World-line travel and the soul.

World-Line Creation and Stability Considerations

According to popular news media, there is no such thing as the MWI or world-lines. It is all a fun scientific avenue for discussion, argument, and maybe a movie or two. It has no real benefit to the average person. Of course this is all nonsense. It the MWI exists whether we want to believe in it or not.

Further, while scientists and mathematicians like to debate the utility of world-line behavior. As well as debate the presence of it in regards to the MWI, all tend to base their discussions abound a key erroneous assumption; that there are no world-lines simply because one cannot prove that they exist.

This assumption is wrong. It is incorrect.

Oh, individual world-lines exist all right. And they operate under specific rules and follow various processes. Let’s take the time to talk about these rules and processes. Later, we will also discuss why average guys, like myself, had a role in such an important program as MAJestic.

What is a “world-line”?

For starters, most people understand what a “world-line” is. It is generally considered to be a “what if” world much like the one that we inhabit, but with certain things changed. In the movie, “Back to the future II”, the hero enters a new world-line when the past is changed.

Back to the future blackboard
In the movie “Back to the Future II”, a mad scientist named Doc Brown invented a time travel machine out of a Delorian. Here he explains that happens to a “world-line” when you alter the past. Since that movie, many people are under the incorrect impression that we all live on fated “world-lines”. We do not. We live with individual bubbles of reality that are constantly changing and evolving by our own thoughts and the thoughts and actions of those around us.

This idea is readily understood by most people.

That is simply because most people think of time incorrectly. They view time as a straight arrow, and once something is done, it cannot be undone. You cannot put a chicken back into an egg. Once you burn a log, it will no longer revert to being a tree. Thus, we have what is perceived as “the arrow of time”.

A “world-line” might be a place where the Nazi’s won world war II. Another might be one where Hillary Clinton won the 2016 election, instead of Donald Trump. Still another might be one where the Y2K “bug” devastated America’s infrastructure. World-lines are “what if” scenarios that mimic the reality that we inhabit.

Alternative reality.
Here is a map of an alternative reality. One in which the United States is carved up between Japan and Germany. It is a fiction, in this world-line. However, in other world-lines it is a reality. As there are an infinite number of world-lines.

World-lines are thus considered to be an infinite number of “arrows of time”, each with slight modifications. Each “arrow of time” is considered to be a “world-line”. We occupy one such world-line, in an infinite number of alternative world-lines.

However, Time does not Exist

The problem is that we lie to ourselves. We strongly believe that time exists and that it is one-way, and that the “arrow of time” is the way that time works. Therefore, a “world-line” is but a modified “arrow of time”. It deviates from our current occupied world-line by some deviance.

Different world lines
Different world-lines for different individuals. Here we have a plot of individual (experienced) soul reality against time. In this case, each world-line is occupied by a person who travels upon it. (Persons A through E.)

The problem is that time does not work this way. As long as we keep thinking that it does, we will have a difficult time understanding how the MWI works. This causes all sorts of confusion.

To understand what “world-lines” are, we must first understand what our reality is.


The reality is that we exist within a specially crafted bubble of “reality”. Our thoughts and our actions alter this bubble.

In the picture below we see a slice of “Heaven”. Residing within that Heaven is a soul. The soul creates a “bubble” and places a conduit inside that bubble. We refer to that conduit as “consciousness”.

This “bubble” is our observed reality. It has two components; an observed physical reality, and a hidden unobserved reality.

This bubble is constantly changing.

It changes by our actions…

The two different view points.
This is the true crux of the issue and the matter at hand. How the universe is depends on the quantum state of your consciousness. If your consciousness is of particle duality, then you exist within a bubble of reality. You cannot see outside of that. However, if your consciousness is of wave duality, then you can see the entire reality of the universe.

For instance, if we shot and killed a person, we would get arrested, and go to prison. If we worked hard, we could get promoted.  If we asked that cute girl out, we might fall in love and get married. Our bubble of reality would change by OUR actions.

It also changes by our thoughts…

So, if we were obsessed with negative thoughts and worry, our health would decline. If we were mean and hurtful to others, our reality would be altered to fit with our thoughts.

The power of intention
The Rice Experiment opened more than a few teenage eyes on how their words and intentions impact their environment. Hopefully, the lesson will translate into their homes and future workplaces. The middle school teens conducted the Rice Experiment. After cooking a pot of rice, they placed a scoop of rice into separate, identical jars and sealed the lids. On the outside of one jar, they wrote “LOVE” while on the other jar they wrote, “HATE.” For the next week, they talked to the jars filling the LOVE jar with kind, loving, compassionate intentions and thoughts. They told the HATE jar it was stupid, ugly, mean and nasty. Then, they watched the results. A year later, these same jars sit on the shelf of our teen room, telling the story of our intentions. The LOVE jar, filled with our divine, loving intentions, remains filled with white fluffy rice. The HATE jar started decomposing right away and quickly turned into a grey, slimy sludge. No kidding.

Within this bubble of reality, it would appear that time was flowing in one direction; the “arrow of time”. But that is just an illusion. In reality, we are constantly revising our bubble of reality, moment by moment, by our thoughts and our actions.

There is no such thing as time.

There is no such thing as “time”

What we consider to be the movement of time is actually the changes from one timeless “bubble of reality”, to a revised (but still timeless) “bubble of reality”.

There really is no such thing as time. Instead there is only one thing; the reality that we inhabit. This reality changes moment by moment as a result of our thoughts and our actions, as well as the thoughts and actions of the “shadow sentience’s” that surround us. We end up viewing these changes as “the flow of time”, or the “arrow of time”. The direction of the changes can be mapped out as shown. The mapped vector from reality to reality is considered a “world-line”.

