2022 03 01 20 34

The art of Sam Yang

Normally, digital art doesn’t really do anything for me. But this art is different. Please kindly enjoy his work. I hope it makes you feel clean, and new, and reminds you of special times, like it does for me.

It speaks to me; my God, it really, really does.

Sam Yang is a digital artist. He lives in Toronto. He has a Youtube channel, an Instagram account and a patrean account. He draws digitally. That guy focused more on the characters.

Although he is quite young, he makes great drawings that can be used in many places! His talent is at an uncommon value. His drawings can be used in many areas such as computer games and animes. He has a youtube channel. And he shares the stages of his drawings on this channel. Thus, it sets an example for people who are interested in drawing like him. This generosity he has done also gives him a reputation!

More: Instagram, Patreon

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187102345 509595346750934 6972068085014090600 n
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186826231 431614624574762 8915882727917943355 n
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184357113 314645060045932 8995871213061186172 n
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182045482 275642444275288 6788759779556277714 n
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180329090 510718920371638 4011099727555821010 n
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233760791 1149182678938327 6265150356191136472 n
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229847384 310674260744534 8328870922538852705 n
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226848969 210073971132331 4749044474190894020 n
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224273951 3129330130684417 5896075557310946175 n
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222462491 253104653001187 4714448482040929119 n
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221707107 417534766158663 3604022465367050805 n
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218737000 867063354166902 1681658468050253372 n
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217910411 525751261962442 6912173536838509 n
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213825274 165164515604931 590490749271786393 n
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213218025 906627713396837 6671362522835986960 n
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210854666 559488438759786 7305070150077736784 n
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210709858 366196634849216 4287191912915321174 n
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209054082 518269616286413 1280429322680537654 n
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208974384 139788671576043 2688369430666341679 n
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208462142 327831652154448 398606064495040631 n
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205393865 834697443838370 408446745774240733 n
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203545364 276483577483066 7992322899246124283 n
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202938285 124923489765501 5086110925212548762 n
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2022 03 01 21 31
2022 03 01 21 31


240523888 2979099765697529 9031278178284515268 n
240523888 2979099765697529 9031278178284515268 n


239380103 104424728575740 810460086269761495 n
239380103 104424728575740 810460086269761495 n


238530555 1027703641372186 4225090121766149558 n
238530555 1027703641372186 4225090121766149558 n


236283665 126562626354909 1091006622568857819 n
236283665 126562626354909 1091006622568857819 n


2022 03 01 21 42
2022 03 01 21 42


I love his art. It’s special and he has real skill.

It speaks to me. It takes me to other places, and carries me away. That is special, and unique. And thus, I present this here. I hope that you have enjoyed this article.

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Ohio Guy

Thanks! Good stuff fer sure.


I love this art, so refreshing, and it brings a soft
smile. Beauty, innocence and the companion
friends…top notch. TY so much.


The beauty of the feminine..Ah I love it!


Extremely and too Western designs as a graphic concept.
Nothing really innovative is perceived and the artist has no innovation in his style. These are images that are too reminiscent of WaltDisney filth.
Then the girl pulls out the gun? There is a need for peace and not scenes of violence even in artistic images!
Article totally rejected!

Ohio Guy

The pistol is merely a tool. Like the paintbrush is to a painter, a scalpel to a surgeon and so on. In this instance, it’s use is a prop. It emotes strength of character. Pistols themselves are not violent. The person behind the pistol usually reveals whether friend or foe. Policeman or thug, surgeon or subway attacker.

Personally, I saw no violence in the image of the girl with pistol. I saw a girl with pistol drawn perhaps to aim at a paper target. If one were to jog the imagination further, a girl protecting her children or defending from an attacker.

This violence you perceive when you see the girl holding a pistol; could it be perhaps the narrative forced on many an ear through various forms of media? Ahh, yes. That old refrain, “gun violence”.


Just what this site needs: more pictures of young women for creeps to look at.

