While I have talked a lot about what it is like to attack and push, and push, and push both China and Russia, the IDIOTS in the United States government are not listening. They are still playing their games, and they are still fucking around with “a massive conventional war in the Ukraine”, and a “massive conventional war over Taiwan”, soon to be followed by a “massive conventional war over the Uighurs”, and then a “massive conventional war over Tibet”.
Let me tell you something.
Putin and Xi Peng are playing the American “leadership” as the stupid dunces that they are.
Don’t be afraid of anything.
It’s all going to plan. And the Russians and the Chinese are manipulating the United States. Remember, as the Domain Commander stated. I showed it clearly in the video.
Here is a parable of how the combined forces of merit-driven leadership is manipulating the idiotic selfish, moronic Western “leadership”…
Big thanks from Phil at Busted Knuckles. Video 20MB
Real Working Dogs-scene-2022-02-07_14.43.01
With that video in mind, please read on…
It’s all running according to plan. Like a big, massive game of chess.
Chess pieces are moving in place. And the USA media is still promoting the idea that Russia is going to attack the Ukraine. But just read this following article and ignore the disinfo.
Russia and China are not playing local regional “games”.
They are after the “big chicken”.
From HERE.
Russia Deploys Nuclear “Kinzhal” Missiles on Fighter Jets to Kaliningrad
After a very tense and, by most accounts, failed, meeting between French President Macron and Russian President Putin, Russia began deploying MiG-31K fighter jets ARMED WITH NUCLEAR KINZHAL MISSILES, to Kaliningrad. Those planes and those missiles are NOT routinely stationed there.
With tensions between NATO and Russia hitting all-time highs over the Ukraine situation, French President Emanuel Macron met with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow today. By all accounts, the meeting was extremely tense and ended with almost ZERO good results.
At issue is Ukraine and it’s stated intention to join NATO, thereby allowing US missile “defenses” to be placed on Ukraine soil.
If Ukraine enters NATO, the very first order of business is to place US missile defenses on Ukraine soil. Ukraine said it, the U.S. said it, NATO said it.
This intention has been public knowledge since at least 2014 when the European Union (EU) and the US fomented, incited, and paid for, the forcible, violent, overthrow of Ukraine President Viktor Yanukovich.
US missile defenses – if launched from inside Ukraine – can hit Moscow within five (5) minutes of launch. They can hit Russia’s Strategic Nuclear Missile Silos within about 7 minutes.
Those US missiles can be retrofitted with offensive nuclear warheads within about one (1) hour. The retrofit can be done while the missiles are in their launchers, so no one would even know the warheads had been changed from DEFENSIVE (conventional) to OFFENSIVE (nuclear) warheads.
Russia cannot defend itself from missiles that have a five minute flight time to Moscow or a seven minute flight time to Russia’s strategic silos.
Thus, this has become an existential threat to Russia. Literally, their actual existence is at stake.
Russia is doing today, exactly what US President John F. Kennedy did in 1963 when the then-Soviet Union place medium range and intermediate range NUCLEAR missiles in Cuba.
There was no argument about Cuba’s sovereign right to align itself with whomever they wanted. Kennedy made clear, either those missiles go or the US will invade Cuba and destroy them.
Here we are, fifty+ years later, and the situation is now reversed; the US is doing it to Russia. Russia is having the exact same reaction today that President Kennedy had in 1963. They simply cannot — and will not — allow American missiles with a five minute flight time to Moscow, to be placed in Ukraine.
It was hoped that a meeting today between French President Macron and Russian President Putin, would serve to come to some peaceful resolution of the issues. That did not happen. NATO is still moving troops and equipment into eastern Europe because, they say, Russia has moved 100,000+ troops inside its own country, but near Ukraine.
No one ever bothers to mention that BEFORE Russia began moving its troops, Ukraine moved fifty percent (50%) of its Army to the outskirts of the Ukraine states of Luhansk and Donetsk. Both those states are Russian-speaking populations and want to breakaway from Ukraine and become part of Russia. Ukraine says “no” and moved the army to stop it by force.
