A breakdown of the report “alien interview” by MM from a MAJ perspective (part 3)

I have presented the PDF titled “Alien Interview” to the readership. It is supposed to be the transcripts of the interview that a nurse had with an extraterrestrial entity that was recovered from a spaceship crash in Roswell, New Mexico. There is a lot of good stuff there, and a lot of things that run counter to what I know and understand to be true. My intention here is to parse the entire book, and compare it to what I know. Where the two diverge, it will be up to you (the readership) to sort it out.

This is part 3.

Document appears to be genuine

And I can tell you all that the more that I parse this document, the clearer it is (to me) that it is genuine.It is exactly what it says it is. And the extraterrestrial is actually telling the truth, so far.


However, there are errors in translation, and confusion in the interpretation of what is being stated. Anything concerning “time” and the translation of dates are all wrong.

Humans think of time as “shared” and “linear”.

The type-1 greys think of time as circular and repeating. As in, consciousness enters and exits different world lines” and if you graph that movement of consciousness you will see a “corkscrew” movement through the MWI. Which is what it was referring to. All of which was WAY beyond the concepts of anyone in Roswell at that time.

Therefore all dates and time, and anything associated with these characteristics are in error, and can be ignored.

This document predates MAJestic

Also take note that this document pre-dates MAJestic, and it is crystal clear to me now, that my role was, and still is, in the rehabilitation aspects of moving the Earth from a Hellish “Prison Planet” to that of a “sentience nursery”.

This document has (for me, personally) helped to clarify elements and aspects of my role that were “blurred” and obscured from me. To that I am eternally grateful.

Look at the dates on my articles, and look at what I covered. You will see that they match up nearly perfectly with this “Alien Interview” transcript. And this is the first time that I have ever heard of this document. The timing was transcendental.

This is part three of the parsing of this document

You can view part 1 HERE.

SUBJECT: ALIEN INTERVIEW, 26. 7. 1947, 1st Session

“The Domain Expeditionary Force has observed a resurgence in science and culture of the Western world since 1150 AD when the remaining remnants of the space fleet of the “Old Empire” in this solar system were destroyed.

No problem with this.

The influence of the remote control hypnosis operation diminished slightly after that time, but still remains largely in force.

By removing the local leadership, the impact on the "electromagnetic force projection field" wasn't really affected. It still remained in place as of 1948. Therefore, there must have been other systems, facilities, bases, and operations scattered in and around the Earth that were still functional.

Apparently a small amount of damage was done to the “Old Empire” remote mind control operation which resulted in a small decrease in the power of this mechanism.

This offered a clue as to the techniques and methodologies involved, but at the time of the interview little else was understood.

As a result, some memory of technologies that IS-BEs already knew before they came to Earth started to be remembered.

It appears to me that the methodology seemed to be stratified. And by taking out the leadership, a great deal of the suppression system disappeared.

Thereafter the oppression of knowledge that is called the “Dark Ages” in Europe began to diminish after that time.

Since then knowledge of the basic laws of physics and electricity have revolutionized Earth culture virtually overnight.

No problem with this.

The ability to remember technology by many of the geniuses in the IS-BE population of Earth was partially restored, when not so actively suppressed as it was before 1150 AD. Sir Isaac Newton, is one of the best examples of this. In only a few decades he single-handedly reinvented several major and fundamental scientific and mathematical disciplines.

The men who “remembered” these sciences already knew them before they were sent to Earth.

No problem with this.

Ordinarily, no one would ever observe or discover as much about science and mathematics in a single life-time, or even in a few hundred life-times. These subjects have taken civilizations billions and billions of years to create!

No problem with this. Genius level skills and abilities point to much deeper understandings and connections. Much the same way that I discuss world-line travel int he MWI. I did not "invent" it. It's knowledge that lies all around us, it's just that the suppression field keeps this knowledge from us.

IS-BEs on Earth have only just begun to remember small fragments of all the technologies that exist throughout the universe. Theoretically, if the amnesia mechanisms being used against Earth could be broken entirely, IS-BEs would regain all of their memory!

We can only hope! But it will take time, and it cannot happen too quickly, as the result would be catastrophic. So things need to be nurtured into place.

Unfortunately, similar advances have not been seen in the humanities as the IS-BEs of Earth continue to behave very badly toward each other.

I have no problem with this statement.

This behavior, however, is heavily influenced by the “hypnotic commands” given to each IS-BE between lifetimes.

I have no problem with this. The pre-birth world-line template is what he is talking about. Though in different terms, adjusted to the mindset of Roswell military leadership in 1948. Specifically, he is referring the the consciousness components that are established and associated with the pre-birth world-line template.

And, the very unusual combination of “inmates” on Earth – criminals, perverts, artists, revolutionaries and geniuses – is the cause of a very restive and tumultuous environment.

No problem with this.

The purpose of the prison planet is to keep IS-BEs on Earth, forever.

I have no problem with this.

Promoting ignorance, superstition, and war between IS-BEs helps to keep the prison population crippled and trapped behind “the wall” of electronic force screens.

I have no problem with this.

IS-BEs have been dumped on Earth from all over the galaxy, adjoining galaxies, and from planetary systems all over the “Old Empire”, like Sirius, Aldebaran, the Pleiades, Orion, Draconis, and countless others.

I am sure that he is referring to star names that the pitiful astronomic knowledge of the Roswell military leadership would recognize. In truth, most civilizations are around much cooler, older, and stable stars. Not the short lived, blazing, and highly transitory stars that he specifically named.

There are IS-BEs on Earth from unnamed races, civilizations, cultural backgrounds, and planetary environments. Each of the various IS-BE populations have their own languages, belief systems, moral values, religious beliefs, training and unknown and untold histories.

I have no problem with this.

These IS-BEs are mixed together with earlier inhabitants of Earth who came from another star system more than 400,000 years ago to establish the civilizations of Atlanta and Lemuria.

Do not get too caught up in the conventional narratives about "Atlantis" and "Lemuria". That is sure as Hell a route to send you all down into a black hole that you will have a difficult time extracting yourself from.

All evidence, all over the world, points to tool making humanoids around 400,000 years ago. This predates the normally accepted histories of the rise and evolution of man.

The sudden appearance of these humanoid civilizations at 400,000 BCE is clearly indicative of transplanted civilizations.

The size, magnitude and locations of their communities are (as of now) lost in time. Do not get too worked up about the details. Just realize the most basic history.

Those civilizations vanished beneath the tidal waves caused by a planetary “polar shift”, many thousands of years before the current “prison” population started to arrive.

Important points here. 

Humanoid colonies were established on the Earth. These eventually were destroyed or collapsed by natural events. 

Following that destruction was the rise of native proto-humans. 

It was during that period came the creation of the Earth as  "Prison Planet" as part of the "Old Empire".

Apparently, the IS-BEs from those star systems were the source of the original, oriental races of Earth, beginning in Australia.

The "oriental races", such as the Chinese, the Japanese, the Koreans, and the Indians were all descended from the pre-deluge colonies.

On the other hand, the civilizations set up on Earth by the “Old Empire” prison system were very different from the civilization of the “Old Empire” itself.

I have no problem with this statement.

Which is an electronic space opera, atomic powered conglomeration of earlier civilizations that were conquered with nuclear weapons and colonized by IS-BEs from another galaxy.

The civilizations set up on Earth differed from the "Old Empire". They are "artificial" and retarded societies. 

This was intentional.

The idea (I am sure) was to create a place of perpetual hardship and torture. A place where everyone was constantly fighting, where starvation, and hardship was normal.
The Earth was set up to be a perpetual prison where the inmates were trapped to relive Hell over and over again.

The bureaucracy that controlled the former “Old Empire” was from an ancient space opera society, run by a totalitarian confederation of planetary governments, regulated by a brutal social, economic, and political hierarchy, with a royal monarch as its figurehead.

It appears to me that this is exactly the kinds of societies that have been setup throughout human history, with the most advanced and strongest manifestations being the current United States, and Western Europe.

Were I to be an administrator of the "Old Empire" that was in charge of this Earth "Prison Plant", and realized that "The Domain" has invaded and taken control, I would flee. But where to? It seems to me that the most likely location would be on Earth itself and to occupy the bodies of the ruling classes. There I could live a life as I have become accustomed to living.

This type of government emerges with regularity on planets where the citizens abandon personal responsibility for autonomous, self-regulation.

I have no problem with this statement.

They frequently lose their freedom to demented IS-BEs who suffer from an overwhelming paranoia that every other IS-BE is their enemy who must be controlled or destroyed.

I have no problem with this statement.

Their closest friends and allies, whom they espouse to love and cherish, are literally “loved to death” by them.

I have no problem with this statement.

Because such IS-BEs exist, The Domain has learned that freedom must be won and maintained through eternal vigilance and the ability to use defensive force to maintain it.

I have no problem with this statement. Additionally, I believe that the military leadership at Roswell, would have agreed with this comment as well.

As a result, The Domain has already conquered the governing planet of the “Old Empire”.

I was unaware about any of the information regarding the "Old Empire", but I do believe what is being stated.

The civilization of The Domain, although considerably younger and smaller in size, is already more powerful, better organized, and united by a egalitarian esprit de corps never known in the history of the “Old Empire”.

I have no problem with this, and I am sure that the Roswell military leadership would recognize this as well.

The recently despoiled German totalitarian state on Earth was similar to the “Old Empire”, but not nearly as brutal, and about ten thousand times less powerful.

This statement is directly directed to the Roswell military leadership.

Many of the IS-BEs on Earth are here because they are violently opposed to totalitarian government, or because they were so psychotically vicious that they could not be controlled by “Old Empire” government.

Which tends to be the case in most American prisons today.

Consequently, the population of Earth is disproportionately comprised of a very high percentage of such beings. The conflicting cultural and ethical moral codes of the IS-BEs on Earth is unusual in the extreme.

I have no problem with this statement.

The Domain conquest of the central “Old Empire” planets was fought with electronic cannon.

I think that many readers will not understand. They will probably think of some "new" type of weapon, or a weaponized ray gun based on Nikola Tesla technology. 

This is wrong. 

What he is actually talking about is a weapon that disrupts the consciousness+ in much the same way that the "electromagnetic force screen" disrupted the lives of the consciousnesses on Earth. This type of weapon would be very powerful against consciousness, but do little damage to physical structures.

The citizens of the planets forming the core of government for the “Old Empire” are a filthy, degraded, slave society of mindless, tax-paying workers, who practice cannibalism. Violent automotive race tracks and bloody, Roman circus type entertainments are their only amusements.

Pretty much sounds like America today.
America today.

Regardless of any reasonable justification we may have had for using atomic weapons to vanquish the planets of the “Old Empire”, The Domain is careful not to ruin the resources of those planets by using weapons of crude, radioactive force.

The Domain did not use massive weapons like we would associate with war. 

They used disruptive electromagnetically designed beam weapons that upset the consciousness stability in the physical realms.

The current U.S. civilization is beginning to mimic some of the trappings of that civilization, especially in the design of airplanes, automobiles, ships, trains, and telephones. Likewise, buildings in the cities of Earth are thought to be “modern” or “futuristic” if their design resembles the architecture of the “Old Empire”.

