2022 03 21 19 39

Part 9 of the EBP comm with The Domain Commander April 2022

Here we continue with periodic questions that I ask the Domain Commander for clarification on. This is part 9.

Note: For those of you who are new here, this article continues a Q&A dialog with an extraterrestrial "Commander" and a retired MAJestic operative who is still active with active EBP implants. 

Heavy stuff. But not for trivial reading. 

This is part of the Q&A (on-going) effort where questions are provided to me, and then I present them, and then record and interpret the responses.

[9.1] Question -Shadows from peripheral vision

A new question:

This started a couple of years ago. When alone, say sitting in a car in a quiet, deserted area at night (using wifi, etc.), I will see out of the corner of my eye or reflected in a mirror what looks like a person approaching the car. When I look directly, no one is there and no one is around. This has become more noticeable as time has gone on, and now it’s a regular occurrence, once or twice a week. It’s a bit unnerving and gives me a sense of foreboding (bad). I’m getting older, but I don’t think I’m losing it…yet.

Seeing these same things might be happening to others, but they are probably afraid to admit it.

Is this my imagination, something to do with the Domain, or something else entirely, such as something trying to communicate something? If it’s not my imagination, then what is going on, and is it good or bad?

The reality universe is not as it appears. There are multiple layers of realities that all are superimposed upon each other. Further, these realities are a function of consciousness navigation. An aware consciousness, or one that is in possession [garbled, not clear, cannot make out] can also see glimpses of other realities that are superimposed.

Often there is also a very important aspect to the reality that MM has not covered, but we will initiate that understanding here. There is a reality overlay that lies on top over the reality with various "controllers" that the mantids (sic) utilize to configure the reality upon and with. This involves many technologies that human inmates are familiar with. Including books, papers, radio, and all the rest. Under certain circumstances, the inmate can be made aware of what is going on in this parallel environment, and can even travel to it (with pass keys) through the non-physical environments.

To the unsecure, it might appear strange. SD has experienced this. Headphones, ear phones and other audio systems can latch on to feeds (not really a proper term) and translate the input to what is actually happening. While others such as the questioner can see events and "shadows". A glimpse here or there.

This might manifest like a beautiful woman walking in your living room carrying something. When you turn your back for a moment, a person is in your kitchen. You might notice someone in the back seat of your car.

These overlays can sometimes be caught on film. The internet is rife with these images of spirits and ghosts and all the rest of strange items captured on film, but they are, but momentary snapshots of a control overlay upon the reality universe.

This control overlay is part of the non-physical reality, but not exact to it exactly. As such, there are many entities that enter this overlay and exist there, much to the chagrin of the current monitoring inhabitants.

MM is constantly under observation through this overlay. Not by The Domain, but by handlers associated with the secondary systems employed as part of the MAJestic operational and retirement protocol. Because of that, he has listened in (understanding as sound, but not physically hearing) communication and discussions on his actions during retirement and prison. Many others, most notably members of the Lost Battalion, are also under this control venue.

[9.2] Question – Sense of humor

Does the members of the Domain have a sense of humor? Do they play practical jokes, tell funny stories? Perform tricks and jokes on their friends?

[Immediately after asking this question, I was tickled relentlessly. It was weird to feel tickled, but not feel any fingers on my physical body. It was actually a kind of crazy, far-out feeling. Not bad. I even chuckled. -MM]

[9.3] Question – How far back does my involvement go?

MM question.

No, you are not a member of the lost battalion. You are Domain, simply (as you recognize) the implantation of the EBP. However, your question regards the skepticism of your past involvement. As for you in the skin suit, you have no recollections and the information from the past life regression reading seems to indicate other physical reincarnation involvements. All of this confuses the questioner.

You ask, how can you be Mades Escpaleon, and some other humans skin suit when you fell and believe that you are Domain? Obviously the EBP has had an influence in your life, and of course for over forty years you have been part of us though this methodology and system.

