Well, this is my third try at making a Vblog. I do believe that it is a popular thing to do and I am told that I could open up an account on You-Tube and get a bunch of followers. Well, maybe. If I wanted that.
One thing is for certain it takes a different set of skills to do. And, maybe this methodology is better suited to me. I won’t have people complaining about spelling and grammar, or idiom mistakes so often.
Here’s the videos in more or less the same kind of format as my first Vlog. Except that the videos are longer, and thus are bigger. They take more time to download.
This vlog consists of one cluster of three videos.
For me, it’s nothing fancy. Yet when I show glimpses of my life to others outside of China, they seem to like it. Cool, I guess. So… this is just myself walking around the neighborhood; my house, and filming it while I discuss the world around me. I hope that you like it.
The theme behind this video (or collection of smaller videos) is “Look at how polluted China is and compare it to the BBC, and the Bloomberg articles.”
What am I talking about?
Well, it is so easy to find pictures about pollution in China. That’s all the western media seems to talk about.
Like this,
And this,
And this, Look at the bikes and clothing. This picture is at least twenty years old. But what it is doing in a 2020 article?
And this,
And this as well…
About the methodology that I use…
The videos themselves are but a collection of short movies, and they are all zipped up. You just unzip to a folder and then just play the movies. It’s not as convenient as You-tube, but I won’t end up getting shadow banned either.
And I am tying to make a point.

Obviously, what I see, and what the “journalists” are reporting on differs substantially. Why? Is it because I am lying, or that I am viewing China through “Rose colored glasses”?
Idiom: rose-colored glasses to see things as better than they really are to see only the positives in a situation (and therefore in a way that is unrealistic) -Idiom: Rose-colored glasses
I do narrate, but … well, you watch.

I really want you, the viewer, to “feel” what “my China” is like. It’s my reality. It’s my world. And, by extension, MM readers / followers’ world as well.

The videos can be downloaded here…
And I am truly sorry that they are so darn large. If you cannot download them, please accept my apologies.
Cluster One
Only three videos in this installment. But they are large. Please (again) accept my apologies.
Video one HERE. 100MB.
Video two HERE. 250MB.
Video three HERE. 247MB.
Yes, I can add streaming video code instead. And I am researching it. The thing is that I do not want code that is connected to the American oligarchy in any way. And most available codes are. Sure, you can host the video on your site, but the video will be directly tied to Google, which is then tied to the NSA, which is then under the control of the American Federal Government. So I am looking into this. I'll keep you all posted on my successes or failures in this matter. Maybe I'll ask Jeff Brown for some pointers....
To Open the Files
Just unzip to whatever folder you want and then just play the first video, the other videos will play immediately afterwards (if you follow the default settings on your OS). Most videos are between one and a half to four minutes long. All told, it’s roughly 45 minutes in total.
Some key points
The purpose of this vlog is to show how out of touch the Western media is with the day-to-day reality of those of us living within China. It is so absolutely crazy out-of-touch that there MUST be an agenda behind it. Certainly no “journalists” can end up being that absolutely incompetent.
And thus this incisive and detailed, and particularly important vlog.
I do hope that you enjoy it.
Compare my reality with American reality
While I was filming these videos, this is the hysteria going on in America. Now compare reality against the perception of what is important via the “news”.
- China’s air pollution harms its citizens and the world
- Air pollution levels in China now higher than before COVID
- Pollution in China (in 2021) | The Unparalleled Truth
- China’s carbon pollution now surpasses all developed ..
- Pollution in China: how bad is it?
- Study: China Emits More Pollution in 16 Days Than Close …
- 45 Shocking Photos Showing How Bad Pollution In China …
I mean, don’t you know, that it’s all bullshit.
So I am just gonna hang out here. Have a few beers, and eat some delicious food with some friends, both old and new. And that’s my reality.
Do you want more?
This article is going into a new sub-index that I am creating for it titled VLOG. You can access it here.
Video Blog.
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Master Index.
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The second picture under “And this”, showing the tall buildings poking through the “smoke”: that looks more like normal fog to me. Plenty of pictures are available of skyscrapers appearing above heavy ground fog elsewhere in the world. Yeah, so color me suspicious about the air pollution claims.
I don’t doubt that China has some pollution problems like any industrialized country, and like everyone else it could improve its handling of those problems, but I doubt the whole place is like Pittsburgh circa 1950 or London during the fatal smog in 1952. That’s what some of those pictures evoke. And clearly they’re designed to.
Your reality is waaay cool. Enjoy your evening.