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The cat leg

Well let’s consider what just happened in Missouri, a state in the democratic USA.

-Mother-in-law calls police and claims her son’s girlfriend hit her.

-Police storm the house and ask where the girlfriend is. MIL says upstairs, with their baby.

-They ignore MIL’s warning, run up the stairs with assault rifles and SHOOT the baby. The girlfriend starts screaming so they shoot her too. The boyfriend survives, though his face and glasses were covered in blood from his baby’s head being blown open.

-The officers involved in the shooting are put on administrative leave, then the chief makes a statement that they were forced to shoot the baby because the mom had a knife. No knife was found at the scene and her boyfriend said she had nothing in her hands except the baby.

So I would prefer to live in a dictatorship than in a “managed democracy” and my reason why is very simple. A dictatorship MUST be popular. If a dictatorship becomes unpopular, then the people overthrow it. But a democracy can be extremely unpopular, but gets away with atrocities thanks to the illusion of choice provided by elections.

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The Useless Web

A simple site that takes you to a random, useless but entertaining website each time you click the button. It’s a rabbit hole of the internet’s strangest corners.

Useless Web

Here’s some of the content…

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Imagine a hypothetical scenario:

You visited China, for the first time.You went to a convenience store, and bought some snacks, paid the cashier according to the price showing on the cash register. You said “Thank you” to the cashier and are ready to be on your way.

Only, you notice the cashier seems to want something from you. You didn’t know what it is so you consider this some weird local custom and walk towards the door. And you realize the cashier looks upset or angry. Other shoppers look at you as if you just committed a crime. You think about what you did in the convenience store and don’t think you have done anything wrong. You’re respectful, you’re pleasant, you paid, you said “Thank you”…

And yet, every convenience store, every market place, everywhere you go, you pay and people give you the evil eye.

Until finally your helpful Chinese friend tells you, in China, it’s expected to give a bit extra to the cashier. The amount is usually about 15%-20% of the goods you purchase.

“But this is absurd!” you say, “Those people already own salary! They’re just doing their job! Why do I have to give them extra money?! Sure I tip at restaurants in America, but that’s just restaurants! I’m not going to tip a cashier for scanning my item and using a register!”

But you’re told this is local custom, and you better go with it.

Fine! 15% not a penny more! this is robbery! this godforsaken country!

That’s how a lot of Chinese felt when they come to US. There’s no tipping in China. Think about what if it’s required to tip a cashier at convenience store, a sales associate at the mall… and think about why you might not be very happy to pay extra for services you get for free in the States.

The tipping culture in US is ridiculous. It enables restaurants to pay next to nothing to their waiters.

Here’s why tipping is bad

Geoffrey Widdison’s answer to What’s your opinion on America’s tipping culture?

But whether you agree with tipping or not, a lot of people rely on it for their livelihood. Except, nobody explained this to Chinese tourists. Most of them don’t know waiters get paid next to nothing, and completely rely on tips. They thought tipping is the icing on the cake. And they felt cheated.

So some grudgingly pay the bare minimum, others simply don’t pay.

Regardless of the reason, I think Chinese people, especially Chinese tourists visiting US do get some bad reputation because of this. So as a Chinese (American), I always pay 20% tips and round it up. I feel that I should do my part to fight against this stereotype.

I don’t think Russia lost Syria at all. Apparently I am the minority in this opinion and have been arguing with people about it all day, including Russians, funnily enough.

Russia has two major bases in Syria, Taurus and Latakia. Rebel forces have control of the surrounding areas at both of these bases. They could attack the Russian perimeter, but haven’t. I don’t think they will.

To be clear, the rebels could overpower these bases, but I doubt anyone is excited about that idea. Arabs just don’t like fights like that. Some people might be offended by me saying this, but it is true. High casualty infantry assaults just aren’t their thing. Also remember the “diversity-loging freedom fighters” don’t have a particularly huge army. The numbers I heard are around 60 thousand. Do they want to take hundreds if not thousands of casualties storming a perimeter? Maybe, but I doubt it.

