A treasure trove of pretty Chinese girls – Collection (3) – Lotta Lovelies.

Here is part of my series on learning about China by looking at pretty girls. The idea is that you would look at the girl, and in the process concentrate on the background around her. Because these are the “real deals”. This is what China is. And while the girls want you to focus on them, their eyes, their faces, their bodies, the background tells us much about where they live.

Besides… who doesn’t like to look at attractive people?

To Open the Files

Just unzip to whatever folder you want and then just play the first video, the other videos will play immediately afterwards (if you follow the default settings on your OS). Most videos are between  one and a half to four minutes long. All told each zip file will give you about five to ten minutes of viewing.

I find the ladies lovely. But others might not. For you others, well, I really hope that you are not too bored.

Some key points

Beauty is up to the person who views it. What is attractive to one person might not be attractive to others. A case in point is a girl who I had a relationship with when I was in High School working in the coal mines. Everyone thought that she was ugly because she did not have a great face. But I liked her, and her body was absolutely rocking. Like, guys, you have no idea.

I think that the beauty of these videos is that in a few seconds you can see the “personality” of the ladies as they try to display their charms for the world to see.  Some have personality. Some have a great body. Some just look great in a particular outfit, while others just fit the particular environment. All are wonderful.

The Videos

In this particular post we will look at these groups of videos. I do hope that you enjoy them…

Video Set A

Some very fine active chest action with these girls in this group. I also threw in (accidentally) a video depicting how this one particular crew of pick-pockets operated by crashing into people and stealing their belongings when no one was watching. Don’t worry, they were caught and are now in prison doing time, and organ harvesting. After all, they were really bad. But the girls here are nice, and I love the aggressive boob action. Hey! If you’ve got it, let it rip!

You can download this file archive HERE. 63MB.

Video Set B

Some of my personal favorites are here. Maybe you all would enjoy them as well. Huh?

You can download this file archive HERE. 61MB

Video Set C

This is a pretty good collection. The second video shows some KTV girls getting paid for their time at the club, and it’s a pretty interesting set up, eh? And there are some really cute girls thrown in the mix as well.

You can download this file archive HERE. 62MB.

Video Set D

This is a nice set. I sort of “polluted it” by throwing in two American Tictok videos into the mix. Can you figure out which ones? Take your time. It’s tricky as one girl is an Asian-American.

You can download this file archive HERE. 59MB.

Video Set E

There’s a video of an American and one of a Mexican lady in this mix. Can you tell who is who and which ones are not Chinese? It’s a fun game. I have personal favorites here, and I think that you all might appreciate them.

You can download this file archive HERE.  63MB.

Do you want more?

You can find many more videos in my “Learning about China by looking at pretty girls index” over here…

Pretty Girls


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Noticed that nobody comments on your Pretty Girls collections.

Could it be:
[1] due to political correctness
[2] Asian girls aren’t to their liking
[3] most are here for the other topics

but I bet my bottom dollar that your KTV posts is in the top #10 visited.


JustAnotherAsian, most visitors are probably too busy enjoying the pics to comment… 😀

Ohio Guy

There are some beautiful women shown in these posts. I certainly would not mind transitioning to China in my next consciousness. Cheers, brother.


Thank you for posting the sets of girls.
I’ve looked at set A. Those girls are incredibly fabulous.
What’s surprising though that most of these girls have huge boobs and that is something I wouldn’t expect with little tiny Chinese girls.
Anyway, I will proceed to look around further.
There is soooo much more to read on this website.
Thanks for the good work. Keep it up.
Best regards.


Hi fellow MM readers. I kind of like the girls here but just from my name you realize that I love more shape than cuteness. I don’t know why but guess that’s what am used to. Either way not bad. Still going through this worldlines as I continue to fight the everlasting battle for survival in Africa. I would like to suggest to anyone who wants to slide off their pre-birth worldline template to be cautious, its been crazy asf. Don’t do it unless you have to. Please .Again don’t do it unless you have to.
As a btw does this universe go on forever in regard to it being linear or is it kind of like a sphere?
Our lives(reality) I wonder….Will reality change with the next step of soul evolution. I hope so. Living in China seems great. Would the color of my skin be a bother to people there ?
Again I think Africa is really nice to live in but without all the corruption, embezzlement of public funds etc. One time someone lost 40 million dollars and was taken to questioning about the whereabouts of the funds but his/her answers I tell you(Nothing happened to this individual He/She still remains in office)Our leadership, completely STS. From case to case money lost here money lost there… funds unaccounted for. Just imagine it….It really breaks my heart….someone living large while others struggling to meet just their basic needs. Again I ask why. Why all this inequality. To go on further our debt to China is about 4B dollars(more or less). And they will borrow more and loose more through their pockets.
Again I ask Why. Why? I wish you guys would just see what goes on here. Two sides of the society spectrum. I could write about this all day. I see good people going through so much in their lives while the STS just lounge in their range rovers and classic SUV’s . Again I ask Why?