More new Rufus videos to inspire – Tiger Pounce

It’s a new Chinese year. It’s a water tiger year. And it’s a fine time to remember to be the best that we can possibly be. In this installment, I offer up some fine Rufus inspirational videos that are found throughout the world and inside of China. Remember, that being a Rufus doesn’t depend on your wealth, where you live, what color of skin you have, or your career. It depends on your compassion for those who surround you. Be the Rufus. The world needs people like us.

Rufus Emergency Save

With children, it can happen at any time. You have to jump and take immediate action! video 5MB

Rufus father save

Again. You have to be ready. video 3MB

Rufus’s firemen help woman

A woman carries her baby to a group of firemen. They spring into action. video 5MB

Rufus fisherman

He rows to help. video 5MB

Rufus gets rewarded

A kind deed gets a reward. video 5MB

Rufus gives everyone a chance

Everyone deserves a chance. Instead of firing, she gets a promotion and some appreciation. Video 13MB

Rufus Great Collection

A great collection of Rufus events. Video 9MB

Rufus’s heart attack save

Video 20MB

Rufus helps out at a road accident

Video 17MB

Rufus helps a homeless family

Being a nice Rufus in the United States. Video 10MB

Rufus helps the children

The father buys the son a meal, and he eats cheap bread. The waitress gives him free food, and then the father gives the meat to his son. But the Rufus son will have none of that.

Video 5MB

Rufus helps a woman who collapsed on the bike

This is the whole video. Better than the abbreviated versions. I posted previously, or the segments in anthologies.  Video 20MB

Rufus honors the flag

A bus driver on January first sees a flag on the road. He stops and picks it up. A Rufus always honors the flag of the nation where he lives. It’s respect. Video 4MB

A Rufus is welcoming

video 10MB

Rufus makes the world a better place

video 7MB

Rufus making friends

And why not. Smile, and put a little bit of happiness in the lives of others. Just try. video 8.7MB

Rufus mid-drive save

A real time Rufus.

video 17MB

Rufus’ mud rescue

video 5MB

Rufus named Bob

Pleasant story. We have to adjust to things as they are, and not as we want them to be. video 6MB

Rufus not defective

I also think that this is a really nice story and illustration. video 6MB

Rufus Pay it forward

Yup. Pay it forward. Video 22MB

Rufus subway draw

Always a great series of videos. The idea is to use your natural skills, smile or abilities to make those around you smile. video 4MB

Rufus subway draw 5

Another. Remember that you can make the world a better place. . Video 4MB

Rufus thanks other Rufus for their help

video 4MB

Rufus trio boxes in a little boy

He has no idea what kind of a mess he is in. video 13MB

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The Rufus See the Future, the Danger before it happens and react. Oh I recognized the city where I was born, like a hospital Rufus’ compassion by immediately trying before to Lose “La Grave”.


Shape your ISBE protect ISBE respect The Family The Neighbors The Nature The conscience empathy benevolence. Let’s build the world with Love Peace Balance with your tools. Fight intelligently without use against Nature.
To have seen what is essential to see, to know life. The mark of genius.


Gong Xi Fa Cai, MM & everybody.

May the Year of the Tiger brings you & your family an abundance of happiness, good health & prosperity.