Sometimes you come across a really decent, well written article by someone that speaks basic points in clear terms directly. They don’t have enormous paragraph-long sentences, filled with wandering thoughts, jargon, or bullshit. It’s just a very well done article that makes a great deal of sense, and is well written for others to understand.
I read one such article today.
It’s pretty darn American centric, and places some pretty complex situations into rather simplistic terms, but over all, it’s not bad.
And I am going to reprint it here. Well, edited to fit this venue, of course. And then let you all suckle on the savory tidbits that it presents.
But first…
Let me tell you how I came accross it.
I got up, as all of us do, and went to my office. I went in early as I had a scheduled conference call with a salesman in Oregon. It didn’t happen, sigh, as salesmen are always busy being “road warriors”. So I left the office and went down and got myself a burger and a coffee at Burger King. You don’t bitch and moan about what things should be. You adjust and accept them as they are.
The view this morning from infront of the Zhuhai, China office… video 14MB
All is good.
I walked the five minute stroll to the neighborhood Burger King. Up the stairs and inside past the Coronavirus QR. So I ran up to the interior ordering kiosk, and ran through the ordering QR scan and order placment at the kiosk. Paid using wechat. And while waiting for the meal I was reading my feeds.
I no longer really read American “news”.
As time goes on, it all seems so disconnected from reality. Instead I read The Saker, Moon Over Alabama, UNZ, and a handful of other bloggers that report on things as they see them and are not doing it for money. They are doing so in their love of truth reporting.
It’s a new reality. I tell you the truth.
Anyways, you know, I do scan through Drudge Report. That gives me a “birds eye” overview of the current American “news” scene. And yeah. It’s still a lot of bullshit.

Same Old.
Same Old.
When I grabbed my muffin-hamburger, and swilled my “hot cup of Joe” I read a comment that pointed to this article here.

And well, I read it, and thought… “well, this is a pretty decent article to share“, and so when I went back to my office, I sat down and started to share it.
But I have to warn the readership, that the author equates all the problems that the Western Bloc is currently experiencing with Socialism, Marxism, and Communism. That's not true in the least. It's due to greed, and wealthy powerful oligarchs. But let's not quibble on the trivial. A nation that has zero elements of solicalism, zero elements of Marxism, and zero elements of Communism is not falling into decay because of them. It is falling into decay becuase the systems that it is based upon (democracy, wealth generation, and identity politics) are failing.
Here it is…
Found HERE. All credit and so on and so forth. Edited to fit this venue.
Regardless, it is known that the system cannot continue…
…and so…
…we are living through the attempt to self demolition, with the intent that those in control will be able to rebuild and do so with even greater control.
The collapse of the Western financial system – and ultimately the Western civilization – is the main reasons for this forecast.
Covid is designed as an excuse to try resist this collapse and retain power. It won’t work.
Western Bloc societies, drunk on extreme liberalism, are unable to deal with any real hardship.
So far, the Covid death toll is roughly 2 million people, if we’re being generous.
If we are to add back all those flu and heart disease deaths which have miraculously disappeared then certainly the figure is significantly less.
The risk is clearly not from Covid, as even the most naïve and gullible using rudimentary math will quickly find.
The Actual Risks
The actual risk – the risk that you should be concerned with – is from the Marxist Oligarchy Class takeover we are living through and its ultimate probabilities.
What is now certain is that the economic crisis due to the lockdowns will cause far more deaths than the virus worldwide.
