Roundabout A roundabout is a type of circular intersection or junction in which road traffic is permitted to flow in one direction around a central island, and priority is typically given to traffic already in the junction. -Wikipedia
Now, the point of this is that I would go and get on these things, and it would be a “free for all”. You wouldn’t really know when to get off, and instead your would go around, and around until you found your exit. For the locals, it’s no big deal. But for a new person entering these things, it tended to get really messy and confusing.
Take a look at this map below. This is the Kelley Square roundabout.

Some areas you stop and wait for traffic. Some areas you yield to traffic, and some areas you wonder what is going on. We (when I lived in Mass) said that it was often a “free for all” during “rush hour”.
Now roundabouts are inherited from the British who really seemed to like them. Why, I’ll never know. But they kept them on and enhanced them to a point where they are just a royal mess and point of confusion.
Check out this roundabout in England. It’s called The Magic Roundabout. Magic Roundabout was voted the worst roundabout in 2005.

Now, do you see those little points with arrows going around, and around? Those are mini-roundabouts. There are five of them in this particular roundabout. When a car reaches that point, they are to go around and around until a point opens up for them to pass into the right (or is it the left) lane.
Modern life. We try to make things simple and orderly and end up making a very stressful, confusing and bewildering situation for everyone.
It’s really no wonder that many people in the United States are completely stressed out…
Stressing Americans
I guess the days of Mayberry RFD are long gone.
And you know, you really need to ask yourself “what happened”?
What happened to that great and glorious quality of life that we used to enjoy and were oh so very proud of being part of. What happened to it?
People, I have to ask, is the quality of life in America getting better, or is it getting worse?
Americans certainly have a lot more “money” than they did when I was a kid, but that doesn’t mean much because the U.S. dollar has only a fraction of the value that it did back then.
- 1971 – Burger King Meal – $0.55
- 2021 – Burger King Meal – $5.00
And without a doubt our electronic devices have become much more advanced, but that doesn’t mean that we are happier.
Happiness. In fact, everywhere I look, American people seem to be deeply unhappy.
Poll: Americans are the unhappiest they've been in 50 years... World Happiness Report: Americans are unhappiest in years ... Americans haven’t been this unhappy in 50 years Record unhappiness reigns as Americans think something … Americans are becoming less happy, and there’s research to ...
It is rare to see someone actually smiling in public, but of course there is a good reason for that. If you smile too much, someone might accuse you of being creepy.
As Americans, we are being trained to not express emotions and to keep to ourselves. Being friendly is considered to be “suspicious”, if you tell a joke there is a very good chance that you will deeply offend someone, and if you express strong opinions you might just get “canceled”.
Even though we are far more “wealthy” than they were, I imagine that our culture is not too different from what East Germans experienced before the Berlin Wall came down.

Hate and Division. There is so much hate and division in our society, and everyone seems ready to rat out those around them at the drop of a hat. So most people are careful to keep to themselves, but at the same time most people are desperately lonely.
Zombies. These days, most Americans walk around like a bunch of zombies. In fact, as a result of mental health problems and stress, a majority of Americans are exhibiting at least one of the symptoms of post-concussion syndrome…
A survey of more than 31,000 people shows that insufficient sleep, mental health problems, and stress were the causes of a whole host of symptoms doctors are used to seeing in head injury patients. Symptoms of what doctors call post-concussion syndrome (PCS) range from persistent headaches, dizziness and anxiety, to insomnia and loss of concentration and memory. While 27 percent of people report having several of these symptoms, between one-half and three-quarters say they experience at least one. The most common symptoms are fatigue, low energy and drowsiness. Yet despite their findings, researchers believe the number in the general population could be much higher.
Of course one of the primary reasons why so many people are acting like zombies is because we have been drugged out of our minds. Americans take more legal drugs than anyone ever has in the entire history of the world, and each year the pharmaceutical companies come up with even more drugs for us to try.
Why Are Americans Turning Into Drugged-Out Zombies Most Americans Are Soulless, Mind-Drugged Zombies Zombie Apocalypse: 70% of Americans on Prescription Drugs Prozac turns guppies into ‘zombies’ | Science | AAAS
Drug Abuse. In particular, because we are so deeply unhappy Americans take boatloads of anti-depressants. More than 50 million Americans are on anti-depressants right now, and it gets worse with each passing year.
But even though we are taking so many “happy pills”, Americans continue to kill themselves at a staggering pace, and this is particularly true for our young people.
