Hum. Do you think the title is too soft? Maybe I should tell everyone what I REALLY think, huh?
Yeah, today, one of my comments on LinkedIN was banned and erased because it was identified as “Disinformation”. I guess that I am now a “source of disinformation”. I’m bad news, you all.
I said that China was beautiful and that the skies are pretty much blue all the time, and that the pollution problem is pretty much going away.
I guess that this first-hand OPINION of mine is classified as “disinformation” and thus I lose my First Amendment Rights because the Tech Oligarchy says that Rights no longer apply to citizens using their platform.
Well, I can see and understand moderation of comments. I do it, don’t you know. No insults. No stuff about the Jews-Jews-Jews. No stuff about how great and exceptional the USA is. No stuff about how everything is going to change when Candidate XXXXX replaces President YYYYY in the United States.
But that’s just me.
But don’t call an opinion something else. Say what it is.
It is a comment that disagrees with the opinions of the owner of the website. Period. That’s all. Speak your mind. Look people in the eye (or in the cam) and speak your peace.
Hey! Does anyone still believe that America is free?
Banning speech is NOT FREEDOM. It’s something else. So why should the United States exist at all, if it does not represent what it says it represents? Why not call it as it actually is; A military dictatorship disguised as an oligarchy that operates a miltiary empire and is served by serf / slaves controlled by electronic means and fear.
This is all so silly. It makes me yearn for a simpler time….

Well, maybe not THAT simple.
Maybe simpler like this…

Oh Baby!
Yeah. The age of big rail, and comfort. I love those ashtrays in the observation car. I can easily see myself drinking a cocktail, maybe a whiskey sour, and reading a newspaper. Perhaps checking out the prices on Stetson hats.
A cute dame besides me. Smelling like spring flowers, and wearing an lovely hat. Maybe a perfumed hankerchief with her phone number in red lipstick…
An Easier time…

A time when geeks were just regular (if shunned) people, not psychopathic megalomaniacs.
A Nicer time…
…when women had a greater variety of color choices to select from. When women wore bigger earrings. When women would put their hair up when they went out, but put their hair down when they were behind closed doors…

I like that everyone is holding a cocktail. I’ll bet the men-folk became used car salesmen, eh?
A Pleasanter time. A time when things were peaceful and easy going. Like Petticoat Junction, the Walton’s, or Mayberry RFD…

Oh, by the way, it’s easy to see why I had such a crush on the girls, don’t you know. Thin and trim. Lovely. Sweet, and kind. Nice eyes and great lips.
They were so fine…

One was a red head. One was a blonde, and the other was a brunette. They really covered all the bases in that family. I wonder the true story of their fathers. As I recall, it was never brought up.
It was a Cheaper time…

More comfortable.
I get a distinctive Peter Frampton vibe from this picture…

A Happier time. No one is going to tell you what you can do, or say, or think. No one is going to get into your face for smoking a pipe, or having a beer…

It was our generation that made all the big and nasty weapons that the lunitic government leadership so proudly threatens the rest of the world with. We all should have jsut stayed one, gone fishing and smoked weed in joints.
And Safer… too.

Yes, I do miss all that. And sometimes, I feel that I was born just a half a decade too late. It’s an odd feeling…
This car’s a beaut, eh? Too bad I haven’t a clue as to what it is. (I do love the awnings over the windows in the house in the background.)

Well, let’s jump back to reality.
The world seems to be going down the drain. It’s not. It just seems to be because all the United States is collapsing at all levels. Have you seen the boarded up downtowns in the cities, the mob riots in the malls and shopping areas, the police shoot-outs and gun downs, and of course the train swarms where gangs of pack urban society strip a train completely bare?
The USA is falling to pieces.
Because it is run by idiots.
The West’s ruling “elites” truly *are* stupid!
First, check this out:

I would just add that to think that the Russian winter can prevent the Russian military from fighting is simply breathtakingly stupid. However, since The Telegraph can post such nonsense, this goes to show that the general public in the West has also been stupidified beyond rescue and can be fed any bullcrap without batting an eye.
While the leaders of the (already dead) Empire are consulting meteorologists (or even astrologists?), they are completely missing the basic reality of modern warfare. These seem to be especially unaware of three basic facts:
- Modern warfare is primarily conducted with long range, standoff, weapons and this makes maneuver by fire far more important than maneuver by forces.
- Modern warfare places a huge importance on integrated air defenses working together under automated battle management systems. Modern air defense missiles can shoot down targets several hundred of kilometers away. No western air defense system can stop hypersonic weapons.
- Modern warfare is primarily non-linear, that is to say that it is more like soccer than like US football: each player (say a battalion tactical group) “follows/opposes” another player rather than trying to hold a line and defend territory.
Those who think that Putin is preparing a WWII style attack simply don’t understand modern warfare at all.
I want to conclude with two small notes:
Strategic vs operational/tactical mobility
The US can very quickly deploy a military force pretty much anywhere on the planet were modern air defenses are absent. This means that in terms of strategic mobility, the USA remains the leader in the deployment of a light force very far away from home.
Russian mobile forces are much much heavier than their US counterparts. A Russian Airborne Division is fully mechanized, and comes with its own artillery, armor, EW, etc.. This weight makes it impossible for the Russian to use, say, IL-76s or An-124s to deploy such an Airborne Division (or brigade or even battalion) somewhere in faraway African or Latin America. However, by this sacrifice of strategy mobility Russia achieves a operational/tactical mobility which US/NATO countries can only dream of. Simply put, Russia does not have the means to deploy a full infantry battalion somewhere in distant Paraguay, but she does have the means to transport a major Airborne Force (up to several divisions) anywhere inside Russia (this especially applies to forces designated as the “reserve of the commander in chief”) or, very roughly, within about 1000km from the Russian border. Once landed, that force will not only have a firepower mobile western forces can’t even begin to hope to acquire one day, they can also quickly relocate being, as I mentioned, totally mechanized (the move of the Rusbat from Bosnia to Pristina is a good illustration of this type of capability).
All of the above is to show how utterly stupid all the discussions about Russian forces being 100, 200 or even 400km away from the Ukie border. If needed, Russia could easily move a very large force (again, fully mechanized) to the Ukie border or even into the Nazi-controlled Ukraine. I do NOT believe that they have such plans (as Russia has much better options) but Russia definitely has the possibility to very quickly augment the 100k soldiers allegedly currently within 400km of the Ukie border.
Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, etc.
I hear a lot of speculations about Russian missiles (or forces) being deployed “Cuban Missile Crisis” -style to either Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua or other friendly nations in Latin America. I would never say never (Putin loves to surprise), but in my opinion other than a reopening of the Russian intel basis in Lourdes, Russia will not actually deploy missiles in any of those countries. There are a couple of reasons for that:
- Russia has no need to move her missiles anywhere because she now has the means to strike at the entire continental United States with a wide array of long range standoff weapons.
- These countries are all unstable to some degree, and the issue of protecting advanced Russian weapons systems (or forces) from possible political turmoil is a headache nobody in Russia needs.
- Deploying weapon systems of forces in a sovereign country require close consultations and negotiations with the host country (including a so-called SOFA). Why go through these headaches we Russian can act unilaterally without consulting with anybody?
Finally, not only can Russia threaten the continental United States without involving any third country, Russia can threaten US interests were they are the most vulnerable: abroad (especially in CENTCOM and in Far East Asia and Pacific region). Personally, I very much hope to see some truly major Russian weapon systems deliveries to both Iran and China. That being said, assisting Latin American counties like Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Bolivia, Chile or any other country struggling for its sovereignty would be a very good idea. Cuba would especially benefit from modern Russian air defenses and EW capabilities.
For the time being, let’s hear more about “sanctions from hell” and even “personal sanctions against Putin” or how the Russian tanks cannot deal with snow (or mud) in the exact same location where the USSR defeated the united Europe under Hitler in WWII or, before that, the united Europe under Napoleon.
Frankly, it appears to me that the 3B+PU crazies have totally taken over the Empire, and history shows how well that ends every time these “geniuses” and “hyenas” get involved in international politics.
And, finally, I really hope that Russia manages to finally protect the LDNR from the Ukronazis but WITHOUT any direct military intervention in the Ukraine (I have no problems with deniable, indirect, efforts to assist the LDNR). Such a non-invasion would be the ultimate AngloZionist nightmare and I sure hope they get it!
Well, it’s being run by idiots. That’s not your problem though. Their idiocy is running through everything. But you can use a filter to control the flow of bullshit in your life.
Do so.
Aim and strive to re-manifest the joys of life that have been bleached away from you over the last few decades. Strive to get them back.
Start small. Add affirmations. Concentrate on the pleasant memories that matter to you.
Whether dancing at the beach…