“Globally, the lockdown measures have increased the number of people at risk of starvation to 1.1 billion, and they are putting at risk millions of lives,” Leading epidemiologist Dr. John Ioannidis of Stanford University
“This year has seen a perfect storm that has left 270 million people facing crisis levels of food shortages. That is double the number of people needing immediate assistance this time last year.” Caoimhe de Barra, CEO, Trócaire
And creating untold misery:
“I think that the cost to our nation in continuing to keep these schools closed is substantial, and I’m hopeful that resources that are necessary can be made available… But there has been another cost that we’ve seen, particularly in high schools. We’re seeing, sadly, far greater suicides now than we are deaths from COVID. We’re seeing far greater deaths from drug overdose that are above excess that we had as background than we are seeing the deaths from COVID.” Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Director
Suicide rates in Australia are forecast to rise by up to 50 per cent due to the economic and social impacts of the coronavirus and tipped to outstrip deaths from the pandemic by up to 10 times. Australian Medical Association modelling, The Australian
My family would 100 percent starve if I don’t beg. What else can I do to feed them when there is no work? Alireza Yousufi, 41, Kabul, talking to the Washington Times
Furthermore, lockdowns will not end.
They will be brought back like a tool, at any time, for any purpose.
American-style Democracy is over.
This year will see elections in multiple western countries. We expect to see any opposition to the elites now in power being quashed under “health restrictions”.
Free and fair elections are finished.
The obvious political campaigning that would oppose “The Great Reset” will be made illegal under new laws already implemented.
What’s more is that the “sustainability agenda” which is the “Green Deal” dressed up in different pants, is now being implemented.
It will bring about an astonishing fall in the standards of living, skyrocketing poverty, starvation, stagflation and an acceleration of the breakdown of civil society.
Holding this all together will require a level of authoritarianism few can imagine.
This is being rolled out ahead of time.
They (the oligarchy) know what is coming and are prepared for it.
The populace are still largely ignorant, optimistic, gullible and completely unprepared for it.
The public is unprepared for the consequences of the sustainability agenda – environmental devastation, skyrocketing poverty, starvation, stagflation and an accelerated breakdown of civil society.
This persistent and ongoing tide of “woke mob” led politics is going to render the Western Bloc Anglo-Western social and cultural institutions impotent.
The rule of law is being manipulated to preference society’s rights over individual rights.
Evidence, reason and rationality are running headlong into a wall of “cancel culture“, as education and science is being replaced by selected procedural methods.
In effect, the civil structure on which the West was built is being ripped to shreds before our eyes.
We can safely say that much of the Western world today is in second world status, descending rapidly into third world status, masked mostly by the efficiencies of globalisation built over decades that is now reversing (as I recently presented here).
Britain, a former beacon of law and order, is now under martial law with citizens being beaten and imprisoned for visiting their loved ones or going to the gym.
The push towards mass vaccinating the populace via coercion, propaganda and manipulation is in full swing.
“Health Impact Events” and deaths from these experimental unorthodox mRNA vaccines are already mounting and the campaign to suppress the truth is becoming increasingly draconian.
The extent of the economic damage done is already largely incalculable, but already exceeds that of the great depression by at least a factor of 2.
It grows exponentially with each day.
Britain is not unique, as the same is true albeit to a lesser extent for all of the Western Bloc.
The physical infrastructure still remains, but this masks the underlying rot.
Just as an abandoned building in the tropics left uncared for is overtaken by the jungle, this existing infrastructure will slowly, then rapidly deteriorate.
At that point the physical decay and poverty will mirror the intellectual, moral and social decay, and it will finally become visually apparent.
Within a decade, many cities in the West will be unrecognisable.
This is the future of those following The Great Reset, namely Western democracies.
The Western economic system has been held together by debt.
After decades of not allowing true busts to happen and kicking the can down the road, we’ve reached the inevitable…
…dead end.
The bond market is no longer functioning.
The vast amount of debt is now bought by the Central Banks themselves, and fully 100% of secondary issuance is owned by the Central banks (EU).
This was done in a bid to hold down the cost of borrowing, while simultaneously being able to print more dollars.
Debt forgiveness is coming.
In a last ditch attempt to detonate the existing system and replace it, the elimination of public debt will be conducted.
It will be the largest, most egregious theft in living memory and millions of people will become impoverished overnight.
