China's military is poised to outgun the West after HUGE growth 3/15/2021, 9:34:39 AM · by RomanSoldier19 · 12 replies Daily Mail via msn ^ | 3/14/2021 | Marco Giannangeli It follows an ominous warning last week by the commander of US forces in the Indo-Pacific that China may launch a military operation against Taiwan "in the next six years". This would likely lead to military reprisals from the US Navy and allies including Britain, which is sending its new carrier, HMS Queen Elizabeth, to lead a multinational strike force to the Far East in May. China commands the world's largest military, with 2.18 million soldiers, sailors and aviators on active duty. And after a recent 6.8 percent rise it will command a £200billion military budget this year. But it...
Taiwan stopped being an independent nation, and became a Chinese client state in 1972 by [1] The Shanghai Communiqué and the 1982 [2] Joint Communiqué and [3] the August 17 Communiqué. It's the 23rd province of China. All of this his was codified and made permanent on October 1971, when the United Nations General Assembly passed Resolution 2758, which recognized the government of the People’s Republic of China as the only legitimate representative of China at the United Nations and established the One-China Principle.
China’s railway operator echoes netizens’ call for a high-speed rail route to Taiwan
Reprinted as found. All credit to the author, and edited to fit this venue.

China’s top railway operator said on Sunday that it has “taken seriously the building of a railway to the island of Taiwan,” echoing Chinese netizens’ calls as well as the Russian Ambassador to China’s wish to visit the island by train.
China Railways, the country’s top railway construction company, discussed the technical issues and routes of building the high-speed railway from East China’s Fujian Province to the island of Taiwan in an article published in its official WeChat account on Sunday.
No wonder Donald Trump wanted to ban WeChat, you cannot have the anti-China narrative polluted by facts.
In the article, it mentioned China’s National Comprehensive Transportation Network Plan, which was rolled out in late February and set the construction goals from 2021 to 2035 with a long-term plan extended. A route from Fuzhou to Taipei, in the island of Taiwan, was also listed in the plan.

The plan soon drew heated discussions on Chinese social media platforms. Netizens also expressed a strong wish to “visit Taiwan by train.”
Russian Ambassador to China Andrey Denisov also voiced confidence in China’s capability to build a high-speed railway between the Chinese mainland and Taiwan, and stressed that both sides across the Taiwan Straits belong to China.

Denisov said he is looking forward to taking a high-speed train to visit the island some day in an interview with Hong Kong-based Phoenix TV in early March. “If I could have a chance to visit Taiwan Province, of course I prefer to do it by train.”
Responding to such calls, the railway operator giant noted, “The dream that countless Chinese people have dreamt is finally drawing closer,” as the Beijing-Taipei high-speed rail has only “the last part” between the Straits left to be completed.
It further went on to explain that with the completion of the Fuzhou-Pingtan railway last December, all of the construction work on the Beijing-Taipei high-speed rail has been completed except for the last section, which will link the mainland across the Straits, referring to “the last part” from Pingtan to Taipei.
The Fuzhou-Pingtan railway, the nearest one on the mainland from Taiwan, was put into operation on December 26. Pingtan is only 68 nautical miles away from Taiwan’s Hsinchu, the closest point across the straits.
The Pingtan Strait Road-Rail Bridge, a key project of the Fuzhou-Pingtan railway, has a total length of 16.34 kilometers. It is the world’s longest cross-sea road-rail bridge and the first road-rail bridge in China.
Is this even possible, or is this a “pipe dream”?
Oh yes. It is absolutely possible. Consider that all of the neighboring nations are enthusiastically participating with China in establishing communication and trade routes and upgrading their infrastructure. And consider the a fore mentioned “Pingtan Strait Road-Rail Bridge” which was just completed last year. Which followed the HK – Macao – Zhuhai bridge effort (outside my front door)…
As discussed in this article…
China opens Fuzhou-Pingtan railway to boost cross-strait travel

The Fuzhou-Pingtan railway in east China’s Fujian Province went into operation Saturday morning after seven years of construction, allowing visitors from the Chinese mainland and China’s Taiwan to travel more conveniently across the Taiwan Straits.
The 88-kilometer railway, designed to support high-speed trains running at a speed of up to 200 km per hour, connects the provincial capital of Fuzhou with the largest island in the province, which is the nearest place in the Chinese mainland to Taiwan Island, only 68 nautical miles (about 126 km) away from Hsinchu City.

Noting that they have been taking the “Strait” ship to travel between Pingtan and Taiwan, Yang Binghao, who is from Taiwan and runs a cultural and creative center in Pingtan, said that with the Fuzhou-Pingtan railway, “Taiwan compatriots can now transfer via railway after arriving in Pingtan by sea, and then we can easily travel to Beijing, Shanghai and other parts of the mainland.”
Yang believes that the railway will further promote the opening-up and development of Pingtan and facilitate cross-strait travel and communication, benefiting local residents and people from both sides.

