BREAKING NEWS: Russia reacts to an Israel missile attack with directed-beam weapons

No. The Ukraine wasn’t attacked. Are you surprised?

Noam Chomsky was talking about this when he said,

“The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum — even encourage the more critical and dissident views. 

That gives people the sense that there’s free thinking going on, while all the time the presuppositions of the system are being reinforced by the limits put on the range of the debate.”

Russia attacked Israeli air defenses with an unknown heavy-duty electronic warfare system

Russia used a super-powerful electronic warfare system against Israel, which is not officially in service.

It’s an unknown weapon.

Which is the kinds of systems that both Russia and China deploy.

Anyways, a few hours ago, there was an Israeli attempt to attack a group of Russian troops in the port of Latakia.  Additionally, they began to threaten Russian military aircraft. In response, Russia deployed unknown heavy-duty electronic warfare systems.

Taking into account the range of interference, mobile systems of this type do not officially exist in Russia’s arsenal.

However, the situation turned out to be catastrophic for the IDF that Israel’s air defense / missile defense systems.

They were suppressed at a distance of over 300 kilometers, which is unexpected, and unheard of. It was a major surprise, I am sure, to all American, and Western observers.

In addition to that, interruptions in the operation of the global positioning system were observed even at distances of about 400 kilometers.

“The Russian military, during a night attack by the Israeli Air Force on targets near Damascus, allegedly again activated the electronic warfare systems deployed in Syria. As confirmation, data from the FR24 service is provided, where violations are visible in determining the GPS coordinates of aircraft in the area of ​​Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv , ”

-the Military Observer Telegram channel reported.

In the above image, you can actually see that the GPS global positioning systems are seriously disrupted, while all over central and northern Israel, air defense / missile defense systems were automatically activated and rocket fire alarms sounded.

Experts note that if the IDF does not give an adequate explanation for its actions, Russia can constantly use its electronic warfare systems against Israel.

[Source] Подробнее на:

Conclusion and thoughts

I wonder if the Western “news” will report on this. They tend not to, don’t you know. But I told the MM readership that there were other things going on, didn’t I? More to follow. I wanted to throw this news out as soon as it came in.

  • Were you aware that Russia was in the water at the Southern branch of the BRI?
  • Were you aware that Israel was prosecuting against that region in Syria, Iran, and threatening the UAE?
  • Were you aware that there were Russian military forces on station in that region?

Well, as I have repeatedly stated, real secrets are secret and wars… REAL wars are never announced.

Expect more of the same, and a very fluid Geo-political situation.

To include…

An Australian-Chinese dual citizen is being prosecuted under the controversial National Security Law in Hong Kong, the Federal Government has confirmed.

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) has not identified the man, but told he was arrested in January last year under the sweeping legislation.

He could face life imprisonment if convicted. His arrest comes amid high tensions between Canberra and Beijing.

The man was arrested in the same month authorities detained 47 pro-democracy activists in Hong Kong under the draconian legislation.

"The Australian Consulate-General in Hong Kong was notified by Hong Kong authorities of the arrest of a dual Australian-Chinese citizen under its National Security Law in January 2021," a DFAT spokesperson said.

They also said that Australian officials have been repeatedly refused consular access to the man, because the Hong Kong government no longer recognises dual citizenship.

But Australian officials plan to attend the man's future court hearings.

"We are in regular contact with the individual's lawyers and will continue to attend future court hearings," the DFAT spokesperson said.

So don’t get too upset with the “news” that you are being bombarded with. It’s a fake narrative that paints an illusionary image.

Here, on MM, are the REAL stuff.

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.

New Beginnings 3


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Memory Loss

[it took a while for them to understand…] So the Israelis double-checked and accepted that the Russians can spoof their GPS across hundreds of kilometers.
At some point, the NSA analysts will actually have to conclude and report that the Russians (and the Chinese) have gotten extraterrestrial help.

Two possibilities then.

One, the Western 5eyes governments sue for peace.
Two, the Remnants of OE choose to up and run and instruct the 5eyes to go to war.

If the Remnants are trapped here, then things get interesting. Because if they are the powers behind the west as I suspect, what will they do?

The analysts have to think very very hard now. Both for their country’s future as well as that of their family personally.


A directional EMP with a 300km reach? Take it from an E-tech; that is some fucking advanced technology right there.

Memory Loss

It’s been a couple of days since the reports came out. The distance is absurd but the people reporting seem unaware of what it means. So they seem blind to the implications. What kind of earthly tech can do that?

The Chinese and the Russians seem supremely confident lately. I would think the longer the West takes to sue for peace, the more onerous the terms will be.


when I was at college about ten years ago learning about electronics, our fill in lecturer – ex airforce guy Ron, I wrote about him before – was teaching us, rather vaguely, how to build EMP warheads that would affect electronics within a 5km radius….even then that was considered more theoretical rather than practical. For that amount of EMR he told us we’d need about 20kVa worth of electricity….for 300km? What the fuck did Russia do to get theirs to work that distance, harness lightning or something?


I also can’t help wondering if similar spaced based tech was used to wipe out those 40 Space X satellites recently….given that Musk did try to deliberately crash them into the chinese space station. @ conjing yu, you got any intel on that?

Suh Seung Ji

Are you implying that the F-35 crash may have been contrived?


I found this reply in the wilderness of UNZ’s (now mostly) toxic commenting section. 
Even so it’s a bit off-topic but it reflects reality: MSM in general but also certain alternative info-sites (as long as it suits its agenda like ZeroH:’endless’ China bashing, for instance) have morphed into a propganda quicksand from ultra sophisticated to utter stupid. And people stuck with that. And Russia is just the flipside of that same coin.

And little ‘POOR’ Britain’s Truss is just another tip of those icebergs. 

Apropos, the UK has been since ever a master in white-washing her own bloody history, read a bit about Victoria I, the terrible:

I, personally can only sign up to those lines, ’cause I also know both countries well.

And never forget Pompous wasn’t man enough to face a CTGN’s interview, ’cause HE knew HE would’ve been exposed for having too many black holes in his gray matter.

# unz reply:
Says the one pseudo-informed from a country that’ve been bombarded by crap “experts” like Tucker & Co., where NYT, WP & TECM rivals Goebbel’s ‘Der Angriff” with China smears of disgusting proportions, including total lies and frabrications. And never forget besides those Western echo-chambers the rest of this WORLD views the so called U$A rather as one bloody & cruel laughing-stock. 

But of course, you go to this side being disgruntled by all sorts of MSM propaganda to keep American sheeple willingly disinformed – YET – when IT comes down to CHN go for IT !!!!!! Indeed, you must know so much better.
Congratulations !

PS.: I do know both countries quite well, but for some time now when I travel through America, all what I can say IT looks and feels quite washed-up, especially mentally.
The right place for you.


The late Tom Bearden, ret Army Col, discussed Soviet scalar weaponry in his book “Fer de Lance.” The ranges, destructive capabilities, and scalability were incredible…

Rod Cloutier

Didn’t hear this reported ANYWHERE else – Thank you

Ultan McG

this is the closest you’ll get. Russians intercepted when the Israeli jets’ radars went dark; as did their radio contact with base. There’s also intel about a bombing raid on an Israeli lab ‘researching COVID mutations’ near Dimona.

Last edited 3 years ago by Ultan McG