurred almost anywhere else in the world outside China. Thus, we have America assassinating Iran’s top military commander on Jan. 2nd and then just a few weeks later large portions of the Iranian ruling elites became infected by a mysterious and deadly new virus, with many of them soon dying as a consequence. Could any rational individual possibly regard this as a mere coincidence? 

In a later article I emphasized that Iran’s top leadership had certainly recognized these obvious facts at the time:

 By early March 2020, the Iranian general overseeing his country’s biowarfare defense had already begun suggesting that Covid was a Western biological attack against his country and China, and a couple of days later the semiofficial Iranian news agency FARS quoted Iran’s top Revolutionary Guards military commander as declaring:
 Today, the country is engaged in a biological battle. We will prevail in the fight against this virus, which might be the product of an American biological [attack], which first spread in China and then to the rest of the world…America should know that if it has done so, it will return to itself. 
Soon afterward, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei  took the same public position, while populist former president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad became especially vocal on Twitter for several months, even directing his formal accusations to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. Just a single one of his numerous Tweets drew many thousands of Retweets and Likes. 


 Iranian radio and television and its international news service repeatedly carried these stories, backed by supportive interviews with a top political aide to Malaysia’s former prime minister. But America’s overwhelming domination over the English-language global media ensured that this major international controversy never came to my attention at the time it occurred.

The blockade preventing these Iranian charges from reaching the English-speaking world was further facilitated by American control over the basic infrastructure of the Internet. Just one month earlier, Iran’s PressTV channel for Britain had been deleted by YouTube, following the earlier removal of its main global channel. Most recently, the American government took the unprecedented action of seizing PressTV‘s Internet domain, completely eliminating all access to that website. 


The original Covid outbreak had struck Wuhan at the height of China’s confrontation with the United States. By March 2020 official Chinese media was reporting that the virus might have been brought to that city by American military personnel when they participated in the World Military Games held there, with an official spokesman for China’s Foreign Ministry creating a diplomatic incident when he Tweeted out those accusations.

I’ve been told that such theories of American responsibility have become endemic on Chinese social media, and last year China’s second largest official news agency briefly summarized my own views on its website.

Similarly, Sputnik News, a mainstream Russian media outlet with 20 million visits per month, recently published a short interview with me regarding the likely origins of Covid. Around the same time, a leading Iranian television channel interviewed me for five hours in preparation for a series they plan to broadcast in the near future.

Government officials and the general public of Russia, Iran, and China both seem increasingly aware of these important facts and the controversial scenario they suggest, so I find it difficult to understand how legitimate American national interests are served by keeping that same information away from the American people. Yet this continuing climate of near-absolute censorship has been maintained not only within the mainstream media but also by nearly all alternative journalists and outlets. Even when American figures of the greatest public stature and credibility have broken their silence, their statements have been ignored across almost the entire alternative media landscape.

Prof. Jeffrey Sachs of Columbia University is the very high-ranking American academic who had served as the chairman of the Covid Commission established by the Lancet, a leading medical journal. In May he co-authored an important article in the prestigious PNAS journal arguing that the virus had probably been produced in a lab and calling for an independent inquiry into its true origins.

This bombshell declaration, which should have reached the front pages of the New York Times, was instead ignored by virtually every mainstream and alternative media outlet.

The following month, he reiterated his views while speaking at a small think-tank gathering in Spain, and a short clip of his remarks went super-viral, being retweeted out more than 11,000 times and attracting over a million views.


With the exception of an article in the London Daily Mail, this further bombshell was again entirely ignored by all outlets in both the mainstream and alternative press.

Finally, earlier this month he gave a lengthy and remarkably candid interview to Current Affairs, a small alternative media webzine, in which he focused on the strong evidence he had encountered of an apparent cover-up of Covid’s possible origins by individuals associated with the American government:

Once again, virtually no alternative journalist reported those astonishing allegations by the academic figure who had been best placed to make them.

When I brought his recent interview to the attention of several prominent mainstream individuals whom I personally know, they found it absolutely stunning. But apparently nearly every journalist in America thought otherwise, so its impact on the public debate has been almost nil.

Last week I published an account of the shocking McCain/POW scandal uncovered by the late Sydney Schanberg. Despite his stellar journalistic reputation and the mountain of evidence he had accumulated, his findings were totally ignored by the entire media, including by the Times, where he himself had previously served as one of the top editors. This notion of a story being too big or too dangerous for the media to cover certainly applies to the origins of the Covid epidemic.

Furthermore, the strategies used to suppress challenges to establishmentarian dogma may have grown much more sophisticated and effective. A couple of weeks ago I discussed this possibility in the aftermath of the Alex Jones trial, suggesting that techniques of “cognitive infiltration” may have been deployed against alternative organizations and activists, diverting them into blind alleys that dissipate their energies and severely damage their public credibility:

I speculated that the huge, sudden rise of a massive anti-vaxxing movement in America might be an example of this. A couple of years ago, vaccine issues were almost invisible, but soon after questions arose regarding the true origins of the Covid virus, the vaccination controversy moved to the absolute center stage of American public life, completely dominating the thoughts of most of those willing to challenge official orthodoxy on any other matter.

As a result, I suspect that a thousand times as much time and effort has recently been devoted to debating the safety and efficacy of Covid vaccines than to investigating the true origins of the disease that made them necessary. And individuals or organizations who proclaim their fear that Bill Gates is the architect of a diabolical plot to exterminate most of the human race are hardly likely to be taken seriously by credible journalists or academics on any other matters.

The difficult year or two of lockdown conditions under which so many Americans had suffered fostered the social isolation that naturally allowed even the most fantastical ideas to take root among the fearful. Such an environment would have been ideal for the successful promotion across the Internet of debilitating nonsense promoted by organized propaganda-operatives.

Thus, since early 2020, the likely reality of an event of monumental historical importance—the unauthorized release of a military bioweapon that has killed so many millions worldwide—has been successfully suppressed within America and the rest of the West. In the past, other dramatic events such as the JFK assassination and the 9/11 attacks quickly sparked large-scale movements of citizen-activism challenging the questionable official narrative, but there currently exists no similar “Covid Truth Movement.”

Despite this unfortunate situation, there are some signs of hope, indications of a few embers that might eventually burst into flame.

First, growing coverage in the Russian, Iranian, and Chinese media may help pierce the wall of silence maintained by Western outlets, especially because the latter have become so severely discredited by their extremely skewed coverage of the conflict in Ukraine and the confrontation over Taiwan. At the very least, alternative journalists may finally gain the necessary courage to begin seriously exploring the origins of Covid.

In addition, Jeffrey Sachs, an extremely senior figure in the mainstream Covid firmament, has seemingly become willing to break the conspiracy of silence and raise issues that have been suppressed for more than two years. Although media outlets have scrupulously avoided publishing his statements, his public stature raises the possibility of successfully circumventing such gatekeepers.

Meanwhile, the facts are still out there. I recently reread my original April 2020 article that first raised these issues, and although more than two years have passed I found little in the text that I would wish to change.

Just days after that piece ran, our entire webzine was banned by Facebook and all our pages were deranked by Google. But although those harsh actions successfully suppressed what had been the viral spread of that article, they also underscored the potential importance of the arguments being made.

Over the next two years, I greatly expanded that first work into a lengthy series of articles, comprehensively covering the topic. Taken together, those pieces have now been viewed more than a half-million times, and the entire collection is now available both as a freely downloadable eBook and also as an Amazon paperback.

Even more heartening has been the growing viewership of my video presentations. Back in February, just before the outbreak of the Ukraine war diverted all attention in a different direction, I was interviewed several times by small podcasters, and these shows have attracted considerable audiences. Totaling around four hours of discussion, they have now accumulated over a million views on Rumble, with more than half of these coming during the last few weeks. Circumventing media gatekeepers is a crucial step in piercing the veil of ignorance maintained by the West’s reigning Lords of Illusion, and recognizing the reality of our global disaster.

Kevin Barrett, FFWN • February 16, 2022 • 15m

Video Link

Geopolitics & Empire • February 1, 2022 • 75m

Video Link

Red Ice TV • February 3, 2022 • 130m

Video Link

Related Reading:

The “experts” nail it again!

Guest Post by Simon Black

In March of 421 BC, after years of escalating conflict, Athens and Sparta finally decided to bury the hatchet and coexist peacefully together in the Mediterranean.

The two powers had been at odds for decades. Athens had ballooned into a regional empire, and Sparta itself was a rising power.

The two sides came to blows on multiple occasions. And even when they agreed to keep the peace in 421 BC, tensions were still high. All it took was one idiot to screw it up.

His name was Alcibiades, a Greek politician of noble birth. Alcibiades was pretty infamous in Athens; he was known for being corrupt, deceitful, disloyal, arrogant, and short-tempered.

I’m serious. There are numerous accounts from ancient historians who wrote in excruciating detail about what a terrible person Alcibiades was. Plutarch tells us, for example, about a time that Alcibiades cheated in a wrestling match by biting his opponent (to no one’s surprise) and how he mutilated his own dog.

Even poor Socrates tried, and failed, to teach Alcibiades about ethics and morality.

But despite his horrendous reputation, Alcibiades still managed to catapult himself into positions of high power… and to remain there… primarily due to his political cunning.

In fact Alcibiades was essentially the Speaker of the Athenian Assembly, with the power to dictate the day’s agenda and influence the outcome of votes.

Alcibiades was so powerful that, during the summer of 418 BC, he decided (without any approval from the government) to pay a visit to the Peloponnese in southern Greece– territory that was claimed by Sparta.

There was absolutely zero upside in Alcibiades doing this. It was just a big circus act for him to show off his power and prestige. He didn’t care if Sparta would be outraged, or if his actions had consequences for Athens. All that mattered to Alcibiades was that people were talking about him.

Naturally his actions did have consequences.

Smaller city-states in the Peloponnese were emboldened by Alcibiades’ trip to the region, so they forged a fledgling alliance and attempted to seize a strategic settlement located at Sparta’s southern border.

With their border security threatened, Sparta sent an army to push away the invaders; the resulting battle was a massive victory for Sparta and a huge embarrassment for Athens. But Alcibiades blamed one of his political opponents for the defeat, so he never took the fall for his own mistake.

The conflict quickly escalated further, and soon Athens and Sparta were once again in a full-blown war with each other– one that Athens would ultimately lose to its rival.

I’m writing this, of course, at a time when US Speaker Nancy Pelosi has just touched down in Taiwan.

But she’s not stupid. She knows there are consequences. The Chinese have made it very clear that they do not want Pelosi going to Taiwan. Tensions are already high between the US and China, and this trip certainly won’t help.

Now, obviously it’s not up to China to dictate US policy or actions. But like Alcibiades’ trip to the Peloponnese in 418 BC, there is absolutely zero benefit in Pelosi going to Taiwan.

The US economy is in a tailspin. Parents can’t find baby formula for their infants. Inflation is raging. People are suffering.

What exactly does this woman hope to achieve? Will her visit to Taiwan somehow make inflation miraculously retreat? Will baby formula suddenly appear on the shelves?

Of course not. So if there’s no benefit for Americans, then why go at all?

On the flip side, the trip does present a number of risks. China doesn’t want to look weak, and whatever retaliatory action they take probably won’t be positive for the US.

China’s initial response has been predictably swift. They’ve already kicked off live-fire military exercises, i.e. real weapons and munitions, and have essentially encircled Taiwan by sea. Apparently these military exercises will include missile tests off Taiwan’s east coast.

The US, meanwhile, has positioned at least two naval vessels and several fighter jets close to Taiwan’s east coast, increasing the potential for conflict, or even just an accident.

Hopefully nothing catastrophic happens. But, again, what exactly is the point of this trip? It’s all risk and no reward… just so that Pelosi can showboat in front of the cameras before her retirement next year.

You’d think that someone with decades of political experience– an ‘expert’ in international diplomacy– would understand such a simple reality, and then rationally choose the course of action which will benefit her country the most. But that’s a laughable proposition.

Pelosi has a multi-decade track record of deceit, disloyalty, cowardice, and arrogance. She’s even despised by prominent members of her own party.

Ironically, the only reason Pelosi even has a job is because a mere 73,815 voters in the San Francsico Bay area chose to send her to Congress. That’s a tiny fraction of the US population in a tiny corner of the country.

Seriously, more people voted to elect the mayor of Denver, Colorado than voted for Nancy Pelosi. Yet somehow Pelosi has enormous power and influence in global politics.

Something is clearly wrong with this system that produces such bizarre, lopsided outcomes from serially corrupt and incompetent candidates.

Pelosi is just one of countless examples– a #mefirst, self-centered hypocrite who has become the modern day Alcibiades.

And she’ll most likely go down in history with a similar reputation as he did.


“I just went to buy a Samsung washer and dryer from a guy that was asking $500. I told him that I just had a baby and asked if he could take $400, that I would be really grateful. When I got home and hooked everything up, they both worked great. I opened up the dryer to check the lint filter and was shocked to find my $400 in there. I got a message from him saying ‘check the dryer, a gift for the new baby’. Man words can not describe how grateful I am right now.

I feel so blessed right now I felt I had to share, big shout out to the man David! Thank you so much!” – Chris Blaze

Kindness makes the world a kinder place.


The main failures of the United States constitution as pointed out by Patrick Henry.

Still busier than a kid in a candy store. I hope you all appreciate this article.

Why Did Patrick Henry Oppose the Constitution?

By Thomas Kidd

How could the man who cried “give me liberty or give me death,” this patriot who penned Virginia’s resolves against the Stamp Act in 1765, not support the Constitution?…

Today’s offering in our Timeless Essay series affords readers the opportunity to join Thomas Kidd as he explores why Patrick Henry opposed the Constitution. —W. Winston Elliott III, Publisher

At the conclusion of Virginia’s 1788 ratification convention, a meeting tasked with voting on the new Constitution, Patrick Henry strode to the assembly floor, convinced that the future of American liberty hung in the balance. In his mind’s eye, the great orator warned, he could see angels watching, “reviewing the political decisions and revolutions which in the progress of time will happen in America, and the consequent happiness or misery of mankind—I am led to believe that much of the account on one side or the other, will depend on what we now decide.”

To Americans familiar only with Henry’s blazing “Liberty or Death” oration of 1775, it may come as a shock to learn that Henry opposed the adoption of the Constitution. Henry always had a flair for the dramatic, but on this occasion, Mother Nature offered him an improbable assist: As he thundered against the dangers of the new centralized government, a howling storm rose outside the Richmond hall. Frightened delegates scurried to take cover.

A memorable scene, to be sure, but how could the man who cried “give me liberty or give me death,” this patriot who penned Virginia’s resolves against the Stamp Act in 1765, not support the Constitution? The answer was pretty simple: Henry thought that the American Revolution was, at root, a rebellion against the coercive power of the British government. In particular, it was a rebellion against unjust British taxes. Henry, therefore, thought it was madness for Americans to place that same kind of consolidated political authority over themselves again.

The All-Powerful States

America already had a constitution in 1788, the Articles of Confederation, basically a continuation of the Continental Congress, the ad hoc body formed in 1774 to plan resistance against British taxes. The Articles of Confederation government was composed of a single-house legislature. The states retained most of their power under the Articles, and it was very difficult for the national government to do much of anything without overwhelming support from the states.

Historians often assume that the government under the Articles was an unmitigated disaster. But, really, the Articles government was not too bad. It managed (with major difficulty, of course) to beat the formidable British military in the Revolutionary War. It secured the Treaty of Paris in 1783, which remains one of the greatest diplomatic achievements in American history. And it passed the Northwest Ordinance of 1787, the key precedent for the future expansion of the United States into the Great Lakes region and the trans-Mississippi west.

Certainly, there were many problems under the Articles of Confederation, mostly regarding the national government’s inability to craft coherent trade and economic policy. Part of this inefficiency was intentional, as the national authorities did not have the power to tax. When the Confederation Congress needed money, it had to issue requests for funding to the states. Often the states could not (or would not) pony up.

We should remember that the Founders designed the Articles government simply to perform those tasks that only a national government could do. They did not wish to create a large, powerful national government. The states still commanded the primary allegiance of most leading Patriots. When someone in the Founding period spoke of his “country,” he was probably talking about his home state, not the United States.

Amendments, or More?

It was James Madison and Alexander Hamilton who began moving the nation away from the Patriots’ original suspicion of big government. They pushed for a 1787 meeting that was ostensibly tasked with proposing new amendments to the Articles of Confederation. Henry and George Washington were the two most popular leaders in Virginia, and Henry was elected to attend the Philadelphia convention. But he had already begun to suspect that the organizers had more in mind than just suggesting amendments. He famously explained his refusal to attend by saying “I smelt a rat.”

Henry had served five terms as Virginia governor during the 1770s and ’80s, and he had already become alarmed at the willingness of Northern congressmen to act directly against Virginia’s economic interests. In particular, John Jay, the secretary of foreign affairs, had in 1786 attempted to sign away America’s rights to navigate the Mississippi River in exchange for preferential trade status. This would have been a disaster for the Southern economy. Only the requirement for a two-thirds majority on navigation acts prevented the measure from being adopted, but James Madison knew that the damage was done. “Mr. Henry’s disgust [at the Jay treaty] exceeded all measure,” Madison wrote, and turned Henry totally against the notion of enhancing national government’s power.

When Henry saw the result of the Philadelphia convention’s work, he was appalled. To him, the new Constitution proved that Americans had already forgotten the dangers of consolidated national authority. Although he had refused to attend the Philadelphia meeting, Henry eagerly went to the Richmond ratifying convention, setting the stage for a clash between Henry and his political nemesis, Madison. Henry commandeered the ratification proceedings, warning in exquisite (and, Madison thought, exasperating) detail all the ways in which the Constitution jeopardized American liberty.

Limitations on Power

Like most Antifederalists, Henry wanted a bill of rights added to the Constitution (the document did not originally include one), but that was not his core concern. Instead, Henry wished to see real, structural limitations on the new government’s power, such as taking away its authority to tax. Federalists (supporters of the Constitution) said that in order to have a powerful, effective government, the Constitution required these new powers. To Henry, this was hogwash. The Constitution’s defenders, he warned, believe “we must be a great and mighty empire,” he said. But “when the American spirit was in its youth, the language of America was different: Liberty, sir, was then the primary object.”

Henry concluded his assault on the new Constitution with his remarkable thunderstorm speech, but he could not derail ratification. Virginia voted 89-79 to approve the Constitution, and when his longtime ally, Washington, became the first president, Henry slowly began to reconcile himself to the new government. But he never got over the feeling that when the nation ratified the Constitution, it betrayed the principles of the Revolution.

Patrick Henry thought that a national government invested with the unlimited power to tax and spend would inexorably transform into a monstrosity, one that the Founders—even Madison—never intended.

Most Americans believe that the Constitution, at least as originally designed, fostered a wise system of checks and balances that divided power between the states and national government.

But when you consider the titanic government we have today, and the struggles to contain our mind-boggling rates of federal debt and spending, Henry’s warnings about what the government under the Constitution could eventually become seem more and more reasonable.

Rufus Chen

Chen knew he had to do something. A woman, rambling on in a foreign language, was climbing over the railing. It was a 230-foot (70 meters) drop into the water below. Death was certain.

The new bridge over the Yangtze River in Nanjing, China had quickly surpassed The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco and Aokagohara Park in Japan as the most popular location for suicides.

Chen slammed on the brakes and jumped out of his car. In a state of desperation, instincts took over. Gently, he spoke with her, sharing his compassion and understanding. Chen let her know that he, too, was a struggling migrant worker. She was not alone. People cared.

After several minutes of sharing each other’s pains and struggles, the woman climbed back over the railing and gave Chen a hug. Never again would she attempt another suicide.

Chen decided to come back to the bridge the next day. His infant child was left with his young wife, but Chen thought that he might be able to help someone else on the ledge who needed someone – even a stranger.

Fortunately, no one came. Chen drove home.

Despite the bitter cold, Chen came back on Saturday and the next day, too, spending almost his entire weekend on the bridge.

He found a man, traumatized over the loss of his life’s savings. They, too, hugged. Chen gave him all the money he had in his wallet. Chen had prevented another suicide.


Finding a higher purpose, Chen went to the bookstore and ordered every book written by the psychiatrist Sigmund Freud to better understand the human psyche. He read and reread every page, taking notes and memorizing passages.


From the day of that first encounter, every Saturday and Sunday Chen would go to the 2 1/2 mile (four kilometers) Nanjing Bridge and do whatever he could to let others know someone cares, always willing to share his time and his money.


In the 53 years since the bridge was built, more than 3,000 people have jumped. None are believed to have survived. But another 412 people are still alive because of Chen Si, the one who devoted every weekend for eighteen years to saving the lives of strangers.


Abandoned Kitties

Look at the eyes…


1 Tess, left outside for 8 years and treated like garbage. Photo taken while she was a stray.


2 Tess a few months after I took her in (her owners moved away and left her behind).


3 Phoebe – found in the weeds behind my house, 4 months old, starving and flea-bitten.


4 Phoebe six months after I took her in.

Look at the eyes.

Abandoned cats are sad, beaten down, and afraid.

Adopt a stray cat or dog from the street or the shelter. Save a life and change your life for the better.

Some Chinese scholars discuss the Taiwan issue…

LI Chen, Associate Professor and International Security and Strategy Program Director at the School of International Studies at Renmin University of China

At present, the chain of command of the two militaries is still unimpeded, and the risks are still under control as long as the leaders on both sides adhere to bottom-line thinking on the issue of war and peace.

SHI Xiaoqin, PLA Sr. Colonel (Retired), Research fellow at School of Public Affairs, Zhejiang University

In the long run, these military exercises might be a watershed event.

CAO Qun, Associate research fellow at the Department for American Studies, China Institute of International Studies

Military-to-military relations will not spiral out of control just because these mechanisms are removed.

And last but not least

Victor Gao, Vice Director, Center for China and Globalization, Chair Professor of Soochow University

As for the Sino-U.S relationship, Washington hopes to compartmentalize bilateral ties with China with their cooperation, competition and confrontation approach. That’s wishful thinking on the part of Washington.

LI Chen, Associate Professor and International Security and Strategy Program Director at the School of International Studies at Renmin University.

The positioning of the military relationship between China and the U.S has actually elevated in recent years. In the past, Beijing and Washington emphasized their economic and trade relations were the ballast stone of bilateral ties. Over the last two or three years, there has been a new formulation that the military-to-military relations as other aspects of China-U.S. relations have deteriorated.

The significance of “military relations are the ballast stone” is that with many setbacks in bilateral relations and rising hostility, any major problems that arise in military relations would have an overall impact on bilateral relations. It should be recognized that there is a certain consensus between China and the United States on this. However, the disagreement is that the U.S. side believes as long as it maintains operational-level management & control and strategic-level communication, there is no need for them to respond to China’s various concerns on security and military issues. Then they can do whatever they think is at low risk, which harms China’s security interests.

On the other hand, the U.S. side now is hard to move forward with mil-to-mil relations due to its domestic politics, even from a professional point of view that the U.S. and China have room for further progress on some issues.

So, the two sides have conflicting ideas, and the Chinese side on various occasions has been hoping that the U.S. can change its ideas and practices, but so far the effect is not particularly positive.

The Taiwan question is a matter of China’s core interests. As Deng Xiaoping once told then U.S. President Ronald Reagan decades ago that if there is a major change over the Taiwan question due to the U.S. side, China will safeguard its core interests, even if there could be some setback in China-U.S. relations, and such a cost we need to bear. So, these three countermeasures (cancelling the three mil-to-mil dialogues) show our determination as Pelosi’s Taiwan trip is indeed very serious in nature.

Although Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan ostensibly did not involve the U.S. federal government, the Taiwan question is, after all, involved in every aspect of China-U.S. relations, including security relations. Were the Taiwan question not well managed and the situation escalates, it will only have a greater impact on the security relationship between the two countries and militaries. These countermeasures are a necessary warning sent to the U.S.

In terms of these three measures, talks between China-U.S. theatre commanders are not a regular or normalized mechanism so far; the China-U.S. Defense Policy Coordination Talks are relatively frequent at the working level. But if some major incidents occur, the two sides still need senior-level officials or even leaders to communicate and make decisions.

The third is the Military Maritime Consultative Agreement, which does have a long history in China-U.S. military relationship, with the two sides meeting almost annually to discuss maritime security issues, but mainly at the operational level.

Therefore, these three mechanisms do not represent the entirety of the security relationship between the two militaries, which means that even if these three are cancelled for a short period, there are still channels open.

The hotline between the U.S. and Chinese defence departments remains. The military attachés of embassies in two capitals can communicate with each other’s relevant departments. At the operational level, agreements like the Code for Unplanned Encounters at Sea (CUES) adopted by the Western Pacific Naval Symposium and the two MOUs are still working.

One last point, the military and defence departments act differently from other government agencies. At present, the chain of command of the two militaries is still unimpeded, and the risks are still under control as long as the leaders on both sides adhere to bottom-line thinking on the issue of war and peace.

Indeed, these necessary countermeasures may have a negative impact in terms of dealing with the potential escalation of frictions. However, there is still some operational leeway for restoration of these mechanisms, or in other forms, if the situation improves. Also, if one reads the announcement of these countermeasures literally, it still leaves room for interpretation of whether what is being cancelled are the entire mechanisms or just some specific meetings or arrangements in the near future.

SHI Xiaoqin, PLA Sr. Colonel (Retired), Research fellow at School of Public Affairs, Zhejiang University

The PLA has long been pursuing a national defence policy that is defensive in nature, and the military exercises were a stress test in response to the current situation. U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan was a major move in Washington’s attempt to hollow out the one-China principle in recent years, which might likely trigger a Domino effect. In response, the PLA launched these real combat exercises to offset the momentum of U.S. provocation and restore a balanced posture over the Taiwan question.

The PLA no longer took a restrained approach as in the past. Its aircraft and warships crossed the median line of the strait, flew missiles over the island and established exercise zones circling it. These moves marked a deviation from the PLA’s tradition of confining itself to the mainland side in previous drills. It demonstrates PLA’s transformation from an offshore military to a long-distance operation force and a major change in its decision-making.

Meanwhile, the PLA is fully aware of the possibility of crisis escalation. The PLA publicly stated that the exercises were conventional missile drills. The United States said it would postpone the Minuteman III ICBM test. These interactions demonstrated basic strategic trust between the two great powers. The PLA exercises also took into account the busy international air and sea lanes around the island in response to international concerns.

The strategic goal of the PLA remains deterrence. The duration and scale of the exercise were solid evidence of Beijing’s great wrath but also a restrained attitude showing its will and capability.

The objectives of these deterrence-oriented exercises are also clear, which are against the separatists in Taiwan and the foreign forces that support “Taiwan independence.” The PLA demonstrated: that they are capable of “encircling but not fighting”; they could conduct surgical strikes and divide the island into several pieces; and they also could launch “Golden Bell strikes” with land, naval, air, space and electronic & cyber forces.

These theatre-level exercises were carried out by the PLA’s Eastern Theater Command, and it serves as a test of the new combat operational command system since the military reform of 2015. The exercises examine the joint and integrated operations between arms and services in the theatre, the chain of command between military services and the theatre as well as the capability of rapid response.

In the long run, these military exercises might be a watershed event. The U.S. government recently clarified its one-China policy has not changed, and it does not support Taiwan’s independence. However, the political fallout from Pelosi’s Taiwan trip would continue, with the state of policy on the Taiwan question that has been established over the past 50 years through a series of maneuvers might be disrupted. It is not the military exercises but the provocation by Pelosi that led to the negative effects on international politics. The PLA military exercises are only responsive, defensive, and deterrent.

First, in the context of the “Indo-Pacific Strategy”, the U.S. intends to take “integrated deterrence” as the guidelines, bringing in allies and partners working across the nuclear and conventional deterrence. These PLA exercises might accelerate U.S. efforts to integrate Taiwan into its “integrated deterrence” network.

Second, the U.S. might make adjustments to its regional military posture. U.S. military’s forward presence in the Asia Pacific could be replaced by a far-peripheries presence in the region. This time the U.S. aircraft carriers operated farther away from Taiwan island than they were during the 1996 Taiwan crisis. The PLA advancing and the U.S. forces somewhat retreating will be a clear trend in development. To balance its weakening position at sea, the U.S. military may increase its land-based military deployments in Asia or make other tactical adjustments.

Third, Japan, which is within the firing range of the PLA, probably will use this drill as an excuse to increase its military expenditure, expand its military strength, strengthen its alliance with the U.S., firmly collude with “Taiwan independence” separatist forces, or even abandon its Peace Constitution.

Fourth, the Taiwan authorities will reassess their position, especially the U.S. determination and capability to defend Taiwan.

It is worth noting that on August 5, China announced 8 countermeasures in response to Nancy Pelosi’s Visit to Taiwan, three of which are related to the military: cancelling the China-U.S. Theater Commanders Talk; cancelling China-U.S. Defense Policy Coordination Talks (DPCT); cancelling China-U.S. Military Maritime Consultative Agreement (MMCA) meetings.

At a time when communication and dialogue are urgently needed, the removal of these communication channels will inevitably raise concerns about the prospect of miscalculation and difficulty in timely communication when unexpected events occur. These communication channels have been built through long and arduous efforts. They guarantee the minimum strategic trust between two militaries and reassure other concerned parties. Fortunately, the list of countermeasures only cancelled the practice of talks and meetings without eliminating these mechanisms, which preserves the basis for resuming communication and exchanges in the future.

Comments outside China about the PLA exercises further irritated Beijing. These justifiable and restrained countermeasures are interpreted as escalating, coercive, dangerous, provocative, irresponsible, etc. In the age of social media, one-sided interpretations circulate quickly and widely, unsettling the court of public opinion worldwide. This gap in interpretation is not conducive to the stability of the Taiwan Strait and the international situation. It calls for timely dialogue and exchanges among the strategic, journalistic, and commentary communities to accurately understand each other’s intentions.

CAO Qun, Associate research fellow at the Department for American Studies, China Institute of International Studies

The differences in understanding between the two militaries are a long-standing problem. In April, the Defense Ministers of China and the United States had a video call, during which the two sides reached a consensus on managing differences and strengthening communication. But there have always been differences between the two militaries: the U.S. military has put more emphasis on technical aspects, such as how to deal with encounters at sea and in the air more professionally; China, in turn, has stressed that the United States should reduce such military actions that are provocative or endanger China’s national security interests.

There have been some positive interactions between the Chinese and U.S. militaries, such as the signing of CUES (Code for Unplanned Encounters at Sea) at the Western Pacific Naval Symposium in 2014, followed by the signing of two MOUs (Memorandum of Understanding), all of which demonstrate that the two militaries have the basis of mutual trust and the ability to handle encounters professionally. But even so, differences in the perception of military exchanges have not been resolved.

Among the countermeasures, China cancelled China-U.S. Theater Commanders Talk, China-U.S. Defense Policy Coordination Talks (DPCT), and China-U.S. Military Maritime Consultative Agreement (MMCA) meetings. The MMCA signed in 1998 is the first agreement on military confidence-building measures between the two countries. It has worked well for a long time but gradually entered a bottleneck period.

However, despite the cancellation of the three mechanisms, there are still other communication channels between China and the U.S., such as the Defense Telephone Link (DTL) and the Joint Strategic Dialogue Mechanism (JSDM). The JSDM was signed in 2017, and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley called his Chinese counterpart Gen. Li Zuocheng twice in 20 and 21 to assure him that the two countries would not suddenly go to war. This shows that China has taken the concerns of the U.S. into account this time.

In addition, there is always room for policy flexibility. As long as the U.S. returns to the path of meeting China halfway, the resumption of these mechanisms is possible. The MMCA was suspended for a year in 2020 under the Trump administration but was reinstated in 2021.

The guardrails between China and the United States still exist, and the chances of a military clash between China and the United States arising from Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan are slim. And military-to-military relations will not spiral out of control because these mechanisms are removed. The U.S. will continue to criticize China diplomatically, and the U.S.-Japan ties will be further strengthened. China needs to maintain a strategic focus and refute all statements made by foreign countries that are not in line with the facts. The struggle between China and the United States is still at the level of diplomacy, public opinion and international law but not military.

At the same time, the United States might instigate some European countries to follow suit to send delegations to Taipei. Such moves will impact China-EU relations and economic and trade development, which is what we should be worried about.

Scrappy kitten named Marley

My husband has severe anxiety and panic attacks. He decided to get him an emotional support animal. My husband loves cats, so we decided to get a kitten. I called the local rescue and was put in touch with the kitten foster mom. When I talked to her, I told her that we were looking for a kitten that was calm and would tend to be a lap kitty. She said she had the perfect one.

It was a kitten named Sadie.

We went to see the kittens. The foster mom had two large rooms with about 20 kittens. She brought a black and white kitten to my husband. This was Sadie.

My husband petted her but soon she jumped down and was off playing with the others.

Then this lanky blond kitten crawled into my husband’s lap.

He purred like crazy. My husband fell in love with this kitten. The foster mom said she wasn’t sure that this kitten would be a good match for us. He was always play fighting and getting in trouble.

She had named him Scrappy because of his feisty personality.

My husband had made up his mind, so we took Scrappy home. We had thought of different names that we liked. The kitten became Marley before we even got home.


Our Marley has been an angel. He has helped my husband so much. Marley always knows when my husband needs him. He will cuddle up close to my husband and purr. Since Marley came to live with us about 8 months ago, my husband has not had a bad panic attack and his anxiety is better. We love our “Scrappy” kitten named Marley.


A hungry old lady with only 2 yuan on her body came to the restaurant, just wanting a glass of water. The waiter patiently served her and presented her with a box lunch.

Red Braised Pig Trotter

Pig trotter or we may see it as pig feet is considered as one of the most delicious parts on pig. Additionally, the rich collagen contained in pig trotter makes it as a popular beauty food in China. If you are patient enough, you can even try to make collagen mask from pig trotter.


There are many recipes about trotter for example pig trotter soup with soy beans. This red braised pig trotter is also excellent. Pig shoulder can be used to replace pig trotter in this recipe. As for the treatment of pig trotter, be patient with the pig hair if there is any because it may influence the appetite a lot, or you can ask the batcher to help with that.

Besides, I want to introduce red braising a little bit more. In Chinese cooking methods, braising is a common and popular method. Red braising or sometimes known as red cooking, from its name, we know that the basic cooking method is braising but the color of the food should be red. The key step of red braising dishes is to make the red oil color via oil and sugar, however sometimes people use soy sauce as coloring when they do not want brother to do that. Generally crystal sugar is used for making the red color. We call this process as stir frying the sugar color. I have introduced the detailed steps and tips in this red braised pork belly also known as Hong Shao Rou. If you do not want to stir fry the sugar color, just add sugar along with soy sauce in clay pot. This method only sacrifice the color slightly but do not influence the taste. 

For red braised meat recipes, it is import to guarantee the cooking time. I recommend cooking for at least 2 hours. Since it is a long time, you may use slow cooker or electric cooker to save time. I use high pressure to cook the pig trotter until almost soft, which cost 30 minutes and then red braise in a clay pot this time. It is ok to use a common pot or a wok or even a sauce pan. This version can be the most easy version.


Another tip is that do not add salt at the very beginning because this may destroy the taste of the meat and make it chewy.


  • 2 pig trotters , remove the hair and cut into bite size chunks (resort to batcher)

For cooking process

  • ½ tablespoon ginger slices
  • water as needed
  • 1 green onion
  • 5 Sichuan peppercorn
  • 2 tablespoons cooking wine

Sugar coloring

  • 1 tablespoon crystal sugar
  • 1 tablespoon cooking oil

For red braising

  • 2 Dried chili pepper
  • 5 ginger slices
  • 2 green onion
  • ½ teaspoon Sichuan peppercorn
  • 2 bay leaves
  • ½ tablespoon star anise
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 tablespoon light soy sauce
  • 1 teaspoon dark soy sauce


  • Cut trotter into small sections. Rinse the pig trotter in clean and boiling water. Remove all the hair carefully. Put aside and drain.
  • Bring water to a boil in a large pot and cook the pig trotter for 2-3 minutes. Transfer out and wash under running water. This process can help to remove the odd taste as much as possible. And then in a high pressure cooker or electric cooker or a pot, cover pig trotter with enough water, add ginger slices, green onion, sichuan peppercorn and cooking wine. Cook until you can insert a chopstick into the meat. If you want a softer taste like me, cook it longer. Transfer the pig trotter out and the liquid can be kept as soup stock.
  • Heat up 1 tablespoon oil in wok, put the sugar in wok to stir fry until all the sugar melts and you can see large bubbles. Keep stirring during the process. Pour around 1 cup of hot water. Mix well! You need to be stay away from the wok and do not hesitate when pouring the water. If you do not want to stir fry the sugar color, just add sugar in clay pot and skip oil. The later method only influence the color but not the taste.
  • Prepare a clay pot or another deep sauce pan or wok, fry ginger slices and other spices for 1-2 minutes until aroma. Add pig trotter in, pour some cooking liquid in the previous until the pig trotter is almost covered. Pour the sugar color in the previous step and soy sauce. Heat over high fire with the lid uncovered until there are large bubbles in the pot and the sauce is almost dried up.
  • Sprinkle some green onion and then serve warm!

What do you need?


My little cat was sitting on the coffee table, facing me, looking intently at my face, as he meowed again and again.

He was clearly conveying to me that he needed my help.

Keeping my gaze on him, so he knew that he was the focus of my attention, I asked, “What do you need?”, while standing up from the sofa.

He immediately jumped off of the coffee table to hurry towards the kitchen, several times glancing back as he went, to make certain that I was following him.

When we got there he ran to his water bowl, which, I was horrified to discover, was dry!

My poor little guy was on steroids for an illness which caused him to feel thirsty almost all of the time, and although I tried to ensure that his bowl was always filled with water, I’d obviously dropped the ball!

As I quickly moved to fill it from the water pitcher, I apologized profusely, saying his name repeatedly as I did so.

My hope was that he could tell, from the sound of my voice that I was very, very sorry, and from hearing his name numerous times, that my sorrow involved him.

Sitting on the kitchen floor with him, I felt my remorse deepen by the second as he drank and drank, paused for a moment to catch his breath, and then drank some more.

When he was done, I carried him back into the living room, scratching his ears as I went.

By the time I sat back down on the couch, with him still in my arms, he was purring.

I promised him that I would never, ever let that happen again—and I never did.

My darling cat passed away from cancer several months later—last July.

I miss him terribly.

I think I am the perfect person to answer this. I have been working in the semiconductor industry for years, currently living in the Netherlands, lived and worked in China for 3 years, I know a lot of engineers from ASML (expecially after they hired hundreds of Turkish engineers). Let me tell you something: High-end semiconductor manufacturing is black magic. Both the processes and tools used for it are very complex. ASML’s EUV lithography machine is probably the most complex tool humankind ever developed since it stopped jumping between trees. It took billions of Euros and decades of experience to perfect it. Other experienced lithography machine suppliers failed at it. China has no experience in high-end semiconductor manufacturing tools with the exception of one-off/few-off prototypes.


ASML’s EUV lithography machine. Needs 41 semi-trucks to get transported, costs $150 million, has 100.000 major parts, has mirrors that need months of grinding to reach needed smoothness, needs multiple people with PhD’s as machine operators. Quite high-tech. Isn’t it?

Unfortunately, ASML is a very convenient target for the USA. The company uses a lot of critical parts from the USA but those parts don’t represent anything significant in the US economy in terms of their monetary value. Chinese electronics industry still depends on foreign chips so it can not threaten fabs with banning the sale of chips in China that were manufactured using ASML tools. Also, China isn’t a big customer of ASML too. In short, China can not answer with reciprocal sanctions.

Is China hopeless? No.

1- All of those tools are engineered and made by humans, and the laws of physics are the same both in the Netherlands and China. If the Netherlands could, then there is no reason for anybody else to fail with the correct approach.

2- China is filthy rich compared to the Netherlands. Chinese economy is 17x of the Netherlands’, 9x of SK’s, 27x of Taiwan’s, 3+x of Japan’s. With state support, Chinese fabs and tool makers can hire the top people from the rest of the world with salaries ASML, LamResearch, AM, Synopsys, TSMC, Samsung, … simply can not compete with. A significant portion of these companies’ employees are expats anyway, most of them are just after money. In fact China is already doing this successfully with good results. For example, it already has a working EUV lithography machine prototype, already caught up with the rest in chip testing, packaging, wafer production, also its first immersion lithography machine (good enough for most things) is getting prepared for commercial use.

3- China is a scientific powerhouse on its own. It is the country with most patent applications, most research output, graduates more STEM students than any other country, 2nd largest R&D spender, has 11 universities in top 100. This leads us to my first point. If the Netherlands could, so can China if given enough time.

4- Catching up is much easier than innovating. Knowing something is possible and having a general knowledge of how it works make things much easier.

5- Time is on the Chinese side. Technology of semiconductors is close to maturity/stalling (choose the word depending on your view). If the development slows (which it does) it gives China the opportunity to catch-up. If a tech revolution happens, then the playing field evens out anyway.

6- You don’t need EUV for the most things. You don’t even need high-end processes for the most things. There is more to semiconductors than the latest smartphone processors, GPUs, and CPUs. Look at iPhone 12 teardown videos. You will see a lot of chips. Only one of them needs EUV. An average modern car has 250+ computers inside. That means thousands of chips. All of them are manufactured using old processes. This is even more true for military and space applications. Those use very old chips that are known to be reliable and secure.

Conclusion: Blocking ASML from selling EUV machines to China can hurt Chinese businesses for some time but in the grand scheme it is insignificant. The USA needs to run faster rather than keep trying to block China if it wants to preserve its dominance in tech.

An update on the Chinese EUV light source:

New Options for Synchrotron Light Sources

It seems the basic research is complete and the method completely different than of ASML’s.


A sanitation worker picked up a female college student’s wallet and waited for two hours in the rain. After the female college student arrived, she was moved to tears by the sanitation worker’s behavior.

Project Guoguang

‘Project National Glory’ was an attempt by the Republic of China (ROC), based in Taiwan, to reconquer mainland China from the People’s Republic of China (PRC) by large scale invasion.

It was the most elaborate of the ROCs plans or studies to invade the mainland after 1949.

Guoguang was initiated in 1961 in response to events involving the PRC, particularly the Great Leap Forward, the Sino-Soviet split, and the development of nuclear weapons.

Guoguang was never executed; it required more troops and material than the ROC could muster, and it lacked support from the United States.

The use of a large scale invasion as the initial stage of reunification was effectively abandoned after 1966, although the Guoguang planning organization was not abolished until 1972.

The ROC did not abandon the policy of using force for reunification until 1990.

An orange tabby named “Spock”

An orange tabby named “Spock”

Before my wife and I married, we lived together and went through a period when some of our “discussions” got quite heated. My cat at the time, a 16y.o. orange tabby named “Spock” did NOT like us arguing. (I sure do miss that old man of a cat!)

His strategy for dealing with it?

Do most anything he could think of to do to distract us from each other. One tactic of his was his favorite — because it usually worked and had us in stitches watching him. He would chase his tail.

It wasn’t so much that he would chase the tail as it was where he would chase his tail. It was typically in a chair in the living room or, even better, in the bathtub. In the bathtub, chasing his tail would make such a ruckus that it was impossible to ignore.


“Old Man Big Eyes” left the realm of the living nearly 6 years ago. We miss him terribly. The photo is from when he was about 15 years old.

Rufus action

”Wednesday afternoon I was driving west on I-40 when my blood sugar dropped to a dangerous level. Luckily a Burger King restaurant was at the upcoming exit. As I stumbled through placing my order I mentioned to the voice on the speaker that I was diabetic and in need of food. Low blood sugar makes it difficult to think or act. I pulled up to the first window in order to pay for my food. I was shocked to see Burger King employee Tina Hardy running toward the front of my car. She squeezed between the front of my car and the building just to bring me a small serving of ice cream. Tina later explained that her husband was also diabetic and she could tell that I needed help. After paying I pulled up to Tina’s window where she gave me my food. She instructed me to park across the driveway so that she could keep an eye on me until I felt better. After eating I waited for a break in business so that I could return to Tina’s window. I then took this picture and spoke with Tina’s supervisor, telling him what she did for me. If you appreciate what this special woman did please share this story. Hopefully Tina Hardy will receive the recognition that she truly deserves from the public and from the big bosses at Burger King.”


The Aconitine Insurance Murder

1986 in Okinawa, Japan.


A 33 year old woman visiting a beautiful small island in Okinawa suddenly complained of acute chest pain. She was immediately taken to the hospital, but died, despite the strenuous efforts of the emergency doctors.

The doctors diagnosed her death as caused by a “myocardial infarction”, an unfortunate, sudden death. Note that there are more than 40,000 deaths caused by myocardial infarction in Japan alone. It is not uncommon, but one young doctor named Ohno felt something was suspicious about this death, and so he took 30cc of blood sample from the woman, just in case.


(Image taken from Wikipedia)

Things started to get a bit fishy when a middle-aged man called Kamiya, who claimed to be the woman’s husband, appeared at the insurance office. Surprisingly, the man applied to receive 2 million dollars for his wife’s death. His monthly insurance premium on her policy was $2000 a month, an amount that is improbably high for a regular businessman to be able to pay for a long period of time.

The police started to think something was wrong and began the investigation. Lots of suspicious information popped up. Kamiya and the woman were married one month after they first met. And Kamiya previously had two wives who also died in similarly suspicious manners. As a result of the two previous deaths, Kamiya had already received a substantial amount of insurance money.

Ohno also started his investigation. He tried to discover what kind of poison could lead to ventricular fibrillation, of which there are numerous kinds.

Caffeine, amphetamines, … and aconitine. Aconitine is found in natural flowers, is 10 times more lethal than potassium cyanide, and was once used by Cleopatra to kill her brother. It opens the sodium channel inside the body, which leads to the excitement of the muscles and organs, resulting in death.


Aconitum, the flower that contains aconitine (Image from Wikipedia)

Aconitine was the most suspicious poison. It was a gamble for Ohno. He only had 30cc of a blood sample. Experiment equipment was not advanced yet, and they weren’t able to measure the blood many times over. Fortunately for Ohno, he was able to find aconitine in her blood.

Despite aconitine being found in his apartment, Kamiya was still confident that he was innocent. The police and Ohno could still not solve one big mystery:


Aconitine is a poison that could kill you in minutes. The last time the woman had taken medicine was more than two hours before the attack. Aconitine would have killed her in several minutes. The police tried to prove that using a thicker capsule would delay the dissolution, but they discovered that thickening the capsule only delays the poisoning for a few minutes.

Time is on Kamiya’s side. How would you solve this mystery?

… The answer was yet another of the most dangerous poisons in nature: Tetrodotoxin, a deadly neurotoxin found in blowfish (or fugu in Japanese).


Fugu (blowfish), known as a delicacy in Japan (Image from Wikipedia)

He exploited the conflicting mechanisms of the two poisons. Basically, aconitine is a poison that makes the Na+ channels of your muscles and neurons open, while tetrodotoxin inhibits the Na+ channel, preventing muscles from receiving messages from the neurons. The two poisons basically cancel out each others’ effect. However, the trick is that the two have different durations of their effects, resulting in the slower disappearing aconitine killing the victim after a much longer period of time than usual.

Ohno was finally able to discover the mechanism, and tetrodotoxin was found in the remaining blood sample. Kamiya was arrested and was sentenced to life imprisonment. Kamiya had been testing for hours to determine the perfect amount of poison that could result in the exact timing, using rats as test subjects.

What I think is frightening is that had he not committed three murders — and had he stopped after the second one — none of this would have been revealed.

Also what is saddening is that all of the passion and effort he devoted to find this modus operandi could have been used in a much more benevolent way.

Trade war with China could cost Germany six times as much as Brexit

8 August 2022, 6:16 pm
BERLIN (Reuters) – Germany would face costs almost six times as high as Brexit if it and the European Union were to shut China out of their economies, the Ifo institute said on Monday, citing the results of a study.
The biggest losers of a trade war with China would be the automotive industry with a 8.47% loss of value-added, manufacturers of transport equipment with a 5.14% loss and mechanical engineering with a 4.34% loss, the Ifo said.
The authors of the study,


Burnt Toast


“I immediately noticed, the burnt toast …. And, I was waiting to see if he was going to complain about it, but my father started to eat them, smiling and asked me how I spent my day at school.

My mom apologized to my dad for the burnt toast. I will never forget his response to her: “Honey, I love burnt toast!”

Later when I went to bed and my dad came over to kiss me goodnight, I asked him if he really liked the burnt toast?

He hugged me and said, “Your mother has had a difficult day and she is really tired. She went out of her way to prepare this meal for us, why blame her and hurt her.

Burnt toast never hurt anyone; but words can be very painful! “

We have to know how to appreciate what others do for us, even if it’s not perfect, because it’s the intention to do well that counts, and no one is perfect.”

-john thiessen

Starbucks and McDonald’s Russia exit sees Moscow entrepreneurs cash in with Stars Coffee and It’s Tasty — Period

Good riddence : now 100% Russian own, 100% profit retain in Russia.

Key points:

  • Moscow entrepreneurs are cashing in on the departure of Western outlets from the city by filling their unoccupied stores with imitation businesses
  • Starbucks is the latest to get a makeover, rebranding as Stars Coffee and sporting a similar-looking logo
  • Former McDonald’s are also reopening as Vkusno — i Tochka, roughly translated as It’s Tasty — Period
Article HERE



His name was Klaus and he came almost every day to the bar I was working at to save money for university.


Klaus was in his late sixties and a widower. His wife had died yeaaars ago and he told me that he left everything the way it was in their bedroom and that he wasn’t able to sleep in their bed. He only slept in the living room. He was very lonely and he had no kids. Klaus and I became good friends even though I was 45 years younger than he. I drove him to his doctor appointments and always listened to him when he needed to talk about his wife. He loved her very very much. One day he told me he had cancer and he refused any treatments. It took a couple of months until he needed to be hospitalized but he was still doing ‘okay’ for someone who was terminally ill. My family and I went on vacation and my boss from the bar called me to tell me that Klaus was transferred to the hospice. We drove back home and I visited him two times, and I even brought him his favorite beer and we talked about his wife. He told me that he would soon get to see her again.

He died that night in his sleep. Not many people came to his funeral and his urn was buried anonymously. It’s been 3 years. I miss him. He is one of the reasons I believe in true love.

The Plundering Nations Last Stand

In Nineteenth Century France a now mostly forgotten lawyer and political-economist lived until he died far too young at the age of 49 from throat cancer in 1850, Frédéric Bastiat, who is canonized today by Libertarians. During his life he made some very powerful observations that have proven true overtime:

When plunder becomes a way of life, men create for themselves a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it. “Economic Sophisms,” 1848
Sometimes the law defends plunder and participates in it. Sometimes the law places the whole apparatus of judges, police, prisons and gendarmes at the service of the plunderers, and treats the victim–when he defends himself–as a criminal. “The Law,” 1850
When misguided public opinion honors what is despicable and despises what is honorable, punishes virtue and rewards vice, encourages what is harmful and discourages what is useful, applauds falsehood and smothers truth under indifference or insult, a nation turns its back on progress and can be restored only by the terrible lessons of catastrophe. «The Law», 1850
When law and morality contradict each other, the citizen has the cruel alternative of either losing his moral sense or losing his respect for the law. “The Law,” 1850

When he died, Bastiat was working on a manuscript, History of Plunder, that remains unpublished along with other works, but his published works gave us the above gems and many more. At the time he seemed to be just coming into his own as a political-economist having just witnessed the series of revolutions in 1848 and the theft of France’s Republic by Napoleon III. All of the above quotes can be applied to our world today. Bastiat was neck-deep in the Era of Plunder otherwise known as the Colonial Era or Era of Imperialism, and France was a major actor as was most of the Western European Realms. I don’t call them nations because most were still mired in Feudalism and ruled by Royalty as most tried to suppress the radicalism spawned by the revolution in British America. Eventually republics were born but they still practiced plunder. Many today still try to plunder while themselves are subjected to it in often unrecognized ways. And one of the most significant actions happening today is the fact that the historical plunderers are now being plundered as that Era comes to a close and the new Era based on cooperation takes form and displaces those unwilling to be on the right side of history and will suffer from the effects listed in the third citation above.

Now, our tale. Recently at the Fans of Lavrov’s Telegram, there was posted an excellent political cartoon that depicts the situation better than any I’ve seen–A snarling Uncle Sam firing a machine gun fed with an ammo belt using Ukrainians as bullets. I’d copy/paste it here but Telegram doesn’t seem to allow that operation. Here’s the caption for the cartoon:

“The results of the work of the Ukrainian propaganda machine are impressive: for example, 98% of Ukrainians are confident of victory in the special operation. Such survey data, commissioned by the Center for Analytical Studies (CISR) of the International Republican Institute (IRI), was published by the Rating group. The regime of Zelensky and his ‘servants’ continues day after day to hang noodles on the ears of the citizens of Independence, who in his political adventure are cannon fodder and the main means of warfare on the principle of ‘war to the last Ukrainian’.”

Too few people seem to understand that with the 2014 coup, Ukraine as an independent nation ceased to exist and was transformed into a de facto colony of the Outlaw US Empire which has guided its “development” (managed its plunder) ever since in a manner very similar to South Vietnam. The main difference is the lack of significant Imperial combat forces in-country. When looked at closely, there are very clear similarities between South Vietnamese forces and the UAF–their Naziness being one of them. While the nature of the two wars is slightly different, the capabilities of the two proxies isn’t–both are inept for much the same reason: They are led by politicized Pentagon and State Department flunkies only interested in Plunder. The result again has the Outlaw US Empire fighting against nationalist forces aiming to liberate their people who have powerful allies supporting their cause. The situation’s also very similar to what the British did in South Asia by using different proxies to fight each other instead of the Raj while it looked on and continued its plundering unabated.

The policy choice by the Outlaw US Empire to use Ukrainians as an anti-Russia force and to support them until they’re totally spent while the Empire continued its plundering opened up a unique opportunity for Russian strategy–Russia would oblige the Outlaw US Empire’s policy by ensuring NATO would bleed itself dry of its arms and munitions in supporting Ukraine while Russia went about demilitarizing all Ukraine had to start with plus all that’s being sent. And then there were the sanctions, which Russia knew might hurt some but would become a very sharp weapon against the sanctioners that would generate chaos and possibly split the EU/NATO enemy organizations once and for all that would create a blank slate for a new Eurasian security arrangement fashioned mostly by China and itself. The result shows Russia gaining strength while NATO weakens daily to the point where NATO nations will be too poor to finance rearming themselves in the face of vast societal upheaval caused by their policy choices. Talk about Hybrid War!

Then there’s the even bigger global picture as the once dominant Plundering Nations now plunder themselves via Neoliberal Parasitism. It’s really quite a sight when one takes a moment to review it all. This editorial excerpt dealing with Biden’s refusal to cancel the tariffs of Trump’s China Trade War despite the fact that it harms the Empire’s public far more than China is an excellent example:

“Besides, the US is the only superpower in the world. It has always been the bully, but when has it been bullied by others? In the realistic level of China-US relations, the US has always been the one that provokes China, so where does this ‘being soft on China’ rhetoric come from? This is a psychological disease in politics that needs to be treated. The endless competition of ‘who is tougher on China’ will make Washington lose itself and the courage for self-renewal. Moreover, the overall posture the US has shown in front of the world is becoming less and less honorable and more and more erratic.”

Is there a touch of sarcasm there? The Global South observes the behavior of the Plundering Nations and snicker to themselves that they’re finally getting the karma they so richly deserve. The global paradigm is rapidly changing as the Age of Plunder dies and the nations that benefited from it choke as they plunder themselves by following the diktat of what’s rapidly becoming a failed state so deeply addicted to Pleonexia it will very likely die from an overdose while plundering itself. “Self-renewal” can’t be done while you’re busily plundering your people, which is the political disease at the core of all the Plundering Nations. In one sense they are exceptional nations because they are blind to the fate they are providing for themselves as a result of their addiction.

The great sorrow of this state of affairs is that it was well known centuries ago as Dr. Michael Hudson illustrates:

The greatest challenge facing societies has always been how to conduct trade and credit without letting merchants and creditors make money by exploiting their customers and debtors. All antiquity recognized that the drive to acquire money is addictive and indeed tends to be exploitative and hence socially injurious. The moral values of most societies opposed selfishness, above all in the form of avarice and wealth addiction, which the Greeks called philarguria – love of money, silver-mania. Individuals and families indulging in conspicuous consumption tended to be ostracized, because it was recognized that wealth often was obtained at the expense of others, especially the weak.
The Greek concept of hubris involved egotistic behavior causing injury to others. Avarice and greed were to be punished by the justice goddess Nemesis, who had many Near Eastern antecedents, such as Nanshe of Lagash in Sumer, protecting the weak against the powerful, the debtor against the creditor.
That protection is what rulers were expected to provide in serving the gods. That is why rulers were imbued with enough power to protect the population from being reduced to debt dependency and clientage.

Well before the Greeks, empires built on plunder already existed and slowly moved from West Asia to Europe. Within them arose a power relationship that continues to plague humanity–the plundering of debtors by creditors, or what’s known as The Class War so few recognize because none of its origins and history are taught as such, while what is taught is euphemized to protect powerful institutions like the Catholic Church. Other words like exploitation are used as well as expropriation to mask the plundering. Recall the first Bastiat citation above, while learning there were means employed to renew society from the plunder through what’re known as Debt Jubilees, which was actually codified into Mosaic Law and is what Jesus died trying to reinstate. (For more on this topic, go here.) As we should all know, the system was organized to legalize plunder, but as a rule we don’t because we’re not taught about it so it can continue and be thought of as a natural part of life. It must be noted that Saint Augustine failed to mention what was at the base of the moral debacle that prompted him to write City of God which was the elite’s worship of the God of Mammon which Rome’s elite fashioned Rome’s legal system to support and ensured no one could challenge them via their policy of assassinating all opposition. And since Roman Law forms the basis for much Western Law, the great bias in favor of creditors versus debtors continues, which is clearly something Bastiat wanted to purge

And so the plundering empires of the Greco-Roman Era rose and fell as they were plundered themselves. But plundering didn’t vanish; instead, it got religion. Into the power vacuum that developed with the fall of Rome arose the Institution of the Roman Catholic Church which despite its Mosaic Law and its Son of God being the champion of those being plundered broke its own laws and morals to become the Western World’s biggest plunderer until the 1500s. It made possible the Age of Plunder that erupted with the “discovery” of sea routes to Asia and the Western Hemisphere’s continents with its series of Papal Bulls that began in 1479 with the Treaty of Alcáçovas, was followed by its much more infamous Treaty of Tordesillas in 1494 and capped by the Treaty of Zaragoza in 1529. The arrogance of these Papal Bulls is stupendous–only Christians (and only select Christians at that) were deemed to be humans, all other humans were animals and to be treated as such–and that led to a global genocide which isn’t over yet. Even legal aspects of those Bulls remain on the books so the plunder they generated can continue. It didn’t take long for all the plundering realms to adopt the Bulls, whether nominally Protestant or Catholic. Only the Eastern Orthodox refused to use them mainly because they were deemed to be unworthy Christians and thus animals.

And so began the most recent Age of Plunder which is finally drawing to a close after 500+ years of rampage and rape, although there remain forces trying their utmost to extend it further. Many efforts were raised over the years to combat and overturn the basis of Plunder all of whom failed until now, which builds on the efforts of Bastiat and other Classical Economist reformers during the 19th Century. Their primary aim was to end all Feudal privileges, many of which were granted by Royalty to exploit their subjects, and come under the heading of Unearned Income, or the Free Lunch many have heard about. The best contemporary work on this subject is Dr. Hudson’s Killing the Host: How Financial Parasites and Debt Bondage Destroy the Global Economy, although he’s been interviewed many times and written many essays on the topic, one terse version of the book being «The rentier resurgence and takeover: Finance Capitalism vs. Industrial Capitalism». Hopes for victory were high during Disraeli’s government during the latter 1870s as many practical reforms were at long last passed into law, but not enough was done and a Reaction was sparked that still continues. The program was to cancel the initiatives of the Classical Economists and eliminate political-economy as a course of study at schools and universities, first in England then in the USA. The substitute was the promotion of a non-scientific form of economics having little relation to reality that’s now known as Neoliberalism that was well entrenched after WW1 ended with the Parasites capture of the US Federal Reserve and City of London financial centers as well as those on Continental Europe. US plunder was rampant via what was called Dollar Diplomacy, which provided the motivation for General Smedley Butler to write his seminal War is a Racket. But perhaps the greatest attempt at plunder was the Versailles Treaty‘s reparations, or raperations, to be borne by Germany. Not yet under the illusion of the «new» economics and present at Versailles was John Maynard Keynes, who became so irate and disconsonant at what he was witnessing that he left for Marseilles to write his prophetic The Economic Consequences of the Peace, which predicted WW2. Both World Wars as well as our Hybrid Third World War were waged in the further pursuit of Plunder.

Fortunately for humanity, a countervailing force has arisen that’s stronger than the Plundering Nations, which is commonly known as the Multipolar World. The irony is its strength is due to the Plundering Nations quest for ever more plunder, for under the Neoliberal doctrine, they parasitized their industry and sent it to developing nations to feast on the wage arbitrage, which is known as the financialization of capitalism, that transformed their nations into what were touted as Service Economies. The shortsightedness of this plundering policy was made very clear with Trump’s Trade War against China. Biden’s crew has not just continued that as noted above, it has also instituted a Sanctions War of Plunder against what were once its EU/NATO allies whose main aim is to nullify Germany as Europe’s economic engine. The aim of this strategy is to make EU/NATO completely dependent geoeconomically on the Outlaw US Empire, which translates into more plundering. EU/NATO «leaders» are essentially owned by the Empire and thus do whatever it dictates, but fortunately not all. Then there’s the public that’s bearing the brunt of the plundering and slowly rising in protest despite the massive propaganda campaign based on Russophobia, longstanding and recently cultivated. So, between Russia’s boomeranging the sanctions back at their originators and the policy of fighting Russia first to the last Ukrainian, then the last Balt, and presumably the last European, the EU is experiencing both destabilization and dysfunction that will reach a climax come January when Winter really takes hold and much of Europe has no gas to heat homes or run businesses.

It’s difficult to judge the desperation of the Outlaw US Empire’s plunderers and their UK allies. Their Free Lunch is in deep jeopardy as their domestic situations are also being subjected to destabilization and dysfunction. Meanwhile, all the organs of the Multipolar World grow stronger daily. The dedollarization of international trade gathers greater momentum. The theft of too many nation’s assets by the plunderers throws up a big warning sign to all others that they aren’t at all trustworthy. This testimony is but one instance:

For a long time, the US has been the country that attracts the most foreign investment. But over the years, under the poisonous atmosphere of pan-politicization and generalization of concept of security, the country has created many terrible precedents, making more and more originally rich investment soil into a minefield. For example, it has forced foreign high-tech companies to hand over their technology and even carried out “technical confiscation” of capital, leading many people to say that Washington is close to “open robbery.” Can a company develop at ease if it is constantly worried about its investment and if it might be confiscated one day or waste all its investment? According to US media reports, CATL has long been planning to build US battery plants and visited some places in the US, but eventually may choose alternative plan to build plant in Mexico. It should be said that the doubts of CATL are also those of many other companies.

That’s how plundering nations commit suicide. Currently, the planet’s two most dynamic economies are under attack by the plunderers as they seek to avoid what those nations and their vast array of allies want to construct–A world with plundering replaced by sharing, Zero-sum replaced by Win-Win, perpetual war for plunder replaced by perpetual peace so humanity can mature and gain the wisdom it will need in the coming centuries. The plunderers have turned their «back on progress and can be restored only by the terrible lessons of catastrophe» because of their Pleonexia affliction. As was done via Enclosure, the plunderers are now attacking their own polities and will likely be attacked by them soon. The Good Works being practiced by the Multipolar World and their solidarity in facing down those driven by Pleonexia for centuries have already won over 85% of humanity. Histories once hidden are being revealed in a manner that longstanding truths are now exposed along with the villains. The Global South is eager to learn those truths as are many within the plundering nations despite the efforts made to impose an information blackout. A very long Era/Age is closing that humanity won’t miss. There does remain one big problem, however, and that’s the possibility that the plunderers will unleash their bioweapons as opposed to nukes since there’ll be nothing left to plunder if the latter are employed.

Joshua (Rocky)


When I visited the shelter to adopt a cat back in February 2016, one of the cats that caught my attention—mostly because he was awake and looking out of his cage at me, with his pleading yellow eyes—was a boy named “Joshua.”

He’d been there since the prior November, and no one had requested a meet and greet with him in 3 months’ time. No one!

He had several strikes against him: he was a 3-year-old adult black cat who’d been labeled as having FIV (an immunodeficiency virus akin to HIV in humans). He wasn’t sick, but he couldn’t be around other cats—and the shelter warned me that if he got the sniffles, it would need to be addressed right away so it didn’t escalate to something more serious like pneumonia.

Well, after I brought Joshua home—and renamed him “Rocky”—I took him to the vet for a checkup. The vet asked me if I wanted to re-test him for FIV, since it might’ve been a false positive. I agreed, and that first test came back negative. The vet then offered to do a western blot test, whose results would be more definitive—but more expensive (over $300). I told her, “Take my money!”

The final results came back negative. Poor baby had been mislabeled! I wonder how many people passed by his cage because they were deterred by an FIV+ cat.

Here’s the other thing: He’s now 9 years old, but he’s still my little boy, my sweet little baby. He has the tiniest little “mew” and hasn’t gotten his big boy voice yet. I’m not sure he ever will. So I have a kitten for life.

As for the black cat thing, Rocky has been nothing but good luck for me.

Dollar Vs. Yuan: China Dumps US Treasuries for 7th Straight Month

China is not the only nation doing that. All US so-called allies such as Japan are doing the same thing.
Article HERE

He turned himself in…


“A Swatara police officer was called to the Capital Diner this morning. An elderly man couldn’t pay for his breakfast; he tried but his card was declined. He panicked and actually called the police on himself because he didn’t know what to do. The restaurant gave him his space to figure it out and that was the best solution he could come up with. Officer Anthony Glass went to the counter, pulled out his credit card, and paid for the man’s breakfast. The man asked for his phone number so he could pay him back but the officer kindly declined. This young man deserves to be recognized.”

Chen Xianyi: A letter to the officers and soldiers defending Taiwan, Penghu, Jinmen


google translate :
Brothers and soldiers of the Taiwan-Penghu, Golden-Horse Guards:

With that American witch staying with you all night, the situation in the Taiwan Strait took a turn for the worse.

The witch Pelosi originally went to support the Taiwan independence die-hards led by Tsai Ing-wen, but she never thought that such a hasty visit would make the originally uneasy Taiwan Strait even more turbulent. surge.

It can be seen that more than 170 countries in the world have denounced and condemned the visit of the American witch for interfering in China's internal affairs in unison, and once again jointly stressed that there is only one China in the world, and Taiwan is inseparable from the People's Republic of China. part.

At the same time, we have announced the full start of our large-scale island-encircling military exercise against Taiwan, and I am afraid it will become the norm in the future.

The entire Taiwan Strait is becoming the most suitable training ground for the major relevant theaters of the People's Liberation Army.

This provides a large platform for actual combat-oriented military exercises for rotation training and military drills in relevant theaters of our army.

This is undoubtedly of great significance to improving the modern combat capability of the People's Liberation Army.

Not only Tsai Ing-wen can't think of this, but even her American master probably didn't think of it.

In the face of this huge change, the US imperialists are still unwilling, they are stepping up their efforts to build an anti-China alliance in the Asia-Pacific region, they are visiting the South Pacific island countries, and they are promising to cross the Taiwan Strait again.

But what is the use of all this?

Some island countries in the South Pacific have already suffered from the United States' use of them as nuclear test sites, and they vowed never to endure humiliation and become such puppets.

As for crossing the strait, it will only trigger stronger countermeasures from our army, and we have adequate countermeasures for this.

At the same time, your Tsai Ing-wen is not giving up.

In recent days, there have been sporadic artillery drills on your coastline.

The sparse artillery sounds let the whole world know that in the siege of the modern army of the People's Liberation Army, Tsai Ing-wen's

It was to whistle on the road at night to strengthen herself, which just exposed her inner weakness and cowardice.

As long as the Central Committee of our Party gives an order, all of you and the scraps of iron and steel that the United States gave you will all be wiped out in an instant.

Brothers and soldiers of the guardsmen of Taiwan, Penghu, Jinma, we are all Chinese, we are all descendants of Yan and Huang, and the blood of the same clan and clan flows in our veins.

We really do not want to meet you in battle.

Because of the comparison of strength, you are no longer an opponent.

Who wants to start a war in the Taiwan Strait?

There is only one kind of person in this world, and that is the American imperialists and all the reactionaries, because only when there is a war between the two sides of the strait can they draw chestnuts from the fire and reap the benefits.

As long as there is imperialism, there will be wars.

This is the law of history and the logic of survival for the United States and all its imperialist countries.

There is another kind of person, that is your superior, the Taiwan independence diehard represented by Tsai Ing-wen who is willing to be the eagle dog of US imperialism.

We believe that although these people are very few, they are extremely destructive.

They cooperate with US imperialism and are pushing the Taiwan Strait into the abyss of war step by step.

As brothers of the same clan and clan, the officers and soldiers of the Taiwan-Penghu-Golden-Horse Guards, we would like to tell you something from the bottom of your heart.

The road before you actually has no choice.

One is to surrender or the other is to perish.

Going to the embrace of the motherland openly and uprightly is called abandoning the darkness and turning to the light.

I believe that most of you are hesitating about this.

Facing the outstretched arms of the motherland, facing justice and light, it will be a great and glorious thing for you to abandon the dark and turn to the light. 's choice.

If you follow Tsai Ing-wen stubbornly, you will only end up dead.

When it comes to death, the Chinese historian and writer Sima Qian once famously said: "A person's death is more valuable than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather."

Chairman Mao Zedong made the most incisive interpretation of this sentence.

He said: To die for the interests of the people is heavier than Mount Tai; to die for those who exploit and oppress the people is lighter than a feather.

If you die for traitors like Tsai Ing-wen, imperialism and fascism on the battlefield in the future, such a death will not only be lighter than a feather, but will also be reviled by future generations. ashamed.

U.S. imperialism has also given a very apt name to the people who died in this way, saying that the people who died in this way are the " consumables " necessary in their war to dominate the world .

At present, not only people at the presidential level like Zelensky are " consumables " in the eyes of the Americans , but even the heads of some European countries that follow them, plus Japan, Australia and other reactionary forces, Americans are regarded as " consumables " in their hearts, because Americans only have greatness in their hearts, and everything else is the necessary " consumables " for their war machines .

Brothers in the Taiwan Army, are you willing to be such consumables for Tsai Ing-wen and US imperialism?

If you are used as " consumables " to die for US imperialism and Tsai Ing-wen and others, it will be a huge shame for you and your family for generations to come.

Brothers in the Taiwan Army, I believe that you will not be willing to do such a sinful thing to humiliate future generations.

Taiwan, Penghu, Golden and Horse defenders, when faced with major decisions in life, you have a reference and an example to follow.

In the decisive battle between us and you before the founding of New China, batch after batch of officers and soldiers of your Kuomintang army revolted heroically, or raised the white flag firmly on the battlefield, or turned their backs.

In the Liaoshen, Pingjin, and Huaihai battlefields, when the Kuomintang army formed a group and formed a division or even an army revolted to our army, and put down their firearms and flowed to our army's position like a tide, what a firm and heroic feat it was.

It is a turning point in life towards light and justice, and it should be worthy of praise.

Many of them later became heroes on the battlefield, or contributed their lifelong wisdom and talents to the construction of New China, and some of them also took important government positions in certain positions.

For example, Fu Zuoyi, who contributed greatly to the peaceful liberation of Peiping, Cheng Qian, who held the Hunan Uprising at a critical moment, Dong Qiwu, who launched the Suiyuan Uprising despite Chiang Kai-shek's every effort to obstruct the Suiyuan Uprising, and Tao Zhiyue, who led 100,000 troops to order an uprising in Xinjiang at a critical moment, are known as Lu Han, who launched the Yunnan Uprising at a critical moment for the last " King of Yunnan " , etc., are all heroes with outstanding achievements, and many of them have become leaders in building a new China.

There are also thousands of ordinary officers and soldiers who abandoned the dark and turned to the light, and they have all made indelible contributions to the unity and unity of the Chinese nation

Brothers in the Taiwan Army, as the sons and daughters of China, shouldn't their life choices enlighten you?

What we can tell you is that although in your eyes, we still have many difficulties and problems that need to be solved urgently, but under the wise leadership of the Communist Party of China, we have entered a new era with great pride.

An important sign of this new era is that our country has achieved comprehensive poverty alleviation in 2020 , which has shaken the world.

We were the second largest economy in the world many years ago; before 2030 , we will confidently surpass the United States and become the world's largest economy; by the middle of this century, we will strut to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

This is a great event that the sons and daughters of the Chinese have dreamed of for thousands of years.

As Chinese, we hope that tens of millions of Taiwan compatriots and 1.4 billion people will share the greatness and glory of being a Chinese, and enjoy being a Chinese.

The supreme glory of the children of Huaxia.

As a soldier, shouldn't you make a difference in such a great era?

The great historical opportunity provides each Chinese son and daughter with their own choices.

A good man should show his skills in this great historical change and not be an absentee or even a destroyer.

Cao Zhi, a poet of the Three Kingdoms period in China, has a famous "seven-step poem", the poem is " boiled beans and burned beans, beans are weeping in the kettle, they are born from the same root, why is it too urgent to fry each other? "

Brothers in the Taiwan Army, I believe you are great Most of them insist that both sides of the Taiwan Strait are Chinese, and they all know that our brothers and compatriots should not face each other.

Right now, the US imperialists and the Taiwan independence forces are insisting on dividing us and provoking a war.

We have to fight for the reunification of the motherland.

The liberation of Taiwan, from 1949 to the present, we have been waiting for more than 70 years, we do not want to wait any longer.

For the sake of national unity and national unity, our central government has issued a series of policies to benefit Taiwan for more than ten consecutive years, but it has not changed the minds of the Taiwan independence diehards.

Instead, they have cultivated a group of traitors who eat mainland food and scold mainland mothers.

Now, marked by the military blockade of the island of Taiwan, the reunification has entered an accelerated period.

If the expectation of reunification in the past was not clear, now with the help of the American witch and the United States, it is now basically clear.

The short term is one and a half years, and the long term is three years or five years.

The return of Taiwan will soon become a reality. , the situation has not allowed us to drag on.

We will not and cannot leave this burden related to territorial integrity and national justice to future generations.

Taiwan-Pengjin-horse defenders, our arrow of unification has been fired. Now that the military blockade has been launched, it will mean a battle of real guns and real swords.

Let me tell you, my modern People's Liberation Army is ready to fight, waiting for the order of the Party Central Committee, and we will fight according to the order.

The day when the People's Republic of China will realize the unification of its territory is coming.

We will embrace this great historical moment.

Every true son and daughter of Yan and Huang should make the right choice in the interests of the whole nation in the face of the great right and wrong which is related to national honor and disgrace and national unity.

A retired veteran of the Chinese People's Liberation Army

August 14 , 2022

Australian beef industry on edge as New Zealand escapes Beijing ban

New Zealand has escaped a sweeping Beijing ban on livestock, dairy and other agricultural products worth more than $6 billion a year, but the outlook for Australian beef exporters remains ominous.

Article HERE


A disabled man with lower limbs is lying on a self-made scooter, he is crossing a zebra crossing. Although his movements were very slow, all the vehicles at the intersection were waiting quietly in place.

After IBM’s first 2nm chip, TSMC announced the results of 1nm chip, Huawei chose the right direction

After IBM's first 2nm chip, TSMC announced the results of 1nm chip, Huawei chose the right direction

Egg Drop Soup

Restaurant style Chinese egg drop soup — 蛋花汤.This is a very basic Chinese style egg drop soup using only common ingredients. This easy and quick egg drop soup can be amazingly beautiful


Pure egg drop soup is not popular in Mainland China. Usually we add tomato wedges, dried laver  or oyster mushroom to provide an extra basic flavor since we usually use water as the soup base. I have decided to try this one because I have my homemade leftover chicken stock after enjoying the shredded chicken noodle. It comes out so satisfying! I love smaller and finer drop flowers as they are so beautiful and more interestingly they are hard to detect in mouth.

The size of the egg drop flower actually depends on your fire and the stirring speed. If you want finer flowers, turn up the fire before drizzling the egg liquid and stir the soup at a constant speed.


  • 4 cups chicken stock
  • 2 large eggs
  • 2 tbsp. cornstarch
  • 3 tbsp. water
  • ¼ tsp. ground white pepper
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 1 tbsp. light soy sauce (optional)
  • ½ tbsp. minced ginger
  • 3 scallion, white part and green part separately chopped
  • ½ tbsp. sesame oil (optional)


Mix 2 tablespoons of cornstarch with 3 tablespoons of water in a small bowl. This is our water starch.

Add chicken stock to a pot. Add ginger, scallion whites and light soy sauce. Bring the broth to a boilings. Remove the ginger and scallion whites. Add salt and white pepper.

Stir the starch water again and pour it into the broth. Simmer to boil again.

Turn up the fire and then slightly pour the whisked egg in. Stir the soup with chopsticks. Turn off the fire, add some fresh chopped scallion and serve immediately.

Optionally drizzle some sesame oil.


Be the Rufus

My short video. If you’ve already watched it, then please watch it again. This is what DOMAIN is all about.

Take note at the “heart of snowflakes” at the end of the movie.

Mass protest in South Korea calling for the termination of US Korea alliance.

Not reported in the Western media. We cannot understand the real world until the crusaders collapsed.


And so another deceased kitty cat returns to its owner


I was walking my elderly Border Collie near a playground one day. Kids were coming over to pet her. One mentioned there was a kitten hanging out. I was going to check on it…. Instead the kitten headed for me! She climbed my leg & turned herself into a parrot. I called my (now) husband crying. We had lost my beloved calico 2 weeks before. I was not ready for another cat.

No one claimed this kitten. After 2 days I knew she was mine.

It’s hard to believe Mox is the same starved kitten we brought home. She’s a mess. Still a kitten at heart. Loves to snuggle under the covers with me.

She has done a lot of “toasting” since then. She’s considered a Tortie/ siamese color point mix.

Before the USA was able to stop the reunification…

Video footage of 1955 October 10, nationalist party leader ( jiang jieshi )蒋介石 address army in Taiwan calling for the preparation to take back the mainland, and 3 months later, Footage of Zhou enlai 周恩来 calling for the preparation to reunify Taiwan in a peaceful way


China urges U.S. not to miscalculate resolve to defend sovereignty, territorial integrity

BEIJING, Aug. 19 (Xinhua) — Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin on Friday urged the U.S. side not to miscalculate China’s firm resolve to safeguard its sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Wang made the remarks at a daily news briefing, in response to what the U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Daniel Kritenbrink had said about China’s response to U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan.

“Regarding Pelosi’s provocative visit to China’s Taiwan region, the context, cause and course of events are crystal clear,” Wang said.

It is the United States that has gone back on its commitment to the one-China principle and undermined China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, not the other way round. It is the U.S. leaders who went to Taiwan to support “Taiwan independence” separatist activities, not the Chinese ones who went to the United States to support Alaska’s “independence,” Wang added.

Wang said that China’s firm response to the U.S. provocation is reasonable, lawful and justified, which has been widely understood and supported by the international community. For the U.S. side, the only solution for the problem is to return to the three China-U.S. joint communiques and the one-China principle, instead of shirking responsibility and deflecting blame, still less acting recklessly to create a bigger crisis.

“We are firmly determined to safeguard our national sovereignty and territorial integrity. We urge the U.S. side not to miscalculate on this,” Wang added.


Things are starting to line-up on the Geo-political front

After running circles for two weeks North of Taiwan And staying way outside of China's missile range, it seems that the (American aircraft carrier) Reagan has tucked its tail and gone back to Japan,where the sailors are free to run over some random Japanese with a simple slap on the wrist.


I am crazy busy. Please enjoy this latest article for today.

What China’s Taiwan white paper is saying

This important document is intended to remind the West that China will not budge on its position on Taiwan
This excellent piece by a true China expert, George Koo, is all you need if you don’t want to read the White Paper on Taiwan produced by the People’s Republic of China government.
Four essential realities from Koo's article :

1- Taiwan will be reunited with the Mainland.

2- The Taiwanese are waking up to the reality (obvious for any non brainwashed outsider with a tad of common sense) that the US government is not their friend and Americans will not die for Taiwan. The Taiwanese don't seem to be strongly attracted to the role of cannon fodder. What's happening now in Ukraine is certainly a cautionary tale for them.

Moreover, the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan backed off and sailed away when the People's Liberation Army Navy started at the beginning of August 2022 the naval exercises around the island of Taiwan. That event was definitely an eye-opener for all the Taiwanese, even the most obtuse ones.

3- The more the Taiwanese learn about Mainland China's pĺace in the world, the more they will want to be part of it.

4- The Taiwanese enjoy immense benefits by their close economical association with Mainland China. And more and more Taiwanese realize it's truly valuable.

By flying to Asia and landing in Taipei, the Speaker of the US House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, disregarded the “one China” principle and the fact that Taiwan is a province of China.

Pelosi stepped over China’s red line.

And, as promised, China responded by holding live-fire drills all around the island for the first time in the history of cross-Strait relations.

The military exercises by the People’s Liberation Army prompted the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan to sail away from the waters of Taiwan.

This made it abundantly clear to the people in Taiwan that while the United States wants to encourage Taipei to start a war with the mainland, Taiwan would have to fight the PLA by itself.

Seeing these developments, the collective wisdom of the people in Taiwan as reflected by the media is to conclude that to declare independence and break away from China would be suicidal.

The US Congress and President Joe Biden’s administration, however, have continued to test China’s resolve and attempt to push the red line.

Since the US and the People’s Republic of China (PRC) normalized relations in 1979, Congress has enacted a series of legislation to weaken the bilateral agreement progressively as expressed by three communiqués.

The first communiqué was agreed in 1972 when then-US president Richard Nixon went to China. Each communiqué stating that Taiwan is a part of China was signed by both Washington and Beijing and is binding on both parties.

Unlike these joint agreements, the US government arrogantly presumes that any law enacted by its Congress is unilaterally binding on China as well.

In response to this American arrogance, the State Council Information Office in Beijing has issued a white paper on the “Taiwan Question and the Cause of China’s Reunification in the New Era.”

This important document is obviously intended to remind the West that China will not budge on its position on Taiwan.

First of all, the paper reiterates that Taiwan is part of China, that reunification is inevitable, that the way reunification will take place is a matter between Taiwan and the mainland, and that Beijing will brook no outside interference.

This is a re-statement of the red line about Taiwan that has never changed but is now stated in no uncertain terms.

Second, the white paper reviewed Taiwan’s place throughout the history of China. The terms of Japan’s unconditional surrender at the end of World War II mandated the return of Taiwan to China after 50 years of Japanese occupation.

At present, 181 countries including the US recognize the PRC as the legal government of China and that Taiwan is part of one China.

Advantages of being part of China

Some people in Taiwan may not fully appreciate the intertwined cross-Strait economic relationship. If so, they should read the white paper and understand the advantages of Taiwan being a part of the national economy.

As just one of the indicators, Taiwanese businesses have over the years invested more than US$71 billion in more than 1.2 million projects on the mainland – not to mention an annual trade surplus of $170 billion that Taiwan enjoys with the mainland.

From 1980 to 2021, the mainland’s economy grew three times as fast as Taiwan’s and has become the second-largest in the world, and is soon to overtake the US to become No 1. China has become a major power not only economically but in science and technology and in military prowess.

As more people in Taiwan come to understand China’s place in the world, they will appreciate being a part of China.

Winding through Congress is the Taiwan Policy Act of 2022, which according to its sponsors will promote the security of Taiwan, ensures regional stability and threatens China with broad economic sanctions.

But the consequences of Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan showed that such an act will do just the opposite: The island will become less secure and the region less stable.

As we have also seen from the Ukraine war, the US sanctions imposed on Russia backfired badly, causing worldwide food shortages, rising energy prices and overall inflation, and solidified the ruble’s place among the world’s major currencies.

Any attempted sanctions on China would inflict blows to the US economy many times more serious than the sanctions on Russia.

One only need look at the foolhardy tariff war waged by former US president Donald Trump and continued by Biden. The American consumer had to pay a higher price for goods made in China because of the tariffs, and the trade surplus by China only increased rather than reduced. For Washington to threaten China with sanctions is meaningless if not just stupid.

Moreover, the white paper has reasserted China’s red line on Taiwan, leaving no room for ambiguity or equivocation.

This is a matter of sovereignty for China.

The Chinese do not make empty threats.

They will view stepping over the line as an act of war.

No independence without US support

Taiwan’s ruling pro-independence (taidu) faction would not be so foolish as to declare independence without US support.

If the US does show support, then China will most likely strike at the US naval ships first and take them out of action.

Without American military presence, the taidu faction will become irrelevant and negotiations between Taiwan and the mainland for a peaceful reunification can begin.

Article HERE

Creamy Dijon-Bacon Pasta Salad

If you’re a potato salad fan but want a new twist on the dish, try this Creamy Dijon-Bacon Pasta Salad. Loaded with bacon, cheese, chopped eggs, green onions and crunchy celery, it’s sure to be a hit at your next barbecue, picnic or potluck. Short on time? Just opt for a few premade ingredients to make this easy recipe go even quicker!

Creamy Dijon-Bacon Pasta Salad





A Rescue

This is a starving kitten who was abandoned, actually physically


tossed out of an apartment, by a couple of persons who were rapidly discovering the joys of meth addiction.

I took her in three years ago, and she has had a forever home since.

Here she is at around six months. She was a little hellion, and still is.


Williams Moldt

It was the year 1997, a middle-aged man called his girlfriend, to let her know that he had left a party and was already on his way home, the thing is, he never came.

The man left the club at approximately 11 at night, and as I told you he called his girlfriend, told her that he was already getting into the car to go home, he was not drunk and the few witnesses who saw him stated that the man had only had one or two beers at most.

And that is the last that is known of Williams Moldt.


The case was closed and for many of his friends and family the case had become an unsolved mystery.

Twenty-two years have passed since the disappearance of Williams, a resident of the Grand Island community in Wellington (USA) was looking at the neighborhood on Google Earth, when suddenly he saw something that caught his attention:


Although it blended into the background, a car could apparently be seen at the bottom of the pond.


He notified the authorities that with the help of a crane they removed the car, the car of Williams Moldt who had been missing for more than two decades, with Williams still inside.

The exact reason for how he ended up there is not known, it could have been that he lost concentration or that he was actually more drunk than the witnesses had stated and that is why he lost control of the vehicle.

What is certain is that thanks to the internet and Google Earth, an apparent mystery that had been unsolved for 22 years could be solved.


A best cat.

Dudley, the best cat I ever had, came to me off death row at the city animal control kennel. He was a notorious disciplinary problem, and honestly, the first six months of living with him were pretty hellish. I especially could have skipped some of his more territorial behaviors. Fortunately, he never sprayed in the house. But he did go through the cat door to the garage and shower the inside of the garage door. The first few times I stood under the door as I opened it and got covered by cat piss, I was less than amused. Generally he wasn’t cuddly, and he tended to bite and scratch. He’d been adopted out more than once and brought back before I pulled him back from euthanasia with only a few hours to go.

Eventually, he settled down — at least with me. And it got to the point where he actually did cuddle. I’d get in bed, and he’d tuck himself up into my left armpit, push his nose into my left ear, and begin snoring loudly.

Still, he insisted on going out and tearing up the neighborhood. Thankfullly, he understood that after the sun went down I wanted him home, and he didn’t abuse the priviledges. The neighbors dogs were all exceedingly frightened of him, as were the trash collectors, since he liked to chase their truck and attack them. When the city got trucks with claws to pick up the cans so nobody had to get out anymore, it was a sad day in Dudley’s life.

We had many happy years together, and to this day, he’s my gold standard of cat. The “Beware of Cat” sign still hangs in front of my house. And people who’ve lived in the neighborhood know that it wasn’t put there as a joke.


I have many Chinese friends. I’ve studied Mandarin for a year and even learnt a bit of Kung fu!

Here is an old photo of me at my friend’s birthday party:


I bet you noticed. I was the only non-Chinese invited.

And here is another photo with my friend Li at our bachelor degree graduation (bad timing though):


I mostly interacted with the Chinese abroad through studies or work. In the Emirates, I rarely interact with Chinese people. So I’m guessing that Emirati-Chinese interactions within the UAE are mostly at the workplace.

My view (as an Emarati and from my minimal experience) is that the Chinese have a very rich history and culture and that they are polite people.

I like the outspoken individuals who share their views and opinions. I’ve learned a lot from such Chinese people.

I also noticed that some form clusters or groups abroad and keep to themselves and hardly interact with other non-Chinese.

On a different note, I once went to buy some goods from a shop owned by Chinese in Abu Dhabi. Went in and started talking basic Mandarin. The shocked looked on their faces was priceless. Their faces turned red hahaha. This Arab wearing a white dress and a red head turban comes in and starts speaking Chinese. We kept laughing later on.

Naoto Matsumura

Naoto Matsumura, who was one of the people involved in the Fukushima disaster, has stayed behind. He was feeding stray animals:

Naoto Matsumura

And helping to take care of the environment:


He continues to put himself at risk and give back, tending to wildlife. Thousands of animals had already died while locked in cages, and he rushed to save as many as he could:


He is the sole inhabitant in that region. They told him he’d get sick within 20–30 years if he stayed. He figured he’d be dead by then so why not stay and help the animals out:


Why China will become more prosperous after this…

In reference to a series of Western Media article painting and predicting the ultimate collapse of China, and the lynching of President Xi Peng…

To Quote:

Their boycott represents one of the most widespread acts of public defiance in China. Despite efforts from internet censors to quash the news, collectives of homeowners have started or threatened to boycott in 326 properties, according to a crowdsourced list. By some estimates, they could affect about $222 billion of home loans, or roughly 4 percent of outstanding mortgages.
The boycotts are also a sign of a growing economic fallout as China reckons with the impacts of its Covid restrictions. The country’s economy is on track for its slowest growth in decades. The real estate market, which drives about one-third of China’s economic activity, has proved particularly vulnerable.

And a response from a long-time Chinese, China “Watcher”…

China is the only country dare to address such real estate over values problem due to speculative profit manipulation by the 0.1%. The outcome if such problems is not address:

1) unaffordable housing, low home ownership, rising number of working poor and homeless population

2) when households spend so much on mortgages repayment or rental, the average people will have less money for food, health care, children education, and others. And thus a lost in consumption power = sluggish economy and income inequality = lost of financial ability to get marriage and have children = aging population

3) high rental and high housing cost also generate high cost of doing business and cost of living = inflation = DEMAND for wage rise = further rising cost for everything = lower PPP = unattractive investment environments for manufacturing = unsustainable economy

4) In the West, politicians dare not face the consequences of expected real estate bubbles burst, so they deliberately keep to bubble expanding by encouraging more and more overseas migrants to support the consumption economy and property market, and not releasing the equal amount of new land for housing to support the increased population, and thus keep the real estate market pricing continues to expand. As a result, a declining middle class and expanding population living in poverty.

5) In the crusader west, if the people default on mortgage repayment, they will soon lost their home and become homeless. Such as the massive foreclosure across the US during the 2008 GFC and the cash rich billionaires will took the opportunity to take control of more real estate at bargain price. And push up the market price against for the cash rich new migrants =, more local population poverty and homelessness.

However, the CCP tackle the rising housing market head on. The current drastic drop in housing price across China is an deliberate policy induce market adjustment.

As a result, some Chinese people refused to live on a negative wealth property , and refused to pay their mortgage.

The people oriented CCP understand their pain and is brainstorming to sort out the issues.

Once the issues resolved, the policy objectives of housing affordable will be achieved, inequality reduced, people happiness and satisfaction with government and society will enhance.

With real estate price down, the cost of running a business in China will further reduce. The condition for attracting more FDI investment will be strengthen, social stability will be even more solid, people with less financial stress will be more willing to spend on other things, more babies will be affordable. the country will become the magnet to the rest of the world.

Chinese people will love their country and their government more.



I’m not going to post an actual picture but one of my neighbors dresses and looks almost identical to Richard from Silicon Valley:


And his house looks like:


The starting price for a home in this neighborhood is around 2.5M and his home is probably worth closer to 4M.

And he dresses this way every single day…

And he is not alone…

Almost every other person in my neighborhood dresses in the same casual attire void of any branding and logos. Do they look like “bums”? No, but they definitely don’t dress in a manner that says, “hey, look at me”.

If you ran into my neighbor on the street, you would probably not give him a second look and if you did, you probably would assume he is going to have trouble making this month’s rent lol…

What is funny is that less than a mile away there are a lot of small condos and you constantly see the women living there carrying LV bags and guys sporting all sort of clothing with high-end branding, while most of them are living paycheck-to-paycheck.

I have noticed that the wealthy don’t seem to feel that it’s necessary to bring attention to the fact that they are wealthy and those that wish they were wealthy, want to appear in a manner that makes them look wealthy. It’s quite amusing.

Then there is the super wealthy and most of them will only wear branded clothing that they have a vested interest in. In other words, unless they own the company, or at least a part of it, they aren’t going to walk around advertising their competitors. But that’s on an entirely other level 🙂

Here is the way I see it…

If we are truly honest with ourselves, there are probably only 2 or 3 things that you are REALLY into and you should feel free to spend your hard earned money on those things.

So if you are into fashion, by all means… buy and wear the clothing that you like.

Where the issues start is when you begin spending money on things that you don’t really care about because you want to impress other people.

That’s something most wealthy people simply don’t do. If they aren’t into shoes, they aren’t going to spend 1k on a pair of Gucci loafers. Regardless if they can easily afford it or not. While someone else will max out their credit card so they can try and impress someone that they don’t even like…

So whether it’s clothes, watches, cars or whatever… if you are truly into it and if you have the means to enjoy those luxuries, go for it. Just forget about the rest of the stuff you don’t really care about. At the end of the day, the only person you should be worried about impressing is yourself.

Tent Cities Are Taking Over Vast Stretches Of Our Major Cities (And It Is Only Going To Get Worse)


If brighter days are ahead for the U.S. economy, why are so many tent cities popping up all over the nation?  At this point things are so bad that even the New York Times is admitting that “America’s homelessness problem has the makings of an acute crisis”.  That article goes on to explain that our homeless population is steadily rising.  Tonight, hundreds of thousands of our fellow Americans will be sleeping in tents, under bridges, in overcrowded shelters or in their vehicles.  Of course there are many that are so addicted to drugs or alcohol that they just sleep wherever they end up passing out.  This is a tragedy that is growing with each passing day, and it is only going to get worse in the months ahead as the U.S. economy slows down even more.

Earlier today, I was truly stunned by a Fox News article about what is going on in Portland right now.  Tent cities are literally taking over entire neighborhoods, and many residents are “resorting to selling their homes” as a result…

Residents in a Portland, Oregon, neighborhood are resorting to selling their homes and moving due to homeless encampments right outside their front doors.

“It’s a little scary because I know there is mental illness and that concerns me,” North Portland resident Maria Inocencio told KGW8.

Residents of North Portland said at least three families on one street have left in recent days due to the homeless camps, and KGW8 reported seeing for-sale signs up and down streets.

Portland was once such a beautiful place, but now it has literally been transformed into a hellhole.

Needless to say, Portland is far from alone.  From Seattle all the way down to San Diego, communities all along the west coast are being plagued by relentlessly growing encampments.  In many cases, such encampments are magnets for drug addicts and other societal outcasts.

But this is not just a west coast problem.

Let me give you are couple of examples.  In recent weeks, tent cities have been popping up all over Pittsburgh

“We want immediate action. We want to see people in homes. There’s a humane way to deal with homelessness,” said Pittsburgh City Council president Theresa Kail-Smith.

Homeless camps are popping up all over the Northside.