In the picture above we see the “arrow of time” displayed as a collection of revisions to our reality. Our reality is constantly being updated. To us we consider these “updates” as time.

While there is no such thing as a "world-line", we WILL use this terminology to describe the "vector movement of a given reality" as entropy changes.

Graphing World-Lines

We can graph world-lines in terms that we can understand. Instead of “bubbles of reality”, we can plot their vector (movement) as a “world-line”. We can plot them over (apparent) time. We can measure their deviance from each other comparatively as well.

deviance from reality
Here is a plot of other “world-lines” as they deviate from our reality over time. In this example we can consider our reality to be the flat line of “time”. The other individual “world-lines” vary greatly from each other. Yet, some of the world lines cross and intersect. This means that they do not deviate at that moment of time. When they cross the “x” axis, they do not deviate from our reality. We experience similar events.

Cluster Behavior

Groups of divergent world-lines tend to form into organized clusters. These clusters also operate under rules and specific behaviors.  Here, at this time, I would like to describe these behaviors.  Because in order to understand our reality, the reader needs to understand some basics regarding world-line behaviors. (Group clustering behaviors of reality vectors.)

Reality formation
To travel to different world-lines; to travel the MWI and slide into a new reality, you need to understand how realities form and exist.

World-lines have a tendency to “feed off each other”. Which actually means that the thoughts and actions on one world-line can influence adjacent world-lines. Thus they like to “hug” close to other world-lines and acts as an inertial damper prohibiting change.

This is a fundamental property or behavior of world-lines.

This is what is referred to as “clustering”. It is when there are very active and engaged world-lines of near similarity to each other that also maintains active consciousness. Most world-lines are “empty”. They exist, but do not have a consciousness that inhabits them. When they are nearly identical to other world-lines, we say the deviance between them is small. And thus they “hug” each other.

Why there are “world-lines” that we inhabit

World-lines are a part of the universe that we humans experience. However, a very important point needs to be made. World-lines are created by each individual soul as an educational environmental construct so that the soul can grow.

This is an important point that needs to be made.

  • The soul creates a given reality.
  • It places a consciousness within that reality.
  • The consciousness experiences life within the reality.
  • As it experiences life, it generates thoughts and performs actions and activities.
  • These actions and activities alter the reality.
  • This alteration helps to build, purify, and destroy quanta arrangements.
  • Thus, the consciousness organizes quanta for the soul.

The purpose of life is to improve, maintain and assist the soul to grow and improve.

Feed Back Loop

Not only is the individual reality and individual universe tailor-made for a given soul. When the soul places a given consciousness in that reality it is affected by the reality itself. Indeed, the shape of each world-line is influenced by the collective thoughts of all “shadow” consciousnesses combined within that reality.

World-line clustering
Here we have two world-lines. Each one consists of a reality that is occupied by a person. We see the other person within our reality. We see them as a “quantum shadow”. They seem real to us because they inhabit our reality. However this is just an illusion. They have their own soul and their own consciousness that occupies a different reality than the one that we occupy. The actions of the “quantum shadows” are fed back to the “owner” in their reality and thus influence them. This feedback loop is strongest when the deviance from the two world-lines is strongest.

All those people that surround you are NOT individuals.

They look that way. They act that way. They seem that way. Because this is OUR own custom-made reality.

They are “quantum shadows”; a version of that person that acts and behaves within your reality as necessary to help you grow.


They, themselves, also (like you) inhabit their own reality. And, like you, also see a version of you; a “quantum shadow” interacting with them within their own reality.

Because of these key points, the reader should realize that group think, and multiple souls create mob and mass behaviors that affect all associated thoughts.  Since individual thoughts are manipulated by and suffer the influences of group thought, it should be well understood that world-line clusters would be influenced by group thought behavior.


The role of Thought

We live in a universe that is controlled by thought.  However, our soul is not one homogeneous blob. Rather it is a complex construction with key parts that have roles and follow defined rules.

Our thoughts originate from segmented sections of our soul.

Each segment is a configured physical reality with a physical body, a brain and thoughts directly associated with that body.  This physical body exists within a custom reality.  This reality is created from the highest commonality denominators between groups of other individuals and other souls.

This is pretty well understood. However, if you really think about it, you can see a unique danger. The thoughts of others, while they do not share your own physical reality (universe), will absolutely influence your reality.

Souls create world-lines
The soul creates world-lines. Actually, what the soul does is generate a fabricated reality out from a nested “template” of all possible realities. The soul then creates a consciousness that it places inside that created reality by using an artifice; a human body. In the picture above, we see a soul within this big blue orb. This represents our soul. The soul has components that are roughly analogs to the physical body, thus the image of a person inside the orb. In this instance, the soul has created two (2x) realities; Life #1 and Life #2. Both realities take place roughly at the same time. However, each reality is different. The Life #1 reality at point “C” would be totally different from the life reality pf Life #2 at point “E”.

World-Lines are a function of soul garbons

Our soul creates our reality that we live in on the physical.  This reality (universe) is directly tied to the construction of our soul.  Each soul is composed of garbons, and the limitations of the garbons limit the kind of universe that our physical body inhabits.

A garbon is an arrangement of quanta. It has distinct forms and properties. The human soul is a collection of garbons. Garbons are organized quanta. 

The human soul also has unorganized quanta. The purpose of consciousness is to assist in organizing the unorganized quanta through thoughts and actions within a contrived reality.

A garbon is a important component of a soul. Without getting into too much detail, the reader can think of it as an analog to human organs. Each garbon has a different role.