This began in 2014 after the EU and US overthrew the democratically elected President of Ukraine and installed a puppet government favorable to the west. Crimea voted to leave Ukraine and return to Russia. Luhansk and Donetsk wanted to do that too.
We in the US are the aggressors here. We fomented, incited, and paid for, the overthrow of Ukraine’s government in 2014 to install a new government, favorable to the West, which would allow placement of US missiles in Ukraine.
Russia knows this. They also know that if we’re brazen enough to forcibly overthrow a government on Russia’s border, we’re also brazen enough to strike Russia first. Russia is not going to allow it.
President Putin made remarks today, saying “Ukraine joining NATO or trying to take Crimea by force would result in NATO being dragged into a war with Russia that no one can win.” By using the phrase “a war no one can win” Putin made clear it means nuclear war. Period. Full stop. (Full Story and Video HERE)
After the meeting with the French President, which we previously reported did not go well, MiG-31K fighter jets started arriving in Kaliningrad. They were armed with KINZHAL Ballistic Missiles! Here’s video of one landing. The missile is clearly visible as the plane crosses the head of a man in front of the video camera, and the missile tip can be seen in the center of the belly of the plane, if the video is paused there.
It’s all running according to plan. Like a big, massive game of chess.
From HERE.
Putin Press Conference Makes Nuclear War Clear: If Ukraine Joins NATO or anyone tries to take Crimea by force.
After a five-hour meeting with French President Macron over the Ukraine military situation, both Macron and Russian President Vladimir Putin held a press conference.
At that event, Putin was asked how Russia could deal with NATO’s superior conventional forces.
Putin responded…
"Yes, NATO's conventional forces are more than Russia's. But Russia is the top NUCLEAR power. If Ukraine joins NATO or anyone tries to take Crimea by force, NATO will be dragged into a war that no one will win."
Most rational people agree that a nuclear war “cannot be won and must never be fought.’ Yet President Putin explicitly said NATO would be dragged into a war that “no one will win.”
That means nuclear. No other interpretation is possible.
Another translation puts it this way:
"If Ukraine joins NATO and tries to take back Crimea by force, then NATO member states will be dragged into a war with Russia! And there will be no victors."
Russia will not allow an attempt by Ukraine to return Crimea militarily, Russian President Vladimir Putin said.
Why is the possible admission of Ukraine (to NATO – ed.) so dangerous? There is a problem: European countries, including France, believe that Crimea, let’s say, is Ukraine, while we believe it is part of the Russian Federation.
And if attempts are made to change this situation militarily, and Ukraine’s doctrinal documents spell out that:
- Russia is the enemy,
- the return of Crimea by military means is possible.
Imagine that Ukraine is a member of NATO, the fifth article has not been repealed, on the contrary, Mr. Biden recently said that the fifth article is absolutely imperative and will be enforced.
So there will be a military confrontation between Russia and NATO..
“…do we have to go to war with NATO?” – Putin said at a news conference after talks with French President Emmanuel Macron.
The Russian president added that there is a second part to the question,
"Do you want to go to war with Russia?"
So the world now knows the real stakes of the troubles taking place in Ukraine: nuclear war.
It came directly from the mouth of the Russian president.
It’s all running according to plan. Like a big, massive game of chess.
Let me remind everyone here on MM that ALL the Russian nuclear “boomer” subs left port over a month ago and now are positioned around the massive global trouble-maker (the United States) that has been threatening and attacking and prodding Asia for all these years.
That most all the fleets are in position and all sorts of activities are taking place THAT ARE NOT BEING REPORTED in the American “news’.
You saw the reactions of Putin and Xi Peng in Beijing. They both looked supremely confident and very sure of themselves. They have the United States, and it’s “leadership” just where they want them.
In one place.
