A breakdown of the report “alien interview” by MM from a MAJ perspective (part 1)

I have presented the PDF titled “Alien Interview” to the readership. It is supposed to be the transcripts of the interview that a nurse had with an extraterrestrial entity that was recovered from a spaceship crash in Roswell, New Mexico. There is a lot of good stuff there, and a lot of things that run counter to what I know and understand to be true. My intention here is to parse the entire book, and compare it to what I know. Where the two diverge, it will be up to you (the readership) to sort it out.


There is a website devoted to this book. You can visit it HERE.

They seem to make posts based of passages from the book, and then delve into greater detail from there.

I do not (personally) believe that this is warranted. From what I know of the Type-1 greys they tell us what we want to hear, for the most part. And if you look at the content of the book, you can easily see fraudulent elements that were remnants of the popular culture at the time.

Never the less I believe the transcript to be authentic.


  • A free PDF provided HERE in an MM article.
  • The bibliotecapleyades on-line version of the book. HERE.


A Mrs. MacElroy presented an envelope of transcripts to a publisher in 2007. In the envelope and over the phone she asked the publisher to do what he could to get them to be published. She claimed to be the duty nurse at the Roswell Army base in New Mexico in 1947. And further, she claimed that she was the sole interpreter / translator of the sole surviving extraterrestrial fro the wreckage.

The content of this book is primarily excerpted from the letter, interview transcripts and personal notes I received from the late Matilda O'Donnell MacElroy. Her letter to me asserts that this material is based on her recollection of communication with an alien being, who "spoke" with her telepathically.

During July and August of 1947 she interviewed an extraterrestrial being who she identifies as "Airl", and whom she claims was and continues to be an officer, pilot and engineer who was recovered from a flyer saucer that crashed near Roswell, New Mexico on July 8th, 1947.

She was late in age and was ready to die. This, apparently, was her effort to make sure that the experience that she had would not be forgotten.

The initial letter from Mrs. MacElroy was received on September 14th, 2007, together with a package of documents. The package contained three types of documents:

  • Hand-written notes in cursive on ordinary, lined, 8 1/2″ X 11″school notebook paper, which I assume had been written personally by Mrs. MacElroy.
  • Notes typed on a manual typewriter on plain, white 20 lb. bond paper, which I am assume were prepared personally by her. At least both had the appearance of having been written in the same hand writing, and / or typed on the same typewriter consistently throughout. The writing in the notes I received also appeared to be the same as the writing on the address and return address of the manila envelope I received from Navan, Ireland, which was postmarked on 3 September, 2007. Since I am not a forensic expert, or handwriting analyst, my opinion in these matter is not a professionally qualified judgment.
  • Many pages of typewritten transcriptions of her interview with the alien. These were obviously typed on a different typewriter. These pages were typed on a different type of paper and showed apparent signs of age and repeated handling.

There is a lot, especially in the front 1/3 of the document, that seems credible to me an MAJestic “operator”. There is also quite a lot that is alien to me, and a substantial amount that does not match what I know to be the truth.

Thus, I must rightfully conclude that a large bulk of the information follows the type-1 grey MAJestic warning:

They tell you what you want to believe, not necessarily the truth.“.

All in all, I think that [1] the truth is this is that these are actual transcripts from the Roswell event. However, [2] the content is tailored to the interpreter and her superiors. Thus, [3] most of it’s content is inaccurate, or misleading to us reading it 70 years later.

I have first-hand experience with these type-1 greys. I have worked with them. I have been at their facilities. I have interacted them in both the physical and the non-physical. So I do have more than just a little bit of knowledge concerning this subject.

However, my EBP entanglement was with another species known as the Mantids, and they view things quite differently. Though, truthfully, it was THIS species that manufactured the EBP, installed it inside my skull (off world), and laid out the “training” that I had at NAS, NASC China Lake.

From the MM point of view, this [4] entire exercise offers us a great “spring board” for investigation, and I would like to use what I know to sort out this document and turn it into something that is useful for all of us to learn from.

