This article provides a series of general affirmation templates that are useful to help increase your extra-sensory-perception (ESP) abilities. There are many such ESP abilities.
I have found sources on the internet that describe hundreds of these abilities.
What we will do here is just comer some of the more critical or popular abilities that one might wish to learn or acquire.
In all cases, if you want to increase your psychic abilities you must accept the fact that this is a learned skill. No one is actually gifted with these skills. They have to practice and work on their studies to master them. However, by adding specific affirmations to a affirmation prayer campaign, one is able to really speed up the process that one would use to obtain these abilities.
I urge those who wish to learn of these abilities to select one and only one ability, and then work on it to the exclusion of any other ESP ability. Go step by step, and take slow methodical actions toward your end objectives. You can always add other ESP abilities later on. To accomplish this goal you will need to add statements 1 and 2 to your present (or future) affirmation campaign, and then add the specific ESP target statements as described below.
Basic Statement 1
No matter what ESP skill set you wish to acquire, you should add the following base line statements to your prayer campaigns. These statements are a fundamental necessity regarding the learning and acquisition process.
- I am improving, learning, and expanding upon my ability to perform XXXXXX .
Where XXXXXX is the name of the ESP skill that you are trying to acquire.
Basic Statement 2
This second statement specifies the techniques that you wish to use to acquire this skill. And you can include all the techniques, or just utilize one technique cautiously.
- The methodology that is used to improve my XXXXXX ablity is via YYYYYY.
Where YYYYYY can be any of the following items, either collectively (and listed as such) or a single specific technique.
1. Visual Learning
Visual learners prefer to see things drawn out or in graphs to understand concepts. If you like to doodle, draw, or create mind maps, it’s likely that you’re a visual learner. Visual learners use images and symbols to connect concepts and be able to see relationships between ideas. It’s common for people who become architects, designers, engineers, and project managers to prefer this style of learning. By specifying “visual learning” of your preferred ESP skill, you are asking for videos, movies, pictures, drawings, and other forms of written, or media representation to teach you and instruct you. In so doing, you will be directed towards books, movies, or art that will help you obtain the education that you are looking for.
2. Auditory Learning
This style is also known as aural or auditory-musical. Such learners like to listen and hear information in order to process it optimally. Those who lean towards aural learning are able to notice the nuances between pitch and tone. Some professions that bode well for auditory learners include: musicians, speech pathologists, sound engineers, and language teachers. By specifying “Auditory Learning” of your preferred ESP skill, you are asking or requesting to be directed to speeches, classes, audio tapes, or teachers who will speak to you and that would help you obtain the education that you are looking for.
3. Verbal Learning
If you love words and writing, you’re likely a verbal learner. Linguistic learners enjoy reading and writing and enjoy word play. Some techniques that verbal learners employ to soak up information could include role playing and using mnemonic devices. Verbal learners are likely to become writers or journalists or work in politics and administration roles. If you specify this type of learning, you will be directed to books, teachers, situations, and mentors.
4. Physical Learning
Kinesthetic or physical learners are hands-on. Rather than watching a demo or listening to directions, physical learners like to perform the task. Some careers that are well-suited for kinesthetic learners include: EMTs, physical education, or working in the entertainment industry as singers or actors. If you specify this kind of learning route, then you will be provided with situations that will actually teach you the skills. This will be physical, as well as non-physical where you would learn from your dream adventures.
5. Logical Learning
Logical learners have a mathematical brain. They can recognize patterns easily and connect concepts. To understand ideas, they prefer to group them into categories. Logical learners are most often found in math-related professions, like accounting, bookkeeping, computer science, or research. If you specify this kind of learning methodology, you will find yourself in situations where you would have to solve, which would then develop your targeted ESP skill.
6. Social Learning
Social learners are known as interpersonal learners. They can communicate well both verbally and non-verbally. Social learners have a distinctive sensitivity and an empathetic nature. This is why they often work in social fields that help others, like counseling, coaching, or teaching. Social learners tend to also thrive in a sales environment because it relies on interpersonal connections. If you specify this type of learning, then you would find yourself in situations where you interact with others, and through that interaction, you would obtain knowledge, and training related to your ESP skill set.
7. Solitary Learning
Intrapersonal learners like their solitude. When you think of this type of learner, you can imagine an author or researcher who spends a lot of time with their own thoughts and works best with the least distractions. If this is your preferred method of learning then you would rely very much on your “gut instincts”, and interpretation of the situations that you find yourself in. As a result, you would, over time, learn the necessary ESP skill set that you are searching for.
Replacements for Basic Statement 2
I have found that it might be more acceptable for you not to predefine the learning mechanism that you would learn to use the skill. But rather, that you would simply specify that the best, and most easy method to learn be provided to you.
- The methodology that is used to improve my XXXXXX ablity is via the most effective available to me, and that I utilize it to it’s fullest potential.
The different types of ESP skills
The following are various ESP skills. You select the singular skill that you want to learn or improve and then incorporate the affirmations associated with that skill in your affirmation campaign.
Astral Projection
Astral projection is the ability to will your conscious out of your body. This type of psychic experience is similar to an out of body experience (OBE), except astral projection is voluntary, while OBE is typically involuntary. Astral projection is achieved through meditation and allows your astral body (also called a “soul”) to travel places your physical body cannot; for example, through walls and doors.
Automatic Writing
Automatic writing is a psychic ability that requires one to channel spirits in order to write messages from the beyond. This type of psychic power does not involve the conscious mind, but rather requires the individual to be in a trance-like state, with their hands moving unconsciously across a page to convey supernatural messages. The key is to be able to “turn off” the “noise” from your brain.
Clairaudience is the ability to hear beyond the normal human perception. This could mean anything from hearing voices, noises, and music from the supernatural world, or being able to hear messages from inanimate objects like minerals, crystals, and special artifacts.
Also called ‘clear knowing’, claircognizance is a psychic power in which a person is able to know things without any previous knowledge on the subject. It is conventionally believed that this knowledge is bestowed upon the psychic by a spirit guide or by their higher self. I consider it an access point to their (suppressed) memories.

