I have decided to devote some time to a new series of posts / articles. These articles discuss the transition from a United States Military Empire led world reality, to a world governed by merit out of Asia. This is one such post.
In this post, we tear down one of the fundamental lies that the ginormous American propaganda machine spews out; That America is the machine, and the driver for all the success in the rest of the world, and that without America the rest of the world would be one big “shit hole”.
And along with this narrative comes the belief that Germany is nothing without American “rebuilding”.
Japan is nothing without American “rebuilding”.
That Korea is nothing without American “rebuilding”…
… and that any success that China has… is the result of American “rebuilding” in one form or the other.
This is false.
This is a lie.
The following article tears apart this lie, and discusses from whence the Chinese technological, and engineering success came from. It’s a good read. And whether or not you want to continue to believe the lies issued forth out of the American lie machine or not, it does give one pause to think… to contemplate… and to ponder.
- The Chinese nuclear bomb technology was not stolen or copied. It was all home-grown. The American Congress made the technology top secret and prevented anyone from getting it. In fact, America executed two people for giving the technology to Russia.
- The Chinese space station technology was not stolen, copied or partnered. It was home grown. The American Congress forbid Chinese participation in it.
- The Chinese submarine technology was not stolen, or copied it was all home grown. The American Congress forbids export of military hardware or technology to “enemies”.
- The Chinese lunar rover technology was not stolen, or copied it was all home grown. The American Congress forbids any Chinese participation with NASA.
- The “Great Firewall of China” isn’t what you would think. China has opted out of the American dominated internet, and has created it’s very own intranet inside of the nation. It’s completely and absolutely and wholly Chinese homegrown internet technology.
And with a nation that is capable of all this home-grown independent research, development and engineering, is most certainly capable of many more great things.
For after all 5G is a wholly Chinese invention, and the USA is trying to play “catch up”. The same goes for AI, and while there are American innovations in robotics, the primary groundwork has been developed by Chinese researchers on American visas. Hyper-glide technology, swarm drone technology, digital financial transactions, and room-temperature vaccines for Covid are all Chinese innovations.
"I understand now why the Chinese like to travel to Western countries. It's so that they can travel back to the stone age."
And what is going on NOW…
Seriously this is what China is right NOW!
It’s like a scene from a cyber-punk anime cartoon, and it’s real.
And the rest of the world sees this and wants to join China, Russia and the rest of Asia to become prosperous and successful.
They no longer want the criminally corrupt psychopathic evil that is what the United States represents today.
Check out the video.
Click HERE to watch the reality of what Chinese is right now.
The following is from Gmachine, and copied as found with all credit to the author. It was edited to fit this venue.
Why Chinese do not owe anything to America for their success
In response to https://infoproc.blogspot.com/2021/05/three-thousand-years-and-115.html
The biggest lie obstructing Chinese-American repatriation to China is that Chinese somehow owe America for their success.
Chinese haven’t even gotten all that much from America.
Sure, some Chinese studied in America, including in STEM, before 1949. People like Qian Xuesen. Also humanities people like Hu Shih and Soong Mei-ling (Chiang’s wife) and Hsiang-Hsi Kung.
That class of humanities graduated people from Ivy League who entered higher echelons of KMT eventually lost the war and fled to Taiwan or America.
Also, for STEM, Europe was much better (to learn from and be educated in) than America especially in the early 1900s.
Chinese students would have benefited much more from studying STEM in Europe at that time. Unfortunately, it was the situation that arose after the suppression of the Boxer Uprising in 1900 (by Eight-Nation Alliance) that resulted in the Chinese studying in America over studying in Europe.
Modern China, especially the practical aspect of it, was far more influenced by USSR and Japan.
PRC had its industrial base in it’s Northeast region simply because the invading colonized Japanese colonized and industrialized it. It did so during it’s over 14 years of occupation.
As far as the military goes, the PRC’s military technology is based upon the very generous Soviet transfers in 1950s. And then again by the Russian ones in 1990s.
China also acquired some basic high speed rail technology from Japan and Germany in 2000s.
And most of the Chinese chemical industry technology came from Western Europe back in the 1970s.
There is little in terms of concrete practical high tech that China has gotten from America.
I think it’s without doubt that even though people like Qian Xuesen, Guo Yonghuai, and Deng Jiaxian (who were leaders of PRC’s nuclear and missile programs) had American PhDs, the Soviet influence on technology was substantially greater.