Finally, [5] there are errors in understanding of a 1948 nurse and terminology and lexicon, that I will try to resolve here.


I am not going to reprint the entire book here. The same does for the notes by the nurse, and the various supporting documents held within the PDF.

That is available provided HERE.

Instead, I am going to parse the  transcript of what the type-1 grey had to say. I will do so based on my role in MAJestic, and what I know through the EBP entanglements.


QUESTION – “Are you injured?”

QUESTION – “What medical assistance do you require?”

QUESTION – “Do need food or water or other sustenance?”

QUESTION – “Do you have any special environmental needs, such as air temperature, atmospheric chemical content, air pressure, or waste elimination?”

At this point, early on in the interview we see that the body is a construct used by a being in wave form. It does not require any of the support equipment needed by biological creatures.

QUESTION – “Does your body or space craft carry any germs or contamination that may be harmful to humans or other Earth life forms?”

QUESTION – “Does your government know you are here?”

QUESTION – “Are others of your kind going to come looking for you?”

QUESTION – “What is the weapons capability of your people?”

QUESTION – “Why did your space craft crash?”


This differs from my understanding. I was told that radar technology developed by the Germans during World War II were being tested in New Mexico, and they are what brought the vehicle down. Aircraft getting hit by lightening is a common event and rarely causes the crash of a vehicle.

QUESTION – “Why was your space craft in this area?”

The first test of a nuclear weapon was in the atmosphere on July 16, 1945, in a remote part of New Mexico on what was then the Alamogordo Bombing Range, and is now the White Sands Missile Range. The site is 55 miles northwest of Alamogordo, New Mexico.

QUESTION – “How does your space craft fly?”


QUESTION – “How do your people communicate with each other?”

QUESTION – “Do you have a written language or symbols for communication?”

QUESTION – “What planet are you from?”


QUESTION – “Will your government send representatives to meet with our leaders?”

QUESTION – “What are your intentions concerning


QUESTION – “What have you learned about Earth governments and military installations?”

Earth governments are "poor" and "small", but they have the power to destroy the entire planet.

QUESTION – “Why haven’t your people made your existence known to the people of Earth?”

QUESTION – “Have your people visited Earth’s previously?”

QUESTION – “How long have you known about Earth?”

Pre-historic humanoids date back to 400,000 years. At that time they were tool making, cart making creatures that seemed to have an appreciation of music, speaking, and society. Though no written language. Proto-humans date back even further, going back 2 million years. This knowledge will be useful to explain other statements made later on.

QUESTION – “What do you know about the history of civilization on Earth?”

QUESTION – “Can you describe your home world to us?”

QUESTION – “What is the state of development of your civilization?”

Our universe is roughly 14 billion years old. While a soul and consciousness can be much older than that, I take the term "trillions" to mean "an unfathomably long period of time".

QUESTION – “Do you believe in God?”

QUESTION – “What type of society do you have?”

QUESTION – “Are there other intelligent life forms besides yourself in the universe?”

Thoughts from the first interview

Obviously the book has the notes hand written on the paper that pretty much helped explain her thoughts and impressions. I left those out.

As you can see, not much was gleaned from the first interview.

But as it was, it was very productive. At that time, the entire Army base was abuzz with soldiers all of which just finished fighting a bloody global war with fanatical Nazi’s and Japanese. Their mind-set was militaristic, aggressive, defensive, protective, and nationalistic. It was a hostile environment for an extraterrestrial species to enter.

The extraterrestrial pilot, who like all type-1 greys, can read the non-physical world about it, fully understood the situation and was actively reading and absorbing the thoughts of everyone around it. And like all type-1 greys, assimilated the knowledge, and made the appropriate physical actions.

Which was do nothing. Wait in the room.

The next day…


“QUESTION – “Why have you stopped communicating?”


“QUESTION – Can you read or write any Earth languages?

QUESTION – Do you understand numbers or mathematics?