Clairgustance is the supernatural ability to taste a substance without making contact. It tends to happen and occur when you have a strong association or relationship with a person eating or around such an item.
Clairsentience is the psychic ability to sense or feel something supernatural. Psychics with this ability are able to acquire knowledge through feeling spirits and energies in the enteral world. According to Psychic Library, clairsentience is the ability to sense the past, present, or future emotional and physical state of a person. For example, psychics with clairsentience could meet a person and instantly know their name, birthday, emotional state, and other important details about their life. This often works based on the energies that surround a person, but it can also a result of channeling someone’s emotion after physically touching them.

One of the most known forms of psychic power, clairvoyance is the ability to see things beyond the physical sphere, like auras, spirits, and visions, and it also includes being able to see into the past and future. Unlike other psychics, clairvoyants have the unique ability to see spirits or ghosts and communicate with them. They can also tell someone’s fortune by looking into the future.

The noble art of divination is the practice of gathering evidence from the spiritual world to interpret the physical world. There are many different ways to practice divination in order to predict the future, reveal things from the past, or better understand the present. For example, some of the most common types of divination practices involve tarot cards, tea leaves, crystal balls, Ouija boards, pendulums, dowsing, scrying, bibliomancy, and the use of many other tools to translate messages from the ethereal world. Those who practice divinations believe that the ethereal world and the physical world are closely linked, and that the tokens or objects they are using to create a prophecy have either been marked by a supernatural energy as a type of clue, or are a type of medium communication tools between the two spheres.
Also referred to as ‘channeling’, mediumship is the ability to communicate directly with spirits. Psychics with this ability essentially act as a “medium” to relay messages from the spiritual world. There are different types of mediumship, but the most commonly known, perhaps, involves a spirit taking over the medium’s body and using their voice to communicate. Other mediums, however, can only speak to and hear messages from spirits, and then pass along the message themselves.
One of the MM followers is a “Precog”. Who would figure? Precognition is the ability to predict the future and future events. Psychics may experience precognition in different ways, but the most common, perhaps, is through detailed dreams. Others may experience precognition as a by-product of other psychic powers, like clairvoyance or ESP (extrasensory perception).