Driving a “real” car again…

Having a family “sit down” dinner at the table, as a daily event… a very big THING. It’s very, very fundamental to having a good, happy and calm life.
According to Jill Castle, RD and founder of The Nourished Child, research about family meals concludes that they play an important role in children's growth, development and health. "Not only do kids who eat meals with their families eat healthier, they are more likely to get good grades, have higher self-esteem and lower rates of mental health concerns," she tells PEOPLE.
It can be challenging for any family to make time together as a unit, yet alone to do it on a consistent basis, but it’s these experiences that create a strong bond among family members, especially when children are involved.
"They are a huge help in modeling routines and behavior to our kids, for exposing them to a wide variety of food that we want them to eat, and for reconnecting after periods of being apart," Amy Palanjian, creator of and author of Busy Little Hands: Food Play! Activities for Preschoolers, explains to PEOPLE. "It's not always possible for everyone in a family to eat together due to schedules, and sometimes an adult may not be ready for a meal at the same time as a child and they may choose to have something like a glass of wine and a small snack while their child eats. "It's the focus, conversation, and sitting down together without distractions that really matter—and it's okay if that looks different from a 'family meal,' " Palanjian adds. Experts talk to us about the significance of these family meal experiences, for both parents and children, and how effective they can be no matter how 'traditional' they are or aren't. -People

Eating a meal with loved ones and freinds is the FIRST MOST IMPORTANT step in generating a safe, and calm environment for you and your loved ones. It is critical.
Oh, and by the way. Always remember…
You can have the last beer. You can have the last slice of pizza. You can’t have both.
Or having a fun picnic with friends and family. Drinking wine. Eating fresh bread and cheese. Enjoying the day and nature…

Maybe eating some vintage food made by your grandparents. Dig out that old recipe book.
Dig it out.
Dust it off.
Decompile your grandmothers script writing…
Here is a loaf of Italian bread with an Italian seasoned meat loaf concoction, baked in an oven in aluminum foil and covered in melted cheese.
No one makes thes things any longer. I guess it’s just too easy to go and eat at “Olive Garden” instead.

Vintage dinner recipe: Savory supper on a bread slice – Horseradish and tomato version
Look at these ingredients! OMG. Yum!
2/3 cup (small can) undiluted evaporated milk
1-1/2 pounds ground beef
1/2 cup cracker meal
1 egg
1/2 cup chopped onion
1 tablespoon prepared horseradish
1 teaspoon garlic salt
1 teaspoon Morton salt
3/4 teaspoon Ajinomoto (MSG)
1/8 teaspoon pepper
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
2 cups (8 ounces) grated process-type American cheese
3 7-inch loaves French bread
Heavy-duty aluminum foil
2 medium-sized tomatoes (each cut in 6 wedges)
12 strips of cheese for garnish
Combine first twelve ingredients. Cut bread loaves in half lengthwise. Spread meat mixture evenly over cut surface of each half. Wrap heavy-duty aluminum foil around crust side of bread, leaving top uncovered. Place on cookie sheet.
Bake in moderate oven (350 degrees) 25-30 minutes. Garnish with tomato wedges and strips of cheese. Bake 5 minutes longer. To serve, cut slices across or diagonally.
Serves 6 (Or two hungry American men.)
Or, you know… being a Rufus. Change your life for the better.
And one final word…
Be good. Be kind. And you all will be allright.