Also, we need to bear in mind that the political collapse of the Assad regime took place before the first shot was fired. This wasn’t a revolution, it was a transfer of power like what happened in Afghanistan in 2021.

Lavrov has had multiple opportunities to publicly condemn Turkish support of the opposition, but didn’t. To me that is a clear signal that some sort of deal was made. Syrian embassies remain open and foreign embassies in Damascus have not been attacked, further proof that some sleight of hand happened here.

I think Assad failed at his job and was politely asked to leave. Russians will work with the new management. They might not like the new management and would have preferred a different outcome, but will work with the cards they were handed.

Think of the implications if I am right. The Biden regime will be removed from power next month and are desperate for a victory, any victory, they can claim as Biden’s “legacy.” If the Russian bases stay then regime change in Syria will mean nothing.

I do think we can definitively say no one in the US state department has a clue. They might not even have anticipated the Assad collapse at all.

Leaked TOP SECRET Documents Show Israel to Attack Iran Nuclear Sites “Early March”

Purportedly “Leaked” Classified: TOP SECRET Documents circulating on the website 4chan, say that Israel will conduct a large scale military “pre-emptive” attack against Iran nuclear sites “as early as” this week.

The authenticity of the documents cannot be confirmed, but after initial analyses it seems likely that it is indeed a leaked, CLASSIFIED, TOP-SECRET document.

The “leak” appears in three (3) separate images uploaded to the publicly-accessible website 4chan.  The first page appears to be the summary page, outlining that US Intelligence has “CONFIRMED” Israel is in its final planning stage for a major military “Aerial Assault” and a “Cyber Offensive” attack upon Iran nuclear sites, to take place in “early March.”

TOP SECRET Doc Says Israel to strike Iran
TOP SECRET Doc Says Israel to strike Iran

The next two images leaked on 4Chan appear to be of a Page Two from the same leaked document, outlining which Iranian nuclear sites are to be attacked:

TOP SECRET Iran strike list
TOP SECRET Iran strike list


and this other image:

TOP SECRET Iran strike list part 2
TOP SECRET Iran strike list part 2


At 8:12 AM Saturday, 01 March 2025, I received Legal Counsel from one of my Attorneys via cell phone Text message confirming that since “. . . I am not the person responsible for the leak, and the information has been published online and is publicly available on the Internet, I am free to not only reproduce it, but to comment and engage in my journalistic first amendment rights.”



The so-called “Deep State” intent on causing a nuclear, World War 3, watched their plans to do so via Ukraine, vanish into thin air yesterday at the White House, when Trump threw Zelensky out.

So, they have a “Plan B.”  Israel attacking Iran.

They have known for quite some time that Russia backs Iran, so they made approaches to Russia so as to lure them in to the hope of re-establishing peaceful relations with the US, but now it seems that may have been, and I emphasize “MAY HAVE BEEN” a ruse.

Dangling a sort of carrot in front of Russia to see “normalcy” restored to their worldwide relations, might be a powerful inducement for Russia to “sit-this-one-out” as Israel goes for the gusto, and attacks Iran.

Make no mistake, another Israeli attack upon Iran would be an act of unprovoked war.   Iran has NOT attacked Israel, yet Israel has attacked Iran and gotten away with it.

And that fact, that they got away with it, is what is driving the coming attack.

Because the Iranians did NOT respond to the initial Israeli attack, the Israelis are emboldened to strike again, and now, it appears they will.

Moreover, the fact that the Prime Minister of Israel, along with other Israeli officials, are under Indictment at the International Court of Justice (ICJ), and/or the International Criminal Court (ICC) for charges related to Genocide in the Gaza Strip and in the West Bank, but no enforcement of the arrest warrant is being enforced, also emboldens Israel.