As we have described, souls are like Lego bricks. You can take parts and move them around to fit various purposes. You are one such pile of Lego bricks. You came to us and were assembled in the Heaven of the Prison Complex from elements that date back hundreds of thousands of years. You were not from somewhere else. You were pristine. You were assembled. Maybe like Frankenstein. You are a construct. 

That does not make you evil or bad like in the fictional story, but it makes you unique. You were built out of components, assigned a specific task. Implanted with an EBP and now performing your duties. You are now part of us. You are Domain.

[9.4] Question – No, it does not fit.

How can I be a Frankenstein-style construct when I was Mades Escapleon?

You are constructed from the components; the soul components of what was once Mades Escapleon. Particularly bad individuals, or soul constructs that are particularly bad or incorrigible are disassembled by the Mantid Primes, broken down into base components, and then reconstituted into usable elements. These elements are then used in the construction of new entities. That is your history.

You were constructed from what once was Mades Escapleon, set forth and began your cycles of life and death through cycling reincarnation, and are thus a rather pure soul. We (elements of The Domain) agents then took you and made agreements with you to set up your experience in this lifetime to be Domain.

Life is an erector set, eh?

[9.5] Question – Soul as lego bricks.

I can understand how souls are constructed as components, and how these components resemble Lego bricks. But where I am confused is in the various types of physical and non-physical realities, and how does the Lego block visualization work?

In other words, are their different “Lego bricks” for the physical body? An entirely different set for the Asral body? The casual body? And so on and so forth? How does it work?

Physical and non-physical bodies are not separate entities. They are all part of each other. It is similiar to that of a water-line that separates the top of an iceberg from the submerged part. In the case of human inmates, you can only sense the physical portion of your identity withint he reality universe. It's a matter of sensing. Not a matter of construction.

This iceberg is made up of all sorts of componentry. Some are hard and densely packed snow. Others are pure ice, and still others are water that constantly ebbs and flows as a result of temperature changes and solar influences.

This is the same with the inmate skin suit. Thse various components can be likened to as Lego bricks. They come in different shapes and sizes. They fit together differently and they can be rearranged at well to fit together in new and unusual ways to meet the needs of the IS-BE so involved.

Consciousness require set configurations. If you can imagine Lego blocks, then you might believe that consciousness would need five red color Lego blocks, all connected to a definite arrangment of yellows, blue and green Legos. They all would form a series of shapes that a master of "Lego Blocks" would understand.

Other Legos may be added, or changed, built around, or attached directly or near by this consciousness Lego-construction. That does not matter. As the entity would still have a consciousness, though it might end up with different forms, shapes, the ability to think in certain ways and all the rest.

You need to stop thinking in terms of various spiritual bodies; astral, casual, mental, etc. That is a human technique that can help the mind classify certain understandings regarding exploration of self techniques, but that is not helpful in your case.

You must recognize that your inmate skin-suit is a vast construction of elements; Lego brick like structures. Much of it you cannot see, sense or understand. You can only see the part that lies above the "waterline". Not which lies below.

When The Domain altered your (and the bodies of the volunteers) we rearranged certain "Legos", we repalaced some, swapped others out, and removed yet others. This was, as you well know, to facilitate our mutual needs as we are all working on the same identical goals, and are on a vector path of similiarity.

There is but one set of "Lego Blocks".  Your ability to sense the individual "blocks" is a function of where the "water line" is relative to your iceberg.

[9.6] Question – Death of Larry Spencer

Here is a confirmation that Lawrence R Spencer the editor of Alien Interview has left his earthy body.  I have attached lrs’s obituary FYI. I only found out about it this morning.

LRS Obiturary 19 Jan 2022
LRS Obiturary 19 Jan 2022

Perhaps you could word a question to the commander about his passing if you feel it is appropriate.

It would be great to know that he has been rescued and with the def/domain as per his wishes.

lrs passed on 19 jan 2022, he posted his last post which he said would be his last on his personal Facebook account on 13 jan 2022, so he was aware he was soon leaving.

Cheers and hope my other question about visits from ‘def personnel’ is still in the pipe.

