More new Rufus videos to inspire – Tiger Nap

It’s a new Chinese year. It’s a water tiger year. And it’s a fine time to remember to be the best that we can possibly be. In this installment, I offer up some fine Rufus inspirational videos that are found throughout the world and inside of China. Remember, that being a Rufus doesn’t depend on your wealth, where you live, what color of skin you have, or your career. It depends on your compassion for those who surround you.

Be the Rufus. The world needs people like us.

Japanese Beauty and the Beast

video 11MB

Motorcycle kit for those who cannot afford a car

This little bike is a hybrid bicycle / motorcycle. It supposedly gets much more from a tank of gas than a regular motorcycle because of motor efficiencies and the light weight of the bicycle. It’s a perfect hybrid solution for those that need to drive back and forth to work but cannot afford the gas to do so. video 20MB

Alert from a Jumper

video 19MB

All hands alert

video 17MB

Big Girl

This video is one that I constantly show to my daughter. I use it to illustrate how a “big girl” handles bad people. video 1MB


Rufus captures a criminal

video 2.6MB

Rufus climbs to the rescue

video 4.1MB

Rufus comes together in a pinch

video 27MB

Rufus’ community rescue

video 9MB

Rufus’ community saves a girl

video 4MB

Rufus compilation

video 35MB

Rufus’ corruption police

One of the biggest innovations that China has made on the world is a branch of the police that handles corruption at all levels of the government. It has greatly added to the public perception of the Communist Party being to serve the people, and it is an important driver as to why China is so successful today.

However, the rest of the world doesn’t seem to want to copy this innovation. And when you bring up the subject, you are just brushed off as making “silly talk”. video 9MB

Rufus COVID volunteers

All those people wearing and donning the hazmat suits inside of China are volunteers. They do so for FREE. They leave their jobs, their work, their families and take on this burden for FREE. True Rufus every one. Video 4MB

Rufus’ covid volunteers 2

More. video 9MB

Rufus defends the little guy

A great video. The people doing the menial jobs are underappreciated and treated harshly. It’s about time that people stand up and defend them. I love this video. video 11MB

Rufus doctor alert

video 41MB

Rufus subway draw

video 6MB

Rufus subway drawing, NYC

video 5MB

Rufus subway thumbs up

video 6MB

Rufus takedown of criminal 3

video 3MB

Rufus’ workers need some appreciation

video 11MB

Rufus works together as a team

video 7MB


Stop comparing yourself to others.

Stop. Just stop. video 4MB


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