brainstorm spice.

What psychotic Hell is like; tales from smoking “spice”.

Here we discuss you can experience what Hell is like. For those of you that are desirous of this, there is a drug that does precisely that.

There’s this movie, “Brainstorm” (1983), where scientists can literally jump into someone else’s head and play back recordings of what he or she was thinking, feeling, seeing, etc., at the time of the recording, the applications for the project quickly spiral out of control. The American military starts using the technology for “other purposes”. One of which was to create a psychotic Hellish prison in the mind from which they could torture people with.

Directed by Douglas Trumbull. With Christopher Walken, Natalie Wood, Louise Fletcher, Cliff Robertson. Researchers develop a system where they can jump into people's minds. But when people involved bring their personal problems into the equation, it becomes dangerous - perhaps deadly.
Brainstorm, directed by Douglas Trumbull. With Christopher Walken, Natalie Wood, Louise Fletcher, Cliff Robertson. Researchers develop a system where they can jump into people’s minds. But when people involved bring their personal problems into the equation, it becomes dangerousperhaps deadly.

Well, there is this drug, known as “spice”, that does the exact same thing.

It’s an instant trip to Hell, and you do NOT want to go there.

Spice – K2

A new drug has taken hold on streets across Europe and North America. Tribes of strangers are staggering around, looking lost and mumbling to passersby before passing out whenever their legs and minds can take no more. The drug is most widely known as “spice,” and newspapers — particularly right-wing tabloid newspapers — are having a field day.

“Zombie spice users are pushing Britain’s emergency services to the brink,” warns The Sun. A “spice nightmare” is turning city centers into “real-life horror movies,” says The Mirror.

Spice “turns users into the ‘living dead’ in minutes and is ruining lives across Britain,” says The Daily Mail.

Spice is like living the darkest scenes from the movie “Brainstorm”.

I  think this movie was ahead of its time.  I never saw Brainstorm when it  was originally released, but decided that I just had to view it since I  never saw it on any streaming services such as Netflix or Hulu.  Amazon  had it, so instead of renting I added to my Amazon library.  

Since  Natalie Wood's circumstances of death has become something of a current  affair, it was more provocative watching the scenes with her and  Christopher Walken.  

Louise Fletcher gave an amazing performance tying  the whole movie together.  

This movie was about scientific research that  actually allows the users to experience each other's feelings, memories  and sensations.  When you watch this you could imagine the many types  of technologies that exist today, with those same goals, through virtual  reality, video games, etc.  

You also see the holistic side when Louise  Fletcher's character is having a brain scan recording while she actually  experiences a heart attack and then dies, raising the questions of what  happens to the human consciousness after death.  

There is also the  further complication that the research is owned by a DoD contractor that  wants to weaponize this device for their subjects to experiences their  worst fears and traumas. 

- Ahead of its time and really should be a classic. 

Spice (AKA K2) is not just a single drug, but a wide range of laboratory-made chemicals designed to mimic the effects of the well-known psychoactive compound in marijuana called THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol. The keyword here, though, is mimic. 

Scene from the movie "Brainstorm".
Scene from the movie “Brainstorm”.

THC in marijuana works by latching onto cannabinoid receptors in the brain. The chemicals in spice do the same thing, but can be over 100 times more potent and produce wildly different effects compared to actual weed. The only real similarities between spice and weed is the way it works and the fact that you smoke it.

To make things more complicated, the combinations of chemicals in spice are changing all the time, leading to slightly different effects and levels of potency between each separate batch. There are potentially hundreds or even thousands of variations being pushed out of dodgy labs in Russia and China.

No matter what the combination is, though, the powdery substance formed is carted off to Europe and North America and sprayed onto plant matter like sage, damiana or even tea leaves. After that, the “spice” is placed into eye-catching packaging and sold by small-time dealers and certain “herbal” shops. Spice has been illegal in the U.S. since 2013, and in the U.K. since May, 2016.

