If you take a casual glance at the American media you will be exposed to the ideas of “genocide”, “concentration camps”, “slave labor”, and other abuses by China in the Xinjiang province. And, if you are an American, you will believe them. After all, the “news” never lies … right? Well, in this post we are going to look at the reason WHY there is such an uproar in the USA over this patch of land in Western China. And the reasons behind it is NOT anything presented to the American citizenry. It’s something else entirely.
Where is Xingjiang?
Xinjiang is in China. It is a State / province of China. It’s a kind of “China’s version of America’s New Mexico”.
First of all, let’s look at where Xinjiang is. Because a picture will tell you more than any write up that I can compile will. So check out this map of China showing the Xinjiang region…
So, those of you all in the MM audience that somehow believe that American neocon narrative that US military troops can tromp into the region and “liberate” the Chinese people there. (For “democracy”® and “freedom”®.) Had best think long and hard if you want to deal with half of the Untied States rendered into radioactive waste.
China does not play.
This area is owned, controlled, and a fundamental part of China, and has been so for many… many years.
China will treat any “forces of liberation” with the same level of violence as Washington DC would do to defend Texas from invasion. If you all think that a “color revolution” is possible there, or that “American troops can liberate it” you had best get back on your medicines. Those fantasies are for ignorant children and the feeble-minded.
Now, let’s take a look at the BRI, shall we?
Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) China ’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) (一带一路) is a strategy initiated by the People’s Republic of China that seeks to connect Asia with Africa and Europe via land and maritime networks with the aim of improving regional integration, increasing trade and stimulating economic growth.
The BRI is a very involved trade route into the heart of Asia that is designed to replace or supplement the sea-lane shipping routes out of China. (And subject to American Naval Blockades.)
There are many aspects of it, and it is very comprehensive.
In short, it leverages all of the neighbors to China, and builds upon robust lines of communication, trade and investment. And thus maps depicting such efforts tend to be rather convoluted and messy, such as this map from France…

Now, let’s simplify all this.
Let’s [1] concentrate on the land routes only, and [2] paint the canvas in broad brush strokes showing the areas of development, and influence in the BRI. And [3] lets do so taking note of the locations of China, Russia and Iran.
And when we do so, we end up with this (greatly simplified) map…

Now what can you see, when you simplify everything down and distill it into it’s simplest components?
You see the BRI as a unification of the nations of China, Russia and Iran. And internally upon the vast landmasses. Well… well, out of the reach of the “long arms” of the United States Navy.
Now, with the BRI the entire trade situation changes.
Now, Aside from trading with the Americas, China can trade with the rest of the world by land routes only. Not only is [1] logistic costs via rail cheaper than by sea, but [2] they are protected from piracy, ship damage and loss, and naval blockades by rogue nations (read; The United States and Britain.)
Sep 20, 2020 · If a naval blockade is a feasible strategy, it strengthens the American system of deterrence and dilutes any potential attempts by China to coerce the United States or its allies. -Could The U.S. Navy Blockade China Into Submission?
Apr 06, 2019 · If a naval blockade is a feasible strategy, it strengthens the American system of deterrence and dilutes any potential attempts by China to coerce the United States or its allies. - How a Massive Naval Blockade Could Bring China To Its Knees...
The National Interest is THE publication that you read if you desire to feel the “pulse” of the war-mongering neocons in Washington DC. Some of their typical reads are;
- America Can—and Will—Win the Trade War
- The U.S. Military Has a Big Problem: It Can’t Win Wars …
- China’s Hypersonic DF-17 Missiles: Can They Win a War …
- Why America Needs an Independent Space Force
- How Indian armed forces can defeat Pakistan in less than a …
- 5 Iranian Weapons of War America … – The National Interest
- China | The National Interest
- Poll: Majority of Americans Believe China is Greatest …
- China’s Next Move: A Taiwan Invasion? | The National Interest
Now, let’s take a look at the American neocon plans to isolate and suppress China. Let’s look at what their plans have been…
Why do I feel like the planners in Washington DC like to play with little toy soldiers, fancy electronics and high technology, and fail to see the human side of their insanity? Interesting isn’t it?