You’ll see them on the Riverfront Trail to Millvale.

Another makeshift tent city popped up underneath the Andy Warhol Bridge.

And in Fayetteville, North Carolina one burgeoning homeless camp recently made news because it features quite a few registered sex offenders…

There are 843 registered sex offenders living in Cumberland County. For dozens in Fayetteville, their home is a tent alongside the road.

Deputies in the Sheriff’s Office Sex Offender Registration Enforcement Unit (SOREU) learned the group of offenders are homeless and stay in a tent community along where the busy Martin Luther King Jr. Freeway (Highway 87) goes over Gillespie Street. Some live under the overpass while others live in a nearby field beside Gillespie Street.

From coast to coast, this is becoming an enormous issue.

And the truth is that it is only going to intensify as the months roll along.

In 2008 and 2009, millions of Americans lost their jobs as the economy plunged into a major downturn.

Once those people lost their jobs, many of them could no longer afford their homes and soon found themselves on the streets.

I wish that we would never have to see anything like that again.  It was truly a very dark chapter in our history, and countless people had their lives turned completely upside down.

Unfortunately, it is starting to happen again.

As I detailed earlier this month, large companies are starting to lay off workers in substantial numbers.

This even includes Facebook.  This week, we learned that Facebook recently used a very unique method to lay off one group of workers…

A group of about 60 contractors who work with Facebook learned they were laid off this week after they were chosen ‘at random’ by an algorithm.

The layoffs are the latest example of Big Tech reining in spending and hiring, as just days ago Apple let go of about 100 recruiters.

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg has also recently said he will weed out underperforming employees with ‘aggressive performance reviews’ as the company braces for a deep economic turndown.

I suppose that is one way to avoid personal responsibility for firing someone.

“Don’t blame me – it was the algorithm”.

If a big corporation that is swimming in cash like Facebook already feels forced to “thin the herd”, I think that is a very bad sign for the employment market as a whole.

In the months ahead, I think that there will be a lot more layoffs all over the country.

And this comes at a time when the housing market is starting to collapse.

Existing home sales in the United States have now fallen for six months in a row, and the numbers for the month of July were downright depressing

Sales of previously owned homes fell nearly 6% in July compared with June, according to a monthly report from the National Association of Realtors.

The sales count declined to a seasonally adjusted annualized rate of 4.81 million units, the group added. It is the slowest sales pace since November 2015, with the exception of a brief plunge at the beginning of the Covid pandemic.

Sales dropped about 20% from the same month a year ago.

I anticipated that home sales would be lower than last July, but a 20 percent drop is pretty catastrophic.

And as the Federal Reserve continues to raise interest rates, it is probably inevitable that the numbers will get even worse.

The stage is being set for a historic economic meltdown, and I would encourage you to do what you can to get prepared for it.

2008 and 2009 were extremely bitter.

What is coming will likely be even worse.

And as the economy deteriorates, tent cities will continue to take over more neighborhoods all over America.

But don’t look down on those that are living in tents.

With a run of bad luck, you could be one of them too.

Apple and Foxconn will be forced to rely ONLY on Taiwan supplies of IC’s

Taiwanese electronics manufacturer and Apple supplier Foxconn will likely be forced to back out of a $800 million investment in Chinese chipmaker and foundry operator Tsinghua Unigroup, thanks to rapidly deteriorating international relations.
The government in Taiwan was already considering fining Foxconn around $835,000 for failing to secure regulatory approval on the investment. But now, reports have emerged that Taiwanese national security officials want the whole thing called off altogether.


China Warns U.S. Over Sailing Warships Through Taiwan Strait

China’s ambassador to Washington, Qin Gang, said Tuesday that China viewed such Taiwan transits as an escalation by the U.S. and an effort to support the “separatist” government in Taipei. He delivered the warning after Senator Edward Markey, a Massachusetts Democrat, wrapped up the second trip to the island in less than two weeks by a U.S. congressional delegation.

“The US side has done too much and going too far in this region,” Qin said in response to a question about potential naval patrols. “I do call on our American colleagues to refrain, to exercise restraint, not to do anything to escalate the tension. So if there’s any moves damaging China’s territorial integrity and sovereignty, so China will respond. China will respond.”

The Biden administration has said it WOULD conduct air and maritime transits through the Taiwan Strait after China responded to Pelosi’s trip with a series of military drills around the island, including likely firing ballistic missiles over Taipei. The U.S. has long held that such transits, like congressional visits, are consistent with its “one China” policy not to formally recognize the democratically elected government in Taipei.

Article HERE

Older folk

As I am 73, I am going to share my experience.

Three 1/2 years ago my dog, Homie, crossed over the 🌈 Bridge. I missed him terribly, but decided not to get another dog as I have ambulatory issues and had fallen several times while walking him.

I have always had dogs and cats and love them equally, so I went to the local Animal Shelter and told the receptionist I wanted to meet the oldest cat they had, or the one hardest to adopt out.. They took me to meet a slender long-legged tuxedo cat who had been surrendered several months before.. her card said she was 15, declawed, spayed, her name was Spooky, and they didn’t want her anymore. I changed her name to Schatzi (German for Treasure or Darling) because she is a Diva!

About 3 weeks later, I was on the porch talking to my son when this little tabby tom cat climbed up in my lap and I heard, plain as day, I been ‘bandoned’ will you be my Mommy and I’m Hungry.. I found out later that this little skinny guy, covered in fleas, was about 3–4 months old and had been left in our little trailer park when the woman who owned him moved. I named him Mickey.

He is almost 4 and she is close to 19. I love them both very much and they sleep with me.. They give me a reason to get up every day and enrich this old lady’s life!


German air force sending warplanes to fly around Taiwan and intimidate China

Amid the tense situation in the Taiwan Strait, the German air force sent fighter jets to Asia for the first time on Tuesday (Aug. 16) to take part in exercises in Australia and will also fly near Taiwan, marking the largest overseas deployment of German military aircraft since WW II.

Six German Eurofighter Typhoons took off from an airbase in the southeastern German state of Bavaria on Monday evening (Aug. 15). Their first stop was Singapore, covering a distance of 12,800 kilometers within 24 hours with the help of three A330 aerial tankers. The squadron is scheduled to fly to Australia to take part in a 17-nation joint military exercise from late August to September dubbed “Pitch Black.”

At the end of September, the squadron will head north from Singapore. After visiting Japan and South Korea, the fighter jets will begin the long journey back to Germany and will fly in “airspace adjacent” to Taiwan along the way, reported CNA.

In order to carry out the mission, which is code-named “Rapid Pacific 2022,” the German air force will also dispatch four A400M transport aircraft, bringing the total number of aircraft to 13 with 250 officers and enlisted men participating. This is the first time the German air force has flown aircraft to the Indo-Pacific since its founding in 1956.

German fighters will fly through the airspace near Taiwan at a sensitive time when the situation in the Taiwan Strait is tense with daily People’s Liberation Army (PLA) intrusions across the median line following a visit by U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Aug. 2-3. German air force chief, Ingo Gerhartz, was cited by DW as saying that the fighters will “barely touch” the South China Sea, and will not pass through the Taiwan Strait as they stick to international routes.

Regarding the flight path of the jets near Taiwan, “The South China Sea, Taiwan — these are obviously the sticking points in the region,” said Gerhartz. He then denied “sending any threatening message towards China” by participating in the war games in Australia.


Having lived in China for about 4 years now and in the USA for over 14 years I think I’m well qualified to shed some light on this matter.

And since I’m neither Chinese nor a Westerner, you can be assured I won’t be sugar-coating anything or favor one over the other. These are simply my observations.

The biggest difference I discovered between the two, at a fundamental level is their priorities. Chinese culture tends to prioritize the result or the end whereas Western society prioritizes the process or the means.

China is Outcome-Driven

To put it very bluntly, China cares more about money than the west. The ideal outcome that every Chinese person strives for is to have more money. Yes, money is EXTREMELY important in Chinese culture because it guarantees security for the family. They have no social safety net to fall back on. And the memories of the difficult times is still fresh in the minds of the older generations.

This is why it is extremely important in Chinese culture to have your own house and car to show people that you have wealth. You’ve made it. How you attain that wealth is not really important or up for discussion, as long as you reach that status or checkmark. Life is brutal and unforgiving. It is a culture where they respect power and money more than anything else.

Chinese are also more productive and industrious at the business level. There is less red tape or regulations to deal with so they get $hit done. Competition is fierce because everyone is hustling to outgrow and out-compete and out-produce you. The Chinese are remarkably pragmatic and solution-oriented people.

Since Chinese culture focuses on results, people tend to be more successful in life. They are good at “obtaining” things like permits, quotas, meeting deadlines or requirements, etc.

The West is System-Driven

While China is an outcome-driven culture, the west is a system-driven one. The outcome is important, but what’s more important in western culture is the processes and the art that you use to reach that outcome.

That is why in the west it’s taboo to ask someone how much he/she makes. What’s more important is what the person does for a living.

In business, the Chinese will focus on reducing costs and increasing efficiency while Westerners, especially Europeans, will care more about how that product is made and provide valuable experiences with that product.

To illustrate this let’s look at watches. The Quartz watch was perfected by the Japanese, an eastern culture similar to the Chinese. It was revolutionary because it was more precise than mechanical watches. A perfect example of focusing on the outcome. The desired outcome of the watch is to tell the time as accurately as possible at the lowest cost. Japan delivers. However, can a Casio G-Shock watch evoke the same kind of experience and emotion as a Rolex or a Vacheron Constantin can? Probably not. Even though they are less accurate, there’s something special about these mechanical watches in how they are made and the history that a Casio can never compete with.

In western culture feelings or experiences are important while they are suppressed in eastern cultures. Westerners will say things like “how are you feeling today?” “how do you feel about bla bla bla?” etc. This is rare in China. The west has a more literary and artistic output from the west.

Living in Asia I noticed how westerners are just wired differently from East Asians. They will have tons of small talk even at work, talking about the news or some difficulties they encountered on their way to work that day, trivial affairs that are never really the topic of conversation among the Chinese. For the Chinese, they made it to work on time, there’s nothing more to say on the matter.

Since western culture focuses on the how, it is an extremely legalistic or litigious society. In the west, a company must abide by certain regulations or codes. For example, they have to follow specific animal protection laws when making leather products. So generally it’s more costly to get things done in the west. That’s why so many businesses have moved their productions to China where the regulations are lax.

Westerners also tend to be more inquisitive. Science has traditionally been a forte of western culture. And science is really about taking things apart and learning how they work, learning the processes and the mechanics. While westerners are very good at discovering new ideas, the theoretical department, the Chinese are experts at commercializing those ideas and implementing them in a practical setting.

To sum up the global economy today: The west supplies the designs, China implements those designs. Be it iPhones or Shanghai skyscrapers.

Collectivism vs Individualism

The second biggest difference between China and the west is that the former is a collectivist or conformist society, while the latter is an individualistic society.

China as a whole is much more unified and centralized than the west. The Chinese practice conformity to a truly remarkable extent, largely due to its Confucius and Communist past. You could be thousands of miles away in a different city in China and still expect to find the same kind of architecture, shops, signage, amenities, etc. There’s both the upside and downside to this. It can be a tad boring to see the same stuff everywhere you go, but it affords a certain level of convenience. This is why I think there is a stronger sense of national identity in China.

The West is more individualistic and this is reflected in the political landscape. Europe is a fragmented continent. It is divided into many small countries which are in turn divided into many small regions and towns. And each of these regions and towns has its distinct culture, architecture, customs, and sometimes even languages.

For example, Scotland has its own separate unique identity that is different from the UK or Europe. And Scotland is a country of only about 5 million people. Many medium-sized cities in China have more people than the entire country of Scotland. The same goes for regions like Wales, Northern Ireland, Cornwall, Andalucia, Catalunya, Bavaria, Veneto, Flanders, etc.



You shouldn’t, unless your life style will prevent you from giving the traumatized cat a good life. When I went to the shelter to find a new cat, they told me about Mango. Mango was rescued from the street, in a big city, as part of a litter of kittens, whose mother had been killed. They found the six week old kittens next to the dead mother, and the bloody bat that was used to bash the mother’s brain by some horrible human.

She was just so terrified of everything. Especially, humans. Can you blame her?

They tried to foster her with families, but she couldn’t adjust to kids, other pets, noise or humans. When I arrived at the shelter, they had her in a cage, in the lobby, in an attempt to socialize her. She was visibly shaking. Since I lived alone with no kids, I agreed to adopt her. For the first month, she rarely came out from under the guest room bed… but slowly and surely she came around.

That was 13 years ago. Does she still jump off the couch and hide when I sneeze? Yup. Are there friends and family that have NEVER actually seen her? Yup. She doesn’t like strangers. Does she loudly howl, like I are putting her in boiling oil, when I try to coax/trick her into a large dog kennel (cat carriers are too hard to get her into) to go to the vet? Yup.

But, I have never regretted adopting her. Or her adopting me.

‘Kids-for-cash’ scandal judges ordered to pay more than $288 million to nearly 300 victims

Two former Pennsylvania judges who ran a scheme to send children to for-profit prisons for kickbacks have been ordered to pay more than $US200 million ($288 million) to their victims in one of the worst judicial scandals in US history.

Article HERE


A friend of ours was gassing up her SUV at the Murphy’s gas station one morning when she heard a kitten crying. She and the station attendant searched for the kitten, including opening the engine compartment of the vehicle, but they couldn’t find it and then it went silent, After a few more minutes of not finding the cat she gave up and drove 14 miles to home.

When she got home and turned off the vehicle, she could hear the kitten crying again. Once again searched and this time found a five week old kitten in the spare wheel under the rear of the SUV. Happily the little booger had not fallen out on the way home.

She had a lot of dogs and didn’t think it would go well for the kitten at her house, so she called my wife and asked if we wanted it. We did but we were 50 miles away in another city at medical appointments and couldn’t come fetch it right away.

So we called our veterinarian and asked if our friend could drop the kitten at the clinic and would the vet examine it and treat necessary, and we would pick it up and pay on our way home from the other city.

We have several critters already and it’s been pointed out to me that there are low cost Vaccination clinics in our town That would make it cheaper for us to get our animals their annual shots. But I always take them to our vet for annual exams as well as the shots because I want to maintain medical history of the animals and the relationship with the veterinarian in case I ever need “something extra,“ and this was one of those times. The vet readily agreed to have the cat dropped off without payment in advance and he would take care of it.

When we got to the vet’s office in late afternoon he was holding the kitten with a big grin on his face. I don’t want to post his photo on the Internet without his permission, but we got a great picture of him and the kitten. He told us it was in good shape overall, he gave it fluids for dehydration, it was negative for feline leukemia, and he treated some scratches on its nose. When our friend had dropped it off the staff asked for a name to put on its records; she came up with “Murphy” after the gas station.


We kept the name and took Murphy home to meet his new sister, another five-week-old kitten that we had found under a bush at my office a couple weeks earlier. The two instantly bonded and grew up together playing and raising hell around the house like kittens do. After his 14 mile ride under the SUV, Murphy turned into a Joe-Cool-nothing-really-bothers-me kind of cat. Except aerosol sprays. Those are scary.

How the Taiwan lobby helped pave the way for Pelosi’s trip – Responsible Statecraft

US Chip 4 plan hands South Korea a devil’s choice

Washington puts Seoul on the spot with proposed chip making alliance, which ultimately threatens to torpedo Korea’s trade relations with China

SEOUL – Samsung Electronics heir and de facto leader Lee Jae-yong was today (August 12) granted a presidential pardon in a corruption case, lifting a legal cloud that has hung over his head since 2017.

Though Lee has been out of prison and conducting executive duties since last year, the head of South Korea’s national flagship firm might, feasibly, wish he could take a lower profile just now.

He is back on the front pages just as Korea Inc’s worst nightmare is becoming manifest: It is being forced into choosing between key trade partner China and strategic ally the United States.

Washington is seeking a decision from Seoul, within weeks, on whether to join the nascent “Chip 4” semiconductor alliance that would bind together American, Japanese, South Korean and Taiwanese chipmakers while deliberately excluding China.


South Korea strives to secure China ties amid US pressure on chips, missile system

Biden admin unlikely to force Seoul to sever ties with Chinese market: expert
Published: Aug 08, 2022 11:32 PM

With South Korean Foreign Minister Park Jin set to kick off a three-day visit to Qingdao in East China’s Shandong Province on Monday, the first high-level official to travel to China since South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol took office in May, on the same day, South Korean media cited an unnamed presidential official as saying that the country has decided to attend a preliminary meeting for “Chip 4” – an alliance created by the US that some believe aims to set up a semiconductor barrier against the Chinese mainland.

The simultaneous message also illustrated South Korea’s political dilemma in striking a balance between China and the US in the face of increasing pressure from Washington, analysts said, warning that South Korea may face more losses if it totally sides with the US to counter China.

Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi will meet with Park during his stay in China, according to information from the Chinese Foreign Ministry. China is willing to take Park’s visit as an opportunity to strengthen communication, focus on cooperation and promote the healthy and stable trend of bilateral relations.

Before coming to China, Park told a press conference that his trip would be a chance to reduce misunderstandings and boost cooperation in areas including trade, health and the environment, Reuters reported.

Park’s visit to China has drawn close attention in China and South Korea, as the two countries are about to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations. At the same time, there are many new and old issues that need to be urgently discussed, and compared to its more frequent interactions with the US, Japan and Europe, the new South Korean government has had fewer exchanges with China, Wang Junsheng, a research fellow of East Asian studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in Beijing, told the Global Times.

Wang noted that Korean Peninsula issues, the chip pact among the US, Japan, South Korea and the island of Taiwan, and the deployment of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) missile system will be covered in bilateral meetings between senior officials from the two sides.

Li Kaisheng, a research fellow at the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, pointed out that Park’s visit was made against the backdrop of the China-US tensions after US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s provocative visit to the island of Taiwan and the Biden administration actively pulling China’s neighbors into a small circle to counter China.

Despite China’s stern warnings, Pelosi made a highly provocative visit to the island of Taiwan last week. When she traveled to South Korea after the Taiwan visit, South Korean President Yoon had a phone conversation instead of meeting her in person. This arrangement was interpreted by some analysts as an attempt to avoid the diplomatic fallout of Pelosi’s visit to the island of Taiwan.

However, Li told the Global Times that the Yoon government has taken a value-oriented diplomatic approach, and given the differences between China and South Korea in their political systems and ideologies, many challenges to bilateral relations remain.

Li noted that the deployment of THAAD and whether South Korea will cooperate with the US in deploying more missiles are all uncertainties hampering China-South Korea relations.

China had urged the Yoon government to keep the preceding Moon Jae-in government’s “Three No’s” policy on the THAAD issue and act prudently on major issues concerning its neighbors’ security, after Park said at the National Assembly in July that the “Three No’s” policy is not a commitment to China.

Analysts warned that the Yoon government should understand the seriousness of the THAAD issue, as it had sparked outrage among Chinese people and pushed bilateral relations to their lowest in decades, adding that  South Korea should not sacrifice its interests to follow the US.

However, the US has always wanted South Korea to be the bridgehead to counter China and will put more pressure on the Yoon government, analysts said, adding that given the closeness in trade relations between China and South Korea, leaning to the US will not fit South Korea’s interests.

Balancing its relations with China and the US amid a more complicated geopolitical situation has and will be one of the major challenges for Yoon, said Xiang Haoyu, a research fellow at the China Institute of International Studies, noting that the heated discussions in South Korea over whether to join the Chip 4 alliance with the US, Japan and the island of Taiwan is one example reflecting South Korea’s plight.

Dilemma for South Korea

On the same day that Park is scheduled to start his visit to China, South Korean media reported that Seoul has agreed to hold a preliminary meeting to lay down the ground rules for joining the Chip 4 alliance with Washington next month. Yoon said on Monday that the government is looking into the issue in the light of national interests.

Facing pressure from the US, the South Korean government has shown a tendency to sit on the fence, as it doesn’t want to offend the US by refusing to be part of the Chip 4 alliance, but at the same time does not want to provoke China’s anger, which might hurt their economic interests in the vast mainland market, analysts said.

Xiang Ligang, an independent tech analyst, told the Global Times that there is a  high chance that South Korea will eventually become a member of the alliance, but the country is very likely to become a counterforce to the US within the alliance on many issues, in that it will object to many requirements raised by the US to crack down on China’s chip market.

South Korea has massive interests related to the mainland market when it comes to the semiconductor industry. For example, it exports a vast amount of chips to China annually, including mobile phone chips and memory chips.

The Chinese mainland and Hong Kong accounted for 60 percent of South Korea’s semiconductor exports last year, a report of the Korea Times noted.

Observers pointed out that South Korea may also raise more requirements on reducing the negative impact on its chip exports to China, for example on export and technology restrictions.

Xiang Ligang said that it’s unlikely that the Biden administration will use very tough measures to force South Korea or other regions to sever themselves from the Chinese market, as it doesn’t have enough political influence to control its allies at will.

Moreover, South Korea knows that cutting its chip business ties with China might prompt the latter to speed up its chip technological development. And once China manages to produce high-end chips at very low prices, those products will easily flood the South Korean market, as cars and home appliances have done in the past, Ma Jihua, a veteran semiconductor observer, told the Global Times.

Besides, friction on the chip issue could also trigger backlash on other products such as daily consumption products, which would bring huge economic losses to South Korea, whose economic development in recent years has been hugely dependent on business interactions with the Chinese market.

South Korean public opinion also differs on topics related to the chip pact, with many people opposed to cutting the chip business or decoupling with China, as such moves do not meet South Korea’s interests, Xiang Haoyu pointed out, noting that although the Yoon government is aligned with the US, the latest drop in Yoon’s approval rating showed that conservative forces in South Korea cannot fully represent the public will.

The conservative party may lean toward the US but South Korea’s overall national strategy and public opinion will not overwhelmingly follow. This is also why China can work with South Korea to expand cooperation and shared interests, said Xiang Haoyu, noting that South Korea should also know that due to its own long-term strategic interests, it has little room to play the geopolitical card of closely following the US in countering China.

Solomon Islands moving ahead with contentious plan to build Huawei mobile phone towers with $100 million loan from Beijing

The Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Finance and Treasury McKinnie Dentana told reporters in Honiara on Wednesday that the towers would expand and improve mobile coverage across the country.

He also confirmed it would be funded by a concessional loan from China, the first time the government of Solomon Islands has borrowed from one of Beijing’s main overseas lending institutions.

“The project will be fully funded with a concessional loan facility under the EXIM Bank of China of approximately CNY448.9 million ($96 million) at a rate of 1 per cent interest rate for a period of 20 years,” he said.

Mr Dentana said the government would roll out the project over the next three years, and wanted to complete almost half of the towers ahead of the Pacific Games, which will be held in Honiara in November next year.

“This will help people in rural areas to enjoy the Games, even if they don’t come to Honiara,” he said.

He also claimed external advisers had told the government they would be able to repay the loan with revenue generated from the towers.

“The independent review of the project shows the project would generate sufficient revenue for the government to fully repay both the principal loan amount and the interest cost within the loan period,” he said.


The article continues to describe what a bad and terrible deal the Solomon's are getting using inferior Chinese equipment, "debt trap", and all the rest. Ah. Standard boilerplate anti-China stuff, don't you know. -MM

Big shout out to officer Mike Carpinelli


Here is a photo that captures the character of of a great police officer.

Almost 2 years ago a father took this photo when he was driving his son to rehab in St Lawrence.

His son decided he didn’t want to go and took the father’s phone and called 911 and told them he was being kidnapped.

When the man got pulled over, his son got out of the vehicle and the state trooper had stood on the side of the road with his addict son for about an hour patiently convincing him to let him drive him to rehab.

The father was astounded at the Sheriff and Trooper’s dedication to the cause of addiction. Officer’s successfully got the son in a vehicle without force and drove him to St Lawrence from Lowville about an hour and a half drive.

He literally walked in with him to the rehab. Here is a tribute to great, loving public servants that truly care.

Big shout out to officer Mike Carpinelli

Taiwan biggest underground society leader openly pledges to take action to overthrow the DPP regime if the PLA begin military action.

He said, we are not going to allow the DPP behaviour resulted in many died in bombing. As far as my knowledge is concerned, He is the second one openly make such statement.



This is Umbry, the love of my life.

I took him into my care 2 years ago because his owner didn’t want him.

I wasn’t a cat person before, I was in fact scared of cat.

I took him in out of pity.

He was skinny, with flu and full of fleas. My initial plan was actually to nurse him to health and put him up for adoption.

But I grew fond of him and eventually decided not to.

Last year, Umbry was diagnosed with Wet Neuro FIP.

Almost every cat owner knows this is an almost always a fatal disease.

When I got the news, I was bawling my eyes out at the clinic but I didn’t want to give up on him. I did some research and found that there is an antiviral treatment by Dr Pederson.

The fact that the treatment is still not approved makes it harder to source and even more expensive.

I had to fork out all of my savings and took a part time job to fund his treatment.

He had to go through 84 days of daily injection which was very painful to watch.

It really was a difficult time for both of us.

But it has been over 5 months now since his last day of treatment and Umbry is looking as healthy and as happy as ever.

I hope he continues to stay healthy for a very long time and grow old with me.

Rufus saves a kitten


As any New Yorker will tell you, you see a lot of unexpected stuff on the subway. But one woman saw something that left her truly inspired.

Gillian Rogers is the founder of Pet Rescue Squad Inc, and is passionate about helping animals. And last week, she saw something that gave her hope.

She was riding the 1 train home when she spotted a man on the other side of the car, with something in his lap.

She was amazed to realize it was a tiny kitten, wrapped in a towel. Not only that, but the man was bottle-feeding the cat.

“You could see the caring,” Gillian told The Dodo

. “My heart felt like it was going to explode to see someone with that much caring. He was so in the moment.”

“The kitten was looking up at him as he fed her. It was so heartwarming.”

Rainwater everywhere on Earth unsafe to drink due to ‘forever chemicals’, study finds

Rainwater almost everywhere on Earth has unsafe levels of ‘forever chemicals’, according to new research by scientific experts.

Per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a large family of human-made chemicals that don’t occur in nature. They are known as ‘forever chemicals’ because they don’t break down in the environment.

They have non-stick or stain repellent properties so can be found in household items like food packaging, electronics, cosmetics and cookware.

But now researchers at the University of Stockholm have found them in rainwater in most locations on the planet – including Antarctica. There is no safe space to escape them.

Article found HERE

“A week ago I saw a post on Facebook from a young boy in my town: ‘Hi I’m an autistic 19-year-old living on my own and my bike was stolen opposite the McDonalds by High Street. My Grandma got me this bike for Christmas. I have been feeling really down about this as there aren’t many things I enjoy in life. My bike is one of those things; thank you to anyone that may be able to help I really do appreciate any information.’

I shared it on Facebook and Twitter but suspected deep down that the chance of him getting his bike back were slim. I had had my own one stolen a few months ago and now the weather was nicer I had been thinking about replacing it. I set myself a budget and had started researching what kind of bike to get.

I went to bed that night so sad that someone would steal his bike that was so precious. I woke up wondering about a GoFundMe but thought it would take too long to do and I didn’t want to waste any time. So I decided to use the money I’d set aside for my shiny new folding Carrera Hybrid and get him a new bike instead. Because life is short and kindness can be paid forward. I’m only HERE because of countless random acts of kindness, and I try to do what I can to repay them into the world. I can save up and get myself another bike, another day. AND I got an excellent cuddle and they’re priceless.

I didn’t just do this for Harvey. I did it for the people who donated to the food bank for me. I did it for the friend who bought SB some shoes when his rubbed sores onto his feet but I had no money for a new one. I did it because a stranger replaced my buggy when it was stolen off my doorstep. I did it for the friend who paid my rent instead of having work done on her house when I was under threat of eviction.

I did it for the church who left 2 bags for life of food on my doorstep when I wrote Hunger Hurts. For the firefighter who left me a mini Christmas tree with decorations on my back porch a week before Christmas having clocked during a routine safety check that we had nothing at all. I did it for the friend that drove me to a party to have a good time when I was freezing and starving and hadn’t seen anyone for days because I was hiding away. Kindness saved my life. Again and again. I have some to spare.

Do good things. Smile at people. Hug your kids. Phone your family. Check on your neighbours. Give your gloves to that freezing cold homeless person. Hold doors open. Ask the crying person if they are okay instead of looking awkward. Rebuild your communities by looking out for each other. Think of others. Connect. Respond. Love. In the end only kindness matters.”

Great Links for the Greenville Post

You will find one or two MM posts in the mix. -MM


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A “clear the shelter” day

Locally, we have a “clear the shelter” day when they waive all of the fees normally associated with an adoption. It’s a great opportunity, though of course the reason is unfortunate – too many abandoned/homeless animals.

I had decided to go to my local shelter to look for a cat – we had shop cats at work for years, and the last one, who was extraordinary, lived the life of Riley after he had kidney issues, commuting to work with me every day, and living it up at home. After he died, I wasn’t really ready to jump back in, but something told me this was an opportunity that I shouldn’t miss.

So, off to the shelter on Saturday afternoon. As I wheeled in, there was a crowd of almost 100 people standing outside, waiting to go in, where the shelter was going to assign you a “pet counselor” to guide you to all the animals. I’d been there before, and this was an incredibly awkward way to look at the animals, and I found out some people had been waiting over an hour just to take a look. Disappointed, I thought, “Well, maybe next time.”

Then I remembered that PetSmart was listed as an alternate location for this event, and there was one between the shelter and my house, so I decided to stop by. I looked into the cat area, and this little guy was there.


His breathing rate was about 110, and he looked miserable. His shelter name was Sebastian, and I walked around the store to check out the price of litter and supplies, then walked back over and looked at him again.

He didn’t even really look at me, but he needed someone who wouldn’t mind that. The volunteer said, “He’s really sweet, would you like to hold him?” I told her that I didn’t need to. He needed the kind of home I was ready to give him, and I’d come back after I bought the food and litter to pick him up.

She said, “He might hiss, but he won’t bite you, I promise.

A lot of people have looked at him, but no one wants him because he’s so scared.” I told her that was fine, and that if she could get his paperwork ready, I’d be back in a moment for him.

This medium haired guy was in his box when I got back, and I took as little time as possible to file his paperwork, pick up his tags, and take him to the car.

When I got him inside, I slowly turned the carrier on its side. And this is what I saw.


He was breathing so fast, and I could see his heart racing, but when I moved to scratch him on the chest, he started purring, but he didn’t want to come out at all.

I left him in peace, in a darkened room, and when I came back, the box was empty.

He had fled to some secret place under the bed, so I set out food, water and the litter box right next to the edge of the bed and left him to settle in.

Then, as luck would have it, this happened –


Straight line winds of about 80 mph tore through the back yard, and this poor little terrified guy was stuck right inside the room where a freight train and explosive sounding tree destruction happened. Not two hours after getting home.

I felt so bad for him, and honestly, didn’t see him for about a day and a half, but food was gone, and water was gone, and the litter box was used, so he must have been OK.

He progressed for a week at a time, first, not running off when I looked at him if he was eating, then walking around if I was in the room, and one day he jumped onto the bed, and let me pet him.

Three weeks of letting him do it his way, changing from a scared little cat into one with more and more confidence.

He kept his shelter name, though there’s no easy way to shorten it, and it turns out that it doesn’t matter anyway – he is the most cat like cat I have ever had. He is capable of ignoring me completely if he wants to, no matter what he is doing.

It’s infuriating, and hilarious, because he’s also so happy to hang out now. Most of the time, this is his general posture.


Belly up, and sleeping so he can race around at 3 in the morning like his tail is on fire. And that medium hair description at the shelter?

Nope, long, long, fluffy, flies through the air in tufts no matter how much you brush him hair. He is literally with me in some form no matter where I go, no matter how great a lint brush I might have.

I was taken by a fearful cat that needed someone who didn’t mind. Best decision I ever made.

Italian Meatball Pasta

This Italian Meatball Pasta is an easy-to-make skillet dinner with Hamburger Helper™ Beef Pasta, precooked Italian-style meatballs and juicy tomatoes. Serve up a heaping plate of meatball pasta topped with melty cheese for a deliciously flavorful weeknight meal. And don’t be surprised if people start asking for seconds after a single bite!

Italian Meatball Pasta


  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
  • 1/2 cup chopped onion
  • 2 cups hot water
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1 can (14.5 oz) petite diced tomatoes, drained
  • 1 box (5.9 oz) Hamburger Helper™ Beef Pasta
  • 32 frozen cooked Italian-style meatballs (1/2 oz each)
  • 1 cup shredded Italian cheese blend (4 oz)
  • Chopped fresh parsley leaves, if desired




How The Threat Of China Was Made In The USA

A fantastic video.

Western mainstream media are spreading a great deal of anti-China propaganda disinformation. They’re literally brainwashing Westerners into hating China.

Sorry to say but you are one of the victims. You’ve been taken for a fool; you are being manipulated.

Second, whether or not you care about China is entirely up to you. Perhaps China isn’t at all important to you, to your daily life.

Third, there is no reason to be afraid of China. China is a peaceful and benevolent nation.

  • China hasn’t fought a single war since 1979.
  • China is pursuing diplomacy throughout the Middle East rather than bombing the shit out of the region. Recently, China signed a 25-year cooperation deal with Iran.
  • China is negotiating with the Taliban instead of invading and occupying Afghanistan for 20 years.
  • China is leading the ASEAN countries in peaceful trade through RCEP, the world’s largest free trade bloc.
  • China is helping countries in the Global South, as well as in Europe, build their infrastructure through the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Over 149 countries have already signed up; that’s 3/4 of the world’s nations!
  • China is helping countries in the Global South vaccinate their population as the rich Western nations abandoned them through vaccine hoarding.
  • China is inviting all nations to participate in its space station program, including the United States. Recall that USA banned China from the ISS.
  • China is trying to broker peace between Russia and Ukraine, countries with whom China has excellent relations. What is USA doing? Sending arms to Ukraine, throwing fuel to the fire and prolonging the war.
  • China is forging powerful economic and security alliances in BRI, BRICS, RCEP, SCO, etc. China is trying to unite the world, not divide it (as the Americans are doing).

You have more reasons to be afraid of America, which wages endless wars around the world, which sanctions numerous countries that don’t comply with US foreign policy, which interferes in foreign elections and politics, which overthrows foreign regimes it doesn’t like.

Fourth, if you really care to know the truth about China, there is only one way: go visit China. See China with your own eyes. Bypass Western mainstream media.

Your own eyes will confirm that Western media have been lying to you. China is not evil. Life in China is very good. The people are happy. The country is peaceful and safe.

  • You can visit Xinjiang and learn about the Uyghurs.
  • You can visit Hong Kong and see how well the city is doing now that the violent protesters have been booted out of China.
  • You can visit Tibet and witness the beauty of its culture.
  • You can visit Shenzhen and Chengdu and Shanghai and see the technological wonders.

China is the fourth most popular country in the world for tourism!

The future looks beautiful!

From Chua…

China patiently extenting massive goodwill to the Taiwanese people over the decades to win heart and mind. As a result, there are more than 2 million Taiwanese living and working in China (but they are not allow to vote outside Taiwan) 

And the Taiwanese economy is growing with massive trade surplus:

Mainland China and Hong Kong accounted for 42% of Taiwan's exports last year, while the U.S. had a 15% share, according to official Taiwan data accessed through Wind Information.

About 22% of Taiwan's imports last year came from mainland China and Hong Kong, versus 10% from the U.S., official data showed.

Many Taiwan-based companies operate factories in mainland China. In 2021, Taiwan businesses received $200.1 billion in U.S. export orders, according to the U.S. Congressional Research Service. (note: their factories in China make even more money from the rest of the world including the Chinese Market)

Taiwan’s Trade with China is FAR LARGER than trade with the USA

However, the US and Japan offer Taiwanese politicians personal gain in speech fees, kick back.... So, today, China have to get rid of these handful of low quality, selfish, me-only foreign puppets controlling the island through the capitalist democratic system by withdrawing the massive goodwill to cause pain across Taiwan, and use massive military to surround the island and cause further pains and soon may do it by restricting their energy supply etc.

Within the next few weeks, if the US fail to carryout the threat of sending its aircraft carrier through the Taiwan Straits, the will in the island US puppets will collapsed.


The PLA will definitely won't allow the crusader warships the freedom of navigation across their inner water this time. 

US will be proven a paper tiger 🐯 soon.

When live become harder and harder in Taiwan, the power of the patriotic forces will growth, a colour revolution will be in the making. A peaceful reunification will be ensured.

We should have a little gathering in Taiwan on the day of reunification to celebrate the day that spell the drastic and permanent decline of the world most war monger crusader nations in the past 2 century.

When the world most evil crusader is down, the Palestinian liberation day will no longer be a dream, Latin America will have their freedom back and the economy will growth through the win win belts and roads, NATO may be dismantle and Europe will be back to a lot of small countries completing with each other to trade with the outside world.

Once they (Europe) don't act collectively against the rest of the world, they will become less aggressive and learn to deal with the world through mutual respect, and trade through value for money.

Europe will learn that collective bullying and looting for profit have no future. They will learn to work hard and living within their means.

Russian - Ukraine conflict will be resolved with Ukraine surrender and begin rebuilding as part of Russia. The flow of Russian gas to Europe will resume

The world will abandon the US currency and the US economy will collapsed, followed by the military, and a with drawal of US overseas military bases will be a must to cut expenses. The country will be split into a few parts. The rich states would like to keep their tax money to themselves by declaring independent, the black, the white, the Latino etc with no love with each other will form gangs and split their territory and power base.

Once the crusader nations across the world can no longer threaten the world, The world can spend less in military and use the money to improve the environment and standard of living of the average population.
The 21st century world already looks beautiful to me.

The world is full of interesting stories, but we are living in tumultuous times

This article contains the full text of the Chinese white paper on the Taiwan reunification issue. We also cover various other interesting and curious side issues, stories and themes that have become a staple on MM, such as food and ambulatory fungus. I hope you all enjoy this article.



This is my cat. His name is Muesli. He may look cute with his heart shaped blob on his nose, but in reality he is a South London geezer cat who wants to bite me all of the time.

He doesn’t, but he wants to.

He is my boy & I prefer him to most people.

He is also a hopeless cheese addict & even becomes temporarily strokable if given lightly fried fresh mackerel.

He is very spoilt but he deserves to be as he had a rough start in life & would have no doubt been put down at an early age due to his “challenging” behaviour.

I have been his dad for over 10 years now & would not swap him for anything.

Harsh life truth


A taste of America

Check out these views of America…




Evaldas Rimasauska

The story of Evaldas Rimasauska’s crazy – but surprisingly successful – plan to steal $120 million from Google and Facebook is worth telling.

Evaldas Rimasauska

At the start of 2013, Rimasauska registered a company in Latvia called Quanta Computer, which is identical in name to that of a Hardware manufacturing company from Taiwan. A bit suspicious, right?

Then, over a period of two years, he repeatedly sent invoices (complete with fraudulent stamps, signatures, and a very large amount of corporate and legal jargon) to google and Facebook for products from his fake company that he had never sold. Sounds like a pretty stupid idea. Surely a company with some of the best legal and financial minds would just discard these fake invoices?

Well, as you probably guessed, they did not.

Seemingly without questioning it, two of the biggest tech giants around transferred millions and millions to Rimasauka. He’d keep sending them fake invoices, and they would always pay up. Eventually, Rimasauska racked up a lot of cash, taking $23 million from Google and $99 million from Facebook.

He didn’t stay rich for long though.

Almost inevitablely, people soon caught on to him, and he is now spending five years behind bars for wire fraud.

People will always associate financial fraud with large scale, complicated and elaborate schemes — perhaps hacking into servers, or stealing confidential documents. But the interesting thing about this case is it shows that huge companies can still fall victim to such simplistic methods.

Be the Rufus

On a day in 2005, the fifth year in to our fruitful career after a hard time of the past 10 years.

A man called me informing that a very good piece of land was on urgent sale. After I heard about the location I headed towards it, as by coincidence my wife and I were in the city and just nearby. We visited the land.

It was one of many empty lands around there.

We decided to meet the owner, though the price seemed to be a bit of high. But the land seemed potential.

The man was a retired high ranked public servant and genuinely a gentleman, living in his rented apartment. He looked tired and mentally distressed, but my eyes did not miss that he was pretending “all is ok.” The plot on sale is what he got allotted by the government to make his home, as a reward for his lifelong services to the nation.

At the opening on the deal, I asked, “What’s the best price you can offer us, sir?” Very impatiently he responded, “No, I can’t reduce the price at all! You can think over and call me someday later.”

To make the situation easy and light, I curiously asked, “That’s a lot of money, what are you going to do with that much money, sir?”

He could not keep it undisclosed any longer. Very restlessly he uttered, “My 11-year old son is a cancer patient, at early stage. My younger daughter is in Uni. I need lot more than this money.”

We were not ready for such an answer.

My wife and I got just mute, like we had no word to say again. Looked at each other, stunned. Then we got into an awkward silence for few long moments, but that made the man seemingly more impatient.

My wife, a graduate in Marketing in contrast to my liberal arts background, is extra-careful on spending as I occasionally make mistakes (in her definition!). She had warned me on the way that it was she who would negotiate the price and I should just keep quiet! Yeah, it was obviously a big money for us at that stage. Decision had to be very calculative.

Now I set my eyes onto her. But this time she held on in a confused, stubborn silence. A silence I was familiar with, though.

Well, silence is approval, as I took it to be. I turned to the man.

“Well sir, alright, we confirm the deal at your price.”

The gentleman, and the broker at his beside, seemed to be having difficulty to understand my words. He tried to end the meeting up here, “Okay, think and let me know later.”

Now my wife took the lead, “Sir, it’s confirmed. We’ll get the deal go through tomorrow morning itself. Give me your bank details.” He seemed to have fallen from the sky and found the world to be a joke on the ground.

We instructed the broker to prepare the papers the next day and confirmed that we would go to the Registry Office after lunch.

We accomplished the deal that day, as planned.

Almost 13 long years had passed by. As we live in overseas and were very occupied with our occupations, we did not think much about that land through all those years.

During a visit in 2017 to our home country we went to see the land.

All the surrounded lands were now filled with high rise (6–7 stories) residential blocks, the area was now within the Capital City’s extended diplomatic zone.


Then US$85,000 land, now valued at more than US$3.5 million.

It is like a holy dust turned to diamond to our luck.

Readers, by the way, you might be anxiously waiting to know what happened with that man and his children at last?

Despite we were busy in overseas, I have kept in touch with him. But I never let him know what led us to make a hasty purchase that day at that high price he demanded. And I really do not wish to spell it here as well. I’d like to let it remain as it has been— a deal, from which wenhave barely benefited, and my two growing children will benefit in their life.

His son recovered from cancer. The daughter completed her university. They are all fine now. The gentleman, Brig. Gen. Khijir Mohammad (rtd.), is now at his 80’s and spends the mornings walking with his friends and most of the rest of his time in gardening.

We wish him a long and healthy life, and all the best for his family.

Brandon Grimshaw

Brandon Grimshaw

For 13 thousand dollars, Englishman Brandon Grimshaw bought a tiny uninhabited island in the Seychelles and moved there forever. When the Englishman Brandon Grimshaw was under forty, he quit his job as a newspaper editor and started a new life.

By this time, no human had set foot on the island for 50 years. As befits a real Robinson, Brandon found himself a companion from among the natives. His Friday name was René Lafortin. Together with Rene, Brandon began to equip his new home. While René came to the island only occasionally, Brandon lived on it for decades, never leaving. By oneself.

For 39 years, Grimshaw and Lafortin planted 16 thousand trees with their own hands and built almost 5 kilometers of paths. In 2007, Rene Lafortin died, and Brandon was left all alone on the island.

He was 81 years old. He attracted 2,000 new bird species to the island and introduced more than a hundred giant tortoises, which in the rest of the world (including the Seychelles) were already on the verge of extinction. Thanks to Grimshaw’s efforts, the once deserted island now hosts two-thirds of the Seychelles’ fauna. An abandoned piece of land has turned into a real paradise.

A few years ago, the prince of Saudi Arabia offered Brandon Grimshaw $50 million for the island, but Robinson refused. “I don’t want the island to become a favorite vacation spot for the rich. Better let it be a national park that everyone can enjoy.”

And he achieved that in 2008 the island was indeed declared a national park.

Quick Chicken Quesadillas

If you’ve been on the hunt for an easy chicken and cheese quesadilla recipe, congratulations—you’ve found it! With a few simple shortcut ingredients, you can have warm, cheesy and easy chicken quesadillas on the table in less than half an hour. Talk about a fuss-free dinner!

Quick Chicken Quesadillas


  • 6 oz refrigerated cooked Southwest-flavor chicken breast strips (from 9- or 12-oz package)
  • 1/2 cup Old El Paso™ Thick ‘n Chunky salsa
  • 1 package (11 oz) Old El Paso™ Flour Tortillas for Burritos (8 Count)
  • Cooking spray
  • 2 cups finely shredded Colby-Monterey Jack cheese blend (8 oz)
  • 1/4 cup sour cream


  • 1
    Cut chicken into bite-size pieces. In small bowl, mix chicken and salsa.
  • 2
    Spray 1 side of 1 tortilla with cooking spray; place sprayed side down on work surface. Layer with one-fourth of the chicken mixture and 1/2 cup of the cheese. Top with another tortilla; spray top of tortilla with cooking spray.
  • 3
    Cook in 10-inch nonstick skillet over medium heat 4 to 6 minutes, carefully turning after 2 minutes, until golden brown. Repeat with remaining tortillas, chicken mixture and cheese. To serve, cut quesadillas into wedges. Serve with sour cream and, if desired, additional salsa.


The Stermer Family

The Stermer Family

The Germans invaded Ukraine in 1941, and they began to order Jews to the ghettos. Esther Stermer, the matriarch of her family, refused to bring her family into the ghettos. The Stermers lived in Korolowka when the Nazis arrived in fall of 1942. The Gestapo began to force the Jews of the city into trucks to transport them to the concentration camps. Over the next few weeks, the Germans found the remaining Jews left in the city and forced them to dig their graves before killing them.

The Stermers and five families fled the town in the middle of the night and found shelter in a cave. For a year and a half, the families lived underground, hiding from the Germans. In all, thirty-eight people were living in the cave. They stayed hidden during the day, and they would come out at night for food and supplies. Eventually, the Germans found the cave in which they were hiding.

When the Germans found the cave, Esther confronted the soldiers. She reportedly said, “What are you afraid of here? The Fuhrer is going to lose the war because we live here?” The German SS soldiers left the cave and never came back. When the Russians liberated Ukraine in 1944, the families were able to come out of hiding.

The Stermers and the five other families successfully remained in hiding for eighteen months, the longest underground survival event in history. After the war, Esther Stermer wrote a memoir of their experiences called We Fight to Survive.

Photos: The Stermer Family

Bottom: The cave they hid in

Ilha da Queimada Grande


Have a look at Ilha da Queimada Grande. Located in the Atlantic off the coast of Brazil. Looks like a normal island, right? Until I say something.

This island has snakes (it is also called “Snake Island”). And, I mean a lot of snakes; one snake to every metre square. It’s like walking 3 feet and discovering another snake.

What makes it more intimidating is this creature:

The Golden lancehead viper.

The Golden lancehead viper. They are found nowhere else on Earth but here. It is estimated that there are 2,000 to 4,000 of them. Its venom is so strong that human skin can melt when it comes in contact with it.

There is a lighthouse in the island and it is believed that a family used to control it. But, one day the snake entered through open window and the family were bitten to death. Terrifying story just to think of.

Humans are barred to go into the island which is absolutely relevant and valid. I believe we shouldn’t be trying to intrude into the island and disturb their ecosystem. They’re there as they are and so it should be.

Harsh life truth


Growing old

The  social worker in charge of my mother’s case told us we had to either place my mother in a locked memory care facility, or she would be involuntarily committed to the state mental hospital.

Mom had tried to run over two police officers with her car and had violently resisted arrest.

She was a danger to herself and to others.

This is Mom during her modeling days.


It all started with a call from a neighbor in the small mountain town where Mom had lived for almost 25 years. Mom’s beautiful home and garden, which had been a feature on the local garden club’s spring tour for years, had become neglected and cluttered in the space of a few months. I live about 4 hours drive from where Mom lived. I visited with my husband and kids or on my own every few months. My mother had always been eccentric. So, when she started behaving in a way that would have been strange for other people, we just thought it was standard Mom eccentric behavior.

I always thought that dementia presented as forgetfulness and confusion. But my mother had a form of dementia called frontotemporal dementia (FTD), that presents with personality changes rather than memory problems. By the time someone with FTD becomes forgetful, the disease has progressed to phase 2. FTD starts much younger than Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia. Basically, what happens is that the frontal lobe of the brain, which acts kind of like the adult voice in our brain, starts to atrophy. The frontal lobe also plays an important role in creating our personality. The stuff that makes you you in your brain, is destroyed by FTD.

It is difficult to diagnose because it can manifest as early as the forties. Most doctors start considering dementia as a diagnosis only in people over 65, and only look for Alzheimer’s symptoms. People with FTD can look like someone going through a mid-life crisis.

The behaviors FTD produces are so dangerous and often violent, many don’t survive the first phase. If my mother had been anyone but an attractive upper middle class older white woman, I do not know if she would have survived her violent encounter with the cops, or any of the other dangerous situations her FTD created.

After the neighbors called to let me know what was happening, I visited and immediately realized something was wrong. Mom agreed to move close to us. We found her a house nearby, and I somehow convinced her to give me financial power of attorney so I could take care of the real estate transactions. My mother was a widow and I’m an only child. Other than me, her only family is her brother in Kansas.

It took many trips to the emergency room after she moved to her house near us before a doctor finally recommended we see a neuropsychiatrist. Mom had a CT Scan after a fall that showed significant atrophy of the frontal lobe. By the time we finally got a diagnosis about a year after she moved, Mom was in the advanced phase of FTD. The doctor who diagnosed her told us the following:

  • Someone with the level of FTD my mother had was incapable of making adult decisions.
  • telling her about her diagnosis would be counter productive. Her memory was still intact, so she would remember the diagnosis and be upset and confused by it.
  • She needed daily care, which would quickly turn into 24/7 care. At that point, I would not consider memory care or assisted living. But the doctor said that was coming, and coming fast.
  • as bad as things were at that moment, they were about to get a million times worse.

My beautiful mother who had been a renowned hostess and fundraiser for charity, had turned into a kleptomaniac who cursed like a sailor and had a thing for handsome Black guys in their twenties. I cannot imagine how awful it must have been for these young guys who are just doing their jobs or walking down the street to be sexually harassed by someone’s grandma. She was violent, mean, profane, and inappropriate on every level.

I want to note here that even as our country and society seems to be devolving into nastiness, everyone we encountered while Mom was in her FTD crazy town phase as I called it, was wonderful. The cashiers at Walmart who understood when I brought back plants she had stolen. The young man who worked in hospital billing who was just trying to do his job while Mom hit on him, was kind and understanding. The sales lady who did not make a fuss when I returned the $200 cashmere scarf Mom had stolen. The cops who picked her up wandering the country roads in our town. The staff and customers in the coffee shop where Mom let loose a string of profanity at me in front of my kids and other families that would make a gangster rapper blush, were so kind when I explained about FTD.

Even the young police officer who cried on my shoulder about how hard he tried not to hurt her while she attacked him, was wonderful. He was covered with bruises and scratches and my mother did not have a scratch on her. He and his partner had pulled over Mom for driving erratically. She tried to run them over with her car when they asked her to get out. Then when she finally got out, she fought them hard, biting and scratching and kicking.

After the trying to kill the cops incident, the social workers at UNC told us it was 2 weeks of memory care or the state hospital. She was in the UNC psychiatric ER for 72 hours on an involuntary hold and released to memory care. I still didn’t want to take her out of her home after her mandated two weeks in memory care were over. I know. Who’s the crazy one here? So, we hired 24/7 nurses. Mom was so violent and aggressive and sexual, I could not have her living with us and our young children. The nurses lasted a couple of months. But Mom was violent with them and snuck out while they were sleeping multiple times.

Finally, here is the answer to the question about how I made my decision to send Mom to a facility:

  • the social worker at UNC kept following up and telling me she needed locked memory care.
  • the social worker assigned to us in Chatham county where her house was told us Mom needed locked memory care.
  • the 911 dispatcher called me after our fourth wandering pickup and said we needed locked memory care.
  • the cops who dropped her off after she had been wandering told us she needed locked memory care.
  • I started seeing a therapist at the recommendation of Mom’s neuropsychiatrist. She told me Mom would not be safe without memory care. She also told me that I needed to prioritize the health and safety of my children and myself. Mom was taking all my energy, emotional bandwidth and time.

Honestly, it was not until the therapist told me how this was hurting my children that things finally clicked for me. Mom’s care took so much out of me. I was a mess and unable to parent well. Looking back, I wish I had placed her in memory care once we had the diagnosis. But I don’t know how I could have done it. She would have acted out violently if I tried. And I still wanted to keep her in her home. Mom was fiercely independent and always needed a lot of alone quiet time. Being in a group facility would have been her worst nightmare before the FTD hijacked her brain. By the time she got there, I’m not sure she understood where she was or why.

After 18 months in a lovely memory care facility that cost $9,400/month, Mom passed this April. I try to remember the beautiful eccentric brilliant person who raised me. FTD took her away years before she died.

I don’t have any advice beyond remembering that you have to value your kids and your family and yourself as much as you value your loved one who needs care beyond what can be provided at home. Safety is the first priority for everyone. I hope she would approve of the decisions I made. None of it easy. None of it.

Some views of America





Full text: China’s white paper on Taiwan and reunification
By Xinhua

BEIJING – The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council and the State Council Information Office of the People’s Republic of China published a white paper titled “The Taiwan Question and China’s Reunification in the New Era” on Wednesday.

The following is the full text of the white paper:

The Taiwan Question and China’s Reunification in the New Era

The People’s Republic of China

The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council and The State Council Information Office

August 2022



I. Taiwan Is Part of China - This Is an Indisputable Fact

II. Resolute Efforts of the CPC to Realize China's Complete Reunification

III. China's Complete Reunification Is a Process That Cannot Be Halted

IV. National Reunification in the New Era

V. Bright Prospects for Peaceful Reunification



Resolving the Taiwan question and realizing China’s complete reunification is a shared aspiration of all the sons and daughters of the Chinese nation. It is indispensable for the realization of China’s rejuvenation. It is also a historic mission of the Communist Party of China (CPC). The CPC, the Chinese government, and the Chinese people have striven for decades to achieve this goal.

The 18th National Congress of the CPC in 2012 heralded a new era in building socialism with Chinese characteristics. Under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Xi Jinping at the core, the CPC and the Chinese government have adopted new and innovative measures in relation to Taiwan. They have continued to chart the course of cross-Straits relations, safeguard peace and stability across the Taiwan Straits, and promote progress towards national reunification. However, in recent years the Taiwan authorities, led by the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), have redoubled their efforts to divide the country, and some external forces have tried to exploit Taiwan to contain China, prevent the Chinese nation from achieving complete reunification, and halt the process of national rejuvenation.

The CPC has united the Chinese people and led them in fulfilling the First Centenary Goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects as scheduled, and in embarking on a new journey towards the Second Centenary Goal of building China into a modern socialist country.

The Chinese nation has achieved a historic transformation from standing upright to becoming prosperous and growing in strength, and national rejuvenation is driven by an unstoppable force. This marks a new starting point for reunification.

The Chinese government has published two previous white papers on Taiwan. One was The Taiwan Question and Reunification of China in August 1993, and the other was The One-China Principle and the Taiwan Issue in February 2000. These two white papers provided a comprehensive and systematic elaboration of the basic principles and policies regarding the resolution of the Taiwan question. This new white paper is being released to reiterate the fact that Taiwan is part of China, to demonstrate the resolve of the CPC and the Chinese people and their commitment to national reunification, and to emphasize the position and policies of the CPC and the Chinese government in the new era.

I. Taiwan Is Part of China – This Is an Indisputable Fact

Taiwan has belonged to China since ancient times. This statement has a sound basis in history and jurisprudence. New archeological discoveries and research findings regularly attest to the profound historical and cultural ties between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits. A large number of historical records and annals document the development of Taiwan by the Chinese people in earlier periods.

The earliest references to this effect are to be found, among others, in Seaboard Geographic Gazetteer compiled in the year 230 by Shen Ying of the State of Wu during the Three Kingdoms Period. The royal court of the Sui Dynasty had on three occasions sent troops to Taiwan, called Liuqiu at that time. Starting from the Song and Yuan dynasties, the imperial central governments of China all set up administrative bodies to exercise jurisdiction over Penghu and Taiwan.

In 1624, Dutch colonialists invaded and occupied the southern part of Taiwan. In 1662, General Zheng Chenggong, hailed as a national hero, led an expedition and expelled them from the island. Subsequently, the Qing court gradually set up more administrative bodies in Taiwan. In 1684, a Taiwan prefecture administration was set up under the jurisdiction of Fujian Province. In 1885, Taiwan’s status was upgraded and it became the 20th province of China.

In July 1894, Japan launched a war of aggression against China. In April 1895, the defeated Qing government was forced to cede Taiwan and the Penghu Islands to Japan. During the Chinese People’s War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression (1931-1945), China’s Communists called for the recovery of Taiwan. Talking with American journalist Nym Wales on May 15, 1937, Mao Zedong said that China’s goal was to achieve a final victory in the war – a victory that would recover the occupied Chinese territories in Northeast China and to the south of the Shanhai Pass, and secure the liberation of Taiwan.

On December 9, 1941, the Chinese government issued a declaration of war against Japan, and proclaimed that all treaties, conventions, agreements, and contracts regarding relations between China and Japan had been abrogated, and that China would recover Taiwan and the Penghu Islands.

The Cairo Declaration issued by China, the United States and the United Kingdom on December 1, 1943 stated that it was the purpose of the three allies that all the territories Japan had stolen from China, such as Northeast China, Taiwan and the Penghu Islands, should be restored to China.

The Potsdam Proclamation was signed by China, the United States and the United Kingdom on July 26, 1945, and subsequently recognized by the Soviet Union. It reiterated: “The terms of the Cairo Declaration shall be carried out.” In September of the same year, Japan signed the instrument of surrender, in which it promised that it would faithfully fulfill the obligations laid down in the Potsdam Proclamation. On October 25 the Chinese government announced that it was resuming the exercise of sovereignty over Taiwan, and the ceremony to accept Japan’s surrender in Taiwan Province of the China war theater of the Allied powers was held in Taibei (Taipei). From that point forward, China had recovered Taiwan de jure and de facto through a host of documents with international legal effect.

On October 1, 1949, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) was founded, becoming the successor to the Republic of China (1912-1949), and the Central People’s Government became the only legitimate government of the whole of China. The new government replaced the previous KMT regime in a situation where China, as a subject under international law, did not change and China’s sovereignty and inherent territory did not change. As a natural result, the government of the PRC should enjoy and exercise China’s full sovereignty, which includes its sovereignty over Taiwan.

As a result of the civil war in China in the late 1940s and the interference of external forces, the two sides of the Taiwan Straits have fallen into a state of protracted political confrontation. But the sovereignty and territory of China have never been divided and will never be divided, and Taiwan’s status as part of China’s territory has never changed and will never be allowed to change.

At its 26th session in October 1971, the United Nations General Assembly adopted Resolution 2758, which undertook “to restore all its rights to the People’s Republic of China and to recognize the representatives of its Government as the only legitimate representatives of China to the United Nations, and to expel forthwith the representatives of Chiang Kai-shek from the place which they unlawfully occupy at the United Nations and in all the organizations related to it”. This resolution settled once and for all the political, legal and procedural issues of China’s representation in the UN, and it covered the whole country, including Taiwan. It also spelled out that China has one single seat in the UN, so there is no such thing as “two Chinas” or “one China, one Taiwan”.

The specialized agencies of the UN later adopted further resolutions restoring to the PRC its lawful seat and expelling the representatives of the Taiwan authorities. One of these is Resolution 25.1 adopted at the 25th World Health Assembly in May 1972. It was clearly stated in the official legal opinions of the Office of Legal Affairs of the UN Secretariat that “the United Nations considers ‘Taiwan’ as a province of China with no separate status”, and the “‘authorities’ in ‘Taipei’ are not considered to… enjoy any form of government status”. At the UN the island is referred to as “Taiwan, Province of China”[1].

Resolution 2758 is a political document encapsulating the one-China principle whose legal authority leaves no room for doubt and has been acknowledged worldwide. Taiwan does not have any ground, reason, or right to join the UN, or any other international organization whose membership is confined to sovereign states.

In recent years some elements in a small number of countries, the US foremost among them, have colluded with forces in Taiwan, to falsely claim that the resolution did not conclusively resolve the issue of Taiwan’s representation. Puffing up the illegal and invalid Treaty of San Francisco[2] and disregarding the Cairo Declaration, the Potsdam Proclamation and other international legal documents, they profess that the status of Taiwan has yet to be determined, and declare their support for “Taiwan’s meaningful participation in the UN system”. What they are actually attempting to do is to alter Taiwan’s status as part of China and create “two Chinas” or “one China, one Taiwan” as part of a political ploy – using Taiwan to contain China. These actions in violation of Resolution 2758 and international law are a serious breach of political commitments made by these countries. They damage China’s sovereignty and dignity, and treat the basic principles of international law with contempt. The Chinese government has condemned and expressed its resolute opposition to them.

The one-China principle represents the universal consensus of the international community; it is consistent with the basic norms of international relations. To date, 181 countries including the United States have established diplomatic relations with the PRC on the basis of the one-China principle. The China-US Joint Communique on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations, published in December 1978, states: “The Government of the United States of America acknowledges the Chinese position that there is but one China and Taiwan is part of China.” It also states: “The United States of America recognizes the Government of the People’s Republic of China as the sole legal Government of China. Within this context, the people of the United States will maintain cultural, commercial, and other unofficial relations with the people of Taiwan.”

The Constitution of the People’s Republic of China, adopted at the Fifth Session of the Fifth National People’s Congress (NPC) in December 1982, stipulates: “Taiwan is part of the sacred territory of the People’s Republic of China. It is the inviolable duty of all Chinese people, including our compatriots in Taiwan, to accomplish the great task of reunifying the motherland.”

The Anti-Secession Law, adopted at the Third Session of the 10th NPC in March 2005, stipulates: “There is only one China in the world. Both the mainland and Taiwan belong to one China. China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity brook no division. Safeguarding China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity is the common obligation of all Chinese people, the Taiwan compatriots included. Taiwan is part of China. The state shall never allow the ‘Taiwan independence’ secessionist forces to make Taiwan secede from China under any name or by any means.”

The National Security Law, adopted at the 15th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 12th NPC in July 2015, stipulates: “The sovereignty and territorial integrity of China brook no violation or separation. Safeguarding national sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity is the common duty of all Chinese citizens, including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan compatriots.”

We are one China, and Taiwan is part of China. This is an indisputable fact supported by history and the law. Taiwan has never been a state; its status as part of China is unalterable. Any attempt to distort these facts and dispute or deny the one-China principle will end in failure.

II. Resolute Efforts of the CPC to Realize China’s Complete Reunification

The CPC has always been dedicated to working for the wellbeing of the Chinese people and the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Soon after its founding in 1921, the CPC set itself the goal of freeing Taiwan from colonial rule, reuniting it with the rest of the country and liberating the whole nation, including compatriots in Taiwan. It has made a tremendous effort to achieve this goal.

The CPC is committed to the historic mission of resolving the Taiwan question and realizing China’s complete reunification. Under its resolute leadership, people on both sides of the Taiwan Straits have worked together to de-escalate tension across the Straits. They have set out on a path of peaceful development and made many breakthroughs in improving cross-Straits relations.

After the founding of the PRC in 1949, China’s Communists, under the leadership of Mao Zedong, proposed the essential guideline, underlying principle, and basic policy for peaceful settlement of the Taiwan question. The CPC prepared and worked for the liberation of Taiwan, thwarted the Taiwan authorities’ plans to attack the mainland, and foiled attempts to create “two Chinas” and “one China, one Taiwan”. Through their efforts, the lawful seat and rights of the PRC in the United Nations were restored and the one-China principle was subscribed to by the majority of countries, laying important groundwork for peaceful reunification. The CPC central leadership established high-level contact with the Taiwan authorities through proper channels in pursuit of a peaceful solution to the Taiwan question.

Following the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee in 1978, with the establishment of diplomatic relations between the PRC and the United States, China’s Communists, led by Deng Xiaoping, defined the fundamental guideline for peaceful reunification in the vital interests of the country and the people and on the basis of the consensus for peaceful settlement of the Taiwan question. The CPC introduced the creative and well-conceived concept of One Country, Two Systems, and applied it first in resolving the questions of Hong Kong and Macao. It took action to ease military confrontation across the Taiwan Straits, restore contact, and open up people-to-people exchanges and cooperation, opening a new chapter in cross-Straits relations.

After the Fourth Plenary Session of the 13th CPC Central Committee in 1989, China’s Communists, led by Jiang Zemin, made eight proposals for the development of cross-Straits relations and the peaceful reunification of China[3]. The CPC facilitated agreement across the Straits on the 1992 Consensus, which embodies the one-China principle. It initiated cross-Straits consultations and negotiations, resulting in the first talks between heads of the non-governmental organizations authorized by the two sides of the Straits, and expanded cross-Straits exchanges and cooperation in various fields. The CPC took firm action against separatist activities led by Lee Teng-hui, and struck hard at the separatist forces seeking “Taiwan independence”. It ensured the smooth return of Hong Kong and Macao to China, and applied the policy of One Country, Two Systems, which had a constructive impact on the settlement of the Taiwan question.

After the 16th CPC National Congress in 2002, China’s Communists, led by Hu Jintao, highlighted the importance of peaceful development of cross-Straits relations. The CPC pushed for the enactment of the Anti-Secession Law to curb separatist activities in Taiwan, hosted the first talks between the leaders of the CPC and the Kuomintang in six decades since 1945, and defeated attempts by Chen Shui-bian to fabricate a legal basis for “independence”. The CPC effected profound changes in moving the peaceful development of cross-Straits relations forward by promoting institutionalized consultations and negotiations that produced fruitful results, establishing overall direct two-way links in mail, business and transport, and facilitating the signing and implementation of the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement.

After the 18th CPC National Congress in 2012, China’s Communists, under the leadership of Xi Jinping, took a holistic approach to cross-Straits relations in keeping with changing circumstances, added substance to the theory on national reunification and the principles and policies concerning Taiwan, and worked to keep cross-Straits relations on the right track. The CPC developed its overall policy for resolving the Taiwan question in the new era, and set out the overarching guideline and a program of action.

At its 19th National Congress in October 2017, the CPC affirmed the basic policy of upholding One Country, Two Systems and promoting national reunification, and emphasized its resolve never to allow any person, any organization, or any political party, at any time or in any form, to separate any part of Chinese territory from China.

In January 2019, Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee and president of China, addressed a meeting marking the 40th anniversary of the release of the Message to Compatriots in Taiwan. In his speech, Xi Jinping proposed major policies to advance the peaceful development of cross-Straits relations and the peaceful reunification of China in the new era. These are: first, working together to promote China’s rejuvenation and its peaceful reunification; second, seeking a Two Systems solution to the Taiwan question and making innovative efforts towards peaceful reunification; third, abiding by the one-China principle and safeguarding the prospects for peaceful reunification; fourth, further integrating development across the Straits and consolidating the foundations for peaceful reunification; fifth, forging closer bonds of heart and mind between people on both sides of the Straits and strengthening joint commitment to peaceful reunification.

The CPC and the Chinese government have thereby adopted a series of major measures for charting the course of cross-Straits relations and realizing China’s peaceful reunification:

– The CPC and the Chinese government have facilitated the first meeting and direct dialogue between leaders of the two sides since 1949, raising exchanges and interactions to new heights, opening up a new chapter, and creating new space for cross-Straits relations. This is a new milestone. The departments in charge of cross-Straits affairs on both sides have established regular contact and communication mechanisms on a common political foundation, and the heads of the two departments have exchanged visits and set up hotlines.

– Upholding the one-China principle and the 1992 Consensus, the CPC and the Chinese government have facilitated exchanges between political parties across the Straits, and conducted dialogues, consultations, and in-depth exchanges of views on cross-Straits relations and the future of the Chinese nation with relevant political parties, organizations, and individuals in Taiwan. These efforts have resulted in consensus on multiple issues, and promoted a number of joint initiatives exploring the Two Systems solution to the Taiwan question with all sectors of Taiwan society.

– Guided by the conviction that people on both sides of the Taiwan Straits are of the same family, the CPC and the Chinese government have promoted peaceful development of cross-Straits relations and integrated development of the two sides for the benefit of both the mainland and Taiwan. We have also refined the institutional arrangements, policies and measures to promote cross-Straits exchanges and cooperation, designed to advance the wellbeing of the people of Taiwan. These include the delivery of water from the coastal province of Fujian to Kinmen Island, electronic travel passes for Taiwan residents to enter or leave the mainland, residence permits for Taiwan residents, progressively ensuring that Taiwan compatriots have equal access to public services so as to facilitate their studying, starting businesses, working and living on the mainland, and an ongoing effort to pave the way for Taiwan to benefit first from the mainland’s development opportunities.

– While countering interference and obstruction from separatist forces, the CPC and the Chinese government have called on the people of Taiwan to promote effective and in-depth cooperation and people-to-people exchanges in various fields across the Straits. Having overcome the impact of COVID-19, we have held a number of exchange events such as the Straits Forum, and maintained the momentum of cross-Straits exchanges and cooperation.

– Resolute in defending state sovereignty and territorial integrity and opposing separatist activities and external interference, the CPC and the Chinese government have safeguarded peace and stability in the Taiwan Straits and the fundamental interests of the Chinese nation. We have taken lawful action against and effectively deterred separatist forces. We have handled Taiwan’s external exchanges in a sound manner, and consolidated the international community’s commitment to the one-China principle.

Under the guidance of the CPC, great progress has been made in cross-Straits relations over the past seven decades, especially since the estrangement between the two sides was ended. Increased exchanges, broader cooperation and closer interactions have brought tangible benefits to people across the Straits, especially of Taiwan. This fully demonstrates that cross-Straits amity and cooperation are mutually beneficial.

The volume of cross-Straits trade was only US$46 million in 1978. It rose to US$328.34 billion in 2021, up by a factor of more than 7,000. The mainland has been Taiwan’s largest export market for the last 21 years, generating a large annual surplus for the island. The mainland is also the largest destination for Taiwan’s off-island investment. By the end of 2021 Taiwan businesses had invested in almost 124,000 projects on the mainland, to a total value of US$71.34 billion[4].

In 1987 less than 50,000 visits were made between the two sides; by 2019 this number had soared to about 9 million. In the past three years, affected by COVID-19, online communication has become the main form of people-to-people interactions across the Straits, and the numbers of people participating in and covered by online communication are reaching new highs.

The CPC has always been the spine of the Chinese nation, exercising strong leadership in realizing national rejuvenation and reunification. Its consistent efforts over the decades to resolve the Taiwan question and achieve complete national reunification are based on the following:

First, the one-China principle must be upheld, and no individual or force should be allowed to separate Taiwan from China.

Second, it is imperative to strive for the wellbeing of all Chinese people, including those in Taiwan, and to realize the aspirations of all Chinese people for a better life.

Third, we must follow the principles of freeing the mind, seeking truth from facts, maintaining the right political orientation, and breaking new ground, and defend the fundamental interests of the nation and the core interests of the state in formulating principles and policies on work related to Taiwan.

Fourth, it is necessary to have the courage and skill to fight against any force that attempts to undermine China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity or stands in the way of its reunification.

Fifth, extensive unity and solidarity must be upheld to mobilize all factors to fight against any force that would divide the country, and pool strengths to advance national reunification.

III. China’s Complete Reunification Is a Process That Cannot Be Halted

Against a backdrop of profound and complex changes in the domestic and international situation, our cause of complete national reunification is facing new challenges. The CPC and the Chinese government have the strength and the confidence to deal with complexities and overcome risks and threats, and the ability to take great strides forward on the path to national reunification.

1. Complete Reunification Is Critical to National Rejuvenation

Throughout China’s 5,000-year history, national reunification and opposition to division have remained a common ideal and a shared tradition of the whole nation. In the modern era from the mid-19th century, due to the aggression of Western powers and the decadence of feudal rule, China was gradually reduced to a semi-feudal, semi-colonial society, and went through a period of suffering worse than anything it had previously known. The country endured intense humiliation, the people were subjected to great pain, and the Chinese civilization was plunged into darkness. Japan’s 50-year occupation of Taiwan epitomized this humiliation and inflicted agony on both sides of the Taiwan Straits. Our two sides face each other just across a strip of water, yet we are still far apart. The fact that we have not yet been reunified is a scar left by history on the Chinese nation. We Chinese on both sides should work together to achieve reunification and heal this wound.

National rejuvenation has been the greatest dream of the Chinese people and the Chinese nation since the modern era began. Only by realizing complete national reunification can the Chinese people on both sides of the Straits cast aside the shadow of civil war and create and enjoy lasting peace. National reunification is the only way to avoid the risk of Taiwan being invaded and occupied again by foreign countries, to foil the attempts of external forces to contain China, and to safeguard the sovereignty, security, and development interests of our country. It is the most effective remedy to secessionist attempts to divide our country, and the best means to consolidate Taiwan’s status as part of China and advance national rejuvenation. It will enable us to pool the strengths of the people on both sides, build our common home, safeguard our interests and wellbeing, and create a brighter future for the Chinese people and the Chinese nation. As Dr Sun Yat-sen, the great pioneer of China’s revolution, once said, “Unification is the hope of all Chinese nationals. If China can be unified, all Chinese will enjoy a happy life; if it cannot, all will suffer.”

In exploring the path to rejuvenation and prosperity, China has endured vicissitudes and hardships. “Unification brings strength while division leads to chaos.” This is a law of history. The realization of complete national reunification is driven by the history and culture of the Chinese nation and determined by the momentum towards and circumstances surrounding our national rejuvenation. Never before have we been so close to, confident in, and capable of achieving the goal of national rejuvenation. The same is true when it comes to our goal of complete national reunification. The Taiwan question arose as a result of weakness and chaos in our nation, and it will be resolved as national rejuvenation becomes a reality. When all the Chinese people stick together and work together, we will surely succeed in realizing national reunification on our way to national rejuvenation.

2. National Development and Progress Set the Direction of Cross-Straits Relations

China’s development and progress are a key factor determining the course of cross-Straits relations and the realization of complete national reunification. In particular, the great achievements over four decades of reform, opening up and modernization have had a profound impact on the historical process of resolving the Taiwan question and realizing complete national reunification. No matter which political party or group is in power in Taiwan, it cannot alter the course of progress in cross-Straits relations or the trend towards national reunification.

International Monetary Fund statistics show that in 1980 the GDP of the mainland was about US$303 billion, just over 7 times that of Taiwan, which was about US$42.3 billion; in 2021, the GDP of the mainland was about US$17.46 trillion, more than 22 times that of Taiwan, which was about US$790 billion.[5]

China’s development and progress, and in particular the steady increases in its economic power, technological strength, and national defense capabilities, are an effective curb against separatist activities and interference from external forces. They also provide broad space and great opportunities for cross-Straits exchanges and cooperation. As more and more compatriots from Taiwan, especially young people, pursue their studies, start businesses, seek jobs, or go to live on the mainland, cross-Straits exchanges, interaction and integration are intensified in all sectors, the economic ties and personal bonds between the people on both sides run deeper, and our common cultural and national identities grow stronger, leading cross-Straits relations towards reunification.

The CPC has united the Chinese people and led them in embarking on the new journey of building China into a modern socialist country in all respects. Following the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the mainland has improved its governance and maintained long-term economic growth; it enjoys a solid material foundation, a wealth of human resources, a huge market, strong resilience in development, and social stability. It therefore has many strengths and favorable conditions for further development, and these have become the driving force for reunification.

Grounding its effort in the new development stage, the mainland is committed to applying the new development philosophy, creating a new development dynamic, and promoting high-quality development. As a result, the overall strength and international influence of the mainland will continue to increase, and its influence over and appeal to Taiwan society will keep growing. We will have a more solid foundation for resolving the Taiwan question and greater ability to do so. This will give a significant boost to national reunification.

3. Any Attempt by Separatist Forces to Prevent Reunification Is Bound to Fail

Taiwan has been an integral part of China’s territory since ancient times. Moves to separate Taiwan from China represent the serious crime of secession, and undermine the common interests of compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Straits and the fundamental interests of the Chinese nation. They will lead nowhere.

The DPP authorities have adopted a separatist stance, and colluded with external forces in successive provocative actions designed to divide the country. They refuse to recognize the one-China principle, and distort and deny the 1992 Consensus. They assert that Taiwan and the mainland should not be subordinate to each other, and proclaim a new “two states” theory. On the island, they constantly press for “de-sinicization” and promote “incremental independence”. They incite radical separatists in and outside the DPP to lobby for amendments to their “constitution” and “laws”. They deceive the people of Taiwan, incite hostility against the mainland, and obstruct and undermine cross-Straits exchanges, cooperation and integrated development. They have steadily built up their military forces with the intention of pursuing “independence” and preventing reunification by force. They join with external forces in trying to sow the seeds of “two Chinas” or “one China, one Taiwan”. The actions of the DPP authorities have resulted in tension in cross-Straits relations, endangering peace and stability in the Taiwan Straits, and undermining the prospects and restricting the space for peaceful reunification. These are obstacles that must be removed in advancing the process of peaceful reunification.

Taiwan belongs to all the Chinese people, including the 23 million Taiwan compatriots. The Chinese people are firm in their resolve and have a deep commitment to safeguarding China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, and the fundamental interests of the Chinese nation, and this resolve and commitment will frustrate any attempt to divide the country. When Taiwan was invaded by a foreign power more than 100 years ago, China was a poor and weak country. More than 70 years ago, China defeated the invaders and recovered Taiwan. Today, China has grown into the world’s second largest economy. With significant growth in its political, economic, cultural, technological, and military strength, there is no likelihood that China will allow Taiwan to be separated again. Attempts to reject reunification and split the country are doomed, because they will founder against the history and culture of the Chinese nation as well as the resolve and commitment of more than 1.4 billion Chinese people.

4. External Forces Obstructing China’s Complete Reunification Will Surely Be Defeated

External interference is a prominent obstacle to China’s reunification. Still lost in delusions of hegemony and trapped in a Cold War mindset, some forces in the US insist on perceiving and portraying China as a major strategic adversary and a serious long-term threat. They do their utmost to undermine and pressurize China, exploiting Taiwan as a convenient tool. The US authorities have stated that they remain committed to the one-China policy and that they do not support “Taiwan independence”. But their actions contradict their words. They are clouding the one-China principle in uncertainty and compromising its integrity. They are contriving “official” exchanges with Taiwan, increasing arms sales, and colluding in military provocation. To help Taiwan expand its “international space”, they are inducing other countries to interfere in Taiwan affairs, and concocting Taiwan-related bills that infringe upon the sovereignty of China. They are creating confusion around what is black and white, right and wrong. On the one hand, they incite separatist forces to create tension and turmoil in cross-Straits relations. On the other hand, they accuse the mainland of coercion, pressurizing Taiwan, and unilaterally changing the status quo, in order to embolden these forces and create obstacles to China’s peaceful reunification.

The important principles of respecting state sovereignty and territorial integrity as enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations are the cornerstones of modern international law and basic norms of international relations. It is the sacred right of every sovereign state to safeguard national unity and territorial integrity. It goes without saying that the Chinese government is entitled to take all measures necessary to settle the Taiwan question and achieve national reunification, free of external interference.

Behind the smokescreens of “freedom, democracy, and human rights” and “upholding the rules-based international order”, some anti-China forces in the US deliberately distort the nature of the Taiwan question – which is purely an internal matter for China – and try to deny the legitimacy and justification of the Chinese government in safeguarding national sovereignty and territorial integrity. This clearly reveals their intention of using Taiwan to contain China and obstruct China’s reunification, which should be thoroughly exposed and condemned.

These external forces are using Taiwan as a pawn to undermine China’s development and progress, and obstruct the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. They are doing so at the cost of the interests, wellbeing and future of the people of Taiwan rather than for their benefit. They have encouraged and instigated provocative actions by the separatist forces; these have intensified cross-Straits tension and confrontation, and undermined peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region. This runs counter to the underlying global trends of peace, development and win-win cooperation, and goes against the wishes of the international community and the aspiration of all peoples.

Shortly after the PRC was founded, even though the country itself had to be rebuilt on the ruins of decades of war, China and its people won a resounding victory in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea (1950-1953). We defeated a powerful and well-armed enemy through gallantry and tenacity. In doing so, we safeguarded the security of the newly founded People’s Republic, reestablished the status of China as a major country in the world, and demonstrated our heroic spirit, our lack of fear, and our will to stand up against the abuse of the powerful.

China is firmly committed to peaceful development. At the same time, it will not flinch under any external interference, nor will it tolerate any infringement upon its sovereignty, security and development interests. Relying on external forces will achieve nothing for Taiwan’s separatists, and using Taiwan to contain China is doomed to fail.

Tranquility, development and a decent life are the expectations of our Taiwan compatriots, and the common aspiration of those on both sides of the Taiwan Straits. Under the strong leadership of the CPC, the Chinese people and the Chinese nation have stood upright, won prosperity, and grown in strength. A moderately prosperous society in all respects has been built on the mainland, where a large population once lived in dire poverty. We now have better conditions, more confidence, and greater capabilities. We can complete the historic mission of national reunification, so that both sides of the Straits can enjoy a better life. The wheel of history rolls on towards national reunification, and it will not be stopped by any individual or any force.

IV. National Reunification in the New Era

Taking into consideration the overall goal of national rejuvenation in the context of global change on a scale unseen in a century, the CPC and the Chinese government have continued to follow the CPC’s fundamental guidelines on the Taiwan question and implement its principles and policies towards Taiwan, and have made concrete efforts to promote peaceful cross-Straits relations, integrate the development of the two sides, and work towards national reunification.

1. Upholding the Basic Principles of Peaceful Reunification and One Country, Two Systems

National reunification by peaceful means is the first choice of the CPC and the Chinese government in resolving the Taiwan question, as it best serves the interests of the Chinese nation as a whole, including our compatriots in Taiwan, and it works best for the long-term stability and development of China. We have worked hard to overcome hardships and obstacles to peaceful reunification over the past decades, showing that we cherish and safeguard the greater good of the nation, the wellbeing of our compatriots in Taiwan, and peace on both sides.

The One Country, Two Systems principle is an important institutional instrument created by the CPC and the Chinese government to enable peaceful reunification. It represents a great achievement of Chinese socialism. Peaceful reunification and One Country, Two Systems are our basic principles for resolving the Taiwan question and the best approach to realizing national reunification. Embodying the Chinese wisdom – we thrive by embracing each other – they take full account of Taiwan’s realities and are conducive to long-term stability in Taiwan after reunification.

We maintain that after peaceful reunification, Taiwan may continue its current social system and enjoy a high degree of autonomy in accordance with the law. The two social systems will develop side by side for a long time to come. One Country is the precondition and foundation of Two Systems; Two Systems is subordinate to and derives from One Country; and the two are integrated under the one-China principle.

We will continue working with our compatriots in Taiwan to explore a Two Systems solution to the Taiwan question and increase our efforts towards peaceful reunification. In designing the specifics for implementing One Country, Two Systems, we will give full consideration to the realities in Taiwan and the views and proposals from all walks of life on both sides, and fully accommodate the interests and sentiments of our compatriots in Taiwan.

Ever since the One Country, Two Systems principle was proposed, certain political forces have been misrepresenting and distorting its objectives. The DPP and the authorities under its leadership have done everything possible to target the principle with baseless criticisms, and this has led to misunderstandings about its aims in some quarters of Taiwan. It is a fact that since Hong Kong and Macao returned to the motherland and were reincorporated into national governance, they have embarked on a broad path of shared development together with the mainland, and each complements the others’ strengths. The practice of One Country, Two Systems has been a resounding success.

For a time, Hong Kong faced a period of damaging social unrest caused by anti-China agitators both inside and outside the region. Based on a clear understanding of the situation there, the CPC and the Chinese government upheld the One Country, Two Systems principle, made some appropriate improvements, and took a series of measures that addressed both the symptoms and root causes of the unrest. Order was restored and prosperity returned to Hong Kong. This has laid a solid foundation for the law-based governance of Hong Kong and Macao and the long-term continuation of One Country, Two Systems.

To realize peaceful reunification, we must acknowledge that the mainland and Taiwan have their own distinct social systems and ideologies. The One Country, Two Systems principle is the most inclusive solution to this problem. It is an approach that is grounded in democratic principles, demonstrates good will, seeks peaceful resolution of the Taiwan question, and delivers mutual benefit. The differences in social system are neither an obstacle to reunification nor a justification for secessionism. We firmly believe that our compatriots in Taiwan will develop a better understanding of the principle, and that the Two Systems solution to the Taiwan question will play its full role while compatriots on both sides work together towards peaceful reunification.

Peaceful reunification can only be achieved through consultation and discussion as equals. The long-standing political differences between the two sides are the fundamental obstacles to the steady improvement of cross-Straits relations, but we should not allow this problem to be passed down from one generation to the next. We can phase in flexible forms of consultation and discussion. We are ready to engage with all parties, groups, or individuals in Taiwan in a broad exchange of views aimed at resolving the political differences between the two sides based on the one-China principle and the 1992 Consensus. Representatives will be recommended by all political parties and all sectors of society on both sides, and they will engage in democratic consultations on peaceful development of cross-Straits relations, integrated development of the two sides, and the peaceful reunification of our country.

2. Promoting Peaceful Cross-Straits Relations and Integrated Development

Peaceful cross-Straits relations and integrated development pave the way for reunification and serve to benefit our people on both sides. Thus, both sides should work together towards this goal. We will extend integrated development, increase exchanges and cooperation, strengthen bonds, and expand common interests in the peaceful development of cross-Straits relations. In this way, we will all identify more closely with the Chinese culture and Chinese nation, and heighten the sense of our shared future. This lays solid foundations for peaceful reunification.

We will explore an innovative approach to integrated development and take the lead in setting up a pilot zone for integrated cross-Straits development in Fujian Province, advancing integration through better connectivity and more preferential policies, and based on mutual trust and understanding. Both sides should continue to promote connectivity in any area where it is beneficial, including trade and economic cooperation, infrastructure, energy and resources, and industrial standards. We should promote cooperation in culture, education, and health care, and the sharing of social security and public resources. We should support neighboring areas or areas with similar conditions on the two sides in providing equal, universal, and accessible public services. We should take active steps to institutionalize cross-Straits economic cooperation and create a common market for the two sides to strengthen the Chinese economy.

We will improve the systems and policies to guarantee the wellbeing of Taiwan compatriots and ensure that they are treated as equals on the mainland, and we will protect their legitimate rights and interests here in accordance with the law. We will support our fellow Chinese and enterprises from Taiwan in participating in the Belt and Road Initiative, major regional development strategies, and the strategy for coordinated regional development. We will help them integrate into the new development dynamic, participate in high-quality development, share in more development opportunities, and benefit from national socio-economic development.

We will expand cross-Straits exchanges and cooperation in various fields and overcome any obstacles and obstruction. We will encourage our people on both sides to pass on the best of traditional Chinese culture and ensure that it grows in new and creative ways. We will strengthen communication among the general public and the younger generations on both sides, and encourage more fellow Chinese in Taiwan – young people in particular – to pursue studies, start businesses, seek jobs, or live on the mainland. This will help people on both sides to expand mutual understanding, strengthen mutual trust, consolidate a shared sense of identity, and forge closer bonds of heart and mind.

3. Defeating Separatism and External Interference

Separatism will plunge Taiwan into the abyss and bring nothing but disaster to the island. To protect the interests of the Chinese nation as a whole, including our compatriots in Taiwan, we must resolutely oppose it and work for peaceful reunification. We are ready to create vast space for peaceful reunification; but we will leave no room for separatist activities in any form.

We Chinese will decide our own affairs. The Taiwan question is an internal affair that involves China’s core interests and the Chinese people’s national sentiments, and no external interference will be tolerated. Any attempt to use the Taiwan question as a pretext to interfere in China’s internal affairs or obstruct China’s reunification will meet with the resolute opposition of the Chinese people, including our compatriots in Taiwan. No one should underestimate our resolve, will and ability to defend China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

We will work with the greatest sincerity and exert our utmost efforts to achieve peaceful reunification. But we will not renounce the use of force, and we reserve the option of taking all necessary measures. This is to guard against external interference and all separatist activities. In no way does it target our fellow Chinese in Taiwan. Use of force would be the last resort taken under compelling circumstances. We will only be forced to take drastic measures to respond to the provocation of separatist elements or external forces should they ever cross our red lines.

We will always be ready to respond with the use of force or other necessary means to interference by external forces or radical action by separatist elements. Our ultimate goal is to ensure the prospects of China’s peaceful reunification and advance this process.

Some forces in the US are making every effort to incite groups inside Taiwan to stir up trouble and use Taiwan as a pawn against China. This has jeopardized peace and stability across the Taiwan Straits, obstructed the Chinese government’s efforts towards peaceful reunification, and undermined the healthy and steady development of China-US relations. Left unchecked, it will continue to escalate tension across the Straits, further disrupt China-US relations, and severely damage the interests of the US itself. The US should abide by the one-China principle, deal with Taiwan-related issues in a prudent and proper manner, stand by its previous commitments, and stop supporting Taiwan separatists.

4. Working with Our Fellow Chinese in Taiwan Towards National Reunification and Rejuvenation

National reunification is an essential step towards national rejuvenation. The future of Taiwan lies in China’s reunification, and the wellbeing of the people in Taiwan hinges on the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, an endeavor that bears on the future and destiny of the people on both sides. A united and prosperous China will be a blessing for all Chinese, while a weak and divided China will be a disaster. Only China’s rejuvenation and prosperity can bring lives of plenty and happiness to both sides. But it requires the joint efforts of both sides, as does the complete reunification of the country.

Separatist propaganda and the unresolved political dispute between the two sides have created misconceptions over cross-Straits relations, problems with national identity, and misgivings over national reunification among some fellow Chinese in Taiwan. Blood is thicker than water, and people on both sides of the Straits share the bond of kinship. We have great patience and tolerance and we will create conditions for closer exchanges and communication between the two sides, and to increase our compatriots’ knowledge of the mainland and reduce these misconceptions and misgivings, in order to help them resist the manipulation of separatists.

We will join hands with our fellow Chinese in Taiwan to strive for national reunification and rejuvenation. We hope they will stand on the right side of history, be proud of their Chinese identity, and fully consider the position and role of Taiwan in China’s rejuvenation. We hope they will pursue the greater good of the nation, resolutely oppose separatism and any form of external interference, and make a positive contribution to the just cause of China’s peaceful reunification.

V. Bright Prospects for Peaceful Reunification

Once peaceful reunification is achieved under One Country, Two Systems, it will lay new foundations for China to make further progress and achieve national rejuvenation. At the same time, it will create huge opportunities for social and economic development in Taiwan and bring tangible benefits to the people of Taiwan.

1. Taiwan Will Have a Vast Space for Development

Taiwan boasts a high level of economic growth, industries with distinctive local features, and robust foreign trade. Its economy is highly complementary with that of the mainland. After reunification, the systems and mechanisms for cross-Straits economic cooperation will be further improved. Backed up by the vast mainland market, Taiwan’s economy will enjoy broader prospects, become more competitive, develop steadier and smoother industrial and supply chains, and display greater vitality in innovation-driven growth. Many problems that have long afflicted Taiwan’s economy and its people can be resolved through integrated cross-Straits development with all possible connectivity between the two sides. Taiwan’s fiscal revenues can be better employed to improve living standards, bringing real benefits to the people and resolving their difficulties.

Taiwan’s cultural creativity will also enjoy a great boost. Both sides of the Taiwan Straits share the culture and ethos of the Chinese nation. Nourished by the Chinese civilization, Taiwan’s regional culture will flourish and prosper.

2. The Rights and Interests of the People in Taiwan Will Be Fully Protected

Provided that China’s sovereignty, security and development interests are guaranteed, after reunification Taiwan will enjoy a high degree of autonomy as a special administrative region. Taiwan’s social system and its way of life will be fully respected, and the private property, religious beliefs, and lawful rights and interests of the people in Taiwan will be fully protected. All Taiwan compatriots who support reunification of the country and rejuvenation of the nation will be the masters of the region, contributing to and benefitting from China’s development. With a powerful motherland in support, the people of Taiwan will enjoy greater security and dignity and stand upright and rock-solid in the international community.

3. Both Sides of the Taiwan Straits Will Share the Triumph of National Rejuvenation

The people of Taiwan are brave, diligent and patriotic, and have made unremitting efforts to improve themselves. They revere their ancestry and love their homeland. Working together and applying their talents, people on both sides of the Taiwan Straits will create a promising future. After reunification, we Chinese will bridge gaps and differences caused by long-term separation, share a stronger sense of national identity, and stand together as one. After reunification, we can leverage complementary strengths in pursuit of mutual benefit and common development. After reunification, we can join hands to make the Chinese nation stronger and more prosperous, and stand taller among all the nations of the world.

The people separated by the Taiwan Straits share the same blood and a common destiny. After reunification, China will have greater international influence and appeal, and a stronger ability to shape international public opinion, and the Chinese people will enjoy greater self-esteem, self-confidence and national pride. In Taiwan and on the mainland the people will share the dignity and triumph of a united China and be proud of being Chinese. We will work together to refine and implement the Two Systems solution to the Taiwan question, to improve the institutional arrangements for implementing the One Country, Two Systems policy, and to ensure lasting peace and stability in Taiwan.

4. Peaceful Reunification of China Is Conducive to Peace and Development in the Asia-Pacific and the Wider World

Peaceful cross-Straits reunification is of benefit not only to the Chinese nation, but to all peoples and the international community as a whole. The reunification of China will not harm the legitimate interests of any other country, including any economic interests they might have in Taiwan. On the contrary, it will bring more development opportunities to all countries; it will create more positive momentum for prosperity and stability in the Asia-Pacific and the rest of the world; it will contribute more to building a global community of shared future, promoting world peace and development, and propelling human progress.

After reunification, foreign countries can continue to develop economic and cultural relations with Taiwan. With the approval of the central government of China, they may set up consulates or other official and quasi-official institutions in Taiwan, international organizations and agencies may establish offices, relevant international conventions can be applied, and relevant international conferences can be held there.


Over its 5,000-year history, China has created a splendid culture that has shone throughout the world from past times to present, and has made an enormous contribution to human society. After a century of suffering and hardship, the nation has overcome humiliation, emerged from backwardness, and embraced boundless development opportunities. Now, it is striding towards the goal of national rejuvenation.

Embarking on a new journey in a new era, the CPC and the Chinese government will continue to rally compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Straits, and lead the efforts to answer the call of the times, shoulder historic responsibilities, grasp our fate and our future in our own hands, and work hard to achieve national reunification and rejuvenation.

The journey ahead cannot be all smooth sailing. However, as long as we Chinese on both sides of the Taiwan Straits devote our ingenuity and energy to the same goal, let there be no doubt – we will tolerate no foreign interference in Taiwan, we will thwart any attempt to divide our country, and we will combine as a mighty force for national reunification and rejuvenation. The historic goal of reuniting our motherland must be realized and will be realized.


[1] United Nations Juridical Yearbook 2010, p. 516.

[2] Between September 4 and 8, 1951, the United States gathered a number of countries in San Francisco for what they described as the San Francisco Peace Conference. Neither the PRC nor the Soviet Union received an invitation. The treaty signed at this meeting, commonly known as the Treaty of San Francisco, included an article under which Japan renounced all rights, title and claim to Taiwan and the Penghu Islands. This treaty contravened the provisions of the Declaration by United Nations signed by 26 countries – including the United States, the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union and China – in 1942, the fundamental principles of the UN Charter, and the basic norms of international law. The PRC was excluded from its preparation, drafting and signing, and its rulings on the territory and sovereign rights of China – including the sovereignty over Taiwan – are therefore illegal and invalid. The Chinese government has always refused to recognize the Treaty of San Francisco, and has never from the outset deviated from this stance. Other countries, including the Soviet Union, Poland, Czechoslovakia, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Mongolia, and Vietnam, have also refused to recognize the document’s authority.