This will also coincide with a Digital Central Bank Currency unit tied to UBI (Universal Basic Income).
It will usher in a level of control and enslavement that will be total.
China’s social credit system is the (supposed) model. For more depth go read the IMF and WEF’s own papers on the topic.
It won’t matter, as debt repudiation will not work.
It will likely signify the final nail in the Western Bloc led system’s coffin.
When analysing historical data, various systems of governance, and the societies being governed, it is instructive to note that the experience with the Soviet system implemented by the Bolsheviks was quite different to what lies ahead for the West.
Soviet society at the time was far more resilient than Western societies are today.
This was both as [1] a consequence of strong family structures and largely mono ethnic culture, as well as [2] the fact that the preceding wars fought by the soviet population had hardened society to deal with social, and economic hardships.
This is the polar opposite of Western society today, where society is outraged if someone is “misgendered” or if a “person of insufficient colour” makes a burrito (cultural appropriation).
To think that such a culture can sustain itself is beyond laughable.
Three years ago, we forecast that if this wasn’t stopped the west risked descending into tyranny.
We believe it is now too late.
Western societies today sport records in the following:
- They are THE most diverse ever,
- They are more multicultural than at any time
- They are the most personally indebted
- Their governments are the most indebted
- They experience the highest standards of living
The first two points are important since, in times of economic prosperity multiculturalism and diversity bring creativity, innovation and expansion.
But in times of economic contraction, people turn tribal.
This is exacerbated when they are turned against each other, as is the case across the western world (white privilege, stakeholder equity, toxic masculinity, gender identity).
The last point is important, since they are the least resilient and will suffer the most. Western societies don’t know hardship and when even a minor shock hits, the belief is that not only can the state provide for all who are disadvantaged, but that it should.
This is why they will borrow and print. Society will literally demand it.
Evidence of Western societies lack of resilience is to be found in the degenerate behaviour being disguised as virtue.
We see it in “cancel culture”, hate speech laws, censorship of any apposing views – and now even questions, hijacking of science to fit a narrative (Covid and Climate change being the most aggressively used) and attempts to rewrite history in favour of the perpetually oppressed.
These are all signs of this crumbling system.
Not Like the USSR
To put this into context, when the Bolsheviks took over and created the Soviet system, ten percent of the population died.
Some from outright slaughter, some in Gulags, others from poverty.
The new age Bolsheviks are now in power in the West and this will likely be worse, possibly much worse for the reasons mentioned above.
None of this takes into account the effects of the experimental drugs being used on populations.
The ultimate result; the populations of these countries will decline.
The combination of deaths and migration will ensure this.
The Second and Third World countries
Right now, the jury is largely out on those countries we have formerly termed “second” and “third” world.
We are watching them closely.
Those who follow Western powers and The Great Reset, tying themselves economically and politically to them, will suffer accordingly with civil strife prevalent.
With the collapse of their economic systems, so too will the power vacuum left be filled.
This in itself could become a hair trigger on an international scale.
We have already seen the chess pieces on the board shifting.
China taking Hong Kong (HK was always part of China. China did not “take” HK in so much as it regained control over one of it’s cities. -MM) was a result of the early inning of this power vacuum. China took HK because it could. So much has happened in such a short period of time that has weakened the Western system that it is now simply a matter of time before more power plays are had on the international stage.
The West will experience intensified secessionist movements, which are likely to result this time in violence, as the system becomes authoritarian in a mad bid to hold things together.
It remains highly unlikely that the United States remain “United”.
The term “Domestic Terrorism” will become the norm as anyone diverging from the narrative will find themselves quickly deemed a “terrorist”.
Watch for it.
Second and third world countries – provided they choose NOT to ally themselves to the sinking Western ship – are better positioned to deal with hardship than the Western democracies.
Social safety nets in these countries are effectively decentralized; they are the family unit.