The effects of “Spice”…

“It’s like a scene out of a zombie movie, a horrible scene,” said Brian Arthur, 38, who began live-streaming on his way to work in Brooklyn, New York after seeing three people collapse. “This drug truly paralyzes people.”

Scene from the movie "Brainstorm".
Scene from the movie “Brainstorm”.

Wherever you find spice, you’ll find witnesses saying the same thing. Users appear to be on another planet, and that’s pretty much how they themselves describe it, too. Matthew Nuttall, an ex-spice addict from Manchester, told Britain’s Metro newspaper: “You just feel braindead half the time. They say people look like zombies, and that’s how it feels.


“The first time, I can’t even explain what it was like. It just blew my head off. I thought ‘never again.’ It’s just such a heavy high. It’s so intense,” he continued. “’The first high lasted about one hour, but it really felt a lot longer. It’s like you’re there but you can’t communicate. You’re alive in there, but you can’t see it on the outside. You just feel braindead.”

The government tries to kick Michael and Lillian off the project once  the vast military potential of the technology is discovered. 

It soon  becomes obvious that the government is interested in more than just  missile guidance systems. The lab starts producing mind torture  recordings and other psychosis inducing material. 

When one of the  researchers dies and tapes the experience of death, Michael is convinced  that he must playback this tape to honor the memory of the researcher  and to become enlightened. When another researcher dies during playback  the tape is locked away and Michael has to fight against his former  colleagues and the government lackeys that now run his lab in order to  play back and confront the "scariest thing any of us will ever face" -  death itself.
Eric van bezooijen <>                          


When you are young and full of “piss and vinegar”, you believe that the “world is your oyster”; that you can do anything and live forever. Then, when you get older, you have kids, you have friends that have died, been in car accidents and have friends paralyzed, you realize how precious and special life is.

Most of the people taking this drug are either young or destitute. They cannot see a future that is worth protecting.

So they make mistakes…

Experimenter One

I took 3 strong, albeit very smooth, hits from my water bong in my dark room alone, and then it was only a matter of a few minutes before I could feel the effects kicking in. I tried to surf the internet, as per my usual activity while high, but suddenly, I felt a dramatic and precipitous shift coming on. I could tell immediately that the stuff was strong and I may have bitten off more than my head was ready to handle.

I struggled to make sense of my surroundings. Objects ceased to have meaning or recognition. It was complete and utter boundary dissolution. What happened next is incredibly hard to describe, for there really are no words that can adequately define the parameters, if there were any, of the domain I entered.

Scene from the movie "Brainstorm".
Scene from the movie “Brainstorm”.

Imagine if you will, perpetual drowning in a multidimensional lake of fire, kaleidoscopically cascading through a roller-coaster ride of pure, unabashed nauseating torment. Never in my entire life have I ever wanted to die. It felt like I was experiencing every pain that has happened, or will ever happen, to any and all lifeforms throughout the multiverse. It seems possible to imagine, right? I swear to you, I am in no way trying to embellish a bad trip.

The feeling of nausea was unbearable. It literally, and I do mean literally, felt like eternity. It’s as if my ego was completely stripped away; I looked down at my hands, which were barely recognizable, and felt that my body was struggling to keep my soul inside and intact. Movement felt like slow motion, and the room around me flickered and spun around chaotically. Whatever was left of my ego was trying desperately to grasp onto something familiar, anything that I could focus on and stay grounded in the room. It was like gasping for air while a demon tries to drown you in a lake of fire. I kid you not.

I felt lost, and abandoned. It was the experience of sheer hopelessness. Never have I ever known the meaning of that word, ‘hopelessness’. I’m there in my bed, writhing in contorted position after contorted position, trying to find a safe place in my head to rest and root itself, but to no avail.

I’m there in my bed, writhing in contorted position after contorted position, trying to find a safe place in my head to rest and root itself, but to no avail.