These roles vary from activity to activity. Yet they have an important role in the creation of the reality that we inhabit.  Some garbons are tied to the longevity of a given lifetime for a person (the duration of the world-line). Other garbons are tied to  things such as thought influences, adventures, and trials that one must endure to acquire lessons.

World-line creation.
Garbons define world-line attributes. Our soul creates our reality that we live in on the physical. This reality (universe) is directly tied to the construction of our soul. Each soul is composed of garbons, and the limitations of the garbons limit the kind of universe that our physical body inhabits. In the illustration, the garbons that reside within a given soul are illustrated by white globes. The dotted red lines are the realms of control that the garbons are tied to in a world-line which is the “apparent vector” of an assigned reality.

Remember, a “world-line” is an illusion. Because the “world-line” is constantly changing by the thoughts of a given consciousness.  Instead, a “world-line” is the apparent vector of life for a given consciousness as it navigates inside the bubble of reality that it has been assigned to.

Group Thought manipulates clustering of world-lines

Thoughts influence what happens in the reality and the universe that our physical bodies inhabit.

This includes [1] individual souls, [2] individual people, and the [3] thoughts and actions of groups of people.  Group thoughts, especially those influenced by media and other technological advancements, can influence the world-line that a physical person inhabits.

This is true, even though on the physical reality world-line the “people” that one interacts with are (just) quantum shadows.

The world-lines change relative to other world-lines as determined by the ebb and flow of the thoughts of a soul and person in a given world-line.  Thoughts influence the shape and direction that a given world-line manifests into.

Our thoughts can create and alter things in our environment, and our reality. Therefore, what we think about must be carefully culled and controlled. We also need to be careful of the (apparent) thoughts of others that surround us. All thoughts have the power to alter our reality.


Contrary to what scientists might want to believe, there is NOT an infinite number of world-lines. There is but one world-line for each physical person at any given moment in time.

However, there is an infinite number of world-lines that a given consciousness can cross-over to. The practical number available varies depending on the technology and the technique used to bridge over to the new world-line. Since it is technology, and skill dependent, it is functionally finite.

The person who inhabits the world-line is the captain of that world-line and they can create, alter or destroy their world-line as they see fit by their thoughts. As well, as obviously, their physical actions.

Shadow World-Lines

A world-line can spawn shadow world-lines.  There are an infinite number of these spawned world lines.  They are a function of [1] thought and [2] the technology of being able to move between world-lines of the physical person.

A Shadow World-Line is a reality that the consciousness can migrate to.

A person, given the proper technology, can move in and out of these spawned world-lines. We like to think that it is “just” another world-line. It is not. It is a special event or environment that permits a consciousness to move into and occupy.

However, the shape of the spawned world-line will be heavily influenced by the thoughts of “nearby” souls and their world-lines. It is not a “protected” reality.

“Nearby” refers to a degree or a measure of the divergence from one “reality” to the next.

Once we, as a physical component of our soul, occupies a given “reality” and world-line, we are constantly influenced by nearby world-lines and the thoughts manifested by those world-lines.

In primitive times, when there were only a few hundred thousand humans, the influences of others were easy to distinguish and isolate.  Those closest to the person physically had the greatest influence.  Now, in modern times, in a world that is populated by billions of people the influence is much stronger, and can result in some quite surprising influences.

Technology Influences on World-Lines

Not only do individual thoughts on other realities and other world-lines influence a given world-line, but technology can magnify the effect. The technology influence can be intentional, as well as unintentional.

News media does more than just “simply” form “public opinion”; they form large “pools” of “group think”.  Group think can be dangerous and create not only physical reactions such as mob rule, but can also create disturbing influences in world-line behaviors.

Media manipulation
When mass media manipulates, they do more than change the ideas, consciousness, and emotions of the people exposed to it. They alter their thoughts. Thought manipulation by large groups of people are very dangerous. They can alter the reality into dangerous directions.

These influences can affect the physical world that a person interacts with.

It can affect his future obviously, and can affect his past as well.  Out of control thought can sow chaos and cause all manner of discord and even more dangerous; unpredictable behaviors.

Now, attention is warranted. Not every thought is capable of influencing a given world line.  The relationship depends on a number of factors that include deviance from uniformity, intensity, personality of the physical person, and the structure of the world-line itself (it does have structure).  Strong thoughts, or collective thoughts tend to be very powerful and influential.

World-line clustering behavior

World-lines and their spawned world-lines tend to cluster together in similarity of thought and intensity of intention.

As such, depending on many factors, world lines tend to group together into “cable” like arrangements and twists and turns over time depending on the various influences in the individual world-lines.  Not only that, but there is a feed-back loop that tends to positively, or more likely, negatively influence the shape and configuration of the world-line so inhabited.

Manipulation of our World-Line

The extraterrestrial species known as the <redacted> are a multi-dimensional species.  Their soul configuration is multi-dimensional. They have a major role in the evolution of mankind.  They utilize their superior technology and their multi-dimensional existence to help mankind grow.

We are a very simple life form.  They are assisting us in our sentience development, and this planet Earth is our nursery.  All of this is covered elsewhere.

For now, the reader should first understand this basic point;

In order for the human race and species to evolve, we need to exist within a controlled “safe space” .

The <redacted> has made the necessary arrangements for multi-generational sentience development along with support by another extraterrestrial species the <redacted>. They have created situations in agreement with our souls and the hierarchy within our own “Heaven”. The intentions behind these agreements is to create a stable nursery for us to develop and learn in.

Unfortunately, due to the explosion of population in the world, and the explosion in technology, it has become rather difficult to “control” world-line propagation and predictive behaviors.

Note; if the world-lines diverge too substantially from what was first established by our soul hierarchy upon our birth, the lessons that our souls are to learn during our reincarnations might not manifest.