Finally, the fact that actual law is not enforced against Israel further emboldened them to invade southern Lebanon and also to overthrow the Government of Syria and partially invade that country as well.

Since the law is not being applied against Israel, it seems clear to me that some in the Intelligence Community have decided that the law doesn’t matter when it comes to revealing Classified info ABOUT Israel.

The failure to reign-in the violent, aggressive, almost Rabid Israelis, has lead to the revelation of Classified Documents about Israel’s pending attack upon Iran, which will now complicate, or perhaps neutralize, the coming Israeli attack upon Iran.

It’s hard to feel sorry for the Israelis; for decades they’ve hidden behind the “Holocaust” telling the world they’re perpetual victims, while at the same time, those same Israelis perpetrate multiple, aggressive military attacks upon other people and other nations.

Normal people seem to have gotten tired of the reckless double-standard when it comes to Israel, claiming its a victim while always being the attacker.

Normal people also seem to be tired of the useful idiots in government who buy-into these falsehoods and turn a deliberate blind eye to what has now become actual Genocide in Gaza.

Of course, not all of government are Useful idiots, some of them are co-conspirators: The ELECTED politicians whose political campaigns are financed by Jewish money, turn a deliberate blind eye – or openly support these violent Israeli actions — so they can continue getting that campaign money and thereby remain in power.   I believe the term for such elected political people might be “Whores.”

So here we are, facing the outbreak of nuclear, World War 3 (Again) because the savages in Israel want to attack Iran.

If such an attack takes place, Russia can be relied upon to do what they think is right.  When that happens, I believe the world will shortly begin to see bright, white, flashes.

Could be only days away.



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The Oval Office Shouting Match – Wrap-Up

The first 40 or so minutes of yesterday’s oval office press talk (vid) went quite normal. Questions were asked and replies were given in general form, addressing the public. There was some mild banter. But then a breakdown (vid) occurred:

It was all destroyed when JD Vance, the US vice-president entered the conversation to declare: “The path to peace and the path to prosperity is maybe engaging in diplomacy.“We tried the pathway of Joe Biden of thumping our chest and pretending the Potus’s words counted more than Potus’s actions,” he declared.

To anyone who has spent time in or around the Ukraine war, such airy talk of “diplomacy” – as if it means anything without hard force to back it up – is exasperatingly naive.

Mr Zelensky should probably have let it slide. But he was not taking it.

“Can I ask you?” he asked, leaning towards Mr Vance.

“Sure,” replied Mr Vance.

“What kind of diplomacy, JD, are you speaking about? What do you mean?”

It was a mistake.

There followed a barrage of invective about Ukrainian ungratefulness – in front of the world’s media.

For anyone who remembers how the whole Ukraine conflict was initiated by the U.S., the hypocrisy played out here is overwhelming.

How can one, as Trump and Vance do, lament that the war has destroyed Ukraine and led to countless people dying for no good cause and, at the same time, demand that Ukraine be thankful for all the ‘advice’, weapons and money the U.S. has given in first place to drag Ukraine into a war and to wage it.

But Zelenski wasn’t upset about U.S. hypocrisy. He was upset that he was told to make peace.

The bad mood he was in had already festered for some time. In late 2023 Simon Shuster had portrait Zelenski for Time:

On my first day in Kyiv, I asked one member of his circle how the President was feeling. The response came without a second’s hesitation: “Angry.”

[M]ost of all, Zelensky feels betrayed by his Western allies. They have left him without the means to win the war, only the means to survive it.But his convictions haven’t changed. Despite the recent setbacks on the battlefield, he does not intend to give up fighting or to sue for any kind of peace. On the contrary, his belief in Ukraine’s ultimate victory over Russia has hardened into a form that worries some of his advisers. It is immovable, verging on the messianic. “He deludes himself,” one of his closest aides tells me in frustration. “We’re out of options. We’re not winning. But try telling him that.”