I rode wave after wave of unbearable torment, and I all I could think was that if hell exists, this state of consciousness is it. Words and language ceased to have meaning or make sense. My thoughts become so scrambled that it became impossible to even try to rationally calm myself down and relax.

When I could feel my body again and jump back into reality, deep breathing helped slow the spinning and recalibrate my surroundings.

But then my soul got dragged right back down to the pits of hell and I was whipped, prodded, poked, skewered, hooked, burned, and beaten, all simultaneously.

There were no actual demons to speak of, or a devil-figure, or fire, or anything like that. It was more or less a blended hyperdimensional reality of my entire life’s history.

Every terrible thought I ever had, and even the ones I didn’t know I had, rush up to greet me. All the while, I continually felt like I was going to throw up, and it felt like I was constantly jolted, as if I was frightened in a nightmare.

I would wake up from the nightmare, but only to realize that I was still stuck in the nightmare again, and there was no hope of truly waking up to escape.

After 2 hours of real time, I began to calm down and things in the room became more solid and less fuzzy.

I began to take sanctuary in the ability to recognize objects, and I began to relax a bit as I was assured a safe return to normalcy or baseline. I then began stringing together cohesive thoughts and expressions, and I began examining all of the private and unsettling things the trip exposed to me about my ego, sexuality, and cultural operating system.

I’ll never take for granted the simple majesty, and wonderment of normal, everyday reality. It is a beautiful, loving, and peaceful state, simply because it is understandable. The ability to comprehend something, anything, is a luxury that was not afforded to me while tripping.

Exactly what hell would feel like, whether it really is a place that exists after death for some or not. Worst. trip. ever.

Experimenter Two

My ex-husband was a high-level IT Engineer/Exec. After doing synthetic weed with a new girlfriend, he went into permanent psychosis due to actual brain damage from Spice/K2/etc. (She did too, but I don’t know whatever happened to her).

Over the course of a year he’d attacked the police, stolen his children and told them bad people were trying to hurt them, ruined the computer hardware and networks of an employer (he thought FBI was after him), tried to kidnap his oldest daughter from her mom, and woke up with a head wound 4 states away with no idea how he got there but tried to blame it on me and the government.

He destroyed our kids’ lives financially and emotionally – between therapy costs to deal with the trauma, complete lack of child support from him, lack of health benefits, and one day he just left the country and is now overseas in a mental hospital… I work but live in a high-cost area. I make too much to qualify for any benefits of any kind. The state can’t help because he’s overseas. Disability can’t help because he’s too paranoid to apply for benefits.

All because he was stressed out and wanted to get high without it showing up on a drug test. Please don’t do it. If one person reading this is helped, then I’m grateful.

Experimenter Three

Me and a friend were outside catching up over winter break and we packed up a bowl between us. After about 10 minutes and only about 3 hits of the ‘Smiley Dog’ herbal incense we are so high we cannot stand or walk.

The idea of returning to the house and watching a movie is laughable in our state after about 15 minutes. I lose motor control and can no longer stand after 20 minutes. MY heart feels as if it is going to explode, I become convinced I could die at any moment. A tingling feeling starts at the tips of my fingers and slowly works its way up to my hands, then up my arm. It feels as if my bod is dyeing piece by piece before me.

At this point I lose it, and have my friend call an ambulance. Sounds like over reaching, but my body will not obey my commands, I’m vomiting and the tingling feeling has moved terrifyingly close to my heart.

When the ambulance arrives they cannot bring me under control and i cannot stop my body from convulsing, shaking, and screaming like the demon infested girl from ‘The Exorcist’.

They had to strap me to a gurney and put me in an ambulance. It took six people to hold me down so they could put the straps on and get an IV in me. They administered 10 milligrams of Ativan to try to calm me down but nothing really works until I’m at the emergency room and they put me down with Geodon.

I’m convinced JWH-018 triggered a full psychotic break in me. DO NOT FUCK WITH THIS STUFF! STICK WITH REAL WEED!

