2022 03 10 11 11

Russia has found the smoking gun as to why Westerners are ordered to take mRNA injections

And it happened in Ukraine. Yeah. No shit.

Let me explain.

Americans and Westerners (The United States, the EU, Canada, Japan, Australia, and Korea = the collective “West”) have been mandated to take an mRNA “vaccination” to fight Coronavirus. This, most people know.

What they don’t know is this…

  • The mRNA is not a vaccination. It’s an injection of a content-secret chemical.
  • Russia, China, and the rest of the world use traditional “dead host” vaccines.
  • Both Russia and China accused the USA of unleashing Coronavirus on the world.
  • They claim that it is a bioweapon. One of 11 total. (8 against livestock, 3 against people.)

If the reader is aware of those four points, then good for you. If you are unaware, then you REALLY need to change your “news” sources.

Now, that being said, many in the (collective) West are openly critical of these mRNA “vaccinations”. They don’t understand why they need to take it for a chest cold weaker than the seasonal flu. As such, many refuse to take it, with Americans being the most agressive about this.

To force compliance, the West have set up systems where you MUST get this mRNA injection or be “black listed”. Being “black listed” has many negative attributes, such as loss of job, income, ability to bank, financial investments and others too numerous to list.

When pressed, they (the government) argue that “the rest of the world is doing this, so we must as well”.

Not true.

Only the collective West is doing this.

Not the East.

China and Russia are very serious about this, true, but they use “dead-host” (actual) vaccines. They do not use mRNA injections becuase the studies have shown severe side effects within the injected population over time.

In fact, (unreported in the West), China is still at DEFCON 2 right now and has been at that point since 2020 when they accused the United States for unleasing the three bioweapons attacks against their civilian population.

Good luck visiting and arriving in China.

It’s still locked down. You have to apply for a visa under the “special authorizations” clause, and then endure two weeks in a quarantine hotel (with daily multiple swabs) and another two weeks at your destination under lock-down. That’s a total of four weeks under lock-down. Obviously, there aren’t many people visiting China right now.

Remember the Winter Olympics? The entire area was one big “clean room”.

So here you have the situation.

Polorized Globe

The earth is now divided into two haves.

On one side you have the “The First World”, also known as the “Collective West”. It consists of the United States led unipolar order. The nations are the United States and all of it’s toadies; it’s “allies”.

On the other side, you have a China-led order. With Russia, all of Africa, the Middle East, and most of South America.

The West vs. the East.

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The “West” in blue. The “East” in gray.

One side wants it all

This shouldn’t be news to anyone. The collective West demands a unipolar global order led by the United States; one that can make the rules as it moves forward, and break and ignore the rules it doesn’t like.

The East wants a world of equals working together as needed per the UN charter. They beleive that much can be gained for the bulk of humanity if everyone participates in wealth generating activities. Not just the super wealthy.

Again, this shouldn’t be news to anyone.

If you are not aware of this, then I posit that you have been living under a rock, and your “news” sources are pathetic.

How can the USA take it all, once and for all?

The West wants it all, but they are impotent.

The United States might have the largest military in the world, and bases everywhere, but they have major liabilities. Culturially, socially, physically, and substantively on every level, the West is approaching “senile, old age, riddled with dementia”.

For the last fifty years, it lost every war that it fought (with the notible exceptions of Grenada, and Panama), all the time while fighting multiple wars all over the globe. Right now it is involved in eight simultaneous hot kinetic wars, and numerous “color revolutions”. It’s been a busy, busy nation.

But the rest of the world has risen. It’s awake. And it’s aware.

Don’t piss it off.

Any war with a major Eastern nation will be collective. Meaning, if you fight China, the rest of the world will engage you. If you fight Russia, the rest of the world will engage you. As we are just now starting to witness.

Uh oh.

Nuclear weapons are out. Well for now, at least.

Yes. America (and it’s surrogates) has an enormous nuclear arsenal.  But the delivery systems have been rendered obsolete by the Eastern block. Not only does the East have very advanced hyper-velocity missiles, but they have AI, internal ability to evade, plot course changes, and stealth.

