Using Grabovoi “cheat codes” as a prayer and affirmation technique

I want to continue discussing the use of thought to control your life.

As many long duration MM members can attest to, all you need to do to navigate on your reality template is to think and vocalize what you want. And if you write about, and think about, and talk about… bad things… then you will have that in your life. While if you think about good things, they instead will enter your life.

A “prayer” is a method of intentionally thinking certain thoughts, in a certain manner, to manifest certain things to occur in YOUR life.

There are many ways to run and conduct prayers. I have covered just a mere fraction of the ways in prior articles. It’s actually really based on the understanding that what you believe and what you think actually manifests. And for prayers, well, it’s actually only a way (or a method) that you can use to help you focus and direct your thoughts.

Good right?

Well, not so fast.

But this can cause all sorts of problems, when bad or malevolent people concoct systems of mechanisms based on prayer intention for personal gain, profit or fame. Whether it is a woman dressed up in Haitian garb on television in the late 1990’s telling you to call 1-800-know your life, or a white robed televangelist that you too can guarantee a set on the Heaven-express for only small weekly payments of $9.98.  Or the Magick Dawn teaching you to control your life by the practice of Aleister Crowley’s magick.

And we are going to talk about this right here and right now.

You see, in Russia, many young folk are following Tiktok videos and describing their experiences with “magic numbers”. And then telling about how their wishes and desires manifested.

Does it work?

Sure. Fundamentally.

If you believe anything, and you think anything, it will manifest.

Is this technique bad, dangerous or harmful?

Well that depends.

Grabovoi numbers

Found HERE. All credit to the author, and note that it was edited to fit this venue.
A rich husband, a slim figure, clear skin or good grades at school can be obtained with the help of special cheat codes. All you have to do is to write them on your hand and send a request into space, according to English-speaking bloggers on TikTok. In actual fact, the codes are part of the teachings of a Russian sect leader who served two years in prison.

On the smartphone screen in front of me is an image of a light-colored wall with plants and in the foreground are rows of numbers with headings such as ‘Beauty’, ‘Love’, ‘Health’, ‘Ideal Figure’ and so on. There are hundreds of both positive and negative opinions in the comments. I choose the most common heading – ‘Money’ – which has the greatest amount of number sequences under it. As I am diligently copying them, using a pen to inscribe them on my left wrist, my mom enters the room. 

“What are you doing?” she asks suspiciously.

“I’m writing out some cheat codes for money,” 

I reply, as if I do it every day.

“Then write them down in a column going up to your elbow and leave them there for as long as possible before washing them off - at least that way it might work,” 

she says ironically and leaves the room to do other things.

The number sequences in the video are so-called cheat codes or “Grabovoi numbers”, which, according to Russian and foreign bloggers, must be written down in order to produce the desired outcomes.

On English-language TikTok, videos with codes and instructions on how to use them, accompanied by the appropriate hashtags, have gathered over one hundred million views. And, in the comments, representatives of Generation Z share the results of their use of the codes, with many positive comments among them.

Where do the codes come from, who publishes them and why?

Cheat codes for well-defined abs & YouTube subscribers and their ‘side effects’

Russian and foreign bloggers started actively making videos about these “cheat codes” in the spring of 2021.

The instructions in all the videos look the same – you need to choose the required number sequence, write it down on a piece of paper or directly on your wrist and also trace the same number sequence in the air with your finger – this increases the chances of “your request reaching space”. It is best to leave the number sequence on your wrist for up to three days. And then, all you have to do is wait for your wish to come true.

Apart from classic blessings, such as health, happiness, money or love, you can use the code to ask the “Universe” for almost any whim – bloggers publish codes for good grades at school, for a slim figure with well-defined abs, for popularity on YouTube, clear skin without acne, a rich husband and so on.

Russian-speaking TikTokers are more malicious – in addition to “positive” codes, they share number sequences for poisoning, high fever, coma and cardiac arrest.

Eighteen-year-old aspiring artist Viktor Alekseyev says that his code for money worked, even though he himself thinks it was pure coincidence.

“I wrote the code for money on my hand for a laugh. Until then, my art was not selling very well, but before the code I had submitted my drawings to a special organization that sells artists’ work and they started selling much better. It must have been autosuggestion or coincidence,” 

Viktor says.