Indeed, most of the human race has had a pretty easy history more or less.  Sure, there were wars and turmoil, but the dimensional world-lines, for the most part, were stable.

This is not the case today.

Period of Contention

Apparently, sometime around the year 2000 was a pivotal point in time where the global human species faced a major disruption of the world-line continuance. This was global, and not American-centric.

This world-line disruption was global in nature, it was not American-centric.

It had nothing to do with 9-11, or Y2K, but involved the saturation of group think as well as numerous events in the Soviet Union, China, and Northern Africa.

Unchecked, the world-line divergence might become too unstable and would be difficult to predict.  (The necessity for predictive behavior is important for soul development.)  The risk of major disruption to soul evolution was too great and too dangerous.

To this end, the <redacted> and their assisting species, the <redacted> worked with MAJestic in the 1980’s. MAJestic leadership nominated suitable individuals that it provided to the <redacted>. They were implanted with special devices and trained as “dimensional anchors” to stabilize the world-lines. All with a goal to prevent unpredictable behaviors due to unchecked human access to technology.

Dimensional Anchor

To fully understand MAJestic’s role with the <redacted>, one must understand the science behind the relationship.  In other words, how can an 1850 train engineer describe his role to a medieval monk without first describing what a train is, what rails are, how a steam-fired boiler operates, and the limits of moving people from one location to another?  It is quite difficult to do unless the basic foundations are first laid down in an easy to understand manner.

That is what I intend to do here.  To best and first understand <redacted> in MAJestic, the reader will have to understand [1] soul cluster theory, and an [2] introduction in how thoughts alter world-line divergence, and [3] how group-thoughts can unintentionally disrupt the acquisition of experiences.

To begin with, let’s recap some points made earlier (or elsewhere) in the blog posts.

  1. Firstly souls create a custom environment from which a physical manifestation (of the soul) inhabits for the purpose of obtaining experiences.
  2. This custom environment is the “reality” of the physical manifestation of that soul.
  3. It appears that the soul shares the reality with other beings, but that is an illusion.  Each being has a physical manifestation that occupies their own realities.
  4. As such, the physical person interacts with quantum shadows of other beings that are in truth off and away in their own individual realities.


We can think of this situation as a series of world-lines all inhabited by one physical manifestation of a soul each.  Consider the illustration below.  Here, we see five different individuals.  These are five different physical manifestations of a different soul. Each one occupies their own world-line, which is their own reality.  They interact with others in their world-lines, but the people that they each interact with are not “real”, instead they are actually quantum shadows of the true physical manifestation of the soul.

In the illustration below are five individual world-lines each representative of each person.  There is one for Mr. Red (person C), and another for Mr. Purple (person D).  Likewise, there is one for Mr. Green (person B), Mr. Blue (person A) and Mr. Blue-Green (person E).  Each world-line indicates a point of birth, which is shown as a dot at the start of a line, and a death or translation into another state, as an arrow at the end of the world-line.

The world-lines are all different, and there are twists and turns in it because the soul that created each physical realty did so based on the needs of the desired acquisition of experiences by the physical embodiment of the soul itself.

In other words, each line is different because of the specialized experiences for each individual.  (They diverge from the basic median of the accumulative norm of the mass of humanity.)

They are shown in the diagram apart and divergent because, for the most part, lessons are seldom shared.  They are unique and custom to the needs of a given particular soul.  This is shown (in general) by the divergence axis in the diagram.

Different world lines
Different world-lines for different individuals. Here we have a plot of individual (experienced) soul reality against time.

However, as nice as this looks on a two dimensional graph, with only five individuals.  The truth is that it is far more complex than that. With all the people on this crowded world, there are large groups of people living their own world-lines surrounded by thousands of quantum shadows of other versions of other physical manifestations of souls.

As such, each quantum shadow generates thoughts and experiences emotions.

These emotions and thoughts can be very powerful influence within a given world-line.  In fact, the strongest influences of thoughts and emotions are experienced when the deviance between different world-lines are at the smallest divergence.  Look at the illustration below.

deviance from reality
Here is a plot of other “world-lines” as they deviate from our reality over time. In this example we can consider our reality to be the flat line of “time”. The other individual “world-lines” vary greatly from each other. Yet, some of the world lines cross and intersect. This means that they do not deviate at that moment of time.

As shown above, it is clear that there are regions of small divergence between different world-lines.  These regions can, as mentioned earlier, allow a “bleeding” or cross-over influence in thoughts and emotions that can affect the thoughts of a given physical entity on a world-line.

It can also affect the thoughts and emotions of a quantum shadow as well, but that is of secondary influence in regards to the point currently being made.

Note the illustration below.  Here the regions are small divergence are highlighted to indicate areas of concern.  The areas of concern are the “bleed over” concerns of thought and emotional influences in isolated world-lines.

Bleed over regions.
Regions of thought bleed-over events. Here the regions are small divergence are highlighted to indicate areas of concern. The areas of concern are the “bleed over” concerns of thought and emotional influences in isolated world-lines.

As such, the reader should note that even though each world-line is custom created by a soul for a given specific physical manifestation, different world-lines created by different souls could affect other world-lines.  These areas of concern occur with there are very small deviance’s from the soul created realities for the physical manifestation.

How these influences affect the given world-line is a function of the [1] magnitude of the world-line divergence, the [2] strength of the thought / emotional content, the [3] receptiveness of the physical embodiment of the soul in the physical world-line (typically, most humans are very receptive), and [4] the quantity of the number of other world-lines so affected at this bleed-over event.

This last item is important because of the rapid dissemination of media and television has made larger groups of people easier to manipulate in thoughts, emotions and actions than at any other time in the human history.

