It’s the end of week one of the Ukraine invasion. This article is just a collection of interesting tidbits, and stories that might have fallen between the cracks in the onslaught narrative. I am also including some videos of pretty girls, delicious food, and assorted curiosities.
Ukrainian President Volodymir Zelensky has reportedly FLED THE COUNTRY and is allegedly hiding in the US Embassy in Poland. His country is being systematically conquered despite his armed forces having a 7:1 advantage over the number of Russian forces that entered the country.
First a map.
Here’s what the Ukraine situation looks like as of 4MAR22.

In the spirit of full disclose I must admit to you that Ukraine is not a perfect country. We have two main shortcomings. First, we have throughout the modern era constantly asked, and then demanded, Free Stuff from the world’s nations. Second, we never take responsibility for anything. Our self-inflicted wounds are always someone else’s fault. What I am saying is that I identify with this woman of color, and I love her. You won’t believe this but I actually met her a long time ago. I was in NYC (doing a gig at the Improv) and she was outside running a hot dog cart. And now she represents your country to the world! America, what a country! Only in America can a wrestler and a body builder become governors, a transvestite run the military, a prostitute become vice president, and a reality star become president. God’s Grace is using America to create inclusion, diversity, and heaven on earth. -The Burning Platform
ohhh. Powerful stuff this.
He tells it as it is, and really slams the American media. It’s a piece, by piece, take down. Suck it up.
On you-tube HERE. Or direct from MM HERE.

It’s pretty damning.
Rufus police helps
It’s one of the reasons why I love China so much. This is what the Chinese police do. video 5MB
Ukraine invasion: Russian cats face international sanctions, move receives mix reactions
Listen to me!
World War III is in process.
The only way we can maintain our sanity is to be a Rufus. In a way, you can refer to this as a sentience sorting activity. Be the Rufus!
What? You don’t know how?
Well, then. Watch this video so yo can see what a community is, and how it works. Be that Rufus! video 23MB
A pretty Chinese girl
The hate-hate-hate narrative out of the West is terrible. Let’s jsut enjoy life and look at pretty girls and eat fine delicious food. Notice her fine glass of wine nearby. video 1MB
Laughable anti-Russia media 1

Laughable anti-Russia media 2
Just screen captures.

Laughable anti-Russia media 3
Just screen captures.

Laughable anti-Russia media 4
Just screen captures.

More laughable anti-China media
From Drudge 5MAR22
War images he doesn't want his people to see...
Air Force Incapable of Complex Operations?
Drone enthusiasts sign up to repel forces...
Zelensky survives 3 assassination attempts!
SKY NEWS' harrowing account of violent ambush...
REPORTS: Invading troops raping Ukrainian women...
Moscow accused of nuclear terrorism as world looks on aghast...
Planning public executions...
TWO MORE top commanders killed...
Ukraine refugees 1.2 million...
Tearful goodbyes at train station...
The Women Taking Up Arms...
White House Mulls Russian Oil Ban...
VP Harris to visit Poland, Romania...
Gen. Milley Personally Delivers Javelins, Stingers...
Raw Info (by <redacted>)
No Oil for the USA
Russia cuts all supplies to USA
Delicious Chinese Pig Feet
Now some humor…
Dear Assklown Dictator,
First and foremost, you should be grateful that the majority of Americans forget political events more than a week old. You should fall on your knees and kiss the collective asses of every Mainstream Media person, every politician, and everyone of the social media platforms for; 1) not mentioning that Ukraine had a democratically elected government that was overthrown by your own Nazi’s and with the help of the CIA, and 2) that YOU have MURDERED 16,000+ of your own citizens.
I predict you will have an “OH CRAP!!” moment when you hear Biden’s speech tonight. More empty words and promises. You hooked up with evil and now you will wonder “What the hell was I thinking??!“
Russia will not be stopped, no matter what lies you tell yourself.
No one is coming to save you. Europe won’t save you. America won’t save you. Hiding won’t save you. You fate is sealed.
YOU could have prevented ALL of this; 1) Don’t join NATO. 2) Don’t pursue acquiring weapons that threaten Russia. How hard is that? Was it worth it? You’ll have an eternity in hell to think about it.
Lastly, a word from the Lord. Daniel Chapter 5, verse 25.
Mene, mene, tekel, upharsin
In plain English …
Cat takes care of a lost baby kitten
Cute and adorable. video 30MB
Even Ron Paul has something to say about this…
Zelensky’s Saakashvili Moment
In 2008 as then-president of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili realized that his attack on Russian peacekeepers and civilians in South Ossetia had elicited a Russian military response that ended up with the Russian army practically knocking on his door in Tbilisi, he infamously appeared on a BBC interview voraciously chewing his necktie. It demonstrated to the world that the plucky US-educated leader who dared take on the Russian bear for the sake of “democracy” was in fact an unhinged and unstable figure (installed into power by the US-led “Rose Revolution”) who found himself losing it upon realization that he was over his head and the US cavalry were not coming to liberate him.
During the course of the 2008 Russian intervention in Georgia, Saakashvili made increasingly outlandish and unhinged claims, including that:
– “Georgia’s ports and airports will be taken under the control of the U.S. Defense Department.”
– “Russia has lost more airplanes than in any conflict of this scale since 1939.”
And, as reported by Moon of Alabama at the time:
'What I expected specifically from America was to secure our airport and to secure our seaports,' he went on, concluding that the American presence would do so. 'The main thing now is that the Georgian Tbilisi airport will be permanently under control.'
All of these claims and many more were increasingly and laughably proven totally untrue. A Caucasian Comical Ali. And then, finally, when the hard reality smacked up against his wild claims, he tucked in to his tie.
Ukraine’s comedian-president Zelensky seems to be careening down that same path.
Perhaps Putin is the apotheosis of evil after all, and everyone who dares challenge this modern-day golem is destined for madness.
Or maybe not.
Whatever the case, Zelensky is sounding a bit unhinged of late.
No one will dispute that he’s a man of many talents…
Who among us has not played "Hava Nagila" on a piano with their genitals on stage and then gone on to lead their country against a foreign invasion? — Amy Spiro (@AmySpiro) February 28, 2022
However, when the chips are down, as they are, he seems to be a tie-muncher at the end of the day.
Take his frenetic activities yesterday, starting with his signing a formal application to join the European Union – about as likely as my being chosen “Miss Sweden.”
Then later in the day, perhaps around cocktail hour, he demanded that President Biden enforce a “no-fly” zone over much of Ukraine, assuring Biden that Ukraine “can beat the aggressor if the Western allies do their part.”
