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A first-hand experience at the starvation and famine in Shenzhen China by the Chinese CCP regime

Not the kind of title that you would expect from me, eh?

I woke up on Wednesday and found this article posted all over my LinkedIN feed. It’s from ZeroHedge, and discusses famine, starvation, disunity, sadness, in the evil gloom that lies under the shadow of the evil Chinese communist regime. The article goes to great lengths to describe a hopeless population, upset but powerless, to deal with on-going famine and the massive corruption of the CCP regime.

Here’s the article…

2022 03 11 15 59
2022 03 11 15 59

Well, I own a home in Shenzhen, and live across the bay from it. Everyday, I’m here, either looking at Shenzhen, or visiting it.

That’s what happens when you live next to a big city. You do know it’s population is 14 million people. That’s easily three times the size of New York City.

My relatives who live “on the island” (Long Island) feel the same way about “THE City” (New York).

Anyways. I live next door to Shenzhen, and own homes in Shenzhen. I visit it often, and I live right across the bay. From my living room, I can see the gleaming skyscrapers and glimmering light off the water.

I live in the Shenzhen region.

I live in the very place this article is written about.

It is now March. The same date and time when the article was written.

The purpose of this article is to present videos to show what life is like in Shenzhen, and the neighboring  areas under the evil repressive Chinese communist regime. Especially, and most notably, at the time that this article was written and published.

I think videos do better than some text written by a moron who doesn’t even realize that it doesn’t even snow in Shenzhen. Never has. Never will. It’s a fucking tropical area. Sheech!


Blizzard? Give me a break!


It’s tropical.

When was the last time it snowed in Hawaii? Sheech!

So I went and took videos all week to illustrate what it is like in the Shenzhen – Zhuhai area; my home.

We start with food. After all, that’s what the article is all about. It’s about a lack of food, resulting in starvation, followed by famine.


There is no famine.

No starvation anywhere in China. And certainly NOT in Shenzhen.

I swear, Western “news reports” have morphed into fantasy / science fiction episodes with very little resemblance to reality. I am convinced that they are handed a bullet-list of bad things to say about China, and then write a fantasy narrative based upon the bad things.

It’s got to be exactly that.

No other explanation is possible. Not even remotely.

Who is doing this? It must be the people, or entities, that pay them. Either a government, or an NGO aligned “fake” pseudo organization. It must be. It takes time, and effort to write these articles. They just don’t magically appear out of the air.

I took all of these videos the SAME WEEK that this “news” report wrote about starvation in the Shenzhen / China area. I filmed in different middle-class restaurants throughout this general region. (You can tell by the different dishes and tablecloths.) None of these meals were overly expensive. Just typical middle-class Chinese fare.

Since I don’t eat at Fast Food, you won’t see any videos of the fast food franchises that are big here in China. Sorry, but it’s not my thing. I tend to eat at home, and then go out once or twice a day to a nice, reasonably priced restaurant. So I didn’t change my routine. Just filmed the food to show that there is no starvation, nor famine.

Pork with peppers and bitter melon. Very delicious. I ate this in one of the many local malls. Sorry for the noise, it like the rest of China, are filled with many people enjoying their time eating delicious food. video 26MB

Very Spicy Beef. Here’s a different restaurant. This one specializes in beef. Very delicious. video 31MB

Chinese Sloppy Joe and a fine wide noodle salad. All so very delicious. You can see why I have gained so much weight since I moved to China, eh? video 35MB

Stuffed Baozi with vegetables. Very delicious. I love the meat versions, especially the pork version. This was particularly delicious. video 53MB

Some Chinese vegetarian food. All good and healthy. Tasty too, but you know guys, I do love my meats. LOL. video 42MB

Handmade noodles with peanuts. Very, very delicious. I think most of my American readership would love these food dishes. Too bad you cannot get them out in the States. Just here in China. video 36MB

Guys. You DO KNOW, that if there were REAL famine and REAL starvation, you would not see meals like this anywhere. In a nation with a population of 1.4 billion people, you would be overwhelmed.

Even posting pictures on the (so called anonymous) internet would get you targeted. In China, no one is isolated, and no one is alone. We are all connected together.

Toys – Legos

Here are some videos that I took in a toy store. These are Chinese Lego’s. Same lovely Lego brand, only marketed to the Chinese. Interesting cultural differences, eh?

