Being a Rufus is a lifestyle decision

Today, this post will be one of my you-tube videos. I believe that it is critically important that everyone understand and appreciate what a Rufus is, and how it manifests. While I talk a lot about it, it means much more than heroic action. It means compassion and understanding, and to stand up for the little guy.

Many of the snippets are in Chinese, and the dialog is in Chinese, but you can guess what is going on and infer the dialog.

  • One is a daughter …
  • One is an employee…
  • One is a relative…

The dialog can get confusing in the translation. Translation is from the Wechat scan function, switched to translate into English.


A Rufus builds people up. They don’t tear them down.


A Rufus stands by the downtrodden and supports them.


A Rufus accepts people as they are.

The roles are not important.

What is important is whether these people are making the world a better place, or are they being selfish, demanding, uncaring and obstinate.

Watch for yourself.

Then, pay attention to the reactions of the innocent bystanders who overhear the discussion. Watch them leap into action as only a real Rufus would…

I hope you all can understand what is going on…

China’s social scoring system as used to control Coronavirus outbreaks; a first hand account

Here in this article we will look at the events of mid-January 2022 in Zhuhai, China where a serious outbreak of five people caught the coronavirus. We discuss how it came about, the rules and laws supporting the suppression of the virus, and MM my first-hand account of the entire wiz-bang. I hope you find it interesting and enlightening.

The opinions / scaremongering of the Western media…

The “news” is all filled with nonsense about how terrible the Chinese “social credit scoring system” is. It is presented in such a way that the individual looks upon it in horror. And from a lone, independent individual, it is a horror. It’s a bunch of added (and seemingly) unrealistic restrictions on one’s “freedom”.

All true, but all out of context.

But China is NOT a nation of independent individuals. So you cannot look at the Chinese system from that lens or viewpoint. You must look at things as they actually are. Not as you fear them to be (from your limited point of view).

China is a nation of communities.

There is the large “big” community of the Han race. Then, under that, is the (also big) community of the Mainland China nation. Then, under that, are the regional communities. Such as Guangzhou, Wenzhou, etc. Then within each of those communities are further smaller communities, and so on and so forth. Eventually, drilling down to your local community. Which in my case is my six building housing complex within the JiDa subsection of the Zhuhai city proper.

When you are part of a community, you are special.

You are not alone.

You are surrounded by others like you. Sure, you might be having a hard time, but YOUR community will not allow you to suffer. They will come to your aid. The community is self-serving. This is why you have volunteers, and this is why it’s hard to find beggars and homeless in China. The communities will not allow it to occur.

Community. China. Video. 3MB

You must obey the rules of being in that community. Membership has privileges. But, you must obey the rules, and you must participate, and you must be helpful, and you must be a good citizen.

No littering, kids cannot graffiti up the streets. The community self-polices behavior. The community provides you help when you need it. You are not alone. You are never alone, and if you are in trouble and require help, you reach out to YOUR community, and they will do whatever is necessary to help you.

China is an extension of your family. video 4MB


It’s pretty well done.


During the United States bioweapon attacks (2018 through 2021), and now the aftermath of the Covid-19 attacks resulting in rampant global coronavirus pandemics, China has maintained a posture of DEFCON ONE / TWO.

It’s a state of military readiness.

It’s a state of civilian readiness.

It’s a mandatory emergency state of affairs. China does not want to be like the clusterfuck that America is, like the UK is, like Australia is. China needs to support and protect its people.

And that means abeyance to rules and laws during a period of emergency.

This is enforced by the social credit scoring system. This system polices behavior and tracks people by AI to identify misfits, malcontents, people with poor social skills, sociopaths and psychopaths, as well as those who think they are being “free” when in reality they are just social misfits.

Why so many people have this negative idea aobut the social credit scoring system…

It’s rather simple really. video 8MB

And thus we come to my story.

How it came about

I live in Zhuhai.

It is right across the bay from Hong Kong / Shenzhen. (I can actually see Shenzhen from my living room window), and the massive (and famous) HK- Macao -Shenzhen bridge is right at my doorstep.

Map of my local region showing transportation options.

Hong Kong is part of China. Just like Macao and Taiwan are. Only it is administered at the local level differently. It is more than that. It “feels” different. It doesn’t feel “Chinese”.

It feels “Western”, which can mean many things.

The airline “Cathay Pacific” has routine flights in and out of Hong Kong. It’s a great airline, and it is (perhaps) my favorite airline to fly in. Second only to the Australian Qantas airline.

Cathay Pacific

Due to Chinese law, all crew must either stay on board their planes, or disembark to a quarantine area when landed. They are not permitted to exit that quarantine area as they are considered to be potential carriers of the Covid-19 virus.

Well, apparently, two stewardesses exited the quarantine area.

They left their hotels in defiance of the rules. They then went out and visited the sights of Hong Kong. They traveled in the subways, visited the many, many malls, ate at a restaurant and returned. Their absence was recorded, date stamped, observed and traced.

They were found out.

But not until afterwards. But by then the damage had already been done.

They lost their jobs. Obviously.

They were also arrested. They are both in jail now. They not only defied the rules. They broke the law during a time of emergency.

Maybe the Western press will not report it as such, but China has been at a state of military readiness at DEFCON ever since John Bolton / Donald Trump carpet bombed China with bioweapons in 2019 CNY. It’s a military emergency inside of China. It’s not “just another Vaxx scare”.

It’s a military state of readiness.

It’s serious, serious business.

How big their fees will be, and whether they will be charged with manslaughter, reckless endangerment, terrorism, and military sabotage has yet to be determined.

But, you can be guaranteed that they are facing some SERIOUS charges…

If one person gets Covid-19 and goes into ICU the former stewardesses can be expected to be hit with terrorism charges. 

If someone dies, it will also include manslaughter charges. 

If one of the sick people are a member of the government or military, it will ratchet up to sabotage charges. 


At best case, they are looking at the loss of their jobs, fines and fees, jail time, and destruction of their careers, as well as perma-banning ever to visit China ever again.

At worst case, they could spend years in a hard-labor mainland Chinese labor camp to include mandatory organ harvesting.

And, yeah, sure enough, they were carrying the virus, and they spread it all over Hong Kong.

Dumb fucks.

Immediately, (It’s a funny thing, how quickly it was reported on. What a coincidence!) the Western news proclaimed “Massive outbreaks all over China!“, and “China is unable to control the Omicron variant!”.

And soon…

Two women, with their three children, caught the virus and brought it back to their homes in Zhuhai.

How do we know?

The women and their children were all in Hong Kong. Hong Kong is popular with the mainland Chinese, and many make frequent trips back and forth. Even now, in this period of pandemic.

The women weren’t feeling well about two weeks after they left quarantine.  (You have a two-week quarantine period going back and forth from HK, unless you have a special residency permit.) Neither were their children.

Anyway, they ordered some throat medicine through the internet.

But you know, all medicine purchases (in China) are tracked.

The AI tracked their medicines, and their movements, and their actions and their behaviors over the last few months. It crunched the numbers. And so it then identified them as possible carriers.

Within hours of placing that order in Taobao (a popular Chinese app for purchases. Sort of like on steroids.) a medical team was dispatched to their homes, and they were tested in their living rooms on the spot.


How the local city reacted

They were told to stay in their homes until the results were cleared. They didn’t have to wait long. They found out hours later.


Their entire section of the city was shut down. Everything went into lock down, and everyone started to get their tests. Road blocks were set up. No entry or egress to stores, restaurants, or businesses. Everyone was in lock down and tested.

There were no “discussions”. Nor were there any back and forth calls and meetings to figure out what to do. It was simple and straight forward.

An outbreak had occurred.

Full lock-down protocols were engaged.

And, just like that (image of MM snapping his fingers) everyone’s QR went orange.

Snapping fingers.

How do I know this is what happened?

China is 100% transparent on it’s domestic issues.