All together in one fixed geographic region.
As planned.
It’s all running according to plan. Like a big, massive game of chess.
It seems that the Chinese and the Russian united Chinese forces have really “spooked” the American “leadership”. At least that is what some observers believe…
Intense Activities Around Ukraine Prompt US Military Air Shuttles — DC to Colorado Springs! Officials Going to . . .

Special Air Mission flights are now shuttling high-ranking officials from Washington, DC to Colorado Springs, CO . . .multiple flights are underway.
The United States Air Force “Special Air Mission (SAM)” provides air transportation for the president of the United States (POTUS), vice president of the United States (VPOTUS), first lady of the United States (FLOTUS), presidential Cabinet, U.S. congressional delegations (CODELs), and other high-ranking American and foreign dignitaries.
The Special Air Mission is under the cognizance of the Air Mobility Command (AMC) and executed by the 89th Airlift Wing (89 AW) based at Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland.
On Sunday night, shuttling began in earnest by SAM flights from Washington, DC to Colorado Springs. . .
And back…
and back again. . .
Colorado Springs is home to: NORAD and its protective Bunkers.
The Cheyenne Mountain Complex is a Space Force installation and defensive bunker located in unincorporated El Paso County, Colorado, next to the city of Colorado Springs, at the Cheyenne Mountain Space Force Station, which hosts the activities of several tenant units. Also located in Colorado Springs is Peterson Space Force Base, where the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) and United States Northern Command (USNORTHCOM) headquarters are located.
Formerly the center for the United States Space Command and NORAD, the Complex monitored the airspace of Canada and the United States for missiles, space systems, and foreign aircraft through its worldwide early-warning system. Since 2008, NORAD and the United States Space Command have been based at Peterson Space Force Base and the complex, re-designated as an air force station, is used for crew training and as a back-up command center if required.
The military complex has included, in the past, many units of NORAD, U.S. Space Command, Aerospace Defense Command (ADCOM), Air Force Systems Command, Air Weather Service, and Federal Emergency Management (FEMA). The complex’s communication center is also used by the nearby U.S. Civil Defense Warning Center.
So . . .
Why are shuttles carrying high ranking officials to NORAD in Colorado Springs?
Well, this morning, a “Constant Phoenix” aircraft took off from the UK and is on task in the Mediterranean off Syria and Israel.
This plane is a . . . Nuke sniffer.
The WC-135 Constant Phoenix is a special-purpose aircraft derived from the Boeing C-135 Stratolifter and used by the United States Air Force. Its mission is to collect samples from the atmosphere for the purpose of detecting and identifying nuclear explosions. It is also informally referred to as the “weather bird” or “the sniffer” by workers on the program and international media respectively.
In addition, another specialized aircraft, a RIVET JOINT is also engaged in heavy Signals Intelligence (SigInt) all around Ukraine:
These are planes with very specific military purposes and they are engaged in actual taskings in a region where military conflict is now LIKELY to take place.
When you put two and two together, a nuke sniffer and a signals intel aircraft, plus shuttles of high ranking people from Washington, DC to Colorado Springs (NORAD/Bunkers) it isn’t too hard to see massive trouble on the horizon.
It’s all running according to plan. Like a big, massive game of chess.
Ah. Don’t be too worried.
If it was REAL, all the plane transponders would be turned OFF. Remember, boys and girls, real secrets are SECRET.
It appears to me that the American “Leadership” are trying to telegraph a message to Asia, as this is the America response to the 6000 word joint agreement between Russia and China just a few days earlier.
- A massive American US Naval Presence of five flotillas in the South China Sea off the coast of China.
- Movement of American leadership to bunkers. (Or the appearance of movement.)
- Lots of “chatter” about a war in the Ukraine that makes absolutely NO sense.
- The joint agreement between Russia and China for a united Asia.
- An intentional engineered slowdown in global trade.
- The USA demanding that the EU get involved in it’s proxy wars.