Yes. I believe this. And this statement was made in 1947.

The government of the “Old Empire”, before being supplanted by The Domain, was comprised of beings who possessed a very craven intelligence, very much like the Axis powers during your recent world war. Those beings manifested precisely the same behavior as the galactic government that exiled them to eternal imprisonment on Earth.

A bit confused wording. 

The ruling class of the "Old Empire" very much resembled Nazi Germany. 

And the Nazi Germans exhibited the same behaviors that the leadership of the "Old Empire" maintained. 

I can see this information resonating with the Roswell generals and leadership in 1947.

They were a gruesome reminder of the ageless maxim that an IS-BE will often manifest the treatment they have received from others. Kindness fosters kindness. Cruelty begets cruelty.

No problem with this.

One must be able and willing to use force, tempered with intelligence, to prevent harm to the innocent.

No problem with this.

However, extraordinary understanding, self-discipline and courage are required to effectively prevent brutality, without being overwhelmed by the malice that motivated the brutality.

It takes a special kind of sentience to rise above the brutality that you suffered through. Not necessarily to find and giver forgiveness, but to prevent it from ever happening again.

Only a demonic, self-serving government would employ a “logic” or “science” to conceive that an “ultimate solution” to any problem is to murder and permanently erase the memory of every artist, genius, skilled manager, and inventor, and cast them into a planetary prison together with political opponents, killers, thieves, perverts, and disabled beings of an entire galaxy!

"Tell me about it."

Oh how well I know this! If you have any doubts about my experience on this, read about how I was "retired" from MAJestic.

Once the IS-BEs expelled from the “Old Empire” arrived on Earth, they were given amnesia, and hypnotically tricked into thinking that something else had happened to them.

It discusses the process. I have no problem with this.

The next step was to implant the IS-BEs into biological bodies on Earth. The bodies became the human populations of “false civilizations” which were designed and installed in the minds of IS-BEs to look completely unlike the “Old Empire”.

I have no problem with this. It's a logical extension.

All of the IS-BEs of India, Egypt, Babylon, Greece, Rome, and Medieval Europe were guided to pattern and build the cultural elements of these societies based on standard patterns developed by the IS-BEs of many earlier, similar civilizations on “Sun Type 12, Class 7” planets that have existed for trillions of years throughout the universe.

I have no problems with this. The civilization archetypes are quite standard.

In the earliest times the IS-BEs sent to prison Earth lived in India.

When Earth was used as a "Prison Planet", the very first convicts were sent to ancient India. At that time, my guess is that this was the most populated, or densely populated area on the Earth. Certainly not like it is today, but more populated than say Africa, or Europe.

They gradually spread into Mesopotamia, Egypt, Mesoamerica, Achaea, Greece, Rome, Medieval Europe, and to the New World.

It stated that the migration and expansion of the prison population moved Westward not East. Eventually moving into the  Mediterranean Sea, and associated civilizations there. Into Europe, and then into the Americas.

They did not move into the East, as these areas had descendants of prior civilizations (Atlantis and Lemuria) which maintained the Asian genetic code.

They were hypnotically “commanded” to follow the pattern of a given civilization by the “Old Empire” prison operators.

This would be pre-structuring, or "front-loading" the pre-birth world-line template by consciousness component attributes.

This is an effective mechanism to disguise the actual time and location from the IS-BEs imprisoned on Earth. The languages, costumes and culture of each false civilization are intended to reinforce amnesia because they do not remind the IS-BEs on Earth of the original “Old Empire” planets from which they were deported.

This make sense. You remove anything that might trigger a memory. You make everything, new, different and contentious.

On the very far back-track of time these types of civilizations tended to repeat themselves over and over because the IS-BEs who created them become familiar with certain patterns and styles, and stayed with them.

I have no problem with this.

It is a lot of work to invent an entire civilization, complete with culture, architecture, language, customs, mathematics, moral values, and so forth. It is much easier to replicate a copy based on a familiar and successful pattern.

I have no problem with this.

A “Sun Type 12, Class 7” planet is the designation given to a planet inhabited by carbon-oxygen based life forms.

This is in 1947. Long, long before the television series "Star Trek". No one ever thought like this back then. Not even in the wildest dreams of the scientists of the day, no one ever thought like this.

The class of the planet is based on the size and radiation intensity of the star, the distance of the planetary orbit from the star, and the size, density, gravity, and chemical composition of the planet. Likewise, flora and fauna are designated and identified according to the star type and class of planet they inhabit.

I have no problem with this.

On the average, the percentage of planets in the physical universe with a breathable atmosphere is relatively small.

I have no problem with this. While life abounds in the universe, the idea that there are lifeforms identical to what we have on the Earth isn't as common as we would hope for.

Most planets do not have an atmosphere upon which life-forms “feed”, as on Earth, where the chemical composition of the atmosphere provides nutrition to plants, and other organisms, which in turn support other life forms.

I have no problem with this. 

Though, when it was addressing the Roswell leadership it was speaking in terms that they could understand, such as human-like creatures and intelligence's. Today, we would widen up the scope a bit, and include all types of microbes and other bacterial forms.

When the Domain Force brought the Vedic Hymns to the Himalayas region 8,200 years ago, some human societies already existed. The Aryan people invaded and conquered India, bringing the Vedic Hymns to the area.

What was discussed by the Type-1 extraterrestrial in 1947 is common knowledge today.
Population migration out of India.

The Vedas were learned by them, memorized and carried forward verbally for 7,000 years before being committed to written form.

During that span of time one of the officers of The Domain Expeditionary Force was incarnated on Earth as “Vishnu”. He is described many times in the Rig-Veda. He is still considered to be a god by the Hindus.

Vishnu fought in the religious wars against the “Old Empire” forces. He is a very able and aggressive IS-BE as well as a highly effective officer, who has since been reassigned to other duties in The Domain.

This Domain officer inhabited a human body and was involved in the teaching and changing the conditions of the human civilization at that time. It was never erased, and never sentenced to the "Prison Planet" and is now performing other duties within the Domain.

This entire episode was orchestrated as an attack and revolt against the Egyptian pantheon installed by “Old Empire” administrators.

The type-1 greys planned and orchestrated this and other series of battles and Geo-political posturings to help break the grip of the "electro-magnetic force screen" that had so completely incarcerated them.

The conflict was intended to help free humankind from implanted elements of the false civilization that focused attention on many “gods” and superstitious ritual worship demanded by the priests who “managed” them. It is all part of the mental manipulation by the “Old Empire” to hide their criminal actions against the IS-BEs on Earth.

I have no problem with this.

A priesthood, or prison guards, were used to help reinforce the idea that an individual, is only a biological body, and is not an Immortal Spiritual Being. The individual has no identity. The individuals have no past lives. The individual has no power. Only the gods have power. And, the gods are a contrivance of the priests who intercede between men and the gods they serve.

It's a power control mechanism,. I have no problem with this.

Men are slaves to the dictates of the priests who threaten eternal spiritual punishment if men do not obey them.

I have no problem with this. This is a theme that has been repeated over, and over, and over again. From the Americas, to Europe, to Egypt, to Rome, to today inside of America, and televangelists.

What else would one expect on a prison planet where all prisoners have amnesia, and the priests themselves are prisoners?

I have no problem with this.

The intervention of The Domain Force on Earth has not been entirely successful due to the secret mind-control operation of the “Old Empire” that still continues to operate.

As of 1947, the Dominion has not been all that successful erasing the programming and changing the destructive paths that mankind was set upon.

A battle was waged between the “Old Empire” forces and The Domain through religious conquest.

The attempts to change the planetary system began around 8,000 BCE, and wasn't really all that successful.

Between 1500 BCE and about 1200 BCE, The Domain Forces attempted to teach the concept of an individual, Immortal Spiritual Being to several influential beings on Earth.

A new avenue, or methodology was attempted during a 300 year span of time. It started around 1500 BCE.

One such instance resulted in a very tragic misunderstanding, misinterpretation and misapplication of the concept. The idea was perverted and applied to mean that there is only one IS-BE, instead of the truth that everyone is an IS-BE! Obviously, this was a gross incomprehension and an utter unwillingness to take responsibility for one’s own power.

What a fiasco!

The “Old Empire” priests managed to corrupt the concept of individual immortality into the idea that there is only one, all-powerful IS-BE, and that no one else is or is allowed to be an IS-BE. Obviously, this is the work of the “Old Empire” amnesia operation.

I have no problem with this statement.

It is easy to teach this altered notion to beings who do not want to be responsible for their own lives. Slaves are such beings. As long as one chooses to assign responsibility for creation, existence and personal accountability for one’s own thoughts and actions to others, one is a slave.

Which is a major issue going on inside the United States today.

As a result, the concept of a single monotheistic “god” resulted and was promoted by many self-proclaimed prophets, such as the Jewish slave leaderMoses -who grew up in the household of the Pharaoh Amenhotep III and his son, Akhenaten and his wife Nefertiti, as well as his son Tutankhamen.

I am not well versed in the lineages of Ancient Egypt. However, I can see how this could take place.

The attempt to teach certain beings on Earth the truth that they are, themselves, IS-BEs, was part of a plan to overthrow the fictional, metaphorical, anthropomorphic panoply of gods created by the “Old Empire” mystery cult called “The Brothers of The Serpent” known in Egypt as the Priests of Amun.

News to me, but I can see it happening.

They were a very ancient, secret society within the “Old Empire”.

I have no problem with this statement.

The Pharaoh Akhenaten was not a very intelligent being, and was heavily influenced by his personal ambition for self-glorification. He altered the concept of the individual spiritual being and embodied the concept in the sun god, Aten. His pitiful existence was soon ended. He was assassinated by Maya and Parennefer, two of the Priests of Amun, or “Amen”, which the Christians still say, who represented the interests of the “Old Empire” forces.

I am not well versed in Ancient Egyptian history, but this does make sense and could very well have happened.

The idea of “One God” was perpetuated by the Hebrew leader Moses while he was in Egypt. He left Egypt with his adopted people, the Jewish slaves. While they were crossing the desert, Moses was intercepted by an operative of the “Old Empire” near Mt. Sinai. Moses was tricked into believing that this operative was “the” One God through the use of hypnotic commands, as well as technical and aesthetic tricks which are commonly used by the “Old Empire” to trap IS-BEs.

I have no problem with this statement.

Thereafter, the Jewish slaves, who trusted the word of Moses implicitly, have worshiped a single god they call “Yaweh“.

I have no problem with this statement.

The name “Yaweh” means “anonymous”, as the IS-BE who “worked with” Moses could not use an actual name or anything that would identify himself, or blow the cover of the amnesia/prison operation. The last thing the covert amnesia/hypnosis/prison system wants to do is to reveal themselves openly to the IS-BEs on Earth. They feel that this would restore the inmates memories!

I have no problem with this statement.

This is the reason that all traces of physical encounters between operatives of space civilizations and humans is very carefully hidden, disguised, covered-up, denied or misdirected.

I have no problem with this statement.

This “Old Empire” operative contacted Moses on a desert mountain top and delivered the “Ten Hypnotic Commands” to him. These commands are very forcefully worded, and compel an IS-BE into utter subservience to the will of the operator. These hypnotic commands are still in effect and influence the thought patterns of millions of IS-BEs thousands of years later!