Psychic Channeling
Psychic channeling is another word for mediumship. This type of ability involves channeling spirits from the ethereal world, in order to communicate with the dead, ask questions about the future, or better understand the present. While channeling a spirit, the spirit can in some cases take over the psychic’s physical body, similar to a possession. However, in other cases, the psychic can only pick up on the emotion of a spirit and use other clues to try to piece together a message. Some even suggest that when you use a Ouija board you are performing a low level of channeling to move your hands across the board and create a message.
Psychic Empathy
In general, psychic empathy is the ability to feel or sense another person’s emotions. This skill is something that most people have in varying degrees, but psychic empathy gives you the power to sense another’s emotions without any physical cues. Often psychic empathy works by detecting the energy of one’s aura or energy field. This is something that all business managers and leaders learn to do over time. It comes with the territory if you grow to your position through effort and hard work.
Psychometry is a type of psychic power where an individual can experience visions or emotions related to a place or object just by touching it. Also called token-object reading, the psychic will usually hold an object in their hands, such as a photograph or piece of clothing, in order to summon information about the object. In addition, this types of power is sometimes used to communicate with animals, by detecting certain images or emotions.
Remote Viewing
Remote viewing is the ability to receive visions or impressions related to a distant object or place. This practice is a type of extrasensory perception (ESP). I can tell you that I have done this and over time, I have become pretty good at it. But I have allowed this skill to fall into disuse by the stresses of life and family.
Also referred to as post-cognition, retrocognition is the ability to see into the past. This is the opposite of precognition, which is the ability to see into the future. Retrocognition can occur in many ways, but most commonly it occurs while the psychic is dreaming.
Scrying is a type of psychic power that is related in many ways to divinations. Scrying is a technique in which a psychic looks into an appropriate medium to receive a message or vision. In popular culture, the most popular type of scrying is crystal gazing, often depicting mediums gazing into a crystal ball in order to read the future. However, scrying doesn’t always have to deal with a crystal or glass object.
One of the most fictionalized forms of psychic power, telekinesis is the ability to move objects in the physical world with your mind. Think “the force” from Star Wars or some of the superheroes from X-Men. This type of psychic power is extremely rare.

Have you ever wanted to plant a thought is someone’s mind? Well, that’s exactly what can happen with telepathy. Telepathy is a type of psychic power that allows mind-to-mind communication. There are varying degrees of telepathy, but in powerful cases, the psychic can communicate clear and complete thoughts in just a blink of an eye. In addition, telepathy isn’t only limited to human to human interactions. Animal telepathy is also a popular sect of psychic practice. I can tell you that I have done this on multiple occasions. That I believe that it is a common human skill, but it needs to be trained to work properly.
There is nothing strange or unusual about having ESP abilities. It is simply a way to utilize your non-physical body to solve physical problems. It’s a true shame that we were not taught how to do this at an early age, and as a result, many people live stunted, frail, and shadow existences wholly manipulated by others and suffer the folly pitfalls of greed, lust and vice. Follow the guidelines above, and learn to enhance and use the skill sets that you have long neglected throughout your life. I believe in you.

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Even the holidays ended here have helped me a lot to regain confidence in who I am, for my part just a contempt man is refusing the unacceptable injustice, I choose to remain blind and deaf I love you, on the other hand we have it already done so I respect you and what surrounds you.
Awesome post, thank you. While I ended my first campaign on Oct 20, I’m thinking about starting the new one on January 1, both for ease of remembering and because of all the crap I’m dealing with right now. Lol and as an overview it appears from my Bazi that I can expect more inauspicious times ahead, for about the next 20 years. Ergh.
But I’m happy with the current strengthening of my psychic abilities, which I actually initiated with my first campaign.
Be safe and well, everyone.
The Fate Forecasting is a valuable tool. It tells you which month to be careful with and how. You might be fated to have a medical issues (for instance), but if it’s just a chipped tooth, then it is manageable. Far more than say a blood clot. Fate is fixed, but it’s just playing the numbers. Everything all balances out. My life tanked from 2001 through 2011, but was actually pretty good the following ten years 2011 through 2021.
Start on Jan 1. Have a strong robust campaign. I would suggest following my personal template. 3 months on. 4 months off. Byt the end of July you should be ready for your next campaign following.
As an addition to automatic writing can it translate to a keyboard on a computer? Say open up notepad and then just let your hands type whilst you keep your mental thoughts out of the way, would this be possible?
Of course. Anything is possible. You just need to focus on your clarity and centering your consciousness to manifest your latent ESP abilities.