QUESTION – Can you write or draw symbols or pictures that we may be able to translate into our own language?

QUESTION – Are there any other signs or means of communication you can use to help us understand your thoughts more clearly?

SUBJECT: ALIEN INTERVIEW, 11. 7. 1947, 2nd Session

QUESTION – Can you show us on a map of the stars which is the star of your home planet?

As discussed, this question is based on the assumption that there is one singular planet that the species departed, and that is it's "home planet". Which is false, and if you understand that this species is a non-physical species that creates physical bodies for use in physical space, you can recognize what an impossible question this is to answer. 

This species is part of a wide organization, with many, many regions that they inhabit. This includes both the physical and non-physical. Most of which 99.999% were unknown to the military and scientists at that time. In fact, at that time, they didn't know about brown dwarfs, or even if there were planets around stars. And many thought that the earth was the center of the universe.

QUESTION – How long will it take your people to locate you here?

QUESTION – How long would it take your people to travel here to rescue you?

QUESTION – How can we make them understand that we do not intend to harm you?

At this point, the more astute should realize that they were absolutely transparent to this being. And that their plans, thoughts, secrets and desires were open and presented to it and they had no defense against it.

QUESTION – If you are not a biological entity, why do you refer to yourself as feminine?

SUBJECT: ALIEN INTERVIEW, 11. 7. 1947, 3rd Session

“QUESTION – “What assurance or proof do you require from us that will make you feel safe enough to answer our questions.”

There it is.  The type-1 grey defines who, what, when, why, how and where. No one else.

Then, according to the notes;

“On the afternoon of the 16th day Airl and I sat next to each other as she read. She closed the last page of a book she was reading and placed it aside. I was about to hand her the next book from a large pile waiting to be read, when she turned and said or “thought” to me, “I am ready to speak now”. At first I was a little confused by the remark. I gestured for her to continue and she began to teach me my first lesson.

Up to this point, everything was very matter-of-fact, clear, cut and dry. Now we enter “the twilight zone” and start getting into the real “meat” of the interview. And it is this part that REALLY NEEDS to be sorted out and put into context.

SUBJECT: ALIEN INTERVIEW, 24. 7. 1947, 1st Session

“What would you like to say, Airl?”, I asked.

“I have been a part of the Domain Expeditionary Force in this sector of space for several thousand years. However, I have not personally had intimate contact with beings on Earth since 5,965 BCE. It is not my primary function to interact with inhabitants of planets within The Domain. I am an Officer, Pilot and Engineer, with many duties to perform. Nonetheless, although I am fluent in 347 other languages within The Domain, I have not been exposed to your English language.

Said very interestingly. However, let's parse this statement to it's basics. 

This officer 

[1] has been assigned to this region for a long stretch of time (from a human perspective). 
[2] Hasn't interacted with humans for roughly 8,000 years. 
[3] Is an officer, a pilot, and an engineer. 
[4] Is fluent in numerous languages spoken within their "nation" / "federation". 
[5] Does not speak English until now.

The last Earth language with which I was conversant was the Sanskrit language of the Vedic Hymns. At that time I was a member of a mission sent to investigate the loss of a Domain base located in the Himalaya Mountains. An entire battalion of officers, pilots, communications and administrative personnel disappeared and the base destroyed.

This officer learned the local Earth language when investigating the loss of one of their outposts. This was in the Himalaya mountains, and at that time 8,000 years ago, the locals spoke Sanskrit. It was a large outpost.

Knowing what I know, I can tell you that this was a sizable installation. It was large, and it maintained a large contingent of personnel, and they were active in doing what ever they were active in doing. A facility this size has a purpose. And what it was, or what it was doing, is not specified.

Several million years ago I was trained and served as an Investigation, Data Evaluation and Program Development Officer for The Domain. Because I was experienced in that technology, I was sent to Earth as part of the search team.

Again, do not get all caught up on the specific numbers and terms. Just look at the basics what it was saying.

The type-1 extraterrestrial had training in the specialties needed to investigate the mystery of the lost outpost. So it was sent down to the area to investigate.