So, and if you read this exactly as written. It states that any of the ten commandments trigger hypnotic commands. And thus are used by the "Old Empire" to influence the will of the people who thus believe them. Petty powerful, and yes, even dangerous stuff. 

Is it true or not? I do not know.

Incidentally, we later discovered that the so-called “Yaweh” also wrote, programmed and encoded the text of the Torah, which when it is read literally, or in its decoded, form, will provide a great deal more false information to those who read it.

The type-1 extraterrestrial is saying that all of the major religions at that time spouted writings which were trigger hypnotic commands, and thus influenced all the people who read or listened to them.

Ultimately, the Vedic Hymns became the source of nearly all of Eastern the religions and were the philosophical source of the ideas common to Buddha, Laozi, Zoroaster , and other philosophers.

So it spread throughout the world...

The civilizing influences of these philosophies eventually replaced the brutal idolatry of the “Old Empire” religions and were the true genesis of kindness and compassion.

You asked me earlier why The Domain, and other space civilizations do not land on Earth or make their presence known. Land on Earth? Do you think we are crazy or want to be crazy?

Obviously, it knew very well how to respond to the questions poised by the Roswell military leadership.

It takes a very brave IS-BE to come down through the atmosphere and land on Earth, because this is a prison planet, with a very uncontrolled, psychotic population.

Well stated, and factually correct.

And, no IS-BE is entirely proof against the risk of entrapment, as with the members of The Domain Expeditionary Force who were captured in the Himalayas 8,200 years ago.

As powerful as the type-1 greys of the Dominion are, they can be hurt and harmed. And they need to be very cautious when they are in dangerous situations and dangerous people.

No one knows what IS-BEs on Earth are going to do.

I think that is is a very accurate statement.

We are not scheduled to invest the resources of The Domain to take total control of all the space surrounding the area at this time.

This should be well understood.

This will occur in the not-to-distant future – about 5,000 Earth years – according to the time schedule of The Domain.

I believe that this time-line has sped up substantially with the formation of MAJestic, and with people such as MM, and Sebastian providing "boots on the ground" and performing various "anchoring" activities.

At this time we do not prevent transports from other planetary systems or galaxies from continuing to drop IS-BEs into the amnesia force screen area.

A couple of points here.

[1] In 1947, the Domain did not prevent interstellar "drop offs". I do know that that policy changed when I was active in MAJestic.

[2] The "amnesia force screen area" is a specific region. It is not infinite. It has geographic boundaries, and limits.

Eventually, this will change.

In addition, Earth, inherently, is a highly unstable planet. It is not suitable for settlement or permanent habitation for any sustainable civilization. This is part of the reason why it is being used as a prison planet.

This is a serious point that no one, in any analysis that I have read really understands. Contrary to the other statements about O, B and A stars, (Those were proximity locations for civilization anchors, not the homes of specific species themselves) most civilizations prefer the cooler, longer life, K, M and drown dwarfs for civilization stability.

The next point(s) are all very important and you all should read them, and pay attention to them.

No one else would seriously consider living here for a variety of simple and compelling reasons:

  • The continental land masses of Earth are floating on a sea of molten lava beneath the surface which causes the land masses to crack, crumble and drift continually.
  • Because of the liquid nature of the core, the planet is largely volcanic and subject to earthquakes and volcanic explosions.
  • The magnetic poles of the planet shift radically about once every 20, 000 years.  This causes a greater or lesser degree of devastation as a result of tidal waves, and climatic changes.
This was written long before "Worlds in Collision".
  • Earth is very distant from the center of the galaxy and from any other significant galactic civilization. This isolation makes it unsuitable for use, except as a “pit stop” or jumping off point along the way between galaxies. The moon and asteroids are far more suitable for this purpose because they do not have any significant gravity.
Our solar system is in a relatively "rural area" in our galaxy. Though, the center of our galaxy is rather dangerous for us humans, it isn't for other species that have adapted to that environment.
  • Earth is a heavy gravity planet, with heavy metallic soil and a dense atmosphere. This makes it treacherous for navigational purposes. That fact that I am in this room, as the result of an in flight accident, in spite of the technology of my craft and my extensive expertise as a pilot, are proof of these facts.
  • There are approximately sixty billion Earth-like (Sun Type 12, Class 7) planets in the Milky Way galaxy alone, not to mention the vast expanses of The Domain, and the territories we will claim in the future. It is difficult to stretch our resources to do much more than a periodic reconnaissance of Earth. Especially when there are no immediate advantages to invest resources here.
  • On Earth most beings are not aware that they are IS-BEs, or that there are spirits of any kind. Many other beings are aware of this, but nearly everyone has a very limited understanding of themselves as an IS-BE.

One of the reasons for this is that IS-BEs have been waging war against each other since the beginning of time.

I have no problem with this.

The purpose of these wars have always been to establish domination by one IS-BE or group of IS-BEs over another. Since an IS-BE cannot be “killed”, the objective has been to capture and immobilize IS-BEs. This has been done in an nearly unlimited variety of ways. The most basic method to capture and immobilize an IS-BE is through the use of various kinds of “traps”.

I prefer the use of the term "snare" instead. But I am sure that the point was made in the communication narrative.

IS-BE traps have been made and put in place by many invading societies, such as the one that established the “Old Empire”, beginning about sixty-four trillion years ago.

Again, ignore the dates and time. They are wholly messed up and incomprehensible to the translator and the Roswell military leadership audience.

Traps are often set up in the “territory” of the IS-BEs being attacked. Usually a trap is set with the electronic wave of “beauty” to attract the interest and attention of the IS-BE. When the IS-BE moves toward the source of the aesthetic wave, such as a beautiful building or beautiful music, the trap is activated by the energy put out by the IS-BE.

A trap or snare of beauty, or attractiveness. Yikes!

One of the most common trap mechanism uses the IS-BE’s own thought energy output when the IS-BE tries to attack or fight back against the trap. The trap is activated and energized by the IS-BE’s own thought energy. The harder the IS-BE fights against the trap, the more it pulls the IBS toward it and keeps them “stuck” in the trap.

It's like trying to stop smoking, by just smoking the last pack instead of throwing it away.

Throughout the entire history of this physical universe, vast areas of space have been taken over and colonized by IS-BE societies who invade and take over new areas of space in this fashion.

Not just the "Old Empire", but many others. The universe has a history of consciousness dominance.

In the past, these invasions have always shared common elements:

  • the overwhelming use of force of arms, usually with nuclear or electronic weapons.
  • mind control of the IS-BEs in the invaded area through the use of electroshock, drugs, hypnosis, erasure of memory and the implantation of false memory or false information intended to subjugate and enslave the local IS-BE population.
  • take over of natural resources by the invading IS-BEs.
  • political, economic and social slavery of the local population.

These activities continue in present time.

I have no problem with these statements.

All of the IS-BEs on Earth have been members of one or more of these activities in the past, both as an invader, or as part of the population being invaded. There are no “saints” in this universe. Very few have avoided or been exempted from warfare between IS-BEs.

I have no problem with these statements.

IS-BEs on Earth are still the victims of this activity at this very moment. The between-lives amnesia administered to IS-BEs is one on the mechanisms of an elaborate system of “Old Empire” IS-BE traps, that prevent an IS-BE from escaping.

I have no problem with these statements.

This operation is managed by an illicit, renegade secret police force of the “Old Empire”, using false provocation operations to disguise their activities in order to prevent detection by their own government, The Domain and by the victims of their activities.

All this is news to me, but it does explain the fear and concern that the Type-1 grey has when dealing with humans. I can tell you that things have improved significantly once MAJestic became involved. And movement with the type-1 greys and other species proceeded unhindered and unmolested.

They are mind-control methods developed by government psychiatrists.

Of course. I have no problem with this statement.

Earth is a “ghetto” planet. It is the result of an intergalactic “Holocaust”.

This is news to me, but I can see it happening by a very big, very corrupt and very powerful "Old Empire".

IS-BEs have been sentenced to Earth either because:

  • They are too viciously insane or perverse to function as part of any civilization, no matter how degraded or corrupt.
  • Or, they are a revolutionary threat to the social, economic and political caste system that has been so carefully built and brutally enforced in the “Old Empire”. Biological bodies are specifically designed and designated as the lowest order of entity in the “Old Empire” caste system. When an IS-BE is sent to Earth, and then tricked or coerced into operating in a biological body, they are actually in a prison, inside a prison.
  • In an effort to permanently and irreversibly rid the “Old Empire” of such “untouchables”, the eternal identity, memory, and abilities of every IS-BE is forcefully erased. This “final solution”  was conceived and carried out by the psychopathic criminals who are controlled by the “Old Empire”.
I have no problem with these statements.

The mass extermination of “untouchables” and prison camps created by Germany during World War II were recently revealed. Likewise, the IS-BEs of Earth are the victims of spiritual eradication and eternal slavery inside frail, biological bodies, inspired by the same kind of craven hatred in the “Old Empire”.

I have no problem with these statements.

The kind and creative inmates of Earth are continuously tortured by butchers and lunatics who are controlled by the “Old Empire” prison operators. The so-called “civilizations” of Earth, from the age of useless pyramids to the age of nuclear holocaust, have been a colossal waste of natural resources, a perverted use of intelligence, and an overt oppression of the spiritual essence of every single IS-BE on the planet.

I have no problem with these statements.

If The Domain sent ships to every corner of the universe in search of “Hell”, their quest could end on Earth. What greater brutality can be inflicted on anyone than to erase the spiritual awareness, identity, ability, and memory that is the essence of oneself?

I have no problem with these statements.

The Domain has, as yet, been unable to rescue the 3,000 IS-BEs of the Expeditionary Force Battalion either. They are forced to inhabit biological bodies on Earth. We have been able to recognize and track most of them for the past 8,000 years. However, our attempts to communicate with them are usually futile, as they are unable to remember their true identity.

I have no problem with these statements. However, I do know that there is a program with "abductees" who are taken to type-1 grey facilities and undergo biological monitoring, cleansing techniques, and other procedures designed to rehabilitate them.

MAJestic members (such as myself) participate in various ways. Sometimes assisting, sometimes providing <redacted> and sometimes being part of the procedure ourselves.

I myself have taken part in these rehabilitation procedures, and I even wrote up about one. I think I wrote about it last year or so.

Wouldn't it truly be something if I was one of the lost legion!

Anyways, all this stuff about "abductions" are misinterpretations of important efforts made to take care of the consciousnesses+ that inhabit this Earth wide region.

The majority of lost members of The Domain force have followed the general progression of Western civilization from India, into the Middle East, then to Chaldea, and Babylon, into Egypt, through Achaia, Greece, Rome, into Europe, to the Western Hemisphere, and then all around the world.

I can tell you that all MAJestic members must be of service-to-others sentience, and that is the sentience that all of the Type-1 greys that I have encountered possessed. I cannot help but to believe that any members of the lost members of the Domain would also possess this sentience.

The members of the lost Battalion and many other IS-BEs on Earth, could be valuable citizens of The Domain, not including those who are vicious criminals or perverts. Unfortunately, there has been no workable method conceived to emancipate the IS-BEs from Earth.