Military Lego kits. If I were still a boy, I would really enjoy playing with these Legos. Especially the DF-41, and the J-20. video 31MB

Chinese Harbin Ice Festival. There are all sorts of fascinating Chinese-themed Legos for the local markets. And of course, since the Chinese have so many things to celebrate, the diversity of the products are pretty intriguing. video 30MB

Starving girls in Shenzhen

All of these girls live in Shenzhen. According to my untrained eyes, these girls don’t look like they are starving, unhappy or desirous of regime change for democracy™. I guess that I am not so good at picking out starving, hungry waifs like the BBC, FOX “news” and CNN are.

But what do I know? I only live here, and I have never seen anyone starve. And I’ve been living here or nearly twenty years.

But I am not a qualified “journalist”. I guess that to qualify, you must accept money from a Western government, and then write to their narrative. There are many who have “sold their souls” for some gold coins and baubles. It has generated a small cottege industry. Don’t you know.

No one is starving.

I think much of it has to do with the fact that the Chinese government believe that food is a natural Right, and makes sure that it is plentiful and cheap. This is considered a REAL Right.

Not the psuedo “Rights” like the United States has. You know a Right with exceptions

  • Freedom of Speech… controlled by the FCC, and Tech-oligarchy.
  • Right to bear arms… restricted by the government agency ATF.
  • Ninth Amendment… restricted by the FDA, FCC, NSA, and many, many others.
  • Tenth amendment…dead. A worthless, meaningless, phrase.

China believes that a fundamental Right is FUNDAMENTAL.

Of course, you’d never hear about that in the Western “news”. In that for-profit cesspool, everything comes at a price. It’s a land with a million tiny hands in your wallet.

Let’s look at the starving waifs yearning for freedom™ and democracy™…

We start with this slightly whisp of a lady…

video 2MB

And here’s the second gal. Love that fine tan dress. I like how it moves. You can tell that she’s hungry. After all, look at the sad and forlorn expression on her face.

video 1MB

Here’s a girl being sexy in the kitchen. Sorry that you can only see her backside. But I guess you might think that she is starving because she is not obese like so many American women. But that’s just cultural. The Chinese eat far better, healthier, and have far less stress than their American counterparts. video 5MB

Here’s another girl. She’s considered to be fat. In China, due to the diet, and perhaps genetics, the fat tends to go to the chest area, not to the stomach. As us, Americans and Europeans must deal with. I really think that the fact that GMOs are banned in China has a lot to do with it. video 2MB

This woman has great posture. I really cannot see the kind of starvation that resembles hunger like I saw when I lived in Pennsylvania. There, at that time, people couldn’t afford food, and with the collapse of the steel industry, many had to make due. They would fish, and eat rabbit, and other things to keep their bellies full. I’m not seeing it in China. Sorry. video 6MB

Elementary / kindergarten teacher. I suppose that this girl is borderline starving. You can tell by her sunken ass-cheeks and lack of stomach.

She reminds me of the many friends that I made when I first arrived in China. Many girls. Many dates. Many fun times.

But I must tell you, we all ate very well, and no one was starving. video 1.5MB

Life in Shenzhen / Nanshan / Zhuhai

Various “home” videos taken by myself. All in Shenzhen, and Zhuhai. All that I took with my fine four-year-old Huawei cellphone camera, with DouXing editing and music. Enjoy…

Afternoon outside my office. Video 11MB

Along the beach road. If you look at the water, you can see Shenzhen on the horizon. video 11MB

Riding the subway in Shenzhen. video 11MB

A view of the Shenzhen-Zhuhai-HK-Macao bridge. It’s that long bridge in the background. video 11MB

At the ferry port from Shenzhen to Zhuhai. This view is taken on the second floor of the Shenzhen side, where you go to the kiosks to get your tickets. video 11MB

One of our photo shoots. This was taken a few months ago. For you newbies, yea MM does photoshoots. It’s all a part of the affirmation campaigns along with thought direction for manifested reality, don’t you know.

Anyways, do these people look like they are starving and desirous for democracy™ and freedom™? video 26MB

Eating dinner in a small local restaurant at night. Friends, and family. That’s little mm playing with the cell phone. Oh, I’m so bad. Don’t worry, it was for less than 20 minutes. video 44MB

Here’s what it is like riding a bus at night. Do these people look like they are ready to revolt against the evil CCP regime? Sheech! You have got to be an idiot to believe the anti-China narrative. video 65MB

Prekindergarten education. Learning starts at two years old in China. Then there’s kindergarten, followed by elementary school, and military training, and into the pipe with middle school and upwards. video 45MB

What it is like on the streets. After all, the picture that is being sent to millions of people is  snowy winter Shenzhen filled with unhappy and starving Chinese. So what’s the real story? video 2MB


Most “news” out of the collective West (in this case referring to China) are nothing more than made-up, fabricated lies. Lies that have no resemblance to the truth.

