The West has created an imaginary, evil China for its people to hate and fear – and it’s working

This is another reprint. This one from RT. I suppose you can agree with the American media that it is Russian propaganda. But after all, isn’t that what American “news” is to begin with? Ugh. All this is a royal PAIN IN THE ASS, I’ll tell you what.

The American “news” has become the largest pile of steaming dog shit that I have ever had the unfortunate experience to encounter. There is absolutely ZERO redeeming qualities remaining in what passes for “news” out of America these days.

But you all know that, now, don’t you?

When I was a boy, maybe 13 or 14 years old, I went with my family to Florida to go to Disney Land. It was quite the adventure for me. And yes, on numerous levels. It was my first experience with real science fiction. As we rode int he long, long drive to  central Florida, my father gave me a paperback book full of short science fiction stories, and I read away. I was amazed and loved every moment of it. The car ride passed by so quickly, and by the time we arrived at the park, I was refreshed and changed… ever so slightly.

Books can do that to a person.

Don’t you know.

While the ride was long, hot and boring, I was engrossed in a world that I did not know existed. I voraciously read every story, and after each one, I would put the book down and glance upwards and think about the twisty ending and what it meant to me. It was all so very profound.

You know, I did not expect to be so influenced, or changed by what I read. It was just a paper book that my father carelessly handed over to me to occupy my time in the car. He also provided me with a small puzzle game, and a game of dice and equations, both of which that I didn’t really do much of anything with. But it was the book that made all the difference in the world to me.

Sometimes the apparently non-essential aspects of our experiences can have the greatest impact in our lives.

The following is a reprint from RT. All the usual disclaimers follow. Please enjoy and contemplate.

The West has created an imaginary, evil China for its people to hate and fear – and it’s working

Western regimes are brainwashing their people with Sinophobia.
They want them to both hate and fear China to manufacture consent for anti-China aggression. A fictional, Mordor-like China has been created to achieve this aim.

If an alien landed on Earth today and read Western media reports on China, they would reach an unambiguous conclusion: China is a comprehensively and uniquely evil nation.

It [1] jails and kills civilians for no reason, [2] commits all sorts of atrocities on its people (who are apparently also filthy and spread diseases), [3] commits genocide on ethnic minorities, [4] obsessively controls people’s thoughts, [5] unleashes deadly plagues upon the world, [6] bullies other nations and traps them in debt, and [7] is a nation whose evil leaders are all fanatics, obsessed with power and bent on destroying the world.

The aliens could be forgiven for assuming that all evil on this planet is because of China…

…(and perhaps Russia and Iran thrown in for good measure)…

… and the US, while not perfect, is nevertheless a force for good, a global guardian angel, the benevolent superpower keeping the world together.

It is the sole driver of world peace and international solidarity, the solitary bulwark against the evil Chinese communist hordes.

Manufacturing powerhouse vs manufacturing consent

Ever since Chinese economic reforms began and China started ‘rising’, Western media has unleashed a massive propaganda campaign against it.

Every single Chinese action is scrutinized to death, every wrong deed or mistake criticized endlessly, and every achievement mostly ignored or downplayed.

Two factors help explain this Sinophobic hate campaign.

The first is the standard policy to ‘manufacture consent’ and manufacture hatred – the purpose of Western journalism, especially against the only nation on Earth that can counter US hegemony.

The second is plain-old racism – the core pillar of Western culture.

The middle kingdom

The US sees itself as the center of the universe, with other nations merely orbiting around it and paying homage.

America treats many of them like its minions, or “allies” and “partners”, to use the popular – if inaccurate – terminology.

Maintaining global and racial hegemony remains central to US foreign policy.

Any successful development model that doesn’t obey Western norms cannot be tolerated.

Thus, today, when the US sees another successful power center emerging, its Pavlovian response is to violently push back.

Since China is too successful, it has to be suppressed.

A non-allied nation that is not a Western-style “democracy” cannot be allowed to develop – whether technologically or financially, and certainly not militarily.

And since China is not even a white-majority nation, it needs to be crushed even more.

However, there is one small problem: China is not like America.

It [1] does not kill millions on false pretexts, it [2] does not bomb nations and their hospitals and schools, [3] it does not launch drone strikes against civilians, [4] it does not violate international law repeatedly while lecturing others to follow it, [5] it does not have an imperial empire for stealing and hoarding other nations’ wealth…

… it does none of the things that has made the West rich and prosperous.

China became rich largely without doing any of the above.

Dr. China and Mr. Hyde

Since China is not as evil as the West, an alternate, evil version of China has to be created – a mirror image in an alternate reality.

The West can then project anything they want into this imaginary China.

It can be accused of any evil in the world – based on equally imaginary evidence.