Senior school student Olesya says that a code helped her to become a star pupil in class.

“I did everything according to the instructions and, the next day, I started getting excellent grades. To be honest, I was doing well even before then. It’s just that before the code, I was getting 4s [Bs], but now, like magic, I’m getting 5s [As],” 

…she opined.


Another schoolgirl from Moscow, Anna, says she wrote down a code for success in her school work and, the next day, her Russian language teacher cancelled a lesson. Anna attributes this to the code, since Russian was the class for which she had not had time to do her homework.

Many users complain that the codes just don’t work and some even experience “side effects”.

“I wrote down a code for luck and almost straight away I started to feel bad, I got a headache, then I erased it and felt better. I don’t believe in the codes, but who knows what the hell it was,” 

…says schoolgirl Alina Batchayeva.

In addition, some users say that using the codes is dangerous – according to some TikTokers, the codes are connected to black magic, since the wishes vested in the codes are fulfilled by the Devil, who takes away your soul in return.

Numbers for health and bringing back the dead for money

The invention of cheat codes is attributed to the psychic healer Grigori Grabovoi.

Born in Soviet Uzbekistan, upon finishing school, Grigori studied mechanics at Tashkent State University and then worked for the Uzbek civil aviation authority. There, he was already passing himself off as a psychic and taking money for investigations into the “extrasensory” repair of airplanes.

In 1996, he obtained a paramedical qualification in Moscow.

At that time, Grabovoi announced that he could raise people from the dead and set up a sect called, ‘The Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi’ and a foundation. He gave talks at the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, appeared on television and was a member of various public organizations and, additionally, referred to himself as Christ. 

In 1999, Grigori published his book titled ‘Restoration of the Human Organism Through Concentration on Numbers’, in which he proposed the use of numbers to heal physical and mental ailments.

In his view, all illnesses and maladies should be regarded as energy with a specific frequency that can be expressed in numbers and these numbers can be enlisted to eliminate illnesses and everyday problems.

After the terrorist act at the school in Beslan on September. 1, 2004, which resulted in 334 deaths, Grabovoi proposed to the mothers of the dead children that he would bring them back from the dead for 39,000 rubles (approx. $1,400 according to the 2004 exchange rate).

The outraged residents of Beslan reported Grigori to the law enforcement bodies, but it was only four years later, in 2008, that he was sentenced to 11 years for fraud.

Two years later, in 2010, Grabovoi was granted early conditional release.

Grigori moved abroad and continued to expand his sect outside Russia – his books were translated into several languages, and a ‘Grigori Grabovoi Education Center’ was opened in Serbia.

He also started selling instruments for stopping the ageing process for 9,700 euros a piece and, in early 2020, he released two more codes – for treating Coronavirus.

‘Grabovoi trainers’ and revenue from viewers

Many foreign and Russian TikTokers, who make videos about the Grabovoi codes, also offer their own paid services on their accounts – from personal growth training sessions to sales of trinkets and T-shirts.

For instance, blogger Lindsey Rummel sells T-shirts with monkey designs and a range of nutritional supplements to maintain the functioning of the gut, brain and heart. Candice Nikeia, whose account on TikTok is fully dedicated to the Grabovoi codes, conducts private lessons in positive autosuggestion.

I sent questions to 20 Russian-language and English-language bloggers who publish Grabovoi codes. Out of these, only the Russian-speaking blogger Lady Di replied, demanding a fee of $200 for an interview.

When I refused, she blocked me on Instagram.

Many bloggers follow the fashionable trend of publishing videos about the codes for free for the sake of views and likes on social media, but, at the same time, some of those on TikTok publish clips, in order to make money out of teenagers and poorly-educated adult users, according to clinical psychiatrist and hypnotherapist Andrei Efremov.

“People who believe in the codes uncritically accept what they are told. <...> They see the positive example of someone, they see a lot of comments and they blindly follow the instructions. What is more, such people themselves are going to be on the look-out for situations that will demonstrate that the ritual works and will attribute all positive events to the codes. This is how autosuggestion works. The followers of Grabovoi themselves - probably also swindlers - will seek out such people on TikTok and make money off of them, while the latter will lose their savings and possibly even their apartments,” 

…Efremov says.