After all, USSR transferred to the PRC a missile that was an upgrade of V-2 in the late 1950s.
Without that, even with all those top talents in aerodynamics who had been professors or postdocs in America, it would have taken much much longer for PRC to develop its own missile program.
In contrast, if not for those top American returnees…
… as long as Soviets transferred the base technology…
… the other smart people in China, who never set foot in America, would have sooner or later figured it out too.
Provided, of course that the Chinese government made the decision to invest in that technology, (which I believe Qian influenced substantially).
I believe Qian after returning to China did not actually directly work at the “nuts and bolts” details level.
He was more of a strategist and administrator.
As well as the primary decision maker with respect to the PRC missile/rocket/space program.
He convinced the PRC political elites to invest in missiles instead of fighter aircraft.
And in hindsight, was an extremely important and correct decision.
And done at a time when the future of China was still uncertain.
The guy who actually most qualifies as the pure technical leader of PRC missile/rocket/space program goes by the name of Sun Jiadong. And he graduated from a Soviet university in the 1950s.
The thing is that those Chinese educated in America would have been just as good had they done their PhD or masters in Europe or Soviet Union.
Only that pre-1949 at that time, American graduate schools had more spots for Chinese students than European schools.
What China needed the most then was practical technology, and in this area, America did not really have any direct effect.
Actually, it was more like a negative effect.
This is because of the American embargo after the Korean War.
There were a few Chinese who studied in America who had actually did serious work in the American industry.
There were few Chinese who did not settle in America, and who ended up returning to China. And these precious few did not make any major contributions to Chinese technology. The historical record is quite clear on this.
However, after they returned to China, they obviously had to work from a much lower technology base to work with. And as such they ended up adapting their expertise and experience obtained in America for China.
There were certain things that could easily be done in America…
… a much richer country then…
… that was not really practically feasible in China due to lack of resources.
The Chinese who studied in Europe and USSR pretty much all returned.
While perhaps most of the Chinese who studied STEM in America pre-1949 stayed there instead of returning back to China.
China at that time, when STEM human capital was very important and needed, the government basically wasted a bunch of money and resources giving those “best and brightest” a higher education. They left China. They went to America. they learned technical skills. They obtained work, and they stayed there.
So I have a good reason to believe that America’s net effect on China in 20th century was rather negative.
I won’t even go into all the ideological and cultural “garbage” that America exports to the world.

Also, doing a higher degree abroad is not necessarily to great work in STEM in China.
Even during WWII, China already had some top or at least very good theoretical mathematicians, fluid dynamicists, or theoretical physicists.
The guy most responsible for PRC’s hydrogen bomb, Yu Min, never went abroad until he was pretty much retired.
As I’ve said, what China needed most then was the practical, industrial technology.

There were many top-notch theoretical brains. For the theoretical stuff, you need a top brain, access to books and journals, and an environment that let’s you concentrate on that stuff.
The practical stuff, on the other hand, despite being less g-loaded, is in practice much harder.
For China, America was more of an obstruction in that regard.

America enforced the embargo on PRC the most after the Korean War.
In contrast, in the 1950s and 1960s, while China could not get any help or technology from America, they were still able to obtain technology from Japan and Europe.
Unfortunately, so many people see the American PhD as a symbol of being technically top-notch.
It’s a fallacy.
It’s a legacy of America’s having been default destination for study abroad from 1900s on.
Many also studied in Japan, and there were good number of Japanese educated people who made it to the elite of CPC.
But, take particular note, there were no American educated ones.
The CPC simply cannot trust any American educated Chinese to any position of political decision making power.
They are considered to be contaminated by far too much cultural and ideological toxin.
And what is America right now? What happens when there is no longer any nations to loot? Any people to subjugate? What happens when the “house of cards” all falls down?
A house of cards is a structure created by stacking playing cards on top of each other, often in the shape of a pyramid. "House of cards" is also an expression that dates back to 1645 meaning a structure or argument built on a shaky foundation or one that will collapse if a necessary element is removed. Structures built by layering in this way, such as Stonehenge, are referred to as "house of cards architecture", which dates back to the Cyclopean and Megalithic ages. -House of Cards, Wikipedia
What we are all witnessing in America today is the exact opposite from what is happening in China. And thus, it is no wonder that the American oligarchy-ruled Military Empire wants to cripple, suppress or otherwise destroy the Chinese rise.
