Alien Interview by Lawrence Spencer

A type 1 grey extraterrestrial was acquired from the vehicle wreckage in Roswell, New Mexico. One Army nurse was able to interview it. When the nurse was in her 80’s she moved to England and got ready to die, and left behind this document that describes her encounter with this creature, and all of her interrogations with it.

I was exposed to this document on the fourth of July, 2021, and when I read the book I was astounded how much matched MAJestic knowledge and understanding, and how much matched what I was exposed to through entanglement. I would say that it’s a solid 98% match.

For me, personally, it reaffirms (from a secondary source) the validity of my experiences, purpose and writings today.

Some notes

Sometimes, when the nurse refers to "the universe", I think she actually means "our galaxy". When you look at the writings, in this light, many things come into focus.

Other times, when she refers to "the universe", she is referring to the entire "universe" as we know it to be.

Dating is confusing. Enormous dates like "trillions of years" is again meaningless as we humans are not using the same "yard stick" for comparative measurement.

The "old empire" is a service-for-self species that farms the sentience on Earth. The way it is presented is more accurate than anything that I have said.

Both MM and this document, when combined together, establishes a solid framework towards understanding our place in this universe and YOUR ultimate role in it. I am presenting it here in PDF form.

I hope that you enjoy it as much as I have. And answers the questions that I have been unable to answer for you.

Do you want more?

You can find many more videos in my “Extraterrestrial Species index” over here…

ET Species


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This book is OUTSTANDING and I thank you and the poster on the forum for bringing it up. I spent the night reading it and am amazed at how it and what MM has been trying to get across match up.
For me, and I am saying this to any new MM person who isn’t really that familiar with the different alien species and questions like that – this helps).

Again, many thanks!


Great, thanks again, Mr Man. I have been deep diving Spencer’s background, and it turns out he was a member of Scientology for many, many years. Since left that organisation. Allegedly a member. This could well be a slur– Scientologists tend to be slurred with an intensity that to me was always suggestive of the fact that maybe– maybe– they are on to something. Hubbard, in particular, was seriously connected in intelligence circles during and after the war. He was an intimate of Crowley and Parsons, too. Other divisive characters. But say what you want about them otherwise, they were no dabblers in occulted knowledge. Those guys knew stuff that most Normies absolutely do not.
I guess the interviewer could also have been a member of Scientology, and they may have tweaked some fundamental material from Roswell into a Scientology screed. But having said that, I know a lot about Scientology, and what their ‘theology’ about the universe states has some parallels, but is also fundamentally different in many respects. The biggest similarity being Earth as a ‘prison planet’, where naughty souls are sent for not playing intergalactic ball.
Anyway, looking forward to your take on things– hope this hasn’t added to you already not insignificant workload! But at least it makes a change from the COVID shpiel we’ve all been subjected to. Or does it? The Old Empire looking to finish us all off, after all? While The Domain look the other way!


Oddly, I was thinking the Scientology thing too. My issue is my lack of knowledge of it other than TV and pamphlets.

But maybe he was on to something and the demons or whatever he called them are quanta.

I’m still digesting this book. It rings SO true from beginning to end on so many different levels. Look at the political situation of the West and specifically the USA. Dead, DEAD on.


I look forward to discussing your discussions.
Yes there are inaccuracies in Alien Interview.
If it is ‘made up’ or written after the fact rather than as diary entries, the Source is still pretty accurate as to the picture of this creation we call the Universe.
My Sources (a couple guys who could remember their every Incarnation throughout the whole universe(s)) and I discussed this Roswell incident at length in 1996 to 2003 and then the Alien Interview pdf came out.


I must say dear sir, on most levels I have never cared a wit about
ETs. I certainly does not, strike fear in my heart, or make me anxious.

The non-stop obfuscation/lies by .gov is so obnoxious that space and
other inhabitants/aliens has been wearying. One more thing I do not
take seriously.

Yet, it would be wonderful to learn from another culture. What I do
fear is .gov would easily exploit and manipulate rather than
cooperate for good. I should read the PDF/learn something maybe.