The people and the government believe that the way to confront problems directly is to look them in the eye and deal with facts. Not what you want to see or present but as they actually are.

They do not have to lie.

There are no citizens to maniplate. No polls to jive up. There are no reasons to hide facts. They don’t need to look better, or present a better face to the public. They just tell you how things are and that’s that. (MM slapping his hands together as if washing them.)


So when the individuals were discovered, everyone inside of Zhuhai was alerted in real time.

Zhuhai, China alert notice.

And here is the translation of the above. Part 1…


And, part 2…

What is a QR code scan?

First of all, a QR code is common inside of China. It’s everywhere. It’s a funny little box of pixilated dots that you scan with your phone. It can open up apps, webpages, download things, and do all sorts of “neat-o” things.

QR codes to apply.

When I refer to a QR, I am actually using slang. I am referring to one of the multiple “Medical access QR applications”. You scan them to get into buildings, to use taxis, or DD (the Chinese version of Uber), to go into stores or malls or to enter and leave various complexes.

When you scan, it will compute and connect your movements and your interactions with the rest of society. It will see if you are up-to-date with your testing, injections and so on and so forth.

If you have been inoculated, and up to the regional testing protocols, it will be  green.

My green QR.

Consequences of an orange QR

If your QR is not green, but rather orange, you are a potential virus carrier. You will need to immediately bypass any testing clinics and go straight to the hospital. Each hospital has set up a separate (and isolated) “orange” wing. You go there and get tested or inoculated.

Until you do so, you cannot go anywhere, visit any place, or do anything. You are disabled and disbarred from entry.

Consequences of a red QR

Red is not good.

You report to the hospital and follow their instructions.

What happens if you break quarantine inside of China…

What happens?

Bad things happen. That’s what.

Well, aside from the fines, fees, code red listing, and jail time… you get to be paraded in your community to show the entire world what a fucking selfish dipshit you actually are. Video 4.3MB

Enter my Chief Engineer

So I get a call from my Chief Engineer.

He tells me that he is under lock-down. He is confined to his house, and cannot go outside except to get tested in the front of his building. He tells me that he gets five tests a day. And that this will continue for the duration of the lockdown.

Uh. Oh.

Initially he told me that it would be for ten days, but now that number has been revised to three weeks, possibly longer.

Since this is right before CNY, just like in 2019, it looks like there will not be any Chinese New Year celebrations this year.

MM is drinking wine, and getting ready for bed

One day later…

I’m drinking wine, typing some. Listening to a show in the background (Two broke girls.) while my daughter is playing with legos, (a selection of) dolls, and an abacus. We get a knock at the door.

It’s 9:30 at night.

Who would be knocking on our door? We’re the only family on the floor.

Well, there were two volunteers from the local community and they told us to go downstairs and get tested for the virus.

But, you know, we were drinking and in our bed clothes. My wife told them that we had already been tested, and we went to bed.

Snooze sounds. Z z z z z z

The next day; Uh oh!

Phones are orange. QR code is orange. Apps won’t respond.

Uh oh!

So we go downstairs and there’s a tent in front of our complex.

Some details...

Testing tents are set up on every block. These are blue tents manned by volunteers all in full hazmat attire.

It goes without saying that everyone is wearing a mask. Everyone. There are no exceptions.

So we go and get tested.

Well… Off to the hospital



We do not have a green QR. So we cannot use the regular testing qiosk. Instead, we need to go to the hospital.

One of the volunteers in hazmat garb flags down a taxi and we get in, and are whisked off to the hospital.


Of course, in front of the hospital are all those testing qiosks as well. But we cannot go and use them. No sir. Instead, we have to go to the “orange wing” of the hospital.

Once we found it…

..I mean, it was way off and around the back of the hospital and far away from everyone. And it was deserted. There were scores of chairs set up and long weaiting roped off lines, but no one was there.

We jsut walked in as the only ones to get tested.

So we QR scanned, Were assigned a number and nasal swabbed, and off we went…

We went home.

By the way. It’s all 100% volunteers.

They are not being paid to do this. They are volunteering their time and their efforts. And it is appreciated. video 30MB

Later on, everything is green

Phew! It took about five hours.

But now we are all “green”.

Sure the resturants and stroes and malls are all closed, but we are no longer shunned “orange people” we are now fully green!

Woo woo!

Some videos

Here’s some that I took of the testing in front of my home… video 22.7MB

And this one… video 24.1 MB

And this one… video 37MB

So now you can understand the meme’s used in China

And thus you all can well understand these memes that’s been floating around the internet. Maybe not in the United States.

Most of the USA videos seems to be about massive urban mob-take-downs of trains, police shootings, fat black women in tights shaking their enormous posteriors, and Blinkedin and Biden  discussing their 3.5 trillion dollar domestic spending bill (on top of the 2 trillion dollar military spending bill). Plus a few notible funny cat videos and some “ow my balls!” videos. It’s a real mix. But nothing at all about actually dealing with the virus.

Here’s two of the Chinese memes regarding the terror of the orange QR…

Meme 1.


Meme 2.

Compare all this to America

That’s what I do. After all, I’m still an American. Here’s what the equivent American line up looks for getting a Covid-19 swab. video 34MB

This next video is a line up to get checked for Covid-19 at a clinic. In the USA they don’t have free testing centers on every block staffed with volunteers. You have to go to a clinic and get tested instead.

Obviously one of those people (who made the video) who believe that Covid is a “hoax” is yelling at them.

Hoax, eh?

Well, my brother Daniel in Boulder, CO had this “hoax” for four weeks. He lost 34 pounds and hallucinated the entire time. And my first cousin died from it. She was five years younger than myself.

Line up in the USA. Video. 82MB

What’s next

Life will go on. We won’t have emuch of a celebration this year unfortunately. Already I have canceled the Company CNY dinner. Half my staff are in quarantine, and all public areas are shut down.

It’s gonna be one heck of a strange year it seems…


And that is my first hand account of what happens when someone gets Covid-19 inside of China. This is it. The real deal. I hope that you see what is going on, how China handles it and what it is like for us experiencing it first hand.

No. We are not being welded shut in our homes.

No, we are not pining away for “freedom” and “democracy”, and no we are not starving with empty and bare shelves. It’s all pretty normal, just really mellow and calm. It’s sort of like how after 9-11 all the New Yorkers walked in silence towards the outside of the city.

Calm and peaceful.

That’s us.

The longer that I am in China, the longer I have come to embrace the fact that we are all part of something bigger than ourselves. And that we must all work together in our own little, tiny ways, so that our world… our bubble of existence… our streets… and our friends are all better, cleaner, healthier, and happier. The future does belong to the Rufus.

Be that kind of person. Be that Rufus. Video. 20MB

Do you want more?

I have more posts in my China index here…



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A second Rufus humanity post for a new year and new start

Here’s a mixtures of videos describing Rufus behaviors. When I mean being the Rufus, I mean contributing to society. I mean putting it out there, being helpful. Being kind. Refraining from anger. Refraining defensively when provoked. I means being the best you that YOU can be. Be that Rufus.

The following are some videos about people; humanity and being a Rufus. Some are sad, some are painful, some are good, and some are happy. Be the Rufus. Otherwise, why live?

Be the Rufus. Be family. Be the community that cares for it’s members.

I strongly suggest you watch the videos in the order presented to get the proper "effect" that I am trying to provide.

What do I mean by being a Rufus?

The term “Rufus” is well known to long time visitors to MM. It describes service-to-others (STO) sentience and the related behaviors rather than the service-for-self (STS) sentience behaviors of the vast bulk of humanity. The details on sentience selection and why it is important are sprinkled throughout the Majestic Index.

Rufus is a state of behavior. A Rufus puts the community before him / her self. They do things without a profit motive of any type. They are kind, helpful and when they walk down the street they smile at people and make them feel good.