The requirement – and indeed ability – of their governments to “fix” the problems are lacking, and so they won’t.
Those second and third world countries that choose not to follow the West will be following Russia and China, neither of which will follow The Great Reset.
They cannot, as their power structures require a wholly different approach.
They are ideologically opposed to The Great Reset and so cannot be bought as easily as the Western powers have been. This is for both economic, but also cultural and ideological reasons.
Countries that tie themselves to these two will form the new makeup of the post Western world.
This is unfolding now, and is easily seen if you’re paying attention.
Different Systems
In a recent Insider publication, I remarked that;
At $7.1 trillion, the combined market cap of Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, and Google is greater than the GDP of every country in the world with the exception of the US and China.
It is not a coincidence that every single one of these companies has been an avid and enthusiastic supporter of lockdowns.
They are more powerful than many governments, and as we’ve just seen in the US, they are exerting immense political influence.
In the Western system, the corporate elites dictate government policy and they are in the process of attempting to gather as much power as possible to ensure their own survival, and indeed usher in an entirely new system.
They are calling it “The Great Reset”.
Backing this great reset is the grand con masquerading as “philanthropy”.
For instance, Bill Gates wealth has doubled from $54 billion to $105 billion since he started his vaccine agenda, under this carefully constructed guise of “philanthropy” whilst killing thousands, injuring millions and rendering thousands infertile (read this and this for a sample).
“First we got population. The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.” Bill Gates, Ted2010 Conference, emphasis ours
Those paying attention might also raise an eyebrow at his recent foray into disaster capitalism, as the measures he championed for covid-19 have allowed him to become the US’ largest farmland owner and enter a bidding war to buy Signature Aviation, the world’s largest private jet operator.
Otherwise known as “key strategic assets” in a world of government controlled movement and supply chains.
But who would notice, he’s too busy pumping 160x the amount of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere per year than the average person he is dictating the life of, for one of his “guilty pleasures“.
Dangerous megalomaniacs with socialist tendencies who are risking the entirety of humanity with a dangerous, unproven, unnecessary and rushed to market Covid vaccine for a falsified pandemic to further their interests is the stark reality of our current situation.
This is not a movie, or a story.
It is fact.
Geopolitics and Military
The situation between the three great powers has changed dramatically.
The only relevant achievement of the Western powers during the past decade has been the formation of a strategic alliance, both military and economic, between Russia and China.
The relationship between the United States and ASEAN was dealt a serious blow under the Obama administration. Nothing since has been done to repair this and instead China has grown its influence under the Belt and Road initiative.
US influence is now at an all time low…
… and about to get worse.
Into this void has stepped China.
The implementation of Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), which has created the world’s largest trading block, is a stark reminder of just how rapidly Western influence is collapsing.
It is instructive to note that neither the EU nor the US are party to RCEP.
Moving to Europe and Russia; This partnership is now in tatters as the Kremlin has finally had enough and realised there is little to gain from engagement. The EU never wanted a partnership, but rather a vassal EU state.
For the same reasons that Russia will not pursue The Great Reset, Russia was never going to acquiesce to the EU’s agenda.
This was always the most probable outcome, but the Covid scam, and the EU’s pushing its “Sustainability agenda” which wraps neatly into The Great Reset, is not in Russia’s interests.
If there ever was any doubts as to what would happen with this partnership these have now been conclusively put to rest.
There isn’t and will not be any partnership.
Both Russia and China have been preparing for a major war since 2008, and China has been increasing its military capabilities for the last 20 years. Russia has now completely de-dollarised its economy, built a hoard of gold, and has one of the most stable balance sheets of any sovereign.
They are coincidentally self sufficient in both food and energy, both of which are about to become absolutely critical. As I’ve said many times before:
You don’t have any political security if you don’t have energy security.
Western powers are in the process of virtue signalling away their energy security for brownie points at the Woke table. Whether by intent, ignorance or malice they are ceding autonomy.