One of my duties involved interrogation of the human population that inhabited the adjoining area at that time.  Many of the people in that region reported sighting “vimanas” or space craft in the area.

Thus the reason why the "non-contact" protocols were breached. The local humans needed to be interviewed, and they needed to be understood. So it learned the local language at that time.

In interviewing them (not specified how), the humans reported seeing spaceships and vehicles in the area. Which was telling. As the type-1 greys have a "non-contact" / "non-interference" policy and all their ships are hidden from view (cloaked).

This means that they were observing space vehicles of another nation / civilization / species.

Following the logical extension of evidence, testimony, observation, as well as the absence of certain evidence, I led my team to the discovery that there were still “Old Empire” ships and well-hidden “Old Empire” installations in this solar system of which we had been completely unaware.

It makes reference to an "old empire". This is entirely plausible, however, it does seem to be contrived to fit the mind-set of the military at the facility at that time. 

For all of military at the base (at that time) had just spent the last few years fighting the Nazi Germans and the Japanese empires. It seems logical to me that the Type-1 grey would carefully construct a narrative that the human base commanders would relate to, accept and understand.

You and I were unable to communicate in your language because I, personally, have not been exposed to your language. However, now that I have scanned the books and material you provided me this data has been relayed to our space station in this region and processed by our communications officer through our computers. It has been translated into my own language and relayed back to me in a context that I can think with. I have also received additional information from the files stored in our computers about the English language and Domain records concerning Earth civilization.”

It obtained the books. Scanned the content. Relayed it to "the cloud" at the base. Massaged it, cross-indexed it with known available records, and now is able to converse in English at a more professional level.

“Now I am prepared to give you certain information that I feel will be of great value to you.

Up until this point in time, I believe that all the information was wholly accurate, and truthful to the understanding of the people in the Roswell facility.

It is at this juncture, that it decides to "give certain information" that might benefit humans.

I will tell you the truth. Although truth is relative to all other truth, I wish to share with you as honestly and accurately as possible, truth as I see it, within the boundaries of my integrity to myself, to my race and without violating my obligations to the organization I serve and have sworn to uphold and protect”.

The key phrase is "truth is relative to other truths". And that is the KEY to unlocking and understanding all which was stated. 

It is [1] providing a mixture of information that [2] will be believable to the military leadership at the base, all intended to convey [3] various points that it wants to establish.

Knowing what I know, the points that it wanted to establish were...

[A] The Type-1 greys are a old, advanced species.
[B] The Type-1 greys own the Earth and everything surrounding it.
[C] The Type-1 greys are very strong militarily.
[D] Avenues for further communication will be made possible but on the terms established by the Type-1 greys.

Everything else is clouded in a mish-mash of mercurial and seemingly unrelated, but highly detailed (trigger) subjects designed to evoke a certain degree of emotional and mental reactions from the military staff at the facility.

“OK”, I thought. “Will you answer questions from the gallery now?”

“No. I will not answer questions. I will provide information to you that I think will be beneficial to the well-being of the immortal spiritual beings who comprise humanity, and that will foster the survival of all the myriad life forms and the environment of Earth, as it is a part of my mission to ensure the preservation of Earth.

As part of it's role and mission to ensure the preservation of the Earth, it will provide a narrative. This narrative will provide "information" which will eventually be beneficial to the souls of the humans that exist on the Earth.

“Personally, it is my conviction that all sentient beings are immortal spiritual beings. This includes human beings. For the sake of accuracy and simplicity I will use a made-up word: “IS-BE“. Because the primary nature of an immortal being is that they live in a timeless state of “is”, and the only reason for their existence is that they decide to “be”.

What it is talking about is "individual consciousness" which is a creation of soul. 

This term "IS-BE" is confusing. For our purposes here, we will simply refer to it as "consciousness+". 

It describes consciousness as it has decided to enter various life-lines through various world-lines. Of course, this understanding was well-beyond the military minded folk right after world war 2. So it made up it's own term.