In some ways, being a Rufus lends itself to heroic actions, but in other ways it refers to being a significant person located in a geographic region.

While the rest of the world scrambles and claws towards money and power, and leaves a destitute and stripped world behind, a Rufus nurtures the world. He / she uses their creative abilities to make the world a better place.

You can go to my RUFUS INDEX. Start at the top and start reading all the posts. If after article 75, you still have questions, I will try to explain it to you better.

Long time readers recognize being a Rufus is showing kindness to others, being a hero when necessary, participating in the community and working to make OUR world a better place to live in. Chinese members of MM will recognize it as the expectations of volunteerism required of the Chinese Communist party, but that is just a name. It’s all people working together towards a common goal. His video summarizes it up nicely. Be the Rufus. video. 27MB

Rufus Police

The duty of the police is to help society to be safe and secure. And when crimes are performed, to isolate the troublemakers and remove them from society. And when they do good, and are helpful they should be appreciated for their efforts. video 2MB

A Rufus shows understandings

Sometimes things are not what they seem. But when understanding dawns, then the Rufus can shine through. video

AI and social Credit Scores working together to catch criminal bad guys

China is rapidly able to catch the bad guys of society as all of China is wired for surveillance by AI computers, and everything is monitored. It might sound Orwellian, but the results speak for themselves. bad guys are caught and imprisoned long before they even realize that they were caught. video 15MB

Rufus saves a kitty cat

A country cat wants to nap in the middle of a road. Lucky for him a young Rufus is nearby. video 1MB


All Rufus. All the time. video


The role of government should be to support and protect it’s citizenry. Not pit one group against the other. And it shouldn’t allow people to go without food, work, purpose and shelter. China is a perfect example of a government that cares for it’s citizens, while America is the perfect example of a selfish tyrannical nightmare. Here, we compare China with America regarding homeless people. It’s like night and day. video 96MB

Read the subtitles.

Emergency it’s all hands on deck

It’s an emergency it’s all hands on deck and the emergency save of a baby. Go get them Rufus! Video 5MB

Rufus schoolboy helps lost child

Waits for the police and then hands over the lost wayward child. Video

Be the Rufus

We need to be kind to each other, to be helpful and to care about other people If everyone would do so then this world would be a great and wonderful place. video 67MB

Rescue of a drowning person

Being a hero is but a small part of what being a Rufus is. video 2MB

Be the kind person that everyone can rely on

You are not your job, your education, your career. You are not your image, your beauty, or your wallet. you are not your family or their standing in the community. You are yourself, and that means you are pristine and special. So be the Rufus. Make your life and the lives around you better. video 15MB

Rufus with an umbrella

Be the Rufus. video 3MB

Be the Rufus


Contribute and make the world a better place for all of us. Stop being so selfish, so greedy and so demanding. be more compassionate, kind and caring. be the Rufus. video 21MB

More Great Links in my Rufus Index here…

Check them out…

Rufus Index


More stuff…

Master Index


You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
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  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.

Lets start the year off right with a fine Rufus humanity post

Here’s a mixtures of videos describing Rufus behaviors. When I mean being the Rufus, I mean contributing to society. I mean putting it out there, being helpful. Being kind. Refraining from anger. Refraining defensively when provoked. I means being the best you that YOU can be. Be that Rufus.

The following are some videos about people; humanity and being a Rufus. Some are sad, some are painful, some are good, and some are happy. Be the Rufus. Otherwise, why live?

Be the Rufus. Be family. Be the community that cares for it’s members.

I strongly suggest you watch the videos in the order presented to get the proper "effect" that I am trying to provide.

What do I mean by being a Rufus?

The term “Rufus” is well known to long time visitors to MM. It describes service-to-others (STO) sentience and the related behaviors rather than the service-for-self (STS) sentience behaviors of the vast bulk of humanity. The details on sentience selection and why it is important are sprinkled throughout the Majestic Index.

Rufus is a state of behavior. A Rufus puts the community before him / her self. They do things without a profit motive of any type. They are kind, helpful and when they walk down the street they smile at people and make them feel good.

In some ways, being a Rufus lends itself to heroic actions, but in other ways it refers to being a significant person located in a geographic region.

While the rest of the world scrambles and claws towards money and power, and leaves a destitute and stripped world behind, a Rufus nurtures the world. He / she uses their creative abilities to make the world a better place.

You can go to my RUFUS INDEX. Start at the top and start reading all the posts. If after article 75, you still have questions, I will try to explain it to you better.

Long time readers recognize being a Rufus is showing kindness to others, being a hero when necessary, participating in the community and working to make OUR world a better place to live in. Chinese members of MM will recognize it as the expectations of volunteerism required of the Chinese Communist party, but that is just a name.

Rufus cat

Love or just keeping each other warm. Who knows? But it sure is cute. video 1MB

Rufus during a crisis

When things go wrong, a Rufus is always there to contribute and participate. video 1MB

Rufus saves girl in subway

Quick action, without thinking results in saved lives. Video. 3MB

Rufus gas station attendant

video 1MB

A Rufus is organized

Here is how you sort out your cats. video 3MB

Rufus works and overcomes obstacles

Like this young Rufus. video 10MB

Rufus rescues a baby

Uh oh. Baby on the tracks and a train is approaching. What to do? Luckily a Rufus is there. video 1.4MB

Rufus rescue gone wrong.

Not every Rufus event ends up well. You have to try and keep on trying. You will not win every time. Just keep on being the Rufus. video 2.8MB

This is from my LinkedIN feed…

Suicide Awareness – Trigger warning. 
I’ve thought long and hard about posting about this, debating on how it would be perceived by the market, however, I decided to just speak from the heart. I do a lot for women in this market and now I also want to do a lot for men, men who account for over 75% of suicides.
Yesterday my friend Rob would have turned 36, for those who didn’t know him he was possibly the best broker the freight market had ever seen. He was referred to as 'an extraordinary talent, a maverick, an occasional handful but a lovely person with a genuine heart’.
At a young age Robert Byrne was made Director at one of the worlds leading broking shops, his billings were highly impressive, he was an incredible talent and a very good friend. He had the world at his feet.
I didn’t particularly like Rob when we first met, I found him rather arrogant, however, that was the thing with Rob, he was an extrovert who always spoke his truth and in reflection what I loved about him the most. He was who he was, and he didn’t shy way or change for anybody. Like marmite, you either loved him or hated him, love or hate him everyone agreed to one thing he was an incredible gifted young man. Rob was eternally fun, there was never a dull moment. We used to love karaoke sessions and as he used to phrase it cause ‘scenes’.
That’s why it makes it all so much harder that in April 2020 he decided to take his own life. He called me two hours before it did it. I guess this was his goodbye call, I am eternally grateful that I answered the phone, but I just wish he said, “I’m not ok, please help”.

Rob did have and could of had lived the most incredible life if he got his mind right. I can’t express the loss and waste that left so many deeply shocked and saddened.

I will never get my friend back; I will never have him wind me or call me for karaoke sessions. When I went through tough times Rob brought my spark back and showed me how fun life could be again. I do anything now to return the favor.

I hate the way men are raised to be tough, to man up and not encouraged to speak up when they are suffering. Suffering with depression, addiction, and a troubled mind.