[3] In his speech titled “Continue to Promote the Reunification of the Motherland” on January 30, 1995, Jiang Zemin, then general secretary of the CPC Central Committee and president of China, made eight proposals for the development of cross-Straits relations and peaceful national reunification. He emphasized, “Adhering to the one-China principle is the basis and prerequisite for peaceful reunification”, and “in not promising to renounce the use of force, we are in no way targeting our Taiwan compatriots, but rather foreign forces conspiring to interfere in China’s peaceful reunification and bring about Taiwan independence”. (See Selected Works of Jiang Zemin, Vol. I, Eng. ed., Foreign Languages Press, Beijing, 2009, pp. 407-412.)

[4] This figure does not include reinvestment by Taiwan investors through a third place.

[5] From the statistics of the April 2022 edition of the World Economic Outlook databases of the International Monetary Fund.

READ MORE: China releases white paper on Taiwan question, reunification

A fine Rufus


She told the receptionist she had no family or ride home. I was saddened to see some (not all) of the employees lack of concern as to how she would get home.

All of the sudden this AMAZING gentleman who had been waiting with his wife approached the lady and told her he would gladly take her home.

This man not knowing her or having a clue where she lived volunteered his time to care of this lovely woman.

She offered to pay but he kindly declined like any good man would. As he went to get his truck I wheeled her out and put her in the vehicle.

As I watched them drive away my only thoughts were ‘there are still great people in this world’ ‘and ‘We have to care for our elders like this nice man.’

Harsh Life Truth


Barry Kidston

Barry Kidston

Barry Kidston was a 22-year-old chemistry student in Maryland, USA, in 1976, and he had one major interest and life’s passion: making narcotics that he and his buddies could legally consume.

When a new recreational drug is manufactured, it does not become instantly illegal because it has not been classified yet. Even if a new drug produces the identical effects of an existing illegal narcotic, so long as its chemical structure is different, no laws are being broken if produced and sold.

There is, thus, a lag time for people to manufacture and sell “designer drugs” when they are first discovered, and Barry Kidston wanted to climb through that loophole.

Kidston knew about an opiate called desmethylprodine (also called MPPP) which was first discovered in the 1940s but never classed (and therefore not illegal), so he attempted to cook up a batch.

However, he made a mistake in the process and ended up manufacturing a substance we now call MPTP, a drug which is stripped of the anaesthetic properties of MPPP …. and also destroys the brain’s ability to produce dopamine.

Kidston injected himself with a dose of this drug. Within a few days he began experiencing symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, a neurological condition that is linked to lack of dopamine production.

Kidston was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease and continued to struggle with the impact of the condition. Two years later, on 5 September 1978, he died of a cocaine overdose at age 24.

But something good did come from Barry’s experiment: MPTP has turned out to be an extremely valuable tool in Parkinson’s disease research.

Zhang Baige and her 75-year-old father

Zhang Baige and her 75-year-old father

One day in 1997, on his way home after work in Luoyang, Henan province, 50-year-old Zhang Shuangqi picked up an abandoned baby girl beside the road.

Unmarried and with no children of his own, Zhang took the girl home and raise her as his daughter. He named her Zhang Baige, taking the only early picture of her.

Zhang Baige

“My father’s family is not wealthy, to raise me actually added to his burdens,” Zhang Baige said. “He also did not have any experience raising a child. It was hard for him, but he insisted.”

The man took on several jobs simultaneously to make a living — collecting waste, digging plants to be sold, herding sheep and working at construction sites.

“As a teenager, I remember being ashamed of him collecting waste. To respect my feelings, my father would do it late at night so I wouldn’t know.”

Although Zhang Baige did not attend college after high school, she worked hard — as a waitress, a cashier and peddler — until she opened her own cosmetics company in Guangzhou and made a fortune.

To spend more time with her father, who is now 75 years old, Zhang Baige ended her business in Guangzhou to travel around the country with him. He always likes to see the world outside home.

Zhang Baige and her 75-year-old father

Zhang bought a motorhome with about 660,000 yuan ($97,500), and from May last year the two have journeyed from Henan province, traveling through Shaanxi and Sichuan provinces, an then to the Tibet and Xinjiang Uygur autonomous regions. They typically spend a month in a province.

People are touched by their story after watching a series about their journey, which has been shared by Zhang Baige online.

Netizens are impressed, with comments such as, “A kind father and a grateful daughter”, “You’re unfortunate but lucky at the same time.”

Back in Luoyang in February, Zhang Baige determine to settle down for a while and record more of the precious time she spends with her father.




This one absolutely gives me the chills and you won’t see many like it.

Any guesses on what you are seeing?

They are jewish prisoners being liberated from a death train in 1945. They were en route to concentration camps. They would have likely all been killed, many of them almost immediately.

Allied soldiers intercepted it and let them all free.

This train appears to be mostly women and children. Although 6 million Jews were killed, many millions more were also offed because of the insatiable hatred of one man and his supporters.

By the time this photo was taken, the passengers knew exactly what this train meant.

You are staring at “the moment” these people realized they wouldn’t be dying in a group execution.

It’s an incredible photo. And I can’t even fathom the relief they felt. Relief isn’t even a good enough word.

Presence of mind

Teacher addresses a student and asks: “How many kidneys do we have?”

“Four!”, The student responds.

“Four? Haha,” The teacher was one of those who took pleasure in picking on his students’ mistakes and demoralizing them.

“Bring a bundle of grass, because we have an ass in the room,” the teacher orders a front bencher.

“And for me a coffee!”, the student added.

The teacher was furious and expelled the student from the room.

The student was, by the way, the humorist Aparicio Torelly Aporelly (1895-1971), better known as the “Baron de Itararé”.

On his way out of the classroom, the student still had the audacity to correct the furious teacher:

"You asked me how many kidneys ‘we have’. We have four: two of mine and two of yours. ‘We have’ is an expression used for the plural. Enjoy the grass.”

Life demands much more understanding than knowledge. Sometimes people, because they have a little more knowledge or ‘believe’ that they have it, feel they have the right to underestimate others.

Son and cat relationship


Generally my cat and my son have a one-way relationship. My son tries to love the cat (a little too roughly) and the cat escapes his grasp and goes and sits up high in the cat tree while glowering. I try to run interference in case one day my cat loses patience but so far I had been in luck and my cat was relatively passive.

My son came down with the flu and had the hardest time falling asleep because he couldn’t breathe and would wake up crying every half hour.

My husband and I were exhausted and cranky and slowly losing our minds.

One day as I tried to put him down for a nap on our bed our cat jumped up too.

Not wanting to deal with another fur tussle with my son I tried to kick him off. He just sat there resisting all my attempts to shove him off.

My son sat up and wrapped his arms around my cat and instead of running off like he normally does, he lay flat and curled his tail around my son.

Thanks to the combination of warmth and purring, my son was asleep in 30 seconds.

My cat stayed in that position for two hours as my son slept for the first time in days.

It may not seem like such a huge deal to most but I know that this tired mom was eternally grateful to the love my cat showed my son.

Good Deeds Should Be Remembered

The incident occurred in Texas, at Viterford Prison. One of the guards who guarded the cells on that floor suffered a heart attack. As a result, eight prisoners managed to pick the lock and open the cell door to help him.


Handcuffed, some of them tried to help the guard with first aid, while others screamed and banged on the walls to draw attention to themselves . Finally they succeed, an ambulance arrived quickly and the man survives.

When asked why they did this, the prisoners said that the guard was a “good man.”

Fiasco Horror!

On Sunday our washing machine broke down. On Monday my husband went to Lowe’s and purchased this new front load washing machine. We thought it was the “new and cool” type of washing machine and didn’t think anything of it. We spent that evening installing it with the kids underfoot. We told them several times that they were not to touch it. They all replied “OK.”

Early Tuesday morning we were woken up by our four-year-old son who was crying so hard he could barely talk. As I was trying to understand what he was saying, my husband flew out of bed and down the stairs. It was then that the realization hit.

He had said: Kloe. Inside. Washer.

By the time we reached the laundry room in the basement, my three-year-old daughter Kloe was LOCKED inside the airtight washing machine. It was tumbling and filling with water. She was screaming but you couldn’t hear her.

We were able to quickly stop it and unlock the door and get her out. Aside from a couple of small bumps on her head and wet clothes, she was fine.

After going through all the “what if‘s” and “could have’s” we know we are very blessed and God had mercy on our sweet daughter.

I post this because I can honestly say we did not realize the danger of this machine. We are continually surprised at the new, inventive ways our kids come up with to try and die. And this was definitely a new one.

I took this picture after we secured the door shut with a child safety lock.


We also found a child lock feature on the settings that, as long as it is engaged, will not allow the washing machine to start. But it does not lock the door. We hadn’t even used the machine yet so we hadn’t looked at any of the settings. Also, it obviously took two curious kids to pull this off. I want to encourage anybody who has this type of front loading washing machine and small children, or even grandkids who visit, to lock the door with a child safety lock and always keep the child lock setting on!

I realize that there are ways we could’ve prevented this from happening. This is the season for swimming pool accidents and kids being left in hot cars and all sorts of other horrible accidents. And that’s what most of them are. Accidents. Shaming the mom doesn’t do anyone any good. We need to be open and honest about our mistakes to help one another keep our kids safe. And trust me, that mom is already beating herself up enough.”

More views of America




How to make things happen

Asleep on a stranger’s driveway.

Sleeping on a pile of hoses.

That’s how we found our 15 year old son, Micah, earlier this week.

Asleep on a stranger’s driveway.

Micah decided to open a power washing service. He took $500 he’s saved from birthday money and chores and bought a nice power washer. He wanted to get paid according to his efforts during his work this summer. He can’t drive yet so he had to figure out transportation. We told him we can pick up and drop off.

He planned to knock on doors all day on Saturday and gets the “yeses” while wading through the sea of “no’s”.

Monday to Friday he does one to two jobs per day. He built a spreadsheet to track the revenue. His buddy helped open a sign-up genius webpage for customers. He’s built a journal of all the reasons people say ”no” and we talk at night about the way to politely answer them. He started jotting them down and memorizing them.

We’ve talked a lot about the heart behind selling a service with integrity versus just closing deals.

It’s a deep belief in your service. Memorizing ways to overcome objections by giving new information versus manipulating.

But here’s the the thing that’s an encouragement for us all.

Millions of people get great training.

Millions of people have great ideas.

Millions of people whiteboard the ideas.

Millions of people buy equipment.

Millions of people set goals and get excited.

Millions of people have “motivation”.

Few people take time to wake up early and go put in a full day of work. Then a full week of work. Then a full summer of work.

Beefy Greek Pita Folds

Enjoy these delicious pita bread sandwiches packed with ground beef and veggies – Greek dinner ready in just 20 minutes!



  • 1 lb lean (at least 80%) ground beef
  • 1 small onion, cut in half lengthwise, sliced
  • 3 cloves garlic, finely chopped
  • 1 teaspoon dried oregano leaves
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 cup sliced ripe olives
  • 1/2 cup finely chopped peeled cucumber
  • 1/2 cup chopped seeded tomato
  • 1 cup Yoplait® All Natural Fat Free plain yogurt (from 32 oz. container)
  • 1 teaspoon dried dill weed
  • 4 soft Greek-style pita breads (6 or 7-inch), heated


  • 1
    In 10-inch skillet, cook ground beef, onion, garlic, oregano and 1/4 teaspoon of the salt over medium-high heat 5 to 7 minutes, stirring frequently, until beef is thoroughly cooked. Drain. Stir in olives.
  • 2
    Meanwhile, in medium bowl, stir together cucumber, tomato, yogurt, dill and remaining 1/4 teaspoon salt.
  • 3
    On each of 4 individual serving plates, Spoon 1/4 of beef mixture on half of each pita. Top each with yogurt mixture; fold other half of pita over filling. Serve with remaining yogurt mixture.

Physarum polycephalum

Physarum polycephalum

Pictured above is Physarum polycephalum, also known as the “many-headed slime”, a type of protist, and, specifically, a slime mold. The term “slime mold” doesn’t refer to a specific single group, but it is a broad term for several kinds of eukaryote which behave similarly.

Anyway, Physarum has – astonishingly – a basic form of intelligence, despite having no brain and only comprising a single many-nucleic cell. Here are some of the amazing things this slime can do.

  • It can solve mazes. A P. polycephalum placed in a plastic maze will extend forth hundreds of tendrils, exploring all possible paths until it finds one which leads to food. It then retracts all the tendrils leading to dead ends. Moreover, it knows which way is quickest. If there are multiple routes to the reward, it’ll retract the (even slightly) longer one.


  • It remembers. When the mold is solving a maze, it leaves behind a trail of slime wherever its tendrils reach. Using this slime, the Physarum avoids the paths it has already taken. This is essentially a creative, albeit rudimentary, analogue to memory – one that is in external, material form.
  • It mimics transport networks. A P. polycephalum was placed in a plastic enclosure the shape of Tokyo, Japan. Bits of food were placed where the major transport hubs would be in real Tokyo, and the slime mold – knowing which ways were fastest, created a replica of the city’s rail networks using its tendrils.


  • It learns and keeps track of time. A team of scientists – including the one who did the maze experiment, put this slime mold into a long groove, letting it move along the groove. However, every 30 minutes – they decreased the temperature and the humidity (slime molds thrive in hot, moist conditions). The mold slowed its pace to use less energy. After a while, the scientists stopped. Sure enough, the polycephalum kept slowing every 30 minutes, showing it could both learn and keep time.
  • It’s a healthy eater. Another experiment had the slime molds in the middle of a circular clock face. At each mark in the clock, a different food was placed. However, some of them were made up of the healthiest ratio of carbs to protein, while others weren’t. All of the slimes selected the optimal foods.

An astonishing organism if there ever was one. So unusual that this creature is so obscure, for it certainly has some amazing stories to tell.



“My husband would send me flowers on my birthday every year.

I’ve had a very hard time with his passing. I knew he wasn’t going to be around this year for my BD and I was “okay” with that, I knew I wasn’t going to receive my flowers… two days before my birthday there was a knock on my door and yes, I got flowers.

My brother-in-law had a dream that my husband told him that he needed to get flowers for me.

He says he woke up and said “ok you want flowers for your lady I’ll get her, her flowers” .

He didn’t know my husband would do that for me.

My brother-in-law lives in another city so he didn’t know it was going to be my birthday either.

I had fresh flowers on my 40th birthday from heaven, back in April’22″

Bryan Ferry Nuits de Fourviere Live in Lyon – Like a hurricane HD

Enjoy this rendition of the Neil Young classic.

Taiwanese Government pledges to “fight to the last Taiwanese” in defense of American “democracy”

Sounds familiar, eh?

You just can’t make this stuff up. It’s so surreal.

Here we will review what’s going on with the “Taiwan Issue”, and cover some other article in geopolitics, society and culture. For after all, this is a historical time. Historians will look back at this moment in time as “the great change”, it represents the start of the “big after”…

U.S. Congressional delegation arrives in Taiwan for two-day visit

08/14/2022 08:42 PM
CNA English News (An American propaganda outlet)



Taipei, Aug. 14 (CNA) A U.S. Congressional delegation led by Democratic Senator Ed Markey arrived in Taiwan on Sunday for a two-day visit that will involve meetings with top-level Taiwanese officials.

In a press release, the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) said the other members of the delegation are representatives John Garamendi (D-CA), Alan Lowenthal (D-CA), Don Beyer (D-VA) and Aumua Amata Coleman Radewagen (R-AS).

Their two-day visit is part of a larger visit to the Asia-Pacific region, the AIT said, and will include meetings with senior Taiwan leaders to “discuss U.S.-Taiwan relations, regional security, trade and investment, global supply chains, climate change, and other significant issues of mutual interest.”

In a statement, Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) welcomed the bipartisan and bicameral delegation, which it said demonstrated the United States’ firm support amid China’s recent escalation of regional tensions.

During the delegation’s visit, the U.S. lawmakers will meet with President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文), attend a banquet with Foreign Minister Joseph Wu (吳釗燮) and visit the Legislative Yuan’s Foreign and National Defense Committee to discuss Taiwan-U.S. security and economic relations, MOFA said.

Meanwhile, Presidential Office Spokesperson Xavier Chang (張惇涵) said that the visit “once again demonstrated the U.S. Congress’ resolute support for Taiwan,” as well as its commitment to working with democratic partners to maintain peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait and the region.

The delegation’s trip comes less than two weeks after U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi concluded a 19-hour visit to the island on Aug. 3, the first visit by a sitting U.S. House speaker since 1997.

In an apparent response to that trip, Beijing launched an unprecedented set of live-fire military drills in six maritime zones encircling Taiwan from Aug. 4. to Aug. 7

(By Huang Ya-shih and Matthew Mazzetta)


> Chinese Version



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Aug. 11: Taiwan not seeking conflict escalation but will defend sovereignty: Tsai

Aug. 11: Taiwan’s allies to condemn China at U.N.: SVG prime minister

Aug. 11: Chinese white paper limits room for Taiwan post-unification: expert

Aug. 11: Government to spend NT$200 million on marketing food amid China bans

Aug. 10: MAC slams ‘wishful thinking’ and ‘lies’ in China’s Taiwan white paper

Aug. 9: 45 warplanes, 10 warships spotted near Taiwan as PLA drills continue

Aug. 9: Taiwan’s diplomatic ties stable amid possible China retaliation: FM

Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Aug. 8: Chinese drills aligned with plans for taking Taiwan by force: Expert

Aug. 7: Taiwan to hold live-fire artillery drills to test combat readiness

Aug. 6: U.S., Japan, Australia urge China to stop military drills

Aug. 6: Defense ministry says China simulating attack on Taiwan

Aug. 5: China’s drills a ‘new normal’ aimed at changing status quo: Experts

Aug. 4: President Tsai calls China’s live-fire drills ‘irresponsible act’

Aug. 4: China fires 11 Dongfeng ballistic missiles into waters off Taiwan: MND

Aug. 4: China cannot stop world leaders from visiting Taiwan: Pelosi

Aug. 3: China’s military exercises aimed at blockading Taiwan: defense ministry

Aug. 3: China imposes new trade restrictions on Taiwan as Pelosi visits

Aug. 2: Visit to honor ‘unwavering’ U.S. commitment to Taiwan: Pelosi

Here Is Why 37 Percent Of U.S. Farmers In The Western Half Of The Country Are Killing Their Own Crops

Food doesn’t just magically show up at the grocery store.  If farmers and ranchers do not produce it, we do not eat.  I know that I have been writing about the rapidly growing global food crisis a lot lately, but that is because this really is a big deal.  All over the globe, agricultural production is going to be below expectations in 2022.  As a result, those of us that live in wealthy countries will pay much more for food in 2023, while many of those that live in poor countries will either deeply suffer or die.  In fact, children are already dropping dead from starvation in large numbers in some parts of Africa, but most Americans haven’t heard about this because they aren’t showing it on the news.

Of course this isn’t just a crisis for poor countries on the other side of the planet.

Here in the United States, the food that is not being grown in 2022 will cause immense economic pain in 2023.

There are 17 western states that collectively produce almost half of our food, and right now those 17 states are being absolutely devastated by the worst multi-year megadrought in 1,200 years…

The 17 states including and north of Texas, up along the Central Plains to North Dakota and west to California are vital to the U.S. agricultural sector, supporting nearly half of the nation’s $364 billion production by value. This includes 74% of beef cattle, responsible (in total) for 18% of U.S. agricultural production by value; 50% of dairy production, responsible (in total) for 11% of U.S. agricultural production by value, over 80% of wheat production by value and over 70% of vegetable, fruit and tree nut production by value. Drought conditions, which have persisted well into 2022, put production of these commodities at risk, along with the stability of farms, ranches and local economies reliant on crops, livestock and downstream products and services for income.

The American Farm Bureau Federation wanted to know how farmers in that half of the nation are faring during this drought, and so they conducted a survey.

And what they discovered is extremely alarming.  Here is one example

This year’s drought conditions are taking a harder toll than last year’s, as 37% of farmers said they are plowing through and killing existing crops that won’t reach maturity because of dry conditions.

Do you understand what that is saying?

37 percent of all farmers in the western half of the country are killing their own crops because those crops won’t even reach maturity because of the endless drought.

I was absolutely floored when I first saw that figure.

And that same survey also found that staggering numbers of ranchers in some western states have been selling off their cattle…

Farmers in Texas are being forced to sell off their cattle herds earlier than normal due to extreme drought — as water sources dry out and grass burns up. Farmers in the Lone Star state reported the largest reduction in herd size, down 50%, followed by New Mexico and Oregon at 43% and 41% respectively.

The cattle that are being slaughtered now are helping to stabilize short-term beef prices.

But in the long run we will see a much smaller cattle population and far higher beef prices.

In fact, some beef producers in Oklahoma are warning that “cheap ground beef could eventually top $50 per pound”

Thanks to the unending economic symptoms of the pandemic and 2022’s inflation double-punch, average beef prices are currently about twice what they were in 2019. Add in the deepening widespread drought, a shortage of hay and feed, skyrocketing prices, transport costs, and various other metrics, some Southwest Oklahoma beef producers suggest cheap ground beef could eventually top $50 per pound.

Could you imagine paying 50 dollars for a pound of ground beef?

Even now, we are being told that U.S. consumers are increasingly switching to chicken

Inflation-weary shoppers are pulling back on buying pricey steaks and switching to cheaper chicken at the grocery store.

Tyson (TSN), the meat processing giant, said Monday that “demand for chicken is extremely strong,” while demand for its higher-priced cuts of beef has softened.

Of course it isn’t just the United States that is moving into unprecedented territory.

We just learned that there will be crop losses in France of up to 35 percent

France’s fruit and vegetable crops have fallen by nearly 35% due to the extreme drought this summer, Jacques Rouchausse, president of the French national association of vegetable producers, Legumes de France, said on Tuesday.

“We have losses on the yields. For the moment, we estimate that these losses are between 25% and 35 percent. We have to stress that if we want food sovereignty, if we want food security, we really have to find ways to continue producing on our territory,” Rouchausse said on air of Radio Franceinfo.

Yesterday, I discussed the fact that there will be crop losses in the UK of up to 50 percent in some cases.

And in Italy, it is being reported that there will be crop losses of up to 80 percent in certain areas.

As global food supplies get tighter and tighter, the wealthy countries will have enough money to import the food that they need.

But what will the poorer countries do?

At this point, tens of millions of Africans are already dealing with severe food shortages

Drought is gripping the Horn of Africa, leaving some 26 million people facing food shortages in Kenya, Ethiopia and Somalia over the next six months. More than 7 million livestock animals have already been wiped out. Across East Africa as a whole, some 50 million people are facing acute food insecurity.

This is a crisis that isn’t going away.

Not too long ago, UN Secretary General António Guterres openly admitted that it is likely that there will be “multiple famines” in 2023…

In a video message to the meeting, UN chief António Guterres commended the partners for joining forces at what he called “this critical moment”, noting that the number of people who are severely food insecure has doubled in the last two years.

“We face a real risk of multiple famines this year. And next year could be even worse. But we can avoid this catastrophe if we act now,” said Mr. Guterres.

Of course this is exactly what I have been saying for years.

Global famine is coming.  There is no way to avoid it, and it is going to turn the entire global economy upside down.

When you know that a global famine is coming, the prudent thing to do is to get prepared.  So I hope that all of you are taking action while there is still time to do so.

Cheeseburger Mac Soup

All your favorite cheeseburger flavors in this creamy soup topped with chopped dill pickles.

Cheeseburger Mac Soup


  • 1 lb lean (at least 80%) ground beef
  • 1/2 cup chopped onion
  • 1 clove garlic, finely chopped
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
  • 1 box Hamburger Helper™ cheeseburger macaroni
  • 1 can (15 oz) Muir Glen™ organic diced tomatoes, undrained
  • 2 cups milk
  • 2 cups water
  • 3 tablespoons ketchup
  • 1 tablespoon yellow mustard
  • 2 cups shredded American cheese (8 oz)
  • 1/2 cup chopped dill pickles


  • 1
    In 4-quart Dutch oven or saucepan, cook beef, onion, garlic and pepper over medium-high heat 5 to 7 minutes, stirring occasionally, until no longer pink; drain.
  • 2
    Stir in sauce mix (from Hamburger Helper™ box), tomatoes, milk, water, ketchup and mustard. Heat to boiling, stirring constantly.
  • 3
    Reduce heat. Cover; simmer 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  • 4
    Stir in uncooked pasta (from Hamburger Helper™ box) and cheese. Cover; cook 15 minutes longer, stirring occasionally or until thoroughly heated. Top with pickles.

Reminder on China’s “White Paper”

China released a “white paper” on the Taiwan reunification issue. It’s comprehensive and explicit. China has explicitly explained – in great detail – what will happen, and how.

  • Taiwan will be reunified with China just like HK and Macao have been.
  • Taiwan will keep it’s own governance system.
  • Taiwan is not permitted to possess political parties that promote separatist movements. They must be disbanded, and then banned.
  • Taiwan will have complete access to the great resources of the mainland China.
  • Taiwanese citizens get automatic citizenship and all residency documents will automatically be converted to regional “household registers”.
  • Taiwan will have significant representation in the Chinese government.
  • China will not hurt, harm, or attack any Taiwanese citizen, as they are Chinese citizens, UNLESS they are working in behalf of a foreign government.
  • There can be ZERO foreign interference.
  • If there is foreign interference, China will go to war against that foreign nation and all forces, and “tricks” at it’s disposal will be used. There will be no restraint.
  • Any foreign interference suggesting, funding, supplying or actuating interference in the reunification process is a war-generating “red line”.
  • The foreign government will be viewed as the enemy of the reunification process. Not the Taiwanese people.

And much, much more. Of course, it’s not being reported in the Western “news”, but China has made the situation very EXPLICITLY clear.

My video on this issue is HERE

Here are two examples, and there are many more alikes if you need.

In Linyi City, east China’s Shandong Province, policeman Zeng Chang was on duty at a local primary school at 8 a.m before class today (Sept. 28). He noticed a schoolgirl standing next to the entrance for a while, seeming helpless. So he went over to see what was bothering the little girl, and found out that she got up late and her mom didn’t have enough time to tie her hair up.


And the girl asked Zeng, “ Uncle Policeman, would you please help tie my hair up?”

Then that’s what we can see in the video: Zeng did it, skillfully, for her. And she then went into the school.

I can only find the video for the story in Chinese for you. “警察叔叔,你能帮我扎一下头发吗?”

Also in the link, there is another similar story, but happened a bit earlier in another province.

In Haining City, east China’s Zhejiang Province on September 19, policeman Shen Ren told fairy tales to a 4-year-old girl, who was unexpectedly locked out of her home.


Shen and his colleagues then contacted the parents and kept her company as she waited. To relieve her stress, Shen read her four storybooks until her parents returned.

And actually, when my son was little and we often told him whenever he met any problems outside without us, the first one to seek for help should be the police.

So, if all parents are willing to trust their kids to the police, do you think we’ll be afraid of them? I think, only those with hidden reasons would be.

Will Catastrophic Crop Losses In 2022 Lead To Unprecedented Shortages In 2023?


Crops are failing all over the globe this summer, but most people don’t even know that this is happening because the big television news channels aren’t talking much about it.  Instead, they remain intensely focused on politics day after day.  Without a doubt, the political realm is important, but there should also be plenty of time to discuss a raging global crisis which is going to deeply affect all of us.  The food that is not being grown this year is not going to be on our plates next year, but the vast majority of the population doesn’t understand this.  They see plenty of food in the stores now and they just assume that everything is going to be okay.

Unfortunately, everything is not going to be okay.  Over in the UK, a major British news source is warning of “widespread crop failures across England”…

Experts have warned of widespread crop failures across England, as charities and farmers criticised water companies for dithering over hosepipe bans despite drought being declared across much of the country.

So what sort of losses are we talking about?

Well, it is now being projected that losses could reach up to 50 percent for a wide variety of crops…

Half of the potato crop is expected to fail as it cannot be irrigated, and even crops that are usually drought-tolerant, such as maize, have been failing.

The group was told “irrigation options are diminishing with reservoirs being emptied fast”, and losses of 10-50% are expected for crops including carrots, onions, sugar beet, apples and hops. Milk production is also down nationally because of a lack of food for cows, and wildfires are putting large areas of farmland at risk.

The British are assuming that they will just get enough food to feed their population from someone else.

But that is what everyone else is assuming too.

As global food supplies get tighter and tighter, the wealthy countries will buy up food at elevated prices, and many poor countries will be left out and will suffer tremendously.

Things are even worse in Italy.  As I covered the other day, some farmers in Italy have already lost “up to 80% of their harvest”

In Italy, farmers in some parts of the country have lost up to 80% of their harvest this year due to severe weather anomalies, the Coldretti farming association said Thursday.

So where will Italy get enough food to feed their population?

Just like the British, the plan to get it from someone else.

But who is the someone else going to be?

Here in the United States, agricultural production is going to be way below expectations because of the endless drought that is plaguing about half the country.

Just yesterday, I wrote an article about how tomato production is being absolutely devastated in the state of California.

It is being reported that tomato paste prices have already increased by up to 80 percent, and we are being warned that if rain doesn’t come soon there simply will not be enough tomatoes to meet demand.

That means that there won’t be enough spaghetti sauce and pizza sauce to go around.

For a lot of my readers, that statement is really going to hit home.

Over in Texas, the cotton crop is going to be bitterly disappointing this year

US cotton prices continued to surge above the boom days of 2010-11 after a massive crop estimate cut by the USDA, shocking Wall Street analysts and traders, due primarily to a megadrought scorching farmland of Texas, according to Bloomberg.

Futures in New York for December delivery were up 4.5% to $1.1359 a pound and up more than 21% this month.

Normally, there would be vast fields of cotton being grown all over the state at this time of the summer.

But this year many of those fields look like barren wastelands

Last Friday, the USDA’s bigger-than-expected cut to domestic cotton crop stunned many on Wall Street. Crop output plunged to 12.57 million bales, the lowest in a decade. The cut also pushed down the US from the world’s third-largest producer to the world’s fourth.

Barbera said the western Texas region (around Lubbock and Lamesa), the epicenter of America’s cotton-growing belt, has “literally nothing” in fields that are just desert sand. He said fields that had drip irrigation were harvestable, but ones that weren’t weren’t salvageable.

So are we going to experience a shortage of cotton in 2023?

If so, that would be really bad news.  Cotton is used in thousands of different products.

Without enough water, we cannot grow the things that we need.

I don’t know why this is so hard for people to grasp.

And the truth is that our entire way of life depends on sufficient supplies of fresh water.  Right now, there are seven western states that are facing the prospect of emergency water restrictions in the months ahead because the Colorado River is rapidly drying up

Two months ago, federal officials took the unprecedented step of telling the seven states that depend on Colorado River water to prepare for emergency cuts next year to prevent reservoirs from dropping to dangerously low levels.

The states and managers of affected water agencies were told to come up with plans to reduce water use drastically, by 2 million to 4 million acre-feet, by mid-August. After weeks of negotiations, which some participants say have at times grown tense and acrimonious, the parties have yet to reach an agreement.

Nobody wants to give up their water.

In the end, all of those states are going to have to make severe sacrifices.  At a minimum, the amount of water being taken from the Colorado River needs to be reduced by 2 million acre-feet, and that is an amount of water that is four times greater than the entire city of Los Angeles uses in an entire year

The latest round of closed-door talks occurred Thursday in Denver. Participants said they wouldn’t publicly discuss the offers of water reductions made, but they acknowledged those offers have amounted to far less than 2 million acre-feet. For comparison, the total annual water use of Los Angeles is nearly 500,000 acre-feet.

Needless to say, this is going to affect agriculture in a major way.

Farmers and ranchers use a tremendous amount of water, and they are about to be hit with restrictions that will be extraordinarily painful.

Everything that I have discussed in this article is happening in the context of a horrifying global food crisis that is getting worse with each passing month.

But don’t worry, the elite have a plan.

For a long time they have touted the benefits of eating bugs, and now such products are actually on our store shelves

On Sunday, carnivore diet guru Dr. Shawn Baker tweeted a photo of a bag of cheddar cheese puffs, only instead of being made of corn meal these snack foods were chock-full of insect protein.

The snack item from Canadian brand Actually Foods states the puffs are “powered by crickets” to the tune of 10 grams of protein per serving.

The ingredients label on the back of the bag indicates “organic cricket flour” was used in the puffs’ production, and an allergy warning on the back of the bag also cautions, “People who are allergic to shellfish may also be allergic to crickets.”

Doesn’t that sound delicious?

Instead of suffering through the nightmarish global famines that are coming, we can all eat “cricket puffs” instead.

Unfortunately, the truth is that they can’t make enough “cricket puffs” to rescue us from the “perfect storm” that has hit global food production.

There simply is not going to be enough food for everyone in 2023, and it will be the poorest countries that will suffer the most.



She was so little and exhausted, that she forgot her last name. She lost a whole family; mother, grandmother, elder brother…

A special group of skinny girls found her – they were going from apartment to apartment during a terrible blockade winter looking for children whose parents had died or were dying…

This is how they discovered Lenochka and could evacuate her. She didn’t remember being carried across the ice with other children in a shaking truck, she didn’t remember getting to the orphanage; she was little. Like a skinny midget with a big head on a thin neck…

And she refused to eat anymore. This is what happens with dystrophy. She was laying in bed or sitting in a chair by the stove. She was getting hot. And she kept her mouth shut. They thought Lenochka would die. Many children died already during the evacuation; severe exhaustion and no strength to live and eat. And to play. And to breathe…

One-legged topper, war veteran uncle Kolja, about twenty years old, unpacked a doll from an old towel. Somehow he cut it, folded it, sewn it and it became an ugly doll. He drew the doll’s eyes and mouth with an indelible pencil. And a crooked nose.

He gave a doll to Lenochka and seriously said:

"You, Lenochka, cradle the doll. And teach her to eat well! You are now a mommy doll. Take good care of her. "

And this Lenochka suddenly grabbed a doll and pressed it together. She began to pet her with thin hands. At dinner, she fed the doll porridge and whispered something loving to her. And in the end, she ate porridge and a piece of bread herself…

And so Lenochka slept with the doll and warmed her by the stove, hugged her, and got upset because of her. Because of an ugly doll made of an old towel with painted eyes …

The girl has survived.

Because she couldn’t die; she had to take care of the doll, you know?


For people like this girl was. Who later became a nurse and lived a long life. And her hands were always busy.

And she had a heart full of love.

Ukraine Artillery Hits Reactor Cooling System and Nuke Waste Containers

Despite over a week of warnings from Russia that Ukrainian forces were deliberately targeting the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant and could cause a disaster, Ukraine continued firing.  Today, artillery shells hit the cooling system for a reactor, and hit containers with nuclear waste.

This report is published at 5:08 PM eastern US time.  The attack took place about 3 hours ago.

It is not yet known (to me) if there is any reactor trouble or radiation leak from either the reactor cooling system or the nuclear waste storage containers.

One-Pot Philly Cheese Steak Mac and Cheese

The classic Philly cheese steak flavor really hit the mark in this hearty dinner. It’s a one-pot wonder that you only have to travel to your pantry to make!

One-Pot Philly Cheese Steak Mac and Cheese


  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 1/2 cup Progresso™ plain panko crispy bread crumbs
  • 1 lb extra-lean (at least 90%) ground beef
  • 2 cups thinly sliced onions
  • 2 medium green bell peppers, cut in thin bite-size strips
  • 4 teaspoons Montreal steak grill seasoning
  • 4 cups water
  • 1 lb uncooked elbow macaroni
  • 1 package (16 oz) Kraft™ Velveeta™ cheese, cut into cubes
  • 1 cup shredded provolone and mozzarella cheese blend (4 oz)


  • 1
    In 5-quart Dutch oven, melt 1 tablespoon of the butter over medium heat. Add bread crumbs; cook and stir 2 to 5 minutes or until toasted. Transfer to small bowl, and wipe out pan.
  • 2
    In same Dutch oven, melt remaining 1 tablespoon butter over medium-high heat. Add beef, onions, bell peppers and grill seasoning; cook 6 to 8 minutes or until beef is cooked through and onions are tender. Pour mixture into large bowl; cover with foil to keep warm.
  • 3
    Stir water and macaroni into Dutch oven; heat to boiling over high heat. Reduce heat to medium; cook 4 to 6 minutes, stirring frequently, until macaroni is cooked through. Do not drain.
  • 4
    Stir beef mixture into macaroni mixture; cook and stir 1 minute to heat through. Remove from heat; stir in cheese cubes until melted. Top with shredded cheese blend. Cover and let stand 3 to 5 minutes or until cheese melts. Top with toasted bread crumbs.


A few days ago, I was surfing the Internet and there is a video that caught my eyes. It is a video that uploaded in bilibilli and named Take a look at a restaurant for poor people living in Shenzhen.

And then I found that people filmed this type of video a lot on this website. I checked out a few videos. These videos are all in Chinese. So, here, I’ll show you guys what do poor people in China eat in my words with some screenshots from those videos.

This video producer chooses the cheapest restaurant on a Dianping app (similar to YELP). That is a Henan province noodle restaurant.





Apart from this, another vlogger also explored a very cheap cafeteria in Shenzhen, merely priced 15 RMB per person. The following pictures are some dishes in this buffet. To be honest, it is not too much to ask for three times as much(said by the producer).





Isn’t it unbelievable?! It’s only 15 yuan for this much food.

However, that is not cheap enough. Have you ever had noodles for 3 yuan a bowl? In Shenzhen, there is a place that people do daily-wage jobs and the restaurants here sell noodles for only 3 yuan.



The definition of poor people in this answer may differ from the typical concept. These people have jobs in a metropolis city but depending on selling off their physical power for a low pay, maybe 100 yuan a day.

Fortunately, they can enjoy the food at a vey low cost in China.

And FYI, if you are interested in what do Chinese people eat for breakfast, you can watch this video.

Here is the link:

People Are Going To Go Absolutely Insane When Food Prices Double Or Triple From Current Levels


If you think that people are getting pretty crazy now, just wait until the cost of food skyrockets to levels that hardly anyone ever anticipated.  Most people don’t realize this, but to a very large degree we are still eating the food that was grown in 2021.  Unfortunately for all of us, far less food is being grown in 2022 than originally projected, and that is going to cause immense global stress in 2023.  Nightmarish droughts are absolutely devastating crops in the United States and Europe, the major war that is happening on the other side of the globe is greatly restricting the flow of agricultural goods from Ukraine, and the fact that some fertilizers have now more than quadrupled in price is deeply affecting farmers all over the planet.  In 2023, there is going to be a lot less food to go around, and we are all going to pay a lot more for it.  Needless to say, this is not good news.

Of course the cost of living has already gotten completely out of control.  According to Zero Hedge, the median rent in the United States has now surpassed $2,000 a month for the very first time…

The cost of rent in the U.S. is moving higher at the highest pace in three decades, the report notes, blowing past a median of $2,000 per month for the first time ever. Rents are now above where they were prior to the pandemic in most major cities.

Areas just outside cities, which saw a large influx of new renters during the pandemic, have seen their rents rise disproportionately higher. People returning to large cities, post-pandemic, have also not helped prices cool off.

Who can afford to pay $2,000 a month for rent?

According to the Social Security Administration, the median yearly income for U.S. workers in 2020 was just $34,612.04.

No wonder most families need to have more than one income just to survive these days.

This is what I mean when I say that our standard of living is being systematically destroyed.

Many people have to work as hard as they possibly can just to pay the bills each month.

Yes, the top 10 percent are still doing well, but the vast majority of the country is really struggling.

And that is why the soaring price of food is such a big deal right now.  The latest numbers that we just got from the government tell us that the cost of “food at home” has been rising at the fastest rate since 1979

The food-at-home index, which represents food purchased in places like grocery stores for consumption at home, jumped by an annual 13.1 percent, which is the fastest pace since March 1979.

“Consumers are getting a break at the gas pump, but not at the grocery store,” Bankrate Chief Financial Analyst Greg McBride told The Epoch Times in an emailed statement. “Food prices, and especially costs for food at home, continue to soar, rising at the fastest pace in more than 43 years.”

But the truth is that we haven’t seen anything yet.

What we see at the grocery store right now is largely a reflection of what happened last year.

Let me give you an example that illustrates what I am talking about.

In the last few days, the mainstream media has been buzzing about the fact that there is now a potato shortage in Idaho.  But what most people don’t realize is that this shortage was caused by a tremendous heat wave that happened last summer

Idaho has a potato shortage. If you haven’t heard about it already or noticed fewer and fewer potatoes in your grocery store’s produce section, you will soon.

So, what’s the problem? The weather. Not this year’s weather, mind you. It’s the weather from over a year ago that’s to blame.

“I’m not sure if you remember last June, but we had some just unbelievably hot temperatures here in Idaho. It did a number on our potato crop,” said Jamey Higham, president and CEO of the Idaho Potato Commission. “And so, our yields were significantly down last year.”

So did you catch that?

A bad harvest in 2021 is now being felt in the latter stages of 2022.

Looking ahead, what our farmers are experiencing right now will be felt very keenly in 2023.

For example, it is being reported that the price of some fertilizers has now more than quadrupled

“Last year [fertilizer] was around $270 per ton and now it’s over $1,400 per ton,” Meagan Kaiser, of Kaiser Family Farms and farmer-director of the United Soybean Board, told NBC’s “Nightly News with Lester Holt.”

“It’s scary. It turns my stomach a little bit to think about the amount of risk that our family farm is taking right now.”

Farmers are finding themselves forced to pass some of those costs along to customers, resulting in higher grocery prices.

When those cost increases get passed along to us in 2023, a lot of people are going to be screaming bloody murder.

But at least we will have food to eat.  On the other side of the globe, there simply will not be enough food for everyone.

For years, I have been trying to explain that global famines would inevitably be coming, but I still don’t think that it is sinking in for many people out there.

And of course famine is just one of the elements of “the perfect storm” that we are now facing.  Recently, Egon von Greyerz listed some of the other major elements…

  • Debts at levels that can never be repaid – sovereign, corporate & private
  • Epic global bubbles in stocks, bonds & property – all about to collapse
  • Major geopolitical conflicts with no desire for peace – major wars likely
  • Energy imbalances and shortages, most self inflicted
  • Food shortages leading to major famine and civil unrest
  • Inflation, leading to hyperinflation & global poverty

We have got a giant mess on our hands.

And conditions are going to get worse and worse and worse in the months ahead.

As things deteriorate, a lot of people out there are going to go completely nuts.

In fact, a lot of people are already going completely nuts.  Let me give you an example that just happened

An unidentified man reportedly set his car on fire by driving into a U.S. Capitol barricade early Sunday morning. He then got out of his car and began firing a weapon indiscriminately before shooting himself, police say.

U.S. Capitol police say officers immediately responded when they heard the sound of gunfire at roughly 4 a.m. There were no reported injuries aside from the driver.

The only reason you would do something like that is if you have lost all hope.

And in the months and years ahead, much of the general population will lose all hope.

Let us endeavor to be beacons of hope, because hope will be greatly needed during the times that are in front of us.

The biggest regret of a cat owner

My biggest regret as a cat owner is that I used to board my cat with one of those “cat hotels” in a big chain store.

When I first got Jonesy, I was traveling a LOT.

At the time, I thought cats are independent animals, and they can live happily without their owners around all the time.

So when I was out on business trips, I left Jonesy with “cat hotel”. Until one time, when the clerk told me that they were unable to get Jonesy out of his “cottage”, and they led me back to the so-called “hotel”.

It’s not a fucking hotel. It’s not even a motel. It’s the fucking shelter cages!

When Jonesy recognize me, he grabbed me, with all his little claws. And I was heartbroken.

Jonesy was a shelter cat when I adopted him.

And all those times I traveled, he must have thought I abandoned him and he’s back to the shelter.

I never board my cats with those fucking chain stores again.

Now when I travel, I hire a sitter. She’s super nice. She came to my place once a day, clean the litter box, replenish the food and water.

I still feel horrible for doing that to Jonesy the poor boy.

Please don’t board your cats with those big chain stores. Find a sitter, or find a reliable family-owned cat foster place.




This is maybe not your usual friendship. I was 22 years old, and that man was 65 years old. He was my real friend, the best friend I ever had and I took him for granted.

To avoid any doubt, no, there never been any sexual activity involved. (If you have doubt in your mind, please be considerate enough not to leave rude comments, we are talking about a person who has passed away)

We met online when I was looking for a job, he hired me as his marketing manager for his business. I worked for him for 2 years but unfortunately the business didn’t take off, but the friendship remained.

He took me under his wing, he taught me about life, I accepted my bipolar outbreak every now and then. He supported my dreams, helped me financially, and was always there for me. He was my safety net. I moved to his place to save money as I wasn’t able to afford rent, I’ve been his roommate for 7 years.

Last year he fell off his motorbike and needed operation, he went home to UK and after a few months, he still needed some help. While he was waiting for his recovery, he caught Covid-19. A month after, he passed away in his sleep.

I called him and video chatted with him while he was in Covid ward. Everyday I checked up on him. Due to time difference, I called 3 times a day – when I woke up, when he was alert and before I went to sleep. I could only speak with him once a day but I called the nurses just to get an update.

I told him that I didn’t want to live in a world where he’s not in it. He said he knew and he will be okay. Every single day I checked up on him as I was the only person who ever called him. Never once did he say his goodbye and I didn’t want to say goodbye to him.

I promised him that I would call, but on 6 May 2020, the hospital was busy. I called the hospital 3 times a day, every day, to check up on him. They said that they will call me the next day. 2 hours later, they did call me and informed me how sorry they were that my granddad passed away in his sleep.

This picture was taken 8 years ago, a few weeks after we met. And I don’t have any other pictures of us together. I thought we had time.

You can’t choose your family, but this is the only family that I ever chose. Who thought a 22 years old Indonesian can be a best friend with a 65 years old British man?

RIP, Grandpa.

I miss you every single day, you took a huge part of me when you died.


Three Kittens

My wife passed away last summer (not from Covid), right after things had pretty much been locked down.

We had been married over 40 years, during which we had a dog, and then two cats. The last cat died several years ago. My wife never wanted to get another, because she was afraid the cat would outlive us.

During her last couple of months, when she knew she didn’t have much time left, I let her know that after she was gone I wanted to adopt a kitten to keep me company. Actually two, so they could keep themselves company when I was working. (Even though I am 74, I still work full-time and have no plans on retiring.) She was okay with that.

So a few days after my wife passed, a friend took me to a pet adoption center. Since we had only had black and white (“tuxedo”) cats before, I was planning on getting something different. But there were three black kittens (one with white paws) in a cage who got our eye, and they were put in a small room for us to play with. They were about ten weeks old.

I immediately knew these were the ones. I couldn’t leave one behind, so I adopted all three. Two brothers and a sister.

Here they are, just after I brought them home:

Three kittens

Here they are again, five months later. This how I wake up in the morning now.

Wake up!

They just had their one-year birthday a couple of weeks ago. I am so glad I have them to keep me company. I never realized three kitties from the same litter could grow up to have completely different personalities.

I’ve been working from home for over a year now, and will probably continue doing so for a while longer. If I do starting going back into work, I’ll know they’ll look after each other during the day, and I’ll look forward to coming home to them in the evening.

Kaymakli Underground City

The year is 1963, a Turkish man is renovating his basement when he finds a strange old stone wall, which he promptly breaks through.

What he found was a large pitch-black dank space, a cold void behind the wall. Armed with a torch, our intrepid home renovator crawled through the hole and found a series of barrel roofed rooms, that had been carved from the volcanic bedrock.

Those first mysterious rooms turned out to be just a small section of what was actually an ancient labyrinth of living spaces, communal areas and tunnel networks, comprising 13 levels the deepest being 85 metres underground. This ancient place was large enough to house 20,000 people, a massive forgotten underground city.


Complete with multiple wells fed from an almost unlimited source of water having vast aquifers aka subterranean lakes, directly beneath the city.

Having explored the nearest rooms and tunnels, our renovator eventually reached a narrow passageway blocked by a huge circular stone, similar to a giant millstone, only this one seemed to have been intentionally rolled into place to block further progress into the subterranean city.


Imagine setting out to renovate your basement, perhaps intending to create your own Man Cave, but instead, you discover an ancient underground city, right beneath your house.

This is just one of several ancient underground cities that have since been discovered in this region, Kaymakli Underground City being another fantastic example, Derinkuyu and Kaymakli are linked by a well-built tunnel, many miles long.

While no exact age has been established, these large underground cities are thought to have been first built at least 2,800 years ago. But potentially the first caves in the soft volcanic bedrock could have been inhabited far earlier.


What is certain, is that for more than a thousand years various cultures lived in these underground cities, including early Indo-Europeans, then Greek-speaking people, then the Romans interacted with these underground civilisations, then early Christians sheltered here, they expanded the city and built underground churches, chapels and even schools.

Later during the age of the Byzantine Empire, these two cities were linked together by miles of tunnels and became a thriving hidden society, a safe haven for many thousands when the Muslim Arabs raided, and later when Mongol and Steppe tribes pillaged these regions, they likely had no idea that thriving cities with vast populations were directly beneath the hooves of their steeds.

While some of these strange ancient cities built beneath the earth continued to be used until the 14th century, they were all abandoned and forgotten in the following centuries. Yet some of these cities show evidence of being briefly used since then, by Jewish and Christian groups as sanctuaries during times of horrific persecution, as recently as two hundred years ago.

How to lose with dignity.


This is Ray Reardon.

He’s a former professional snooker player who pretty much dominated the game in the 1970s when he won the World Championship six times.

He didn’t win all the time of course particularly in his later years when his form started to fail and younger players came along.

The point is whatever the result of the match he always had a huge smile on his face. When he lost and his opponent had potted the final ball, he’d get out of his seat immediately and go over to his opponent with a wide smile on his face to shake his hand, congratulate him warmly and put his arm around his shoulders as they left the auditorium together.

I once saw him interviewed when he was asked why he had such a big smile on his face even when he’d lost. The interviewer actually said to him…

“Don’t you mind losing?” (not a great question to ask a professional sports person!).

His response was…

“Actually I hate losing more than you would know. The point is I love this sport and I see it as part of my role to promote the game and show it in a good light whenever I can. And I can't do that with an angry, upset look on my face. Snooker is bigger and more important than I am!”

Now that, ladies and gentlemen, is how to lose with dignity.

This beautiful girl is Itty bitty.

Itty bitty found me in a dope house. She was almost 3 weeks old, eyes swelled shut with infection, so starved she had no muscle left on her at all. Someone had hurt her throat so she couldn’t even meow. She broke my heart. I thought I was bringing her home to die because she was so far gone.

She held onto my shirt the whole ride home.

I was determined to at least give her a full belly and a warm place with lots of love the time she had left.

She’s a fighter though and here she is today.

My sweet Itty bitty.

My sweet Itty bitty.

Russia warns of ‘direct military clash’ with US

Washington’s behavior on the world stage risks direct conflict between the nuclear states, the Russian embassy in the US has warned.

“Today, the United States continues to act with no regard to other countries’ security and interests, which contributes to an increase in nuclear risks,” the embassy said in a statement on its Telegram channel.

“The [US’] steps to further engage in a hybrid confrontation with Russia in the context of the Ukrainian crisis are fraught with unpredictable escalation and a direct military clash of nuclear powers.”

The embassy noted that Washington has recently withdrawn from two key arms control agreements, the 1987 Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, which banned certain classes of land-based missiles, and the 1992 Treaty on Open Skies, which allowed for surveillance flights over each other’s territories.

The embassy urged the US to “take a closer look at its own nuclear policy instead of making unfounded accusations against the countries whose worldviews do not coincide with the American ones.”

“Our country faithfully fulfills its obligations as a nuclear-weapon state and makes every effort to reduce nuclear risks,” the diplomats said.

The statement comes after the US accused Moscow of using the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant in southern Ukraine as cover for its soldiers. The plant, the largest in Europe, was seized by Russian troops during the early stages of Moscow’s military operation in Ukraine, which was launched in late February. It continues to operate with Ukrainian personnel under Russian control.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken called Russia’s action at the facility “the height of irresponsibility.” Russia and Ukraine, meanwhile, have been accusing each other of shelling the plant. According to Moscow, artillery fire by Ukrainians forces caused several fires and partial power outages this month.

Russia initiated a UN Security Council meeting last week regarding the situation around the Zaporozhye power plant. Russian envoy Vassily Nebenzia said that Moscow supports the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to inspect the facility as quickly as possible.

Finland: Everyman’s rights.

There are some in other countries, but ours are quite extensive. You can fish, pick berries/mushrooms/etc., even hunt and stay overnight no matter who owns the land. This is all free (you are being scammed if someone asks you money for this alone).You just need to be very careful not to do any harm to the nature and its animals! Pick up your thrash and do not cause any ruckus during your stay.

These rights are based on the belief that everyone should be able to enjoy nature and that it really doesn’t “belong” solely to anyone.

Finland: Everyman’s rights.

A pickled-onion picker-upperer


It was in a Cats’ Protection League shop in Portobello, staffed by three elderly, very refined Edinburgh ladies. The conversation wen t like this:

Me: “How much do you want for the pickled-onion picker-upperer?”

They: “Oh, is *that* what it is? We were wondering.”

Me: “Yes, it’s a pickled-onion picker-upperer.”

At that point, one of these very nice, refined old ladies picked the thing up and flexed the claw thoughtfully. “Or”, she said, “you could use it for pinching men’s bottoms in pubs.”

Deluxe Pizza Goulash

Love pizza? Trade the crust for noodles in this easy family-pleasing skillet dinner with everything in it—pepperoni, ground beef, mozzarella and more.



  • 2 cups uncooked elbow macaroni (8 oz)
  • 1/2 lb lean (at least 80%) ground beef
  • 1 small onion, chopped (1/4 cup)
  • 1 package (3.5 oz) sliced pepperoni
  • 1 jar (4.5 oz) sliced mushrooms, drained
  • 2 cans (15 oz each) pizza sauce
  • 1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese (4 oz)


  • 1
    Cook and drain macaroni as directed on package.
  • 2
    Meanwhile, in 12-inch skillet, cook beef and onion over medium-high heat 5 to 7 minutes, stirring frequently, until beef is brown; drain. Stir in macaroni, pepperoni, mushrooms and pizza sauce.
  • 3
    Cover and cook over medium heat 8 to 10 minutes, stirring occasionally, until hot. Remove from heat. Sprinkle with cheese. Cover and let stand 2 to 3 minutes or until cheese is melted.

A Rufus Kitty-cat

There is a feral cat that lives in an abandoned home next to me. I feed him everyday which is easy to do as he’s usually alone. One day out of nowhere he pops up with a pretty white and gray cat. Unlike him, she was super friendly and loved being held and pet. I think he brought her so that I can help him save her from the streets as she was more than likely abandoned by her family. I ended up finding her a home.

Him, he won’t let me touch him, but he’s met another girlfriend and he brings her over a lot.

Rufus kitty

She’s the one eating. She hisses at me a lot, so it’s hard to pet her!

He’s a good boy

The October Game (full text) Ray Bradbury

The October Game || Ray Bradbury

He put the gun back into the bureau drawer and shut the drawer.

No, not that way.

Louise wouldn’t suffer.

It was very important that this thing have, above all duration. Duration through imagination.

How to prolong the suffering?

How, first of all, to bring it about?

Well. The man standing before the bedroom mirror carefully fitted his cuff-links together.

He paused long enough to hear the children run by swiftly on the street below, outside this warm two-storey house, like so many grey mice the children, like so many leaves.

By the sound of the children you knew the calendar day.

By their screams you knew what evening it was.

You knew it was very late in the year.


The last day of October, with white bone masks and cut pumpkins and the smell of dropped candle wax.


Things hadn’t been right for some time.

October didn’t help any.

If anything it made things worse.

He adjusted his black bow-tie.

If this were spring, he nodded slowly, quietly, emotionlessly, at his image in the mirror, then there might be a chance.

But tonight all the world was burning down into ruin.

There was no green spring, none of the freshness, none of the promise.

There was a soft running in the hall.

“That’s Marion”, he told himself. “My little one”.

All eight quiet years of her.

Never a word. Just her luminous grey eyes and her wondering little mouth.

His daughter had been in and out all evening, trying on various masks, asking him which was most terrifying, most horrible. They had both finally decided on the skeleton mask.

It was “just awful!” It would “scare the beans” from people!

Again he caught the long look of thought and deliberation he gave himself in the mirror.

He had never liked October.

Ever since he first lay in the autumn leaves before his grandmother’s house many years ago and heard the wind and sway the empty trees.

It has made him cry, without a reason.

And a little of that sadness returned each year to him.

It always went away with spring.

But, it was different tonight.

There was a feeling of autumn coming to last a million years.

There would be no spring.

He had been crying quietly all evening.

It did not show, not a vestige of it, on his face.

It was all hidden somewhere and it wouldn’t stop.

A rich syrupy smell of sweets filled the bustling house.

Louise had laid out apples in new skins of toffee; there were vast bowls of punch fresh-mixed, stringed apples in each door, scooped, vented pumpkins peering triangularly from each cold window.

There was a water tub in the centre of the living room, waiting, with a sack of apples nearby, for dunking to begin.

All that was needed was the catalyst, the inpouring of children, to start the apples bobbing, the stringed apples to penduluming in the crowded doors, the sweets to vanish, the halls to echo with fright or delight, it was all the same.

Now, the house was silent with preparation.

And just a little more than that.

Louise had managed to be in every other room save the room he was in today.

It was her very fine way of intimating, Oh look Mich, see how busy I am! So busy that when you walk into a room I’m in there’s always something I need to do in another room!

Just see how I dash about!

For a while he had played a little game with her, a nasty childish game.

When she was in the kitchen then he came to the kitchen saying, “I need a glass of water.”

After a moment, he standing, drinking water, she like a crystal witch over the caramel brew bubbling like a prehistoric mudpot on the stove, she said, “Oh, I must light the pumpkins!” and she rushed to the living room to make the pumpkins smile with light.

He came after, smiling, “I must get my pipe.”

“Oh, the cider!” she had cried, running to the dining room.

“I’ll check the cider,” he had said.

But when he tried following she ran to the bathroom and locked the door.

He stood outside the bathroom door, laughing strangely and senselessly, his pipe gone cold in his mouth, and then, tired of the game, but stubborn, he waited another five minutes.

There was not a sound from the bath.

And lest she enjoy in any way knowing that he waited outside, irritated, he suddenly jerked about and walked upstairs, whistling merrily.

At the top of the stairs he had waited.

Finally he had heard the bathroom door unlatch and she had come out and life below-stairs and resumed, as life in a jungle must resume once a terror has passed on away and the antelope return to their spring.

Now, as he finished his bow-tie and put his dark coat there was a mouserustle in the hall.

Marion appeared in the door, all skeletons in her disguise. “How do I look, Papa?”


From under the mask, blonde hair showed.

From the skull sockets small blue eyes smiled.

He sighed.

Marion and Louise, the two silent denouncers of his virility, his dark power. 

alchemy had there been in Louise that took the dark of a dark man and bleached the dark brown eyes and black hair and washed and bleached the ingrown baby all during the period before birth until the child was born, Marion, blonde, blue-eyed, ruddy-cheeked?

Sometimes he suspected that Louise had conceived the child as an idea, completely asexual, an immaculate conception of contemptuous mind and cell.

As a firm rebuke to him she had produced a child in her own image, and, to top it, she had somehow fixed the doctor so he shook his head and said, “Sorry, Mr. Wilder, your wife will never have another child.

This is the last one.” “And I wanted a boy,” Mich had said eight years ago.

He almost bent to take hold of Marion now, in her skull mask.

He felt an inexplicable rush of pity for her, because she had never had a father’s love, only the crushing, holding love of a loveless mother.

But most of all he pitied himself, that somehow he had not made the most of a bad birth, enjoyed his daughter for herself, regardless of her not being dark and a son and like himself.

Somewhere he had missed out.

Other things being equal, he would have loved the child.

But Louise hadn’t wanted a child, anyway, in the first place.

She had been frightened of the idea of birth.

He had forced the child on her, and from that night, all through the year until the agony of the birth itself, Louise had lived in another part of the house.

She had expected to die with the forced child.

It had been very easy for Louise to hate this husband who so wanted a son that he gave his only wife over to the mortuary. But — Louise had lived.

And in triumph!

Her eyes, the day he came to the hospital, were cold. I’m alive they said.

And I have a blonde daughter! Just look!

And when he had put out a hand to touch, the mother had turned away to conspire with her new pink daughter-child — away from that dark forcing murderer.

It had all been so beautifully ironic.

His selfishness deserved it. But now it was October again.

There had been other Octobers and when he thought of the long winter he had been filled with horror year after year to think of the endless months mortared into the house by an insane fall of snow, trapped with a woman and child, neither of whom loved him, for months on end.

During the eight years there had been respites.

In spring and summer you got out, walked, picnicked; these were desperate solutions to the desperate problem of a hated man.

But, in winter, the hikes and picnics and escapes fell away with leaves.

Life, like a tree, stood empty, the fruit picked, the sap run to earth.

Yes, you invited people in, but people were hard to get in winter with blizzards and all.

Once he had been clever enough to save for a Florida trip.

They had gone south.

He had walked in the open.

But now, the eighth winter coming, he knew things were finally at an end.

He simply could not wear this one through.

There was an acid walled off in him that slowly had eaten through tissue and bone over the years, and now, tonight, it would reach the wild explosive in him and all would be over!

There was a mad ringing of the bell below.

In the hall, Louise went to see. Marion, without a word, ran down to greet the first arrivals.

There were shouts and hilarity.

He walked to the top of the stairs.

Louise was below, taking wraps.

She was tall and slender and blonde to the point of whiteness, laughing down upon the new children.

He hesitated. What was all this? The years? The boredom of living? Where had it gone wrong?

Certainly not with the birth of the child alone.

But it had been a symbol of all their tensions, he imagined. His jealousies and his business failures and all the rotten rest of it.

Why didn’t he just turn, pack a suitcase, and leave? No. Not without hurting Louise as much as she had hurt him.

It was simple as that.

Divorce wouldn’t hurt her at all. It would simply be an end to numb indecision. If he thought divorce would give her pleasure in any way he would stay married the rest of his life to her, for damned spite.

No he must hurt her. F

igure some way, perhaps, to take Marion away from her, legally. Yes. That was it. That would hurt most of all.

To take Marion away. “Hello down there!”

He descended the stairs beaming. Louise didn’t look up. “Hi, Mr Wilder!” The children shouted, waved, as he came down.

By ten o’clock the doorbell had stopped ringing, the apples were bitten from stringed doors, the pink faces were wiped dry from the apple bobbling, napkins were smeared with toffee and punch, and he, the husband, with pleasant efficiency had taken over.

He took the party right out of Louise’s hands.

He ran about talking to the twenty children and the twelve parents who had come and were happy with the special spiked cider he had fixed them.

He supervised pin the tail on the donkey, spin the bottle, musical chairs, and all the rest, amid fits of shouting laughter.

Then, in the triangular-eyed pumpkin shine, all house lights out, he cried, “Hush! Follow me!” tiptoeing towards the cellar.

The parents, on the outer periphery of the costumed riot, commented to each other, nodding at the clever husband, speaking to the lucky wife.

How well he got on with children, they said. The children, crowded after the husband, squealing.

“The cellar!” he cried. “The tomb of the witch!”

More squealing. He made a mock shiver. “Abandon hope all ye who enter here!”

The parents chuckled.

One by one the children slid down a slide which Mich had fixed up from lengths of table-section, into the dark cellar. He hissed and shouted ghastly utterances after them. A wonderful wailing filled dark pumpkin-lighted house. Everybody talked at once. Everybody but Marion.

She had gone through all the party with a minimum of sound or talk; it was all inside her, all the excitement and joy.

What a little troll, he thought.

With a shut mouth and shiny eyes she had watched her own party, like so many serpentines thrown before her. Now, the parents.

With laughing reluctance they slid down the short incline, uproarious, while little Marion stood by, always wanting to see it all, to be last.

Louise went down without help. He moved to aid her, but she was gone even before he bent. The upper house was empty and silent in the candle-shine. Marion stood by the slide.

“Here we go,” he said, and picked her up. They sat in a vast circle in the cellar. Warmth came from the distant bulk of the furnace.

The chairs stood in a long line along each wall, twenty squealing children, twelve rustling relatives, alternatively spaced, with Louise down at the far end, Mich up at this end, near the stairs.

He peered but saw nothing. They had all grouped to their chairs, catch-as-you-can in the blackness. The entire programme from here on was to be enacted in the dark, he as Mr. Interlocutor.

There was a child scampering, a smell of damp cement, and the sound of the wind out in the October stars. “Now!” cried the husband in the dark cellar.

“Quiet!” Everybody settled. The room was black black.

Not a light, not a shine, not a glint of an eye. A scraping of crockery, a metal rattle. “The witch is dead,” intoned the husband. “Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee,” said the children.

“The witch is dead, she has been killed, and here is the knife she was killed with.”

He handed over the knife. It was passed from hand to hand, down and around the circle, with chuckles and little odd cries and comments from the adults.

“The witch is dead, and this is her head,” whispered the husband, and handed an item to the nearest person.

“Oh, I know how this game is played,” some child cried, happily, in the dark. “He gets some old chicken innards from the icebox and hands them around and says, ‘These are her innards!’

And he makes a clay head and passes it for her head, and passes a soup bone for her arm. And he takes a marble and says, ‘This is her eye!’ And he takes some corn and says, ‘This is her teeth!’ And he takes a sack of plum pudding and gives that and says, ‘This is her stomach!’ I know how this is played!” “Hush, you’ll spoil everything,” some girl said. “The witch came to harm, and this is her arm,” said Mich. “Eeeeeeeeeeee!”

The items were passed and passed, like hot potatoes, around the cirle. Some children screamed, wouldn’t touch them.

Some ran from their chairs to stand in the centre of the cellar until the grisly items had passed.

“Aw, it’s only chicken insides,” scoffed a boy. “Come back, Helen!” Shot from hand to hand, with small scream after scream, the items went down, down, to be followed by another and another.

“The witch cut apart, and this is her heart,” said the husband.

Six or seven items moving at once through the laughing, trembling dark. Louise spoke up. “Marion, don’t be afraid; it’s only play.”

Marion didn’t say anything. “Marion?” asked Louise. “Are you afraid?” Marion didn’t speak. “She’s all right,” said the husband.

“She’s not afraid.”

On and on the passing, the screams, the hilarity. The autumn wind sighed about the house. And he, the husband stood at the head of the dark cellar, intoning the words, handing out the items. “Marion?” asked Louise again, from far across the cellar.

Everybody was talking. “Marion?” called Louise.

Everybody quieted. “Marion, answer me, are you afraid?”

Marion didn’t answer.

The husband stood there, at the bottom of the cellar steps.

Louise called “Marion, are you there?”

No answer.

The room was silent.

“Where’s Marion?” called Louise.

“She was here”, said a boy. “Maybe she’s upstairs.”


No answer.

It was quiet.

Louise cried out, “Marion, Marion!”

“Turn on the lights,” said one of the adults.

The items stopped passing.

The children and adults sat with the witch’s items in their hands.

“No.” Louise gasped.

There was a scraping of her chair, wildly, in the dark.

“No. Don’t turn on the lights, oh, God, God, God, don’t turn them on, please, don’t turn on the lights, don’t!”

Louise was shrieking now.

The entire cellar froze with the scream.

Nobody moved.

Everyone sat in the dark cellar, suspended in the suddenly frozen task of this October game; the wind blew outside, banging the house, the smell of pumpkins and apples filled the room with the smell of the objects in their fingers while one boy cried, “I’ll go upstairs and look!” and he ran upstairs hopefully and out around the house, four times around the house, calling, “Marion, Marion, Marion!” over and over and at last coming slowly down the stairs into the waiting breathing cellar and saying to the darkness, “I can’t find her.”

Then ……

…some idiot turned on the lights.

Let me explain to you all how China conducts war…

Let’s tackle a very serious subject in a round-about manner. I hope that you get my gist of what I am trying to explain, and with that, you can extrapolate into the realms of advanced military strategies, economic strategies, and all the rest.

Let’s begin with various light subjects…

Here are 10 adjustments to Japanese life you may find difficult…


Don’t do it (they’ll stare at you blankly or give you the money back) – I actually prefer this one. For tippers, it might be hard adjusting to the fact that what it says on the menu is how much you pay at the end… crazy concept I know.

For those that are adamant about the fact that “Tipping promotes good service”, come to Japan. Great service, with a smile…without tipping! You then realize that the whole tipping thing is nothing but corporate BS made up to help retail owners pay their staff peanuts.

GAIJIN TIP: Just don't do it... even when you think it's good service.


Don’t try to open or close the taxi door (it’s automatic). I’ve slammed a few taxi doors in my time (a remnant of Black cabs in London). I think the driver thought I was ready to start a fight.

Worth noting that Japanese taxi drivers are clean, efficient and cheap!

GAIJIN TIP: Wait for the door to open for you, otherwise the driver might think he's being hijacked.


Take your shoes off before you enter a house. This is inexcusable, even in your own home.

GAJIN TIP: Learn the art of the Genkan (the small space between the outdoors and inside where guests take off shoes). Don't just take your shoes off, place them neatly facing the door.


Be prepared to see lots of drunk people late at night, particularly at Christmas/end of year where the level of drunkenness goes off the scale. If you have Japanese friends, you will get very drunk, and you may have to adjust to this being a regular part of life in Japan.

That said, Japan is the best place in the world to get drunk. You won’t get beaten up, you won’t get your wallet nicked and you will be surrounded by lots of drunk Japanese who want to practise their English with you.

GAIJIN TIP: Lose your "Western" shame about drinking and being drunk. It's not unusual to hear Japanese women tell you they are hungover because they got razzled last night. Learn to love Japan's extensive offering of soft drinks aimed at the hungover masses (Pocari Sweat, Aquarius, Hepalize etc)

5) Re point 4… DRUNK SALARIMEN

Watch out for red-faced drunken Salaryman guy playing air golf with his umbrella on the train platform. Also, drunken Salaryman rolling around the train carriage floor, often asleep, sometimes murmuring something incoherent, at other times in a pool of vomit… You may have to adjust to being comfortable with just watching his corpse roll around the carriage floor with people stepping over him.

GAIJIN TIP: Beware of young looking, drunk salarimen in suits. They will inevitably be the ones forced to drink the most by their superiors and almost always at the brink of extreme vomit.

Also, learn to appreciate the finer pleasures of the drunken salariman singing Enka songs during Ohanami (cherry blossom) season.



Don’t expect people to open the door for you in a shopping mall, or “ladies first” or someone to offer up a seat to an old woman, or a pregnant woman on the train.

There are “silver seats” in the carriages for the above but everyone conveniently falls asleep when a little old lady or pregnant woman shows up standing next to them.

Also watch out for “Kusobaba” – the strong old lady who pushes her way through the train like the carriage caught fire or something. Don’t mess with her, she has a Fendi sale to get to…

GAIJIN TIP: If you are foreign, especially male, you can earn serious brownie points by offering to carry a lady's luggage up the station steps. You may also get arrested for scaring the locals.


If you’re driving, watch out for cyclists, they are insane. Cyclists, particularly women on “mamachari” do not stop for anyone, pedestrian or vehicle. They have only one speed and are quite often either carrying children on the back or reading their mobile phone while cycling (if young girl). You may have to adjust to developing a 6th sense for predicting which random street a cyclist is going to charge out of at any moment.

There are a number of discrete signs on the roads that say:”自転車左側通行” – Bicycles on the left hand side of the road.

However, outside of the main roads, a large number of cyclists ignore this and cycle both sides against the traffic, especially ママチャリ mothers. For both oncoming cyclists and drivers this is pretty dangerous and it seems the offending cyclists are unaware they’re doing anything wrong. So, this takes some adjustment.


PIC: This is a motorized ママチャリ (mamachari). As I said in my point above, they are a real challenge for drivers. They tend to charge down the back roads on different sides without stopping for anyone… How they keep balanced with kids on the back and their shopping on front is nothing short of witchcraft.

GAIJIN TIP: If you cycle in Japan, learn the hand signals no-one else uses, learn to track-stand, emergency stop, cycle with no hands while holding off a drunk Ojiisan veering into your path... all useful skills


Boy is it noisy.

I read somewhere that Japan was the noisiest country in the world. Machines play tunes all the time, cars drive around blaring their speakers asking you to recycle old washing machines, then there’s the local speaker system to announce town news etc etc. You may have to adjust to this new normal and buy some ear plugs.

I have lived in the 2 “noisiest countries” in the world (according to some)… Spain and Japan The second noisiest country in the world –

& Noisiest nation in the world?

, I’ve worked in different states in India, as well as South East Asian countries… so I appreciate what the comparison is. Anyway, maybe it’s not as loud as your home town but for most people it’s noisy.

On the trains Japan can be deadly quiet but my point was about machines and loudspeakers everywhere: beaches, elections, American air bases, public address speakers, alarms etc etc. It’s funny how in supermarkets you can have 3 or 4 different songs playing at the same time – no one seems to notice!


I often see Western couples walking through Tokyo and I know what’s going through the guy’s head as he’s looking round at all these pretty girls. No fat arms, no fat asses, they dress so well. Apart from the teeth, and the occasional pigeon feet, it’s all good…

And for those guys who come here with a girlfriend back home… good luck, it ain’t gonna last.



In all honesty, I adapted pretty well to the above 9 adjustments in my time here but it was #10 that really blew my mind. Wow, this is how Japanese kids see the world. For the first time I had to adjust to the idea that my country wasn’t the center of the world, but somewhere out on the edges… that was a hard adjustment but a liberating experience.



Wow! Thank you for all your interest and great comments on this post…I’ve decided to add an 11th “adjustment”… eating in public in Japan.

Visitors might be surprised by the looks they get when trying to eat a kebab or Big Mac and fries on the train so it’s good to know the Japanese rarely do it. Not never. There are some exceptions when Japanese do eat in public places:

  • On a train you can eat in public if you do it slowly and secretly. Keep the food in its bag. Do not make eye contact with other passengers while eating. Try not to alert passengers with the sound of your food wrapper. With your head down, eat with very small bites while reading a book or phone. Preferably stand in the corner by the doors.
  • You may eat in the small ad hoc standing area known as the “shame spot” frequented by smokers. This can be found to the side of the convenience store. Alternatively you can eat without shame in your car if parked a. convenience store.
  • You may also eat in public if it’s an ice cream.

So, an interesting observation to add…

On my way home last night on the train heading out of Shinagawa. I’m staring at my phone and notice some food smell. I look up. I see other people looking around with frowns. A middle aged lady a few seats down is eating a Nikuman (a rather stinky pork dumpling). It stinks out the carriage. She gets a lot of stares from passengers but she doesn’t give a sh*t and everyone’s too scared to complain.

She finishes her snack, puts on her mask and falls asleep.

So there is your answer to *what happens if I eat in public?*

GAIJIN TIP: Of course, you can eat in public if it's a festival or food is being served (duh!) People do eat in public in Japan, just not to the extent you'll see in other countries.


What on earth are sushi “chefs” doing in other countries burying their sushi under sauces, toppings and (the worst offenders being New Zealand) deep frying it?

Deep Fried Sushi???

Anyway, sushi here in Japan is much simpler than the offending foreign varieties.



simple, subtle, delicious…


Looks like the cat vomited up this one…


Your Japanese friends may look at this and say “マジかよ” (Majikayo) or in English…WTF?

So, please come to Japan and try the real stuff, you’ll never go back to eating Frankenstein sushi again…

GAIJIN TIP: Don't even try to convince the Japanese that... "sushi back home is real good..." it's a lie. They'll agree and listen to you with feigned interest because they feel sorry for you.

He’s named Shadow


In sometime early January, I went to open my door to go check the mail and find this little guy trying to get in.

We brought him in and checked him out to make sure he was okay physically and, since it was cold, we were going to take him to a no-kill shelter so he wouldn’t be out in the cold.

4 months later:


He has become part of our family. He is so loving and playful, he claimed our (currently) 13 month old son as his favorite human because he tries his hardest to be next to him whenever he can.

When we found him he was no older than 4 months old but he’s had a great impact on us.

He’s named Shadow, not because of his color but because he literally follows you around like your shadow does. I love the little guy!

More stuff about Japan


I made many adjustments when I moved to Japan, but among all of them, the things that I never got used during my 5 years were mainly restaurant related. The restaurant culture in the U.S. and Japan is just so different, and I was often left unsatisfied with the following points:

Lack of flexibility in restaurants.

In the U.S. there is a bountiful abundance of options and possibilities. I could have my french fries swapped for salad, I have rice instead of pasta, I can have Swiss instead of American cheese. If I ask nicely enough sometimes I could even have things not really on the menu. I love it! 😀

In Japan, there seems to be no other options other than what’s clearly written on the menu. Once I went to a cafe inside of a small airport and saw that they had hot English tea on the menu. I asked if it was possible to turn it into iced tea. The waitress tilted her head 45 degrees and said “Ahhhhh…… I’m sorry, but since it’s not on the menu that wouldn’t be possible”. In desperate need of iced tea, my addiction, I said, “Okay then, can you bring me hot tea and a separate cup filled with ice then?” To which she said “Ermmm……… I would have to talk to the manager about that…. But he’s not here right now”.

WHY?!?!? What possible negative consequences can there be giving me a cup filled with ice?? They already have ice, and they already have cups. This request virtually requires no extra efforts or costs. Is she worried the manager would scold her for giving away something that is already free? Or is she worried I would sue the cafe for burning myself while pouring hot tea into a cup and accidentally spilling it all over myself, consequently resulting in a loss of millions of dollars like McDonalds? No matter how I think of it, it just seems so absurd. Ever since that incident I’ve given up on straying even slightly from the menu.

Portion of food.

In America, everything is bigger.

In Japan, everything is smaller.

From my body’s perpective, this is obviously better. I know the portions in the U.S. can’t possibly be healthy and are often too big for one person to eat in one sitting. On the other hand, the Japanese have a saying “hara hachi-bun-me (腹八分目)” meaning “80% full stomach”. Not eating till you’re 100% full is considered the key to health, and I do agree I feel better when I eat to 80% and not to 120% like I more often than not end up doing in the states.

But from my heart’s perspective, the small portions in Japan just made me so sad! There are indeed many places with cheap prices and big portions, but at the same time a lot of the normal restaurants have normal to expensive prices and small portions, whereas in the states it’s more probable the majority of restaurants you go to will give you more than you should ever eat. I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve eagerly waited for my plate to arrive and become crestfallen at the portion that appears as if it was made for a baby hamster.

And for some reason takeout pizza is so expensive. In the U.S. I can get a large for 20 dollars and in Japan I would pay the same price for a personal pan pizza.

Lastly, I haven’t been able to prove this, but I even feel like the Big Mac is significantly smaller in Japan. Grrr.


The majority of restaurants that I’ve been to across Japan prohibited taking home leftovers. So when I left food on a plate, I had to bid it goodbye forever.

This isn’t much of an issue on normal occasions since as I said, the portions are small. But when you are having enkai or dinner parties, this becomes a problem. These dinner parties are often held at izakaya and more than enough dishes to feed an army are lavishly ordered. Everyone would have put their chopsticks down and there would still be entire plates leftover. I was taught to never leave even a single grain of rice when I eat, so I couldn’t bear to watch perfectly good food (and especially those tasty karaages or fried chicken) go to waste.

Which is why I almost always sacrificed my own well-being and continued eating despite feeling and probably looking like pufferfish about to explode.

If the restaurants had allowed take out, I could have saved myself from multiple heartbreaks and about 20,000 calories. I understand the concern they expressed that they don’t want food poisoning to be caused by food that has already left the restaurant and can no longer be monitored, but for a country whose motto is “mottainai” (how wasteful), the restaurants don’t seem to be doing their part in reducing the food waste. (Hopefully it’s recycled and I just don’t know.)

I know the 3 points I mentioned above are not representative of all restaurants across Japan, and surely there is variation depending on the region and the grade of the restaurant. But, my main observation is that you will be much more likely to come across restaurants that don’t accomodate personal requests, have small food portions, and don’t allow take outs than you ever would in the U.S., which, for me, felt like the biggest differences between the restaurant culture in Japan and America.

I could also endlessly ramble on about all the things I like about the restaurant culture in Japan, but that’s for a different answer.

I will mention that:

On a positive note,

I love that you can take off your shoes at many restaurants.

I also looove cold oshibori (wet towels) on hot summer days and warm oshibori during chilly winter nights.

And I love love LOVE love horigotatsu (low tables with sunken floors for your feet to comfortably hang loose).


Taiwan Strait drill as weapons parade

Part 2: Beijing took the opportunity to put on a show of its latest firepower

The following is the second installment of a translated article. Click here to read Part 1.

On a technical level, China’s Taiwan Strait exercise has showcased a variety of advanced weaponry and tactics and demonstrated the strength of China’s military industry.

Here’s a rundown:

Long-range rocket launchers

In the latest exercise, long-range rocket launchers were used. They were not the well-known 300mm rocket launchers but the more advanced 370mm ones.

Compared with the 300mm rocket launcher, the 370mm one has larger caliber, longer range and higher firing speed and accuracy. Also, they are modularized and can reload quickly and fire different types of rockets.

In the exercise, the new long-range rocket launcher showed its high mobility and great practical significance. When it was first displayed at the National Day parade in 2019, Chinese military watchers were surprised. They did not expect a newer generation of 370mm rocket launchers to be launched so soon after the 300mm ones.

It was said at the time that all equipment displayed in the National Day parade had already been in service. But no one knew whether it was still in the pilot stage or not.

The more advanced the equipment, the longer the time it takes to meet combat standards.

The well-known French “Caesar” 155mm self-propelled howitzer went into production in 2008. Its second generation was unveiled in 2022, still 6×6 chassis, with improved fire control and increased armor. It will take four years to develop before mass production. It will take even longer to be installed and form a combat force.

China’s long-range rocket launcher, which is more powerful and sophisticated, has successfully entered its combat mode within three years. It demonstrated the speed and efficiency of the Chinese military industry, as well as the PLA.

A lot of other advanced equipment was used, including Xi’an Y-20, 052D destroyers and J-20 fighter jets.



“Older equipment” such as the Dongfeng-15B, a veteran of the 1996 exercise, is still playing an important role.

According to US and Japanese media reports on August 5, 11 Dongfeng-15B missiles were launched during the exercise, with landing points encircling the northern and southern ends of Taiwan Island and the western Pacific Ocean. They were launched from Zhejiang, Fujian and Jiangxi with some of them passing over the suburbs of southern Taipei.


Interestingly, Taiwanese authorities did not issue any air defense alert and commented on it when it only when approached by the media afterwards.

Taiwan said no air defense alert was needed as the missiles were outside the atmosphere and posed no safety hazard when passing across the island.

Some Taiwan media and politicians said the arrangement was unfair to the Taiwanese people, who have the right to know.

There may be some untold truths regarding Taiwan’s failure to issue an alert. There are four scenarios:

  • The Taiwan army failed to detect the missiles because of its insufficient detection capabilities or Dongfeng-15B’s stealth capabilities.
  • It judged that the missiles would not hit the island so it turned off the radar to avoid its radar performance being seen by the PLA.
  • It judged that the missiles would not threaten the island and that it could not intercept them.
  • It judged that the missiles would not threaten the island and it did not want to
    escalate the situation by intercepting them.

The Dongfeng-15B is an improved version of the Dongfeng-15 series. China has done deep research on stealth technology. It’s not surprising that the Dongfeng-15B has an anti-radar system.

In general, ballistic missile launch and early warning is a mature technology so the chance that Taiwan forces failed to detect the Dongfeng-15B is low.

It is a reasonable assumption that the Taiwanese army detected the missiles but let them fly over Taiwan as they did not pose any threat.

But this would be a really big gamble, because the PLA’s exercise was almost like actual combat. The seamless transition from an exercise to actual combat is a matter of minutes. If it happens, the Taiwanese army will be caught off guard. Of course, nonresponse would be reasonable if Taiwan wanted to hide its radar performance and reaction plans from the PLA.

The Patriot missile is the only means for Taiwan’s military to counteract but its range and height are limited. All its launch facilities are known by the PLA. The PLA’s missiles can easily evade Patriots.

In this case, Taiwan may simply pretend to have seen nothing.

It is also possible that Taiwan detected PLA’s missiles and had the ability to intercept them but decided to do nothing for fear of escalating conflict. But the chance is small.

If Taiwan did not intercept the PLA’s missiles flying across the island, what about high-speed drones and fighter jets? How can the Taiwanese authorities give the people any sense of security?

In any case, the Taiwan authorities have to give an explanation.

Chinese aircraft carriers

During the exercise, the Liaoning and Shandong carriers are said to have left their home ports and gone “somewhere.” Of course, they were not on a summer vacation at public expense.

The military role of China’s aircraft carriers is a matter of endless debate. There are constant claims that Chinese carriers are to be used to liberate Taiwan. But the fact that Chinese aircraft carriers went “somewhere” when the J-20 fighter jets, Xian H-6 bombers and Type 052D destroyers were deployed shows that narrowly defined operations in the Taiwan Strait are not suitable for Chinese aircraft carriers. It would be a huge waste to send them there.

Some people said Chinese carriers could only be used to restrain small-and-medium-sized trouble-making countries but not the US carriers. This is even more incorrect.

It is misplacement to turn a carrier into a mega maritime police ship. The country’s important weapon is to serve the country’s important task.

The US aircraft carriers are a great obstacle to China’s reunification by force. If the Chinese aircraft carriers cannot play the role of a mainstay in the reunification, how can they match Chinese people’s high expectations?

Besides, China will not do what other people expect.

Chinese aircraft carriers may not necessarily fight against US counterparts in contests like the Battle of the Coral Sea or Battle of Midway in 1942. As long as they can defeat their opponents with the support of 055 destroyers, submarines, shore-based aircraft and anti-ship ballistic missiles, it is a victory.

During the exercise, the USS Ronald Reagan moved closer to Japan and later showed signs of returning, but its actions remained hesitant.

It’s easy for the nuclear-powered carrier to move 1,000 kilometers in one day. The USS Ronald Reagan’s battle group had time to approach the Taiwan Strait throughout the exercise but it did not. There are certainly political considerations.

It is hard to conclude that the movements of the Liaoning battle group from Qingdao and the Shandong battle group from Sanya, Hainan had no impact on the US aircraft carrier, which had suddenly turned away from the Taiwan Strait and moved eastward on August 3.

The Global Times reported on August 4 that nuclear submarines had been deployed in the exercise. If there are still shortcomings in China’s military power, the shortcomings of both aircraft carriers and nuclear submarines are being gradually made up.

The report did not say whether a strategic missile nuclear submarine or an attack nuclear submarine was deployed, or both. In fact, strategic missile nuclear submarines are always on combat duty.

Nuclear submarines

Attack nuclear submarines have three functions: anti-carrier, anti-submarine and land attack.


All these were used in the exercise. It is needless to say that anti-carrier warfare was the main task of China’s nuclear submarines while other missions included anti-warship and anti-merchant ships.

In the exercise, people paid great attention to the USS Ronald Reagan, as well as the USS Tripoli and the USS America. It is almost certain that US submarines were quietly moving in the Western Pacific Ocean.

During the 1996 exercise, Chinese nuclear submarines were also deployed, but the Americans scoffed that the noise was so loud that it could be heard across the Pacific.

This was certainly an exaggeration. At that time, China had just resolved an embarrassing problem: it had possessed no nuclear submarines in the past.

Over the years, China has grown its nuclear submarine technology quietly and rapidly. When China shows its achievement, people are very surprised. Now it’s the time for people to feel astonished.

China would not be unprepared to let slip that nuclear submarines were deployed. Probably, Chinese and American nuclear submarines are competing in the Western Pacific Ocean as well.

In terms of ground attack, there is no need to use nuclear submarines. But for the US bases in Japan, the situation is not the same.

Attack is always the best defense. And in the Western Pacific, that may consist of a a mass attack similar to that of the Chinese Communist Party against the Kuomintang in the Dabie Mountains in 1947.

In terms of electromagnetic and space warfare, various plans are also essential.

The PLA’s air force, supported by an airborne radar system, will be deployed while all kinds of air radars and data chains will be in full swing. It is necessary to keep our ears clear and eyes open but stay silent and confuse the enemy with false information.

In wartime, having an attack without disguise is dangerous as it will result in the enemy’s electromagnetic and spatial countermeasures.

At the same time, the PLA needs to show its real power to deter the enemy. It should let the enemy know that some more powerful attacks will come soon.

Taiwan’s planes and surface vessels

Taiwan’s military in general has stayed low-profile during the PLA’s exercise. Initially, it only deployed Mirage 2000 and Northrop F-5E/F.

The Mirage 2000 was once the mainstay of the Taiwan Air Force, but has been withdrawn from frontline use after Taiwan’s F-16 fighter jets were upgraded.

The F-5E/F is even older and is normally used only for training pilots.

Their deployment can save the more valuable F-16 flight hours and avoid exposing the F-16’s radar and data information.

In later stages, the F-16 (including the pre-upgrade A/B and post-upgrade V) fighter jets were sent but it did not necessarily mean an escalating action. It might be that the old Mirage 2000 and F-5E/F had to take a break.

The Taiwan Navy’s Cheng Kung-class and Knox-class frigates and Kidd-class destroyers are also old-fashioned.

In terms of combat power, they cannot match the PLA’s 054A, 052D and 055 destroyers. It is said that, during the exercise, the distance between the battleships of the two sides was only 1,000 meters, and even 500 meters. In the vast sea, it is a very close distance. But who has the high ground?

According to satellite images, the closest distance between the Nanking 155 destroyer and the coastline near Hualien was less than 10 kilometers. The Nanking 155 was very close to Taiwan’s ROCN Lan Yang and it forced the latter to move backward.

Taiwanese media boasted that ROCN Lan Yang had opened the cover of its Hsiung Feng anti-ship missile launcher to try to scare the PLA off. Not to mention that the PLA has much more powerful missiles, Taiwan’s anti-ship missiles could not be used at such a close distance.

Only Naval artillery was useful. But Taiwan’s old Mk-42 127mm gun also could not beat the PLA’s new H/PJ38 130mm naval gun.

The Nanking 155 did not go there to attack the ROCN Lan Yang. If it had, it could have used its H/PJ38, which has a range of 30 km. It only wanted to highlight the illegality of Taiwan’s 12 nautical mile line. The political significance of this mission, together with other drills, greatly exceeded the military significance.

In terms of range, China’s guided bombs with glide and long-range rockets can cover all targets on the island.

At close distance, the PLA can use a large amount of low-cost short-range ammunition. That is the core while highly precision-guided weapons are only supplementary.

Chen Feng is editor of, which originally published this article in Chinese as an exclusive manuscript.

Imagine this scenario:

You were born in a working class family, and you worked all the way up to a successful entrepreneur.

You met a like-minded young woman and you fell in love with each other at the first sight.

You got married, and had three kids of your own.

You owned a prospering business of children’s apparel. With the profit, you were able to afford everything you ever wanted, including a $3 million luxury apartment with lake view in a large city with skyrocket housing price.

Admirable, yeah?



One day, while away on a business trip, you got a call, and you were told that the woman you loved, along with the three kids, were killed in a fire, leaving your luxury apartment in ruins.

Wait, there’s more — the fire wasn’t an accident. It was set deliberately by the nanny you hired.

You flew back, hoping it was a joke. Only that it wasn’t. Your three kids and your wife were lying in the morgue, never knowing your sorrow or pain.

This is the worst story I’ve ever heard, the worst thing that can happen to anyone, and the worst pain I wouldn’t even hope to inflict on my worst enemy.

The fire.

This is the story of Shengbin Lin.

Before June 22 2017, Mr. Shengbin Lin was a proud father of three, owner of a clothing business and happily married to Ms. Xiaozhen Zhu, fellow entrepreneur who aspired to start a traditional Chinese clothing business. Together they lived in a high-rise building facing the West Lake in the middle of Hangzhou, a rich technology capital.

On the morning of June 22, while Lin was away on a business trip, Zhu and the three children were killed in a fire, leaving the luxury apartment in ruins.

The perpetrator was none other than Huanjing Mo, the live-in nanny to whom Lin had offered a high salary and a private bedroom in the luxury apartment.

Mo was in very heavy gambling debt. She deliberately set the apartment on fire, as an attempt to raise money for her gambling debt. She thought, if she could save the wife and the kids from an accidental fire, Lin would reward her for her heroic act financially, out of gratitude.

Only that things didn’t go as Mo had planned. Within a minute after she ignited a book with lighters in the living room, the fire grew out of control. Mo fled the apartment, leaving the three children and their mother inside the burning apartment. Mo called the police, who took her into custody and interrogated her.


Soon, Mo was convicted for arson and theft. What the investigators found was appalling.

Mo had worked as a nanny for a couple of families before. She was fired by all because of theft. Her former employers reported that she stole valuables from their house and sent them to pawnshops, and then used the money for gambling.

A couple of days before the incident, Lin had lent her $18,000 generously, when Mo claimed that she was in dire need of money to buy a house for her family. But Mo didn’t use the money to buy any real estate properties. Instead, she lost them to online gambling within minutes.

On the evening of June 21, Mo had lost $1000 to mobile phone gambling. On the top of Mo’s search history were automatic lighter explosion, methods to start fire and will arson lead to prison. In addition to the $18,000 Lin had lent her, Mo had also stolen more than $28,000 worth of belongings from the family to pay off her gambling debts, including jewelry and watches.

Mo’s original plan was to set a small, controlled fire which she would heroically put out herself. But she fled the scene when the fire grew out of control. The whole apartment eventually burned down.

During the trial, Mo expressed her remorse in a letter, “If my death will make everything start over again, I’m willing to be sentenced to death.”[1]


Mo was sentenced to death by the Hangzhou City Intermediate People’s court.

For almost a year, Shengbin Lin was immersed in tremendous grief.


He often woke up from dreams of fire, first relieved that it was only a dream, and then he would open his eyes and find it wasn’t a dream at all, but the reality.

He started a blog named “Wife and Kids in Heaven” and the blog was followed by millions.

On Christmas, before the verdict was reached, he wrote:

Christmas this year feels very cold to me — it chills me to my soul.

My heart is filled with sadness as I watch the decorations and the lights in Hangzhou, and the presents hanging on the big Christmas tree at the entrance of the housing compound, and the children with their festive smiles.

Lin attended the sentencing. He was still struggling with the deep emotional pain of losing his wife and children. After the verdict, Lin posted:

The devil has finally received the punishment of the law, the death penalty. I have suffered day and night for the past 200 days, and today finally received the verdict.[2]

What is the worst thing that can happen in life?

It’s not losing a loved one, or two loved ones.

It’s losing every one you’ve loved all at once, while you’re trapped in this world, at a young age, being eaten alive by the deep, tremendous emotional pain. And the murderer is someone whom you have always cared, respected and liked.

If I were Lin, I’d beg Mo to show me mercy by killing me as well. Any attempt to keep me in this world would be cruelty.

That’s why I would rather lose the ability to love or feel, than to bear such emotional pain.


Here’s how to get perfectly cooked bacon every time.

A big surprise

About a year and a half ago (April 2017), I was at work dealing with a difficult client.

She had retained our services to investigate her husband and to find evidence that he was cheating on her.

Fairly standard cheating spouse job, we got a few pieces of anecdotal evidence that he had time missing between when he was supposed to be at work and when he was home, late working stories, the whole beautiful cliches are cliche for a reason.

Something notable was that he was ALWAYS missing on the Thursday afternoon, roughly 3–6pm.

