Is America going to finally catch up to China? A look at Bidens “Build Back Better” trillions in investment

Oh my goodness! Trillions of dollars in rebuilding America. That means roads, bridges, trains, infrastructure, and factories. Trillions of dollars in spending. There is no doubt that with this enormous outlay of spending that American can catch up and overtake China. The inflation will be worth it. Right? Don’t be so sure.

There’s not much in the way of actual STEM budgeting. It’s all FIRE nonsense. Here we talk about it.

The White House’s official press release announcing the Build Back Better Act (BBB) pitches it as a “PLAN TO REBUILD THE MIDDLE CLASS.” It rhapsodizes about “working families” squeezed by the economy, and reminds voters that “Biden promised to rebuild the backbone of the country — the middle class.”

A cartoon illustrates the sort of person who would benefit from Biden’s Build Back Better programs: “Linda,” a white woman, who works at a manufacturing plant but struggles to raise her son, “Leo.”

One thing the White House’s official press release did not mention is that almost all of the $2 trillion doled out under BBB is expressly designated for Black, Latino, Native American, Asian American, Pacific Islander and non-English speaking individuals. White Americans will get nothing and like it.

“Even provisions that don’t explicitly exclude whites, turn out, on closer examination, to exclude whites.”

Over and over again, the bill is written expressly NOT to help the hardworking Linda, apparently because she is white.

Here are just a few examples:

— $1 billion to Native American, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian communities for housing “needs.”

— $500 million for minority-serving schools of medicine.

— $112 million for teacher preparation programs at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs).

— $75 million for culturally appropriate care management and services for older individuals who are racial and ethnic minorities or are underserved due to sexual orientation or gender identity.

— $75 million to study maternal health for pregnant and postpartum minority individuals.

— $50 million study maternal mortality among minorities.

— $50 million to improve behavioral health outcomes for communities of color with substance abuse.

— $75 million to increase research capacity at minority-serving institutions.

And on and on and on.

The very first item in Title II of the bill, titled “ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY EDUCATION,” is a program to distribute more than $100 million in grants to address “low diversity within the teacher and school leader workforce.”

To be eligible for a grant, the recipient must have a plan “to increase the diversity of qualified individuals entering into the teacher, principal, or other school leader workforce.”

Similarly, the first provision of BBB’s “ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT” section is: “Minority Business Development Agency.”

But wait — here’s a plot twist!

This part also includes something for rural America! (So Democrats have heard of Appalachia.)

Twenty-one percent of the country is rural. Twenty-four percent is non-white. Guess how the money is divvied up?

One billion dollars for minorities and $200 million for “rural business centers.”

Even provisions that don’t explicitly exclude whites, turn out, on closer examination, to exclude whites. I’ve never seen so many synonyms for “non-white,” such as “persistent poverty communities,” “historically economically distressed,” “historical injustice” and “underserved communities.”

Hang on, Ann — what makes you think “underserved” means “non-white”?

I refer you to page 111 of the bill:

“This section also defines an ‘underserved community’ as a group of people who have been systematically denied the full opportunity to participate in aspects of economic, social, and civic life. Underserved communities include Black, Latino, Indigenous and Native American persons, Asian American and Pacific Islanders, other persons of color, [etc.].”

How about changes to our environmental laws?

White people love the environment!

Sorry, out of luck, again, white boy. BBB allocates almost $7 billion for …

“national service programs to carry out projects related to climate resilience and mitigation.”
Unfortunately, however, all those billions have to go to 

“entities that serve and have representation from low-income communities …; utilize culturally competent and multilingual strategies; … implemented by diverse participants from communities being served.”

One billion dollars of the “Climate Resilience and Mitigation” loot is specifically directed to “individuals who were formally incarcerated.” [Sic.]

Sure, climate change is important — but not as important as giving money to convicted felons!

What the hell happened to Linda?

Linda is wearing a hardhat, so her job has probably been outsourced. Maybe she’ll be helped by BBB’s humongous expansion of the Trade Adjustment Assistance program (TAA).

That’s the law passed in the 1960s to compensate American workers whose jobs have been shipped abroad by globalist swine who couldn’t care less about their fellow Americans and don’t mind that every single thing we need, including masks and medicine, is made in China.

Surely, some white people will qualify for that — steelworkers, autoworkers, glass, plastic and paper manufacturing employees.

In fact, the BBB hijacks the whole idea of compensating globalism’s losers and turns the TAA into just another massive welfare scheme.

