Here, let’s just talk about some odds and ends for a change.
What it is like living in China the real-life “Twilight Zone” episode
I swear the disconnect between what is reported in the “news” in the West and what is actually occurring is so different it is mind blowing. And to underline; to underscore this, I am going to give a few examples on just how much bullshit if being fed to the cattle in the United States and Britain. It’s pretty enormous.
Elections in China
Now, you know, China is a Social Democracy that refers to it’s self as “Communist with Chinese Characteristics”. Just like Americans call themselves a “free Republic”. So anyways, there’s been elections this week. And in China that is a big deal. Wholly automated, Use QR codes and connect to the election system by your cell phone. Of course, it is efficient and quick, but only Communist Party members can vote. Like I said in my article about China being like the movie “Starship Troopers”. Service gives citizenship. So if you want to vote, you must volunteer to participate in society.
So anyways, it’s really different from the clown show of elections in the West.
Is it being reported? No. Not one single American or Western news organization is reporting on the elections inside China. Why?

Well, the banned comments on LinkedIN tell the entire story. There are certain subjects that the American government FORBIDS to be discussed on any American internet platform. And one of those is elections inside of China.
Which is probably why you won’t find any “news” about this in Western media. It’s erased as if it doesn’t exist, and the readership of those “news” articles continue to believe that China is a single party communist dictatorship. That doesn’t have elections.
The United States censors anything that shows China to be a democracy.
WiFi Dongle
Well, long time MM readers will know of my struggles with Microsoft. Finally when I purchased the entire Windows 10 package and installed it complete on my laptop… it stopped working. Told me to purchase yet ANOTHER authentic Microsoft windows OS, and disabled most of my functionality on the system. I said “fuck this”, and installed Lunix on my new computer.
And it is “cherry”. It works beautifully.
Well, only one problem, though. The company that makes the chipset core in my computer is a company owned by Microsoft; Realtek. And they do not have official Microsoft approved drivers to run the wifi. SoI have to manually install third party drivers for the blasted wifi. Which is a real pain in the ass.
I have been Learning Lunix commands and tying all sorts of work-arounds. Finally using a Ethernet dongle connected to my 5G router. And it seems to work, but it is a pain in the ass to be manually wired to systems when you carry a laptop. I need mobility.
So I devised a plan.
I would buy a Ethernet USB adapter and use it. I would use one that would be plug and play compatible with my Lunix system. So I went on the Internet and searched for “best internet wifi adapters 2021”, and ended up HERE after I selected the top pick.
And here’s the item. Cost is $44 USD or 286 RMB.

Well, the delivery time from the USA is around one to two months, It will arrive in early December, but Customs will need to clear it, and that will be another two weeks easy. So this is what I did…
I went on Alibaba and looked up the factories that make the “guts”; the electronics of these gadgets. As you can see there are a bunch of them.

And then I asked one of my engineers to search for the factory that make this particular “Made in America” product. Because, after all, according to this product is made inside of America with American know-how, American skills, and American everything. But, you know, I have been doing international trade for many decades. Politics aside, it’s all made overseas. So we went a looking.
The bottom line is that we found the manufacturer that makes the guts for this “American product”. They are in Shenzhen.
And we talked directly one-on-one with the engineer there.
They have been manufacturing the inner workings for this “American product” for years now. Generally they started as an OEM supplier, and now they do their own design and their own products.
And he told us that while they could give us the exact product that is sold in America, it would be a mistake for us to use it. The American product has special chipset modifications required by the United States government in the core PCB. He didn’t know what they were, but suspected they were “back door” access of all the signals going to and from the adapter.
So instead, he would sell us the exact module without the American chipset addons. It’s all good, it’s just a different chip and different add on (parts delete) on the board. I said “sounds good to me”.
Cost was $6 USD or under 40 RMB with local shipping.
The United States has electronic access via “backdoors” in all American wifi products.
"There is almost no scenario in which the United States can successfully intervene in a war between China and Taiwan that will not leave our country in far worse shape than it is right now; in a worst-case scenario, American territory could be struck by nuclear missiles."
-Business Insider
US officials who are ready to fight China over Taiwan don’t understand how much is at stake
Many of America’s leading military and political figures have issued increasingly alarmist warnings in recent days about the potential for conflict with China, especially related to issues surrounding Taiwan.
But before the US gets into a crisis that brings it to the threshold of war — or finds itself stumbling into one — policymakers and military leaders need to address some hard realities.
There is almost no scenario in which the United States can successfully intervene in a war between China and Taiwan that will not leave our country in far worse shape than it is right now; in a worst-case scenario, American territory could be struck by nuclear missiles.
In testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee last week, Adm. Phil Davidson, commander of US forces in the Indo-Pacific, warned that Chinese military developments looked to him like a nation planning for a war.
Davidson added that he believed China would attempt to forcibly reunify Taiwan “in the next six years.” To guard against this possibility, Davidson asked Congress to provide a whopping $27 billion in additional funding over the current defense budget.
One of the featured programs for this increase is the Pacific Deterrence Initiative. Last year Congress allocated $2.1 billion for the initiative. This year Davidson is asking for more than double that amount, to $4.6 billion.
The PDI’s main objectives will be to increase the number of ground-based cruise missiles, ballistic missiles, and hypersonic missiles in areas closer to Chinese territory. That effort is already well underway.
In October the US Marine Corps completed construction on its first new permanent base in the Indo-Pacific area since 1952. The Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force have additional plans to establish new bases or expand existing ones at Tinian Island, Palau, Guam, and Australia — all along the so-called “first island chain” near China’s coastline.
The expansion is designed to enhance US’ ability to conduct “island-hopping” operations and create the ability to rapidly construct military airfields in austere environments.
The reason for this expansion, Davidson said, was to reduce or eliminate the time necessary for American military forces to engage Chinese targets.
The admiral said that right now it would take US forces on the West Coast more than three weeks to get within range of China and troops from Alaska 17 days. But the “perfect speed,” Davidson concluded, was “being there.”
Almost entirely absent from the hearing was any explanation of what’s driving the United States to elevate the risk of war by increasing the number of troops near the Chinese coast.
As a freedom-loving democracy, the United States is a strong advocate for the independence and freedom of any people, including those in Taiwan. But to that laudable belief must be added a willingness to assess the world in a realistic way.
Right now, both the United States and China are in a spiral in which one side expands its capabilities for war, citing rising threats from the other — which each then offers as justification for yet more military spending and preparation for war.
China is building infrastructure to project its power westward to the first island chain at the same time US forces are moving infrastructure eastward toward the first island chain and Chinese coast. Every day increases the chance of an accident or miscalculation leading to war.
Both the United States and China say they don’t want war, but both sides are accelerating and expanding their preparation for war.
If the United States were to one day fight China for anything other than an unprovoked attack, we would be choosing a course which would — in the best-case scenario — cause extraordinary harm to our military and markedly degrade our national security; in the worst-case, we could lose a war, putting at risk our very freedom.
It is crucial to understand that for China, the Taiwan issue is not merely a core interest, but an emotionally charged one. They are far more willing to pay extraordinary costs, sacrifice many men, and could risk it all to eventually compel unification with Taiwan.
The issue does not directly affect our national security unless we get involved.
If we eventually choose war with China over Taiwan, we will at best suffer egregious losses in ships, aircraft, and troops; in a worst-case, the war could deteriorate into a nuclear exchange in which American cities are turned into nuclear wastelands, killing millions.
America should never take such risks unless our security and freedom are directly threatened. Fighting China for any reason short of that would be a foolish gamble of the highest order.
If the USA gets involved in a war with China over Taiwan, the USA would lose. The magnitude of the loss is the only outcome in question.
Two days ago, I received this comment from someone who read my article “You must leave China now. China is not safe. America will destroy it completely and I will not be able to help you out”…
He said;
You keep pounding on points that no one disputes but which are irrelevant. What are you trying to convince Americans to do? Admire China? Be demoralized? Why would the Chinese care what we think of them? How is insulting America going to make us admire them, anyway? If it is to demoralize, then that, too is foolish — attacking your best potential ally while leaving everyone’s real enemy untouched.
Butt-hurt because America is performing so poorly on all fronts. And all I have to say about this is that America has failed in taking care of the social issues that are fundamental to a functioning society. American is becoming more like Bangladesh than a “free and prosperous” nation.
The MM readership will know that I was homeless for a period of time between when I left the Navy and then obtained my training at NAS China Lake. During this period of time, the general treatment of homeless people all over the country was to escort you out of the town, and if they cannot do that, then lock you up in jail until a social service can take you in.
Do you want to know what they do in China?
Everyone in China has an identity. They have a card, but also biometrics. When ever a beggar is found on the streets or a homeless person, the duty of the citizens are to contact the police who will then come to the beggar / homeless person.
The police will then escort them to the local social services office. They will be immediately provided with a shower, clean clothes, a meal (or two as needed), a physical examination to include mental health, and an interview.
During that interview they will determine if that person can stay or needs to return to their home town. You see, every ID card is associated with a local “home town” government. That government is wholly responsible for that person.