- An accelerated rise in United States inflation.
See things as they are actually. Not as the US govenrment controlled-media wants you to believe.
I am HIGHLY skeptical of any conflict in the Ukraine.
Instead this is all something else.
It’s so easy to get all caught up in the nonsense spewing forth from the American and British “news”. Do not.
Other things are going on.
It’s a massive Geo-Poltiical chess board, and the “news” has no part in it. So do not believe any of it.
The Domain Commander states that Aisa is at 96% readiness. This is about as ready as one can be, and it is “stable”. Things are going ahead to plan, and I can guarantee you all that whatever happens, the Domain will not allow a deviance from their husbandry of this Earth Prison Complex. The lives and value of the “Lost battalion” are at stake.
So Relax.
Do you want more?
You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.
New Beginnings 3.
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No changes; still talking; still playing games; still lying; still controlling the populace.
Yes, agreed (once again), the americans are idiots… so far, just words.
The chinese and russians are brilliant and insurmountable (agreed)… so what, just words.
Wake me up when something substantive happens.
The Russians just shut down all of Israel, and sent their American-made jets and bombers tumbling to the earth. They used unknown directed-energy beam weapons. Things are going to get awfully HOT awfully soon. My post HERE.
I just saw that elsewhere (just getting rolling over here in land-locked Illinois) – HAH!
I look forward to the action.
Yes, yes… I know many will die.
Airplane (movie): “Shanna, they bought their tickets, they knew what they were getting into. I say, let ’em crash.”
Fake everything! USA “leaders” or the string pullers leading
the leaders are bologna personified. Yet accidents happen.
The American people do not want war over Russian real estate,
or Chinese real estate. Period. The appeal to American people
about righting wrongs in Other People’s Territory do not resonate.
The USA is in a total mess. Crooks from all corners have virtually
looted the country and continue to do so. We know the actors locally
at least, and there are lists. The respective leadership positions are
effectively fools, crooks, or the last vestiges of greedy freaks.
Literally and figuratively every institution is polluted. The very idea
that poisoning people with every kind of foodstuffs to chemicals to
drugs is outrageous. Parents objecting to a school curriculum, to
people questioning jabs is now under threat of being called terrorists?
Of course, those are just small issues compared to what is all happening. DC rules and mandates are not laws, yet the power to
punish, harass, fine, confiscate, and imprison people are real threats
to the people. How much do the people hate this? Plenty much.
The DC group has a nerve calling the kettle black/incredible hypocrisy.
Regards dear man,
@congjing yu, As you know, I’ve been a “regular” (follower) of your writings since “stumbling” upon it over 2 years now, I think. It should go without saying how much I’ve learned about myself and the world around me in that short time. I’m very appreciative of the way you can distill information in such a way that a regular guy like me can understand. You and your writings and the courage to continue mean a great deal to me. So again, I would like to thank you and the rest of the great contributors here (you all know who you are) for all that you do to bring “us” up to speed on everything Metallicman.
By the way, congrats on your first book. I would like a copy. Would it be too much to ask if it were personally signed? With much respect, Ohio Guy.
Thank you for that. Regarding the book, it’s print-on-demand in the USA and shipped from there. Even I don’t have a copy yet. You have to order it from Amazon.
Living in gulag America…..Just tickled pink that Russia backed up its words…don’t poke the bear! Happy to see China’s statement today that was very nicely worded but obvious that they do not see Russia as an invader in the Ukraine. Even more happy to see Brandon eat shit.
Perhaps, just perhaps, the Ukrainians will wake up and see the U.S. for what it is and desire a return into the arms of Mother Russia. We can hope. And once again, America abandons another country they took over. The Ukraine….just another Iraq now.
On another note, I have a suspicion that Zelensky is actually talking to Putin despite his saying he is not. I think Putin called and said get the military out of the installations before we bomb. As Putin said, he has no desire to kill anyone…if they lay their arms down he will let them go.