Their enemies will use this against them.
Right now, their enemies need not lift a finger, as watching your enemy commit suicide is both cheaper, easier and likely a more gratifying experience.
The period of time post World War 2 is that which is in the memory of people today. I would suggest a longer timeframe is required to adequately assess the risks in front of us today.
War is more the norm than most realise.
The entire global world order has been underpinned by American economic, military (especially the Navy) prowess. That order is collapsing right now and at great speed.
This power vacuum WILL be filled.
As of this writing, not one in one hundred in the Western system believes that anything other than a Western led system will lead.
The brainwashing of individuals is complete, and not only do the majority believe the West holds the moral high ground, but they believe in their technological superiority.
This hubris has allowed them to entirely ignore what is taking place around them. We see it with the rise of the supremacy of the emotional arguments over the rational ones (2+2=4 = racist) which are ignored or deprecated.
Rational, objective, evidence based thinking is now uniformly categorised as “conspiracy theory”, and any questioning of the spoon fed narrative is ridiculed and then “canceled”.
That mindset can play a key role in the upcoming catastrophic events.
At least in the Soviet system, the silent majority of the people were aware of the fallacies they were fed. They knew they were bunkum and paid lip service to them in order to survive.
In the West however, we can see that absurd claims are actually completely believed.
Over the course of the 2020s it will become obvious that the new model (The Great Reset) is failing.
This will be taking place while the Russia-China block outperforms.
This relative and obvious divergence may lead to war, purely out of desperation (they created a fake pandemic and fake climate alarm so don’t discount a war for whatever reason).
The last piece of hegemonic power is of course… nuclear weapons.
It may be tempting to snatch victory from assured defeat when one has such power in hand.
The historians among readers will understand why we are rushing towards what may be the worlds first nuclear war.
Such a war will not halt the collapse of the western financial, and hence political system. It may just turn it into one where the casualties are counted in the billions.
We hope that such a catastrophe can be avoided.
Right now, unless the technocrats at the WEF are not halted in their tracks, the probability of this falls daily.
What does Dr Paul Craig Roberts have to say…
Dr Paul Craig Roberts, no stranger to the inner workings of the Deep State, put it rather starkly recently:
‘NATO officials have thumbed their noses at Putin’s concern with Russia’s security. Trump’s National Security Advisor and neocon warmonger John Bolton encourages more provocation of Russia, which as Putin has made clear will result in war. ‘Clearly as 2021 comes to an end, there is no intelligence to be found anywhere in the Western World as all vie to show how tough they are with Russia. ‘When Putin says Russia has nowhere left to which to retreat, he is telling the idiot West that Russia has reached the extent of its ability to avoid war. “We simply have no room to retreat” means Russia has done all she can do to avoid war and now the Americans must get off Russia’s doorstep. ‘Putin is relying on Biden to show awareness and responsibility and to work for peace by acknowledging Russia’s legitimate security concern. But what if Biden is just a figurehead, and the shots are called by the military/security complex who will go for profits despite the risk that Putin will not back down? ‘What if Washington’s concern is limited to destabilizing Russia in the interest of US hegemony and Russia’s security is precisely what Washington intends to undermine, not secure. ‘ . . . ‘2022 could . . . be the year the Western world comes to an end in nuclear war.’

Here, we look at how the investor class are viewing the chaos in the United States. Obviously, it’s very American centric. And they don’t really understand what is going outside of the ‘States. Except to say that it’s really not going in the same direction as the Western Bloc.
I look at things in a far simpler manner.
Let’s use the Western Bloc’s insistence in “The Great Reset” and the requirement that everyone takes the mRNA injections.
Follow what the Western Bloc is doing.
Look at what the Deagal report suggests…
Follow what the United Asia Bloc is doing.
In their insistence that nations and societies must be socially stable, use tried and true medical and vaccination protocols… what does the Deagal Group say…
Obviously the trends are all approaching unity.