Now, let’s take a look at the above map showing the BRI…
I am sure that most MM readers can read maps. And when you do, you can clearly see that the BRI renders the complete American military; Air, Land, and sea impotent.
It removes the threat of naval blockades on China.
It lowers the prices in trade goods. It enriches and uplifts the lives of millions of people in the most poverty stricken areas of the world, and connects China with it’s biggest customers for the next decade.
So since the BRI puts American military might at a disadvantage, it becomes critically important that the BRI be stopped at all costs.
Now, boys and girls, look at where the “gateway” to the BRI is located at. Yup. That’s right.
It’s located in Xinjiang.

Are the puzzle-pieces falling in place for ya? Are things getting a little clearer for you all to understand?
All this propaganda onslaught against China and Uighur Muslims isn’t about what they say it is. It’s about stopping China from building the BRI at all costs, and set in place a narrative to justify military action there.
Of course, not directly.
By proxy.
Well that is the plan at least.
And when you look at the bigger scope of things then you can understand why the military is suddenly pouring more money, more equipment and more manpower into both Afghanistan and Syria.
You just look at the map.
So what’s all this narrative all about?
Well, let’s look at another article titled “Is China committing genocide?” Reprinted as found, and all credit to the author.
Is China Committing Genocide? Behind the US Government’s Propaganda Campaign
XINJIANG PROVINCE, CHINA — Up is down. War is peace. And the U.S., Canada and the Netherlands have accused China of genocide.
“This is forced labor, this is forced sterilization, this is forced abortions, …the kind of thing we haven’t seen in an awfully long time in this world,” declared then-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.
To be fair, the accusers are experts in genocide: the U.S. and its junior imperial partner, Canada, wiped out their indigenous populations. Today the U.S. is responsible for the three biggest human rights catastrophes in the world in Afghanistan, Syria and Yemen. And the Netherlands is just coming to terms with its massacres in Indonesia.
Mike Pompeo’s successor at the State Department, Antony Blinken, is sticking with the genocide claim. That’s despite the State Department’s top lawyers stating that whatever might be happening in Xinjiang, it’s not genocide. That’s right. Chinese Communist Party genocide denialists have infiltrated the U.S. State Department to impurify our precious bodily fluids.
My goodness!
Dr Strangelove Precious Bodily Fluids Quote Aug 12, 2020 · Everyone loves to quote famous lines from movies so having a good knowledge of good movie quotes. Arguably the greatest black comedy ever made stanley kubrick s cold war classic is the ultimate satire of the nuclear age. A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual and certainly without any choice.
Pure Zenz
So what did Pompeo and Blinken base their accusations of genocide on? There must have been a pretty strong body of on-the-ground reporting and research. Or not. It turns out that one guy is pretty much responsible for the whole narrative. His name is Adrian Zenz.
“Adrian’s research, as many of you know, has been key in establishing the existence of the camps in the first place, and in documenting the buildup of the PRC police state,” explained Hudson Institute fellow Eric Brown.
Zenz appeared almost overnight as a go-to expert on Xinjiang and Uighurs. Now he’s a regular on mainstream outlets and even on supposedly progressive news show Democracy Now. In fact, in Mike Pompeo’s official statement accusing China of genocide, he directly credited Zenz.
But most of his so-called research has been discredited, and he’s been revealed to be a straight-up fabulist. A Grayzone News investigation showed that Zenz’s claims of 1 million Uighur detained in camps were based “on a single report by Istiqlal TV, a Uyghur exile media organization based in Turkey, which was republished by Newsweek Japan.” In other words, no evidence, and not even an attempt.
Meanwhile, Zenz’s study accusing China of forced sterilizations didn’t contain any proof of coercion. The Grayzone showed how “Zenz consistently framed the expansion of public healthcare services in Xinjiang as evidence of a genocide in the making.”
Characterizing expanded access to birth control as genocide is what the Christian Right does.
So it makes perfect sense that Zenz – an evangelical fundamentalist himself – holds this view.

