A comparison of news articles from America and China

I have a premise that you can gauge the relative health of a nation by looking at what it is being promoted as “news” day in, and day out. While there are elements of information, promotion, propaganda, and scandal, over all by comparing the two sources you can get a general idea of the “social climate” in each individual nation. And from this, you can gauge it’s overall health and the direction of the society.


Here’s the “news” from Drudge on 29APR21…

Any articles about China are highlighted in Red.


Here’s the news from CGTN on 29APR21…

Chinese articles about America are shown in blue.


There are many comparisons that one can make.

For starters, in the articles about the “other” nation, it is very interesting.

  • American “news” warns about the bad things about China.
  • Chinese news reports on the given situations inside of America.

Most of the other news discusses the events that “buy papers”, or in other words, that are of interest to the readership.

Today, a huge segment of media has been taken over by video. While article about certain subjects continue to sell, a huge percentage of media rely on videos to get their messages across. In fact, all “news” organizations have video elements as part of their articles.

I’d post some from America, but almost all of the videos come from organizations that are banned in China because they are associated with American “alphabet” agencies.

Here’s some from China…


In regards to videos, China is all about the latest technologies, the new space station and well, you get the idea…

This is very cool. 5G, AI controlled location and positioning overlay upon the arm…

Here, we have the new space station…

Here’s a pretty girl. She has this “fish shape” that is considered to be very beautiful within China.

Here’s another gal. This is another girl that is selling her light and easy pants. I like her. She has good appeal.

Of course the news about what is going on in India with the COVID-19 and the new “India Strain” is heartbreaking. Judging from the pictures it seems to be almost as bad as the “B” strain that was unleashed on China on CNY 2020. I wonder why you aren’t seeing these images in America?

And here’s one thing that you see pretty irregularly. It’s applications of technology that are in use. In this case we see a guy using a hand sensor to map out an old village that is being torn down for new homes.

And finally a comparison of cities for fun.


If left alone, with no major “fire-hose of disinformation” drenching everyone with the propaganda of the day, Most media are the same. They concentrate on the things that interest their readership.

Obviously, the hate-China narrative from 2016 through 2020 had an impact.

Chinese readership want to know about technology, good things, and what’s going on in the world. More or less presented in a “neutral” fashion and manner. American readership seems to want (whether they want it or not) things that are alarming, salacious, interesting, fearful or worrisome.


The “news” from America tend to fall into these kinds of categories…

Scientists say space SEX will be challenging...

India virus surge breaks health system... Developing...

Your tech devices want to read your brain. What could go wrong? 

Virus Alters Genes, Explaining Mystery Behind 'Long Haulers'...

And China…

While the news content and the presentation of it are quite different…

China launches core module of space station 

Infrared cameras recorded the growth of a family-of-3 snow leopards 

New Possibilities
Xi: No one would be left behind on the way to poverty alleviation 

Watch traditional Tibetan costumes in 30 seconds

I believe that these trends are indicative of the way that the people think. As well as how the entire society thinks.

Perhaps instead of thinking about controlling people to do this, or to do that via fear (the American way), maybe you should give them hope instead. Provide hope, provide help and throw in a dash of compassion.

Its the Chinese way.

And a direction, that I must add, that President Biden is attempting to do in his most recent speech. It’s a nice change of pace from what most Americans have seen or been exposed to.

Maybe there is some hope for Western society after all.

Do you want more?

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Hey, Mr Man.
Just an FYi,


We gotcher back, Mr Man. You can’t spot everything in this soup of media we’re all swimming in. Real and Fake.
Of course, the worrying thing is: why fake it? Are they trying to pressurise Indians to consent to the ‘vaccine’?
Or is Modi blowing his Masters on demand– again– in order to keep the fear going in case COVID B really does show up back west? I mean, the economies are creaking here, so they have to get people spending money, again. But they also know COVID B is out there and would cause chaos. Probably when, rather than if, too.
Strange times– and thanks so much for posting some of your correspondence with the retired pilot. When a fucking F117 pilot with prior top clearances doesn’t know what’s going on? Then very few do. But he did confirm ‘your’ biowarfare hypothesis– as others have, too.
Never read Above Black, either. Great stuff.
Thanks again, as always,


Oh, and to that reader wherever you are, I’m sincerely sorry you are suffering at the hands of faceless cowards hiding behind their tech. The very worst kind of nerd. And after years of honourable service, too.
Thank you for sharing your story through MMan, and on to us.
And I pray the creeps making you and so many others suffer will receive righteousness retribution some day soon.
I believe we live in a just world, ultimately. They will get what’s coming to them, and no amount if concrete or rock between their sorry hides and the surface will protect them.
Take care and stay safe. Grandchildren need Granddads like you in this day and age.


I’m a space buff (though more interested today in Russian and Chinese efforts than in America’s moribund program), and the lack of coverage of Chinese space activities in the US is intensely annoying. The link you posted about the space station is another example of what wasn’t mentioned here. I didn’t learn about the last couple of manned Chinese space missions until months after they happened.

About the situation in India, someone on another forum crunched the numbers and determined that the fatality rate for whatever strain of COVID-19 is spiking there is still a small fraction of 1%. However, with a country of 1+ billion people, even (say) 0.1% is a lot—1+ million. No wonder their medical systems are overwhelmed, assuming that’s true—and I no longer make that assumption about anything the lamescream media say.

I’ve never seen so much successful fear-mongering in my life from the government and media in the US. COVID coverage has lots of citizens who should know better, and should be suspicious of self-appointed “authorities”, scared silly.


Hey, thanks for that! Back in the old days the Soviets never shared such footage. Shows how comparatively open China is.

Frankly, I would assess China’s space program as more robust than America’s today. Most of what the US does do is military-related—shades of the old Soviet Union circa 1980. And the tragedy about the old Cold War is that the US was fated to adopt Soviet tactics in so many ways, including stifling dissent and adopting runaway secrecy. The results are all too apparent.