As of 1947. I believe that this situation has changed somewhat. I can tell you that <redacted>.

Therefore, as a matter of common logic, as well as the official policy of The Domain, it is safer and more sensible to avoid contact with the IS-BE population of Earth until such time as the proper resources can be allocated to locate and destroy the “Old Empire” force screen and amnesia machinery and develop a therapy to restore the memory of an IS-BE.”

I agree with this, and I personally believe that this situation changed one year later when MAJestic was formed. And that substantial strides and changes were made and implemented throughout the 1980's and 1990's up until my retirement as well as the mass retirement of everyone within my cluster of cells.

End of part 3

Sure, there are miss-translations on time, confusions in regard to galaxies and universes, and a mish-mash of confusion between consciousness+, humans, and some confusion regarding galactic “ownership” and “power projection” between different species, however this is the real deal. It fits in perfectly with everything that I know about MAJestic.

The more I parse it in detail, the clearer to me that this is exactly what it is claimed to be.

I will admit that I was unaware of the “Old Empire”, and the role that the Earth had as a “prison planet” for it. I am also unaware of the details regarding it.

But as I compare what I know, and what I have experienced with what I have parsed, I have been able to “open doors” so to speak, and suddenly mysteries that I have been part of have now been explained. I can tell you that this document has really been a real benefit to me personally. I have seen and read many, many, MANY faked bullshit nonsense on the internet. But folks, this is the real deal. It has been able to unlock some things that only I know, and open them and suddenly all sorts of puzzle pieces that I have participated in, like <redacted> and the time that <redacted> with the particular <redacted> explains the ancient <redacted> and the especial oddity that I encountered when dealing with the Oxia Palus <redacted>.

I well remember an event that I had regarding a world-line slide, and it really was a mystery to me. Most of the time, I would just brush them off as just odd things that I had to endure, but on one occasion it seemed to me that they all fit together, and when <redacted> which brought me to the understanding of the anchoring process for world-line groupings, and at this time the <redacted> along with a type-1 grey were involved in <redacted> and it clearly showed to me that there MUST have been a previous or prior Empire or federation” of some sort, or of some type that were involved in <redacted> to such an extent. All requiring some kind of “work around” to accomplish specific goals and changes. Now I know.

The solution to the reversal of the amnesia was tied to the “world-line” anchoring that I have been so painfully involved in these last three decades. And with that, and the understanding that the <redacted> of the various attributes <redacted> fit in the consciousness <redacted> collaboration <redacted> reconfiguration by region, time, and <redacted>.

I just cannot express myself in any way that you can understand. Guys! This is the missing cypher.

Please do NOT read the document without reading my parsing. I think my parsing will help you all move foreword with this.

Key Points

Never the less, I believe the following to be true in regards to this parsing of this section of the book…

  • Everything here is true.
  • Earth is no longer a “prison planet”
  • Earth is now a “sentience nursery”.
  • Fear not an “abduction”. It’s actually a good thing. Not a bad thing.
  • Type-1 greys of “the Domain” are service-for-others sentience.
  • MAJestic is changing everything, hand in hand with the Type-1 greys.

Part four

You can visit part four HERE.

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I am a little confused. I you please explain a few things.

In earlier descriptions of Type 1 Greys, you thought that they were STS, and that they were working with the Mantids with which were STO. The If this is so, then a Type 1 Grey from the Domain is not the same as the previously described Type 1 Greys?

From several pictures that do seem legit to me, it seems that what we lump together and call Type 1 Greys are not actually a single species but a group of species that share physical similarities?

In alot of literature, our inability to remember our immortal selves is put down to the fact that when incarnating into physical bodies, we choose not to take on our memories so that we can focus on the experiences here in the physical. Extrapolating from what is said from the text being discussed, it is inferred that why we do not remember our immortal selves is because of a trick of amnesia forced on us by the Old Empire?

A further extrapolation of the accounts of experiences after death, such as the “tunnel of light”, the “after life review”, the “review of future life choices with a council of elders/guides”, then these are all constructs of the Old Empire?

When a person has interaction with a Type 1 Grey, he is likely to have had a pre-birth agreement to have this interaction. In what context does this take place? In a false Old Empire trick? Or is this something else?

Daegon Magus

From what I was told by my off world handlers the human mind was deliberately engineered to cut humanity off from a higher state of awareness by an {unknown faction, same ones responsible for Ancient Egyptian slavery} for the sole reason that “they” felt threatened by us; i was specifically told that every human, by divine law, had a right to this state of consciousness.

This higher state of awareness/ consciousness i was able to connect to and is where the real memory of all past lives is held; in earth year terms, it is orders of magnitude above what we have come to call even “mental genius” of the highest levels; if one person on earth was able to connect to this awareness for a week they would be able to evolve civilization by about a couple of million {here i am being deliberately conservative given MMs opinion on time in the doc} years in that same time span; It is essentially 5th dimensional awareness and lets you look through physical realities like they are glass; which is apparently a standard state of awareness for beings at that level.

The reason it is so powerful is that there is no back end cognitive processing like with our human mind; you don’t think in terms of questions and arrive at a conclusion through logical deduction, as the moment the thought is conceptualized it simultaneously understands said conclusion; if you think of serial data transfer vs parallel, it is akin to that; our mind processes information in a series like sequence of thoughts, the higher awareness does it through a more parallel approach which is directly interfaced into the very fabric of the 5th dimension, so if you need to, say, create a time travel device, for example, the consciousness just reads it from the environment as easily as if you are reading a children’s book; you just simply understand past, present, future all at once and how every action and choice will influence all three.

Because of this state of awareness, I had direct access to the akashic records which i could pull up and “recode” to my hearts content; i was in charge of putting a sort of “patch” over the amnesia section of the 5th dimensional DNA lattice of the 20 something thousand other earth time incarnates who were in attendance and then expected to “go and find them in the physical world”; the reason this is opening doors for you MM, i suspect is because that programming was deliberately supposed to not only unlock the memories of those who were in attendance at this gathering, but also anyone their soul had ever come into contact with over its entire celestial lifetime; I am wondering if you were perhaps there and don’t remember it? if it is indeed the code working as designed, you should start to magnetise more and more people synchronised to all of this – the reason it took me nine years to start talking about this was because it just sounded so goddamn narcissistic; these MFs made it out like I was Dr Who or something.

There was a real concern by my handlers (who i suspect were ascended masters) on the faction that created the amnesia and the place where they were hiding it as it appeared as a sort of black hole that had been ripped through the very mesh all consciousness is apparently tethered to in that particular dimension.

Myself and my team had apparently been investigating this black hole thing for the better part of 40 000 years – which most of my astral assignments were based around; i was tasked with projecting my consciousness into it in an effort to see what the hell it was.

Bad idea.

this thing was able to completely disintegrate this higher state of consciousness i was utilizing in a matter of minutes into a incoherent mess of almost incomprehensible babble; i could literally feel it ripping my consciousness apart as I tried to analyze it, simply because it did not belong to the same dimension/ universe that my higher mind was tethered to; it was like when i tried analyzing it my mind would fall into an infinite loop due to missing information; it had ripped a hole straight through the 4D/5D mesh my mind was connected to but for some reason, instead of that mesh falling apart, the black hole anomaly kept it in check. According to my handlers, this was super duper “illegal” in so far as divine creation was concerned and is where Airl’s notes on the Old Empire really start to shine.

After this experience I was forced to remember the exact same electrocution process Airl mentioned (which saw me remember 40 000 years worth of lifetimes of said torture one after the other) deliberately so I could keep my higher mind in tact and “bring back” the memory of it into this physical plane; this is something i agreed to. Immediately following this torture I existed as a consciousness floating in a stasis like state somewhere in the universe, before I was “compressed” into an amniotic sack in which I saw the embryo of this present incarnation form; There was no choice, there was no question time to examine any past lives (which could have been done during my time with my handlers, but wasn’t as there simply was no need). It was just electrocution then a brief breather before “in you go for another round, son”

I then met the “divine creator” – consciousness connecting all consciousness – and talked to it about my role in this whole saga, which was followed by my initiation into an astral based organization that was supposedly tasked with monitoring the inter-dimensional traffic coming into and out of earth and the alien agenda unfolding there, apparently because i had come to the complete and total realization of it due to what was revealed to me about the spiritual amnesia.

The leader of this group showed me what really happened at the fall of man from the garden of Eden; apparently these monkey like races were given a bunch of emerald stones the size of dominoes which had the ability to wipe all celestial memory from them and leave them in a zombified state unaware they were divine creatures or where they were; complete simpletons staring blankly ahead and drooling (after being responsible for creating part of the universe).

They started playing a game tricking the other races and an accident happened where all but one race was rendered cosmologically “dumb”; this race became the dominant force and used the others as its slaves, utilizing its cosmological knowledge against them; the Ancient Egyptian Slave Gods, aka the Old Empire

After this I was reminded of my involvement in a “cult” that was specifically set up by the faction who was in control of the amnesia device who were sent in to create sleeper cells within the consciousness operation; they would apparently abduct people from our ranks – myself included – brainwash them and throw them back in to act as sleep cell sabateurs; classic Old Empire tricks by the sounds of it.

Apparently my handlers knew about this operation and thus used me to gain intelligence on what they were doing in a sort of double agent role. This has a lot to do with time traveling super soldiers and out of control artificial intelligence systems that had the ability to generate complete “physical realities”. i have a theory on this regarding why the need for timeline slides, if that is still an area of confusion for you MM, but won’t go into it right now.

And a week after that, my handlers told me very explicitly that the human populace is indeed trapped in a simulation; I was walked through one of the sleeping facilities where our bodies are kept; when we go to sleep here, we apparently wake up there, and are drugged and made to sit through a regimented psychological torture campaign, then uploaded with fresh programming before we are “put back in”. Apparently it is so they can retrieve the data we collect whilst in “here”.

It was here i was shown a totalitarian government dictatorship (very similar to earth, but a thousand times worse) that sounded exactly like the Old Empire.

My handler told me their group had been actively opposing this dictatorship and had made good progress bringing down the containment around earth that stopped them being able to make proper contact, and that the plan was to move all the consciousnesses on earth over to a sort of Earth 2.0 rehab world where everyone could be slowly “detoxed” off the virtual reality world before being allowed back into the “real plane”. This place was where the server where all consciousness trapped in this VR are kept; I saw it.