At that point even hawkishly-unhinged Senator Marco Rubio had to descend from the ether of Washington’s war machine.
Sen. Rubio says setting up a no-fly zone in Ukraine would lead to World War III. “People have to understand what that means. That means a willingness to shoot down Russian planes. And that would mean World War III.” — Andrew Desiderio (@AndrewDesiderio) February 28, 2022
Poor Biden drunk-walked across the White House lawn as reporters asked him legitimate questions about the threat of nuclear war. But the fact is quite plain: for the US to (attempt to) impose a “no-fly” zone over Ukraine would require that the United States military annihilate every single S-400 and S-500 air defense system located inside Russian territory.
In other words, were Washington to abide the fake frontline warrior Zelensky’s request it would require the initiation of a civilization-destroying World War III.
How many American sheeple who have subbed out their “Wear the damn mask!” Facebook profile pictures for “Save Ukraine” or “Pray for Ukraine” are willing to see the end of life on earth as we know it to “save” a country that nearly seven in ten Americans literally cannot locate on a map of the globe?
It’s all fun and games until the world blows up.
Soon it will become obvious that the comedian-president who has openly welcomed child soldiers, is forcing men from 18-60 to fight, has released hardened criminals from prison to fight on the front lines, and has called for foreign mercenaries to come fight for Ukraine is not currently scoring an overwhelming victory against the Russian military, as the Pravda-esque US mainstream media continues to report.
America: you get the heroes you deserve. How do you like your tie?
A cat with a great view
OMG. Video 2MB
And another right from the Ukrainian people…
Only radical intervention can help here: a Ukrainian woman’s appeal to a Russian soldier
From HERE.
The editors of "Russian Spring" received a letter from a resident of Ukraine with gratitude to the Russian soldier-liberator and with a call not to stop halfway.
When Crimea returned to Russia, I cried. From happiness. I have relatives living there. I then thought: “How happy they are!”
Well, just imagine – suddenly you woke up in the morning and already in another state …
It seems to us that all this is possible only in a pipe dream. This is not a dream, this is real…
Nobody needs to be afraid. You can speak your native language and not be afraid that you will be fired from work, cursed, beaten in transport or not served in the store ….
That on May 9 you can calmly take a portrait of your beloved grandfather, who reached Berlin, and his brother, who was killed on the first day of the war, and proudly walk with a St. George ribbon along the central streets of your native city …
That you can honestly express your point of view on the forums of like-minded people, chat with friends and not get a term just for like under a photo with a red star or a review of how well we lived in the USSR …
That one can not argue to the point of hoarseness with a colleague who claims that “the Holodomor was then only in Ukraine”, and not in the whole country, when the People’s Commissar for Food Tsuryupa fainted from hunger (I would like to see at least one Ukrainian minister who is not that he fainted from hunger, but at least lived on an average pension or the salary of a Ukrainian!).
In Crimea, everything was just like in a fairy tale. Completely unrealistic. Quiet. Peacefully. No hysteria, no panic, no howling sirens, no tanks, no fragments of rockets and planes falling on your head, no war….
How lucky they are! And how unlucky we are… To all those who have not lived for almost a quarter of a century, but exist. Not living, but surviving. He doesn’t live, he suffers.
To us, born on this earth and from birth speaking our native Russian language. No, not Russian! We are Ukrainians!
For some reason, when they talk about the ban on the Russian language in Ukraine, they always mean that this applies only to Russians. They are occasionally mentioned as a national minority, hypocritically suggesting that “their rights be taken into account.”
And no one remembers that more than half speak this language, being ethnic Ukrainians. And who will take into account our rights, the rights of Russian-speaking Ukrainians, who make up the majority in this country?!
How could it happen at all that no one knows who and no one knows where came to us, to our land, to our house (although, in general, everything has long been known to everyone) and declared that we should not think and speak in our native Russian?
That we, it turns out, have a completely different native language? That we should separate from our common home – a strong and proud country that was called the Soviet Union?
That we must stumble to Europe, where no one is waiting for us? Perhaps only as a source of cheap labor, a dump of stale goods and radioactive waste.
A succession of ambitious, mediocre and greedy leaders who robbed millions, sold the country with giblets and brought it to complete economic collapse. Destroyed industry, agriculture, education, medicine … Everything that could be destroyed.
Those who allowed an unprecedented rampant extremism and national fascism… Why do we need all this? And for what? Why do we need all these foreign advisers and mentors?
I just want to say: “Well, what do you need here? Why are you all coming to us? Nobody invited you here!
What kind of freedom, what kind of democracy can we talk about when all the best people have either already gone to the grave, without waiting for a bright future, or left this territory, or became political prisoners? When political parties are banned, when for “dissent” (for simply and honestly expressing one’s views), for importing even children’s and fiction literature in Russian into Ukraine, any Ukrainian faces a serious sentence?! And this is at best.
And at worst, the prospect of being maimed or even killed by the national fascists, who, with the support of the state, created the “Peacemaker” execution list. And for one mention that in our country they speak different languages, nationalist bastards kick people on the air….
And what have they done with our youth, with our future? They never lived in a normal system. They have imposed idols, false values. They no longer know our heroes, they are already seriously claiming that the Americans won the Great Patriotic War … They are taught from the cradle to hate Russians ….
Even those who are now only 40 no longer understand where they are and where are the enemies. They, too, have already been fooled, they have been brainwashed to such an extent that they believe that they are “on their own land”, and the aggressor, Russia, has come to them.
I want to bow low to the glorious and long-suffering Russian soldier-liberator, to our Russian brothers who came to the rescue at this difficult time for us. Unlike Donbass, where there are still real men, we, the inhabitants of Eastern Ukraine, had nothing to hope for.
Yes, we are weak. The best of us have already been destroyed. The anti-Maidan in Kharkov was violently dispersed, the activists were imprisoned. And without your help, we had no chance to survive and rise from our knees. There is only one hope for you, Russian brothers!
Of course, we understand that this is a war, and there is no war without casualties. But this operation is similar to surgery. Unfortunately, since we are in the Crimea, we will no longer be able to. Much precious time has been lost. The cancerous tumor of national fascism has grown and given many metastases.
Only radical intervention can help here. Yes, healthy tissue can also suffer a little. But in the name of Life it must be done. Please don’t stop half way!
All this can only be dreamed of by our Crimeans today only in a nightmare… The scale of the catastrophe is enormous, and it will take a very long time to correct the situation. It is necessary not only to win the war, but also to win the battle for the crippled souls.