The manipulation of large groups of people is a dangerous trend and results in large disruptive events that have negative consequences in world-line maintenance.

The big problem is that clusters of bleed-over events can have a great influence in the direction of world-line divergence.  Consider the illustration below;

Bleed-over events.
Regions of strong reinforced bleed-over-events. The image describes individualized reality vectors or world-line for different individual consciousnesses.

In the illustration above, it is clearly indicated (in yellow color) that the accumulation of bleed-over events can accumulate in various ways and create sizable influences on a given world-line.  These influences can alter the events in a world-line though altering the thoughts and emotions of the “primary” physical entity within a given world-line.

In fact, these bleed-over events can alter the thoughts of the primary physical entity within a given world-line and as such can alter the shape, the path and the learning objectives of a given world-line.  In the past this wasn’t too much of a problem.  Before electronics, and the industrial revolution, change happened slowly.  Individuals within a given world-line had time to adapt and alter their thoughts in meaningful and controllable ways.

No so today.

With the large number of people and their respective quantum shadows, the deluge of information , and the large numbers of people and organizations actually attempting to manipulate public opinion and thought, came the problem with unintentional world-line disruption and discord.

These items, not only can upset a given soul-level experience track, but can alter the physical manifestation along large groups and clusters of divergent world-lines.

How bleed-over events alter world-line clustering.
How bleed-over events alter world-line clustering. The bleed-over events occur at points of small deviance. As such the influence on nearby world-lines is exponential. The smaller the deviance, the much larger the influence. Eventually, you end up with a situation where they act like magnets and “pull” other world-lines nearby.

As can be illustrated in the above diagram, it should be clear to the reader that the accumulative bleed-over events from different world-lines can alter world-line path and manifestation. This is precisely what cause’s world-line clustering, which is a fundamental aspect of world-line travel.  However, with everything, there are good and bad aspects of such clustering, and at it’s very worst can be highly “cancerous” to evolving sentience’s.

The reason for this is that unrestrained mass clustering activities can “box in” experience categories a and “lock out” individuals from experiencing such events.  As a result, certain emotions or thoughts cannot manifest.  These thoughts are often very important for sentience development.

Imagine the world today, if Albert Einstein could be prohibited from visualizing relativistic speed at light velocities. The problem is similar to that.

Dimensional Anchor stability in a Technological Society

With this in mind, the <redacted> realize that there will be events and situations that would be toxic to humans. This is especially true at this stage in the human sentience development.

They have centuries of experience in managing sentience evolution.

They know this though their inter-dimensional makeup, and their predictive abilities associated with the human nursery that we call the earth.  They “saw” or “predicted” that certain “disruptive” events would occur on the earth that would be problematic.

They have mapped out human sentience evolution.

A Period of Sentience Crisis

The nature of these events are unknown to me, though they revolve around  mass and group thoughts.  I also know that the influence of these events were global in nature (not American-centrist) and that they would have occurred during the approximate time period from 1988 to 2004.

  • There was a crisis in human sentience evolution.
  • It was global in nature.
  • It occurred in  time period roughly from 1988 to 2004.
  • It was triggered by mass thought manipulation on a global scale.
  • The result was large numbers of discordant sentience development.

Avoiding the Crisis

Consider the diagram below.  Here we can see that the <redacted> have “chartered a course” that the various clusters of world-lines should take to avoid disruptive events along a given time line.  In my case, I was assigned to “anchor” a specific cluster of world-lines along this path.  This course, and myself, are illustrated in the thick blue-green curved vector shown below;

Anchoring 1
The strong thoughts, especially those generated by mass media has a dangerous habit of altering the world-lines, and near by world-lines. This can cause huge disruption in sentience development. Thus, it is important to lay a path out and away from areas of discordant thought that would disrupt sentience development.

To accomplish this task, the <redacted> have provided me “training” and ability in that I could herd or corral in world-lines to follow a new path or direction.

Look at the illustration below. The idea is to redirect the world-lines (and the associated thoughts) in certain directions.

World-line Redirection

World-line redirection into areas of different divergence from my base-line is a task that the <redacted> are capable of doing. However, to do this, they need humans to act as “magnets” that can attract and repel adjacent ‘world-lines”. This action and behavior is complex and very complicated.

The human who is to become the “anchor”, must be [1] relocated into a physical area were the anchoring action must take place. Then, [2] the person must be exposed to an environment or set of sequences that generate thoughts. It is important that the thoughts so generated [3] manifest in a way such that the clustered world-lines bend properly. [4] The <redacted> then “amplifies” or “transmits” the thoughts in certain ways that herd the “world-lines” into the preferred vectors.

What this means is that the designated “anchor” ends up going to less than desirable living situations. Instead they go to areas of contention, or future contention.  They go to areas where there is a high probability of discordant and disruptive thoughts would manifest. They mitigate the situation, and act as a kind of reality “anchor” while the quantum-related storms of thought and intention run amok. Yuck!

Office Space
A scene from the movie “Office Space”. The movie is a comedy, but the first 45 minutes is a very accurate portrayal of corporate life in the 1990’s. I suppose the reader thought that MAJestic was all about rockets, spacemen, and aliens. Maybe you thought that it involved Space marines, and exciting adventures on flying saucers, and the re-engineering of downed craft. Not quite. While MAJestic does have some projects related to those aspects, I had nothing to do with them. I was involved in the MWI. This was my life.