It is nice to believe the lie, the fantasy that the rest of the world is nothing without American guidance, American culture, American technology, and American “know how”. But it’s not true.
And the rest of the world is growing up.
They no longer believe in the Easter Bunny, or Santa Claus, or in other fabled childhood dreams.
And while it was nice to occasionally get a present or two under the tree, the rest of the world has realized that they are far better off with making their own way in the world unencumbered by the thousands of tiny American government hands in their wallets, and the millions of rules and regulations that limit their access to self determination. It’s not normal, and they are saying enough is enough.
As the world slowly adapts to the new reality of a sun-setted America, the sky looks clearer, better and frostier. There’s a feeling in the air. There is a lightness of being and a kind of anything is possible excitement that wasn’t possible under the oppressive yoke of the American oligarchy ruled military empire.
Obviously the United States is not taking this change in roles quietly, and there are all sorts of subterfuge and behind the scenes efforts going on to sabotage the global future so that the 0.0001 who rule the West can stay relevant.
But that too is doomed to fail.
Meanwhile, in the West…
They publish a “report” that the USA leads the world in innovation, and that China cannot innovate, which is total rubbish, but is targeted for the uneducated population to read.
Here’s a rebuttal to the technology growth in China, with a “Innovation index”. Which claims that there are so many western countries still ahead of China! What a rubbish.
Do you want more?
You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.
New Beginnings.
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Any city in China makes Walt Disney World look like a trip to the car wash. I’ve never seen Chinese cities in such a fantastically sci fi cyber punk way. This is astounding. And kept from the eyes of most of the sheeples. Words can not express how happy I am for the people of China. If I were a younger man, without restraints…Perhaps I could visit someday before I die. I’m sure I could learn some Mandarin to get by with. This is a most excellent post of a part of the world withheld from North Americans by evil, selfish, psychopaths.
“can develop new technology”
Careful what you wish for MM.
Your Examples
The Chinese nuclear bomb technology was not stolen
The Chinese space station technology
The Chinese submarine technology
The Chinese lunar rover technology
The “Great Firewall of China”
all 5G is a wholly Chinese invention
in robotics, the primary groundwork has been developed by Chinese researchers
Nothing here helps to advance the Enlightenment of Civilization.
These are PEOPLE SUPPRESSING Technologies developed from Military Budgets.
Since when did the Military ever have civilian interests in mind? Civilians always come second and are referred to as Collateral Damage.
Nothing beneficial can come from FAKE SCIENCE.
This isnt China’s exclusive mistake as purposefully wrong ‘science’ is a disease of the entire Academia of the world. No Disclosure will highlight this or change it.
Let me give you a few examples of REAL Science and the wonders it can do. (or has done)
The Human body is a Bio-Electric Magnetic Field. Its Field Strength is related to its healthiness. Raise the Field Strength and this raises the immune system so it functions properly, eliminating Bio Needles for Immune system responses. This methodology is the LEAST INVASIVE of any Healing Modality. With some 25,000 Footbath BEFE Units sold world wide, mostly to alt Practitioners, upwards of a million people have experience this curative modality. What do you have if you don’t have your health?
The ‘Hotdog’ muffler Magnetic Cell mentioned in an earlier post, will take car exhaust and transmute the fumes into pure fresh “Hyper-Charged” air with zero impurities. Place these on the air ducts of hospitals and watch the recovery rate skyrocket. These magnetic In-Line Cells can be made in a million different ‘formats’, the muffler being but one.
pH is the measure of ‘potential Hydrogen’, with ‘hydrogen’ being ‘made’ by the Negative electrode. Acid/Alkali solutions can be done by controlling the Polarity of the Centre Field. So an Acid Solution of Industrial Waste can be inerted with the waste being treated by a North Pole Field. Its not pH or Acidity, but the Strength and Orientation of the Field Polarity. Revolutionizes how chemicals are made or even if needed. Removing the Memory of the impurities of the water, makes it ‘hungry for a new memory. If one charges water with the Aqua Chi water module then filters it and then repeats that process up to 10 times, the water is ‘hungry’ and the addition of a single drop of say Monsanto Roundup will see just one drop of chemical is needed to do the same “kill” effect as adding a 20 litres to a 1000 litre spray tank. AND its more Bio Degradable too. Planet healing Tech at its finest.
