Why do many of the girls of China resemble an Asian version of the large chested Dolly Parton

No. It’s not all girls. And no, it’s not even most girls. But it is a lot of girls.

It’s that in China, a fish-like shape is considered to be very beautiful and appealing. And so the women wear flattering clothes, and wear cute outfits. It’s really nice to go out in a restaurant and see the beautiful ladies go out and about. It’s like being in a beautiful garden full of wonderful flowers.

Here, we will present some of these appealing Chinese women for you to look at.

But first… Note that these Chinese girls look this way because they [1] eat healthy food, [2] have good traditional habits and [3] all maintain a healthy and vibrant social life.

And that is the key.

You must have a vibrant and healthy social life, with friends, and family, if you want to be healthy, and look great.

Chinese girls and American girls are the same

The fact is that if you remove the weight that many Westerners now have (due to poor diets, broken up families, fast foods, and GMOs) the women would resemble what is common in China today. the only difference between Chinese women and American women is that they are not eating GMO-laden food.

And they are not under stress.

And they eat good healthy food.

And they are active in a vibrant social life.

Here, we take a normal American girl (on the left). She has a robust rotund shape. And then slim her down to what the shape was in America before the rise of big AIG industry, GMOs and the rise of Fast Food. She is at a woman’s body shape mid 1960’s in America.

The girl on the left is a typical American woman, while the girl on the right is what she would look like in the 1960’s…

2021s Girl / 1960s Girl shape

And if you look, you will notice that many Chinese women have bodies that resemble this 1960s era shape. If you look at the shape and the body proportions the current typical Chinese female body structure resembles the typical female body structure of American women in the 1960’s.

Here’s another one…

2021s Girl / 1960s Girl shape

Who does she sort of look like from the 1960’s and 1970’s? If you pay attention, her body structure on the right side of the image greatly resembles the typical body images of actresses from the 1960’s and 1970’s. And this is no mistake.

Loni Anderson
Raquel Welch

Sharon Tate

Sharon Tate

Notice that when you slim down, the rest of the body proportions stay the same. That gives the illusion of a healthier and more swan-line or fish-like body. And in my mind, I think that American women are just as beautiful as Chinese or Asian or African women.

It’s just that the culture, the diet and the society has distorted them.

And GMO’s has played a major role, no doubt. Once can only imagine how the mRNA changes in the bodies of Westerners will react to GMO laden food. If the bodies we see today are the end result of sugars, starches, and GMO’s combined with a stress-filled environment, one can just imagine what horrors will manifest with an mRNA alternation.

2021s Girl / 1960s Girl shape

France in the 1960’s

Did you know that you used to drink wine in French schools, have long lunches to savor the food followed by a nap, and then strolled back to school and work.

Then, when France decided to adopt the American / British “improvements” in society…

… such as wine replaced with sugar-laden soft-drinks…

France used to require children to drink their daily wine.
Last night I was standing at the counter of our local café on Boulevard Saint Germain, finishing off a last glass of wine after work before heading home for the evening, when I noticed something behind the bar. I thought I must have been reading it wrong (I was on my third glass) because it said in French: “Never more than one litre of wine per day… the correct serving: one quarter of a bottle per meal,” and then beneath in large capital letters, “HEALTH, SOBRIETY“.
France before it became British.
What kind of alcoholism prevention poster sets the recommended limit at one litre of wine per day? And are they suggesting we drink wine at breakfast? I suppose this is France…

“It’s from the 1950s”, explained Pierre, the owner of the Café Maubert. “I think it’s from a campaign when they were trying to stop everyone from drinking too much wine everyday. I bought it on eBay for 70 euros”.
Drink wine. It’s good for the health.
It would be worth mentioning here that it wasn’t until 1956, two years after the start of this campaign, that the consumption of alcohol was outlawed in French schools for children under 14.

Mothers were known to send their small children to the local schoolhouse with lunch baskets containing a bit of cheese, some saucisson … and a half bottle of wine or cider to drink.

