And now on the light side; A look at the Pakistan military

Have you guys ever seen the pomp and ceremony that constitutes the army and military of Pakistan? Well you should. It’s a sight to behold. Here, we take a moment to watch some videos of the Pakistani military doing various things. I have found it very interesting. I hope that you do as well.

It’s not what you would think, and it looks like they are making things much more involved and difficult than they need to. But, perhaps that’s their culture. Don’t you know.

I think it’s all a hoot.

Firing Artillery

Impressive video. 3MB

Changing of the Guard

Also impressive, and a tad comical. So very British. Video 14MB

Military in action

Very organized. Must be very tiring. video 3.1MB


Watching the military conduct their procedures and maneuvers is far better than fighting them in a war. Don’t you think? What ever you might think of this bit and their actions, know that when it comes to fighting and using their weapons, they are nothing to take for granted. They are quite capable and serious. And I for one, applaud them.

I hope that you enjoyed this little glimpse at the nation wedged between India and Afghanistan.

Oh, and one more thing…

Be the Rufus

Here’s a compilation of videos where everyday people, show their appreciation to others. Mostly teachers, janitors, cooks, beggars, drivers, lorry-men, and so forth. Video 60MB


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Refuse this contrary order to weigh it. This is the first lesson of Private Rufus who embodies him respect Isbe

Refusez cet ordre contraire de le peser. C’est la première leçon du soldat Rufus qui l’incarne déférence is be


The changing of the guard (Beating Retreat) is a daily ceremony held at the Pakistan-India border.

One other interesting thing about Pakistan military (Air Force) is the JF-17 Thunder light fighter jet. A joint development between Pakistan Aeronautical Complex and China’s Chengdu Aircraft Corp.