It’s a well-funded (to 5 billion dollars) effort (by the United States federal budget) to demonize China to the point where all Westerners (and most especially Americans) are filled with hate and loathing towards China.

This is for a build up for a major war.

Make no mistake. The USA is on a War-footing. A war, that the United States expects to win. For, after all, everyone knows, that it is exceptional™.

You don’t have to believe me.

But here it is.

This is what it is like. This is what China is like in Early March 2022, while articles on Gab, Zerohedge, Free Republic, and FOX regurgitate the “starving Chinese” lies.

This is the real deal, and no, I am not “brainwashed by the evil CCP”. Sheech! And no, I don’t live in exclusive areas. This is what it is like.

Lower-middle class life.

In Shenzhen / Zhuhai China. Real deal reporting. Real home-made videos. Real experiences. Real thoughts, and real reporting. All for free.

Soak it in and take a good, hard look at what “news” you read. Becuase if one simple thing like this can be distorted and twisted out of reality, what else can be? Eh?

Do you want more?

I have more posts like this in my China Index here…



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Brilliant, Mr Man. I just spent a few hours reviewing European weekend ‘news’ papers and every single one is calling for the elimination of Putin, Russia and the Russian people. (For liberal democracy publications, they sure are spewing a lotta hate. For now they’re just ridiculing China.)

In not so many words, of course– depending on the assumed readership IQ of each particular rag.

All the ‘big gun’ respected ‘journalists’, retired ‘politicians’ and other assorted sacks of shit have all been recruited to the cause. Untouchable in their ivory towers and country estates, and very unconcerned about rapidly increasing fuel prices and utilities.

Whatever’s going on, Putin and Xi have them scared and panicking.

This is not a balanced, nuanced preparation for eventual war.

These maggots are getting ready to do something quick and in an attempt to gain the upper hand. 100%.

Time is a luxury they do not have, and given that the Normies have free will to investigate these ridiculous claims about China and Russia for themselves, but instead choose to salivate over shit rags written by intelligence operatives (low level ones, mind you, heh heh), the karmic debt when it comes due will be substantial.

There’s no escaping it.

They’re pretty much complicit, ethically speaking. Misguided or otherwise, there is a responsibility for of what should be known on their part.

Moreover, this hate and frustration focused outwards as the COVID narrative and all that entailed collapses is a very effective tool for the Master Magicians running the whole show and directing corrupted ‘governments’ along with their stooges in the drug companies and military.

Also a good way of stopping Normie from asking questions. (Not that Normie asks questions; well, some of them ask a few, but whatever.)

A pagan friend from back home whom I keep in touch with also tells me that folks are aware, subconsciously or not, that they have been damaged by the MRNA inoculations and are becoming explicitly aware of the ‘young man who dies suddenly while out jogging’ news stories popping up everywhere.

The Magicians know this, and have the ability to convert this existential fear into hate and direct it outwards toward any target they so choose. (What the Domain and ourselves would refer to as gathering world lines together– as is happening now. And I also get how unpredictable the outcomes of that must be.)

I always remember what the Domain said– a slow build up, Cold War style, is what they’re planning– with plenty of time to brainwash the NPCs thoroughly and reset supply chains. Only thing is, it’s not gonna work out like that.

Hope you’re getting ready to duck just in case.

I am, that’s for sure.

Where I am everything is weirdly subdued. Eerily quiet.

And if you know Korea, you’ll also know that is a very rare thing, indeed. It’s like the whole country is only 60% awake. Again, not a bad thing as such, just out of place.

May you live in interesting times.

Last edited 3 years ago by Ultan
Ultan McG

Putin was advised by his own ‘magicians’ to use the term Empire of Lies, I’d say. Language is very powerful (in the quantum reality we inhabit) as you no doubt are aware. What’s it the old folks used to say back home: ‘Thoughts are prayers; words are spells.’ And to use them carefully, written, spoken or otherwise. Once they are out there– the words– they exist and there’s no taking them back.