In addition, all of Asia has the ability to shoot down incoming nuclear missiles on any form or shape. America and Europe does not have this. They never saw the need. They are exceptional, the shining house on the hill; the nations where everyone wants to become part of. Don’t you know!

So, if nuclear destruction is out of the calculus, then what’s left?


Now, it is well documented that the United States under Trump / John Bolton / Mike Pompeo launched a two-phase bioweapons assault on the East in 2019.

Again, if you are unaware of this, I have to shake you up with the “Rule number one of being a spook”. Look for what is NOT being reported in the “news”.

So, yeah. China was intentionally “suppressed”. It’s all part of that “hybrid-warfare” onslaught package. Don’t you know.

And it was genius.

It truly was.

The “lite” version, the one that only caused a sore thoat was given to Americans and Europeans in June 2019. This was to innoculate the population with the COVID-19A “safe” virus. You know “herd immunity”.  And it has worked.

While the nasty bad momba-jamba COVID-19B rampaged though Iran and China in December that year.

China went DEFCON 1, and full lockdown and suppressed the bioweapon attack. Irans, had some real serious dings and lost most of it’s leadership.

I argue that the attack failed. Then when the modified strains started to circle the globe, and hit the USA, everyone started running the “wear a mask” gambit, and hurry up and get inoculated…



Something just doesn’t add up.

The United States Bioweapon facilities

The United States is the ONLY nation developing bioweapons in the world. In fact, it has held this role for at least fourty years since the fall of the former Soviet Union.

Yet, why all the many, many, many bioweapons facilities?

There’s over 330+ of them, and they are all over the globe. Why?

Let, me spell it out to you all. Why so many development labs all regionally located thoughtout the world? These are top secret facilities. Why are there so many, and why so regional?

Think about it.

Well, let’s “cut to the chase”.  All you need to do is look at a map of human DNA variations by geographical region to see the answer.

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2022 03 10 10 40

They have been developing DNA targeting viruses to target specific geographical population clusters.

And it has been going on for a long time.

But, you know, there’s no way to know for certain. The facities are all locked down, with up-most secrecy. No one is ever going to discover what the United States government is up to.

Russian invasion of the Ukraine

Then the invasion of the Ukraine occured, and the Russians seized some of these bioweapons facilities, and their findings were truly worrisome.

From the Greenvillepost. Constantly being taken down…

U.S. Nailed to the Wall on Illicit Biological Weapons Labs in Ukraine

For the world to survive and have peace, US generals have to kick the imperialist addiction, and the ruling political classes of the US and EU thoroughly renovated.

A couple of days ago, when I presented a summary of the dramatic information and warnings conveyed in the latest televised briefing by the spokesman for the Russian military, Igor Konoshenkov, I received back from some readers the comment that this was all just Russian propaganda, similar to the kind of propaganda we hear regularly coming from the Pentagon and State Department. 

The allegations of biological weapons banned under international convention being produced in experimental laboratories in Kharkiv and other Ukrainian towns under programs paid for and supervised by Americans had to be fake news, these skeptics and cynics maintained. 

The same had to be true of Konoshenkov’s asserting that the Ukrainians were working on dirty nuclear bombs at their Zaporozhye nuclear power stations, which had just been captured by Russian forces.

However, yesterday the story about biological weapons labs received convincing confirmation from the U.S. State Department, when Victoria Nuland, Under Secretary for Political Affairs, said publicly before microphones that the USA fears that its biological labs in Ukraine will “fall into the wrong hands.”

That is a very convoluted admission that the Russians’ allegations are perfectly true.

The U.S. is battening down the hatches against the coming storm of international indignation, at the same time trying to divert attention away from itself by suggesting that the Russians might do something dastardly with what they find.

Enter China

American evasion and attempted dissimulation were stymied however when, also yesterday, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs demanded an explanation from the United States.

He demanded what exactly Americans have been doing not only in their Ukrainian labs, which were situated in cities across the Ukraine from Kharkiv to Lviv, but also in a further 130 such labs spread out across the world.

Intense Chinese concern is understandable since one such laboratory was in Wuhan, the point of origin of Covid19.