We set up a fairly routine tracking job and followed him back to a residence two suburbs away from his home area (10–12km / 6–7mi), he greets a woman at the door, perfect affectionate greeting shots, and then she leaves.

It took several days and another instance of tracking him back to the same residence to piece it together after that. It turned out our target was not cheating on his wife, he was sneaking away to babysit his grandson, child of his otherwise estranged daughter.

We came to the debrief with the client, and explained the situation to her.

When she heard our findings she was utterly furious, not that her husband was babysitting his grandson, but that he wasn’t cheating on her.

She demanded, then pleaded with me to modify my findings to make it look like he was cheating on her. We would later find out that she was his second wife and was seeking to divorce him while maximising her cut of the asset settlement.

When I refused point blank to falsify evidence and documents for her, she attacked me, tooth and claw. She went almost immediately after my face with her long nails. The last thing I remember from that day was sharp pain in my face and a wet pop before I blacked out from the pain.

The next day, I woke up in hospital to bandages and a doctor explaining to me that they were unable to save my eye. In the course of less than thirty seconds, a woman who could be described as ‘most of the way to Fussy Nonna’ had torn up my face and put her thumbnail through my left eyeball.

It may not be a limb in the classical sense, but it is still missed just the same. It is common these days for me to get pirate comments from passing people, typically very young children and older teens.

The teens get a stern glare.

The young kids get to say they met a pirate on the tram/bus today.


As there were quite few questions in the comments, I will cover them here.

I cannot name the woman in question as she is still going through the court system, however she was charged with several offences including assault causing grievous injury, attempted fraud and resisting arrest.

I very happily stood witness in her divorce proceedings on behalf of her husband, though I do not know the outcome of that other than she received very little after damages from the civil suit were resolved.

With this kind of injury as with many others, attitude makes all the difference.

For me, the turning point was sitting on a train reading a fanfic (I am such a ravenous reader that hard copy books are little more than speed bumps to me), when a couple of young (3–5 year old) children poked their heads over the top of the seat in front of me.

I looked up just in time for them to start emoting HARD about having found a pirate.

Their mother tried to shush them, but it didn’t matter. I barely even thought before I dropped straight into character and played the pirate for the pair of them for the half hour or so their journey coincided with mine.

I have since done so a dozen more times, and it leaves me with a grin that’s hard to wipe off for several hours afterwards every time.

The 3 years later update…

Well, a year and a half after my original post, and the third anniversary of my injury.

I still to this day get notifications and comments on this post, so I thought I would do a little update for any further people who read it.

Both criminal and civil courts have now since done their things.

In criminal court, she was given a suspended sentence, plus 120 hours of community service. For those who do not know the terminology, a suspended sentence is where an amount of time in jail is assigned, but only if the person in question performs further criminal acts. She was assessed on how much of a danger she was to the community as part of this.

In civil court, I sued her for loss of earnings, and medical bills. Punitive damages are not a thing here – civil matters are for justice, not punishment. When it came out that she was divorcing her husband without my testimony (instead, I stood as a character witness for her husband and against her during the proceedings), a lien was placed against the proceeds of her divorce, up to a maximum of 85% of it.

I won’t disclose the amount that I received, save that it was enough for me to gain multiple years of university education to improve my skillset and make me theoretically employable outside of a sector where I had been working for 3/4+ of my adult life.

I am indeed content with the sentence, though not for reasons most would assume. The reasoning is almost uncharacteristically cold blood for me.

This woman was a ‘Keeping up with the Joneses’ type. By extracting such a massive toll on her financially, it would have been a crushing blow to her ego. With her only being given a suspended sentence plus community service, she would be denied post-prisoner employment assistance while still having the negative of a criminal background. A heavy blow to her ability to recover financially.

I take comfort in knowing that her punishment is so much worse than jail. She will probably spend the rest of her life without the luxury she so greedily sought.

On the health end of things, I made the choice to leave the socket open so I could have the option to use a glass eye. I can state now with conviction I hate glass eyes, they are horribly uncomfortable for me to use.

Given that I am no longer as active as I once was, I found that both depression and weight gain set in fairly hard. I piled on more than 15kg in these few years. Talking to a psychiatrist helps, but can only help so far. The social contact I get in classes is also a boon, but 90% of the students are now half my age, and it is difficult to connect with them.

Finally, I updated that ratty old eyepatch with a series of them made by a wonderful woman from Niagra Falls, much better looking in my opinion. 🙂


The story of kitten Rain Day

A couple of months ago I heard the cries of a newborn kitten above my bathroom ceiling. Here in the Philippines, we call it a CR. I informed the landlord, but she said there was nothing she could do. The mews of the kitten stopped and I began hearing scratching, like something was trying to dig thru the ceiling. Eventually this stopped.


A day later I heard the crying kitten again, outside, on a beam in front of my apartment that connects the crawlspace under my roof with the outside world. There on top of the beam was a tiny kitten, perhaps it 7 weeks old.

I didn’t see its mother around and I had to leave and do errands. When I got back it was raining and the kitten was still high up on the beam crying. Then I saw another cat on the roof across which I recognized as the compound Tom cat. Not thinking I reached up and moved the kitten too the opposite roof. The male cat sniffed the kitten and then walked away, moving higher onto the roof and behind. The kitten followed. It began to rain, much harder, and I began to question if I made the right decision.

The next morning I was awoken by barking of the compound dogs, and what sounded like a kitten screaming. I jumped out of bed and opened my door, just in time to see the large black juvenile puppy pickup the kitten in it’s jaws. He looked up and saw me coming was distracted as the large white mother dog grabbed the kitten, which hissed, spit, and two strides I was at the white dog and I was able to pry her jaws from the innocent kitten..

Now what? I brought the kitten inside my apartment. I fashioned a box with a towel, a measuring cup for drink, and a small food dish. I made a removable top for privacy as I assumed the kitten was traumatized after nearly being eaten alive.

Next I made a litter box.


That was two months ago. I named the kitten Rain Day and I’m happy to report that Rain is an extremely smart, well behaved, moody, and loving cat. He finally is going from the kitten mew to a meow, and loves to sit on my shoulder.


The Capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris)

Perhaps the friendliest animal on earth.

With Cats.

With monkeys.

With more monkeys.

With turtles.

With dogs.

With rabbits.

With ducks.

Even with gators.

China’s Taiwan Strait drills: the new normal

China’s recent military exercises around Taiwan featured a ‘six direction’ battle plan aimed at winning early advantage in a real war


China launched unprecedented missile tests around Taiwan in response US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s August 3 visit to the self-governing island. Image: Twitter

The following is the first installment of a translated article. The views are the author’s alone and do not represent the Guancha platform’s nor Asia Times’ opinion.

The People’s Liberation Army (PLA) completed a three-day military exercise in six locations surrounding Taiwan last week after Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the United States House of Representatives, visited the island. The drills showcased China’s military reform.

The PLA’s missiles flew across Taiwan but the island’s military did not intercept them or alert the Taiwanese people. It’s possible that Taiwan’s Patriot missile system was unable to intercept them or Taipei did not want to escalate the situation. Taiwan authorities have yet to give an explanation.

Now that the PLA has crossed the midline of the Taiwan Strait and Taiwan’s 12-nautical-mile line, its military drills that simulate actual battles have become the new normal. China can now decide whether a future exercise will seamlessly be turned into actual combat.

The epic 2022 military drills in the Taiwan Strait are China’s tough response to the provocation of Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the United States House of Representatives. They are also an effective demonstration of China’s determination to achieve reunification.

Much as “a sweet musical echo remains whirling around the house for three days,” the effects of the drills will linger in cross-strait relations, Sino-US relations and the military balance of power. The drills helped ease mainland people’s depression and anger.

China is consistent in its words and has no need to follow others’ plans when it takes actions. The exercise came later than that of the United States but it has achieved its goal.

Pelosi had said she would visit Taiwan in April but postponed the trip at the last minute when she tested positive for the coronavirus.

In late July, the Financial Times reported that Pelosi planned to “drop by” Taiwan during a visit to Asia-Pacific countries in August, prompting repeated stern warnings from China. In the evening of August 2, Pelosi defied the warnings and visited Taiwan. She left on August 3.

The PLA’s joint exercise began on August 4 with some military operations on August 3. The exercise was unusually rapid.

Participating forces, actual deployments and operational details are now classified. It is not known whether they will be announced in the future, but this is undoubtedly a large-scale operation at the theater level and also the largest since the PLA’s military reform.

The operation of the Joint Staff Department of the Central Military Commission and the Eastern Theater Command in the exercise has proved the depth, breadth and effectiveness of China’s military reform.

It is unlikely that the PLA started working on the exercise plan only when they knew for sure that Pelosi was on her way. The PLA may already have had a full plan in place well before Pelosi’s canceled Taiwan trip in April.

It is certain that the Joint Staff Department and Eastern Theater Command had their own plans for the Taiwan Strait. And it is possible that they were just taking one of them out and modifying it for implementation.

On the other hand, the drills could not be completed with only a plan as they required real, not virtual, weaponry and ammunition supply. The fact that the exercise could be pulled off quickly shows that the PLA’s readiness for war has reached a very high level.

Such readiness fulfills the requirements of all kinds of military plans and can be put into action within a short time. This is the so-called “cold start.”

It goes without saying that the political goal of this exercise was to create maximum deterrence of the US, Taiwan and other hostile forces. Therefore, the exercise had to be high-profile and powerful and have a clear and reliably deliverable military goal.

Six directions


The six direction. Map: Wikipedsia

The exercise had six directions.

The direction toward Taipei targeted the heart of Taiwan. The one toward Yilan city was aimed at blocking the US and Japanese forces coming from the Ryukyu Islands. The one towards Taiwan’s east coast – which has the Chiashan Air Force Base, Suao Military Base and Zhi-Hang Air Base – was aimed at blocking US forces coming from the western Pacific Ocean.

The drill in Bashi Channel was assisting the one near Kaohsiung and was a key zone to intercept the US Air Force coming from Guam.

The direction towards Kaohsiung did not only threaten Kaohsiung, but also squeezed Penghu from the side and backed up the drill in Bashi Channel. No wonder it had the largest exercise area. For quite some time, it has been a key area for the PLA warplanes to enter Taiwan’s Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ).

Finally, the drill across the strait formed the largest and most direct pressure on the hinterland of Taiwan Island from Hsinchu to Taichung.

The six directions allowed the PLA to choose to land on Taiwan directly or just block Taiwan by sea and air. In wartime, either choice can achieve the goal of reunification by force.

On this basis, various options can evolve. For example, the PLA can weaken the Strait direction and strengthen the Yilan, Pacific and Bashi Channel directions and use the Taipei direction to support the Yilan one.

Or it can strengthen the Penghu direction to achieve the air and sea blockade and occupy Penghu to force Taiwan to surrender.

Or the PLA can enhance the Strait and Kaohsiung directions to make a quick landing on Taiwan while supporting the Yilan, Pacific and Bashi Channel directions with reinforced air power that can quickly get to the island to counter the late intervention of the US air and sea forces.

Peaceful reunification is always preferred but reunification by force should remain an option.

Reunification by force is ideally a quick war but can be a protracted one. All options are valid only when they are realistic options, instead of last resort.

The ability to “cold start” is the key to quick fixes and it is also essential for protracted warfare, though with less direct impact. A protracted war is not the same as a drawn-out war. It still aims for the maximum results in the beginning to create the most favorable conditions for subsequent battles.

The swiftness, practicality and integrity of the exercise have already created a great deterrence for the US, Taiwan and other hostile forces.

No problem if Taiwanese undeterred

Of course, some people may say that Taiwan’s public sentiment does not seem to be deterred. It seems that their “horse races and parties continue normally.”

The PLA’s drills are never meant to deter the Taiwanese people, but the forces of “Taiwan independence” and their supporting powers outside the island.

In fact, if everyone is numb, that’s good. Turning such an exercise into an actual battle is as easy as piercing a piece of paper.

From now on, PLA’s drills near Taiwan have become a new normal. Whenever similar provocations against China happen, the PLA will do these again. It is up to China to decide which exercise will seamlessly be turned into actual combat.

It is not up to the players to decide whether the ball is wiped out or out of bounds, but up to the referee. China is the referee on the issue of whether “Taiwan independence” and foreign forces have crossed its red line. When the Taiwanese army loses its preparedness one day, reunification will be achieved.

It is easier said than done if Taiwan wants to look calm and relaxed while staying alert internally.

Taiwan needs to have a strong political leadership, a well-trained military and a united population in order to swiftly transform itself from a state of lack of preparedness to a wartime state. Taiwan needs to have sufficient psychological, material and strategic preparations for the battles. But it simply cannot achieve that.

Chen Feng is editor of, which originally published this article in Chinese as an exclusive manuscript. It is republished in English translation here with kind permission.



Meet Bigmouth; a very chatty, very cuddly, very social kitty cat that just up and one day decided to follow my mom into her house.

Until then he had lived as a kind of neighborhood pet and never went inside people’s homes; he would visit people frequently as they were outside to accompany them as they did things and enjoyed the life of a bachelor who perched upon many laps and several of the neighbors and my mom would leave food and water out for him.

If you were mowing, barbequeing, sunbathing, or just getting groceries there was a fair chance the neighborhood cat would come be your buddy.


Nobody is sure where he came from, he must have been left behind or dropped off.

He was neutered, used to dogs, and not confrontational with other cats and seemed to enjoy being a tramp.

One day in late October however, perhaps because of the cold, he followed my mother inside and slept the whole night on the couch.

The next morning after some snuggles he left to go back outdoors, but came back again that afternoon, trotting up behind her after a grocery trip and hanging out until morning.

Soon enough he had food and water bowls, a litter box, and the run of the house.

He stopped leaving the yard to visit the neighbors anymore because he found a place he decided was home and adopted my mom as his person.


Let me explain to you all how China conducts war…

Giant Hornets are the largest wasp in the world.

They are commonly referred to as the “Yak Killer” because of their powerful sting.

They are the bane of a bee’s existence.


The beehive’s bad day all starts when one assigned scout hornet finds the beehive. And marks it with a scent. Spraying the beehive with a chemical that will help provide directions to his hornets. He then returns with his special scent to his Hornets to let them know the directions.

Then – later – a few dozen other hornets show up at the Bee Hive and all hell breaks loose. With thousands upon thousands of Bees, you think they’d stand a fighting chance, but not so much.

It gets ugly fast. The hornets are almost entirely immune to bee stings (although enough stings will indeed weaken a Giant Hornet).

When you watch it happening, you are rooting for the bee “Just sting him! Bite his wing!”

But these hornets seem to shake all the bees off them. And their mandibles cut these bees down fast, cutting their heads off like scissors through paper. They are entirely overpowered.


Giant Hornets can kill 30–40 bees a minute. There are bee heads, legs, wings, bodies falling everywhere.


They clean out the nest and then proceed to eat the larvae and honey within the nest.


There’s a breed that came up with a way to counter this.

Chinese Honeybees (Apis cerana) will notice when the scout hornet shows up at their nest. They’ll purposely let it come in close without reacting. Then – it gets near them and begins to mark the hive with its scent that it will then bring back to the hornet’s nest.

As soon as the hornet gets in close. They all jump on it:


Then swarm and wrap all the way around it.

Eventually, you can’t even see the hornet. At the center of the mass, the huge hornet squirms, trying to break free. But more layers of bees begin to be added.

While they are around him, the bees begin vibrating. As they vibrate, it begins to heat the mass up at the middle.

The hornet is in the middle of this mass. The hornet’s maximum temperature limit is 115 ° F. The honey bees can tolerate up to 118°.

They then heat that center area up to 116°, and keep it there (sometimes for hours), slowly killing the hornet.

This prevents him from ever returning to his nest with directions, thereby saving the Hive.

It’s an incredibly precise endeavor of teamwork, keeping the temperature just below their upper limit, and just above the hornet’s. The Chinese Honeybees have successfully found the sweet spot.



Insane hyperbole and nonsensical narratives flood the airwaves as the United States crumble into dust

Stupid is as stupid does. Eh?

It’s hard to believe that the United States has become such an insane, dick-head government, and as they continue to poke Russia and China, their long-term survival potential is decreasing at an exponential rate. They have a death wish, and they are oblivious as to how much anger they are generating.

AGAIN! U.S. Sends ANOTHER Congressional Delegation on Military Plane to Taiwan

Idiots with a death wish.

The United States has once again publicly stuck its finger in the eye of China by sending another Congressional Delegation aboard a military aircraft, directly to Taiwan.

Senator Ed Markey (D-MA), Representative John Garamendi (D-CA), Representative Alan Lowenthal (D-CA), Representative Don Beyer (D-VA), Territorial Delegate Amata (R- American Samoa) flew into Taiwan on a U.S. Air Force Boeing C-40C, Call Sign “SPAR11” and landed at 8:04 AM Taiwan local time Sunday.

I actually met Amata when I was working building a hospital in Pago Pago, American Samoa. Nice enough; I guess.  -MM

Taiwan Vice Minister Yui “extended the warmest of welcomes to Taiwan’s longstanding friend Sen. Markey & his cross-party delegation comprising Rep. Garamendi, Rep. Lowenthal, Rep. Don Beyer & Rep. Amata.”   

The vice Minister went on to say “We thank the like-minded US lawmakers for the timely visit & unwavering support.”

It is not yet known why these members of Congress chose to fly to Taiwan, especially since the issue is clearly sensitive to Beijing, other than to intentionally antagonize Beijing.

Hi MM,

Our just reported the news, but did not say too much. 

Our government does not care too much to these little guys game. 

Our china is just following our own stratagem. 

-<redacted name>
Pepe Escobar
August 13, 2022

It’s tempting to visualize the overwhelming collective West debacle as a rocket, faster than free fall, plunging into the black void maelstrom of complete socio-political breakdown.

It’s tempting to visualize the overwhelming collective West debacle as a rocket, faster than free fall, plunging into the black void maelstrom of complete socio-political breakdown.

The End of (Their) History turns out to be a fast-forward historical process bearing staggering ramifications: way more profound than mere self-appointed “elites” – via their messenger boys/girls – dictating a Dystopia engineered by austerity and financialization: what they chose to brand as a Great Reset and then, major fail intervening, The Great Narrative.

Financialization of everything means total marketization of Life itself. In his latest book, No-Cosas: Quiebras del Mundo de Hoy (in Spanish, no English translation yet), the foremost German contemporary philosopher (Byung-Chul Han, who happens to be Korean), analyzes how Information Capitalism, unlike industrial capitalism, converts also the immaterial into merchandise: “Life itself acquires the form of merchandise (…) the difference between culture and commerce disappears. Institutions of culture are presented as profitable brands.”

The most toxic consequence is that “total commercialization and mercantilization of culture had the effect of destroying the community (…) Community as merchandise is the end of community.”

China’s foreign policy under Xi Jinping proposes the idea of a community of shared future for mankind, essentially a geopolitical and geoeconomic project. Yet China still has not amassed enough soft power to translate that culturally, and seduce vast swathes of the world into it: that especially concerns the West, for which Chinese culture, history and philosophies are virtually incomprehensible.

In Inner Asia, where I am now, a revived glorious past may offer other instances of “shared community”. A glittering example is the Shaki Zinda necropolis in Samarkand.


Afrasiab – the ancient settlement, pre-Samarkand – had been destroyed by the Genghis Khan hordes in 1221. The only building that was preserved was the city’s main shrine: Shaki Zinda.

Much later, in the mid-15th century, star astronomer Ulugh Beg, himself the grandson of Turkic-Mongol “Conqueror of the World” Timur, unleashed no less than a Cultural Renaissance: he summoned architects and craftsmen from all corners of the Timurid empire and the Islamic world to work into what became a de facto creative artistic lab.

The Avenue of 44 Tombs at Shaki Zinda represents the masters of different schools harmoniously creating a unique synthesis of styles in Islamic architecture.

The most remarkable décor at Shaki Zinda are stalactites, hung in clusters in the upper parts of portal niches. An early 18th century traveler described them as “magnificent stalactites, hanging like stars above the mausoleum, make it clear about the eternity of the sky and our frailty.” Stalactites in the 15th century were called “muqarnas”: that means, figuratively, “starry sky”.

The Sheltering (Community) Sky

The Shaki Zinda complex is now at the center of a willful push by the Uzbekistan government to restore Samarkand to its former glory. The centerpiece, trans-historical concepts are “harmony” and “community” – and that reaches way beyond Islam.

As a sharp contrast, the inestimable Alastair Crooke has illustrated the death of Eurocentrism alluding to Lewis Carroll and Yeats: only through the looking glass we can see the full contours of the tawdry spectacle of narcissistic self-obsession and self-justification offered by “the worst”, still so “full of passionate intensity”, as depicted by Yeats.

And yet, unlike Yeats, the best now do not “lack all conviction”. They may be few, ostracized by cancel culture, but they do see the “rough beast, its hour come out at last, slouching towards…” Brussels (not Jerusalem) “to be born”.

This unelected gaggle of insufferable mediocrities – from von der Leyden and Borrell to that piece of Norwegian wood Stoltenberg – may dream they live in the pre-1914 era, when Europe was at the political center. Yet now not only “the center cannot hold” (Yeats) but Eurocrat-infested Europe has been definitely engulfed by the maelstrom, an irrelevant political backwater seriously flirting with reversion to 12th century status.

The physical aspects of the Fall – austerity, inflation, no hot showers, freezing to death to support neo-Nazis in Kiev – has been preceded, and no Christianized imagery need apply, by the fires of sulphur and brimstone of a Spiritual Fall. The transatlantic masters of those parrots posing as “elites” could never come up with any idea to sell to the Global South centered on harmony and much less “community”.

What they sell, via their Unanimous Narrative, actually their take on “We Are the World”, is variations of “you will own nothing and be happy”. Worse: you will have to pay for it – dearly. And you have no right to dream of any transcendence – irrespective if you’re a follower of Rumi, the Tao, shamanism or Prophet Muhammad.

The most visible shock troops of this reductionist Western neo-nihilism – obscured by the fog of “equality”, “human rights” and “democracy” – are the thugs being swiftly denazified in Ukraine, sporting their tattoos and pentagrams.

The dawn of a new Enlightenment

The Collective West Self-Justification Show staged to obliterate its ritualized suicide offers no hint of transcending sacrifice implied in a ceremonial seppuku. All they do is to wallow in the adamant refusal to admit they could be seriously mistaken.

How would anyone dare to deride the set of “values” derived from the Enlightenment? If you don’t prostrate yourself in front of this glittering cultural altar, you’re just a barbarian set to be slandered, law-fared, canceled, persecuted, sanctioned and – HIMARS to the rescue – bombed.

We still do not have a post-Tik Tok Tintoretto to depict the collective West’s multi-wallowing in Dante-esque chambers of pop Hell. What we do have, and must endure, day after day, is the kinetic battle between their “Great Narrative”, or narratives, and pure and simple reality. Their obsession with the need for virtual reality to always “win” is pathological: after all the only activity they excel in is manufacturing fake reality. Such a pity that Baudrillard and Umberto Eco are not among us anymore to unmask their tawdry shenanigans.

Does that make any difference across vast swathes of Eurasia? Of course not. We just need to keep up with the dizzying succession of bilateral meetings, deals, and progressive interaction of BRI, SCO, EAEU, BRICS+ and other multilateral organizations to get a glimpse of how the new world-system is being configured.

In Samarkand, surrounded by mesmerizing instances of Timurid art coupled with a development boom that brings to mind the East Asian miracle of the early 1990s, it’s plain to see how the heart of the Heartland is back with a vengeance – and is bound to dispatch the pleonexia-afflicted West to the swamp of Irrelevancy.

I leave you with a psychedelic sunset facing the Registan, at the razor’s edge of a new sort of Enlightenment that is leading the Heartland towards a reality-based version of Shangri-La, privileging harmony, tolerance and most of all, the sense of community.


Just two days after we got our new puppy from the breeder, my MIL (visiting for a few days)was taking him and her two dogs for a morning walk. A small kitten decided to follow them back to our house. A closer look revealed that he was sneezing, wheezing, and had a swollen eye. Not wanting to bring a sick cat into the house (and knowing that my husband is very allergic to cats), she left him outside. We asked around the neighborhood, but no one knew of anyone who had lost a kitten.


That little kitten camped out on our door mat on our porch while we discussed what to do with him. We couldn’t keep him, so MIL and I set out to bring him to a shelter. We went to the nearest shelter a few towns over. They asked us where we found him, and we told them our town. The shelter would not accept an animal that came from another town!

So we looked up another shelter and started heading there. This time we told them we found him right around the block from them. But they made it clear they couldn’t care for a sick animal- if they took him, he would be put down.

At that point we decided to just find a vet that could help him, as he was pretty sick. After a few failed attempts, we found one that would let us bring him in right away. He had a bad upper respiratory infection as well as an eye infection, and would need meds multiple times a day.

So I took him home. I set him up in the basement, away from everyone else, and promised my husband it was temporary- just until he was healthy and I could find him a home.

That was 11 years ago, and Winky is still with us, and is a member of our family. In fact as I write this, he is cuddled up on my lap.

My husband went through many months of allergy shots several times a week, not because I asked him to, he just saw that I had bonded with the cat and wouldn’t want to give him up.

So the sick cat we found fully recovered and became our much loved pet. A happy ending for all of us.

Here are a couple of recent pictures of Winky. As you can see, his eye healed up just fine. He was a sweet boy when we found him, and he is still just as sweet.


The US could lose up to 900 warplanes fighting a Chinese invasion of Taiwan but would emerge victorious, says think tank

The Washington-based think tank, the Center for Strategic and International Studies, has been conducting war games to imagine how such a conflict would play out.

"The good news is that at the end of all the iterations so far, there is an autonomous Taiwan," Mark Cancian, a senior adviser at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, told Insider.

"The United States and Taiwan are generally successful in keeping the island out of Chinese occupation, but the price of that is very high – losses of hundreds of aircraft, aircraft carriers, and terrible devastation to the Taiwanese economy and also to the Chinese navy and air force."


These folk are delirious. And what’s more, they actually BELIEVE that American cities will not be targeted by China. Ha ha ha ha ha!

Article HERE

Anthropologist Margaret Mead


“Years ago, anthropologist Margaret Mead was asked by a student what she considered to be the first sign of civilization in a culture. The student expected Mead to talk about fishhooks or clay pots or grinding stones.

But no. Mead said that the first sign of civilization in an ancient culture was a femur (thighbone) that had been broken and then healed. Mead explained that in the animal kingdom, if you break your leg, you die. You cannot run from danger, get to the river for a drink or hunt for food. You are meat for prowling beasts. No animal survives a broken leg long enough for the bone to heal.

A broken femur that has healed is evidence that someone has taken time to stay with the one who fell, has bound up the wound, has carried the person to safety and has tended the person through recovery. Helping someone else through difficulty is where civilization starts, Mead said.

We are at our best when we serve others.”

Meanwhile in the United States…

August 14, 2022



Henry Kissinger is warning about the dangers of US warmongering not because he has gotten saner, but because the US war machine has gotten crazier. That we are now hurtling toward confrontations that don’t appear rational to someone who has spent the majority of his life watching the mechanics of empire from inside its inner chambers should concern us all. When you are talking about brinkmanship between major world powers, especially nuclear brinkmanship, the last thing you need is for one of the parties involved to be acting erratically and nonsensically.

Banana Chocolate Chip Bread

Super amazing banana bread. Moist and tasty!



Ingredient Checklist


Instructions Checklist
  • Preheat oven to 325 degrees F (165 degrees C). Grease a 9×5-inch loaf pan, preferably glass.

  • Mix flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt in a bowl. Stir bananas, milk, and cinnamon in another bowl. Beat butter and sugar in a third bowl until light and fluffy. Add eggs to butter mixture, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Stir banana mixture into butter mixture. Stir in dry mixture until blended. Fold in chocolate chips until just combined. Pour batter into prepared loaf pan.

  • Bake in the preheated oven until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean, about 70 minutes. Cool in the pan for 10 minutes before removing to cool completely on a wire rack before slicing.

People Are Going To Go Absolutely Insane When Food Prices Double Or Triple From Current Levels


If you think that people are getting pretty crazy now, just wait until the cost of food skyrockets to levels that hardly anyone ever anticipated.  Most people don’t realize this, but to a very large degree we are still eating the food that was grown in 2021.  Unfortunately for all of us, far less food is being grown in 2022 than originally projected, and that is going to cause immense global stress in 2023.  Nightmarish droughts are absolutely devastating crops in the United States and Europe, the major war that is happening on the other side of the globe is greatly restricting the flow of agricultural goods from Ukraine, and the fact that some fertilizers have now more than quadrupled in price is deeply affecting farmers all over the planet.  In 2023, there is going to be a lot less food to go around, and we are all going to pay a lot more for it.  Needless to say, this is not good news.

Of course the cost of living has already gotten completely out of control.  According to Zero Hedge, the median rent in the United States has now surpassed $2,000 a month for the very first time…

The cost of rent in the U.S. is moving higher at the highest pace in three decades, the report notes, blowing past a median of $2,000 per month for the first time ever. Rents are now above where they were prior to the pandemic in most major cities.

Areas just outside cities, which saw a large influx of new renters during the pandemic, have seen their rents rise disproportionately higher. People returning to large cities, post-pandemic, have also not helped prices cool off.

Who can afford to pay $2,000 a month for rent?

According to the Social Security Administration, the median yearly income for U.S. workers in 2020 was just $34,612.04.

No wonder most families need to have more than one income just to survive these days.

This is what I mean when I say that our standard of living is being systematically destroyed.

Many people have to work as hard as they possibly can just to pay the bills each month.

Yes, the top 10 percent are still doing well, but the vast majority of the country is really struggling.

And that is why the soaring price of food is such a big deal right now.  The latest numbers that we just got from the government tell us that the cost of “food at home” has been rising at the fastest rate since 1979

The food-at-home index, which represents food purchased in places like grocery stores for consumption at home, jumped by an annual 13.1 percent, which is the fastest pace since March 1979.

“Consumers are getting a break at the gas pump, but not at the grocery store,” Bankrate Chief Financial Analyst Greg McBride told The Epoch Times in an emailed statement. “Food prices, and especially costs for food at home, continue to soar, rising at the fastest pace in more than 43 years.”

But the truth is that we haven’t seen anything yet.

What we see at the grocery store right now is largely a reflection of what happened last year.

Let me give you an example that illustrates what I am talking about.

In the last few days, the mainstream media has been buzzing about the fact that there is now a potato shortage in Idaho.  But what most people don’t realize is that this shortage was caused by a tremendous heat wave that happened last summer

Idaho has a potato shortage. If you haven’t heard about it already or noticed fewer and fewer potatoes in your grocery store’s produce section, you will soon.

So, what’s the problem? The weather. Not this year’s weather, mind you. It’s the weather from over a year ago that’s to blame.

“I’m not sure if you remember last June, but we had some just unbelievably hot temperatures here in Idaho. It did a number on our potato crop,” said Jamey Higham, president and CEO of the Idaho Potato Commission. “And so, our yields were significantly down last year.”

So did you catch that?

A bad harvest in 2021 is now being felt in the latter stages of 2022.

Looking ahead, what our farmers are experiencing right now will be felt very keenly in 2023.

For example, it is being reported that the price of some fertilizers has now more than quadrupled

“Last year [fertilizer] was around $270 per ton and now it’s over $1,400 per ton,” Meagan Kaiser, of Kaiser Family Farms and farmer-director of the United Soybean Board, told NBC’s “Nightly News with Lester Holt.”

“It’s scary. It turns my stomach a little bit to think about the amount of risk that our family farm is taking right now.”

Farmers are finding themselves forced to pass some of those costs along to customers, resulting in higher grocery prices.

When those cost increases get passed along to us in 2023, a lot of people are going to be screaming bloody murder.

But at least we will have food to eat.  On the other side of the globe, there simply will not be enough food for everyone.

For years, I have been trying to explain that global famines would inevitably be coming, but I still don’t think that it is sinking in for many people out there.

And of course famine is just one of the elements of “the perfect storm” that we are now facing.  Recently, Egon von Greyerz listed some of the other major elements…

  • Debts at levels that can never be repaid – sovereign, corporate & private
  • Epic global bubbles in stocks, bonds & property – all about to collapse
  • Major geopolitical conflicts with no desire for peace – major wars likely
  • Energy imbalances and shortages, most self inflicted
  • Food shortages leading to major famine and civil unrest
  • Inflation, leading to hyperinflation & global poverty

We have got a giant mess on our hands.

And conditions are going to get worse and worse and worse in the months ahead.

As things deteriorate, a lot of people out there are going to go completely nuts.

In fact, a lot of people are already going completely nuts.  Let me give you an example that just happened

An unidentified man reportedly set his car on fire by driving into a U.S. Capitol barricade early Sunday morning. He then got out of his car and began firing a weapon indiscriminately before shooting himself, police say.

U.S. Capitol police say officers immediately responded when they heard the sound of gunfire at roughly 4 a.m. There were no reported injuries aside from the driver.

The only reason you would do something like that is if you have lost all hope.

And in the months and years ahead, much of the general population will lose all hope.

Let us endeavor to be beacons of hope, because hope will be greatly needed during the times that are in front of us.

Unterföhring, Germany

June 13, 2017
Unterföhring, Germany

Many uniquely German things show themselves during this sequence.

My wife and I were on the S8 train to the Münchener Flughafen for our flight back home after a 20 Day vacation in Germany and Austria.
The first German thing that struck me that the kind gentleman, Mr. Klaus, we were staying with in his AirBnB, forced us to leave at 8 AM for a 11 30 AM flight. He was almost offended when I said its too early.
In Germany, it’s never too early.

The second “Only in Germany” moment came when the train reached Unterföhring and all of us heard 5 sickening Gunshots. There was 1 gunshot and then there were 4. It took the whole train full of people a few seconds to realize that those were Gunshots! And at one moment, the WHOLE train drooped to the floor and tucked their heads in.
In one unified moment, no one dropped to the floor sooner neither later.

And then there was silence.
Punctuated rarely by faint sobs, utter and complete Silence.

The sheer German discipline jolted 200 people into evasive positions.

A few minutes later, I along with many others peeped out of the window to see a man lying down in small pool of blood and the Polizei running to the floor above us.


In a matter of 7 minutes, the next German thing happened where 10 Cops manned the train doors and everyone emptied the train in a matter of seconds.
We climbed 1 floor above the station exit and saw almost 50 Polizei Cars and a Helicopter in the Air.


And then it happened!!
All the cellphones of all the people beeped in unison. A text message from the Federal Government stating “Not a terrorist attack. Stay Calm. The accused has been captured.”(Was in German, I couldn’t take a screenshot.)


So up until now, the Germans have had 7 minutes in which 2 people die, Suspect is shot in the leg and captured, 50 Police cars have shown up, close to 200–300 people have evacuated a train and the Government has informed everyone in the city!

It was not over yet for the stranded tourists/business fliers though.
The police started combing the area and the locals had started booking Uber for the ride to the airport. The tourists were slow to realize this and soon Uber Cabs turned to ‘nicht verfügbar’(not available).
Panic started building up and then the most strikingly German thing to me happened. People in the area came out of their houses with their cars and offered everyone free rides to the Airport. 100s of Cars came rushing in and started clearing the area off worried travellers.

As you can see I took some pictures, I missed a whole wave of good Samaritans while doing so. I looked back on the road and I see 95% of the people gone. My wife by now, got a grip on the situation and realized that the flight is in 90 minutes and I have missed the chance to get dropped to the airport.

Oh was she fuming like a raging bull.

I asked a bystander, how far is the Airport from here and can we walk it down?
He laughed first. Then said “It’s 27 KMs from here, my friend. If you have your flight in 5 Hours and 37 minutes, Yes you can walk it up.”
I said “No, its in 87 minutes now. And my wife is fuming at me there.”
He immediately said “I am waiting for my colleague to pick me up. You can come with us, we will drop you to the airport!”

The colleague arrived and we jumped into the back of the car. She drove in the Most German way possible : DISCIPLINED and FAST.

We made small talk and I offered money in return of the favour, when we are about to reach the airport, and they vehemently refused. He said “Nie. Niemals”(Never. Never Ever.)

They dropped us to the airport and we exchanged contact details. They were getting late for work, so couldn’t get a picture. 🙁

In the next 10 minutes, I got the below mail from him :


“Dear Adwit

Hope You got your flight and you are safe back home.
Don’t mix this last impressions from Munich with the overall experience in Europe.

It’s a Beautiful and good Country.


What is patriotism you ask? This image is your answer.

Finally, we got our boarding cards and called the AirBnB gentleman Mr. Klaus just to inform him that we are safe. And he said the most German thing my wife has ever heard

“I told you to leave early. Didn’t I?”

Details on the train station shooting : Munich shooting: Policewoman shot in head as two bystanders also injured


This is Boo. I scooped him up out of the middle of the road on August 18, 2016. At first I thought he was dead. He was a lifeless bump on the blacktop and I thought he was just part of the early evening shadows. As I got closer, I noticed that the dark spot was a hurt kitten.

We were unable to find any big noticeable Injuries, but we did find a small bit of blood on his cheek and his forehead area looked puffy. My son stayed near Boo through the night and made sure he had water with an eye dropper.

I took him to the vet the next day, but the vet was not very optimistic. After keeping Boo overnight, the vet concluded that he was not hit by a car as we originally suspected.

The vet believed that Boo was purposefully hit or kicked in the head. He didn’t give Boo much chance for survival, but wanted to see if his tech could get the injured kitten to eat before we made any rash decisions. Boo was surprisingly able to swallow food from an eye dropper, so we brought him home and hoped for the best.

The first few days were rough, but after 4 or 5 days of constant care he was able to stand on his own and take a few wobbly steps.

Four years later, Boo is still with us and brings smiles to our faces each day. He has some permanent brain damage which prevents him from seeing perfectly and he has trouble with motor skills, but he gets by just fine.

Every night when I call his name he comes running to my bed where he climbs up with the help of a stool (he can’t jump very high) and waits to be brushed, because he has trouble grooming himself. Boo is our beautiful boy.


This is what Boo looks like now. He loves sun bathing in the atrium.


Matthew Ehret
August 14, 2022

It isn’t often that a generation lives through a systemic breakdown crisis.

It isn’t often that a generation lives through a systemic breakdown crisis. While many shallower minds are quick to lay blame to the cause of their troubles on a convenient scapegoat (1), the fact is that these sorts of systemic collapses take time and the root causes are to be found in something both more universal and more subjective.

Many generations of bad ideas must be embraced without self-criticism or correction before a foolish society unwilling to break from popular delusions faces the consequence of their folly. Machiavelli once noted in his Discourses on Livy (investigating the causes of the decay and collapse of Rome published in 1517 AD) that unless a wayward republic returns to its founding principles, it isn’t long for this world.

Such was the world of the late 4th century when a young Manichean teacher of Rhetoric hailing from North Africa had decided to convert to the new religion of Christianity in 386 AD under the influence of a powerful church leader named St Ambrose (340-397 AD).

A World on the Brink of Collapse

Even though Christianity had been adopted as a state-supported religion in 381 AD, old habits die hard, and just as the Roman elite often simply adapted their pagan rites and rituals into new Christian wineskins, the lessons of Christ were not necessarily high priorities even for many of the Roman converts within the general population who valued personal comfort and stability over the higher message of loving God and loving your fellow man as you love yourself outlined by Christ.

What made this more complicated is that Rome had over-extended itself several times over and had little capability to maintain its international concessions with a capital that had long found itself addicted to ever greater spoils of pillage and slave labor from the subdued peoples of the world. The governing class, military leaders and administrative managers had all glutted themselves in a corrupt system of governance which had grown fat with lethargy and arrogance over the centuries.

Amidst this decay, a growing armada of organized Germanic forces among the Goths, Huns and Visigoths were growing in influence pressing ever harder on Rome’s borders. With the death of Theodosius in 395 AD, any remnant of stabilizing influence in the Roman empire had disappeared, and the disorganized, undisciplined forces of Rome became increasingly incapable of organizing any resistance to the growing assaults of Alaric (leader of the Visigoths). After Theodosius died, Rome was divided into Eastern and Western segments with the west the least manageable.


By 410 AD, the walls of the capital were breached for the first time in history and the first sacking of Rome occurred with a ferocity that none had imagined possible.

From the moment of his conversion to his final breath, Augustine’s leadership skills, mastery of the Platonic method and power of rhetoric made him an organic leader within a beleaguered Church. Not only was Rome in an existential crisis on a geopolitical level, but the very church itself had faced an internal rot with splintered heresies breaking away as cults and sub-cults, each declaring themselves the one true heir to Christ’s mission.

After the first sacking of Rome in 410 AD, things were looking rather bleak and the desperate population was looking for a scapegoat to absorb their hate.

Were the gods punishing the people for having abandoned them when Rome stopped trying to wipe Christianity off the map and instead chose to embrace it as the official state religion? Augustine found himself doing battle with this trend and the City of God was his defense of Christianity which he began in 412 AD and finished in 426 AD. Its lessons have as much application in diagnosing today’s systemic crisis as they did 1600 years ago.


Augustine’s Defense of Christianity

In the City of God, Augustine described how the mob of Rome was quickly turning on the Christians in the following remarks: “Rome having been stormed and sacked by the Goths under Alaric their king, the worshipers of false gods, or pagans, as we commonly call them, made an attempt to attribute this calamity to the Christian religion, and began to blaspheme the true God with even more than their wonted bitterness and acerbity. It was this which kindled my zeal for the house of God and prompted me to undertake the defence of the City of God against the charges and misrepresentations of its assailants.”

Within the City of God, Augustine argues that it isn’t Christianity that is to blame for the collapse of Rome, but rather Rome itself which had fallen from obedience to Natural Law upon whose adherence the survival of societies absolutely depends. While God allows for a certain degree of flexibility to his wayward children who fall into corruption- patience is not infinite and the disobedience to Natural law devoid of redemption can only be tolerated for so long.

Citing Cicero (106 – 43 BC), Augustine’s insight into the true causes of Rome’s downfall hinged on the positive conception of a healthy society which is in harmony with the mandate of the ideal City of God. This is a society which has wisely rejected the law of “might makes right” of empire.

In the case of Rome, Augustine makes the point that the seeds of her own destruction were sewn long before the birth of Christ.

Even before the debauched revelries normalized under the oversight of the Roman imperial cults of the Committee of 15 which interpreted the oracular gobbledygook in the Sibylline Books of Apollo, and before the hegemony of the cults of Cybele and Mithras which saw a total collapse of the minds and morals of both Roman plebians and elites alike, and before the age of bloodlust that the coliseum’s gore entailed as “popular entertainment”, Cicero perfectly diagnosed Rome’s spiritual self-destruction in his Commonwealth.

Citing Cicero, Augustine defines a healthy community saying “a community of commonwealth is not an association of units, but an association united by a common sense of right and a community of common interest”. Continuing to cite Cicero’s 64 BC opus, he writes “the morality has passed away and we are bound to be called to account for the disaster… for we retain the name of a commonwealth, but we have lost the reality long ago, and this was not through any misfortune, but our own misdemeanors”.

The key moment cited by both Cicero and Augustine that saw Rome embrace her tragic destiny was located in the events surrounding the Third Punic War of 149-146 BC.

How Rome Lost the Mandate of Heaven

The third Punic war with Carthage was a moment not unlike the choice which the American elite made to launch into the Vietnam War and the murder of Cicero was not unlike the same decision those same elite made to stay silent and coverup the truth of John Kennedy’s murder in 1963. It also saw parallels to the collapse of Athens into empire with the judicial murder of Socrates in 399 BC and her embrace of wars with the Delian league in the 5th century BC.

It was during this war that Rome’s once loyal ally Carthage found herself the target of total destruction as Roman ships landed on the coasts of today’s Libya in 149 BC. Rome’s General Scipio Aemilianus had one mission to carry out which was immortalized in his words “Carthage delenda est”… Carthage must be destroyed.


The Carthaginians were desperate to avoid another war, and quickly offered to lay down her weapons and engage in terms of surrender. Sadly, their placation fell on deaf ears and the oligarchy managing Rome had decided that her large territories stretching across Africa, the Mediterranean and Southwest Asia had to be consolidated. After two years of war, Carthage’s capital was sieged, ending with every last man, woman and child killed or sold into slavery. The oligarchical system of families and cults which had once used Persia as their enforcer of global controls had found a new host on whom to exert their influence, and once-proud Roman republic was set there upon a new and darker destiny.


Augustine writes: “After the destruction of Carthage and before Christ’s coming, the degradation of traditional morality ceased to be a gradual decline and became a torrential rush.”

Augustine makes the point that “if the values of Christ’s teaching had been practised rather than license, Rome would be prospering. But now there is despair and even the true Christians must submit to endure the wickedness of an utterly corrupt state and by that endurance to win themselves a place of glory in that holy and majestic assembly as we call it on the Heavenly Commonwealth whose law is the Will of God”.

Here it is important to note, that Augustine is not saying that Rome needed to convert to Christianity in order to be saved, for Rome did just that, and it was not saved.

More important than simply being Christian in name, Augustine makes clear that Rome could have redeemed herself even before Christ was born by following the universal values contained in Christ’s teachings both on the individual level and the broader governmental level.

Augustine’s City of God is in many ways his attempt to do what Plato laid out in his life’s work and especially his Republic (published in 375 BC) and also what Cicero did in his Commonwealth published in 64 BC. In both cases the great philosopher/statesmen laid out their solutions to their nations’ slide into empire. All three noted that whenever societies fall into decadence which empire entails, the love of wisdom is replaced for the love of hedonism and other ephemeral pleasures. Love of the other is replaced with love of the self and considerations of the wellbeing of the whole community are reduced to the wellbeing of the individual member with power to impose their will onto the masses.

What is needed for a society to break free of the cyclical collapses which such a corrupt society is destined to face? The solution offered by Plato, Cicero and Augustine amounts to simply recognizing that government exists to advance the happiness of a people. This simple concept is much deeper than it appears.

True Happiness and the Pursuit of Philosopher Kings

Augustine writes “If Plato says that the wise man is the man who imitates, knows and loves God, and that participation in this God brings man happiness, what need is there to examine the other philosophers? There are none who come nearer to us than the Platonists… Plato defined Sovereign Good as the life in accordance with virtue and he declared that this was possible only for one who had the knowledge of God and who strove to imitate him; this was the sole condition of happiness.”

As you can see, this idea of happiness is much higher than the lowly notion of happiness among today’s popular philosophers who attempt to define the sentiment within narrow egotistical terms of “satisfying my desire to do what I want to do”. Instead, Plato, Cicero and Augustine raise the concept along with later thinkers like Thomas More and Erasmus, to a standard of spiritual pleasure contained in the pursuit, acquisition and sharing of truth (aka: wisdom).

All things are designed by God to have loves that are premised on their natures. Just as a plant yearns for water, nutritious soil and CO2 (sorry Greta), and just as a body yearns for food, water, warmth so too does the soul have its own loves towards which it yearns to be made more healthy. The absence of the loves of each thing cause pain, disease and decay for their subjects, and this is the case for the soul whose food is wisdom, without the which no durable happiness were ever attainable.

Here Augustine notes “in all cases where love is rightly bestowed, that love is itself loved even more. For we are justified in calling a man good not merely because he merely knows what is good but because he loves the Good.”

Hammering at the lessons of Paul’s 1 Corinthians 13 which emphasizes the importance of love’s substance over the mere shadows of behavior Augustine clarifies his position:

“When a man’s resolve is to love God and to love his neighbor as himself, not according to man’s standards but according to God’s, he is undoubtedly said to be a man of good will, because of this love. This attitude is more commonly called ‘caritas/agape’ in holy scripture; but it appears in the same sacred writing under the appellation ‘Love’. When the apostle is giving instructions about the choice of a man to rule God’s people, he says that such a man should be a lover of the Good… There is indeed a love which is given to what should not be loved and that love is hated in himself by one who loves the love which is given to a proper object of Love. For these can both exist in the same man and it is good for man that what makes for right living should increase in him and what makes for evil should die away until he is made perfectly sound and all his life is changed into good.”

This idea was expressed nearly a thousand years earlier at the other edge of the world island by none other than Confucius who wrote: “At 15 I set my heart on learning; At 30 I firmly took my stand; At 40 I had no delusions; At 50 I knew the Mandate of Heaven; At 60 my ear was attuned; At 70 I followed my heart’s desire without overstepping the boundaries of right.”

Even Christ’s golden rule was a focal point of Confucian thought as the old sage stated “do not unto others as you would not have them do unto you”. The Christian notion of Natural Law as outlined in Augustine’s City of God also finds its parallel expression in Chinese thought vis a vis the concept of Tianming (aka: Mandate of Heaven) whose disobedience by a ruler is sufficient cause for a people to overthrow said ruler in favor of a new government better suited to maintaining the general welfare.

Although Augustine never saw the redemption of society in his lifetime, having died in 430 AD amidst a siege held by the Vandals in the former colony of Hippo located in today’s Algeria, the infusion of Augustine’s Platonic Christian outlook provided the basis for several major renaissances in the centuries after his death.

A New Hope for Humanity

It was a young Augustinian monk named Patrick who successfully launched a major transformation of Ireland into a Christian nation as outlined in Thomas Cahill’s ‘How the Irish Saved Civilization’ and it was an Irish Augustinian missionary named Saint Columba who finally returned to mainland Europe after several generations of war, decay and famine had reduced the continent to squalor. Starting in 565 AD, St. Columba led the largest Christianizing movement far outside the clutches of the Holy See’s control in the form of the Hiberno-Scottish mission which used Scotland as a new springboard for a mass organizing campaign across all Europe.

When St. Columba arrived on the mainland in 590 AD there was very little of substance to be found within the highly fragmented world of Europe.


The entire domain of the former western Roman Empire had been ravaged by territorial warlords fighting for terrain in a similar pattern that was experienced by China during the 480 year dark age that came in the wake of the Han Dynasty’s fall in 200 AD.

Just as the rediscovery and application of Confucian principles animated the Tang Dynasty’s revival of the Silk Road and unification of the divided land in 680 AD, so too did the rediscovery of Plato via the Augustinian Christian movement then sew the seeds for the re-unification of Europe under the Frankish King Pepin the short and his son Charlemagne who ended the age of Europe’s warring states and established the Carolingian Empire. This story is covered extensively by Professor Pierre Beaudry in Charlemagne’s Ecumenical Principle.


Among the most celebrated and widely transcribed books in Charlemagne’s court were Augustine’s City of God and On Christian Education which were read to Charlemagne extensively by the grand strategist Alcuin.

Under Charlemagne, an age of internal improvements were launched the likes of which had not been seen since the days of Alexander the Great. Besides the canals, roads, schools and new cities, we also see a mass education of children, social welfare reforms, economic reforms and perhaps most importantly, peace treaties and commercial ties with the Abbasid Dynasty of Haroun al Rashid, and the northern Jewish empire of Khazaria. It was this northern kingdom that served as a key strategic gateway of the Steppes Silk Road between China and Europe.

This Confucian-Christian-Muslim-Jewish alliance set an example which the oligarchy has been desperate to scrub from humanity’s collective memory for 1300 years.

For anyone who thinks that this potential alliance only involved the western branch of Catholic Christianity, and ignored the eastern orthodox Christian movement dominant in the Byzantine eastern Roman Empire of the day, it is worth noting that after Charlemagne had made an important maneuver to avoid war with Byzantium in 801 AD by asking Empress Irene of Athens her hand in marriage.

The fact that Irene accepted the offer at this moment presents the mind of a historian with an incredible sense of the possibilities of a world united by all major civilizations under an ecumenical alliance of cooperation. Could Christianity have re-united under a policy of cooperation with both itself and with the diverse civilizations surrounding her instead of embarking upon a new age of Balkanization within and inter-civilizational wars without? Would the leading factions of the ruling Roman oligarchical families centered in Venice, Rome and Byzantium have been able to subvert such an alliance of the forces of humanity?

Sadly, with the palace coup that overthrew Irene in 802, such potentials were destroyed forever and the world will never have an answer to such questions.

From Dante to the League of Cambrai

Despite the eventual sabotage of the ecumenical alliance of great civilizations after the 10th century, the Augustinian current of Christianity again found its champion in the form of Dante Alighieri who did much to revive St. Augustine’s thesis in his De Monarchia published in 1312 AD. Augustinian Christian leaders around Nicholas of Cusa (1401-1464 AD) organized a unification of the church during the 1438 Council of Florence (again, soon sabotaged with the 1452 destruction of Constantinople) and again Augustinian Christians regrouped and set the stage for the Golden Renaissance.

It were these same leaders who organized the 1509 League of Cambrai which nearly finished the job begun by Alexander the Great by wiping the central command of the oligarchy from the face of the earth.

Despite its eventual subversion, European philosophers continued to rise into positions of power who looked to Plato, Cicero, and Augustine as the basis of Europe’s moral salvation. It should be here noted that a perverse effort to restore Charlemagne’s empire in the form of an expansionist program of war and tyranny also grew across the centuries and justified the eventual creation of the European Union in the late 20th Century. This nasty movement should not be confused with the genuine heirs of Charlemagne who saw the basis of their power not on might-make-right, but on the opposing idea of right-makes-might.

Among the most noteworthy of these leaders were France’s King Louis XI, England’s King Henry VII, Sir Thomas More, Erasmus of Rotterdam, King Henry IV of Navarre, Cardinal Jules Mazarin of France, Finance Minister Jean-Baptiste Colbert and the great scientist/statesman Gottfried Leibniz (1649-1716).

Leibniz’s Augustinian Vision

On top of organizing many of the greatest reforms in administration, law and science policy within both Prussia and Russia (serving as Privy Councillor to Peter the Great), Gottfried Leibniz organized to unify the splintered branches of Christianity around a renewed Augustinian reform, and a broader age of reason by looking beyond the limits of the corrupted European courts to… China and Russia.

Corresponding with leading missionaries and advisors to the Kangxi emperor of China, Leibniz created the first major journal on Chinese thought and politics called Novissima Sinica (News from China) in 1696 where he laid out his grand design writing:

“I consider it a singular plan of the fates that human cultivation and refinement should today be concentrated, as it were, in the two extremes of our continent, in Europe and in China, which adorns the Orient as Europe does the opposite edge of the Earth. Perhaps Supreme Providence has ordained such an arrangement, so that as the most cultivated and distant peoples stretch out their arms to each other, those in between may gradually be brought to a better way of life. I do not think it an accident that the Russians, whose vast realm connects Europe with China and who hold sway over the deep barbarian lands of the North by the shore of the frozen ocean, should be led to the emulation of our ways through the strenuous efforts of their present ruler [Peter I].”       

It is no coincidence that we find in the works of Leibniz and the Augustinian Christian movement, the key to the strategic thinking of Confucian Platonist Benjamin Franklin who applied the practical and metaphysical insights of Confucius, Christ and Plato into a new system of governance which he defined as a “science of happiness”.

If you have made it this far and don’t yet see any of the keys to the salvation of our current society within the context of the rising multipolar alliance and Confucian renaissance which is animating China’s New Silk Road, I highly advise reading this essay again.

The author delivered a lecture on this topic which can be viewed here:

Albert Jacka


In the first world war, Albert was on the front lines in some of the most bloody battles. Every time he survived one meat grinder, they would send him to an even worse one.

He was in the trenches in Gallipoli when they fought against overwhelming numbers of Turks.

Everyone in his platoon was killed or injured, so Albert charged the attackers solo. He killed 7 of them (shot 5, stabbed 2 to death, probably because the bolt action rifle he was carrying ran out of bullets) captured 3 and the rest ran away. From his diary:

Great battle at 3.00am. Turks captured large portion of trench. D. Coy called into front line. Lieut. Hamilton shot dead. I lead a section of men and recaptured the trench. I bayoneted two Turks, shot five, took three prisoners and cleared the whole trench. I held the trench alone for 15 minutes against heavy attack.

After a short trip back to England, he rejoined his men, this time on the western front, for the battle of the Somme.

After heavy fighting, the allied lines were over run. Albert and his remaining men found themselves now behind enemy lines.

A couple of German soldiers appeared and lobbed a grenade at them. Albert killed them both, but some of his men were injured or killed.

Peeking out from their trench, he spotted a column of German soldiers approaching with a group of Australian prisoners.

Tired, surrounded, low on ammo, most of his men dead or too injured to fight and about to encounter a large group of the enemy the only sensible thing to do was surrender. But that was just not how Albert did things.

He rallied his 6 remaining men and charged the 60+ Germans. During the fight, Albert saw a group of four Germans in a shell hole firing and taking a toll on the Australians. He immediately charged them. The German’s fired and hit Albert a total of three times, throwing him back to the ground on all occasions. Each time, in Albert’s own words, he sprang up “like a prize fighter”. He reached the shell hole and shot 3 of the Germans and bayoneted the 4th before turning to see a very large German charging at him. He shot the soldier just as he reached him, the body falling on him and almost crushing him.

By the end of the day, they had retaken the trenches and captured 50 German soldiers. Albert was wounded 7 times, including 2 head wounds.

He was sent back to England to recover from his wounds, but a few months later he was back on the front lines again, this time the Hindenburg line.

While out on night reconnaissance he single handedly captured another couple of Germans. They had spotted him laying tape to guide the Australian infantry, so he tried to shoot them with his revolver. When the pistol misfired, he just charged them, took them down with his bare hands, and dragged them back.

He led his men into battle again, charging headlong into German machine gun nests and capturing them. When they reached their assigned target form line, Albert realised that the German artillery would be trained on their location so, along with the two British units on either side of him, he pushed forward and captured the artillery too.

Shortly after, he was shot by a sniper in the throat. He was sent back to England, but only stayed for 2 months before heading back to battle.

This time he was sent to Polygon wood, a German strong hold that had, up to this point, been impenetrable. Albert was in charge of the 14th Battalion – known as “Jacka’s mob”. They advanced under heavy bombardment but managed to capture several German pill boxes (Concrete dugouts). For over 48 hours they held their lines under constant fire and counter attack. When his assistant was killed, Albert crawled out into no man’s land to retrieve his body, getting shot through the hand and several bullet holes in his coat in the process.

The 15th battalion to his right had suffered heavy casualties and were over stretched. To boost their morale Albert sent them this communique:

“If the Hun attacks the 15th, we shall hop out and meet the blighters.”

He was finally taken out of action a couple of months later at Villers Bretonneux by mustard gas. It didn’t kill him though and he after a couple of months recuperating back in England he petitioned to be allowed to rejoin his men on the front lines. Alas, it was decided that his fighting days were done. He returned to Australia and became the mayor of the Melbourne suburb of St. Kilda.

Is that baddass or what?

Spend an hour with your dad

“I spent an hour in the bank with my dad, as he had to transfer some money. I couldn’t resist myself and asked…

”Dad, why don’t we activate your internet banking?”

”Why would I do that?” He asked…

”Well, then you wont have to spend an hour here for things like transfer.

You can even do your shopping online. Everything will be so easy!”

I was so excited about initiating him into the world of Net banking.

He asked ”If I do that, I wont have to step out of the house?

”Yes, yes”! I said. I told him how even grocery can be delivered at door now and how amazon delivers everything!

His answer left me tongue-tied.

He said ”Since I entered this bank today, I have met four of my friends, I have chatted a while with the staff who know me very well by now.

You know I am alone…this is the company that I need. I like to get ready and come to the bank. I have enough time, it is the physical touch that I crave.

Two years back I got sick, The store owner from whom I buy fruits, came to see me and sat by my bedside and cried.

When your Mom fell down few days back while on her morning walk. Our local grocer saw her and immediately got his car to rush her home as he knows where I live.

Would I have that ‘human’ touch if everything became online?

Why would I want everything delivered to me and force me to interact with just my computer?

I like to know the person that I’m dealing with and not just the ‘seller’. It creates bonds of Relationships.

Does Amazon deliver all this as well?”’

Technology isn’t life..

Spend time with people .. Not with devices.”

Writer: Unknown

The world continues to evolve, but cats stay the same

"Why did the majority of Taiwanese vote for the DDP?"

Excellent question !

I'll have to meditate deeply before giving you an acceptable & palatable answer...

I suggest for now that they have been mesmerized by the so-called shining liberal world

because they drunk the Kool-Aid especially prepared for them by the spin doctors of the KFC-AZAEL (Kakistocratic Feudal Conglomerate of the Anglo-Zio-American EstabLishment) who are truly geniuses in that domain. But I'm aware of the weakness of that answer because it's tantamount to write that they have been stupid. Alas ! Let's say that they are waking up slowly since the graduated answer by Beijing since August 3, 2022 and keeping on...

But I persist, The Taiwanese are waking up and realize that their future is with Beijing !

Arrivederci ! Quan

I’m just swamped. This is going to be a tad unusual post. Heavy on cats. Light on food. Hopefully no one will get too upset with me.

Jorge Guinle died of old age after burning all his money on fun, basically. He once said that he lost all his money because he thought he’d last about 70 years but he only died at 88.


In fact, he was no longer a billionaire after his family lost the concession of the Port of Santos in 1972. He was still very rich for years, but no longer had a steady source of income.

In his final years, after selling everything he had, he lived for free – as a favor – in Copacabana Palace, a famous luxury hotel formerly owned by his family. He got a very small pension from the government and would work as a tourist guide and sometimes appear in advertisements.

I know people who knew him and told me he would happily pay for other people’s bills in restaurants and nightclubs and do things like send trucks full of flowers to women he was interested in.

He had no regrets though.

His life was well lived, he studied philosophy in Paris, dated famous actresses in Hollywood (including Marilyn Monroe and Rita Hayworth), met and befriended his favorite jazz musicians, who he’d fly to Rio to attend his parties.

Not only that, he had a semi-official role during and after WWII as a liaison between the United States and Brazil. He was asked by Nelson Rockefeller, working for the US government, to help influence Brazil towards the American side and away from the influence of the nazis.

Meanwhile, he’d also work for the Brazilian government spreading the word in the US about Brazil and Rio de Janeiro. He’d advise Hollywood studios about Brazil, fixing scripts that mentioned the country and so on. He was room mates with Errol Flynn and partied with Orson Welles, Howard Hughes and Ronald Reagan.

A fascinating character. People say he was a genuinely nice, interesting, sensitive person, not just a flashy playboy.

They don’t make playboys like that anymore.


I knew Titan loved me one day after my ex broke things off.

She’d cheated on me (multiple times I later learned) and was both shacking up with her new guy but still living in my house. Needless to say I was stressed, depressed, and a bundle of nerves.

Titan had always liked my ex (we’d adopted him and her cat at the same time so he’d known us both his whole adopted life). But he was MY GUY and I knew it unequivocally when Erika tried to pet him about a week after the whole mess came down.

He hissed and ran away from her…straight to me for comfort and snuggles. He knew she was the reason I wasn’t doing well and he wasn’t about to put up with it. She moved out a couple days later. When even the animals think you’re a terrible person it’s hard to stay there.


He’s been my best buddy ever since.

Fox News

 Former President Trump on Monday said that his Mar-a-Lago home in Florida was “under siege” by a “large group” of FBI agents conducting a search warrant.

“Nothing like this has ever happened to a President of the United States before. After working and cooperating with the relevant Government agencies, this unannounced raid on my home was not necessary or appropriate,” Trump said. “It is prosecutorial misconduct, the weaponization of the Justice System, and an attack by Radical Left Democrats who desperately don’t want me to run for President in 2024, especially based on recent polls, and who will likewise do anything to stop Republicans and Conservatives in the upcoming Midterm Elections.”

“Such an assault could only take place in broken, Third-World Countries. Sadly, America has now become one of those Countries, corrupt at a level not seen before,” Trump said, alleging that the FBI agents broke into his safe. 

Thomas Lucipurr Lipshaw

Yes, this is my cat, Thomas Lucipurr Lipshaw, he is now 4 years old but this happened when he was 1 1/2. An ex of mine was working with this woman who was bragging at work about having her cat put down for being destructive, i was called about it ten minutes later, i got the information told my then girlfriend id be making a call and after work id fill her in. Called the vets office she surrendered the cat to. No clue why i did this, i never really interacted with cats before. Well i got them to agree to hold him for me until tomorrow morning.

Next morning this was what came home with us, his name Thomas, he supposedly weighed 9 lbs but he was way too skinny, i could feel his vertebrae and see a few ribs.


his first day with me was spent under the couch while i chatted with him, peeked under now and again to check on him and offer some tasty morsels.

well turns out he was abused, and then my now ex was mean to him a LOT. so after a lot of drama i threw her out, and he became my cat and mine alone. My son of fur fang and claw, hes a daddy’s cat, he will actually hit me if i begin getting worried about stupid shit, he will put a paw on my arm or hand if i am crying, he sleeps on my bed with me, and always wants to be held.

Here he is today…


WWII redux: The endpoint of US policy

The threatened peoples of East Asia and Europe can stop the US drive to restore its global domination
Found HERE

“This is not going to be a war of Ukraine and Russia. This is going to be a European war, a full-fledged war.” So spoke Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky just days after berating the US for beating the drums of war.

It is not hard to imagine how Zelensky’s words must have fallen on those European ears that were attentive. His warning surely conjured up images of World War II when tens of millions of Europeans and Russians perished.

Zelensky’s words echoed those of Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte on the other side of the world at the eastern edge of the great Eurasian landmass:When elephants fight, it is the grass that gets trampled flat.” We can be sure that Duterte, like Zelensky, had in mind World War II, which also consumed tens of millions of lives in East Asia.

The United States is stoking tensions in both Europe and East Asia, with Ukraine and Taiwan as the current flashpoints on the doorsteps of Russia and China, which are the targeted nations.

Let us be clear at the outset. As we shall see, the endpoint of this process is not for the US to do battle with Russia or China, but to watch China and Russia fight it out with their neighbors to the ruin of both sides.

The US is to “lead from behind” – as safely and remotely as can be arranged.

To make sense of this and react properly, we must be very clear-eyed about the goal of the US.

  • Neither Russia nor China has attacked or even threatened the US.
  • Nor are they in a position to do so – unless one believes that either is ready to embark on a suicidal nuclear war.

Why should the US elite and its media pour out a steady stream of anti-China and anti-Russia invective? Why the steady eastward march of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization since the end of the first Cold War?

The goal of the US is crystal clear – it regards itself as the Exceptional Nation and entitled to be the No 1 power on the planet, eclipsing all others.

This goal is most explicitly stated in the well-known Wolfowitz Doctrine drawn shortly after the end of the first Cold War in 1992. It proclaimed that the United States’ “first objective is to prevent the re-emergence of a new rival, either on the territory of the former Soviet union or elsewhere….”

It stated that no regional power must be allowed to emerge with the power and resources “sufficient to generate global power.” It stated frankly that “we must maintain the mechanism for deterring potential competitors from even aspiring to a larger regional or global power” (emphasis mine).

The Wolfowitz Doctrine is but the latest in a series of such proclamations that have proclaimed global domination as the goal of US foreign policy since 1941, the year before the US entered World War II. This lineage is documented clearly in a book by the Quincy Institute’s Stephen Wertheim, “Tomorrow, the World: The Birth of US Global Supremacy.

Target No 1: China

China’s economy is No 1 in terms of PPP-GDP (gross domestic product based on purchasing power parity) according to the International Monetary Fund and has been since November 2014. It is growing faster than the US economy and shows no signs of slowing down.

In a sense, China has already won by this metric, since economic power is the ultimate basis of all power.

But what about a military defeat of China? Can the US with its present vastly superior armed forces bring that about? Historian Alfred McCoy answers that question in the way most do these days, with a clear “no”:

“The most volatile flashpoint In Beijing’s grand strategy for breaking Washington’s geopolitical grip over Eurasia lies in the contested waters between China’s coast and the Pacific littoral, which the Chinese call ‘the first island chain.’

“But China’s clear advantage in any struggle over that first Pacific island chain is simply distance.…The tyranny of distance, in other words, means that the US loss of that first island chain, along with its axial anchor on Eurasia’s Pacific littoral, should only be a matter of time.”

Certainly the US elites recognize this problem. Do they have a solution?

Moreover, that is not the end of the “problem” for the US. There are other powerful countries, such as Japan, or rapidly rising economies in East Asia, easily the most dynamic economic region in the world. These too will become peer competitors, and in the case of Japan, it already has been a competitor, both before World War II and during the 1980s.

Target No 2: Russia

If we hop over to the western edge of Eurasia, we see that the US has a similar “problem” when it comes to Russia. Here too, the US cannot defeat Russia in a conventional conflict, nor have US sanctions been able to bring it down. How can the US surmount this obstacle?

And as in the case of East Asia, the US faces another economic competitor, Germany, or more accurately, the European Union with Germany at its core. How is the US to deal with this dual threat?

One clue comes in the response of President Joe Biden to both the tension over Taiwan and that over Ukraine. Biden has said repeatedly that his administration will not send US combat troops to fight Russia over Ukraine or to fight China over Taiwan. But it will send materiel and weapons, and also “advisers.”

And here too the US has other peer competitors, most notably Germany, which has been the target of US tariffs. Economist Michael Hudson puts it succinctly in a penetrating essay: “America’s real adversaries are its European and other allies: The US aim is to keep them from trading with China and Russia.”

Postwar rise to power

Such “difficulties” for the US were solved once before – in World War II.

One way of looking at that conflict is that it was a combination of two great regional wars, one in East Asia and one in Europe. In Europe the US was minimally involved as Russia, the core of the USSR, battled it out with Germany, sustaining great damage to life and economy. Both Germany and Russia were economic basket cases when the war was over, two countries lying in ruins.

The US provided weapons and materiel to Russia but was minimally involved militarily, only entering late in the game. The same happened in East Asia, with Japan in the role of Germany and China in the role of Russia.

Both Japan and China were devastated in the same way as were Russia and Europe. This was not an unconscious strategy on the part of the United States. As Harry Truman, then a senator, declared in 1941: “If we see that Germany is winning the war, we ought to help Russia; and if that Russia is winning, we ought to help Germany, and in that way let them kill as many as possible.”

At the end of it all, the US emerged as the most powerful economic and military power on the planet. McCoy spells it out:

“Like all past imperial hegemons, US global power has similarly rested on geopolitical dominance over Eurasia, now home to 70% of the world’s population and productivity. After the Axis alliance of Germany, Italy and Japan failed to conquer that vast landmass, the Allied victory in World War II allowed Washington, as historian John Darwin put it, to build its ‘colossal imperium … on an unprecedented scale,’ becoming the first power in history to control the strategic axial points ‘at both ends of Eurasia.’

“As a critical first step, the US formed the NATO alliance in 1949, establishing major military installations in Germany and naval bases in Italy to ensure control of the western side of Eurasia.

“After its defeat of Japan, as the new overlord of the world’s largest ocean, the Pacific, Washington dictated the terms of four key mutual-defense pacts in the region with Japan, South Korea, the Philippines and Australia, and so acquired a vast range of military bases along the Pacific littoral that would secure the eastern end of Eurasia.

“To tie the two axial ends of that vast landmass into a strategic perimeter, Washington ringed the continent’s southern rim with successive chains of steel, including three navy fleets, hundreds of combat aircraft, and most recently, a string of 60 drone bases stretching from Sicily to the Pacific island of Guam.”

The US was able to become the dominant power on the planet because all peer competitors were left in ruins by the two great regional wars in Europe and East Asia, wars that are grouped under the heading of World War II.

If Europe is plunged into a war of Russia against the EU powers with the US “leading from behind” with materiel and weapons, who will benefit? And if East Asia is plunged into a war of China against Japan and whatever allies it can drum up, with the US “leading from behind,” who will benefit?

It is pretty clear that such a replay of World War II will benefit the US. In World War II, while Eurasia suffered tens of millions of deaths, the US suffered about 400,000 – a terrible toll certainly but nothing like that seen in Eurasia.

And with the economies and territories of Eurasia, East and West, in ruins, the US will again emerge on top, in the catbird seat, and able to dictate terms to the world. World War II redux.

But what about the danger of nuclear war growing out of such conflicts? The US has a history of nuclear “brinksmanship,” going back to the earliest post-World War II days. It is a country that has shown itself willing to risk nuclear holocaust.

Are there US policymakers criminal enough to see this policy of provocation through to the end? I will leave that to the reader to answer.

The peoples of East and West Eurasia are the ones who will suffer most in this scenario. And they are the ones who can stop the madness by living peacefully with Russia and China rather than serving as cannon fodder for the US.

There are clear signs of dissent from the European “allies” of the US, especially Germany, but the influence of the US remains powerful. Germany and many other countries are after all occupied by tens of thousands of US troops, their media heavily influenced by the US and with the organization that commands European troops, NATO, under US command. Which way will it go?

In East Asia the situation is the same. Japan is the key, but the hatred of China among the Elite is intense. Will the Japanese people and the other peoples of East Asia be able to put the brakes on the drive to war?

Some say that a two-front conflict like this is US overreach. But certainly, if war is raging on or near the territories of both Russia and China, there is little likelihood that one can aid the other.

Given the power of modern weaponry, this impending world war will be much more damaging than World War II by far. The criminality that is on the way to unleashing it is almost beyond comprehension.

China’s top chip maker SMIC beats earnings estimates despite threat of more US sanctions

  • Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp reported revenue growth of 41.6 per cent for the June quarter
  • Net profits were down 25 per cent from the same period last year, as gross margin rose to 39.4 per cent

Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp (SMIC) reported better-than-expected earnings for the June quarter, as China’s top chip maker faces up to rising risks of harsher US sanctions.

The company reported on Thursday that revenue during the three-month period rose 41.6 per cent year-on-year to reach US$1.9 billion, slightly better than Bloomberg’s consensus estimates of US$1.89 billion.

Net profits came in at US$514.3 million under global accounting standards, down 25 per cent from the same period last year, compared with US$447.2 million in the previous quarter. This was better than Bloomberg’s consensus estimates of US$469 million.

Article HERE

China Creates Its Most Powerful General-Purpose GPU: Meet Biren BR100 With 77 Billion Transistors on 7nm, Faster Than NVIDIA Ampere In AI

Birentech, a small enterprise based in Shanghai, China, has released the country’s most powerful General-Purpose GPU, the Biren BR100.

China Makes Its Most Powerful General-Purpose GPU To Date, The Birentech BR100 With 77 Billion Transistors

The Birentech BR100 is the flagship General-Purpose GPU that China has to offer, featuring an in-house GPU architecture that utilizes a 7nm process node and houses 77 Billion transistors within its die. The GPU has been fabricated on TSMC’s 2.5D CoWoS design and also comes packed with 300 MB of on-chip cache, 64 GB of HBM2e with a memory bandwidth of 2.3 TB/s, and support for PCIe Gen 5.0 (CXL interconnect protocol).

Article HERE

The Majority of U.S. Voters Cannot Find Taiwan on a Map

Most American people are uneducated and simply accept the crusader media propaganda to like or hate a country , a religion, and people. This make our mission to spread the truth very important. 

In an Aug. 6-7 survey experiment conducted during heavy media coverage of Pelosi’s trip to the island, 34% of U.S. voters could find Taiwan on a blank map of Asia. That’s the same as the share of voters who said they heard “a lot” about the California Democrat’s trip there last week. It’s also the same fraction of the electorate that could identify Ukraine on a map when asked a few weeks before Russia’s invasion of the country.

Those who could identify Taiwan were more likely to have heard news coverage about the island recently, with 86% saying they had heard at least something about Pelosi’s trip — though the story did manage to break through to 71% of the general electorate. 

Those who could find Taiwan were also significantly more likely to have heard details of China’s retaliation, with more than three-quarters hearing about China’s missile launches as part of naval drills and dispatching of fighter jets across the middle of the Taiwan Strait, compared with 60% and 56% of all voters, respectively, for those developments.


Article HERE

Ukraine Using American-Supplied Weapons to ATTACK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT


Ukraine Using American-Supplied Weapons to ATTACK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT

The Ukrainian Army is using American-made and supplied Guided Multiple Launch Rocket Systems (GMLRS) to fire shells at the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant in Ukraine, which is occupied by Russian Troops.

The image above shows a blast fragment from an American GMLRS shell “Actuator” recovered after it exploded on the grounds of the Nuclear Plant Thursday.  The English language on the Actuator manufacturing label shows the part number, serial number, the date of manufacture, and says “Actuator Module Assembly” on it.

The Russian Army won control of the Nuclear Power Plant early in its Special Military Operation to de-militarize and De-Nazify Ukraine.  The nuclear power plant is the largest in Europe, with six nuclear reactors.  Russia conquered it in March of this year, and has safeguarded the plant ever since.

The reason Russia took the plant is that if there was a nuclear accident with that plant, radioactive contamination would be carried by local prevailing winds, directly into Russia.  The Russians don’t want any radiation floating into their country.

But early this week, Ukraine began doing the unthinkable: Deliberately firing artillery shells  at the plant; then made the absurd claim that Russia was firing – at their own Russian troops!

Russia even invited the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to come to the plant with inspectors to see exactly WHO it is that is firing at the plant.  Russia said they will bring the inspectors in safely and allow them to see for themselves who is attacking the plant.

Then things got an order of magnitude worse:

Russia publicly stated that Ukraine is attempting to hit the spent fuel cooling facilities on the grounds of that plant which will cause what they described as a “nuclear catastrophe worse than Chernobyl.”

By doing this, Russia says Ukraine is attempting to use the plant as a sort of Tactical Nuclear Weapon.   If  Ukraine can cause a nuclear accident, the levels of radiation would be very much akin to the detonation of a battlefield tactical nuke.

SO . . . . .

Russia has told Ukraine and the rest of the world that “If Ukraine causes a nuclear catastrophe by shelling the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant, Russia will consider such an act to be “nuclear terrorism” and, under Russia’s long-established military doctrine, such nuclear errorism would require a Russian nuclear response; Russia will respond to Ukraine’s “nuclear terrorism” by firing Russian Tactical Nuclear Weapons at Ukraine.”

Readers may recall that early in the Special Military Operation, illegitimate president Joe Biden publicly commented that NATO would not get involved in the Russia-Ukraine situation “unless Russia uses Biological, Chemical, or Nuclear weapons.”   If such weapons are used, the US and NATO say they will immediately go to war in Ukraine.

Hal Turner Analysis and Opinion

We in the West are now sitting on a sort of ticking time bomb.  Russia has made its position crystal clear.  If Ukraine causes a nuclear catastrophe, Russia will treat it as nuclear terrorism and hit back with tactical nukes.

The US/NATO has said they will enter the Ukraine war if such weapons are used.   And so, as you read this, the only thing standing in the way of the outbreak of actual nuclear world war 3, is some dumb Ukrainian, firing GMLRS at a nuclear power plant.

Forgive me if I think we’re all doomed.

Witold Pilecki


Dude was already a war hero before he decided to sneak into Auschwitz. As a young man, Pilecki had been a decorated officer in the Polish-Soviet War of 1918.

After the war, Pilecki moved to the Polish countryside, married a schoolteacher, and had two kids. He enjoyed riding horses and wearing fancy hats and smoking cigars.

Life was simple and good.

Then that whole Hitler thing happened, and before Poland could get both its boots on, the Nazis had already Blitzkrieged through half the country.

Poland lost its entire territory in a little more than a month. It wasn’t exactly a fair fight: while the Nazis invaded in the west, the Soviets invaded in the east.

It was like being stuck between a rock and a hard place—except the rock was a megalomaniacal mass murderer trying to conquer the world and the hard place was rampant, senseless genocide.

Early on, the Soviets were actually far crueler than the Nazis. They had done this shit before, you know—the whole “overthrow a government and enslave a population to your faulty ideology” thing. The Nazis were still somewhat imperialist virgins

In those first months of the war, it’s estimated that the Soviets rounded up over a million Polish citizens and sent them east. A million people, in a matter of months, just gone. Some didn’t stop until they hit the gulags in Siberia; others were found in mass graves decades later. Many are still unaccounted for to this day.

Pilecki fought in those battles—against both the Germans and the Soviets.

And after their defeat, he and fellow Polish officers started an underground resistance group in Warsaw. The Secret Polish Army

In the spring of 1940, the Secret Polish Army got wind of the fact that the Germans were building a massive prison complex outside some backwater town in the southern part of the country. The Germans named this new prison complex Auschwitz.

By the summer of 1940, thousands of military officers and leading Polish nationals were disappearing from western Poland. Fears arose among the resistance that the same mass incarceration that had occurred in the east with the Soviets was now on the menu in the west. Pilecki and his crew suspected that Auschwitz, a prison the size of a small town, was likely involved in the disappearances and that it might already house thousands of former Polish soldiers.

That’s when Pilecki volunteered to sneak into Auschwitz. Initially, it was a rescue mission—he would allow himself to get arrested, and once there, he would organize with other Polish soldiers, coordinate a mutiny, and break out of the prison camp.

It was a mission so suicidal that he might as well have asked his commander permission to drink a bucket of bleach. His superiors thought he was crazy, and told him as much.

But, as the weeks went by, the problem only grew worse: thousands of elite Poles were disappearing, and Auschwitz was still a huge blind spot in the Allied intelligence network. The Allies had no idea what was going on there and little chance of finding out. Eventually, Pilecki’s commanders relented.

One evening, at a routine checkpoint in Warsaw, Pilecki let himself be arrested by the SS for violating curfew. And soon, he was on his way to Auschwitz, the only man known ever to have voluntarily entered a Nazi concentration camp.

Once he got there, he saw that the reality of Auschwitz was far worse than anyone had suspected. Prisoners were routinely shot in roll call lineups for transgressions as minor as fidgeting or not standing up straight.

The manual labor was grueling and endless. Men were literally worked to death, often performing tasks that were useless or meant nothing. The first month Pilecki was there, a full third of the men in his barracks died of exhaustion or pneumonia or were shot.

Regardless, by the end of the 1940, Pilecki, the comic book superhero motherfucker, had still somehow set up an espionage operation.

Over the course of two years, Pilecki built an entire resistance unit within Auschwitz. There was a chain of command, with ranks and officers; a logistics network; and lines of communication to the outside world.

And all this went undiscovered by the SS guards for almost two years. Pilecki’s ultimate aim was to foment a full-scale revolt within the camp. With help and coordination from the outside, he believed he could stoke a prison break, overrun the undermanned SS guards, and release tens of thousands of highly trained Polish guerrilla fighters into the wild. He sent his plans and reports to Warsaw. For months, he waited. For months, he survived.

But then came the Jews. First, in buses. Then, packed in train cars. Soon, they were arriving by the tens of thousands, Stripped of all family possessions and dignity, they filed mechanically into the newly renovated “shower” barracks, where they were gassed and their bodies burned.

Pilecki’s reports to the outside became frantic. They’re murdering tens of thousands of people here each day. Mostly Jews. The death toll could potentially be in the millions. He pleaded with the Secret Polish Army to liberate the camp at once. He said if you can’t liberate the camp, then at least bomb it. For God’s sake, at least destroy the gas chambers. At least.

The Secret Polish Army received his messages but figured he was exaggerating. In the farthest reaches of their minds, nothing could be that f*****. Nothing.

Pilecki was the first person ever to alert the world to the Holocaust. His intelligence was forwarded through the various resistance groups around Poland, then on to the Polish government-in-exile in the United Kingdom, who then passed his reports to the Allied Command in London. The information eventually even made its way to Eisenhower and Churchill.

They, too, figured Pilecki had to be exaggerating.

In 1943, Pilecki realized that his plans of a mutiny and prison break were never going to happen: The Secret Polish Army wasn’t coming. The Americans and British weren’t coming. And in all likelihood, it was the Soviets who were coming—and they would be worse. Pilecki decided that remaining inside the camp was too risky. It was time to escape.

He made it look easy, of course. First, he faked illness and got himself admitted to the camp’s hospital. From there, he lied to the doctors about what work group he was supposed to return to, saying he had the night shift at the bakery, which was on the edge of camp, near the river. When the doctors discharged him, he headed to the bakery, where he proceeded to “work” until 2:00 a.m., when the last batch of bread finished baking. From there, it was just a matter of cutting the telephone wire, silently prying open the back door, changing into stolen civilian clothes without the SS guards noticing, sprinting to the river a mile away while being shot at, and then navigating his way back to civilization .

Beijing metro replace English with pinying

Article HERE

Russian airports replace English with Chinese? – iNEWS

Article HERE

Her name was Blue


I once had a cat that I found feral in the woods, living off mice in a neighbor’s junk pile. Eventually I coaxed her out with some food, and after a few days, into the house, where she eventually made a home. She was a good cat, and a good companion to my brother’s cat, and after I got out of college, became a favorite of my wife’s.

She lived with us a long time before the tumors appeared. Twice, we had them cut out and gave her a little extra love and tried to appreciate her remaining time.

Then one day, she wasn’t at the door when I came home. I found her in a back room, laying paralyzed in a puddle of urine, pleading with her eyes for help. I had waited too long.

I held her as the needle went in. She winced, and I rubbed her head like I always did when I comforted her. She snuggled against my hand, the fear and the pain left her eyes, and just for a moment, she was herself again.

I held her till she stopped breathing, then went outside and cried a good long time, not for the loss of a pet, but for having failed an animal what depended on me utterly, for having stubbornly denied my duty to her and let her suffer longer than I should have.

Her name was Blue.

She was regal and sleek, and deserved a more dignified end. She knew she was dying, but needed me to let her go.

When I finally did, she was relieved.

I’m sure that when it comes time for your loved ones to go, they will be ready.

Chinese tech firm launches GPU chip it claims marks ‘new era’ for computing

Biren Technology says the peak performance of its 7-nanometre chip – made by TSMC – is three times better than equivalent products on the market. It will be used in large-scale, cloud-based AI training in data centres and the company aims to partner with firms such as server provider Inspur.

Article HERE

I knew he was special.


I saw hime and knew he was special…

I walked into a cat room at the shelter and sat on the floor, sad, because my home cat just died a mere one week earlier.

I put my purse on the floor.

This Ginger cat pranced up to me and immediately laid down on top of my purse. I thought he was telling me that he wanted to come home with me.

I visited this shelter 3 X and each time, he did the same thing.

When I brought in the cat carrier the third visit, I set it on the floor and he ran over to me and walked into the carrier.

The shelter personal, said, “NO NO, you have to take him out so we can take the Success story “forever home” picture…so I took him out, held him, they took the photo.

I set him back down on the floor and he immediately walked back into the carrier and said, “Ok, I am ready, take me to my new home.”

What are the chances of that? Special, I say !

I passed on a gorgeous 1 year old all white male with one blue eye and one gold eye, for an extraordinary, every day normal ginger that you see everywhere.

He is so worth it.

MM Comment. Cats share bodies. Her previous cat entered the boy of this cat at the shelter. I'll bet you with a 95% certainty. -MM

In Actual Russia, No Sign of Sanctions

It’s time to get real. It’s been time to get real. Russia has won its war against Ukraine.

This outcome comes as no surprise. Anyone with access to a map could see that the chances of Ukraine prevailing against Russia were slim to none.

The only way Ukraine could have emerged victorious — which would, according to the Ukrainians themselves, mean pushing it out of Crimea and deposing the separatist pro-Russian republics of Donetsk and Luhansk — would have been if the United States and its Western allies had been willing to launch nuclear weapons, which would have led to global annihilation. Once the decision was made not to start World War III, Ukraine’s defeat became inevitable. This, everyone sane knows, is for the best.

Determinative to this conclusion was an unusual pair of motivations. Normally, when a war is fought on one country’s territory, the invaded country fights harder than the invading forces. Paradoxically, despite suffering damaged infrastructure, the invaded state enjoys the home advantages of complete knowledge of the battlefield and much shorter supply lines. Aside from sporadic cross-border missile strikes, this war has been fought entirely on Ukrainian territory.

This conflict is different because Russia has to win; it cannot walk away. Ukraine has a 1,200-mile border with Russia, it wants to join an anti-Russia military alliance and its government was openly hostile to Russia before the war. And when Germany invaded the Soviet Union in 1941, its armies came through Ukraine, where the Nazis were greeted as liberators. Unlike America, which could bring its troops home after losing on the other side of the world in Afghanistan and Iraq and shrug off its imperialist misadventures and could leave Vietnam after pretending that more political will on the home front would have resulted in victory, Russia sees its military operation as existential. Ukraine isn’t a misbegotten side project. It’s as essential in the same way the United States would respond to a Canada that turned hostile to the U.S.

Unfortunately, and dangerously, American media consumers are being pounded with an endless deluge of propaganda promoting the ludicrous idea that Ukraine is winning and/or will ultimately prevail militarily. This fantastical assertion props up political support for shipping $60 billion worth of weapons to Ukraine, with more on the way — never mind the 70% that President Volodymyr Zelensky’s wildly corrupt government sells on the black market and the Javelin missile systems that wind up for sale on the dark web. (Christmas is coming! Don’t forget your favorite political cartoonist and columnist.) By way of comparison, the U.S. Department of Health of Human Services estimates that we could abolish homelessness here for $20 billion.

We’re also being told that Russia is crumbling under the crushing blow of vicious Western sanctions deployed as part of the White House’s openly stated war aim that it wants “to see Russia weakened.” The Russian economy, it is said, is collapsing. Russian elites, they say, will soon overthrow President Vladimir Putin.

Let me tell you firsthand: There is zero sign of economic distress in Russia.

I’ve spent the last two weeks in Moscow and Saint Petersburg, Russia’s two biggest cities. Stores are bustling; people are spending; unemployment is low and still falling; there are lines at ATMs and whatever else is happening, the economy is anything but bad. The Galeria Mall across the busy street from my hotel in Saint Petersburg has a few closed stores shut down by Western chains, but the majority remain, and consumers are shopping like mad. European and American tourists are few and far between, but it’s exactly the same here in sanctions-free Istanbul where I’m writing this. Westerners stopped coming at the start of the COVID-19 lockdown two years ago and still haven’t returned. If Russians are unhappy with Putin — and they’re not — it’s not because of the economy.

I know from bad economies; where I live in New York, crime is out of control, homeless people go untreated for an array of mental illnesses and some are killing people, and being killed, and many storefronts have been empty and boarded up since the beginning of the pandemic. Any New Yorker would or should happily trade places with their Muscovite counterpart, who lives in a city with clean streets and subways that don’t serve as rolling homeless shelters and where life feels as if COVID-19 was never a thing. News stories that claim Russia is on the ropes are a giant magnificent pile of lies so over-the-top that I can’t help but be impressed by their glorious audacity and easily debunked mendacity. All you have to do is go to Russia, as I did, and see for yourself that it’s all bull — but hey, that’s a lot of trouble — because of sanctions that seem to be hurting us more than them.

Self-delusion is more fun.

Who, after all, should you trust? The same U.S. state media that told you Saddam Hussein had WMDs? Or some cartoonist-columnist who told you, well in advance, that the U.S. didn’t stand a chance in Afghanistan, Trump would win in 2016 and that he would attempt a coup d’etat to remain in power?

Billy the cat


I had a very sad day recently when I met a cat whom I’ll call Billy.

He had been found as a stray by a good client of the clinic where I was working.

He was a black and white male cat who had been recently neutered.

The odd thing was that all of his white paws were colored pink as if with magic markers. When I asked what the pink paws meant, I was horrified to find out that this is the way people who run dog fights mark cats they’ve acquired. This is so that when they throw the cats in the ring with the dogs, the spectators can tell the cats apart and bet on which one will last the longest.

I did not know that this practice even existed and I am sad and angry that animals are treated that way.

Billy must somehow have escaped the fate intended for him.

He initially weighed only six pounds, but he was eating and drinking like a champ. We checked him out thoroughly and found to our dismay that he had a greatly enlarged kidney and signs of severe kidney disease.

After all Billy had been through, the new owner, staff and I weren’t going to give up. We pulled out the stops and treated for what we hoped was a kidney infection and Billy responded!

After one week in the hospital, he went home and is doing well —a victory for the kitty with the pink feet!

Sun Gang

Sun Gang is a truck driver. His truck caught fire during maintenance. At that time, he was in a downtown area, and there was a gas station nearby. In order not to put others in danger, he drove the truck for 5 kilometers until there was no one. Not long after he got out of the trunk, the fuel tank in the car exploded. The newly bought truck became scrap metal.

He said that the truck was like a big stove at that time. He was very scared, but there was no other way. He didn’t want others get hurt.


His heroic action was widely viewed on the Internet. Many people were moved by his bravery and kindness. A few days later, two companies presented him with a new one.

Sun Gang had a new truck and continued to deliver goods to earn money.He donated the money he earned from the first transportation to the nursing home , saying that kindness should be passed on.


I recalled this news published 2 months ago because I saw similar videos today. A truck carrying wheat straw caught fire, and the driver drove it one kilometer to ensure the safety of nearby villagers.

The act of saving others but putting himself in danger is so typical of China.

Maine Coons

I have three Maine coons, and have had other cats, and I have to say that they act differently than other cats.


My cats have always been very spoiled – they get a lot of attention; they basically have the run of the house, receive the best food, etc. etc.

So my last three cats (littermates) were wonderful, but could be skittish and sometimes lashed out when they were overstimulated. They were interactive, of course, but spent a lot of time on their own.

My Maine coons are giants, can’t stand to not be in the same room with me, never bite, nip, scratch, or anything else.

If they get tired of me petting or snuggling, they just push me away and rearrange themselves.

They LOVE people.

I had a plumber here today – you’d think I’d hired a magician to entertain a room full of kindergarten kids.

They sat in the tub and watched him, followed him to the door and watched him go to his truck – never said a peep or tried to touch him – just wanted to see what was up.

I think it’s the general disposition of the breed to be confident, friendly, and outgoing.

When my doorbell rings, they line up like the staff at Downton Abby, waiting to greet our guest.

They are very, very smart, so any new interaction is very exciting for them.

Shavarsh Karapetyan

Shavarsh Karapetyan


The trolley bus sank 80 feet offshore at a depth of 33 feet. Shavarsh immediately dove in and swam to the bus and despite zero visibility, managed to kick in the back window, injuring himself in the process.

He proceeded to save twenty people trapped in the bus, one at a time, for hours.

The combined effect of the cold water and his inquiries from breaking the glass window led to his hospitalization for 45 days after the incident, during which time he developed pneumonia, sepsis, and lung damage which ended his athletic career.

For years, his story wasn’t known, until an article about the event identified him by name in 1982.

In 1985, he happened to pass by a burning building and rushed inside, again saving people trapped inside one at a time until he collapsed. He was again hospitalized with severe burns and lung damage.

He’s still kicking it at 66.

Just an awesome person, a real Rufus.

Creativity, Entrepreneurship, and Other American Myths

The Myth of American Competitive Supremacy

German GDP Could Fall 10% If Production Brought Home from China

A move to restore domestic production of key goods in Germany – mostly from China – could lead to a gross domestic product decline of almost 10%, a recent paper has suggested.

Near-shoring to neighbouring countries would also have a clearly negative effect of a comparable magnitude, the report published by the IFO Institute for Economic Research said.

Article HERE

Tough little momma

My parents owned a convenient store back in the 80’s. It was located in Denver Harbor a.k.a. 5th Ward (when you call an area a WARD, you know it’s not the nicest or safest of areas). It was a Saturday, my brothers and I did not have school so we were there helping. This man walks in with a gun and robbed my mom of all the money in the register, runs out and hops in his van that he had backed into the parking lot.

My mom ( petite Asian woman) grabs her gun and runs after him.

She starts shooting at his van and he shoots back. She gets down on all fours and starts crawling to hide behind his van, all while shooting! He couldn’t get his van started so he escapes on foot running towards the freeway!

My mom was unaware that he had taken off on foot and she’s still playing crouching tiger, hidden dragon by his van. Cops apprehended the guy running on the freeway. Bring him over to my mom and said, “Is this the guy that robbed you?”

Before she could answer, the robber says, “ I’m gonna sue you lady for shooting at me!” ( Yeah…I know).

My mom was so pissed he said that so she hocked a loogie and spit in his face and told the police, “Yeah, dat him!”


More stories about my mother and her convenient store “hey days”—

My mom got a 2nd store in 92. It was dry (no alcohol). We were about to close. But a couple of wanna be cholas (gang members) comes in. One opens up the pickle jar and tried to reach in with her hands to get a pickle.

My mom yells at her and tells her not to do that. She would get it for her.

