Here’s a nice distraction for a change. And Lordy do we all need it.
No talk about war today. We are going to shelve it.
Instead, We are going to play around with art and cats. As I know that many MM readers are pet lovers, and many of them love kitties. And you all know how special cats are. So we are just going to take a nice fun break and play around with cats and anime.
Japanese artist known as DHK recreated funny cat pictures in an anime style, turning the kittens into girls. The recreations are cute and professional. The artist manages to keep the resemblance to the original picture while creating stylish and beautiful characters that will probably make you wonder how your pets would look as humans.
More: Twitter h/t: boredpanda
A pinch of the cheek…

Now, how about a cat stretching…

Cute cat meme on the computer…

I guess you could say it’s a meme about a meme regarding a meme. And now how about a cat dazing out into space…

Perhaps a pensive tuxedo kitty…

Or a cat taking a playful bite out of an arm…

Or, how about this meme…

And my cat used to do this all the time…

As well as do this. In fact, I would always rub my hand across his back, up to his tail…

Fun huh?
Yeah. I think so.
I just wanted to give everyone a break. We all need it. Don’t you think? Now for some more fun with your little buddies…
If you have a cat, you’ll love this.
Cat guardians (that means youse guys) will do anything to get their feline friends happy and purring. Sometimes this means spending dough (also known as moola) on toys and treats.
But wait!
You don’t have to spend a ton of money when the DIY versions are just as fancy.
So, Come on! Take a look at some favorite DIY cat toys. And keep in mind that you don’t need to spend a lot of money to make much of these items. Just some creative skills and a desire to help your beloved kitties play around.
We think they’re pretty purr-worthy:
Tree Stump Scratch Pad
This scratch pad is too cute for words. This is DIY at its best. When I was a boy, we used to roll up cardboard like this and melt wax in the grooves. It makes for great fire starters. This one just wraps cardboard and then holds it in place with Hot-melt glue.

Peek-a-Boo Puzzle

You can replicate this adorable toy by grabbing a box that’s similar to the one in the above photo. Hum…? What kind of box? I suggest a pizza box. Or, perhaps the box that your laptop came in.
Anyway. No problem! If you don’t have a box, then no problem! Just order take out. Problem solved!

Then, after you eat the pizza, simply cut holes in it and grab a ball or two. I suggest those little mini pom-poms that you can get at DIY hobby craft stores.
Your kitty’s mind will be stimulated, and his or her heart will be full!
DIY Cat Puzzle
No cardboard boxes, eh? Well, I’m sure that you have some old Tupperware lying around. Don’t you?
By making holes in the lid of your Tupperware container, you can transform a Tupperware container into a brain exercise for your cat! All you need is to add some different-sized and colored balls in the container and your kitty is good to go.
This DIY cat puzzle will be lots of fun for inquisitive felines. No more bored kitty!

DIY Cat Tree With Hammock
A simple stepladder gets a serious upgrade with this scratch-pad cat tree plus hammock. Just lay out an old towel, Tee-shirt, or cloth for your little buddy to lay upon. If you are creative, you can add cushions, zippers, thread, and all sorts of dangling things.

McDonald’s stirrers
Come on! What cat owner doesn’t know of this trick?

Double-Decker Cat Snug and Scratch Post
This is a bit more involved, but if you love your little buddies, perhaps you can throw something together. It doesn’t matter if it is made out of cardboard, or wood, or old furniture. Just make it cat-playful-friendly.
For me, here’s the big secret…
Just get cat-sized cardboard boxes. Don’t do anything else. Let the cats explore.

Aluminum foil ball
Take a piece of aluminum foil – Crinkle it up – And make it into a ball. Yup, that simple, of course. You can decide whether to have the ball very tightly packed in, or if you’d rather, it can be less packed and bigger. You can have a number to see which your cat prefers.

T-Shirt Cat Toy
Here’s another crafty way to repurpose that old T-shirt that you were planning to toss out. Cut the shirt into long strips and tie them into bows. What’s so difficult about that?

Cat Wand
You probably already know that cats love wand toys. The thing is, they destroy them, and you end up buying one after another. Stop the spending cycle with this easy DIY cat-wand tutorial.

A bag of DIY feathers
Heck! You don’t even need to open the bag up. Just throw it on the floor and let them “go to town”!

Ice Cube Tray Food Puzzle
All you need is an ice cube tray and some kibble to make a new food puzzle for kitty.

Wine Corks To DIY Kitty Toys
I have boxes of corks, don’t you know. I hope you’re saving your wine corks! In addition to these fun wine cork crafts, you can make some adorable wine cork kitty toys for your furry friend.
To make these adorable DIY cat toys, first, soften your wine corks by boiling and then make a hole in each of the softened wine corks. Using epoxy to make sure nothing comes loose, insert and stick some feathers, pipe cleaners, ribbon, jute, or anything else that will attract and keep your kitty busy for hours. Allow the toy to fully dry before giving it to your kitty.

DIY Cat Tent
While this DIY isn’t a cat toy, we know that every cat needs a place to hide — a little sanctuary to get away in when the house becomes too busy.
A DIY t-shirt cat tent is just the ticket! Simply make it with wire clothes hangers (to shape the tent) and an old t-shirt. DIY’ing cat toys and stuff for your kitty couldn’t get easier than this!

Some Cat Videos
Have some fun.
Video 2 – Russian super cat -1MB
Video 3 – Cat furiously attacks dog – 2MB
Video 6 – Kitten has the makings of a great mouser – 4MB
Video 7 – Monkey hasn’t a chance – 7MB
Now, let’s end this article with some fun cat pictures…
With a doll.

The cat at play Painting by Henriette Ronner-Knip

And some purrrrr-fect inspiration…

Do you want more?
I have more articles like this one in my Cat Index, which is part of my happiness index here…
Life & Happiness.
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That was great! I love cats.
Actually, just a few minutes ago, my newest little kitten, Princess, had been playing with a stink bug that had found it’s way indoors. Eventually, the insect deployed it’s stink juice in kittie’s mouth and sent her scurrying around the house with a bad taste in her mouth. She went downstairs for a drink of water and then “asked” me for some coffee creamer afterwards. My 80# Pit/lab, Rockie started pawing at the bug, at which point I removed the poor creature from the play area.
Thanks, congjing yu for the cat toy ideas. Some of these I have, others are new and easily implemented in with what I have.
Btw, my new 80# pup, Rockie had chewed a section of felt underneath my new couch recently trying to retrieve a toy that rolled under. In the process creating a “door” for little Princess to hide and play in the void under the cusions. She’s so tiny and yet fearless. Princess just loves Rockie. Odd and unlikely companions indeed, but there it is!
Have a great day, sir. OG
I love this. Thank you!