No matter how lowly their station in a society, every IS-BE deserves the respect and treatment that I myself would like to receive from others. Each person on Earth continues to be an IS-BE whether they are aware of the fact or not.”

Continued, and with personal notes from the interpreter.

“Airl told me her reasons for coming to Earth and for being in the area of the 509th Bomber Squadron. She was sent by her superior officers to investigate the explosions of nuclear weapons which have been tested in New Mexico. Her superiors ordered her to gather information from the atmosphere that could be used to determine the extent of radiation and potential harm this might cause to the environment. During her mission, the space craft was struck by a lighting which caused her to lose control and crash.

This was covered earlier (above).

While investigating nuclear detonations in the New Mexico region, the vehicle experienced some kind of wave frequency / electro-magnetic interference. The type-1 extraterrestrial believed that it was due to natural weather irregularities. But, within two years, they will realize that it was due to radar interference with their electrical control systems.

The space craft is operated by IS-BEs who use “doll bodies” in much the same way that an actor wears a mask and costume. It is a like a mechanical tool through which to operate in the physical world. She, as well as all of the other IS-BEs of the officer class and their superiors, inhabit these “doll bodies” when they are on duty in space. When they are not on duty, they “leave” the body and operate, think, communicate, travel, and exist without the use of a body.

Not stated in the transcripts, but in the personal notes of the nurse is the understanding that these constructed bodies are just like suits of clothing that the type-1 grey extraterrestrial entities wear.

The bodies are constructed of synthetic materials, including a very sensitive electrical nervous system, to which each IS-BE adjusts themselves or “tune in” to an electronic wave length that is matched uniquely to the wavelength or frequency emitted by each IS-BE.

Each IS-BE is capable of creating a unique wave frequency which identifies them, much like a radio signal frequency. This serves, in part, as identification like a finger print. The doll body acts like a radio receiver for the IS-BE. No two frequencies or doll bodies are exactly the same.

The bodies of each IS-BE crew member are likewise tuned into and connected to the “nervous system” built into the space craft. The space craft is built in much the same way as the doll body. It is adjusted specifically to the frequency of each IS-BE crew member. Therefore, the craft can be operated by the “thoughts” or energy emitted by the IS-BE. It is really a very simple, direct control system. So, there are no complicated controls or navigation equipment on board the space craft. They operate as an extension of the IS-BE.

When the lightning bolt struck the space craft this caused a short circuit and consequently “disconnected” them from the control of the ship momentarily which resulted in the crash.

Again, the belief is that the default explanation for the crash was a natural phenomenon based upon assumption. 

Were the type-1 greys to investigate the crash and wreckage, they would (and eventually will) identify the root cause failure. Which was a real surprise to them, I am sure. And resulted in changes to the control systems of the spacecraft.

Airl was, and still is, an officer, pilot and engineer in an expeditionary force which is part of a space opera civilization which refers to itself as “The Domain”.

I have no problem calling the type-1 greys part of a "space opera civilization". 

Firstly [1] because they are one of the dominant species in our region. Secondly [2] that the military leadership at Roswell would easily understand this reference. And thirdly [3] all the subsequent information provided illustrates this point most clearly.

This civilization controls a vast number of galaxies, stars, planets, moons and asteroids throughout an area of space that is approximately one-fourth of the entire physical universe!

It could be. Or it could not. No one really actually knows.

My understanding from this differs substantially. 

As I understand it, this species can travel the universe, and has control over regions of space in other galaxies. But as far as our galaxy is concerned, it's control is about 25% of it, and our solar system is somewhere off to the side of the central area of control. The are expanding inward towards the center from the outer rim.

This nurse, is making a common mistake associating "the universe" with "the galaxy".

The continuing mission of her organization is to “Secure, control and expand the territory and resources of The Domain”.

Airl pointed out that their own activities were very similar in many ways to the European explorers who “discovered” and “claimed” the New World for The Holy Father, The Pope and for the kings of Spain, Portugal and later, Holland, England, France and so forth.