See also: The Russian army goes to Kiev (+ PHOTO, VIDEO) Natalka-Poltavka, Ukraine, especially for "Russian Spring"
A story about Xi Peng and corruption
Big thanks to Peter Mann, with minor MM editing.
There are well known and well documented illegally built mansions at Qin Ling in an environmentally protected area.
It was not just a few, but over a thousand. It was obviously built for the wealthy and the powerful, and allowed to flaunt the laws by the locally powerful elite.
An enormous dumpling
Egg and leek. Good eating. video 37MB
A Russian meal with dumplings
As shown in this artwork…

A comment from Mark Sleboda
Mark Sleboda has served as nuclear engineer in the U.S. Navy. He has studied at the London School of Economics. He has married a woman from Crimea and now lives in Moscow as a Russian citizen. He is a frequent commentator in Russian media. Sleboda has previously criticized president Putin for being too soft with the ‘west’.
His analyses and predictions are more dire than mine but he is probably right (thread edited for readability):
Mark Sleboda @MarkSleboda1 - 8:53 UTC · Mar 2, 2022 This is #theGreatDecoupling between the West and Russia. Economic linkages will be cut down to only energy and a few other commodities & chemicals that Europe is dependent on Russia for. The West controls and has weaponized their entire economy in their war to break Russia. Political, social and cultural linkages will also be severed to a high degree. Weaning Russia off this dependence will be hard and immiserating. But with Chinese and some other Eurasian support, Russia may just weather it. The entire global economy will suffer as well. But once the dust has settled and new domestic and import substitution formed - Russia will at least be economically & financially independent from the West. They will never again be able to weaponize their economic hegemony to coerce, blackmail, or wage war on Russia. The same weaponized economic war too will also soon be turned on China and the Rest of the world's holdouts from US-led Western Hegemony. The Unipolar world will truly be over, but the Multipolar world will be stillborn by US attempts to hang on to their hegemony. Instead US/Western pressure will directly result in the formation of an anti-Western bloc led by China and Russia for survival and independence. Neutrality will be difficult to maintain. A new Bipolar world is coming into being, just decades after the last ended. The Golden Age of the Global Internet is also now over resulting not from Russia closing itself off, but by censorship and exclusion by Western and the social media platforms and the internet fixtures they control - because they don't trust their own people to hear alternative perspectives and narratives and judge on their own. The world's internet will now break down into regional spheres with limited connectivity. It will be a new, much smaller, less connected, more localized and divisive world. We are of course already seeing the physical connections around the world break down - with closures of entire swathes of the globe's surface to each others' airlines and global shipping connections being severed one by one as we speak. Global distribution networks will be disrupted & chaos result for months. Because Russia & Ukraine are primary sources of so many of the world's commodities - energy & food costs around the world will skyrocket. In the First world prices will go up, in the Third - starvation. Ultimately the cause was the US-led West trying to maintain and extend their Hegemony, while they can and Russia resisting it. NATO expansion east in waves, US meddling and hybrid warfare to bring into power pro-Western/anti-Russian governments in formerly neutral, unaligned, national identity-divided post Soviet states was the endgame of this NATO expansion to geopolitically consolidate all of Europe under US-led Western Hegemony up to Russia's borders. Russia resisted this geopolitical flipping by color revolution in Georgia, Belarus & Ukraine. And now the ultimate target of this economic war on Russia is forcing regime change in Russia itself for having the temerity to resist the Hegemon's geopolitical expansion right on her very borders. The great Realist IR scholar Mearsheimer foresaw all of this. As did Kissinger, George Kennan, US Ambassador John Matlock and many others. They tried to warn what the consequences of the US trying to geopolitically flip Ukraine would be, but to no avail. For Russia the only path forward, the goal to survive is, must be - separation, autarky (self-sufficiency), and independence from US-led Western Hegemony.
A fine cup of coffee
One half of it is heavy cream. Not everyone likes it that way, but I do. video 26MB
Sanctions Seppuku: The Big Reveal: “Let them fly to space on their broomsticks”
by Chris Faure for the Saker Blog
Russia is beginning to respond to the insane sanctions, and the sanctions are insane.
“Russia will stop deliveries of rocket engines to US – Russian Space Agency chief. The Roscosmos chief added, “Let them fly into space on their broomsticks.”
And we all say OORAH!
OneWeb Pulls Workers from Russian-run Baikonur Satellite Launch Project
The London-based tech company OneWeb has removed its employees from Kazakhstan’s Baikonur Cosmodrone, where they had planned to send 36 Internet satellites into orbit using a Russian Soyuz rocket.
The move comes after Russian space agency Roscosmos demanded guarantees that their satellites wouldn’t be used for military purposes, and that the UK government – which owns shares in OneWeb – divest itself from the company.
The Russian (ROC) Paralympics athletes have just been banned by the Olympics Committee from taking part in the Olympics in Beijing.
But Coca-Cola will continue to operate in Russia
The ICC (International Criminal Court) is in the process of accepting the Ukraine’s complaint of war crimes or crimes against humanity against Russia and Belarus in the Ukraine. (Israel and Palestine comes to mind and also the Yemen). The complainer has to have membership of course, but the ICC has awarded a quasi membership to Ukraine from nowhere.
Russian individuals are facing hate-filled attacks, diplomatic buildings and athletes are being targeted for exclusion. Reports of Russians being discriminated against are spreading far and wide. This is similar to what happened the previous two years with Chinese citizens as a result of the propaganda against China.
There is a very dark underbelly to sanctions which are of course war by any other name. Trump called it! by calling it a Trade War, when it was against China. What the west wants, is to loot Russia from the ground up and just make them go away in some form or fashion, because they cannot take Russia by Dollar and/or Bomb.
Western governments, media, think tanks etc., are so desperate to believe their version of the outcome of the Ukraine war that they are seeing things which have no basis in reality. And their fear that things will not turn out the way they want them to, is visible. They are having Terrible Two Tantrums.
It is however filtering through to European leaders. They are figuring out that Russian sanctions are already having an impact and on them directly.
And the countries are not all in some special cahoots here. They are being threatened. We have news from India that they are being threatened with sanctions because they stood neutral in the last security council vote and did not condemn Russia in one or another fashion. Of course, they do not call it by name but rather: US weighing up sanctions against India over Russian military stockpiles (The Hill). Please be aware, this is not some game, but the stakes are high, as the sanctions war and the cyber war are all, and I mean all, western attempts at regaining its lost power and luster.