Thanks to bullet trains running on the Pingtan Strait Road-Rail Bridge, it now only takes around half an hour for residents and visitors to commute between both places. The 16.3-kilometer-long bridge, with a six-lane highway on top and a high-speed railway at bottom, is China’s first and the world’s longest cross-sea road-rail bridge.

The new railway will link the island county with major cities like Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen through the transportation hub in Fuzhou, according to Li Fei, an official with the China Railway Nanchang Group Co., Ltd.
In 2009, the Pingtan Comprehensive Pilot Zone was launched in the county to facilitate cross-strait exchange and cooperation, aiming to become a “common home for compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Straits,” which currently houses more than 1,000 Taiwan-invested enterprises.

Comprised of 126 islands, Pingtan is home to marvelous natural wonders and a number of tourist attractions such as Haitan Island, Tannan Bay, Pingtan Island National Forest Park, and Haitan Ancient City, and has become increasingly popular among visitors from home and abroad in recent years.
From January 20, up to 17 sets of bullet trains will run on the line every day, up from 9.5 sets plying currently, further boosting the development of local tourism.
So what is China doing to quench the anti-unification efforts?
Sure all this is fine and good. China is building bridges, and tunnels and aiding in economic development. However the United States is funding the Taiwan separatist movement. (As well as funding NGO’s such as the NED, and NID for insurgency efforts.) But what is China doing to quench those who want to fight a “hot war” for “American Democracy”?
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang on Thursday stressed the importance of the one-China principle and 1992 Consensus in addressing the development of cross-strait relations. The premier made the remarks during a virtual press conference at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing after the closing of the fourth session of the 13th National People's Congress, China's top legislature. The Chinese mainland welcomes dialogue with different parties regarding cross-strait relations to achieve the unification of China, Li said, before stressing opposition to any form of separatist activities or foreign interference in cross-strait affairs. The central government will continue to enable Taiwan compatriots to share in opportunities on the mainland, he added.
So yeah. Who, as you well know, already have Chinese passports, is still able to buy property and set up businesses but will now be granted easy loans and smooth sailing in new businesses and ventures. China is “pulling out all the stops” to help integrate the Taiwanese with the mainland Chinese.
Some thoughts
When I was a young boy, the “news” was all about the “War in Vietnam”. Every day were reports on how our “brave young men were saving the world from communism”. And the media was all over it. From Walter Cronkite on television to magazines such as “Popular Mechanics (illustrated)” and “Vanity Fair”. In those days we were all afraid of “The Red Menace”, and the “Domino Effect”, and were terrified of the “loss of our freedoms”.
Domino theory, also called Domino Effect, theory in U.S. foreign policy after World War II stating that the “fall” of a noncommunist state to communism would precipitate the fall of noncommunist governments in neighbouring states. The theory was first proposed by President Harry S.Truman. domino theory | international relations | Britannica.com
In those days, as a young boy, I would watch Hollywood movies glorify war. I would envision myself flying in The B-24 Liberator bombing the shit out the of the evil Nazi’s (12 O’Clock High), or fighting on the front lines with John Wayne in the movie The Green Berets (1968).