-Messie Nessy

France implemented all sorts of “progressive improvements”. Not just the switching of wine for soda beverages, but other things as well. Such as…

… butter replaced with artificial margarine…

… and a two hour long lunch break replaced to a 20 minute cram and dash lunch…

… and the 65 religious day-off holidays replaced with 6 holidays a year, that people became fat, sad, depressed, sickly and obese?

Things were much better before these “improvements”.


Bread and cheese.

Pretty soon you will see the famous (and delicious baguettes) replaced with white American processed white bread loaves. Followed by cheese replaced with cheese-it in a can (or a jar). It’s more “progressive” don’t you know.

American improvements in the way we eat bread and cheese.

These improvements to our lives, as dictated by the powers that be, have created an enormous tidal wave of secondary effects that has destroyed the Western society and has wrecked ruin throughout our individual cultures.

And this is American “culture” today…

Walmart reality.

Bond girls – Chinese style

Here’s another picture. I think that the girl on the right resembles a typical Chinese lady today, and I can easily picture her in a 1960’s James Bond film taken in France in the 1960’s.

2021s American Girl / 1960s French Girl shape

She has that “Bond Girl” look, don’t you think?

Doctor No.

It’s not just women. It’s men too.

Everyone has ballooned up to enormous proportions by the crazy stress and piss-poor lifestyle choices available to people in the West.

I know that women do not like big, fat gluttonous men. I think that they prefer thinner guys that take care of their appearance and are strong and confident. At least that is what I like in a woman, and I figure that women are much the same as I.

You know, when I compare my pictures of me back around twenty years ago, when I first started to spend serious time in and out of China, to now, I am astounded.  In those days, I ran a three weeks in China, followed by a six weeks in the USA. And my body shape reflected that. I looked like a rather large American man.

Today, my physical size is  much slimmer, though I do believe that I have gained weight.

Funny that.

Thin and confident secret agent.

Just like men don’t really care for the rotund women in the pictures to the left. Everyone, men and women, want a healthy partner.

2021s Girl / 1960s Girl shape

People want a healthy partner.

Not necessarily a weight lifter, or a marathon runner, but someone who takes care of their appearance, is a great conservationist, and is fun to be with.

Not just for sex, companionship and pride, but also for long life and healthy activities. Don’t you think?

2021s American Girl / 1960s American Girl shape

I think that it is important to live a lush, fruitful and enjoyable life. This means good food, good drink… wine instead of sugary soda. It means being around loving animals, dogs and cats.

It means taking pride in your appearance.

It means having an active social life with people who respect and trust you.

It means happiness, and good long health.

So I am not getting down on any chunkier women in the MM audience. As I too am getting a tad chunkier myself. But what I am saying is that we ALL need to start mixing up our social and friend and family circles around companionship, social interaction, and really good healthy food.

The weight loss will follow.

There’s something about have a great engaging conversation with people who you are comfortable with that will really tone up your body.

What would you rather do? Cozy up in from of your computer monitor and read what Washington DC is planning to do, or get dressed up, and meet some friends to the local pub, bar, brasserie, restaurant or lounge and just chat. Chat and smile. tell some stupid jokes that you heard a thousands times before. catch up on the latest gossip, talk some politics, and just enjoy the evening?

What is healthier?

What is healthier?

2021s Girl / 1960s Girl shape

Life in your 20’s

Consider what it was like when you were slim.

You were probably in your youngish 20’s. Slim, going out with friends, and dating. Eating out. eating good food. drinking some. Enjoying life. Optimistic with a life in front of you.

Now, what’s your life?

Oh, it’s such a simple thing to say. It’s all that bad fast food that you put into your mouths. It’s this. Or, it’s that.

It’s everything else except what is staring you straight in the face. Instead of looking at the bigger picture.

Your lifestyle changed.

In history, those families that adopted a traditional lifestyle with an active social life, and fine delicious home-cooked meals by the spouse who was in control of the finances were all THIN. They were not fat, and they held a very important role in their communities.

You need to be part of a community, and you need to socialize.

Living in Boston

When I lived in Boston, I hardly ate fish. Why? Because it was outrageously expensive, and I simply could not afford it. But if I did, perhaps I would have avoided some of my later healthy issues that hit me a few years later.