We see how Russian-owned businesses, private jets, money, and real estate are being looted. The west is just stealing it, like oil and grain from Syria. This time they want to do to Russia what they did in the early 1990’s yet again. The idea is to rape Russia again, because how dare Russia charge for their oil and for their business. How dare Russia act like a country or even people that have the right to make a business, do trade, be concerned about their security and function in the wider world. What is being tried here, is to do to Russia exactly the same as what was done to Japan, after Japan surrendered in WWII, but this time they want to do as much as they can, without waging real war (so far).
You can see an example of the looting here: Poland started seizing (or looting) Russian Property in Warsaw, including even a school building.
And then of course there was Josep Borrell saying in a fit of pique: Oh Dear, we cannot find Russia’s Central Bank Assets. They must have planned for sanctions. (This from memory as I cannot find his tweet. But then again, this is what they do! They make a big statement and then quietly delete what they said.).
This is what sanctions look like. Everything has a ‘carve out’. Sanctions do not work, excepting to pressurize and gain the upper hand in western media. This is how they think, trying to find a concerted calculated effort to loot Russia again, but the mistakes being made are not only comical but also very very serious, and perhaps not for Russia.
Here is one story:
1. On Tuesday a law was passed prohibiting Russian owned, operated, controlled, registered or flagged ships from accessing British ports – but theoretically foreign vessels could carry Russia’s oil and gas to Britain.
2. The UK Department of Transport confirmed that Russian oil and gas can still arrive in the country despite sanctions barring Russian ships from entering their ports, as bans only apply to the vessels not the cargo itself.
OOPS! Did we go bananas again? How does oil and gas get there without the vessel? Let’s try and fix it.
3. Well, we don’t know. We are So Confused, so how about British MPs calling for the Expulsion of ALL Russians from UK.
Japan’s JAL, canceled ALL flights to Europe – the airlines would normally use Russian airspace to make the journey.
OOPS! (This country is killing its own industry).
Bank bailouts by taxpayers due to Russian sanctions? But of course. Some shareholders of Société Générale in France are speaking about a €2.7 billion loss linked to sanctions on its Russian subsidiary Rosbank.
OOPS! How about sanctioning your own company? Please bail out the bank! They’re apparently asking for indemnities from French and European authorities.
It has become known that the US nuclear industry is lobbying to continue importing enriched uranium from Russia at low prices despite the situation in Ukraine, as it is seen as a key element in keeping US electricity prices low.
OOPS! Is it time for flying off on a broom again?
Btw, the flagship Apple Store has just opened again in Russia, with iPhones and other tech now returning with a 20-30% markup.
Is it really that simple? Are these western influences really committing economic harakiri just so they can hide their own economic fall and of course: Blame Russia?
The true colors of the west are now shown in full daylight. Their claims on a monopoly on virtue is a clear and convincing demonstration of their own hypocrisy. There is no need to listen to the West.
Russia is taking it. They are taking what they must and protecting what they must. The big reveal is how many organizations and companies are totally controlled by western financial sources. This is the biggest surprise to many of us. We truly live in a world of neo-nazis and fascists. Look, I knew they were in the Ukraine, and in spots in the world, but I never knew it was this widespread. Personally, I cannot wait for Zone B to fulfill its purpose.
And then the question. What about China? And now we see some sunshine, although it is a muted and a nuanced response but there is no failure to respond, every time!
A quote from our own Larchmonter445:
“The Chinese are learning a lesson that reality is what is shot at you by your enemies. They see how Russia was set up for destruction using Ukraine with NATO. It brings them back to Belgrade ’99 and the bombing of their embassy. Russia just got the emotional support of a billion four hundred million souls. I bet if Russia needed volunteers and they put out a call, 10 million Chinese would be there in a day. The Double Helix has history. Korean War. WWII. Harbin. Unit 731. Chinese and Russians were both used for Jap medical experiments and tortured together. It’s not all just recent alignment and coordination and cooperation. This human cohesion against the Hegemon is deep. Visceral. Existential.”
China’s action works like this:
A tranche of sanctions are announced. Vehicles, phones and whatever.
China publishes:
Chinese firms see opportunity in cars, smartphones in Russia after Western exit
Western Reaction:
Insane and stupid sanctions are announced
China publishes:
New ‘sanctions’ against Russian cats shocks Chinese netizens, trending top on social media
Western Reaction:
Sanctions Phase 4 is announced by the EU
China publishes:
Western sanctions only create more problems for the global economy
Western Reaction:
Russia gets nailed by a cyber war
China publishes:
Exclusive: US NSA launches cyberattacks against China for a decade, making citizens’ privacy ‘run naked’
Western Reaction:
Biden or some western EU stooge makes a speech
China publishes:
The US tries hard to hijack world’s view on Russia, but more countries are not buying it
Western Reaction:
Certain Russian banks are cut from SWIFT
China publishes Russian comments:
For citizens, this will be a problem only for those whose purchases and whose lives are most connected with currency, like in dollars and euros, in their consumption. The main part of the population that purchases Russian goods from the Russian markets, using Russian currency or Russian cards (ie., normal people), will not experience any significant threats to their standard of living and quality over the next few months.
China publishes:
Unilateral actions violate China-U.S. trade deal and WTO principles
In addition and it is not very visible, there is a soft process happening around China. It is the same process as what we’ve seen with Russia. The west is trying the same thing but with lesser noise.
Western Reaction:
Biden sends former Trump officials to Taiwan
China publishes:
It is to ‘offset Pompeo’ and pacify DPP.
Western Reaction:
Japan talks about hosting US nuclear arms
China publishes:
Beijing urges Tokyo to ‘deeply reflect on its history’
And so we can see the response of China to each move that the Seppuku Sanctions crowd makes. Take a look at this image. Please do so, I cannot load this on the blog. The title is Aggressive Expansion. Please take a good look and you will know for sure that China understands the issues exactly correctly.
Do you still feel conflicted? Do you still not know that this is another attempted Russia Rape?
Russian MFA: “The EU’s (…) unilateral restrictions, (…) incompatible with international law, are not directed against the Russian people. Brussels officials (…) are saying openly they intend to inflict the maximum possible damage (…) “suppress Russia’s economic growth.”
A few more images from China.

And the Canadian Embassy in Beijing put up “We support Ukraine” sign in Chinese. Few hrs later…

The humor in China is noticeable and there is not one Chinese source that I follow, that is not clearly with Russia.

But it is different, as this time Russia will not be raped. The Ukrainian actions may be the first move and action may not stay there. In fact, I believe action will not stay there, as it was very well described by Putin and Xi Jinping, in their political manifesto. The world simply cannot continue with a small part of it Raping the Rest, because this small part is unable to support themselves without aggression and looting. Western countries have begun the process of destroying their own economies’ – Russian FM spox
Russia may be planning to confiscate western assets inside Russia and convert them to Russian assets to balance the theft. Intellectual property has major value.