The Western Bloc is racing towards collapse on a number of fronts. This is accelerating with the insistance of mandatory compliance with mRNA injections, uncontrolled military spending which is causing enormus google-sized bubbles.
Remote viewing of the future is strongly suggestive of…
- A massive die-off of populations in the Western Bloc.
- A restructuring of the geographic boundaries of many Western Bloc nations.
- A massive readjustment of the economic and financial situation within those nations.
- Turmoil, chaos, and discomfort.
While it is obvious that Asia, and most of the rest of the world will fare much better. They will enjoy strong economies, lush and vibrant cities, and a calm and good lifestyle.
But then you all know about this, don’t you? I’ve covered it extensively.
The big question mark is whether the Western Bloc will take the entire globe down with it as it collapses. To that I have no clear answers.
All indicators point to that senario is indeed building up towards a climax.
[1] Trump launched war in South China Sea
Here’s a youtube video about what the Taiwanese people think.
It failed miserably.
And cost the Military leadership their jobs, and Trump his Presidency.
The eight battle assault carriers steamed back to the United States without incident. Something "spooked them". What it was is not clear, and certainly not reported.
The Tit-for-tat VTOL carrier fires were very illustrative.
First, the USA torches the Chinese Type-075 aircraft carrier in April 2020 in Shanghai, then China torches the USS Bonhomme Richard in San Diego in July 2020.
[2] Trump launched Bio-Weapons
Numerous deaths. Mostly American. But the objectives were not realized. China was not suppressed. Iran did not collapse. Instead, it boomeranged back to the West and the nations are now dealing with the "Covid hoax", and "mRNA Vaxx". Which are creating a very dangerous situation.
[3] Biden placing nuclear delivery systems near China
Terribly provocative. It is signing the death warrants for many Australians, and Japanese. In process, but will NOT end well.
[4] Biden placing nuclear delivery systems near Russia
Terribly provicative. Resulted in Putin making an ultimatum after Russian nuclear boomer subs surrounded the United States. Supposedly there is going to be a meeting between Putin and Biden. The USA is going to use it for propiganda purposes, unaware just how serious the situation is. I will tell you all; the knife is pointed at the throat of the United States right now. And make no mistake, this is coordinated with the Chinese.
[5] Color revolution in Kazakhstan.
A great you-tube video by a US Marine discussing how this was a US sponsored event.
The revolution is over.
Took a decade to plan and put systems in place. It all collapsed within three days when the CSTO, led by Russia, treated it as a defacto military invasion. They hit hard. All of the participants are either killed or undergoing torture / information extraction.
So what’s next?
Well, that’s a good question. No one really knows. Not really. From my side, The Commander says that “anything is possible”, but they are aiming for “little bads” instead of “big bads”.
The Western Bloc elites are lunitic, drug riddled morons. They have no idea what’s coming their way unless they STOP all this nonsense. Collectively they are acting like a rabid dog, and the rest of the world pretty much called the “Animal Control Officers” and they ahve arrived with shotguns to kill the crazy beast.
Will they shoot? Will the rabid dog lurch and hurt a young baby, mangle a little old lady, or kill a cat? It’s a tense time.
Yes, the next decade from 2022 through 2032 will be quite different.
Once the tense time (dealing with the rabid crazy Western Bloc leadership) is over, we can expect a far, far better overall quality of life all over the globe. Those living in the smaller rural American communities will do better than those in the cities. In general, those living outside of the Western Bloc nations will be doing better than those inside of it. These are general rules with tons of exceptions.
In all cases…
- Obtain multiple skills to increase your value outside of a corporate environment.
- Become active in your community.
- Center your consciousness using Hemi-sync technology.
- Conduct prayer affirmations.
- Monitor your gravitational influence situation with fate forecasting.
- Be the Rufus. Create a bubble of kindness around you.