In North Carolina, one school superintendent recently shared the fact that “the suicide rate among teens is higher than the COVID rate of death in their county”…
The debate to reopen schools for in-person learning has highlighted an alarming idea – that students are not just falling behind academically, but at a heightened risk of death by suicide. “One of our local superintendents recently shared with me that the suicide rate among teens is higher than the COVID rate of death in their county,” Sen. Deanna Ballard, a Republican from the 45th district, recently told CBS 17, though she declined to name the superintendent or county. Ballard did not respond to NC Health News’ requests for comment.
Isn’t that insane?
Teen Suicide. You can’t just blame the pandemic for the rise in suicide either. In fact, the national suicide rate for teens was skyrocketing before the pandemic ever began…
The national rate of suicide in young people increased 57 percent between 2007 and 2018, according to the CDC. “Even before the pandemic, we’ve been seeing an increase in youth suicides,” said Virginia Hamlet Rodillas, hotline manager for National Alliance on Mental Illness NC, which operates a statewide helpline.
If our society is so wonderful, then why are so many kids killing themselves?
The truth is that our society has become so sick and so twisted that life seems completely empty to so many of these youths. Life is such a wonderful gift, and every day should be enjoyed to the fullest, but our society has become so evil that many teens are killing themselves rather than live in it one more day.
There is hope even for those that are facing the darkest circumstances, but most people don’t realize that because our society certainly doesn’t offer any hope.
Life Expectancy. Overall life expectancy has been dropping in the U.S. as well. In fact, during the first half of 2020 life expectancy in the United States declined by a full year…
It’s already known that 2020 was the deadliest year in US history, with deaths topping 3MM for the first time. But the latest batch of morbid data is in, and they suggest things are about to get worse on average as life expectancy in the US dropped a full year during the first half of the year. Life expectancy is a statistical measure of the average time a baby born today is expected to live. From January through June of last year, that was 77.8 years for the entire U.S. population, down from 78.8 years in 2019. It’s the lowest level since 2006, the report said.
Healthcare. Our healthcare system has become a complete and utter nightmare, and it is not going to get any better any time soon.
Education. Speaking of nightmares, our system of public education has become a sick joke. Just look at what has been going on in Baltimore…
A shocking discovery out of a Baltimore City high school, where Project Baltimore has found hundreds of students are failing. It’s a school where a student who passed three classes in four years, ranks near the top half of his class with a 0.13 grade point average. Tiffany France thought her son would receive his diploma this coming June. But after four years of high school, France just learned, her 17-year-old must start over. He’s been moved back to ninth grade.
Millions upon millions of young people graduate from high school each year, but many of them can barely read, write or speak in public.
I could go on and on.
Life Satisfaction. Just about every system that you could possibly name is in the process of failing, and that is probably why American satisfaction with the way our country is functioning is at the lowest level ever measured.
The following comes from Gallup…
Americans’ satisfaction with seven broad aspects of the way the country functions is collectively at its lowest in two decades of Gallup measurement. This includes satisfaction with the overall quality of life in the U.S., assessments of government, corporate and religious influence, and perceptions of the economic and moral climates. The average percentage satisfied with these seven dimensions has plunged to 39% at the start of 2021. That compares with 53% a year ago, the highest average in more than a decade amid strong economic confidence and before the coronavirus pandemic took hold in the U.S.
Compare that to China.
With 93% satisfaction.
So what do you do when your entire population is unhappy, drugged up and facing a bleak future?
You blame it on someone else.
Some comments on the “blame game”
You can look at the American “news” and listen to the groundless, lying and nonsense and come to the conclusion that China is so enormously evil that it must be eradicated from the surface of the earth.
But is it really?
I argue (and so do others) that the A-number one American government answer to stopping the “pitchforks and torches” is to blame some other nation for all the ills that Americans experience.
Sort to like this…
Playing the “blame game” has been pretty effective so far.
It has. It really has.
You blame another group of people, and then you lob bombs and a propaganda campaign against them. The American flag is raised and patriotic movies flood the airwaves.
Americans might be sad, lonely and unhappy, but at least ‘Merica “kicks ass”.
But 75 years of fighting wars in far-off and distant lands is really wearing thin. People are not getting happier, and the patriotism can only last so long.
Not to mention that you must be judicious on who you decide to pick a fight with.