Zenz’s first book is a psychedelic trip through the mind of a Rapture-ready Christer.
The tome is entitled “Worthy to Escape: Why All Believers Will Not Be Raptured Before the Tribulation.”
In it, the book claims that in the end times, “God’s refining process will wipe out all unbelieving Jews who refuse to come to Christ.”
So Zenz writes racist fantasies about Jews, like me. Who knows what he thinks will happen to Uighur Muslims! Yikes!

He also says that Satan is using postmodernism to attack gender-authority structures and undermine what he believes are God’s unique but different role assignments for men and women.
Clearly, he is against women’s rights.
So does he support criminalizing birth control in his native Germany and here in the U.S. where he now resides?
Even more deranged, Zenz’s big genocide study claimed that women in Xinjiang receive 800 to 1600 IUD insertions per capita. That means every Uighur woman is surgically implanted with 4 to 8 IUDs every single day of the year.
It’s not even possible.
Evidently, none of the outlets that feverishly published his claims bothered to give even a cursory examination to the evidence, or lack thereof, that he presents.
Other reasons (besides genocide) for having fewer kids
In reality, the decrease in birth rate is a normal, predictable outcome of economic development. When people are more financially secure, they choose to have fewer kids and do it later in life.
In fact, China is pouring money into Xinjiang to develop its economy.
According to a 2015 U.S. government study, “To decrease ethnic instability in Xinjiang, the Chinese government’s plan is to economically develop the region.”
That’s right. Chinese Communist Party agents have also time-traveled to 2015 to infiltrate the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School and write a study trying to justifying genocide. Damn you Xi!!!
As a result of this economic development, China’s birth rate is falling at rapid rates in all regions, which comes with its own set of problems, like an aging population – similar to what the U.S. is dealing with. So Chinese lawmakers are now pushing for the universal two-child policy to be changed to three.
But this rapture-ready fanatic Adrian Zenz isn’t the only source for these claims of genocide, right?
Well, Newsweek cites Adrian Zenz.
How about CNN: the self-described most trusted name in news? CNN says its reporting found that some Uyghur women were being forced to use birth control and undergo sterilization… There it is. Can’t argue with that.
…The article was “based on a report by Adrian Zenz.”
Uh oh.
The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum accuses China of crimes against humanity and genocide against Uighurs. They reference “leaked government documents” and “researchers,” …
Of course, referring to Zenz.
Zenz and the Genocide Choir
With Zenz at the center, a cast of shady characters have promoted this disinformation to support the phony genocide claim:
- Rushan Abbas — former Pentagon contractor who worked for Radio Free Asia, a U.S. propaganda mouthpiece started by the CIA.
- Darren Byler — a fellow at the Wilson Center, which is funded by the U.S. government and a host of other NATO governments, big banks and corporations. His resume shows he has also been funded to the tune of 100,000 dollars through the U.S. Department of Education.
- He does panels with Louise Greve — the former vice president of the CIA cutout National Endowment for Democracy, who now runs the NED-funded Uyghur Human Rights Project.
- There’s Human Rights Watch China Director Sophie Richardson — this cold-warrior wrote an op-ed in the liberal interventionist Foreign Affairs magazine calling for Biden to confront China over human rights. What the hell are the people at Human Rights Watch smoking to believe the guy who just bombed Syria and sponsors Israel’s project of apartheid has a shred of crediblity on human rights?
- Then there’s the Australian Strategic Policy Institute – the self-declared independent, non-partisan think tank, which is totally dependent on funding from the Australian and American departments of defense, NATO, weapons makers, the Embassy of Japan, and the Embassy of Israel, among others.

2018 and the sudden “genocide” drumbeat
The Uighur genocide claim was virtually unheard of before 2018. Up until that point, Western media coverage of the issue was dramatically different.
Take The New York Times. In the 1980s, it published a series of articles about how Uighur Muslims were actually prospering and Islam was flourishing under Chinese rule.