Do you want more?
You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.
New Beginnings 3.
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Somehow seems relevant.
Did a net search & found that the beautiful car is a 1953 Studebaker Commander Starlight. 232 cu (3.8 Litre) V8 0-60mph in 17.9 secs, rated 26.1 mpg (9 Litres/100km) at 30mph.
I must say, very decent fuel consumption for an old carburetor 3.8L V8.
You’re right. My guess was the later Studebaker Hawk, which used the same body.
Studebaker stopped making cars after the 1966 model year. The company had been in financial trouble for many years. But it built some great cars with the resources it had.
The last surviving remnant was Studebaker-Worthington Leasing in Jericho, New York, which changed its name after a sale in 2008.
And here I searched for an hour trying to find it with no success and not thinking to check comments. I should have known that some smart Asian probably found it in under 5 minutes. Sheesh!
I have had a theory for many month now that the elite (including MSM) are actually possessed by some negative entities. Drug use opens portals or avenues to infiltrate the mind and soul. Occult summoning rituals were used in Barcelona and London Olympics ceremonies.
The collective madness in Western society is not entirely organic. To paraphrase the Commander, “it has been artificially induced” but I haven’t a clue as to the purposes.
MM: have you considered that back in those “simpler times”, the people were simply ignorant to what was going on around them? Ignorance is Bliss.
You now know, of course, nearly all of history, as it is written, is a lie. Maybe back then the shenanigans of the overlords was not so overt, but the plans were obviously rolling for centuries. Hidden deeper and deeper; aided, or covered by millions of useful idiots on the government teat.
Yes, beautiful, friendly people; wonderful toys too… but dumb as fuck as to the way the world really works.
I would add a million +’s to this comment if I could. It was much easier to shape the narrative back then, and the overlords had more “discipline” when it comes to subtlety and understanding the importance of keeping up appearances. Not anymore, it seems.
Most people back then had no idea what was being done in their name in North Korea, Iran, Chile, Indonesia…I could go one but how long would this comment be? If we’re going to be honest here, a lot of the prosperity that the Western middle class experienced in the recent past were not obtained honestly by the system that provided it to them. Let’s not forget that the land itself was obtained by “morally ambiguous” means (major understatement).
That’s not entirely accurate. People knew what was going on in Korea once the shooting started and of course the only reason they got rid of the draft was the protests over Vietnam. Now, of course the narrative was not accurate then either but primarily concerning all the coups, sabotage, etc. going on in the “global south.” But since Vietnam, it’s all 100% newspeak BS in the Western media.
Great record.
I do agree with this article. I think about it often, the Leave it to Beaver, Mayberry time. And my dad had a 1953 Studebaker he referred to as a Lowboy coupe.
And I enjoy your insight on world politics and military
Thank you for that. MM
I think they’re just bored.
They already stole everything, and they’re bored.
And they need a distraction from the massive theft that has already happened, hence a war.
If we look at human history, empires grew then went down, never to become again what they used to be. I always wondered why is that? Human nature has very destructive traits. Some are inherited from our species instincts: greed and indifference in the animal kingdom are traits without which you cannot survive.
Humanity evolved to the point where it must learn how to control these instincts and switch towards a new type of thinking. Science helped us understand that we are one, that we have a common origin, and that your strongest desires can manifest. In the end, everything you do impacts the others.
USA, it seems to be so plagued with corruption that I do not see a way out of this. Voting in a rigged system will never fix the problem. The Elite got a stronghold on power. People are powerless.
China is moving forward. Despite all the breaks and sabotages relentlessly done over time, they managed to move forward and evolve.
They invested heavily in education, healthcare, technology. They realized that they have an important role in the history of humanity,and decided to lead by example.
Human race also is very resilient. Despite all the hardship encountered over time, we were able to thrive in art and science.
I guess on an evolutionary scale we are just getting started, and wonderful things are waiting for us and the future generations.
All we have to do is be happy and do not harm the others.
What is meant by “the united Europe under Hitler”?