Girl curses out my mom with all kinds of profanity so my mom tells her to get out but she won’t and is still cursing and yelling do my mom pulls out the gun and told her to get out and don’t come back again.

Girl leaves but threatens my mom with more violence.

We start closing up.

My mom goes to the dumpster and has her steak knife to cut up boxes. Out of the blue she is jumped by the girl AND girl’s mom!!!

Yes! She brought her mom as reinforcement!

In my mom’s defense, she swings the steak knife and cuts the girls arm.

Her mom calls 911 and my mom is taken to jail for assaulting a minor!

Girl was 16… mom spent night in jail and made friends with her cell mates…they were all concerned for her due to being diabetic and in jail without her meds.

When we were able to post bail and get her, she was hugging on each one saying her good byes…Charges were eventually dropped against my mother because not even a week later, said girl and her mother were involved in an altercation with each other.

Girl and mother had a rap sheet so long that it wasn’t worth it for prosecutors to go after my mom.



Not an MM story, but great anyways. -MM

I used to hate+fear cats (childhood trauma from cat attack) and I’m also very, very allergic.

About five years ago I was entering my car at night, in the rain, with my wife when I saw a messy, furry lump of hair reminiscent of the movie “the ring” streak around the corner of the car. I went out to look and there was this gnarly black feline looking back at me. I was like… eugh… and went back into the car. But the darned thing followed me and crawled up my lap, up along my arm up towards my shoulders all while I’m all but screaming “WHAT THE FUCK IS IT DOING??!?” to my wife, who I knew had a lot of experience with cats. The cat, that was obviously in a bad state, proceeded to lie down around my neck like a nasty, wet scarf and passed out with a huge sigh. Weirdest thing ever.

Despite my aversions against cats, especially one that had just punctured my leg, arm and neck in about a hundred spots with its nasty, infected claws – we decided to walk down to the vet, cat around my neck, to get advice on what to do with it (and also to have it safely removed from the vicinity of my carotid artery :D)

The lady who worked there was involved in a local animal support group and offered to do her best to find the owners and said the cat could live there for now – in a small cage, in a dark corner until the owner could be found or if not – be sent off to the shelter.

I suppose that was where love won out over hate, fear and allergies, so I asked if it wouldn’t be better for the cat if we took it home to try and care for it for the time being.

The cat was dirty, had ticks, fleas, skin infections, ear infections, worms and was in obvious psychological distress.

Long story short, the owners were found – but because they’d had kids and the kids were beating up the cat they decided to kick the cat out instead of teaching their kids manners. The cat was homeless and given the previous owners mentality, probably hadn’t gotten much love or attention.

So we decided to give him a fighting chance and spent a minor fortune (no insurance = expensive) getting him the help he needed, removing ticks, cleaning out fleas, daily skin care, minor ear surgery, vaccinations, anti-worm medication, intensive care diets, castration and whatever “love” I was able to muster. My allergies were terrible, but I pushed through. This was not a fun experience for any of us, but the cat never, ever tried to hurt us despite being put through weeks of painful and likely terrifying medicinal procedures as well as my constant, ear shattering sneezing.

In time (many months), my body started getting used to having “cat” in the air all of the time and my allergies started to slowly fade, in straight opposition to what doctors have always told me should happen. Not just my cat allergies, mind you. My dog and generic fur allergy, pollen allergies (hay fever) and contact allergies all improved significantly over the next two years!

Today, five years later, I could not imagine living without Sheldon. He is the perfect pet – with beautiful, soft and glistening black fur. He’s one of those cats who never do annoying “cat things” like topple things over, attack from behind a corner or walk all over the keyboard when you try to work, and when I lie down in the couch in the evenings he comes over with a slight meow, as if to ask if it’s okay to hang out, and when I move over he jumps up and snuggles up right next to me for hours on end. When I go for a walk he will follow me around wherever I go. He keeps the house and garden free of mice and rats. Warns us when something is awry. Hangs out with the pet rabbits my wife keeps in the yard or when we are outdoors he will run around the neighborhood playing and jumping up and down trees and fences. When we are away he spends most of the day comfortably resting in bed, only to come running to us like a dog when we get back. Every time we open a door for him, or give him food, he will first take the time to turn around and give us a gentle stroke against the leg, before proceeding about his business.

I can now go outdoors in the summer without being destroyed by allergies, the family has gained a wonderful friend and Sheldon gives us more than enough love to go around. These are the gifts we were given for deciding to love, when we could’ve just walked away – and certainly had our reasons to do just that.


California’s Paul Gonzales, 45

I was watching a TED talk by a woman called “Cracking the Online Dating Code” or some such about how she found her husband online. It was pretty interesting, but she told several stories about initial “dates from hell”, including one man who took her to a “white tablecloth” restaurant, ordered copious amounts of food, and multiple bottles of wine, all the while saying, “Have whatever you want! It’s on me!” and then of course, went to “go to the bathroom” and never returned.

“That dinner,” she mused, “cost me a month’s rent.”

People aren’t putting up with con artists anymore…


This is Los Angles, California’s Paul Gonzales, 45, nicknamed the “dine-and-dash” dater for asking women out to restaurants, eating and drinking, then leaving with bills unpaid.

He was sentenced to 120 days in jail and three years of probation, and was barred from using dating apps or websites.

Prosecutors said he had defrauded at least 10 women of more than $950. Eight of the women said they were forced to pay, twice the restaurant picked up the bill. I hope they sued him in civil court.

When someone leaves, and “it’s not your fault” it’s still their bill.

It’s not a “prank,” it’s theft.

Have the police called.

Pay for your portion (always bring some cash and a credit card on a date) and give them enough information to pursue the thief.

I also think that if you call the police, it’s less likely that the restaurant will try to force you to pay for his half, with happened to the women above.

Twitter Cancels Russia Over Covid Biowarfare Accusations

I was two weeks old

I was two weeks old and when my owner stopped at a stop sign.

And he hurled me out of the window into the woods.

Luckily for me the guy who took this photo thought it looked odd and was behind my previous owners car.

He stopped to see what was thrown out.

And even though my eyes were not open I had a hell of a pair of lungs, and even though I could only squeak my squeak was loud enough for me to be found .


My new owner took me home , against his instincts to find my previous owner and beat them to a pulp, and fed me some nice warm milk with some honey in it .

After a few days my eyes opened fully and I could focus on this really nasty looking guy who without a doubt would have beaten my previous owner to a pulp.

I recognized his smell and the warmth I had felt as he kept me close for a few days and for a week or so afterwards I learnt how to eat for myself and to not annoy his much bigger cats too much.

Now I’m a big guy myself and follow my new owner about everywhere .

Hes a pretty cool dude for someone who looks like he could rip your head off…..but I like him .

He tells me he doesn’t like humans much but I have no idea what that means .

India dumps US dollar for UAE dirham, Chinese yuan in Russian coal trade

Article HERE

Tokyo and Seoul embarrassed by Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan

The atmosphere surrounding Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Japan on Friday, August 5, is like the sky over Tokyo: stormy. After a visit to a defiant South Korea, the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives is making a stopover in a worried, even discontented, archipelago. Japan is the last stop on an Asian tour marked by a visit to Taiwan, which is embarrassing for the US’s two main allies in East Asia who are reluctant to upset their Chinese neighbor.

The issue dominated Ms. Pelosi’s breakfast with Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and her meeting with Japanese Lower House Speaker Hiroyuki Hosoda, as angry China is conducting live ammunition military maneuvers around Taiwan through August 7. “They will not isolate Taiwan by preventing us from going there. We had high-level visits, senators in the spring, in a bi-partisan way… and we will not let them isolate Taiwan,” Ms. Pelosi said in a press conference in Tokyo….

Article HERE

Everything Wrong with the West in 55 seconds

On numerous radio shows, I have told my audience that kids today are “spoiled lazy.”  Parents worked their butts off trying to give their kids a better life, but those kids have now turned out to EXPECT everything from mommy and daddy.

Many of them won’t work, and yet think the world owes them comfort and convenience.

The video below proves this in 55 seconds:

Worth a big watch!


I do not understand how our nation or our world will survive if THIS is the generation that’s coming into adulthood.  The level of self-centeredness, immaturity, and sense of entitlement, is utterly astounding.

The Point: Exclusive with Chinese KMT ex-Chair

Talking about the Chinese “white paper” with the former chairperson Taiwan political party. Well worth the first 5 minutes, then you can go unless you live here in the region.

At the end


This old woman raised her cat since it was a kitten. On her death bed, the cat refused to leave her side to stay with her. Guarding, comforting and accompanying her on her final journey. Such loyalty and unconditional love.

Fur babies are the best!

The art of Bo Bartlett

Guys, I am busy as all get out.

Normally, I conduct a 3/3 affirmation campaign. This is a fine balance for world-line travel and seems to mesh well with the fate-forecasting. But, as long time readers will recognize, I am running 3/4 campaigns (three months off and a four month wait (dwell) time) and the result are (personally) stunning. My life has cranked up a notch and there’s all sort of discomforting changes in my life. In short, seriously, MM’s life is upside down.

Not in a bad way mind you, but in an exhausting and time-consuming way. New things are being forced into place as a matter of necessity, and other things have dropped to the side.

For instance, being in a new home, you adapt to the new environment.

  • When I lived in Shenzhen, we rode subways all the time to get around.
  • When we lived in Zhuhai, we rode bikes or took ride-hail services or buses.
  • Now in Tanzhou, a (growing, developing, but) rural section of China, we must rely on buses, electric scooters, or cars.

This is forcing the purchase of a car. Not something that I want to do, but (well) it’s a different situation, and I have to adapt to the changes as they materialize. And a car, will force a change in daily routines, habits, and finances.

That’s just one example.

I am conducting the campaign with pluck and still plowing forward, and I hope that you all do so as well. Good things are in your future. I just know it.

For today, here’s another art post. The world needs art.

Please enjoy this post.

A midcareer figurative painter with a distinctive and haunting narrative vision, Bo Bartlett composes large-scale contemporary portraits and landscapes that combine the memories and impressions of his upbringing, his faith, his family, and his friends. Presenting iconic American subjects subtly underlined with open-ended questions, Bartlett implies that there is a chance for magic and wonder in everyday life. Bo Bartlett belongs to the tradition of American realist painters defined by such artists as Andrew Wyeth, who called Bartlett “fresh, gifted and what we need in this country.”

More info: Bo Bartlett, Instagram







































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I have more articles like this one in my Art Index here…



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This Artist Illustrates His Sweet Childhood Memories So Well The Results May Move You To Tears

Here’s a nice break from the usual MM fare. I hope that you all appreciate it, and are not offended by the art. Whether it is cute kids, cats, or pretty women. It’s not the imagery that is what is important, as it is the feelings that you have when you look at the pictures.

Childhood… youth… young adulthood… private memories.

Although everyone has very different memories about this significant period of their lives, there‘s no doubt it‘s full of magic. Magic of discoveries, your first friends, pets, first family trips, the smell of a fresh pie baked by Grandma… And so much more!

  • The smell of the cold damp cellar when you went to get a soda at Grandma’s house…
  • The quite moment alone in the dark in a deep, dark, snowy night.
  • Being with “the gang” and riding bicycles during Summer break from school.
  • That moment in time that evokes… feelings.

Omario Brunelleschi is an English-Italian freelance artist who is illustrating exactly those sweet childhood memories that bring back the nostalgia of those heartwarming moments. Scroll down and go back in time with these delightful creations!

More: Facebook, Instagram h/t: boredpanda

Have you ever been here…

Or, here…

A romantic night out…

Tromping though the snowy woods under a full moon… some of my favorite memories…

Waking up and out at the crack of dawn…

In the public and someone catches your eye…

Early morning beach walk…

With your childhood crew out for a “hike”…

Singing at night on a date…

A bike ride in early Spring…

It’s how the sunlight hit her hair…

The moment you saw sunlight through your fingers…

With your friends at school…

…don’t forget the rule of three.

A shelter while it rains…

Cool Fall air…

A kitty waiting outside…

The end and a new beginning…

Hanging out on a quiet Summer night…

Running through a field…

A perfect day for kites and play…

A special moment alone…

Playing under blankets…

When you just have that one opportunity to start something new…


Meeting a new friend…

Nap with your little buddy…

It was only brief, but you never forgot…

Fall is coming…

On the dock / pier alone…

Coffee outside, and a cat walking about unencumbered…

Walking home after playing all afternoon…


Jogging togeher…

Cat meets fish.

Thinking about life… and what to do…

Making friends with a bird…

Daddy and daughter…

Daddy and kid on a walk…

Counting stars…

A sudden discovery…

Keeping warm…

First grocery shopping for your new apartment…

Hanging out with friends while pulled at the side of a lake and chillin’…

Rooftop cats…

Smell the coffee…

Exercise to music. Your personal time and space…

Just a pause to enjoy the moment…

A nice camp out…


Listening to music during a full moon…

Getting to know each other…

Surprise meet…

Just taking time…

Falling in love with a stranger…

A tough talk…


A family moment..

Just a special moment…


Normally, I’m not an overt fan of this electronic art medium. But there are exceptions, and this is one of them. The composition of these images are exquisite. And they hit me deep down inside where it matters.

I cannot say that EVERY picture resonates with me, but a number really, REALLY do. They take me back to good, fine and pleasant memories that I treasure. It is my hope that you, to, find one or two images that resonate with you. And as with art; that’s all that it takes.

Enjoy the moments that you have. Don’t try to make them special. That comes naturally. Just be mindful of the moment, and don’t be so fixed on goals, objectives or work schedules. Just appreciate what you have NOW.

I hope that there is SOMEONE in the MM audience that finds just ONE of these images that resonate with them deep inside.

Do you want more?

I have more articles like this one in my Art Index here…



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You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.

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The time to transcend the vaccine mind cage is NOW

Some thoughts.
“Americans today fear that linearism (alias the American Dream) has run its course. Many would welcome some enlightenment about history’s patterns and rhythms, but today’s intellectual elites offer little that’s useful. Caught between the entropy of the chaoticists and the hubris of the linearists, the American people have lost their moorings.” 

– Strauss & Howe – The Fourth Turning
The following is from a MM influencer. I think that it is worthy of printing, and applies not only to nations, but to Magick, and other PSI issues. Please check it out. All credit to <redacted>.

A coincidence?

Is it a coincidence? Last night, before news broke out that there is a new deadly virus in China, I had asked Deirdre, Nathan, and Skwisgar why no one has thought to continue research on why some resident bacteria act as "first responders" or "resident aliens who signed up to be soldiers" (like Samoans signing up for the US Military to gain citizenship) in some people's bodies. I remembered reading this article so many years ago, when I was still in the US. Some women were getting around (a lot) and never got any STDs. It wasn't their native immune system that was protecting them, it was the resident microbiome in their bodies. I mean their native immune system is fine, but what attacked these pathogenic organisms were the entrenched "friendly" bacteria in their bodies. I also asked the repeat question about the lack of research in virophages and bacteriophages. So I woke up this morning and got your messages. And I know about the recent outbreak in Sanya.

We are all weary about these constant outbreaks. the masks, vaccines, travel restrictions, quarantine, etc. Right now, we have vaccines, masks, disinfectant chemicals, quarantine procedures. It's quite primitive and very inconvenient. Vaccines are slow, and masks will exert negative health effects (restricted air flow that leaves you breathing recycled old air is not good for your lungs or skin). 

I can tell you that there is some kind of mind block going on. This mind block is preventing the evolution of technologies that will really revolutionise the way we protect our health. You also know the Domain policy of waiting until you develop the gumption to ask. If you don't ask, you'll never get the answer. They're not gonna lay it out for you just because. 

So, how many American biolabs are there in this world? Do we have the time to make vaccines for each and every pathogen they store in those damn labs? It takes years to test and perfect vaccines. The fastest way and best way to protect the body is to harness the resident bacteria, viruses, and fungi in the body and recruit them as active attackers for the host immune system. The immune system is the "military" or "police" of the body, which serve as the nation state in our analogy. Right now, bacteria in our gut act as "factory specialists" who help break down food and extract the necessary nutrients out of it. Their wages are a "cut" of the food that we eat. They are good "permanent residents", working and paying taxes. But they are still civilians. Usually, in most bodies, only the body's actual cells (i.e. natural born citizens) are eligible for law enforcement and military (immune system, killer T-cells and macrophages). Now, the immune system knows to recognise the friendly microbiome and not hurt them (permanent resident civilians who work and pay tax).    But you see there's a missed opportunity...

Why can't the body recruit some of these resident bacteria/virus/fungi into active military service? Our body is their home, their nation. if they want to pick up arms and protect their home, well why not? Don't we need all the help we can get? Frankly, there would be no better soldiers for detecting enemy bacteria, viruses, and fungi. In the natural world, these micro-organisms know how to cooperate, protect each other, and even wage war. What are biofilms? Well this is protein goop made by groups of bacteria to protect themselves from chemical warfare (antibiotics). Yes, all bacteria know how to make antibiotics. even the ones in your gut. They know how to kill unfriendly bacteria if necessary. The human DNA has already incorporated some viral DNA (it's viral DNA that actually enables the viability of pregnancy through the placenta 

Now, we get this viral DNA that lets us make a protein that fuses things.” Once a viral protein, the virus essentially morphed or evolved into what we now know as syncytin. This protein gives baby the ability to fuse cells into a wall — the placenta — that connects mom and baby but also keeps them separate.

So clearly, our bodies have the capability to "naturalise" foreign organisms and make them a part of us, or at least convince them to work on our behalf, since we provide a stable home for them and their children. Well OK, you ask, so how do we convince more resident micro-organisms to do this to serve as our first line of defensive immunity? 

There is technology for this, most likely a hormone. And perhaps a device that sends/delivers the correct frequency. hormone is chemical communication, but also vibrations/frequencies of light and sound are forms of communication. Yes, the technology involves these. We already use light frequencies to heal bacterial infections, and sonic frequencies and radio frequencies to induce cells into healing themselves. 

You know, if human scientists are able to harness these technologies to recruit the microbiome as active soldiers for our immune system, we will never have to deal with vaccines or wear masks on a hot day ever again.  REMEMBER--these pathogenic organisms are MASTERS OF HIJACKING OUR CELLS, but they are not masters of killing other microorganisms like them. The reason they wreak havoc on our bodies is because most of our microbiome are "civilian" residents, and are therefore "standing on the sidelines" as our bodies are attacked. These civilian residents don't fight for our behalf, they let our killer T-cells and macrophages do all the fighting. This is a BIG MISTAKE. They watch as our killer T-cells fail, and their home (which is our body) is destroyed by these rogue pathogens before their eyes. But does it have to be that way? NO. 

I'm not making this up. The therapy technology to induce our microbiome to serve as active soldiers for our immune system really does exist, it really can be done--if we can break out of our self imposed cognitive cage. We are currently asking the wrong questions, forever thinking that vaccines are the only solution for enhanced immunity. Because we are so over focused on our own immune systems, we have overlooked the best soldiers for the fight against pathogenic microorganisms. They were always within us all along (figuratively and literally). 

FREQUENCY. THAT'S THE KEY. frequency is communication. This is by far the best protection against the current environment of lab grown bioweapons. Our microbiome has EVERYTHING it needs to manufacture the weapons for killing these frankenpathogens. 

This is kind of how Domain society operates. I won't get into it now, because that's another email altogether. It's a complex topic. 

The past nuclear damage from millions of years ago may play a role in the current mind blocks human scientists have at this moment. The mental cages we put ourselves in also keep us inert without us realising it. It's possible that the past nuclear damage has severely lessened our body's ability to communicate with our microbiome, limiting cooperation, and leaving our bodies more vulnerable to infection. There are so many factors on Earth that exert bad effects on human health, but I guess I would have to write a book about it. 

I sincerely hope that some connected scientists in China and Russia wake up and ask for Domain guidance on developing techniques beyond vaccines. I'm tired of these stupid outbreaks. Creating and injecting a zillion vaccines isn't the answer, not in the age of bioweaponry. 

This latest virus has no vaccine and a high fatality rate. I'd say that the time to transcend the vaccine mind cage is NOW. Maybe a brilliant Chinese or Russian scientist will get vibrational tremors of these thoughts due to "morphic resonance".

Why Is Walmart Laying Off So Many Workers?


If brighter days are eventually coming for the U.S. economy, why would Walmart be so eager to lay off corporate employees?  Of course the truth is that brighter days are not coming.  Yesterday, I posted an article in which I listed 11 big companies that are laying off workers.  After I completed that article, I discovered that Walmart is also letting people go.  If a seemingly unshakable giant such as Walmart already feels compelled to eliminate jobs, what is the outlook for employees of companies that are far smaller and far weaker?

When Walmart announced that it would be laying off nearly 200 corporate employees, it rapidly made headlines all over the nation

Walmart let go of almost 200 corporate employees on Wednesday amid the economic downturn and rising inflation, according to a person familiar with the development. The company said in a statement that these layoffs are a part of updating its structure.

Yes, they are “updating their structure” because they know that really hard times are coming.

And the projections that the company recently released confirm this

Walmart said it now anticipates adjusted earnings per share for the second quarter and full year to decline around 8–9 percent and 11–13 percent, respectively. Previously, the retailer had predicted a 1 percent fall it had previously forecast for the full year.

“Food inflation is double digits and higher than at the end of the first quarter. This is affecting customers’ ability to spend on general merchandise categories and requiring more markdowns to move through the inventory, particularly apparel,” Walmart said.

I also just learned that SoundCloud has decided to lay off “approximately 20% of its global workforce”

SoundCloud will be laying off approximately 20% of its global workforce citing “a significant company transformation” and the current economic and financial landscape.

“During this difficult time, we are focused on providing the support and resources to those transitioning while reinforcing our commitment to executing our mission to lead what’s next in music,” reads a statement by a rep for SoundCloud.

Just like in 2008, the pace of layoffs is beginning to accelerate at a pace that is absolutely breathtaking.  If you missed my article from yesterday that contained many more examples, you can find it right here: “It’s Happening: Here Is A List Of 11 Big Companies That Have Announced Layoffs Within The Last 2 Weeks”.

As more Americans lose their jobs, the number of people filing new claims for unemployment benefits will continue to go up.

In fact, the number for last week was up to 260,000

The number of Americans filing for unemployment benefits edged higher last week, hovering near the highest level of the year — the latest sign that the historically tight labor market is starting to cool off.

Figures released Thursday by the Labor Department show that applications for the week ended July 30 rose to 260,000 from the downwardly revised 254,000 recorded a week earlier. That is above the 2019 pre-pandemic average of 218,000 claims and just narrowly missed topping the eight-month high of 261,000 recorded in mid-July.

Meanwhile, inflation continues to spiral out of control and that is causing immense hardship for millions of American families.

According to Zero Hedge, the Misery Index in the United States just hit the highest level since 2011…

Although the White House seems to believe that things are pretty OK, the US’s misery index suggests they’re not.

June’s misery index (a composite of unemployment and CPI inflation) has risen to 12.5. That’s the highest since September 2011 when the US economy was experiencing a time of very weak job growth and economic growth following the Great Recession. At the time, the yield curve almost inverted, and there were fears of a new recession.

June’s misery index is also above the index from the 2007-2009 recession when the index peaked at 11.4 percent.

So many people are hurting out there right now.

Many Americans are working as hard as they can, but it still isn’t enough to pay the bills because inflation has been absolutely eviscerating our standard of living.

As a result, more people are falling out of the middle class and into poverty with each passing day.

The lines at our food banks are getting longer and longer, and many of those that are now showing up for assistance were once solidly part of the middle class.  Here is one example

The first time Kelly Wilcox drove her 2017 Dodge Grand Caravan to the food pantry near her home in Payson, Utah, she immediately noticed one thing that surprised her: new models of Toyota and Honda sedans and minivans. “I saw a bunch of other people with cars like me who had kids in their cars,” she said.

The mother of four young sons didn’t know what to expect when she made an early visit to Tabitha’s Way Local Food Pantry this spring. She knew that she needed help. Her husband had lost his job. He soon found a new job as an account manager, but that wasn’t enough with inflation.

Can you identify with Kelly Wilcox?

When I was growing up, I lived in a middle class neighborhood and I went to a very large school that was packed with middle class kids.  At that time, I can’t remember encountering a single family that was truly impoverished.

But these days it seems like almost everyone is struggling.

For years I have been writing about the disappearance of the middle class.  Now we have gotten to a point where the gap between the ultra-wealthy and the rest of us is greater than ever.

One recent survey found that nearly half of the country has cut back spending on food because the cost of living has become so oppressive.

That is frightening.

But the pain that we are currently experiencing is just the tip of the iceberg.  As I have been warning for a long time, much worse is ahead.

So please try to enjoy this summer while you still can.

Compared to what is eventually coming, the middle of 2022 is actually a time of rip-roaring prosperity.

Ms. Leung

Ms. Leung was for years one of the most valued assets the U.S. had. She started off as the manager of an import-export company that was facilitating illicit technology transfers to the PRC in Los Angeles. She left this job just as the FBI was closing in on the company to shut it down.


FBI Special Agent James Smith opened an investigation into her, found that she was vulnerable, and eventually turned her as an asset for the FBI.

Katrina’s information proved to be invaluable. She was codenamed “Parlor Maid” and provided information on the PRC for 20 years. Much of her information was corroborated by multiple sources. She became one of the best sources on the PRC and traveled to and from China often, always coming back with good intel. Smith’s career was set, he had a high-performing asset, and was on-track for promotions and accolades for his work.

Special Agent Smith just happened to also be carrying on a 20-year extramarital affair with Katrina as well.

To add to his issues, Special Agent Smith also had a habit of talking about things that he shouldn’t have in front of Katrina. Smith would discuss ongoing operations she had no business knowing about, share files with her, and generally break every rule on handling assets.

Things started to go downhill in the early 90s. Katrina was noted on a recording talking to a known MSS operative regarding the FBI’s counterintelligence program. Telling Smith that the MSS had found out about her activities and she was giving them information to save herself.

The only problem was that this was a lie. Katrina had always been a double-agent, just for the Chinese, not the U.S.!

Somehow, miraculously, she remained an asset for 10 more years!

It all started to topple in 2001 when the FBI got warrants to look into her. They found an FBI telephone directory, information on an ongoing FBI counterintelligence operation at Lawrence Livermore Labs (Royal Tourist), and other classified materials in her home.

In 2002, they found that she had likely transmitted photos of FBI agents to Chinese intelligence, and copied a Top Secret document Smith had checked out overnight.

When Leung was arrested in 2003, she was already deemed one of the most damaging spies in FBI history. Some compared her to Hanssen (many consider him worse than Aldrich Ames).

The biggest fail?

Leung walked away free on espionage charges due to prosecutorial misconduct. She was eventually convicted on, of all things, tax evasion. She received a slap on the wrist.

The magnitude of all of these fails was impressive in scope.[1]

  • Leung’s disclosures to MSS should have disqualified her immediately. Instead, she stayed on board for 10 more years.
  • SA Smith was never questioned about his handling of Leung. He was seen as “above reproach.” He routinely deflected and ignored threats to Leung.
  • Derogatory reporting on Leung was never followed up. Multiple times.
  • SA Smith knew about her disclosures and hid them because he was afraid of his relationship with her being exposed.
  • In 1992, the FBI had information on a PRC double agent named Katrina that was working with an FBI agent. An inexperienced analyst left out the identifying information. Smith sat in on the debrief of this source and deflected the informer as a misogynist and liar.
  • FBI managers were reluctant to confront Smith. Leading to the tail wagging the dog, as Smith insisted that Leung was the FBI’s best PRC asset.
  • FBI Management repeatedly toned-down language regarding Leung, and refused to compel her to take a polygraph or be subject to more rigorous vetting.
  • SA Smith treated Leung like a member of his squad, often providing her information she had no business knowing.

There’s more, but that gives you an idea of the cluster that this was.

The effects of this case are still echoing through the FBI today. What started off as a classic counterintelligence operation, with excellent results, turned into one of the biggest counterintelligence failures in U.S. history.

Vintage Pictures of Snow King Chairlifts without Any Safety Bars that Look Very Unsafe, 1950-1970


These vintage photographs of Snow King chairlifts taken between the 1950s and 1970s show people riding in a very unsafe way without deploying any safety bars or other protections.


While these chairlifts were actually dangerous, there’s also a forced perspective component that makes the lift look much higher than it actually was.



Snow King Mountain winter resort is located in Downtown Jackson, Wyoming and the original 1936 ski hill was on the southeast edge of the city. It was the first ski area in Wyoming.



The first chairlift was installed in 1946, a converted ore tram from Colorado. It had four stations, with the first starting where 1 town hill apartments are located.



In 1981, The resort replaced the now 40-year-old “Snow king Chairlift” with a new Doppelmayr/Garaventa CTEC Double chair, Which started about 200 ft to the east of the old lift. This new lift ran a lift line that crossed the old about 3/4 of the way up the mountain.




Living in Paraguay


For me, the best thing about living in Paraguay is that you are really off the radar. Or perhaps the rest of the world is off your radar?


In any event, you are truly elsewhere when you are in Paraguay.


This is a place where you no longer know what year you are in, and you don’t care what happens in the rest of the world.


You’re detached from the buzz and the craziness and the worries that throw you, day after day, elsewhere.


Especially if you live in the countryside. It’s all farm life, red soil, seasonal pace, and life with nature.


Paraguay is a complete “Time Out” from the world.


It’s a world where focusing on the immediate here and now is good enough and the most important thing.


And you get to enjoy the wonders of life without distraction, and at a fantastically slow pace.


Of course, everyone experiences places differently. But for me, this is Paraguay.


You may want to view the following photos while listening to music by Luis Alberto del Parana, perhaps his songs Recuerdos de Ypacarai or Amor, Amor or Sirena del Parana.


CAUTION: You will want to live in Paraguay.


One Of The Most Tragic Things That I Have Read In A Long Time


Things have never been harder for America’s farmers and ranchers than they are right now.  Their relentless hard work keeps us fed, but now many of them are being financially ruined by forces beyond their control.  Prices for fertilizer, farm equipment and diesel fuel have spiraled to absolutely absurd heights, and meanwhile extremely bizarre weather patterns are making it almost impossible to operate successfully in many parts of the nation.  A lot of farmers and ranchers have already gone out of business, and many more will go out of business in the months ahead unless some sort of a miracle happens.

Back in 1900, there were approximately 5.7 million family farms in the United States, but at that time the total population of the country was just 76 million.

Today, there are only about 2.2 million family farms in the United States, but the total population of the country has grown to 329 million.

Agriculture is slowly but surely being consolidated, and the big fish have far more power than the little fish do.

It has gotten to a point where it has become nearly impossible for many small farmers and ranchers to survive.  To illustrate this, I would like to share something that a farmer named Sheila Payne Blackburn recently posted on Facebook

I am the last one left on our farm and ranch here in central Texas. It has been in our family and in our blood for over 150 years. I was raised to never back down, never give up, get back in the saddle, cowgirls don’t cry, pull yourself up by your bootstraps, hang tough, and every other cowboy expression you can think of.

I have watched my great grandparents, grandparents and my parents die young. Their bodies run down and weak, their minds overwhelmed with stress, and their bank accounts empty. They gave everything they had for our way of life.

I have survived drought, floods, excessive heat, -4 degree winters, broncs, bulls that want to kill you, and death of beloved livestock.

But today – today, I think I’m finally broken. Today my body, heart, spirit, and strength are gone.

When my dad left this world, he left me holding the bag. He didn’t want to! But he did. Massive debt, tractors that won’t run, old broken down equipment, pickups that barely make it through a pasture. But he also left me the land that I love, the cattle, my heritage, my dream, my knowledge, and passion.

But I feel I can’t go up from here.

Our government wants to destroy us. I can’t buy another 20 year old tractor at $120,000 for something that will not even probably make it a week.

I can’t afford the diesel to fill up that tractor for $600 to just have to do it again tomorrow.

I can’t afford the fertilizer, the seed, the oil, the grease, the parts. Why should I spend $700 an acre to plow, plant, fertilize, weed kill? A grand total of $140,000. To only lose it in a drought. And really never make that money back! Hell my calves will only bring $800 to $900 a piece. But that same whole beef will cost the consumer $5,000 at the grocery store.

Today my pride means nothing to me anymore! Today I want to live to see my grandchildren grow older! Today I am tired of the heat, the wind, the drought! Today I know that it is only me, and no one will probably take over! Today I wonder what I’m fighting for! Today I am weak. Today I think I am through.

I know I am not the only one that feels this way anymore!

Say a prayer for your farmers. Some of us are barely hanging on.

That is truly one of the most tragic things that I have read in a long time.

Small farmers and small ranchers are the backbone of this country, and without them we don’t eat.

Unfortunately, hardly anyone seems to notice that more of them are going under with each passing day.

Many Americans simply do not care about the plight of our farmers and ranchers right now, but they will definitely start to care when the price of beef doubles or even triples.  The following was recently posted on Facebook by a rancher named Brad Allison

$125 a roll, crap is getting real. The cattlemen doesn’t have a chance. Lick tubs almost $140 a tub, cubes close to $14 a bag. We are getting priced out of existence… Pray for your ranchers to be able to hang in there. Meat prices at the grocery is not their fault, it’s above their head, they surely are not making the profit. 10,000 head of cattle sold in three counties here in the last three weeks from cattlemen drowning. Middle age cattle going to slaughter because we can’t afford to feed them.

This is a very serious national crisis, but most Americans don’t realize it yet.

But once these cost increases start showing up at the grocery store in 2023, everyone will finally realize what we are facing.

For decades, we have been able to take our farmers and our ranchers for granted.

Now everything is changing, and a trip to the grocery store will soon be far more painful.

Double-Chocolate Muffins

Whole wheat flour and high-fiber cereal are the goodies tucked in a chocolate-lover’s sweet muffin.



  • 1 cup Fiber One™ original bran cereal
  • 1 1/3 cups buttermilk
  • 1/4 cup canola or vegetable oil
  • 1 egg
  • 3/4 cup packed brown sugar
  • 1/2 cup Gold Medal™ whole wheat flour
  • 1/2 cup Gold Medal™ all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 cup unsweetened baking cocoa
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/3 cup miniature semisweet chocolate chips


  • 1
    Heat oven to 375°F. Place paper baking cup in each of 12 regular-size muffin cups. Place cereal in resealable food-storage plastic bag; seal bag and crush with rolling pin or meat mallet (or crush in food processor).
  • 2
    In medium bowl, mix crushed cereal and buttermilk; let stand 5 minutes. Stir in oil and egg. Stir in remaining ingredients except chocolate chips. Stir in chocolate chips. Divide batter evenly among muffin cups.
  • 3
    Bake 15 to 20 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Immediately remove from pan. Serve warm.

Omayra Sánchez.


A girl of thirteen.

It’s November 1985. A Colombian family are living peacefully in the agricultural area of Armero, with mother and father supporting the family on the modest income they pull together by working diligently at their jobs. The mother, Maria, is a nurse and has had to leave home to go on business.

Whilst she’s away, a local volcano explodes into life.

Come nightfall and Omayra, along the rest of her family, are still wide awake. They can’t sleep because the unfurling ashfall is keeping them in a state of nervous anticipation. Things are much, much worse than they could ever imagine though. The volcanic eruption has triggered lahars, a violent type of mudflow, and one of them steamrolls its way through Armero, engulfing the town and killing thousands of its residents:


Omarya’s father, who had spent his life gathering rice and sorghum to support his family and protect their livelihood, along with the girl’s aunt, are amongst those who perish immediately.

By grace of God or the devil’s depravity though, Omarya herself survives. Initially, she’s trapped completely under the rubble, but is a fighter, so breaks open a gap just big enough to slide her hand through, allowing her to gain the attention of the rescue team.


They manage to free her up more, so that her head at least was able to see the light of day above the cold, muddy water. However, there was a glaring problem — her legs were trapped. Keeping them anchored was sections of a wall, an iron bar stuck in her hip and her dead aunt, whose hands were clutched tightly onto her legs.

For sixty hours, rescuers did absolutely everything within their power to keep her alive, and to try to free her:


Omayra was immensely brave throughout the whole ordeal; she sang songs, chatted with the workers and asked for sweets and soda. As the end of that time frame approached, it became increasingly clear that saving her was an uphill battle though. To do so would require amputation of her legs, and doctors decided they didn’t have the necessary equipment to ensure she’d survive that procedure within these conditions.


She then began falling in and out consciousness and hallucinating, saying she couldn’t be late for school and mentioning a Maths exam. This, along with the fact that her eyes had turned red, her face bloated and her hands whitened, forced the cold reality of the situation upon her and the people who’d been trying to save her — she was going to die. Shortly afterwards, she slipped out of consciousness for the last time.


The kicker is that she needn’t have died, if the authorities had properly heeded warnings about the volcano and/or had adequate resources and supplies in place ready for such a disaster. They didn’t though, and even necessities like shovels, cutting tools and stretchers soon ran out. Omayra died only as a result of other people’s poor planning and devil-may-care attitude. To think, she would have been forty-eight this year, a woman still well in the prime of her life, living it the way she wanted, and yet that future was snatched away from her.

China Just Made A Move That Could Literally Provoke A Major War With The United States


If the Chinese don’t end their blockade of Taiwan, the Biden administration will be under immense pressure to respond.  So let us hope that cooler heads prevail in China and that a decision is soon made to end the pointless “military exercises” that the Chinese are currently conducting.  When the live-fire drills were first announced, we were told that they would last for only four days.  That was supposed to be it.  On Monday, they were supposed to go home.  But that didn’t happen.  Instead, on Monday the Chinese announced that the military exercises in the waters off Taiwan would be extended, and no new end date was given…

China said Monday it was extending threatening military exercises surrounding Taiwan that have disrupted shipping and air traffic and substantially raised concerns about the potential for conflict in a region crucial to global trade.

The exercises would include anti-submarine drills, apparently targeting U.S. support for Taiwan in the event of a potential Chinese invasion, according to social media posts from the eastern leadership of China’s ruling Communist Party’s military arm, the People’s Liberation Army.

This move by China crosses a very important line.

The Chinese have essentially established a “maritime and aerial blockade” around Taiwan, but it was only supposed to last from Thursday to Sunday…

The Chinese military designated six closure areas, one of which is merely 12 miles from Taiwan’s southern shipping hub of Kaohsiung. Beijing also warned commercial airliners to avoid wide swaths of airspace around Taiwan, in what amounts to a no-fly zone over major flight routes. Even though China portrays this as a step short of total encirclement, Taiwan’s defense ministry describes it as “a maritime and aerial blockade.”

A four day blockade wouldn’t have been that big of a deal.

But a full blown “maritime and aerial blockade” that lasts for weeks or even months is clearly an act of war.

Taiwan relies on food and essential supplies from the outside world.  If commerce is severely restricted or cut off completely, life on the island will radically change.

And the pressure on the Biden administration to “do something” will become enormous.

Of course it is still possible that the Chinese could decide to go home at some point this week.

And let us hope that actually happens.

But right now both sides continue to escalate matters.

For example, in response to the Chinese “drills”, the Taiwanese have decided to conduct live-fire exercises of their own

Meanwhile, Taiwan’s official Central News Agency reported that Taiwan’s army will conduct live-fire artillery drills in southern Pingtung county on Tuesday and Thursday, in response to the Chinese exercises.

The drills will include snipers, combat vehicles, armored vehicles as well as attack helicopters, said the report, which cited an anonymous source.

That certainly won’t ease tensions.

And members of the U.S. Senate are publicly calling for more economic and military aid for Taiwan

In an appearance on CNN’s “State of the Union,” Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) backed the House speaker’s travel to Taiwan and tied the two foreign policy issues together — warning that China is watching how the U.S. continues to respond to Russia’s attack on Ukraine as the war nears its sixth month.

Graham directed his message directly at China and pushed for the passage of the bipartisan Taiwan Policy Act, which is aimed at bolstering Taiwan economically and militarily.

The Chinese are going to interpret this as a threat.  It has become quite obvious that many prominent members of Congress consider Taiwan to be analogous to Ukraine, and that is definitely not going to help matters.

On top of everything else, it has been announced that U.S. forces will actually be participating in war games very close to India’s disputed border with China later this year…

The US will participate in war games with the Indian military in an area of India that is less than 62 miles away from the country’s disputed border with China, known as the Line of Actual Control (LAN).

The drills will be held from October 18-31 and will be the eighteenth iteration of annual exercises between the two militaries known as Yudh Abhyas, which is Hindi for “war practice.” They will be held in the Auli area of the Indian state of Uttarakhand in the Himalayas mountain range.

For years, I have been relentlessly warning that a war with China was coming, but my hope is that cooler heads will prevail and that this current crisis can be resolved peacefully.

Because a shooting war with China would instantly change all of our lives for the worse.

If we go to war with China, shipments of the thousands upon thousands of products that we currently receive from China would immediately cease.

And if the Pacific Ocean becomes a war zone, trade with other Asian powers such as Japan and South Korea would be paralyzed as well.

In addition, Taiwan produces more of our microchips than everyone else in the world combined

In particular, Taiwan’s position in the world of semiconductor manufacturing is a bit like Saudi Arabia’s status in OPEC. TSMC has a 53% market share of the global foundry market (factories contracted to make chips designed in other countries). Other Taiwan-based manufacturers claim a further 10% of the market.

As a result, the Biden administration’s 100-Day Supply Chain Review Report says, “The United States is heavily dependent on a single company – TSMC – for producing its leading-edge chips.” The fact that only TSMC and Samsung (South Korea) can make the most advanced semiconductors (five nanometres in size) “puts at risk the ability to supply current and future [US] national security and critical infrastructure needs”.

If China invades Taiwan, the global flow of microchips would permanently be reduced to a trickle.

I don’t think that I even have the words to describe what that would do to the global economy.

The stakes are incredibly high, and our leaders should be doing all that they can to avoid a needless war with the Chinese.

Unfortunately, our leaders are not exactly what you would call “competent” at this point, and we could soon find ourselves involved in pointless conflicts with the Russians and the Chinese at the same time.

The way Americans see Africa

The way American people see Africa! Wow!

So I’ve met an African American from GTA Online a few weeks ago and we became friends.

Yesterday,we’ve been playing GTA Online and he asked me where I’m from.

I told him that I was from Tunisia. Since,Tunisia isn’t that well-known,I told him that it is in Africa.

He seemed pretty shocked and asked me:

“You have internet in Africa?”

“Yes,why wouldn’t we?”

“I don’t know,I thought you didn’t have clean water.”


We don’t have clean water!?

I had to explain to him many…many stuff…

I went to the internet to check out how people see Africa and it was totally the same way he saw it…

Africa is like any other continent,it has its poor countries and its rich ones. But even its poorest countries have access to internet and clean water,mostly.

Durban,South Africa,Africa.

Malabo,Equatorial Guinea,Africa.


Addis Ababa,Ethiopia,Africa.



Port Louis,Mauritius,Africa.

Greek Yogurt Blueberry Muffins

Fat free, Greek honey vanilla yogurt is the secret to delicous homemade blueberry muffins.



  • 1/3 cup milk
  • 1/4 cup canola or vegetable oil
  • 1 container (6 oz) Greek Fat Free honey vanilla yogurt
  • 1 egg
  • 1 3/4 cups Gold Medal™ all-purpose flour
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 1 tablespoon grated lemon peel
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 2 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 3/4 cup fresh or frozen (do not thaw) blueberries


  • 1
    Heat oven to 400°F. Grease bottoms only of 12 regular-size muffins cups, or line with paper baking cups.
  • 2
    In large bowl, beat milk, oil, yogurt and egg using wire whisk or fork. Stir in remaining ingredients except blueberries, until flour is moistened. Gently stir in blueberries. Divide batter evenly among muffin cups.
  • 3
    Bake 16 to 18 minutes or until golden brown. Cool 5 minutes; remove from pan.


This article is 2 years old, but is pretty much spot on. -MM

From the Economic Collapse Blog

“The ancients believed that each cyclical extreme, mirroring the hopes and fears of the other, helps generate the other. The night longs for the day, the day for night. In war, people yearn for relief from strife, leading to peace. In peace, people yearn to champion what they love, leading to war.” – Strauss & Howe – The Fourth Turning

When I started thinking about my annual beginning of the year article in early January, I tried to formulate a catchy title. Knowing we have entered the thirteenth year of this Fourth Turning, with the intensity of the crisis reaching an unparalleled level since November 4, I decided upon Fourth Turning Detonation. I immediately thought that might be too dire and figured I would change it later. After the first few weeks of the new year, I now think it might be grossly inadequate to describe what is coming in 2021.

It is easy to get distracted by the daily gyrations, ceaseless media propaganda, political theater, false narratives, and delusional beliefs of both the left and right, as this military empire built on debt and deceit spirals towards its fiery cataclysmic climax. Opposing forces have gathered themselves into position focusing on defeating their domestic enemies, with the left seeming to have strategic advantage but led by hubristic dullards, while numerous foreign adversaries circle like hungry vultures ready to pounce on the dying beast of an empire.

Last January I wrote a two-part article called 2020 – Year of Living Dangerously which harkened back to another article I had written eight years before 2012 – Year of Living Dangerously. I lamented the fact I had not understood Fourth Turnings will take their own sweet time on the way to a climax, with twists and turns which will differentiate it from previous Crisis periods in U.S. history. My impatience for the great battle to resolve this struggle has not and will not impact the timeline, but the three elements driving this Crisis remain firmly in control, as they have since 2008: debt, civic decay, global disorder.

My belief regarding the subtext of what has happened and is happening in this country has not changed. I certainly underestimated the lengths these psychopaths in suits would go to in 2020 to further pillage the world’s wealth while using a pandemic as cover to further their agenda of hegemony and turning the world into a virtual prison camp under constant technological surveillance. Despite the timing, I still believe that which is unsustainable will not be sustained.


“It seems I always underestimate the ability of sociopathic central bankers and their willingness to destroy the lives of hundreds of millions to benefit their oligarch masters. I always underestimate the rampant corruption that permeates Washington DC and the executive suites in mega-corporations across the land. And I always overestimate the intelligence, civic mindedness, and ability to understand math of the ignorant masses that pass for citizens in this country. It seems that issuing trillions of new debt to pay off trillions of bad debt, government sanctioned accounting fraud, mainstream media propaganda, government data manipulation and a populace blinded by mass delusion can stave off the inevitable consequences of an unsustainable economic system.”

I used to try and make specific predictions about the new year generally centered upon economic chaos, stock markets crashing, global conflict, and various other doom-like events. But those running this clown show somehow convince the masses all is well, the economy is healthy, inflation is non-existent, debt does not matter, college makes you smart, we’re energy self-sufficient, 100 million working age Americans not working – but unemployment was 3.5%, the stock market hitting all-time highs is good for you even though your real wages haven’t gone up in a decade, and America was great again.

It is amazing to me how effective propaganda is when multiple generations have been indoctrinated and socially engineered in the government school system and decades of boob tube fake news has been programmed into their pliably ignorant brains. Edward Bernays created the game plan and the techno-oligarch despots currently running the show are executing it to perfection.


“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.” – Edward Bernays – Propaganda

This Fourth Turning likely has another 5 to 10 years before some sort of convulsive resolution, unless it is accelerated like the Civil War Fourth Turning, with similar tragic consequences and mass casualties. Predicting the actual events which will occur over a short-term time frame is a fool’s errand, so I prefer to try and discern the direction and amplitude of the ongoing Crisis to gauge how we should prepare for what is coming.

I do admire writers like Jim Kunstler who really go out on a limb and make extremely specific forecasts for the coming year, like he did on January 1 with his Forecast 2021 — Chinese Fire Drills with a side of French Fries (Jacobin-style) and Russian Dressing. If even 25% of his predictions had come to fruition, 2021 would have gone down as one of the most earth shattering in history. But here we are a few weeks later and all his predictions about Trump going to war with the Deep State and winning a glorious victory for the American people failed to materialize. Trump is golfing at Mar-a- Lago, while the Deep State remains firmly in control and in the midst of consolidating their power by crushing dissent through Domestic terrorism legislation and complete control of social media platforms.

Even Kunstler acknowledges the Fourth Turning as a generational dynamic driving the events pushing the country and the world towards armed conflict. My high-level prognostications for 2020 certainly did not include a global pandemic used to introduce an Orwellian global dystopia and justification to steal a presidential election through mail-in ballot fraud and voting machine rigging.

Of course, Bill Gates predicted the pandemic in 2018 and his buddy Fauci, in 2017, said there was “no doubt” Donald J. Trump would be confronted with a surprise infectious disease outbreak during his presidency. I wonder why he had no doubt. Fauci, an unknown lifetime government bureaucrat, is now a media darling, despite being wrong about everything. And Gates’ wealth has soared during this plandemic. My big picture guesses last year were colored by the assassination of Iranian general Qasem Soleimani on January 3, expecting Middle East conflict to erupt. These were my main conjectures for 2020:

  • The Fed will continue to run their electronic printing presses at warp speed until the inevitable banquet of consequences is served to all.
  • We have entered the extreme greed phase of this debt-based Ponzi scheme. The stock market is in the blow-off stage, where earnings, valuations, and rational thinking are meaningless. Momentum and a delusional belief in the infallibility of the Fed are all that matter. Who knows how far it will go, but fear will eventually rear its ugly head, and a cascading collapse will make a lot of useful investing idiots very angry for the third time in the last two decades.
  • The Democrats and their Surveillance State co-conspirators have determined the best way to cover-up their treasonous acts are to stay on the offensive by impeaching Trump on bogus charges.
  • The social distress I noted last year continues unabated today as the glorification of abnormality reaches new heights. The flames of division and disarray are fanned unceasingly by the left-wing media to distract from the true desperate financial situation of the country.
  • Israel quietly foments discontent and turmoil across the region to keep the focus off itself. Russia and China support Iran economically and militarily to offset Americans dominance of the region. Confusion reigns.
  • Anyone with an ounce of critical thinking skills knows none of this is about freedom, democracy or doing the right thing. It’s about oil and it’s about the military industrial complex requiring enemies to keep the profits flowing.
  • The shale “miracle” is just another delusion built upon easy money pumped out by the Fed. No one can make profits on shale oil at $60 per barrel.
  • The months leading up to the election will be a circus. Propaganda, misinformation, and outright lies will be spread like manure. Of course, voting will not alleviate the issues which will continue to drive this Fourth Turning towards its climax – debt, civic decay, global disorder.
  • No matter the result of the upcoming election, neither side will accept the outcome.
  • There are no viable political solutions to our current dilemmas. It is just a matter of when and where the conflict goes hot and blood is spilled.
  • I do not know what events will dominate the coming year, but I do know the intensity of hate and vitriol will increase. I do know military conflict in the Middle East will expand. I do know the political machinations in this country will surge as the election approaches. I do know the Deep State will do everything in their immense power to undermine Trump. I do know the Fed will QE and Trump will cheer every new stock market record. I do know I will be lied to and propagandized by the mainstream corporate media.


I knew 2020 had the potential to be a chaotic year, but didn’t anticipate a flu with a 99.7% survival rate being used by totalitarian minded politicians to destroy the global economy, usher in Orwellian police state lockdown measures across the globe; a stock market crash followed by Fed created bubbles still growing ever bubblier through $4 trillion of money printing; adding $4 trillion to the national debt (with another $3 trillion on the way in 2021); paying millions to sit at home eating Cheetos and watching Netflix; destroying a few hundred thousand small businesses while enriching mega-corporations; putting a nail in the coffin of the 1st Amendment through censorship of conservative speech; and blatantly stealing a presidential election.

The globalist elite want to keep the fear at a high level to institute their global reset, where you will own nothing and be happy, or you will be brought to heel by the truncheon. This was the year it became crystal clear, the world is filled with good people, governed, and manipulated by bad people.

By delaying this article until after January 20 I allowed the Qanon Psyop of Trump using the military to rescue the country to pass into history as another delusion of hope over reason. I truly do not know whether the Qanon phenomena (it was not widely known by Trump supporters or most people) was just a LARP being played by former Dungeons & Dragons keyboard warriors or an FBI/CIA counter-intelligence operation designed to keep a segment of the population distracted and ever hopeful their white knight would rescue them from the clutches of the evil Deep State. I am reminded of the quote about hope from President Snow in the Hunger Games.

The elevation of Trump to president and the spark of hope he would truly drain the swamp, arrest the traitorous Deep State coup co-conspirators, lead his legions to victory over the forces of evil, and make America great again, kept half the people in the country hopeful for the last four years.

Meanwhile, the military industrial complex raked in hundreds of billions more from the American taxpayer; Wall Street bankers gorged on the trillions of free money, manufactured by their captured puppets at the Federal Reserve; the Silicon Valley despots consolidated their hold on commerce and communication; and the average American saw their standard of living continue its 50- year decline. The question is whether those constituting the “invisible government” allowed too much hope and needed the engineered pandemic to re-introduce fear as their primary control technique moving forward.

They believe they have contained the spark with their fraudulent election victory; installation of an empty senile vassal as their conduit for the great reset; having their media mouthpieces propagate the falsity of a right wing white supremacist insurrection at the Capital; crushing dissent by censoring the truth through totalitarian social media conglomerates; proceeding with an impeachment farce based on Trump telling his supporters to peacefully protest the fraudulent election outcome; and threatening to destroy the lives of all vocal Trump supporters.

I am highly doubtful they have contained the spark. I believe there are smoldering embers just waiting to be stirred into a conflagration which will engulf the entire world in a fiery purging of the existing social order, which has exhausted itself and needs to be cleansed. Jefferson understood the nature of Fourth Turnings two hundred years before Strauss & Howe put it to paper.

“Try to unlearn the obsessive fear of death (and the anxious quest for death avoidance) that pervades linear thinking in nearly every modern society. The ancients knew that, without periodic decay and death, nature cannot complete its full round of biological and social change. Without plant death, weeds would strangle the forest. Without human death, memories would never die, and unbroken habits and customs would strangle civilization. Social institutions require no less. Just as floods replenish soil and fires rejuvenate forests, a Fourth Turning clears out society’s exhausted elements and creates an opportunity.” – Strauss & Howe – The Fourth Turning

In Part Two of this article, I will examine the concept of the Grey Champion, their role in Fourth Turnings, and make some speculations as to the course of 2021 and the remainder of this Fourth Turning.


A nice story found on the internet. -MM


About a 2 years ago I was pulling into my garage and heard a meow.

Not a kitten meow more like “ Hey I am here, Do you see me?”

And right there next to my trash can was a beat-up malnourished Tom Cat.

I walked past him and went inside.

The next morning, there he was again, same spot.

I reached down to pet him and he did not run or even seem scared. So I went inside grabbed him a bowl for food and water. I laid outside close to him and went on to work.

This went on for a good month or so and the beat-up malnourished cat became my friend.

Now I could not bring him inside because for one he is full grown and had not been raised with dogs.

I am the mama of 2 Pitbulls and also 2 rescue cats, but my cats came into my home when they were kittens so they had been raised around my dogs.

So he became my outside/Garage cat.

As much as I did not want to admit it, he became my cat.

And then I named him and we all know what happens when you name them, they become yours whether you like it or not.

I named him Ginger.

7 months later we decided to move.

During the 7 months I had learned from the neighbors he had belonged to a lady down the street who had moved and abandoned him.

During our move he was watching us sitting in the garage.

As I go to get in my car he follows me.

I open my door and he jumps in the car with me.

As if to tell me “ You are not leaving me”.

I smiled, because as much as he did not know, I was not going to leave him.

Ginger is still in the garage with his own door to come and go as he pleases.

He loves to sun and is a little territorial when it comes to the possums.

I have had to break apart a few fights between him and a possum.

He is ok being an outside cat.

He gets tons of attention from the little ones and enjoys his new home.

The reason I am telling you this is cats are by far one of the easiest animals to take care of.

Yes you should feed him, Yes you will get attached, yes it will make you feel good on the inside , Yes you will more than likely fall in love.

A smile will come across your face when he comes to you and trusts you because you saved him.

He will forever be grateful.

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 4


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The United States just launched another new and novel bio-weapon against China

I was expecting it to happen. And then, there it is!

There are precious few people documenting the bio-weapon assaults against China. Myself, obviously, Veterans Today, Ron at UNZ, Jeff Brown, Catlin Johnstone, and a precious handful of others. It’s an erased issue. It’s damn difficult to find information elsewhere that has NOT been co-opted or hijacked by the CIA and then squeeze an “accepted” narrative overlay.

At latest count, it’s eight (x8) engineered viruses against livestock to induce famine (2017 – 2019), and…

… when famine didn’t appear…

…(now) four bio-weapons (all new and novel) against people.

  • (2019 – Coronavirus),
  • The tick virus, and human version of swine flu (2020)
  • …and now, that there is a war between the USA and China, of course an opening salvo of the latest nasty-nasty…

Doctors in China have sounded the alarm over a newly detected virus.

“Langya” virus has infected 35 people so far in two provinces in eastern China, Taiwan’s Centers for Disease Control (CDC) said.

This was reported by the bio-weapons research centers in Taiwan. You know the ones… the ones set up by President Obama when he set up others in Ukraine. Like the ones that Russia captured, and the Canadian general trapped surrounded by the nefarious bio-weapon lab-ware, and the bio-weapons centers (under the control of the CDC… don’t you know… burning the papers and documents.)

Imagine that!

What a coincidence!

The virus – officially named Langya henipavirus (LayV) – is entirely novel, meaning it has not infected humans before.

It is in the Henipavirus family, of which two species have been identified before – the Hendra virus and Nipah virus. These are very rare, and highly unusual viruses.

These viruses often produce severe and fatal illnesses in people.

Because it is new and novel, there are no vaccines or treatments for it.

Henipavirus is classified as biosafety Level 4. Very dangerous.

It has case fatality rates between 40 and 75%, according to the data from World Health Organization (WHO).

Here’s my video on this…

(It’s a) good thing that China is still at DEFCON… eh?


China has a zero virus policy. That’s what all these “unreasonable” lock-downs are all about. Now, I have to ask you, don’t you think that perhaps China knows something that you might be aware of. Hum?

If this goes pandemic…

…how well do you think the United States will handle new mRNA injections, and wearing mask mandates?

As I see it, America is screwed seven days from Sunday (that’s an idiom, by the way).

Heaven’s Gate


It was legit crazy. They mass suicided together.

They all had suitcases with them too. The plan was that by suiciding they would be able to link up with some master spaceship.

39 people committed suicide together.


They all had the exact same outfits on too. The same black Nike shoes. They all drank this poison Kool-Aid. Many of the men had voluntarily castrated themselves years prior too as part of the cult membership.

Everyone had a special “Heaven’s Gate Away Team” patch along with $5.75 in their right pocket. This was their leader:

Resembles Joe Biden.

Marshall Applewhite. He was a man with a troubled past and could be thanked for brainwashing all of these people into this crazy scheme to meet up with extraterrestrials.

It was the largest mass suicide in American history.

Russia Suspends On-Site Inspections of Nuclear Weapons under START Treaty with USA

Effective immediately, the Russian Federations has SUSPENDED all on-site nuclear weapons inspections as called-for under the START Treaty with the United States.

No inspection of Russian nuclear weapons will be allowed pursuant to the Suspension.

One aspect of START Treaty weapons inspections is to see the actual physical location of certain nuclear weapons.  In particular, Russia’s road-mobile nuclear weapons located on Transporter-Erector-Launcher (TEL) trucks.

This means the USA will no longer be able to verify how many such weapons Russia has, or where those weapons actually are.

This Suspension of inspections is because of travel restrictions imposed by Washington and its allies against Russia.

Inspection conditions proposed by Washington created “unilateral advantages for the United States and effectively deprive the Russian Federation of the right to conduct inspections on American territory,” the Moscow foreign ministry said in a statement.

Russia says it remains fully committed to complying with all the provisions of the treaty.

The United States and its allies including Britain and the European Union closed their airspace to Russian planes as part of a barrage of sanctions imposed in response to Russia’s decision to send its armed forces into Ukraine in February.

The New START Treaty, which came into force in 2011, caps the number of strategic nuclear warheads that the United States and Russia can deploy, and the deployment of land- and submarine-based missiles and bombers to deliver them.

U.S. President Joe Biden said last Monday that his administration was ready to “expeditiously” negotiate a framework to replace New START, which is due to expire in 2026, if Moscow demonstrated its willingness to resume work on nuclear arms control.

But Russia’s mission to the United Nations said Washington had withdrawn from separate talks with Moscow on strategic stability over the Ukraine conflict, and needed to decide what it wanted.

The following day, the Kremlin said time was running out to negotiate a replacement for New START, putting global security at risk.

The conflict in Ukraine has raised political tensions to levels not seen since the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, with politicians in both Russia and the United States speaking publicly of the risk of World War Three.

Moscow says it was forced to intervene in Ukraine to defend Russian-speakers from persecution and avert a Western threat to use Ukraine to threaten Russia’s security. Kyiv and its Western allies say these are baseless pretexts for an imperial-style land grab.

It’s Happening: Here Is A List Of 11 Big Companies That Have Announced Layoffs Within The Last 2 Weeks


When the economy slows down, layoffs inevitably happen.  We witnessed this on a very large scale in 2008 and 2009, and now it is happening again.  U.S. economic numbers are rapidly getting worse, and companies all across America don’t want to get caught with bloated payrolls as we plunge into a recession.  As you will see below, many of the firms that are laying off workers are either in the real estate industry or the tech industry.  Those are two industries that were on the leading edge of the “boom times”, and now it appears that they will also be on the bleeding edge as the economy crashes.

It is always a tragedy whenever any hard working American is forced out of a job.  Unfortunately, what we are witnessing right now is just the beginning.  The following is a list of 11 big companies that have announced layoffs within the last 2 weeks…

#1 Ultratec Inc. says that it will be laying off more than 600 workers.

#2 Electric truck maker Rivian will be laying off approximately 840 workers.

#3 7-Eleven has announced that it will be eliminating 880 corporate jobs.

#4 Shopify is laying off about 1,000 people.

#5 Vimeo says that it will be eliminating 6 percent of its current workforce.

#6 Redfin will be reducing the size of its workforce by 8 percent.

#7 Compass will be reducing the size of its workforce by 10 percent.

#8 RE/MAX will be reducing the size of its workforce by 17 percent.

#9 Robinhood will be reducing the size of its workforce by 23 percent.

#10 It is being reported that Ford “is preparing to cut as many as 8,000 jobs in the coming weeks”.

#11 Geico has closed every single one of their offices in the state of California, and that will result in vast numbers of workers losing their jobs…

GEICO, one of the largest insurance companies in the United States, reportedly closed all 38 of it’s California offices on Monday, resulting in hundreds of workers being laid off.

According to the company, GEICO would not be leaving outright, and will still be offering policies directly online, with all insurance functions continuing as normal. Buying directly through agents by phone, however, will not be possible.

“We continue to write policies in California, and we remain available through our direct channels for the more than 2.18 million California customers presently insured with us,” said GEICO in a statement on Monday.

On top of everything else, Amazon has announced that it reduced the size of its workforce by approximately 100,000 workers in just one quarter…

With recession fears mounting — and inflation, the war in Ukraine and the lingering pandemic taking a toll — many tech companies are rethinking their staffing needs, with some of them instituting hiring freezes, rescinding offers and making rounds of layoffs. Inc. was one of the latest companies to discuss its belt-tightening efforts this week. During its quarterly earnings call Thursday, the e-commerce giant said it’s been adding jobs at the slowest rate since 2019. After relying on attrition to winnow its staff, Amazon now has about 100,000 fewer employees than in the previous quarter.

You could fill up two very large football stadiums with 100,000 workers.

Eventually, this wave of job losses will become a tsunami, and millions of Americans will suddenly find that they are unable to continue paying their bills.

Meanwhile, our new housing crash is starting to pick up speed as well.

In fact, we just witnessed an absolutely massive spike in the number of Americans that are searching for the term “sell my home fast” on Google…

Within hours of the latest GDP report on Thursday, which raised fears that the United States could be entering a recession, online search volume for “sell my home fast” spiked a whopping 2,750%.

Shortly after the Commerce Department released the report on July 28, revealing that the economy showed negative growth for a second straight quarter — shrinking by an annual pace of 0.9% — home sellers hoping for higher housing prices to continue are now concerned.

Just like in 2008 and 2009, a lot of Americans that bought near the peak of the market are going to end up underwater on their homes.

We didn’t learn from history, and so now we are repeating it.

And things are going to get worse and worse for the housing market as the Federal Reserve continues to raise interest rates.

Of course it isn’t just the U.S. that is going to be suffering in the months ahead.

The whole planet appears to be heading for a major downturn, and one of the largest shipping companies in the entire world has just confirmed that global economic activity is really starting to slow down

AP Moller-Maersk on Wednesday predicted a slowdown in global shipping container demand this year amid weakening consumer confidence and supply chain congestion.

The Danish shipping and logistics company — one of the world’s largest and a broad barometer for global trade — said it loaded 7.4% fewer containers onto ships in the second quarter when compared to the same period in 2021, prompting it to revise the full-year outlook for its container business.

Europe is being hit harder than just about anywhere else.

Many of the numbers that are coming out of Europe are surprisingly bad, and now thanks to the war in Ukraine they are bracing for an extremely cold and bitter winter

Germany’s presidential palace in Berlin is no longer lit at night, the city of Hanover is turning off warm water in the showers of its pools and gyms, and municipalities across the country are preparing heating havens to keep people safe from the cold. And that’s just the beginning of a crisis that will ripple across Europe.

It might still be the height of summer, but Germany has little time to lose to avert an energy shortage this winter that would be unprecedented for a developed nation. Much of Europe is feeling the strain from Russia’s squeeze on natural gas deliveries, yet no other country is as exposed as the region’s biggest economy, where nearly half the homes rely on the fuel for heating.

We haven’t seen anything like this in Europe since World War II.

In Spain, they have already resorted to extreme measures as they desperately attempt to conserve energy…

Responding to Europe’s energy crisis, Spain has controversially banned air conditioning from dropping below 27°C (80.6°F) in the summer.

The new government decree, which applies to a whole host of public buildings as well as shops, hotels and other venues, will also stop heating from being raised above 19°C during the winter.

“The rules will be mandatory in all public and commercial buildings, including bars, cinemas, theatres, airports and train stations,” reports EuroNews.

I am stunned by many of the things that I see in the news every day.

And things are only going to get worse as time rolls along.

Decades of incredibly foolish decisions have brought us to this point, and instead of reversing course our leaders continue to take us down the exact same road.

So we shall reap what we have sown, and it appears that there is an enormous amount of pain on the horizon.



Over the past few months, the United States has suffered an ALLEGED “shortage” of Baby Formula, with stores being told that plant shut downs were the cause.   Turns out, the “shortage” was deliberately and artificially created by the intentional destruction of baby formula!


The video below, from a truck driver, shows pallets full of Baby Formula being deliberately destroyed.\


Who ordered this and why was it done?

Deliberately destroying baby food?

Keep being you…


“I have no idea who you are but today I sat and watched you for about 15 minutes help a homeless man. 

I watched you give him your sneakers which looked brand new and then you took off your socks and stood there barefoot while you took his socks off him which had a huge hole and then you wipes his foot with a baby wipe you had in your car. 

You put the socks and sneakers on him. 

You helped him take off his shirt and you put a shirt on him that you had in your car and then gave him a pair of shorts you had along with bottles of water and money. 

All the while people walked right past you staring. 

You had no idea anyone was watching, you weren’t videoing it like everyone else does and then posting it online for recognition. 

You did it out of the goodness of your heart. 

I hope that somehow, someway this post finds you so you know that my daughter and I think you are one amazing, good hearted selfless person. You are what a man should be. 

No good deed goes unnoticed."

‘Civil War’ trending on Twitter after FBI raids Trump’s Mar-A-Lago



FBI agents raided former President Donald Trump’s Mar-A-Lago club in Palm Beach, Fla. on Monday night. Among the wide ranging reactions from the public, “Civil War” began trending on Twitter.

By about 9:30 p.m. EST – approximately three hours after Trump announced the FBI raid on his social media platform, Truth Social – “Civil War” had been tweeted more than 35,000 times and became trending in the Political figures and Politics categories.

Some posts, such as one from Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green, likened the FBI’s raid on Trump’s home as “the type of things that happen in countries during civil war.” She added, “The political persecution MUST STOP!!!”


Other users said the FBI’s actions were akin to waging civil war. Some who supported the raid accused Trump supporters of using the raid as an excuse to start civil war.

“National Divorce” was another trending keyword.

Other trending keywords included “Hillary” referring to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton with nearly 80,000 tweets, “Wray” referring to FBI director Christopher Wray with 35,000 tweets, “Garland” referring to Attorney General Merrick Garland with more than 81,000 tweets.

Trump said in his statement that his Mar-A-Lago club was “currently under siege, raided and occupied by a large group of FBI agents.” He added that FBI agents “even broke into my safe.”

Trump also linked the FBI raid to deliberate political persecution ahead of the 2022 midterm elections and his possible reelection bid in 2024.

“It is prosecutorial misconduct, the weaponization of the Justice System, and an attack by Radical Left Democrats who desperately don’t want me to run for President in 2024, especially based on recent polls, and who will likewise do anything to stop Republicans and Conservatives in the upcoming Midterm Elections,” Trump said.

CNN reported Trump was not in Florida at the time of the FBI raid. The FBI raid reportedly focused on Trump’s living quarters and office spaces.

The FBI told the Hal Turner Radio Show, “We don’t have any comment.”

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy released a statement warning Attorney General Merrick Garland that an investigation would be underway.

“I’ve seen enough. The Department of Justice has reached an intolerable state of weaponized politicization. When Republicans take back the House, we will conduct immediate oversight of this department, follow the facts, and leave no stone unturned,” McCarthy said. “Attorney General Garland, preserve your documents and clear your calendar.”


Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis also released a statement condemning the raid as a political move.

“The raid of [Mar-A-Lago] is another escalation in the weaponization of federal agencies against the Regime’s political opponents, while people like Hunter Biden get treated with kid gloves. Now the Regime is getting another 87k IRS agents to wield against its adversaries? Banana Republic,” DeSantis said.


It only took the US Department of Justice from June, 2009, to August 2022 to go from a big violation of the Constitution, imprisoning me for writing and Editorial they didn’t like, saying the First Amendment freedom of speech and freedom of the press “did not apply” to the Editorial I wrote, to raiding the private home of a former US President over allegedly Classified Documents that a President was allowed to see!

It seems to me the US Department of Justice has become destructive of the rights and liberties of Americans at all levels of our society.  With this raid against former President Trump, now, no one is safe.


Our Founding Fathers spoke about the issue of when a government “becomes destructive” in the Declaration of Independence.   They wrote:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. 

In that same document, our Founding Fathers went further.  They then said:

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. 

I added the emphasis seen above.  Readers should pause a moment here to consider carefully that the Founding Fathers said “throw off such government” and did NOT say “vote in elections to change that government,”  or “file suit to fight that government” or even “take to the streets to protest that government.”   No.   They said “throw off.”   I take their words to mean exactly, precisely, what they say.

You should too.

The weaponization of criminal law, applied to Constitutionally protected activities like my June, 2009 Editorial, and to President Trump’s lawful possession of Presidential documents – if he even still had them — and countless other examples too numerous to cite,  has reduced the United States of America to a Banana Republic.

What’s next, Stalinist Death Squads?   Gulags?

No, the people presently exercising government power have finally gone too far.

This raid against President Trump comes years after Hillary Clinton intentionally obstructed justice, by Bleaching about 33,000 emails from a computer server AFTER those emails had been Subpoenaed!   The Justice Department did NOTHING about that obstruction of justice, or her possession of classified materials.

It also comes after Hunter Biden’s laptop computer showed bribes, kickbacks, and/or payoffs to Joe Biden from foreign sources both while Biden was Vice President under Obama, and perhaps to this very day while Biden is (illegitimate) President!   The Justice department is nowhere to be found with that laptop evidence.

The fact that “Civil War” is now trending on social media, shows how “too far” they’ve actually gone with this Trump raid.

It’s time for some type of citizen intervention in the ongoing activities of this former government, which has clearly morphed into Tyranny.

What’s going on inside the US Department of Justice, it seems to me, is now clearly defined Tyranny.

When you factor-into the reality that it is the same US Justice Department that holds all the “dirt” on sitting federal Judges, to force them into doing what the Justice Department wants in tough or controversial cases, – you see the tyranny for what it actually is.

When you also factor-in the reality that after the stolen election in November 2020, the Justice Department not only failed to investigate or prosecute the rampant, brazen, election fraud, they also made sure any lawsuits brought before the federal courts were quickly dismissed without even evidentiary hearings!

I mean, think about what actually took place on Election night, 2020: People actually shut down six key swing state urban centers, each of which had Trump up by 60,000 or more votes…and then counted the mail in ballots in secret with no republicans watching.

They were sticking cardboard on the windows of Cobo Hall.   It’s on video.   Here, look. . . .


They faked a water main break in Atlanta to kick out republicans.

In the morning they said Trump lost in all six key towns by a few thousand votes.

Since then its been proven mail in ballots were produced and handled in illegal fashions in at least 4 states.

The rejection rate for Mail in Ballots is historically 3-5%. In these elections, they massively increased the number of mail-in ballots, and the rejection rate dropped to 0.3%.

If you do what they did, BRAZENLY AND OPENLY STEALING THE ELECTION….you didn’t do it because you plan on giving it back.

Since then, they have thrown innocent people who did nothing more than trespass, in jail indefinitely with no bail for two years to use them as political capitol to pretend their illegit regime was threatened by racist White People.

-They have spied on Americans who went to school board meetings to complain about homosexuals infiltrating the schools to promote homosexuality.

-We have a Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman who told the Chinese, don’t worry, I’m not obeying this President.

– The FBI has tried to entrap innocent people into plots the FBI was running to fake-kidnap a Governor in Michigan.

So anybody who tells you the raid on Mar Largo was somehow not ‘going over the line’  is oblivious to what has already actually been going on. You are not living in a democracy, you are living in a rogue state run by an illegitimate coup installed behind a military barrier. AND THEY KNOW IT…quit pretending they don’t.

They are not playing games. They are ruthless and evil. And in the next two years this raid on Mar Largo will look like nothing.

It must be nice to have all those “dirt” files to hold over Judges heads, to get them to rubber-stamp illegal government actions as if they are somehow good.

Thanks to the Justice department, we in the United States are forced to suffer an illegitimate President and Vice President, who got into office through shameless election fraud, we cannot successfully petition the courts to redress grievances about that fraud because the flamboyantly corrupt federal judges throw the cases out before any evidence review,  and now we see the legitimate President, Trump, targeted by Search Warrant.

The politicization of criminal law enforcement is precisely what third world despots do in Banana republics.   THAT is where the US Justice Department has brought us all.

It’s long overdue that the American people step up and put a stop to this, by whatever means are necessary.

However the American people choose to accomplish that, is of no matter to me.  In my view, whatever the American people choose to do . . . . the government has brought upon itself.

I should be careful citing the Founding Fathers; the storm troopers in the Justice Department may try to make this Editorial a crime, too, even though the First Amendment freedom of speech and freedom of the press covers all speech, uttered everywhere.  It does, after all, say “Congress shall make NO LAW . . . .”

None.  Not even laws they think are for valid reasons.

The power to outlaw speech is absolutely forbidden to the federal government.  Of course, as I found out personally in June, 2009, they clearly don’t care about that, and go off and do what they do anyway.  And they get dufus federal judges to rubber-stamp it as somehow “ok.”

It’s time to reign-in — or replace — this federal government.

I think people who say they thought that this country still had hope of all these troubles being settled peacefully are now were forced to wake up to the fact this will either be oppression, or secession/rebellion, no other choices.

Something definitely snapped with the raid against President Trump. You can feel it in the air.

For those of us awake for awhile this wasn’t unexpected, but for those who still believed at least some of this nation still existed, it was a wakeup call.

The Monday morning flag ceremony in Indonesian Schools.

Nice story.


This reminded me when I was still in high school. I had a friend, she was a top grader and a critical person. She used to asked questions to teachers. One day we had a history lesson and our teacher in the class talked about the wartime period in Indonesia. Suddenly she rose her hand and asked a question like this

She : Sir, as you explained, I could conclude that Monday morning flag ceremony is a Japanese military tradition when they colonized our country. I say we should end that tradition. Also in develop countries, schools don’t have flag raising ceremony. If we keep the tradition, it means we undermine the patriotism values.

Teacher : Yes your analysis is good. But for one reason, I believe schools in Indonesia should keep that flag raising ceremony despite we all know it is a old tradition of Japanese military when they occupied our country. Just for a simple reason.

She : Why sir ?

Teacher : When you stand in the flag raising ceremony every Monday morning then you salute the flag, remember the Indonesians who died in the wartime just to raise the flag. The flag is the symbol of freedom to our people after being oppressed for more than 350 years by the Dutch and nearly four years by brutal Japanese invaders. You can go to school like today and have a good time living like now is because of the services of Indonesians who fought against the bloody invaders in our country. So Is it too much for you to stand just for a while to show respect to your countrymen who died fighting for the freedom of all of us ?

All students in the class went silent, nobody talked. She didn’t speak anything afterwards. The last lines spoken by our history teacher gave me the chills.

Some advice from a police cop

Things I learned being a Cop that I would have never known. I apologise in advance for the wonky numbering. There was a glitch and the numbers would start over after every photo was entered. 🙂

  1. Everyone knows holding a roll of nickels in their fist and punching someone increases the punching power of a person by an incredible amount. Most don’t know even using something smaller and lighter is devastating. Punching someone with a roll of chapstick or a Bic lighter in your fist will turn your punch from a so so to knocking someone out cold. The extra weight helps but isn’t the main thing. It’s the solid material that stops your hand from giving way upon contact. Makes your punch much more damaging because it is much more compact. A lot of guys that fight a lot/live in wild neighborhoods know this little trick. I would be breaking up fights and everyone involved has chapstick on them? I thought perhaps soft lips were a priority there in the 18th Street Insane Gangster Bloods? I forget who but someone eventually clued me in on how these young thundercats were using them.
  2. In terms of running away or catching someone in a vehicle pursuit having a vehicle that accelerates quickly will beat a vehicle with a much higher top speed. In a car chase acceleration is king, not top speed. This is why a car can never catch a motorcycle. It’s not because they’re faster. It’s not because motorcycles can go places cars can’t. It just 97% raw acceleration and 3% being able to cut through places a car can’t like between cars stopped in traffic. If you want to be a bad guy or catch them think about acceleration before overall speed…or just be smart and always use a motorcycle to commit crimes? Side benefit the licence plate is impossible to see from more than 3 feet away and you can cover your body head to toe so your sex and race can’t even be determined and not raise any suspicions.
  3. As Marine, EMT-Paramedic, Firefighter and Cop I have seen …like…whew… a whole lot of people die. I’m not counting the bijillion dead bodies I have seen, carried, rolled and had to touch, examine or whatever but people actually dying right in my presence. By far there are two most common things people say as their last words before dying (in this order). 1. I had the right of way…” 2. “Mom….” .
  4. Fireman and Police are the exact same type of people as far as personality types, sick but hilarious humor and discussions. Goals. Politics. I could detect no difference whatsoever in the kind of people that do either job. They also go through the exact same stages in their careers from excited and annoying to proficient to expert to burned out utterly and counting the seconds to retirement. Both are equally intrested in helping people and equally disgusted with humanity at the same time. They’re exactly the same people right down to every 3rd one named “Mike”. The funny thing is Police and Fire in every town I worked in that was large the two hated each other. Many a city and Church festival in St Louis City has been disrupted by fist fights between the two breaking out. It was actually quite common for Policemen and Firemen to fight at bars and beerhall events etc in the City. Ironicly I was involved in fistacuffs for both sides. Our City actually had a Police vs Fire boxing match that fills the Blues Hockey Arena every year. It’s called “Guns and Hoses”. No joke. Spoiler alert we always beat the shit out of those Firefighters, it’s a fun night and it all goes to charity. I’m not joking when I say that if you fight in Guns and Hoses and win by a knock out you will be instantly famous in the 2000 member department and in line for promotions very soon.
  5. About 75% of peoples houses have very “weird” smells. Not always necessarily bad like cat piss (which is pretty common) but more like they cook regularly with some weird ass spices. Now that I know that I ALWAYS ask people who will tell without bullshitting if my house smells weird when they first come over. You could be living in a very very weird smelling house and have no idea.
  6. Most really big guys can’t fight for shit. They have gotten by on being big since age 13 and never had to actually fight at all. They didn’t have to fist fight like me to and from school 5 days a week in Detroit because I was tall and skinny and looked easy to beat up (which I totally was for many many years until one day I wasn’t). Big guys who can’t fight will ALWAYS try to grab on to you and take you down to the floor to wrestle. Just throw jabs and move and they will be so worn out in less than a minute or two they will start dropping their hands, mouth breathing. Then you go in on them dirty with some throat punches and face shots (a good number can take hits to the body but not the jaw).. Don’t underestimate smaller guys, especially if they’re wiry.
  7. Cars never blow up. Honestly. Never. They catch on fire and the fire can spread very quickly but they don’t blow up with a big fireball like every car on every movie or TV show forever. If you drop a car off a cliff it will not explode. If you stuff a rag on fire down the fuel port it wont explode. If all the gas leaks out underneath it it wont explode. There is actually only one part of a car that actually does explode is the tires. You call it a blowout or flat tire but most of the time it’s actually an explosion of compressed air finding a weakness. It’s one of the most common causes of trucks in particular but any vehicles to crash. However once they crash from a tire explosion the car still doesn’t explode. I have put out at least 500 car fires personally with a 1″3/4 preconnect attack hose or a fire extinguisher. Many of them were fully involved with fire from bumper to bumper. Never once did I ever see or hear of a car exploding. Also side fact. When you see an explosion the more fireball and flame you see the weaker the blast was. Big ass explosions that kill you…military grade explosions like artillery, grenades, mines, rockets etc have almost no “fireball” or color to the explosion. All the energy is directed to the blast. A fireball is wasted, weak energy being bled off. So when you see a movie with a massive fireball explosion it is actually a very weak event despite it’s powerful cinemagraphic look.
  8. Nobody ever says cool shit after something crazy like a shooting or some life and death event. Even the coolest, doesn’t look at explosions, eats a meatball sub over a mangled dead body with as much comfort as a at a nice table downtown STILL says “OMG DUDE DID YOU SEE THAT?????…..I JUST SHIT A KITTEN?” as they pat themselves all over looking for holes they didn’t start the day with. It’s always really scary too but you leave that part out when you’re dining out on that story for the next decade. There have been times as a firefighter I was either in a building fully involved with raging fire dragging my forehead on the ground because the heat just 2 inches higher from the floor was unbearably painful….or as Police about to go do an entry knowing 100% a guy with a gun was behind the door…..just taking a beat to question my vocational choices….being alternately totally scared and pretty sure you’re going to die now yet weirdly filled with endorphins that must be like what Heroin feels like and super into it all of it. The times I will experience anxiety is the waiting, anticipation of the fight. Once you go into “action” all of that leaves you.
  9. People put a lot of crazy things in their butts and need medical intervention to remove them and sometimes to save their lives (like the guy that put one of those twisty shaped light bulbs up there…not the regular round normal light bulbs…the energy efficient big ones that are a twisty tube if that makes sense). Yea that broke up there and literally tore himself a new asshole. To add to his indignity I made him ride in the Ambulance with his butt up in the air and his face down in the pillow area because it was the only way to keep the wound above his heart. The ER Surgeon told me that and not applying anymore pressure (moving the glass around in the process) which was counterintuitive …combined, probably kept him alive long enough to save. His BP was something like 20/10 with a thready pulse and circling the drain.
  10. I found that despite my pride the best thing I could do as a Medic was just get them to the ER as fast as possible many times. “Load and Go” over “Stay and Play” as Paramedics say in their slang. The average Ambulance in America takes 8 minutes to arrive but in many many places its more like 15 or 20. If your loved ones life is on the line do the mental math. Can you get them to the ER before an Ambulance can get here? If someone I know is dying they’re getting thrown in a vehicle and driven to the closest ER turning corners on two tires in almost every conceivable circumstance. This is what Cops do when other Cops get hit. I have never seen or heard of a shot/stabbed St Louis City Cop arriving at the Trauma Center in an Ambulance. The nearest Cop throws you in the back seat and then does some of the scariest driving you will ever see or hear tell of to get you to the ER. If Grandpa suddenly has chest pain and trouble breathing…don’t walk him to the bedroom…walk him to the front seat of the car. You will be halfway to getting him to the ER by the time you could have finished describing what is going on and where to 911, let alone waiting for them to be notified, get to the rig and drive to you (then talk a lot and finally drive him to where?….the ER you could have been at 10 minutes after the event started instead of 45 minutes with EMS). Plus this way you get to do a dramatic Emergency Room entrance as you burst through the sliding glass doors and loudly proclaim “I NEED A DOCTOR!”
  11. If you ever see a person with a messed up looking ear (like shown below) what we call “Cauliflower Ear” and are considering fighting them, reconsider fighting with them if possible or call for backup before you get into it if you’re Police. Bottom line if you don’t have ears like this too…. then you will most likely need more people to win that fight without getting hurt.


  1. Here is the rant portion: So now I would say this is a thing most people don’t know and it drives me so crazy. If you are in an accident on a road. Stop there if safe, make sure the other person is all right….Then….please pay attention here people….THEN MOVE YOUR CAR OUT OF THE ROADWAY TO SOMEWHERE SAFE LIKE THE PARKING LOT 20 YARDS AWAY IF THE CARS ARE DRIVEABLE. For some reason people like sheep tend to just freeze and not want to move after even the most minor fender bender. Sit right there in traffic hoping they don’t get hit by cars flying by and causing a major hazard cause guess what? People are going to have to be changing lanes to avoid your cars and you standing there in the street on your phone looking at your bumper. Traffic slows and people rubber neck to look. I can’t tell you how many accidents Cops get a call for and there is a 2nd or even 3rd accident at that same spot before we get there. If your car can move, get it and you out of the road to a safe spot to wait for Police. Stop after the accident. Tell the person in the other car….”I’m moving to a safer place, that CVS parking lot over there.” Then go. Call 911, look for your info, check the damage…all in safety. The first thing any competent Cop asks when arriving at an accident in an active roadway with traffic is 1. Is anyone hurt? 2. Are the vehicles able to be moved? If no injuries and drivable cars the Officer will immediately direct you off the roadway to a safe location to sort things out. We can tell from the damage alone and statements exactly what happened and where, move to safety on your own. If everyone did this there would be literally 50% less traffic jams in America minimum.
  2. When people get shot they almost never die instantly. In fact the vast majority of people who are shot multiple times live. For example I once got a call for “a man shot”. Got there. 20 year old kid sitting on a stoop. He had been shot 7 times in the chest and stomach with a .45 and 2 more times in his hand/arm. He had run 6 blocks home, called 911 and was sitting there talking to me quite normally when I arrived. I mean shots dead ass center mast and all around the nipples, belly middle, not off to the side shoulder shots or something. He had powder burns we call “stippling” and soot around the entrance wounds, so someone gave him all 10 rounds in the torso at less than 5 feet. He walked to the Ambulance and climbed in when they arrived like 8 minutes later. Saw him around quite a bit after that. He was fine. No permanent problems just a big ass zipper scar from his pubes to his adams apple. My point also is even wounds that are mortal regularly take from 5 minutes to 30 minutes before the person dies and they’re totally functional until then able to shoot and move etc. BTW that kid refused to name his assailant but word quickly got out that Lil Poo from the 18th St Insane Gangster Bloods had shot him (this guy was a Cochran Crip). About a month after this guy gets out of the hospital someone shot Lil Poo coming out of the corner store with a .45 multiple times in the face. No arrest ever made in the case due to lack of witnesses. You know this guy learned his lesson that just shooting someone in the chest might not kill them and just unloaded on this dudes face. His face looked like a Calzone someone threw against a wall.
  3. Trust your instincts and intuitions. If you are getting a weird vibe off a situation or a person, learn to pay attention to that. People can often detect micro expressions that a person is a threat and body language people are putting out that mean to do you harm. You often detect this unconsciously long before your conscious mind dials in and realises something is definitely wrong. You may just feel vaguely uncomfortable. Act on and be aware of your intuition. This has saved me a few times.
  4. If you’re out and about in a larger town and all the sudden have to take a crap it can be difficult to find a clean bathroom. Your best bet is always to go to a really big Hotel like a Hilton, Adams Mark, etc.
  1. ^ The nicer chains have huge lobbies with massive bathrooms done in Marble. Spotless. Some so big you could play half court basketball in there. Even better they’re almost always empty. So if you’re on the road and some high end hotels are nearby that is your best bet.
  2. Lasty, if you want to guarantee your McDonalds fry’s are incredibly hot and right out of the fryer ask for “no salt”. Then just keep some salt packets in the car. It’s the only way to get really hot fries 100% of the time. I hate cold fries. Man….now I want fries. It’s 12:34 at night now…I can make it. They don’t close until 2.

Cake Batter Pancakes

Who says you can’t eat cake for breakfast? These birthday cake pancakes take two amazing sweets and turn them into one celebration-worthy treat that you can enjoy any time of the day.

The secret to these soft and pillowy beauties? Combining Bisquick™ mix and Betty Crocker™ Super Moist™ yellow cake mix together to create an extra-fluffy pancake.

Bright colored sprinkles and a homemade powdered sugar glaze are the icing on these festive cake batter pancakes!




Glaze and Garnish

  • 2 1/2 cups powdered sugar
  • 3 tablespoons plus 2 teaspoons milk
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • Additional candy sprinkles


  • 1
    Heat griddle or skillet over medium-high heat or electric griddle to 375°F; grease with cooking spray, vegetable oil or shortening. (Surface is ready when a few drops of water sprinkled on it dance and disappear.)


  • 2

    In medium bowl, stir together pancake ingredients until blended. Pour by slightly less than 1/4 cupfuls onto hot griddle. Cook until edges are dry. Turn; cook until pancakes are golden brown. Stack on serving plates.


  • 3

    In small bowl, beat powdered sugar, milk and 1/2 teaspoon vanilla with whisk until smooth.

  • 4
    To serve, top each serving with glaze and additional candy sprinkles.

The flaying alive of a corrupt judge, Sisamnes.

A 16th century painting showing the flaying alive of a corrupt judge, Sisamnes, in the year 500 BC.


Sisamnes was a corrupt royal judge at the time of Cambyses II in Persia. It was discovered that he accepted a bribe in court and passed an unfair trial.

As a consequence, the king ordered that he be imprisoned for his corruption and ordered that he be flayed alive.


Before judging, the king asked Sisamnes whom he wished to name as his successor. Sisamnes, in his greed, chose his son, Otanes.

The king agreed and appointed Otanes to replace his father. He later tried and ordered Sisamnes to remove the skin to be used to upholster the seat the new judge would sit on in the courtroom to remind him of the possible consequences of corruption.


Otanes, in his deliberations, was obliged to always remember that he was always sitting on the skin of his executed father.

This helped to ensure fairness and equity in all of its hearings, deliberations and sentencing.

Why Does The United States Just Keep Getting Hit By One Historic Nightmare After Another?


Have you become numb to all the bad news yet?  Almost every single day, something really horrible seems to happen in the United States.  It is just one thing after another and it has been that way for months.  It is as if we are in the midst of some sort of a “perfect storm” that never seems to end.  In all my years of writing, I have never seen anything like this.  There is so much bad news happening right now that it is literally impossible to keep up with it all.  Events are starting to accelerate at a pace that is absolutely breathtaking, and I am extremely concerned about what the remainder of 2022 will look like.

For months, I have been writing extensively about the endless drought in the western half of the nation.  We are being told that it is the worst multi-year megadrought that the region has experienced in 1,200 years, and it just keeps getting worse and worse.

Meanwhile, we are witnessing absolutely unprecedented flooding in the eastern half of the United States.  For example, some parts of Kentucky were just pummeled by more than 10 inches of rain in a 24 hour period…

Heavy rain poured down across eastern Kentucky late Wednesday into Thursday, triggering flash flooding that caused mudslides, washed away homes and roadways and promoted a flash flood emergency. The deluge produced more than 10 inches over a 24-hour period in the hardest-hit areas and came only days after another disastrous flood inundated the St. Louis area.

In some areas, it literally looks like a tsunami has just come through.  One local meteorologist admitted that he does not “have the words” to describe the incredible devastation that has taken place…

Chris Bailey, WKYT’s chief meteorologist said: ‘I don’t have the words to describe the amount of devastation daylight will uncover across eastern Kentucky.

‘This is likely to go down as one of the worst flash flood events to ever hit the state.’

Governor Andy Beshear is telling us that this was “one of the worst and most devastating events in Kentucky’s history”, and he isn’t sure why such bad things keep happening to his state…

Beshear described this as “one of the worst and most devastating events in Kentucky’s history” during the press conference. Beshear said the state was in the middle of an ongoing natural disaster and warned of the possibility for more rain to fall through Thursday night. Damage assessment and restoration were likely to continue for several days, but the dangerous flooding was hindering first responders’ ability to rescue residents, as well as allow utility workers to get power restored.

“I wish I could tell you why we keep getting hit here in Kentucky,” Beshear said. “I wish I could tell you why areas, where people may not have that much, continue to get hit and lose everything. I can’t give you the why, but I know what we do in response to it. And the answer is everything we can. These are our people. Let’s make sure we help them out.”

Of course this disaster in Kentucky came just one day after one of the worst flooding events in the history of the state of Missouri.

We are being told that we just witnessed “the wettest day ever for St. Louis”, and in some areas of the city the water actually got more than 8 feet deep

One person died when a car in St. Louis was found covered in more than 8 feet (2.4 meters) of water. Several puppies drowned when a building became flooded at Stray Paws Adoptables, a stray dog rescue operation in St. Peters, a St. Louis suburb. Firefighters in boats rescued other dogs from the building.

Damage across the region was widespread after a massive downpour dropped more than 12 inches (30 centimeters) of rain in parts of St. Charles County and up to 10 inches (25 centimeters) elsewhere in the St. Louis metropolitan area. Most of the rain fell in a few hours shortly after midnight.

I really wish that we could take all of that water and give it to ranchers and farmers in the western half of the country, because the endless drought is absolutely crushing them.

Meanwhile, the U.S. is now dealing with two major simultaneous pandemics for the first time in my entire life.

Despite everything that health officials have tried, the first pandemic is still raging, and now another frightening disease is spreading like wildfire.

This current monkeypox outbreak began in Europe, but this week the U.S. officially became the world leader in confirmed cases

With more than 18,000 cases worldwide, the monkeypox outbreak is now a global public health emergency, the World Health Organization declared this week. And the U.S. has recorded more monkeypox cases since the beginning of the year than any other country, according to the most recent statistics.

The number of confirmed cases continues to rise at an exponential rate, and this is one disease that you definitely do not want to get.

Many victims have described experiencing absolutely excruciating pain once skin sores start developing, and one man that has had both COVID and monkeypox is telling us that monkeypox is “100 times worse”.

On top of everything that I have already discussed, we just got confirmation that the U.S. economy has plunged into a recession

The U.S. economy contracted for the second straight quarter from April to June, hitting a widely accepted rule of thumb for a recession, the Bureau of Economic Analysis reported Thursday.

Gross domestic product fell 0.9% at an annualized pace for the period, according to the advance estimate. That follows a 1.6% decline in the first quarter and was worse than the Dow Jones estimate for a gain of 0.3%.

Of course Joe Biden will never admit that a recession has now started.

According to him, everything is just great…

Biden noted that ‘both Chairman Powell and many of the significant banking personnel and economists say we’re not in a recession.’

‘Businesses are investing in American in record rates,’ Biden boasted.

But everyone can see what is happening to the economy, and we are being warned that we must endure some “short-term pain” in order to get inflation under control…

“We have to endure the short-term pain in the economy in order to get inflation back under control,” said Tara Sinclair, a senior fellow at the Indeed Hiring Lab. She compared the Fed hiking interest rates and tightening monetary policy to a medical treatment that might require patients to undergo something painful in order to have longer-term health. “Then, going forward, we can have a much more stable environment where we know prices are going to be growing about 2 percent per year, we have more certainty about that, we have a better sense of demand and supply coming together. That’s a better working environment for the economy as a whole, and businesses want that kind of certainty.”