By the 1980s, this separatist movement was becoming violent. In one 1997 incident, the Times reported on, about a thousand Muslim separatists of the Uighur ethnic minority rampaged through the town Yining on Wednesday, smashing cars, burning shops and beating up ethnic Chinese to protest Beijing’s rule.
In 1994, the Times reported that Uighur extremists were returning from Afghanistan, where the CIA spent a billion dollars arming what it called a “University of Jihad.” The Times noted that “Afghan veterans have fought in two western provinces, Uighur and Xinjiang, where they have armed and trained Chinese Muslim rebels.”
In the wake of the U.S. destruction of Yugoslavia, the Times noted the separatists fantasized about a NATO bombing campaign
This Uighur separatist movement, its violent anti-Han rampages, or the militants returning from Afghanistan are barely mentioned in any of the contemporary Times reports claiming genocide.
In 1981, The Washington Post wrote about growing ethnic tensions in Xinjiang, noting that “Peking has taken pains to ensure ethnic rights and elevate minority group members to leadership positions. In Xinjiang, a kind of affirmative action program has been started at the provincial university to guarantee that 60 percent of new students are from ethnic backgrounds.” Today, none of this gets mentioned in the Post’s coverage.
How about Newsweek? Back in 2000, it reported that Xinjiang was a weak point that threatened to fragment China along ethnic lines, that Uighur separatists threatened the security of Beijing, and some might even join forces with Islamic “holy warriors.” Now it’s all genocide, all the time.
With these misleading or outright false claims based on manipulated statistics, the only evidence for a Uighur genocide is anecdotal, which is hard to prove or disprove. But the testimony in Western media is often full of contradictions.
Take the case of Sayragul Sauytbay. In 2019, she told the UK tabloid The Daily Mail that she witnessed concentration camp “inmates being flayed, raped by guards in front of other prisoners, given injections that made them infertile and force-fed pork.” Keep in mind this is the same tabloid that has spent years peddling Islamophobic hysteria and once warned about Muslim fanatics hijacking the royal wedding. Sauytbay has told similar stories in more respectable newspapers like Foreign Policy, Haaretz and Deutsche Welle.
But back in 2018, Sauytbay told the Globe and Mail that “She did not personally see violence.” For some reason, she completely changed her story. Maybe she was fearful and traumatized, or maybe she falsified it. Apparently, none of the outlets that published her testimony bothered to check into that discrepancy.
Then there’s Tursunay Ziyawundun. She’s the central character in the forced-sterilization narrative cooked up by Adrian Zenz. She’s delivered teary testimonies for the BBC, CNN and Democracy Now. A few months before those reports, however, she told Buzzfeed News, “I wasn’t beaten or abused.” Again, why did she change her story? And why did all of these media outlets fail to do a basic check into her past statements?
Older rumblings
In my research, the first mention of Uighur genocide took place back in 1997, when several so-called “Chinese dissidents” testified to Congress. One woman named Rizvangul Uighur claimed that China’s birth control policy involved murdering babies as soon as they were born. She said the one-child policy was so strictly enforced that “babies are being killed in [the] delivery room without seeing the mother’s face and world.”
Representative Chris Smith (R-NJ) – a homophobic bigot from the Christian right – claimed that Uighur women “are often taken physically to the abortion mill. Forced abortions can be performed very late in pregnancy, even in the ninth month. Sometimes the baby’s skull is crushed with forceps as it emerges from the birth canal. Either the woman or her husband may then be forcibly sterilized.”
That’s the same Chris Smith who several months before was railing against abortion rights at the so-called March For Life rally and accusing Bill Clinton of murdering unborn children:
You are and your legacy will be abortion president. You know, mister president, that the scriptures admonish us to pray for those in authority. And we will be faithful to that. As believers we will pray and fast, and sincerely hope, that you reject the culture of death.”
Neither Rizvangul Uighur nor Smith bothered to mention that in 1997 Uighurs and other ethnic minorities were not subject to the one-child policy. So the birthrate in Xinjiang province was 19.66 – meaning there were nearly 20 births per 1,000 people. Meanwhile, in Beijing, the birthrate was 7.91.
