Today, this post will be one of my you-tube videos. I believe that it is critically important that everyone understand and appreciate what a Rufus is, and how it manifests. While I talk a lot about it, it means much more than heroic action. It means compassion and understanding, and to stand up for the little guy.
Many of the snippets are in Chinese, and the dialog is in Chinese, but you can guess what is going on and infer the dialog.
- One is a daughter …
- One is an employee…
- One is a relative…
The dialog can get confusing in the translation. Translation is from the Wechat scan function, switched to translate into English.

A Rufus builds people up. They don’t tear them down.

A Rufus stands by the downtrodden and supports them.

A Rufus accepts people as they are.
The roles are not important.
What is important is whether these people are making the world a better place, or are they being selfish, demanding, uncaring and obstinate.
Watch for yourself.
Then, pay attention to the reactions of the innocent bystanders who overhear the discussion. Watch them leap into action as only a real Rufus would…
I hope you all can understand what is going on…