Without a doubt, we desperately need to do something about inflation because it is absolutely eviscerating those at the bottom of the economic food chain.

For example, just consider the plight of one woman that was recently interviewed by CNN

For 17 years, Ana Duran worked full time as a travel counselor. Late last year she lost that job, shortly before seeing the price of eggs rise to $7.99 a dozen and the price of a single avocado rise to $2.99 at her local store. In June, it cost her $94 to fill up her gas tank, instead of the $50 it cost her last year.

Duran has been receiving unemployment benefits and working part-time as a caregiver for a resident at a senior center. To make ends meet, she’s also been selling her own gold jewelry and crushing aluminum cans to recycle for extra cash.

Unfortunately, what the Fed is trying to do isn’t going to work.  The inflation rate will likely stabilize, but we aren’t going back to a low inflation environment.

However, dramatically raising interest rates will definitely crash the housing market.

Ultimately, we are going to get to enjoy 1970s-style inflation and a repeat of the housing crash of 2008 all at the same time.

Won’t that be fun?

A historic economic meltdown of epic proportions has begun, and it is going to get a whole lot worse.

We seem to be in the midst of some sort of a “perfect storm” with no end in sight.

So why is this happening to us?

Why does the United States just keep getting hit by one historic nightmare after another?

We appear to have entered an ominous new chapter in our history, and I believe that events will accelerate even more during the difficult months that are ahead of us.

This Is What Will Happen To The U.S. Economy When We Go To War With China


Nancy Pelosi knows exactly what she is doing.  She knows that going to Taiwan without China’s permission will create a major international incident, but she is doing it anyway.

It is being reported that Pelosi will arrive in Taiwan on Tuesday, spend the night in downtown Taipei on Tuesday night, and then potentially meet with Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen on Wednesday.  If she does meet with Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen, that will infuriate the Chinese even more.

Pelosi is directly challenging China’s sovereignty over the island, and that is something that the Chinese will simply not tolerate.

Chinese President Xi Jinping is on the verge of a third term in office, and so he cannot afford to show any weakness right now.  The following comes from Bloomberg

Her travels come before China’s leadership usually heads to the seaside town of Beidaihe for an annual summer gathering. President Xi Jinping is just months away from a twice-a-decade Communist Party leadership reshuffle where he’s expected to secure a third term in office, increasing the political stakes.

The timing means Xi can’t afford to look weak in response to what Beijing views as foreign interference in its affairs. China held live-fire military drills over the weekend off the coast of Fujian province, which is opposite Taiwan.

In recent days Chinese authorities have been warning us over and over again that China will respond very strongly if Pelosi goes ahead with her visit.

On Monday, yet another very ominous warning was issued…

“We would like to tell the US once again that China is standing by, and the Chinese People’s Liberation Army will never sit idly by. China will take resolute responses and strong countermeasures to defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian told reporters, when asked about the fallout from Pelosi leading a congressional delegation to Taipei.

“As for what measures, if she dares to go, then let’s wait and see,” Zhao added.

This is a threat that isn’t veiled at all.

The Chinese are openly telling us that the People’s Liberation Army will take action if Pelosi goes through with her visit.

And a video was just released on social media which definitely appears to have been intended to send a message

A video by the People’s Liberation Army’s Eastern Theater Command, which showed scenes of military exercises and preparations and was posted on state media sites on Monday evening, urged troops to “stand by in battle formation, be ready to fight upon command, bury all incoming enemies.”

If you have not seen it yet, you can find the video right here.  If you have an understanding of Chinese culture, then you know that things like this are never done lightly.

Here in the United States, we are being told to disregard such “propaganda” and the “empty threats” that the Chinese are supposedly making.

But are they really “empty threats”?

What if they aren’t?  What if the Chinese really mean what they say?

I think that something that Caitlin Johnstone tweeted sums things up quite well…

Russia: Don’t cross our red lines in Ukraine or we’ll take action.

US politicians: They’re bluffing. Cross those red lines.

*Russia invades.*

China: Don’t cross our red lines in Taiwan or we’ll take action.

US politicians: They’re bluffing. Cross those red lines.


Ultimately, the Chinese were probably planning to invade Taiwan fairly soon anyway, but Pelosi’s visit certainly has the potential to greatly accelerate matters.

And even though Taiwanese officials are welcoming Pelosi’s visit, they are also preparing for war at the same time…

Taiwanese defense officials have canceled the leave of some soldiers and officers “to immediately prepare” for the chance of war in response to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Asia this week, according to local reports.

Sadly, war with China is coming.

It is just a matter of time.

So what would such a conflict do to the U.S. economy?

Well, for one thing it would absolutely devastate the pharmaceutical industry

Consider that Chinese firms are said to supply more than 90 percent of US antibiotics, 70 percent of acetaminophen (that’s Tylenol), and almost half of the anti-coagulant heparin. “Are said to” because we struggle even to gather information on this because of the opacity of the Chinese market and state-dominated record keeping. Some studies suggest up to 80 percent of the basic ingredients in US drugs come from the PRC. China is also the second largest exporter of biologics and the prime source of medical devices per the FDA. In some cases, it appears that India is a prime source of a key import – generics, for example – but that masks the fact that India sources up to 75 percent of its own pharma ingredients from China.

The food industry would also be turned upside down.  In fact, it is being reported that “it is almost impossible to have a diet with foods that were not produced in China”…

According to, experts believe that it is almost impossible to have a diet with foods that were not produced in China. 

Products such as chips and garlic are produced in China. 

Spices and herbs such as ginger and garlic are grown in China and exported to foreign markets. 

Chinese factories make vegetarian meat products. 

Many canned foods on market shelves were manufactured in China.

Our ability to produce our own food would also be greatly affected, because China produces so much of our farm machinery

Farm machinery such as tractors, egg incubators and harvesters are manufactured in China. Chain saws, wood chippers and shredders are also produced in the country. Elevators and bulldozers are also assembled in China.

Are you starting to get the picture?

We should have never become so dependent on Chinese production, because it really is a major national security threat.

Of course the Chinese also produce a lot of our clothes

Chinese factories manufacture winter coats, gloves, mittens and hats for consumers around the world. These factories also produce maternity clothes and infant clothes as well as wedding dresses and tuxedos. Underwear, T-shirts and slips are among the items exported from China to consumers around the world. Sports caps are also produced in China as are belts and bras.

And it turns out that 70 percent of our shoes come from China too…

The United States sources 99 percent of shoes sold from overseas, with 70 percent of those coming from the PRC. Same with 72 percent of smartphones. The artificial sweeteners in Diet Coke. Toys, furniture, sports equipment … what you buy every time you go to Target.

The moment we go to war with them, the flow of cheap goods from China completely stops.

In addition, once the Chinese invade Taiwan there will be an absolutely excruciating computer chip shortage.

It was recently being projected that chipmakers in Taiwan would have a 66 percent share of the total global market by the end of 2023…

Taiwan’s contract chipmakers will expand their global market share to 66% by revenue this year, cementing the island’s dominant position in the chip supply chain, a new industry forecast shows.

As I have discussed previously, just about every industry in the United States relies on equipment that contains computer chips.

If the flow of chips from Taiwan is eliminated, the entire global economy would come to a crashing halt.

I am not just talking about a recession or a depression.

I am talking about an economic collapse on a scale that most people would not be able to comprehend right now.

This is why I am so horrified by what Nancy Pelosi is doing.

In a book that I published two years ago, I specifically warned that war with China would be coming.

Now Nancy Pelosi has us right on the brink of such a conflict.

I don’t even have the words to describe how reckless our leaders are being.

Let us hope that cooler heads will prevail, because once war with China starts nothing in this country will ever be the same again.

Ten years!


The late king of a certain community had ten wild dogs. He used them to torture and eat any of his servants who made a mistake. One of the servants gave an opinion that was wrong, and the king didn’t like it at all. So he ordered that the servant be thrown to the dogs.

The servant said, “I served you for ten years, and you do this to me? Please give me ten days before throwing me to those dogs!” The king agreed.

In those ten days, the servant went to the guard who looks after the dogs and told him he would like to serve the dogs for the next ten days. The guard was baffled but agreed, and the servant started feeding the dogs, cleaning for them, bathing them, and providing all sorts of comfort for them.

When the ten days were over, the king ordered that the servant be thrown to the dogs for his punishment. When he was thrown in, we were all amazed to see the ravenous dogs only licking the feet of the servant!

The king, baffled at what he was seeing, said,

”What has happened to my dogs?”

The servant replied, “I served the dogs for only ten days, and they didn’t forget my service. Yet I served you for a whole ten years and you forgot all, at my first mistake!”

The king realized his mistake and ordered the servant to be set free.

This is a message to all those who forget the good things a person does for them as soon as the person makes a mistake towards them. Don’t put out the history that is filled with good because of a mistake you don’t like.

Jean-Luc Mélenchon calls Nancy Pelosi’s Taiwan visit an American ‘provocation’

The leader of La France Insoumise believes in his weekly blog post that "there is only one China" in reference to the mainland and that "Taiwan is a full component of China."

Le Monde with AFP

Published on August 5, 2022 at 09h44, updated at 09h50 on August 5, 2022

Time to 1 min.

Lire en français

Amid tensions between Taipei and Beijing, La France Insoumise (LFI) leader Jean-Luc Mélenchon called the US House Speaker’s trip to Taiwan a “provocation,” saying in a blog post published on Wednesday, August 3 that “there is only one China.”

Nancy Pelosi’s initiative, taken as part of an Asian tour, is seen by China as support for Taiwanese independence advocates and a reneging on the US pledge not to have official relations with the island.

In his post, Jean-Luc Mélenchon wrote that “Taiwan is a fully-fledged component of China,” using a term used by the Beijing regime but rejected by the Taipei authorities.

The current president of Taiwan, Tsai Ing-wen, comes from a pro-independence party and, unlike the previous government, refuses to recognize that the island and the mainland are part of “the same China.”

Chinese Embassy thanks Mélenchon

“The Chinese will solve the problem among themselves. There is no other reasonable outcome possible,” said Mr. Mélenchon, accusing the United States of wanting to “open a new front.”

This is not a new position for Mr. Mélenchon, who in 2021 rejected the idea of a “cold war with China” when discussing a proposal for a resolution in the Assemblée Nationale in favor of Taiwan being included in the work of international organizations.

In the evening, the Chinese embassy in France tweeted to thank Jean-Luc Melenchon “for his consistent support for the one-China policy.”

On Thursday, Beijing launched the largest military maneuvers in its historyaround Taiwan in a heavy-handed response to US House leader Nancy Pelosi’s visit to the island. The Chinese military also launched a series of missiles that flew over Taiwan before falling for the first time into Japan’s exclusive economic zone (EEZ). Twenty-two Chinese fighter jets briefly entered Taiwan’s air defense zone on Thursday, Taiwan’s defense minister said.

For Beijing, these maneuvers are “a necessary and legitimate measure” after Ms. Pelosi’s visit. There have been an increasing number of trips to Taiwan by foreign officials and politicians in recent years, provoking the ire of Beijing each time.

Le Monde with AFP

Translation of an original article published in French on; the publisher may only be liable for the French version.

Severe Economic Desperation Rises Rapidly All Over America As Nearly Half The Nation Cuts Back Spending On Food


It is starting to look a lot like 2008.  Extremely long lines are forming at food banks all over the country, job losses and layoffs are starting to spike, countless small businesses are right on the brink of going under, a housing crash that could be even worse than what we witnessed in 2008 has begun, and large numbers of Americans are actually moving into sheds in a desperate attempt to save money.  This new economic downturn is still only in the very early stages, and yet the economic suffering that we are already seeing all over the country is truly frightening.  If people are struggling this much now, what will conditions be like six months down the road?

If you find yourself cutting back spending on groceries and gasoline these days, you are definitely not alone.

According to a Suffolk University/USA TODAY survey that was just released, about half the nation is in the same boat

According to the survey, 45.3 percent of Americans have had to cut back their spending on groceries, and 59.4 percent said they are now going out to eat less often as the result of inflation.

Another 48 percent said they are driving less, and 45.4 percent said they are postponing or canceling vacations/travel plans due to rising costs.

Inflation is absolutely eviscerating our standard of living, and millions upon millions of Americans are deeply hurting right now.

And when people are deeply hurting, they often become quite desperate.

There has been a very alarming rise in shoplifting all over the United States, and food and other essentials have become prime targets.

In New York City, things have gotten so bad that one store has actually decided to start “locking up cases of Spam”

With robberies up nearly 40 percent in New York City, it’s perhaps no surprise that a local pharmacy has taken the extreme steps of locking up cases of Spam.

Twitter user Willy Staley noticed the tins of $3.99 processed meat sealed in a theft-proof plastic container at the Duane Reade inside the Port Authority bus depot in Midtown Manhattan – known as one of New York’s grimiest areas.

Staley also found a $3.49 tin of Celebrity ham, which retails for a similar price, protected with the same measure.

You can see a photo of spam in a “theft-proof plastic container” right here.

I have a couple of reactions to this.

First of all, who in the world would pay $3.99 for a can of Spam?  It is absolutely disgusting and I wouldn’t eat it under any circumstances even if someone gave it to me for free.

Secondly, why would anyone ever steal a can of Spam when they are so many other options that are actually edible?

I just don’t understand.

Of course it isn’t just Spam that is being locked up these days.  According to CNN, at this point a lot of retailers have been transformed into “fortresses” due to rapidly rising theft…

These days, it feels like many stores are fortresses.

Most of the products on the drug store shelf are behind lock and key, even everyday items such as deodorant, toothpaste, candy, dish detergent, soap and aluminum foil. Manufacturers that supply lock cases and devices to chain stores have seen their businesses boom.

The reason why this is happening on such a widespread basis is because “organized retail crime” has become a really big thing here in the United States…

Walgreens and Rite Aid have said that the problem of organized retail crime — rings of criminals that steal products from stores and then often resell them on online marketplaces — is causing them to lock more products up and close some stores.

If this is taking place while the U.S. economy is still at least somewhat relatively stable, what will it be like once we officially plunge into a full-blown economic depression?

Another very troubling sign is the massive lines that we are starting to see at food banks all over the country.

According to Zero Hedge, food banks from coast to coast are reporting “record high demand and record low supply”…

In the past month there has been a steady stream of reports from pantries across the US stating that they are now hitting record high demand and record low supply.  From New York to Wisconsin to Ohio to Missouri to Florida to Arkansas to California and beyond, pantries are running out.  On top of that, it’s the middle of summer – The busiest time for food banks and the Salvation Army is during the winter holidays.

The majority of pantries indicate that they are most in need of cash donations and that these have started to fade out.  When it comes to necessities, most people will not or cannot reduce the frequency of their purchases.  Food, gas, housing, utilities, etc. are fixed income costs, and when these costs rise workers must cut costs elsewhere.  Charities are usually the first to see the chopping block.

The level of demand at our food banks is only going to increase during the months ahead.

At some point there simply will not be enough food for everyone.

I really hope that you are getting prepared for the very difficult times that are coming, because there will be a limit to what charitable organizations are able to do for you.

Some Americans are attempting to radically reduce their expenses by literally moving into a shed.

One woman in Texas that was interviewed by Newsweek really regretted spending all of her money on a shed because the living conditions turned out to not be pleasant at all

A woman’s account of her life in a $2,000 shed during the Texas heatwave has sparked an anguished debate about affordable housing.

Elizabeth Rishforth, posting on TikTok under the username @a_nobody_goodbye, shared a video of herself red-faced and sweating on June 23. She was living in a shed without electricity or running water in Houston, Texas, she said.

“Me and my boyfriend [used] all the savings we had to get the shed,” Rishforth told Newsweek.

But others have found “shed life” to be quite nice.

A mother of four named Jessica Taylor is actually loving “shed life” even though her family uses a “composting bathroom”

“One of the things people find really weird about us living in a shed is that we use a composting bathroom rather than a traditional toilet,” Taylor, 30, who now resides in a lofted shed in western Tennessee, told The Post.

“It’s a bucket system,” the former bartender-turned-home-schooler (or shed-schooler) explained of her hut’s outhouse. “And [when] you [urinate or defecate], you cover it with wood chips each time. After two days, whether the bucket is full or not, we dump [the waste] into a composting bin in the woods, and then after a couple of years, [the waste] turns into soil for ornamental plants.“

In recent months, housing has become the most unaffordable that it has ever been in the United States, and so “shed life” has absolutely exploded in popularity.

In fact, the “#ShedLife” hashtag has now been shared on TikTok more than 22 million times

On TikTok, shed dwellers have stamped videos of their hovels-turned-homes with the hashtag #ShedLife over 22.2 million times.

“More and more people are breaking free from the mindset that you have to have the big expensive, fancy house to feel like they’re making it,” said Taylor of the allure of shed life. “There’s value in living modestly. We’re able to spend more time together gardening and enjoying nature rather than working to afford lavish accommodations.”

What about you?

Would you like to live in a shed?

As the economy continues to deteriorate, more and more Americans will be forced to choose “alternative lifestyles” in the months ahead.

But of course the elite are going to continue to insist that everything is just fine.  If you can believe it, the definition of “recession” on Wikipedia was just changed to reflect the narrative of the Biden administration, and it has been locked to prevent any additional editing.

Do they actually believe that such heavy-handed measures will be effective?

The truth is that most Americans know that we are in a recession, and many have pointed out that even Bill Clinton has publicly acknowledged that a recession happens when GDP is negative for two quarters in a row.

But as I noted earlier, what we have been through so far is just the tip of the iceberg.

This economic downturn is going to get a lot worse, and that means that millions upon millions of Americans will soon become even more desperate.

Nucleus 7


This simple cylindrical object that you can see in the photo is called Nucleus 7 or Witness 7, and it is much more enigmatic than it seems. Why? because it remains a mystery to science.

It was found in Egypt, in 1881, in the excavations of Flinders Petri in the temple of the Valley of Khafre.

It is a granite cylinder with such peculiar characteristics that, even today, we do not know how the ancient Egyptians could carve it with the tools they had. In the granite rocks of the lintel of the doors of the temple there are some rounded indentations that were used as hinges in which the hinge of the door was inserted.


The incredible thing is that, in some of the lintels, there are cylindrical indentations in which you can see striations that reveal that they were made mechanically, with a rotary tool.


From the engravings and drawings found in Egypt, it is known that the Egyptians had metal chisels and saws, and the remains found reveal that this metal was copper. It doesn’t seem like they had harder metals.

Copper can be used to cut wood, limestone or even sandstone, but granite is much harder, it is materially impossible that copper could cut granite. Images of two workmen handling a copper-tipped bow drill have been seen on Egyptian murals.

Using a cylindrical copper drill and with an abrasive such as sand in the groove, the Egyptians could have drilled and removed cylindrical cores from a granite stone, but the striations that would remain on the surface of the core would be very fine and drawn on both sides. rotation directions.

The grooves of Nucleus 7 form a continuous spiral, which always goes in the same direction, so it could not be done with a bow drill, but in any case handled with a lathe that always turned in the same direction, a lathe that was not has shown that they have.


The distance between the grooves reveals that the advance speed of the drill had to be very high, almost one millimeter per rotation, which indicates that it had to be done with a material of great hardness and exerting great pressure.

Could the Egyptians have made a cylindrical drill with the edge of diamond or another material of similar hardness? Or put another way, would they have a technology, which has not yet been discovered, much more advanced than we thought?

It is something recurrent in relation to the ancient world, and inexplicable discoveries continue to be made with the information we have today.


Not an MM story, but I found it cute. -MM

This is Gypsy, my precious little cat:


He was only 5 weeks old when some horrible person threw him out of their car on the highway in Southern Arkansas.

My dad saw him, stopped and picked him up and took him home.

His nail beds were ripped out and as you can maybe see in the picture, his face was all cut up.

I slept on the bathroom floor with him that night and he crawled out of the basket we put him in and curled up on my neck.

I put him back in the basket over and over and he would just cry and meow and climb back out again onto my neck.

Finally I let him sleep there.

The next morning we took him to the vet and the vet fudged his age up a couple weeks so I could buy Gypsy an airline ticket.

Two days later I flew with him back to California where I live.

He is now 11 months old and living very happily up in his new home in the Sierra Nevadas.



More horrifying than any Hollywood movie studio could ever imagine.

The Domain Commander’s comments from Q&A #11 was posted on Veterans Today. In my mind, that is the highest honor that anyone can offer me. I am truly humbled. I just hope that I can live up to the respect that VT has provided MM. Sincerely and seriously.

The big news is that Olivia Newton John died. I was a big fan in the day. She died at 73, after thirty plus year of fighting breast cancer. In honor of her, let me present this video.

Olivia Newton-John – Magic

Please enjoy.

A simple truth


The class is asked this question…

Date : 19–05–2017

Place : College lecture hall.

The professor displayed a given photo on the screen and asked:

Question : Do you see anything wrong in the given image?


  • Some of the students said that only one girl in the photo was black, while others were white.
  • Some of them referred to the dress and stated that everyone had same the dress pattern except one.
  • Some of them said only one girl was standing.
  • Some students said that all the girls have black hair except one.

After 4–5 minutes.

Me : “Sir, in the given image, the girl in the middle has two right legs. That’s not possible so it is wrong (I judged it because of the position of hallux- thumb toe in both the legs).”


The hall was filled, for minute, with a huge round of applause.


Saiyam Gandhi

Policy By Other Means – By Helmholtz Smith

by Helmholtz Smith

“Hybrid war”. Western propagandists love the expression “The bad guys are doing nasty underhand things to counter our clean-cut decent and wholly justified activities” but they are just making noise. As Clausewitz knew, however, there is an actual meaning:

We see, therefore, that War is not merely a political act, but also a real political instrument, a continuation of political commerce, a carrying out of the same by other means. All beyond this which is strictly peculiar to War relates merely to the peculiar nature of the means which it uses (...) for the political view is the object, War is the means, and the means must always include the object in our conception.

In this sense, all intelligently-conducted wars are “hybrid wars” advancing on many levels to achieve the “political object” by “other means”.

What is the “object”?

Moscow knows that NATO/USA is the real enemy and that the wretched Ukrainians are its puppets and their looted and worn-out country is the arena. Putin himself has said that NATO’s threat to Russia must be stopped. NATO, and the European Union with which it is closely linked, must be exposed as useless, actively harmful to their members and their hostility defeated.

NATO, which loves to pose as peaceful (despite the five or six wars it’s started in the last quarter-century), cannot or will not understand Russia’s point of view. Moscow will shove its face in it. Putin says that he has many times tried other means (Munich 2007 being one of the earliest). Those means having failed, he’s using these means this time.

Far-ranging aims require a multi-front attack. Let us consider the fronts.

MILITARY FRONT. Putin has explained the aims – denazification and demilitarization Maybe they could have been achieved through negotiation – although years of Kiev ignoring the Minsk Agreements suggest not – but that didn’t happen. Maybe Moscow hoped that its feint on Kiev might prevent a bloody slog but that didn’t happen either. And so the battle of annihilation is on – Ukraine’s military power is being smashed and the Nazis killed.

It’s taking a long time for several reasons. Imagine the Western Front trench line but with three times as long to build it and concrete rather than sandbags and wood. Russia and its allies attacked with smaller forces. The allied forces are moving slowly to reduce their casualties and because they are in no particular hurry. The Ukrainians are resisting very tenaciously and NATO is egging them on. The Ukrainian forces are being methodically slaughtered, allied casualties are a fraction of that because “artillery conquers and infantry occupies”.

DIPLOMATIC FRONT. The West likes claim that Russia is isolated. But, in terms of population, the so-called “International Community” represents only 15 to 20 percent of the world and the Russians are well-received elsewhere. Here’s Lavrov very much in the thick of things at ASEAN, in Africa (note media attempts to spin it away) and the Arab world.

Russia isn’t isolated at all and its diplomacy is having effect. US diplomacy, on the other hand, is just threats – Africa is warned, China threatened.

ECONOMIC FRONT. When Moscow began its “special military operation”, it expected that Nordstream 2 would be stopped because it knew the West was stuck on the idea that the Russian economy is dependent on selling energy to Europe – “Russia cannot afford to cut its sales of oil. Moscow had its response ready – hostile countries have to pay in rubles.

What’s Europe’s response? Hurt Putin by not showering. Don’t, he doesn’t care. Of course the price went up and Moscow has probably completely funded the operation out of the increased revenue. The West is discovering – and, advised as it is by people like Aslund, to its astonishment – that “the country that doesn’t make anything” is a big producer of lots of essential things.

Moscow knew Washington would stick Europeans with the check – just as Washington will fight to the last Ukrainian, it will sanction until the last European freezes. The economic war is doing more damage to Russia’s enemies. They will either figure this out and change their behavior or they won’t and they’ll suffer. Moscow waits knowing that it wins either way.

PROPAGANDA FRONT. It is a common sentiment that Moscow is losing the propaganda war but I’m not convinced. Propaganda has to have some basis in truth – instead we have the martyrs of Snake Island miraculously reviving, the ghostly Ghost of Kiev, million-man armies disappearing, Kherson counter attacks put off again, maternity hospital bombings exposed by the bombed-out mothers, bodies thoughtfully left out to be seen, Russia begging China, Iran or North Korea for weapons, another “game-changer” weapon.

Russia was running out of ammunition in March, April, June and July. You have to be pretty comatose to still believe this. The propagandists have lost their skills. And reality leaks out through the holes in these flimsy tales. Witness the reception of the Amnesty International report that Ukrainian tactics are “putting civilians at risk and violating the laws of war when they operate in populated areas“.

Putin’s propagandists” chides The Times; “cannot be tolerated” says Zelensky; “Russian propaganda” as she quits. No news to us who have seen Azov fighters sheltering behind civilians in Mariupol, weapons hidden in shopping centers, troops setting up in schools. But it’s a shocker to believers of the Western narrative (especially Vogue readers!).

Skeptics know that the difference between a conspiracy theory and reported truth is a few months. In June it was Russian disinformation that corrupt officials were selling Western weapons, in August it’s news. Zelensky a hero then, corrupt now. Expect more “disinformation” transforming into truth.

JUDO. Putin is well known to be a judo master. Judo is the art of using the opponent’s movements against it. That’s what we are seeing. On every front Russia has time on its side and escalation dominance. The impotence of NATO and the EU – in fact the actual damage that membership in either brings – is more perceptible every day as winter approaches.

Europe’s, the West’s, predominance stood on three legs. The power to compel others. The captivating halo of success. The wealth to fund the other two. Watch this little video – not much respect there. I expect we will see more vignettes like this.

The statue is hollow, the Mandate of Heaven is shifting.

Posted by b on August 8, 2022 at 6:54 UTC | Permalink


A very solid Essay, thought provoking. Some comments:

Military Front – NATOland is Setting up for a very long war. From NATOland’s perspective, Ukraine is only one theater of many. We can expect all sorts of de-stabilization efforts on the periphery of Russia/Eurasia.

Diplomatic Front – it’s slowly dawning on State that 80% of the world is ignoring them We can expect a big push made to corral neutrals back on the reservation. Color Revolutions or similar regime change will be tried in India, Mexico, Brazil, etc.etc.

Economic Front – it’s unlikely that Euro politicians will change their sanctions tune. Euro Pols are intensely Atlantists. Even if the current Euro gov‘ts fall and new elections are held; the new gov‘t will still be Atlantist. The only real possibility for a change in European attitude towards Eurasian lies in Washington. Only, If there is a dramatic change in Washington‘s foreign policy consensus will the Euros change. And….the only way the Washington foreign policy consensus might change is through collapse or revolution. De-dollarization might be the catalyst for either of those unwelcome events. However, de-dollarization will take many years.

Propaganda Front – other than within NATOland; most of the world has accepted the narrative of Moscow and Peking. Check the MFA Websites of various neutrals. They are very much reflecting the Moscow/Peking point of view.

Just some further thoughts on this very good essay.

– Exile



Automotive Design


Guys In a car Incase you find yourself under water in a car don’t panic

1. Don’t waste your energy trieng to push the door

2. Don’t open the window the force of water entering the car won’t allow you out

3. Take out the head rest

4. Use the steel sharp point to go and break the back window written kick out glass

The car by engineering and design is meant to float in water and the back window will always be facing exit

This can save your life

Russia Suspends On-Site Inspections of Nuclear Weapons under START Treaty with USA

Effective immediately, the Russian Federations has SUSPENDED all on-site nuclear weapons inspections as called-for under the START Treaty with the United States.

No inspection of Russian nuclear weapons will be allowed pursuant to the Suspension.

One aspect of START Treaty weapons inspections is to see the actual physical location of certain nuclear weapons.  In particular, Russia’s road-mobile nuclear weapons located on Transporter-Erector-Launcher (TEL) trucks.

This means the USA will no longer be able to verify how many such weapons Russia has, or where those weapons actually are.


This Suspension of inspections is because of travel restrictions imposed by Washington and its allies against Russia.

Inspection conditions proposed by Washington created “unilateral advantages for the United States and effectively deprive the Russian Federation of the right to conduct inspections on American territory,” the Moscow foreign ministry said in a statement.

Russia says it remains fully committed to complying with all the provisions of the treaty.

The United States and its allies including Britain and the European Union closed their airspace to Russian planes as part of a barrage of sanctions imposed in response to Russia’s decision to send its armed forces into Ukraine in February.

The New START Treaty, which came into force in 2011, caps the number of strategic nuclear warheads that the United States and Russia can deploy, and the deployment of land- and submarine-based missiles and bombers to deliver them.

U.S. President Joe Biden said last Monday that his administration was ready to “expeditiously” negotiate a framework to replace New START, which is due to expire in 2026, if Moscow demonstrated its willingness to resume work on nuclear arms control.

But Russia’s mission to the United Nations said Washington had withdrawn from separate talks with Moscow on strategic stability over the Ukraine conflict, and needed to decide what it wanted.

The following day, the Kremlin said time was running out to negotiate a replacement for New START, putting global security at risk.

The conflict in Ukraine has raised political tensions to levels not seen since the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, with politicians in both Russia and the United States speaking publicly of the risk of World War Three.

Moscow says it was forced to intervene in Ukraine to defend Russian-speakers from persecution and avert a Western threat to use Ukraine to threaten Russia’s security. Kyiv and its Western allies say these are baseless pretexts for an imperial-style land grab.

Why I LOVE China and the CPC

My 50 Year Odyssey to Truth and Enlightenment


Why do I love China and the Communist Party of China (CPC)?

It was not always the case.

In fact, for the majority of my life, some 48 years, I hated China and I hated the CPC!

Why This Article

I want to tell my odyssey, my journey to the West, that has taken me far far away from my Motherland.

I hope to connect with a few overseas Chinese who feel similar yearnings that I feel now towards China. I would like to connect with those who feel helplessly sinking in the sea of Western “narratives” or LIES about China promulgated in the mass media, the mainstream and so-called “alternative” media in the West, especially in the USA and Canada.

I am also hoping to connect with a few mainland Chinese who might be able to help me return back to China.

Who knows maybe I will get lucky and President Xi Jinping will hear about my odyssey and be moved to grant me my Chinese citizenship again!

The Arc of My 50 Year Odyssey

It all began one night in Shanghai in early 1972. I don’t remember the exact date as I was only 6 and 1/2 years old when this traumatic event happened and it affected the course of my entire life.

But before I get to that seminal story of how my hatred of China and the CPC began, here is a speech that I gave in early December 2001 (or 2002 I forgot) in the Financial District in San Francisco, California with a bullhorn in hand!

The title on my rambling speech that I literally shouted at the lunchtime passerby’s was “A Warning Of Today’s Holocaust”:

 Communists in China have killed over 60 million Chinese people since they have taken over China. Freedom and justice do not exist in Communist China today. Many “Made in China” goods found at Kmart, Wal-Mart, and elsewhere are produced by the slave labor of Chinese people suffering in Laogai concentration camps.

Chinese Communists have killed over 1 million Tibetans. They are currently waging a cultural genocide to wipe out all Tibetan culture through massive population transfer.

Chinese Communists are readying to take Taiwan by force that could lead to the killing of thousands and maybe millions of Taiwan’s people.

Chinese Communists are threatening the people of the United States with nuclear ICBM’s.

Western governments, liberal and conservative, including the United States are beholden to multinational corporations. These companies are interested in two things: (1) captive markets to sell their goods (i.e., totalitarian countries like China), and (2) cheap labor to lower their costs of production (i.e., slave labor found in countries like China).

Western governments and the multinational corporations reason that greater trade with Communist China will somehow cause the Communist dictators to allow freedom and democracy to flourish. The fallacy of this argument was clearly demonstrated by the Tiananmen Square massacre and by the current persecution of the Falun Gong and Zhong Gong spiritual groups.

The motto of the Communists is “Retain power at all costs.” Sacrificing the few or the many to control the rest is their means. The massacre at the Tiananmen Square and its aftermath serve as a stark warning to the Chinese people and to the world.

The truth of China and Tibet today is not really known by the ordinary people of the West. If they realized what is happening, they would equate this to what happened in Nazi Germany in the 1940’s — but worse, a lot worse.

Would Westerners buy Nazi goods produced from concentration camps? Would they help the Nazis build their war machine if they knew the truth?

History has a tendency to repeat itself for those who never learn from it. If the IOC gives the 2008 Olympics to Communist China, it’s Nazi 1936 all over again. Except this time the enemy has the means to destroy millions of people in a matter of minutes.

“Never again….” Repeated again. Today. . . . 

Everything in my speech is a LIE!

Except for this statement: “The truth of China and Tibet today is not really known by the ordinary people of the West.” But not in the way that I meant it in 2001!


This event of my San Francisco speech was the nadir of my odyssey to the West.

In 2003, I began to suspect that some of the “facts” listed in my speech were not truthful.

However, it wasn’t until early 2020 and the onset of Covid-19 that I finally realized that everything I thought I knew about China and the CPC were LIES. Finally, the insidious and toxic veil was completely lifted from my mind and my heart about the truth and reality of China and the CPC.

I was finally liberated! Free at last! Free at last! Free at last!

But my odyssey was long and arduous and painful. And it is not over yet.

I will return back to my Motherland to contribute what I will towards China’s National Rejuvenation.

One Night In Shanghai

I was born in Shanghai in July 1965. My parents are both medical doctors. When I was around 5 years old, my parents left me in Shanghai with my uncle Jack, my father’s younger brother. With my little sister, they went to Kunming for work purposes. They believed that the quality of life in Shanghai would be better for me, being their first child and only son and all. So I lived with Jack on the small piece of land that my paternal grandfather had bought before the Communists liberated China.

On this land, which exists today as a public park, there were 3 very small houses. I slept in the middle one, a single bedroom house.

One night in late January or early February 1972, eight plain-clothed local policemen came into my room, just as Jack was tucking me into bed. Of course, in those days, nobody locked their doors or gates. God forbid! Only criminals and counter-revolutionaries would do such a horrible thing!

My bedroom is square in shape, with the entrance door in the middle of one wall and my bed leaning against the opposite wall. Looking towards the door from my bed, to my left is an old jukebox radio, one that had large push buttons for selecting various radio stations.

Six of these policemen took Jack to my right and they were engaged in some discussion that I couldn’t hear. The two other policemen went to the jukebox radio to my left.

I had a bird’s eye view of everything.

Looking at the two policemen, I noticed that one of them was pushing various buttons on the jukebox radio. Then the other one shouted out to Jack across the room asking or rather demanding, “Did you do this?”

In China at that time, it was illegal to listen to radio stations from Hong Kong or Taiwan. Parenthetically, I hear that it’s “illegal” in Taiwan to listen/watch certain mainland Chinese media in 2022! The duo policemen were accusing my uncle of listening to an illegal radio station with evidence that they manufactured right in front of my eyes!

Of course, Jack protested that he wasn’t listening to any illegal radio station. But his protests were in vain and they took him away right there and then.

Just as they were all leaving my bedroom, I stood up on my bed and pointed to one of the two policemen with my right hand and shouted as loud as I could, “He did it! He did it!”

But the lonely voice of a little child was not enough that night.

My uncle Jack ended up in some reform jail for 30 days.

I was left alone with our nanny and cook for what seemed like years to a six year old.

Years later, we were able to piece together what really happened and why Jack was take away to reform jail.

But the scar from that night left an indelible mark on my soul and damaged my views and opinions about China for the next 48 years!

From that night onward, I feared and hated China and the CPC!

Nixon in China

From February 21 through 28, 1972, US President Nixon visited China. It was a historical event. From the American objective, the intended purpose of this visit was to draw China into America’s orbit, to counter the Soviet Union. From the Chinese objective, it was the baby steps towards opening China to the West once again.

Incidentally, the geopolitical tango among Russia, China, and the United States has always been the key to the stability or instability on this planet. This is even more true today in 2022 with the events unfolding in Ukraine and Taiwan.

If people remember anything about that historical visit, they remember Nixon meeting with Chairman Mao in Beijing. What they forget is that Nixon also stopped in Shanghai before flying to Beijing.

This is where the trouble began for my uncle. Apparently, Nixon landed at Shanghai’s Hung Chiao Airport which is located very close to our land. Don’t ask me how close (maybe 5 km), but close enough that our local police decided weeks before the important visit to round up all the potential “rabble rousers” and “trouble makers”.

Being a somewhat free thinker with no job and in his 20s, Jack was lumped into the “trouble maker” category. So, he was rounded up with the rest of undesirables a few weeks before Nixon graced our neighbourhood.

During his initial stopover before flying to Beijing, Nixon was only in Shanghai for one hour, but the pre-fallout of his visit lasted a lifetime for me.

Leaving China for Canada/USA

My family left China in October 1973 (my mother joined us later) for Hong Kong. Don’t ask me how that was accomplished, as it was very rare for Chinese citizens to leave China legally in the early 1970s. That story could be another future article!

In October 1974, we left for Vancouver, Canada. I grew up in Vancouver and Victoria, British Columbia. I got my Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineer from the University of British Columbia in 1989.

After my graduation, I left for the United States where I spent approximately the next 20 years working as a mechanical engineer, project engineer and project manager. I was a professionally licensed mechanical engineer in the state of California.

For the first 4 years, I joined what turned out to be a spiritual cult in Montana! Of course, you find out about these sticky and uncomfortable truths after the fact!

American Cult

It was during my sojourn in the USA that my opinions about China hardened to such a degree that my resultant false beliefs led me to give that public speech in San Francisco.

The cult that I had join, like a lot of cults, is extremely pro-USA and anti-China. Incidentally, the Washington Times, a newspaper owned by the Moonies or the Unification Church, a Korean cult with considerable influence in South Korea, Japan and the USA, is extremely pro-USA and anti-China. The Epoch Times, an “alternative” news rag owned by the Falun Gong cult, is over-the-top pro-USA and anti-China. Their “news” about China are re-posted by an influential alternative news blog called which is quite popular with libertarians and the “free market” believers.

Permit me to say the following about cults in general:

If I can summarize the defining characteristic or modus operandi or spiritual DNA of all cults, the words of George W. Bush encapsulates it best: “You are either with us or you are against us!”

As long as you is going along with the cult’s teachings and philosophy and actions, everything is hunky dory and you are treated as a “member of the family”. But once you cross that line against their teachings or their philosophy or their actions, then you instantaneously become a persona non grata and their mortal enemy.

The United States of America, at the level of its governing elites which alternates between the left and the right every so often, is basically a cult, a very dangerous and vindictive cult. Many Americans who believe religiously in the American MYTH are members of the American cult. 

It was also in the USA that the LIES about China and the MYTHS about the USA began to unravel for me.

I want to address four of them now (before continuing to tell my odyssey), and expose them for the LIES and MYTHS that they are, as they have affected me and many others very deeply. Sadly, they continue to do so for millions of people around the world.

1. Tibet Genocide LIE

One of the LIES that I learned while I was with the cult in Montana, called the Summit Lighthouse (TSL) and the Church Universal and Triumphant (CUT), is the genocide of 1.2 million Tibetans and the destruction of over 5,000 Tibetan monasteries. This was and still is one of their fundamental political “teachings”.

Along with Hollywood movies about Tibet that feature A-list movie stars like Brad Pitt, it was all too easy to swallow this particularly insidious LIE hook, line and sinker.

Michael Parenti, one of the few progressives in America who talks about the ugly and genocidal reality of the American Empire, wrote an article called “Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth”. I encourage everyone who wants to know the truth about Tibet and China’s liberation of Tibet to read his article which can be found at:

Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth (2007)
Michael Parenti • Red Sails • December 2020 • 7,900 Words

Basically, before Tibet was liberated by the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) in 1951, Tibet was a medieval kingdom of land-owning lamas, secular leaders, serfs, and slaves. Many more serfs and slaves (95%) than important lamas and secular leaders (5%). The important land-owning lamas, whose progeny is now paraded in the West as “holy men” with their “ancient wisdom” dressed in saffron robes, were in fact slave owners. They maintained a brutal system of serfdom and slavery for centuries for their exclusive benefit and pleasure.

Up until 1959.

Quoting from Parenti’s article:

 [The] Drepung monastery was one of the biggest landowners in the world, with its 185 manors, 25,000 serfs, 300 great pastures, and 16,000 herdsmen. The wealth of the monasteries rested in the hands of small numbers of high-ranking lamas. Most ordinary monks lived modestly and had no direct access to great wealth. The Dalai Lama himself “lived richly in the 1000-room, 14-story Potala Palace.”

Secular leaders also did well. A notable example was the commander-in-chief of the Tibetan army, a member of the Dalai Lama’s lay Cabinet, who owned 4,000 square kilometers of land and 3,500 serfs. Old Tibet has been misrepresented by some Western admirers as “a nation that required no police force because its people voluntarily observed the laws of karma.” In fact, it had a professional army, albeit a small one, that served mainly as a gendarmerie for the landlords to keep order, protect their property, and hunt down runaway serfs.

Young Tibetan boys were regularly taken from their peasant families and brought into the monasteries to be trained as monks. Once there, they were bonded for life. Tashì-Tsering, a monk, reports that it was common for peasant children to be sexually mistreated in the monasteries. He himself was a victim of repeated rape, beginning at age nine. The monastic estates also conscripted children for lifelong servitude as domestics, dance performers, and soldiers. 

The Dalai Lama, before his much acclaimed “escape” to India, lived in luxury in his Potala Palace in Lhasa. His worldly possessions included “8,000 kg of gold [worth about $500 million US dollars in today’s terms], 5 million kg of silver [worth about $4.4 billion US dollars in today’s terms], 20,000 pieces of jewelry, and more than 10,000 items of expensive silk and fur clothing.” His family “owned 27 manors, 30 areas of pasture, and 6,000 serfs”.

Not exactly the Hollywood image of piety and non-attachment that he magically acquired later on in the West.

As to the 1.2 million Tibetans killed by the PLA, Parenti wrote the following rebuttal:

 Both the Dalai Lama and his advisor and youngest brother, Tendzin Choegyal, claimed that “more than 1.2 million Tibetans are dead as a result of the Chinese occupation.” The official 1953 census–six years before the Chinese crackdown–recorded the entire population residing in Tibet at 1,274,000. Other census counts put the population within Tibet at about two million. If the Chinese killed 1.2 million in the early 1960s then almost all of Tibet, would have been depopulated, transformed into a killing field dotted with death camps and mass graves–of which we have no evidence. The thinly distributed Chinese force in Tibet could not have rounded up, hunted down, and exterminated that many people even if it had spent all its time doing nothing else. 

This particular insidious LIE has a “ring of truth” much like the Kuwaiti incubator babies story that was created out of whole cloth by the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador to the USA. Her tearful and pivotal testimony before the US Congress and televised nationally and worldwide was what precipitated the first American Gulf War against Iraq in 1991.

The Americans love putting out the facade of a good excuse to wage their genocidal wars. Most of them, if not all, are fake.

However, the truth cannot be hidden for those who seek it. Here is a YouTube documentary series on what Tibet was like before and after her peaceful liberation from serfdom and slavery, as told by former Tibetan serfs and slaves who lived during those times.

(Part 1)

(Part 2)

2. Tiananmen Square Massacre LIE

Most of us remember the iconic photo of the Chinese man standing in front of and stopping a column of PLA tanks near Tiananmen Square in June 1989.

Most Westerners believe that thousands of protesting Chinese students were crushed and killed by PLA tanks inside Tiananmen Square. How could this not be true? After all, the BBC and the New York Times both reported this and continue to tell this Tiananmen Square massacre narrative.

I saw it live on TV! Or so I thought.

Although that iconic photo is real, however, no one died inside Tiananmen Square. About 300 people were killed during the June 4th incident outside of Tiananmen Square, most were PLA soldiers and the rest were mainly workers, not students. The students had left Tiananmen Square peacefully early on June 4th.

Those key student leaders who were trained and goaded on by the American CIA (the National Endowment for Democracy or NED) were whisked away secretively via Hong Kong to the United States where they were then offered lucrative scholarships to attend prestigious universities.

Student leaders who benefited from American generosity or quid pro quo after Tiananmen Square include Chai Ling (Princeton University), Wu’er Kaixi (Harvard University), Wang Dan (Harvard University), Liu Gang (Columbia University), Feng Congde (Boston University), and Li Lu (Columbia University).

Here is the story of a cool-aid drinker and bonafide journalist who attended candle light vigils on almost every June 4th demonstration at Victoria Park in Hong Kong for 30 years. His recent awakening to the reality and truth of the so-called “Tiananmen Square Massacre” is quite refreshing and enlightening to read:

In perfect hindsight, the student protestors in Tiananmen Square were 100% wrong, demonstrating for Western style “democracy”. In actuality, they were instigating a “color revolution” to overthrow the CPC, before this phrase came into vogue much later.

The Communist Party of China (CPC) under the leadership of Deng Xiaoping was 100% correct.

The proofs are in the results.

China today is the second largest economy in the world. Some say she is the largest economy in the world using the Purchasing Power Parity method of calculating GDP. At the end of 2020, China lifted all of her citizens from extreme poverty! The total number of Chinese lifted out of extreme poverty totals over 700 million people! This is historical and unprecedented in human history! More about this later below.

When Chairman Mao declared the founding of the People’s Republic of China on October 1, 1949, China was basically starting from nothing, after many decades of devastation and destruction from the civil war and the war against the Japanese invasion. When Deng Xiaoping began to steer China’s course towards reforms and opening up in 1978, millions of Chinese people were still riding bicycles!

Today, only 44 years later, millions of Chinese people ride super trains that are the envy of the world. China is the largest automobile market in the world. The Chinese middle class is more than the entire population of the USA. The Chinese space program rivals both the American’s and the Russian’s in terms of technological advancement and achievements. China built her space program all by herself, literally from scratch.

I’d say China has attained phenomenal and historical successes since June 4, 1989 . . . under the leadership and vision of the CPC!

3. Xinjiang Genocide LIE

I am getting a little ahead of myself in telling my odyssey, but here is the latest LIE about China. It’s basically the same Tibetan LIE retold once again.

Today, we are told there is another CPC genocide. This time it’s in the Chinese province of Xinjiang where the ethnic minority, the Uygurs (or Uyghurs, as it is spelled in the West), live.

Xinjiang province, also known as the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, is located in the western region of China. It is the home to over 25 million Chinese citizens, comprising of all the 56 Chinese ethnic groups. The Uygurs are a Turkic ethnic group native to Xinjiang. There are about 8 million Uygurs in 2000 and about 12 million in Xinjiang in 2020. Most Uygurs in Xinjiang are Muslims.

The Western narrative on Xinjiang, mainly driven by the United States, is that there are the following: (1) a genocide is waged against the Uygurs by the CPC, (2) Uygur forced labor is used in cotton production and other industries, (3) concentration camps where 1 million or 2 million Uygurs (depending on who is regurgitating this narrative) are imprisoned, (4) thousands of Muslim mosques are destroyed (where have we heard this before?), etc., etc., etc..

I am not going to waste your time or mine to go into this “Tibet Genocide 2.0” LIE retold for Xinjiang. But I will describe the three key sources of these Xinjiang LIES.

One is Adrian Zenz who is a German “anthropologist” known for his very distorted views and published reports on the Xinjiang “concentration camps” and “Uygur genocide”. He is a senior fellow in China Studies at the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, an anti-communist think tank in Washington, DC. Mr. Zenz is a fanatical right-wing, religious zealot whose mission in life seems to be to take down the CPC! Of course, US government money has nothing to do with his “mission”.

The second source of these Xinjiang LIES is an Australian think tank called the Australian Strategic Policy Institute or ASPI which is partially funded by the Australian government. The other sources of ASPI’s funding include such US/UK military industrial corporations as Lockheed Martin (known for producing the F-16, F-22 and F-35 jet fighters), BAE Systems (Eurofighter Typhoon jet fighters, Trident nuclear missile subs), Northrop Grumman (missiles), Thales Group (rocket and mortar systems), and Raytheon Technology (Javelin and Stinger missiles).

The third source is the so-called “World Uyghur Congress” that is funded by the US National Endowment for Democracy or NED which is publicly outed as a CIA front organization, and it is headquartered in Munich, Germany.

What I do want is to leave my readers with three videos on the reality and truth of Xinjiang and the Uygurs today:

4. American MYTH

Americans love to preach to the rest of the world about how fortunate they are living in the land of milk and honey: Freedom and Democracy!

But as one British expat living in China, Jason Lightfoot, remarked about the USA in one of his YouTube videos titled “5 Reasons Why I LOVE Living in China!”:

 “They may call themselves ‘the land of the free’, but how free are you if you can’t walk down the streets at night and feel safe? You need to keep a gun under your pillow to feel safe. You can’t walk down certain streets at night time or in the day time. You can’t afford your rent because cost of living is sky high. You drive down a road that’s crumbling, covered in potholes. It damages your car but you can’t afford to fix it because you’ve just been laid off. How free can you be in a society like this?” 

To Jason’s astute observations, I would add this rhetorical question, “How free are you and how democratic is it to be forced to work 3 minimum wage jobs every day, seven days a week, just to pay the monthly rent and to provide food on the table for one’s family?”

Barbara Ehrenreich wrote a book called, “Nickel and Dimed,” describing this particular American plight. Her book came out in 2001 and things have gotten a lot worse since then.

As to the self-proclaimed notion that America is the world’s “greatest democracy”, Chinese venture capitalist and political scientist, Eric X. Li, said it best: “In America, you can change political parties, but you can’t change the policies. In China, you cannot change the party, but you can change policies.”

What is more important, democracy as in voting for political leaders or policy as in having infrastructure (here I include social infrastructure as well)?

Actually both.

In America, the common people neither have the political leaders that represent their needs and interests nor do they have adequate infrastructure necessary to carry on their daily lives. Most of their bridges, highways, dams, and other public works were constructed during the Great Depression and in the late 1940s and early 1950s.

Today, America’s infrastructure is literally crumbling before their very eyes. Their once proud social infrastructure, health care and social safety nets have been dismantled and/or privatized. Their dismal and horrific Covid-19 results, with over one million deaths and counting, are a sad and eye-opening testimony to this stark reality.

The MYTH of America versus the reality of America is the difference between how America is portrayed in its Hollywood comic book movies and the harsh reality on Main Street, USA.

Cognitive dissonance!

Cognitive dissonance is the mental discomfort or anguish that results from holding two conflicting beliefs, values or attitudes simultaneously. Cognitive dissonance is a fundamental psychological problem suffered by all cult members. Including cult nations!

The late and great comedian George Carlin summed up the American Myth aka the American Dream ever so eloquently:

“They call it the American Dream because you have to be asleep [or dead] to believe it.”

Enlightenment in Argentina

When I had enough of the cognitive dissonance living in the USA, I decided to leave. The hypocrisy and hubris of the Americans were just too much for me. As the Americans love to say, “Love America or leave!” I chose to leave. But where would I go? China was out of the question, because at that time I still feared China and the CPC. So, I looked for a country furthest from the USA that is not so pro-USA.

That country turned out to be Argentina.

Except for a brief period, I have been living in Patagonia, Argentina since August, 2008. In September 2010, I visited Shanghai with my parents. My fear of China and the CPC, though greatly diminished since my San Francisco speech, was still present.

In mid 2020, the Covid-19 epidemic, which started in Wuhan, China, paralyzed the entire world with lockdowns. In Argentina it was the same. With too much time on my hands and nothing to do, I began to study and research China and the CPC.

Under the direct leadership of President Xi Jinping and the CPC, the incredible response of China to contain and then defeat Covid-19 in Wuhan really impressed me. In just 76 days, this new and previously unknown epidemic was brought under complete control in Wuhan, thanks to the heroic and selfless efforts of tens of thousands of doctors, nurses, construction workers, delivery persons, grocery workers, local volunteers, truck drivers, and military personnel. Many volunteered from almost all regions of China to go to Wuhan to fight!

One of the best documentaries on Wuhan’s fight against Covid-19 is produced by Reporterfy Media and it’s called “Blaming Wuhan The Documentary”:

Incidentally, a few Chinese, including two that I know personally, have turned against President Xi Jinping, or it reconfirms their previous judgment of Xi as this evil dictator, because of the supposed fiascos that resulted from his in/actions in the recent Shanghai lockdown. One of the social media stories is about pets accidentally or intentional killed by public personnels disinfecting unattended apartments in Shanghai. And other such Internet stories like that.

Even if these stories are true, what these Chinese critics lack is a discerning perspective. Comparing China’s with the American response and its aftermath, with over one million Covid-19 deaths and counting, these Chinese critics are nitpicking gnats from shit!

Finally, two things completely destroyed the last dregs of my fear and hatred of China and the CPC: (1) China’s Poverty Alleviation program which has successfully lifted over 700 million Chinese out of extreme poverty, and (2) the incredible journey of Xi Jinping, from the humble beginnings of a young farm worker to the all powerful leadership position as China’s President and Leader.

China’s Poverty Alleviation

I had a very old English book about China written at the turn of the last century. I have lost that book and I don’t remember its title. But what I do remember from that book is the figure of 700 million poor Chinese peasants and how the author salivated at the prospect of selling shoes to a few of those 700 million potential customers!

Chairman Mao, the CPC and the PLA liberated China from a century of imperialism and the disease of parasitic colonialism. They laid the solid foundation for a New China by quarantining and disinfecting China from foreign colonists and foreign invaders, and by building up the Chinese military and nuclear weapons. Mao and the CPC had the foresight to defeat the Americans attempting to enclose China via Korea, Vietnam and Taiwan, chiefly in the early 1950s during the so-called Korea War.

One of the key missions of the CPC is to liberate the Chinese people from centuries and even millenniums of poverty. This dream of Chairman Mao and the early pioneers of the CPC was but a dream when the People’s Republic of China was founded on October 1, 1949. There were over 700 million Chinese living in extreme poverty then, including 100 million impoverished rural residents.

China was still a very poor country in 1978 when Deng Xiaoping started his reform and opening up. However, under the collective CPC leadership and vision of Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin, Hu Jintao, and Xi Jinping, Poverty Alleviation has accelerated from a rallying cry and a sacred mission to practical actions and state programs in the fulfilment of a 5,000 year old Chinese dream.

Incidentally, US President Lyndon B. Johnson launched America’s “War on Poverty” during his State of the Union address on January 8, 1964. What are the results of America’s poverty alleviation since 1964? Where is the beef as the Americans would say?!?

What has taken place in China since 1978 is nothing short of the miraculous. However, there were no miracles or magic involved. China’s Poverty Alleviation involved the dedicated hard work of millions of CPC Party members and cadres.

Poverty Alleviation in China involved the hard work and ingenuity of over 3 million grassroots CPC officials stationed in some 128,000 poverty-stricken villages throughout all regions of China.

China’s Poverty Alleviation utilized the “five-batch” principles: (1) Local Industrial Development, (2) Relocation, (3) Eco-Compensation, (4) Children’s Education, and (5) Social Security.

Depending on the specific local conditions, problems and needs, a targeted poverty alleviation approach was employed using the “five-batch” principles.

Local Industrial Development involve nurturing existing or developing new local industries. As it says in the Bible, “If you give man a fish, you have fed him for a day, but if you teach him to fish, you have fed him for a lifetime.” Well, that’s exactly what China has done throughout her 832 counties. But there is a more practical Chinese saying, “If you want to get rich, build a road first.” Therefore, many local projects involve building much needed paved roads, bridges, highways, railways, 4G/5G Internet, and other infrastructure to connect isolated regions to the rest of China. Other projects involve building solar power stations and wind turbines for the generation of electricity. Then there is the growing of local agricultural products that are sold via the blooming e-commerce trade in China.

In really isolated and hard to access villages, the only practical solution to lift the impoverished locals out of decades and centuries of poverty is to relocate them to more suitable, accessible and fertile areas. Therefore for these poor villagers, Relocation is the key solution. However, these poor villagers were NOT forced to relocate. In many cases, it takes a lot of persistent effort on the part of the local first Party secretary to convince them to relocate to new and better communities where new housing has been constructed, typically free of charge (free housing), and, in many cases, completely furnished with the latest appliances and furnitures! Between 2016 and 2020, some 9.6 million Chinese have been relocated to 35,000 newly built residential communities with 2.66 million new houses and apartments newly built.

Eco-Compensation entails transforming polluting local industries, such as coal mining, to more eco-friendly and sustainable businesses, such local eco-tourism. The guiding philosophy behind this principle is President Xi Jinping’s “Lucid waters and lush mountain are invaluable assets” concept which he first introduced in Yucan Village, Anji county of Huzhou city on August 15, 2005. China’s forestry services has hired 1.1 million poverty-stricken people as forest rangers, to protect the local environment and native wildlife and animals. Some of these newly trained forest rangers were previously employed in non-sustainable industries.

Children’s Education is the key to China’s bright future and to ensure that the cycle of poverty is broken forever. Between 2016 and 2020, “China ensured free compulsory education for 200,000 students from registered poor households, and free vocational education training for more than 8 million junior or high school dropouts.” This means free tuition for school children and tuition allowances for poverty stricken households. Along with relocation, this also means the relocated school children live near their schools, where previously they had to walk for hours to get to school. Some students even had to slide on steel cables across dangerous rivers to get to their schools prior to the building of bridges!

Last by not least is Social Security for the most needed and impoverished families. They may talk about “no child left behind” in the United States, but in China “no one left behind” is not only state policy but it is a reality. Since 2016, China has provided subsistence allowance or poverty support allowance to more than 19.36 million registered poor people. Social Security also includes free health care and health insurance for the most needy and impoverished people.

In November 2020, China succeeded in eliminating absolute or extreme poverty!

Mission accomplished!

(Beyond the Mountain)

President Xi Jinping

The arc of journey of Xi Jinping is one of the most incredible stories in recent history and it will be studied by millions of people everywhere around the world.

Although President Xi Jinping came from a family well connected in the CPC, Xi himself had to literally start at the bottom. His father, Xi Zhongxun, was a Long March hero who later became the Secretary-General of the China State Council and a Deputy Prime Minister of China.

In 1969, at the age of 15, Xi Jinping was sent to the countryside along with tens of millions of Chinese youth. He worked as a manual farm laborer for 7 years in a small poor village called Liangjiahe in Yan’an, Shaanxi Province in northwest China. At night, Xi slept on a heated brick and clay bed in a room carved into a mountainside.

Nighttime was also when he could read his many books stored in a large brown box that he had lugged all the way from Beijing to Liangjiahe. His thirst for knowledge spanned literature, history, politics, and philosophy. After a hard day’s of manual labor, Xi would read his books well into the wee hours of the night and early morning with a kerosine lamp as his only source of light. Xi loved reading books like Goethe’s Faust, Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Hamlet and MacBeth, Karl Marx’s Das Kapital, and of course Mao’s Little Red Book.

Since his father was a high CPC official, some people might wrongly assume that Xi would automatically become a CPC member. No, that was not the case! It took him 10 attempts to apply for CPC membership before he was finally accepted. Later Xi was elected as the village Party secretary or chief of Liangjiahe. For his exemplary work, he was awarded a motorcycle. Instead of keeping it for himself, Xi traded it for “a tractor, a flour-milling machine and a grain thrower”. These machines were much needed and they were extremely helpful to the local villagers.

In Liangjiahe, Xi Jinping found his mission in life: to serve the people! And it was here that the seeds of his ideas and concepts of “poverty alleviation” germinated.

The rest, as they say, is history!

One of the best documentaries on this incredible arc of journey is called “The Making of Xi Jinping” and I highly recommend everyone to watch this short series:

(Part 1: Liangjiahe Village, Shaanxi)

(Part 2: Zhengding County, Hebei)

(Part 3: Fujian)

(Part 4: Zhejiang)

(Part 5: Shanghai)

~ ~ ~

In conclusion, I want like to end my article with two phenomenal videos. The last video shows the incredible gratitude that the Chinese people have towards their doctors and nurses in the fight against Covid-19 and you will never see this kind of emotional outpouring and national pride in the West. The first one is a seminal talk given by Eric X. Li, who like myself is a Shanghai native son, on WHY China’s system of government works which is the reason WHY the Communist Party of China or the CPC is LOVED by hundreds of millions of Chinese . . . including ME!

The interrogation of Ryan Waller

The interrogation of Ryan Waller, at first it doesnt seem like much, police were called into a welfare check for his GF.


Ryan answers the door like that (slightly bloody and a bruised eye), they assumed there was some domestic violence or something, they see a female on his couch, they ask if its his GF, he says shes sleeping and he wants to let her sleep, the police enter and see she has a bullet hole in her head, they take ryan into custody.

These pics are from the interrogation. he seemed un-interested and/or on drugs, after a while ryan claimed “they had a bow and arrow”, then changed it to “they had a revolver, they shot me with a revolver” then the cops started to notice the wounds on his nose and his head was weirdly shaped.


it turned out 2 guys DID break into his house, shot his girlfriend, then shot him 3 times in the head. he was drifting in and out of consciousness and woke to the police knocking on his door. so the whole time they were interrogating him he had 2 bullets lodged in his brain.

The first time an English queen was beheaded

On Friday morning, May 19, 1536, the number of people in the Tower of London waiting to see the first time an English queen was beheaded was relatively small.


The Spaniard Antonio de Guaras left for posterity a first-hand witness to the death of Ana Bolena.

He said that Ana walked “followed by four young ladies, about 50 meters, slightly uphill, from the guard’s assistant’s quarters to the lawn”, looking “cheerful, as if she wasn’t going to die” (FRASER, 2010, p. 341). ).

Escorted by William Kingston, Anne Boleyn climbed the scaffold, where the executioner was already waiting for her. Wearing a dark damask dress, ermine stole and English cap, she addressed a speech to the audience:

“Good Christian people, I have not come here to preach; I have come to die. According to the law and by law I have been judged to die, and therefore I will say nothing against it. I have not come here to accuse any man, nor to speak of those who accused me and condemned me to death, but I pray to God to save the king and keep him long reigning over you, for the most merciful prince never was, and to me he was always good, kind, and sovereign lord. […] And so I say goodbye to the world and to you, and I cordially ask you to pray for me” (apud IVES, 2010, p. 358).

After saying her last words, Anne Boleyn’s adornments were removed by her ladies, leaving her neck free for the sword.

The victim then paid the executioner with a bag of gold coins and forgave him for what he was about to do.

Finally, her eyes were blindfolded and she knelt down, muttering a little prayer: “To Jesus I commit my soul.”



A renovation story

My last house was built in 1913. It had been empty for 15 years. Before that, it was occupied by an old woman that had lived there for decades, and obviously didn’t repair or maintain anything. The entire back wall of the house was covered with vines that were growing under the house and in the windows.

The inside of the house was extremely dusty. The floor had two layers of carpet, both of which were so old and rotten that it would tear apart if one tried to pick it up.

The wall under the kitchen sink was covered with stamped steel signs of some sort. Probably scavenged from somewhere. They were nailed directly to the studs in place of plaster or drywall. The wall inside one of the closets was covered with flattened soup cans. Very old Chinese newspapers and calendars were used to cover all of the drawers and shelves.

After the carpet was pulled out, I began stripping the many, many layers of wax and paint covering the wood floor. A few layers down, probably from some time in the ’40s or ’50s, one of the rooms had red paint with a giant white stripe down the middle of the floor.


Lastly, there was a space heater installed in a hallway. It was in rough shape and had to go. It was propped up in the back with what looked like a block of wood wrapped in foil. It sat there for weeks and we ignored it while we worked on other things.


I was going to try to restore it, but it was totally rusted out and just not worth the effort, so I picked it up and carried it out. Then, I picked up the foil-wrapped block of wood…and realized it wasn’t wood. I decided to unwrap the foil and found an old band-aid canister inside. (Sorry for the crap photos, my phone was having issues.)


98 cents for 70 bandages? I thought that was a fun enough find already, especially considering that I work for Johnson and Johnson. But, then I decided to open it up…


Filled with $100 bills, all dated from the ’70s and ’80s. There was over $3000 in there!

That money paid for a pretty good chunk of the renovation. I still have a couple of the old bills in my safe.

An American’s culture shock with France…

I got there and everyone was skinny. Except, they weren’t technically skinny. They were just normal-sized human beings. They weren’t obese as they are in the US.

I quickly learned why in Paris. Everyone walked everywhere—and not just that, they walked extremely fast. I was stunned. I couldn’t keep up. Everyone also wore clothes that fit them. Portions were also much smaller.

It’s just different.

An American’s culture shock with the Philippines…

I lived in Subic Bay, Philippines. I went to a birthday party for a Filipino friend and saw a pig on a table. This is the cultural tradition:


It is an extremely popular event in their country and the food is called Lechon. The country is still developing so if they slaughter a pig, it means something important is happening.

I was only six years old at the time. I had trouble eating pork for a while after that.

The irony is that Filipino food is amaaaaazing. One of the most underappreciated foods in the world.

A New Survey Has Just Discovered That This Is The Most Pessimistic That Americans Have Been About The Economy Since 2008


Americans haven’t been this negative about the future of the U.S. economy since the financial crisis of 2008.  Of course it isn’t exactly difficult to figure out why this has happened.  A new recession has begun, inflation is wildly out of control, the housing market has started to crash, and more people are falling out of the middle class with each passing day.  So many of the economic trends that I have been documenting in recent years are now really beginning to accelerate, and there isn’t much faith that the Biden administration and our other leaders in Washington will be able to turn things around any time soon.

But even though the outlook for the months ahead doesn’t look promising at all, I was still quite stunned by the results of a brand new ABC News/Ipsos survey that was just released

Americans’ perception of the economy hit the lowest point since the 2008 crash in a new poll showing the Republican Party is more trusted to handle these kitchen table issues.

In an ABC News/Ipsos poll released Sunday, 69 percent of Americans claim that the country’s economy is ‘getting worse’, while just 12 percent say it is ‘getting better’ under President Joe Biden’s leadership.

The last time that particular survey produced results like that was right in the middle of the last financial crisis.

Most of you still remember the “Great Recession” very well, and there are many that believe that what we are heading into will be even worse.

That same ABC News/Ipsos poll also discovered that Biden’s economic approval rating has fallen even lower

Biden specifically has a 37 percent overall approval on his handling of the economy – the lowest point in the polling since he took office last year.

It shouldn’t surprise us that the vast majority of the American people don’t trust Biden and his minions to handle the economy.

What should surprise us is that after everything that has already happened 37 percent of U.S. adults still have faith in the administration.

What are those people thinking?

One of the primary reasons we have so much inflation right now is because our leaders have borrowed and spent way too much money, and now the Biden administration wants even more.

On Sunday, the United States Senate gave Biden a huge victory by passing a 700 billion dollar spending bill known as “the Inflation Reduction Act”…

The Senate on Sunday passed the $700 billion Inflation Reduction Act, a scaled-down version of the Build Back Better Act.

The Senate voted to pass H.R. 5376, otherwise known as the Inflation Reduction Act, 51-50. The legislation passed on a party-line vote, with Vice President Kamala Harris breaking the tie.

Of course this bill isn’t going to do anything to reduce inflation.

Instead, it will just make it even worse.

So most Americans should get ready for their standard of living to go down even more.

As the cost of almost everything has gone up much faster than paychecks have, many Americans have been dealing with financial stress in a couple of different ways.

First of all, a lot of us are racking up credit card debt like never before

Americans piled on $40.1 billion worth of debt in June, the Federal Reserve said Friday afternoon. The figure was considerably higher than economists’ forecasts, after May’s revised total of $23.8 billion.

Americans’ borrowing grew by 10.5% in June, compared to 6.3% in May, according to the Fed’s G.19 consumer credit report. Revolving debt — roughly a proxy for outstanding credit card balances — rose by 16% after an 7.8% increase in May.

That was the second largest monthly increase in consumer credit in the history of our country.


Of course piling up lots of credit card debt is a really, really bad idea, and that is especially true when we are plunging into a major economic downturn.

But many people can’t seem to help themselves.  If you can believe it, Americans have opened a whopping 42 million new credit card accounts just since the beginning of the pandemic…

Since the pandemic started, about 42 million new credit card accounts have been opened, and consumers now hold more than 750 million auto-loan, credit-card, mortgage, and home-equity lines of credit. Overall, consumers ages 30 to 59 have record levels of debt.

Another way that Americans are dealing with financial stress is by taking on extra jobs

From June to July, the labor force saw full-time jobs drop by 71,000, while part-time jobs and multiple jobholders increased by 384,000 and 92,000, respectively, according to the latest seasonally adjusted Labor Department data.

This trend of the economy dropping full-time jobs while adding second and part-time jobs has been accelerating since March.

Working an extra job is a great way to wear yourself down physically, mentally and emotionally.

It should only be done as a temporary solution, but at this point nearly half of all workers “are working at least one extra job”

Some 44% of Americans are working at least one extra job to make ends meet each month, according to a survey by Insuraranks, while 28% of respondents said they took on a secondary gig due to inflation.

I am looking at those numbers and I am still having a really difficult time believing that they are real.

Has it really come to this?

What we do know is that survey after survey has shown that close to two-thirds of the nation is currently living paycheck to paycheck.

And as the cost of living continues to rise faster than paychecks do, that figure will almost certainly go even higher.

There are millions upon millions of people that are working as hard as they possibly can, but it still isn’t enough.

Many of those hard working people trusted the con artists in Washington when they were told that everything was under control and that the future looked bright.

Now many of those hard working Americans are realizing that they were lied to over and over again.

The truth is that the future is not bright for the U.S. economy.  In fact, the times that we are moving into will be far more horrible than most people would dare to imagine.

The most epic economic bubble that the world has ever seen is starting to burst, and the nightmare that has now started to unfold is going to be spectacularly painful.

Wheel of life


I had one student ask me if he could keep his pencils that his mom gave him for school.

Of course, I said yes.

He then said, “well, I guess I’ll give you a few so my classmates can have them too.”

I thought nothing of it and took the pencils that he handed me.

When I was sharpening them, I noticed writing on a few of them.


I then realized that my student’s mother took the time to write on his pencils.

I asked him if he would mind showing me the rest of them.

What I read melted my heart:

  • – You are so talented.
  • – This will be a great year.
  • – You are creative.
  • – You are phenomenal.
  • – Never give up.
  • – You can do this.
  • – You are knowledgeable.
  • – You are a math whiz.
  • – You are intelligent.
  • – Proud of you everyday.
  • – I love you.
  • – You have a brilliant mind.
  • – You are wonderful.
  • – You are a problem solver.
  • – Follow your dreams.
  • – You are perfect.
  • – I am proud of you.
  • – You will change the world.
  • – You are amazing.
  • – You are the best.
  • – You are important.

This probably took his mom a few minutes to do yet it lit up his whole day at school. He wasn’t embarrassed that his mom wrote on his pencils.

Thanks to his mom, he was reminded of his self worth and wanted to share the same feeling with his classmates.

THESE are the things that we should be reminding our kids (both parents AND teachers).

Imagine the look on a child’s face when they are reminded that they are important, talented, loved, knowledgeable and so much more.-

Help them know that someone believes in them and is proud of them in everything they do.

Even if you think it is cheesy or you don’t have enough time or that you will have little impact, remember that you may be the only one telling and reminding them these things and EVERY kid needs to know their value.

This is why I teach.

Exclusive: the Fugitive Who Tried to Spark a US-China War

With a Special Correspondent

Guo Wengui

ISTANBUL – Guo Wengui, also known as Guo Haoyun, and by his English names Miles Kwok and Miles Guo, is a politically connected, self-proclaimed exiled Chinese billionaire who tried to start a U.S.-China war.

On Feb. 15, the billionaire filed for Chapter 11, personal bankruptcy protection in US Bankruptcy Court in Bridgeport, CT, listing assets of just $3,850 and liabilities between $100 million and $500 million. Guo’s declaration came after a Hong Kong money manager, Pacific Alliance Group, sued him over unpaid debts.

That certainly didn’t add up. Only three months after filing for bankruptcy, Guo had spent nearly $2 million on legal fees. Yet on May 11, he filed a waiver of personal bankruptcy with the court through his lawyer, stating he had no more funds to pay his legal fees.

During the bankruptcy hearing, Guo claimed he owned no house, no car, and no credit cards. That certainly didn’t square up with the lavish lifestyle he flaunted on social media – replete with mansion, private jet and yacht.

So is this story really about bankruptcy? Or a very elaborate ruse?

‘I Wanna Be a Part of It, New York, New York’

Guo was born to a modest family in February 1967 in a rural area of Shandong province. According to the news site China Youth Network, he went through proverbial, eye-opening experiences as a teenager, such as skipping school, brawling and gambling. He married at 18; got his own brother killed for an argument revolving around a mere 7,000 yuan; and was sentenced to three years in prison and four years probation for fraud.

Guo rose to fame by building a real estate empire in Beijing, which earned him titles such as “Capital Giant”, “Power Hunter” and “Pirate of the Caribbean” from awed Chinese netizens. In 2017, Interpol issued a Red Notice for Guo, who had already fled to the US in 2015 after being accused by the Chinese government of fraud, bribery, and money laundering. He denied all charges.

Yet according to information publicly available, Guo committed a series of financial frauds, including a $539 million scam targeting small investors in the United States, a $470 million fraudulent loan in China, and a $43 million cryptocurrency Ponzi scheme.

In recent years, Guo has had a quite active life online, amassing special notoriety for his fierce criticism of the Chinese Communist Party.

According to China’s Chongqing Public Security Bureau, Guo has been building a case since August 2017 for political asylum in the US by concocting a series of online exposés.

Some of these, revolving around Hunter Biden’s sex antics, caught the attention of US media. Guo’s central spin at the time was that “We have to express…the Chinese Communist Party used these to threaten Hunter and [Joe] Biden.” But he provided no proof of this.

In 2017, Guo gained the attention of Foreign Affairs in an article co-written by Rush Doshi, who’s now senior director for China at the US National Security Council. The article focused on how Guo – without providing sources or conclusive evidence – threw lurid allegations at Chinese Vice President Wang Qishan, the head of President Xi Jinping’s anti-corruption campaign.

“Guo Wengui, an expatriate Chinese billionaire, began to make explosive allegations on YouTube and Twitter about China’s leaders,” Doshi and co-author George Yin explained.

“President Xi Jinping, Guo claimed, had sought incriminating information about Wang Qishan, Xi’s right-hand man and the chief of his anti-corruption campaign. The figure tasked with rooting out China’s official graft, Guo suggested, was himself corrupt — if not directly, then through his family’s alleged financial holdings. Guo’s claims seemed designed to sever China’s most important political relationship before this fall’s 19th Party Congress, where officials will determine Xi’s longevity as president and select members for China’s top decision-making bodies.”

Guo’s patrons included disgraced Chinese security officials Ma Jian, Vice-Minister of Public Security 2006-2015 and Zhou Yongkang, Minister of Public Security 2002-2007.

A powerful member of the Politburo’s Standing Committee, Zhou was expelled from the Communist Party in 2014 and sentenced to life in prison the following year. In 2018, Ma was sentenced to life in prison for taking bribes from Guo, according to court proceedings. Another of Guo’s handlers, Politburo member Sun Zhengcai, got a life sentence for bribery in 2018.

Sun was the Communist Party boss in the western megacity Chongqing. After Sun’s disgrace, the supervision of Guo passed to China’s vice-minister of police Sun Lijun (no relation), and Justice Minister Fu Zenghua. Sun Lijun was convicted of corruption in July 2022 and awaits sentencing. Fu is under arrest and awaiting trial.

What stands out is that throughout this period Guo acted as an agent of elements in China’s security services purged and convicted for corruption.

Later, in 2021, Guo switched to promoting the allegation that Chinese hackers had shifted presidential election votes from Trump to Joe Biden.

Guo’s politicking is just as intriguing as his business adventures.

Especially because of his status as former protégé of the very powerful ex-Vice Minister of State Security Ma Jian, who was himself a mentor of security chief Zhou Yongkang, then a Politburo member.

It’s not an accident that Guo fled China soon after Ma and Zhou were arrested as part of President Xi’s anti-corruption campaign. At the time, Guo was in a bitter business dispute with his former partner and politically connected tycoon Li You. That was bringing unwanted attention to his financial dealings.

The central plot in this murky saga revolves around opaque developments inside the all-powerful Ministry of State Security (MSS) in the early 2010s, when Xi Jinping came to power.

Guo’s intelligence handlers, Ma and Zhou, were allies of Ling Jihua, who was former President Hu Jintao’s chief of staff. The crucial link between Ma and Ling was provided by Sun Zhengcai, the former party secretary of Chongqing, also a Politburo member.

As we’ve seen, Zhou, Ling, and Sun all ended up in jail – targets of Xi’s anti-corruption campaign. But, remarkably, not Guo – who according to former Chinese government officials was Ma’s MSS agent in charge of special ops overseas.

Guo’s job in 2012 was to sabotage the ascension of Xi by spreading an array of fake news in China and among the Chinese diaspora. That failed.

Nonetheless, Guo remained at work as an MSS agent until at least October 2021, according to well-placed Chinese sources. Considering his recent activities and the fact he was lavishly embraced by prominent US China hawks, it appears that his assignment was to cause maximum damage to US-China relations, arguably derailing them to a point of no return.

How to Profit From Lavish Overseas Funds

Guo impressed his American hosts with a show of vast wealth. After fleeing China he took up residence in New York in a $70 million apartment in the Sherry-Netherland Hotel on Fifth Avenue overlooking Central Park.

His bragging rights included buying more than 200 custom-tailored suits a year; spending more than $20 million in legal fees around the world; smoking $10,000 cigars; and drinking limited editions of the Chinese liquor Moutai. All that, of course, neatly fit his claim to bankruptcy court of holding only $3,850 in personal assets.

In his bankruptcy filing, Guo argued to the court that his expenses were funded by his family. The luxury apartment in New York was owned by the family company; a villa was owned by his wife’s company; daily expenses and all those customized suits were provided by Golden Spring, a New York-based company owned by his son Guo Qiang.

Qu Guojiao, or Natasha Qu, Guo Wengui’s former financial assistant, still living in China, revealed in an exclusive interview that in the space of over 20 years, Guo set up more than 100 companies in Hong Kong, China, the United Kingdom, the United States, the British Virgin Islands and the Cayman Islands. None of these were under his name, she said. Yet regardless of who and which company holds them, the ultimate flow of funds and shareholding arrangements always proceeded at Guo’s own discretion, Qu said.

Guo is known to have amassed a huge fortune by colluding with corrupt Chinese powerbrokers and business tycoons: that’s the reason for his fame among Chinese netizens as a “Capital Giant”. Yet most of the funds came from unknown sources, and were never under his name.

The Blair Connection

As previously reported by the respected Chinese business newspaper Caixin Global, one of Guo’s main sources of money materialized with the help of former British Prime Minister Tony Blair. With Blair’s endorsement, Guo raised $3 billion from the Abu Dhabi royal family.

Blair flew on a luxury private jet during a visit to the Middle East in 2013 when he was the U.N. Quartet’s Middle East envoy; he was accompanied by Guo, who was responsible for paying for the flight, according to Caixin.

Guo won the Blairs’ favor when he bought 5,000 copies of Blair’s wife Cherie’s new autobiographical book in Chinese, Speaking for Myself, in August 2009. In 2013, Blair introduced Guo to a group of dignitaries from the Abu Dhabi royal family, the newspaper reported.

In 2014 Guo, with the support of all-powerful Ma Jian, then Chinese vice minister of security, used Blair’s position as the Special Envoy to the Middle East Quartet to gain the trust of the Abu Dhabi royals. Guo ended up signing a contract with them in Macau on Dec. 16 that year, setting up a “China-Arab Fund,” according to China Daily.

The first $1.5 billion was paid from Abu Dhabi’s Cayman Islands-registered company Roscalitar 2 to one of Guo Wengui’s bank accounts the following day. Guo’s assistant at the time, Qu, confirmed in the interview that the money was used to buy Hong Kong stocks, property, a yacht and other assets.

Luck Ltd to DWF LLP for the balance of the purchase of the Lady May yacht

Natasha Qu stated: “In December 2014, the Abu Dhabi side transferred 1.5 billion to Guo Wengui, who immediately instructed her to transfer the money to HK International Funds Investment Ltd, a company controlled by Guo Wengui through her and Guo Qiang.”

Guo, according to Qu, “asked to transfer a total of $520 million in two installments to the Bravo Luck Ltd account. Payments were then made through the Bravo Luck Ltd account to purchase the Lady May yacht, the luxury apartment in New York, and money was also transferred to Guo Qiang himself and to his controlled [company] Golden Spring” at its Hong Kong head office.

Natasha Qu adds: “Although Guo Wengui had more than a hundred companies in Hong Kong and the British Virgin Islands, none of them had any real business and there was basically no money in the company accounts. They were set up simply to raise and transfer money. All of Guo Wengui’s spending in those two or three years both at home and abroad came from this Abu Dhabi money.”

There’s no information as to whether any of these funds are still left. What is clear is that Guo kept spending right up until and after his recent bankruptcy filing. After claiming he was flat broke, Guo hired three big-name lawyers from top US law firm Brown Rudnick LLP each charging more than $1,000 an hour, according to news reports of the bankruptcy filing.

Lawyers’ fees listed in the court papers submitted by Guo Wengui

Documents in Guo’s bankruptcy case show that the day before filing for bankruptcy, he sent $1 million to law firm Brown & Rudnick from Lamp Capital Ltd (Lamp Capital). In addition to this firm, Guo also hired the services of Stretto Insolvency Solutions and V&L Financial Services, according to court filings. In May 2022 Guo set up an $8 million loan from his own New York-based company Golden Spring to pay for insolvency administration and financial services.

Should I Stay (Bankrupt) or Should I Go?

It’s not clear how wealthy Guo Wengui really is, and what are his real assets.

One of the most contentious assets in the years-long litigation between Hong Kong’s Pacific Alliance Group and Guo Wengui is the now-famous Lady May yacht, where federal officials had arrested Steve Bannon in 2020 for alleged fraud. Guo claimed that he sold the yacht to his daughter Guo Mei for $1, and that it is docked in a Spanish harbor.

Natasha Qu reports that the yacht was purchased in February 2015 by Guo Wengui for €28 million, with funds from the first US$1.5 billion released by the China-Arab Fund, in the name of Hong Kong International Fund Investment Ltd, and registered in the same name.”

Qu says she transferred the ownership of Lady May to Guo Mei for US$1 on June 17, 2017, as instructed by Guo. Back in October 2014, Guo asked Natasha Qu to sign a Declaration of Trust to hold Hong Kong International Fund Investment Limited for him, after which the company was transferred to Natasha Qu to hold on his behalf for the price of HK$1.

The Declaration of Trust made it clear that all actions of the trustee, Natasha Qu, in relation to the shareholding of the company were to be done in accordance with the instructions of the beneficiary, Guo Wengui. After Qu signed the Declaration of Trust, she said the document was taken away by Guo and kept by his lawyer.

As Natasha Qu explains, “When the Hong Kong police investigated Guo Wengui for money laundering in 2017, Guo asked me to prepare the paperwork for a trip to the United States to transfer the entirety of Hong Kong International Fund Investment Limited to Guo Mei.”

After he fled to the US, Guo tried his best to package himself as deeply hostile to Beijing. Guo’s patrons in the security services were convicted of major crimes or under investigation, and he feared arrest under corruption charges. According to the New York Times, Guo was on China’s most-wanted list for bribery, fraud and money laundering.

Guo spent lavishly to win the support of associates of President Donald Trump. He hired former White House strategist Steve Bannon for a $1 million a year retainer. In 2020, alongside Bannon, Guo announced the creation of the “New Federal State of China,” supposedly to overthrow China’s Communist Party.

The “Federal State” held an event in New York on June 4, 2022, with Bannon and a group of former senior Trump aides, including White House trade advisor Peter Navarro and speechwriter Jason Miller.

Before the “Federal State” adventure, Guo set up the Rule of Law Foundation in 2018; launched a G series of investment projects such as GTV and G Coin, as well as farm loans, G-Club cards and Xi Coin. These ventures brought in hundreds of millions of dollars in sales and donations, but landed him in legal trouble.

In May 2020, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) imposed a $539 million penalty for Guo’s US$487 million in illegal private placements of GTV and G Coin. The remaining projects are also being investigated to varying degrees, including a “farm loan” of almost US$200 million at the end of 2020 and over US$100 million from the sale of one billion H-coins in 2021. The whereabouts and use of these funds are a complete mystery.

Guo Wengui’s personal bankruptcy case is still pending. Under court order, Guo, as the owner of the Lady May yacht, promised on April 6 to allow the yacht to return to the US by July 15 and to post a US$37 million bond. On April 17, the bankruptcy court held Guo in contempt for hiding his yacht overseas.

On May 11, Guo voluntarily filed to dismiss his personal bankruptcy case. This bizarre behavior caught the attention of major news media.

Bankruptcy Court Acts

On June 16, the Connecticut Bankruptcy Court noted that Guo Wengui and his family had interests in numerous limited liability companies and allegedly hid assets and defrauded creditors by depositing substantial personal assets among numerous subordinates and family members.

The court ultimately denied Guo’s motion to dismiss, appointed a trustee for the bankruptcy assets, continued the bankruptcy proceedings, and appointed a trustee to conduct a worldwide investigation into Guo’s assets and whether Guo had acted in good faith in filing for bankruptcy.

If creditors pursuing their investigation find that Guo has hidden assets and filed for bankruptcy, he may be found guilty of violating US bankruptcy laws as well as bankruptcy fraud. That would land him in serious legal trouble. And this time there won’t be any powerful Ministry of State Security patrons to lend a helping hand.

A Rufus tale

Joey Prusak

Prusak took the woman aside and instructed her to return the money, after which she said no. The teenager made her leave, told her,” Ma’am, you can either return the $20 bill or you can leave, because I’m not going to serve someone as disrespectful as you”, the woman left.

But when Prusak returned to the blind man, he gave him $20 out of his own money. Prusak notes, ”l was just doing what l thought was the right thing to do without even thinking about it”

Be the Rufus.

No soul


Slender Man stabbing: Wisconsin girls sentenced to 40 years in mental hospital

They looked like the average 12-year-old, playing in the woods.


But Morgan Geyser and Anissa Weier were far more sinister than that. For months, the girls had been planning and plotting a murder on their classmate, Payton Leutner.

The girls lured Payton to a sleepover and originally planned to stab her that night — but decided they couldn’t go through with it. The following day, they grabbed a knife from the kitchen, and set off for the woods for an outdoor play session.

It all started with a game of Hide and Seek.

Payton crouched down and the girls pounced on her back, stabbing her 19 times!


Having promised to go and search for help, the girls ran several miles away from the scene, to a place they believed was Slender Man’s castle.

Yes, the girls truly thought they were servants of the fictitious character, Slender Man — a tall creature with a blank face and thin legs. If they failed to please the Slender Man, he would harm them and their families.

Despite the heinous attack, Payton managed to crawl for help in the woods. She was found critically wounded by a cyclist, who called for an ambulance.

Thankfully she survived, and the two girls have a long sentence ahead of them![1]

A Matter Of Life And Death: Tens Of Millions Of Americans Will Be Without Medicine Once Trade With China Stops


If you are against a war with China, you need to make your voice heard while you still can.  Because once the bullets start flying, it will be too late.

Once a war with China starts, our current standard of living won’t just be interrupted.  The truth is that our current standard of living would end.

There are thousands upon thousands of products that we currently get from China that would very quickly disappear from store shelves.  They simply would not be available any longer.  And Taiwan produces more of our microchips than anyone else in the world by a very wide margin.  When the microchips stop flowing our whole economy will come to a crashing halt.  So the stakes are incredibly high, and most people don’t seem to realize this.

Nancy Pelosi knew that her visit to Taiwan would absolutely enrage the Chinese, but she did it anyway

Pelosi and the rest of her delegation disembarked from a U.S. Air Force transport plane at Songshan Airport in downtown Taipei after the nighttime landing on a flight from Malaysia to begin a visit that risks pushing U.S.-Chinese relations to a new low. 

They were greeted by Taiwan’s foreign minister, Joseph Wu, and Sandra Oudkirk, the top U.S. representative in Taiwan.

Her arrival prompted a furious response from China at a time when international tensions already are elevated by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. 

China considers Taiwan part of its territory and has never renounced using force to bring it under its control. The United States warned China against using the visit as a pretext for military action against Taiwan.

China is warning that there will be a military response, and the whole world is waiting to see what that will be.

If the Chinese don’t do anything more than they have already done, it will look like a big victory for Nancy Pelosi and the United States.  There is no way that Xi Jinping is going to allow that to happen, and what happens next could change everything.

It is being reported that Chinese forces are gathering near the coast for a potential invasion, but I don’t think that China will launch a full-blown invasion of Taiwan quite yet.

Instead, I think that it is far more likely that China could grab a couple of the small islands right off the Chinese coast that currently belong to Taiwan.

If that happens, I believe that the Biden administration would feel compelled to respond very forcefully.

Of course if both sides keep raising the stakes it could escalate into a full-blown war in the Pacific very rapidly.

And once a conflict begins, our trading relationship with China will halt.

Are you prepared for that?

Needless to say, this would hurt us very badly in countless ways.  For example, very little of our medicine is actually made here in the United States, and that is an enormous problem.

According to a statement posted on the official website of U.S. Representative Mike Gallagher earlier this year, 80 percent of the drugs that Americans use come from overseas, and China is the largest supplier…

“The Chinese Communist Party has threatened to withhold lifesaving drugs from the U.S. once and we’d be crazy to think they won’t attempt to do so again,” said Rep. Gallagher. 

“Congress needs an aggressive plan to protect our critical pharmaceutical supply chains and end our reliance on China. This is a national security imperative and to many Americans, a matter of life and death.”

“The United States must end our reliance on China for lifesaving drugs and critical medical equipment,” Stefanik said. 

“We have become far too dependent on China’s supply chain, and their malign regime represents too great a threat to our national security for us to be at their mercy. I am proud to sponsor this legislation to equip our domestic pharmaceutical and medical manufacturers to be able to efficiently produce these items here in the United States. Through this effort, Americans can have better peace of mind regarding who they rely on for their own personal health needs,” said Conference Chair Elise Stefanik.

“Eighty percent of the drugs that Americans depend on come from overseas,” said Rep. Bill Posey. 

“China, whose pharmaceuticals have been subject to numerous recalls, is the largest manufacturer. As a result of this reliance, the U.S. has not produced basic medicines like in the case of penicillin since 2004.”

Are the pills that you take every day made in China?

You might want to check.

And once war with China starts our supply of antibiotics will also dry up very, very rapidly

Right now, the U.S. has no capacity to manufacture antibiotics. 

That’s because China currently controls roughly 90% of the global supply of inputs needed to make the generic antibiotics that treat bronchitis, pneumonia, pediatric ear infections, and life-threatening conditions such as sepsis.

At the peak of last year’s COVID-19 hospitalizations in the U.S., these generic antibiotics—including azithromycin—were urgently needed to treat secondary bacterial infections. However, the U.S. faced a potential shortage, since the key materials for azithromycin and other drugs are supplied by China.

We should have never allowed ourselves to become so dependent on one of our primary global rivals.

All of the experts could see a scenario like this coming, but nothing was ever done.  Two years ago, there was a major article about this in the New York Times

“If China shut the door on exports of core components to make our medicines, within months our pharmacy shelves would become bare and our health care system would cease to function,” 

- Rosemary Gibson, a senior adviser with the Hastings Center and an author of “China Rx: Exposing the Risks of America’s Dependence on China for Medicine.”

Read that quote again.

If this thing with Taiwan gets out of control and we go to war, our health care system “would cease to function” for the duration of such a conflict.

So what would we do then?

Does anyone out there have an answer for that?

If people can’t get their pills, many of them will go absolutely insane.  Never has there been a population that is more dependent on pharmaceutical drugs than we are

Almost 70 percent of Americans take at least one prescription medication, and more than half take at least two, according to a new study by researchers at the Mayo Clinic. 

The most common prescriptions are for antibiotics, antidepressants and opioid painkillers.

One-fifth of Americans are taking five or more prescription drugs, CBS Atlanta reports.

As I have been warning for years, a full-blown war with China would be absolutely unthinkable.

But our leaders are provoking one anyway.

I wish that I had the words to express what I am feeling.

We are so close to a truly cataclysmic conflict, and if it happens it will be far more horrifying than any Hollywood movie studio could ever imagine.


Words of change

I’ve been scanning the questions on Quora. They are pretty fucking silly. Seriously, who asks these questions? Retarded morons that live inside the United States or educated American idiots?

We start off this this bit of lunacy…

Ah. Perhaps a classroom full of six-year olds invaded the Social Media platform. Eh?

Let’s see what is going on with American “news”. Let’s glance at the Drudge Report…

White House summons Chinese ambassador as crisis escalates...
Simulating Attack on Island... 'Sinking American warships'...
Tells USA: Can't 'treat countries like George Floyd'...
Xi Builds Security Fortress...
Does Beijing Have Own Space Plane?
Pentagon chiefs calls go unanswered...
Top Taiwan Missile Official Found Dead in Hotel Room...
Fears Japan on front line...
UN chief warns in Hiroshima...
APPLE Bends Knee on Label Demands...
Pelosi Gambit Reshapes Political Risk in Asia...

Same song and dance.

What a crock shit load of bullshit.

President Biden lied to the face of Xi Peng, he provided a plane and fighter escort to Nancy Polaski and crossed a Chinese RED LINE.  What a fucking tool. What a fucking idiot. What a moron.

I think that it’s time enough for some serious food, booze and cavorting with the opposite sex. Don’t you know.

Let’s talk about America…

Florida couple arrested for selling golden tickets to heaven.

America today.

Florida couple arrested for selling golden tickets to heaven.


Few centuries ago Russia had a phenomenon of “snokha-chestvo”.

During that times it was common that children were living with their parents in the same house.

It was also common for sons to be married young and go for work for a long time and leave the wife at home.

As a result many fathers at that time were persuing the sons wife (snoha) demanding intimate relationships.

In the Russian Empire, snokhachestvo (Russian: снохачество, lit.'daughter-in-law privileges') referred to sexual relations between a pater familias (bolshak) of a Russian peasant household (dvor) and his daughter-in-law (snokha) during the minority or absence of his son.

With a view to attracting additional workers to the household, marriages in rural Russia were frequently contracted when the groom was six or seven years old. During her husband's minority, the bride often had to tolerate advances of her assertive father-in-law. 

For example, in the middle of the 19th century in Tambov Governorate 12-13 year old boys were often married to 16-17 year old girls. 

The boys' fathers used to arrange such marriages to take advantage of their sons' lack of experience. Snokhachestvo entailed conflicts in the family and put moral pressure on the mother-in-law, who usually treated her son's wife as a rival for her own husband's affections.

Snokachestvo was considered incestuous by the Russian Orthodox Church and unseemly by the obshchina, the rural community. Legally it was considered a form of rape and was punished with fifteen to twenty lashes. Understandably, cases of snokhachestvo were not publicized and the crime remained latent, making it difficult to assess its true extent in the Russian Empire.

One of the first Russian writers to decry snokhachestvo, describing it as a form of "sexual debasement," was Alexander Radishchev, who saw it as an outgrowth of Russian serfdom. In the 19th century, its resurgence was fueled by obligatory conscription and "the seasonal departure of young men for work outside the village."[1]
Snokhachestvo remained relatively widespread even after the abolition of serfdom in 1861. 