The subtext is that the U.S. Chiefs of Staff have taken with the utmost seriousness the warnings of retaliation from Konoshenkov, against NATO, Article 5 or no Article 5 pledges of ‘one for all and all for one.’
Meanwhile, the general public in the United States is clueless because virtually nothing about this appeared in major media.
Remember the MM spook rule #1; 
"Look for what is NOT being reported".

Leaks from these labs – Intentional or unintentional?

Still on the subject of biological weapons being prepared in Ukraine under United States funding and guidance, Russian experts were on television this morning explaining how leaks from these labs have been monitored over the past few years.

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2022 03 10 11 23

In one such case, 450 Ukrainian civilians were said to have died from biological agents that contaminated their residential block.

This number, you will note, is higher than the total number of civilian deaths in the ongoing “barbaric” Russian in Ukraine.

As reported in The Financial times (characterization as “barbaric” by Andrew Bacevich, Chairman of the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft, a self-described American think tank for peace).

The Russians are now examining whether outbreaks of swine flu and avian flu that caused havoc with their livestock in farming areas close to the Ukrainian border may not have been artificially induced by saboteurs coming from Ukraine.

Work on viruses transmissible from animals to humans was also reportedly being done in the Ukrainian facilities.

And nuclear weapons too?

Let us now turn to the question of Ukraine’s program to produce nuclear weapons, which Konoshenkov also mentioned in his briefing.  Today Russian news is saying that they possess more than just documentary proof of such development, which contravenes the Budapest Memorandum of 1994 and the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, to which Ukraine is a signatory. The Russians now claim to have found sample “baby bombs” which will prove beyond doubt the nuclear ambitions of Kiev for which the United States was a guiding force.

All of the foregoing points to what may be expected when the Russians finish their demilitarization and denazification campaign in Ukraine in the next several weeks.

They may well convene an international tribunal to try the Ukrainians who were responsible for the illicit programs involving weapons of mass destruction.

We may expect the Chinese to join them in running the tribunal, as well as other closely interested countries.

It is also reasonable to expect that this tribunal will identify and seek to extradite their American handlers.

This may be difficult, because Moscow has already said today that the Americans on the ground in Ukraine overseeing the biological weapons laboratories all carried diplomatic passports.

However, the Russians, like the Americans, can be very resourceful in cases like this.

Well U.S. Biolabs in Ukraine must be true because Twitter suspended @::::war::::clandestine account. Someone out there got post on video. Here it is. pic.twitter.com/S5418JOQbj
— Secret Squirel (@cbcool2532) February 24, 2022

Geo-Political “games”

Finally, before closing today’s bulletin of latest developments in the Russia-Ukraine war at the political level, I direct attention to the question of Poland’s turning over its fleet of Soviet-era MIG jet fighters to Ukraine, which has been a hot issue on Western news these past few days.

The Poles had been in discussions over this possibility with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken last week, and Blinken seemed to be approving.

For the Poles, the proposed “donation” to support Ukraine would be a godsend.  They would get rid of their fleet of old Soviet planes and would receive in exchange from the United States F-16 fighters, thereby better integrating Poland into the standard equipment of NATO fully at the charge of Uncle Sam.

Let us assume the transaction would come to half a billion to one billion dollars to the benefit of Warsaw and to the cost of U.S. taxpayers.

Is it any wonder that several other former Warsaw Pact countries, now NATO member states yesterday said they too were ready to help the comrades in Ukraine by turning their old MIGs over to Kiev and taking in exchange United States fighter planes.

Warsaw announced yesterday that it intended to fly its MIGs to the Ramstein airbase in southwestern Germany for the hand-over.

This news release apparently took the U.S Government by surprise.

At her testimony before the Senate a little later in the day, Victoria Nuland said she had no pre-warning of the announcement and would not comment till she got back to her office and studied the matter further.

This announcement was indeed remarkable.

Ramstein is the headquarters of the United States Air Forces in Europe and also of the NATO Allied Air Command.

If the MIGs had simply been transferred to Ukrainian pilots on Polish territory and then flown into combat in Ukraine, then they would bring down on the dispatching airport in Poland the instant retribution that General Konoshenkov stated explicitly two days ago.

Russia would bomb Poland.