This alternate China requires massive doses of propaganda and lies to construct – and the lapdog Western media is all too willing to oblige.

After all, the US can’t openly say that it wants to destroy China in order to maintain US hegemony.

Thus, they lie through their teeth and spread conspiracy theories.

People can then be successfully brainwashed to hate and fear China.

In America, we refer to these manipulated people as "sheeple".

For example, when the US regime sanctions Chinese companies, it does so with the aim of preserving the dominance of Western companies that are unable to compete fairly.

However, this cannot be said out loud, since it goes against “free market” principles the US regularly espouses.

Thus, a strawman needs to be manufactured: that Chinese companies are a “threat to national security” or have “backdoors” in them that allow the evil Chinese to snoop on you.

Of course, this needs no evidence; the media will amplify US rhetoric without proof.

After all, in the West, freedom of the press includes the freedom to lie.

Freedom of the press includes the freedom to lie.

China’s Belt and Road Initiative is another glaring example.

Western loans from the IMF or World Bank are brutal and predatory in nature, and frequently impose tough repayment terms and severe austerity measures on host nations, often causing downright bankruptcy.

Recipient nations are required to privatize parts of their economy and surrender natural resources.

Thus, in the topsy-turvy, Catch-22 world of Western propaganda, China is accused of predatory lending and ‘debt-trap diplomacy’.

Even human lives are not spared.

Pfizer, a wicked US pharma firm, allegedly demanded that South American nations surrender their sovereign assets as collateral in exchange for life-saving Covid-19 vaccines.

Thus, as if on cue, China is accused of deploying “vaccine diplomacy” and taking advantage of smaller nations.

A superpower race – with a different race

Once a justification is created that China is evil…

…and that every action China commits is an act of evil …

… the US can paint itself as the good, benevolent superpower acting in the world’s best interests.

This ‘Good v Evil’ binary is constantly reinforced through stereotypical Sinophobic tropes.

The template is applied to every single story about China, from Hong Kong to Huawei.

Enter racism.

The way the West sees it, China is the proverbial “Other” – essentially a different civilization with different standards – almost a different type of human.

As the bigoted Rudy Giuliani, “America’s mayor” and a former Trump adviser once said, human life “doesn’t mean the same thing” to the Chinese as it does to the West.

Few Americans criticized his remarks.

Many agreed with him, secretly pleased that he said out loud what they couldn’t.

This is not an aberration.

Racism is central to US society, and Sinophobia is deeply ingrained in US culture and policy-making.

The former US president himself kept dog whistling “China virus” endlessly to anyone who would listen.

His cronies were no better.

Kiron Skinner (who is ironically black; Sinophobia in America transcends racial boundaries), the then-director of policy planning at the State Department, said openly that this is “the first time that we will have a great-power competitor that is not Caucasian,” and that the previous Cold War with the Soviet Union was at least “a fight within the Western family.”

Unsurprisingly, the Western corporate media largely ignored her remarks.

FBI Director Christopher Wray recently declared China a threat that requires a “whole-of-societyresponse.

This was an almost exact replication of 19th-century propaganda portraying Chinese people as evil hordes coming over to infiltrate and destroy the pure, innocent Western societies.

When COVID-19 stuck, western media openly blamed China for the disease.

The more conservative outlets pounced at the ‘lab-leak theory’ and defended the use of the phrase “China virus”, while the more liberal ones focused on the tried-and-trusted ‘Chinese authoritarianism’ trope.

The New York Times accused China’s “old habits” of “secrecy” and “controlling the narrative” of slowing the response.

It pinned the blame on China and tried to deflect from western countries’ own criminal neglect in controlling their outbreaks.

Yet, had the ‘democratic’ West adopted China’s ‘authoritarian’ methods, they wouldn’t have been on their knees today, struggling with recurrent waves.

Blaming China was a coping mechanism; today, more people have died from COVID-19 just in Orange county in California, US than in the whole of China.

So much for democracy.

Combine all this with the regular Sinophobic reporting, and a steady picture begins to emerge: Barbaric China is an existential threat to our enlightened Western civilization. The Communist Party of China is just a modern-day Fu Manchu, that will stop at nothing to take our “freedoms.”

After the Soviets and Muslims, it is now China’s turn to fill the role of the villain.

Such imaginary rogues are useful to the US regime to distract the proles from domestic problems.

A world without war

And herein lies the real reason why they hate China.

The West is prosperous today not because of hard work or perseverance, but because of centuries of imperialism, colonialism, and wealth hoarding.

China, though, is on the path to becoming a superpower without committing such atrocities.

This is what really riles them up; after all, jealousy is the root of most hatred.