The Narodnik writer Gleb Uspensky, while deploring the plight of young peasant women, sympathized with "the emotional and physical needs of the mature peasant man."



If sons wife denied the requests she would have been issued with hard working conditions at home and beaten.

Some father’s demanded sons to leave the house for work to get closer to their sons wife. Some sons even knew about such relationships.

Many Russian famous writers such as Lermontov, Nabokov and others wrote about this phenomenon.

Russian church opposed such situation as from the religious POV that was incest, yet it was quite common in villages.


China’s Reaction To Pelosi’s Visit Reveals Its Taiwan Conflict Plans

China’s response to Pelosi’s visit of Taiwan continues:

Taipei, Aug. 6 (CNA) Taiwan's Ministry of National Defense (MND) said on Saturday that multiple Chinese military aircraft and vessels had operated near Taiwan in the morning in what it believed to be a simulation of an attack on Taiwan's main island.

In a brief press statement, the MND said multiple Chinese military aircraft and vessels conducted activities near Taiwan Saturday morning, with some of them crossing the median line of the Taiwan Strait -- an unofficial buffer zone normally avoided by both Taiwanese and Chinese military aircraft and vessels.

The MND added that the Chinese military was likely "simulating an attack on Taiwan's main island."

The median line of the Taiwan Strait was drawn in 1955 by U.S. Airforce General Benjamin Davis. It no longer has any meaning.

Marine traffic around Taiwan continues without much trouble. Taiwan’s harbors are still accessible. Ships avoid the zones China had designated as target areas.




Some people in Taiwan’s news agency CNA now recognize what a real conflict with China would look like (machine translation):

Experts pointed out that China's unprecedented large-scale military exercises around Taiwan now give a glimpse of how the Communist army will block off the island of Taiwan if it launches a war against Taiwan in the future, and also exposes the Chinese military.

After Pelosi left Taiwan, the Communist Army issued another navigation warning, and live ammunition [will be] fired in the Yellow Sea for 10 consecutive days 
This is the first time that a Chinese military exercise has come so close to Taiwan, with some drills operating less than 20 kilometers from the coast of Taiwan.

Also unprecedented is that the location of the exercise by the communist army includes the sea and airspace east of Taiwan. This is an area of ​​strategic importance for Taiwanese troops to receive supplies and for possible U.S. reinforcements.

The outside world has long speculated that one of China's preferred strategies for attacking Taiwan is a blockade.

This encirclement action is to prevent any commercial and military ships and aircraft from entering or leaving Taiwan, as well as to prevent the advance of Taiwan by U.S. troops stationed in the region. 

Song Zhongping, an independent Chinese military analyst, said the Chinese army "obviously has all the military capabilities to enforce such a blockade".

China indeed has the capability to completely blockade Taiwan.

As the whole area is also under cover of China’s land based ballistic missiles and in reach of its airforce a blockade is easy to establish and hard to breach.

China’s military is no longer the unprofessional lightly armed force that some still think it is:

According to Xinhua News Agency, the Chinese military dispatched more than 100 military aircraft and more than 10 frigates and destroyers in the exercise, including the J-20 stealth fighter and the Type 055 destroyer, which are cutting-edge weapons of the Chinese Air Force and Navy, respectively.

In addition, through the exercise, the PLA can test and strengthen the coordinated combat capabilities of participating troops of various services and arms, including ground, sea, air and rocket troops, as well as strategic support capabilities in charge of cyber warfare.

In addition, the exercise also posed a major test to the Eastern Theater Command established by the Communist Party of China in 2016. This theater is responsible for military operations in China's entire eastern seas, and thus covers Taiwan.

John Blaxland, a professor of international security at the Australian National University, told reporters that what China had displayed so far was a "great military."

"They can't be dismissed as some sort of less experienced and underpowered army, they're clearly capable of coordinating land and sea operations, and capable of using missile systems and being effective," he said.

Braxland said the Chinese military's exercises showed Taiwan, the United States and Japan that China "has the conditions to carry out the actions they have threatened to take."

Barxland is not the only ‘western’ expert who is impressed by this well coordinated show of force.

If one compares a potential war about Taiwan with the current NATO-Russia proxy war in Ukraine on can see the U.S. problems. The U.S. would likely want to avoid a direct conflict over Taiwan with a nuclear armed China, just like it avoids one with Russia in Ukraine. That is why Biden is at odds with lawmakers who want to implement some crazy Taiwan Policy Act that would commit the U.S. to the islands defense.

The U.S. would rather want to help Taiwan by other means. But how?

An air and sea blockade would hit Taiwan hard. Some 40% of its electricity is generated by natural gas all of which it has to import. Another large part is produced with coal which Taiwan also imports. The same goes for petroleum products. Before Pelosi landed in Taipei gas reserves on the island were enough for just 11 days. Coal and oil is easier to store but would still run out before a blockade could be lifted.

Then there is food:

In 2018, Taiwan's food self-sufficiency rate is only 35%. Additionally, the actual production of agricultural land in Taiwan is about 520,000 hectares, which is far from the 740,000 to 810,000 hectares’ target prescribed by the Ministry of Interior. As an island nation, food supply depends on international trade and is regarded as dangerous.

A total blockade of Taiwan would likely bring it to its knees within a few weeks or months. Time that could be used to defeat its air force, air defenses and missiles and prevent attacks from Taiwan on China’s continental assets. China does not have to invade the island. It just has to wait until it is invited to come in.

In a response to a Chinese blockade of Taiwan the U.S. would likely declare a blockade of China from energy imports, i.e. oil and LPG. It could enforce this by hindering Chinese ships from passing through the Malacca Street and other maritime bottlenecks. (The second big gas pipeline that Russia is currently building to China is one of the counter moves to that threat.)

In case of a blockade and counter-blockade the question becomes who could hold out longer. Here China has the advantage of greater reserves. The U.S. would also have only few allies in such a conflict. China would, like Russia is now, still be in good standing with the rest of the world. That would allow it to mitigate most consequences.

Andrei Martyanov seems to think that the technologically superior U.S. submarine fleet could defeat the Chinese navy in the South China Sea. I doubt that it is still the case. It is also totally irrelevant. Submarines can not lift blockades that are enforced by land based missiles and an air force that flies under the protective air defense cover of continental China.

In addition to the maneuvers China has taken political countermeasures against the U.S.:

Chinese Foreign Ministry on Friday announced the following countermeasures in response:

1. Canceling China-U.S. Theater Commanders Talk.
2. Canceling China-U.S. Defense Policy Coordination Talks (DPCT).
3. Canceling China-U.S. Military Maritime Consultative Agreement (MMCA) meetings.
4. Suspending China-U.S. cooperation on the repatriation of illegal immigrants.
5. Suspending China-U.S. cooperation on legal assistance in criminal matters.
6. Suspending China-U.S. cooperation against transnational crimes.
7. Suspending China-U.S. counternarcotics cooperation.
8. Suspending China-U.S. talks on climate change

Calls by the Pentagon chiefs to China now go unanswered.

The U.S. wants to further provoke China with another warship passage through the Taiwan Strait. But China’s legal understanding is that an uninvited military passage through its economic zone is not allowed. The U.S. makes the same claim when it comes to its own economic zone.

As China has broken off all military communication with the U.S. the risk of a passage is now much higher. One should not be astonished when China reacts to it.

Posted by b on August 6, 2022 at 16:37 UTC | Permalink

Florida man arrested for throwing alligator through drive-thru window

Florida man arrested for throwing alligator through drive-thru window


Some fine and delicious Colombian food here guys…

Did USA call China’s bluff?

When Pelosi landed in Taiwan, many people – including many Americans – were disappointed. China had lost face and USA had called its bluff.

This is what I wrote in response:

It is not a bluff, it is a dress rehearsal.

China made a decision. It abandoned the policy of peaceful reunification and decided that they must invade Taiwan. From now on China will arrange similar war games every year, each of them larger than the previous one. Some time in the next 3 to 5 years, the exercises will go live and lead to an invasion.

Many observers have now come around to the same conclusion.

Petri Krohn | Aug 6 2022 16:53 utc

US wants to surround China with missiles – but can’t find Asian country to host them

Who is going to agree to fight for the United States?

Moving around under heavy artillery fire.

Many times and it was always the same mistake that got our people killed:

Moving around under heavy artillery fire.

In Bosnia, we lost at least one or two soldiers every week, simply because they were walking around where they shouldn’t. Often, it was their own decision to do so, but quite a couple of times some lower ranking officers would order a subordinate to “fetch me this” or “go and tell this guy that”.

In Kosovo, we lost a guy, because he went to a well to get some water while the enemy artillery was pounding our village. Another one died, because he didn’t want to drink his tea inside a house and ventured out into the sun.

When the enemy’s artillery attacks, take a break! If you are in safe place, a trench or a bunker, you stay there and don’t move. Many experienced soldiers use this time to sleep. Nothing happens and no enemy infantry or tanks will approach your position until the artillery fire is either over or has moved to another place.

Unfortunately, many soldiers and commanders don’t get it. The shells are hitting closer and closer and they lose their nerves and leave the safety of their positions. If this happens there are almost always casualties.

China’s YMTC Claims 3D NAND Chip Breakthrough

(MENAFN– Asia Times)

A Chinese memory chip maker has put rivals Micron and SK hynix on notice with claims it has self-developed technology that has enhanced its 3D NAND semiconductor’s performance by 50% while cutting power consumption by 25%.

Yangtze Memory Technologies (YMTC), founded in 2016 and based in Wuhan, on Wednesday announced its fourth-generation NAND chips, known as X3-9070, are the first to feature 232 layers of memory cells, according to Chinese media reports. The claimed performance improvements are over its third-generation chips launched in April 2020.

The announcement said the X3-9070 is the highest bit density flash product in the company’s history, enabling 1 terabyte (TB) storage capacity in an ultra-compact mono-die footprint. The press release did not, however, state exactly how many layers of memory cells the X3-9070 chip has stacked.

Jennifer Caswell

Three years ago, police caught 28-year-old English teacher Jennifer Caswell in a Mississippi hotel room with a 15-year-old male student. She had resigned from her position at Oklahoma’s Hollis Middle School two month earlier amid rumors that she had been having sex with a student, and now police had the evidence.

Jennifer Caswell

The pair had reportedly had many sexual encounters in the boy’s home, a classroom, and elsewhere.

But after Caswell followed the boy 650 miles from Oklahoma to Mississippi, she was finally caught in the act.

Now, she has been ordered to pay $1 million dollars to the victim’s family.

A derelict old house

Not MM story, but one that I discovered. -MM

In 2009 I bought a derelict old house! It had not been lived in for 15 years. The roof had been eaten out by termites and had fallen in over part of the property. It was really a knock-down proposition. But I loved the old stone walls and I felt with a lot of effort, I could bring this old lady back to life again!


I was coming home one day around lunch time and there was a woman in the street taking photos of the front of our property. I pulled in the driveway, into the garage and got out of the car. The woman with the camera came up the driveway and said to me….

“My name is Elizabeth Tape, my father Ron and mother June built this house in 1952. I spent my first 12 years in this house and they were some of the nicest times of my life. So every time I come back to Mt Barker I come around to have a look at the old house. I have seen a few things changing lately and I thought I would take a few photos to show Dad”!

My first reaction was….”My God, is he still alive?”………She said yes both of them were still alive but, June had dementia and Ron was in very poor health and on oxygen all the time.

I invited Elizabeth in to see the changes we had made to the house. She took lots of photos and said, “Oh I wish Dad could see what you have done here!” I said he was always welcome to visit if he felt up to it.

Three months went by and I never heard anything further and thought the old guy must have passed on! Then, one Sunday morning a couple of cars pulled up out the front, containing the entire family…..they had all come to see the old house. My God, Ron was so frail and weak, but his eyes just beamed as I showed him through the place and what we had done with it.

He told me, the two of them had spent the first 18 months on the grass out the front of the property chipping the stone that would go into the wall construction by hand, with nothing but an old combing hammer. I didn’t want to belittle Ron and June’s work but, there were times when I seriously wondered how big a challenge I had taken on, but I persevered! Now, listening to Ron talk with such passion, I am so glad I did.


At one point where I put in a doorway in the stone wall, I put in a perspex panel to show the way Ron and June had built the house, I wanted it to look like what archaeological restorers do in an ancient dig, and when Ron saw it he started to cry, because I had included behind the perspex the very combing hammer they used all those years ago which had been left on the property.


They built the house like a medieval fort and threw all the stone bits and rubbish in the large perimeter wall cavity.


Ron told me all about his dreams when he built the house and how proud they both were when they could move the family in.

June, as I said, had dementia and had no idea where she was or what they were doing there, it was all just foreign to her until I showed them what I had done with the old sheds up the back of the block. I relocated an old wood stove from what is now our guest cottage (which they lived in while they built the main house) up to my workshop, as I felt it was a bit good to just throw away.


As soon as June saw the stove she went into an uncontrolled state of excitement….pointing to it she kept saying, “That’s my stove, that’s my stove” over and over again! That was the only thing on the property she recognised!


We had a lovely couple of hours with Ron and June and the rest of the family and, having them here gave me a renewed feeling of vigor. I wanted to honour what Ron had built and everything I have done here since I have done with Ron at my shoulder, hoping that he approves!

He’s gone……..but neither we or this house will forget him. Thanks Stefan for the question!


“We Can’t Win A War With China” Says Military Expert

Well worth the watch. Please check it out.

Give a guy a chance



The man responded, “ I have a lot of felonies, and nobody wants to hire me because of that. I had to turn to the streets. I had to start stealing and robbing, in order to survive”

I was short staffed that day, so I asked him.. “do you want to work”?

His eyes opened up so wide and a big smile came across his face, and he said yes!! He said I will do anything for some food.

So for two weeks now, he has been on time for his two hour shift.

He helps me with taking out the trash and doing dishes.

I pay him at the end of each shift, and you know what he decides to do? Is to spend it in the restaurant on some nice warm food.

I try to offer it to him for free, but he refuses.. so I discount it all.

He told me today that he enjoys to being able to finally pay for something, that it makes him feel good inside.

The moral of this story, is to do something nice for someone no matter what their situation is. Even if they are asking you for some spare change, because we really don’t know their story, or what they are going through. And everybody deserves a second chance. ❤️‍”

Florida Man Kidnaps Scientist to Make Dog Immortal

Phillip Joseph

His dog was getting older, and he started to panic that his dog was going to die. He thought Science was the answer.

So he went to the University of South Florida and kidnapped a science professor and held him hostage. Once the professor was released to safety, the dog lover was placed in custody.

The headline read,

“Florida Man Kidnaps Scientist to Make Dog Immortal”

How a missile in Kabul connects to a Speaker in Taipei

Washington’s hard power display of taking out Al-Qaeda’s Al-Zawahiri will not be reciprocated by Beijing over Pelosi’s provocative visit to Taiwan. It does however, definitively bury the decades-long era of cooperative US-Chinese relations.

By Pepe Escobar

August 03 2022

This is the way the “Global War on Terror” (GWOT) ends, over and over again: not with a bang, but a whimper.

Two Hellfire R9-X missiles launched from a MQ9 Reaper drone on the balcony of a house in Kabul. The target was Ayman Al-Zawahiri with a $25 million bounty on his head. The once invisible leader of ‘historic’ Al-Qaeda since 2011, is finally terminated.

All of us who spent years of our lives, especially throughout the 2000s, writing about and tracking Al-Zawahiri know how US ‘intel’ played every trick in the book – and outside the book – to find him. Well, he never exposed himself on the balcony of a house, much less in Kabul.

Another disposable asset

Why now? Simple. Not useful anymore – and way past his expiration date. His fate was sealed as a tawdry foreign policy ‘victory’ – the remixed Obama ‘Osama bin Laden moment’ that won’t even register across most of the Global South. After all, a perception reigns that George W. Bush’s GWOT has long metastasized into the “rules-based,” actually “economic sanctions-based” international order.

Cue to 48 hours later, when hundreds of thousands across the west were glued to the screen of (until the website was hacked), tracking “SPAR19” – the US Air Force jet carrying House Speaker Nancy Pelosi – as it slowly crossed Kalimantan from east to west, the Celebes Sea, went northward parallel to the eastern Philippines, and then made a sharp swing westwards towards Taiwan, in a spectacular waste of jet fuel to evade the South China Sea.

No “Pearl Harbor moment”

Now compare it with hundreds of millions of Chinese who are not on Twitter but on Weibo, and a leadership in Beijing that is impervious to western-manufactured pre-war, post-modern hysteria.

Anyone who understands Chinese culture knew there would never be a “missile on a Kabul balcony” moment over Taiwanese airspace. There would never be a replay of the perennial neocon wet dream: a “Pearl Harbor moment.” That’s simply not the Chinese way.

The day after, as the narcissist Speaker, so proud of accomplishing her stunt, was awarded the Order of Auspicious Clouds for her promotion of bilateral US-Taiwan relations, the Chinese Foreign Minister issued a sobering comment: the reunification of Taiwan with the mainland is a historical inevitability.

That’s how you focus, strategically, in the long game.

What happens next had already been telegraphed, somewhat hidden in a Global Times report. Here are the two key points:

Point 1: “China will see it as a provocative action permitted by the Biden administration rather than a personal decision made by Pelosi.”

That’s exactly what President Xi Jinping had personally told the teleprompt-reading White House tenant during a tense phone call last week. And that concerns the ultimate red line.

Xi is now reaching the exact same conclusion reached by Russian President Vladimir Putin earlier this year: the United States is “non-agreement capable,” and there’s no point in expecting it to respect diplomacy and/or rule of law in international relations.

Point 2 concerns the consequences, reflecting a consensus among top Chinese analysts that mirrors the consensus at the Politburo: “The Russia-Ukraine crisis has just let the world see the consequence of pushing a major power into a corner… China will steadily speed up its process of reunification and declare the end of US domination of the world order.”

Chess, not checkers

The Sinophobic matrix predictably dismissed Xi’s reaction to the fact on the ground – and in the skies – in Taiwan, complete with rhetoric exposing the “provocation by American reactionaries” and the “uncivilized campaign of the imperialists.”

This may be seen as Xi playing Chairman Mao. He may have a point, but the rhetoric is pro forma. The crucial fact is that Xi was personally humiliated by Washington and so was the Communist Party of China (CPC), a major loss of face – something that in Chinese culture is unforgivable. And all that compounded with a US tactical victory.

So the response will be inevitable, and it will be classic Sun Tzu: calculated, precise, tough, long-term and strategic – not tactical. That takes time because Beijing is not ready yet in an array of mostly technological domains. Putin had to wait years for Russia to act decisively. China’s time will come.

For now, what’s clear is that as much as with Russia-US relations last February, the Rubicon has been crossed in the US-China sphere.

The price of collateral damage

The Central Bank of Afghanistan bagged a paltry $40 million in cash as ‘humanitarian aid’ soon after that missile on a balcony in Kabul.

So that was the price of the Al-Zawahiri operation, intermediated by the currently US-aligned Pakistani intelligence agency, the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI). So cheap.

The MQ-9 Reaper drone carrying the two Hellfire R9X that killed Al-Zawahiri had to fly over Pakistani airspace – taking off from a US base in the Persian Gulf, traversing the Arabian Sea, and flying over Balochistan to enter Afghanistan from the south. The Americans may have also got human intelligence as a bonus.

A 2003 deal, according to which Islamabad facilitates air corridors for US military flights, may have expired with the American withdrawal debacle last August, but could always be revived.

No one should expect a deep dive investigation on what exactly the ISI – historically very close to the Taliban – gave to Washington on a silver platter.

Dodgy dealings

Cue to an intriguing phone call last week between the all-powerful Chief of Staff of the Pakistani Army, Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa, and US deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman. Bajwa was lobbying for the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to release a crucial loan at the soonest, otherwise Pakistan will default on its foreign debt.

Were deposed former Prime Minister Imran Khan still in power, he would never have allowed that phone call.

The plot thickens, as Al-Zawahiri’s Kabul digs in a posh neighborhood is owned by a close advisor to Sirajuddin Haqqani, head of the “terrorist” (US-defined) Haqqani network and currently Taliban Interior Minister. The Haqqani network, needless to add, was always very cozy with the ISI.

And then, three months ago, we had the head of ISI, Lieutenant General Nadeem Anjum, meeting with Biden’s National Security Advisor  Jake Sullivan in Washington – allegedly to get their former, joint, covert, counter-terrorism machinery back on track.

Once again, the only question revolves around the terms of the “offer you can’t refuse” – and that may be connected to IMF relief. Under these circumstances, Al-Zawahiri was just paltry collateral damage.

Sun Tzu deploys his six blades

Following Speaker Pelosi’s caper in Taiwan, collateral damage is bound to multiply like the blades of a R9-X missile.

The first stage is the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) already having engaged in live fire drills, with massive shelling in the direction of the Taiwan Strait out of Fujian province.

The first sanctions are on too, against two Taiwanese funds. Export of sable to Taiwan is forbidden; sable is an essential commodity for the electronics industry – so that will ratchet up the pain dial in high-tech sectors of the global economy.

Chinese CATL, the world’s largest fuel cell and lithium-ion battery maker, is indefinitely postponing the building of a massive $5 billion, 10,000-employee factory that would manufacture batteries for electric vehicles across North America, supplying Tesla and Ford among others.

So the Sun Tzu maneuvering ahead will essentially concentrate on a progressive economic blockade of Taiwan, the imposition of a partial no-fly zone, severe restrictions of maritime traffic, cyber warfare, and the Big Prize: inflicting pain on the US economy.

The War on Eurasia

For Beijing, playing the long game means the acceleration of the process involving an array of nations across Eurasia and beyond, trading in commodities and manufactured products in their own currencies. They will be progressively testing a new system that will see the advent of a BRICS+/SCO/Eurasia Economic Union (EAEU) basket of currencies, and in the near future, a new reserve currency.

The Speaker’s escapade was concomitant to the definitive burial of the “war on terror” cycle and its metastasis into the “war on Eurasia” era.

It may have unwittingly provided the last missing cog to turbo-charge the complex machinery of the Russia-China strategic partnership. That’s all there is to know about the ‘strategic’ capability of the US political ruling class. And this time no missile on a balcony will be able to erase the new era.

ARROZ CON POLLO | How To Make Colombian Arroz Con Pollo (Chicken and Rice) | SyS

A fine delicious rice and chicken dish. Yum!

The Chowchilla kidnapping

The Chowchilla kidnapping

On July 15, 1976, Ed Ray was driving a school bus full of 26 children home from a summer field trip to a swimming pool in Chowchilla, California. Suddenly, a van blocked the road ahead of the bus and three men wearing pantyhose on their heads and armed with sawed-off shotguns climbed aboard. They hijacked the bus and drove it to a remote riverbed, transferred the children and Ray into two converted prison vans, and drove them around for 11 hours, finally stopping at a quarry 100 miles away. They then forced everyone into a moving truck — that they’d buried 12 feet underground.

For 16 hours, the kidnappers tried to ransom off the children while Ray and the oldest student, 14-year-old Michael Marshall, attempted to push open the 200-pound metal sheet that had been placed atop the opening in the roof of the moving truck. Finally, they were able to move it just enough for Marshall to squeeze through and start digging. When he eventually reached the surface, the children climbed out and ran for help, ultimately reuniting with their families 36 long hours after they had first been abducted.

See the photos and go inside the horrific story of the Chowchilla kidnapping here: How 26 Schoolchildren Were Kidnapped And Buried Alive — Then Dug Their Way To Freedom

A Roman military tactic

Roman legionaries famously wore ‘Caligae’, open sandals shod with hobnails and fought in close-order formations (called cohorts). When fighting an enemy and winning the entire formation would advance, simultaneously treading down the wounded enemy lying on the ground with their hobnail sandals. Potentially that might mean several dozen men stamping on your face. Pretty brutal.


Tallulah Bankhead

Tallulah Bankhead

Actress Tallulah Bankhead was infamous for not wearing underwear.

During the filming of——“Lifeboat”/1944—-—the crew complained about her flashing them when she climbed a ladder.

Director Alfred Hitchcock quipped,

"I don’t know if this is a matter for the costume department, make-up or hairdressing.”

It could happen to you

I watched a slim young woman walk directly up to a mob of men armed with machetes and clubs who had promised to kill her.

My then girlfriend and I had our own business. It included a large safari lodge and farm next to a lake and rhino sanctuary close to Harare in Zimbabwe. We leased the properties and were doing well enough to have made an offer to purchase them.

That all came to an end when the “war vets” turned up.

“War vets” were actually nothing of the sort. Originally, veteran guerrilla fighters of the Rhodesian bush war that had run for fifteen years and ended in the 1970s had begun protesting that they had not been properly rewarded for their services.

Initially Robert Mugabe tried to appease them by awarding them all hundreds of millions of dollars. That wasn’t enough.

At the same time as this was going on there was another drama developing. At the end of the war an agreement had been signed between the United Kingdom, the Nationalist organizations including its (para)military wings and the then Rhodesian government.

This agreement, called the Lancaster House Agreement, agreed to majority rule and one-man-one-vote. Amongst other things, the British government promised to fund the purchase of commercial land for redistribution to indigenous farmers.

However, right at the time of the war vets’ demands, Mo Mowlam, the then-UK Minister, decided to announce that in spite have having promised to do so twenty tyears earlier they would not fund the redistribution of land.

The result of this disgraceful decision was that President Robert Mugabe saw a way to solve the problem of appeasing his war vets and also of teaching the British a lesson. He let the war vets and everyone else vaguely associated with them or just wanting a patch of dirt loose on the white Zimbabwean farmers.

At first everyone believed it was just a protest and a political move by the ruling party to appease its supporters.

It wasn’t. It turned extremely nasty. Farms were destroyed, farmers and farm workers started being attacked and even being killed.

There was no way the farmers and their workers could fight back. They were all massively outnumbered and the police and army had been ordered to stay out of it. In fact they were assisting by collecting thugs off the streets and trucking them out to the farms.

We were caught in the middle of this. A crowd of “war vets” turned up.

The lodge was abandoned. We found ourselves suddenly alone. Then some stoned maniac turned up with notes ostensibly written by the workers accusing us of all sorts of nonsense, telling us that they were going to take over and that we would be killed if we tried to leave.

This last, the letters informed us, was because we had to produce “all the money” first. This was extremely serious as there was no way we could make money appear from nowhere and they would get nasty if we didn’t.

We heard singing as they walked out of the lodge. There was a mob at the front gate. It was the only exit.

I don’t like mobs.

Big trouble.


I told my girlfriend to stay in the lodge and began to approach them. The closer I got the more aggressively they behaved. They did not enter but if I went up to them I knew they would kill me. They were completely out of control.

We were really trapped and it was only a matter of time before they came inside and began smashing and burning.

We had no options. I was armed. I had a handgun under my shirt and my rifle was on the back seat of my car. The problem was that the gate was at the end of a road. If we made a run for it we would have to knock the gate down and then turn through the crowd. Although I had only seen the machetes, knives and clubs, I was certain there would be guns amongst them as well. If we tried it, it would be easy to kill us.

I thought about farmer Terry Norton who had tried to make a break for it after getting into a shootout with a mob of war vets. He just made it out the gate before being gunned down.

I couldn’t start a shootout if I wasn’t sure it would mean me getting my girlfriend out safely. On the other hand, I might not be given the choice.

I decided to explain to my girlfriend that if they attacked us and we had no choice that she would have to drive while I shot.

I looked around. She was gone.

I ran out of the conference room we had been standing in. She was walking to the gate.

The war vets had gone silent.

I was horrified. I couldn’t approach. If I did they might go mad. I gripped the handgun and waited to start using it.

She calmly and quietly walked up to them and then she began talking to them softly.

Here and there men began to sit down. I had no idea what she was saying but it was doing the impossible.

Eventually nearly everyone was sitting listening to her talk. After a while she stopped and then a discussion began amongst them.

She talked some more with them and then began walking back. I was almost crying with relief.

When she reached me she said, “They said we can go”.

We drove out of the gate and never went back.

Oh and yes, I married her. She’s sitting on the couch next to me as I write this.

It is not so important what she said as how she said it. She approached them bravely, calmly, peacefully and without any malice.
When she spoke to them, she talked about us and the hardships we had endured and how everything we had was invested in that place and that I had not inherited a farm or anything else. We understood that it was now all gone. She talked about the friendship that had grown between ourselves and the workers and the mutual respect we had always had for each other.

I handed over my company with cash in the bank to a politician/war vet a few days later who was connected with their leadership. At least that way the workers still had a job. After signing over, the politician informed us that the owner of the property had been aware that the warvets were coming and did not let us know. He did a deal with the same politician to partner with him before we even knew we were in trouble. Two weeks later we arrived in Holland without a cent.

I got the girl though!

Momma’s secret

Not MM's mom. LOL. -MM

At my mother’s funeral, my older half- sister told me something I had certainly not known before.

Before I was born and while she was married to her first husband, she shot a man at point-blank range twice in the chest/ abdomen without warning.

Her first husband had given her a “purse pistol”, a 32 caliber small concealable pistol, my sister said “to protect herself and the kids” before he was sent off to North Africa (where he was killed at Kasserine Pass).

So when she discovered a man breaking into the window above where the kids slept, without saying a word, she shot him TWICE less than two feet away.

He escaped and ran off. The next day, they saw a BIG trail of blood and followed it to a creek where it disappeared. (She never reported it to the police).

Now there is a bit of family history for you!

Alison Botha

Alison Botha

The above photo is of Alison Botha. This is her story which, for me, is the scariest thing I have seen in the news and at the same time truly motivational!

One day, she was kidnapped by two men known as “Ripper Rapists.” They raped her. After raping her, they decided to kill her! They tried to kill her by suffocating her, but they just could not stop her breathing! Their failure to kill her this way frustrated them and let them choose a very brutal way to kill her by stabbing her. They stabbed her at least 30 times in her abdomen! After the stabbing, they noticed that her leg twitched. The twitching of her leg made them believe that she was not dead yet. In order to be sure that she is dead, they slit her throat at least 16 times! After this, they finally decided that she is dead and drove away.

What a miracle! The rapists were wrong! She was still breathing after such a brutality! She even wrote the names of the rapists in the dirt and beneath that “I love mom.“ After doing this, she soon realized that she might have a chance to survive! She noticed headlights streaking through the bushes in the distance from where she was in. She thought about trying to get on the road to get help.

When she pulled herself up, her head started to fall backward, as they had slit her neck at least 16 times! In the meantime, she also felt something slimy protruding from her abdomen too! She used one hand to hold her head and another hand to keep her organs from spilling and began to walk towards the road. She lost her consciousness and fell many times during this journey to the road, but ultimately, she managed to reach the road and collapsed along the white line.

After this, fortunately, soon, a young veterinary student named Tiaan Eilerd saw her. He utilized his knowledge that he gained from his veterinary training and tucked her exposed thyroid back inside her body and called the emergency services for help.

She was rushed to the hospital where the doctors were shocked by her horrific wounds. She got good care from the hospital and survived. She remembered everything about the rapists and was soon able to identify them from police pictures while she was still in the hospital and help the police arrest them quickly.

After her full recovery, she began traveling around the world telling her story and inspired other survivors to come forward and tell their stories as well. She has also won many prestigious awards. She has also written two books. Her survival story was portrayed in the movie “Alison” in 2016. Nowadays, she is admired all over the world as the most inspiring motivational speaker.

China’s Taiwan Military Option – How and Why?

This is an outstanding video, and he pours through the American military plans. It’s eye-opening. It’s shows the flawed thinking by the United States towards China.

The terms of the USA – China war are now being put in place

There are many observers who erroneously believe that President Biden’s actions are independent and indicative of a senile old man controlled by others.  I disagree. He is a puppet, for certain, as are all American Presidents. And what he is doing is following the RAND recommendations for America to reign supreme over the entire world. He is following the plan.




And all the “background noise” in the media, is just that; insignificant noise.

The last (Nancy Polaski) trip to Taiwan underlined this point.

It does not matter who is the President. Whether Trump, Biden, or the Easter Bunny, the identical sequence of events will have unfolded.

Right on schedule, American Naval Forces took up position at the second island chain group. They are forming a blockade array; ready to “contain” China and prevent any thing or any one from moving in or out of Asia. It’s pretty obvious once you take a look at a map, for Christ’s sakes…

Blockade positions

So those of you still believing the American government lies;

  • Nancy Polaski was doing this on her own. (This is why she flew in President Biden’s plane, with President Bidens’ military alongside. Don’t you know.)
  • It was spontaneous. (That’s why three carrier groups just “happened” to be on containment stations within 12 hours.)
  • It was an unplanned, spontaneous, visit to Taiwan. (That’s why the entire globe was watching her plane descend into Taipei.)

Well, shame on you!

Anyways the situation (which has been building up for some time) is reaching a peak inflection point.

Being situated inside of China I can comfortably make the following statements…

  • China has been “bitch slapped” by the USA and has lost a great deal of “face”.
  • This is a WAR MOVE.

Yes. Yes it clearly is.

  • You will now hear of face-to-face private talks between ambassadors and the Presidents directly.
Both sides have called the ambassadors to meet in private chats with the respective presidents. The USA HERE. China HERE. These are face-to-face meetings that cannot be intercepted electronically.
  • When that happens, you will KNOW that discussions are in process to discuss how the WAR WILL BE FOUGHT.

It’s obvious, but must be stated.

  • The results will not be made public.
  • However, you will be able to get an idea by watching policy directives in the next two months.


  • Reunification of Taiwan will occur within a two year window. It will be either peaceful or bloody, but it WILL OCCUR and China WILL BE the victor.
  • The USA will huff and bluster, but will stay out of a conflict.
  • The USA will enact “sanctions from Hell” (again) and possibly blockade China. Already this is in the works. No surprises there.
  • There are REPORTS that the USA is automatically stealing money out of the banks of Chinese living inside of America.

So we can say…

  • Whatever happens next, a conflict is CERTAIN.
  • Overall, by all accounts, it will be America and the West that will hurt.
  • I really do not believe that the Western “leadership” has any idea of how weak they actually are. As they seem to be operating from an illusion of strength.

Of course alongside this sequence of events are all sorts of interesting items and tidbits.

But what must be understood is that the global situation has changed radically.

Global-wide thermonuclear war is a great possibility.

However, what is more likely is the rot and decay of the West will consume the “remaining elements of society”. The West’s governments will still operate like some kind of headless zombie robot. And inflation, malaise and other elements of dysfunction will continue to spread and saturate every element of society. The near $60B in funds to “build up an IC industry” in the United States will fail.

Those of you wishing for the collapse of the “evil tyrant” of Xi Peng, need to stop watching FOX “news” and get on a plane and visit China. He is outrageously popular and is working alongside President Putin to handle things on their own timetables.

The last vestiges of hope in America are now stripped away. What ever remained was shredded off and sandpapered, and sand blasted off. The Leadership of China sees America for what it is; an aggressive, military bully that lies, cheats and wants the absolute destruction of China.

They will not permit this.

Any of you out there remaining hopeful for this event train to move to some stability are sorely mistaken.

It’s over.

It’s gone.

It is now a new world and a new reality. As systems adjust to the new reality, you will see unusual stock movements, strange changes in the worth of the USD, inflation that will seem radical, even obscene, and even more bizarre actions by the Western governments.

The death throes of the dying corpse (that is the United States, and it’s proxies) are only going to get worse; more violent, erratic, and dangerous. There is no hope left to control it. It is now out of control…

Of course, the entire idea behind the United States actions was to create a remote proxy war with China; one that would isolate it and weaken it.

That is not possible now.

China is telling the United States that it WILL be a direct HOT and NASTY direct war’ China and America; face-to-face, up close.  Not a “far away”, hidden from view, easily disguised, proxy war.

China is no longer playing defensive.

China is now offensive.

What steps the USA will take will become obvious shortly.

Here we continue with the “news” of the day, some food, and other articles of interest. I hope that you enjoy this post.

Heaven and Hell

This happened to me several years ago, in 2012 to be exact. What was said was not only disrespectful, but flat out cruel and inappropriate. I’ll give a little back story, so that you can have a better understanding of the whole picture, as to why what’s been said and when it’s been said, was so much more painful and cruel.

I am originally from Eastern Europe, been living in the States for over 20 years now. I left home when I was 24 years old (I was a journalist, covering stories about war, political corruption, police brutality etc., resulting in harassment and threats towards me and my family, which became so severe and out of control, that I had to flee my country, just so that my family would be left alone and out of harm’s way). It took seven years after fleeing the country, until I was finally able to go back home to see my family. Since than I only manage to visit my family once every two to three years.

In 2012 I was going through a brutal nasty divorce. It was a volatile marriage,vand the divorce was even worse. My ex was (still is) a severe addict and after nearly 10 years of marriage from hell, I couldn’t take it anymore, it absolutely destroyed me. Thanks to my ex, I lost my health, my condo, my job. He stole nearly $100K from our bank and credit card accounts, committed fraud and tried to blame me and get me arrested for his crimes. I had to file for bankruptcy because of his debt. Harassment, threats, fake suicide attempts, couches against the front door to stop break-ins, checking my car every day before driving it, to make sure it wasn’t tempered with… Disgusting, cruel things my ex would do and say to me or about me, to justify his immoral actions. At times I was too scared to go outside. And I had no one by my side. I was all alone.

I couldn’t take it any longer, I didn’t want to be here anymore. I had to change something. I needed to change myself. I felt ugly, damaged and unloved. I did not want to be me anymore. I hated my life, I hated myself… So I jumped on the plane and went to Europe to be with my family, to feel loved.

As part of changing myself, I decided to start by changing my appearance and finally get my nose reconstruction surgery done (to fix my twice-broken nose with deviated septum causing breathing problems, aside from having a slight bump on the bridge of my nose).

As you can tell, I was not in a good place physically or mentally. The only positive thing was that I was finally spending some time with my family, after being separated from them for 13 years. I hadn’t seen most of my friends and relatives all those years. So one afternoon, a few days after my nose reconstructive surgery, my dad’s cousin came to visit. (We are orthodox Christians. This cousin was married to a Jewish man, but kept her religion. However, when life got hard in my country, due to several wars, Russian invasion, government corruption etc, this cousin abandoned her religion, converted to Judaism, and the whole family moved to Israel).

My face was all swollen and bandaged after the surgery. In severe pain.

Can anyone relate?

Still, I got out of bed, threw on some Capri pants and a T-shirt and went downstairs to see this cousin I haven’t seen in over 13 years. When I walked into the room, had I not been told beforehand who she was, I would not have even recognized her, she was covered head to toe (mind you it was middle of summer, hot as hell), long dress down to the floor, long-sleeve turtleneck and Tichel (a headscarf), none of which is required by our religion, but was required by her newfound religion: Understanding the dress codes of Orthodox Jewish women and their diverse interpretations

. This was fine with me. I am not a crazy religious person, I have my beliefs and I respect others, as long as they don’t try to push their religion and beliefs on me.

Anyway, I was happy to see my relative, that’s all I cared about. I even mastered up a smile through pain and a huge cast on my face. We hugged and I started to ask how she was doing, as she cut me off and “YOU ARE GOING TO HELL!”- she said to me. It was so out of nowhere, I thought I misheard her. I looked at her puzzled. She pointed at a small tattoo above my ankle (maybe six inches big) and repeated, “You are going to hell”.

I was dumbfounded. Thinking to myself, “You were the one running around sleeping with guys (which was absolutely against our religion and culture back then), getting pregnant by one of them and forcing the poor guy to marry you. Then changed your religion because it suited your needs. But I’m the sinner and going to hell, because I have one little tattoo of a flower on my leg?!”

I was so turned off and disgusted by her at that moment. She’s in my house, being served by my parents, eating my food, and she’s basically cursing me out, instead of asking me how I’m doing, especially after not having seen me in years, just had major surgery and my face is being covered in bandages… not to mention that she was aware of my situation, how my life was falling apart and how devastated I was. Any normal person, relative or not, would have some compassion and offer words of encouragement, or just say, “Hi, how are you”, not “You are going to hell”.

But I did not want to disrespect myself and stoop down to her level, so I just simply said, “Honey, I am already in hell, but if you think you can fake your way into heaven with your headscarf, you are in for a rude awakening” and I walked out of the room.

No more Macron-Putin phone calls; France now rated ‘unfriendly’ by Moscow


Presidents Emmanuel Macron of France and Vladimir Putin of Russia have not been in telephone contact for the past two months. A  Kremlin spokesman said France is now considered an “unfriendly” country and discussions between the two leaders are “unnecessary”.

The last time the two men spoke was on 28 May. They were sharing the line with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, and the problem was the fate of Ukrainian soldiers taken prisoner by Russian forces.

Before that, Macron and Putin spoke on the phone in early May, in March, and five times in the course of February as tension mounted over a possible Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Emmanuel Macron met Putin face-to-face in Moscow on 7 February, two weeks before Russian troops entered Ukraine

Critics of the French president say Macron’s high-profile diplomatic efforts failed to prevent war. Macron supporters say he is now one of the few outsiders with a view into Putin’s mindset at this crucial time.

The Russian declaration that France is an “unfriendly” country is a reaction to French participation in the organisation of international sanctions in reprisal for the Ukraininan invasion.

France joins the United States, Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Japan, Taiwan and South Korea, as well as the other 26 member states of the European Union, in the category of unfriendly states.

Meanwhile, in his efforts to strengthen ties with remaining allies, Vladimir Putin told Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Friday that he was hoping to sign an agreement to boost trade and economic ties.

“I hope that today we will be able to sign a relevant memorandum on the development of our trade and economic ties,” Putin said as the two leaders sat down for talks in the Black Sea resort city of Sochi.

The Lone Woman of San Nicolas Island

The Lone Woman of San Nicolas Island.

Some call her Juana Maria. She is the basis for Karana from the The Island of the Blue Dolphins, although her true Nicoleño name was never known. She endured 18 years living alone on a tiny, isolated island 60 miles off the California coast.

In 1835, the last remaining Nicoleño people were removed from San Nicolas Island for debated reasons, but possibly related to the mission activities prevalent in California’s early history. When the ship departed, it unintentionally left the woman behind.

She remained there alone, uncontacted and isolated until 1853, when George Nidiver came to the island and located her. He returned with her to Santa Barbara.

She was the last surviving member of her tribe, and the last surviving speaker of her language. She spoke no known language, though she would often sing in her native language, the words of which, no one else could speak or comprehend.

She died of dysentery 7 short weeks after coming to the mainland. Her illness was most likely brought on by the drastic change in her diet. Her age was estimated to be in the 50s.

China’s firing of a missile directly over Taiwan a ‘significant escalation’

In what’s being seen as a “significant escalation,” Beijing committed a worrying military manoeuvre over Taiwan it has never done before.


As China’s fury with Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan continues unabated one move by the People’s Liberation Army has ramped up concerns on the under pressure island of 24 million people.

As part of the “unprecedented” military drills in the seas around Taiwan, it’s widely believed that Beijing has fired several missiles directly over the democratic nation.

While it regularly threatens Taiwan, sending a missile through Taiwanese airspace, above the heads of its residents, is a line it has never crossed before.

A China watcher has said that while tensions in the Taiwan Strait may lessen once Beijing has vented, another scenario is “mutual escalation” and the possibility “things may enter a very dangerous spiral”.

The Himba tride of Namibia

The Himba tride of Namibia are a special set of people. With their skin and hair heavily covered with reddish Paste the women walk around bare- breasted.

The Himba tride of Namibia

The men give out their wives to their visitors as a welcome “gift”. The women have no say in this. They are bound to sleep with the male visitors while their husbands sleep in another room.

Russia To Capture Kiev and Odessa over U.S. Biological Laboratories!

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov stunned the collective West today when he declared that Russia “Has information that the US built two additional bio warfare labs; one in Kiev, the other in Odessa.  We will have to capture those cities to dismantle those labs to save the world from another pandemic.”

This stunning statement makes clear Kiev and Odessa are now officially targets of the Russian special military operation (SMO).

It also makes clear that Russia flatly believes it was the US through its foreign biolabs, that caused the COVID-19 pandemic, and may also be to blame for the outbreak of Monkeypox.

Now that Russia’s intention to take Kiev and Odessa is public and clear, one wonders if there will even be any country called “Ukraine” after this conflict is done?

Half-wolf as a pet

My parents once bought a puppy. He was 3/4 timber wolf, 1/4 husky.

He was beautiful. Really smelly, though … we should’ve called him Brussel Sprout.

Instead, we named him Alfie. (After Alfie Moon from Eastenders *eye roll*)

He had a dummy (pacifier), loved having his teeth brushed, and wore wireless headphones while listening to Native American music, happily howling along.

Things were perfect, but he was growing. And by growing, I mean at 6 months old he stood 6 foot tall on his back legs.

Commonly, in family homes, one person is expected to be the dog’s master. That person for Alfie was my dad.

I was Alfie’s second favourite.

The first warning sign that happened, we misread as endearing and kind of cute.

I was running in a field and fell over. I wasn’t hurt, but he bolted over to me and stood over me. My body fitted underneath him and between all four legs. He lightly growled at my Mum as she came to see if I was OK. I reassured him I was fine and he let me out from under him.

Then, my Mum’s friend came to visit and for the first time in his life, he snarled viciously at her. And if you’ve seen a wolf snarl, you know it’s a lot more threatening than that of an average dog.

Finally, my Mum and Dad noticed he had begun acting strange. He would sit awake at the bottom of the bed, staring at my Mum all through the night.

He never threatened her, but this begun to happen more and more frequently.

A trip to the vet determined that Alfie was basically acting like a snake. (Online legend) Sizing my Mother up. The vet said he would’ve ripped my mother apart eventually.

This ‘dog’ had all the love and affection in the world. He also had routine and appropriate discipline. He was very well looked after. But the 3/4 Timber wolf instinct was always, always there, even though hidden. The bigger he got, the meaner he would’ve gotten.

It would’ve cost a fortune in training, and vet bills.

He had to be rehomed, although I’m fairly certain he was put to sleep.

Unless you’re ridiculously experienced, understand canine and wolf behaviours, don’t get a wolf.

*This was in early 2000; I do have photos somewhere and when I dig them out, I’ll add them in the answer.*

EDIT: I found some photos from an old scrapbook I made!

Writer with his dog.

This one is of Alfie and my dad. Alfie was less than 6 months old here. Notice how big he is and he’s not even sat up straight.

EDIT: I understand this is a touchy subject and a lot of you have your own views about how Alfie should have been dealt with. I was very young at the time, but even now, I remember the dangers he presented.

This animal, as gorgeous as he was, was not safe for any human to be around unless they had extensive training and knowledge in wolf behaviours. He was more wolf than dog. My parents didn’t get him because they wanted to “be cool” – they got him because they didn’t know any better.

We saw behaviouralists and specialists who all determined his risk was too high. It’s quite annoying to see people on the internet, who only have a snippet of information about this animal, saying that these specialists were wrong.

No vet wants to put an animal to sleep. They will do so when it is necessary. And unfortunately, in Alfies case, it was necessary. He wouldn’t have had a decent quality of life and he certainly would not have survived in the wild. Plus, I live in the UK – we don’t have wild wolves here.

On a possible positive note: My parents believe the vet took Alfie home. They did not stay while he was “being euthanised” and the vet made it very clear he wanted to give this animal a home with someone who could afford £800 a session for the next few years. Something that would’ve been impossible for my parents.

How to Make Mulberry Pie

So each a child can make it!

Viktor Orbán laid out his dark worldview to the American right — and they loved it

The European Union’s only autocrat came to CPAC Dallas and sold American conservatives on a vision of a Western civil war.


About two weeks ago, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán gave a speech in which he declared “we do not want to become peoples of mixed-race.” On Thursday afternoon, he gave the opening speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Dallas, a bookend to former President Donald Trump’s closing address this weekend at the influential right-wing gathering.

That Orbán took the marquee spot at American conservatism’s most prominent jamboree despite his recent mask-off moment — one that led a longtime Orbán adviser to resign, calling his speech “worthy of Goebbels” — is a testament to his country’s place in the US right’s imagination. Under Orbán, Hungary has become for them something like what the Nordic countries are for some progressives: an idealized model of what they hope America could become. The most important difference is that the Nordic countries are firmly democratic, while Orbán’s Hungary very much is not.

Orbán was careful to reject charges of both racism and authoritarianism in his CPAC speech, mocking such accusations as “fake news” produced by “idiots.” Yet if you listened to his speech carefully, the dark heart of his project was plainly apparent: a conspiratorial belief that “globalists” were driving the West to the brink of cultural suicide, paired with an open acknowledgment that conservatives “cannot fight successfully by liberal means.” The mask was back on, but it was gossamer thin.

The purpose of the speech was simple enough: to tighten the bonds linking Orbánism with the Trumpism that dominates the American right. The Hungarian populist sees the potential in that connection. His closing lines called on conservatives across the Atlantic to “coordinate our troops” in the fight against liberalism, exhorting them to gear up to remove Joe Biden from office (“you have two years to get ready”). The stakes, in his telling, are the very future of our civilization.

“The West is at war with itself. We have seen what kind of future the globalist ruling class has to offer. But we have a different kind of future in mind,” Orbán told the crowd. “The globalists can all go to hell. I have come to Texas.”

The Hungarian prime minister’s outreach to the American right is longstanding, intentional, and very well-informed. He has met with prominent conservatives in academia and the media, even offering state-funded fellowships in Budapest, and is quite familiar with the language and tropes of the American right. His speech contained deft references to their ideas, like attacks on defunding the police and support for a flat income tax, that he occasionally sounded less like a foreign dignitary and more like a GOP candidate for office. He repeatedly pandered to the Texan audience, calling Hungary “the lone star state of Europe” and saying “we decided we don’t need more genders, we need more Rangers; less drag queens and more Chuck Norris.”

If Orbán has been courting the American right for years, his speech in Dallas was a marriage proposal — one that seems to have been accepted. The dangers of this ideological coupling should not be underestimated.

The Parable of the Village Mill

There is a mill in a village.

Workers load gunny bags of rice into the trucks everyday. They usually take 6 hours.

One day it rains heavily and the work stops for two hours.

The workers rush, run, skip their tea and somehow finish all the work in the remaining time.

Owner and manager see it from their windows.

Manager thinks:

Great! They worked so hard despite the rough weather and finished the work. I should tell the owner to give them bonus.

Owner thinks:

So it is actually a 4 hour job. And all these days they have been doing this for 6 hours? I should tell the manager to cut their salaries.

What Viktor Orbán told CPAC

Typically, foreign leaders who travel to the United States try not to get involved in American partisan politics. Addressing CPAC, an avowedly conservative organization, certainly doesn’t fit the mold.

While Orbán did pretend to be diplomatic at the outset, saying “we respect the government of the United States,” he also noted that “we are not the favorites of American Democrats” — and that the feelings were very much mutual. In the speech, he practically positioned his government as the European branch of the GOP — saying that “we should unite our forces” to “take back the institutions in Washington and in Brussels.”

“You have midterm elections this year, then presidential and congressional elections in ’24. And we will have elections in the European parliament [the] same year,” he continued. “These two locations will define the two fronts in the battle being fought for Western civilization. Today, we hold neither of them. Yet we need both.”

These faraway elections are politically twinned, Orbán argued, because both represent a struggle between traditionalist conservatives and globalist progressives. The latter camp, in his telling, is prominently represented by George Soros — a Hungarian-American Holocaust survivor and philanthropist who has become a transatlantic conservative boogeyman.

“He has an army at his service: money, NGOs, universities, research institutions, and half the bureaucrats in Brussels. He uses this army to force his will on his opponents — like us, Hungarians,” the prime minister said.

Soros and his “army,” according to Orbán, pose an existential threat to the survival of the West. They are attempting to stamp out “Christian” values — which he at times called “Judeo-Christian values,” leaving out the dubious prefix when discussing the Jewish Soros — and recreating the conditions under which Nazis and Communists once rose to menace Europe.

“The horrors of Nazism and Communism happened because some Western states in continental Europe abandoned their Christian values. And today’s progressives are planning to do the same,” he said. “They want to give up on Western values and create a new world, a post-Western World. Who is going to stop them if we don’t?”



From the 1800s to the early 1900s, a typical Malaysian or Indonesian woman would dress like this. And she was understandable, as she was not only comfortable and flexible, but she was great at working in hot weather.

It didn’t matter if the woman was Muslim, Hindu, Christian. This was socially acceptable. Not only that, but this was considered even modest.

My grandmother has photos of her mother dressed the same way.

But 200 years later, this style was eradicated by the influences of Islamic Conservatives. Many Salafi-influenced Imams preached against it as revealing and demeaning against women.

While it is common to see women in more traditional and rural areas of both Indonesia and Malaysia wearing this today, a woman would be harassed, fined, ordered to change or arrested if she were wearing this in certain cities and/or provinces.

And it’s important to clarify that I was not in any way saying that Indonesia or Malaysia have a clothing policy. That’s absurd. But certain provinces have certain laws that could have a woman charged with “disturbing the peace” for wearing revealing clothing. While Indonesia and Malaysia are conservative, it is by no means a Wahhabi Saudi Arabia. At least it is not a truth yet to be told.

Why Britain Changed Its China Stance

The cycles of London’s engagement with Beijing reveal how the U.S.’s ability to keep allies in line for its great-power competition is weakening.

From The Atlantic HERE

As recently as 2015, Britain boasted of being China’s “best partner in the west.” It had become a founding member of Beijing’s controversial Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, against American opposition. While still a member of the European Union, its diplomats pushed for the EU to agree to a formal trade-and-investment deal with China. And Xi Jinping had even been honored with a lavish state visit to London. For Britain, the future was unmistakably Chinese.

From 2020 onward, however, Britain transformed itself from China’s best partner in Europe to its harshest critic, sweeping away decades of foreign-policy consensus in the most drastic such shift in the Western world. Britain became the first European power to formally block Huawei from its 5G telecoms network, led the global condemnation of Beijing’s barbaric treatment of its Uyghur minority in Xinjiang, revoked the U.K. broadcasting license of China’s state-controlled CGTN, and offered a route to British citizenship for millions of people in Hong Kong who want to flee Beijing’s political repression.

The reasons for this turn were many: Brexit meant that Britain, having cut ties with its closest economic partner, the EU, could not afford to risk its relationship with its closest security ally, the United States, as well. The pandemic then entrenched public concern about Western reliance on China. And perhaps most important of all was Donald Trump. Even as he imposed steel tariffs on allies and belittled their leaders, the American president demanded that they stand with the United States against China.

Whereas Britain’s future had once seemed Chinese, it was back to being American. But in recent months, something strange started happening: London began softening its stance toward China again. Outgoing Prime Minister Boris Johnson this year approved a reopening of trade talks with China, and his government approved the sale of a microchip manufacturer to a Chinese company (though this is now in doubt).

Britain’s diplomatic back-and-forth in recent years has offered among the most extreme examples of how states are dealing with the wider geopolitical upheaval that has been taking place in response to China’s rise, a problem that no one yet seems to know the answer to. In Washington, a bipartisan consensus has formed around the notion that “engagement” with Beijing has failed, and that China is the only great rival to American supremacy in the 21st century. For continental Europe, Beijing is less an adversary than a risk to be accommodated, managed, and recognized, and the growth of its power an opportunity to carve out more “strategic autonomy” from the U.S. For Britain, trapped between the U.S. and Europe, it is a mixture of all of these things.

To understand what was going on, I spoke with more than a dozen senior government officials, diplomats, foreign-policy analysts, and lawmakers across the U.S., Britain, and Europe. (Many spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive government deliberations.) From these conversations a picture emerged of Britain clinging tightly to the new U.S. consensus, partly through judgment of its best interests and partly because of American pressure, while seeking to ensure its economic priorities with China are kept alive as much as possible as it faces up to the reality of the 21st century. Britain’s example shows how the widening standoff between Washington and Beijing will transform midsize powers that seek to avoid being drawn into a new cold war—and, more important, how the U.S. will not easily be able to maintain its grip on the world order that it created.

For decades, Britain followed a fairly consistent line in its policy toward Beijing, trying to balance security concerns against economic opportunities but typically erring on the side of engagement.

As early as 2003, Britain’s main telecommunications company approached Tony Blair’s government to seek permission to work with what was then a little-known Chinese company, Huawei, to upgrade the U.K.’s network. The partnership was waved through by officials who were more concerned with the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, terrorism, and Russia than some harmless Chinese firm.

By 2008, however, British intelligence agencies were warning that the Chinese state could use Huawei to gain access to Britain’s telecoms network. Soon after, the government—then led by Gordon Brown—established a watchdog to monitor Huawei, creating a first-of-its-kind arrangement involving a group of security-cleared former British officials and experts who would keep an eye on Huawei from inside the company on behalf of Britain. In effect, Britain had become sufficiently concerned about China spying on it that it demanded a special unit be created within Huawei to spy on the Chinese, but was insufficiently concerned to cancel Huawei contracts.

This was the environment in which David Cameron took over as prime minister in 2010—one in which cautious partnership with China had yielded concrete benefits for the U.K., but with hard-to-gauge costs. Over his six years in charge, Cameron would expand the relationship in an attempt to upgrade Britain’s infrastructure and open new markets for its financial-services industry. In 2014, London became one of the first international clearing centers for Chinese currency, before racing ahead of its competitors to become the major offshore center for renminbi trading. The following year, Cameron welcomed Xi to London for a state visit during which the British leader declared the beginning of a “golden era” in relations.

This was no one-off, but the culmination of a British strategy stretching back to at least the turn of the century. Britain was using its membership in the EU to turn itself into China’s financial gateway to the continent. Then came Brexit.

Following the referendum, Cameron was replaced by Theresa May, a more security-conscious China hawk who had spent the previous six years in the Home Office and was responsible for the domestic-intelligence agency MI5. In one of her first acts, she paused a decision on the construction of a British nuclear plant that was to receive Chinese investment. Then, in early 2018, on a three-day trip to China, May refused to sign off on a deal in which Britain would offer formal support for Xi’s infrastructure-building (and influence-generating) Belt and Road Initiative.

Once again, economic interests squashed political concerns. May’s early caution over China gave way to the same pressures that had pushed Cameron, Brown, and Blair: In April 2019, news leaked that May was preparing to give the go-ahead for Huawei’s involvement in building the country’s 5G network. By then, she had put aside her concerns about Chinese involvement in Britain’s nuclear industry as well. And then, once again, Brexit intervened.

May was replaced by Johnson, a far more liberal figure when it came to security and China. Immediately, Johnson slipped back into the old British policy, announcing that despite furious opposition from the U.S., the U.K. would allow Huawei to play a part in Britain’s 5G rollout. It was, in essence, a continuation of the Mayite policy—which itself was little more than a continuation of the cautious engagement that had been in place for decades.

The morning after Johnson’s Huawei decision, however, a Chinese student in Britain rang an emergency health line complaining that he and his mother visiting from Hubei felt unwell. At 7:50 p.m. that night, two paramedics dressed in hazmat suits arrived at the hotel where they were staying to take them to hospital. They would be the first people in Britain to test positive for the coronavirus. More than 200,000 people would ultimately die of COVID-19 in Britain. China’s role as nation zero, and its initial attempts to suppress news of the outbreak, would spark denunciations across the democratic world and demands for retaliation.

Even before the pandemic, opinion in the U.S. had shifted sharply against China, thanks in large part to the ferocity—and centrality—of Trump’s attacks on the country. This discord was almost inevitable anyway, given the great-power competition between the pair, but Trump played his part in speeding this process up and giving it political fire.

By May 2020, the U.S. had increased pressure on Britain and other European allies by unveiling sanctions on Huawei that, in effect, stopped it from being able to use American technology, a move that meant the British security services could no longer guarantee Huawei’s safety, because the company would soon be using non-Western technology that the British did not fully understand. This, in fact, was the very reason the U.S. had imposed its sanctions, and they served as a hammer blow to Britain’s strategy of careful engagement with China. In July 2020, Johnson’s government became the first in Europe to announce that Huawei would be banned from Britain’s 5G network. Liu Xiaoming, the Chinese ambassador in London, said Britain’s decision on Huawei, as well as the U.K.’s policies toward Xinjiang and Hong Kong, had “poisoned the atmosphere” between the two countries and Britain would “pay the price.” The Chinese state media threatened “retaliatory responses.”

In the end, London’s long-held strategy thus collapsed not through its own proactive choice but because of choices being made elsewhere. British foreign policy was forced to adapt to a world it did not want, and had tried to avoid.

When I put this to British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss, she rejected (albeit somewhat unconvincingly) the idea that Britain had, effectively, been made to change its China policy.

Truss, the favorite to replace Johnson as prime minister, told me that the Russian invasion of Ukraine had brought together countries against Russia, some of which might not be liberal or democratic but that nevertheless did not want to see “a world where might is right.”

In reply, I suggested that, in part, might is right. After all, we live in an American world, where the U.S. uses its power to set the rules. “I don’t agree with that,” Truss replied. “We don’t live in an American world. We live in a world where there is a coalition of nations who … subscribe to the values of freedom and democracy.”

I cited the example of China. As late as 2019, Britain was trying to push ahead with the Huawei 5G deal. “We changed because the Americans changed,” I said.

“That was not the reason we changed,” she responded.

I pushed back. “The Americans changed the rules of the game, and we didn’t have the ability to guarantee the security” of the telecoms network.

Again, she was insistent. “That was not the reason we changed. We changed because it was the right thing to do. I was in the government when the policy changed, and we changed because it was the right thing to do.”

I pointed out that the same government, made up of the same people, had made a different decision earlier in the same year about what was right before changing its mind.

“Well, that is true,” Truss replied. “Every government, Tom, has its internal discussions and I can’t reveal the internal discussions that took place on both occasions. However, we did it because it was the right thing to do.”

Whatever your conclusion, to look at British foreign policy now is to see almost a complete overlap with the U.S., whether on the Iranian nuclear deal, climate change, the importance of spending more on defense, NATO, the threat posed by Russia, or—now—China. One of the lessons of the Huawei policy shift, and Britain’s shift more broadly, is that the U.S. can still force its allies into line if it is prepared to take its gloves off.

But under the surface, things are not quite so simple.

There are signs that, actually, Britain’s old policy is once again being quietly rebuilt. Amid intense U.S. pressure, including threats to curtail transatlantic intelligence sharing, Britain changed tack, falling into line. Yet since then, Britain has drifted back toward its position of cautiously opening up to China as far as it feels is safe—in part spurred by a frustration with Washington.

In February, it emerged that Johnson had given the green light to reopen trade talks with China that had been paused for years. Then it was revealed that the U.K. government had apparently approved the sale of a British microchip factory to a Chinese-owned firm, only for that decision to be kicked into the long grass. On each occasion, the announcements sparked a backlash among China skeptics in London. May’s former chief of staff, Nick Timothy, who had pushed for stricter controls on any economic opening to China, reacted with resigned alarm. “It seems we will never learn,” he wrote. Tough policies over Xinjiang and Hong Kong remain in place, but the recent reports point to a softening of the hardest edges of Britain’s China policy. The reasons indicate the limits of Washington’s leadership in its confrontation with Beijing.

Today, some within the British government share a sense that Brexit and Johnson’s previous, seemingly warm relationship with Trump continue to be held against the U.K. by some in the Biden administration. Despite Britain’s being the most hawkish European ally on Russia and China, spending more than 2 percent of its GDP on defense, and supporting U.S. efforts on curtailing Iran’s nuclear ambitions, the U.K. believes it is treated as just another ally, criticized for its push to renegotiate its Brexit deal with the EU and ignored in its ambition to strike a free-trade deal with Washington. If this is the case, some in London wonder, why not be more independent where Britain’s core national interests are concerned?

In one sense, what does Britain have to lose from exploring deeper economic ties with China? The Biden administration has made clear there will be no trade deal with the U.S. anytime soon and, besides, the EU continues to pursue its own policy of engagement with China, despite continuing Chinese economic support for Russia during Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.

The rationale that long drove British policy is reasserting itself: The size and wealth of China mean that Britain simply cannot afford not to engage. With Britain outside the EU, economic growth sluggish, debt high, and few other obvious alternatives to increase trade, will any future prime minister really be able to ignore what China has to offer?

Britain’s apparent return to a more open China policy is a reminder of the difficulty Washington is going to have constructing and leading any kind of alliance—democratic or otherwise—to contain Beijing. Though it can use a policy of maximum pressure to force some countries into line, as it did with Britain over 5G—effectively removing London’s ability to sustain an independent policy—such a stance can go only so far. The U.S. remains powerful enough that its sticks can and do work, but without any carrots at all, this strategy will have limits.

Perhaps the main lesson of Britain’s experience with China is that core national interests are likely to reassert themselves in the long term, no matter which party, prime minister, chancellor, or president is in power in Britain, France, Germany, and elsewhere. In London, Johnson has pursued a policy that would have been familiar to any of the previous four British prime ministers this century, Labour and Conservative among them. The same is true of the EU. Such is the depth of economic entanglement with China today that it will take far more than talk of “democratic alliances” and threats to the rules-based order for Brussels, Berlin, Paris—and London—to seriously change course.

What does that mean for the U.S.? If it wants to construct a coalition behind its attempt to contain China, it will need to be prepared to threaten and cajole, yes, but also bribe far more effectively than it has until now. No longer is America the only dog in the pound, even if it still has the biggest bark.

Service to self asshole gets played

I rented a house on a month to month basis. It was an old house, not updated and didn’t come with a refrigerator. I was young and didn’t have much money, everything I had was precious to me & had a use—only the necessities, nothing extra. Because of that, I also treat other people’s things with respect. I took really good care of this little house, sprucing it up with flowers, keeping the grass cut, curtains in the windows, no clutter, rent always on time, etc.

I was using a cooler & trying to figure out what to do about getting a fridge when I found one in the shed on the property. It was………… vintage.

But it worked! With some help, I got it inside, cleaned it out and that problem was solved. I even bought some appliance paint and painted it to look like brand new (-ish, it was at least 40 years old)


Unfortunately, after just 6 months, I received a job offer in another (big) city, the city landlord actually lived in, in a very nice area. I gave 30 days notice to the landlord. Surprisingly, he was very nasty about it, claiming this was a huge headache for him because now he would have to go through all the trouble and expense of renting the house again and that he was a very busy man who didn’t have time for this. I refrained from asking him why he was investing in rental property, especially in another city, if he was so busy.

I moved out but before leaving I made sure it was in exactly the same condition as before I moved in. I left nothing behind, everything was clean and neat so he could immediately begin showing the house. I did however leave the working refrigerator, plugged in and running, in the kitchen. Thoroughly cleaned out.

A few weeks later, I received an envelope in the mail from the landlord. I expected it was my the check to return my deposit. Oh no! It was a BILL for what he claimed was hauling trash, old clothes and junk out of the house and leaving it in such bad condition that it took him weeks to get it clean enough to rent again.

I was furious! I needed that money since I’d had to pay a deposit on my new place plus the moving costs – it wasn’t a lot, $500, but it was a lot to me! I made an appointment for a free consultation with an attorney who suggested that I file in small claims court against him. He advised me to employ a little known rule in our area that allowed me to not only recover the deposit, but a $20 ‘late fee’ for every day he held it past my move out date because technically he was supposed to meet me there on the last day & go over everything and return my deposit. Of course anyone who has ever rented knows that rarely happens but they usually get their deposit returned in a few weeks so they don’t mind. He told me most landlords don’t show up because they know they’re going to lose unless they have a really good case.

I took his advice and filed the claim. When the date came I appeared in court. To my surprise, landlord was there! He had taken time out very busy schedule to come and argue returning a rental deposit to a 23 year old young woman making barely above minimum wage! He stated his case, that I had rented the house then moved out 6 months later, leaving the property littered with garbage, piles of dirty clothes, cat pee soaked carpet (I didn’t even have a cat) and a ton of rotting food in the fridge. He claimed he had to rent a truck to haul it all away. He also complained that I was constantly late on my rent & caused him tremendous hardship. I was stunned. He was so arrogant & superior acting, very cocky and confident. The magistrate asked if he had been able to rent the property again, he said that he had. When asked how long it was vacant, he said about 10 days.

It was my turn to speak. I denied all of his claims. The magistrate asked if I had any proof to support my argument. The landlord smirked at me, thinking the young small town girl wouldn’t have thought to bring anything to prove my case.

He was wrong.

I pulled out my little file and inside was a copy of every rent check with the date it was deposited & cleared, clearly stamped on the back. I also had a pack of photos, with a copy of the local newspaper in every shot to prove the date. The photos were of every room in the house, the outside, the shed, everything. I explained to him that he had rented me a house with no refrigerator and that I had in fact provided him with a nice working fridge as was seen in the photos. I also showed him an ad for the house, that landlord had run 2 days after I moved out. And that he was charging $75 more a month because “appliances included”.

The magistrate looked at the checks, then at the photos, then studied the ad, then at me for what felt like a long time. He then smiled at my landlord and said, “Please provide Miss Smith with a check in the amount of $1800 within 5 days from today. If you are late by even one day, the amount doubles every day until we’ve reached the limit of damages allowed in this court. You should be ashamed of yourself for taking advantage of your renters, especially for the amount you’re charging! This young lady improved your property to enrich you $75 more per month and according to this ad, that you placed 2 days after she moved out, you described the property as “immaculately cared for, sparkling clean home with restored vintage appliances”. How is this possible just two days after you claimed she left it in such a terrible condition? You’re on my radar Mr. Asshole. You and landlords like you. Don’t let me see you here again.”

I received my check by courier the next day. To be truthful, I kinda was hoping he’d be late lol!

Cuban Style Picadillo | Ground Beef Recipes

China halts military and climate ties with the US over Pelosi’s Taiwan visit


China is halting cooperation with the United States in a number of areas, including dialogue between senior-level military commanders and climate talks, in retaliation for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan.

China’s Foreign Ministry also said it was suspending cooperation with Washington on the prevention of cross-border crime and drug trafficking, and on repatriating illegal migrants, among eight specific measures.

In a statement released soon after Ms Pelosi left Japan on the final leg of her Asian tour, China also cancelled a planned bilateral meeting on a maritime military security mechanism.

Beijing separately announced that it would personally sanction Ms Pelosi and her immediate family in response to her “vicious” and “provocative” actions.

“Despite China’s serious concerns and firm opposition, Pelosi insisted on visiting Taiwan, seriously interfering in China’s internal affairs, undermining China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, trampling on the one-China policy, and threatening the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait,” a Foreign Ministry spokesperson said in a statement.

Enraged after Ms Pelosi became the highest-level US visitor in 25 years to the self-governed island that Beijing regards as its sovereign territory, China launched military drills in the seas and skies around Taiwan on Thursday.


One of Ghengis Khan’s descendants wouldn’t marry a man unless he could beat her in a wrestling match.

This famous Mongolian princess’ name was Khutulun. She was born in the 1260s and had 14 brothers. Surprisingly, she was favored out of all the children. The reason for this was because of her military skill.
With so many brothers, you can imagine how much testosterone was in the house that made her so good at combat. She was considered one of the best female warriors at the time.

When she got older, just like Disney’s Merida, she claimed that she would only marry her suitor if he bested her.

But unlike Merida, she wanted to wrestle, not shoot bows and arrow. If he won, he would get to marry her. If she won, she would get a horse.

Once, a man bet 1000 horses, and she was told to lose on purpose since he was good guy. She decided to leave 1000 horses richer. I suppose that toughness runs in the family.

Khutulun was undefeated despite her physical disadvantage. Even Marco Polo reported so. By the end of her life, she had 10,000 horses. While this statistic was most likely hyperbole, she still had many. She did eventually get married since that was the norm, but she didn’t wrestle him because she didn’t want him to lose.

Netflix’s Marco Polo even features her because of her unusual, inspiring traits. Khutulun is an interesting example of female strength and tested the boundaries of society even a long time ago.

Pelosi’s Taiwan Trip Spurs Chinese Battery Giant to Pause Plant Debut

  • CATL holding off for now on North America plant announcement
  • Pelosi’s trip to Taiwan has stoked US-China tensions


A giant Chinese supplier of electric-vehicle batteries decided to push back announcing a multibillion-dollar North American plant to supply Tesla Inc. and Ford Motor Co. due to tensions raised by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s trip to Taiwan, according to people familiar with the matter.

Contemporary Amperex Technology Co. Ltd., the world’s biggest maker of batteries for electric vehicles, has been considering at least two locations in Mexico near the Texas border, as well as sites in the US, for the plant. China’s CATL has been in an advanced stage of site selection and negotiating incentives, in anticipation of announcing its selection in the coming weeks.

Why Cleopatra met Caesar

Egypt is a whole thing- it’s complex.

Important stuff 1

Alexander arrived in Egypt in 332 BC. He did his thing and conquered Egypt. After his death, one of his Generals, Ptolomy, would take control of the Egyptian throne. From here on out, Egyptian Pharaohs (now called Kings) were Greek. The Ptolemy’s were big on inbreeding which helped keep the power in the family.

Cleopatra was not the 1st Cleopatra- she was Cleopatra VII (7th).

No Cleopatra was not having an easy few years in Egypt. Her brother and husband (maybe) Ptolemy XIII wanted control. The two began to fight a Civil War in the streets of Alexandria.

Cleopatra was a genius. She was politically sharp, charming, spoke 9 languages, and had a feel for court politics. That said Cleopatra was no warrior- not even remotely.

Pretty soon Cleopatra was defeated and had to abandon Alexandria for Thebes with a number of her troops. She and her sister Arsinoe made their way to Roman Syria where they planned to invade from. They were soon blocked by the army of Ptolemy XIII.

This is where Caesar enters the picture.

Important stuff 2

Rome and Egypt had a complex relationship. The last King of Egypt was Ptolemy XII Auletes (they all have the same name). He had been exiled for a time and hung around in Rome where he took a liking to Roman culture. When Ptolemy XII Auletes returned to power he realized that Rome could be a powerful ally and stabilizing force for Egypt. So he left 2 stipulations in his will when he died.

  1. Cleopatra and Ptolemy XIII were to rule jointly
  2. The people of Rome were executors of the will

This basically made Egypt a Roman vassal. Rome had now been invited, by the King, to oversee and protect the reign of Ptolemy and Cleopatra. Now Rome didn’t really press this issue. Rome did however lend tons of money to the Egyptian King which helped him maintain his throne.

Important stuff 3

Caesar’s enemy, Pompey Magnus arrived in Egypt hoping for an army and some help beating Caesar. Instead, his head was cut off.

Caesar arrived shortly after and was given the head of Pompey by Ptolemy XIII. Caesar was not happy about this. His plan was to bring Pompey back as an ally and subordinate, signaling to Rome that everyone was ok and everyone was on Caesar’s side.

So Caesar and Ptolemy XIII did not get along from the start. Then things get really complex.

Caesar occupies the Royal Quarter with his troops, saying he is gonna hang around until the massive debt Egypt owes Rome is paid. Caesar needed money and he hoped to get it here. So Caesar was basically occupying the Royal Quarter with his troops awaiting payment.

Pretty soon Alexandria revolted and a full-on siege broke out. After lots of brutal fighting Caesar released Ptolemy XIII with the promise that Ptolemy XIII would calm the crowd and help find a peaceful solution to all this mess. Once out Ptolemy XIII egged the crowd on and things got worse.

Cleopatra, who had ears everywhere, is well aware of these details and decides to meet Caesar. She is smuggled into his room and the two meet face to face. Most accounts say she seduced him which makes sense. Cleopatra may or may not have been beautiful but she was smart, of royal blood, and capable. Caesar loves capable people.


Cleopatra is in a tough spot here. This meeting with Caesar is not for fun. This is a political movie and she has goals.

  1. Get herself on the throne
  2. Get rid of Ptolemy XIII and his court
  3. Make an ally out of Rome

This is tricky. Rome is far stronger than Egypt and everyone knows it. Cleopatra has to assert power without actually having any. Long story short, she nails it. She starts up a political and romantic alliance with Caesar and the two become very close.

Caesar wins the siege, kills Ptolemy XIII in battle, and puts Cleopatra on the throne. The 2 then tour Egypt in a big love boat (literally). This signals that Rome supports Cleopatra and this is enough to keep her in power.

Egypt retains a degree of autonomy (more than expected) and Cleopatra has her power base totally secured.

US threatens war on China over Taiwan – with nuclear implications

Check out this summary of the situation.

U.S. Lashes China With Stricter Export Bans on Chip-Making Tech

The Fourth Crusade to the Byzantine Empire

The effects of the Fourth Crusade to the Byzantine Empire were both political and psychological.

The sack in itself was incredibly brutal, and the pillaging of one of Christendom’s holiest cities was perceived with outrage from both the Greeks and the Latins. The atrocities committed during the sack — the massacre of thousands of Greeks, raping of nuns, execution of monks, desecration of tombs, and rampant pillaging of the city would devastate Constantinople. Europe’s wealthiest city went into rapid decline after that, reversed only when the Turks took the city in 1453.

The sack was the culmination of centuries of tensions between Latins and Greeks, stretching from the iconoclastic edicts of Leo the Isaurian, increased by the crowning of Charlemagne, exacerbated by the Great Schism of 1054, aggravated by the Norman conquest of Byzantine Italy, and deeply intensified under the Komnenoi dynasty. For all of their skill, the concessions that the Komnenoi had given to Latin merchants caused them to become dependent on the Latins.

Although Manuel’s pro-Latin approach warmed relations between Western Europe and the Empire, it also earned the ire of much of the lower classes. This culminated in the Massacre of the Latins in 1182, where a mob spurred on by Andronikos I Komnenos slaughtered some 20,000 Latin merchants and their families.

The city’s sacking was very devastating, and the Empire lost its monopoly over silk trade. But the sack was not even the worst part: that would be the Partitio terrarum imperii Romaniae

(Partition of the lands of the Empire of Romania).

The former Imperial lands were divied up by Frankish barons thus ushering in a period commonly referred to as the Frankokratia

(Frankocracy). Various Latin-controlled states were formed; a Catholic Emperor of Constantinople was crowned that year by a Latin Patriarch, while Southern Greece and Thessaly was divided up by Latin noblemen.


Multiple states and fiefdoms were formed: the Kingdom of Thessalonica with its capital in Thessalonica; the Principality of Achaea with its capital in Andravida; the Duchy of Athens with its capital in Athens; along with a variety of small Latin principalities located in Greece and the Aegean Sea. Venice came to exert control over Crete and other Aegean isles which it maintain for several centuries, with the collapse of Constantinople causing the collapse of the other provinces as well. Within a few years, most of the former Empire’s lands had been overrun by the Crusaders.

Three remnant Greek states would continue to survive: a state in Nicaea composed of most of the Romans’ Asia Minor territories and founded by the Laskarids; a branch of the Komnenos family would found a state centered in Epirus; while a Greek state in the East that had seceded from the Empire shortly before the sack would survive as a Georgian vassal and later as an independent kingdom with its capital at Trebizond.


All three states initially claimed the Imperial mantle, although only Nicaea would retake Constantinople in 1261. The ruler of Epirus would take the title of Despot as the state came under Venetian control, while the Emperor of Trebizond would abandon his claim to the Imperial throne in favor of a most Eastern title. But despite this, these nations would wage perpetual war against both each other and the Latins.

Meanwhile, the Latin rule in Greece was viewed unfavorably by the population. Exploiting this, the newly-reformed Bulgaria would expand their lands into Thrace and Greece in the early 13th century and deal crushing defeats to the Latin Emperor. Nicaea would have more success; it would eventually swallow up much of the former Imperial lands in Europe and held off the Seljuks for a while.

But the 57-year-period in which the former Empire were under the control of the Crusaders was devastating for the former Greek-speaking, land-owning aristocracy that had supported the Imperial state for so long. With the Latin conquest, it was almost completely annihilated in Europe and a power vacuum was formed. The Palaiologi would liberate Constantinople in 1261 and restore some stability, but the ambitions of restoring the Latin state would force them to adopt a Europe-first policy to expel the Franks from Greece, something that would consume much of the Empire’s time.

From here, the Anatolian lands would be ill-defended and a power vacuum would form; the Turkish Ghazis would eventually swallow up the Empire’s Asian lands until the city’s fall in 1453.

On a psychological level, the sacking of the city solidified the animosity between the Greek-speaking Orthodox Christian Romaioi and the Western Catholic Latins. The Empire fell into decline despite the vigorous attempts of the Palaeologi Emperors, and became an Ottoman vassal in the late 14th century. John VIII Palaiologos would desperately attempt to reunite the Churches in 1439 and even adopted Catholicism, but was met with riots from the infuriated populace and clergy who had not forgave the Western Powers for the sack of the city.

The Fourth Crusade did not necessarily cause the decline of the Byzantine Empire: but it certainly sped it up. The Empire had been in decline for the past quarter-century with the reformation of a Bulgarian state, the splintering of the Empire in Cyprus, the rapid distintegration of its ability to defend itself (exemplified first in the Norman sack of Thessalonica and then in the Latin conquest of Romania), all coupled with a series of internal issues. But it certainly administered the coup-de-grace to the Empire, after it which it could never really recover.

Rand Paul’s hearing…

Well worth a long listen.

Some Truths

1) Time passes much more quickly than you realize.

2) If you don’t take care of your body early then it won’t take care of you later. Your world becomes smaller each day as you lose mobility, continence and sight.

3) Sex and beauty fades, but intimacy and friendship grows.

4) People are far more important than any other thing in your life. No hobby, interest, book, or work is going to be as important to you as the people you spend time with as you get older.

5) Money talks. It says “Goodbye” If you didn’t plan financially for your old age when you are young you will wish you had.

6) Any seeds you planted in the past, either good or bad, will begin to bear fruit and affect the quality of your life as you get older for the better or the worse.

7) Jealousy is a wasted emotion. People you hate are going to succeed; people you like are going to sometimes do better than you did. Kids are going to be smarter and quicker than you are. Accept it with grace.

8) That big house you had to have becomes a bigger and bigger burden even as the mortgage gets smaller. The cleaning, the maintenance, the stairs, all of it… becomes less attractive every day. Your possessions own YOU.

9) You will badly regret the things you DIDN’T do far more than the things you did that were “wrong” — the girl you didn’t kiss; the trip you didn’t take; the project you kept putting off; the time you could have helped someone. If you get the chance – do it. You may never get the chance again.

10) Every day you wake up is a victory.
Bonus: It’s never too late to become what you wanted to be or might have been if you START RIGHT NOW!

11) What people think of you is none of your business. Ignore them, whether it is good or bad, and keep your eyes on your goals. The biggest liar in the world is “They say…”.

Apple Apologizes

Not a MM story. -MM

A few weeks ago, my cat Apple threw up on my bedroom floor (well, at least he was considerate enough to get off my bed before doing his business). After cleaning up, I was constantly being followed by him, meowing almost desperately after me around the house, which is something he never does. I figured out that he was trying to say sorry and be forgiven, so I pet him and told him: “it’s okay”. Satisfied with the result, he walked away and ignored me for the rest of the day.


China water torture

But the so-called Chinese water torture has been considered by many historians and researchers on the subject as one of the worst ever created by man, especially because of its psychological implications that could drive those tortured to madness.

Chinese water torture focuses on making the victim fear for his life from something relatively harmless. In this case, she was mentally conditioned to believe that the drops of water repeatedly dripping over her head were poisonous.

And even if it was just tap water, with no strange smells or tastes, just the idea that he could die would lead the tortured to intense psychological tensions.

This process could easily cause the person’s troubled mind, tormented by their captors and for days without sleep and cold from the water, to start deceiving them, causing them to have strange and unreal sensations, such as imminent death.


It’s a new world. But do not, under any circumstances, believe that this is just a random event sequence brought about by American leadership madness.

It isn’t.

It’s all part of a grand plan. And all the discomfort that you will experience in the future is all part of that plan.

You all have had years to ready up for this moment. If you are not ready now, and making moves to protect yourselves during the Western collapse, you had best either get completely drunk, or start hustling. The inflection point has occurred a few days ago. Now, the “machines of change” are rumbling into life.

Take care everyone.

I believe in you.

Part 11 of the EBP comm with The Domain Commander

Here we continue with periodic questions that I ask the Domain Commander for clarification on. This is part 11.

Note: For those of you who are new here, this article continues a Q&A dialog with an extraterrestrial "Commander" and a retired MAJestic operative who is still active with active EBP implants. 

Heavy stuff. But not for trivial reading. 

This is part of the Q&A (on-going) effort where questions are provided to me, and then I present them, and then record and interpret the responses.

[11.1a] Question – Death Metal Music

“Now on its face, I feel that this is somewhat insignificant on its own. What I’m referring to here is my love of death metal. However, I feel that this attraction to this music genre actually represents a bunch of missing quanta clusters (meaning to say, this is associated to the relationships and activities I created based on my attraction to heavy metal–so memories of past associations / friendships / compatriots  and the stuff I did with them are related to heavy metal, or heavy metal music somehow led to the creation of my relationships and activities with them).
An important part of my history opened up when I realized that the commander was <redacted> (rough analog, of course). I am eager to recall my other associations. Not just because I’d love to remember my dearest friends (of course, who wouldn’t) but because I need to regenerate the quanta I will be forced to leave behind. Memories are essential to this.
My passion for death metal music leaves me with the impression that I developed very important relationships with specific entities. I wonder if some of the volunteers that operated on my non physical body were bandmates from my past side projects or something.
Do I desire to comm with different prior-association entities/individuals? I’d say yes–because this represents a return of my memories, which is a good development.
<redacted>  was very happy when I finally made the connection of that ancient Irish legend to my relationship with <redacted>. I do wonder if I’m ready for this yet. I know that the last thing I need is confusion. But I can’t be afraid. Being a worry wart is sooooo <redacted>
Is there significance to the questioner and their attraction to “Death Metal” music?
Questioner is correct. The frequency patterns associated with certain types of music and musical patterns act as keys that unlock "software programs" with are but associative mechanisms of quantum clusters. These particular ones are tied to a emotional / biological component that is shared with deep friendships and relationships between IS-BE entities.

In the case of this particular questioner, the association that the entity has is "spot on". And the ability to uncloak the association shows a gentle unveiling of memory and quantum associations between the questioner, their friendships, relationships and "tribe membership" related to specific tasks, duties, and operational involvements in regards to prior activities.

In this specific case, the operational associations were attuned to the frequencies and patterns associated with "death metal" and that is a comforting association associated with tribe membership and cadre belonging.

There seems to be a strong attachment for hard “death metal” Rock n’ roll, and membership as Domain Military.

It’s not absolute, of course. There are millions of people who love “death metal” and Hard Acid Rock, in certain forms. While there are just a few hundred imprisoned members of the Domain “Lost Battalion”. -MM

[11.1b] Question – Followup

Followup question from 11.1a…

Wow. I guess I want to ask if it’s possible to get specifics, like if this represents some of the relationships I had with my <redacted>, or some of the volunteers that came to operate on me or something. Or maybe I need to read something (a hint, I guess) so I can do a better job of recalling the relevant memory?

Questioner is fully cognizant of the implications of this. Questioner is in contact with some core <internal cadre, family members, close associations> who are part of the task team associated with questioner extraction.

This is also facilitated with questioner mantid (sic) which is acting as a <relay point, transmission tower, injection / host, attribute appliance ?> in this effort. Questioner should not eject the feelings, emotions or thoughts in regards to this form of communication and the information thus provided.

[11.2a ] Question – Original members pre-mod

Pre-Old Empire Earth has been on my mind, and how it’s continued alongside the prison planet mods. And how quanta configurations/species work.

I would greatly appreciate it if you could ask the following:

What happened to the original members of the species modified to be used as inmate suits? Were they all altered/incarcerated or are there still free ones about?

The vast majority of the species present on the worlds that underwent the transformation of pre-Old Empire to Prison Complex were unmodified.

The ONLY ones modified were those that served as the vehicles for inmate containers. In these cases, they were modified as follows...

Inmate "Skin Suits"
[1] Human
[2] Horses
[3] Elephants
[4] Dolphins
[5] Llamas
[6] <a certain selection of minor creatures that are permitted to cohabit with unmodified versions of their species. Too numerous to list here. Feeling and thoughts on this subject is far larger than what  I am able to place here. Listing above is "representative only".>

Higher Energy "skin suits"
[7] Mantid (human)
[8] <not clear> (horses)
[9] <not clear> (elephants)
[10] <not clear> (dolphins)
[11] <not clear> (Llamas)
[12] others

Functionally, all humans (with the exceptions of visitors) are inmates wearing "skin suits".

For other species the issues is quite complex and would be far too confusing to elaborate on at this time. There is only <redacted, as there are too many issues involved in the dissemination of this information, and other "hand holding / learning exercises must be established first before this discussion can continue in meaningful detail.>

[11.2b ] Question – Visitation

Could a pre-prison planet human configuration be getting used by some to experience Earth while avoiding the incarceration loop?

Yes. Occasional human forms visit the prison complex in their natural suits, and are not affected by the influences by the prison complex.

However they too have limitations, and are exposed to dangers in this prison complex that makes the visitation quite dangerous affairs. This is why they rarely visit the complex without accompaniment. Often visitations are in secure locations and under Domain supervisions. (With occasional supervision by approved third parties.)

[11.3 ] Question – High frequency sound

I never thought I would have a question for the Domain commander as most folks here at MM ask pretty relative questions, for the most part. From those Q & A’s I always gain some insight and some valuable intel. With that said, I do have one question.

I continuously hear (in my head) a constant frequency sound much like that of an OSHA sponsored hearing test. Most of the time, the frequency is at a constant high frequency tone. Other times, however, there will be lower tones, usually of short duration (no longer than a minute) as if the sine wave is ramping down to a slower Hz. Much like an electric motor controlled by a frequency inverter.

So, my question is this: Are these frequencies that I’m hearing part of thought monitoring and/or subliminal communication and by whom?

Sounds, as defined by the questioner, are not part of thought monitoring, or subliminal communication.

Questioner is well known. 

Questioner is Domain volunteer. Questioner is modified. Questioner has a Domain support group. Questioner is monitored at various levels. This includes thoughts, and actions. No ill-will is intended, but rather the monitoring is for reasons of Domain usefulness.

Situation is of self. The questioner is hearing the audible frequency of self. This is something that some oriental religions use to "home into" so as to focus on their meditations and "spiritual growth".

Questioner, and numerous readers, have the ability to listen in on their frequencies of self. With practice they can "tune into" the frequencies of higher and lower selves, and even isolate the sounds that they pick up to isolate the various sub-components and harmonics of it. 

These are important skills for consciousness to use to isolate various elements of consciousness from the various non-physical bodies and elements.

There is no danger in tuning into these sounds. The questioner is hearing the various limits and shapes of the frequency profiles of self and is developing a skill set that (inadvertently) came into being after some (of his) non-physical skin suits were modified by Domain.

[11.4] Question – Feedback on Mantid Videos

This is a direct communication between MM and the Commander. I want to know how accurate, or inaccurate I am in the descriptions as to what Mantids are.

They are accurate.

It was a terse answer with no further detail. And perhaps with (a kind of) disgust directed at me that I am questioning my guidance. I wanted some “feedback” on my effort. I was not expecting this. -MM

[11.5 ] Question – Rainbow lines

I have been seeing these pulsating rainbow lines and am wondering what they are? They are very thin like fishing line and form a diamond like pattern of a net. I can only see it when I’m really concentrating on the area around me. A friend said I should bring it up with the commander. Am I catching glimpses of traps?

Thank you for all that you do.

Questioner has a distortion that affects the visual interpretation of physical reality as viewed by the synapses in the brain. This is not of serious concern. 

It is something that sometimes occurs when there is an activation of "higher sensory perception" <trigger chambers?> in the non-physical bodies. This is a sensory overload that results from a data transmission path that is congested or blocked and overwhelms the sensory mechanisms in the biological <caprice, object, body, system> of the individual.

This is nothing to be overly concerned about. 

If questioner desires to enhance this skill-set instead of discounting it as a physical manifestation of a on-going situational input stimulus, then the questioner can do so and discover some non-physical senses would be enhanced though the stimulation.

[11.6] Question – Non-physical effects of nuclear bombs

it was mentioned in AI that Airl’s crew were investigating the effects of nuclear bombs being tested when their ship crashed in Roswell.

There has also been various reports of UFOs buzzing facilities housing nuclear weapons. Apart from the obvious effects of fallout etc affecting the physical world, do these weapons do damage to the non physical worlds as well?

If so what kind of damage can on expect to find in, say, a non physical bubble universe directly “next” (for lack of a better word) to this one if a nuclear weapon is detonated here? What sort of damage did Chernobyl do?

Nuclear weapons are very dangerous. They create great physical and non-physical damage. 

The weapons that were unleashed  in this (geographic region of space) by their wars of conquest (by the Old Empire) created a great loss for many species, and all their spiritual components. 

This region of space was at one time a very lush, rich and prosperous regions of all manner of species of all sizes and shapes. 

However, after their ruinous wars they devastated the land and "salted it" for many, many millions of years.

The physical devastation is clear and well understood by most MM readers. What is not understood is the magnitude of the destruction. It was complete and "primitive" at a level that reduced everything to near primeval states.

The non-physical destruction was horrific. In fact, for a long time, the non-physical regions of this geographic region of space are "danger zones" and normal actions are not possible; it's a ruinous (non-physical) land of dangers, and strange unexpected interactions between thought and physical components. As such, thoughts can create undesirable effects, and all sorts of bad, and undesirable things can happen if sucked into these minefields" of voids.

This is why the Old Empire chose this region (partially) for the prison complex. The nature of the non-physical geography is in itself; very dangerous traps and snares.

[11.7] Question – Feedback on the Heaven Videos

This is a direct communication between MM and the Commander. I want to know how accurate, or inaccurate I am in the descriptions as to what the structure of the main, reality, and heaven universes are.

The videos are effective for the purposes intended. At this point in time, no further detail is needed, were there to be greater detail, we will provide it and you will transcribe it as is your duty.

Sigh. -MM

[11.8] Question -Connection to Domain

Excellent videos on Patreon, thank you; especially the two most recent…just finished the FrsnkensteinnAppliance; Very interesting and compelling things. In my mind I “knew” you had to be from East Brady…..but get dismissing it as my own delusion….it was wonderful to hear you state that in one of the April/May vids. So very synchronistic the way I stumbled onto the MM site….it was about 6 months after I traveled to East Brady for an Uncles funeral; I probably wouldn’t have took a leap of faith if there wasn’t thst potential western PA breadcrumb. Would be interested to know if you have the chance to ask the commander; what is my connection to the Domain? When was it made; ie when was it forged? Or perhaps better stated into a singular question…..How did my connection to the Domain come about and other than me being on “knowledge attainment” path here now what other implications might there be?
Questioner has a prior contract with Domain. (Before this present life-line, in another body, and at another time. -MM)

This is the questioners second try in escaping this prison complex.

Prior life (reincarnation) questioner tried / attempted to pray his way out of the complex. (Image of priest, church, religious setting, much praying. Catholic cross, and religious iconology.) 

This was unsuccessful. 

Upon death, questioner was tricked / manipulated by his mantid self into the warm embrace of (earth time) forgotten loves, associations and friends, and was led back (yet again) into the Heaven pocket universe.

Questioner was contacted by Domain at that point <non-physical> and was working with mantid resources and Domain liaison to create this (present) low-potential escape-way. 

Questioner is further along in escape and departure / egress than what was initially expected. 

Questioner departed from highest probability path by unexpected event chain and is now here in the MM "state of mind".

[11.9] Question – Searching for answers

I have a feeling, a strong feeling that who you were referring to as ” Old Empire” was myself.

I have no memories at all re this but in all honesty it has been my gut feeling since I started this journey with you.

I am rattled and saddened greatly as I fell I quite possibly could have been OE military, it resonates sadly man, so much so I had tears, both of shame and joy when watching the vid,

The offer of a new home made me emotional, very much so.

I also feel I could be the first OE operative ( if it is my reality) in a position to leave but my transition to Domain will not be beer and skittles I would think, I have much shame” in knowing” and others may never accept me, it’s not what or who you are but who you can become yes?

MM I need one more thing mate please, really.