Then 2 years later I was put onto Alien Interview and very soon after that found myself here…I have to admit, this shit is getting weird even for me, despite trying to analyze it from an objective perspective. The water goes even deeper still, but i am not yet allowed to share what i know about those depths. Hopefully one day soon i can. This is just the tip of the iceberg, read that again if you want a hint.

daegon magus

yeah my apologies MM, i know you already know most of it, this was aimed at answering with what was specifically told to me in regards to opposing sides. I didn’t even realise this had anything to do with ETs until my initiation into that astral organisation which was a few years after that experience with the {apparent} ascended masters. Not sure if I was being fucked with or not but there is a definite Solomonic magical link to that astral organisation that i haven’t included, as it is another conversation altogether. The two were allianced with each other; the ascended masters were using the intelligence gained by the astral org to try and work out what the other guys were doing with this amnesia thing on earth. Interested to know if any of it fits in with what you know when you get a chance, but like i said – no rush


MM I understand completely. When I post my messages to your forum I am aware you go over them first and am completely ok with you deleting anything that you think is not appropriate and leaving it off the comment thread (even past posts); i’d expect nothing less of a swift ear bashing when I fuck up; respect is one of my core values, and any disrespect i have shown was a mistake on my part and i apologise sincerely. I also apologise for getting a little bit excited with the amount of info I drop; this is something i have been, in a sense trying to manifest within my own world line for several years for my own confirmation’s sake, so i am grateful for what you are doing. I am also a writer by heart, so it is more normal for me to write an 8000 word essay on my thoughts than it is to write a brief 100 summary of them. I shall retreat to the shadows for a little while and just sit and observe


words of a true wise man. i dig it

Ohio Guy

I really dig what you have to say. I’ve been studying this topic of spirit self for some time now. I too, get excited when I see and feel events manifest. Much like the release of this document and the timing of the release to us. There are some of us here at MM that are able to discern the info dropped here at light speed. It really comes down to how much study time one devotes here at MM. Like MM says, “Long time MM readers will already know…”. But MM himself is correct that some info should be parsed to avoid confusion/overload.


Firstly thankyou for posting my comments. And again thankyou immensely for giving me the opportunity to state my case a little more plain English like.
“…Neutral Centre Attachment of an object or Parcel of Energy, is where the Aether Energy is derived to SUSTAIN the Objects Functionality. Once this Neutral Centre Attachment is severed, no more “life Force” is derived from the Aether…”
Show me your FUCKING calculations, or shut the fuck up. Do you have any God damn idea how insane this sounds to those of us classically educated? It sounds like some God-damn stage hoaxter who is making fun of the audience because they haven’t figured out how his tricks work.
Sorry you ‘see’ it that way.
My alien handlers would praise the conciseness of this Aether Energy Point definition. I have another piece to this jigsaw puzzle we are unraveling. Its not easy being confronted with the correct terminology of that which seems fanciful.
I went to Tesla Tech Conference in Albuquerque in 2017 and 2018 and others of similar topics over the last 25 years. I exhibited devices never before seen much less understood to the attendees, as I do at the dozens of such conferences I’ve attended. If I mention John Keely and his Neutral Centre, or Tesla and his Radiant Energy, most there would know this is where the term Zero Point Energy comes from. It is these people I talk to and bring them up to speed on what these two Genius’s were on about. You cant broadcast ‘electrons’ around the world without wires and light up bulbs in the neighboring towns. You need another Theory of Energy. It starts by studying the simple single cell battery. There is no math, no volts, no calculations, no meter other than one’s own Bio Meters like sight, touch and feel that can be performed on the energy coming from the Aether via its Neutral Centre Attachment Point. This is the Holy Grail that classically educated students haven’t been introduced to YET. I have been granted permission to give the Theory, 100 years ahead of time. A subject you should understand. This is out of place science from the future. This is Airl’s science. Its creation science. On Earth we only know of Hot Science, Destructive science, oxidative science. South Pole positive energy we call ‘electrons’. They make heat and there is no other energy that fulfils the Opposite and Equal Law. But there is an opposite and equal to Heat Oxygen energies and its made at the North pole electrode in water. Its the ‘other’ directional flow of energy that is NOT measured with a Multi meter. For a flow in one direction necessitates a flow in the other direction being opposite and equal. We observe the Original Science Principles of Olde. The other being “Physician First do no harm”. Something every STO souls follow. But back to pure theoretical science, no, we don’t have a Cold Fusion Meter yet. They DID exist as an analogue meter on your house which most have been replaced with a Smart Meter so as to NOT METER the opposite flow. The Analogue meter would turn backwards. I want to find one to add in the circuit in Joes Samsung Smart Drive (Tesla Designed) motor and generator of radiant energy and test the theory. Joe would laugh but hey… I wanna know.
If we were to look at “calculations”, lets examine the Postulation of the Electron Theory. Which by the way was dreamed up to explain Tesla’s energy displays. Some Frenchman did this in 1896. It made ‘sense’ and was adopted in the Atomic Model to give the 2 opposing and equal charges of positive and negative. But the Maths Guys weren’t very happy as the mass of the Atom didn’t add up. Large mass Positive Proton and a tiny small negative electron. So the theorists dreamed up the Neutron to balance the mass equation and it was adopted forever more to do useless calculations on. Then the Bomb went off and by splitting the atom it released lots of electron energy and got as hot as the sun. The blasts in Japan were IMPLOSIONS. Look at the trees again for the first test bomb, they move both ways. Where’s the calculations for that? All they can come up with is Kilo or Mega tons of Blast energy with scant regard for the sucking in evidenced in the videos. Modern science theories are a Hoax. There is no “fuel” in the Sun in a never ending Nuke reaction to heat the Atmosphere hotter than its surface. There is no fuel to heat the earths atmosphere hotter than its surface. In both cases the source of the ‘energy’ is from somewhere else. Telsa said “rotating magnetic Fields will do it every time” to create Radiant Energy from the Aether. Earth is a Rotating Magnetic Field and so is the Sun. Keely said you cannot make it ‘mechanically’ and all the “over unity” nerds and Zero Point Free Energy freaks have been trying to understand what these two guys have meant using an electron theory as a basis for their Electric Universe Theories and a multi meter that isn’t designed to read the “other” Opposite Flow.
Cold Fusion (the SUN) cant be made, nor reverse engineered with calculations or some apparatus by those educated too far in the Hot Electron Theories mindset.  It literally is magical Levels of Tech.
But to give a concise construct of matter energy again;
Walter Russell philosophy.org said there are but 2 forces in the Universe; Compression and Expansion.
Who said it was all Yin and Yang?
No one else on the Planet can demonstrate Implosion and Explosion in the same apparatus…
made by just reversing the electrodes.
Ex-plosion equals Carbon Oxygen Field Energy or South Pole positive Magnetic Current or Heat energy.
Im-plosion equals hydrogen North Pole Magnetic current Field Energy or COLD FUSION.
That SAME Cell that makes oil and does the “Plosions” demo, if the Implosion electrode placement is taken to the 4th phase will make water so Hypercharged that it makes Ponds and Fleishman look silly. The battery plates we used, was one half of an old aluminium radio tuner apparatus merely dropped in the water with 2 power leads attached. The water never discharges or goes flat and a litre will power a house forever on DC. I speak from experience. Same as you. Creating a Neutral Centre in water that’s lasts forever is truly to understand that water is in constant motion and is thus, swirling magnetic Crystals to ‘harvest’ energy from, similar to a coil near a spinning magnet.
Just like when man began building nukes, the ufo people did fly bys and in some cases its alleged they deactivated the nukes in their bunkers. When we play with this North Pole Cold Fusion Energy, we get VISITED. It’s a 100 years too soon. But we CAN have it if you try to see my terminology as real rather than fake. It’s actually a MIND game to make cold fusion. It needs to be rather open and subjective.  I mean no malice when I say these things. Joe has a “teaching Cell” to demonstrate how to think properly when hooking up the electrodes. If you can bend spoons already and know the Power of the Lord/Heaven/Aether then you might crack it on your own. The actual schematics of JoeCells are widely known and some 1000’s of Experimenters have built one. Joe never told them that they had to Think Correctly to make it run because they were stealing the Cell Designs for money. We have many examples of this Field Science and Energy simulations.
This is truly the Science of the Secret Doctrine of all the mystery schools rolled into one. Many mystery schools call the “Neutral Centre or Zero Point” the Souls Attachment point…. Why shouldnt the Sentient being we call the Sun have one too as does Mother Earth?

Is that clearer?


@ Merlynn funny you mention implosion and water vortexes.

I just started reading a book called “Life With a Cosmic Clearance” by Daniel M Salter. As the title implies, Salter claims he had a Cosmic clearance and had first hand experience with working with off world tech which his provided a testimony about to the national press club along with another 28 people from military backgrounds.

In the book he claims the Nazi’s were playing around propulsion tech in their UFOs using the exact principles you just mentioned. He also mentions a UFO retrieval in SOuth Africa that had been in constant contact with a woman named Elizabeth Clara; the Ets were apparently giving her a complete run down of advanced theories of light.

Ohio Guy

Ya, I made a copy of MerLynn’s comment above a day or so after. That’s some intriguing science eh?