By sending the planes to Ramstein for the hand-over to the Ukrainians, the Russian response, cruise or hypersonic missile attack, would go instead against the United States airbase.

Russia would bomb the United States.

Dear promoters of Poland as the defense shield of Europe in Washington:  pay close attention to what your friends would do to you.

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2022 03 10 10 03

However, none of this will come to pass, as we may conclude by today’s announcement from the Pentagon that the deal is unacceptable and is outside the competence of Poland to offer.

Today the Pentagon spokesmen say plainly that the issue at hand concerns all of NATO and can be taken only by NATO collectively, not by one member, Poland.

This is a nice formally correct explanation from the Pentagon.

The subtext is that the U.S. Chiefs of Staff have taken with the utmost seriousness the warnings of retaliation from Konoshenkov,  against NATO, Article 5 or no Article 5 pledges of ‘one for all and all for one.’

Meanwhile, the general public in the United States is clueless because virtually nothing about this appeared in major media.

2022 03 10 08 06
2022 03 10 08 06

When the war started, President Putin was hopeful to come to a quick understanding with the leading officers of the Ukrainian armed forces regarding capitulation and regime change.

However, in a matter of days it became clear that the Ukrainian military has been thoroughly infiltrated by radical nationalists and is unable to act in the interests of the nation independently.

It now appears that this type of analysis would be better applied to the United States of America.

Only the senior generals in the Pentagon have their eyes and ears wide open to the Russian capabilities and intentions.

The political classes, both Democrats and Republicans on The Hill, are lost in their own virtual world of unlimited United States power.

That alone explains the potentially suicidal demand from Democrats yesterday that Biden now impose a ‘no-fly zone’ over Ukraine.

It may be that the war will end when the Pentagon generals and their Russian counterparts sit down and talk about revising the European architecture of security, leaving Blinken and his associates to look on through the windows.

A real possibility.

But what about the mRNA vaccines?

Let’s back track right now and look at some bullet points…

  • The USA is the sole nation running bioweapons development.
  • The USA is leading the “West” and needs to destroy the “East” to achieve dominance.
  • The USA has located bioweapons falicilites all over the globe and evidence in  Ukraine suggests viruses that target regional populations by DNA.

And we know, from published mRNA data (far too detailed to present here)…

  • Content of the mRNA “stew” injected into Westerners is secret.
  • This is not “corporate confidential”, but rather “government military secret”.
  • All of the collective West must get the injections.

Putting the first group of bullet-points with the second group of bullet-points we see an association.

The plan

It appears (as the most obvious conclusion possible)  that [1] the United States plans (in some way) to release regionally-targeted bioweapons globally, and [2] use it’s mRNA injection protocols to protect itself.

As different bioweapons are released, booster updates will be given to the civilian population to protect them from the bioweapons.

It’s pretty fucking evil.

Yikes! It’s a new way to fight wars

Yes it is.

What had happened is that when Russia invaded the Ukraine they were able to seize these facilities. And they were able to identify what they were doing and why. And one of the most obvious tasks was to develop bioweapons for United States use that was released to civilian populations locally. Then cover up the release as an “accident”. All as a cover for the development of regional DNA-targetted bioweapons.

And the way for the United States to protect itself is to inject it’s people with a cure. This would be a mRNA “milkshake”.

And given what we know of the global situation…

It appears that the Russian invasion came just in the “nick of time”. Perhaps all the rotten chain of events could be thwarted in some way.

An hour before the Apocalypse. Growing evidence that Russia’s special operation saved much of the world