Both the eligibility requirements and payment amounts are expanded beyond all reason, entitling “workers” to years and years of payouts, with no minimum employment period required, and no stipulation that trade has anything to do with the loss of their jobs.

Thus, for example, a program that is — again — meant to remunerate workers whose jobs were shipped abroad will now offer assistance to public sector employees.

How does a government employee lose a job at all — much less to trade? (I only wish we had Chinese people running our grade schools.)

Naturally, states will be required to work with “training providers” that have a proven track record serving “Black, Latino, Indigenous and Native American persons, Asian American and Pacific Islanders, other persons of color, members of other minority communities” and so on.

Republicans seem to think that if they just talk about how much Biden’s BBB plan costs, their job is done. They ought to read the bill. It might prompt them to finally say something about the Democrats’ clear animus against white Americans.    


Imagine. Imagine trillions of dollars going into these urban enclaves to serve the 13% of society. What will be the result? Will it be many bright and shining cities full of impressive skyscrapers, fast high speed trains, and more parks and infrastructure?

Where will the money go to, and who will have it, and what will they use it on? Because you KNOW that there is going to be a lot of holes in those massive sacks of money. So who is going to really benefit?

  • The under-employed and under-privileged?
  • Or the very wealthy that runs the cities like the mob bosses of old?

And of the money that flows to these areas, and those that flow out, what about the rest of the nation? Like Trump’s budget that make the Wall Street Bankers fantastically wealthy, this is poised to make the city mob bosses fantastically wealthy as well.

Who will not get wealthy?

I see the makings of a massive and colossal storm, and I do not want to be at ground zero when it hits. Look I am not being racist, I am being real. You just cannot exclude people from a budget by their race, upbringing or social standing on a whim and NOT expect consequences.

I am worried about those consequences.

And you should be as well.

It wouldn’t be so bad if there was some balance in the budget, but there isn’t any. It’s all a lopsided manifestation of corruption.

I have no answers, but I see no real changes anywhere in government structure. Just more of the same race baiting, underhand dealings and crime and corruption. For a nation that is supposed to be color-blind to race, this bill is the most racist document I have ever heard and read about. And that is disturbing. Because, knowing what I do know about the see-saw of American politics, that when the tide of public opinion flows in the other direction…

…things are going to get really, really bad. video 26MB

Ann said

How does a government employee lose a job at all — much less to trade? (I only wish we had Chinese people running our grade schools.) 

Well, it would American schools look like then? Well they would look like this…

Here’s a video about the roll call in first grade. video 25MB

Here’s a video on school food discipline, and eating everything that is on your plate. video 40MB

School; it would look like this. video 83MB

Second grade roll call. China. Discipline. video 6MB

School assembly practice. And it would look like this. video 55MB

And it would look like this. video 25MB

And like this too. video 27MB

America really needs to up it’s game instead of playing the blame game and pointing fingers. It needs to accept that the government is a travesty, the society is fucked up, and it is in it’s death thrall.

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Memory Loss

Gee Mr MM. It’s pretty bad for Americans. But maybe you can’t reach that portion of the society that you intend to.
I would divide the American society into 3 categories. The elite who will never buy into your attempts to wake them up, the middle class who have lost hope and/or prefer to sleep their their nightmare and the underclass who have lost hope long ago. (There’s a fourth class who work for the MIC in all their iterations. And that class is the most interesting one that you could target. The only people who can make a difference.)

If I’m the typical American (and I’m not American by any measure), I know that the country is in deep doodoo. But there is nothing that I can do about it. There is no leadership at any level. I look at MM and all he does is point out things that I don’t really want to hear. Even if I know MM is correct on many levels. So I write my pushback to MM and ignore the reality.

And then the short attention span the typical American has, ensures he will forget the next day. American culture has its own Amnesia Complex. I don’t know if this is convergence or something else but I do know they need help and hope. To break that attention span flaw is not possible without something to dream for. Tell them what they need to do from ground zero.

Memory Loss

Hmm. Haven’t read that. If you can, give them hope and point a way out. Not a single blog (I think) is doing that. Americans are dumbed down but they’re also pretty smart if you point the way. I mean, you have been pointing out some ways I suppose but…they need to be shown the way to the watering hole.

The world can be a better place if good Americans know what to do. One has to start somewhere I guess. I was thinking of your restrictions, what you can and cannot do. Maybe you can still help those poor sods.