Of course, there was a clear political goal in the bogus testimony delivered in Congress. It was coordinated to be released on the day that Bill Clinton met with President of China Jiang Zemin.
Members of Congress were demanding Clinton take a hardline approach to China, some even using racist epithets to warn of a Chinese invasion. “The White House will not wise up until there’s a full blown rice paddy on the east lawn,” warned Democratic Ohio Congressman James Traficant, whose career ultimately ended in a bribery conviction and expulsion from Congress.
After that, save for a couple of Voice of America articles, there was no mention in Western media about the Uighur genocide — until 2018…
…And the Donald Trump “War on China”.
The contemporary hypocritical propaganda barrage
It’s worth pointing out that the vast majority of American politicians taking up the supposed Uighur genocide cause are totally supportive of U.S.-sponsored genocides around the world. Like Chris Smith (yup, he’s still there).
The same Chris Smith who welcomed Benjamin Netanyahu with a statement of “unequivocal support for Israel” just a few months after it killed 551 Palestinian children in Gaza.
Or Florida Senator Rick Scott – also a bestie of the butcher of Gaza, Benjamin Netanyahu.
The neocon Michael Pillsbury – the same Michael Pillsbury who in the 1980s, as a state department official, oversaw the CIA’s arming of the Afghanistan mujahideen with Stinger missiles, the same mujahideen who would train Uighur jihadists.
The Uighur genocide is almost perfectly tailored for right-wing agitators who want to portray socialism as a totalitarian system akin to Nazism. “When people say ‘never again’ they were (sic) full of crap. They’re just full of crap. This is one area where the United States should be taking a leading role… shaving people’s heads, shipping them on trains and to concentration camps where you force them into labor and/or sterilize them,” declared Ben Shapiro.
“Many of them women who, of their own volition, had the Chinese government paramilitary forcefully end those pregnancies. Forcefully sterilize,” said Tim Pool. “They’re trying to sterilize the Uighur population but force the Han population genetic code into other Uighur women,” his fellow podcaster claimed.
Should I mention here that the U.S. government forcibly sterilized 1,400 Black women in a California prison? Haven’t seen any U.S. government officials or news media talk about that!
This propaganda deluge is having a powerful impact on U.S. public opinion. In 2017, just before the Uighur genocide narrative kicked into high gear, 53% of Americans had a favorable view of China – the highest in three decades. Now, a new poll shows it’s down to 20% – a historic low. That was accompanied by a 150% increase in anti-Asian hate crimes in U.S. cities.
It’s the “sheeple effect“. It’s when zombie population mindlessly regurgitate the media narratives about things that they themselves have NEVER personally experienced. They just repeat without thinking. They regurgitate without consideration. They have no personal experiences to justify their beliefs.
"Oh, China is terrible." How do you know this? "Everyone knows this. What a silly question." Did you experience something bad while you were in China? "I've never been to China, but I have a friend of a friend who has. And he says it's terrible". How do you know that the third hand information is correct, and accurate? "I know. I feel it in my bones, besides everyone knows that China is terrible."
Sheeple drink Brawndo. It has electrolytes.
Trillions of dollars worth of “caring”
So what is this all about?
Why did corporate media and militaristic right wing politicians, along with a surprising number of progressive dupes, suddenly start freaking out about a supposed genocide in China?
Xinjiang is the heart of China’s Belt and Road initiative, the economic plan that connects Asia to Europe and the Middle East. It’s an alternative model to the dictatorship of the U.S. dollar, where the World Bank and International Monetary Fund turn countries into neo-colonies for American corporations – a system backed up with the constant threat of military invasion.
The U.S. can’t deal with legitimate competition, so it’s resorting to smears in an attempt to isolate China diplomatically and slow its economic growth.
It’s either that, or the government and military that forcibly sterilized minority women in prisons, tortured in Abu Ghraib, relies on prison labor, and is waging genocidal wars against multiple Muslim-majority countries, just simply cares a whole lot about the Uighurs.