Many of us are despairing as Russian news and Russian information is being sanctioned and suppressed in the free west. So, where do we get Russian news? The answer is: From the Chinese Russian News Store. Every major Chinese publication has Russia / Ukraine round-the-clock coverage.
My expectation is that we may see the UN in its current form, just collapse. If this august body can simply ban diplomats against all norms of agreement and international law, why should it exist in its current form in its current location?
My further expectation is that Russia will be just fine economically. They’ve prepared for this. Many banks issued credit cards are inter-operable with the Chinese system. Russia says clearly that they will use the other mechanisms that were developed exactly for this. The sanctions are a massive pretense and an overreach of major proportions. They will all lead to a further de-dollarization.
Russia (along with the other BRICS nations) has an incentive to introduce a global digital currency that can be used anywhere (to export energy for example). The West has an incentive to introduce CBDCs at the national level that can only be used within a given economic zone.
This will form part of the multipolar war.
A further expectation is that these sanctions (from hell) will speed up both de-dollarization and a complete economic collapse of the west. They can do their reset. Nobody else is interested. The sanctions don’t work. They have massive carve outs with Big Headlines but in the fine print, they say: We don’t really mean that because they exclude the important things from the sanctions like gas, like oil, metals and Coca Cola.
Russian MFA: “The EU’s (…) unilateral restrictions, (…) incompatible with international law, are not directed against the Russian people. Brussels officials (…) are saying openly they intend to inflict the maximum possible damage (…) “suppress Russia’s economic growth.”
And then one can only chuckle and say, Russia singlehandedly shut down the green agenda.
Welcome to the first skirmish in the move to human multi-polarity.
Russia Returns to Gold Standard – Government to Remove VAT (Tax) on Bullion. This bill will be submitted to the State Duma on March 4. . . .
Hal Turner Editorial Remarks
In one fell swoop, Russia just made the Russian Ruble the single most stable currency in the entire world. Moreover, they just fucked the US Dollar and the EURO so badly, neither currency is likely to survive. Nobody around the world will favor a US dollar, backed by nothing, from a nation $30 TRILLION in debt, versus a gold-backed Ruble.
Russia just completely SMASHED the United States and the EUROZONE.
Think I’m kidding? Think again.
When Muammar Qaddafi in Libya planned on a Gold-backed currency for all of Africa, the West went into Libya and overthrew him.
When Saddam Hussein in Iraq announced he would start selling oil in currencies other than the U.S. Dollar, two months later was Iraq War 2 – and they hung him!
The U.S. Dollar being the sole reserve currency for this planet is why wars get waged, and now Russia has completely, totally smashed it.
You watch. The U.S. that has been saying “no nuclear war” and even Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin saying yesterday “All this talk of nuclear war is dangerous, stop it” is going to change almost overnight. The US is now in an existential crisis. Our currency has just been utterly smashed by Russia’s decision to back the Ruble with Gold.
Watch the rhetoric about Russia from this moment on.
You will notice it is ratcheted-up to vilification like you’ve never seen before. Why, they’ll probably start accusing Russian troops of throwing babies out of incubators in Ukraine hospitals (like they accused Iraq) in order to justify going to war with Russia.
In my personal opinion, war with Russia is now a foregone conclusion. The US and Europe have no choice. If the Dollar and the EURO are to survive, Russia must be killed.
I hope you prepped. Food, water, medicine, etc.
Now get right with God. I mean it. The shit is about to hit the fan so badly, we’ll be lucky to live through it.
UPDATE 8:45 AM EST FRIDAY MARCH 4 — Two days ago on March 2, 2022, I recall seeing a SINGLE off-the-beaten-path notification which read simply “the EU has forbidden sale and import of EU banknotes into Russia.” I remember thinking this was odd. How can anyone restrict the movement of cash and why would they? Now, we know.
Clearly the European Union (EU) got word that Russia was going to back their currency with Gold and the EU wanted to make sure no one in Europe could sell or even bring their cash EUROS into Russia to dump them for gold-backed currency! The EU knew this was coming . . . or at least they strongly feared it.
So now, people in Europe are hamstrung; they cannot use THEIR OWN MONEY to buy some other type of money without first converting that money to someone else’s money that isn’t restricted from going into Russia. Jump through hoops to use your own cash. These Bankers ARE tyrants. Outright vicious tyrants.
Russia Prevents Washington from Unleashing Biological Warfare
In view of the unrest that US intelligence services have been actively initiating lately, whether in Central Asia, Transcaucasia or other areas bordering Russia and China, the risk of a biological disaster from multiple secret military biological laboratories deployed by the US in potentially politically and socially unstable regions is objectively increasing. In this regard, the issue of the US preparing a biological time bomb in Kazakhstan has been raised many times before. The growing risk of the Pentagon initiating biological warfare using over 400 US biological laboratories located overseas around the world and the need for a clear response to the risk of worldwide biological disaster from such secret US overseas facilities has been repeatedly pointed out. After all, these biological laboratories employ some 13,000 “employees” who are busy creating strains of killer pathogens (microbes and viruses) that are resistant to vaccines.
It is no secret nowadays that the US has set up such biological laboratories in 25 countries around the world: in the Middle East, Africa, South-East Asia. Only within the former Soviet Union there are US military biological laboratories in Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova and Uzbekistan.
The Americans try to deny the military nature of the studies conducted in such laboratories. However, the secrecy that surrounds them is only comparable to that of the most important military facilities. There is no accountability to the local and global public about the “work” being done there. Moreover, no scientific “achievements” have been publicly demonstrated by American biologists over the many years of the existence of such foreign secret laboratories, and the results of their research are not published anywhere in the public domain. Meanwhile, laboratories are actively collecting information on the gene pool of the populations of countries where such laboratories operate. All this indicates that the Pentagon is undoubtedly preparing to wage a biological war using biological weapons, which the US is building in such biological laboratories. It is well known that the US has already spent over $100bn in recent years developing biological warfare weapons. The US is the only country that still blocks the establishment of a verification mechanism under the 1972 Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on their Destruction.
However, like Russia’s demands to the West for a clear agreement on universal security measures and on the non-proliferation of NATO to the east, warnings about US readiness to unleash a global biological war have never been heeded in Washington and Western capitals.
With this in mind, one can hardly deny that Russia, like any other country, does not wish to have such weapons near its borders, thus jeopardizing the security of all.