If the person is mentally unstable, looking for work, transient but having difficulties, or whatever the issue, the interviewer will make the necessary arrangements to get the person help.
Typically, in many cases, but not all, the person would be escorted to their home town and handed over to the local government there. They will immediately provide them with long-term housing, food, showers, and a simple but useful job. The person then need not worry about health care, housing, food, or being alone.
This is how China takes care of it’s citizens.
America just locks them up in prison / mental hospital / or allows them to be preyed upon in the wilds of urban streets.
America has FAILED in providing to the needs of it’s citizens, while China has been able to handle and take care of it’s citizenry.
The Internet empire Yahoo! has decided to close off China from all of it’s services. No reason is given, but I cannot help but assume that it is political in nature.
Ah, yet another wall to isolate China from the Western World.
My Grandfather’s House
My fathers’ father lived on “Polish Hill” which is a suburb of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. This is a hilly area, and all the houses are built on the sides of very steep hills, many actually being full cliff faces. Thus, when you enter the house, you would have a “ground floor” which consists of the living room and kitchen, a second floor which has a bathroom and bedrooms, and two to four basements.
In my Grandfather’s house, there were two basements. A “main basement” which opened up to the “laundry room” with the mandatory (middle of the room) commode (ah, it’s a Pittsburgh thing) and his workshop.
Now, tucked away in his workshop was this tiny “broom closet” sized door tucked away in the far corner. His workshop was filled with all sorts of electrical appliances and televisions that he would repair and work on, and old magazines and documents for the electronics world that he was a part of. He also had quite a large collection of pocket watches that he tried to repair, and various mechanisms that he would fix for a few bucks (money) here and there.
But when you opened up that tiny broom closet door, you would find yourself at a old rickety wooden spiral staircase going down into the sub-basement grotto. There was a pile of old hardwood that was too valuable to discard, shelves of very dusty brick-a-brack, and other long forgotten treasures that a boy of ten would find absolutely fascinating.
And I was ten when I discovered all these adventures.
Yes, I would explore those dingy and dark areas with the radio playing “Up, up and away in my beautiful balloon”, wearing bell-bottom pants, while my mother and grandmother watched Laurence Welk on the television show, upstairs.
Now, fast forward from the early 1970’s to 1981. I am living with my grandmother as I worked at a job in one of the steel mills there. I stayed with her for about three months until I could afford my own apartment.
And She was cleaning out that subbasement. She was hauling away everything. Too much junk, worthless garbage and clutter, she said.
I had picked up this dusty old mason jar (an old canning jar for home made preserves) and was looking inside of it. There were a few pennies from the 1920’s, a old faded scrap of paper with some unintelligible writing on it (in Polish no less), two or three old buttons, a few military pins, and a hand made key to some kind of a closet or drawer.
When I showed it to my grandmother, she exclaimed “So THAT’s where that key was!”
Apparently there was a drawer in one of the pieces of furniture in the second bedroom that has been locked for decades! So, my grandmother and I went upstairs and used the key and opened up the drawer.
Inside was a bunch of jewelry / bracelets, and a couple of old coins. There was a couple of combs, a couple of old straight razors for shaving, and some silk handkerchiefs. As well as a few old letters. There was a a very old and small diary and my grand mother picked it up and started to leaf though it, and then set it aside as we continued our explorations. There were some really old pictures of people that I did not know, and a really cool coin purse.
Now this coin purse was all metal. It was a metal bag like thingy like chain metal armor, with a cool 1920’s era design. And it had this cure little chain and it would open by a clasp. She gave it to me and I actually thought it was really cool. Inside of it, was a few more old coins. Which included pennies with faces of Indians on them, and a nickel with an Indian on the coin!
Now for part two.
Well, there was a penny in the purse, and I was messing around with my friends one weekend. And my brother had this metal (cast iron, actually) little bank mechanism thingy. You would put this penny in this part of the contraption (a representative of a guy holding a gun) and then press the latch and the mechanism would actuate a spring that would “shoot” the penny into a slot in the metal bank.
And so, on that fateful day, I lost the penny that was in the purse that I found at the grotto under the sub-basement of my grandmother’s house.
I never did get that penny back. I soon moved away after being laid off, and my life took on another direction. And somewhere, someone, took that bank that had perhaps ten or fifteen pennies, and opened it up and obtained that precious memory of when my grandmother and I discovered the key to her memories.
Why China is building more nuclear missiles…
From the article above…
One of the featured programs for this increase is the Pacific Deterrence Initiative. Last year Congress allocated $2.1 billion for the initiative. This year Davidson is asking for more than double that amount, to $4.6 billion. The PDI's main objectives will be to increase the number of ground-based cruise missiles, ballistic missiles, and hypersonic missiles in areas closer to Chinese territory. That effort is already well underway...