Here is a graph of this in process…

Anchoring 2
The human who is assigned to anchor the world-lines is used as a kind of transformer. Their thoughts are used to corral and herd the nearby thoughts of adjacent world-lines. To do this, please note, that the human who is the anchor must go through a MWI slide to a world-line at a greater deviance from what they are at. Then they go through, or endure, the life within that specific geographical location. They experience thoughts and emotions. This is then observed, recorded and manipulated by the so that clustering can occur for mass group sentience redirection.

In the illustration above, it should be clear that to alter the direction of clusters of world-lines that what is required is that the regions of accumulated thought / emotional differences be minimized along the preferred travel path over time.

The way that this is accomplished is quite involved and involves the manipulation of group thought as lead and manipulated by the <redacted> themselves along the paths and structures established along the collective memories of “potential” group thought.

Everything is Scripted and Planned

Nothing happens at random.

Everything has a reason.  Ones’ experiences creates a personality matrix that affects their personality.  The <redacted> uses this personality as a framework by which divergent clusters can follow through anchoring.

World-lines following an anchored path.
World-lines following an anchored path.


How the anchored path looks with avoidance.
How the anchored path looks with avoidance.

As such, the entire purpose of  MAJestic  in regards to assisting the <redacted> was to assist them by providing dimensional anchoring ability. This would then be used to assist a predetermined cluster of individual world-lines towards avoidance of a number of major disruptive influences in the 1988 to 2004 period.

Please take note of the final illustration below.

Avoiding discordant disruptive events.
Avoiding discordant disruptive events.

This is why I have repeatedly stated that the truth is too unusual for the typical reader, and very boring to those raised on a Hollywood-centrist “reality”.


Please accept my apologies as I had to redact large portions of this section. It is not proper that I speak so freely about this at this time.

A person involved in world-line anchoring would be compelled to occupy different world-lines. These world-lines would not be due to their own individual thoughts and actions alone. These world-lines would be artificially created; manifested as areas of greater than normal deviance. The person would find themselves in uncomfortable situations, trying situations, and difficult situations that would generate thoughts and create actions on their part.

Over time, the cycling of the world-lines would mellow out. However, their own reality would end up being something completely different from what they would have had if they were in complete control of the their own MWI like most normal humans.

Initially, the deviance from the initial world-line was severe, but over time they mellowed out.  See the graph below.

World-line deviance variation over time.
World-line deviance variation over time. The red dotted line is the apparent “world-line” vector. The grey lines were the reality slides that produced that vector. Currently the world-line reality that I currently inhabit is around a 7% deviance from when I first was trained when I joined MAJestic.


It’s nice and fun to contemplate what it would be like to move to another world-line. We can imagine all sorts of differences. Fun, huh?

Moving to another world-line is all about trade-offs.

Our reality is the sum-total results of our thoughts and actions, as well as the thoughts and actions of those around us. It is like having a backpack. If you want to include a football in it, you will need to make room, and take something out.

That being said, we are constantly moving about our reality and creating our own world-line. Everyone is doing so. While that is fine and dandy, the question begets our answer; “What is the benefit in switching world-lines?” And also, “Why invest in the technology to do so?”

The answer is simple;

  • Humans are herd animals.
  • We are in a nursery now because our souls are transitional.
  • Our sentience development is watched carefully by <redacted>.
  • To avoid problems, our world-lines need to be anchored.

Take Aways

  • World-lines are the apparent movement of reality over time.
  • World-lines cluster together due to thought similarity.
  • Thoughts can alter a world-line and define a sentience.
  • Improperly evolved sentience’s will result in terrible consequences.
  • A species that oversees our sentience nursery utilizes the MWI to cull sentience development.
  • To do this, they rely on “dimensional anchors”.
  • A “dimensional anchor” is a MAJestic member who has been tasked to get into societal circumstances and anchor the world-line to limit spawning activities.


Q: What is a “world-Line”?
A: A world-line is the path that our individual reality makes as it moves from one reality to a revised reality. There is an infinite number of world-lines. We can switch to a new world-line using technology.

Q: What is a “garbon”?
A: Souls are composed of ordered and unordered quanta. The ordered quanta forms into clumps or batches that interact in special ways.  These clumps of ordered quanta are known as garbons.

Q: What is a “bubble of reality”?
A: A soul creates a special environment so that it can grow. This environment is a “bubble of reality”.  It has two basic elements. One is a physical, observed reality. The other is a non-physical unobserved reality.

Q:  What is a “Discordant sentience”?
A: Humans are growing. They are a transitional soul form. Humans need to evolve into a approved sentience and soul archetype. The garbon shape that manifests is directly tied to sentience. Humans can be either a service-to-self, or a service-for-others sentience. Discordant sentience’s is a development that lies outside of the two sentience types.

A good example of this is someone who thinks that they are helping people by supporting the taxation of other people. They believe that they are service-to-others, when in reality they are service-to-self. They are discordant because their thoughts do not match their actions.

A service-to-others sentience would give the money to the poor from their own wallet. A service-to-self sentience would keep the money and do nothing. A discordant sentience would be any outcome beyond the two mentioned.

Q: What is a “Dimensional Anchor”?
A: A dimensional anchor is a human that generates thoughts while being in a specific situation. The <redacted> utilize technology to amplify the thoughts so that it bends and move adjacent world-lines. World-lines, consisting of active consciousnesses, then bend and move in manners that would help with sentience selection.

Q:  What is a “Consciousness”?
A: A consciousness is a portal that the soul uses to access the training and lessons obtained within a “bubble of reality”. Consciousness generally takes on particle form in order to operate an ambulatory human body within a reality. It takes on wave characteristics when it needs to exist the physical reality and migrate to the non-physical reality and other world-lines.

Consciousness must utilize a number of techniques to center the brain making it easy for the technology to convert particle behavior to wave behavior during a world-line switch. MAJestic utilizes feducials to do so.