Trump and Vance tried to tell him – Zelenski exploded. Some say this was trap or set up. I and others disagree. It was Trump who wanted the ‘mineral deal’ to be signed. Why would he sabotage that?

It would have been easy for Zelenski to not react to Vance’s interdiction but he instead started a fight. He even might have dreamed of a knock out.

The incident, in full view of the U.S. public, will allow Trump to drop Ukraine as the bad asset that it now is. As I commented yesterday:

What will Trump do now?Best guess:

  • He will walk away from Ukraine. (No rare earth deal or anything else.)
  • Europeans will be ignored (Macron had urged him to meet Zelenski —> bad!)
  • He will make a deal with Russia. Rare earth, lifting sanctions and much more.

There seems to be no regret by Zelenski who has failed to apologize.

Meanwhile USAID has stopped repairs of Ukraine’s energy grid. Other U.S. support is highly endangered:

Trump administration press secretary Caroline Leavitt stated that the U.S. will no longer provide military assistance to Ukraine because their priority is peace negotiations. This decision came after the controversy during Zelensky’s visit.”We are no longer going to just write blank checks for a war in a very distant country without a real, lasting peace,” Leavitt said.

Zelenski hopes that Europe will back him. But while some European bots claim to stand by Ukraine they have neither the men, money nor weapons to do so. There is no European unity on it:

Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia are ‘very unhappy’ they were betrayed by being excluded from tomorrow’s Ukraine summit in London. They ‘have a plan… but they weren’t invited’ – Sky News

Zelenski will have to go – one way or the other. His former advisor, the slimy Oleksy Arestovych, is already offering himself as replacement:

Arestovych @arestovych – 14:03 UTC · Mar 1, 2025– Zelensky is not just proposing war – he’s proposing war without weapons.
He weakened the army (failed 55% of the defense procurement plan), lost U.S. support, and divided the country.
Without him, Ukraine would fight better and make peace faster and more effectively.
I stand for peace.
There is a way out – Zelensky, step down.

The Russians are the big winner in this. Ukraine is in a scuffle with its main sponsor. The western alliance has splintered. The enemies’ frontline is falling apart.

Russia is opposed to Trump’s main demand of a cease-fire along the current frontline. But Zelenski is blamed for sabotaging it.

I do not see how Zelenski can escape from this.

Posted by b on March 1, 2025 at 16:18 UTC | Permalink


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China has 133 Farms that raise Cockroaches with many of them in Sichuan Province, Guizhou province and Yunnan province

An Average farm can produce as many as 1 Billion Cockroaches a year


A. Fish Feed

Prime Cockroaches dried and sucked can be used as Prime Fish Feed for expensive breeds like the Lohan Fish

Freeze Dried Cockroaches of upto $ 975 Million is exported with 40% exports being sent to the US

B. Health and Traditional Medicine

Chinese use Cockroaches as Medicine

They dip cockroaches in a potion and when the cockroaches die after absorbing the potion, they ask patients to swallow the cockroaches

A friend of my son swears his sons Asthma disappeared completely by this though I absolutely believe that’s just blind belief

Chinese sometimes eat Cockroaches but this is extremely rare in the mainland

More common in Thailand

A 52 year old woman who paid premiums regularly was denied $ 198,000 for her Cancer Treatment

Grounds : Procedure is Experimental

The Doctor pointed out that 200,000 Americans had already had the procedure and it improved chances by 30% that she would love another 5–10 years

Thompson’s company said “We define 1 Million people as minimum for a regular procedure”

When did they change this?

Ten days after this claim was presented , until which time it was 150,000 people


Deny, Deny and Deny

She filed suit – and several months later she got a order that allowed her to take treatment by which time her cancer was worse than ever

They Appealed!!!!!!!!!