I need to know what I have done, like yourself and your construction parts history, The DC knows for certain and I need to fill that void in my memory. Only if I am worthy of knowing though. I guess reconstruction of my quanta will also take place. If what I feel is correct then I am so so sorry and will have to carry my shame forever.

Love to you man hey, really


Entity was Old Empire as described. 

Questioner fled into the "Prison Complex" upon it's unit defeat in the battled of <unclear, confused, garble> (Impression I have is of a space battle in and around our solar system). 

Questioner fled into the complex knowing the consequences of such an action. 

Questioner, at that time, greatly feared Domain. 

His superiors and "news / telecommunication" mediums filled the population with great fears. It was used to control them, and they were terrified of Domain capture and the punishments that they could look forward to. 

Questioner felt (at that time) that a life inside the Old Empire Prison complex was more desirable to that of the "Hell" that awaited it under Domain.

Questioner voluntarily entered soul and consciousness segregation and partitioning. It's "mantid(s)" established "camouflage" templates for it to exist within. (Whereas most Old Empire leadership would enter the prison complex and set up templates of luxury, and ornate power, this entity was military, and it's thoughts were in terms of survival, evasion and escape. The templates have all been "average", and nothing that would stand out of the normal.)

Questioner was a military member of "Old Empire". 

Was talented and practiced. It was a career militarist, and was not of the same kind of "evil" and corrupt character as the Old Empire Leadership was. 

Questioner's shame is misplaced.

Domain have no problems with this prior combatant, and view it as "paid it's price". In fact, many time worse than what the Domain would have done were it not to have fled and escaped as it has. Domain consider this entity to have long "paid it's dues" and wish to welcome it and embrace it as one of it's own.

Domain welcomes it's parolee outside of the Prison Complex that it finds itself in.

Translation: Domain welcomes the questioner to leave the Prison Complex with no ill feelings. Even join Domain if that is the desire of the entity. -MM

[11.10] Question – Seth

I’d like to ask the Commander if they can tell us whether a series of books known as ‘The Seth Material’ is a genuine communication, over many years, between a now deceased human named ‘Jane Roberts’ and a disembodied entity named ‘Seth’, or if it’s (a very clever) hoax.

The reason I ask is that, like most folks on here, I expect, I’m a big seeker after Truth, and the Seth Material entity speaks very much like a member of The Domain– at least in my limited understanding he does. Much of what Airl and the Domain Commander ‘speak of’ is also spoken of by Seth; except he never mentions a Prison Planet. He also speaks of what Metallicman has been reporting about for years now: True nature of reality and the universe; individual paths along the MWI; quantum reality and thoughts as real substance.

If Seth is genuine, I believe these works would be a great resource– lots and lots of helpful detail– for any Metallicman followers, in that Seth also goes into ‘prayer campaigns’– focused thoughts– in a LOT of detail, and the importance of doing good works and directing one’s thinking toward positive outcomes, and much more besides. It’s a fascinating alternative glimpse into true reality and if it’s a hoax, it’s a brilliant one. Seth also has quite the sense of humour as the Domain and Mantids do, too.

Interestingly, Seth also says that ‘revelations’ from his kind ‘are permitted’ about once every 30 years or so to many people around the world and are not really reported on for obvious reasons in this statist society. I thought it was interesting that Metallicman’s works are a generation or so after Seth, and could be a continuation of a process that the Domain knows about– or some inter-dimensional grouping known to the Domain; kind of like what D.M. has referred to.

Lastly, Seth also speaks of the importance of action, rather than thought or reflection as ends in themselves– and that human beings are creatures of action; and need to ‘be active’ in order to live fully, or be complete. A much maligned practice in the world of the metaverse we know inhabit. The Commander also spoke of this action, too. I recall their messages about contemplation/meditation not being of much use as far as escaping the Prison Planet reality– rather, activated and focused thought along with unselfish RUFUS-like behaviour is the way out.

Just a few too many coincidences as far as I’m concerned! Metallicman has provided us with his own unique human insights about his experience, but Seth to me sounds like a true resident of the Never Never. But he has lived numerous lives on Earth– and confirms that we all do.

MM can attest that his mother was a follower of Seth.

Seth is one venue out of many that are busy providing egress paths for people to follow. Questioner must recognize that there are many different kinds of people each one with greatly divergent pasts, knowledge and education.

There is no singular path out of the Prison Complex, but many.

Some paths require multiple incarnations to get to the point of egress. While other paths provide direct means and direct pathways; like superhighways.

Questioner should realize that there is not relative "best" advisor for egress, but rather multiple "roadmaps". It depends on the person, and their method of travel. If one drove a car, then a travel map would be appropriate, while a different kind of map would be necessary were they to travel by helicopter. 

Seth is designed as a multi-stage egress platform / kit for use by certain seekers. MM is a different system, and it is designed for a different kind of person. 

The questioner has altered perceptions to embrace both methodology in their ultimate objectives.

Ah, you are “good to go”. -MM

[11.11a] Question – Law of One

Hi MM, thank you again for your extraordinary dedication to this ongoing communication. I’m not certain where questions are to be posted, so here is mine., background first:

Don Elkins and Carla Ruckert conducted and published a dialog with a spiritual IS-BE group who identified themself as Ra about 40 years ago. It was titled The Law Of One. The concept of sentience sorting into STO and STS polarities, as the main task to be completed in our current series of lifetimes, is presented as a plan assisted by them. This idea, although without any reference to a prison system, has striking similarities to the Commander’s messages.

Is Ra part of the Domain, part of the Mantid group, or neither of them?

The idea or concept of sorting into sentience (STO, STS, others) is a Domain requirement. This is unique to Domain. Domain is the administration control over this regions of physical space. No other group, no matter how powerful, or no matter what pedigree, has that authority.

Sorting is the technique used to determine which consciousnesses can leave the Prison Complex, and which needs to stay. 

[1] Only Domain is able to make that judgement. 

[2] Only Domain is able to take that judgement on an individual consciousness and enable / permit egress out of prison.

[3] Only Domain is able to grant parole to egressed inmates.

[4] Only Domain has a system in place to take the orphaned consciousnesses and reconfigure their quantum makeup to regroup back to their former hive, matrix or other soul forms.

Domain was active in dissemination of this understanding to the human population. We used different vehicles to do so. In this event sequence, the 80/20 rule manifested, of the entirety of contacts that obtained our direction (in various means including walk-ins) only 20% were able to disseminate the message regarding sentience sorting. This group that the questioner has referred to is one such group. And it has been successful in it's task.

Yet why this sentience sorting HAD and NEEDED to occur wasn't always made clear to the audience. This resulted in some misunderstandings, as well as certain manipulations by "bad actors" for reasons of personal profit.

[11.11b] Question – Law of One

Is the idea of spiritual existence organized into density octaves of 7 levels each, which comprise a ‘journey’ of spiritual development back to the creator, valid?

It is a technique used to convey understanding. It is only as accurate as it's utility.

MM provides understanding. It too, is only as accurate as it's utility.

The purpose behind communication of this kind of arcane information is in regards to its utility in understanding. Different peoples understandings will vary from person to person. Thus the utility becomes different.

There are many ways to group the periodic table of elements. Each grouping has it's own utility depending on who is using that table. If the questioner finds the Ra teachings of utility then it is advised to follow it.

I am providing some examples here for the reader to understand what the Commander is talking about. As it is comm with me, and uses my references to communicate.

Here’s the most common table. This is the one that most people think is the “correct one”.

Common version

Here’s other tables, in other forms and shapes, depending on the needs of the user. There is not “correct table”.



5 curled ribbon

The Adomah Periodic Table (2006)

The Periodic Table of Element Scarcity (2018)

The Periodic Table of Chemical Bonds (2019)

[11.11c] Question – Law of One

If so, can you reconcile/elaborate/integrate this idea of ‘Densities’ with regard to the Domain, Mantids, and MWI?

Thank You!


Well, that was terse. Sheech! – MM

Please do not be taken aback by that abrupt and terse answer.

The imagery that I received was a discrete “package” that pretty much explains that terminology is associated with specific projects or actions. For instance, a “spanner wrench” is associated with automotive repair, while a MRI is associated with a medical procedure.

I got the distinct impression that the term “densities” is a “catch all” phrase used to describe things in a general manner. While the audience (herein) are far more advanced and other terms and systems should be used for more specific questions.

Which, of course, scares me. As I have to define the terms for each specific situation that we will get involved in. Yikes! Sounds like a heck of a lot of work for ol’ MM here.

Also, this is a big question. “Domain, Mantids, and MWI” include EVERYTHING that I (as MM) talk about.  The impression that I have is that the readership are too mature and advanced to rely on simplistic terms. Anyways, that is the response that I obtained.

I would suggest some very specific questions related to your thoughts, experiences, or wonderings. Then we can go from there, and try to incorporate the ideas of “densities” with specific contexts.

[11.12] Question – Overwhelming Old Empire systems

I have a question for the Domain:
  • Earth is one of many prison complexes in operation.
  • Human populations have been increasing for 10,000+ years, and relatively recently the population has exploded, increasing exponentially.
  • Thus, earth seems to be a desirable destination for souls/ISBEs or are other prison complexes are closing down and souls need somewhere to be incarcerated – earth being the melting pot of nonconformity.
  • If this is accurate, then mantid numbers must also be increasing (I assume 1 mantid per human/soul).
  • If earth/humans are heading towards some cataclysm, per Deagal Forecast and USA actions, then is there a concern that heaven and the brain washing mechanisms can be overwhelmed when people go over to the other side (heaven), and if so what happens.
  • Can the Domain comment on this and where are all these extra ISBEs, assuming I phrased my question understandably.
Answered carefully with an "alert chill".

First off, the population of humans, dolphins, horses, elephants, etc is an illusion. They are empty containers for the most part (shadow people -MM) The actual inmate population is less than the apparent population of the earth. Not every container has an element of consciousness within it. The only ones of consequence are those that involve your consciousness.

Secondly, the prison population has been growing for many years. However, this growth has slowed down considerably since Domain has acquired control over this sector. The only "new" souls are the constructed ones created in the Heaven pocket universes. These are constructs; much like MM is a construct from elements of Mades Escapleon.

Third point. The Old Empire Prison Complex is under Domain control. It consists of multiple planetary systems. Each one has it's own unique issues, problems, and overall plans established by Domain. None are being phased out. Instead, rather, they are being refurbished as "parole centers" for those sentience's that are not yet ready for release.

Fourth point. Mantid membership is a function of higher energy quanta. This is fixed, but associated with the lower energy consciousness. Since the population is mostly stable in the closed-cell environment, the number of mantids (sic) are stable. This includes the new constructed soul (derived) consciousnesses, as they too must have an associated higher energy (mantid GP and Prime) to function.

Fifth Point. Domain is proceeding towards "small bads" instead of "Large Bads" in regards to the Deagal forecast. The transition stations are well populated and readied for an influx of pockets of consciousness. These will come in arrival grouping of clusters and will not overwhelm the strengthened systems that we have put in place. 

Contrary to the impressions that one might have from reading the <inaccurate?> Deagel report, the trend-lines will NOT be sudden, but will be an accumulation of event sequences that will increase the transition period for many humans from life to death. The change in the status quo will be gradual and occur over a period of time. It will not be sudden. It will manifest as a clear increase in the rate of death to a point where it becomes more noticeable than the media reports are to hide it.

I am a believer in the Deagel Report, but apparently the Commander believes things a tad differently.

It did not say that the report was wrong, but rather that the illusion that one might get from reading it will lead one towards erroneous conclusions as to what is actually going on. -MM

[11.13a] Question – an energetic sensation

Something happened to me today that hasn’t happened for awhile and I was wondering if the commander could shed some light on what it is (or you if you know the answer).

Sometimes, usually when i am driving, but can also be when I am just lounging around, I get this energetic sensation.

If you have ever had an operation and had morphine injected intravenously, it kind of feels like the initial part where it goes into your vein, how you get that sort of warm feeling that shoots all around your body. It’s like you can feel it in your blood coursing throughout your body. it is an incredibly potent feeling and makes one feel rather good and invincible; it is hard to not just sit there and veg out on its feeling.

It has a tendency to make you feel quite sleepy.

I have noticed that I get this when i think of specific things to do with my tasks, and some thoughts generate a more potent reaction to others.

Question: is this a “nudging” from a higher source, like the Domain, EG, Mantids etc, and if so who?

Questioner is getting input, or a higher energy nature, that is not generally normal for the standard skin suit. This is a function of his role within an organization that he has committed to, and the higher energy is designed to assist him in his tasks. 

The over all effect of this injection of energy is an awakening of latent (astral travel / LD / PSI / ESP) abilities. The questioner should find some skills arise from disuse in the near future. Perhaps in the late Spring or early Summer. It will depend on the energy partitioning with his partner. As he is the "capacitor" that is used to "charge" the energy streams with his direct partner.

This is an agreed to alteration of his skin suit, and is in agreement with his mantid GP (sic). There is a transfer of certain quanta packages from the mantid cluster and reapportioning to "pockets" / key-ways in the non-physical bodies. 

The direction of this alteration of his non-physical body is the leadership of his parent organization. The participants of this action are his mantid GP (sic) and his partner.

[11.13b] Question – an energetic sensation

Question: Am I correct in assuming that it is nudging me towards a specific thought, and that if take those moment to rest I may receive a download of information.

Yes. The questioner is correct. In this case, the questioner needs to adjust to the alterations and then practice in handling the changes in input.

The questioner needs to heighten awareness for the information discharge.

[11.14] Question – Fractional son

I wanted to ask a question to be included in a future Q and A with the commander but I thought I would run by you in private before I put in on the forum.
I wanted to ask if my oldest son is a member of the lost battalion. What I am not sure of is you need his name or my name?
I also want to make sure that this is an appropriate question, as I know it is a personal question. If it is not appropriate that is absolutely OK and I wont ask .
Questioner's son is a fractional.

Fractional entities are IS-BEs who have been separated into multiple consciousness's and placed into different bodies for the purposes of control and "education" as determined by the mantid Primes (sic).

Questioners son is a fractional with Domain elementals. 

We are monitoring this skin-suit and have a team engaged in the monitoring of the entity in question. All consciousnesses are treated as unique self-aware entities and are thus handled as individuals. 

Questioner cannot answer or relay information for this individual without subjecting it to risk and potential danger. It is the responsibility for the fractional itself to do so.

[11.15] Question

I think I’ve just connected with a lost battalion member.

She emailed me after coming across my site. She says she is another astral warrior and related some very familiar experiences of hers within the astral planes/ lucid dreaming, and being contacted by other non physical beings that randomly showed up (physically) and took her to what sounds like a similar place I went to.

She’s gone through all the astral training both me and <redacted> have gone through, including all the consciousness and timeline stuff.

I am wondering if the Domain are able to do a similar check on like they did with Miri’s baker friend? i plan on sending her your way, but not entirely sure how to proceed. MM, without going into details our conversation, if she is not Domain then, she is definitely some one special.

She said her ethereal name is Ayanna, Soul name is Sfeah, Human name is Tabatha, if that helps.

Target is not Domain.

Target is (indeed) a very special consciousness. This consciousness is on a "fast track" towards egress from this prison planet environment though repeated (previous reincarnation) attempts. They are active in a number (not singular) "escape" groups. The are aggressive and already has a full escape plan in with association with your parent organization.

They have already (step by step) reassembled their <portable / isolated> soul cluster outside of the Heaven pocket universe, and thus are already on their way towards egress independent of Domain assistance.

Questioner is advised to respect this entity and provide assistance as they might request it to be.

[11.16] Question – Fate

You had an interesting story last year about a fellow who was fated to hang (it was his destiny).  He was however, granted several wishes by a genie, but however he tried to change his fate, he was still hung.

My question then, can we escape our fate (destiny)?

For example, if we are fated to hang, can we escape the hangman’s noose and live a full enchanted life.  Concurrently, nobody (or very few) actually know what their fate is, so how can we escape our fate without  knowing what our fate is?

Fate is a function of the gravitational influences on the physical body. It can either be in relative favor, or relative disfavor. On a functional basis it can be viewed as a measure of the relative ease that a consciousness is able to exist within the prison complex environment.

Destiny is a function of the world line template (sic). A consciousness can travel upon the template and alter the events that it may experience. However, all templates are predetermined by the mantid prime / consciousness within the pocket Heaven universe. The consciousness may elect to create a new template from which to occupy, but it requires a strong sense of will and concentrated power of thought. Unless maintained, the consciousness will default to the pre-birth world-line template (sic) and in that event the end of the life will be pre-determined.

The only true and real way to escape this situation of living a fated template life is to exit the "reality universe" and enter the "main universe" while being part of a soul cluster of some type. Once that is accomplished, the idea of purpose in regards to physical experiences enters a completely different kind of understanding.

[11.17] Question – Tibetan Book of the Dead (Thödol)

A question to the Commander about the Tibetan Book of the Dead (Thödol) and its instructions, on which light to follow or not follow after death.

Are these buddhist texts wrong, should you not go into any light (bright or dull) at all, and instead of that stay calm and call the Domain for pickup?

How are these instructions in the Thödöl to be interpreted?

Where do they come from?

For clarifying, from the Tibetan Book of the Dead: HERE

In the first Bardo, the Chikhai Bardo, the deceased will experience the primary clear light at the last breath.

And a second clear light half an hour after the last expiration.

Both lights lead to freedom/liberation the Thödöl says.

But only holy men grab the moment it seems, ordinary people miss it and go into the second bardo after being three days unconscious.

Day 1 of the second bardo, the Chönyid Bardo, around the 4th day after dying: “Then, from the Central Realm, called the Spreading Forth of the Seed, the Bhagavān Vairochana, white in colour, and seated upon a lion-throne, bearing an eight-spoked wheel in his hand, and embraced by the Mother of the Space of Heaven, will manifest himself to thee.

It is the aggregate of matter resolved into its primordial state which is the blue light.

The Wisdom of the Dharma-Dhātu, blue in colour, shining, transparent, glorious, dazzling, from the heart of Vairochana as the Father-Mother, will shoot forth and strike against thee with a light so radiant that thou wilt scarcely be able to look at it.

Along with it, there will also shine a dull white light from the devas, which will strike against thee in thy front.

Thereupon, because of the power of bad karma, the glorious blue light of the Wisdom of the DharmaDhātu will produce in thee fear and terror, and thou wilt [with to] flee from it.

Thou wilt beget a fondness for the dull white light of the devas. At this stage, thou must not be awed by the divine blue light which will appear shining, dazzling, and glorious; and be not startled by it.

That is the light of the Tathagata called the Light of the Wisdom of the Dharma-Dhātu.

Put thy faith in it, believe in it firmly, and pray unto it, thinking in thy mind that it is the light proceeding from the heart of the Bhagavān Vairochana coming to receive thee while in the dangerous ambuscade of the Bardo.

That light is the light of the grace of Vairochana.

Be not fond of the dull white light of the devas. Be not attached [to it]; be not weak.

If thou be attached to it, thou wilt wander into the abodes of the devas and be drawn into the whirl of the Six Lokas.

That is an interruption to obstruct thee on the Path of Liberation.”

This will repeat every day for four days, going through all the colours, e.g the elements dissolving: blue, white, yellow, red, green – there is always a very bright light which leads to a heavenly realm – or a dull light which leads to a hell-realm. If you don’t follow these lights you will wander around in the next bardo (bardo being the state in-between) and be reborn in, on average, 7 weeks after dying according to the Thödöl.

This is deceptive. The observed appearance and manifestation of light that one experiences is a direct function of the resonance of the harmonics of the energy structure of the higher selves (mantid (sic)).

It is true that the appearance can be used as an indicative measure of the terrain that the consciousness must endure, it is not a shared and repeatable action. To experience what is written, the person must be a long-term practitioner (decades of intense practice) of Tibetan religious ritual.

Those that are not, will derive no benefit from the teachings.

The containers (sic) that are defined as the vessels of the quanta (as determined by energy state) are not fixed and rigid, but as always subject to change, manipulation, growth and evolution. This is why higher energy quanta fits within certain lattice patterns. As well as how the consciousness containers adapt to the fixtures that define the containers.

There are sequences of events that one will experience, but those sequences will vary from observer to observer.

There are no rule-books, guides, or teachings that can prepare the deceased consciousness for the event sequence that will manifest before them.

[11.18] Question – Annunaki

Hi. Pretty straight forward question about the prison complex I hope you can ask the Commander MM. Unless you already know the answer yourself of course.

I take it that the human beings in this final form were created probably a couple of hundreds thousands years ago by other beings, some call them Annunaki.

Am I correct that they also previously by other beings had created another race millions of years ago, and they were being set incharge of humans, as caretakers/overwatchers of the human race?

These overwatchers seem in fact pretty much just like prison guards as I understand it. To me they sound a lot like The Old Empire. Are they in fact the Old Empire or are actually the Annunaki themselves OE?

When the Old Empire encountered this region of physical space, it was a prosperous area. There were colonies containing numerous  species though out this region of space, and numerous settlements on the planet Earth.

When they entered this region they took it by force. Many of the inhabitants were killed. Many cities were destroyed. Many inhabitants fled because this entire region was no longer a safe area to live in.

Upon the ruins, the Old Empire constructed multiple prison complexes.

The earliest writings of the ancient Sumerians reflect historical records that were passed down over the generations of the initial construction of this prison complex. They have, over time, became distorted and confused, and the semblance of order, timing and participants lost or misinterpreted.

Further confusing this situation are / has been, repeated attempts at distortions of the past and a sorting of the event trains. Thus, what remains today are but pale distortions of what was once, a very impressive  effort by the Old Empire to construct this Prison Planet Complex into what it is today.

The "overwatchers" and the Annunaki are historical references to what was (in all probability) Old Empire residents involved in work in this region.

[11.19a] Question – Time

I don’t know if this has been asked before. If it was, please disregard. I want to ask the DC as we all know that time is a human-made artificial construct and does not exist as such, why we humans seem to perceive time is “speeding” and going “faster” in this turmoil period; a common quote is “time flies”. When everything is peaceful we humans perceive time as “slow”.

The question is: Is “time” manipulated as “fast” to get the bulk of human beings on Earth moving to specific (troublesome) world-lines?

The experience of "time" is the movement of consciousness through world-lines (sic). It can be speeded up, or slowed, by the consciousness that resides within the physical body. Slowing; things moving in slow motion, relative to the observer, is an example of the consciousness moving slower through the various world-lines. Often it is due to a physical event that the consciousness is experiencing.

[11.19b] Question – Bads

My second and last question: The geo-political situation is apparently converging to full-scale world war. Is this situation changeable towards “small bads” or the “big bad” we don’t want (full nuclear WWIII) is now defined as the most probable outcome?

As of 6 August 2022...

It now (at this point in time) highly probable that "medium bads" will occur. 

It is no longer "small bads". 

The situation in the Western nations are gyrating out of control, and this is forcing the Eastern nations into actions that they are reluctant to engage in.

Those in the West (i.e. The United States) have [1] this belief that they have some special "God provided" protection. [2] That they have some super secret, special weapons and technology. [3] That much of this technology was reverse engineered from Domain or similar advanced sources. [4] That they can win and destroy the East using these advanced equipment, technology, and abilities.

All of the belief structures are in error. 

The "secret weapons" are neither secret, nor wholly functional. The idea that the West will unify under a combined threat level is not realistic. The overall belief that nuclear submarines are undetectable and lie hidden is in error. 


They are careering towards a very bad outcome. 

We now anticipate "medium bads". Though we are working hard to contain them, there is a near deleterious insanity that has gripped the "leadership" of the West and they believe that the destruction of the world is an acceptable outcome provided that they still rule it.

The vision of the world that they envision is a very bad one and will result in millions of years of global devastation. No reproduction of current sentient life will be able to occur. The prison complex will evolve into a lonely, abandoned husk of waste floating within it's own isolation universe, and abandoned by the Domain to be forgotten and ignored.

Domain will not permit this.

We consider this an emergency.

We have requested other (Domain) resources to assist in this on-going emergency potential. This might necessitate infected mass die-offs in the aggressive (leadership's) population centers on the planet. 

We will arrange additional resources to assist in the transition period of the various die-offs so that the existing systems are not overwhelmed. Consciousness's will be directed and funneled into the proper segmentation and sorting avenues. We need to allocate resources to avoid swamping the systems already in place.

We (Domain) learned from our mistakes in the past, and this situation will be tracked to a different vector than what it is on now, though it will not appear to be that way to many of the readership. (Commander is talking about common template tracking and the sub-template structures. -MM) 

However, there will be some great hardship in the world. Mostly the collective West.

Great damage and casualties can be avoided, however the realistic probability of this actually manifesting is getting smaller and smaller  over time. <redacted>

There will be certain pockets of the West that will be poisoned. And given the resources (Domain resources) it might take a long time before they are cleaned up. 

We are working presently to avoid the "medium bads" from manifesting. We are not hopeful.

MM comments…

Where a “medium bad” is a catastrophic nuclear exchange resulting in a one-sided destruction on a planet-wide scale. It is not the total destruction of the world, just a complete destruction of selected parts of it. The image that I have (from the Domain Commander) is of an orange with big black spots on it.

Image provided to me was something that looked a little like this.

[11.19b-1] Question – Medium Bads

For the audience, and to help in my understanding. Please define what a “medium bad” is.

A "big bad" is measured in a billion or more people killed.

A "medium bad" is measured in the hundreds of millions killed.

A "small bad" is measured in one or two millions killed.

The present situation is somewhere between a small and a medium bad. It includes all deaths from war and the (hidden) bio-wars currently in process.

[11.19b-2] Question – Why has things changed?

Why are you talking about “medium bads” instead of “little bads”?

The West are following the recommendations of RAND to the letter. There has been no deviation from the plan as laid out by the United States "think tank". This proceeds to plan throughout the actions of every one of the last five (or six) presidents.

They define victory as the destruction of the East with the West remaining the dominant remaining power. 

This necessitates nuclear warfare with America making a first-strike against their enemies. This includes crippling, then looting Russia. This includes suppression of Iran, and strengthening Western access to the mineral resources in the Middle Easts. However, their main target is China.

China, to the leadership and the RAND organization, is viewed as a plump and ripe fruit ready to obtain. It is viewed as weak by the Western leadership. Though, on a specific basis, the Western specialized analysts advise that the leadership impressions and positions are gravely in error.

China is the cultural oasis of Domain in this physical sphere.  We cannot permit it's destruction.

We (Domain) can confirm that Western "first strike" plans are in place.

We can confirm that the idea of a normalized "first strike" is in normal day-to-day discourse even though the plans call for a segmentation of the world into geographic regions prior to that event train.

Previous lessons (on other planets) have followed this path and in every case the results have been horrific / catastrophic. We will implement certain changes and that will mitigate the damage somewhat.

[11.19b-3] Question – How will China survive?

The United States is going to destroy China with it’s 6000+ nuclear weapons.  I am convinced of this, especially from the last answer. What can be done?

The only way that China can survive is to work with Russia and pre-emptively launch a first strike against the West. 

You know this. Calm down and be objective, you need to focus for clarity of group communication. (I was berated by the commander. -MM)

[11.19b-4] Question – What can MM do?

And what about me? Personally?

You have relocated to a safe place. The greatest risks are undersea nuclear detonations causing tidal waves on major coastal cities. Additionally, there is a belief that Hong Kong can be "turned" and become a vassal state in the West. Your present location (and your future location) are both secure.

Once, the American manufactured SLBMs and ICBMs take out military targets, the primary Western strategy is to use swarms of fighters each carrying nuclear gravity bombs to pummel the Chinese countryside and cities. These are special modifications to the F-35 strike fighter (and standoff bombers such as the B-1, and aging B-52) that is now deployed world-wide. Devastating China completely and eviscerating all of the infrastructure inside of China. Turning it, in effect, into a very large ruin (much like Syria today).

A first strike will eviscerate Chinese defenses, secondary strikes by swarms of fighter bombers will canvas the nation. In short order, after the rubbling of the nation, a subsequent long conventional war will ensue, with the American leadership safe living somewhat normal lives in America.

However, and I caution, this plan, which is well understood inside of certain "leadership" circles, will not manifest.

Because it will not manifest, you and your family will remain safe. However, there will be complexities in your life that will complicate your life to a certain degree. These will be unavoidable, but not overly uncomfortable. You will continue to eat, and provide a useful role in society.

[11.19b-5] Question – Traumatized China

The Nancy Poliski trip has traumatized China. Will China make any dangerous or rash moves out of vengeance? I am concerned as I have never seen China so unified in fury.

China is following a course and strategy that it has laid out years ago. 

The only change in the unfolding events of the last few days is an acceleration of the planning and systems already in the works.

By the time the West starts to implement the segmentation of the world into two halves, the value of the global currency will have changed. The power structures of many "friends" will have changed, and the stances of various allied nations will have changed. China is aware of this.

China will proceed with a <hidden> strategy that they have coordinated with the SEC and Russia. This may or may not include military activity. However, it will include <redacted> and that will devastate the West.

[11.19b-6] Question – The United States

I am assuming that for the scenarios to manifest, that a first-strike effort must be taken by both Russia and China simultaneously. Is this even possible?

I cannot believe that they are talking or discussing this reality.

There is an understanding between Xi Peng and Putin. It is deep, incisive and visceral. 

You need not try to over think the possible scenarios that will manifest these event trains. 

You simply need to accept that nothing lasts forever, and that those that play with fire tend to be scorched.

This was plainly, explicitly and clearly, explained to President Biden by Xi Peng, and he chose to ignore the one singular warning. 

There will be no further warnings.

[11.19b-7] Question – The United States ruin

Please tell me what kind of damage that the USA might experience.

There are too many variables at this point in time. I am unable to assist you.

You can expect massive die-offs. The predicted outcomes (based on non-earth predictive models) suggest a bulk die-off due to starvation, illness, and lack of proper medical care. Deaths due to radiation will be minor, only amounting to a few (handful's of) millions of Americans.

Reconstruction of the United States in whatever form (eventually) develops will be fraught with civil discord, terrible logistics, and a serious lack of medical care. Hygiene will plummet as access to potable water ends, staples such as toothpaste and toilet paper evaporate, and viruses torment the populace.

Plants and farms will struggle as most plants use GMO seeds that require a precise mixture of fertilization, weather, and soil conditions that are only possible with complete mechanized farming technologies. Fruit and vegetables will become increasingly difficult to obtain.

A short and brief "limited" nuclear, or conventional attack on American soil is further erode the social structure, but the government, itself, is very resilient. The United States will continue to operate, in a fashion, even though it will be "toothless".

[11.20] Question – Hypersonic missiles

Last minute question.

I just read a report that a Russian engineer / scientist was arrested to selling secret hypersonic technology to China. Is this true? What is going on?

Commander *snorts* and *laughs*. (An odd enough gesture.) <Chills>

Source is CNN; American disinformation outlet. None of their readership have the ability to verify or deny the "report".

Seeding of articles with disinformation is for purposes unrelated to MM discourse. You can safely ignore the *blather*.

My guess is that CNN disinfo is trying to portray the illusion that Russia is alone and not all that friendly to China. This idea seems to fit into the narrative that Russia and China can somehow be separated from each other. -MM

Do you want more?

You can find many more videos in my “Domain Index” over here…

The Domain


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The art of Kouki Ikegami

I tire of the mess that the United States is creating.

Let’s take a break from it.

Here’s a nice interlude with some great art. There’s something about this art that awakens odd feelings inside. Nothing that I can put my finger on, but marvelous never the less. I hope that you all appreciate this post and the art that is presented.

It’s hard to look at the illustrations of Kouki Ikegami and not feel as if you’re looking at the concept art for a gorgeous anime film. The talented illustrator has a beautiful way of turning simple everyday surroundings into charming and nostalgic worlds of art. Two renditions of his gorgeous “A large cloud and small railroad crossing” based off of Kusatsu Station in Shiga prefecture.

More: Twitter h/t: grapee

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Ikegami’s attention to detail of real life settings and backgrounds has some of his illustrations being compared to the beautifully animated films of Makoto Shinkai. Many on Twitter have pointed out how some of the finer details–such as the wear and tear on some building structures, sign lettering, and even the LINE messenger app on a girl’s cell phone–make the illustrations appear as actual photographs.

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I hope that you all enjoyed this as much as I have. Please have a great day. Spend the time with friends and family and maybe a great meal out. And remember, no matter what, I believe in you.

Do you want more?

I have more articles like this one in my Art Index here…



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Ten Truths That Can’t Be Published in the United States

I am forced to have a small post for today. But it’s a good one. All credit to Eric. Brilliant write up…


Ten Truths That Can’t Be Published Under The U.S. Regime

1. The overthrow of Yanukovych in Ukraine in February 2014 was a U.S. coup, and definitely not a democratic revolution there.

2. The U.S. Government and its ‘news’-media lied — didn’t merely “err” — to deceive the U.S. public to believe the “Saddam’s WMD” falsehoods that were used to ‘justify’ criminally invading Iraq on 20 March 2003.

3. The U.S. Government and its OPCW lied — didn’t merely “err” — to say that Assad was using chemical weapons, so as to ‘justify’ America’s criminal invasion and occupation of Syria.

4. The war between Russia and Ukraine is actually the war by America against Russia in the battlefields of Ukraine and started not on 24 February 2022 when Russia invaded Ukraine but even well before America’s criminal February 2014 coup in Ukraine and was already secretly in the planning stages in the Obama Administration by no later than June 2011.

5. The claim that Taiwan isn’t and hasn’t even been a part of China is a blatant lie about history, to deceive U.S.-and-allied publics and aiming to enable the U.S. regime to grab China too.

6. U.S.-and-allied ‘news’-media lie constantly so as to deceive their publics to support their criminal invasions, coups, and sanctions, against countries that the U.S. regime is aiming ultimately to conquer, even countries (such as Iraq, Libya, Syria, and Ukraine) that never threatened, nor posed any threat to, U.S. national security.

7. The U.S. repeatedly shows up in international polls as being overwhelmingly a bigger threat to peace in the world than is any other nation. Whereas Americans don’t know it, foreigners certainly do.

8. The termination of American democracy, and the decision by the U.S. Government to ultimately conquer the entire world, occurred on 25 July 1945, and the Cold War excuse — that it was about communism, instead of about ultimate global conquest by the U.S. — was, and remains, a lie.

9. The U.S. regime’s statements that it had not in 1990 promised to Russia that its ending its communism and its Warsaw Pact military alliance would mean that NATO itself would not expand “one inch to the east [toward Russia’s border]” is a historical lie, and the U.S. regime started on 24 February 1990 secretly to inform its ‘allies’ (vassal nations) that it was a lie and that on America’s side the Cold War would continue until Russia itself becomes under its control.

10. The U.S. regime’s being a regime — a dictatorship instead of a democracy — has been repeatedly proven, and is an established fact, to the contrary of all the lies and liars. Calling it “the U.S. regime” is effectively prohibited, though it is certainly true. In fact, a good case can be made that the U.S. is the world’s #1 police-state.

On August 2nd, U.S. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s speech upon landing in Taipei, Taiwan, said “Our congressional delegation’s visit to Taiwan honors America’s unwavering commitment to supporting Taiwan’s vibrant democracy.”

An earlier retort

NOTE: A reader of this article commented on it by saying: “Actually US democracy did not end in 1945, as it never existed in the first place. The authors of the Constitution deliberately made it a republic, not a democracy.” To this, I replied:

A “republic” IS a “democracy”: they are synonyms for a nation in which the government REPRESENTS the public, instead of being some dictator or (more commonly) dictatorial class of people who DON’T represent the public.

You got balled-up in words instead of thinking about WHAT THE WORDS REPRESENT. “Democracy” and “republic” represent the SAME THING.

(There supposedly are also nations that are ‘direct democracies’ in which the government is ‘direct’ from the voters instead of entailing any voting for representatives; but none such actually exists today, because a direct democracy is possible only for tiny nations, “city-states,” and even most of those do and have had representatives. In the real world, “democracy” and “republic” are the same thing.)

It is because of such confusions by, and gullibility OF, the public, that politicians such as Pelosi, Biden, and Obama, and such as Trump, Bush, and Reagan, can so easily fool the public to accept them as BEING representatives of the public, INSTEAD OF as being representatives of the billionaires who funded their political careers — which they actually are and have been.

Oh, by the way…

Here is how You-Tube automatically selects the title splash images for my you-tube videos. No wonder I am forced to generate my own…

You-Tube suggestions.

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 4


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Do not fear the soul realignment event

This was a private video for Patreon. It is now free for everyone to view. Here, we discuss what you MUST go though if you want to stop the endless cycle of reincarnation.

Very important links.

The Metallicman webpage has daily articles of everything from geopolitics, to art, music, history, extraterrestrials, science and just stuff that defy description…

A1 Top Master Index

The Metallicman patrion page has daily videos and articles for the hard-core influencers and supporters. Here’s the really valuable stuff. Basic membership is only $5 a month. Great stuff here. It’s where I present the “secrets of the universe”…

The dragon starts to move

You need a stiff drink to watch the apocalypse unfold. 

-Gonzalo Lira

I can tell you that many Chinese are upset that the PLA did not blow the plane carrying Nancy Poliski out of the sky. There’s all sorts of thoughts on this. In general, the mood in China is one of great seismic shift.

Things are forever changed.

That being said, the USA and the Western press is having a field day proclaiming the “victory dance” for “democracy” and all the rest. Mainstream “news” coverage is announcing how the USA “showed who’s boss”.

Do not be so sure.

I think that the Chinese strategy is to move (geopolitical) pieces in place. Whether it involves this particular person or not, is of no consequence. What has occurred is that NOW China has the pieces lined up to solve the “Taiwan Issue” once and for all.

Let me explain.

What has occurred (with Nancy Poliski) is a MAJOR violation of Chinese national sovereignty. China knows who the aggressors are. China knows the systems used. China knows the operational situation, and China understands what will come next.

Thus, you can expect the following to be truisms that the Chinese realize;

  • America is not only poking China, but it is goading it towards war.
  • The attacks will only get worse.
  • The main “pressure point” is Taiwan.

Now, China has the excuse to lock Taiwan down.

Now, China has the excuse to get rid of the American-sponsored Taipei government.

Now, China can argue “we did not attack American forces”.

And now China can seize Taiwan once and for all. Let America howl. But you know, it will do nothing. It will stand by and watch. Of course, it will then impose “sanctions from Hell.” Which, or course, China is fully ready to rub the American face in the shit it created.

We begin with how this affects Taiwan…

China Halts Exports of . . . SAND . . . to Taiwan

China has ordered a complete halt to the export of natural sand to Taiwan.   At first glance, most folks would say “Sand? So what!”  But Taiwan makes computer chips and the silicone to make those chips comes from . . .  Oh, yea . . .  sand.

Moreover, Chinese Battery Manufacturer CATL has announced they are “freezing” the opening of a $5 Billion battery plant in the USA.  The plant was supposed to supply batteries for Tesla and Ford.

We have also received reports CLAIMING (but not yet verified) that Chinese suppliers to APPLE have suspended all product and parts deliveries; allegedly crippling APPLE.

These changes took place within hours of Nancy Pelosi violating China’s demand that she not visit Taiwan.

Things will likely get much worse from this point as China retaliates for violation of its Diplomatic demands.

I am not alone in believing the consequences of this action…

From FOX “news”.

Tucker Carlson. He’s actually in agreement with me.

Errol Flynn

Legendary swashbuckler Errol Flynn would never have survived #MeToo had he been born sixty years later. The man was wild. And wildly immoral. He was like Charlie Sheen times a million. Orgies, everywhere. Underaged lovers. Drunk parties with multiple nude starlets and Erol, playing piano butt naked with his erect penis hitting all the right keys…


No, this man was something else. And even in the era he lived, full of fixers and more forgiving of scandals when involving a man and his various sexual conquests… Flynn was still ‘a bridge too far’ for many people. He was scandal and intrige personified.

Drugs. Alcohol. Copious amounts of all sorts of pills, potions and powders known to man, many of it no longer in production. Fights, everywhere. With everyone. Sex with everyone. And with everyone’s wife, everyone’s daughter… Flynn was a tireless beast of seductive burden.


See that lovely lady above? Her name is Beverly Aadland. They started ‘seeing each other’ when she was fifteen. And when I say ‘seeing each other’, I mean ‘banging the everlasting daylights out of each other’. As I said, the man was wild. And he didn’t care about age. Or legality.

It was in the presence of Aadland that Errol Flynn died on October 14, 1959… Flynn was fifty, Beverly just 17. He still got a heroes burial and a funeral worthy of a king. He was never cancelled and lived his depraved life full of debauchery free as a bird without a care in the world.

Quick Pepper Steak

When I need a speedy skillet supper, this pepper steak comes to my rescue. The tender meat is slightly sweet, with a hint of brown sugar and molasses. —Monica Williams, Burleson, Texas



  • 2 tablespoons cornstarch
  • 2 tablespoons brown sugar
  • 2 tablespoons minced fresh gingerroot
  • 3/4 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1 can (14-1/2 ounces) beef broth
  • 3 tablespoons reduced-sodium soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon molasses
  • 1-1/2 pounds beef top sirloin steak, cut into 1/4-inch strips
  • 1 tablespoon canola oil
  • 2 large green peppers, cut into 1/2-inch strips
  • 1-1/2 cups sliced celery
  • 3 green onions, chopped
  • 4 teaspoons lemon juice
  • Hot cooked noodles, optional


  1. In a bowl, combine the cornstarch, brown sugar, ginger and garlic powder. Stir in broth until smooth. Add soy sauce and molasses; set aside.
  2. In a nonstick skillet or wok, stir-fry steak in oil for 4-5 minutes; remove and keep warm. Stir-fry peppers, celery and onions until crisp-tender, about 5 minutes. Stir broth mixture and add to the vegetables. Return meat to the pan. Bring to a boil; cook and stir until thickened, about 2 minutes. Stir in lemon juice. Serve over noodles if desired.

The Clacton Spear


The oldest man made object on earth, sits in a display in the Natural History Museum, London.

This stunningly well preserved spear point is by far the oldest known wooden tool ever found, it was made over a hundred thousand years before anatomically modern humans first appeared on the scene, by some early ancestor of our species, a clever Hominin with a penchant wood carving.

Made from Yew wood, skilfully carved by razor sharp worked flints and shaped into a stout spear, a tool made for hunting the large prey of the land bridge between Britain and Europe.


Perhaps this stout spear was made for hunting Giant Irish Elk, which roamed the area this spear was found, or maybe Mammoths or wild boar.

As someone who actively uses the wood of Yew trees to make Longbows, I’m acutely aware that this incredible unique wood has been used by ancient humans since the beginning of time, for making the finest heavy draw weight bows, strong staves, clubs, handshafts and spears.

Anyway, in 1911, an amateur prehistorian named Samuel H. Warren, was busy searching for prehistoric artefacts at low tide on the shoreline near his home, he had previously found worked stones and all manner of Neolithic trinkets, but then one day he spotted what looked like a muddy stick peeking out from just beneath the surface of the Palaeolithic sediment, he pulled it out and quickly realised it was something special and took it home to clean and preserved it. A few years later, Samuel Warren casually walked into a stuffy society of scientific research and upended their long held academic beliefs regarding the inability of premodern humans to manufacture such well made tools.

The 420,000 year old Yew spear that lay resting beneath the waves for almost half a million years.

  1. When you sign up for anything online, put the website’s name as your middle name. That way when you receive spam/advert email, you will know who sold your information.
  2. If you’re on a first date and aren’t connecting with the other person or feel they’re dull, ask them what job they’d choose if money wasn’t an issue. It initiates a talk about one’s passions, which are rarely dull and are simple to connect.
  3. If you want to be an effective communicators, let others talking about themselves and their interests – it’s as rewarding as sex.
  4. Do not try to be the man your father would want you to be. Be the man you would like your son to be be. It more clearly defines your own convictions, desires, goals, and motivates you to be your best.
  5. Pay Attention to the smell of your home when you come back from a trip – that’s what it smells like to guests all the time, you just get used to it.
  6. When a friend is upset, ask them one simple question before saying anything else: ‘Do you want to talk about it or do you want to be distracted from it?’
  7. No matter how much your workplace pushes “team building” and “family culture” – remember, they’re not your friends and it’s still a workplace.
  8. If you’re stuck on an annoying call, put your phone on airplane mode instead of just hanging up. The other person will see “call failed” instead of “call ended”.
  9. If you want to learn a new language, figure out the 100 most frequently used words and start with them. Those words make up about 50% of everyday speech, and should be a very solid basis.

King Louis XV

Louis XV had several lovers, some very young like those he kept in his “parc aux cerfs”, the place where his younger lovers stayed because they had not yet been officially introduced as official lovers.

Louis XV was always a very sensual person, and that is why he sent Mariana Victoria, his fiancée, back to Spain because she was too young to marry and consummate the marriage.

Mariana Victoria of Spain.

At the age of 15, he married a Polish noblewoman who did not have a very prestigious lineage, but who was older and more experienced than him, as well as being relatively attractive: Marie Leszczynska. During their wedding night, it is rumored that he consummated her marriage “seven times”.

Queen Maria van Loo.

And as for their sexual habits, it is unlikely that they were extraordinary. With the exception of Du Barry, her mistresses had little experience of the subject, as they were generally married women, often to other aristocrats (they only had experience with their husbands), or young virgins.

The King revealed to the Duke d’Ayen that Jean du Barry, his last lover and former prostitute, “had helped him discover things that he thought did not exist”, to which the nobleman replied that it was because “he had never been in a brothel ”.

The Duran Agrees with MM

Well, sort of. Mr. Barnes feels that China will not make a military move on Taiwan. I disagree. The entire nation of China, all 1.6 billion people are all ready to flood into Taiwan right now. The overall feeling is “enough is enough. It’s time to stop this nonsense!”.


Check this out.



The Queen of Purza

My father did not really like cats.

I moved back home in 2013 to care for him, he was 93 at the time, and adopted a kitten 3 years later.

Dad was bedridden the last 3 months of his life so I made sure his door was securely closed to keep Purza out.

One day I heard Dad moaning in pain over the intercom, so I hurried to get his meds.

While I was getting them, Dad stopped moaning, which scared me because it was usually 30 minutes or more after his meds before he would quiet down.

I ran to his room and noticed his door was open.

What I saw in his room makes me cry even though it’s 4 years later.

Dad was in his bed with the head of it slightly raised, and laying beside him with her head right by his ear, was Purza and she was purring away.

She has a very loud purr.

Dad had his hand on her, a look of peace on his face, and he was sound asleep.

That was the first time he’d fallen asleep without pain meds in over 6 months.

I had named my kitten The Queen of Purza but right then I seriously thought of changing it to The Angel Purza, because that’s what she was.

The Queen of Purza

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 4


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Taiwan is being used as a casus belli

In the first half of this year, the US economy shrank, contracted, got smaller. That is two quarters of contraction which clearly puts the US in a technical recession. Although, the Democratic party are desperately trying to redefine what a “recession” is.

In contrast with all the supposed difficulties of the Shanghai lock-down in the second quarter, the Chinese economy did NOT shrink. It’s true that it barely grew, but grow it did.

As for the rest of China, well, in the first quarter China’s economy grew at a bit over 4% if memory serves.

Time for some perspective. The United States is shrinking. While China is growing.

And what about inflation?

China continues to keep inflation in the realm of 2%. The US was at 9.1% for June (the last month available at this time of writing).

This was in the region of 7% for a long, long time before it took a turn for the worse during the last few months!

  • United States- recession and inflation.
  • China- growth and stable prices.

Of course China has <6000 deaths due to Covid. The US has well over 1 million.

In the Western media China always does badly in the PREDICTIONS. But in REALITY China always does better than the US.

I attribute this to many things, but in this case, it is the end results which matter.

Taiwan as a distraction


By Amarynth for the Saker Blog

The current hot war of words regarding Nancy Pelosi’s announced visit to Taiwan is reaching a dangerous nexus and threatening to spill over into military action.

China considers this belligerent approach as a threat to their stated One Country, Two Systems policy as well as a threat to the 1992 consensus. The two sides of the Taiwan Strait reached the consensus in 1992 that “both sides belong to one China and will work together toward national reunification”. It defines the fundamental nature of the cross-Strait relationship and lays the political foundation for its development.

Taiwan is being used as a casus belli (an act or an event that either provokes or is used to justify war) in the very same way that Ukraine was used and is currently used. A war of media, tremendous even brutal propaganda to their own citizens to paint the enemy as evil to justify their own actions, continual accusations using a human rights platform, and doubling down! We see fantastical accusations that Huawei equipment sitting atop poles is spying on the US, China is infiltrating the US Fed, and in professional statements and documentation, China is the second biggest enemy of the US.  The latest are threats to attempt to impose sanctions on Russian oil supplies to China.

The trajectory is exactly the same toward China, using Taiwan as the hot button, as what we observed during the run-up to the Russia SMO with the Ukraine as the hot button.  It is:

blatant and intentional provocation and total denial of International Law.

Another point of convergence is that while professing ‘support for Taiwan’ (the very same as for the Ukraine), they are actually harming Taiwan (the very same as for the Ukraine).

A short history of the current dangerous brouhaha is:

  • Nanci Pelosi announced a visit to Taiwan in April, and China said NO! Pelosi developed Covid.
  • During May, June and July, timeframe, the US announced a 5th sale of weapons to Taiwan and China delivered strong demarch on the US to cancel this. There was also a continual stream of US dignitaries and ex-dignataries e.g., Pompeo, visiting Taiwan in some or other professional capacity
  • Pelosi announced a new visit to Taiwan in August,

The Chinese are not simply saying no, they have handed this matter to their Military. Whereas their foreign office spokesperson comments, we now get the commentary from the Chinese military spokesperson.

Our army will not sit idly by if U.S. House Speaker Pelosi visits Taiwan, will take decisive measures to curb foreign interference – Chinese Defense Ministry

The Taiwan question is the most important of China’s core interests. Safeguarding national sovereignty and territorial integrity is the bounden responsibility of every Chinese, and no one, force or country should dream of separating Taiwan from China – Chinese SC & FM Wang Yi:
  • The latest is that US President Biden & China’s Xi Jinping will hold bilateral talks today amid this crisis because the Chinese see this as a direct assault on One Country, Two Systems, as well as the 1992 consensus between China and Taiwan.

If Pelosi tries to visit Taiwan, the Chinese will respond militarily.

Asked to comment on a recent Financial Times report which suggested Beijing would respond military should the speaker of the House visit Taiwan, China’s government confirmed the contents as true.

“We are seriously prepared,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said in regards to the article.

“If the US side is bent on going its own way, China will take strong measures to resolutely respond and counteract. The United States should be held responsible for any serious consequences,” the official added.

We do not know what kind of military response, but at the moment, the American aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan and its strike group, including a guided missile destroyer and a guided missile cruiser, set out from Singapore on Monday heading northeast towards the South China Sea, according to ship-tracking information provided by Beijing-based think tank the South China Sea Strategic Probing Initiative.  The US military has not disclosed its final destination, but the route would bring the carrier group to the Taiwan Strait if it continues in the same direction.

The US administration fears that China could introduce a no-fly zone over Taiwan ahead of a possible visit by Speaker of the US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi to the island to disrupt the plans of the American side – CNN

These provocations are a threat to the whole world, as are the provocations to Russia. Yet, the US and its cronies have failed to overthrow Hong Kong, they have failed to create an economic disaster in Xinjiang to destabilize this crossroad on the Belt and Road, and they failed in the Tibet Autonomous Region which is now a thriving region with no abject poverty or slave ownership of serfs and with protected religious and social mores, they failed the Trump trade war, and they will fail in Taiwan. They are failing in Latin America, they are even failing in Panama to safeguard their neoliberal democratic ‘free world’.

While failing everywhere, they live in virtual reality and most seriously believe that the world belongs to them.

“China will not allow “sanctimonious preaching” or bullying from foreign forces, and anyone who tries “will find themselves on a collision course with a steel wall forged by 1.4 billion people”.  Xi Jinping:

Taiwan is a distraction and a belated and hopeless but dangerous attempt at ongoing relevance from the US.

Caitlin Johnstone epitomized their dilemma:

Russia: Don’t cross our red lines in Ukraine or we’ll take action. 
US politicians: They’re bluffing. Cross those red lines. 
*Russia invades.* 

China: Don’t cross our red lines in Taiwan or we’ll take action. 
US politicians: They’re bluffing. Cross those red lines. 

We wait to see the outcome and it will be China’s national reunification with its recalcitrant province on China’s terms, not imposed terms.  Bear in mind that Taiwan is not a candidate currently for independence. The current government does not dare to call for a referendum as 75% roughly of Taiwanese will vote for remaining with the Chinese mainland.

China Daily reports: For National Reunification we are willing to go to war.

Here are some actual historical facts from Nathan Rich:

Finally, Russia and China will coordinate actions.  Today in Uzbekistan:


China Sanctions Nancy Pelosi; Refused Entry into China and Taiwan

Reports are coming in from Asia as of 4:09 AM eastern US Time, claiming that the People’s Republic of China has “Sanctioned” U.S. Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi.   The reports also claim that as a result of being Sanctioned, Pelosi is DENIED ENTRY into China and into Taiwan.

These reports are coming from media persons on the ground inside Asia, but their media outlets have yet to report these claims.

Pelosi departed the United States on Saturday, allegedly aboard a U.S. Air Force C-40 transport aircraft, which allegedly7 had TWO fighter jets as escort.

The plane was tracked across the continental U.S., out into the Pacific, and then landed in Hawaii to refuel.

Pelosi’s office tweeted a statement from her:

Later that same aircraft took off from Hawaii, but tracking of it was then BLOCKED, claiming the plane was no longer being tracked because of engine trouble . . . which is a complete non-sequitur; it made no sense at all.

As of 4:09 AM EDT Sunday, it is not known where Speaker Pelosi’s plane is, or if has perhaps landed elsewhere in Asia, as her itinerary did mention stops in Singapore, Malaysia and elsewhere for this trip.

Why the US Speaker of the House is engaging in foreign travel is also a mystery.  Generally, that’s why the U.S. has a Secretary of State.

More details as they become available.


It turns out that when Pelosi’s aircraft developed engine trouble and it’s tracking was turned off, it returned to Hawaii.   Pelosi spent the night there.

This morning, the plane took off from Hawaii out westward into the Pacific.   At this hour 9:18 AM EDT, it is landing at Guam.

For what it’s worth

Getting Reports that Pelosi WILL Land in Taiwan this week . . .

There are now NEW reports, **claiming** US Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, will land in Taiwan sometime this week.

No “official” word on this, but the reports are going around and getting louder.

The Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) staged military exercises and published propaganda videos of various weapons, including an alleged “aircraft carrier killer,” on Sunday and Monday in anticipation of Pelosi (D-CA) arriving in Asia and potentially visiting Taiwan.

Pelosi landed in Singapore on Monday and has since met with its president and prime minister, bringing along a congressional delegation. Pelosi’s office confirmed the delegation would also visit Malaysia, South Korea, and Japan. Rumors for weeks have indicated that Pelosi had long been considering a surprise stop in the sovereign, democratic nation of Taiwan – defying the Chinese Communist Party, which claims Taiwan as a rogue “province” and dismisses its government as an illegitimate separatist entity.

Most striking about China’s public remarks about Pelosi visiting Taiwan, and that visit being a major incident against which China will respond, was China’s statement “Don’t say we didn’t warn you.”

That particular statement is of very troubling history;  China has only uttered that statement to another country THREE times in its history:

The first time in 1962 just prior to its border war with India;

The second time in 1979 just before it invaded Vietnam, and;

two days ago . . . to the USA


US Military: Extraordinary Activity

The United States military is already on the move, perhaps in relation to China’s ominous message.

The USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier Strike Group is now moving into position near Taiwan, as shown on its travel map below:



Moreover, inside the continental United States, as of 1:49 PM eastern US time on August 1, 2022, ALL (every single one) of the planes shown on the FlightRadar24 map below, are US military aircraft over the Continental USA.


That’s an awful lot of movement.  Rather unusual.

Perhaps they are preparing for . . .  something . . . .

PLA not to sit idly by if Pelosi visits Taiwan: Chinese spokesperson


BEIJING, Aug. 1 (Xinhua) — China on Monday once again warned the United States that the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) will not sit idly by if U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi visits Taiwan.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian made the warning at a daily news briefing.

China has repeatedly stated to the United States its grave concern over the issue and the solemn position of resolutely opposing Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan, and stressed the severe consequences if Pelosi visits Taiwan, Zhao said.

“The will of the people cannot be defied, and those who play with fire will perish by it,” Zhao said. “It is believed the U.S. side is fully aware of China’s strong and clear message.”

China is closely following the itinerary of Pelosi, Zhao said. “A visit to Taiwan by her would constitute a gross interference in China’s internal affairs, seriously undermine China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, wantonly trample on the one-China principle, greatly threaten peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait, severely undermine China-U.S. relations, and lead to a very serious situation and grave consequences.”

China once again warns the U.S. side that China is on high alert, the PLA will never sit idly by, and will surely take resolute and strong countermeasures to defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity, Zhao said.

The United States should strictly abide by the one-China principle and the stipulations in the three China-U.S. joint communiques, honor U.S. President Joe Biden’s commitment that the United States does not support “Taiwan independence,” and not arrange for Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan, the spokesperson added.


White House Says Speaker Pelosi has the right to visit Taiwan: Taiwan Cancels All Troops Leave “Prepare for war”

Just moments ago, the White House officially confirmed the American position that the Speaker of the House “has the right to visit Taiwan.”

Routine Diplomatic practice for decades has been that if an official from any country wishes to visit Taiwan, they must get permission from Beijing, then fly into Beijing, then fly to Taiwan.  That decades-old practice is being ignored, and Taiwan is being treated by the USA as if Beijing no longer matters.

Beijing seems ready to show the US, and the world, they actually do matter . . . .

Video of the White House spokesman saying it:


Taiwan Cancels all Military Leave

Taiwanese defense officials have canceled the leave of soldiers and officers “to immediately prepare” for the chance of war in response to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Asia this week, according to local reports.

China warned early Monday that its military would not “sit idly by” if the House speaker visits Taiwan during her trip this week, echoing similar comments from Chinese President Xi Jinping last week that the United States should not “play with fire.” Pelosi is expected to stop in Taiwan during her visit this week, although the island is not listed on her itinerary.

“Her stature as the No. 3 U.S. official means a trip would be highly sensitive,” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian told reporters Monday. “As to what measures, let’s wait and see whether she insists on this visit.”

If Pelosi travels to Taiwan, she’ll be the highest-ranking U.S. official to visit the island since former House Speaker Newt Gingrich made the trip in 1997. It’s not clear when Pelosi will arrive in Taiwan, but the House speaker is expected to stay there overnight, officials told CNN.


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is expected to visit Taiwan as part of her tour of Asia, according to a senior Taiwanese government official and a US official, despite warnings from Biden administration officials, who are worried about China’s response to such a high-profile visit.

The stop — the first for a US House speaker in 25 years — is not currently on Pelosi’s public itinerary and comes at a time when US-China relations are already at a low point.

The Taiwanese official added that she is expected to stay in Taiwan overnight. It is unclear when exactly Pelosi will land in Taipei….

China again warns of ‘serious consequences’ over Pelosi’s potential Taiwan visit


China will take firm and strong countermeasures to safeguard its sovereignty and territorial integrity, said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian on Monday, warning that the Chinese military will not sit back if U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi visits Taiwan.

His remarks came amid the high tensions across the Taiwan Straits. Pelosi’s Asia trip schedule, announced on Sunday, includes Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea and Japan with no mention of Taiwan.

“The Chinese side has repeatedly made clear to the U.S. side our serious concern over Pelosi’s potential visit to Taiwan and our firm opposition to the visit,” Zhao told a regular news briefing.

“We are fully prepared for any eventuality,” he said, adding that it is the U.S. that has been distorting and hollowing out the one-China principle and making irresponsible remarks on the Taiwan question.

China demands that the United States honor the promise of President Joe Biden that it would not support “Taiwan independence” and should not arrange Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan, he stressed.

During his phone call with Chinese President Xi Jinping on Thursday, Biden reaffirmed the United States’ commitment to the one-China policy.

Policing the World Is a Full-Time Job

China pushes back against US-led military intervention in Asia

Every leader and top official now in power in the so-called Western World seems to have forgotten that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was founded in 1949 as an alliance that was ostensibly defensive in nature, intended to counter the expansion of Soviet style communism in Europe.

That role continued to be the raison d’etre of the organization until communist governments themselves collapsed in both Russia and in the Eastern European states that collectively made up the Warsaw Pact during the 1990s. After that point, NATO no longer had any reason to exist at all as the alleged military threat posed by the Kremlin and its allies vanished virtually overnight.

But clever politicians were quick to put the alliance on life support instead of simply dismantling it.

Lacking the threat posed by the Warsaw Pact, NATO was forced to come up with other reasons to maintain military forces at levels that could quickly be enhanced and placed on a wartime footing. Washington and London took the lead in this, citing the now shopworn defense of a “rules based international order” as well as of “democracy” and “freedom.”

And fortunately for the national defense industries and the generals, it soon proved possible to find new enemies that provided justification for additional military spending.

The first major engagement outside the obligations defined by the original treaty took place in Europe to be sure, but it was in the Balkans where of NATO during the 1995 Operation Deliberate Force. The war ended after the signing of the General Framework Agreement for Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina in Paris on December 14th 1995. Peace negotiations were finalized a week later but fighting resumed between Kosovo and Serbia in the following year, which led to another NATO intervention that eventually ended with the restoration of Kosovo’s autonomy and the deployment of NATO forces, which bombed the Serbs to compel their compliance with a draft cease fire agreement.

NATO also played a role improbably enough in the US invasion and occupation of Afghanistan, which was justified by claiming that an Afghanistan free to set its own course would become a hotbed of terrorism which would inevitably impact on the United States and Europe. It was a paper-thin argument, but it was the best they could come up with at the time and it also eventually involved soldiers from additional friendly countries like Australia.

As we have subsequently seen, however, it was all an argument without merit as Afghanistan became a money pit and a graveyard for thousands of locals and foreign soldiers. It is now again in the hands of the Taliban after a bungled withdrawal of US forces and the collapse of the puppet government in Kabul that Washington had installed.

Turn the clock forward to the present. As everyone but President Joe Biden has recognized, the United States and NATO are currently engaged in a proxy war against Russia in Ukraine, which many observers already believe has some of the attributes of World War III. As Russia neither threatened nor attacked any NATO member state, the argument that the response in arming and training Ukraine was defensive was rendered irrelevant. Nor can it be credibly be claimed that Russia is a haven for terrorists, quite the contrary. Nevertheless, Biden has stated that the US will be in the fight on behalf of Ukraine for “as long as it takes.” Does he mean years, and all done without a declaration of war by Congress as required by the US Constitution?

And more appears to be coming. Joe Biden, during last week’s trip to Israel, made clear that the United States is “prepared to use all elements of its national power” to stop Iran from getting a nuclear weapon and has signed a pledge with the Israeli government to commit itself to do so.

If Biden presses the argument that Iran is an international threat due to its impending development of nuclear weapons, will he appeal to NATO to support a joint military option to disarm it? I believe he just might do that.

And he might just want to consider how the entire set-up and framing of the issue by Israel is somewhat of a trap. Israel considers Iran’s current nuclear program to be intended to create a weapon, which “they continue to develop,” and there are plenty in the US Congress who would agree with that.

So, if Iran is clearly creating a thermonuclear device, the time to strike is now, isn’t it? And bear in mind how the US/Israeli campaign to condemn is multifaceted. Shortly before the meetings held by Biden and his crew with the Israelis, US government sources set the stage for what was to come by going on the offensive regarding reports that Iran may be selling highly capable offensive drones to Russia for use in Ukraine as well as subsequent claims coming out of Washington that the Iranians are seeking to assassinate senior US officials in revenge for the killing of Revolutionary Guards General Qassem Soleimani in January 2020. One wonders why they waited so long and why the White House has chosen to publicize these stories at this point.

And the US and NATO are also getting involved with China’s geopolitical policies, on a path that Beijing is warning is extremely hypocritical and which might lead to armed conflict. The signs that the Chinese might be targeted by NATO, possibly over the Taiwan independence issue, came following a stark warning by US Secretary of State Tony Blinken delivered at the NATO summit in Madrid at the end of June. Blinken accused China of “seeking to undermine the rules-based international order,” the same type of critique recently leveled against Russia and Iran. Blinken’s comment was elaborated on by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, who observed how “China is substantially building up its military forces, including nuclear weapons, bullying its neighbors, threatening Taiwan … monitoring and controlling its own citizens through advanced technology, and spreading Russian lies and disinformation.”

Stoltenberg’s indictment of China was followed by a NATO issued “strategic concept” document last that declared for the first time that China poses a “systemic challenge” to the alliance, alongside a primary “threat” coming from Russia. The document copied Blinken’s language, citing “The deepening strategic partnership between the People’s Republic of China and the Russian Federation and their mutually reinforcing attempts to undercut the rules-based international order run counter to our values and interests.”

Finally, the US and British governments collaborated to condemn China as the “biggest long-term threat to our economic and national security.” The declaration came in a July 6th joint news conference in London, where Christopher Wray, director of the FBI, and Ken McCallum, director general of Britain’s MI5, accused China, like Russia, of interfering in US and UK elections. Wray also warned the business leaders in the audience that the Chinese government has been “set on stealing your technology, whatever it is that makes your industry tick, and using it to undercut your business and dominate your market.”

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian initially responded a few days after the NATO summit, observing that the “so-called rules-based international order is actually a family rule made by a handful of countries to serve the US self-interest,” adding that “[Washington]observes international rules only as it sees fit.” Addressing the issue of the role of NATO specifically, Zhao accused Blinken of using NATO to “hype up competition with China and stoke group confrontation.” He added that “The history of NATO is one about creating conflicts and waging wars…arbitrarily launching wars and killing innocent civilians, even to this day. Facts have proven that it isn’t China that poses a systemic challenge to NATO, and instead it is NATO that brings a looming systemic challenge to world peace and security. Thirty years after the end of the Cold War, [NATO] has not yet abandoned its thinking and practice of creating ‘enemies’ … It is NATO that is creating problems around the world.”

China has a point. What NATO is threatening is war, as it is a military alliance. The Chinese appear to understand that NATO is the world’s largest military bureaucracy which has developed since 1991 an overriding institutional commitment to ensuring its permanent existence, if not expansion, even after it has clearly outlived its own usefulness. So Beijing might justifiably wonder, how does China – on the other side of the globe – fit into NATO’s historic “defensive” mission? How are Chinese troops or missiles now threatening Europe or the US in ways they weren’t before? How are the Americans and Europeans suddenly under military threat coming from China?

The Chinese appear to understand that if there is no threat to “defend” against, then a threat must be manufactured, and that is precisely what we are seeing vis-à-vis Russia, China, Iran and even Venezuela. Washington has become addicted to war and NATO is the chosen tool to give those wars the patina of legitimacy. To launch those conflicts requires either inventing an imaginary threat, or, as in the case of Russia, provoking the very threat the “defensive” bureaucracy was designed to deter or thwart. All indications are that NATO – now embracing 30 countries – is doing both and the results could easily be disastrous for all parties involved. Former congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard particularly abhors the cynical recklessness of the Biden Administration driving the process, explaining how “The reality is, President Biden, members of Congress, leaders in our country, the wealthy, they will have a safe place to be in the event of a nuclear war that they are behind causing while the rest of us in America and Russia, people around the world, will be decimated from this event.”

Prize winning journalist Chris Hedges has also defined the unthinkable that is at stake, and it is past time for Americans and Europeans to take note and stop the madness.

Hedges opines that “The massive expansion of NATO, not only in Eastern and Central Europe but the Middle East, Latin America, Africa and Asia, presages endless war and a potential nuclear holocaust.”

One might also note that New Yorkers are now being informed about what to do if there is a nuclear attack.

Yes, that is precisely the problem – we have an administration in Washington that should be protecting the people living in this country, not setting up scenarios that might lead to their slaughter.

Will someone please point that out to Joe Biden?

Will the West’s Suicide Bring World Peace?


In The Grand Chessboard, Zbigniew Brzezinski speculated about the American unipolar hegemon’s ultimate geostrategic nightmare: “a new ‘antihegemonic’ coalition, formed around the three powers with the greatest geopolitical stake in reducing America’s primacy in Eurasia.” Those three powers, of course, are Russia, China, and Iran. Such a development, Brzezinski observed, would “bring together the world’s leading Slavic power, the world’s most militant Islamic power, and the world’s most populated and powerful Asian power, thereby creating a potent coalition.”

Such an alliance would require “a renewal of the bilateral Sino-Russian connection, capitalizing on the resentment among the political elites of both states over the emergence of America as the only global superpower.” That seemed unlikely when Brzezinski was writing in 1997 because, as he put it, such a coalition could only develop if the US were stupid enough to antagonize all three nations simultaneously.

Brzezinski should have known never to underestimate the stupidity of American foreign policy elites. As I write this in late July 2022 (Dhu’l-Hijjah 1443 AH) the neocon-led west is committing strategic suicide by doing exactly what Brzezinski warned against: not just antagonizing, but massively antagonizing Russia, China, and Iran all at once. The inevitable result will be the collapse of American pretensions to global leadership, sooner rather than later.

The US under Donald Trump blew up whatever shred of credibility it had with Tehran by tearing up the JCPOA and assassinating Gen. Qassem Soleimani after luring him to Baghdad with a fake peace offer. Moving the US embassy to occupied Jerusalem/al-Quds, deeming Israeli land-theft legitimate, and sponsoring the anti-Iran anti-Palestine Shaitan Accords (misnamed the “Abraham Accords” in a horrific insult to sayyidna Ibrahim alaihi as-salaam) was just the icing on the cake. After those actions, Iran had no choice but to face the reality that the US is, as the Russians say, non-agreement-capable.

Around the same time the US attacked Wuhan with COVID-19, inadvertently (?) unleashing a global pandemic. This came on the heels of suspected American bio-attacks on China in 2017 and 2018 that decimated the Chinese meat supply in the midst of Trump’s red-hot trade war. Immediately after exploding out of Wuhan, COVID suspiciously jumped 3600 miles to Qom, disproportionately infecting Iran’s political and clerical leadership just weeks after the US had murdered Gen. Soleimani. The Rahbar, Imam Sayyid Ali Khamenei all but accused the US of perpetrating a biological attack, and Iran formally complained to the United Nations.

The US COVID bio-attack on Wuhan and Qom was presumably designed to be blamed on China in order to foster anti-Chinese hysteria and trigger the supply-chain decoupling that would be necessary during the lead-up to military escalation. Though elements of China’s leadership dropped many hints that they knew the score, Beijing apparently calculated that playing coy as the pandemic “returned to sender” was wiser than launching formal accusations and sparking domestic outrage that could force a premature hot war.

While angering China and Iran with such reckless mistreatment, the US would have been well-advised to play nice with Russia. Instead, the neocons did the exact opposite: They orchestrated the 2022 war on Russia through Ukraine. After installing a neocon-run puppet government in the 2014 Maidan coup, the US built a huge NATO-armed-and-trained “Ukrainian” army—and, in early 2022, sent it to attack the Donbass and Crimea. Russia’s pleas to respect the Minsk Accords and negotiate limits on NATO expansion were brutally rebuffed as US-Ukrainian biological warfare labs on Russia’s borders ramped up their suspicious activities. All of this was intended to trigger a pre-emptive Russian invasion of Ukraine, and it succeeded.

To win its proxy war on Russia, the US needs to isolate Moscow. To that end it slapped sanctions on Russian energy, banking, and raw materials. Washington’s obsequious European vassals meekly obeyed, depriving themselves of Russian natural gas and thereby committing economic suicide. But most of the world is defying the sanctions, and China and Iran are leading the way. As the US propaganda service Radio Free Europe recently whined, “China’s growing appetite for discounted Russian oil has made it the leading financier of the Kremlin’s war in Ukraine by giving Moscow a reliable revenue source that blunts the impact of tough Western sanctions against its economy.” (Why would China kowtow to US orders even as Biden breaks with US policy and announces his readiness to go to war with China over Taiwan, which the US has officially deemed a province of China for half a century?)

Meanwhile the Rahbar of Iran brought Russian President Putin and Turkish President Erdogan to Tehran on July 19 to plan the eviction of the US from Syria while forging a Eurasian partnership that will eventually see all three nations working with China to build an alternative non-US-authorized trade and security order. According to al-Jazeera “The two leaders (Imam Khamenei and Putin) also reportedly discussed bilateral relations and gradually removing the US dollar from bilateral trade.” By accelerating the erosion of the dollar as global reserve currency, Russia and Iran, along with China and other Eurasian partners in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, will undercut Washington’s ability to print the unlimited currency it uses to finance its military occupation of much of the world.

Also at the Tehran conference, Russia announced its investment of $40 billion in developing Iranian gas and oil fields, while the two leaders jointly agreed to proceed with plans for enlarging Russia-Iran-China joint military exercises (which are already happening around the world including in Latin America, Washington’s “Monroe Doctrine” backyard). The multipolar alliance’s move into Central and South America has been facilitated by a wave of left-wing election victories empowering Latin leaders who never much cared for US dominance of their half of the hemisphere.

And even as Turkey was joining Russia and Iran in Tehran in a pointed rebuke to Biden’s visits to Tel Aviv and Riyadh, Pakistan’s Imran Khan won a smashing election victory in Punjab, signaling the Pakistani people’s refusal to accept the US-IMF coup that deposed Khan in April. Other Central Asian nations are also leaning toward the new multipolar axis based on the Russia-China-Iran tripartite alliance.

These developments, together with Russia’s victory over the US in Ukraine, suggest that the “new American century” has ended 78 years early. The boundless arrogance of America’s neocons, who seized power in their 9/11/2001 coup d’état and proceeded to squander America’s soft and hard power in a series of ill-advised adventures, has created the very nightmare scenario that all serious strategic thinkers, including Brzezinski, had insisted on avoiding at all costs.

Ironically, the Americans may be inadvertently preparing the groundwork for world peace even as they blunderingly bestride the globe waging bloody, counterproductive wars. By forcing Eurasia to unite both commercially and militarily, the US may have accidentally created the conditions for a more stable world order. Eurasia, after all, is the center of the “grand chessboard” and ground zero in the competition for land and resources that tends to erupt into war. As Eurasian nations band together into an anti-American alliance, they may be forging enduring ties that will eventually facilitate the emergence of more peaceful world bound by economic, intellectual, and spiritual exchange rather than military competition and plunder.

Is Taiwan’s Independence Worth War?

When a man knows he is about to be hanged in a fortnight, it concentrates his mind wonderfully, said Dr. Samuel Johnson.

If there is any benefit to be realized from the collision between China and the U.S. over Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s proposed trip to Taiwan, it is this: America needs to reflect long and hard upon what it is we will fight China to defend in the Taiwan Strait and South China Sea.

China, after all, is a nuclear-weapons nation with a manufacturing base larger than our own, an economy equal to our own, a population four times ours and fleets of warships larger in number than the U.S. Navy.

An air-naval-and-missile war in the Western Pacific and East Asia would be no cakewalk.

A massive barrage of anti-ship and hypersonic missiles launched by China could cripple and conceivably sink the U.S. carrier Ronald Reagan now in the South China Sea. The Reagan carries a crew of thousands of sailors almost as numerous as the U.S. casualty lists from both Pearl Harbor and 9/11, the worst attacks in and on the U.S. outside of such Civil War battles as Gettysburg and Antietam.

What in East Asia or the Western Pacific would justify such losses?

What would justify such risks?

Since President Richard Nixon’s trip to China, and President Jimmy Carter’s abrogation of the mutual defense treaty with the Republic of China on Taiwan in 1979, the U.S. is not obligated to come to the defense of Taiwan against China, which claims that island the size of Maryland as “part of China.”

Our military posture has been one of “strategic ambiguity.” We will not commit to go to war to defend Taiwan, nor will we take the war option off the table if Taiwan is attacked.

But if the U.S. went to war to defend Taiwan, what would it mean?

We would be risking our own security and possible survival to prevent from being imposed on the island of Taiwan the same regime lately imposed on Hong Kong without any U.S. military resistance.

If Hong Kong, a city of 7 million, can be transferred to the custody and control of Beijing without resistance from the U.S., why should it be worth a major U.S. war with China to prevent that same fate and future from befalling 23 million Taiwanese?

The retort comes instantly.

Allow China to take Taiwan without U.S. resistance, and our treaties to fight for the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, Australia and New Zealand become suspect.

Belief in the U.S. commitment to fight for the nations of East Asia and the Western Pacific would dissipate. The entire architecture of Asian defense against Communist China could disintegrate and collapse.

If we allowed Taiwan to be taken by China without intervening, it is argued, the value of U.S. commitments to fight to defend scores of allies in Europe and Asia would visibly depreciate. U.S. credibility would suffer a blow as substantial as the loss of South Vietnam in 1975.

The fall of Saigon was followed by the loss of Laos and Cambodia to communism, the overthrow of the shah, the Iranian hostage crisis, the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, the strategic transfer of Ethiopia, Angola, Mozambique, Nicaragua and Grenada to the Soviet bloc, and the rise of Euro-communism on the Old Continent.

Pelosi’s prospective visit to Taiwan, and the bellicose reaction of Beijing, should raise other relevant questions.

If this should lead to a U.S.-China war, what would we be fighting for? And what would victory look like?

A restoration of the status quo ante? Permanent independence for Taiwan, which would require a new and permanent war guarantee by the U.S. and a new U.S.-Taiwan defense pact?

Would a permanent commitment to fight to defend Taiwan from China be acceptable to an American people weary of commitments and wars?

Again, why would we risk our own peace and security for Taiwan’s freedom and independence, when we would not risk our own peace and security for the freedom or independence of Hong Kong?

And after our victory in the Taiwan Strait, how would we secure indefinitely the independence of that nation of 23 million from a defeated power of 1.4 billion, bitter and bristling at its loss?

After the United States has a victory against China? Seriously? Let me remind you of the Korean war, and the MASSIVE American rout with the enormous causalities taken against poorly armed peasants and farmers. -MM

Consider: China, in this 21st century, has grown massively, both militarily and economically, and in both real and relative terms, at the expense of the United States.

Nor are the growth trends for China, with four times as many people as there are Americans, favorable to the USA.

What guarantees are there that 2025 or 2030 will not bring a more favorable balance of power for China in what is, after all, their continent, not ours?

Unlike in the Cold War, time is not necessarily on the side of the United States and its allies when all three of the nuclear powers in East Asia — China, Russia, North Korea — are hostile to the USA.


“my grandmother moved away recently, and one of my cats, Smokey, was very fond of her. They would cuddle together on the couch and watch my grandmas favorite shows.

When she left, Smokey wouldn’t stop looking for her best friend.

She always waited by the door as if she would come back any day. She sleeps in the now guest bedroom every night, and curls up in their spot every day. We’ve tried to make her feel better with new toys and treats, but she is very sad.

She meows at all hours of the night begging for her best friend to come home.

There’s a happy end to this though!

My grandma is coming home for thanksgiving and she will be taking Smokey back with her! We are all very happy she will be with her best friend again!”


Update 2: Thank you everyone for reading! there is good news and bad news. I’ll start with the bad. My grandma had to have surgery, and she needs constant doctor visits to make sure she’s still ok. I’m not very good with medical terminology, but I know its bad. Good news is she’s going to stay here, and Smokey is very happy that she doesn’t have to leave her siblings.

CHINA WARNS USA: Will not accept *any* excuse for Pelosi Landing in Taiwan . . .

The People’s Republic of China today explicitly warned the United States against Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi trying to travel to Taiwan.

They said “We will not accept any excuses for Nancy Pelosi trying to land in Taiwan, including any kind of emergency.  If problems with the plane occur, we will allow landing in Hainan, not Taiwan.”

So the stage is set for actual confrontation.

According to sources in Asia, the Hal Turner Radio Show can report that Nancy Pelosi’s aircraft is scheduled to land in Taipei, Taiwan, at 22:20 Hours local time TONIGHT.

Meanwhile, THREE United States Air Force B-52’s, with their transponders OFF, are presently in Taiwan air space.  As of Monday, Japan-based USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier strike group is in the Philippine Sea after transiting the San Bernardino Strait on Saturday following a port visit to Singapore and operating in the South China Sea. California-based USS Tripoli is in just south of Okinawa. Tripoli has been embarked with up to 20 F-35Bs.

China has just CANCELED all civilian flights into or out of Fujian Province . . . the mainland province directly opposite Taiwan.

China will conduct military drills in some areas of South China Sea Aug. 2-6 and will ban ships from entering the areas.



The Democrats need a big change to prevent carnage at the midterm elections. The so called “defeat of Russia” is simply not happening. It all backfired into economic disaster.

So the thing to make everyone forget the past failures would seem to be a new war with China.

The timing of this situation has all been dictated by Nancy’s trip, which means the US and allies are dictating the timing. China has responded as expected with brinksmanship threats- paraphrasing from memory… “Play with Fire and Die by Fire, We WILL RESPOND MILITARILY, Prepare for war”, etc.

China has put themselves on a path with no turns at this point. Can’t back out now without losing face.

One of the last times the US chose the timing to start a major war was Bush Sr’s 1991 war to liberate Kuwait from Iraq. Saddam woke up that morning to the largest armada of aircraft and ships imaginable, launched from a huge consortium of the willing allies. 31 years ago. How time flies.

One thing that tends to be the case, from past observations. Whatever you think is the situation is wrong. The fog of war, or whatever you want to call it typically surrounds the opening moves. Silly reports of a half trillion dollar F-35 program being grounded because they “forgot to put the charge into the ejection seats”. Something that supposedly happened in April and is now being broadcast as a headline. Right before a major military engagement. riiiight.

Whatever the opening of this new war looks like is will certainly be interesting to watch if you overlook all the death and destruction. Biden obviously has nothing to do with the plans or strategy being a mental vegetable and all.
The Deep State war machine in running the show.

Hard to imagine the “Nothing will happen” scenario at this point, but I suppose anything is possible. Maybe China will try to save face by making some claim about their altruism and desire for world peace. They have been having big problems at home as well from what little I have gleaned from the interwebs. Financial problems, and a population that seems 30 seconds away from a full scale revolution.

May we live in interesting times. The old Chinese curse.
Both sides make public claims about the immense power of their militaries.

As Patton used to say, or I think he did, as I mis-remember and smoosh together his various quotes, something like, “War is the crucible of truth. Truths are reaffirmed, and lies are burned away to ashes.”

Times have changed in the last 31 years.

The US has abused its friendships around the world. Allies have been coerced and manhandled to the point that the great “political capital” that existed for the 2 Iraq wars has been spent and squandered.

Any coalition of the willing against China will be borne not of any love for America but for simple self preservation.  A China dominated world would be a lot worse than one dominated by the US, even on our worst day.

Obviously he has never been to China. -MM

I guess we don’t really know who the allies of the US will be in this conflict, but it is safe to say most or all of the following list: Japan, Australia, S. Korea, with some possibility of India, Vietnam, The PI, and a few NATO allies like the UK and France. Russia should have been our ally as well, but Biden has burned that bridge rather completely, which is the reason I have been rather vocal in opposing the doomed Ukraine conflict from the beginning.



Taiwan is preparing eight Mirage-2000 fighter jets to escort Nancy Pelosi’s aircraft into Taiwanese airspace.

Meanwhile, China is NOW moving armor into Fujian Province near Xiamen.  This video just-in from Fujian Province showing the armor:



Strangely, for some reason, China is also NOW deploying what appear to be artillery onto the Beaches along the Taiwan Strait!   The artillery cannot reach Taiwan, cannot shoot down US planes, and there is no actual “invasion” of China planned, so it is not known what China will accomplish with this . . . but it is taking place as seen in the video below:


China shows what the USA can look forward to.

As punishment for pelosi visit, China suddenly bans more than 100 Taiwanese food companies export to China. More economic punishment to come…




THis is Ashley. I was broke , I had bought her cat food with my last few rands , and it was 2 days from pay day. There was no food in the house. I went to bed hungry , and next morning i made her breakfast , and this beautiful creature looked at me , turned around and went out the window. I was thinking , great abandoned by the cat as well , and then i heard a Muffled Rowl. That sound i know , she came jumping through the window with a pigeon she had just caught , and dumped it by my feet. She looked at me and battered her eyes and cleaned herself. It was like she knew i was hungry , so she went and caught me something to eat.

What a beautiful soul …



China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) is now actively moving nuclear-tipped intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM’s) in Fujian Province near Taiwan.  These missiles can reach the United States.   All this over a confrontation about Speaker Nancy Pelosi entering Taiwan when she was told she could not come, by Beijing.


The images below are from the roads of Fujian Province, taken today:

The short and sweet of the DF-5B appears below:


NZ Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern wants to visit China to ‘seize new opportunities’

NZ PM is the only smart Anglo-Saxon leader.



Crystal Brown

When I was 16, I started dating my first real boyfriend…whom I ended up marrying, then divorcing because that’s what sometimes happens when you marry your first ever boyfriend.

The first time at their home, we pulled up to their old, shabby home in dire need of paint and repairs.

He opens the door and his mom greets us. Hugs him, hugs me.

I felt so awkward. I couldn’t recall ever getting a hug before?

We watched a movie together. Afterwards we decided to run down to the store a mile away to get some snacks & his mom said ‘Be safe! I love you!’

I was awestruck. They say ‘I love you’ every time they leave the house? I couldn’t recall ever being told ‘I love you’. I was 16 years old and never had anyone to ever say the words ‘I Love You’.

They didn’t have much. The house was shabby. They lived paycheck to paycheck. Old clothes. But they were happy. Loving. A family.

They talked about their feelings. They talked about their emotions. They talked through fights, even if they were yelling.

When we married, his parents welcomed me with open arms even though we were young. I was 17 and pregnant. His mom took me in as I was kicked out. Bought my maternity clothes. Took me to doctor appointments. And even through my awkwardness, my crying fits because of hormones & family issues, and the only way I knew how to handle that, was anger…they loved me. They hugged me. They told me they loved me. No matter how awkward I was, no matter how much anger I showed because I didn’t know how to show pain, no matter how hard it was for them…they loved me.

They taught me how to be a good mom. How to be a good person.

Even now, being divorced for 15 years, I still keep in contact with them. I still send Christmas cards and text them. My ex mother in law still calls me ‘her daughter’.

It enabled me to tell my children that I loved them on a daily basis. To tell them how wonderful they are. How they can do anything. To give them hugs nightly, to talk to them, show emotion and teach them to show their emotions.

I’ll forever be grateful. She helped me break the family cycle.

Jimmy Carter on why there is only ONE CHINA

1979 US president Jimmy Carter full public statement Re The people republic of China as the only legitimate government of china.

Saddest last words

“The presidium of the Ural Regional Soviet has sentenced you and your family to be shot…” Yakov Yurovsky had loudly announced. He had rehearsed his speech hours before.

The Tsar whose face was blanched with horror and incomprehension, interrupted Yurovsky, “I don’t understand. Read it again…”

After Yurovsky re-read the death sentence, the Tsar turned back to his family, pointedly looking at his sickly son, the Tsarveich Alexei before turning back to the executioners.

The Tsar’s final words was a weak stutter.

“What? What?”


These words are simple but it resonates all of his momentary feelings of horror, terror, and incomprehension. He and his family were blind to their tragic fates.

Unlike popular belief, the death of his family was not a fast execution. It was a murderous blood bath. Quick warning, the rest of my answer is going to get detailed about the murder.

As the shooting took place, every single Bolshevik in the room wanted to take a shot at “bloody” Nicholas. Therefore, he was the only family member to receive a quick death.

Just as Tsaritsa Alexandra was crossing herself, she was shot in the skull. Alexandra was the second death.

Dr. Botkin, who was hit twice in the abdomen and crawled toward the Tsar, was fatally shot by Yurovsky. His was the third death.

Alexei, too weak from his illness, didn’t budge as the shooting took place. Still covered in his father’s blood, he was too petrified to move. Yurovsky quickly finished him off with a bullet to the head. Alexei was the fourth death.

When they realized that the daughters were still alive, a second frenzied shooting took place but unbeknownst to the executioners, the daughters had unintentionally made bullet-proof vests by sewing layers of diamonds into their clothes.

After the smoke had cleared, Yurovsky’s men noticed Olga and Tatiana cowering in the dark corner of the basement and clutching tightly to each other. As Yurovsky approached, Tatiana struggled to her feet but was shot in the back of the head. Hers was the fifth death.

Olga, who witnessed her sister’s death, was frantically screaming before being shot in the jaw. Olga was the sixth death.

Anastasia and Maria, who were crouched against a wall, were the last Romanovs alive. The executioners decided to finish them off with bayonets, but the stabs would not go through the layers of jewels. Maria and Anastasia were shot in the head but only Maria died. She was the seventh death.

The maid Demidova awoke after fainting and cried out, “Thank God! I am saved!” Her proclamation was short-lived and she was stabbed with a bayonet. Hers was the eighth death.

Anastasia, the most mythologized of the sisters, had suddenly awoken as she was being carried out. Anastasia cried out and thrashed her arms but was clubbed in the back of the head. She was the last of her family to die.

I’ve always wondered what thoughts run through Tsar Nicholas’s head as he looked back at his family for the last time.

Did a sudden realization dawn on him that he was the cause of his family’s misfortune and tragic end?

Were his last regrets on his inability to protect his family?

Was he preoccupied with thoughts on how to withhold his family’s demise?

We’ll never know. All I could say that after his final words, an unimaginable violence took place that night that shattered innocence and allowed chaos to take its place.

Pelosi Plane has landed in Taiwan! . . . Now, CANNOT TAKE-OFF! – No-Fly Zone

The US Air Force plane carrying Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is now below 18,000 feet in altitude, and is on final approach to Tapei, Taiwan, in direct vioolation of Beijing’s order that she not enter.

Plane is now physically over land, no longer over Pacific Ocean.

Altitude 16,300 feet as of 10:32 AM eastern US time.

As of 10:38 AM Pelosi plane now at 8300 feet altitude.  China’s Global Times newspaper says Chinese Air Force fighter jets moving across Taiwan Strait to intercept.

10:39 AM EDT — Plane altitude 6400 feet.

10:40 AM 5600 feet.

5175 feet

4800 feet

Pelosi’s plane safely landed and Pelosi has deplaned.



Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian made an official statement.

“Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan will be a gross interference in China’s internal affairs, and will lead to very serious events and dire consequences,” Lijian said.


China’s Economy Ministry has stopped HALTED hundreds of food product shipments to Taiwan amid Pelosi visit


China vows ‘targeted military actions’ in response to Pelosi Taiwan visit.


12:28 PM EDT — 

Reuters confirms, the Air Space over Taiwan Straits is now closed.  China fighter jets are flying all around Taiwan.   AIR RAID SIRENS are sounding in southern CHINA:



Chinese military PLA Eastern Theater Command announced it will start military “exercises” in the coming hours around Taiwan Island in response to Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan.



China’s military exercises block the air and sea around Taiwan.   All of it.

China Central Television announced the start of military exercises in three areas around Taiwan. These maneuvers demonstrate the dissatisfaction of the Chinese ruling party with the actions of the United States, in particular with Pelosi’s statements on “democracy” in Taiwan.

Until the PLA completes the live-fire exercises,  Pelosi can’t LEAVE.   Her plane can’t take-off else it may “accidentally” be hit by live fire from the “exercises.”

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 4


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The always sexy Arsinoitherium

It’s sort of like a rhinoceros, only twice the fun.
Today, I want to play some “catch up” and explore some of my often “set to the wayside” subjects when the hot portion of World War III broke out in Ukraine.  And the United States decided to “make it’s move” to carve up the world like one big birthday cake.
This little adventure concerns a member of the megafauna that used to roam the world at about the time the humans started to gather and form societies.

In terrestrial zoology, the megafauna (from Greek μέγας megas "large" and New Latin fauna "animal life") comprises the large or giant animals of an area, habitat, or geological period, extinct and/or extant. 

The most common thresholds used are weight over 46 kilograms (100 lb)[1][2][3] (i.e., having a mass comparable to or larger than a human) or over a tonne, 1,000 kilograms (2,205 lb)[1][4][5] (i.e., having a mass comparable to or larger than an ox). 

The first of these include many species not popularly thought of as overly large, and being the only few large animals left in a given range/area, such as white-tailed deer, Thomson's gazelle, and red kangaroo. 

In practice, the most common usage encountered in academic and popular writing describes land mammals roughly larger than a human that are not (solely) domesticated. 

The term is especially associated with the Pleistocene megafauna – the land animals often larger than their extant counterparts that are considered archetypical of the last ice age, such as mammoths, the majority of which in northern Eurasia, the Americas and Australia became extinct within the last forty thousand years.[6] 

Among living animals, the term megafauna is most commonly used for the largest extant terrestrial mammals, which includes (but is not limited to) elephants, giraffes, zebras, hippopotamuses, rhinoceroses, and large bovines. Of these five categories of large herbivores, only bovines are presently found outside of Africa and southern Asia, but all the others were formerly more wide-ranging, with their ranges and populations continually shrinking and decreasing over time. 

Wild equines are another example of megafauna, but their current ranges are largely restricted to the old world, specifically Africa and Asia. 

Megafaunal species may be categorized according to their dietary type: megaherbivores (e.g., elephants), megacarnivores (e.g., lions), and, more rarely, megaomnivores (e.g., bears). 

The megafauna is also categorized by the order of animals that it belongs to, which are mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, and invertebrates. 


This beast has long died off. No one knows why. But there are many interesting theories. Don’t you know.


Quick Arsinoitherium Facts

  • Lived from the Late Eocene through the Early Oligocene Periods
  • Lived on the plains of North Africa
  • Was as long as a black rhino
  • Weighed more than a cow
  • Was an herbivore

About Arsinoitherium

Arsinoitherium is an extinct paenungulate mammal which lived approximately 35 to 30 million years ago during the Late Eocene through the Early Oligocene Periods.

It’ bones were first discovered in the early twentieth century and was named in 1902 by paleontologist Mr. Beadnell.

The name of this dinosaur means “Arsenoe’s beast.” It was given this name because it was found in Egypt near the palace of Queen Arsinoe – a queen who in this area in 305 B.C.

If you look at Arsinoitherium pictures, then you might think that this mammal looked quite like a rhinoceros with two big horns jutting out of the top of its nose. However, that isn’t really true because these mammals weren’t a direct relative of the rhino.

No, they were more closely related to elephants, sea cows and dassies than they were rhinos.

These herbivorous mammals roamed the Egyptian plains.

They had primitive teeth which were pretty well suited for handling the tough vegetation in this area at this point in time.

One of the most fascinating facts about Arsinoitherium is that is probably lived off a diet of water plants, mangroves and a variety of other plants. It probably had to eat a whole lot of plants in order to meet its nutritional and caloric needs. It might have needed to eat in excess of 150 pounds of plant material a day in order to survive.

Arsinoitherium walked on all four legs – much like a rhino – and it was approximately 10 feet long and weight around 1 Ton or 2,000 pounds. These animals were about 5’9” tall at the shoulders – which means they were as tall as the average human man.

That’s pretty big.

The horns on its nose probably had very little to do with defending itself from predators. Instead, they were probably cosmetic and used to attract females during mating season. Paleontologists believe that is had very little use beyond mating.

You do know that women are always attracted to pairs of large predominant horns. Ah, don’t you know.

Some paleontologists have speculated that this mammal had to be in or near water all of the time in order to prevent from drying out. Much like a modern-day hippo.

Other paleontologists don’t believe that was the case at all, however. Until further evidence is produced, well,  I suppose we’ll never know.

Arsinoitherium Pictures

Arsinoitherium by Lynus

Arsinoitherium by Marcio Luiz de Castro
Arsinoitherium by SameerPrehistorica
Arsinoitherium by Dmitry Bogdanov

Arsinoitherium by Roman Yevseyev
Arsinoitherium by Alexey Katz
Arsinoitherium by Roman Uchytel

Arsinoitherium by Mehdi Nikbakhsh
Arsinoitherium by Nobu Tamura