I know most people reading this will be men and will probably not want to comment because of this awful stigma that surrounds mental health. But if you are reading this and you are not ok, you have addictions or demons that you are hiding away then please seek help. Please tell someone before its too late. Its ok not to be ok. You are loved and your life is worth living.
If you need help, please reach out. Here are some links below for help.
Samaritans – for everyone
Call 116 123
SOS Silence of Suicide – for everyone
Call 0300 1020 505 – 4pm to midnight every day

And his photo with the author of the above…

Rufus rescue of janitor

video 10MB

Rufus rescues a boy

He’s stuck in a well, and the father is besides himself in grief and worry. What is a Rufus going to do? video 4MB

Rufus takes lost girl to her father

Be the Rufus. video 5MB

Spirit Rufus

There are physical and non-physical Rufus’s. Nothing to be fearful of. Just realize that what you fear is usually nothing worthy of fear. Accept and be gracious. video. 2MB

Rufus helps out a family

We all need each other. Stop being selfish. Help those in need. video 7MB

Rufus dog sings to opera

The only thing that I can say to this, aside that it is really cute, is that a Rufus is aware of the abilities of others. Obviously the owner is aware that the dog can hear the high pitched sounds of Italian opera. I am sure that the dog loved the performance. video 1MB

Rufus allows a sick man in a truck to pass

Single lane road. Can only pass in one direction.  Video 12MB

Subway draw

Maybe you don’t have the money to donate to charity, but you have a skill. Use it to put a smile on the face of others. Like this Rufus, drawing quick portraits for free. video 6MB

Subway Engagement

If you do enough Rufus related behaviors you will attract others that are full of life, and love. video 9MB

More Great Links in my Rufus Index here…

Check them out…

Rufus Index


More stuff…

Master Index


You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.

  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
  • You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
  • You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
  • If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
  • If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.

Rufus humanity post for Christmas leading into 2022 it is our highest calling

Here’s a mixtures of videos describing Rufus behaviors. When I mean being the Rufus, I mean contributing to society. I mean putting it out there, being helpful. Being kind. Refraining from anger. Refraining defensively when provoked. I means being the best you that YOU can be. Be that Rufus.

The term “Rufus” is well known to long time visitors to MM. It describes service-to-others (STO) sentience and the related behaviors rather than the service-for-self (STS) sentience behaviors of the vast bulk of humanity. The details on sentience selection and why it is important are sprinkled throughout the Majestic Index.

Rufus is a state of behavior. A Rufus puts the community before him / her self. They do things without a profit motive of any type. They are kind, helpful and when they walk down the street they smile at people and make them feel good.

In some ways, being a Rufus lends itself to heroic actions, but in other ways it refers to being a significant person located in a geographic region.

While the rest of the world scrambles and claws towards money and power, and leaves a destitute and stripped world behind, a Rufus nurtures the world. He / she uses their creative abilities to make the world a better place.

You can go to my RUFUS INDEX. Start at the top and start reading all the posts. If after article 75, you still have questions, I will try to explain it to you better.

The following are some videos about people; humanity and being a Rufus. Some are sad, some are painful, some are good, and some are happy. Be the Rufus. Otherwise, why live?

Be the Rufus. Be family. Be the community that cares for it’s members.

I strongly suggest you watch the videos in the order presented to get the proper "effect" that I am trying to provide.

Rufus father rescues

Protecting the young ones is a top priority for the Rufus. Video 19MB

Rufus Child Protects Others

Caring for the well-being of others is a top Rufus priority. video 3.6MB

Rufus child holds open the door

It starts with caring and consideration for others. video 2MB

Rufus Husband

Awareness of your loved ones is a prerequisite for fine Rufus behaviors. video 2MB

Rufus fire crew

A Rufus always welcomes others to join them in their efforts. video 4MB

Rufus helps girl on scooter

A Rufus always comes to the rescue. video 3MB

Rufus tends to the volunteers

A Rufus participates in their community. video 23MB

Rufus student sings about his country

The Chinese are wildly patriotic. And they associate (naturally) their friends and family with their nation. Which is the exact opposite of America where it is “us vs. them” and “every man for himself”. Here we have a student singing about China in school. video 3.1MB

MM video

This is a video that I took of a nice elementary school girl handing out brochures for her parents business. She gets out of school and hands out the brochures to help her family while she walks home. video 22MB

Rufus park amusements

When your government supports the community, then the community provides a stable and healthy environment to exist, work and play in. Part of that is having amusements and other free things for the community to us. None of which are a for-profit model. video 4MB

Rufus review

Here’s a good review of some fine Rufus behaviors. Be the Rufus, or just be a nobody. video 14MB

Let me be perfectly clear…

We must be part of something bigger than ourselves. We are not machines that eat, are entertained, and propagate. We are living, breathing entities and we need to provide and treat others the same way.

Be the Rufus. It’s our highest calling. video 26MB


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[PissedLizard] Some clues as to who the Mantids are and why they are involved with humans on earth

We all have experiences, and once we step outside the realm of what is "normal", or experiences take on a surreal aspect. Others, sometimes well-meaning, don't understand what you are trying to relate. And thus, you learn. You keep quiet and you don't share your experiences with anyone. But that really isn't healthy.

The following is a personal narrative regarding PissedLizard's (Lovingly referred to as PL here on MM) personal experiences. 

In this article he describes his experiences with the Mantids. I will tell you that his experiences are quite different from mine. It does not mean that I am right and he is wrong, it is just different. Read and take what you desire from this smorgasbord and cornucopia of information.


I would like to explain the “light/void” concept as I experienced it and can communicate it.