July 4th today. Sunday. I don’t care. I am not going into crowds for
any rah-rah. What I do fear just now, is the possibility of transfection,
or transmission/shedding of mRNA from a poked person.

BTW, a lab in Wuhan was used by Americans and Canadians to
conduct “gain of function” work on the Sars virus. Is that even
true? Regardless, if Wuhan was funded by others, the others become
responsible for their role. The spike protein in the poke may have
been the goal all along.



“ What I do fear just now, is the possibility of transfection,
or transmission/shedding of mRNA from a poked person.”

Same here.

Old Wine

I’m just upset the book on the PDF file wasn’t longer! I finished it in one afternoon! I can’t wait to read your follow up post in breaking this document down!

Jeffrey E Terwilliger

Hypothetical…Human population is on a hyperbolic increase, as the usual widely referenced graphs show. Is it biology, coupled with technology to expand the planet’s carrying capacity, as is the standard explanation? Or, is it “dumping” of IS BEs into this prison, and rapidly increasing from nefarious civilizations due to the “Old Empire”‘s loss of control and regulation?
And now: If the purported depopulation agenda is for real, where do the prisoners go? And if it is, is the intent something akin to releasing IS BE’s from Earthly bondage?


There are MORE (dis-incarnate) dead souls than alive ones on Earth today. Probably 10 times as many.
What Alien Interview fails to address is, who created these SOULS as that is an Intirely different subject to who created the Homo Sapien bodies. My “properties” says I down loaded and read this pdf Alien Interview in 2008.
Never forget that it was Rosawell Crash debri that Texas Instruments reversed engineered the TRANSISTOR from.
Pity man doesnt understand the Lattice Matrix (Field Pattern) of the Atomic Structure. They tried to reverse engineer a quartz crystal when in fact the Atlantean Fire Crystal is nothing like its quartz look alike. In FACT, its an Alien Life Form in a Crystal format. Its a Hybred life form of Half Animal and Half Mineral. Being ‘organic’ it can read your mind. Being DOUBLE Lattice in its matrix Field Pattern gives it OVER UNITY in Energy manifestations that are Mind Controlled by the Wizard who knows how to Program such a crystal with His (or Hers) Mind.
Apparently they took other bits from the crash site and and used them in “time travel”. re Montauk. The Roswell Craft was STOLEN and when they arrived on Earth Time 1947, and switched to Planetary Drive, they lost control. You see, the Roswell craft was a Dr Who Tardis. Dial in time and place in the Universe and press GO. Its done by the Co-ordinates of the Aether Matrix. The Cubical Quad Nature of the Aether Energy Grid gives x, y and z co-ords for every point in the Universe and its these numbers, like a Universal GPS System that are used to traverse the universe.


interesting insight. just to clarify (and this is a mouthful – i do apologise) it was Bell labs, not TI, that developed the Bi Polar Junction transistor at the direction of William Schockley in the final months of 1947 (he invented the Shockley Diode). Schockley eventually left Bell and started his own company to further the BJT, but after running into financial trouble it was bought out by Sherman Fairchild (who had a company contracted to the DoD called Fairchild Aircraft) and renamed Fairchild Industries. In 1963, Fairchild Industries brought out the Integrated Circuit and were the first company to globally supply it. Carol Rosin was the first female CEO of Fairchild Industries and ended up becoming close with Wernner Von Braun – one of the Nazi rocket scientists that helped develop the V2 rocket and was picked up by the Americans under operation paperclip and sent to work for NASA, as well as also being one of the people In Colonel Corso’s brains trust when he was apparently trying to incorporate all the tech from the Roswell Crash into already established R&D programs. Carol Rosin claims Werner Von Braun had some very interesting shit to say when it came to the Nazi’s and extra terrestrials.
And while we are on the subject of Corso’s brains trust, another man he was in regular contact with was Jon Von Neumann who – along with Alan Turing – was developing digital computer algorithms based on Rene Descarte’s philosophies in consciousness not long after the Roswell incident. Von Neumann was one of the people who worked on the Manhattan project and is alleged to have taken over the role of Nikola Tesla when he decided not to continue on with the Philadelphia project, allegedly because aliens telepathically told him it was a very bad idea (there is a declassified FBI report on their website that suggests Tesla was from Venus if you want some interesting not so light reading)
….Then there is the story of Erin Valenti…a very straight edged 30 something year old CEO of a company who were in the stages of developing a brain implant chip who flew out to silicone valley to meet a business associate, ended up calling her parents and saying “it’s all a consciousness experiment, we are in the matrix!” before hanging up and being found dead in her car a few days later of “no known causes”.
And who else do we know is messing around with brain implant chips? Elon Musk, himself heavily connected with silicone valley and himself a promoter of simulation theory based off Nick Bostrom’s paper on the subject; pretty interesting considering he’ll be sending man to Mars in a few short years.