[When the answers arrived, I could not beleive them, as I was uncomfortable with them. So I asked a second time. Same answers. I then waited, and did something else, and asked a third time. The results were consistant. -MM]

Upon Lawrence Spencer's death we followed the standard death sequence and transitioned to the non-physical realms smoothly and effortlessly. He did not stay near his physical body, but immediately transitioned towards loved ones from previous incarnations that he was attracted to. It was a joyous time, and they led him into the "tunnel of light" where he moved away from the reality universe into the Heaven pocket universe.

He did not seek out The Domain, think of any Domain members, nor called out to us in any way shape or form. As is our standard protocol, we allowed the entity to progress as they desire. His greatest desire was a reunion with loved ones, and at that he was met and welcomed.

If any entity transpires and wishes for help or assistance from The Domain, they must physically call out to us, think and image us and request our assistance. We will not do anything, we will stand down, unless specifically engaged.

[9.7] Question – Trump / Biolabs / China

Latest from Real Raw News (https://realrawnews.com/2022/03/trump-promises-a-reckoning/)

On Saturday evening, shortly after Trump concluded a “Save America” rally in Florence, South Carolina,  he told his “inner circle” that the United States would soon experience a “very big reckoning” similar to what is occurring in Ukraine.

Trump said it was almost time for the reckoning, a time the nation will be made aware of what’s really going on and the actions he has taken to once and for all wage war against the Deep State cabal, both in the U.S. and abroad.

While it may seem hard to believe, he’s been working alongside Putin and Xi Jinping to rid the world of not only the bioweapon labs but the infestation of child pedo rings that have literally swamped the world.

China says that the U.S. has set up biolabs in Taiwan, too, and that’s one reason they’ve shown interest in retaking it,” our source said.

I must ask the Commander what is the Commander thoughts on this if any?

Former President Trump is a wise man. He is not appreciated as such due to his unique and bellicose behavior. He has made many mistakes, and is wrong on many issues, but he is first and foremost sincere. Any entity reading this must be aware of that fact.

His interpetation concerning Geo-political events is correct. As harsh and difficult it is to understand, he has an awareness on these matters, honed though decades of learning and experience.

The readers must realize that having ability differs from using your abilities. This entity is conflicted and is in a difficult situation that makes the realization of his intentions impossible, or at the very best, difficult to interpet.

End. Silence.

[9.8] Question – Invisibility

There is talk that as far back as world war II (1940s)  there were operatives using a “Cloak of Invisibility” which can be turned on and off at will.

Also, don’t know how open you are to this but there are overlapping dimensions here on earth.

Many of us can see, either clearly or blurry, into them.

The first sign that that ability is developing is that you see movement in your peripheral vision. Well developed peripheral vision sees the form moving…it isn’t always a person….and until this kind of vision enhancement develops, turning to look at it full on, usually results in the form disappearing.

Question; Does the Domain have any casual insight that we can provide to the questioner to help understand what is going on?

This technology exists and is available upon the various human inmates within the Prison Complex. MM (myself) has an article regarding this. This technology or understandings come from various sources. Some of it is indeed reverse engineered, while others are derived organically from creative and curious inmates.

This technology is used by extraterrestials that wish to walk amoung humans on various projects and efforts. It is also available to certain clandestine government entities within the various national organizations are vying for elements of supremecy in the Geo-political arena.

Depending on the system in use, the human inmate can (on occasion) sense the user (of the technology) presense. This might result in visual distortions, burred vision, or just a "feeling" that someone or something is in the room.

[9.9a] Question – DEF crew

I have had what I did consider interaction with DEF crew who visited me more than once, but you mention in MM’s dialogue that there are no other communication channels open, so have I been compromised by OE infiltrators?

Difficult to say. More information is required. Please elaborate on the senarios and incidents regarding the events. 

Please [1] go into detail in your [2] physical, and [3] emotional reactions at the time, and any [4] attributes that can help shed a light on the incidents of concern.