Caitlin Comments
Here’s some thoughts by Caitlin Johnson…
Caitlin Johnson has been one of the most prolific tellers of truth over the last several years. This is not empty praise. She churns out solid, relevant, and hard hitting insight and analysis on a near daily basis and from my perspective, she has been on the correct side of every issue she has engaged with. She recently wrote:
“In a time of great need the US government is letting its citizens freeze, go broke, get evicted, and die of preventable illnesses so obviously it’s of paramount importance right now that Americans rise up with one voice and direct their righteous anger at China. I’m developing a special disdain for people who mindlessly regurgitate US anti-China narratives, especially people who are normally skeptical of US government claims. There’s just no excuse for this nonsense. The geostrategic agendas are so obvious, the barefaced liars so familiar, and the facts so readily available for anyone intellectually honest enough to look”.
It is with this same mindset that Mr. Billy Bob penned the article below. Reprinted from an earlier version that has since been expanded upon and elaborated. I edited it to fit this venue, from the raw, emotion-laden brilliance that Billy Bob has been famous for.
He (and myself) share Caity’s frustration with those that want to claim the mantle of the left but whose words are seemingly written by State Department apparatchiks…
…and the comments (on my side of the ocean in “Sinoland”) is a flying in crazed abandon! Check it all out.
Rant-a-thon Numero Uno
We’ve all read the laundry list of Western propaganda that is designed to falsely depict China as a brutal dystopic, authoritarian shithole, where everyone hates their government and are totally miserable.
It’s interesting that with regards to Western propaganda targeted at China, the lies are simultaneously proportionate but the exact opposite of truth.
So, Mao who did more good for more people than anyone else in the history of the known universe, is known as “the greatest mass murderer of all time”. Or the Chinese government that according to a 2016 Harvard study has a satisfaction rating of 96% (compared to the 38% enjoyed by the US) is casually described by the Western press as “authoritarian, corrupt, unjust, and one of the biggest human rights violators on the planet”.
For people that fail to recognize the chasm of incongruence here, and are incapable of coming to the only possible conclusion, please ensure that your fork is properly corked before continuing so you don’t injure yourself.
The false indoctrination that has taken hold of far too many self identified “leftists” goes something like this:
"...the CCP is entirely opaque, forbids a free press and completely censors free information... that a few hundred members of a single ruling party dictates policy and is unelected... that political opposition is all but illegal and completely suppressed... that no workers own the means of their own production... that China has the largest increase and concentration of new billionaires while income and wealth inequality is also at its largest, due to rampant exploitative and equally destructive capitalist practices in the past decades... that China engages in imperialism via debt and increased militarism to its Asian neighbors... that China is committing genocide against the Uyghur minority in Xinjiang... that China oppresses, exploits, and impoverishes it’s citizens."
The Most Necessary and Fundamental Context: Class War
There are several mitigating factors that need to be kept in mind when analyzing the issues brought up above.
First and foremost is the reality that our planet is in the midst of a class war . It is a war where an infinitesimally small group of obscenely rich plutocrats, industrialists, and oligarchs, seek to maintain their power. They seek to maintain their wealth, power, and privilege by enforcing a global system of political and economic control. Yet doing so without any moral restraint whatsoever.
The Western ruling class consensus sees China as the enemy and is looking for any possible way to subvert, weaken, divide, and destroy their society.
These gangsters of capitalism are masters at their craft. They have successfully dismantled the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia, and Syria among others. They have regime changed scores of countries, most recently, Libya, Ukraine, Honduras, and Bolivia.
They will not hesitate to exploit any weakness or to kill millions of people to defeat China and maintain their global supremacy.
To ignore the fact that China must defend against this very real threat. It is a valid threat posed by Western imperialism. Thus to simply analyze China’s system in a vacuum, detached from the fundamental context of class war, is to demonstrate a cluelessness about the most important aspect of the big picture.
Keep the citizens in the West ignorant, and bombard them with lies. That way, they will acting like robots, and automatons and are easily manipulated to do your bidding.
Keep them clueless.
Cherry-picking what you want to believe while ignoring the facts staring you straight in the face.
This (the desire and threat of Western imperialism to kill and destroy without restraint in the maintenance of their global supremacy) is everything.
This is the entire ballgame.
Nothing else comes anywhere close to this fundamental reality in terms of importance or relevance for humanity and the planet we inhabit.
