An assortment of videos from Russia. It gives non-Russians an interesting perspective in this wide country.

When I was doing time, during my retirement, I met another spook. I was in a holding facility inside of Pennsylvania while my transfer papers were being “processed”. All in all it took around six months to process me and sent me to Arkansas. It’s a long story that I really don’t want to get into right now.

Anyways, I met him while I was in this facility. He was on my block and we were able to talk during chow, and during the one hour that we were allowed outside to exercise.

He was going through the same kind of “retirement” as I was. He too was being retired as a “sex offender”. Anyways, he was not part of MAJestic. But rather was attached to an agency in lose association with the United States Army.

Anyways, to make a long story short, he had a role in the transport of people and illegal materials back and forth between the United States and Russia. Oh yeah. What is illegal, and what is the purview of the United States government is a grey area that is often open to interpretation.

Now all that being said, I have met many, many fine folk from Russia and the former Soviet Union block states of Eastern Europe inside of Russia. Russia and China have decades of mutual collaboration and similar interests. The idea that somehow they hate each other is a narrative constructed by the “five-eyes-network” and their Washington Neocon masters. Typically Russians and Chinese get along together fine. They are both in Asia after all.

You know, it’s silly when you think about it.

It’s like saying that the United States and Canada are going to have a war, any day now, because of the long standing dispute over maple syrup and beaver pelt harvesting.

Anyways, he would tell me about the life that he had inside of Russia; living as it was, unofficially and without documentation He picked up the language and became a rather adept pugilist.

So with that as a lead in, and realizing that (aside from one or two visits that I cannot speak about)  I would like to display some videos from “Mother Russia” to give you all a taste and feel for the nation, the country and the people there.

Russia is the land of ice and snow.

And people think nothing of interacting in it. As we see here. What I like about this particular video is the calmness of the scene. I can well imagine myself in a small skiff paddling down a snowy stream in the dead of Winter as well.

The video can be downloaded directly HERE.

Russians, and other Nordic folk love to swim.

I don’t really get it, but apparently the clash of ultra cold water, and then followed up with a warm sauna is supposedly very relaxing. Or is it the other way around, I’m not sure. In any event, there are many videos of people doing this particular ritual.

You can download the video directly HERE.

Frolic in the field of Sunflowers

This is typical of the Ukraine, Poland or other Eastern European nations. I like the image and the relaxed calmness of the entire rural community. This is a nice calming video that I am sure will resonate in the one or two Russians that visit MM.

The video is HERE.

A family party

Sure the language is different and maybe they are eating sausages and potatoes instead of hamburgers and potato chips, but are they all that really different from Americans? I don’t think so. People are people and I love how the family gets together and has a good time. It reminds me of what it used to be back in the Untied States, pre-1990 at least.

The video is HERE.

After the United States has kicked the living shit out of all the weak guys…

…over the last fifty years. The rest of the world has put their collective foot down with a big “stomp” and said “Enough is enough!”. Seriously if the Biden Administration wants to get involved in a war with Asia the only thing remaining of the USA, once the dust settles, will be smoldering embers. You don’t fuck with the Russians.

The video is HERE.

Russians having fun.

Nothing like punching each other for the fun of it. Arm wrestling… Russian style. In Russia you are either strong or you ain’t worth “Jack-shit”.

The video is HERE.

More family celebrations.

Seriously this reminds me of what it used to be like. Maybe forty to fifty years ago in the Untied States. You know, long before all the psychopathic morns took control of the government, and made laws, and rules to “improve” things. Fucking Idiots.

The video is HERE.

Boxing Russian Style

Just another common Russian pastime. You get in the ring and throw some punches. Sort of how Colorado bars used to be way back in the 1960’s.

The video is HERE.

Russian people eat good.

Here’s some fine delicious steaks done up Russian style. What’s not to love? I personally think that it’s great. Don’t you?

The video is HERE.


Russians like the Chinese love to dance and they have these huge get togethers where everyone dances. Just like in China. It’s nothing like you would see in the United States though. Everyone stays inside and huddles in front of televisions or computer monitors.

The video is HERE.


Today, Russia and China are very, very close. Putin referred to the relationship as symbiotic.

Characterized by or being a close, cooperative, or interdependent relationship

The relationship is strong, tight, and mutually beneficial to each party. They work together on all levels, and with the new global realignments, it would be wise to pay attention to Russia. Yes. Not just China, but Russia as well.

For the last 100 years, the United States has been the force behind the vast bulk of wars, famine, diseases, turmoil, terror, suppression and everything else bad that you find in the world today. From mindless corporate drones, to drug-induced street walking zombies, to massive prison complexes, the the Coronavirus pandemic, the United States has been behind it all…

For the world to move forward and embrace a new and better reality, this evil will need to be vanquished. Just like in the Tolken stories about the dragon Smaug, you need to destroy the monster before the people can live life freely.

I cannot see into the future, but it appears quite clear to me that the destruction of this evil is necessary to make the world a better and safer place. How it will happen is unknown, but it will have to happen. Sooner or later.

America is like this mentally ill alcoholic that is repeatedly raping the children in the neighborhood, setting fires to all the houses, and shitting on the sidewalks in front of your house. Sooner or later, he must go. There simply isn’t any other alternative.

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This is awesome! When I was a kid it was all “commie this” and “commie that”. All we in the states knew of Russian women was the image of the overweight babushka yelling at her kids. Then the wall came down and it was like models everywhere. Just the little things we are taught to make another group of people look bad- this is a real good balance!


ummm, Russia + China save the world…. After America craps out. Then, we have great PEACE, and then the aliens come, and it all blows up, then an even GREATER PEACE. Or, maybe I got that wrong. The aliens come, America forces a war which results in a bad result, then Russia + China save the world – and we all befriend the aliens – and the aliens give those us who survive special powers (seventy virgins?)…. Err, I think I have to give way to all the many Time Traveller disclosures that are out there in the media today. Anyway, Russia and China may very well be the ANSWER to a route to greater peace, but SHTF first. Ah, whada I know… May the GPU bless all of us as IT unfolds…. I would hedge on being FRIENDLY TO EVERYBODY just in case someone rats you out for being a far right extremist, communist sympathiser, pedophile, Chinaspy, Russiaspy, BLM, Proudboy, homophobe, transphobe, anti-vaxxer, MAGA, or any other thing that could possible be “bad for society.” Using MM’s 48laws all the time, it’s being friendly to all, and using everyone as TOOLS to do the best you can. May be learn some Russian [Здравствуйте, друзья – which sounds like Draktiya Drija] and Chinese (你好,朋友 Nihao, pengyou), for “Hello Friend” just in case you need to communicate with any “invasion hordes that are just over the horizon” (I was just being sarcastic, harty-har-har). Peace be unto all as the GPU blesses us all and prepare those of us who are worthy, to survive these trying times. Remember, be nice to everybody.

Last edited 3 years ago by NewRob