Europe benefited from the property “acquired” from the native inhabitants. However, the native inhabitants were never consulted with or asked for their permission to become a part of the “domain” of European nations and the soldiers and priests they sent to acquire territory and wealth in order to advance their interests.

Airl said she read in a history book that the Spanish king regretted the brutal treatment of the native inhabitants by his soldiers. He feared retribution from the gods he worshiped, as described in the various testaments of the Bible. He asked the Pope to prepare a statement called “The Requirement” which was supposed to be read to each of the newly encountered native inhabitants.

The king hoped that the statement, whether it was accepted or rejected by the natives, would absolve the King of all responsibility for the resulting slaughter and enslavement of these people. He used this statement as justification to confiscate their lands and possessions by his soldiers and the Pope’s priests. Apparently, the Pope, personally, did not have any feelings of guilt or responsibility in the matter.

Airl thought that such actions were those of a coward and that it is no surprise that the territory of Spain was diminished so quickly. Only a few years later the king was dead and his empire had been assimilated by other nations.

While this entire narrative and story was not included in the interview transcripts, I do not doubt that it occurred in silent unspoken communication between the two.

Souls are constructed and grow from the experiences that consciousness generates.

If your consciousness (in whatever form you take) creates destructive, unwarranted and unfair actions, tumult, pain, sadness, and emotional and physical strife...

...this creation will reside upon all your works, and your soul construct no matter how pleasant and beautiful you (and your works) look on the outside.

Eventually, it will try to find a point of lowest energy potential and all will manifest and come down hard on your "great works". It is no surprise that the type-1 grey talked in these terms.

Airl said that this sort of behavior does not occur in The Domain. Their leaders assume full responsibility for the actions of The Domain, and would not denigrate themselves in this fashion. Nor do they fear any gods or have any regret for their actions.

This idea reinforces my earlier suggestion that Airl and her people are probably atheists.

Missing the point.

Say that you kidnapped someone when you were in your 20's. You raped them, then you killed them, you hid the body, and no one knew anything at all about it. 

For sixty years you raised a family, went to church, and worked at your job and got your gold watch at retirement. 

On your death bed, you made a last confession. You told the priest about the murder, and he "absolved you of all your sins", and you died and expected to go into Heaven.

What's next?

A mantid (angel) comes and you go in front of a committee and they review your life. They see the good works, the bad works, and the terrible works.

Are your sins absolved? 

No. They are not.

Buy doing those terrible things, you have "hoisted a huge grand piano, with a strong hemp rope, a full 80 stories above your head". 

(This is a figurative illustration that suggests that you have created a very dangerous situation and now lie under the threat of this situation that you created.)

Until you resolve your deeds, you will have that danger with you always, and it attracts people who have sharp knives and who love to cut ropes.

(Again, figuratively, you will attract to you events, and things that will trigger a release of that danger that you created.)

You will need to resolve that, and the best way is a role reversal in your next life. The second best, is to take on a positive and helpful role doing good deeds and making great things happen. A third way is to accept it, and allow the piano to fall on you as that is the consequence for your actions.

Now all of this would have been totally alien to the military leadership at Roswell at that time.

In the case of the acquisition of Earth by The Domain, the rulers of The Domain have chosen not to openly reveal this intention to the “native inhabitants” of Earth until a later time when it may, or may not, suit their interests to reveal themselves. For the present time, it is not strategically necessary to make the presence of The Domain Expeditionary Force known to Mankind. In fact, until now, it has been very aggressively hidden, for reasons that will be revealed later.

Simple. The Earth is owned by the type-1 greys. There is no need to tell any of the Earth inhabitants of this truth. Maybe sometime in the future, the Type-1 greys will work and communicate with humans in various nations of the world, but not in 1948.

I can tell you that this occurred with the United States in the 1970's and MAJestic was formed as a result of this level of communication.