In Ukraine, under the leadership of the United States, a real biological weapon was developed
Alexander GRISHIN
The Russian Defense Ministry has published a new document on the intentions of the leadership and directly the military command of Ukraine in relation to the Donbass. This is the original secret order of the Commander of the National Guard of Ukraine Mykola (Nikolay) Balan, signed by him on January 22, 2022. Once again – not copies, but the original document with all the authentic signatures of those responsible.
What is special about this document?
This is not yet an order to attack the Donbass (the time will come, and such will appear at our disposal), but an order on the preparation and combat coordination of a separate battalion-tactical group of the 4th operational brigade of the National Guard to carry out combat (special) tasks in the so-called operation Joint forces in the Donbass region.
Coordination exercises were held in the Lviv region at the Yavoriv training ground, the very one where most of the Javelins and other modern weapons transferred from the USA to the Armed Forces of Ukraine were stored.
The exercises were supposed to pass according to the “NATO standards” program and prepare the fighters of the group psychologically, physically, teach them combat tactics and skills in handling foreign weapons. Further, this BTG was to operate as part of the 80th separate airborne assault brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. From the name of which it is already clear what tasks this connection performs. At the same time, a separate paragraph of the order forbade sending those National Guardsmen who would show “unsatisfactory results of psychological testing” to perform tasks in the Donbass. “Psychological stability” is a very important indicator for punishers,
All preparations for solving the tasks set by the command were ordered to be completed by February 28th. We throw in another week to transfer the group directly to combat positions in the Donbass, a couple of days to line up, as they say, battle formations, and we get the start of an active offensive after receiving a combat order from the command today or tomorrow.
By all logic, by all accounts, the military-political special operation launched by Russia on February 24 to denazify and demilitarize Ukraine averted a new tragedy in Donbass. Let’s face it, it’s much bigger than anything he’s done before. Ukraine was preparing for this.
But besides this, as it turned out, there were other reasons for precisely such actions of Moscow, which we are now observing.


Dmitry Peskov – about biological laboratories in Ukraine: “Measures are being taken. You will know about the results in a timely manner”
Official China asked when the US would give clarifications on the 336 biological laboratories that Washington manages and finances around the world. However, rather, not Washington, but the Pentagon, the US Department of Defense. 30 of them are in Ukraine.
From the documents cited earlier by the same Russian Ministry of Defense, it became clear that in Ukraine, under the leadership of the United States , a real biological weapon was being developed .
In the order received from the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, the leadership of the laboratories was ordered to destroy all research materials and the viruses themselves and other pathogens as early as the day the Russian special operation began.
The next day, February 25, they all reported on the work done and the irretrievable destruction of the pathogens of diphtheria, salmonellosis, anthrax, ulcers, plague and other deadly diseases.
Despite a chorus of ridicule from Russian liberals about this report by the Russian Defense Ministry, the veracity of this information was confirmed not by anyone, but by the United States itself.
"There are biological research laboratories in Ukraine. At the moment, we are concerned that the Russian military may be trying to take control of them, was forced to admit at a hearing in the US Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs, Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland (the same one who gladly handed out cookies and buns on the Maidan in Kyiv). - We are working with the Ukrainian side to ensure that biological research materials do not fall into the hands of Russian forces."
This in itself is a recognition that they did not develop flu drops there. After all, if everything is harmless, then why destroy the samples and strive so hard that they “do not fall into the hands of the Russians.”
By the way, the Americans were very interested in the Bayraktara drones in terms of whether it is technically possible to spray aerosols from them during the flight, which is also confirmed, this time by other documents.
"They probably just wanted to help the Ukrainians with fertilizers during the farming season." 

- The head of the troops of the RKhBZ of Russia on military biological programs in Ukraine
If for someone this is not enough. Then here’s something even scarier.