Her lawyers refused to do Pro Bono work and that’s that

She died racked with pain due to Hospice care

Doctors went on record to say she could have been given at least 7 years more of comfortable life to spend with her sisters and family

She died 17 1/2 months after her claim was denied

This is ONE CASE

There have been many thousands of cases

  • They refused to pay mere $ 865 for additional tests and discharged a man in pain who died at home
  • They refused to pay for Immunotherapy treatment calling it Experimental
  • They refused to pay for treatment of a Autoimmune condition calling it misdiagnosis

Guess what BT did?

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He proudly said how he could LAWYER UP and ensure claims were dragged on and on and on and until the victims dropped dead

His VP of Sales – exact words were “How can they expect us to pay quarter of a million bucks for their 257 dollar a month premium”????

He thought he was protected

After all United contributed $ 100,000 a year to the Police Benevolent Fund and my bet us they contributed to Congress and Senate Election campaigns and on record contributed $ 79,000 to RFK and $ 200,000 (40 Plates at $ 5000 a head) to Trump

Alas when the common man decides to ku you, you better write a will

He was gunned down by a two bit Joe with access to a gun


Oven Baked Tacos

Oven Baked Tacos has been a favorite recipe for years.



  • 12 flour tortillas or taco shells*
  • 2 pounds lean ground beef or ground turkey
  • 1 can refried beans
  • 1 (8 ounce) can tomato sauce, divided use
  • 1 envelope taco seasoning or 2 tablespoons Taco Seasoning
  • 8 ounces shredded cheese


  1. Steam the flour tortillas. Wet some paper towels and wring them out well. Layer the tortillas with the wet paper towels on a plate and then microwave. They should be steamed within 30 seconds.
  2. Put a backing sheet below the oven rack to catch any drips from the sprayed shells. Lightly spray each side of the steamed tortillas with cooking spray and drape each tortilla over two bars of the oven rack. Bake at 350 to 375 degrees F for 7 to 10 minutes. When they are brown and crispy, remove from the oven. Stand the shells upright in a lightly greased 13 x 9 x 2 inch baking dish.
  3. Brown the ground beef in a large skillet. Drain all grease and return to skillet. Over low heat, add refried beans, taco seasoning and about half to two-thirds of the tomato sauce. Blend well and scoop into the shells. Sprinkle the cheese over the top, and bake at 375 degrees F for about 10 minutes.
  4. Serve topped with sour cream.


* If using ready-made taco shells, omit step 2.

The Sad Truth Why Living Abroad Is Better Than Living In America. Take Your Life Back.

The Proposal

Submitted into Contest #150 in response to: Write a story that either starts or ends with someone (or something) saying, “Please, don’t do it.” view prompt