A Propaganda Battle Over Perception:
Does China censor speech? Of course they do as it would be naïve and reckless to allow subversive Western lies and divisive capitalist propaganda, free reign over the airwaves.
A class war is taking place and the propaganda battle is an integral front.
- China censors divisive lies while the West censors truth. It’s really that simple.
- The Chinese people aren’t starved for truth. Truth is not censored in China.
- China censors lies that are intended to destroy their society. The West censors truth which threatens their hegemony.
There is a tremendous difference here and failing to recognize this fundamental difference results in a misguided analysis that is detached from reality.
The Farcical and Self-Defeating Arrogance of Promotors of Liberal Governance:
The political system that governs China is in essence the dictatorship of the proletariat which has steadily raised living standards at an *unprecedented rate* for over 70 years straight and has a 96% satisfaction rating because of it.
The Chinese working class correctly rejects the Western governance by “democracy”. As they should. It’s a farce, and a full half of the American population recognizes this. Face it; putting the entire enterprise to a vote every four years…
…or engaging in some bourgeois parliamentarian democracy…
…with all the gridlock that entails and which is sure to be far less effective in furthering working class interests.
Westerners arrogantly perceive this lack of liberal democracy in China as an indictment because their liberal minds have been deluded by nonsense and are detached from political reality.
- Democracy is the best.
- Democracy means FREEDOM!
- Democracy give the “little guy” power over the government.
The Chinese see the lack of Western liberal democracy as a great thing. It’s really rather simple. This is because they prefer stability and the rapid advancement in living standards to gridlock, political chaos, and turmoil every four years.
The Chinese working class collectively says “HELL NO” to Western pleas for liberal democracy and I for one agree with them.
Hell no indeed. Long live the dictatorship of the proletariat. May they continue to work just as hard advancing working class interests over the next 70 years, as they have over the past 70 years.
Judging China Using Unreasonable Metrics:
China is condemned by pseudo leftists because no workers own the means of their own production, but this is an entirely illegitimate bar.
Where exactly on this planet does anyone own the means of their own production? One may as well condemn China for still utilizing money, for maintaining borders, or for not eradicating scarcity.
This is not legitimate criticism.
China’s banks are [1] nationalized, their biggest industries [2] are publicly owned, [3] the private sector is often owned by party members and it is [4] subservient to party diktats and their five year economic plans which are designed [5] to achieve specific social goals.
The pseudo left also attacks China for having classes.
This too is no more legitimate than blaming China for not yet eradicating scarcity or for not abolishing private property. The nature of economic growth is to allocate growth disproportionately.
It’s entirely true, China is not a classless society.
So what?
China has not eliminated class and…?
Classless societies simply do not exist at this point in time. But in China, it is the working class that has the monopoly on power. It is the dictatorship of the proletariat that tolerates the capitalist class but only as long as they obey the law and are advantageous to the economy, exactly as Mao explained.
China is indeed far from perfect.
Room for improvement exists and this is acknowledged by the CPC. They have had tremendous success in their public battle against corruption and inequality. They have a police force that is devoted to exactly this., problems which have resulted from unprecedented economic growth. and the CPC is actively and successfully attempting to curtail these negative externalities while at the same time, trying to maintain growth, increase productive forces, and continue to raise living standards.
Oppressed, Angry and Scared?
I’ve seen Westerners point to China’s “conviction rate” and claim that such a rate proves “innocence has nothing to do with the justice system”.
I’m curious how such a conclusion is deduced from the data.
What conviction rate is optimal? At what conviction rate would we believe that justice is being served in a fair manner?
- Is the 90+% conviction rate in the US optimal and proof of a fair justice system?
- What about 93% for Israel?
- What about the 99.9% conviction rate in Japan?
- Is the Japanese justice system even less fair than China’s?
Or, are Westerners just being bamboozled into drawing bullshit conclusions from the dishonest presentation of decontextualized statistics? I’m pretty sure it’s the latter.
I hear Westerners opine that “Chinese workers are exploited”... ...though wages have tripled every ten years for the past forty years.
It is claimed that the Chinese are throwing themselves off of buildings into “suicide nets”... ...though China’s suicide rate is 40% lower than that of the US.
Western propagandists claim Chinese are miserable and simply too scared to speak out against their government... ...though professional Western scientific polling companies claim China is one of the happiest places on earth.
The “narrative” being pushed through the Western “news” is fantastical and has entered the realm of fantasy.
In China, Poverty is GONE.