Yes Ive read the FBI declas on Tesla. Tesla was “down loaded” in real time. These ‘souls’ are thin on the ground on Earth. Every Sun in the Universe is already “owned”. So there are no ‘freely available’ planets for colonization.

I even witnessed a UFO “Seeding” a human body and meeting the lady 20 years and 9 months later. She was pretty freaky too. Her mother made my ex’s wedding dress. They lived only 5 miles away. I was lead there by a UFO one night during High School as I was driving home. This HUGE light came across the valley and headed straight for me and flew in front of my car at a distance of maybe 20 meters for 10 miles. It lead me slightly off course and hovered above the house where the seamstress lived on a farm. I watched it for 5 minutes or so. Made the mistake of going to school the next day and telling everyone.

So skip forward 20 years, and The Seamstress was remarried and her hubby was building fences on my farm and we learned about her unusual daughter. So we invited her and some close friends to Reading Sessions in the top floor of my pyramid house.

We have some Spirits in the House you would call Guardian Angles and while I was with Caroline in the top room, they both came in and she conversed with them and described them as others see them like my ex at the time who could see them and my son too (I dont have the clairvoyance yet) Caroline was the daughter. She had only one message to give me that day and this was in 1995, She related how in the future they will put ‘stuff’ in our food and specifically mentioned Coke, they will form Crystals in the body that will be used to control us and to begin avoiding such food. And how to recognize these forming crystals. And now its coming to pass. She hunted down ‘shamans’ in Bali and else where and could communicate with them telepathically.

My email address of joecell at bigpond dot com is about another person I have had a long relationship with. Joe, is another person who is “downloaded” in real time with any truth you care to get an answer for. In order to keep these ‘downloads’ just fanciful inventions, from Mr Man in the Street, one only needs to control the Science Theories to stop their distribution.

Many of Teslas inventions can only be understood with Magnetic Field science. Same as Joe’s inventions.

But the Crystal of Roswell is NOT Quartz or SiO2. its a Herkimer Diamond and you can find them in NY. You can cut one as a lens and place it in front of a 5 mw Laser and cut trees down at 100 yards (we burnt holes through the rafters with 5 mw). I could patent it but no one could replicate it without knowing what and how the crystal technology operates. Same goes for all of Joe’s inventions.

I tried to make the Tesla Turbine that spins at 10000+ rpm and will pump live fish. Conventional physics says this cant work. But it does. Understanding Tesla and Crystal tech requires a whole new Theory on Energy and Einstein played a huge part in the coverup. I thought Bell Labs owned or rented the R & D Lab of Texas Instruments that did the reverse engineering. But its been a couple decades since I researched that info. Thanks for the historical timeline.