Jeannette Miller

Please, don’t do it. Jenny thought as George bent down on one knee. She looked away. She couldn’t bear to experience the embarrassment of what was about to happen. How could it be happening? There were literally no signs leading up to this.Jenny thought to herself, okay, let’s see. I woke up, everything seemed fine. I slept fine. Except for the slight crick in my neck. No biggie. Okay…got dressed…wait. No, I didn’t get dressed first, I went to the bathroom, then contemplated taking a shower or not. I still had one more good day of hair which meant no need to wash it and I hardly broke a sweat yesterday so I can probably go today without a shower…okay, so no shower. Then, I got dressed, fed the cats and dog, made coffee, read for a bit, wrote some words…How did this happen? My day was going normal? Why would he do this?Jenny peeked toward George through the side of her eye. He hadn’t moved. Were there signs of this? He had been acting a bit strange the last few days but he’s always a little strange, so that can’t be it. We didn’t even have that type of relationship. I mean, we have sex and all of that but we don’t even talk about the future or marriage or kids or buying a house or living together for that matter. He’s allergic to all my animals so he never stays over. How can he ask me to marry him if he can’t even be around my animals? He doesn’t expect me to GIVE THEM ALL UP, DOES HE? That’s a total deal breaker. I mean, I wasn’t even wanting him to marry me but if he did ask…I would say no so fast if it meant giving up my…I can’t even think about it.But I am thinking about it. I can’t believe this is how my day is going. Why? Seriously, why me? I thought he had another girlfriend on the side? I think he does. Doesn’t he? What am I saying? Of course, he doesn’t have another girlfriend. Now, I’m just reaching. Of course, I’m reaching! What am I supposed to say here? How am I suppose to answer? I don’t want to embarrass him. He probably took a lot of time to plan.I haven’t even given him any reason to do it. I mean, I THOUGHT I was giving him reason NOT to for crying out loud.  I’ve done all the things to be great girlfriend material not wife material. Let’s see, I don’t bug him when he’s with his friends. I do all the sexy stuff his married friends say their wives don’t do. I answer his booty calls, even if I have a deadline the next day. I hope he doesn’t think great girlfriend equates to great wife?!Think about it Jenny. You don’t like cleaning. I know! I mean, I do the basics because, you know, I’m not a total slob and the cat and dog hair is really annoying, but dusting? Forget it!You aren’t much of a cook; although, you do make killer cookies. So true! I practically exist on nachos! I should have been a baker. Should have opened that bakery five years ago when I had the chance. Can you imagine where our life would be if I had opened the bakery? Well, for one thing, I wouldn’t be standing here replaying my life while hoping my boyfriend doesn’t propose to me in front of strangers, that’s for sure.Or would I? I can imagine it all now. I’m carrying a fresh tray of my award-winning peanut butter and jelly cookie bars to the bakery counter when Jack enters. He’s tall with dark wavy hair and blue green eyes. He’s the chef from the restaurant next door. He’s come for the mini dessert pastries I make for his restaurant.Good morning Jenny, he says, good morning, I say back smiling. I set my tray down and the side of my hand touches his. It feels electric. We lock eyes over the counter. Jenny, he says, I’ve never noticed how green your eyes are. He gazes intently into my eyes. How beautiful you look in the morning with your hair a mess and flour on your cheek. I hope this doesn’t sound forward. I know we’ve never dated or spent any time together beyond me picking up the pastries you bake but I have this overwhelming urge to take you in my arms and never let go. Oh Jack!, I say, trying to keep myself from fainting behind the counter. Jack takes my hand and leads me around the counter to the front where he is, scoops me into his arms and says, Jenny, I love you. I’ve loved form the moment I first met you. I just didn’t realize it until now. Please, do me the honor of marrying me. I can’t go a moment longer without you in my life. Oh yes!, I say, completely caught up in the magic of it all. Oh yes! I will marry you Jack! Then he kisses me just like in the movies, all soft and yet passionate. Fireworks go off in my head and people who I didn’t notice come into the bakery clap and cheer for us.Wow, that’s cheesy. I had no idea until now just how cheesy I am deep down. I cannot be that girl. No. The cheesiest I get is how much actual cheese I use while making nachos at home. That fantasy is so Hallmark. Not me. No way. Not that there’s anything wrong with it. It just can’t be me. Can it?Have I wasted so much of my life pushing people away with my animals and being good girlfriend material so no one falls in love with me and asks me? Am I not wife material? If I was wife material, I don’t think I would want George as my husband. He spends way too much time with his friends and never invites me along. He’s allergic to my animals AND he never sleeps over. I think he may have commitment issues or… maybe there’s someone else?! Of course! To think of all the times, I got out of bed, got myself sexy, and drove over to his house at 3 am just because he called and said he was horny and wanted me to come over.Well, that’s changing today is all I can say. No more miss nice guy. I mean gal. Next time he calls me in the middle of the night, I’ll tell him that’s what his hand is for buddy! Yeah. I’m going to start respecting myself more. Maybe go to the gym and start cooking healthier. Who am I kidding? I’m not going to the gym and nachos have all the food groups… so, ha! I don’t need him. I’ve got my animals to keep me company. I have plenty of work to do to keep me busy. Pretty sure if I called one or two of my friends, they would pick up and we could totally hang out. I mean, I’m pretty sure they would pick up. Whatever. I can make new friends. Meet new people and learn new things.I like this idea. A new start. New friends. New adventures. Yes. That’s what I’m going to do. From now on. It’s going to be out with the old and in with the new! I feel so empowered! I like this! I’m so excited, I’m not sure what to do first?