Well, it should be obvious, for every new location where the USA places it’s missiles to attack China, China now needs to arm a nuclear salvo to rubble and glass-over those weapons sites so that they are impotent in a war scenario.
Good going, Congress!
Do not be under the impression that all the weapons are for the areas right next door to China, you God damn morons. It’s for YOU. It’s for YOUR homes. It’s for YOUR cities. It’s for YOUR country.
China is NOT reactionary. They provide reactions on a event by event basis until it become clear that it is an all or nothing situation. Then, they take the necessary step to extinguish all enemy leadership and their support networks immediately.
Jews! Jews! Jews!
Lordy! One of my posts from 2019 hit the internet recently, and landed in the lap of some hard-right folks. Aside from slowing my servers to a crawl, MM now came up (yet again) on American “watch lists”. Which is a headache in itself.
I have been getting a lot of comments about how “wrong” I am. And that Jews are the cause of everything! Jews started communism. Jews created Ebola. Jews are the reason homosexuality exists. Jews cause all wars. Jews, Jews, Jews!
I hope all this ruckus dies down soon. Because now a subgroup of “Chinese 5G is a plan to brainwash Americans to take vaccinations for a hoax virus” is starting to make the rounds. Who knows? Maybe the next thing will be “Donald Trump will win the next Presidential Election, and the China issue will be settled once and for all“.
I need a beer.
I am making more enemies than friends, it seems…
You know, in my last Q&A I post an eight part question by a contributor. And the Domain Commander didn’t answer it, and this was at a time where everyone was sending me questions to ask the Commander. So I just took one of the smaller lists and tried to ask it. And the results were posted.
Now the fellow who asked the question is upset, and doesn’t want me to throw him to the cornfield. Understandable, and now he fears that I have ill intent or beliefs about his intent.
Guys, Please understand that I had maybe 15 to 25 people throwing all sorts of multiple part questions at me to ask. I did not realize that I would become so famous. Some were very sincere. But some were just busy work.
Now put yourself in my shoes. You get questions, you cut and paste them into a MS Word file, and the list grows and grows.
Then you start the tasking. And it wears you out.
Imagine ten people asking 15 questions. That’s 150 questions!
Which ones are sincere? Which ones are critical? Which ones are important? Which ones are just busy work? I really don’t know.
So what I did, was I got a group from the top of the question list, and started my “flight plan”, and I printed the result in the Q&A.
Everyone, please I really sincerely want to make a difference in this world, and I sincerely want to answer your questions. If you have something pressing, please send to me at the email address, along with some background on the one singular question. I need to know why it is important to you personally.
As to those that asked questions that I did not answer, please wait. I am still a human, though I have many faults and cracks in my personality. Do not be offended. I just need to set up systems to handle the huge influx of questions, participants, and “noise” that is being directed at me right now.
Though, I will really get angry if someone sends me a tabulated spreadsheet of 200 multiple part questions like …
“Question 145, part 7, subpart 4, section B”
Which actually DID happen. Jeeze!
I responded back to him, but I guess he used a throw-away email address. I haven’t heard back from him.
Vaxx Stuff
For all youse guys who are into the anti-mRNA vaccination protocols, might find this article of value. The title speaks for itself…
I don’t know if it is legit or not.
System collapse
All internet traffic to MM reached an unusually huge level and over taxed the system. Points of origination came from inside the United States, and I also received multiple DOS attacks. My system shut down, a secondary group of attacks came out of Hong Kong and overwhelmed my normal local internet as well.
Thus the two locations Metallicman…
- Hosting Servers inside of America
- Point of origin servers inside of China.
Have BOTH been simultaneously attacked by numerous DOS attacks. All on top of an abnormally large traffic stream.
My guess that it isn’t about my fine taste in cheeseburgers. I’ll be willing to bet that it is about my predictions, and the Commander’s confirmation, that the USA is planning a first strike nuclear salvo against China. Can’t allow the rest of the world to know. Heh. Heh.
I guess I am big stuff.
You all know that I have been battling with getting the systems up and running, but right now, I am unable to do anything. All internet access is overwhelmed locally, and I am simply helpless.
Well, as my cat taught me, “life is hard, then you nap”.
Well, no need to fret about it all. I’m just going to get some beer and chill out. It’s a nice day out. Blue skies. Pleasant temperatures. Fresh air.
So, as soon as a window of opportunity opens up, I will do what I can to get things back up and running again.
Have a good day you all and remember…
You, I, we… we all are a community. Never forget that.
We are all part of something much bigger.
Do you want more?