In my case, I did not manage to accept uncritically what I was told – possibly that is why, at the time of writing, the cheat code for money hasn’t worked yet.

And thus the article ends.

The codes

In his books, Grigori offers a very large list of codes to the readers. Thus, they can choose those that best match their needs and finally put them into practice. However, it is not necessary to read all the books to get into action.

Here, is a list containing the main codes.

  1. Grabovoi Code for Self-healing of the body – 9187948181;
  2. Grabovoi Code for Love – 888 412 1289018;
  3. Grabovoi Code for Weight loss and health – 1891014;
  4. Grabovoi Code for Fight against alcoholism – 14843292;
  5. Grabovoi Code for Peace – 1001105010;
  6. Grabovoi Code for Depression – 519 514 319891;
  7. Grabovoi Code for Self esteem – 4818951749814;
  8. Grabovoi Code for Unemployment – 318514517618;
  9. Grabovoi Code for Rejuvenate – 2145432;
  10. Grabovoi Code for Protection – 9187756981818;
  11. Grabovoi Code for Universal harmonization – 14854232190;
  12. Grabovoi Code for Environmental sustainability – 97318541218;
  13. Grabovoi Code for Determination – 498518498;
  14. Grabovoi Code for Chemical dependency – 5333353;
  15. Grabovoi Code for Nicotine addiction – 1414551;
  16. Grabovoi Code for Determination and focus for learning – 212585212;
  17. Grabovoi Code for Entrepreneurship – 71974131981;
  18. Grabovoi Code for Understanding – 39119488061.

It is unknown how he came up with these number codes. My guess is that he used a random number generator.


What ever you believe will manifest. And perhaps one of the reasons why the United States is falling apart right now is simply because such a large number of people believe that it will happen.

Along this vein, I argue that generational turnings as described by Strauss and Howe is generated in defined waves of thought, and what makes things so contentious right now during this wave is that the government has been trying o manipulate thought for it’s own purposes. Yikes!

It doesn’t matter if you believe in a charismatic leader, drawings and symbols, vocalized prayers, or a mindless string of numbers. Your belief is what actuates the manifestation of thought. Not the physical elements that you use to focus your thoughts upon.

With this being said, I offer a way to understanding how this mechanism actually works.

And yes, bad people can profit from it. And others can fear it. But you can utilize it to achieve your desires.

I suggest just focusing on the end objectives in a positive and good way. I recommend that you vocalize and write them down, and follow the actualization of them properly. And if you do so, there is no question in my mind, that they will manifest.

Do you want more?

You can find more articles related to this in my index about prayer and affirmation campaigns.

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Ohio Guy

By the way, the past month and a half, I have witnessed two sets of twin baby deer under the watchful eyes of their mother and two seperate singlets, each under the watchful eyes of their mother. My closest encounter being my most recent, at 15 feet, two days ago from the roadside. Each encounter has been magical, as if seeing a baby unicorn, if that makes any sense. I pray for their continued health, growth, safety, and happiness, under the watchful eyes of their mother, daily. Cheers.


Dear Ohio Guy, you are another one’s of MM’s creations. RUFUS in motion. We all need more RUFUSes in this world – affirming, praying, energizing, and of course, doing, influencing and creating. MM is here for a special reason…. May the GPU bless all of us and transform as many of us who are WILLING, to become better human beings.


MM, this is REALLY interesting and will be doing more research on this. Numbers. Anyway, I got a hold of a link with more Gravoboi codes. If anyone finds this useful, here it is: If Gravoboi works (perhaps in an auto suggestion way), then may the GPU bless all of us – and Gravoboi.


These “cheat” codes are nothing new, been around for centuries or longer. But this Gravoboi is a crude example of such. They are usually expressed in letters written in geometric shapes, actually I forget the other names for these systems, and there are many. I had occasion to use one of them for a specific purpose and it did work but only because it enhanced an ability that I already had. It could be seen as magic, remembering there is white magic not only black magic also the old adage “be careful what you wish for”.One has to think about what one wants and what one actually needs, this can lead to a deep search within oneself with the result of a complete change in ones’ life. This can be an “enlightenment”. Are you with me?