We can backtrack from the incident as targeted by memory generation, then investigate what actually happened based on your perceptions. There is a wide host of things that could be going on regarding your thoughts and perceptions regarding this.

[9.9b] Question – Firewalling Inmate skin-suit

If I have been compromised, are there any suggestions as to how to plug the hole/s and firewall them?

The inmate skin suit is designed as a vehicle of control. It has missing defense mechanisms, holes that allow intentional and undesirable access, corruption of "normal" thought processes, and a host of other distortions that make is an undesirable vehicle.

Volunteers to The Domain recieve a tune up / patch up / operation / surgical procedure on their non-physical bodies that help close some of the entry ways for other entities to toy with / get involved / influence / alter a given specific inmate.

Inmates who do not wish to join the Domain can perform DIY activities that will greatly alter the influences of other entites on their actions, beings, emotions and thoughts. This involves consciousness centering and purification (Hemisync -MM), eating and sleeping well, exercising, and control / isolation from the massive psyops efforts out of all electronic media. Increasing oxygination of cells is an imporant attribute that will greatly aid the questioner in regards to control.

[9.10a] Question – Chinese military action

Given the ludicrous decision by the Australian government to give China the middle finger vis-a-vis AUSUK, how serious should we take the threat of Chinese military action (nuclear or otherwise) against Australia in the next 5 years?

The Chinese are a peaceful race. They will not initiate any overt kenetic military action preemptively unless it fits within and regarding a direct and pending military threat vector.

At this time, the threat vector is established as originating from the United States and is planned for implemenation before the end of 2025.This is subject to change, as the Geo-political events regarding Russia, NATO, Ukraine is highly volatile. 

A psyops blanket has been placed upone China and the Pacific to forestall any Chinese actions at this time, but that is of no consequence, as the Chinese do not react to outside influences. Instead they establish long duration goals and follow a well thought out and methodical achievement path with action-items, and goal-clusters.

China will, however, initiate a major operation if one of their RED LINES is violated, and there is talk (in public) about doing so. 

If a RED LINE is breached, China will induce a full-scale war, and will manage the entire Pacific. There will not be a "build up" or a reactionary process. It will be sudden, swift, and colossal.

All threat vectors in Japan, Korea, and Australia will be eliminated. As well, as achieving it's own policy positions and movements.

[9.10b] Question – Australia and World War 3

I live in Queensland – are there parts of Australia more vulnerable than others – the west coast has only one major city (Perth) and is far from the other major urban centres – theoretically is it safer for Aussies and their families to migrate there?

Were China to react to wide violation of it's RED LINES, the resultng trigger response will be colossal and massive in implementation. China has identifed the actual source of the Threat Vector as the United States. This point of view will not vaporize. The Untied States is considered as a volitile trading partner that will, and can, make very bad decisions.

China will seize Taiwan in a manner that is intended to prevent third-parties from involvement. 

Obviously, the issue is how the global agressor is going to be able to cross those RED LINES and yet stay immune from retaliation. The real risk, of course, if these third parties get involved like they are with the Ukraine issue. If that does occur, then the action vectors are clear and precision manifesting.

The Domain are working to prevent this senario.

The future is not clear, with many variables present. A large number of the potential futures does include a massive and comple destructive war. The aspects involving China is clear and straight-forward.

China will do what it can to avoid war. However if third parties are involved, then China will implement full-range war on a massive scale. This is 0-60 in a nano-second. This is because the enemy expections are for a long drawn-out pacific war on the order of decades. The best strategy for China is to alter the "playbook".

Local regional targets will be destoyed by conventional munitions. Targets of military strategic targets at / in partner nations will be destoyed by medium size tactical nuclear warheads.

As such, China will firstly secure the South Pacific Sea. This will include all United States bases in the region. This includes the QUAD, and all majority military operations in Australia.

Perth will be hit. Probably with cluster nuclear weapons all targeting the American, and British facilities there. 

All United States carrier flotillas will be sunk.

All military bases that are suspected of housing nuclear weapons of systems will be destroyed. Additionally, all American facilities thoughout the Pacific will be destroyed, or neutralized, depending on the situation.