You must plan.

So it’s expensive, well, go out and plan on a meal out with friends and have a fine delicious fish and lots of vegetable side dishes. Some wine. Lots of talk. Dress up a little smartly for it. make it a great event.

Do it often enough.

You will live much longer. I promise you.

2021s Girl / 1960s Girl shape

“What’s going on?” You might ask.

Food and losing weight?

Here I am talking about going out and eating at the same time where I am discussing losing weight. How does it all relate. Ah. Let me explain.

You see your weight has no bearing on the amount of food you eat. Women in the 1960’s ate as much food as they do today. That is true for both China and the USA. The difference is what you eat, and how you eat it.

  • What you eat.
  • How you eat it.

These are critical points that you will not find anywhere else on the internet. I suppose it is another thing that make MM unique. Our weight is connected to our thoughts, and our thoughts are connected to our well-being. And our well-being is connected to our society. To lose weight, you must go forth and make yourself some good friends.

Even if I am full of bullshit, at least you will be with others and having a good delicious time at it.

2021s Girl / 1960s Girl shape

Not about diet entirely…

So I am not talking about dieting or anything like that.

[1] I am not talking about those diets or loading up on salads. I am saying that you eat IN A SOCIAL VENUE as much as possible. Be it with family, or with friends. You should only be eating alone very, very rarely.

[2] When you eat, you should be eating a balanced meal of meats / fish / foul with three other vegetables and a staple. Be it rice, breads or potatoes. They might cost slightly more, but they are worth it. Don’t always select foods based on price and convenience.

American breakfast is often nothing more than disguised dessert. And we keep eating sugar throughout the day — in cupcakes, soda, even salad dressing. So many of the additional calories in our diet that weren’t there a few decades ago are coming in the form of sugar. Back in 1977, the average adult got 228 calories per day from sugar in food and drinks. By 2010, it was up to 300 calories a day. Added sugar consumption increased almost as much — 20 percent — among kids.
[3] All sugar laden drinks are out. You can have tea, beer, wine, water, or anything else you can think of.

People who drink soda have more obesity, Type 2 diabetes, tooth decay, and other health problems compared with people who don't -- the research on this is clear. And Americans are drinking way, way too much of the sweet stuff. According to Euromonitor’s most recent data, Americans remain the world leaders when it comes to per capita sales of soft drinks.
[4] Fast foods are NO NO NO.

Fast foods are NO!
American breakfast is often nothing more than disguised dessert. And we keep eating sugar throughout the day — in cupcakes, soda, even salad dressing.

So many of the additional calories in our diet that weren’t there a few decades ago are coming in the form of sugar. Back in 1977, the average adult got 228 calories per day from sugar in food and drinks. By 2010, it was up to 300 calories a day. Added sugar consumption increased almost as much — 20 percent — among kids.

Then watch your weight disappear. I honestly believe that social interaction is the KEY to all this problem that we are discussing here.

2021s Girl / 1960s Girl shape

Oh, so you don’t believe me?

Overeating obviously leads to excess weight, right? A team of scientists says not so fast, it’s actually what you eat, not how much you eat that leads to obesity. Their study finds processed food and rapidly digestible carbohydrates may be what’s really behind society’s growing waistline.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over 40 percent of American adults classify as obese. This places nearly half the population at higher risk of heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes. The USDA’s current Dietary Guidelines for Americans for 2020 to 2025 maintains the belief that losing weight “requires adults to reduce the number of calories they get from foods and beverages and increase the amount expended through physical activity.” 


Unlike the energy balance model, study authors say the carbohydrate-insulin model claims overeating is not the main cause of weight gain. Instead, the researchers say consuming foods with a high-glycemic load are the real culprit. These foods include processed, rapidly digestible carbohydrates.

The study finds such foods also cause hormonal responses which alter an eater’s metabolism, drives fat storage, and leads to weight gain. When people consume carbohydrates, the body increases the amount of insulin it secretes. This signals fat cells to store more calories and leaves fewer calories for the body to use as muscle fuel.