Once day back in 1995. The Australian Gov’t sent a Haz Van to our Workshop with 2 by 205 litre drums of highly toxic Radioactive wastes. The crew were completely dressed in Radiation suits. They wheeled the 2 drums to the door of the shed and said they were here to drop off samples to be tested. (this has happened several times since with other samples from other sources) Joe responded,” It is already done”. ‘But you haven’t even looked at the drums yet’ was the reply. Get your meter out and show me the readings. So out came the Rad Detectors and sure enough, there was no ‘readable’ reading on the meter. JUST being in the Field of the Shed, inerted the Radiation. They never came back. Too much science for them. Now about them deactivated Nukes at Military Sites by UFO’s? Can’t have a cup full of water spilled on a Nuke ship now can you? So much for NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY and Chinas involvement to benefit humanity. This is death and destruction on a subliminal time line.
Bitten by a Spider? A Snake? A Wasp? Australia has the best. Both my dog and I have inerted these toxins by JUST having a single bath for 30 minutes and did not seek Pharmaceuticals for relief. None were needed. Lots of stories here and much better than using a Taser to inert a snake bite. But enough of medicine.
Space Station Technology. Pathetic at best. Its just FireCracker tech. Humans don’t have ‘Magnetic Shielding”. We do. Simple double layers of stainless steel will do it perfectly. Billions of uses even inside of Space. Without it, you die in space and think of the upgrades to Faraday cages. We assembled the first one from junk, left over scrap from the back of the shed.
Space Drive? Jock Pennycook, deceased, worked for ASIO, his brother worked for MI6. Drove his F100 Truck into the workshop. 3 hours later Jock jumped in the Pickup which now had a Cell very similar in construction to the Water into Oil Cell only with a top on it and a tube running from the Cell to the Vacuum brake line at the firewall. (A dead connection. Other connections ran to just a bolt head on the side of the block on the motor) and the jets removed from the carby and the fuel line disconnected. He turned on the key and the Pickup started up and levitated ½ inch off the ground. The Skin of the Truck was given a Negative Field and became buoyant from the Earth. Jock drove the truck to Canberra where it was ‘studied’ for 2 weeks. When he got back, he did what he was told to never do, pull it apart to reverse engineer it. Breaking a magnetic Field Generator is like breaking a Magnet, only the Inventor can fix it. The truck never ran again. So what is ‘friction’ when no rubber met the tar and no wheel spin attainable, just pure acceleration and almost zero Inertia? I met Jock years later for the first time and somehow he knew who I was and where I lived. Space Drive already exists. So too does high speed underwater travel exist by creating a bubble around the sub, effectively, its flying in its own moving bubble. Bubble is less than one millimetre around the hull but still gives zero drag.
The Smart Dive Motor that requires a smart meter will be released one day to the public, but why not sooner? This Tesla Designed motor by Samsung or Fisher Paykel is a motor and generator in one. All that is required for it to be 100,000% over unity is a standard car battery in the circuit. Anyone can build one if shown how and there are millions of used washing machines in the world. Particle science and electrons cannot ever reverse engineer it. One needs to understand interacting and rotating magnetic Fields. Never need Lithium again. A plain single Baghdad Battery is all that’s required. Personal Drones to fly across the Pacific non stop? Lockdowns be dammed. Want one? Here’s the entire component list. One small 12V battery, ours tested “flat” as it barely lit a 12V test light. (These washing machine motors use 4.5V to operate the motor). One 12VDC to 240VAC Invertor. One electronic motor speed controller, we set ours at 100rpm as more burned everything out. One smart drive motor in a frame to just hold it. Some electrical wires to connect these together and then by unbridging the motor, connect up a LOAD (we used work lights and bench grinders) Warning, to use a multimeter anywhere when testing will see total failure. (its ADDING another battery to the circuit and well youse all know what that means) so thus educated electricians always get it wrong. That’s the component list. Its all in how you ‘wire it up’.
A 2 inch Magnetic In-line Cell can take from a polluted river, a small quantity of water and return it the river and within 500 yards, the entire stream will be pure. It got the local Council Health Inspectors to take samples and pictures of the creek in Flood going from muddy water to crystal clear and to this day they know not what happened. We kept mum about it. Any Polluted rivers in China? How’s their River Tech going?