Let’s remember that at a security conference in Munich this year, Zelensky said that in case of refusal of assistance to ensure the security of Ukraine, Kyiv could withdraw from the Budapest Memorandum.
Which approves the non-nuclear status of Ukraine.
No, Ukrainian politicians have repeatedly spoken about the need to revive the nuclear program in the country, but such a promise was made by the current head of state for the first time.
Keep in mind that the Ukraine, since the CIA backed "color revolution" in 2014 is a wholly owned and controlled serrogate state, with a puppet leader. -MM
And this, judging by a whole range of evidence, was neither a bluff nor an empty threat. As follows from a number of reliable sources, the SVR and the GRU have documented evidence that such a program has already been implemented. Moreover, two types of charges were developed: plutonium and uranium.
The key role in the project was assigned to the National Center “Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology”, which had an experimental base, in principle, for obtaining weapons-grade plutonium from spent reactor thermal assemblies. The work was also carried out in the zone of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, where the increased radiation background hid their work. Both the Institute for Nuclear Research in Kyiv and the Institute of Organic Chemistry were involved in the work on the project.
Documents from Kyiv and Kharkov are still waiting to be made available, but Zaporizhzhya NPP personnel have already confirmed that such work was carried out at the plant, and IAEA inspectors from among the recruited local personnel did not reflect them in their reports.
According to various estimates, a nuclear explosive device could be created in Ukraine within a period of several months to a couple of years. Ukraine also has carriers that would allow the charge to be carried, if not to Moscow and St. Petersburg, but to at least Belgorod, Kursk, Voronezh, Rostov-on-Don, albeit in very limited quantities.
As for the so-called “Dirty” bomb , which is used to infect the area through the explosion of a conventional munition, Ukraine already has such a possibility, given the presence of a giant repository of spent nuclear fuel and waste in the Chernobyl nuclear power plant zone. Precisely to prevent such sabotage, which can be compared with the terrorist attack on the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant (where the Americans supplied plutonium), units of the National Guard were introduced, which, by the way, are on duty there together with the National Guard of Ukraine.
In general, both the GRU and the SVR do not eat their bread in vain, since information about all this was brought to the attention of the President of Russia in a timely manner.
Probably, it may even seem like some kind of blasphemy now, but in a good way, the world should be grateful to Russia for the fact that it launched its military operation so on time. Imagine the detonation of a nuclear warhead on the territory of Russia and what the consequences of this would be.


And there you have it. There is a grand scheme of massive depopulation / war initiated by the United States via bioweapons globally.

If you believe the World Economic Forum, 80% of the population of the globe must be killed off to initiate a new “utopia”. One that is led by an American unipolar world-order.

The idea is to have the globe ruled with Service-to-self entities, and serviced by servie-to-another (NPC) entities. The service-for-others sentience will be killed off.

They plan to do this within the next two years.

There is a “bump in the road with both Russia and China” not wanting to have anything to do with it. But no matter. The United States is on “autopilot”. The systems are in place and the plan is in process.

How this will evolve over time is anyone’s guess.

But at least there’s a lone voice in Ireland speaking out…

2022 03 10 11 39
2022 03 10 11 39

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 3


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“a grand scheme of massive depopulation / war”

Ok when you put it that way it does sound bad. How can I phrase this so finally just one time a brighter-than-average sheep like you will (maybe) notice. Connect dots … 55,000 ships at sea, we eat 11 million pounds of food per minute making 7.3 billion pounds of poop increasing at 215,000+ new consumers per day.

When you’ve had enough cognac on billion dollar yachts off Malta with every wish a snap of your fingers and it dawns on you … you don’t have to kill anyone to be the savior of planet earth, it’s a glorious moment.

All you have to do is make ’em make fewer babies. Genius.

So whaddawe got, Pfizer CEO a veterinarian, 37 mammals and some birds being injected with PZP–wait Gonacon maybe better that’s a single shot when species become invasive. Who makes that, ah … Spayvac SEC filings … working on the vaccine manufacturer connections … contract to supply Pfizer with the lipids to surround mRNA, it’s inventor Malone wondering why they even use the lipids. I can answer that, it’s the GnRH stupid.

Throw in a few trillion whipped up out of thin air, want more? … wait, there’s more … trillions … and just tell all the world’s Fidel Justin Turdo’s about the Cayman Islands online bank account in their name per jab jabbed and all they have to do is play ball to be given the password to it, and will be in the club of insiders creating this incredible new world of prosperity by just reducing fertility.

Suddenly it all makes sense.

The entire media is in our pocket licking our things.

All we need is a fake pandemic fueled by fake PCR and a Fraudci who only slips out a few oopsies like anything above 35 cycles is “just dead nucleotides, period” while CDC/FDA PCR instructions say to use 40 … ensuring boatloads of false positive.

Only one problem, the sheep weren’t onboard with the plan, partly due to the 1,151,450 injuries reported and 24,827 deaths up to the 2/25/2022 data release in VAERS, well crud, the damnscamic didn’t work.

PLAN B: Raise prices so obscenely that we sheep will trim back our consumption voluntarily, Putin ol’ buddy when you’re done dancing can you gin up some war action, appreciate everything you do for us, we’ll reimburse you 3 to 1 for your losses and a good time will be had by all.