Extreme poverty was eradicated this year and now every Chinese has “a home, a job, plenty of food, education, safe streets, health and old age care.
Meanwhile there… [are] …more drug addicts, suicides and executions, more homeless, poor, hungry and imprisoned people in America than in China.
500,000,000 urban Chinese… have more net worth and disposable income than the average American.
Chinese mothers and infants… [are] less likely to die in childbirth than Americans are.
Chinese children graduate from high school three years ahead of Americans.
Chinese children will all outlive our American children.
Ninety-eight percent of Chinese listed as ‘poor’ already own their homes (paid for completely with no mortgages and taxes EVER on it) and what’s more…
…President Xi has scheduled 2021-2035 to bringing GINI below Finland’s.”
“Imperialism” of Peace-Through-Mutual-Prosperity?
And what about imperialism?
Is China just as imperialist as the Western ruling class which the pseudo left seems to only condemn after they are called out for their hypocritical attacks on anti-imperialist nations?
As if purchasing resources from foreign governments or defending oneself from actual violent imperialism is itself imperialism?
Please, Western imperialism is the only imperialism that actually exists.
People! Keep in mind this important fact. Defending oneself from imperialism is not the same as engaging in imperialism.
China has not sandwiched the US with military bases just off it’s northern and Southern borders. China has not been arming, training, and funding US separatists for years. China has not been working with Narco terrorist death squads, intolerant radical jihadists, or neo-nazi militias in order to perpetrate politically motivated acts of violence and murder. China hasn’t regime changed nearly a country a year for the past 70 years. China doesn’t have embargoes and economic sanctions against nearly 40 countries in order to force their political capitulation.
Seriously, the pseudo left needs to just stop with the “China is imperialist” bullshit. It’s not even close to true.
Genocide or Winning Hearts and Minds?
Hands down, the crown Jewel of the West’s dishonest propaganda offensive and the one which they are investing all their capital in and pinning all of their political hopes on is the claim of “Uyghur Genocide in Xinjiang province”.
Much needs to be said about this particular strategy to destabilize, weaken, and subvert Chinese society but for the sake of brevity I will confine myself to explaining China’s perspective on the issue.
Here are some highlights regarding the terrorism problem faced by China:
“In February 1997 the CIA-instigated bombing of public buses in Urumqi that killed nine people died and injured more than 70.
In 2007-08, Uyghur separatists exploited the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing to internationalize their cause. An attempted suicide bombing on a China Southern Airlines flight was thwarted but a terrorist attack in Kashgar in Xinjiang killed 16 police officers four days before the start of the Games.
In July 2009, Uyghur extremists in the provincial capital Urumqi killed 200 people, mostly Han Chinese. True to the imperial double standard, Washington refuses to characterize such deadly attacks as acts of terrorism.
Since 2013, thousands of Uighurs, a Turkic-speaking Muslim minority from western China, have traveled to Syria to train with the Uighur militant group Turkestan Islamic Party and fight alongside al-Qaida, playing key roles in several battles. Syrian President Bashar Assad’s troops are now clashing with Uighur fighters as the six-year conflict nears its endgame.
The violence continued through 2014. There were two more failed hijackings of commercial planes as well as scores of bombings, killing tens of civilians each time.
The knife attack at the southwestern China city of Kunming railway station in March 2014 was a watershed, resulting in 33 dead and 141 injured. NATO member Turkey subsequently gave passports to four of the fugitives involved in the railroad station massacre.
In 2015 Uyghur-linked terrorists staged a Bangkok bombing which targeted mainly Chinese tourists and left 20 dead. Thailand offered to send Uyghur terror suspects back to China to face justice and defied the US demands that the suspects be allowed to travel onward to Turkey.”
Genocide in China?