Lunar Rover Technology. This must more than just for the geeks. Surly the people can benefit someday? Great tech for the nerds and theorists who don’t have magnetic Shielding for the Van Allen Prison Bars.
Great Firewall of China. If you want a fully controlled population, you must have your own home grown Control Panels to limit knowledge like mine, from Trusting the Science that might be found elsewhere. Similarly with 5G. We don’t need it. No one wants it. It interferes with DNA and Health and its going Global. Nice one China. But its needed to manage the Herd and that’s all.
Robotics only make people redundant. As a farmer I know this. Making food producers just useless eaters is not progress. Chemicals do the same. While I agree China is like USA in the 60’s, they are going down the same path.
More toys, electric cars, cheaper batteries by creating more PLASTIC wastes is not advancing Technology. Its destroying the planet without the SCIENCE to fix it. Its just time lining Mother Shiptons prophesy. https://www.crystalinks.com/mother_shipton.html where the PLAGUES or AGUE’s of the future sicken men and women. Vaccine induced Autism is easily cured with about 3 months of Baths. I’m wondering what the Aqua Chi Footbath does to nano bots and spiked proteins given everything has a magnetic Field.
Written near 600 years ago;
And christian one fights christian two
And nations sigh, yet nothing do
And yellow men great power gain
From mighty bear with whom they’ve lain.
These mighty tyrants will fail to do
They fail to split the world in two.
But from their acts a danger bred
An ague – leaving many dead.
And physics find no remedy
For this is worse than leprosy
I like the Lines where she prophesizes
Around the world men’s thoughts will fly
Quick as the twinkling of an eye.
And water shall great wonders do
How strange. And yet it shall come true.
Water is a Liquid magnet. Water is also a Crystal of Light. Water is in constant motion. Moving water creates the Highest Magnetic Field known that can dissolve rocks. If a Ring magnet is placed around a water pipe it “charges” the Water. This charged water is like billions of Magnetic Crystals or tny magnets flowing in a pipe. All one needs to do is wrap the pipe with copper coils where ever ‘electricity’ is needed. Your Water mains become your Source of electricity at NO COST. The Trick is to understand Water and how to apply Magnetic Fields to it.
This is REAL SCIENCE and this Field Science of our Water Based Universe, will NOT be disclosed by any Govt or Alien agency. We have to EARN the right to use this Tech. It starts with educating people what slavery and what Liberty is. Then it can advance to its uses. The Simple High School experiment where ONLY TWO electrodes are placed in water must be fixed.
While I agree with most of your views on the West and China, it does after all come down to … men only fight over money, land and women. China, in my opinion, is trying to divorce itself from the London controlled world finance system. London hasn’t ever stopped trying to control the entire worlds trade through interest and debt. It may lead to a hot war and I fear OZ will be on the wrong side. These baby blood sucking Cultists will stop at NOTHING to remain in control. Genociding entire nations they are guilty of. Chinas Tech is geared to competing with others, not benefiting themselves. Perhaps in the short term this is necessary. The West has literally STOPPED all inventions and inventors from seeing the light of day. Planet of the Apps, is making us dumber.
Know anyone in China who wants a couple Freedom Drones for a cool Mill each? When its not flying, pull the Samsung Motor out and power the farm or house or the Sultans Yacht. 4 of them would fly a 747 with Propellers and much faster too given the Magnetic Field Effects.
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. There is an unbelievable number of NEW inventions that will come with NEW SCIENCE. Be careful what new technology you wish for.
Thank you for a new rabbit hole of study. Sounds extremely interesting.
But wait.. there’s MORE… I would have posted this 2 days ago but I got the Mouse Plague Disease here in OZ very debilitating)
Human Advancement was explained to me by Mo Reincarnated as thus; (Mo was/is the person we know as MOSES)
Within this Galaxy, there are many Races. You can quantify these Species in 3 ways. Intelligence, Technical Capability and Spiritual Ability.
Just like earthquakes are on a Richter Scale where each 0.1 increase in intensity is a ‘doubling of the ‘energy’, it gets so that a 10 earth Quake is Continental moving in energy.
Intelligence and Technology and Spiritual Ability can also measured on a ‘similar’ scale.
In this Galaxy, the Average Intelligence is about 15 on the Scale.