Experimenter Four

Smoked spice (was told it was just weed)… After two big hits, there was a high-pitched pinging sound going on in my head as my vision and thoughts began to fade away and I blacked out for around a minute.

I then wake up and feel as if I am detached from my body and floating on air. I had no thoughts, no vision, no memories, no sense of time, … But there was something.

My mind became trapped in this meaningless, timeless, and endless pattern of torture that just kept repeating over and over and over with no end in sight.

I had watched ‘Home Alone’ that day and the opening theme music which I always found a little scary was playing over and over while tripping.

That theme music and my friend saying, “is he alright man”?, was a continuous loop for the duration of the trip.

Heart felt like it was gonna jump out of my chest and I couldn’t move in the slightest or communicate with my friends. There was no way out. This pattern was my entire existence. The only feeling that existed in this world was extreme horror, pain, and mental torture.

When I finally got a glimpse of the real world again, I was really glad, but after a little moment it started again! And I was like “no, F*CK NO, not AGAIN!”.

It was unimaginably horrible. I don’t know how long this part actually lasted but it was somewhere between 5 and 20 minutes I believe.

Experimenter Five

The first and only time I smoked spice I was on the come down of a 3 tab acid trip, I couldn’t sleep and wanted some company. One of my friends texted me saying he had some fresh hash and a surprise for me. So I was like what the hell come over, I don’t know when I’ll sleep.

Fast forward to my friend coming through and he’s like I have this super nice Spliff rolled up for you with 3 types of hash. You’re going to get fucked up I promise. But you’re going to want to hold that in for 30seconds before exhaling to really get the effects.

So trusting this “friend”, I took 3 hits, as soon as I look at my friend and say this isn’t just hash, he smiles and is like nah it’s K2. Now at this point I start tripping again, everything was like 4D crystal clear HD, I was seeing around walls and corners while seeing what was infront of me.

So I was just perplexed…

Until I went inside my place and sat down. That’s when I noticed I was breathing shallow, inhaling and exhaling felt thin and overall just not right. I kept pacing and trying to get a proper breathing rhythm. The whole time my “friend” just kept smiling at me and was like you’ll be good bro, this high is amazing!

That was the closest I’ve ever had to a panic attack, the closest I’ve ever felt like I was dying and it scared me.

So fuck spice and fuck my so called friend for doing that to me. I’ve since cut all ties with him and when I sobered up from the 15 minutes of hell I almost beat the shit out of the kid, I was so pissed.

So FUCK spice!

Experimenter Six

And if you say “lol fuck you OP I’ll do what I want” then heed this warning: Do NOT take huge hits and/or hold that shit in, especially if you’re new to it and don’t know what to expect.

It’s like no other “drug” that shit doesn’t creep up on you. It busts down your fucking door like a lightning bolt and the only words that will go through your head is “Shit, what have I done?”

It’s terrifying if you take too much and you have no tolerance. Imminent death is probably an accurate description of when you’re peaking from a hit too many.

You will feel like you’re about to die. You will think of your family that’ll miss you. You will pray to God if you believe in one. You will bargain with him that if you make it out alive, that’ll you’ll NEVER do it again.

If you want to smoke spice, at least heed these warnings. It’s no little kid drug, it’s intense as it is detrimental to your psyche. If you want a taste of it, please. PLEASE PLEASE. Hit that shit about 1/8th of the way you would hit a joint, and immediately exhale. Wait 60 seconds, then determine if you’re in hell’s halls or not. If you’re not, congratulations, you’ve successfully and responsibly smoked spice.

If you find yourself making a final prayer, you did It very wrong and you will regret the decision. I hope this will save at least 1 person. Be safe


Buy a pizza, and a bottle or two of wine. You and a special friend, go to a nice glade, a shady spot, or fresh beach. Lay down a blanket and make it a day.

It’s much nicer than a trip to Hell, don’t ya think.

Pizza and wine with the one you love - pure Heaven.
Pizza and wine with the one you love – pure Heaven.

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