There is a new report on Xinjiang that's been hailed by CNN, Guardian, Vox etc as the "first independent/non-governmental report" that confirms the genocide narrative. But the report is from Newline Institute, a previously unheard (?) of think tank. Moreover, it's funded by a university (Fairfax University of America) that has just 150 students and in many ways looks like a diploma mill. From Wikipedia: "In March 2019, the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia threatened to revoke VIU's license to operate in the Commonwealth of Virginia after an audit found rampant grade inflation and severe deficiencies in the academic rigor of VIU's online courses.". -MoA
And then this interesting comment comes up…
LOL ur right, that looks like a dodgy think tank founded in 2019 by a certain Ahmed Alwani, who also happened to have served on the advisory board of US AFRICOM. The report contains contributions by the questionable Dr Adrian Zenz, i think MoA has also mentioned him before That "university" had 181 students in 2019, it is literally 1 building... conveniently near Washington... i'm guessing this Alwani guy is a CIA asset or gets paid by one of their other million agencies? -Posted by: #ashtag | Mar 10 2021 22:11 utc | 36
More propaganda operating out of propaganda mills. But not to worry, the internet is gonna shake some trees for “apples of truth”…
The report contains contributions by the questionable Dr Adrian Zenz, i think MoA has also mentioned him before Not only that, the bugger is listed as a member of the "Newlines Team". Posted by: farm ecologist | Mar 10 2021 23:29 utc | 46
And then we cut to the chase and find this…
This 'Think Tank' is in fact a front for the International Institute of Islamic Thought an islamist neo-conservative organization in the US, linked to Egypt’s Muslim brotherhood, who’s members have pleaded guilty to sponsoring terrorism. The director of the Newlines institute, Ahmed Alwani just happens to be the Vice President of this organization. He also served as an advisor to the U.S Africa command. In 2006, a scholar of this group, Sami Al-Arian, pleaded guilty to “aiding terrorism” and was given a five year prison sentence. The Washington Post at that time described the group as “the nation’s largest terrorism-financing investigation,” and stated it was linked to a number of Muslim Brotherhood affiliates. Yet now, the mainstream media seem to be absolutely content for Newlines, which is a effectively front for IIIT, to spread propaganda on Xinjiang ... Posted by: Arch Bungle | Mar 10 2021 23:34 utc | 48
So, China faces a serious threat from Western sponsored terrorist separatists, but did they really respond to this threat by initiating Genocide?
Give me a fucking break! Will you guys.
Think people. T.H.I.N.K.
Does genocide truly sound like the go-to for a government who’s top priority has been raising living standards and eradicating poverty?
What a ridiculous farce to suggest that China would believe it’s best interest would be served by secretly committing genocide. As always, nothing could be further from the truth and the truth is exactly the opposite:
“Some 600,000 Uighurs were lifted out of poverty in 2016, and another 312,000 in 2017. More than 400,000 have been relocated from remote villages to places where they are gainfully employed.
Neighborhood religious institutes have been set up to educate citizens on the perils of religious extremism.
These community centers where classes are held to detoxify radical Wahhabism were labelled “re-education camps” or concentration camps by the western press, and those attending the classes termed “incarcerated”.
Programs to eradicate poverty are implemented to train and prepare Uyghurs for jobs in towns and cities.
The Chinese government, through various programs, has been winning the hearts and minds of ordinary Uyghurs. This is very bad news for the US and Uyghur separatists who are making a desperate, all-out bid to unravel the work done by Beijing to eradicate religious extremism and poverty in Xinjiang.
The deluge of fake news from Western corporate media since the beginning of this year seeks to demonize the Chinese government, painting it as a gross violator of human rights, when the truth is the exact opposite.”
"Xinjiang’s GDP grew 8% last year and is expected to accelerate since it is a gateway for the Belt and Road Initiative. Its future is bright and we can expect its recent problems, like Tibet’s, to fade into memory within three years."
The Only Rational Conclusion:
In summary, each and every one of the anti-China talking points pushed by the Western propaganda apparatus and which are dutifully parroted by Western pseudo leftists, are easily demonstrated to be false and dishonest.
The China described by the pseudo left agents of imperialism simply does not exist. In actual China the people are very happy and they appreciate their government to a degree that is simply unheard of by Western standards. This appreciation is understandable as the CPC has been tremendously successful in developing a happy, healthy, and prosperous society.
So called leftists that *honestly* bash China are confused and are totally upside down regarding political reality. Their support for Western imperialism through the regurgitation of anti-China talking points needs to stop.”
Some Comments (Not from MM)
Hi friends, always happy to see the lively discussion on anti-China nonsense. Billy Bob sure wrote up a great piece and I will definitely share it somewhere in coming days. Meanwhile I’ve had a couple more pieces recently published all along the same lines hope you’ll enjoy…
On the NPC Two Sessions
On the Xinjiang nonsense
Xinhua interview on democratic aspects in China’s govt
MM comments
"We don't hate the Chinese people, just the Chinese government."

But back to my point…
New technologies, and new ways of doing things, can lead to real horrors.