The average Technical ability in this galaxy is about a 14.
The average Spiritual Level is around 8 or 9.
Aliens are smart enough to use their Tech cause they know what it does to everything around them.
Humans on this Galactic Scale are about 7 on the Technical scale and about 6 on the intelligence scale. They arent smart enough to know what their inventions are doing.
Humans have a 0.01 on the Spiritual scale.
If you can bend spoons and be downloaded by aliens, then you might have a 0.1 rating for Spirituality.
Humans arent smart enough to understand their own Technology, much less how it actually works in a God Created Matrix. But we have Elixirs to fix that. Implants do similar.
Our universe is a giant bubble of Grid patterned energy. Known as the Firmament or Aether/Heaven There is an Exterior Race who created it. We are universe 3 of 8. (this is separate from your time lines realities which are only part of this #3 Universe). You need a Craft that creates its own universe to travel between them. The other 7 have an entirely different format for construction and each one is exponentially larger than its predecessor.
As of today or this point in time, there are about 10,000 GUARDIANS or Men In Black (I’ve met 3 of them) who are around, throughout all time and in the space of 8 universes and who created and maintain the 8 universes. So to have 3 of them on planet Earth at one point in Time is a HUGE concentration of These Beings. It only took about a hundred to create this universe.
The earth is much older and may have orbited another sun before being salvaged and placed in our present orbit. The entire universe is an experiment. We humans are just another herd to be managed. Grown so to speak. Because of the Time Factor, when the Universe was “created” the experiment was also ‘finished’ in a never ending repetition like a Roswell time machine would see it. The ‘job’ of the Guardians is to maintain the Matrix Integrity only. Not to interfere with the Experiment. Only Guardians can manage the Aether grid. For out of the Aether Grid comes all of Creation as a formatted Crystal of Light. All of creation means just that, everything you perceive with your 6 senses.
Now Mo after upteen squintrillions of ‘years’ grew bored and as the Matrix is damaged due to races building guns to shoot stars into super Novas, Mo leaves the fixes to others. It was his type of Guardian or Real GOD Tech that created Humans. You see, Humans aren’t part of the original experiment of Creation. We are technically not supposed to exist. We were created approx. 600,000 earth years ago in a galaxy that was destroyed BECAUSE they created Humans to be a robo cop with Guardian God Tech. THAT’S WHY “they” PLAY with us and FARM US. We have advance Biological Weaponry that’s been Junked DNA’d that Advanced races can play with that’s not in their DNA Makeup. They also get to learn more about the Multileveled universe we live in. I spent 7 years grilling Mo with every historical fact and Myth I had learned in half a lifetime studying ALL things ancient. His knowledge and completeness was Impeccable for a 26 year old with only a high school ed. Mo didn’t actually graduate as he was being groomed by OZ Military Intelligence at the time.
There are 3 planets with Humans who were created for this Galactic War. Ours with 5 ‘races’ of robo cops, one 32 light years away named Tulla which has only one race of humans that have the genetic marker of NO HAIR and White Skin. On a side note, there was a farmer in Argentina many decades (60’s?) ago that died of Radiation poisoning. Just before he died he finally told the doctors what happened, A Saucer picked him up in the Fields, and once he was looking at earth through the porthole, the door opened to a room with a Woman who looked like she was from Sweden only totally without hair. He made love to her 3 times he said. Testimonial but nevertheless. Mo left Tulla 32,000 years ago and flew to Earth. The 3rd planet with humans has 9 races and its on the other side of the Universe. We are nearer the edge of the bubble.
Because Humans are an ‘aberration’ in space and time, we are free to be ‘experimented’ with. Just follow the 13 Beings of Light in the Crystal Palace Rules and you’re good to Play in Sim City Earth. Dannion Brinkley met these dudes, read about it in his book Saved by the Light. They showed him how to build a vibration table that induces Instantaneous Astral Travel. It’s in Georgia. We met Dannion at global sciences 1999 Denver. Later he phoned up Mo and I overheard the call in Toowoomba, Dannion couldn’t remember the Frequencies given so he could build a radio to communicate with Dis-Incarnate people (dead people) Mo told him what he needed to know. I never followed up on Dannion. He was a Lightning Shaman, twice he got so fully charged his Spiritual/Psychic powers were very good, probably a 0.2 on the Richter scale.