Do you want more?

These are posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.


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Jeez, Mr Man. I mean, Wow. Wow.
I’ve been reading your posts for a year. But this is the first time it’s really hit me in its entirety, I think; how different our reality is to everything we’re told. And how all forms of media/education reinforce the bullshit.
No wonder the world is so fucked up with these ghouls in charge gathering the worldlines together into clusters of strands they control.
Fuck that, I’m glad the wife and I went off grid a while ago due to no small part on the recommendation of a friend of ours in the ‘intelligence services’.
Then fucking covid turns up.
And you’ve confirmed time and time again what he can in only tiny doses to us, obviously.
He’s his own familys welfare to consider.
Next it’s gonna be Covid 20.
And that’s one fucked up cluster, ya’ll.
Stay safe, turn off the spews, and take a walk in nature. Stay grounded.
This thing is just beginning.


Well, after opening everything back up again where we are– schools, shops, the lot– now we’re facing, and out of the blue, mind you, another ‘lengthy lockdown’.
Surprise Surprise.
The piss ant little U.S. muppet governments are being given their instructions again, I guess.
Sweden is still a puzzler, though. I mean, they’re one of the most emasculated nations globally so no way am I buying that ‘Sweden went its own way with herd immunity’ shpiel.
Are the gonna get hit with sonething nasty to show the rest of us how right we were, after all? A little schaden freude for the sheep?
Who knows, but we will though soon enough.
Stay safe and thanks again for all that you do, Mr Man.
We’re not all fucking chumps, honest! 😉 Although it sure does seem that way, sometimes.


Hi, good the comment section returned to main index. it takes time though to get used to the new design, but all is good. some changes is good for the neurons.. finding new paths and so on
I reread some of the posts on world lines and it’s getting clearer, but i have to point out some issues.
i still don’t get fully the definition of sentience. I think it’s lost on translation as they say. and I tried many translations. My language is Hebrew, and regarding soul, spirit, physical body it seems different origin then Greek for example. it is an interesting issue, as words describe then define reality in a never ending loop. most of the above words I can relate and translate it in a way it makes sense, it helps when many of them I grew up with, while studying the bible since 6 or 7 years old. yet with Sentience no.
Since very early I was stunned by some books, Genesis for example is full with details on alien or different life forms. reading it in the original language ( probably, cant be sure) leaves no doubt on the nature of what is described. later on getting to know the prophets, you get a detailed view how advanced technology reflects, from the eyes of probably gifted people which lived 3000 or 4000 years ago.
Anyway, one might say after reading about MWI, so why bother? you don’t like it so you die and emerge in a new MWI.
And adding to that, I now read your comment. Cement is for walls not for lungs..
the part that is hard for me to absorb, is that your family and friends are just shadows on your path. this is sad. I get it for most human we interact with, but parents, wife, life companion, children, it is a strange thought. I don’t have issues with MWI as strange and different as it sounds but this feels sad. or Maybe I got it wrong..


Thank you for being patient and answering my questions.
I get that sentience leaning (inclination) is limited to humans (here on earth) as their conciseness is more complex. I wouldn’t say more advanced as I hardly know about other species (on earth).
With that, humans are herd animals (and where this came from? I wonder.. ), So this need to be on a large scale (pack? tribe? civilization?) and to reach this the obstacle we confront today is mass manipulation (technology and media enhanced). On the other hand, social structures can enable this transformation more easily. Especially as our species is geographically spread in billions all around this blue planet.
Saying that, I do not see a one big sorting event and then we all hug and walk into the sunset. This is gradual, and looking around, we are probably much better than in the time Moses and Jesus were talking and explaining to their people some divine principles. Better on some levels, worse on others.

Now, reading about sentience sorting in your blog, I always come back to this dialogue, it keeps on echoing in my mind. It’s in a story, the story of Sodom and Gomorrah.
The strange dialogue between god and Abraham. God is about to annihilate the cities with their population:
“And the men turned from thence, and went toward Sodom; but Abraham stood yet before the LORD.”
All prophets have this suicidal manner to stand in front of god with no fear. I assume that what makes them what they are.
And for what? Not for his life or his family, but for the life of complete strangers which there is a slightest chance some of them are righteous.
“And Abraham drew near, and said: ‘Wilt Thou indeed sweep away the righteous with the wicked?
That be far from Thee to do after this manner, to slay the righteous with the wicked, that so the righteous should be as” the wicked; that be far from Thee; shall not the Judge of all the earth do justly?”
Now Abraham is poking God, he actually ask a very important question. And God acknowledge.
“And the LORD said: ‘If I find in Sodom fifty righteous within the city, then I will forgive all the place for their sake.”
And this keeps on.. Abraham bargain for the life of the sinners as they were his own family, until they are down to less than ten righteous souls among the cities dwellers.
Then the dialogue ends and:
“Then the LORD caused to rain upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the LORD out of heaven;”
I do not know if this is a good example, but for me all this talking about sentience sorting echo this ancient dialogue.
How many righteous does it take? How many sinners does it take?


I love the way Abraham is able to prevail over God in bartering. I simply see this story as Jewish humor.