But you know, China is starting to fight back
While they have been passively building, and negotiating, studying, researching, and making, other things are a-foot…
A number of enterprises and individuals in Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region have directed lawyers to sue German national Adrian Zenz (who calls himself Zheng Guoen in Chinese), Xinjiang local news outlet ts.cn reported. Local people said that Zenz spread "forced labor" and other rumors related to Xinjiang, which damaged their reputation and caused them to suffer economic losses. They have filed a civil lawsuit with a local court in Xinjiang, demanding that Zenz apologize, restore their reputation and compensate them for their losses. Adrian Zenz, born in 1974, is an infamous anti-China pseudo-scholar. He is a German far-right fundamentalist Christian who believes he is "led by God" on a "mission" against China, member of the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, a far-right organization established by the US government in 1993, and senior fellow in a research group set up by the US intelligence community against the vocational education and training centers in Xinjiang. In 2018 when he was still a faculty member of the European School of Culture and Theology at Columbia International University, Korntal, he has gone almost overnight from an unknown researcher into a go-to pundit on Xinjiang, as the US steps up its disinformation campaign against China. In recent years, Zenz has produced multiple sensational "reports" on Xinjiang on social media platforms like Twitter, and fabricated false academic research on Xinjiang, in which he spread rumors such as large-scale monitoring of local ethnic minorities and forced labor of the Uygurs. These false claims have been pursued by Western media. Misled by such rumors on Xinjiang, some countries and companies have reduced or even halted imports of cotton and cotton products from Xinjiang, causing some cotton farmers and cotton processing enterprises in Xinjiang to suffer great economic losses.
Do you want more?
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interesting article👍would of been good to see is-ra-el mentioned as they are instrumental in technology transfer from the west to the east so are another part of this multi dimensional shape shifting jigsaw🤔
The Chinese already has antigravity technology but they don’t show their hidden strength.
I see America represented by an old clunky airplane against China. I think it’s called a ‘Cessna’ but it could be something else. It is a propeller plane flying in the sky with USA colours, but the thing China is flying is way nicer than that. It looks like a disc and it is FAST. It is black and flat and looks like a skipping stone. Looking at it go I realise, the things China is showing you America is not what they really have. You are being duped at an insane level and all the other nations of the world with you.
If I were to tell you how much $ Uncle Sugar has voluntarily deposited into my bank account, your jaw would drop to the floor! This tells me, a) The dollar is soon, very soon, to be doomed. Placation for the masses. b) The psychopaths at the helm of influence and power actually believe their own lies. c) Creates a very dangerous conflagration of group think that could cause a storm of mushroom clouds from our coasts west to east. I’m not formally educated and I don’t have my face glued to the latest scrying mirror. I’m beginning to feel that I’m one of the lucky ones that escaped the “higher” education gulags after high school. Somehow though, I feel insulated and at peace. Happy too. And I’ll continue to post my opinions and observations with respect to MM. Sooo, if suddenly my warp bubble should collapse, Remember me:)
It does seem that way, doesn’t it? I view things more like a ship sailing around dangerous shoals, bogs, and a storm. Meanwhile the Captain of the ship is drunk, and has put the young “water boy” at the helm. It’s pretty bad. Not not impossible. Relax.
Guys, as an ethnic Chinese living in America, (dfw) this year I took the penalty hit and withdrew my 401k savings (Im in my mid 30s) and also since last year I basically stopped paying income taxes (marked myself exempt even though Im not) and this year in 2021 I opt out of all savings, retirement plan, healthcare insurance etc etc… So effectively Im netting well over someone who makes 6 figures who plays by the rules. I also got paid the $1200, $600, and $1400 stimulus checks lol… Plus I have couple credit cards, one with around $35,000+ credit line… am single no kids, no wife/gf, no car or home payments, etc….