Of course by rule we’ll to tell everybody what we’re doing. Utopia 2020 on Amazon, a 5.5 minute clip pretty much sums it up, and I didn’t run across it until I had already figured this stuff out … by just gathering information connecting the dots, recommend some of you do too.

Ultan McG

You sure that 80% reduction in population is a bad idea, Mr Man? I’m beginning to see where they’re coming from. I don’t want to, but I am.


Isn’t it always 80% of OTHER people they want to be rid of though? Usual STS stuff.

It’s weird being in the country with the highest Deagel report loss predicted. 77% although my gut feels it`ll be higher eventually.

With day to day business continuing as if the government isn’t committing hara-kiri for their US masters the hate-filled zombie masses are marching obediently to their doom.

My BaZi chart says November is the best travel time for me, so I’ve got quite some time to help out with family, especially nieces/nephews, before I abandon ship.

It’s going to be a strange few months living in this fast collapsing dingy island. At least I’m not in the US!


The thing is, did you look into the fertility rates around the world? WW avg is declining heavily. Except for regions like Africa, esp Nigeria, we actually have to ramp up making babies. Would be interesting to plot the the childvax program start on top of it. I have a feeling its contibuting to fertility issues among other things like food/ beauty products. I have never heard so many women having pregnancy issues or babies being born in fertility clinics.

So I guess someone got impatient and wants to accelerate the depop agenda?

I agree with Mr MM that there are multiple grand agenda’s from different groups. We are in the middle of it and its difficult to understand it.

Only thing we can do is: Be the Rufus! Stay Positive! Dont follow the MSM narrative. Stay Healthy! Stay Fit! Ultimately whatever happens. This is all a game we are playing anyway 🙂

Hopefully we will remember to call for the rescue team once we get rid of the skin suit and be free once and for all. Then we only have to recover our memories again 🙂


Lone voice in Ireland speaking out (video embedded in the article below)


None of the usual msm reported this but Zimbabwe did.


I stumbled across an interesting Twitter thread that ties a lot of the above together: https://twitter.com/alexandrosM/status/1501322587225276425?s=20&t=7DP12iwa1X0tu_uKjuaZXQ

Scary stuff.


Well, thank you good man for providing these theories, and truths
and giving American readers some inclinations/insights.

I find it amusing the American “taxpayer” is supposed to be paying
for any and all actions and purposes of .gov USA. I refer to the 30 trillion in debt the USA racked up (spending monies to be vacuumed
up by international crooks) which obviously can’t be paid. Guess
what? The American taxpayer is broke, save American affiliated
international “investment” firms and corporations that own it all.

The mRNA jabs given to US citizens/people were for testing purposes.
That much is clear. A decade ago I heard and took notes on the next
wave in medicine being drugs associated with DNA of persons. Some
scientist/physician? was so excited and happy to explain. He stated
“medicine” (the industry) was advancing to target phenotypes/DNA
for the best outcomes for prescribing common medications.
I was fascinated and searched but could not find any resources.
The man may have been warned off or eliminated.

The inhumanity of man against man is nothing new. Now we all get
to be witness to another massive wave of this. The Americans that
depend on their TV for news and entertainment are hypnotized
and brainwashed. I don’t know the numbers but likely a majority
do. That is sad and it means the Americans are doomed by idiocy.
It seems our “leaders” (not) are reincarnated from Hell.

TY congjing yu, and best regards to you and your family.

Ohio Guy

I think the search word you wish to research would be transhumanism.
Remember, in the name of progress, the government and ginormous corporations are here to “help”. Or, “It’s for the kids”. And the sheeples go Baaaaaaa.


Thanks for this. The pieces are coming together.

A couple of weeks ago the US CDC recommended that those who got the one-shot Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) COVID vax receive as a booster, no, not a second Janssen shot, but one of the Pfizer or Moderna mRNA jabs. They’re determined to get the poison into everyone. The news was overshadowed by the Russian action in Ukraine. I had deliberately chosen to get the Janssen shot, but have no plans for a booster.