I just want to say this and be as honest as I possibly can – and discerning it all – it’s hard to wrap my head around. I was never “selected” to join anything, nor was I ever at the top of my classes. I am as a regular guy as you can get. In fact my life looks more like a walking disaster story than anything else.
I am no stranger to hallucinogenics. At all. The closest this experience I can get to was a 5 day ayahuasca purge. Not a straight DMT run but the same kind of peaks and valleys as ayahuasca.
I have no substances in me nor did I take any before or after. No alcohol, cannabis, nothing.
I was medically stable and am around psychiatrists almost daily (they are my peers) – and they know my views and how adamant I am about letting me know and taking appropriate action should they see psychosis. I was with 1 of them the day of this all transpiring.
I don’t want to go into the where’s and how’s of me getting there. You already know that.
When that switch “flipped” I was taken by my Mantid to my life. We went through it all, as you and others have described elsewhere. It was very similar – but as a person would describe a movie versus being in the theatre, so much is lost.
We went through my life – from my first conscious decision all the way up to the day all this went down.
We had come to that day in my life when this incident or flight happened.
I was brought back to the middle of that day. There were others there – I could not see them as they were behind me – but there were 3 or 4 humans behind me.
I was given to another Mantid. A different one. I could tell it was angry, but not at me.
We went to its area of the multiverse and to a facility where the following happened. I do not know if it was a ship, planet, asteroid or what, but it was a physical place. Again, being no stranger to hallucinogenic trips – I touched the walls and stuff. I could feel the heat on the substance it was made of – like a metallic glass but not really. Everything had this unearthly appearance.
As we were traveling we used ley lines to move. We used the earths ley lines at first – it was like a was being shown how they move around the multiverses – the ley lines are for movement from point A to B. The device it showed me was how to “fine tune” OFF of the ley lines set out through out the multiverse.
We went all the way to the 4th of 7 “rings” of the multiverse. That is the “ring” or domain of Mantids and Insectoids as well as other non-humanoid races.
For context, “souls” or “soul connections” on earth do not go further than that ring. Some do – people whose “frequency” has been raised high enough, but most never go past the 4th “ring”.
Satan, the “Devil”, that CONCEPT – is FIRST ring. Those souls that fear Satan never leave the first ring, this is by design as outlined in Alien Interview.
I was told that all species go through a phase of the “Judeo-Christian tale” to keep souls on earth. Eventually souls end up figuring it out and they leave their planets.
When we left the earths “ring” I actually saw the manifestation of all human evil as what they believe to be “Satan”.  We passed it and went back. The Mantid said – CLEARLY – you no longer ever have to worry about that. Look ahead – and we hauled – and I mean MOVED – to its home. It was like a roller coaster ride being flung around.
When we got to its area (planet or ship) he told me to relax and not to be scared. I was. I was scared shitless. I am not going to lie. I was.
He explained that the Mantids interest in earth really has nothing to do with humans per se. He said that their interest was more in the plant life of earth, not so much humans. He said we were basically just genetic “jars” that are being grown for different traits. He said that about every 150-175 HUMAN years (ADJUSTED for the way they count our years and the way they wanted me and those that know how to use the thing I sent you-is by the moon. 13 lunar months) they have mass extinction events to “cull the herd” so to speak. It’s more to get rid of these skin suits than anything else.
Their interest began with plant life here. They intentionally made some plants that can communicate with them as “beacons” to give planetary health reports.
Some of these plants we have discovered and use to communicate with them or “the spirit world”. This has always been intentional. Souls that are “young” on this planet do not have the communication skills that older souls do. This is why some people have very different experiences with cannabis or mushrooms or even alcohol.
Taking a step back – the frequencies of plants were explained this way.
A carrot doesn’t have a set frequency.
A GROUP of carrots – and this is important – a GROUP of carrots connected by our fungi mycelium do. What does THIS mean?
It means that all plantlife is literally connected to each other under ground by millions of connections of fungi.
Again, this is by design – and has nothing to do with humans.
If you were to picture a meadow – each individual grass plant has a fungal connection to its neighbors and so on and so on.
This fungal “mat” is what is the generator of that particular biomes frequency.
When plant life that they are interested in starts to send out distress signals – the Mantids come.
They began getting involved with the human species long ago, I do not know why at this point, but their MAIN concern is not us – but certain plantlife on earth.
This plant life acts to draw or repel craft or entities to or from a planet.
Planet earth is one of billions with plant life. On each interstellar ley line you can always find a planet with plants and fungi. As you can find planets that are barren. All are mapped and are used in interstellar navigation.
I was shown actual strains of a particular plant – each strain had different qualities about it – exactly the same way people today breed cannabis plants for certain qualities – same exact thing. This plant had a lot of qualities I didn’t even think of as I look at it as a weed in my garden.
As well there are insects here in earth that are under “the care of” Mantids. Those who are being woken up will know what they are.
I was then brought to a Mantid that was wearing all orange with a grey stripe going down where the forearms are.
This one seemed important. The last thing the Mantid I was with communicated was “be on your best behavior while you are with him”. And make no mistake-I was.
This Mantid stood directly in front of me face to face about 2 arms lengths away. It had the cube in its hand – and I immediately knew what it was – but not really. It’s like it was a familiar face. You know the name but just can’t place it…
He then showed me the start up sequence and it came to life. We went through a passageway and was in what looked exactly like my property and house – but it was the negative image of it if that makes sense. Like old school camera negative.
The then took his helmet off – it looked exactly like his head – but when he took it off his head was still there! He said I was going to be shown how to use the device as an individual to manipulate world lines. When it’s used on a craft it’s different.
He put his helmet on me and I could see how “time and space” fit.
It looks like you are inside of a kalidescope, except instead of us wing your hands to manipulate a tube – you move your head.
One of the things it was able to do was slow time down so I could see a bullet coming out of a gun and what should have been my head during a death sequence.
We then went through training with 4 other Mantids to be certain that I could use it the way they wanted me to. I had this knowledge but it was long “forgotten”.
It was as mind blowing as the first time you ever kissed the love of your life. THAT kind of feeling.
When they were satisfied I could bring time/distance down to its lowest workable component – I was brought back to the first Mantid that brought me there.
He said I was going to have my DNA reconfigured. A large stretch of one strand was being removed and replaced with some other DNA.
And let me just digress.
Those who are unfamiliar with me, I am quite aware of how we are “taught” genetics everywhere on earth, and like everywhere on earth we are still in the egg, not even the infancy of discovery.
How humans think DNA works and how it REALLY works are 2 different things. Newtonian DNA is not QUANTUM DNA.
When I was given to the other Mantid, the Orange suit one stayed with – but always behind and to my left.
He then went through a whole school of information about its war philosophies as well as its peace philosophies. It was what I envision a military academy would be. Lots of book fighting instructions. That stuff. There are a lot of entities on Earth we all need to be aware of and how to neutralize them.
Everyone who needs to learn this stuff WILL learn it. Not through me or ANYONE SELLING ANYTHING.
That is the big reason the Mantids are now here.
Think of it this way:  humans are another experiment in the same lab that the Mantids are working in. They are not the Mantids experiment – but now HUMANS have come to a point where they are DISRUPTING their experiment.
They do not want us destroying what they created.
When the planets population skyrocketed after WW2, things got dicey. We were destroying what they created at a records pace and the beings that are supposed to keep the planet “balanced”, aren’t.
So here they came.
They put “global warming” ideas in people’s heads to slow things down.
THEN the same species that was supposed to be keeping an eye on us got distracted by gold and precious metals, as THEY NEED those metals to live. Along with other crazy elements and compounds.
That species basically taught a bunch of humans to PROFIT off of the whole “global warming/climate change” project – a project that was only intended to slow down the destruction of earth.
This INCENSED a lot of species in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th rings along with 7 “gatekeepers” who are female.
The reason they are so angry is that because humans are “saving the climate” in exchange for gold – they are not doing what they are SUPPOSED to be doing – which is ACTUALLY MAKING CHANGES.
The Mantids donor care what the changes are – only that changes happen.
The fact that people are PROFITING off of it has gotten them angry beyond belief right now.
PROFITING and the hunt for gold and other precious metals is for those in the first ring only.
And that’s where we come to religion and Heaven and the light.
The more souls mining for it or ANY other metal on earth is the REASON for religion. To keep us enslaved. And that’s fine if they are happy. Some souls NEED to be in this cycle. Others are ready to move on. We know if we should go or stay – and that is why going to the light is so popular. Not everyone is READY for the void and what comes with it. At all.
I was then turned to the Orange suit Mantid and he then brought me to the “Seven Sisters”. That was a trip in and of itself. I’ll write about THAT another time.
Orange Mantid gave me a final test with the cube and I had to “wrestle” him for the cube – but it was clearly like an old man letting a child win. He then gave me an image to think of and a method to call them back should the need arise – but ONLY in war time and ONLY when needed. I was given a cloth with several scents including theirs, so combined with their new knowledge on how to think and communicate – I was still – the human side – was and is still a bit freaked out.
They don’t play games. Period. End of story.
He handed me to the Mantid that brought me there and this one made me “navigate” back.
I then went to the room where you, MM were with 2 others. Humans.
This is where I felt the soul anchoring do a hairpin turn.
There WAS a major anchoring event and I have a feeling it has to do with the 150 year mass extinction event – whatever and whenever it happens.
I saw the lines – then 4 or 5 anchor “points” and the hairpin turn.
I was then given back to MY Mantid and we went from there.
There were a LOT of conversations and I was shown A LOT of POSSIBLE outcomes of the future. Some good, some not. All I can get into now is what I wrote.
One of the things about training – at one point I was told I had to count every blade of grass on a 25 acre meadow. I was shown how to use the device to slow time and stretch space that although it felt like it took 10 “human years”, it was actually 0.00000000000000000001 second. (18 places past the decimal point-whatever individual square would be on the device)
All of what I have written I know to be true.


Phew! As I have said, these other contributors have a world of experiences so unlike mine, but in some ways so vary familiar. I think that we can all take what is important to us and learn from PL experiences. Don’t you?

More on the way.


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Rufus humanity post. Time is too short not to be the best you can be.

Here’s a mixtures of videos describing Rufus behaviors.

Are you being the best that you can be?  Are you making the world around you a much better place? In a world of hate and strife, betrayal and trickery, the world needs people who will stand up and stand for something. Will you be that person? The world is filled with people who have been hurt by a corrupted society that uses, and discards others. These people need people like you.

Whether it is the use and discard nature of corporate America. Or the use and discard nature of American relationships. Or the use and discard nature of American culture. Or the use and discard nature of American finance…

… it NEEDS to change.