Therefore, in Moscow’s military operation to denazify and demilitarize Ukraine in recent days, getting rid of the numerous US military biological laboratories on the territory of that country is an important point.
On February 24, the British conservative publication THE EXPOSÉ published an article entitled “Is there more to the Ukraine/Russia conflict than meets the eye?” It recognizes that Russia should have conducted the current military operation on the basis of its security interests and confirms that there has long been a very serious threat to the lives and health of the Russian Federation population from the territory of Ukraine. It refers to at least 16 US military biological laboratories located in Odessa, Vinnitsa, Uzhgorod, Lviv (three), Kharkiv, Kiev (also three), Kherson, Ternopil, Dnepropetrovsk, as well as near Luhansk and the border with Crimea. Such “cooperation” between the Pentagon and the Ukrainian Ministry of Health dates back to 2005. Opposition parties managed to push through the Verkhovna Rada in 2013 to end this “cooperation”, but the US-led coup d’état in Kiev in February 2014 prevented the implementation of this decision, resulting in this “cooperation” not only continuing but also actively developing at the initiative of Washington.
Many of the Pentagon’s and White House’s official secrets about US clandestine biological laboratories overseas have been revealed by Francis Boyle, professor of international law at the University of Illinois at Champaign (USA) and author of the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989 (BWATA). As this American scientist points out, “We now have an Offensive Biological Weapons industry in this country that violates the Biological Weapons Convention and my Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989”. According to Boyle, “American universities have a long history of willingly permitting their research agenda …. to be co-opted, corrupted, and perverted by the the Pentagon and the C.I.A. into death science”. He cites as an example the group of Dr. Yoshihiro Kawaoka of the University of Wisconsin, which managed to increase the toxicity of the flu virus by a factor of 200. According to Boyle, the Pentagon and the CIA are “ready, willing and able to launch biowarfare when it suits their interests… They have a stockpile of that super-weapons-grade anthrax that they already used against us in October 2001”.
The threat to people living even at a distance from such laboratories is evidenced by an investigation conducted by USA Today newspaper, which showed that from 2006 to 2013 alone, more than 1,500 accidents and safety violations occurred in 200 military biological laboratories on the territory of the US. So what about possible similar incidents in biological laboratories in Ukraine or other former Soviet republics?
In the summer of 2019, “America’s main biological warfare lab has been ordered to stop all research into the deadliest viruses and pathogens over fears contaminated waste could leak out of the facility,” reported Britain’s The Independent. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the public health authority in the US, has revoked the military bioresearch center at Fort Detrick’s license to handle Ebola, smallpox and anthrax after CDC inspectors found “problems with the procedures used to decontaminate wastewater” at Fort Detrick. In this regard, it is notable that the possibility of “deadly viruses and pathogens” leaking into Fort Detrick’s wastewater was detected shortly before the COVID-19 outbreak, which the Americans were quick to blame on China. It is also noteworthy that the Pentagon has significantly stepped up the activities of its overseas biological laboratories since 2019, clearly shifting the “work” on particularly dangerous strains and biological weapons development there.
In these circumstances, the task of terminating the activities of the US secret biological laboratories as part of the demilitarization of that country is justified in the program of Moscow’s military operation in Ukraine.
Against this background, it is noteworthy that the US embassy in Ukraine removed all documents about the biological laboratories in Kiev and Odessa from its official website after Moscow launched its military operation. This further confirms that in addition to the nuclear threat from Zelensky, Russia was also being prepared for bio-extinction behind the ocean. Under these circumstances, the announcement by the US Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) on the US government procurement website last October of an addendum on “combating highly dangerous pathogens” is understandable. This document concerned the $3.6mln finishing work to launch two biological laboratories in Ukraine – in Kiev and Odessa, where machinery, equipment and personnel were already being prepared for the United States to unleash a biological war under the cover of Ukraine.
From MoA…
The crisis, and especially the reaction of the ‘west’ to it, is much worse than I had feared.
The U.S. government and ‘western’ media claim that the World condemns Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
That is however far from reality. It is only true if true if you believe ‘the world’ solely exists of the 5-eye spying cooperation (U.S., UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand), the European Union, Switzerland, Japan and Singapore.
The view differs when you zoom out.

biggerThe much bigger ‘rest of the world’ has not condemned Russia but understands how the conflict came about. They blame, like political scientist John Mearsheimer, the U.S. for causing the crisis. This includes, as far as I can tell, all of Africa (54 states), South America, Central America, the Middle East, and all of Asia ex Japan and Singapore.
This rest of the world that did not condemn Russia includes several notable U.S. allies and ‘partners’ like Turkey (Nato’s second biggest army!), India, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Israel.
The case shows how much the standing of the once unilateral superpower has been diminished.
Guo Ji Leaves with Doufu
No, you can’t get it in the ‘States. It’s tasty. video 34MB
Snopes says 13 US bioweapon labs in Ukraine don’t exist.
What do you know?
Now it’s official. Once, [1] all the notices and info were scrubbed from the US government websites, [2] the “fact checker” organizations then “whitewashed” the truth and thus [3] eliminated the reality, and [4] replaced it with the current narrative. .
Actually, this is faster than ususal.
So that MUST tell you that there’s a serious reason for the restructing of the narrative. Caught red-handed. Whoops!
Quick read with 3-minute audio and video podcasts
China is a nation of Rufus
Watch how these pre-kindergarden kids act. video 5MB
Ah. CIA trained NGOs have been acting as “spotters” for the Ukraine Nazi units to shell the DNR and LDR break-away regions…
Eduard Basurin: the OSCE mission supplied the Ukrainian Armed Forces with data on military facilities in the Donbas
The vehicles of the OSCE special monitoring mission seized by Ukrainian nationalists can be used to carry out provocations against OSCE employees and then accuse the military of Russia and the DPR. Deputy Head of the People’s Militia of the DPR Eduard Basurin warned about this on the air of the 60 Minutes program.
The DPR has information that employees of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) transmitted to the Ukrainian Armed Forces the coordinates of military facilities in the territory of Donbass, said Deputy Head of the DPR People’s Militia Eduard Basurin.
“We have always said that the OSCE mission is an organization that should promote peace. Now we have very interesting documents of the operational-tactical group “Vostok”, which indicate the coordinates, as they called it, of military targets. This is what was on the territory of our republic. Almost half of these coordinates were provided by representatives of the OSCE mission. Maybe that’s why they decided to run away from here?”, – said Basurin in the program “60 minutes” on the TV channel “Russia 1”.
In connection with the seizure of two dozen OSCE SMM vehicles by Ukrainian nationalist formations in Kramatorsk, the deputy head of the DPR People’s Militia suggested that the vehicles could be used to commit provocations against the military of Russia and the DPR.