On April 26, 1933, the interior minister for the German state of Prussia issued a decree creating a new secret state police, or Geheime Staats Polizei, abbreviated: Gestapo. The Gestapo was tasked with stamping out all opposition to Germany’s new Chancellor and the party he brought to power one year earlier. It operated by collecting tips from ordinary citizens, including even school children. And this network of Gestapo informants changed Germans’ behavior almost overnight. Even a joke about the ruling party could land you in a Gestapo interrogation room. Talking politics around your children became a dangerous gamble. According to Erik Larson’s book In the Garden of Beasts, 37% of denunciations “arose not from heartfelt political beliefs, but from private conflicts with the trigger often breathtakingly trivial.” For example in one case, a grocery store clerk reported a customer who insisted on receiving the wrong change. The customer was accused of tax fraud. Another man lent a banned book to his friend, and was quickly denounced by his friend’s wife. The new Chancellor— who encouraged the behavior — was so shocked by the citizens’ eagerness to rat out their neighbors that he remarked, “We are living at present in a sea of denunciations and human meanness.” That Chancellor, of course, was Adolf Hitler. The secret police didn’t need wire taps in every home or spies on every street corner. They found an army of willing, eager informants in the general population. The volume of denunciations was so great, in fact, that the Gestapo actually had to ask people to stop reporting political crimes to them, because they were overwhelmed and found it impossible to process them all. Obviously Germany in the 1930s is an extreme case, and I’m not saying that the West today is in the same boat. Not even close. The similarity, however, is how quickly things changed. In Nazi Germany, the entire culture changed literally within a few months. In early Spring of 1933, people were still civil to one another. By the summer, they were ratting out their friends and neighbors to the secret police. Similarly, it wasn’t that long ago that people in the west felt free to speak their minds and state an opinion. Today saying the wrong words can get you fired, cancelled, and your life turned upside down. For example, lately there’s been a number of so-called “fact checkers,” i.e. self-appointed censors, who are upset about a new app called Clubhouse. If you haven’t heard of it, Clubhouse allows people to discuss different topics in audio-only chat rooms. The audio-based content does not allow recording. And that means there is no record of conversations. As one fact-checker laments: “...there are no screenshots. There is no way to drag up old Clubhouse posts years later like a user might do on Twitter. There is no way to record conversations—meaning there is no way to prove that someone said anything controversial at all. . . Users on Clubhouse know, or at least believe, that they can openly speak their mind with zero repercussions.” The horror! This drives the ‘fact checkers’ bananas. They want people to be afraid to speak their minds. They want people to fear being denounced if they do not adhere to the doctrine of wokeness. -Simon Black
Our society, no matter where you live, has been growing and expanding. new technologies confront us every day, and as we run head-first into the utilization of technology, and to the adaptation of our lives to fit that monster we create, people become profoundly unhappy.
Unhappy people tend to topple governments.

Which is why there is the American idiom about “torches and pitchforks”. And it’s a real thing. The ruling class, no matter where they live, do not want to hang from ropes on scaffolding.
But America has a solution!
It’s called distraction.
Find someone, anyone, and vilify them. Make it so that they are hated and despised to the extent that they are no longer considered to be human, but rather instead some kind of illness or disease that must be eradicated. And that is the game that the monied elite in Washington DC has been playing with China these last four years.
All prep for a hot “kinetic” war.

It’s the same old, game, and the same old playbook. Same old fun & games. But here I am telling you all on MM…
China. Does. Not. Play.
Asia is unifying, or perhaps best stated, they have already unified.
Any attack anywhere on Asia risks a devastating nuclear salvo that will eliminate America from the face of the earth, and turn the North American continent into a radioactive wasteland where the rest of the world dare not tread. Do not be lulled into the false belief that America is invincible, or that it is blessed by God, or that America has the best, and most modern equipment. None of these lies, and illusions are true.
But it need not be that way.
America can focus on providing for it’s people. Not on blowing up “mud huts”, slaughtering defenseless fields of sheep and donkeys, or picking fights with people who are very, very dangerous.
The biggest failing of the USA is its massive disregard for human life and human wellbeing, a tragedy we inherited from our British forbearers and have yet to cast-off. And to our great misfortune, that anti-life sentiment is deeply rooted in the Federal Government. Ehret exposes some of it; Max Blumenthal's article on the genocidal sadist and Biden admin member Richard Nephew documents such behavior; couple it with Native American policy; mass killing of civilians in WW2, Korea, Vietnam, Central and South America, Southwest Asia, The Balkans, Ukraine, etc., and your damn right we ought to suspect the very worst from that government. Monsters do exist. Posted by: karlof1 | Mar 10 2021 21:51 utc | 35
America needs to focus on Americans.