I can also tell you that both China, and Russia have also been in contact with the Type-1 greys. But I cannot elaborate on the extent of that communication.

The asteroid belt near Earth is a very small, but important location for The Domain in this part of space. Actually, some of the objects in our solar system are very valuable for use as low-gravity “space stations”. They are interested primarily in the low gravity satellites in this solar system which consists mainly of the side of the moon facing away from Earth and the asteroid belt, which was a planet that was destroyed billions of years ago, and to a lesser degree, Mars and Venus.

Nothing new here. The Type-1 greys are interested in the asteroid belt, and the moon (on the "far side").

Doom Domed structures synthesized from gypsum or underground bases covered by electromagnetic force screens are easily constructed to house the Domain forces.

Bases and facilities are easily created in this solar system. They consist of domed structures, or underground facilities hidden by electromagnetic force screens.

Once an area of space is acquired by The Domain and becomes a part of the territory under its control, it is treated as the “property” of The Domain. The space station near the planet Earth is important only because it lay along a path of The Domain expansion route toward the center of the Milky Way galaxy and beyond.

Nothing new. And this information can be well understood by the Roswell military at that time.

End of part 1

So far there is NOTHING in this transcript that I can find fault with.

There’s some minor errors in translation, and misconceptions, but most of what is going on is what you would expect. In this first part, there wasn’t any intentional misdirection, falsehoods, or deceptions that I can identify.

Of course, this information would have been an absolute SHOCK to the world at that time. And no one was ready for the idea that [1] there were other species in universe, or that [2] they owned us lock, stock and barrel.

In this article, I tried to put things into perspective with what I know, and added some insight. I also purposefully omitted much of the opinions, thoughts and clutter that the book has. I just wanted to “get to the meat” of it.

The next section(s) describe some very difficult things to absorb. Mostly because you (and most MM readers) do not have the mind-set of a 1947 military officer. And THAT was the target audience for the narrative presented.

We will continue with a parsing of this document / book in part 2.

Key Points

  • The Roswell military event that acquired a UFO is not a fiction.
  • A Type-1 grey extraterrestrial craft crashed and was recovered by military personnel.
  • One creature was captured and interrogated.
  • The person who was able to ask him questions and record the answers was an Army nurse.
  • She kept all records of the event, including the actual transcripts, and disclosed them on her death-bed.
  • The creature was a construct and the species wore the animated creature like we would wear clothing.
  • The creature claims to be very ancient, and that they own the Earth, and their role is to protect it and make sure that it is maintained
  • There is another extraterrestrial group. This group is referred to as the “old empire” and it has been administrating this region of space for a long time.

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Thank you for your insight! It’s VERY appreciated and I seriously look forward to the next interpretation.

You pointing out that 1. ‘Aril’ was probably giving them what they were fed based on what she wanted them to know and how she wanted them to know it. Anyone in that room including the author knows any “prisoner” isn’t giving the boat away without a fight. They should expect a lot of bullshit.

And 2. That the truth is relative to all other truths. That to me is absolutely fascinating because how else can anything with that knowledge EVER be able to explain anything in the quantum mechanics realm when when it wasn’t even a human theory until later.

Again, MM a big THANK YOU for taking the time to parse this


Great points yet again. I think now that perhaps Aril was intentionally clustering the worldlines of the powerful people present in the gallery, who were in turn observing the nurse and her ‘speaking’.

She was feeding a narrative, knowing that military brass, intel guys, and even the likes of LeMay and Doolittle were in that observing room. Politicians from Washington– Forrestal and Lindbergh, too–as well as a smattering of psychics, theosophists and other assorted weirdos too, no doubt.

In other words, pretty powerful folks all together in that gallery reading and listening to the narrative produced, if that’s not an intentional clustering of world lines going by what Mr Man has told us over the years, I don’t know what is.

Pretty genius when you think of it– using some of the most influential people in the US military industrial complex to put a narrative out to all sectors. Clustering the mental and physical strands, and then fanning this out to the other aspects of the US machine later on by sheer force of will alone on the part of the movers and shakers observing.