Some extra suggestions to improve your life…
- Replace all lighting in your house with “natural light” bulbs / LEDs.
- Eat more fish.
- Invite friends over for a dinner at your home or in a restrurant.
- Spend some time alone. Everyone needs to have some time to themselves.
- Severely cut down on your internet and social media intake.
- Severely cut down on fast food, and corporate chain-brand meals.
- Exercise, and get a lot of air. Nature, and water and airflow are important.
The chances are that if you follow these simple basic suggestions that you all will exit 2032 in great shape, prosperous, and happier than when you entered it.
I believe in you.
Do you want more?
You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning 2. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.
New Beginnings 2.
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Great article, Mr Man. Someone sent this to me the other day and I thought about posting it but desisted in case somebody thought it would be too ‘negative’. (Mustn’t offend any sensibilities, after all.)
A sane, rational and well meaning person reading this surely must be thinking: How could it ever have gotten so bad? A more cynical reader in the same vein might also be thinking: COVID is just a massive hoax
But it all makes perfect sense when one reminds oneself of what Airl and then the Domain Contact told us more recently: We live on a Prison Planet, wherein cycles of great destruction are programmed into the matrix. Nothing is supposed to make sense; especially from the point of view of the prisoner.
Yeah. Welcome to how the world really works. And let’s not even get started on the biowarfare angle.
Some of us sensed this years ago due to accidents of fate, employment or whatever– and gleefully partook in the piracy masquerading as efforts to spread fweeedom and demokwacy back when we were brainwashed and/or looking for an adventure and didn’t know any better.
Little did we know then too, that the instigators of the chaos– again as outlined by the Domain in an earlier Q&A– have the tech to literally jump off this timeline with a trunk full of loot when the chaos has reached its zenith, and let everybody else fuck off and die in the carnage while they ‘tune in’ to a paradise of their choosing.
Meanwhile, Mr. Well Meaning Normie puts down the newspaper and asks himself:
“Now that I’m faced with the prospect of changing my mind about how things really are or finding the proof not to do so, I’d better get busy looking for the proof.
Oh, and turn up the heating while you’re at it, darling. I’m feeling a bit chilly, this morning. Weren’t the triple-glazed windows meant to reduce our carbon emissions?”
Enjoy it while you have it, bud. And then some.
MM, Sorry to be the first to put here. All I can say is, WOW! No wonder ur the KING of all the indie sites out there. Er, not for the stupid educated ppl, tho who cling to the quais-intellectual cliffjump sites run by the 3 letter alphabet wannabes….
I just want to focus on the BIG BIG BIG touching picture you put on. It’s the picture of a leader paying respects to the military dead of another country…. In the heavy rain. I know of no one else doing something like this for another country in my memory.
A picture tells everything that needs to be told…
Thank you, MM and others….
Another good one MM.
Can I trouble you for just one thing? Is there a forecast for the population change in Singapore? For Malaysia it says no change. I am wondering if that applies to Singapore too?
My understanding that Singapore will have no change.
Thanks for the info ! 🙂
Re LED light bulbs, as early as 2015 there was concern that the narrow band light spectrum was going to be detrimental to insects & in 2021 news report confirmed it.
Two things here. Insects play a large part in our biodiversity. If insects are harmed by LED lights concurrently LED lights may also be in some ways harmful to mammals too, including humans.
Sadly, with the phasing out of incandescent light bulbs, it is now a Catch 22 situation.
The US Marine YouTube channel is The New Atlas.
Thank you, Man.
Your closing words are very much appreciated!
And reached me at exactly the right time.
All the best, MT your thoughts on this?
I’m ready! Got food,check. Water filtration, check. Basic meds,check. Family,friends I can trust, community, check. 0 debt, check. PVS14 and a host of BB’s and boomsticks,check. And, most important, my mind is right.
Louis Pasteur once said something along the lines of, “Chance favors only the prepared mind.”