- Study Finds


Now, I know that there are other things that can contribute to weight gain, such as medicines. depakote is the worst. (If you need some control, try risperdal, it will slim you down three sizes and pop up your boobs three sizes larger as well. And you’ll stop smoking as a side effect.)

But it’s a MAJOR tranquilizer, and should only be taken if you have problems in that area.

But there are many other factors Yet, I argue that stress alleviation, and mitigation can be handled by social support groups. And as your stress goes down, so will your weight. So go forth make friends and eat well.


Why do so many Chinese girls resemble the large chested beauties of the 1960’s and 1970’s?

When you get fat, the excess body fat conceals your natural curves and body shape. You end up looking like a huge tomato, a squash or a big pear. When if you just keep fit, the other parts of your body; the chest, the legs, the hips will form in their normal proportions. this will give you a more chesty look, a more shapely look and a more healthier look. As the photos above illustrates.

Now there are all kinds of people in this world. There are tall, short, fat, thin, robust, and frail people. And what ever body you inherited at birth is just fine. Just keep it well maintained, and enjoy what you have. Feet it well. Use it to socialize with and enjoy your time on this planet.

The large busy girls of China

This is part of my “Beautiful girls of China” series. Here, we introduce the reader to China, and what it is today, by looking at the girls, women and ladies of China. In all cases the ladies are dancing, posing or just being themselves around their homes, businesses or city centers where they live.

By looking at them, listening to the music, and paying attention to their surroundings you will end up getting a very clean and pristine vision of what China is, what it stands for and what it is actually like.

For convenience, I have arranged the videos in zip files. I am sure that you will enjoy them.

Group AA. All very nice.

We will start with these gals. All are grouped in individual zip files.

Group AA-A.

Group DD. All exceptional.

This is where the beauty for this cover picture is. (Her individual video here.) Click on the folder to download the zip files.


There is nothing different between an Asian woman, an American woman, a Russian woman and an African woman. All are naturally thin with a nice swan (or fish) shape. The differences in body SHAPE that we see today are a function of the social and cultural climate that exists within the different geographic and national regions.

In nations that are toxic; that have a suppressed social life, where the foods are not really healthy, and where the lifestyle is one of isolation… the women (and men) get enormously fat.

In nations that are healthy; where society allows for personal interaction, and communication, and where fresh food choices are easy to obtain, plentiful and cheap, the people are thin and attractive with finely shaped bodies.

Thus is the difference that we see between the USA and China today.

Do you want more?


I have more articles like this one in my Learning About China by Looking at Pretty Girls Index here…

Pretty Chinese Girls


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Very well written and an interesting observation, MM ! Didn’t think of the interaction component yet.

Here is my rule of thumb for buying food:

Never ever trust (and buy) something where something supposedly bad has been replaced with something supposedly healthy !

… And the term ” enhanced recipe” just means the manufacturer has figured out to produce the item cheaper – and sell it for more… .

Thanks again and cheers, MT

Ohio Guy

I live in a small, peaceful farming town where the nearest “big box” store is 25 to 30 miles away. The only “fast food” permitted in our tiny town is a single Subway restuarant. Our family owned local grocer has excellent choices of healthy meats, veggies, cheeses, breads, wine, fish and everything else in the food triangle. I can not agree more with every word our sharing and caring MM host has written in this important article. Our mind and bodies function together best through good, healthy food, healthy friendships, and healthy thoughts. Oh, and our kitties and dogs too. Cheers, from a small, happy pocket inside what used to be the USA.


WOW! Thank you, MM and all “others” connected to this wonderful revelatory site. The truth is ALWAYS said here – albeit in very interesting packages. The secret message to those of us who are deemed worthy by ourselves, our souls, and those who deem us worthy, are that important people – or entities – care about humanity – and those best able to carry it forward…. Thank you, MM! And, I am sure many of us who read this site KNOW and deeply feel the truth of what I just said. May the GPU bless all of us here, and help us make it through the “tribulations” – I mean, in one piece, so we can “survive” for the New World to rise – and of course, for our seed to replenish the new humanity going forward.,..