Thanks so much for this MM! I’ve been reading the linked .pdf and it’s amazing. Also sent it to my friend, and I mentioned the Mission Earth series by LRH (which I recently reread while visiting Tucson, AZ), A.A. Anattasio’s work (reread Radix this last winter), and Doris Lessing’s sci fi series (Canopus in Argos), which I have read, too many times. But those authors works really remind me of this and I wonder if some of them had access to some of this information. Sounds like from my friend that LRH had links, or people have written that he did. This is all really new to me, but I’m looking forward to learning as much as I can. My friend has been a follower of Joseph P. Farrell for a long time now, so he appreciates the MM links I send him. Some of what Airl transmitted, match some of my own channellings on pre-physical universes, that I have written about, which I am planning on creating a blog for. I’m on page 86 of the interview, and have been reading on and off all day, between family and social obligations. Thanks!!


That picture of the KGB footage alien above. It was one of two images in the whole internet that struck me as legit. The way the eyes blink is just spooky. It has four fingers and a mouth tho. So I presume it was not a three fingered “robot” made for space flight?

The other pic that struck me as legit was the one held up by Boyd Bushman just before his death.
Last edited 3 years ago by keff
Daegon Magus

glad to see you read the book mate. Your 98% confirmation is 100% confirmation for me that I was involved in some really bizarre shit, simply from being one who liked to experiment with consciousness through lucid dreaming and astral projection inspired by philosopher’s such as Rene Descartes. I have almost completed a 140k word biography which details everything that was “revealed to me” (and my wife) including my understanding of what consciousness is after remembering my own reincarnation and my studies into non physical entities contacting people en masse via lucid dreaming and astral projection practices. I am more than happy to send you a free copy if you are interested, given that so far you are one of the very very few who have been able to put my experiences into words in a similar way to I have been trying to do for the last 9 years
The soul electrocution Airl talks about is something i was “made to remember” by my celestial handlers, as was the amnesia operation as a whole; immediately after the electrocution I underwent the reincarnation process whereby my consciousness was compressed from an awareness millions of lightyears in diameter to that of a amniotic sack; i remember it attaching to the fetus of my present incarnation – i was only able to bring this memory back “here” due to being able to connect with my higher self.
When i read this book it was unbelievable how much of Airl’s statement matched my experiences exactly as i experienced them – honestly if i hadn’t experienced it all myself, i would have called it total BS. I have actually considered doing a similar breakdown with regards to clarification parts of Airl’s story that I have first hand knowledge of. Again, thanks for clarifying this wierd world i have come to know as being more normal than what society considers as being normal.


I have avoided reading “fiction” my whole life. Preferring to read what others presented as their ‘truth’ regaredless of how bizarre. Would like to read your ‘truths’. joecell at bigpond dot com


Great book. It was a quick and exciting read. Thanks for posting.


OH MY GOD. Everything I’ve always felt has just been verified. This place is a giant sack of lies!!! Lol, I effing knew it! Haha

I knew, I knew I was in a prison. That’s how I’ve felt my whole life. My friends would say things like, “Are you coming to the Global warming/BLM/refugee/Same sex marriage protest”. And I would look at them in disgust and say, “Hell no, why?!”

They would look at me disapprovingly and then I would wonder, in shame, why am I so hateful? Why don’t I care about all of these things. What is wrong with me. Shame has been a driving component of this life for me.

And now I realise… I AM NOT HATEFUL, I JUST HATE LIES. Hahaha

Bloody hell, what a ride. I am going to spend the rest of my days being the best person I can possibly be, being as kind and generous as I can be in an effort to help wake these fuckers up.

Thanks MM.


OH MY GOD. Everything I’ve always felt has just been verified. This place is a giant sack of lies!!! Lol, I knew it! Haha

I knew, I knew I was in a prison. That’s how I’ve felt my whole life. My friends would say things like, “Are you coming to the Global warming/BLM/refugee/Same sex marriage protest”. And I would look at them in disgust and say, “Hell no, why?!”

They would look at me disapprovingly and then I would wonder, in shame, why am I so hateful? Why don’t I care about all of these things. What is wrong with me. Shame has been a driving component of this life for me.

And now I realise… I AM NOT HATEFUL, I JUST HATE LIES. Hahaha

Bloody hell, what a ride. I am going to spend the rest of my days being the best person I can possibly be, being as kind and generous as I can be in an effort to help wake these people up.