Now, regarding the old. How do I break this new liberation to George? I don’t want to hurt his feelings even though he obviously hasn’t been too careful about mine this whole time I realize. Whatever I say, it has to be quick before he says whatever he’s going to say or ask and painless so neither one of feels bad. It’s not you, it’s me? So cliché. I mean, it isn’t completely wrong. He’s just not the right one for me. I’m ready to be free to meet new people and explore new things and he wants something else. Right?

I’ll say, George, there’s someone else. He’ll become upset, I’m sure, and ask who. I won’t be able to tell him because I don’t even know if Jack exists in real life so that may not work. I can still say there’s someone else and that someone is me. Yes, I’m going to date myself and get to know the real me. I’m going to find out what I need to do to open a bakery next to a restaurant so someday I can meet the handsome owner/chef, fall in love, and live happily ever after.

I’m sure he’ll be surprised and probably hurt but he’ll get over it. He’s good looking and charming and gets a long well with others. I’m sure another girl will come along in no time. It’s really better we get this out of the way now. Think of the time we would waste messing around when he could be with the woman of his dreams?

It’s better this way. I believe it now. Okay, here goes.

“George, I think we should stop seeing each other.” Jenny said as she turned toward George and looked down. He wasn’t on his knee anymore. He wasn’t even there. Where did he go? What the heck was going on? When did he leave? Where the heck did he go and how could he leave her standing there alone like that?


She heard her name being called and turned around. There was George walking toward her with another man. A tall man with dark wavy hair. “Jenny! Look who I saw across the park when I bent down to tie my shoe? My friend from college. He just opened a restaurant around the corner and waved me over to tell me about it. I told him about your killer cookies and he said he would love to try them. His name is Jack.”

Jack?! A restaurant? Around the corner? Keep it together Jenny. Don’t blow it. This is your future…“Nice to meet you Jack. I make the best peanut butter and jelly bars you’ll ever have in your entire life.”

Prepare for the divorce. Get a better job, spend family money on yourself, get dental work and medical things done, new glasses, new work clothes if you need some. Remove your name from joint credit cards.

Decide if you want to keep the house or move. Keeping the house may be too expensive so figure out what you can do.

Remove your birth certificate and any other small items you need to take, photos for example, get them out of the house. Pack your out of season clothing and any collectables you need to take.

When he suddenly decides it is over you want to be ready to go. Employed, packed at least half way. Then rent a uhaul and get moved. Figure out ahead where you will go so you can leave ASAP.

Consider not telling him where you went or where you work. File for divorce if he hasn’t already. If you have children file for child support and custody if you want custody.

To mess with him offer him custody, he will need to be a real parent and his replacement will not want them full time.

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I’ve seen a semi-feral queen (barn cats) and her kittens mourn their sibling after she separated and got sick, dying soon afterwards despite the wife and I’s best efforts. She got trapped in a thorny shrub, got cold, obviously, and it was too late by the time I eventually found her. Must have been 3 or 4 days. I could hear the queen calling out for my attention as well as the kitten’s, but couldn’t locate it, even though she led me to the general area a hundred yards or so from the house.
When you form a bond with a cat– any animal, really– and they trust you, you will see them mourn their departed, and empathize with each other. So very different to how we’re told animals behave by clueless normies and NPCs as we’re growing up. Hence the full-to-overflowing animal shelters springing up everywhere these days as everyone wants a cute puppy or kitten– until they start asserting themselves and maturing, that is.
And we all know what happens when the shine and cuteness wears off, or they become an inconvenient nuisance. But by then they’ve lost their independence and it’s too late.

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