And if you are not living in America, but instead in a “Western nation”; a nation that has adopted this love for profits at all costs; like the UK, or Canada, or now Australia… then it is up to YOU to change things.

Stop waiting around for someone else to do something.

You step up (to the plate) and take a swing at life. Do you have room to adopt a neglect animal at the shelter; the one that no one will select? Will you go and buy a cup of coffee to the coworker? Will you go and say something nice to the girl that you hold the door open for? Will you “pay it forward” at the next toll-booth?

Will you do something good?

The Videos

The following are some videos about people; humanity and being a Rufus. Some are sad, some are painful, some are good, and some are happy. Be the Rufus. Otherwise, why live?

Be the Rufus. Be family. Be the community that cares for it’s members.

I strongly suggest you watch the videos in the order presented to get the proper "effect" that I am trying to provide.


Be the Rufus!

Some thoughts

What are you doing to make the world a little bit better place?

It doesn’t take much, sometimes. But other times, like with a meat pie lady, you have to break a few rules to show your humanity. You must be more than just friendly. You must go out of your way to do the uncomfortable. Sometimes it ‘s a real hassle… just to smile. But do it anyways.

Don’t judge the measure of your worth is by the size of your bank accounts.

Do not measure your value by your career, or who employs you.

You are far better than that.

I am telling you differently. We must seek out others. We must make friends with them, and form associations, build friendships and relationships and share. Never, ever forget the rule of three. Be the Rufus!

Help others.

Make the world a better place.

I believe in you!

More Links in my Rufus Index here…

Check them out…

Rufus Index


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  • You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
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[PissedLizard] Into the light and what it is like first hand

We all have experiences, and once we step outside the realm of what is "normal", or experiences take on a surreal aspect. Others, sometimes well-meaning, don't understand what you are trying to relate. And thus, you learn. You keep quiet and you don't share your experiences with anyone. But that really isn't healthy.

The following is a personal narrative regarding PissedLizard's (Lovingly referred to as PL here on MM) personal experiences. He died, left his body, and entered the non-physical realms.  If you read with an open mind, and then consider his experiences to be "puzzle pieces", you can use them to construct a fuller picture of where you are at in your own life and society. It's good stuff you all.


I would like to explain the “light/void” concept as I experienced it and can communicate it.

I did not go anywhere.

First, I PHYSICALLY did not go anywhere.

I wasn’t “abducted” by a UFO.

I was here on this planet at my house. My consciousness left my physical body.

My physical body was here (in my house) annoying the crap out of my wife.

I wasn’t acting right. I wasn’t behaving right. Things were “off” about me.

For instance, I did not take care of my animals the way I normally do, I did not eat at all. And I was terribly thirsty. In fact, I drank 2 bottles of water.

Something was really “off”.

The Physical world around me was in turmoil

I became convinced that something was up.

Somehow, and in some way.

There was this hurricane barreling straight at us, it was more than just a physical hurricane. There was something different in the air. Something substantive. Something thick. Something that was “shaking everyone up”.

There is so much to say about the oppressive heat, the unbearable anxiety, and the huge buildup on all levels. I felt like I was a balloon inside a pressure cooker and I was about to *pop*.

The Build-up

At this point I will put in that for the last six months there have been waves of uncontrollable anxiety and heat.

The anxiety felt like waiting for the results of a very, very important and critical test.

All day.

Every day. It dragged on.

The heat. Lordy! The heat!

You can even see condensation coming off of me (if I was against a black background.)

It is feverish heat followed by chills. I would take my temperature and it would actually be below normal.

The Experience

Here is how I experienced the light and void.

Going into the light is a repeat of this planet but in a different timeline.

I have used this analogy before – you are put in a totally random human body. You can end up as Hunter Biden’s love child, born into a world where “everything is taken care of” or you can end up as a poor kid making sweaters for 20 cents each. Most, including myself would jump at the rich baby, but that human is given the same kind of “issues” the other kid has only presented differently.

So it all evens out.

As I said I spoke with and was allowed to experience what the Christian messiah went through because EVERYONE has to. That is what salvation actually means.

The Christ did say that this planet was sacred to him and his followers. This is why he has them stay.

This is where my personal confusion as to who is keeping us here, because to me it’s a prison.

Is it that God/Jesus or is it – a big lie the way “Alien Interview” described it.

It shouldn’t matter to me but it does.

He asked “Well, did you understand the experience?”

After I experienced that event, my Mantid asked me if  I understood what just transpired.

Mantid = Angel. 
My Mantid = My Guardian Angel

Different terms for the same thing. -MM

I explained what I thought transpired.

He then said that the one aspect of human life that I did not and will not experience is being a father.

And this is correct. I do not have kids.

I was then shown how to be a father and a dad.

And it was amazing, but not me.

I travel light. I hate to say it but I saw having children as being a hindrance to my life. I was very selfish that way.

No worries. In MAJestic I was forbidden to have children as well, and my first and second wives were both unable to conceive. It wasn't until I was "retired" from MAJestic that I was able to have children. I had my first daughter when I was 62. -MM

Upon Death and the light

Upon death when you are shown the light, if you don’t stop to look around you go to what is comfortable, which is the light.

I saw many people I know and met the Christian Jesus.

He showed me fatherly like love, and he let me be him.

Then, after all was finished he asked if I still wished to NOT go to the light or if I wanted to go somewhere else.

So I went into the light…

At this point I was scared to death. My Mantid took me into the light.

Once a person goes into the light THEY HAVE TO EXPERIENCE a “something” which I call “THE VOID”.

In other words there is no getting around it.

When you go into the light you go into the void first.

But, yah, there is another flash of light that gets much bigger.


Those who go to “hell” stay here in THE VOID for a bit.

But everyone WILL eventually get out of the void and be able to go into the “true” light afterwards.

And with that comes the mandatory amnesia…

…followed by placement in a unformed embryo.

The Alien interview said the amnesia was by a heavy voltage.

My interpretation was how you acted on this planet determines the voltage, but everyone experiences it as a static shock.

There is no punitive “Hitler gets a million volts while you get a few”.

The idea isn’t to punish but to grow.

My Mantid then showed me how to get out of the void and how to contact them if I get stuck.

A Second Chance

The Christ then even gave me a second chance to go with him.

I could go with him, into the light again keeping everything I have.

He said he only wanted me to be a better person.

I found this to be an extraordinarily nice gesture on his part.


Before I go on to the void I have to say that those faithful Christians will be raptured. Of this I am certain. Just as it says in the Bible. Others in other religions WILL GO to where you believe heaven to be.

Heaven, or the idea of it, depends on the person.

My Mantid took me back into the void and this is where things really took off.

He showed me the light.

In it was the entire knowledge of the universe.

It was the most thrilling thing imaginable.

Every good feeling you have is there. It didn’t get boring.

No. Not at all. That’s for certain.

I was then shown that the light (if you take the PARTICLE form of light, not the waveform, but a photon) you would see it as light, but you can’t really “touch” a photon.

But a photon is how I was shown it all.

So I will explain it as best I can without being “all over the place”…

A Photon

Imagine a photon. Divide it in half and you get a pair or 1 “level”. If you divide that in half you will go all the way down to “strings” of energy – MM really explains it well in his articles.

When you get down to the last string to the quantum level you have a “hole”. It would look like a wall at your house with a big string hanging out of one side.

You see the wall and you see the string of energy going into that wall. It looks like a physical string into a hole.

If you go alllllll the way up to the hole and look through it – you would see that the string “disappears”.

This is where the particle and wave meet – at that hole.


Once your physical has been cut down to it’s wave form (0.000000000000000000000000000000000001 nm) you can tap into everything.



This is where I know these two things to be true:

[1] My DNA was altered. How we think of DNA and what it really is are 2 different things.

I am a human male with no kids. My Y chromosome was “terminated” at this time and new DNA was inserted.

My DNA was cut not at my first human on the chain but past it to a primitive form, but it’s still a “relative”.