Guam, Diego Garcia, Hawaii, and ports in the American cities of Los Angles, San Francisco, San Diego will all be destroyed.

This action of hitting the American mainland will immediate start a domino cascade of actions, and this will require China, and it's allies to destroy as many American cities as possible. This is the fearful worst case senario. It is something that we do not want to occur.

Moreover, The Domain is working to prevent this. Our success in this matter is not able to be measured at this time.

[9.11a] Question – Domain membership telepathy

Mathilda MacElroy in Alien Interview was able to communicate telepathetically with Airl because they were both members of The Domain. Does that mean that all members of The Domain, whether or not they are in a skin-suit are also able to communicate telepathetically?

To communicate telepathically within The Domain we have to have a "secure channel". This is a reciever "Lego Block", and a transmitter "Lego Block". In the case of MM, we installed a EBP within his physical and non-physical bodies. This was a transmitter / reciever "Lego Block".

Human inmate skinsuits do not have these "Lego Blocks". However, all members of The Domain are more than their physical and non-physical bodies. They have interdimensional components. The magnitude of these components, as well as abilities depend on their occupation and class within The Domain society.

All members of The Domain have these interdimensional "Lego blocks". They are not able to be removed by any action or activity within a given universe. Thus, these elemets provide members of The Domain with a skill set of abilities that transends any universe that they are part of.

In the case of Mathilda MacElroy we were able to locate her, and installed an EBP for communication with her.

Questioner is able to comm with us. But will do so not using an EBP. Comm must be though the trans-universe "Lego blocks". Being Domain, the questioner can image us, and must work towards placing a call. We will respond back when a connection is made. Questioner will doubt it is actually happening.

When the questioner is doubting the responses, then it is a validation that the comm line is actually open.

The system will appear to an outside force (Mantid Primes) to be "magic", but that is not the case at all. The Domian via our trans-universe "Lego Blocks" can tunnel out through the universe for comm purposes. The problem is the lack of knowledge and skills in how to do so.

Questioner knows what to do.

End comm.

I am very curious about Mathilda MacElroy. It is my understanding that she just randomly was at the base at the time of the Roswell crash, and taht she was the only one that was able to communicate. So when did the EBP get installed?

  • Before the crash? Mind blown.
  • After the crash, and during the period of interrogation when she was in lock-down at the base.

[9.11b] Question – Preventative skinsuits?

Can modifications, snares or alterations to the inmate skin-suits alter, intercept, scramble or prevent such communication?

Inmate skin-suits are specifically designed to prevent instainous telepathic communication. It is their functional design. And purpose.

Questioner need not be concerned. Questioner can comm with us, and though this methodology establish a [image of a bull-rope] line from which The Domain / we [image of tugging on the rope] pull questioner back home.

[9.11c] Question – How shall the questioner initiate comm?

Just for clarification, how should the questioner “image making the call”? This is difficult as the questioner does not want to use “little grey men” type-1 steriotypical skin-suit imagry to make the communication.

There are three techniques for an IS-BE to communicate with The Domain. They are;

[1] Be a member of The Domain and use trans-universe "Lego Blocks".
[2] EBP
[3] Reconfigure a skin-suit "Lego Blocks" to generate ESP comm ability.

[1] Domain Member using trans-universe "Lego Blocks"
All members of the Domain can communicate using this method. They can do so while in completely different universes. That is the case with our agents who volunteered in the earth "Heaven" micro-universe.

For a Domain member to comm using this technique they have to use their memories / feelings / sense of oneness with the Domain to send a message. 

They must appear at a emotional level to charge though the barriers and force a comm. They must connect with their fellow patriots, fellow comrades. Not through some kind of photographic image, facsimile, or representation. It must be a connect driven by a feeling of being part of our big Domain family.

They will make a connection depending on various issues (not beneficial to get into right now -MM). Once a connection is open, the member is to communicate and not allow their mind to translate. Comm is through feelings, and thought generation. Inmate is to listen to urges, feelings, the kinds of thoughts that are generated, and instanteous autonomous body movements. Not through words. Inmate is not to expect comm though speech, words or discussion.