Memory Loss

MM, I had a short nap and I ended up in this column in my dream twice. I read so many comments. When I thought I woke up (and didn’t) there were so additional lengthy comments. It’s bizarre.

I used to think “Americans are idiots”. But then recently I have been thinking about the Prison Complex, the Amnesia machinery and how American society mirrors the Old Empire. It doesn’t have to mean the Old Empire is embedded in the American Empire. It can converge in an evolutionary way.


I will try to give a metaphorical opinion: “Nothing is lost, nothing is created, everything is transformed”. Quote from Lavoisier, then and our MM mind teaches us that it is the same therefore, politicians are once again attempting through a seemingly generous but poisoned plan if we start to peel, which will inevitably spawn a form of competition to be or and obtain the “omones”. Education is the key in my opinion and we should strive to repeat as much as necessary those who dictate or derive their “right” path.
It’s complicated because not balanced, we are above all humanity well before ethnicity, social class. I am sure that the leaders of certain countries of higher understanding view this plan with suspicion, but one assumes a solidity to all tests to make the share of the negative effects which are profiled by extensions.
Let us cherish this Respect point which allows us to defend ourselves and sometimes to dismantle injustice. We are in the know thanks to you Metallicman.


Imagine the $Trillions previously spend on arms, fighting foreign wars, maintaining foreign military bases being used instead on developing US human capital, infrastructure, agriculture.


Laugh or Cry… BOTH!

Idiots or Whores… BOTH!

This is by design of course; do you really think that this “leadership” constructed such a plan? No… way above their pay grade.

Human? No way; at least not by my definition. Who or what then; WHY?

The Purge? Why so obtuse? There are far more efficient ways to exterminator millions.


It is clear that the shady U.S. governments and affiliates are trying to find ways to divide the tides for a better reign, but only the sheep follow and there is a significant portion of the wild sheep that no longer pick up their signals. I guess one day will come the ovidGates very soon. The more he gestures, the nearer their end. A few people carefully dismantle the stratagem point by point, however there are still a lot of sheep. Take height to observe the whole and do not rush to the solution provided. In any case, responding to violence with violence will not solve the problem.


Bullies, in a practical sense, will continue their behavior until sufficiently dissuaded. Violence HAS its place.

Ramon Salas

Sadly only the politicians and friends will be built better… better bank accounts that is.


Build back better is just more theft on a grand scale. They’re doing one more big heist before the world kicks the US dollar to the curb and moves onto a new international currency, probably a basket of currencies, already developed and waiting in the wings.

This is going to happen in a single day, by the way, and Americans will be the last ones to hear about it.

Whipper Snapper

Ann is spot on about the Build Back Broke bill. All racist crap which is to be expected from the racist DemonRAT party. Libs beller and howl about how climate change is going to destroy the planet, so what do they come up with to solve that problem? A bill full of SJW useless pork that will accomplish exactly the same thing as piling the money into a mountain and burning it. Everything DemonRATs do accomplishes the exact opposite of what they intended, or, maybe they intend to harm minorities by making them dependent on government handouts.

If DemonRATs cared one whit about climate change, they would be yelling and screaming at their elected representatives, and at Biden, to remove every item in the BBB bill that does not reduce CO2 emissions. That they are not, shows that they don’t really give a shit about the climate.

On schools, we should require uniforms – not military uniforms, but long pants and plain shirt, with no messages of any kind on them, no words, no pictures, no insignia, no nothing but plain colors – better yet plain white shirts and plain blue jeans, etc. In hot weather, perhaps khaki shorts would be OK, length down to at least mid-thigh – no butt cheeks hanging out, and no butt crack or underwear showing. Schools should go back to teaching like they did in the 40s,50s, 60s, etc. No more common core math, CRT, etc. They should offer classes in wood shop, and other trades, as well.

On society being effed up, some of it is – the leftist side mostly. They have been coddled to the point that they will become suicidal or homicidal if they hear an opinion they disagree with. Leftists are dangerous – they are the biggest threat to the survival of the nation at this point – bigger than climate change, Russia, China, COVID, Iran, NK, etc. This is in no small part because they WANT to destroy the USA so they can replace it with a one-world socialist utopia – and they are being wildly successful so far. The USA is in grave danger thanks to DemonRAT leftists.

All 18 year olds, or at least all male 18 year olds, should serve time in the military – it should be mandatory – just to teach them some discipline and hopefully put a minimum of muscle on their toothpick-like arms. Of course, many are so out of shape that it would be a problem – rigorous PE should become a required class in school.