(All nonsense to an NPC is his Newtonian reality, of course.)

Nothing can be built on lies, and when a reality is configured according to those lies– as the US empire has the ability to do via media and until very recently full martial control– you don’t have to be a philosopher or theologian to see that it’s only a matter of time before the whole edifice comes crumbling down. The Christian Bible is full of such empires and events befalling them eventually, and anyone thinking the times we live in now are any different, must have a screw loose– or else is the victim of very, very advanced cognitive programming,😉. Probably in Normies’ case a little bit of both.

Stay safe, out there! Not only is the Empire of lies in the process of being exposed; the Emperor himself has no clothes, either. And any rational, sane and sentient person can see it. (About 10% of the population I know but hey, we know how to leverage it.) I guess the only question is now: what’s gonna happen next.

Ohio Guy

I too, am sooo tired of OE Democracy. Thanks for splainin’ it to the folks here.
Oh, and thanks again for the lovely ladies and foodies.



Dearest brothers and sisters, I LAUGH OUT LOUD whenever MM comes out with these “here’s the real truth videos.” And, I am very sure that EVERYONE here who has walked with MM in their paths, KNOW what MM is like. You can feel it in your bones – and see how stupid people really are to believe these stupendously ridiculous stories that MM debunks here. And, you can see exactly what the EXCEPTIONALISTS are doing and why.

On top of the reasons MM has very clearly stated above, one more reason why these EXCRUCIATINGLY contrasting videos and articles that are so RIDICULOUS in nature, but yet presented as FACT, is simply in the words of MM, a GENETIC STRATIFICATION process. And, virtually all the PSYOPS that are present in the world today, create two distinct opposing realities and values – for virtually ALL important issues. And, just by seeing how one person answers say, 5 -10 questions on these issues, you can immediately see his Human Worthiness Quotient (HWQ). [Er, I just made that up. You can trademark it and hopefully make a trillion dollars like that Moderna CEO guy. Remember to give me some stock options…. It’s okay – I am quite happy with some breadcrumbs being the suitably small gnat that I am in the whole order of things].

Virtually everything that is happening in the world is part of a PSYOP – and all these psyops have Hegellian Dialectic features. They appear to differentiate human beings on different levels of values and in the end, their behaviours. And, as they exhibit them in social media or if these are in their hard drives (wink, wink- THEY KNOW WHAT’S IN EVERYONE’s COMPUTER, Dont you know?), everyone can simply be assigned a RAW HWQ.

For what end? I dont know, but it sure feels like it. It’s not just info that’s put out to LIE. Its put out to separate the masses.

Why would the WAPP (Wise and Power People) want to do that? And MM is the first person I have seen come up with the visionary term, GENERIC STRATIFICATION. Bravo! What a man of high savant! MM knows…and that is why we come here everyday to LEARN about how things are going to unfold.

Genetic Stratification. (MM said it first. Search got the term in this website for more explication.)

What do you think your HWQ is – and do you even care?

Thank you, MM and others.


They cant even point on a map where “England” is. You seriously think they know where Shenzhen is?

The brainwashed sheeple will believe anything the propaganda spews out. Totally conditioned by being fully immersed & bombarded with subtle & overt propaganda 24/7.

Dehumanizing the enemy is psychological warfare. Makes sheeple numb to the immorality of mass killing another human being. A far away war (Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria etc) does not touch upon the day to day life of the sheeple. They will only learn the brutality of warfare when war comes home to roost in Merica.


Oh man, I just cannot emphasize enough the clear skies you have !
No white stripes to be seen, no white-out, nada.

For the Legos, no, that is not of the Lego Brand,
That has gone woke and licensed,
In recent years there have emerged a lot of Chinese brand which equal the original in quality but make a more wide variety of themes and sets. A whole story into itself.

Best regards and have a nice sunny Sunday, MT


I am not sure why anyone, anywhere in the West listens to mainstream media. Or even TV at all. I see what it does to people. They absolutely lose touch with reality. I stopped tuning in the day of 9/11. What I saw on the idiot box was diametrically opposite of what the rest of the world saw. Probably because the volume was broken on the set, so I wasn’t stupefied with the official narrative.