It wasn’t until I was much older that I realized that were I to follow my boyhood dreams, I would probably have been shipped off to die in some distant land. I would have died a virgin, and forgotten by the rest of the world. But no one else realizes this, and America is still playing the same old games that ended up killing thousands of Americans, and millions of civilians over the last fifty years.
This is just a typical example of how absolutely “off the wall” American media is when it comes to reporting what is going on in China.
- It omits facts.
- it omits history.
- It omits contemporaneous news.
- It fabricates news.
- It distorts events.
- It produces emotion laden articles full of fear.
It is, after all, a reflection of what America stands for.
I will generate more articles along these lines in the future. For now they will all fall under the heading… “America is having a hissy fit.”
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What’s your take on NKorea, Mr Man? I’ve heard from a source whom I trust that’s it’s really run by an international criminal cartel on behalf of “western interests” and used as a manufacturing base for most of the world’s synthetic/illegal drugs– ecstasy, speed, etc.– as well as a testing ground for big pharma. Minus the ethical oversight, such as it is, elsewhere. And a rake of other experiments on animals/humans that frankly don’t need repeating.
Of course, all difficult to prove or verify.
What do you think? Is it really a socialist utopia as others claim, rather than a nation sized laboratory for anything goes?
Or have I been firehosed? Have family in SKorea and they honestly haven’t a fucking clue either way. Nor do they care.
I have no idea about what is going on in North Korea. However, I DO KNOW that humans adapt and adjust to their situation. After a short while you don’t even notice the adjustment. You end up living life as it is and making the best that you have.
When I was in prison I spent a few months in “the hole”. I pretty much sat there semi-nude in a paper garment and watched the shadows on the walls for entertainment. After a while it was no big deal. It was my life. So I lived it.
When I entered the Father Pete’s monastery, the first few weeks were difficult to adjust to. It was all routine, tasks, work and prayer upon prayer. but after that time I adjusted and then just loved the place, the pace and my lifestyle.
I think the same is true about everyone in North Korea. They are living life, as it is. And within the confines that exists. They might or might not have anything to compare it against. But that doesn’t matter. What they have exists and they live it in relative satisfaction. The human body adjusts.
The USA media is promoting this narrative and that narrative about North Korea. What I know about the human spirit tells me that the media is “selling snake oil” for a purpose. It might be true or it might be false, but no one in the editorial halls of Washington DC, New York, or Los Angles has a real clue as to what the North Koreans want, need or long for.
And again, thank you for the updates.
Why oh why won’t N. America join with the
Chinese to promote growth and cooperation?
You would likely be hoodwinked by propaganda
strewn out by Media if you did not live in China.
This is such a shame and a huge loss for the US.
Did I imagine it, or did the Chinese .gov actually
invite the US to partner with them in the past?
I wish I knew for sure. I do think some nasty demons
have infected powerful people and use them for all
that is evil in our world.
When I lived in the United States, I fell for the lies. I fell, “hook, line and sinker”, and when I left the USA, my eyes opened up. The longer I am away, the crazier the USA seems. And when I see the leaders of Russia, China, Iran and Europe and their actions when they refer to America it is like they are talking about a drug-crazed uncle. One who is erratic, potentially very dangerous, but who is holding the keys to the family finances.
The Chinese have invited the United States to contribute on many of their plans. In every case the United States refused. But what’s even worse, they brow-beat those nations that decided to work with China on their projects and initiatives.
The US Foreign Policy has been a double headed snake via a vis China and Taiwan.
On one hand they have not objected to UN Resolution 2758 recognition of PRC & on the other hand, they recognise Taiwan ROC simply by historical links to KMT who were the civil war enemies of the CPC. This divide and conquer technique is an old and proven one used successfully by the Brits during their rule of the British Empire.
But foreign policy doesn’t change the fact that historically the US has been racists towards non Whites especially Asians. The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 is the formal legislative example. Another example was the internment of Japanese Nissei community during WW2. Informally, the Yellow Peril has always existed since late 1800s but has been suppressed until Covid-19 pandemic. Donald Trump made it “fashionable” again to be anti Asians and many suppressed feelings now gush out in the open.
Albeit not all Americans are racists and I’ve many friends who are White Americans. What sets them apart is the open mindedness due to the opportunity to travel out of USA. But I fear the US is now split so far apart. Like Humpty Dumpty, All the king’s horses and all the king’s men, Couldn’t put Humpty together again.
Segregation is now back. Can’t believe that an Ivy League like Columbia has stooped so low. Nothing good will ever come out of this.
Columbia University offering graduation ceremonies based on race, ethnicity, income status.
Next month, Columbia University will offer six additional graduation ceremonies based on race, ethnicity and other self-identifying factors of undergraduate students.
Native, Asian, Latino and Black graduations are listed as options where students can register, as well as a Lavender graduation for the LGBTQ community, and a ceremony for first-generation and low-income students.
“These events provide a more intimate setting for students and guests to gather, incorporate meaningful cultural traditions and celebrate the specific contributions and achievements of their communities,” read a statement on the school’s website.
Jeez, no matter how much I study…..stuff falls between the cracks. I had no idea, and I am pretty certain that the majority of Americans also have not a clue about this highway across the strait. You too, huh, the Hollywood movies. Same fantasies. Even 1/4 way through Viet Nam I was “yeah, free those poor people” (17 is an impressionable age).
But reality came home to roost….because all the boys my age were going to Nam and coming back with completely different stories. A lot of those stories were about what the military was doing to these poor friends of mine. Some friends came home in body bags, having been there for only a month…the learning curve was long.
I have several good friends who have never recovered emotionally.
The bigger problem as I see it, is that a greater majority of people, here and in the EU, have gone full Rambo and there is no amount of reasoning with them (and I have given up) that is going to induce them to seek Truth.
18 years ago a little birdie in my head said “pay attention”….and I did. I live in an area in the U.S. where there I have no neighbors and my farm is completely sustainable even if they turn off the water and electricity.
Thank you as usual, for such great articles. It is nice to be able to touch the real truth…sometimes we feel like Noah…..”and they were drinking and eating and marrying until the end”. Not that I really think the Bible is truth or literal….but it has some wise passages in it.