Not “lip service”. Not “token efforts”. Not “Blue Ribbon Panels”. But actual programs, spending actual money to raise the standard of living for Americans from the class-feudal lifestyle that it has devolved into, to a modern and healthy society that embraces culture, and differences. Where America will move away from the blue-grey nightmare into a colorful and vivacious active society…
…much like China is today.

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Excellent article. I am too old to move to China. LOL.
We have to make the best of what we have and what
we know as life is fleeting…and I am in my last quarter.
The people that are monsters and willingly harm their fellow
man/humans through lies and actions are the bane of US
society. All energies seem focused on creating and furthering
discord within and without. Will this post cause me to be hit by
a drone and eliminated? It is sad to even say that. People
that can’t see the truth are so sad as well, yet I have been
researching and searching for truth, and still I am lost in the
morass of happenings. I must forgive my fellow HUMAN for
not understanding.
I do pray to the power of good and I have hope, but it is a
slim effort and a slim hope.
I once complained to a Chinese merchant about the product
he sent me. No problem, a replacement would be sent. Then
I goofed that up; I began a diatribe with the Chinese merchant
about the failures of the US. Why? I don’t know really.
The merchant responded that I was a bitter jerk (paraphrasing)
and “why don’t I just enjoy my life and be grateful to the .Gov
and quit being so darn negative.” That was so eyeopening. I
sent a final email apologizing for my disrespect…of the man’s
sensibilities. He was a happy person. I did thank him for his
perspective, and told him I was venting inappropriately. I did
not hear from the merchant again. There you have it.
It saddens me that people are more and more struggling with understanding the severity of polarization, division and outright abuse by the very institutions that were supposed to protect and serve them. Read the lyrics to the song, War Pigs by Black Sabbath. That is the USA today. I live in a fairly remote area, yet I can see and feel the creep of evil and destruction proliferating like a legion of leviathan. It is affecting more and more people in my area at a noticeable rate. It’s not only Asian countries the US government is lashing out against but it’s own people. Indeed, this slowly dying beast of democracy Inc. called the United States is thrashing about in it’s death throes seeking to devour anything within grasp to take down with it to the abyss or oblivion. I usually like to be the optimist in all things but all I sense going forward in this country is a Genghis Khan level event like the author has previously alluded to. We are living in interesting times. I still have much hope for humanity as a whole, though so there’s that.
There is not going to be a war. Period. End of sentence. Just not happening for the next 995 years.
Perhaps not Rod. But what about total subjugation of a large group of people? If the masses of people could think critically for themselves, we wouldn’t even be having this conversation. By the way Rod, there is a war. It’s raging and has enveloped this planet. It’s a war for our minds. Many have been captured. I know, I see them every day. And I read what they write.
Another great write up. Thanks MM.
If, a big IF, the people think and are able to see through the bullshit propaganda and programming, the world would be a much better place.
But then, the PTB are very smart at using the tried, tested and proven techniques to keep the sheeps in line. The same is used here in South East Asia, mouthing off ideologies to ensure politicians stay in power, thus reaping the “benefits” that comes with the power. Cronyism, nepotism, corruption, abuse of power are norms in political world over here.
Thanks for that, and I believe you.
Almost everything in the US is abyssal. The infrastructures are crumbling everywhere. Look at Baltimore, look at Detroit, look at Philly, look at Scranton, look at Gary, look at little Bronx, look no more. It is so depressing to drive through these towns, except for a few nice scenic places out in the woods in Mass, New Hampshire, Vermont and Maine so to escape the big prison house habitat (sing sing) for a moment. It seems as if people were imprisoned within the four walls of coldness/unfriendliness/superficial/fake smile/devoid of life/work to death.
Night-owl homeless folks wandered aimlessly along the street in Baltimore and howled at the cold wind. They gathered together to make bon-fire in the metal drum to keep themselves warmed. This was way back in early 90s during Bush war in the gulf. Now it is far worse. Do they neocon care? They don’t give a hoot. They are busy and need to make war plan to divide and conquer within and abroad. Lack of empathy sickos soulless psychopath they are!