When Mo dumped us humans here on prison planet earth, over a period of time, our Bio Shield was deactivated, (DNA junked out) our access to the time grid was deactivated. Seeing the future isnt part of most other Species. Our hands on healing abilities were similarly deactivated, Some still possess this trait and When I met John of God in Brazil, he took special interest in me as I asked him to open my third eye as the “sickness” I wanted him to cure. We even had Mini Nuke Self Destruction capabilities for them desperate kamikaze acts of war. Its now Spontaneous Human Combustion. Our Circuitry is so fuuked, we cant even do that right. (but we can fix that too hahaha with just a car battery applied electrodes to the body.) Mo used tuning forks on acupuncture needles. They wanted to control you with implants not Enhance you with Neural Node activation with there being 4 on the skull. IMO
Yes we are an experiment in Sentiment for aliens to play with God Tech that’s generally forbidden to do to any other species in the universe. This is the first publishing on the internet of this story. Take from it or leave from it, what you will.
Thank you. Oddly, some of the information you present here does not surprise me. I’ve thought for some years now that humans were something else’s pet science project. The Universal Sciences you described are of great interest to me. I see I have much yet to learn. Thank you again, MerLynn for sharing.
do you have more on this?. As they say knowledge is power and I would like to go deeper.
1 Still today, here in Europe, we regard American technology as inferior to German, Swiss, Austrian or Flemish technology.
Go to the Ford MC European headquarter in Köln and ask any engineer or designer, German or American.
2 Trial & error. The Chinese are masters in it. They do not try (and fail) a dozen times as we do in the West, but a dozen times a dozen. And never give up. And in each little step, they learn a bit. And apply it in their next trial. A very effective way to build knowledge.
3 They’re sharp, extremely smart, the Chinese engineers. They’re thinking way much faster than western engineers. And they have their whole knowledge database in their brain, ready for application. We, in the west, have to Google for it.
4 In close cooperation with a team of Chinese engineers and designers, have made electronic and many other components in China, which were regarded as impossible to be made by top level experts in Switzerland and Germany.
One thing I’ve noticed in difference between Western European thinking Vs American thinking is:
If a product is (say) to meet a certain standard for USD10 cost, the American team would stop R&D upon reaching that point but the European R&D team would try to make it even better than that set standard for the same USD10 cost.
Europeans take much more pride in their work than Americans do.
Thank you for quoting me and linking my blog post. I am the person behind gmachine1729.com. You are welcome to contact me by email.
It is an honor to do so sir! Welcome to MM.
It was no surprise that the Soviets were the ones who helped China the most.
Only in the latter part of the 80s did the Western European countries industries came into China.
The American Empire, like the British Empire, has always thought very highly of themselves, conveniently whitewashing the atrocities they committed.
Have you or any MM influencers ever heard of the Orch Or theory in medicine? It’s new (about 10 years) but shows that these little pieces in all cells, notable neurons. What we THINK we know about neurons (nerve cells) and how they transmit messages to each other is wrong. It looks – so far that tubulin, which plays a role in cell division and acts a “scaffolding” for cells actually performs – quantum entanglement! Now, for the record, I am a 100% for and believe Metallic Man. What I am REALLY starting to love is when everything presented becomes closer and closer to becoming “mainstream” science – which we all know to be nonesense. I hate to ramble but for biology turbo-nerds like myself, this is akin landing on the moon! The Irony, the original publishers are American and British in 2013. Who RAN with this and is now running the Orch Or show? China (a great article “The Finer Scale of Consciousness: Quantum Theory” by Tang, Zhu and Zhang explains) but to reiterate your point, just because we “discovered” something doesn’t mean the world could and should expand on it. To me they should just for humanitarian reasons. It’s actually a real cool article. Oddly, there has been very little to no research on consciousness. In fact, I looked at all of my old texts as well as new ones and there may be a paragraph in each. In my psychiatric library – a chapter that quickly devolves into sleep and sleep patterns. Other than that all that is mentioned is “the seat is the Reticular Formation”.
One quick question sort of off the topic, in your opinion, for those of us that do not have Implants, is listening to frequencies in that range harmful? There are a lot of audio tracks for meditation that has frequencies from the low (3hz) all the way up). I am taking your advice, but do not want anything crazy to happen. From a medical “doctor” standpoint I would say no, but this is not my area of expertise.
Thank you for everything!!!