Im frontloading life while I still can. Our local Costco has A5 Waygu fedex from Japan by air… Im on WhatsYourPrice and going on dates with all the pretty women… Im planning to go on a luxury vacation this year, overseas if Covid permitting…
Within a year, two at the most, Amerikkka will have collapsed, whether or not it takes the rest of the world down with it I dont know… one thing is for sure, the Game is about to Stop… The US dollar is moribund and they know it, they’ve known it since 2019… covid was no accident
Either Dallas and ten other top US cities get nuked in a retaliation strike, or I end up on the inside of a US gov gas chamber and death camp, or the US dollar crashes and we all become paper billionaires with nowhere to go and nothing to buy; or some combination or permutation of any and all of the above.
Its, as they say, a mathematical certainty…
Good for you. As a side note, I just renewed my United States passport. When I went to the embassy, they now require my social security number to cross check against felon rap sheets, sex offender databases 9so that they can plaster this big red warning on the cover), and see if you owe money to the IRS. If you owe money, then they will deny you a reissue. What ever you do, be careful and cautious. I am not saying that anything will happen, but I am saying that “Uncle Sam” is really putting the screw on the citizenry.
Well I have a US passport that expires 2023, but at this rate I doubt its gonna be a point of contention. Eight Asians were murdered in cold blood by a White KKK yesterday but law enforcement refuses to classify it as a hate crime, saying the guy just had a bad day etc and the Police Chief was caught wearing racists uniform with verbage saying Covid was made in Cyhna! This is a greenlight by US gov to all White Amerikkka that its open season on assassinating ethnic Chinese in the USA…
I bet those 8 slaughtered wish they could have taken my advice, instead they worked hard, saved up, and for what?
Anyhow, one way or another American Dream is dead, and when the gov is spending like there is no tomorrow, then maybe they know something they arent telling the average Joe…
Either way, frontload is the only option now…
Bo Chen, I get the front load view to life now as well, I’ m just having a difficult time justifying it as a certain scenario. By the way, could you provide a link to the Asian deaths you described above? I tried to research it and violent crime doesn’t seem to be limited to just Asians in DFW. Anyhow, be careful in your day to days. Keep your head low and on a swivel, avoid crowds!!! If that’s possible in DFW. And please, please, don’t believe everything you hear or see from the propaganda arms of our “exceptional” Mega corps., US Mafia, .gov or whatever you want to call this shitshow “democracy”Inc. trade mark. Remember, peace, harmony and love are antithetical to “their” agenda.
Oh, and I found that piece about the 8 humans killed at an Atlanta rub n tug by some other mental defect with human characteristics. Note the rush of D-list celebs fanning the flames of hatred. It fits the narrative this time. But one must ask, where was the outrage when many Asian businesses were being looted and attacked during the L A riots of 1992? Do not allow yourself to be duped.
If you have a mean to get out of America Babylon, Get out now before it is too late!
Jeremiah 51-6
“Flee from Babylon!
Run for your lives!
Do not be destroyed because of her crimes”
Isaiah 48:20
“Leave Babylon,
Flee from the Babylonians!”
The decree from the Lord of Heaven (ShangDi/ El Shaddai) was passed on 03/14/2021 that America Babylon shall be destroyed by earthquake, tsunami, civil war and nuclear destruction. It will be an one side slaughter.
Her creditors shall rise up and destroy her completely.
Habakkuk 3:6
“Woe to him who piles up stolen goods and makes himself wealthy by extortion (using fiat petrodollar).
How long must this go on?
Will not you creditors (China, Russia, etc.) suddenly arise?
Will they not wake up and make you tremble?
Then you will become their victims?”
Jeremiah 50:36
“A sword against her false prophet (Christian right preachers along her prophets). They will become fools (they believe the rapture is going to save them from nuclear destruction).
A sword against her warriors (marines, special force, army, etc)!
They will be filled with terror (from nuclear destruction).
America is a filthy place of them neocon blood-thirst warmongering psychopaths. Their news media (alt right, alt left, main streams, etc.) which carries by bird/air are full of hatred, lies and evil.
Revelation 18:3
“Fallen! Fallen is America/Babylon the Great (Super/hyper power). She has become a Home for demons and a haunt for every evil spirit, a haunt for every evil and hateful bird (this bird is her news media which is full of hatred, racism, lies, slander, etc.)