The following you may or may not include in a post. It’s an edited email exchange between Darren, who is the head Scientist of Russellian Science and myself about the what was grossly miss translated from Aristotle as it related to Joecells and Russellian science re compression and expansion.
The 4 Elemental States of Matter plus the 5th or Quintessence Element or the Aether or Heaven or the Akashic or the Firmament that Governs the Laws of interaction of these 4 States.
They can also be called the 4 Phases of Electricity and the Magnetic Fields have more ‘Poles’ than 2.
After 10,000 of these water experiments in 29 years of Plosion Demos, we have it down pat. We add Fire to Water as electricity. The coolest or hottest Alchemy of them all.
Try to understand that this is the FIRST attempt to describe to a guy who does actually understand my every word as a demonstrable fact the nature of Universal Energy…. ALL of it.
   —— Original Message ——
   From: “Darren Colomb” <science@philosophy.org>
   To: “joecell joecell” <joecell@bigpond.com>
   Sent: Friday, 18 Jun, 2021 At 9:46 AM
   Subject: question on power
   G’day Lynn,
   If we can use a car battery or Telecom rectifier interchangeably to charge a cell, and the Telecom is in no way modified, how then do we provide a “negative phase” like we can do with 3 batteries and tapping off of it two negatives? In other words how to do you get negative power from a positive power supply?
   Ed says our meters are one-sided and Joe’s got a Volt meter and Amp meter on that Telecom. They show positive but never negative power.
   So we can see positive power is flowing but what about the Negative which you can’t see?
   Have you ever metered the Telecom at the socket?
   I understand what you are saying about the SEQUENCE of applying power, but how does touching the cell once, twice, three times, etc… with the same leads give you a different phase each time?
   Every flow of current has an opposite and equal flow, in both directions OK but I say also (as does Joe) that there are actually 8 flows to one wire… 16 flows if you use two wires. why because two flows have opposite equals and so do they, or as WR would say: every electric current is an OCTAVE which is composed of four pairs, or eight total. every wave is an octave wave.
   You would know this as the hidden/unseen aspect of 2. Walter diagrams this same thing as the blue sine wave interwinding with the red wave below on the bottom THE WAVE CYCLE:
   The red sine wave is what youse have coming in from the power socket as 50Hz 240VAC.
   That’s what’s going into the Telecom and rectified as DC out. Pos and Neg.
   But how do we get two negatives from this? like we can with batteries.
   As always your insights are much appreciated.
Some good questions there you ask.
I have actually answered them back in the forum days.
But I’m not the expert, Joe and you, are much better ‘self taught’ than I.
But Joe does try to point out where I should look further for more insights.
I can but give you the descriptions of the ‘lessons’ Joe has given me to help you understand ‘electricity’.
“how to do you get negative power from a positive power supply?”
Joe’s son Christian, left his headlights on in his car at Joes house one day.
He asked Joe if he had a spare battery to loan him so he could get home.
Joe said his battery was only “half” flat.
To show his son that this was the case, he removed one of the leads from the battery and placed a ‘test light’ or a COIL between the battery and the lead on the car and told Christian to get in and start the car. When he turned the key, the self starter fired up and spun the motor and it started with a DEAD FLAT BATTERY. If a battery only has “pos” energy, what started the car? By taking power off the 3rd battery but not including the 3rd battery, the 3rd battery is ‘part’ of the source and contributes a Frequency. Clearly its still ‘electricity’ but something has changed and we can see this change only if we ‘use it’. Everything effects everything or is connected to everything.
The actual placement of the Negative Lead to the Cell First, or when using batteries on the human body, taking the Neg Lead in the right hand First, then grabbing or connecting the Positive lead second, CONNECTS the Cell or Body of water to the AETHER and connects it in the way God created energy flows to be ‘beneficial’ by correct polarity activating the Neutral Centre attachment to the Aether for creation rather than degradation. (contraction or expansion -Yin and Yang) A Battery has a Neutral Centre and so too does the Human Body. All Energy is a Manifestation of Energy from the Aether or the Quintessence (Firmament) that governs the interactions of the 4 Elemental States of (Matter)ENERGY. How you interact with the Aether determines what results you get. North Pole is greater ‘energy’ or FIRE than South Pole. The Flow starts there. Work with it to Create or against it to destroy. Hold the Battery leads in the wrong hands might destroy your Bio Field causing illness rather than healing. Same with the electric JoeCell. Peter Stevens nearly killed a Lady doing just that in front of a house full of people.
AC can be created with a car battery and you can electrocute some one with a car battery. Merely connect the person to the car battery and then “remove and recontact”, repeatedly, the connection to the battery. By hand you might get a Hertz of say 5 ‘interruptions’ of DC per second. Not as lethal as 50 Hertz. But fairly damn Nervous system disrupting all the same. In an electric arc welder, like used by every tradesman, when first touching the electrode to the seam to be welded, the leads twist in a left hand rotation. The initial ‘flow’ of current, exhibits this 90 degree interaction of the pos and neg. With AC at 50 Hertz, there are 50 ‘TWISTS’ of energy per second. This Twist energy is used to ‘drive’ the AC Motor. Each ‘interruption’ or hertz cycle, displays all polarities (phases) of the Current whether from a Battery or from filtered and rectified AC. The polarity of the coil windings then determines which phase of spark is used to ‘ignite’ South Pole positive ‘oxygen’ or air. Some Phases have no effect on ‘combustibles’. Try taking the spark lead off and shorting it to all the cells in the car battery. Nothing happens but there are electrical sparks that blow up the battery. The SilverJoe Generator, if wired up to split the phases, will see a different phase go to each rod which creates a non harmonious Magnetic Field. The Telecom Rectifier has all the phases as does a battery. Finding them and using them is the trick I believe you are asking for. You find them and understand them by experimentation.
If you remember I talked about Joe’s “Teaching Cell” on the forum. He built a 9 cone cell for healing a 21 year old kid using a Peter Stevens built Cell. Peter built one for a Perth Uni Professor Tony Parsons. It didnt work and they gave it to Joe when they were done with trying to steal Joe’s tech. Joe made a few little alterations to this Cell and used it to heal people who asked him to do “something”.
One day Joe set this Cell up on the kitchen table and hooked up a car battery to the cell and it started bubbling away rather profusely. He then disconnected it and asked me to repeat the demo exactly as he did. So I took the cell to the sink and washed it and filled it with clean sink water exactly as he did. Then proceeded to connect the battery leads to the Cell exactly like Joe did. Only nothing happened. Zilch.
Joe then said, now you are in Albuquerque doing a demo and what do you do next? I check the connections and all are fine. I check the battery, (before starting the battery was fully charged, testing it by shorting it which he did prior to starting) the battery now had zero spark when shorting it out. It was flatter than flat. NO spark at all. Some how, my connecting up the leads to the Cell, instantly flattened the battery, or had it? After much ridicule from Joe and much hair pulling, I admitted I didnt know enough to take a Cell to the USA. The battery was flat and getting a new one would only see it go flat too. So Joe then picked up a foot long rubber thread wrapped in string, like used in stretch elastic clothing. This ‘organic’ non conducting COIL (the cotton thread covering the elastic rubber was coiled around the rubber making a COIL of thread) He used the rubber coil to short the battery terminals. Nothing could be seen nor felt but after a couple seconds the battery now exhibited ‘full power’. The ACTION of using a battery, depending upon the action or what the Battery is hooked up to, depends upon what you get from the battery in regards to its ‘type’ of electricity. or phase or polarity. Man has perfected the use of South Pole Positive Heat Energy and all instruments are geared to this. The meters will still work when using Cold Electricity as there is still a 2 way flow. Cold Electricity is using the energy of North Pole Energy. Its what causes “little universes” or ‘parcels of air’ to IMPLODE and condense into rain drops or freeze into a flake along its Magnetic Resonant Field Pattern. The pattern of Tetrahedron water crystals vibrating according to the Elemental Frequencies present.
When Joe took several Cells to Oil Tech an oil recycling waste company, (I have some of this on video) He/they used 3 batteries in series on one cell. What he found was the middle battery would go “neutral” and no current would flow though it, rendering the Demo with a nil or no result in action on the oil. The battery would not take a charge nor would it spark when shorted. Yet if powered up by Joe, a single battery could treat millions of gallons (turn Oil into Water) and never go flat. Oil Tech did the 3 battery power-up in Joe’s absence. The Cell or ANY JoeCell built by Joe, generates ‘electricity’. It feeds back into the power source. The 2 way flow. This actually happened to the Telecom rectifier and it took him months to fix it. He let the wrong phase power a cell too long. First he had to figure out which phase was nulling out. No ‘electrician’ could figure out why it had no output but everything tested ok. It only ever happened once to the Telecom rectifier. Mans instruments only measure the hot fusion side of energy. There are no instruments to measure the Cold fusion side of energy other than Joe’s fingers and eyes. Again a Coil between the two terminals on the flat battery restored it to ‘normal’. Im still trying to explain that in science terms. can you? (whenever I ask Joe that kind of question he says … you just want to put it on the internet… I found that when I say … Yes I do…. he then gives an answer… But the Yes I do, must have a valid reason for doing so. Its frustrating.)
Joe said last year that the NEUTRAL Washer between the ring magnets do similar to the Field in the Water in the pipe. Flowing water generates the Highest Magnetic Field but few even detect it. Flowing water is flowing magnets. Billions of them. This generates ‘electricity’ when passing by a ring magnet or another Field such as a Coil of Copper. (helps to be ‘charged water’ first or the Act of Hyper Charging). This ‘electrification’ of water we call Charged Water and it is this 2 way flow of ‘electricity’ that Back Charges the water back into the tank and Transmutes it into Fresh without ever going through the Magnetic In-Line Cell. Joe changes the Phase or Polarity of the Electricity by placing a small magnet on the Magnetic In-Line Cell to change the polarity of the Field and this starts or shuts down the Field. Just as Disconnecting the lead to the Cell and reconnecting sees the Cell go to the next Phase or stage so to does a Magnet in close proximity change the Magnetic Field acting on the Washer sees it go to the next phase. He can make it SALTIER than the original Ocean Water. Or it goes from positive to negative electricity by interrupting the Field in the Magnetic In Line Cell. Any ‘change’ or disruption to the flow of electricity or the Field itself, will see the other types or phases of electricity in a repeating Format. Some Humans will shut down the Magnetic Cell as does a magnet passing the Cell.
In any of the 4 formats there is the opposite and equal effect giving 8 waves if you will. You may describe it with different terms. One day Joe tried to tell me there’s 16 outcomes and then 64 outcomes etc, and repeated the same Gold type can be found 16 bends down river. Each Bend is a change of Frequency of the river water and lets not forget Water is Liquid Electricity. How does one determine what type or polarity of water one starts with in any Cell? Joe preferred Mountain Stream water or fresh from a mountain top Spring Water. Here on my Farm, the underground water we use for irrigation has what I used to call “discharged water”. It took 4 days for Plants to react or grow more leaves to the irrigation water. But its actually South Pole Positively charged water. Whereas Spring water is North Pole Negatively charged water. I suspect the Sink Water that flattened the battery immediately upon hookup of the leads is such South Pole Positively water.
When Joe uses a match to light the bubbles, the Frequency of the fire changes the phase or Stage as the JoeCell forum called it. With a Battery, the Cell will naturally cycle through the Phases, and without the match, one needs to become very observant to the visuals of the next stage. (breeder stage 3 they called it without even knowing what it meant) Or one can induce the next stage/phase by disconnecting the Neg lead and reattaching it. Each of the 4 phases of electricity has a different effect on the water in the Cell producing a differing Field than the last one. Each “Stage” is the product of one of the 4 phases of electricity. When I made the battery go flat in trying to replicate what Joe had just done, I had not programmed the Cell with my Field Thoughts and actions by not ASKING the Cell to actually ‘do anything’. Or Impart a Field Effect for the electricity to begin. So it went null. You are part of the Field Generated and this is Emotos prayer over water crystals taken to a practical healing exercise. You actually need to fail the Teaching Cell to understand it.
With the Telecom rectifier, the pitch or the hum changes as the Cell went to the Next Stage or Phase. When giving a demo to others, Joe always disconnects as soon as he hears the Hum change. He never tells anyone about it, not that I have heard anyway. By the Hum you will know the polarity is changing. The Polarity changes when the Cell is fully charged with that Phase because of the two way flow or interaction or instant feedback changes the Power Source. The Amp Meter drops back considerably when the hum changes. All Phases are available in the Power Source/Telecom/Battery. It is a Flow and it’s a Wave with highs and lows or Polarities. It was just easier and more convenient to use the Telecom rectifier over Batteries. I have seen every Electric Cell use both.