China’s rise shows that an alternative, multi-polar world is possible, a world not besieged by endless wars and genocidal sanctions, a world where poverty and hunger are distant memories – a world where people can live happily without being afraid that a superpower from across the planet may bomb them into oblivion because they have something it wants.

And the US cannot allow that.



I know you all realize this. Most MM readers are of the intelligence to be receptive to narratives that lie outside the normal government channels; Alt-Right, Alt-Let and mainstream. that’s not to say that any of us are perfect, we are all learning, and our thoughts and opinions change daily. So let’s not get too caught up on new ideas or different ways of doing things.

Just accept the differences. Relish in them, and move on.

Just what ever you do, don’t believe anything that the American media says. It’s all lies.

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings


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Some posts seem to be missing

[1] VLOG Home in Zhuhai 5, 6 & 7
[2] A Precious Comment by From Serbia
[3] Examples about how the Chinese teach their children to be successful

So far it’s these 3 but there maybe more.


Indeed, the entire English speaking world would get its’ propaganda, oops, news from the western media agencies. How not could these English speaking countries citizens be not brainwashed. Only the few like us would be inquisitive enough to seek other points of views to get a more rounded perspective.

Perspective is how the issue is viewed from.

Nomen Nescio

One positive outcome of the endless foreign-phobias perpetrated by the USA media is that most Americans I know, myself included, have been very effectively inoculated against such ridiculous claptrap.

We just don’t buy it and we don’t support it. We are not interested in self-defeating conflict with China, Russia, Iran, or anyone else.

I’m not even 40, however, I remember bemusedly watching as the Berlin Wall fell, the Big Bad USSR splintered, and so on, and the Soviets turned out to not quite be the boogeyman they were made out to be.

I observed the horrors of 9/11, and then I watched the bait-and-switch game that resulted in Iraq 2.0, and that parlay was accomplished so effectively, our military is still “fighting” that “war”. Mission accomplished.

I’ve watched over the last decade as many conservative co-workers, family members and friends developed the attitude that the success of China’s manufacturing sector is to blame for the dipping quality of life here in the Midwest.

Yes, they twice voted for a guy openly desirous of driving the wedge in deeper, but, they also do most of their shopping at Walmart. Their position isn’t exactly consistent.

Let’s be CLEAR: those people may talk a lot of Sinophobic BS, but, they aren’t interested in real military conflict with China, and I assure you they don’t give a rat’s ass about what they have heard is going on in Taiwan, Hong Kong, “Muslim concentration camps”, Tibet, or the rest of it, unless – and only when – they are working it into their ranting and raving.

They, and the vast majority of us citizens, don’t, and would never, want hot war with countries who aren’t militarily aggressive toward us, any more than we want to start a random fistfight with someone walking down the street. Why? It gains nothing and carries great and unnecessary risk.

Just like I don’t know if that weird guy walking up the block with his hand in his pants is scratching his jimmies, or about to pull a Glock on the next person who utters a word to him, USA civilians have no idea what kind of long-range arms China or Russia really have, and we don’t really want to find out.

It isn’t out of fear, necessarily, we just have other things to do than fight some random dude for no good reason.

Us citizens care more about living our lives while we have them. I’m going to go eat a delicious Italian Beef (it isn’t Italian, it’s “Chicagoan”, but, it’s excellent) sandwich for lunch, get some more work done, get some exercise, enjoy some food and drink while reading (a book), and go to bed.

The reality is refreshingly simple; to paraphrase Muhammad Ali, “Keep asking me as long as you please, I ain’t got no quarrel with them Chinese.”


And speaking of China Russia military capabilities, how would that American city look after a cluster of these babies were dropped off simultaneously from the same warhead.
This is a LOW yield tactical nuke, btw. Residual radiation clears <24 hours.
Similar to the underground devices used to demolish the Twin Towers. Used in Tianjin and Bali, too. A Micro yield one in Bali's case.
What would a hi yield one look like? Ask Beirut.
Surprised this is on YouTube. Normally this kind of evidence is scrubbed immediately.


I know this is an old topic – I just now found it – but I could not agree with this comment more.
“ Yes, they twice voted for a guy openly desirous of driving the wedge in deeper, but, they also do most of their shopping at Walmart. Their position isn’t exactly consistent.”
Thank you. Exactly. Even during the Clinton Bush years we (Americans) didn’t really see the people MAKING the Walmart crap. People in China – we know – busted their ass working so they can have a good life for their kids. And now they are the big bad Wolf because we liked 200 dollar TVs and real inexpensive shit.
America did this to itself. Most people I know actually agree.

Where the road forks is what is getting shoved down our throats now. It’s all hate and negativity. Because the people that profit are always self hating narcissists.

Great comment though. I really could not have articulated it better.