About the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab, and the grandiose plans for a Great Reset: my suspicion has been that the Great Reset is intended for running what’s left of the European Union after a major, probably nuclear, war, with the US probably out of the picture as in the Deagel forecast. This would explain the food and fuel rationing, average citizens “owning nothing and liking it” (meaning, this is the price for being allowed to remain alive), no more personal vehicles or land ownership, etc. The US would not be running shit.

I’m not convinced we’re out of the woods yet, but I’m starting to feel better about a few things.


I read the all thing, but there is just something that doesn’t fit, if the mRNA injections are made to save people, why it’s killing vaccinated people around us instead? And we have now a lot of data suggesting that the vaccinated are dying and the death rate increased in past two years of Covid, specially the last one with the vaccine?

Last edited 3 years ago by Jean

The domain commander mentioned that this will not go as planned and it will backfire badly. but how, why and it what form is anyones guess. we should remember the deagelforecast. Also that its not pointing to death from vaxx only as the numbers are too big. it points to something where multiple bad things happen at the same time.

Lets hope this gets averted or at least not as bad as predicted and that people wake up more from their hypnosis.


so the US were creating genetic bombs eh? Why am I not surprised.

I think i actually called this back when covid broke out. Anyone who couldn’t see that was a fucking bioweapon needs to to kindly remove their brain and give it to an adult for safe keeping.

How gullible must one be to believe it came from eating a bat, and mutated to a pengolin then onto a human in the span of a couple of weeks.

And you know, it all makes perfect sense.

Nuland has really fucked America now, the nail in the coffin we all needed to take it out of the “it’s just Russian propaganda BS” field, and into the “this needs some serious discussion and scrutiny from other countries”.

Now with Russia apparently calling the Pentagon for a serious meeting to discuss it, and China demanding an answer, America seem to be pretty well fucked.

I wouldn’t be surprised if from this moment on they start thrashing about (through overt warfare) while their temper tantrum gets the better of them.

I cant imagine what America would look like after having to compensate every other nation in the world for the economic problems caused by their fuckery on top of the 30 trillion or-whatever-it-is deficit they’ve dug themselves into. I know I’ll recieve some carry on effect here in Oz, but man i am glad not to be living in America in this day and age.

Shit is about to go sideways big time.

I am impressed Putin didn’t just flip the nuke switch as soon as he read those biolab documents. It would take a very well disciplined man to discover that shit was going on on his borders and not immediately seek to eradicate those responsible from this earth. Maybe he will, but at least he is giving them a chance to admit to said fuckery.


The USA is exceptional, exceptionally disappointing. They are an embarrassment. But as a country with muscle and money, they get to write the rules and enforce said rules as they see fit. Little will change until the US begins to focus on itself instead of the rest of the world, but by then it will be too late, and hopefully the majority of the world will be a more peaceful place to live, but not the US.
Be good and help others to the best of your ability no matter where you are.

Ohio Guy

Does anyone remember before all the covid hysteria began here in the US all the television and radio commercials for family genetic testing? Ones like, 23 and me and so on and so forth. I recall many of them. Under the guise of finding your family roots and origins. People actually paid money to give their genetic code away. This just didn’t sit well with me, knowing that was not all that was happening. That genetic sample all the sheeples were sending to get “tested”, I believe, served other nefarious interests. And when they had enough genetic stew data….Bam Covid hysteria.

Every thing seems to happen for a reason. Whether good or not good. This, I believe, is why we must all take on a rufus way of life. For there are dark forces which mean to ensnare us all. But we have the ability, with control over our anger, positive control over our own thought process, to negate the evil activities directed toward us Service to Others sentiences. Please, if you are reading this, learn from what the blog author is saying. Understand it in totality, and there will be hope for a better future.


DNA from those genetic sites has been sent to law enforcement for help in particular cases. No one realized that might happen. Oops! The data have not reportedly been sent for everyone who contributed, but it’s a good guess that’s coming if it hasn’t already happened.


Has any body played wing commander 4 back in the days?


This remonds me of the endgame there,
I might replay this soon.


omg I totally forgot about this game. you just catapulted me back into my younger days! 🙂


Glad to be of help!
We play, therefore we are.