Joe let the modified telecom rumor slide as it helped cover the IP. People will believe whatever they want to explain that which they will never understand. Remember, Bernie was adamant that there was NO Implosion in the Motor as the Valves could not theoretically work in a vacuum as intended. The magic was in his modified power supply not the 4 phases of Electricity and I was ridiculed for saying otherwise. I was writing on the forum to put into words that which Joe was trying to show a hard head who knew nothing about electricity.
There is more than pos electricity and negative electricity (power) there is also what the Power is connected to that determines what you get out of a battery. The differing Car Sparks show this. The battery is connected to a coil thats interrupted to create a spark. Coils can be powered two ways. One Way “works” and the other sorta doesnt… Which is which? Which is Pos? No one cares anymore. Many of Joe’s Lessons involved the ignition of very early automobiles where everything was run by just ONE wire from a magnet on a flywheel.
“I understand what you are saying about the SEQUENCE of applying power,
but how does touching the cell once, twice, three times, etc… with the
same leads give you a different phase each time?”
There are 4 Phases to Energy. There are 4 Elemental States of Matter. Electricity has 4 Phases. Matter is Formatted. The Earth comes with a Number 4.
When making ‘bubbles’ to light and make implosions or explosions as a Demo, The bubbles exhibit differing States of Energy, depending upon which sequence or how many times one attached the lead to the cell. The bubbles have differing effects if ignited while power is applied to the cell and after the lead is disconnected. The Demo on Rumble shows only the first connection of the 4 available sequences or connections. Each one, as we progress up the Format is MORE Energetic. Earth or Solid is ‘low’ energetic’ Water or Liquid is more ‘energetic’. Air or Wind is more energetic again and of course Fire is very energetic. To Touch again the Cell with a Lead, is the act of Charging again an already Charged vessel of water. To touch again the Cell with a lead, CHANGES the Frequency of the Cell. Just like sunlight bouncing off the moon gives the Frequency of moonlight another frequency that will DULL a cut-throat razor if left out in the moonlight (remember that Joecell forum post?) There are only 4 stages of charge as the resultant outcomes for a given vessel of Liquid type, the “leads give you a different phase each time” is just a change in Frequency of MATTER by now charging AGAIN the Cell achieving a higher level of charge. Charging already charged water is different to just charging the water once. (with the Aqua Chi Footbath, we call this Back to Back Treatments where you turn off the power supply and turn it back on again whilst remaining in the bath to Charge Again and thus Super Charging the Water for MORE ENERGETIC Healing.) Experience has shown the 5th time gives the same result as the First. This is more exciting when making the Cell produce Electricity (Fire) rather than just the initial activation or action on just the Dissolved Solids (Earth) in the Water. You want a cold fusion battery, you need to touch the cell 4 times with pure North Pole Field Energy (power) First charge the Water with North Pole energy and then take it to Fire. The 4th sequence on the Implosion Demo would actually blow the shed or rather suck the shed to total destruction and all those in it. Remember the Master Bates story, where this kid at Show and Tell sucked all the windows out of the classroom and all the hair from the front of his head? Joe does, He had to pay for the damage. Stage 3 Charging as the Objective on the JoeCell Forum to make a Car run, is charging the 3rd phase of Elemental States of Matter or Air to be Implosive. You didnt want the car engine exhibiting Fire or electricity when connecting a Cell to the car so NO mention was ever made of this 4th stage.
We see these ‘energy Formats’ as Earth, Water, Wind and Fire OR Solid, Liquid, Gas and Electricity.
As a conclusion, When the Cell is sparked the second time in the Sequence, There is a New Field Created in the Cell, not an extension of the old one. This New Field Frequency that the Cell is producing flows back to the power source be it battery or Telecom as the Law of 2 Way Flow. This New Frequency feed back changes the Frequency of the Power Source to the next Phase in the sequence accessing the other side of the Battery that’s usually never used. Half the plates in a car battery corrode only. It repeats as a Format because the Universe is Formatted. The Aether is a Cubical Quad Energy Structure. But that’s another story.
“   Ed says our meters are one-sided and Joe’s got a Volt meter and Amp meter on that Telecom. They show positive but never negative power.
   So we can see positive power is flowing but what about the Negative which you can’t see?
   Have you ever metered the Telecom at the socket?”
Interesting way to try and invent a meter for Cold Fusion. Kathy and I saw a motor Draw Cold Fusion Radiant Energy from the Aether and light up 2500 watts of electrical equipment. Exceeding the wire dimensions limits for Heat Current. Lighting up motors with Cold Fusion energy doesn’t generate heat in the wires and potentially you could exceed their limits a 10000%. No, you cant measure it, you can only use it. You cant even store it. The output wires on a smart drive motor is a single strand of fine gauge. Meant for 4.5 volts. The only way to know you have it. Is to make it available and doing something with it. Same as the coil on the flat battery. Joe has even completely flipped the cars polarity and the polarity of the cars battery too.
The old analogue meters for house electricity meters that used a spinning aluminium ring might measure the back flow? It was possible to make them spin backwards.
“The red sine wave is what youse have coming in from the power socket as 50Hz 240VAC.
   That’s what’s going into the Telecom and rectified as DC out. Pos and Neg.
  “ But how do we get two negatives from this? like we can with batteries.”
I honestly don’t think I can answer this. Joe has pointed to the Neg Ground on a welder and said you change the positive to increase or decrease voltage but the neg stays fixed. Perhaps a 240V to 12 VDC transformer might give “the other Negative” if there were two interacting magnetic Fields where the flow of current in each coil (primary and secondary) are whats creating a rotating magnetic Field and so you would have a Static Cold Fusion Multi Coiled Power source. There are rumours they have been built. Joe once handed me a wall wart power supply that as often as you wanted too, it would tingle on your tongue, it was generating power constantly. Cold Fusion can also be called Negative Negative energy or Pure North Pole Energy Flow from the Aether. The Ring magnets will place this energy in the water because it creates a Neutral Centre with the flowing magnetic Field of the water. But I think I’ve rambled enough and don’t take any of this as gospel.
Then there’s CERN where they use ‘charged’ particles as ‘tiny’ magnets flowing around a magnetic Field miles in diameter at near light speed. They are trying to create a Neutral Centre of a very large size. Bigger is not better unless you have another agenda.
I know this probably doesn’t quite answer your questions and is a bit jumbled. But I had to write this Formatted Matter of the 4 Elemental States of Energy as observed by Direct Current acting upon Water sooner or later. The Alchemy of Fire and Water is the most difficult of the Alchemy experiments to undertake. Man only ever attempted this with just 2 electrodes and then built the Atomic Structure on this single outcome. Never once did they actually look at the WATER in this ‘electrolysis’ experiment, instead only looking at the Gases produced. And then its not even water but some caustic solution. Where does the Iron Oxides come from in such abundance in the footbath? Since when did they ever study precipitation with ‘electricity’? A precipitate that will NEVER be re-dissolved back into the water defying all their so called theories. For them, it’s all ‘electroplating’ and nothing else matters. For us its formatting earth from water with one of the phases of electricity. All they do is boil it with Fire, not electrify it with Fire.
First you gotta unlearn what you first learned. That’s the hard part unless you ignored ‘electricity’ until one meets Joe. Does Russell mention the Structures of Light forming a Crystal and said crystal or the “atom” (Democritus) then makes all of creation as a Magnetic Pattern? (that are then grouped into Octaves based upon their Wave Frequency?)
In my opinion, first you gotta deprogram with practical Fire into Water experiments that give new origins for the ‘elements’. Russells “pure theory” just doesn’t cut it in a world ruled by peer review. Let them Review the Experiments. The Aqua Chi Water Module will turn water into oil in sufficient quantities to be self-sufficient with the ‘right’ power source. Its all about the Frequency of the DC going into the Antenna or Cell or Water Module. What a revolution it would be if the Aqua Chi water module was placed in every school rather than just 2 electrodes in a beaker, then you would have the experiments to move Russell forward from pure theory. With Everything Going On-Line, including ‘schooling’, there’s never been a better opportunity to put together a Water Learning kit to destroy the fake theories. You should think about that some. I did 25 years ago and its why the 7 ringed array came into existence. KISS in action.
PS of course I expect you to find any flaws as you see them and point them out.
Thanks indeed for the ‘lessons’ to help me understand, truly food for my mind and very much appreciated.
Finding the phases and understanding them by experimentation sounds like immense fun. Cheers for that.
Can I explain a Coil between two terminals on the flat battery restores it to ‘normal’?
Here’s what I know.
A straight wire is a dead short on the terminals, but there is an amount of turns that prevent the wire from burning up or getting ‘hot’. The coil allows the 2-way flow to run straight past each other and they don’t interfere with each other because they wind thru. It also puts poles North and South at the ENDS of the coil. If the wire is straight the current puts poles up and down (Vertical), so it changes the ‘angular’ aspect of the electricity if you like. from vertical to horizontal…
Now consider your flat battery with the cotton coil. Perhaps he is simply changing the angle of the ‘Negative’ flow from vertical to horizontal (or vice versa? maybe it works BACKWARDS?) and allowing the battery to rebalance, recharge, come into alignment! The cotton is conductive, just in a different way. If the back flow can’t flow, the front flow can’t flow either, like waste spark management.
Joe hinted once as saying what if we could turn the two plates of a battery from parallel to 90° to face one another it would now super conduct.
But what if we simply turn the electricity around instead of the plates?
To “fix” the Telecom I imagine would be harder, because there is a capacitor filter on the output and if you short a coil to this cap it will OSCILLATE at the frequency of the LC circuit you’ve just made!    Like tuning a radio.
Modern science has nothing to say about electricity that is East – West or any angle/degree in between North and South poles. But WR Cosmogony does cover East, West poles and explains the necessity of them in our Universe. We can walk into a North pole and walk back out without change in polarity, which is heading both West and East to do so.
Walter always said a COIL is a LENS. specifically a biconvex lens that polarized LIGHT into its RED (MALE) and BLUE (FEMALE) halves of the color spectrum. Maybe it is Joe is just changing the colors of the battery terminals as he sees it?
“Joe let the modified telecom rumor slide as it helped cover the IP.”
What I find interesting is what taxman (Brett?) had to say back on the old Yahoo forum. Supposedly he was told about the “Zener diode” in one lead directly from Joe, and what I know about Zener diodes is they do conduct in 2 directions unlike a normal diode, so it MIGHT actually allow for a 2-way flow and simultaneous control of polarity… So, as far as misdirection goes it’s pretty good!!!
Coils and sparks, did you know in an ignition coil the bottom wire of the high voltage coil is shorted to the positive of the primary coil?
So, it’s not actually a Tesla coil! I was surprised to hear Joe say that once.
I discovered this by taking a hacksaw to many car coils and they are all wired this way.
Cold electricity can be metered if we convert it back into Hot electricity, I learned this from Tesla directly he calls it his “Method of Conversion”. I can also measure power wasted from any electronics simply by measuring its “field” and converting back into Volt-Ampere’s.
I like the idea of TWO transformers, I’ve built several of this type of power supply for my cells and different loads.
I can tap off two negatives from two full-wave bridge rectifiers but only if I short the positives together, just as you can with two batteries. But I have the outputs at different voltages, so I end up with AC and DC at the same time!
“The Aether is a Cubical Quad Energy Structure” in Russell’s terms would be called “Cubic Wave Field”. It is essentially a Universal mirror cube with infinite reflections or recursions of cubes “within” and “without” it.
“Does Russell mention the Structures of Light forming a Crystal and said crystal or the “atom” (Democritus) then makes all of creation as a Magnetic Pattern? (that are then grouped into Octaves based upon their Wave Frequency?)”
Well I’ll attach a picture of an “atom” and you can decide for yourself if it’s a “crystal” or if it’s better put as an “interference pattern of spherical waves” with empty vacuum as the so-called centering “nucleus”.
Frequencies have geometric patterns (like Cymatics) because all waves are spheres bounded by cubes. So all solid crystals that display facets and cleavages are simply reflecting (in motion) the static geometry that bounds them. That is how Russell explains it anyway.
You are correct in saying “they” will never believe Russell without experimental evidence. But you can apply what he teaches to your own life and determine it’s “worth”.
I’ve been at this for many years now, and I agree with you a Water learning kit in schools is vital now more than ever.
Ps. I have tried not to nitpick but instead to offer my thoughts! Haha
On Jun 19, 2021, at 6:52 PM, joecell joecell <joecell@bigpond.com> wrote:


I have limitations as to how detailed I can get into actual “devices” that are usefull when inventing with New Science Theories. People can handle only so much ‘theory’. What good is it to them if its not practical.

Very few want these laws governing Energy. They are happy with what they have. I would like to continue posting where the info seems applicable to the subject. Unless You or your readers want this interaction separate. Time will tell. I would also like to branch out and give the practical applications that make peoples lives better rather than harp on the Nature of the Universe. I need to be ‘triggered’ by dis-info (like the Suns Energy Source) to motivate my intuition to set it right. I was born a Virgo Goat as a Stellinium in Virgo. It makes life difficult for me as I cant stand imperfections.

Light has a frequency of its Origin. Light effects all objects it touches.The Light facing the Earth coming from the Heavens sets the Magnetic Field Pattern of the brand spanking New Magnetic Field Resonating Pattern of the New Bio Field of the Embryo. The Stars and Planets at the moment of conception Rule the time line for that Soul. It gives ‘choices’. I sometimes wonder if I chose well.

The best book available and the one Ive used for 30 years to hire employees and date women according to their Astrology is Suzzane White’s The New Astrology. I have the pdf. It marries Eastern Chinese Year Signs with Western Sun Signs. It repeats on a 60 year cycle and you get Metal, Water, Wood, Fire and Earth Signs. The 5 Essences of the Universe. Lynn is Celtic for (small) Body of Water like a Lake or Pond. Ive had to write Mr Lynn in all documents or they think Im a Female.

My Astrology gives me a 100% Feminine side and my appearance invites “miss”-gendering Fortunately, my Bio Circuitry is ‘wired’ perfect so Im totally Hetro. When I started High School in the OutBack, I was placed in the Girls Roll Call and not until they got the school Dr in and underwent a physical examination, did they decide I was a Male. I was the laughing stock for 3 months. What was I? But MerLynn works better than Mr Lynn and I was in charge of the Fire and cooking for the 9 Moons of Time when we made Excalibur. There are a group of us who meet up every so many centuries to Play. This Life-time it was my turn to rub the Genie bottle and was granted one Heavenly Tech Wish. Will tell more on that later.

Ohio Guy

Hi MerLynn, I’m a multi craft maintenance tech. I’m so interested in the negative north, aether power supply you spoke of. Actually copied the conversation here to show to an electrical engineer here at the shop. I’d like to learn more about the practical as well as the not practical applications of whatever you decide to drop here. This is fascinating stuff MerLynn. Thank you very much,Bob.


Man, you guys keep blowing my mind.

I think lots of folks on this site have the same experience with me. We spend years searching around for people we can talk with about this kind of stuff, and it is hard where I come from. I am very glad I found this forum. And MM, please keep it up, it is a very good thing that you do here.

Its is a funny thing tho. For decades, I kept getting this recurring dream where I was either back in the army reserves, or back in university. The dream was always similar. In the army version, I would be thinking to myself “I have already fulfilled all my military obligations, why am I back in here doing yet another round of duty?”. and in the university version it would be “I have already graduated and gotten my degree, why am I back here doing this course?”. Then a couple of weeks back I had a dream where this was finally over. I had a distinct feeling that I would not be dreaming that again.

I wonder if it is because this site has opened a new direction in my search for answers?


Thanks for pointing the direction. Much food for thought.

Loved the picture of the studious looking dog acting as the “pilot” tho, LOL.


Again, many, MANY thanks for this. First, I am happy for YOU that this document ‘opened doors’ and filled in blanks for you. I can’t imagine being stuck with those kids of blank spaces in my mind.
I too, couldn’t help but notice the western world comparing with the old empire.
My question here is how do you suppose earth went from a prison to a nursery? Does that make sense? Like if you wanted to convert the prison you got stuck in – into a nursery while all of those criminals in it without damaging the little ones? I know you can’t possibly have an answer but if – with the info you have that we do not – if you do have any insight and it’s permissible, would you share your thoughts (please)?
The planet being a ghetto planet. Seriously – when I read that I laughed out loud. If she only knew what our ghettos look like now (entire cities are ghettos in the last year)
Thank you again for your work on this!


This was a very fascinating read. I will need to sit and ruminate before continuing further. It is a lot of information to absorb, and I’ve only just begun reading. Thank you kindly for sharing. Would you mind if I ask a couple of questions?

Are we any closer to remembering ourselves? Is there a way to determine our IS-BE’s true nature? Are all IS-BEs to be rehabilitated, or just a select few?


Thank you for taking the time to answer my inquiry. I am nothing more than a regular person who stumbled upon your blog. Searching for truth. Outer and inner. I was referring to all the IS-BEs on this planet.

Thank you for taking the time to work through the interview. Again, my mind is blown and will need some time to really think about it all. Not going to lie, it’s a bit disheartening but yet hopeful with the new developments.

I will be committing some time to reading the recommended material. Thank you for directing me. It’s good to be able to consider oneself, and in light of what is shared I can’t help but take a closer look.


My wife wants to know 
1. why the Mantids still hang around on Earth. Not for nostalgic reasons I guess. Are they too affected by the amnesia force screen or other traps of the Old Empire?
2. was Jesus also an incorporated Domain officer sent to us to fix the “fiasco” that was made earlier which lead consciousnesses to deny responsibility?
Thanks for putting in so much work!


Allow me to answer the Jesus question.
According to the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Qumran Monastery and Edgar Cayce and my ‘lessons’….
Around 175 years BC, the Teacher of Righteous started the 3rd Sect in those times, The Essene’s or Holy ones or Enlightened ones. The other two being the Pharisees (Far Seers or Service to Others) and the Sadducees (Seducers or Service to Self) This “Teacher” set up a plan of action or a series of events according to the Star Patterns for the next 175 years to bring forth a child with Heavenly attributes. Side Note…. Pharisees are the Traditionalists or Republicans if you will. Sadduces are the “progressives’ or Democrats if you will. This shit been going on a long time. It’s the Duality of nature.
With every Age, there comes a ‘special’ Soul to teach again the facts of life. Mo(ses) came at the beginning of the Age of the Aires/Goat and had to forcefully destroy the old Golden Calf or age of Taurus beliefs.  Jesus brought in revised proverbs for the Fishers of Men or Pisces. There is no doubt Jesus was Down Loaded as and when required.
There is always a great Plan and the Story of Mo is here in the comments section, https://metallicman.com/laoban4site/john-titor-and-world-line-travel-as-time-travel-part-1
When little Mary was chosen at age 7 to be the Vessel for the Lord, it caused a great ruckus among the Essene community. Mary was the daughter of an unwed mother and she also claimed Mary was a Virgin Birth (she was). Members of the Essene community based at Qumran did NOT have sex or procreate. Their Sect increased in numbers by people Seeing the Light and Joining. So Mary’s mother, as was little Mary herself, was seen as Unclean or a bastard child. They say that the Essene’s were 10% approx. of the population in those times.
(Mary Magdalene, earned her PhD at Memphis University in 2016 on the Heavenly Tech Wish I was granted in 1997 https://dc.uthsc.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1374&context=dissertations)
But the scriptures from the Teacher of Righteousness were followed and little Mary underwent 7 years of Intensive training in the Heavenly Sciences. At Age 15 she became with Child. So the Essene Community needed a Husband for Mary. They gathered all the eligible men into the great hall where they ‘drew lots’. Basically the short straw won. Joseph, a man of near 60 years drew the short straw. This really upset the community. A bastard pregnant child married to an old man was not what they had envisioned as the Vessel to bring forth the Messiah. So back they all went into the great hall to pick another husband. This time they let a Dove loose and it was determined that whomever shoulder it landed on would be more in line with a Sign from God. The Dove landed on Josephs shoulder and they all went home happy now. Truly the sign they were looking for and tested to boot.
The Inn keeper was an Essene. The “Manger” was a Management System for watering goats and sheep. It was a Pizza shaped fencing pattern so all animals could be penned up at night and have access to the water trough at the Centre. Nearby was a Cave, or natural Rock shelter. Site of the Birth. The Magi, who were Magicians using Magnetics to understand the Stars and Events, were down loaded as to where this Creation Event was taking place. The Magi used Batteries to preform Healing Miracles and other unexplainables. (like wiring up a carpet with Silver Wire, a North Pole Metal, and applying ONLY the North Pole Field Energy from the Battery to the Silver Wire and it Floated. Just like the AIR from the Negative Electrode in water makes a Gas that Floats that science mislabels as ‘hydrogen’.)
That’s how Jesus got here. Whether the Teacher of Righteousness was Domain or some other faction playing the game of Sim City Earth I do not know.


I forgot to post this after writing it… so here it is

“A “Sun Type 12, Class 7” planet is the designation given to a planet inhabited by carbon-oxygen based life forms.”
North Pole Negative Bias Magnetic Fields and South Pole Positive Bias Magnetic Fields. Earth is the Later.
Thus we made a Healing Device that is South Pole Positive Energy Biased. The AquaChi Footbath.
Earth can also be described as a Petrifying Planet where everything turns to Stone (solid crystal format) Look inside a Petrified Log at Petrified Forrest AZ and see nice large Quartz Crystals.
Oxygen “rusts” everything. Oxygen Life Forms are South Pole Positive Life Forms. Oxygen is produced by the Positive Electrode in the Rigged H2O electrolysis experiment.
So Ponder on what constitutes a North Pole Negative Hydrogen-Like Life form if one would like to think like the Writers or Star Trek. Or…. What is the opposite and equal of “Petrifying” or “Rusting”
“On the average, the percentage of planets in the physical universe with a breathable atmosphere is relatively small.”  A Liquid Watery Planet is VERY VERY RARE. Or as I was told… “Mud Balls are very rare”. Airl and I are using the same “Science Facts”.
“amnesia force screen area” I believe this to be the zone encompassed and encircled by the Van Allen Belts… would anyone like to buy the Magnetic Shielding IP NASA doesnt have? Unbelievably simple and cheap to make. It might help shield from Amnesia.
“Earth is a “ghetto” planet. It is the result of an intergalactic “Holocaust”.” Yes, Earth is but a shell of its Original Created form. It is literally a recycling garbage dump for left over Biological Lifeforms aka a ZOO or Seed Bank of DNA. The one thing all abductees have in common is… they have never been sick a day in their lives… Always harvest the best DNA when doing Lab experiments… I always say.
All Gold on Earth originated as a thin ‘egg shell’ that surrounded Earth in the Upper Atmosphere. After some ‘war’ it was destroyed and we search for this gold all over earth after its been mixed and melted and dispersed all over the planet. Gold is a Heavenly Metal and induces Heavenly ‘traits’ when used for Biological Enhancement purposes like the AquaChi Device made with a Gold Neutral centre ring instead of the Copper Neutral.  The boy Pharaoh, TutenCONEheaden, had an Iron Dagger and a GOLD Dagger in his Coffin. The iron dagger is a 1000 or more years AHEAD of its time. These are the Yin and Yang of Metals. One Kills Life and the other Heals life. We use the killing Metal in our healing hospitals… go figure. Tut died in a Hang Glider accident as boys will be boys. Carter removed the broken wooden bits and thought them ‘garbage’ obstructing his entry to the tomb.