A fine Rufus reminder on the entry to a wet tiger year

It’s a new Chinese year. It’s a water tiger year. And it’s a fine time to remember to be the best that we can possibly be. In this installment, I offer up some fine Rufus inspirational videos that are found throughout the world and inside of China. Remember, that being a Rufus doesn’t depend on your wealth, where you live, what color of skin you have, or your career. It depends on your compassion for those who surround you. Be the Rufus. The world needs people like us.

Rufus climbs to rescue

A Rufus does whatever it takes to help and save others. video 4MB

Rufus dog stops an abduction

Be the Rufus. If this dog can be a Rufus, what is stopping you? video 2MB

Rufus’s on the bus

A real Rufus shows kindness and help when it is needed. Video 3MB

Save the Baby!

Rufus breaks into a car to save a baby left inside on a cold, cold day. Video 7MB

Rufus rescues a woman in distress

Video 3MB

A Rufus gives it back

A Rufus is not part of the for-profit scheme. Instead a Rufus is part of the community and supports others regardless of their roles or their situations. video 14MB


Bus driver stops woman from throwing baby over a bridge

Yikes! Fast acting Rufus bus driver. Video 3MB

Rufus Hospital Rescue

Rufus always ready to help. Video 1.3MB

Rufus police take down thief

A society of Rufus’s protecting the rest of us from criminals. Video 3MB

A Rufus overcomes all obsticles

It doesn’t matter if it is training, a situation, an illness, money or catastrophe. A Rufus endure and pushes towards success. video. 4MB

Rufus gives free food to delivery guy

Show some compassion. Be the Rufus. video 3MB


Rufus stops an abduction

Always alert, and always ready. Be the Rufus. Video 1MB

Rufus Parking Ticket

video 16.9MB

Facts of Life

A Rufus knows and understands these important rules of life. video 6.6MB


A simple act of kindness

You don’t need to be a hero to be a Rufus. You only need to add good things to the world around you. Use your talents. Make people smile. video. 5MB


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Humans can be quite wonderful. It’s very touching to see these sort of videos and to know that even in this crazy world there are still people who care and act on it 💖