“They can use these vehicles and then they will trumpet to the whole world that the Russian military together with us shot down a humanitarian mission in the form of the OSCE,” Basurin said.
German Automotive Industry
Uh oh. So Germany wants to go against Russia. Wholly shit!
BWM stops production, same for Porsche and VW due to missing small parts from Ukraine. Gas price hits record high. If BMW, VW and Porsche stop production, all small parts suppliers will reduces their production as well. The car industry is Germany’s backbone.
If you live in Germany, brace yourself.
And also pay close attention to what is going on concerning Germany and it’s major employer; the Auto industry…
Cargo Ship Carrying German Luxury Cars Sinks In Mid-Atlantic
From HERE. What a bad “stroke of luck”. What a terrible coincidence.
LISBON, Portugal (AP) — A large cargo vessel carrying cars from Germany to the United States sank Tuesday in the mid-Atlantic, 13 days after a fire broke out on board, the ship’s manager and the Portuguese navy said. The Felicity Ace sank about 400 kilometers (250 miles) off Portugal’s Azores Islands as it was being towed, MOL Ship Management in Singapore said in a statement. A salvage team had put out the fire. The 200-meter-long (650-foot-long) vessel listed to starboard before going under, the ship’s manager said. The Portuguese navy confirmed the sinking, saying it occurred outside Portuguese waters. A Portuguese Air Force helicopter evacuated the 22 crew members when the fire first broke out, setting the ship adrift.
Burnt-out cargo ship carrying thousands of luxury cars sinks
From HERE. What a bad “stroke of luck”. What a terrible coincidence.
The Felicity Ace which caught fire on February 16 while carrying thousands of cars, including Lamborghinis and German Porsches, finally sank while being towed back to shore.
Chinese vision impared handicap flooring
Throughout China are these things that I call “handicap flooring”. They are raised dots and lines that a blind person can feel with their walking stick. It helps them get around. Watch for them in this video. video 5MB
CHINA “WARNS” U.S.- “Will Turn Your Military to Scrap Iron”

Pro-China websites being shutdown and hacked.
From my email.
A hack attack on our server sector yesterday at 2:45 pm supporting THE GREANVILLE POST has effectively disabled the site. The database is full of holes, and even the regular TGP banner (which you see below) was blown away, replaced by some silly theme placard. The customized code to make the site look and function efficiently simply vanished, along with all the copies of that code stored in various servers. This is not the act of amateurs. I guess it might be another cute “anonymous” attack on a site that always supports China and Russia against the empire. During this information war, we were one of the major sites dispelling the Western lies. A “collage post” I had done yesterday could not be published; in fact, upon clicking the “Publish” button, the site went down. Fortunately, I had just created an account on, so I was able at least to publish a “pared down” version there. PATRICE SEE IT THERE IF YOU LIKE
Be the Rufus
He’s a good boy, Damn it! video 3MB
Like a fish
This woman is the Chinese ideal in body shape. Big chest on a slender frame. video 2MB. Watch the video for the full effect.
China To Make Its Move Against Taiwan? Says US Nukes must leave S. Korea
China on Tuesday warned the US that it will pay a “heavy price” for its attempts to show support to Taiwan’s independence as a delegation of ex-American defense officials landed in Taipei amid apprehensions that Beijing may attempt action against the self-ruled island akin to Russia’s military assault in Ukraine. Yesterday, China issued a statement saying US Nukes in South Korea are “unacceptable” and it is time for those weapons to be sent home.
Taiwanese media reports said a five-member delegation headed by former US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mike Admiral (retd) Mullen was received by Taiwan’s Foreign Minister Joseph Wu, raising concerns in Beijing over the US efforts to step up its engagement with Taiwan, which China firmly affirms as part of the Chinese mainland.
China in recent months ratcheted up military preparations sending hundreds of its air force jets into Taiwan’s Air Defense Zone besides beefing up its naval force keeping the self-governing breakaway island on tenterhooks.
Officials in Taiwan and the US say that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has drawn fresh attention to China’s threat to forcibly annex the self-governing island.
Besides Mullen’s visit, former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was due to arrive in Taiwan Wednesday.
Pretty Pink Dress
She’s one of the reasons why I love China so much. video 8MB
Hal Turner Editorial Opinion
What’s going to happen when China completely cuts off the US?
- When 260 million Americans can no longer get their prescription medications because the raw materials for those medications come from China…
- When 85+% of electronics are no longer available…
- When 75+% of automotive parts are no longer available…
- When 80+% of medical supplies are no longer available…We in the US are COMPLETELY screwed, we hardly make anything any longer.
It is important to note that the reason we don’t make anything here anymore is all those folks who, for years, talked-up “Free Trade.” They told us that removing Tariffs on foreign-made goods would cause foreign countries to remove Tariff’s on American-made goods, thereby increasing sales and creating jobs here in America. We bought their talk and went the “Free trade” route.
What we didn’t realize was that the “Free Trade” crowd had no intention at all of being able to sell to other countries; what they REALLY wanted was to move manufacturing jobs OUT of America, use cheap labor in third world countries, then ship the same products back here to America tariff-free. The money they saved by using cheap, third-world labor, went in their pockets as additional profit.
The only thing “free trade” got America was complete destruction of our manufacturing, and grotesque outflow of American consumer dollars to foreign nations.
Now that we __may__ be facing a World War 3 situation with Russia and China, we find ourselves with no manufacturing base to support a war, and little to no raw materials, either.
The “Free Trade” crowd got us here. The nation will be lucky to even survive if actual war breaks out.
Girl in a mall
So many, many malls in China. This is what they are like. video 8MB
More anti-China propaganda
Do you believe: US is ahead of China in infrastructure? Australia with extremely poor public transport system also ranks ahead of China? Taiwan with massive power supply shortage and having partial and island wide blackout daily in the past decade, and the issue has become a problem in attracting FDI also ranked above China?
Another bloody propaganda ranking machine to brainwash the world into believing western superiority.
Be the Rufus!
Now is the time.
The vault 7 is in full activation and like mindless programmed zombies all of the West, and most especially America is now Rambo zombies ready to fight for democracy™ against Russia and communism! Ugh.
The fact is that these are service-to-another sentience. Also known as NPC.
You need to be a service-to-others sentience. It helps with sorting. you don’t wnat to be forever trapped in this Prison Planet do you? Be the Rufus.
Rosemary’s Baby moment
I have to tell youse guys, Peter Mann hits the nail on the heat. Whoa!
Why is Africa pivoting to China and not the USA?