[2] EBP technique
The EBP method requires a physical probe and system to be implemented into the physical skin-suit of the inmate. Even then, the conditions must be ripe for both the implanted inmate, and the Domain officer to communicate. MM was unsccessful in communicating using two-way communication for many decades until a pathway was forged.

[3] ESP technique
If the consciousness wishes to comm with The Domain, but are not confident that they actually are Domain, then the best methodology is though technique [3] above. The consciousness would work on ESP skill enhancement, specifically telepathy. Practice and concentration, in itself would actually rearrange the "Lego blocks" into forms that would provide comm ability.

ESP comm ability is a learned process. Anyone within a skin-suit can cultivate this skill; this ability. Over time, the inmate will develop an ability that it can use to communicate with others. There are many such programs in the earth physical sphere already. The inmate need only apply themself and practice.

Then, once the inmate has reached a point where they can initate comm with The Domain, they can open up a communication channel.

The problem is that this technique requires a transmitter and a reciever. The inmate must have a preset message that must be sent, and a specific target to send it to. Then they have to be open and receptive for a response from that target.

[9.12] Question – Fake alien invasion plan

I’m not sure if this fits within the topics, so if not MM please feel free to omit it. But given the way the Ukraine thing is playing out and once the MSM and the American govt is teaching everyone to “fear those dirty Russian Commies”, one cannot help but feel that Werner von Braun’s predictions seem to be unfolding right on schedule.

Of course, he suggested after the Commy card is played (and the situation seems to be the Ace of all Commy threat cards), there will be a false flag alien invasion, courtesy of the US govt.

Question, does the Domain know of any such fake alien invasion plan in the works, or is this a load of BS? If not, then when can we expect to see it come about?

In the 1980s there were discussions in using the idea of extraterrestrials invading the earth as a venue to gather nations together towards a common good. This idea and concept continued under discussion at various levels, but eventually it was discarded and abandoned. There were many reasons for this decision.

Primairly, the "leadership" in charge of the major global powers no longer had a desire to unify the world. Instead, they wanted a world fractured into a class system of owners and servants / slaves. Under this plan, the idea was to have a united West living and existing as feudal rulers, while the rest of the world would serve and service them.

The climax of such a plan is just now reaching fruituation.In a short period of time, a tripping point will be reached and a global caste system run by STS entites, serviced by STA entites will manifest in mankind. STO entites would disappear.

The Domain is engaged in preventing this reality from manifesting. Yet, the future is not set in stone and not easy to plan for. Anything can happen.

[9.13] Question – Names used by the Domain

In Alien Interview, you provided a name that the transcriber used to refer to you as. What kinds of names does the Doamin use in day to day discourse, and do you have a list of names for the members of the Lost Battalion?

{Initially when I tried asking this question I got a bunch of weird results. A lot of noise and jibberish. It sounded like, oh I don't know. Swishing. Then the thought came to me that the Domain membership does not have the need for names like humans do. They simply think of a fellow Domain member and they are connected automatically. -MM]

The strong impression that I have is the “name” provided tot he transcriber in Alien Interview was for personal use and has no bearing or value outside of it. It’s sort of like a “burner phone”.

It is clear to me that the Domain has no need for names, labels or other identifiers when dealing with other IS-BE entities.

Do you want more?

You can find many more videos in my “Domain Index” over here…

The Domain


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Thank you DC and MM, also thanks to those who asked questions. Cheers DR

Ohio Guy

I felt compelled to comment on this EBP communication with a comment on each question/answer. So, here goes,

9.1: I am in agreement with the commander’s response. Focused mind centering is very helpful in this regard.

9.2: Well of course!

9.3: I find the Lego brick analogy quite apt. (Full disclosure) I still have all my Legos from childhood as well as my sons’ sets stored in large totes.