You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future.
New Beginnings.
Articles & Links
Master Index.
- You can start reading the articles by going HERE.
- You can visit the Index Page HERE to explore by article subject.
- You can also ask the author some questions. You can go HERE to find out how to go about this.
- You can find out more about the author HERE.
- If you have concerns or complaints, you can go HERE.
- If you want to make a donation, you can go HERE.
Ouch. Your headaches are piling up lol. Is the MM server overloaded? It’s very hard to get in. But at least I see an email address so I can send my dream report to. There’s a 100 day timer and a calendar of babies and women for some odd reason. I thought it was weird enough to jot it down. Will send it later.
Keep sane bro. When it rains…
I get “nonce is invalid” when posting.
System collapse
All internet traffic to MM reached an unusually huge level and over taxed the system. Points of origination came from inside the United States, and I also received multiple DOS attacks. My system shut down, a secondary group of attacks came out of Hong Kong and overwhelmed my normal local internet as well.
Thus the two locations Metallicman…
Have BOTH been simultaneously attacked by numerous DOS attacks. All on top of an abnormally large traffic stream.
My guess that it isn’t about my fine taste in cheeseburgers. I’ll be willing to bet that it is about my predictions, and the Commander’s confirmation, that the USA is planning a first strike nuclear salvo against China. Can’t allow the rest of the world to know. Heh. Heh.
I guess I am big stuff.
You all know that I have been battling with getting the systems up and running, but right now, I am unable to do anything. All internet access is overwhelmed locally, and I am simply helpless.
Well, as my cat taught me, “life is hard, then you nap”.
Well, no need to fret about it all. I’m just going to get some beer and chill out. It’s a nice day out. Blue skies. Pleasant temperatures. Fresh air.
So, as soon as a window of opportunity opens up, I will do what I can to get things back up and running again.
All seems to be fine now. Yesterday things were a little slow.
Yessir… all day yesterday (Saturday, 6-Nov-2021) here outside Shitcago the throughput was crawling to your site.
I had trouble accessing the MM site yesterday as well.
Incidentally, I noticed that Western Rifle Shooters Association,, run by a fellow who goes by the handle of Concerned American, posted your six part series on Nov. 4, 2021 titled What the progressive liberals have in store for the conservatives. His site spews a lot of anti China stuff. This is not the first time he has posted that 6 part series. As I recall, about six months or so ago he posted the same and you were having the same kind of internet issues that you’re having now.
Many of the alt right sites I peruse speak very highly of this Concerned American dude. Some have said they’ve met and had a meal with him. They all seem honored when he uses their content on his site. I, myself, don’t trust his intentions to be authentic, however. I think the guy is compromised somehow. Anyhoo, just letting you know what I’m seeing on my end. Thanks for all you do. I love you like a brother, OG.
WRSA is an American survivalist/patriot who has been around for a very long time.
IMO, he is not terribly unique. Just a very average gung-ho, Team Murka, military and police worshiping survivalist. Still believes in the “constitution”, hates communism, etc etc.
The very fact that his site is still up, and knowing that the survivalist/patriot community is heavily infiltrated by feds, makes him suspicious. Kind of like if one believes the January 6th “invasion” of Washington was natural, or just another false flag.
Survivalism in itself is good, but it has its flaws. You have to make some additions to really make it useful.
This post made me smile, except for the DOS attacks; I’m sorry to here you’re experiencing that. I felt that something was up the other day when pages kept having issues loading.
Thank you also for the last note. I’ve been suffering from a but of self doubt and melancholy this past week. Also feeling very alone at the moment.
Lol the beer sounds great–after my lab work tomorrow.
Thank you for that. this past months are like a roller coaster of distractions, and I find it almost impossible to concentrate, mainly regarding affirmation campaigns. anyway, this time I feel, is about to end.
p.s: Pfizer vs FBI appears no legit. Hope I am wrong on that.
About those pesky traffick jams in the infosuperhighway… This is probably very obvious to everybody, but just tryin’ to be a good Rufus, ok? Ok.
I hope you all use a VPN when you open up a connection to this slimy, infested and putrid mess people still call internet. And close the connection behind. You do? Great.
Those VPN’s are the 1st best line of defense, but you can use then offensively as well; make your entry point to Mali or Bangladesh or any nation that is part of the BRI, and the traffick to MM is way smoother.
Give it a try, who knows, it might work!
Oh, almost forgot, that FBI/Pfizer. Pure manure. As are the “news” that followed. ..using fetus cells for making vaccines…yeah, 1 cell-lining from an aborted Dutch fetus was used in 1972. Sheez….do your own research my ass…
thanks for sharing.