Well, here’s an African minister telling the truth for all to see. OMG! What a harsh and direct take-down. video 44MB
China in Africa
Face the facts. video 5MB
The Economic Front
China, key target
The NSA is an affiliate of the US Department of Defense, which specializes in electronic communications surveillance. Its main mission is to collect information from various countries, expose the communications activities of potential spies, and provide processed intelligence information to the US government.
For a long time, in order to achieve the purpose of intelligence collection, NSA launched large-scale network attacks around the world, with China being one of the main victims.
According to the company, since 2008, they have captured a large number of complex attack programs. Through long-term analysis and field evidence from multiple victim units, combined with global threat intelligence, as well as tracks to the PRISM scandal and the “Shadow Broker” hacker groups, the company confirmed that these attacks targeting leading enterprises for more than 10 years were carried out by NSA.
“We found that NSA organized attacks on targets in China, such as the government, finance, scientific research institutes, communications operators, education, military, aerospace, medical-related industries, with high-tech companies accounting for a large proportion,” a cybersecurity expert from the company told the Global Times.
According to the FOXCID server code names described in classified NSA documents, it can also be found that the attacks have been launched against 47 countries and regions around the world, including the UK, Germany, France, South Korea, Poland, Japan and Iran, covering 403 targets, the expert said.
The NSA has developed numerous operational plans to monitor global targets. The expert said that through statistical analysis of the backdoor configuration field of the NSA’s exclusive Validator, the potential attack against China is estimated to be very large. “The most conservative estimate for Validator alone is that hundreds of thousands or even millions of computers have been infected by the virus.”
Nowhere to hide
The Global Times learned that the company named the hacking group under NSA as APT-C-40 and found the NSA has been launching attacks at leading companies for more than 10 years.
These attacks, which were discovered to have started in 2010, coincide with a specific network warfare plan the NSA implemented. With diverse and concealing attacking techniques, the NSA launched attacks on key network management servers and terminals of a large number of enterprises.
The expert also revealed that the major tactics for the attacks are varied and covert, including backdoor program UnitedRake, QUANTUM attack system, and fake server FOXCID.
The QUANTUM attack system is the NSA’s most powerful attack tool and was established in 2004. QUANTUM is capable of monitoring, intercepting and utilizing data that the NSA collected from the global network communication and internet system.
FOXACID is a powerful vulnerability attack platform designed by the NSA which can allow operators with little experience to participate in cyberattacks. It is a powerful “large-scale invasion tool.”
The security expert said apart from fighting on the battleground, cyberspace is also an important battlefield for the great powers. Once the APT organization launches attacks on a country, it can paralyze its transportation, banking, aviation, water and electricity systems. In addition, the attacks can be used to damage the country’s political stability and economic lifeline.
The communications industry has been a key target of the NSA, peeping and secretly collecting personal and key data of the industry for a long time, which results in a large number of netizens’ private data, such as their identities, property, home address and even voice messages and recordings, risk being maliciously collected, abused or transferred to overseas, the expert said.
Political self-interest is the only focus for the government and politicians behind the NSA. They treated human rights as a chip for political games and their intrusion seriously infringes on the legitimate interests of Chinese and people around the world, the expert said.
Not a ferry
Speaking about Taiwan. Enjoy the free intel.
Chinese “fish shape” girl.
Looks like a fish. Which is the Chinese ideal; a big chest, on a small thin frame.
Another Chinese “fish shape” girl
Ah. I could watch her all day bounce down the street. LOL
Here’s some Chinese military porn
Just in case you are unaware about what the FUCK China is able to do to anyone desirous of attacking it, or pretending to be “just freedom of navigation” bullshit.
Video 4MB A short video; FAST and QUICK
Video 13MB BEST
A Park in China
Here is the park about a ten minute walk from my home. video 25MB
Listen to me!
Do not freak out. All is going according to plan, and NOW is the time for you all to be the Rufus! Seriously. That is what is going to get you though this time. It’s your opportunity to shine! video 30MB
Do you want more?
You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.
New Beginnings 3.
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This sitrep does not touch on the economic war, which to my mind is the main front of this war.
In this regard, Russia and China (lets not be naive) have escalation dominance. The West may be good at producing narratives, but Russia and China produce real stuff: commodities and manufacturing goods. In both cases Russia and China can twiddle the dial up or down. This is literally the oxygen the West relies on. This is where the war is won, and I mean the total war not just the skirmish in Ukraine.
Russia’s Federal Space Agency Roscosmos has stopped the deliveries of rocket engines manufactured by Energomash association to the United States.
Shown above, “This is the RD-180 engine in the first place, which is used for the Atlas-5 rocket as the main engine, and the RD-181 engine, which is used as the first stage of the Antares rocket,” Dmitry Rogozin, Roscosmos CEO said.
“Let them now fly into space on their brooms,” Rogozin added.
In addition, Russia is terminating cooperation with the United States on experiments conducted on board the International Space Station.
Due to restrictions, the Russian space program will have to be changed, the head of Roscosmos also said. First priority will be paid to defense satellites.
On February 24, US President Joe Biden pledged to impose sanctions against the Russian space program. The United States will block more than 50% of high-tech imports to Russia to harm the ability of the Russians to modernise their Armed Froces, Biden said.
Russian Gas supplies cut off
GAS SUPPLIES FROM POLAND TO GERMANY VIA THE YAMAL-EUROPE PIPELINE HAVE CEASED. Germany shut-down the approval process for the NordStream-2 gas pipeline from Russia, now Germany gets no gas at all, from Russia.
Russian Steel cut off to the EU
Severstal decided to completely stop the supply of steel to the EU countries. No more Russian steel for Europe!
Chinese girl performing K-Pop
She is pretty typical. Until they move out of my office building, we had three K-pop / C-pop dance studios next to my office. I would stop by (it’s all windows here) and watch them dance. They would look, well look exactly, like this girl doing their moves. video 7MB
She’s great huh?Exclusive: China a main target of US NSA cyberattacks, with key infrastructure under threat
The US’ National Security Agency (NSA) has been launching cyberattacks against 47 countries and regions for a decade, with Chinese government departments, high-tech companies and military-related institutes among the key targets, the Global Times learned from the Internet Security Company 360 exclusively on Wednesday.
Cybersecurity experts warned that under the surveillance of the NSA, the privacy and sensitive information of hundreds of millions of people around the world are exposed, “like running around naked.”
Experts slammed the US government and politicians behind the NSA for focusing only on political self-interests. Such invasion seriously infringes on the legitimate interests of Chinese and global citizens, they stressed.