Some videos from Russia. Mostly concentrating on Moscow and nearby communities

Here’s some videos of Russia. Please kindly pay attention.

Throughout America, we have been filled with these lies and false narratives about how terrible dark and horrible Russia is. Many of us still believe it because in this age of Tiktoc and you-tube, very few Russian and Chinese videos are permitted inside the United States. We all know how President Trump clamped down on the dissemination of videos out of China, and Russia follows the same model. Keep Americans ignorant; feed them lies and other things to cause them to be fearful, and then tax them.

Those in Washington DC make the world a dark and fearful place. Tell Americans that they are the best, and to be afraid of the rest of the world. It’s one big nasty lie.

Here’s some videos out of Russia. Most are centered in Western Russia which is rather nice. Don’t you know. there are twenty short micro videos. Most under two minutes, and if you click on the link they will open up on a new tab.


Today, Russia and China are very, very close. Putin referred to the relationship as symbiotic.

Characterized by or being a close, cooperative, or interdependent relationship

The relationship is strong, tight, and mutually beneficial to each party. They work together on all levels, and with the new global realignments, it would be wise to pay attention to Russia. Yes. Not just China, but Russia as well.

For the last 100 years, the United States has been the force behind the vast bulk of wars, famine, diseases, turmoil, terror, suppression and everything else bad that you find in the world today. From mindless corporate drones, to drug-induced street walking zombies, to massive prison complexes, the the Coronavirus pandemic, the United States has been behind it all…

For the world to move forward and embrace a new and better reality, this evil will need to be vanquished. Just like in the Tolken stories about the dragon Smaug, you need to destroy the monster before the people can live life freely.

I cannot see into the future, but it appears quite clear to me that the destruction of this evil is necessary to make the world a better and safer place. How it will happen is unknown, but it will have to happen. Sooner or later.

America is like this mentally ill alcoholic that is repeatedly raping the children in the neighborhood, setting fires to all the houses, and shitting on the sidewalks in front of your house. Sooner or later, he must go. There simply isn’t any other alternative.

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Ohio Guy I found this little piece while perusing this morning. Part two is forthcoming. I think it illustrates the anger, sadness and confusion manifesting here in the Untied States. MM, if you find the contents unacceptable, do not post, and my apologies. It is, after all, your blog.

Ohio Guy

Thanks for those wonderful vid clips, MM. By contrast, it makes the US look like the inner city ghetto armpit of the world.