Arl know what she was doing!


we learned from the best, Mr Man, 👍


Fantastic, Mr Man. Thanks for this. Echoes of Newton and his reincarnated souls.

My imagination has been sparked by this interview material and I do have lots of time to reflect when outside with the animals (and cats– don’t quite think of those little guys as ‘animals’; they’re something different as Pharaoh knew!).

The vastly experienced pilot would also have both the smarts and the motive to tailor her narrative to alpha type military guys well used to a scrap and taking no prisoners– makes perfect sense.

One question I have is– call me crazy or over fancying– do you think it’s possible that our Moon was in the very distant past some kind of Death Star as in the Star Wars movies? We know it’s hollow, and a metallic ‘ring’ was detected by Collins and mission control after they ditched part of the LEM on takeoff and it hit the surface with a colossal thud. This was hushed up immediately, I gather.
There’s also much evidence that it was moved or placed there aeons ago, right? You also alluded to this, yourself.

(Read a fantastic book ages ago, former NASA engineer, who went into all this stuff deeply.)

Could our Moon actually be an ancient orbiting satellite constructed in the distant past by some space faring civilisation? Attacked and destroyed as in the movie; and left to literally gather dust over millions of years since?

I know, I know, I’m fantasising here– but I can’t help thinking ‘what if?’ I never thought of myself as gullible, either. Maybe I am– as my wife is fond of telling me: You don’t know that much really, U. You’re just under the impression that you do! 😂

Either way, it truly is an amazing reality out there, and it sucks that I won’t see more of it in this incarnation, at least. But I guess working with the animals is in some way close to this much greater reality; I am convinced of that. They were made for us to look after and utilise. 100%. Especially horses.

I don’t believe humans ‘evolved’ either. I don’t buy that narrative. Something else is responsible for our presence– but I guess we could argue about that one all day!

Best as always, and thanks for your efforts,
p.s. This is probably more like a Forum post, I’ll place any such musings there next time.)


Thank you MM, it is a very valuable thing you are doing by breaking down for us.

One thing of the things that stood out for me was that Airl seemed to go out of the way to depict the Old Empire as really bad dudes. This makes me a little leery. What are your thoughts on this?

Rod Cloutier

I read the whole 190 page testimony. The ‘IS-BE’ is a direct paraphrase from Neale Donald Walsh’s A conversation with God book 3. That term was used a lot in that book, and given that this document was released in 2007, that was ten years after book 3 was published and the author could well have been aware of it.

Or it could be a coincidence.

I was disturbed by the ending points about Earth being a prison planet and a dumpster for unwanted entities. I think I will carry that for a long while.


I am just now getting to your breakdown … and was quite worried you were just trying to pull everyone’s leg. I am satisfied that is not the case. Thank you for your insight. It is well received on my end. I would also like to request, when you have the time, to tell us what you think happened in Phoenix, Arizona during the Phoenix Lights Incident. There was a craft that was seen by the entire city of Phoenix and a massive Government cover-up trying to memoryhole the whole incident.

Brandon Hurd

At first I was fascinated and I believed the story could be true. I certainly do believe that a non-human intelligence does exist. Anyway, I read the book twice and on the second reading I discovered the following inconsistency…

In the 2nd paragraph of chapter 11, the Alien supposedly says, on the 29th of July 1947, the following to the Nurse, Matilda O’Donnell MacElroy: “Can you imagine how much progress could have been made on Earth if people like Johannes Gutenberg, Sir Isaac Newton, Benjamin Franklin, George Washington Carver, Nicola Tesla, Richard Trevithick, Jonas Salk and many thousands of similar geniuses and inventors were living today?”

Jonas Salk was not yet famous in 1947. He was alive, yet he only became famous in 1955. So it makes no sense at all for the statement to have been made in 1947. I believe it’s a simple mistake by the author of those words, who was not the Nurse, Matilda O’Donnell MacElroy but most likely, Lawrence Spencer.