The Human species is a hybrid construction that has many evolutionary components and contributors. The DNA from one of the contributors was cut and an earlier progenitor was spliced into the space there. Thus a certain section of the DNA regressed to an earlier form. Ugh! -MM

I needed to feel this anger as when I was a kid in high school I got caught with my girlfriend by her father during an “intimate moment”. He lost his shit. Like went NUTS.

Because I have no daughters I could never feel that kind of anger but I needed to as my void in THIS life was being a father. He showed me how to control the anger.

I was then shown that each 0 in the quantum number of 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000001 Is a different “level” of our DNA and as the number gets smaller – you go back in “time” on your DNA.

For example 0.0000 is my great-great grandfather. The zero on the left side of the decimal point is me (or you) so writing this looks like:

At each “level” you have a quantum “hole” to tap into.

These are actual real people you are related to. It’s their “spirit” but they are still connected to you.

I had one LONG portion of my DNA removed and another put in.

However, my guess is if I was to do a DNA test it would look identical to an old one because that is the particle form not waveform.

If I was abducted by a UFO that would be particle form. Because I physically stayed here it’s waveform.

Some “UFO”s are actually biological entities (yes, the whole craft) and these can travel by wave or particle form.

I was then brought to the Gods and Goddesses and was shown why I had to study Islam.

Islam a quick study

In a quick QUICK nutshell -this is about Islam and can be looked up further-  the Both Sunni and Shia believe in the end times. Their “messiah” is a child Imam who is in a vegetative state in a well in Qom, Iran. He is going to lead the MUSLIMS. His name is Imam al Mahdi.

The Mahdi has an enemy – his name is al Dajjal – it means “the deceiver” and will lead the Christians and Jews against the Mahdi. Like Jesus the Christ will.

The Dajjal (Christian Jesus) can be identified by having ONE EYE. He also survives a head shot.

So in MY mind – for years and years and years I thought the Mahdi was the Antichrist BUT thought the One eyed God, the ones the Muslims call the Dajjal – was “the good guy” and the Mahdi as “the bad guy”.

I thought that If the person or entity that the Muslims called “the antichrist” – it MUST be Jesus. So, the one eyed God – to me – had to be Jesus.

I worship the AllFather Odin. He is one of many Gods and Goddesses but he is the FATHER of the Gods and Goddesses. I am personally VERY religious when it comes to my Gods and Goddesses.

I take this stuff VERY seriously.

Then ZOOM…

Next, I am with all of the Gods and Goddesses and it’s just freaking awesome.

Odin literally came to me (not the other way around) and looked at me with that one eye of his…

… and two things happened…

… I went back INTO the void hole while staring at Odins eye, realizing that in order to know what God was I really had to know good versus evil.

He showed me (something otherwise obvious) but I did not understand then, that I needed to study something I hated (which at the time was, in fact, Islam) in order to come out the other end and be worthy of the Valhalla of my choosing.

The God with one eye was, in fact, a distraction to get me to learn what I needed to learn.

And I passed his test.

DNA comparability

NOW he said I had to be able to show that our DNA and Christian DNA is compatible.

I have to be able to translate the Eddas into Bible words so that everyone is on the same page and that I can HELP these people without the fear of them thinking I am satanic or something.

As MM said – yeah, the fundamentalism of the South and Baptism is on par with any other kind of fundamentalism- and that’s fine but I am to help not harm.

The problem is the way things are going elsewhere – how much human time do we have?

Anyone watching this fiasco and doesn’t see the writing on the wall – whether it’s all real or all a show – it’s just looking like things are moving faster than I can do everything and do THAT as well.

It’s all good though.

DNA reconfiguration

The DNA reconfigure was like this.

I was at a facility described by MM, I am not comfortable sharing where at this point but I was with my Mantid.

I was put on a table and he talked to others.

They then went through every feeling I ever had – like waking up Christmas morning – all the way to the feeling of defeat when I failed a big exam. Those feelings were removed and given – all of this WILLINGLY- to other humans that haven’t been born, this way they can “jump ahead” in life with my “books”.

I did this willingly as I have no children nor intend to.

My Y chromosome ends with this body and all my relatives agreed.

In that DNA space I was given knowledge.

I can access somethings but not others.

Seven Women

I was then brought to Seven women.

These are REALLY REALLY REALLY Important women according to my Mantid and I was to control my thoughts – in other words if I thought one was attractive – to keep that thought to myself.

My Mantid knows me.

These women took me into a circle and causally asked questions about my interactions with all kinds of things on earth.

Being honest to these women was difficult because it’s honesty – and it’s difficult, but I was absolutely brutally honest.

They asked – and all attention was on these answers – how or what I would do different given the knowledge I have.

When I my answer could have been better they showed me – by being the people at the moment I affected them – stopping time – the showing me the right way.

An APP and a Telephone

I am uncomfortable writing the rest of this interaction, but one of them showed me an app – YES – an APP to use to meditate to contact them.

I am learning how to use it.

Then my Mantid got me and he showed me how to call them if I ever need them.

He then showed me how the consciousness around me works.

He brought me back to the void and said [1] the amnesia given by the “old players” was lifted but [2] the access to the info is controlled.

We went into the void – I clicked out of it and was home – with a “Viking” and his son who were making a camp.

I was shown this so I could see distance in my bubble.


Before “modern science” our ancestors saw things this way. Reality was in the bubble only. In quantum physics – reality is in the bubble only – that’s how they thought and maneuvered through the world. We lost that when we put our faith in “science”.

This lasted a while.

I learned a lot.

The Mantid gave me a cloth with XXXXX  on it. He showed me how to distinguish it from the other smells in the cloth.

When he was satisfied – we moved on.

I hope this helps, especially Christians.

The whole light thing is a concept that is very important to them and I do not want this to scare them.

The entire time “Satan” was the enemy.

The manifestation of Satan was a reason to call the Mantids.

But it’s a manifestation of EVIL waves that cause the physical to appear.

My Mantid was clear – indication of evil was a clear cause to call more than My Mantid.


And I am telling you – straight up – You feel the Mantids anger.

You live it.

I would never ever ever fuck with one of these things for anything, so although the concept of “Satan” creeps me out – even today – I know what happens when the Mantids are called and am leaving that there.

Coming out of the void…

Finally, coming out of the void and into this realm was like this:

Look at this character zero below:


The void is inside the zero. The outside of the zero – the line itself – is “reality” or A light (single)

When you are inside the zero all you have to do is say “I” and you become a person who can only say “I” – then the rest of the words come-but they have to be chosen carefully.

When I write “I think I am going to go to then store” has to be corrected to “I will go to the store” otherwise I am communicating that I am thinking about the store only.

This is driving my wife nuts, but it’s getting better.

Learning to speak takes a couple of full days.


Phew! As I have said, these other contributors have a world of experiences so unlike mine, but in some ways so vary familiar. I think that we can all take what is important to us and learn from PL experiences. Don’t you?

More on the way.


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[PissedLizard] A crash, then death, then rebirth and then to MM

We all have experiences, and once we step outside the realm of what is "normal", or experiences take on a surreal aspect. Others, sometimes well-meaning, don't understand what you are trying to relate. And thus, you learn. You keep quiet and you don't share your experiences with anyone. But that really isn't healthy.

The following is an introductory statement / story regarding PissedLizard's personal experiences. (Lovingly referred to as PL here on MM) If you read with an open mind, and then consider his experiences to be "puzzle pieces", you can use them to construct a fuller picture of where you are at in your own life and society. It's good stuff you all.


A crash, then death, then rebirth and then to MM

I am going to start to write what happened to me. MM can verify as soon as something happened on whoever’s end – things just got crazy…

First, I remember the crash and remembered it happened 2 years ago.

I wrote about this before. Where a person would have an accident and "die", only to find out that there was a world-line slide and they really didn't actually die. 

