The Photorealist Paintings By Yasutomo Oka

In line with the ultra-realistic paintings of Yigal Ozeri (previously featured here), here is the work of the Japanese artist Yasutomo Oka, who unveils beautiful photorealistic portraits of Japanese women. Some captivating and poetic portraits, made from real models, where every detail is painted with an incredible precision. With his paintings, Yasutomo Oka immerses the viewer into a soft and mysterious atmosphere, on the edge of a dream…

More info: Yasutomo Oka h/t: fubiz



















Some Final Thoughts

Photo-realistic paintings are better than photographs. There is an essence that is captured by the skills of the observer. Which is why such art as impressionism is so favored. It captures an essence, and that essence triggers feelings and emotions.

This guy is certainly a master of the medium, and I for one, admire his work greatly. I hope that you too find pleasure in his work, for it is truly exceptional.

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Ohio Guy

I agree with MM. Yasutomo Oka is very talented in this craft. Beautiful images.