Avid Reader

Congjing Yu –
I’m trying to pull together, in outline form, what you are sharing.
Pls forgive my limited understanding:
1. You (and your colleagues’) job at MAJestic was to help nurture human-kind’s sentience evolution.
2. The mission was to shift human-kind’s dominant MWI timeline path away from potentially disastrous divergences of discordant sentience(s).
3. To accomplish this mission unusual human interventions, guided by <redacted> ET handlers, were required.
4. You voluntarily accepted brain implants and training which enabled you, for 2-3 decades, to visit many critical trigger points, on many specific MWI timelines.
5. These critical trigger points, on MWI timelines, were determined by your <redacted> ET handlers.
6. The duration of each visit (i.e., each intervention) was typically a few hours, or a few days.
7. During each directed visit, your sentience overlapped somewhat with the sentience(s) of other humans within the visited MWI timeline.
8. Despite a short duration of each of these visits, your sentience overlap was sufficient to (somehow) trigger clustering (movement) of other human sentience(s) towards a less divergent, less discordant, shared timeline.
9. You suspect that some sort of undesirable timeline(s) or worldwide divergence(s), in approximately 1990-2000, were thereby averted.
10. At about 2006-08, you retired and left MAJestic, but you still have several brain probes in your head, which are possibly still active.
11. You’ve now moved to China, happily re-married, and writing the blog.
12. In your blog, while you are not allowed to reveal any confidential details, you have become a prolific writer, one who feels driven to share huge amounts of non-confidential information.
Again, pls forgive my limited understanding. Thank you.
Avid Reader

Avid Reader

You expressed ambiguous feelings about your <redacted> ET handlers here:
Specifically, you wrote, “It gives me a sickening feeling. I need to think about this more.” I am looking forward to your further explorations and unpacking of your sickening feelings.


This article is where I realize some things and remember why I do what I do. Question re: all the static and discord in this time-line: is it deliberately organized and perpetuated or just the inevitable outcome of things going wonky in earlier times?


Enquête utilisation nouvelle fonction ? Rufus cascade


SLIDE OPEN Open think tank?
Do not hesitate to contradict me and I will be delighted to accept my weaknesses, thank you for your understanding I admire you, Or it is because you are screaming so loudly from afar or what I am not talking about on me maybe. . just . rufus me and the others. We can therefore agree on the measure to follow if you live all of our lives.
I also imagine and I check experienced you too.
I believe there is a link . SORRY uh .. Please excuse me I wish you a good digestion, there wouldn’t be a standard mode of understanding connecting besides using only simple sensors and natural ?uh .. Please excuse me I wish you a good digestion, there wouldn’t be a standard mode of understanding connecting besides using only simple sensors and natural performance tools,? The language of disclosure and u. snarch can do the trick and a rufus says juggle the energy to connect to whatever it takes, and the rufus works juggling like MM maybe? no I ask myself the question?


Please accept my apologies as I had to redact large portions of this section. It is not proper that I speak so freely about this at this time.

It cannot be “redacted” if it was never published.


MM writes:

“Unfortunately, due to the explosion of population in the world, and the explosion in technology, it has become rather difficult to “control” world-line propagation and predictive behaviors. Unchecked, the world-line divergence could become too unstable and would be difficult to predict. (The necessity for [predictable] behavior is important for soul [evolution].) The risk of major disruption to soul evolution was too great and too dangerous.”

“To this end, the Redacted and their assisting species, the redacted worked with MAJestic in the 1980’s. MAJestic leadership nominated suitable individuals that it provided to the redacted. They were implanted with special devices and trained as “dimensional anchors” to stabilize the world-lines. All with a goal to prevent unpredictable behaviors due to unchecked human access to technology.”

Some thoughts on these two statements:

It is important for unevolved races like the human race to learn to distinguish right from wrong.
Right is when a soul is turned toward God, and wrong is when a soul is turned away from God.
Malevolent beings are turned away from God. They crave power because they don’t know God and they don’t know love. In their obsession with power, they do all kinds of wicked things.
There are malevolent humans and there are malevolent ETs. The humans cooperate with the Cabal. The principle secret society of the Cabal in the West is the Freemasons. They worship an entity they call Lucifer, and they have an alliance of convenience with two types of ETs.
The Cabal has been planning a New World Order since the founding of the United States.
The Cabal promotes atheism and moral relativism, so that evil is called good and good is called evil.
The Freemasons/Illuminati have always been evil, and Albert Pike’s 50-year reign as the head of world Freemasonry consolidated their power in the United States, subverting everything good that the founding fathers tried to establish.

Looking at Earth’s world-line in which Freemason Woodrow Wilson was never the president, people had much less technology and much more freedom. So it seems that this would have been a more suitable environment for humanity’s ascension to a higher consciousness. During the golden age of Hinduism and Ch’an Buddhism, there was a much greater level of spiritual advancement with very primitive technology. Technology, greed and the craving for power hinder advancement and turn the world into a hell.

The U.S. power structure: the capitalist class, military and intelligence, and political class have been under the complete control of the Cabal since the end of WWII. Their plan is the same: bring about the New World Order, turning Earth into a hell and human beings into slaves.

Since malevolent ET’s violated the Prime Directive and interfered with humanity’s ascension, it was necessary for benevolent beings to come to the rescue. They have been coming since the end of WWII. There are currently 200 million volunteers on Earth, representing 2.5% of the population. They are avatars, and they are protected and directed by their own races to both produce good samskara* and to help other human beings to produce good samskara.

ET benefactors can’t produce samskara on Earth: they need the minds of human beings to connect to our realms. Therefore, MAJestic agents became dimensional anchors, which made them the same as avatars. Connected to our realms with EBPs, the benefactors moved agents to various world-lines and produced amplified samskara. These samskara affected events to steer timelines toward ascension and away from the designs of the Cabal.

*Samskara (Sanskrit) – Expectations. Whatever a human mind expects to happen will happen, unless it is overpowered by a stronger expectation. The Cabal wanted humans to believe in global warming knowing that this expectation would heat up the planet. This evil plan was defeated with the help of millions of volunteer avatars, who knew subconsciously that God wouldn’t let that happen.