9.4: Only the best or useful (Legos) were utilized in MM’s current construct. Most, if not all unnecessary Legos were recycled elsewhere in the “universe”

9.5: Remember, these aren’t your typical Lego Brand Legos.

9.6: This just goes to show how strong earthly emotional attachments can be. Personally, I’d love to reengage with my father, grandfolks and so on. But, with focus (upon physical death) I may be able to suppress that urge and move on with the Domain.

9.7:The Donald is a player in a very big “game” he does not fully understand.

9.8: This may have some correlation to question 9.1.

9.9b: Agreed

9.10a,b: My thoughts on this are, the more the meatsuit populations on this planet can change their thought processes away from the Vault 7 and other mind controlling programs being used against us, the better our chances at averting total destruction of the planet. This is the essence of the Rufus mindset.

9.11a: EBP’s are not the only method of comms. As I experienced last week with this sites author. Whether with his non physical or physical is not known. But it was one or the other. Possibly both. I don’t know, yet. Agree, mind blown!!!

9.11b: Prevent being the operative word here. I use flea prevention for my furry friends but sometimes… We’d also like to prevent war on this planet but sometimes…

9.11c: I learned something from this and agree.

9.12: Which is why I’m heading for the “exit” at the end of my meatsuit’s lifespan in the here and now.

9.13: Agree. we recognize each other by frequency/vibration. It’s utility is much more than a simple name. Think in terms of profile upload/download.


When I read about the death of Larry Spencer and the domain response I got worried. Currently we are involved with MM and this page and its kind of natural to think: Nothing easier than that. Just call when you die and then domain will answer.
What I thought to myself though was, death might come maybe in 20, 30, amybe even 60-70 years for some depending on their age.
This page might not be around anymore. You might have alzheimer. You might forgetful etc.

How can you make sure you remember all this? As it seems you need to do this right after death. Who knows in what kind of circumstances this might occur.

Best answer for me: Put it into your affirmations. Repeat daily(?) even during pauses(?)

any other brilliant ideas? 🙂

Last edited 3 years ago by Berkant

in my mind you are the knowitall with the domain knowledge at your “fingertips” and understand the multidimensional factors of this world and beyond 😀 😀 When you say you get earth shattered, it irritates me 😀 I see you as solid as rock and nothing can surprise you.
This is the image in my mind at least 🙂

Always very grateful for the effort you put into this. The coverage of the Russia/China situation is invaluable to me. Esp with the domain commander input.


thanks for the Australia question. It was a shocking answer to be truthful. I lived in Perth for two years and the idea of a nuclear explosion there is terrifying. I’m not afraid of death, its what happens to all the survivors, especially


hullo MM,

Just thought i’d drop by to say…very good to see that your posts on the USA are now balanced with pretty girls and rufus clips! I stopped reading your site a while back as I got sick of all the negativity and I think the balance of negative and positive now is much more appealing!

The “Domain” series caught my attention, though I only read through a few of them. The one which caught my attention and compelled me to write this comment was the one where it was revealed that you were madesescapleon. My own symbolic interpretation of that post is that it is a part of your personal Dreamscape revealing to yourself, the Dreamer of your Dream, that indeed, you are both the Warden and Prisoner of your own Dream-Reality!

Indeed, the “Domain” stuff is rife with this “I AM the Dreamer” symbolism – I noticed “Lucid Dreaming” being a big theme involved!

The term “Domain” itself is defined as “an area of territory owned or controlled by a particular ruler or government”, and who else is the ruler of the Dreamscape other than the I AM?

Perhaps you can ask the Domain Commander…how is MM related to the Commander?



I did read about that part where you are supposedly a lego-brick construct.

In some ways, it aligns with your previous life-experience (a human-‘tool’ of MAJ, trained and engineered to traverse multiple, different, timelines, a product of pieces of timelines pieced together), and an apparent creation of a higher-entity…not the traditional religious personal god, but the Domain Commander. The I AM the Dreamer interpretation would be that you are what you imagine yourself to be…so you may need to imagine yourself to be greater and more noble than what you credit yourself to be!