Though they will remember dying and the entire death sequence. Most people who encounter this tend to be quite shaken up by it.

After the “Alien Interview” things started to clear up.

I posted a series of articles, parsing and the full text of "Alien Interview" on MM. This was the transcript (and narrative by the translating nurse) of the interview with a type-1 extraterrestrial commander by the United States military in 1947.

When I say I remember the crash, it was in this body…

… but the crash and impact was elsewhere…

…even though it looked like it was in my house. There were others with me I just do not know what happened to them.

Second, the going to the light thing has a lot of Christian meaning and if they choose to believe that they go to God, then I am not to interfere only to say where I stand with them. Other than that I can only speak for me.

PL is relating his experiences. He is trying to do so free of religious overtones.

When the cycle of not going into the light is broken you remember everything. EVERYTHING.

The problem I am having is relearning how to read, speak, write and overall communicate. This is what’s freaking out my wife. Because now I am a better “listener”. Go figure.

As out of place as this sounds – I have to put it here.

When it happened to me I was shown everything that happened to Jesus Christ. The whole nine (yards).

The "whole nine yards" is an American idiomatic expression. 
"The whole nine yards" or "the full nine yards" is a colloquial American English phrase meaning "everything, the whole lot" or, when used as an adjective, "all the way", as in, "The Army came out and gave us the whole nine yards on how they use space systems." Its origin is unknown and has been described by Yale University librarian Fred R. Shapiro as "the most prominent etymological riddle of our time".

From asking for a cup of water to the resurrection. I lived it.

I had to live it because I am a pagan and always will be.

My ancestors are showing me how to communicate what has to be communicated to an area of Southern Baptist’s who believe everything else is satanic.

I have to translate (THAT – that right there – I know this and I have to know that –  this shit is driving me nuts but in a great way).

In the area where PL lives is a fundamentalist Christian hard-line, hard-Right, Hard-belief religious extremist area. It's sort of the American equivalent of Taliban-controlled, or ISIS controlled Syria. It is known as the "Bible Belt", and is peopled with some rather unique people with very strong and strange belief systems.

To exist within that society, you need to fit in and understand others. You need to be able to "speak their language" and work with them so that they accept you. Otherwise, you can be ostracized and hurt in the process.

I was sent thru all this biblical stuff in order to understand it.

For example – “Jesus died for your sins” I never understood.

Now I do. And that’s real cool of him to do so.

(But) I created my sins. I will die for them.

I made a blood oath to MY Gods and Goddesses to protect my land with my life years ago. I did not understand what the word “sacred” REALLY meant, and now I do. And I will never break that oath.

One of the most important aspects of clarity of mind, is clarity of soul and consciousness. When you stand for what you believe in and you walk the walk and talk the talk.

I was at a facility where my soul was worked on and my DNA reconfigured at the exact facility that MM describes and he was there. Slightly behind and to the right and he was helping. The whole “soul anchor thing” I understand.

Nothing to be afraid of here. There is a non-physical reality and there are others that exist there and they help us repair, recover, change and alter ourselves.

The Mantids are very, VERY real.

I am honored to be allowed to use them as a symbol.

I am going to explain how I interpret their race for you and it’s easy – it is a quote from Sonny Barger.

“Treat me good and I will treat you better. Treat me bad and I will treat you worse”.

A Mantid is what guided me and protected me when I went through the light.

And it feels like a static shock – but it depends on who you are and what is attached to you.

They have this unbelievable loving quality to them. Like a love I have never felt before. BUT – you do not want to mess with them.

Like at all.

They are showing me – along with a real Viking how to live. What signs to see and how to read them.

They explained a very important concept that those who need to know will understand COMPLETELY.

This has to do with reading and writing.

Light reflected off of something is processed very different than generated light – like from a phone or computer.

Reflected light directs the flow of information 2 ways. If you were to print this up and read it on paper – the information is accessed differently.

When you come out the other side it’s a feeling I cannot describe other than Christmas morning at the age of 5, followed by seeing all of the negativity YOU carry with you.

The way the Mantid did it – it was just AWESOME.

He was like a father showing me what I did wrong, who I did it to and how it affected everyone else.

That is all I can say about that.

But it’s really cool.

I was shown this body’s death through both murder and suicide and was given the choice on both and lived through both. I watched someone put a bullet in my head then watched it in slow motion and reverse. My Mantid was showing me what to look for.

That’s all I can write about this right now.

I am sure that PL will go on in greater detail about the death event and what transpired, but it will take time, and it will take away from what is presented herein.

I was shown the beginnings of how to live from my Mantid and “Viking” I guess I could call him, but he is showing me literally how to communicate 2 ways with animals and it’s a frigging crazy crazy way.

He showed me how to smell the difference between smoke from an enemy area versus friendly.

He is showing me how to do a ton of stuff – even what not to write here.

And that's the way it works, don't you know.

I asked what a Mantid smelled like on this board out of curiosity not to be a wise-ass. I don’t know how to put this as I still don’t know their sense of humor at this point (they have one) and I saw what they can do – so maybe another time.

They do have an easygoing sense of humor. Much more personable than say the type-1 greys. (Not bad mouthing them, mind you.) Just telling you like it is.

That’s all I can say right now.

Whoever was there – because I am CLEARLY not steering the proverbial boat and you all know that – just know that I KNOW that and genuinely appreciate it.

Once that switch was flipped – and I remember it,  I just can’t remember which one of you did it – but I do remember it and can’t wait to buy you (all) a beer.

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Be part of a community; there is strength in numbers. Be the Rufus.

Here’s a mixtures of videos describing Rufus behaviors.  This group was inspired by a Pakistani woman who explained why China is the sole nation surviving the Coronavirus bio-weapon attack. As she explained it, and I really concur, is that when the Chinese government told everyone to stay inside and wear masks that everyone did. But it was more than that. They didn’t do it for themselves. They did it for others.

They did it for the old lay down the street. They did it for the health workers who volunteered. They did it for the elementary school filled with children. And if you go through those videos taken during 2020 you can clearly see the signs that everyone was holding up on their porches and windows. That they believed in China, and that they are all part of something larger.

This is what a nation full of service-to-others people can do.

But in Service-for-self nations, it’s every man for himself. It’s “I can do my own thing”, and “if I have to lie, cheat, or pretend to have to wear a mask, it’s my right”.

The future belongs to those who are contribute to the greater good; to Rufus’s who are part of a community. To those Rufus’s who can contribute what little they have, and make the difference. If everyone just picked up some trash at the side of the road then wouldn’t the roads be cleaner? If everyone spent more time on their porches and invited other to play card with them there, wouldn’t there be a sense of community? If everyone did little things like smile and say a cheery word, don’t you think that the world would be a better place?

Here’s about twenty or so videos. About half of them show the local community running to help a person in distress. Like antibodies fighting a cancer; fighting a virus, the Rufus goes and does what ever is necessary. Be that Rufus. Be the Rufus!

The videos

Each video opens up in it’s own tab. I hope that you enjoy them.

Some thoughts

It’s a well known prepper axiom that you can have a ton load of guns and an unlimited supply of bullets, but unless you are a part of a community, you will be overwhelmed and killed. The “lone wolf” never survives in a conflict or an emergency situation. During times of strife, and emergency, we all need each other. One person’s strength can compensate for our individual weaknesses.

Somehow this basic, most fundamental aspect of humanity has been bleached out of the Western culture. Instead, it has been replaced with the idea that we are so much better being alone, cowering in fear inside our nice comfortable homes, and communicating by monitored electronic media. Uh huh.

And that our measure of worth is by the size of our bank accounts.

Well, I am going to tell you different. We must seek out others. We must make friends with them, and form associations, build friendships and relationships and share. Never, ever forget the rule of three. Be the Rufus!

More Links in my Rufus Index here…

Check them out…

Rufus Index


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