During the Trump admin, the frenzy was that Trump ‘spoke’ to the Ukraine which was deemed an evil corrupt nation and Biden & Son was up to their eyeballs in corruption. So they impeached Trump over Ukraine claiming he was colluding with evil corrupt Russia about the evil corrupt Ukraine. Maybe he was. We’ll never know

The whopper topper on the media shit cake was yesterday when I wandered into the living room and couldn’t help but over hear the latest outrage blaring from the idiot box. I tried not to listen but you know the fecking thing is on 24/7 because its a source of entertainment, comfort, companionship, friendship, entertainment, occupation, and emotional support for most of my family members. To wit, I have a family member who retired, stinking filthy rich, able to do anything she wants, travel, hobbies–whatever. Instead she has literally sat in front of the TV set for FIVE STINKING YEARS. FIVE YEARS. She never moves. If she does she has to turn on every TV in the house so she’s not disconnected from her emotional support system. This is not a political issue. It’s a psychological issue. Dumbing down the West, chastising those who wish to educate their minds instead of entertain them, a massive pandemic of emotionally broken people. Common and shared reality with all its harshness, doesn’t match what is portrayed on TV where everyone is warm and fuzzy and naughty children don’t get spanked. So people are in a constant state of disillusion and wailing. We have to make reality into something that is portrayed on the TV set.

Anyway, here is the headline from the Today Show:

Ukrainian refugees are flooding our southern border (between Mexico and the US).

How’d they get there? Walk across the ocean? Wouldn’t it have been a shorter, less wet journey to simply walk to New York harbor or other points of entry on the east coast instead of trudging thousands of miles out of their way, rounding the Florida peninsula and swimming across the Gulf of Mexico?

And people just absorb this as truth.

Of course there is some political purpose to this centered around our current immigration woes but how much BS can people absorb?


Ohio Guy

Apparently, metric f*&c tons.

Suh Seung Ji

Well its crazy on all fronts….like something was added to the world’s drinking water source. I had a woman yell at me on YT yesterday and called me a troll….why? She said Maidan and Odessa massacres never happened, that the people in Donetsk and Lugansk are perfectly fine and always have been and why is Russia bothering with a sovereign NATO country, a country that is clearly a democracy with a fine elected President.

Uh huh.

Bo Chen

“War Footing”, been hearing this ever since the CIA biovirus first was planted in Wuhan that America was on war footing… At this point I say bring it on!

Ohio Guy

The collective “west” is forging ahead with the “endgame” which is Transhumanism. Russia and China will have no part of it as it is against their moral and cultural codes. If there ever is a New World Order, it will be short lived.

All this time, we were taught that the communists were the slavemasters. Turned out, it’s the other way around.


Thanks for the account: Zero Hedge is one of the better news sites, but the tentacles of the cabal are everywhere.

I’m confused. You say you have lived in Shenzhen for almost 20 years, yet you have suggested that you were in the Program for thirty years, from 1981-2011. I took that to mean that you were released from ADC in 2011, and 18 months on parole would have taken you up to 2012 in the U.S. at least.

Even if you were in the ADC from 2004 to 2009, if you were born in 1959, you would have been only 45 when you went in; yet you said you were over 50 when you had your heart attack. And that chronology adds only two years to the time you could have been in China.

I understand that time is relative when you are being placed in different world-lines. Tony Rodrigues says that he worked as a slave for 20 years but was returned to Earth a little early (in this world) because of all of the time he spent travelling. Maybe your slides caused something similar to happen.

Suh Seung Ji

Before the lockdown ZH wasn’t too bad. But since then it has moved to an almost completely inundated MSM source. Used to be you could have some decent thoughtful discussions in the comment section.

Since just before the Ukraine Special Operation started…it began to get really crazy, even amongst some of the previously level headed commenters. You now see long stretches of “your mother” followed by “no, your mother”. I still cruise the headlines just because I want to know what the Potato Head Regime is up to.

Now I pretty much confine myself to The Duran, Thesaker and UkraineMaps of Twitter, oh and Patrick Lancaster on YT. He posted a really gruesome video of the cluster bomb attack yesterday showing dead people, parts of dead people, people bleeding out while waiting for help. All given courteously to them by that wonderful group, the NeoNationalists and Azov /s.

Suh Seung Ji

Yeah, keep rubbing it in about having a Huawei phone. Coal in your stocking for Christmas. Thank you for answering my query….well done.

All I can say is that if that food is what you starving people eat, where do I sign up. Geez, I hate living here….why in the hell did I choose to reincarnate in this forsaken land?

Everything is so clean there….sparkly clean.